corpv.!^, returnable Feb.- 9th, was I irranted to (lav bv Jud;re Underwood j loi a jtlea by counsel, that tlie Court ! of Ai»i)eals, which decided against For Life Insurance Only FlEJDMOXl For S(dC. I oi .vj.pL-a.b, «oica uucioeu against np . , i I vemi VrF Two “ Box Stoves” both ncarlv ' Ulullips case, : PJAL E^IATh IdSi ilAAlE lUill AAl ‘ , o 1 was no: ;t legal Court—the Judges nou-_ono laiyo small, ,iu,,„r,tii;,.d „udc-,- the liih' 01 TIRGIKIA. Wltll ali'llle SUliplV Ot llipe. ; A .nerdl'ieilt AppK-at this Office. ! . AUTHORIZED CariTAl OIJS’BIiLLIOHDOILAES’ ^ COAGIIESS. NkW Ai Vr.RTI.SEMENTS.- 0o« :d de ' -p* C.a7o-—Wo invite the aoentioii of oiir : , ^V A3IIIX i roN, Dec. 10, P. M. ro.nleis t>) d.e a«.lvcrdsDim«,,t of this lusti- Sia.vxri-^ A bill lejie'tling tiie act tu ticiei r ann e:vLriiei)L iiiciructor, xtev. jas. ' I S’^ewar'i's bill, n-)^ tho hoidinir ! This liberal amt solvent Sonthern Coiiipuny i.Miicrs to ii.e auvc-rrisom,.,,: ot tins iiiftti- . , : ‘T w. C. (JAKKlMriUA, , ,1 . „ , r. forn;«l ling tile niiiil’ia in the recon t x u/iunv^ utioii uiirier the tnarge ot tliat verv ef- ; , , . . J. J. HUl ivlA.*?, , 11 • T> r i •iuieu t5.'ates, excet>t Georgiu, [)a3S- .i it pPOTitAV Xf Tb iciei t and eXLelleiit instructor, Rev. JaS. * j ' o J t , O. 11. 1 li^lvltU V\ , 31. 13., OFFICERS. W. C. CARRIXGTOX, PresiJem Secrctarg. Med. Adcisor. ^toithg.■lte. Rv one of lho=e mi.'tak‘-3 which often ; olH^e violaiory of the Ti ll. | ^‘ddera aunually occur in a piiiidng olli.o^ it waa printed nieii', was referred to the Judiciary ‘•(iliM Feni.ile c’oilege,’' when the adver- j Conunirtee. ti-miii -at w is fn-?i.s r up. W-* deeply regret th • in'-vike and now rep dr theduniga as til- i* (ri'sh)! ‘ l)v ill!,' st.iLein'nit. I T he .sUB.SCRIBER has just returned from l tlie North with his Fall and Winter ‘ ^■ock of .NTW (JOODS: .NIiW GOODS C'i'.V.TXO ; &o. &,c. . i » » JOB PULMTNfb Fail and Winter STOCK. House—The Judiciary Committee wua d nutted to renoit a l)ill e -forc-i JienX' Ji>:(ah/ Male CloCarta. T \ STi Per Cent, of its Profds It aid its patrousby uldng notes j DraiCers and Shirts, Woohu Goods for one linli ul tb.e preiniuin 0 , I i t ^ o i it allows't.s patrons to poya’I cash ifdesired. j ■^(Cn7ieG-, cijc., eCc*. , mg the d'd section of the 14:ll zVa | It inviieit i;--patrons to attend its aunual set-1 /AP/CC t/m XT!. .m-n!tiie i'. j tleineuts and see their rigln-pr.oteeteil. j ^rtU/Cu nlU « l^ALKING o • - !. ..r,...- ,0' t'.o 'i-1 -b . ’ • , , , , It alio'.v.- its iMtroiis to ebauge their policies I ^ nriT ✓“A nr m b - ..10 a or ..^a- v* i. a.-.iiorc in rodneed a resolulion ' iVom ..nenhi.-e to another. ' i^. -ItL O Jlx O . te-'hiie M,d - Acad'iny. vir-,iting till oriiees in tiie iinrocon Also. th.It of 1 h • Bi-ugh i:q SjIiooI, at s r.ic .ei Srn‘;3s. Oi;]eciioa. SMtli 4 i^Stf GOODS, GSaCERlES, &S., , Consisting of ! E Ut'A's-? I Large, Varied, Elegant and —, „rw—j PPilNTS, j Balmorals, Shaids, Ladies’’ Ve.ds. i Shiriivgay\d Shetiinas, Dress But- U 4 5 I 9 iir iriTi THE UNDERSIGNED HAY.': HIT: pleasure to inform their friend*, and thep'- r. .. : z; the/ have fitted up on* of th# T#ry beat JOB PRINTING off; h r i.v yoRTa CAROLi: .. and are prepared to ax#eat# all order* . . !o tjey may b# favored. 1 " k election iVaud? \ e. ( Tiiu S;M-:.k..|' anii.HH.OTd a special SemS ; .hoAca- naiv , (jreensij'ii-i’, X. C. A... th.t ..f PI.,,., ,l U nv,. .VcOr.iy, Divi,. e .u;.iy, .V C. . ilaii lia'.l' a milli..:. ; I'lyiai"'.. i „„ , ' ^ I p.iny, di tins e.e.'eUy ; ;uel !.'.'siti''s toe inerjl ol »' V.WALLACE I now receiving his large and elegant stoek It,' ih.lfey hoi.i.-rsare not re. tricted ,as to tra- ^.uter.s, Misses ami Clr.idren'.s Dress dnl Walk- : q* w/.el'i' j . I n,.Slims. Mens Fine ond Coarse Shoes, llouts ^ hJT . .ib ^ :r.K o r,'C ^ * It Oilers the Kdiowmg eertihente as toils sol ■ ai.d Upu-aii. Heavy Doom A:.- ' . ” • >. aicd in , ...j.ji . \ wu.i the uetei mma- | ,-eDey; ! ^ '•e- { tioo ot _ ouaig a tw.r ami lionoiable bus.ness as l IS'rL.S''M (.V'CHT Ilor.SE, YA.^ / : Jf/i'A cC- BOYS FUR a- WOOL ' ••I merehant, and will adlie'.e iiiu’heri.blv to tliat ; M.i'-eh e.b, I'lw. S i . He i.. coniident that he can'ni.ake it | ^ I ^ ft I h.’ uitet! St ol the pni'iie to fado v.aii Lim. I 9 : lie has bee;; unnsnaiiv (MCcf li in the selection BL'SIJnCSS AND PKOFESSIOK « , ,, ft • > "Llio U'.ulersiHued, (d'h ers ..‘ ih.- k .ur.ty o! i 1 no Weil'' li o G oliiniittCG Ot i lyeh'.ni. ami of \ iiv.hia. lak" tiliasure in .leeonuunmiir.u a' a .'o;', .-;,! eoe. r'-liable cutipa i C' iibeint i; s Ciulii llat.s, a good assoi trnent. I Fan I .v;i' C'l i; 1 iliiited h v ilie b tlioil j jt.s ..nlveni v, it ■ rates and terms for l.^.e lu.-ur i ' Letigues oi' New Volk and Ptliludel' j anee are ,sueh as to comuiemi it to public pat-: I ! ir a,,'„r . pll.a 1., c:,ii v l.,c a.Pi tariil’ Sra’c.. | liiiPPi? ttinio A’;• inoir deiitlife acrioij the House .i'.'jO'*' Uc'i. 'i'n:-, I. (.N!* QfKT.-iiLV linviEw [ \ X , \ a o e ;i ' )e: i,,-r i> if. liaiMi a! h ati un!l\ ' \ I ■ 11 ig It’ • oi‘e:I's i iie h)i • ’ ic- . r > !.,• f.'Mt. i ill the . . ■« e u o . .• iz : i : : ■ ' ■ « .1 , V ( . • ' \i ^ ' » n i I M j \ , 1. ■. 1 . .'w ■ 1 ’..M, ! (11 > i .- I u ! J, g.!; i 1.1! I , - -V'.'C.s' tm.vs inatl.iO tci'iuiinrion ot ii go 1.. lot. Door tin i Hvoi i ...k.s ji,,, (heiiz insni’i(•■■ijon is c’liirelv i h ■ .V .•iil'i'i ii.-!) .'i ( il l oro:;,"y .tf .‘Wtiig to go d oiho * of tlie Aineri'' uflil (Sic., (Sic., 'tovK, wineii e'.mpi;s-s e\ my tiling; bmj-;!,t |,j.,v uowu lor easn. wiiie!. enable.; lhai j H M \ I tu-seh a.s low. if ujl a liule loiver, than any i I meieluiut in all tins reg’oii. i (Sic., him / ^V// Jthn II j COTTON YARN LABELS SPAIN. Lo.n'dox, Dec. 15, P. M. A C":u'eSjioii(leiit. of the Daily of higli integnl V, ami jitttror.s ean rely on an ' Lcatltor, Croci-cery, Salt, Hollow Ware. ^Voo 1 ! (^APTT rvr* "RA’R^TT’T? ! lionoralile, ellieieiit imuui.geim nt of its arfair.s. j ati'l Widow Ware. Brooms, and inanv oilier i V^xXioXl Ox JD.^lAXiiiXV ! None of iis have stock or pi-ivomil interest in | anieles, eonijuising a general assoriineut Lii ol wLnou w; this company, and siinpiy give this tis disinter i D: v Hoods, Urucctics .ko. : e.sted testimonv to the merits of a uood iustitu lo"- fo'- ’ Oil BiRTEII. tioii. 11 i, >"ili t dull. Ltdeit i.lAt.lbn oaii Lboi'ni at Mtidiud. H. iLi... ic 11.11, M. Hatin.w ! political uiLiins are still unsettled, . . ■ i, *’ ,> , . J ' and thru :gh(iur the ciduntrv trade ot z\tT-oi,. K(*j;uli uii piolicil h.duca j ’ 'O , 'i ).k.-ni/c, i he Public Q te.stions a. I'-ne. \.id ■os,., tiie L Miurd Scft Pnh. (' 1-b) h'.il on St'ce., Xe'.v Vork. eveiy fllescriprioii is at a stand still. '..any are leaving, fearing renewed tr uide.s. Dulce leaves tO'inorrow lor Cuba. MAIiKETS. New 'VtiRK. Dee. 15th, P. M. liii; D.mi.v ('.v;:"LI.n'a Obseuvku i'! G >id (piiet at l.o5 IH. Teimessees, 11 le 1 .mie ut a T.i' W 1) unj (jeneml i bc -.r, (.5. Norih Carolinas OJ. 70 O'- jitopused to he slarled in 1 j. (.'ottoii a shade lower. Sales of Giiailu le N. G.. ahull! the ini.ldle ot tlannaiy. jnoviiled snilicient (Micoui'' .-igetncni be given, by Wa’son it' ('ll. J IS editorial folnmiw will be sn't,ii:io'l iiv c.uiiti iimtiuiis from Mrs. baotiy Duwiiiiig. (',.|. H. (b Jones, an ! "'in r write, s of note. dlii'V will al>o : sue as s ".n as ])u s ido a Ti i- 2 .SUU bales at 25a25 1 4. \s I . K; v and v> O O ''jar* • The Kn-Klujc-KUni is About / 1 AM READY to c.xcliange Lcadier aw good Ilidt'.s, Kiji and Call iskins. Bark, Tallow Liinc, ll'ijis. lCiiic\-, (?>rn, Ryo, (J.tts, and Country ^iroducf geimrallv. 1 will id'.i Imu g ill Ids, Kip ami other j .Skiii. ’.or om- lip.U. iv 1 T. . i 1 .viliiTi inv sincere tlianks to a generous D uy, .,.:0 ||, i.l,.. i„,Vj ok;v. one vear, ^.‘].5D. U eeklyone i' 'i' Ini'inesses, in this county, lor tlie last twen ty yi'ais. ■Miu.'s L B:own’s old stand, corner of Lee and Liberty Btreet. MARTI.X RICIIWINE. .S:di,'!)ury, X. C.. May 19, IShS. wly s a ’ I, e. 1 •- 1 II > I'fk; y tran.'C i j>l of the Geo. S. Stevens, Oh-rk Circuit Ciiurt John 1'. 11 ik, Siieriil’ W.M. K. lIir.L. SiirV'-yor. S. li. Li'Vi.Mi, Clerk Coumy Court. G A. iliiigiiam lb ( o., Ageiit.s. Sali.sluiry AVe .also iia\ e the agency fur good Fire Com pani. s. Traveling agents wanted. Apply to CA RT. J A M KS F. J OllNSOX, Sp.pcial Agent, (.'harlotte, X. 0. Jan.;.s. witwlv The Ariingiou .Hutual |*iff Jttsnraiiff ^0atpaiUj O? VIRGINIzC. N' II ’ . .B- .' " >. Sncri !u iho CIit(n'jtl ift(E 1' I'lm.s liru.vL X^-av Vokkf.r.— .Xu .\ i-. i!ii* li (i(. tohe fur the IlfKAi., de( n'cdly liu* liest fam Iv Weekly ot' o;ir ac(|naintance. M-'. Pl.ickim'r, we learn, is getting up a clnh tur isb;). See him hef(.)re he send-- it on and secure a cotiy for vu'iiseil. It is one of tiie very few •/ p:in *rs o{ its kind that we can lion e>tly and coucien;ion^-ly recommend. Iis suggestions are jiraciic d, its tone i." high and no one can di-icover that it ha.' any jm.lineal bias whatever. \V e will pnhlisli the pto.-pectus -or DJi'd in enr next. l iKK—z\ destinctive lire visited the c ty ot lialoigh on the morning ot the lo ll, dlie S«. yniotir A Blair, IJui!.-t-, 1 \ . Ma^s’Jew ei 1 ry siore and the Mai kef House were destroveil. Fall and Winter GOODS! K .yVlXCr jii.'t returned from the Eastern cities wi- otter the largest and most corri- picie siock of eoods in this market. We enu merate a lew: GOO Pieces a«so’ted Prints. 2n0 Bleached and Brown Muslins, 200 “ Pant goods liom 2C els., to $2 per yard, 00 Cases Boots and Shoes, all prices and sizes, 50,0(*0 pound' Hammeied and Rolled Ii-on. A full stock ol Ladles’ Dress Goods and Trinniiings, Siiawis all I'uiors and price.s, Cloaks Iroiii Id .Sd.b, Hats an 1 Cans, Hardware and I 'iitlery, Carriage Maleriais ot all kinds, Oil and Knamel CIdiIis, BadOles and Saddler’s Triiu- niings, Fieueh. Calf and Sewing Skins, Sole, Ljijier. H-.rness and Paieiit Leather. Rt'liiied Sugars of all kinds, Cuba by the hli'l. or bbl., Camlv, Raisins, Rio and Java C'lllee, Banging, Jute ami Banging. Rope, Salt, ■MolaS'es, Syrup, Clieese, Tanner’s and Kero- sii'.e Od, .Mr ■di;-;m‘s, Di ngs and Dve-StulTs, Ri- ti - and Blast.iig Powder, Sheetings and Yarns ai Factory Prices by the Bolt. 'W Imve no hesitation in saving we have imioli the largest and most complete stock I ■ • 1 Ar I of goods in this market, bought at the lowest in the story ot the Market j market rates ofg.dd this season. Therefore Ilotise w ns the lialeigh j w-e oti’er gretit induorunents to ■wholesale and fi' , . K I , I retail dealers, either for Cash or Barter. In Tlicc, tivloiigiiig to (lur towfisman i ivu . -n • i n ^ ^addiiioii, no customer will run any risk of huy- Mi. 11 11 Helper which, witli lie , ing old goods. Orders solicited from jironipt -XD-|,ii..n of !4l»0«„, ll,,.C,na-!;h,*yT, '"g'.ie f..r Wlu-Oer A .MO- j lick s 1 lireshers and Cleaners. Me are thauk- teinil, was entirely destroyed. WeTnl for tlie very liberal patronage given us at e glad to learu tliat Mr. JJelper’s by prompt dealing a continuance of . ‘ * j the same. pnniing mateiial was tnlly insured. ' E.:F'Call at Spragu®** Old Stand, near the Market House. SMITH, FOSTER & CO. A. SMTTS. ( THOS. J. FOSTER, j JKHC FOSTER. JR Salisbury, N. C., Oct. 27, 1868. tw:tf A Yirglnia and Souilierii Instiiiltloii Its Funds are kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. Its fortunes arc csfnhlished beyond any contingency. The Cortniniiy has capital fiml assets, against ita ■ iiabiiitv tiiat >A ill compare favorably with any Lite In.suraiicc (.'oinpaiiy on the contiueat, v liicli is the true test of rcs-iioiisibibly. ItsalVairs are c-anlioiisly administercil by selected Directors, of'.i'^'ponsibiliiy ami business capacity. It has established Lis ciuim to fcouthcru Patronage. OFIICEES: P it E S I D E N T , JOHN E. EDMGVRDS, M. W. J.VilVIS, z\g’t. Jenkins'' Corner. Salisbury, N. C., Soph. 29, 18G8. w:tw;t . It .shall be an even-handed, sritisfactory ttaile. X‘.>!,e shall leave hisSior.; wilhoiif a-tgiiiifr Pimt j they have done well by calling on ° ! V. W.\LL.4CE, I Next door above J. S. McCubbms ' Oct 10. 30,000 WORTH OF GOODS !! Xctlcr ^ Bill-i)Cv WEDDING aud PARTi CJic/cef^ Land For Sale. CPHE SEBSCRIBER will sell to the highest 1 bidder on the premises, on Saltirday, the 17th day ol October next, a valuable tract of Land, lying on Reedy Creek, in Davidson Co., containing 193 acres. Ol this tract al>ont 70 acres is in woods, 20 acres good bottom land, 10 acres in meadow. It is the tract ol land uw.ied by tlie late Joseph Perril, dec’d., and Will be sold by the heirs distribution. Terms made known on dav of sale. J. A. PARKS, Sept. 2iL ISGS.—w4t. Agent. Fresh Ariuvals at No. 2, Granite Kow, T/ IClGR M ALLlCh. is now receiving a ; scriptioiis, Hats, Carjrets, Sole Leather, Groceries, \ Lifije and well selected stock ol '■L'c. Drv Goochs^ Fhmcv Nolions, MOCK & BROWN, WHOLE.'ALE & liEI AlL XlEIiCHgAKTS Sail Ijary, NT. C., ARE NOW IN Receipt of the largest and most complete Stock of Goods they have ever oU'ered in this market; and their goods have been bought at such prices as to enable thorn to sell at rales tfiat caiiiiut liiil to induce ready sales to ali who went good mercliandise. Their stock consists of All Grades—lioin tlie lowest price to the best quality of Goods sold in this market. Tlieir DRE.Sfe GOtJDS I'epartnient cannot be equalled in this Town.orsec- tioii ol [lie State. A full line of (,’loths, Cassiineies, Jeans, Sattinets, Ready-.Made Clothing, Prints, Do mestics, Sheetings, Linens, Flannels. Blankets, Liu- Southern Country, se.vs. Siiawls. Cloaks. Hosiery. Gloves, and Yankee Notions. A large stock of Boots & Shoes, all de PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, HANDBILL^, DRUG I. A CEL COURT BLA' X and all other kinds o Blnnks ond Job Prln be done in a style that can be 8-jrpt.r.scd by r.. . and equalled by few in th.* State. Our terms will beat low as th#^ l*.,-;st VICE FKESIDENT, B. Lsaacs, iioadv-Made Clothin", F t 4'^ *' V aj).s, Roots, Shoes, Groctu-ics, fcc., (Slc. The lames wsjieciaUy invited to give him a oull. ott 24—tf Sale of Land. MEDICAL EXA3IINEK, CHARLES n. SMITH, M. D. LEGAL ADVISER, GENERAL AGENT, H. C. Cabell, Jno. H. Claiborne DIRECTORS: John Enders, William F. Taylor, S.amuel S. Cottrell, John Dooley. Charles T. Wortham, William Willis, Jr., Ed. A. Smith, Thos. J. Evans, James .V. S-ott, B.M Quarles, W. H. Tyler, J. E. Edwards, A. Y. Stokes, J. B. Morton, R. H. Dihreil, William II. Palmer, T) T II \ R-i'vjnntr 0^' Saturday the !2th day of December next, XJ. J. ilARi.sOOE; j \J I pi-eulises, my tract of land ’ in Davie couutv. comaiiiing about Altos, adjoining the lands of Green Daily nnd others. Terms made known on the dav of sale. G. \V. NTCHOLSON. Warren I'laiu.s P. 0., M'arreu eonuty, N. C. ^oy. 20, 18dd. 3tw-9t'iV Henry K. Ellyson, Asa .Snyder, H. E. Barkcrville, SamusI ('. 'Ihirdy, George Jacobs, .J. W. .tillson, George S. Palmer, 11. I). C'hocklev, II. C. Cabell, ’ D. J. Hartsook, John C. Williams, Wiliiani G. Taylor. A. P. Abell, W'm. 1>. Isaacs, George L. Bitlgood, Sam a el M. Price. LEWIS C. HANES. Agt. Janl7—tw&wtf Lexington, N. C LATEST NEWS. FIIO.M WASHINGTON. AVashinltox, Doc. 15, P. M. Ill the Sujiremo Court Charles Heal Estate. TO ENCOURAGE immigration and O'Connor is arguiiiiy in favor of ihg resources of the country by in- ra.Mbility of cerlilicates of indebted-^manufacturers and miners held !>v banks. CONfiRESS 'Washington, Dec. 15, M. Senate. — A bill punishing the holding ot office, contrary to thel4lli Anifiidinent, is up. lei rv isbpeakiiiff in favor of the bill. The House proceedings aro unim portant. to our State ; I have opened an office foi tlie purchase and sale of lands, houses, lots, gold mines, &c. 1 invite all who have lands, houses, lots, gold mines, &e«, for sale to bring plats of them to this office. If they do not sell, it will cost them nothing. DR. J. MX HALL. Dec. 8, 1S6S. tfw-tw P. XjAXLd fox: SA.le. PROM RICHMOND. Riciimond‘ Dec. 15th, M. ^ ursnant to a decree of Rowan Court, I will I ^ell to liie highest bidiier, on the premises, on iuesday flic 29;h of December. One iiundked AND FOUTY ACRES OF LAND belonging to liie estate ol B S. Ki ider, deceased. Said lands adjoin the lands of Xh F. Hall, Samuel Sloan In the case of Jeter Phillips, others, cr t : * 1? - J I Jet ms made known on day of Sale, ^cntuiccd tu OL hung on next Finlay, | ^ KRIDER, AdmV. lor the luuider of ii s wife, a Au5c-cf#j Nov. 3fG, 18G«, Connectient IMZutual Ziife iSDRANCE COIPANT Ol Martrorcl, €oiiii. STATEMENT, DEC. 31,1807. ACCUMULATED ASSETS $17 670,288,88. INCOMK FOR 1867. $7,726,516,53. [FOR PREMIUMS $6,332,804,95, FOR INTEREST, $1,393,711,58 LOSSES PAID IN 1S67, $1,268,75818, DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1887. $ 643,00 5,00 Interest received more than pays loss®®. Dividend.s average over 50 per cent. 15 All policie.'^ non-iorfeitable for a;^ted amount can be effected in all forms desired- SAML. DOUGLAS M^AIT, General Agent, Raleigh, N. S. J! A. ftudshaw. If Wisbury.N. C I Aar PHOTOGRAPH Gallery LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS, Cartes (le Visiles, Cartes de Vignettes, And all other Styles of Pictures Cheap at KENNEDY’S, Cor. Main and Fisher Streets^ Opposite Mnrphifs Row^ SALISBURY, N. C. Oct. 5l—twlra Initcd StiUes Internal Rerenne. Collectors Office &th District, N. C. Salisbury, Nov. lOih, 1868- The property described in the forowinglist has been seized, as being liable to forfeiture for violations ot the Juternal Revenue Law®. Any person or persons claiming said proper ty, or any part thereof, are hereby notitiedto appear and make such claim, within thirty days of the first publication of this notice. ^ * Ifiiturei, leited At htr diitiU*ry, Sarali M.vcr^, « •• u , m .May ‘.16, ISS.S. JoA Myers, •• n .May :I6.1S6S. Mary C Jetuam ® A M Anilsrsou, “ •• i June 9, 1;0S. Tho*. P. Conibg, “ *• • Juue 9,186s. John Injcore, “ • • June 4,186S. Merideth Arni- Btruilf, •• • I July 8. 1S69. Wm llinesDian, “ •« ‘ AUiT. 15. 1863. Elii’il'eth Shores, *• ms Sepl 1, ls68. E. Henderson k W .A Heiideison, ** « • Sept. 15. IStlS. Sarah Ltwii. h it i Sept. lt>. 1S6S. JatneJ A Mo^es Calloway, f It « St pi. 22, 1S6S. Bo. -M Templeton, “ h « Sept. 25, is6s. Will. Chappie, *» « it it m Sept. 25. 1S6S. Wesley Church, “ m tt ■ Sept. 86,1S6S, Ira M. Lynch, ■ “ « “ , m Sept. 30, 1368. ’ Jesse* Lukie, “ huh m Oct. 18, 1563. Unknown CharlotU. , B»rr*l Whiskey. June 9, 1363. *AML. H. WILEY, OMeodr. .Ill we ask to insure sales is an examination of onr (loods and Prices. The Great Quantit.v, Variety, Superior Quality and low prices of our Goods wTli shoiy for themselves, atid it gives us great pleasure to disphiyour iJoods to all who favor us witli a call- Sj"’ 'Vj cannot omit to expres." our profound grat itude for tlie very large and liberal patronage be stowed on u.s heretofore, and shall most earnestly endeavor to prove ourselves worthy, not only of pul favors, but of tlieir continuance in the future, if i’dierality in prices and Goods, just dealing, and polite and re.spectful attention to all, is anything, -we promi.'e them. tZr’ Gur Terms are strictly C.\SH or R.VRTER,— -Ml kinds of Country Produce bought at highest market jirices. Men liauts are esiiecially invited to ail e.xamiuation of our Stock. iiovS—Im Important Sate at GOLD HILL. Wednesdatp *25th Nov. Inst. T WILL sell, at Gold-Hill, a lot of Machinery. 1 consisting of one twentv-horse STEA.M ENGINE, witn TL'BUL.VR BOILER, SnAf r- ING, PcLT.ETS. and Hangers. Two of Gates’ patent Ore Crushers. (.)iie full set of Pipe looLs, consisting ot Stocks, Dies, Taps, Vice, and Pipe Cotters. .V lot ol Leather and Rob ber Belting ; copper and iron Piping : two carboys ol Acid; a lot ol Household and Kitchen FArmtiire, and a great many ether ar ticles used about machinery for makincr Gold. Mining parties will find this a rare chance to lurnish themselves with all things suitable for Mining purposes. All persons wishing further information con cerning the above property will address the subsclibei at Gold-IIill, N"! C, JAMES A. GILL, Agent. Gold-Hill. Nov. lOth, 18G8. 3tw-2iw Charlotte Times copy ten days, and send bill to the subscriber. HANEP & BRUXIh Salisbnry, Jancary.lC, ISidS. i THF TJII-WJM-.KLY OLD NOET.H STAT ;I AND TRK WKERLY WATCSiSHN k Old Nuilli ‘•t: u- IStlS. • f j THE WATCHMAN A OLD N( • •: 411 STATE having been contclldated ... ‘ c hands of the undv.^i tned, and the La.k.^ee .i iuepeuded publication, te.-wafter there will .■ i ■ one paperpublished in bkiisturj, which wi . r- sned Tri- Vde-’kiy yCceklyf under th® above nanres. In eoneeqaencft .i combination referred to, tL;» paper will Lave The Sale of the above property has befn po.=:tponed until further notice. Charlotte '^imfs please copy. Nov. 21, 18(38. R. H. COWA.H Sl CO •» general commission and ^llitiptao ^rrrliatits Largest CirculAcio OP A XT PArul: IN Western Mcrth Caroli AND WILL ArFOKI) THE Best Advertising Med , to be mat with is that part of the State. -o- hti Iheir hli berj their her their hli —AND— 5li1iolfsale (Sro«r.s, Ager.U for M. Darir k Son’s (Liberty Ta.,) Celebrated Virginia Chewing Tobacco. Agente for Liiiter Bro’s. Sujierphopphate of Lime. Agents for Vulcan Iron Works, Richmond. Va. a. H. COWAN JSO. W. C.AMIROk. The Fdiiorial DejyarUneni will b® under th® management «f M®. H.aki.-. Editor and Proprietor of ti e Old Xoktm F. .-, ®nd no pains will oe epircu to make it •qnr' U ^ f if not the best paper of .ts da;e In the State. In the politici of the paper there wLl h * i change—it will continue to be a firm and de.. Conaerratire journal, but it will not be derete^ er iROk, j- *^'^* ^* j clnaively to politics. It will also be devoted te '-b- AAS. E. HILL. une2T.w:iw:ly NO 12 NORTH WTAER ST i material iu'eresta of the State, and to Literary ^-4 r.oafing, Domcitic Lcwotdj. &a luch inducementa. we conf!d'*nt;y if tl A PAIR OF GOOD LARGE WELL | tothe public for a liberal share of iti paU-oi.nge b :'.h ^ WAHT ED! broken MULES and HARNESS. Also, one good Iron Axle ttvo horse Waggon with body and cover, also, an Ambulance and a good Saddle Horse. Persons having sach to dispose of will please apply at once to JAMES C. TURNER. Oet, 90, 1868. twrf Dr. R P. BESSEjN T, D. D. A.T THE BOTDEX HOUSE, ftept 9f :tf 8ai by subscription and adrcri'ecir.^nte. Terras of SuFeripticn : TEI-WEEKLT For One Ye*r $5,i.'0 “ Six Uonthfl, 3,«» ny WEEKLT 1 For (Tne Year ....t"! ^ " Biz UonUis, L&hi DANES A' BRUNER, I PuhUkk^ and TropsHeiifY .a. C. •alisbnry, V. F., .Tannaev 16 i’W. -v