- y " i .:. V mfaM & 6ti nn suit. SALISBURY, X. C , JAN. 10, tSS tj" EATS OF SCMCBliTIOX. J Wmklf paper, On Tsar. mx . ISO STATE CONSERVATIVE CON VENTIOtf. """' It is reeol vod by the Slate Exeen Hve Committee of the Constitutional Union Party of North Carolina, that State Convention of tbe Party be held in tbe city of luleigh on Tut us bay, the 5th day of February, A. D., 18.8, at 11 o'clock, of that day It is confidently hoped that the friends of a Constitutional Union and Civil Liberty will be active in the eft fort to make tbe Convention the lar gest and most respectable that ever assembled in tbe State. Lei tbe iiWMvaiivcpcvttleinovc- ry county of the Mate, where meet ings have not already been held, hold meetings at once, pass appropriate resolntiwne, appoint delegates and they attend the con rent! on. Trie condition of pnblie affairs demands the patriotic effort and cdnoperation of every good citizen to save tbe couu try from impending danger. Ily order of the State Ex. Commit tee. K. C. BADGER, Jan. 4, 1868. . Secretary. TO OUR PATRON'S. At tbe time of our suspension in De cember, we promised oar readers an en larged paper upon its re -appearance. Ow ing to a disappointment we are anable to comply witb that promise this week. To enable as to print a paper of tbe s izc con templated we were compelled to have a larger chase than sny we have on band. This, wo ordered in time, bnt owing to tbe miscarriage of oar first letter, it bag failed to reach as in time for ibis issne. We hope to get it in time for oar next when we will present oar readers with one of tbe largest and handsomest papers published in the State. We intend that the Watekman OU North State shall he inferior to no paper of its class in North Carolina, and we treat that our friends will use their influence to aid as in extrud ing its circulation. Salisbnrv being Iocs ted at the Sanction of tbe N. C. Sc. W. K. C Railroads, we have advantages wfeica win enable as to turaub tbe news to all the counties west of as as eady as it eaa be obtained through any other chan nel. VI e snail endeavor to keep oar res den posted as to the most important pro ceeding of Congress, ard of the Nate Convention, which asstw hits oa tbe 14th Inst. Jfnw is the time to subscribe. Ae the paper a-ill be much enlarged and improved, oar published rates will be rig idly adhered to. The Old J 'b year 1667, with all its ceritemestto sll its vicisitudes, has gone, lea v tug behind it bat few pleases memories to the Southern people. It has been to them a trviog year, and most sincerely do we hope that they will never have reason to look back upon it with regret. In no re spect has it been a prosperous or a hippy year to tl;.n, and sore, indeed, would be the affiictitia that wf aid eansc them to pine for the return of soch another. The high expectations of thousand of planters have been swept away by the saddea decline la the price of cotton, and the refusal, thus far, of the Government to come to their relief by repealing tbo tax upon it foi the present year. In nuay portions of the South tl'e failure of the grata crops will be most seriously felt. In a material point of view nothing has prospered in the late Confederate States. Xot only has this been the care, but the political prospects of these States have been overcast with the deepest gloom. The heart of the patriot the true friend of the V niea and the Csustitasiea ash often almost sunk within him in the con templation of the situation. It seemed that tbe most abject humiliation and the deepest degradation were inevitable. The high-toned and intelligent among the Southern people, the class which hsd ever ruled in these States, and which had for so long exercised a commanding influ ence in the councils of tbe nation, and Whose ancestors had done so much to es tablish the government were threatened with subjection to tbe rale of their former slaves A condition of things which threatened again to deluge the laud in blood was inaugurated during the year, and for no other purpose than to secure the ascendancy of a reckless party intoxi cated with military successes and still reeking with the hellish' passions ever en gendered by civil war. Such was the year, and such tbe events and vicisitudes of the year which has just passed away. The New Year brings with . tri mirrimtnv Tfs publish in tale msnatka order of doners! Canty .veiling lb convention tugvlboi at Hal igh oa tbS 14th lust It will be seen from the Ut of the member notified to attend that our worthy sad respected fellow dtissa, J. 8. lle- Cubbins, Esq., who was un rsrsally conceded to havs been elected from tat county and Pavi. baa been displaced, and the asms of Isaac at. LOYALTYOF WHAT DOES IT CONIlbT! Some of the ideas of M loyalty " now prevalent in ibis country seem to be very crude. The word is constantly en that lips of many mem who seem to know nothing of its sirnifcaaes. With saints, they claim that the with all its offices, bslsage to them la narrow-mindedness aad bigotry they re mind us of some hitter t Start ss ta Eng land, during the civil and laligmuu easa- motion of that country ia the 17th can- pro s peri ty Snath is concerned, we are but beginning to feel the sad t-ftVct of it. tverv where business is languishing in conse quence of the scarcity of money ; nor can we see any remedy near at hand. Al ready appalling accounts are reaching us of the destitution and distress of many portions of tbe States south of as. Se rious consequences are fearfully appre hended. Many thiuk that bread riots, Shaver substituted. Oa what grounds this wss ends It expresses nothing bnt their pas asosw.haT.ao asm of knowing. It may or Orelr prejudices. It is with them be that some of the ballot cast tor Mr. MeCub , i , . "A. u , , , . . . . . , a matter of feeling only j they anew aeta- bto were informal in nt Paring hi usme up- ' f on them written in rail a the law directed, and ng of It as a principle. Tfcey Imegme that. Lharafora. thav warn thmwn nat Hnwar. that every man is disloyal who dares to er thai may be. it is a matter of but little eon- diner with them ta opinio upon man requeue so far as it sabots the iatemsts of ths qsMlion of policy. Believing, or sffnt- II aw ail ui uiu mair. or 01 vail iucuk.1. in , , , i ', .. . . , . I big to believe, that they ere the Cnnvantium is overwfcalailnalv KaUial anr war I ' ' so that the Influence of on. conserratirr man would scarcely have been felt. Ami. besides, Mr. Shaver is understood to agree politically with Mr. McCubbbu, for whom, a wall as Me are. Bobbins and Johnston, he retted. Tot, nevertheless, tbe people of the District were en titled to b rsaieosumd ia the convention hv ths wan of thou i-maos. snd are saUdad. to an sx-1 tery who reaeHced, "J?sBV Tbat.tbe earth plsaatloa. Whether Mr. Shaver will consent belongs to the Saints. Second, That we to serve under th. circumstances we bay. no tne gajBtg. That the elccti. wm tairiy conducted In Ciis Like tbe6 Seeusrlea, they have S- DnAriot has, s. m weha-eaeard.n.rverbwn AwJsml "that they are the "Batata, " queatiou-d. But this cannot he said of all the that they mast govern. Their " loyalty" countess in th. State. Ia Davidson county, for OT "Sainlliness" consists in nothing bnt in'U"-,C4 -J jtha member, elect .Urfh .dberence tea party which they are th. choice of a majority. of th. people of the r county. A consolidation of the prec incts Was ,Pt ' " ,hB Power or mrtmSe made juston the eroof ths ileetioa without any them upon their enemies. Like the Jaco- previou notice, so that hundred of rotors in bites of the English Revolution, they will that county were unable to exercise the fran- COntinuc to diminish in numbers and iu- chiss without great ineonic.. And ao fl aeDCP DnUl tb. laU of thssa shall drop, cans, whatever existed for such s course. I a- , , , spectors, who could take the mmircd oath, had unnoticed and almost forgotten, iuto their besa aiisSB for eTwy weseioet At one of the trnrtm precinct, at least, tbe inspector a tended on 6 the morning of tbe first dsy only to learn that In a government like oars la any lim- Tr ited and constitutional government loy- they could not vote themsidres without travel- " ' inp more than a doaea miles. The eonsequene. ally consists ha a devotion to tbe constitu- r u" rr ffe poll at all. lligh minded and honorable men of, not to tbe party which happens to have :.mlJ??Jlol.a0lT of tbe adminUtratton. If this mvui I'm " v imir nv iiresawu saw I'rin i uai mi members elect foam that county will trouble themselves with scruple of that tort Here was s case repairing the interfere nee of Gen. Csnby.aad if th. foots had hssa fairly re p resented to him, wa doubt, not thet he would narc oidered a new election. But. so far ss w. know, ao complaint wasever made to him. and I those who opposed them to the imputation g!T?wq!rS? ofdisloydty. Butinsteoftbi. being o, es to thoae who, by false representation, iada loyalty to the government often compel eed th- district rnmmander to act aabe did. or .L i.. . . .1 ! . , to tbe district commander for actng upon the """" PP lue goTernmeu c. si, tor instance, t should I tMl By tkmwf ti9M t tivea knew ' will hnva ifjus-ftsr I wm gmtm thai i will be neeeaatad will think of accwp TUf CONS KRV ATI VE 8TAT1 0ONVK?mON. Wa publish ia Mr editorial col umns to day the eaJI of tbe Executive committee fur a Caaaar valiva Stain Coavaaiton. tu asemble at Raleiadi on the ftth day of February, proximo. Wa think the time has been wall cbo- aaa aad that the eall will meat with of all Ooaaarvative the policy of the the enaaerva- exactly what they we take it aab eoaatitatioo as tbe coneerva tivea iag ander the dr um turn whole reooa of Cmaresa beina lpably, and Vean avowedly uncon stitutional, tbey cannot tie expeeted ta sanetioo it by a voluntary aoeepN aaae of tbe Conetitation presented. ba in every reupaat andi a mis it will no TOBAfJCO CULTWUE-TM PLAMT rKi. Ia aeaordaaee with a premise made la ear umtaWday'e Tri-Weakly issus, we puattsh to-day tea following eomiaualsatlou whisb originally apfwred la ths OU North of October th. aou, Irjgft. It b yea of a spnthueea who has had mash saperU noa lathe eultivattou aad iiiinjmmf ,f tobseeo, aad may be relied upon as judWioa ia the instraothua Whisb Ugivw. Nsxt week vIDpBWJi an assay from the pea of Bamael C. Baortoa. fiL iflilshrngk Vs.. oa la. aama snbjeet. Jfr. JMaar.- WU1 Ton SI I mil Baa. Ihraagh the solum as of your valuable to impart such luformatioa of pre saaraeter as will, I hops, eav'-- are disposed to grew er saeuhg year to do so w daebliag my ability which has r ths public. Owing to ' rmaussfur ssisaoto laquir V be, for whatever owe may be otnitf la it, it will certainly cm ain K'nt-iple of nniveraal maiih ga, and to this ao ouiiservativ will aver a meant. No delegates hare yet bee pointed to represent this county Cooeervative State Convention., time that some action was tak that end. We hope our leading will confer ftogetber on the si and isane a call for a county am at the earliest practicable mom Tbi. CfltlTWbr were not the case every party ia t ion would he a -.reasonable party, lie laws, however obnoxious and unconstitu tional eould be opposed without subjecting it no such high hones as e would most delight to herald forth. As far as tbe j tSSSSSlmSS ,"ta htaMdf -d-iuhrtration of it. failure of tire material prosperity of the m7 department of tbe g THE S C. RAILROAD. WepuMish a letter to-day from Ho. .lost A II Tl IttER. President of the North Carolina Railroad r conveying information which all are interested in obtaining. It seems to be conceded now oa all bands that Mr. Turner h is administered the affair of the Road with ereat success thus far. ipvctcd I of the circumstances under which the year 1868 is ushered in. Nor is this all. Providence, who is too wise to err, and too good not to be ever mindful of bis creatures, askta laai-saarl glim flVas Ctrl rnojAj hulslanaa We tender oar acknowledgements to from IU ,houd makt iu ,Jvent iu tbe our contemporaries of the State for the midst of the most rigorous and inclement kind end eemplhnentory notices I weather pertaining to the most rigorous thejr have taken of aa upon she Union eft ?. emMm Jhofe 7W- - - 1 a ana .! ess nsrvw ci"i us, w its tuiuti wv y ai 11 - oar weekly papers, and the new arrange-1 . .... " .. . , meat by which the Old Xorth State has been rarHnr for .omc time when tbe Old passed into the hands of tbe firm which I Year took its exit, and the New will conduct it hereafter. We are under I Year announced its arrival. What obligations to alt of them, and would not benevolent and humane heart does not make invidious) distinction, but we must sympathise with the suffering of the Le permitted to bow our acknowledge- poor and destitute among its at a time menu specially to our esteemed contempo- like this 1 Much suffering there must ne- rancs of the Wilmington Journal and Star, eessarily be, and it is the solemn duty of ...A .1 ur . ri 1 wi.i -it l r j j Z .1 aim arc 111 a nonunion lo uo ho, hi ai- not to speak of still inore-Auuniig indica- tailed the .xpooK of the Bead to . rery t3on to turns the raeenstruction Pons, are immanent, unless ire-Wf comes frnbU amount. Bo has also mad. K, inr th7ca- it is the duty of from an unexpected somce. Such are some 7 a. ... . m. Being tne case, it is tne autj 01 and tbe Western Democrat. We hope we may be able to meet their kind expecta tions and to have long and pleasant inter 1.L If T J II I (wr win ibcu uu eo. inaiiy ana per IMPC41TANT ORDER. We surrender much of our space to-day J despond. The Southern people are not all ieviate it as far as possible. If air God, who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb " remember this unfortunate claaa of our population. What the end of all this is to be is not revealed to ordinary mor- but we should not for one moment to the important order of General Caaby, modifying Gen. Order No. 10. As these orders partake of the nature of legislation a id are, for the time (ring, tbe law of the Slate, we have deemed knar duty always to pathah them at the esrli. st practicable to make upon this order st present. We worse than other people, and sooner or la ter the day of their deliverance will come. Taking a view of the political situation we even now imagine that 'we see it ap proaching. Among the Northern peopl, from whom alone we are to expect deliv erance, reason is beginning again to re sume her sway. The wild and mad ex cesses of radicalism, by which tbe Sooth would Imve been made a desert, bas been govern attempt to subvert the constitution, the persons administering that departmeut would themselves become traitors, and it would become tbe duty of every loyal c it ixen to resist by every constitutional means in their power. Such is now the case, with Congress. It is not pretended, even by He tbe Republican member, that Congress bas certainly made many reforms, and our-1 possessed any power under tbe eonstitu- aets. Suck duty of every loy- ome judicious reflations ia regard to way I ) man to oppose the measure to the utmost freights wmrh will prove of much advantage ktM itj thl exercise of every leg! a. . -a. f at aL w-err a . a . I tow. peopie or me reesiera pan 01 ta. and .t;,,,,.! roean,. The constitu 0 . a II t a I u us V " Til ,g I Z T tion to be submlued to us by the Conven- I. .1 ... 1 hi 1. L.IIJ... I. J imiji., nan u . trwt iu wiiuiiig 1 11c nuan t l.u ilwrol.mtnAnl tt lK. MaAnvaaa . J lit. a.... j 14th proximo, should be rejected by tbe Not beine "amour tbe editors who lately I Peop'' f ka 8tate, aad will be voted wajred aneh a fierea wax anon thai Praaidaal I against by all that are truly loyal Unless of the K . C. R-. or gave aid. eouotenanee, j it be such a constitution as they are sat is or encouragement to them by copying ia I fied with. And even then no chair of oar paper the asaauHs of others," we write disloyalty can be preferred against those this with pleanre. Hut even if we had been who oppose It, as to accept of it might he among the class to which Mr. Turner refers eonitroed into a recognition of the right we. should have felt bound a . matter of Congress to reorganbte ibe State -or- iiiiiit3 juut-? w nava our lit- una leainnuuj . Such doubtless, was die view taken by our excellent eontempory of the Charlotte Dem- a 1 a a a a . - ww v ivvvtiMy iwa wvaciwu nv vauitre ,....,r,ri,. . . aaami -aa . I ,U ;; ,1... r. .1.- t... .1 1. 'We publish a letter fsusn Mr. Jriali Tur- ,,.., . - , , ner. the President ..ft I. A. C. Bond, which of cotton ,n th Southern States in larger will be interesting to th. public We have quantises than would satisfy the A inert never ...ecu an auirnrer 0, r turner, nut CM d,mirrd WOtjtd ttoTC to uaalmtmened. Wat will Ban J liMao we Ml II A ijv- w vryni lis jn- . mots the wel&re of the Boad nmier his eon- We gave our reasons for this opinion at trel and besefit the State as well a the iadi- the time, and we will not repeat them on . :j..i c. .lv. u u . .1 .ui.ai nwKimiiim. b.nj iaa purer m m .11. o...- 1-. 1 i .ut. ' j. i : l-I WIS 7 irate- in imrirfim 1 if utia wrrsa, crru 11 lie gvn!?BMin? to Wf H throughout the coonlry as Tns Cbil. Fsitao." we regret to Irsrn, has determ, 1 remove to Baltimore, sad wilt leave Sahsi in a few days for that city. During a , yeats rssidsaes to this city, Mr. Hunter t bis excellent family has won the respect a esteem of oar citisens, aad will carry Witb bit to lii new field of labor their kindest wish far thaw harf in aad pfuaprriiy. ernment. does not own stock iu his ii dividual capaci ty he is a Stockholder as a eitise and tax- Cyer, aad has the right to know how the sf n of the Company ass managed, and com plain whenever he tfiinks proper. , Party Ming eausad the spin iwtmi ul of Mr. Turner as President of the Boad, and we do not hesitate U'expn-ss the opinion that We were sorry to have to give any such opinion, but circumstance and ear duty aa a joarnelist compelled u to do so. We even then hoped that we might be mistaken, bat since that time we see that others, more able aad practical than our. If, have come to the same eon- that some of its provisions, at least, I tignaJly rebuked by tbe sovereign people. ' party feeling has iauaeaeed Mr. Tamer to I ciasiou. Among these is Senator Sprngue, are very good, and wrH meet with the ap probation of the public. It will at once command an attentive perusal and the obedience of our law abiding people, We append the paragraphs of Gen. Order No. 10 referred to in, and modified by this order so that our readers may be able1 to see at a glance the nature and ex tent of the alterations and modifications Mime little extent in business, (he is t he doe his work A mighty revolution in public sentiment bas set in which nothing can resist. "The i....i 1. .1... 11 . i.'i-i... J. uauu-wn.uiE is ...1 inn wan. ik onm ; - .j ,., o.J u.-.. J ,u- n..L a 1 ... a , . . a a iwa . f ..SWUUw-Wf MIC ItiraMi wsews l7SSBt WJ sua tISW7 miWiSf hss gone forth that tin 1 a white man's, holder, we shall aowrrowl at him about un- government, ari that it must and thall important matters. Upon the whole, we ever remain subject to tbe control of tbe think Mr. Turner deserves credit fur his Caucasian race. Negro governments may, rood management so far, aad we bono be potriblif be established for a lime, but they ! wilt have a fair opportunity to show that thia nis management of tne I Rhode Island, whose oolnion we nub- a a wall and ajl.anaaa th. in. "" SUOlUCr COIUtnn. of the Convention Gen. Csoby hss ordered the Contention eteer to assembte at ''RsaW':fhfftt Inn.; lor the purpose of framing s sew Const it tukm for the old State of North Carolina. Many of the delegates are define.!, iu the end, to the surest disappoint Micut Tl-y im agine they are to lake rank in tuatory witb lbs fiamersof the CooiKulion of 1778. b they are much mistaken. We already lias e a overthrow, aid it a ill yet be acsmnssmdsmi by lite National (iov.rnnient. The wmk of lh morley, and wsUt lew eaceoiear , ignorant crowd wbicb iaSto ssseoible on the 14th, wiB sutju be risw listed, end iu. mIkk oonajgnad i oOscanty er ha'ismsmi rred only lor their "off- r k km BsostSBL TW youngs! sou of Mr. John Taylor, of Hocksvule, tVm going to mill, last Thursday, oa a mute we thrown and will be of brief duration. They will soon go "glim iiu-ring down the stream of time,' and be ''numbered among tbe things that ere." l he gloom, then, winch over- f liremdh epuAntrw is hot : en u loved. We begin to see an oasis in the desert, and we have an undoubting failli that we shall reach it ere long. Orau xx d Tki.n r,it A 1 Court ef Oyer and Terminer wilf be held at State vilte, by Judge Sbipp, on the 3d Mondsy of January, lust. We mike this announcement for the benefit of the Bar who may wish to attend. With facts lihe these staring them the face it behooves the people ef pan of the State to look around them and see if there be not other dad more remu nerative crops to tbe cultivation ef which lieey aan turn their attention. Wa have before intimated that the crop which would prove most remunerative to the $jt lIiJ.,0Jm!T. I planter in thjf parj oi the JSlato would be great Slate work eaa be made to pay and re dound to the U-nefit of the people generally. John's Bay Nxw IUrxu We have received the ersieu oy tne memoer 01 ruilon IxMlge, no. 99. Ancient Vorke Masons, by a public iastsl! ation of the omceys of the Lodge elected for the ensuing Masonic year. The Ceremony took aUos in the Presbyteruw Cbwoh, Bro. Wm li. Bailey, V. M., offi.-iai mg. After the cooclakn of the installation ceremonies a most excellent and appropriate address wss delived by Rev. Bipl iTtr ItWi flr, IW wtoch the tbe3udge were subejueotry ruled him. At aiifht a Grand Party or Ba was gtvee by ths Frsternity at the Boydea House, which Wss in every re-cl a brilliant iiiooiss. Tne first number of a naner called h Aai7 ' receipt cof.silersbiy exceeded th. x-prwdi- lleratd, just started at Newbern in this ; 'ores, leaving a bajfooee to b. appropriated to State, and published by an association at the low price of fifty cent per month. It is cleverly edited and pnut- charitabie Mssonw purposes. Much qf Ims ucces is due to the effort of Bra, B. SUter1, 3fyfZyuut ami aad sewgj inks This is, we believe, generally conceded, and being -generally conceded we take it far granted that tbe farmers ef Rowan and the adjoining counties will en gage in its cultivation next year. As we intend to do whatever we can to promote the material prosperity of the -t -. 7 . it , -aa ... . . .-- i - t-i i - v v -. - - a couu try, we snan soon pnuiiu severil very interesting articles on tbe culture of tobseeo, givmg all the information to rna hie those wishing to engage iu planting it, to thoroughly understand tbe management of it, from the plant bed to the factory. If this can only be made a tobacco grow ing country, we may expect seen to see oar goodly cby start oa a new career of prosperity, and our people recuperate from Col. Daxiki. Booix Read the teresting article or. our first page with the above caption. It is from the pen of a clever eed well known writer whose vices we contemplate securing whenever our finance will per nit u to do so. This oar patrons may enable us to do by aiding as in extending our circulation and paying u promptly. A Goon Mora At a meeting of Ful ton Lodge, A. Y. M , on but 'night, the Secretary was directed to scud a copy ef the By-Laws of the ledge to every lodge in the Stale with a request for an ex change. This may lead to a comparison of their respective merits and lead to sense thing tike uniformity and perfection. New Publication. The December a umbers ef the North British Review, and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magueine are up on our table. We have net had time ta peruse them extensively, but their tables of contents give assaranee that they are net behind their predecessors in Interest. Of the general character and great mer it of the British Periodical, it is -not as cesssry for us to repeal what wc have so often said. They are certainly unsurpass ed by any similar publications in the world. Their great popularity long since led to their republication in this country imme diately after their first appearance in Brit- $JmJjlla.HlsMivi wmfr'isumw'jWBv'' bas met with affords tbe best evidence of of thier excellence. Address tbe Leonard Scott Publishing Company, 140 Fulton Street, New York, to whose prospectus in ear columns we invito the attention of our readers. -lbs. ..bi, daring the i wet or froxe th. I3h U February to tha 10U of Marsh. It is. however, safest to sow at Interval wheawvar the laud Is ta order far working. XrV-rsrrw anies the land be ta good order, for ike w.rk will be throws away if nVvtaad b ton assist or be nut wail ss iumsd, Ah a thorough burnisf. 4ta. smtp dig, rake and ebon uatu every eh tone be I me uieel' tily of seed to he Sown Is saw gill tea square mixta- a 1 htu of plaster portion a son may think sows mall stfed. only with a heavier hand. Roll tha bed with a hand roH B ks aad eSusp until every elod. mat and e renw . ved, then Wvel aad aad palvcr sly with the rake. Tha proper a,aa seed u be swn is saw giR to every m tarda. Prepare far sew hag by . half pint of seed with a half gal ajtr or itW aahra. T ia tach pro- wwswa uMBual w9W Eft nar that awrdseru w wawmss unsawswsv w lm HwUflJfJ oamSatvf , a hand roller after sowing, the fast. If the bed to sown sarir ll iinahl hi ha usieiil uBhliuah free (row Uavaabart Bis net iiisserv to the after tbr middle of Asril. beds must he kawt free fauns grass sad 1 until they are ao ssasafj grass must he picked out a wtta tne aaweti. mis is a tbarafare ulaeiire '- Thi WatTaraaAftor several 'days of rainy weather and muddy street, sun shown out thi morning, much to tbe delight of all classes of people. We hope in a few days to have dry streets and pleasant weather again, bat at this of the year it is so precarious as tu leave a a a- Jkm.Li. nut little room to nope. should be vry earef ul not to use ear tberr bees which have the seeds Of weed ia them. A (toe rdaats are en the a , . ft, ua..-.- . suoumi reeeiv e a snant say enuawaa or noe manure onee a wesa. sown an . I ft ft Mftft , . ft ft ft ft in. nana. 1 nia manma seouis ue t of a half bushel of sal-ached ashes (. bushel of burned turf) one bushel of pie- uuag oi very b.omposs 4 ashes (or one a ieifsfrom the hen roost aad two er three sllons of liquid from the barn-vard. Stable jaadygjy ' w w&f piwj"" mvmse Wftwy uay"' mtelftl amemy ' it contain more e Ires gram er need seeds. iwouwatsorsenmweua f sasef anlver sed sulphur and sab ta small soaaties. Lot i the whole ef these mixod and, when apphed fromwslituiii. I would in that s quantity of this New OaocaaT Stobb. We that Mrs. L 8. Aldrieh bet Family Orneery at tbe building formerly known as "Phmnfx Hall," on laafas St., just opposite tbe Mansion House, where houae koepcrs say nhtata aB artatlea in her line of business, such as prime Cotfee, Sugar, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Cera Mesl, Candies, Raisin, Nate, fee,, fas. We hope she will receive the patronage which she merits. Tag ClISISTMAH H. ll.I.l I A V S THB Coi.- " was lad too ring the greater part of ths bollidsys. we tasra that they never passed off mere quietly. We hare heard the asuMoava of the colored people sspssially eommsudod. bt Msyor Shaver and othsse. aa being exceed ingly orderly and quiet. We note tbi eon duet oa their part with the utttrost pleasure, aa ma arc ever anxious to do thorn iaasta. --------l-miaw lanmst, m m i ryiTL1 T" !!?" tpiruswd rsnmg of sym wsB tame. to the bW. free I farther rssommoad V mure be rotten to- Kt her early ta the winter, and put away la barrel ready for nse. After your plant havs of not plant 1 mulate moisture during the Bight which U retains until late ta tbe day. Tberearsoth-o-manures that I eould sufcty ritounuial, nt at uh stag tsj its growtfa 1 It 1 er raa ores that I sould safely rsenmmend, but the abovr aewthmed. if jsdiWry ap plied, wiD not only invigorate the growth of the plant, but will prove sammmaawta arrest-in- the rav.g-. of th. fly. Th. ly is s small blaitk Isinrt, sowiuhsl rassuiblliis the sea which delights ta cold, dry , harsh leather, but fassypsav. with ths mlhl showers aad b st dun of opening ssnsuner. If possible tbe plants should stand ta the bed from a half aa inch to aa lash apart, aad if they are too thick thev should be raked by a very carSfal fcsMNKJ - mt- JtwrnrmV' tmr"r' 'trltfr Pfcw'arswmw', ' common rake with iron teeth three er fear inches long, curved at the points tat, and about three-eight of aa lash wide, aaa Ml. -about aa task apart. TTBOnttAJf . caoup cubbiTbt solphcb. The Medical "Oaestte" of Pari stales that of I'aiis, siter "lawrying the t on the odiom of sraps vines. dminrxter H m several esse of the lusmsgatsl of an of water, sad sires a I mixture erery boor. Tueemsst mi wouiterfuL Tbe diseam w uureu ia two oars. ths only symptom rsresining being aaaejfa arising from the peesenre of loo, membtao. in the trachea. Mr. L say be has followsd tbi plan ia mven reus, si being t is. text, in w Bunt was, 1 had but arm brosew. j - ear aaa too wane race. 1 ti on. ' m mn

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