STATE. STX5 Slavic Cplc Five Cent. 'The Old Uorth Slate Forever." GasUm By II .11 EH at BRiNER, WATCHMAN OLD NORTH Id n Hi ill a will arm mm mm, w mmr , " J NEW SERIES. IMPORTAKT okdeb. Boq'm fhtcoMD Nil. Dimucrr, I Charleston, 8. C, Dm. 31, '67 f gllKil OrJen, No. M4. I. Vsnurreph II of GaaatnJ Order. No. 10, from th tleenfcaartew of the 8nd Militsry District, dated April 11, 1867, k wiiirl as ollow. ; ...a. St umiroi . eginata vr taT North C tween the 30th of Mar, j v of April, 1863, cited, shall be held to bar or binder the ween the 19th recovery, by suit, or lb estate of any mi ne SOth day nor heir, female, or insane person, (rsi 1, by exe- ! que trust), whether In the hands of execn . rty of tors, administrators, trustees, guardians, h csu- masters or clerk of equity courts, and eed, ' d I .11 aa-' of the .he ar Sji v cro a ft r the 1 rerideut's pro 29th day of April, 1S66, South Carolina, render 19th day of December, organisation of the pravl eat of the said State, nn nt's proclamation of the ie, 1865, unless the writ ten consent .. b defendant be entered of record, and nc-pt in eases where the the plaintiff or his attnraey, open oath, supported by caerwbarativs testimony, ban all-ge that the defendant! disposing nf rrmnvimr. or about to remove, hi pm- nprtv bet rond the jurisdiction ot tae eoan, wok ini.'i.t to rii fraud hi creditors I VT- t ided, that so each judgment, so rendered, wHhin the period aforesaid, shall be a . bar to the coiamMc-incut,in a Sute court, of a new salt upon the same saasa of as- li w any ease in which, by law, the dc fendant may remove or appeal the same to a eonrt of the United Stau-s. I vnsKt'Losrai or MOstoaub. I rr. I r I .n.l unMrtr. ' - I by foreelosare of mortgage, i Hkewi persons interesfal or coutescted there wuh, asaeiKled in the eases embraced lif para- abaU bc regarded as principal w any ae H and III. of said order No. 10 thin of damages gwwjng oat of any as- as above amended, except in cases where j money accruing subseoaeot to tha i , . 1 Paragraph I V of the smne order is mcd' .m .IL,.,!.. th. oo,.omv of AnrfL TrT- L m i s7 amavit i 1864, for the istn aay oi stay, ww no its ox debts. nrocecdinrs for the recovery of All ou contracts, whether under seal or by parol, the consideration ot which ... tlx. mirelmse of slaves, made subse quent to the 1st day of Jsnnary, 1863, are suspended, Judgment or decrees en tered for snch cause or act job be enforced. Paragraph VII off the saasa order is tnwniied as fallows ; MOM aUTKADS. In all ssks of property under execution k. orrler of auv court, there shall be reserved out of the property of any defcu- bi or her labor, a dwelling bone and ap- Bartenancee, and ( W tne coanuyjtswwa- lk whole Shan -f "r ' " nasal two tkonaani dollar ; and in a town or city, tne Mnsscduw " r, . . t f II ... I. which such dweOinC JMHMMJ m .!wi itoated. "inna' .1 XI aad aeeeesarr articles of furniture I ...k.;.i.M and imnlssnssMB ma r bsndry. trade, or other employ osent, tot, vaTue of fire hundred dollar. The bo., t w V - 1 -II 71 , t.iM. mrua uoiw. w exemption nii lanro alio shall inure oniy so uw I M - 1. Slan the benefit of families. In saner eases the exemption shall extend only to cloth ing and implement of trade or employ- ment usually followed by the defendant, of the raloe of twn hundred dollars. The exemption hereby made shall not be wf i . be the act of any defend- ant who has s family Wpssaent psm torn Qi, atrir a. ..h ttaea granted of bar far tf, FJt,UQ ' nerty shall be ascertained snd denned by , unu . " Bn,InirMt the 1st of W. v.. - - . santv- snaw oe . . . ' asitoa. who shalt call to hi aid two im- partial eitfaten. to make the necessary ap- .lmsrrd shall make report tnereot ta the eoort. MrBHI.aT UXBTS. J r-niiph t it Vr-H; -" to aodtorios arrest in civil action ta esn a 4 t : pases where the demand is aaL aad the defendant ha been guil-Srrfs-tia eaatxaemag the debt sued liVhaVreatored or duposed of hi pm perty or fo aboal to do so, whk loteat to defrand hi creditors, or i. sbout to lesve tb State, with such intent. MxaccToas ad TBOgr MS. North Cnroliaa, r of South Carolina, re cognising or sanctioning the Inyentmsnt of the fund of minor bein, or of female, or of insane persons, to the seearities of the hte rebel government, or the securities of the States of North Oaroliua or 8nth Carolina, created for the purpose of carry ing on war against the Government of the United Bute, will Le suspended until the question of the validity of sneh invest ments shall have been determined by the WmtWffimrrm," W nation al lerialatio... And nothimT U the nrovi- iona of this, or of the Order No. 10 above other fiduciary agents, or invested by thorn l in th. ' II. in their fiduciary character. DlSTlLLBklXS. General Orders, No. 25, of May M, 1S67. is revoked : and On and after thr irstday of January, 1868, the distillation f spirituous liquors la this Military l)is rict will be subject to such restriction .y as are Imposed by the laws of the Uni ted States and of lbs State of North aad South Carolina, respectively. UAK-BOOUS. III. Psrsgraphs VI and VII of Gen eral Orders No. 38, dated May 30, 1867, are revoked, and the power to arrant li censes for the sale of f ptritaeas or intoxi cating liquors is mmitttd to the proper local authorities, to take effect on sad ar- tcr the frit day of January, 1868, and to be subject to the following eomlilhms: 1. lire municipal aatbori'Jea granting the license shall be answerable that the parties to whom sack licsoses are granted, together with their safeties, shall be re sponsible persons, and of good moral standing in the community, snd that both principal and sureties shall be able to quality individually in double the amount nf the bond required, and that thsitwnd ball be a lien upon the personal property of both principal snd sureties, and upon proof of default shall warrant the sum mary setanre and sale of so much of the saamrtw ft either or both ss may be nc to sslify the furfehurc or tarn and Drnnkcnneas and dworderaly ov j, yrrmue shall work the for fcjture ft( l(e fiu and of the penalty p, ih r r a . j The owner or keeper . of sny bar raara. sawnn or otner puce si wnn-n m h i ' 11 ' 1 - .1 loXKalllliT IlUUOr STS S4MO. IVil Oiwr ssult, rfcrt, sffray or oiher durd r ccur- ring on the premises, or directly traceable yK'mM -t which intoit'eatinr IhinorS arc fiold, sluril be closed on the day or days of any general or local election, ana tor tne twelve boars next preceding the npenmg AJ Mat anrieSMI I sasinil maawstaiiftittty UM ClAnttfflar Of EBB a- i ai m . . m a m z ar .mm II. ...l. .Uit.. , uil ill., akawiff of counties and districts and the chief of po lice of cities and towns, shall have power to direct the closing of bar-room and oili er places for the sale of intoxicating li quor whenever it may be necessary in their judgment to preserve order and qoi- o. The proceeds If all license, forfei tures snd fines, under the loCH regula tion at- under the provbioi. of military HUM pw " , - orders, will ha devoted to the sswport nf the poor, and as soon as realised will be ; accruing inco tie ioiu nay mmj, w turned over to the commit mocr or over- j 66, shall not have been made before the seers of the poor of the district, county. ' day of sale. city or town in which they accrued, and I IV. Judgment or decrees entered or commissioner, or ovcraacrer will at the enrolled, on cause of action arising sab. end of each month report to the Provost sequent to the 16th day of May, lbbo, Marshal-General of tb Uuttnet tneamouni received by tbeflB during the month, speei- , fvW the names of the parlies fron whom '. a ti.p tie. imoesed by tun order I polk riirirtatliHMrmsy be esdWced In any civil r military court, 'd epon conviction the court msy award .lwi HM .t'Vl,.. . .um not eieeedioc fifty I V sa w r . lyu, fMrhtM or hue. Aud ' IfW wSMs. w, - - - f, si., duty of all .lieriff. eonsu- r . saw mmiipm nf eionties and dia - tricts, and the police of citie and towns, to be vigilant in the enforcement of tira .i:;.... and the nroviiou. of It!:. - lm r..laiion to the .ale of lutoxt- .- . .l: CHIHIK iriayTsv-. - .m a . .a f . . V Ihe provision of this psrsgrspb will .TIr a t a..4 ! srs, January 1868. niBTttirr corBM. IV To nromote the speedy trisl of enfined for miner offences, aad diminih the cot of their ntainleminre, .11 eommittinc asaadatoatea will I ou the i, report district 16th and last days of each month . L. :.t,,. Af i heir aountV or , .ft ...Am Umeiit. made by them du- .i .....,l,.. i..lf month, .oecifvine 111 a inc pur...-. "l . i ... ,r -L.T j... -r m;tmnii the name of itis nrisoners and the offences for which tbey were committed, to the end tbsl the iheir ooinion judges may, wneoevw m th. nnmker of ariaCMlSM Or .thor rnnaid. eration of public intereat call for it, hold .Mtsi.1 utrms of their court Mr tne par- SALISBURY. IS C. FRIDAY. JANUARY 10, 18G8. ditlonal expense of holding such Special terms will be a charge upon the State Treasury, aad the accounts therefor will be audited and psM as account of a si milar character are now audited snd paid, and if the salaries now paid the judges should be inadequate in view of the ad ditional labor performed by them, a rea sonable addition upon the proper represen tation through the Governor of the State, will be allowed. PI LOT A OK. V. The pilotage regulations now exist ing in the States of North and South Carolina are so lar modified that on and after the firs, day of March. lt8. all psmrr steam venseU, regulatad by tho U. of the U.itad States, and currvi..K a pilot eommissioited by United State Commissioner, shall be exempt from the compulsory payment of pihtage. XOKTH CSBOLXSS POLL TAX. VI. So much of the act of the Gener al Assembly of the S'ate of North I'oro- Baa, entitled "An act to raise monn-r, 96th aay of rearaary, 10V7. aa saakaa it "ins daty ot all par sons aad corporations to list snd pay the poll) tax of such persons liable to tne same, as are in their employment, on the 1st day of April of each year, a labor- era, is rescimiea. sna inoiiKr wi v id as taxes will be assessed directly upon and collected directly from the individual from whom they are due; provided, that the provisions of this order shall not sp- .i n v to the taxes levn-u tor . k n t tne current i vestr. exeent I bat aouioe pn tax shall not be enforced it tne onjrinai isi o pa on or before the 1st day of March, 1808. t .... . ... i ij By command or Brevet Major Ueneiai Do. R. 8. OakbT. ' Loxru V. Ctac, Aid do Camp, Aefg Ass't Adj't Oen. Omctst : Loois V. Csaiara, A. D.0 A. A. Genersl. Q- The following aie the pa 'graph ot Oeneral Order No. 10 referred to in, and modified by the foregoing order : I. Imprisonment for debt i prohibited, unless the defendant in execution shall be convicted of a fraud a Ian I concealment' or disposition of hie property, with intent to hinder, delay and prevent the creditor in the revrry of bis debt or demand. And the nroceed.ngs now establish d iu North and South Carolina, respectively, for the trial or snd determination of sitcli qiie. tions may be adopted. II. Judgment or decrees, for the nay. men! of money, on causes of action arising between the 19ih of December, i860, ana the l&th of Ms, 1865, shall not bq en forced by execution against the property or the person of the defendant. Freceed iasrs in such cause of action, now pend ing, shall he stayed ; and no sait or pre- e ss shall be liereaft. r iostitnled or JSMB. aseneed, far any snen sense i seimn. III. Sheriffs, Coroners, snd Constables, ssa hereby directed to sanpswd for twelve calendar months the Sale of all property, anon execution or nrnecss, on liabilities i r - a I l s S s ., . rnnlfMlM OfflQi VO 10O M win V " v im ' i IMO on tins unon the written consent of I l r - the defendants, except m esses where the plaintiff, or in bis absence bis agent or at torney, shall upon oath, with corobo retire testimony, allege aad prove lbs the de fendant is removing, or intend fraudu lently to remove, his property beyond the territorial jurisdietieu of the Court. The sale of real or personal property by fore closure of mortirare is likewise suspended for twelve calender months, except in ca ' sc where the payment of interest money, my be eulorceu ny cxeeu.ioo an 1 property of the defendsnt ; and in the ap- 1.1 in i inn or tne money " .aftaM isMSMdskaiLitoaMitetlsi pri ' nrUv of ben unices tn where the good faith of any Hen shall be drawn in q tfon In such eases the u.nal mod. proceeding adopted In North and Bt e oi Booth fwlina., to determine that . ww- j - - m r . - A .. Lou .ball be MMttM. 9 . a VII. In sll sale of property unacr ex ' or he order ot any coon, m rv ' thM be reserved . of YY f an. defendant, wco nas a lamiiv ti .... non hi. or her labof. dwelling hoiun .ml aunurtenauces and tweuty acres of ' UiJ TZ, tha aa and SMSHioatioti of die - - ' r . " - ti. .1 . r.mHy of the defendant ; and necessary . 1. 1 -aaka.Utaasaa.aa tiehVaf rnynBoee, apparel, subitano, SplenionU of 3, hubandry or other ,.Jntovment. of the value of five hundred dollar.. Tlc bomctead exemptiou bsH inure only to the benefit .of families that ta to aav. to Dare ill or parent anu child or children. In other eases, the exemption bll extend only to cloth' ing, implemenU of trade ejt, other employ mi;ut utaally followed br tb iifcadiut 1 ( the value of one hundred dollar. Tin hi: 1 ..emotion hereby made hull not be WSl I l r defeated bv the act of the defend j - - j , , : ant The exeinnted property of tne ile fendant shall be ascertained by the Hher- ' jf or other osleer eaforcing the executwn ! who shall oecilicaily describe the samel 1 .l. a rnirt theia if in Caleb CaM 10 the court. - in recover ordinary heretofore suthorised. hall not b demand.! by the suitor, nor taken by the Sheriff or other officer sarviHg the motes. In Suits for ire pas, libel, wrongful otmverajoo of property, and other case known a aelion ra delicto, bail a heretofore authorised may be demanded and taken. The proliibittoo of bait in ess ex oontmetn, shall not extend to paiiie boot to ware tb Slat ; but the factl of internum must be clearly estaUishsd by proof. XVI. Nothine in this order wan oe eon straad to restrain or prevol the opcrs,K.n I W , . i I wMuantiM to hartfcnmter. tn aceoroaneu wn.i lite iti oi uoagre in . provided, nor with the eoUeetion of say tss, impost. excie, or charge levied by ulhoniy nl il fTmind Stale or of ihe Pmsuaonal Oo- sjaminU of North and South Carolina; but no imorwoimienl lor overdne tsxel stun DC anow ad, Bee hn th arder oresry rw-Mne Provisional Government of North or Snath Carolina operate to deny to minor children, or children commg of age, or their less! rene seulatives, nor to iispend ss to them, any riabt of action, remedy, or procseding, against Bt rcmor, A'toooMtratoes, TruMa, Ousrdiatt, u..i,i or rterks of EomlV Courts, or other officer. OS perscan hokliug a fldseiary relation to tb pariie or tb ubn.t matter of the ac tum or proesarliag. rWMW2toaOWXort fltotO COL. UAN1KL BOON. A brief sewoust of this rinsrkbl man . l mkUibiI elves, thouah only In- eid-ntallv conuerted with Salisbury ; and is inir '- special atteution as a signal illus- tratiou of the toBs aad perils There Is soasisVrable dierepBey In the dates and onre difference ia tb forts of km ...f..l l.;.o.r. u the Jimr.ut aeeounis . r--1 . .. n - - which I nave i "JJTrrJZ dltta eai exammnswns ....... I li. h lUTHt. SS. K..r in Hark C.Mtuty Pa-, about twentv tniles from Philadelphia, about the ..... rr-wi Itnrin hi boyhood hi father : I .til. l.i bnlif to NorthCarolin aud waa probably among the irst pioneer settlers in this region. 'e neiiiea is a -V.JLI. .... ,r Ur fr.ou Wilksboro . Ill two sons, Oauiel aud Suuir. botk p.sosd . lu. t..r auivutore aud pitmaMF IW '. i l.UU. t,. the lone tourney frmi ur....i..U ! vaarth. aid their eon staut pnrsuitisf hauling, which in those day wa followed a a livelilwmd. s Well a a rt. The name of stand OM it. n.rb. H..mster for Bowan MssntTaS .;.,. . tn ..xrls inslrumeiits. In sCtlve r v.dutiooary day the fee of William Xe.- toll stood on the now renws j .. TI,.,m.j. K. tlie Pi ..I Innlu n .l Church Street. In 1H17 Dr. Alexander Img oecupled the build fug a a stedieal ogics and una day in Uk inK up. a piece "f.uM paaasr to wrsp Ito i ...i;,..i;..n 1.- Jisenverwl the name of Ian Lt IL.ti. aud examiniiic it ftmnd lhat it was . ,.f 1 1,., rel. hrated old pioneer It wa for a quantity of powder snd shot and yellow ferreting the Utter material hiKkly prised, and much ought after by the imbaus. In the creJit column Was an entry ..t I "a I a r skins, the fruit of hi kHlln ' "- - .ml iradina witk tho ssvsg, II .llMS. - -m . .. , , 1 . . it i-i- hrsaad skuss. While "" ::--.; z k .xsstsj wis Brvaa. posnible, from the locality sidins? exit ins muatiii. ( - - s sister ni Mr... srho enmmsnded a bod t lories on . l . , V.JWin auriav tks KaToltttio. Ti..,. r. aitll rinainiua some relMelOf hi littjle bouse iu thb.oouaty used while on Ivl. fc ! sr ovmtraiirtll. Intiuenc-d lV too uescrinH 'V I... t'iaU. J the VnlW of tb I lino, be i... ; t m i-Mi. irate that vtrelB who. ana i... l.t ..f Uar. I7tl). left his home "U the " ' . . , . a. . r... Y.dkia in company wttn Jno o-jm . Ho den. Jama Monay. ana nm"w i oh. ioarnevina Waatward. Keaehiug in Oumberiaad river Hier pitched tneir camp ..i .....1 ... . .mm ie. it was noi eaa before Iba.n and Htaarl were eaittur sty a hand of vagsi while reluming inona hunt. They deluded their eaptor lht niht ...1 ..,1. hot apre deafMy MOTtiee V returning 1 . a . at I.St.. shoot the uiailadnato ......... ... V.aWk Car.--a. hat beforv be had ..- . . sna aaaaai nre. ijL.. sv.alra. with a m nil iiatnsslen ar rived. Thi was ahoat the 1st f January 1770. Is s fight wbtea mvsxtM -ana ana. u..... In 1 1ml an no anrreaties eouio m- SrtoTT h am. n. make their siin-dy of alt and ammunition last until the winter wa vsr. Then Squire returnee mr mnwm ..J t-Si hi. Jariaa brother the solitary deni- sen of the lioundie wilderness exposed to the fury of tb wild beast, sna tne runmupr ..i ,ki,u.aM. It i. aeldom that . tmuian heiaa has occupied a aoahion so arfeetly mj fi.rlorn and ebeerUj. And yet lie telbme ...... i.oui from all tne race -one u n-Hoj 1... .1.. hotv and vranduer ot tli..K.- - it gin seene brought joys to his heart pi-euli ..t. .l..i;..l,iY,il .n nrofoiiud. V. a Wall Imaalae th pleasure with which he greeted his brother ss he rode op to the littm eabin an tli Wth of dnly taesto ina a horse or two, and bringing a quantity of much desired articles. uch t alt. pow j.. I...I Sr.. The then made an xplor in tour to the Cumhertand river snxiously ....l .i hasard seehiB sued koowledu of the country aa might guide them fat their fatal .oprtiooj They pcut the subsequent winter id their little cabin, and in March 1771. rirted their old homes and friends in Rowan. For nearly two "years Dsuml bad been separated from kl.ramilv. Knmaiuinir with tln io a mil ..... m .vara, ha aeain started for Ken . thi. time wilti ix families, ineludin hi. ..wn. thev left on the '25th f Xentem i.... iTTfl In Powell valley thev were bun ed by 40 moresterdy and enterpriug sprits . m m f sL... Iftota Al wi.;i ,n.cefullv luoviua on. on the Mkh o 1 1 k,i,,k-r thev were attacked by body of 'ill bmt klMad aad so winded, snd foB'bxdk al.a. , and thnutrh thev repelled inem. tney la earn, m nna Boon, a brave snd manly hoy. m risin- On the flth of June 1774, Go. Puntnore of Virginia called upon him to act a goMs to a company of surveyors to tli foUs of the Ohio an aruuons rasa. u p,wrf, i. fiumed. On hi return he was promoted to Ibesommand of tho mittiary iostaonth frontier of Virginia, a war bemg tliea raging with the l.hswsees. He atteuded the eonn- il of the Chenikee at which they relinqu ished the land sooth ot the nentue. j. I ., It... i.i'v T mi in n oe uum - i "-TV" u,,, ui moved hi In il... next nmlith ft OUHl a ion r..u than.. Hla wife snd dane-nter r ,,, ,, ..a iUn.ha were I Muwm the rt while women woo a. have y Idled the Keulocky river. In Desember 1775 th fort wa attacked snd on of t defender, killed snd another ooadnd. Th. loa a W mama. keav. TmtK - puisnmny have cMnpl"tWy disheartened tb pss. si .1 th settle hi enjoyed n tang wwte iron. their wily sult. HM m duly io won. Mis Boonoaiid the Mie. Crioway were quietly snd csrelswly walking in the wood, adjacent to lbs fcrt. they were set upon aud captured by the Indians, and bound away a.. .1 mastssn-nlriir Hit a.aaalNM mat MIVIIVSMI. ISiailir aa laaraiae the fart, knowing the danger of dUy. put off in pur. ut, overtoo tnrnn .I.,.-ia-.,of the number, resened th young ladies, and returned iu safeff On of those a-irk, Kllsaheth faUiwsy. mameu sw- llendemon. a brother of Judge Kiehsrd Hen derson, aad therefore a retaUve, of the Hen dersons now redding in thi piaee. Agsin in thepring m the next yenrxno a,rt ws attacked by a poweilul naou ra- ge. but the, were fSrffe oB. Iiirin(f ine uraisw VV" , " brawn ssttler were mane m ' ""'' from N. C snd Va., amounting m all t KB. Thi reinforcement erave them enrity iftto- inibe fort and enabled them to aaauuie tne sareMdv. The next year urn. nonue vmfmu . . .r a I. r I.L. ....I m.b.Im kiiniii.ii to woe at ine eau s.ic. "Trr salt for the whole settlement. Thi article . T a 1 . ...:L. Si... raLI SXOst. N came an article oi hwsj tlrmeots. and la I77 aB bat Col. Boone snd 7 of the men. vi.ited the ettler in t a., to trafllr salt fer ueb articb-i a the :iced- .J iVk'.la lhaa were absent. Col. nooor heineout hunting atone, wsswixeouyamrgw Mirty of Indians ; and finding taat they were about to attack the fort, be ummdered it to them os bvorabbi c.md1tioas, k mm lug It emjld n..t he ncce.rfiilly defended br osrosll a number. They were all came hi coim- eotbe. theoreto lMr, w-e ihe ninueer were letl, and cm back to Chillieothe. Thi town was M mile from llooasboro. but on finding that another formidable attack was eontemptated .cainrt the fisrt. he escaped on the 10th of June, and travelled all the distance Is labont four da v.. having hat one meal to refresh him in that ttiito. Eirfr to fm-eso their imrpisse. tm Uie 1st "'- cust he took IV men and weat ia seavr- ... - T1 . a. .. IX .. I', a. .L. MM-ST - - body of indtsas at rwn vrwsa. rencfiing ihst plsc. h met them em route fer the fort and gained a complete victory, not buug singi man. .... But one of th most thrilling tnctdenU of hi. exciting history ocenrred in August. Oa the Hth of that month neany -ooinuu. ..... II Frenchmen, invested to nwt. aaked mr a true U consider lerni.. nis - Ssns wa xa wsa " t-- i.e.ue. the Freuch oltlcer. thai nwourare- lt to th last extremity. Tb crafty soldier etermlnedon a wicked .trategem. ana nrv- niMM-d a treaty. Boon agree, an msn-...uB o it. Wgaed tne plena oi wn arw. then urged, that. cordingto invnrmoie mm ancient custom, each wbite nmn g"- his hand to two Indians, t onniagiy sn.w- i.iK some secret design, ke neils-.. i .i. ,A Aa the hand were aivvn they were grastied with feaifal vndenee, snd .tern warrior n in an ntaut that they were deceived. The cnt.-l wa 'noa. toonso.m .nceeeded tn driving n ''" the heart ( one of hw adverssne sou le.i it the other. The party escaped and a. l .1.. f..r. la the Kotuuda of the I ap- iiru vf tmtm www.9 - - - . - a Vf .. i, ,.,, ia a retire nttmu of I test to WaaJ5 v this scene iu seulpture. Boone visited North t:an.tina once m... his family having moved naxa annng m. captivity. He remained two years, snd ..Might his tortus agata In th daagerona hordar scenes- .... 11 snd his brother were sttaesea on their return on day trom tne wn ucaa. and 8.piire wn kiitod. Col- eacap ...i ....l tba Indiana nottina a huxn dou on his trail, ha kUWd the animal snd rescued the fort Daskto hi wsrfarewith th bcetile tribes J . . t he also bt soother on. . In the attack iwt hi Ibrt, tninuesne ;C men. and Col. B.ue assure iu lhat wnen the attacking force retreated, he lonnu lbs. of bull un. Hie gronnd near the fort, beside thmw Uat bad lodged in the wood. Ahont 1787 he discovered that hi t"le to the land he had taken up and purcnasea were defective and would not stand ia tow. Alibi blood bought poeion oemg m. tak.-u from him. h became bitterly Incdssms ' aaninst th unscrupulous snd unjnst treai- . ... .... . .... : .....I ... ...Ir a meutof Virginia, aua aeieronu -hom in the receding frontier in Missouri. II.. l.-ft Ketituekv. . which he ipi ltkd wUhanumwrou populati.m. Ho pursued favorite oceapetioe of huutiun for nomber of years- In hi latter day. Cmtgre ot ednim a srosll peuaion n poor return for the 'emlosnt blessings be hsd winh-rrcd mam his country, in carrying the torch of eiviliau Uoa Into the dark, benighted region of tn wilderness Wert. . . In 1813 he wa called to bear tb cnish tagsaiamity of tU death of biswif"- To thi hi brave spirit biwed, the first live tri al of any kind that was known to bend tt. This oast s shadow over tb btauty of hi huutting ground., that weakened tbrirapfll upon his spirit l aud bow the baying of his faithful hound and the brill report of hi. rifle, though till loved, wer no longer so grateful to hi soul ss they one wer. Ah! death will teach as that our earthly treasure are too motable-r-too transient, hw i t ... t .aattiv ny taes Mmns smvesa-r w VOL I. NO. L Boone soaght ths horn of bis remaining son. and continued to num. anu irap era. Ite., unUl 1818. When h was so old and feeble that be eoold no losger ti versa themresU. th ruling psasbm tlll rtog In hi heart, he would take his dog snd rifle, and sitting down.gna out noon the greon wood, wi&asad. CnaW look-sa sfiWtlng monument of the loanBcieney of earthly .- -' - pursuits to grnury we Mwmjjn "T"'" "TT humsn soul. How vain to expect thi world .. t 11T. ajVa.aa. I ak txASBV SaWtll ' -. - . . i i ll. ' j .H - - J tosaiwry n: no -v " . Hi fUU.lotta a., jay, W t ."X fcr the chase, nuumi true, and a flint as run a nra. i"" wre leaping through toe forests or brows ing in the glades. Tb beaver still busily plied their wire work that instinct taught them ; and the heart of the old hunter was faU.X tha.Lma hsithd nasi ion i snd bum- sd with the desire for the exhilarating sport wkicb had enliveaed many a king aad Joyous year. But the knees mam, ta mex were nnmb, the rtrwngth of the one stal wart form was depsrted. snd s deep dlap poitment for wjieb this life hsd no balm, settled in thickening gtocm upon hi .pint. Ho with nil who chief hone and Joy ar hound to the nb-asnres, and treasure aad pursuits of this vain world. There is a tcr way TUE DEAD 07 1807. The close of another ver, remind, u tUt oar country has bsen eslkd upon to regret the loss by death of away cwiinmt ediseas. Tb Boston Juornar grW a hmg list of tb dead. We sole tli following ; Ex Oovernor Andrew, of Ms-hnetU, ex Oovernor Hunt, of Hew Toik, Hon. George brans, of Maine; ex Gmrernof JcVpb A. Oil mare, Bex. Bavid Dndfev Pield, Bear Admiral ninjrgokl. Ccnmodove Panhiing, Mr, Wrignt, United States Minister to Berlin; Hon. Albert Mmtlh, of Maine; Jestic Wyne, ot in United 8tats Supretn Oonrt; Genetal Tboma K Meplier ex-OovCrnor John A King, of New York; ex-President Day, of Taw College; Sen ator McDoageh, Professor Cbarie King, Bass Una., n.. ,n -..tor of the sewins maciiiikr: ex- TTlini hr Wal worth, of Hsw York; Bear Ad miral Sloat, General Gnflin, Admiral raimer, aud I'rofemor Cheater Dewey. Tb hteiwry world ha been called to mourn lk departure of those whose name m this country wer esteemed by tttcussnd. N P Will, who died at Idlewihl; Byron Korccythe ITifcwi .bed ere be hd reached th maturity of ins poetic powers, though be left mny lwt soocs lWn BuHinch, author of the Age of Chivalry, etc; Pits Oreen Haoeek, the post, ndCilneMrmtkhdu Among tk sriist snd ihose known by thrir tek-sts we mar rccaO Ja-que Burkhardl lb I'aul J alien. W P Broogb, Ua Aldridge Nan tier Didiee snd Avoni Jones. Among the writecsand journahst who her cone are James Puu. of the New Yask and Mew Grfesa pre; Chsrkj Brown,-CArte-m. is Bsrd,") ihe writer nd lecturer, and Geo. Wilkin Kendall, of th New Orleans "Pka- Th Kientiflo world lias been called upon ta part with several of its most brilliant men, whose ttinsawiti made tnem tae wnacww of U- whole hiimntacavtaltoMLraaeaM pari ments. Profeassr A V Bene, supenoiemi nt of the United Stale Coast survey, Frofcs sor 'ara.Uy. of Knglaod, the eminent chemist, and Earl But, the astronomer. MR AND MRS. 6UMNBs at Tneaums ttmi-sfo report that Mr. 8om ner was to go to Wsdiington to preside in her huban.l's establishment, has failed of verifica tion, and th 'Home Journal of last week bss lb kdlowing, Indicating that there is no kk. liliood thst such wul ever be the esse : "We have good authority for statin thst the diflVtence between Mr. and Mrs. Chart- Sumner, which have Caused so much unpleas ant gumip and scaodsJ, hav been finally al lied by a permanent separation with the mu -dial cunacnl and desire of both parties, and their best friendx The direct cans of this seperstiua ia nmtily the eertsinty dnwoveted only too late that thst exist between tl lriie sn inconipalibiluy of temperament snd opinion upon certain social quertiona, which precludes ihe possibility of their Hying lisppily tosetfacr es man and wife." i Hkhmond Enjwtr. r..v.rnr .Tier Ohcanizatiox IX M I. .1. UiiaaiiuH 'I ndex' S Call from , Bxrentir Committee (ppesra, sum I T""" . at . 1 il.. f ....til.ili.oia J mouing s Convention of the Csmxitutionsl . l!nion party of Mississippi to meet hi session m (W( i j.aary next, for :h parnose t j . organ txauon, onsuaaiion, anu ac- (iOO. All Cltixetl in warn wow arc in favor of peace snd Union under tb Ccnstiiu tion, rei(aidk-M of farmer prditicd sssocisiion, are iuvilcd end delegate. dsn. Ossar's Psrrs roa ma Pssst nxsr rrouimeut Republican mentioned Wert snd Southwert, in discussing the pros pects of the different gentlemen mentioned lor the next Presidency, ar by no mesne so cn- ilaHUaarte atOut UWeTBI tfrSDt SS . (iau. avo. The sraenxiousioa! positive declaration of tlews from Gen. Grant, eapcoudly in relerence to auffrage in the South, saying that setne powtiv expression of opn ion on lira issue of tb day i due to tb loyal peopls of lis oouutry-riV. AC. Jrmmm. Niooxs Rionrs Ml WasnrsoToa. m j 1 1 1 1 1 round the corner run asinst w man coming round 'the 'corner, and trigger raw orives that bis "civil right" ar iuleiferrvd with. So It draws a revolver snd kilts lb white man AT. Y. lltrald. Tt.. na.L. Kiata oi North Carolina pay annually mors direct taxes ta the Oen eral Got era ment than tb cadre, mount Ureal Bnti.a propoaed to levy on the Coto-me-sfhk-h attempt praduond (to w wbsc mad the then A merle, o Cobmws foe saw .$m - ' iney wwra om ia i t mn is - a uh' . H 1 5 . cm lb- .sanm '3SSl i njmrms . t. - 'Iwwal frrsmm - vil '-(ami Si- ' i ' e- laM -- 1

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