mm FAV SERIES . !irKH or n4 rllM IN AB. Tl ..iv OU SOUTH 8TATK ,.lf. aw I Ml I WEKKLY QUI SOUTH STATE. to. no . n,u. uv,,. 'Jfff iL.-riflio"- V UK YOU A aUm.a r MsgM' 1 K eiia l.itbrlll-ir ml teal I HmiwiJ iek rtt ' WVvk are toft bj th era wttb dee care. HitibsoW fr arrived. , I f itrtlirr eimtrtred Aroongtas flst lteitafswusrr; A. id a pi!nni na muh. I itpo.i may w ags Sat Kancea foe did 1 For tee Wktew distressed There'. cbnnl la ay teeaat For tl Letf aad or4iu ' t ; A ad tpj flora I i-oeld draw, Te msiasala iti pare law WUicb tbe daty ef Baaa reveal Tton hare I rwrea!ed (Vet wisely MUtWV Wind tbe -Free wad Arcd' wall know, I ; r.i or or a ia, W!.o fWtkfcllj Ute A a hratiwr wbaneaf Fromibe-V. V. H. rald. THE PRESIDENT AND THE SC I'KEME COUBT ANI BECON- siRucnoit. Tlie eases expected to come before tbe l uiu d States Supreme Court shortly, in- viilvms tne qnesuon or ine croHniw f Hte Recmistrndion acts are giving r - t i coon nianv aBL-c-umnwn-. vi t7 n all stories protcsamg to unfold what w , be tho decisions of the radge on tin important question arc entirely nnauthor- .1 and based upon the judgments or im aginations of private parties. No one can know in advance what will be tbe cooelu- ... i i u. l.,u i..n r.r tne learneo inuara. juw mm ms oi tne learncw J"B'- " t .1 Lear both des, ind then iheir decisious from the antuments and le tral nreccdent'advanced, making a little I. 1 . e.. l t. .u-. .i..;.t ku. iiuioraucr, oi vnty v , pw. .;ch of the judges. .... Hut this niav bo said, that should the :..J:;.l ,.;...,.,,I ,f ilm land di- ni7TI. UR I II 1 1 'I I n I iiiuiiiiiH " cUr unconstitutional tha action of Con in enact iiu; the rebel Stales out of t lie ITuion, disfranchtsinf wtme voters aim f in ine negro suffrage and African suprc- tairy upon the people of those unhappy district, the course of the executive may hi: (iretty certainly IndicaU-d even at the ennetit nifiinent. 1 he in,ioni, in an rrobabitity. wouli!. in that evept, to proclaim tint the rebel States were never out of the Union, and that, ereo. t . tieoole ( thoae Stale arestiil entitled I to all the' civil rights (se end except property ine'ave enjoyed by them ante rior to the act of eceioii ; that the snb-ordination- of the civil to military autliori iv has been illegal, and must immediately I - abolished ; aud that all the past action u ider the Congressional reconatruetion I -iicy has been null and void. Eollow- ! ; ? . - . "... i - . i a : v i .in nnt in tim natural resun ne wooiu i i ix.' consiaicoi, miw V , eovemor. with their nnmmaiakjrsjli; r l satellites, and perhaps would remove H selnMance of mwnary nnivrl . ..... t. ... .... .1 ..... an i-iyi'Mt to l.aBy to i he preaervarion of law 4i qH Bin view ol the alleged negro iAfRm and the rnppoaed diaeffisitien . dl of many of the White residents. llvvenlif Jukntoh It'twdy Johnson aid to he bnawy en?jr i i a i I I . ... i iu. .L.. i in anoua leaai true me hiox . - it of the reesitsiiiK-ciiwt tiw, Ur ne of hirf.sithern f.nrtts. Warby ajr. I:. .1 In 'fully eAstf a ! riK frES " ' mr Coon nwliina slawt'lnne 'tlMnlli Hull Tfw- I'm litem alsn i-nwi cr iaSVr.'Med hi II.'- mw. n rrdprffi1 hr wV tlii". aoJ-jbe law '. : ;.r in. . .i ir.nn .limn thjt hlute t(f 04erillf 'lie In rlere, aceeptl ihe llioir :e. It is -.. close atten'Jon urd adv . nan to .,i.,( ol the oiril ao .ii .l .l.ns. n i giving HI ihe c- ' nn'V t. -utw.nalilT of Li pr.rtareat e irrisitul.taf IssQtiT . . n :H.dwWS: " to LbbbsW fi.iiteiSvm kw ' ':B Ibx i, ..w.i'.ijH .... . iiiMt r ,S Mm II-wTW JSJJ 1., . ,i :h H Bl ' Mm Hirrc !auH V ii vhesf'tdaB 1 aWTOae went, V Lfy ! I POUT ANT ORDEtt. Hdqb k i i)m Mil. IMbtbict, ( I harlreton, 8. U., Dec. 31, oT j Gcmernl Orders, No. Hi. I. I'aauuaph II o( General Orders Ko. 10, fromMUlnulijiMrttTS of iliu 8 cuil Military Diatriet, datwl April 11, 1867, ia niodifiiil a follow : BO ITS FOB DEBTS. JudjrmnnU or deereea for tbe pay rami of ssoner on caune of action arWing in North 1 Aroliua bt tween the 20 ih of May, lhOl, and tke 80th day of April, 1862, and in South Carolina between the 19th Uay oi Leeber, 1,860, aud the aythd.iv April 186A, aliall not be enforced, or exe cntkw, acninat the peraoa or property of tke defendant. IVneecdings for loch rau ar of action now peudiiic ahnll be stayed, nad no salt or process shall be instituted f-saiiansed on such causes of action until after the civil government of the re- ... a t it t l saaaaa Matra eliall w eaiannanco in ac rdancc with the laws of the United graph III of the same order is n d- tollows : ? sxHCtmoxs. coroner and constables are ted to Ruspead tbe sale of all non execution, or process u- IndsMent or decree of a court of liled ('onfrderato Htatea, or of the North Carolina, renden-d between 84th day of May, 1861, and the or tjon of the; provisional government ut . uuder the Presfclriit's pro- atioa of the 29th day of April, 1S65, the 8tale of South Carolina, render- etween the 19th day of December, c and the organisation of tbe provi Mini government of the said State, un der the 1'ieeidaot' proclamation of tho .'Mib day of June, 1866, unless the writ ten) consent of the defendant be entered of record, and except in eases where the the plaintiff or his attorney, upon oath, npp-'rted by corroboralivo testimony, aballallge that the d fondant is deposing of, removing, or about to remove, his pro perty beyond the jttriadiciioii of the court, with intent to defraud his creditors ; pro rided, that so socb judgment, o rendered, wUhio the periods aforesaid, shall he a bur to tbe commence ment, in u Sute court, of a new nit upon the same cause of ac tion in any case ia which, j L.-., ibe de fendant may remove or appeal the same to a court of tbe Unifed Slate. FouaX'LosraE or moktoaoe. The sale of real or personal property, by forectossuw of mortgage, ia lihcwisu snepended fat the cases embraced in para wrann 11 and 111. of said order No. 10 m i , - . MS aUOTC lUWIIUni, p. in - ' ; . r.iosuhsroncut to the I t . Jl 1 - - - - - - 1 1 . u bIipM Br w 29th of April", 18C5, ,lwll not lmve been to direct the closing bar-room, -ml o. Jto before the day of sale, and .U pre- cr place for the sal. af intoxicating li- kedT ,"ir judgment to prescrea order and qui Pararraph IV of the same order is mod-. et. ifiSbstit.tiugthe29,hd.yf April,! 6. Tlmproceed. of all teen, forfei 1865. for Ik. HriAday of May, 166. jturesand fines, undi-r the Wal mbW ,w ' . !zl . tin.. or under lb-) provisions of miliury an for-ifc recovery of nmnev contract., wkctker under or by parol, the considers lion of wbjcb was ike purchase of l.n e, juade ubsc qntn to the 1st day J January, 1863, are suspendi d, Judgment or decree en tered for swrfa eaasrs of action shall not be enforced. Paraxraph VI I of tho same order is modified as fellows i UOMESTKAHS. Ia all sales of property nuder execution . , . ' ' , ,e . t, ftct dent who has a family dependent upon his or her labor, a sJwelling hose anrt ap- pnrtenancee, and (itifl tt.e emrnTry ) twetrMf, v aerea of land, or so much thereof that tie whole shall not exceed ia value the sum ol two tkoosani dollars j and ia a town or city, the immediate lot upon which sack dweUiifg Itouse is situated and necessary articltilof (furniture, appa rel, subsistence and implements of hus bandry, trade, or other employment to tbe value of five bund red dollSrc. The home stead exemption shall initio only to the b...enJbe benefit ,of families. n other Ce the exemption snsit rwna omy w iug and implement 6f Irade or employ ment usually followed by the drfepdawl, of t lie value of two hundred dollars. The exemption hereby made absJI not be waiv ed ot defeated by the act of any defend ant who ha a family dependent upon him or her Par support, mid tha exempted pro perty shall biiicertained and defiued by tbe sheriff or other officer enforcing the ex ecution, wh.. shall eH " bis aid two im partial citiceus to make he necessary sp praisement, ami shall make report tbtrcof to the court. AKBKST rOB'FBtVPif'tJWT PBBtB. Paragraph X is hereby modified so si to authormo arrest in civil actions ex con tractu ouly In esses where the demand is past due, mid the defendant bo been guil ty oftraud in emitracUnr, the debt sued for. or has removed or disposed of hi pro- . a . .' . :.l I...... a pi rty, or is anout to oo so, who mmn SLsvlaJ Ms ereditnr. or is about to leave tbe State with such mien. BxecvTosa abd tbcstbbu. ft . wir,- ji K. aJKIlnw Paragraph X I is amended by " , irretn All ...any court of orth, w of -oath Can, tna rr- thereto '4i .1. i cognising or sanrfwuing imTlnvostmeait of the fund .af minor heirs, or of females, or aHuome persaas, lu ibj s. c ..ritie of the late rebel government, or the secuntie of the Sute of North Uarwina or ,n Carolina, ereatcd fr lh purpose vi cyrr iug on wsr sgainat tbe (iwvernment of the f asted St-teTwiU U suspewdeal until the af uch mvesv by tho SALISBURY, court of the United f late, or by nation al legislation. And SMthtiig in llis prnvl htns of this, or of the Order No 10 above cried, ball be trcM to bar as has da tha recovery, by anit, or the estate of any mi nor heir, female, or Insane person, (cestui que trust), whether in the hands of execu tors, administrators, trustees, guardians, masters or clerks of equity courts, and other fiduciary ageuts, or invested by them in their fiduciary character. niSTILLEtttn. II. General Orders, No. 1(6, of May W, 1867, is revoked ; and on and after lha first day of January, 1868, tbe distillation of spirituous liquor in this Military Dis trict wiiT be sill ject to Such restriction on ly as art- imposed byjbo law af urn uni ted States sud of the Stales of North and South Carolina, respectively. ..; , BAR-ROOMS. ...Ill, Vrnms vi 'l.v,'fZ erol Orders No. 32, dated May 30 1W7, are revoked, and the power to grant li censes for the sal of spirituous or intoxi cating liquors U remitted to the proper local authorities, to take, effect on and af ter the first day of January, 1868, and to be subject to the following condition : 1. The municipal suthortrtea granting tbe license shall be SMWerabto that the parties to whom such licenses are granted, together with their sureties, shall be re iisihls pjusan. add of good moral standing in the community, and that both principal and sureties shall be sble to qualify individually in double the amount of the bond required, mid that the bond shall be a lien upon the personal property of both principal and sureties, and upon proof of default shall warrant tho sum mary seiaure and sale of so much of tbe property el either or both as may be ne eessary to satisfy the fvifeiiureor fine and casts. t. Drunkenness und disorderaly eon duet on the premises shall woik the for feiture of tbe liciense and of tho penalty rf the bond. 3. The owner or keeper of any bar room, saloon or olhct place a which in toxicating liquors are Sold, and all other perron interested or connected therewith, bail be regarded as principals in any ac tion of damage growing oat of any as sanlt, run, affray or other disorder eceur rng on thO premises, or directly traceable ill. n in 4. All bar-rooms, saloon or, other nlaee at which intoxicatinr liqifwa are old, slwll be dosed on the day or days of . . t I ..t A 1 il... any general or loeai ewcimn, n twelve hour next preceding the opening ....1 i.i ii succeediua- the clush'i: of the .IL at surii election : and the sheriffs of counties and district and the chief of po- . iii lice ol ciiie. and towns, shall have power orders, Wilt he devoted to IE support of the poor, and as som, re-naed w be turned over to the commissioner or over : eer of the poor of the district, county, city or town in which they accrued, and commissioner or overseen r. will ai the end of each month report to the Provost Marshal General oftTie District tbe amount 1 received by them during the month, spec! I tying the names ef the parties from whom ll I'm mei Vlfl. 1 C. The pcnaltie imposed by this order ! or by the local poiieo n-goianou way enforced in any eivil or military court, : .....i iiiioo eonviefion the court may award L jfurwer ,,,, not exceeding fifty , r forfeiture or fine. And (a m;idc tbe duty of alt sbi WWtav bit's and coroners ol counties ana ui tricts, end the police of cities and towns, to be vicilmit in the enforcement of the police regulations and tbe provision of This order m rebvlkw to tbe aato or ititoxt eating liquors. The provisions of tbw paragraph wdl be hchl t apply to such license granted under Of'iieral Orders No. 32. to ion keep- on. s remain uuexuired after the 1st of January, 186S. DISTRICT COCBT8. IV Tn arnaant iht peedy tsasj of prisoners confined for minor offences, and diminish the eost of their maintenance, all committing magistrates will on the 16th and last dsys of each- month, report to .he judge of their county or in-i.ui i-iiort u II commitments made by tnem nt- ing the precceding half month, specifying the date of commitment, the names of I,., i.rismiera and the oftVnces for ihey were committed, to the end tbal the iudees may, whenever In rlirir opinion I... ,,,., I., r of nrisnners or other consid eratlonsof public interest eatl for5 ft, : trot special terms ol their eourts tor iijo pur pose of dipoing of Such easea. The ad ditional exnense of holding- such special term will be a charge upon tbe Hut Treasury, and the accounts therefor wilt I-. ..dit. d and naid as aceouuU of a si- aUaw eliaracter are no W audited and paid, and if I lie salaries now paid Urn judges .tumid he luadeuuate in view of the ad diiioual labor perfirrmed by them. .iiable addition upon the proper repre aoiiable addition uimu the ; ,,lro h ,,, . Qovei - toroug wlU VTiiimi . .i ....... ... ii. mil... Plf-OTAOKf. V. The nilotABe retrnlation now exist- i il... State of North- snd South r irolina are so tar modified that on and th. fir.; dar of March, 1868. all passenger steam vessels, regulstad by tbe law of tbe United State, and carrying . -il ron.inissioued bv United SUtS CommissiBef,absJl bo exempt from the pulsory payment Of pilwUge. N. C, JAIVfARY 17, 18G8. MOBTH OABOLIBA POLL TAX. VI. So much of the act of the Gener al Assembly of the Sute f North oro Iwa, laladid "An act to raise motiKr," ratified on thO Nth day ef FebrOery, 1CC7. aa make it "ibe duty ot all per- nn and corporations to list aud pay the 'nolli tax of such persons lUble to lU same, a are in their employment, on thr lst day or April or each year, aa laupr . . r. , . A -II 1J er, I rcscinoen. 'Ilia uereaiier an nrae vidual taxes will be assesed directly upon and collected directly from tho Individuals from whom they are due i prowled, that the provision of this order shall not ap ply to the taxe levbd for the curreot w . . i .ii -i ii yay eacept tnaii ouutne pou uot be enforced if the original tat be paid on or before the lt day of March, 1868. Br command of Brevet Major Uuamai Du. tt. S. C ABET. Lout V. CauaBO, Aid do Camp, Act'g Aas't Adj't den. OmcuL: Lout V. Caaiare, A. 1. C, A. A. OeneraL iy IV following aie tbe paragraphs of General Order No. 10 referred to in, and modified by the foregoing order : I. imprisonment lor ucut is pronioum, miles tbe defendant in execution shall be convicted of a fraudulent concealment or disposition ef hi property, with intent to hinder, delay and prevent the creditor in the rover ef hi debt or demand. And ,l,e reeedtng. now esUOluii lu onn , . .Tl-LTTr Lt. o. I trial af and determination of such ques tion may be adowd II. Judgmenu or decrees, for tbe pay ment af money, on causes of action arising between the 19ib of December, i860, ana the lfftb of May, 1866, shall not be en forced by execution again! the proiierty or the nerson of the defendant. Proeeed-'l ing in seek eauae of action, now pend ing, shall bo stayed ; and no suit or pro cess shall be hereafter instituted or com mon red, tor any uch cause of action. III. Sheriffs, Coroner, aud Constables, are tsereby dirvcted to suspend for twtlve calendar months the sale of all property, upon execuiiou or process, on liabilities r.Hitrarted nr'wr to the 19th of December IfOJO, unb-ss upon the written consent of the defendauU, except in case where tbe nlaiiitiff. or in his absence bis sgrot or at torney, dull upon oaf b, with eoruborutive u.tlony. all.;- ..Ml 9"? RWfcua m rawing . . leufly to remove, hi property beyutid J he territorial jurisdiction of the Court. Tke sale of real or personal property by fore closure of mortgage is like ie suspended tor twelve calender meatus, exe. pt ia Ca ere where the payment ef interest money, arcrulusT since the 15th day of My, S- 65, h..l not have keen made iK-for. dav of sale. B I I i . B IV. JudgmenU or decrees entered or enrolled, on cause of action arising ub seqaenl to tbe lotb day ef May, may beeuforcid by execu ion against the property of tbe defendant ; and in the np plication of the money arising undc such execution, regard shall be had to the pri ority of Hen nule-in case where the good faith of auv lien shall he drawn in que- lion In such eaeatho usual mono ot; Droccediuz adopted ia North und South - y. a . rmi Carolina, rospretively. to determine tbat! aneation. shall be auouted VII. In all sales of property Ender ex eeutinnorbr order of any court, there hall ba reae ved oil of the property ef any defendant, who has a family depend ent UDon his or her labor, a dwelling house and appurtenance and twenty acre of land for tin; use ami occupwiiou o ine family of the defendant i and accessary article of furniture, apparel, subsistence, implement of trade, husbandry or ether r , : , , . - j TfrTSj.'; tJT Zil iZdl Wm ftd tomenewi I. - . I.. . .1... I K . f fa alllaaaa tlamt 19 IO a aa ay, to parent or parent ana or children. In other ease, child tbe exemption shall extend only to cloth tngi impfesaeitts of fde or otber Winy ment usually followed by tbe defendant, of tke value of on huiidre.l dollars. Tbe exemption hereby Saadc shall not be wal ved or defeated by tbe act ef the defend ant. The exempted property of the de fendant shall bo ascertained by tbe Sher iff, or other officer enforcing the execution who shall spec'tleally describe the same and make a report thereof in each case to ihe court. -i i X. Iu suits brought to recover ordinary ilebu, known a actions e contractu, bail aa ! ere tof. .re an! hot i ted, shall nK by tbe suitor, nor taken by tbe Sheriff or other officer Or i tug the proee. In sou Tor tres pass, libel, wrongful mtverroe uf properly, and otber cases known a actions ex delicto, bail a heretofore ntrHwiaed may be ilefriaiidt-a laji.l l.tkeo. 1 lie pfoniiuuon oi m m vre fSonlractu, shall not extend lo parlies about to leave ihe State ; but the fact ol mtsoUon mutt I m. clear! ealatJUaal bV nroal m j J oi i XVI. Notiiinff is i this older' shstl be con Irued lo restrain or nrevcut tlie operation proceedings in hankruptf y, m acoordsnee Willi i in act of Congrem io such case made ami provided, nor with the oolteciien ot any isx. impost, exeiee, or charge levied by Utlnwtiy Uf the riitl.d!Bitrs0rof fire fVOve-wiraM Urn ernniouH of N.lh and rioulh 3arolin; Put no iuiprisoOmeui lor overdue lxe hll be allow ed. Nor shall this order or iiy law of the I'rovrsiotial Governments sT North or SoolB Carolina operate-to deny lo minor childrou. or clnWren ooming ot age. or thwr le;al repre sentative, n to suspend as to them, any rti;ht of action, remedy, or proceeding, against Kx eeolvra, Adminislralora, Traatoea, tlowta, Master or Ciarka of Eo,oUy Courts or other officer or person holding a fiduciary relalioti to tbe parties or the Subject matter of the ac tion or proceeding. 'cnns'tixiHut JstjUlatnr.K HartMmrg, Jaa. B.-40 tl- latgislature tl.i mtfIm uWa were Iwo ballot the caocu. aaadidales receiving 45 vote each. Scaumiag eight. . IIsmU OOVKUNMKNT KKI.IM FOU T1IK SOI Til. Tl. r; .ul mnniia of Oaueral Ilan- T SVMl i-. Ord. (idlem sua rertard io the irreut destitution exUtu.g thrnngliottt the South, is exlclting a pro per degree of concern In Washington. These n porU have boon submitted bv QeaWtd Uowaid to Geueral Canby, with the request that they lm called to the im mediate attention of thu President and l.'ougnss, with a view to some thOvOugk aud practical mode ef relief. Our lufur msiiou lead us to believe that tbe Pn i dpal will, within a very few day, lay the reimrU before Congreas, whh a spe- tufic pku of acMMil, hut rtjominentliiigl immediate and ufficient relief to meet tuc wide-spread and mcroaaiag detilutii.ii and Ruffermg in th Southern SulW. The hading citizens of Charleston have taken this subject under special sou ideration, aud is order to give practical fleet to their view, ene of th. ir numm-r has gone to Washington to place before the authorities tbe appalling facto of Southern necessities and their plan to relieve them. This gentleman, we learn from the Charleston papers, ha submit ted three- plans of relief i 1. That Cougreee should authorise a loan ef i30,000,UOO, to be lent in small sums to ncccitou planters ; the loan te bear iuterest and a lien upon tho crops of line mo rowers : inciuan hi the loan to be OtKtnbnten i.oet ef approved po.i and stoudiug. 8. That the Government snouiu iena the Southern people e amount equal to the gros amount ol revenue already received by tho United Sutcs from lin ed ton tax ; the loan to be secured, issued and distributed as under the first plan. 3. That the Uhited State Government should sell the gold lu the National Treasury, In exees of the sum required to meet current demands, and lend the premium realised bjrite sab to tbe South, upon terms aud ia tbe maimer before named The President, Gerreral Grant, Chief Jnstice Chase, Senator Harlsni of Iowa, and General Howard, all express them k -Ives a warmly favoring aome measure for the relief of tho sufferieg people of this section, and General Grant aaid he wouIJ, a teretsry of r, submit to Congress communication earnestly re- eouimen din g one of the abov plan. fWawwa Hancock end Ord reeoas- mc-.i the reimiring ol tbe levee of Mhv isvippi by iment, worm r to reclitim many valuable eataTes HOW io r ins aud to give employmmit to many thousands ol freedmeu, now wiihont la bor or meAii. who must either sob or starve, n'nles employed or assisted bV the -w- " - -i B lief in that psrticnlar section or tin-South. We shall look forward with deep anxi ety to the action of tke President and the, legislation of UonglTM upon thi enelien. They are lu possession of all ibe facts and know full well the necessiti.- of the South. Without aid from some quarter, this aectiott i ruined beyond present re demption, and with iu downfall the pros prvttYefiho Nortli iteo-ltle -Fam frank to av." said Senator a v. Snrawne. of Rhode I -laud, in bu recent spreeltlH the Seriate, "that the market ot Uie South is as indispensable to our pro- peril y a our prosperity i necessary to our existence. ' That market is uow de- troved. The rami.' body wincu nas ciii ck- td Southern incustry, tasl Southern producliona and demoralised SouUiern laborers, can now do Something to restore this market, and a our btlpless condition is rapidly dragging tbe prosperous North iuto the same proslratiwi, we may hope lor Hie inawgnraiioii v...w ..v..w possibly Ubyr-I, measure or relietl witmtigtdh Journal. W for the inauguration of some practical, "leaf We kve boeufevored by Col. Bom ford with tbe fellowiug circular which we publish for the lu-nefit of all concerned i Hii'or-h. Mitt Poor ok itAi.Kutit, Ilaleifh, N. U ,Jun. 7,.18v8. f Circular : In compliance with instruction receiv ed, from Headquarter Second Military Dislricf, dated ChnrletoB, S. 0., January 3d, 1866, I have tbe honor to inform all Birwu concerned that surplus copies of eneral Order No. 186, Headquarters Si-crmd MiliUry District, arc on file in Ibis office for distributiou. Ueneral Or der No 165, Headquarters Second Mili Ury District, consiitutes theeertitkatc of election to tlie respective delegate to tbe Stale Convention, ordered to convene lo Raleigh, N. 0 , on the fourteenth inst. AuyNdelegsfe who have not been furnish i d witli a copy nf ihe order referred to, l1f ZJll wl tbeaa TlcndniiartcrS and be fnrnUhjHl with ml otlcfol copy sf tW ay. ' der. By o.der of tel. J.Y. Bonilotds J : ii.... 'ii tv.,r. iia.m.. a. " mwH 1st Lt. 8 bU.S.lMfy.. Bvi. Maj. Dfficial : Post A.ljuUnt. CtrtllNO Kit'TH. Th. Wllmiinriou (11) (hmmereial, of last week. y the extent lo which the fann ing communities iu many of the Northern riUtes are moving to more genial eUmates and mi easier tilled sod is hardly gen erally know. Ou.f of our real estate agent iu IfHinliigton inform ua that he now baa o ti'.e aptiliriltiona ami enquiries from uo less'tlimi three hundred parties In refereneo to Uvula 1st aide ou tbe Houiusula TK 'write fiotn all tho New Elurlund Stales. New York. PeMiisyrrania, OtiSr, aid State further West, while one geutleinaa write from Tenn.sse. M1 of ilm tiartie OS dire leto severs elimate. with borter winters- ' . - m. . . Tliese t Wo lihes that look so solemn. Were jutt plauad hereto fill th columo. IlOl'tt AND MKMOftT. A lillla baby lay la the cradle snd Hope cams and kissed it When its norse rave it a cake, Ht promised soothe' to miwtfiw; wlsro ii yinng wster brought s Itiwer. ovet wide it ulsonedlU winir sod crowd. lliira-loM ft . hrijiliter one whk Il would jralhur lor ilselt The babe grew lo a child, and anolla-r frasud came andifl i. H."r naiue wa Memory. Sim -a.d, 'Look behind the.: aud kit ore Ut i lion s ." The oliild aofwered. "1 see a little bock. And Memory smd, "I will teach tlire to gel honey from ihe b.a.k tbal a ill be w at lo the when thoo art of't" Tb cbiM tacame a youth. Oisv wlnm he waul to la lied, dlope and Memory stood hy Ilia pillow, flop sang a melooioos aong au.i m-A, a ma,, ami avm-y murmug . liniu shall aw ake with a smile, at tbe pretty lay I une thee." ' But Memory sM, "Hope, is there any n. . that we should oontatid Ife shall be mine a well a thin.-; and wo shall Uu to him a sui ter all hi hfe Umg." (to hetrtauK Ifone anal Mo., nana was baktved of them both. Whilst he fcpt peaoe fuHv. tliey sat by hi side, Weaving rainbow tissues into dream. Wheo he awoke, they yarns with the lark, to bid good mot mug, sou hegsva skaad to each lie became a man. Every day Hope guided him to bis labor, and every night lie supped .. irli Vli-oiorv at the Uble of kao wledee. But st length Agefouudhim; btoradH temples gray To lib sy the world seemed hered. Memory at by his elbow phair, tike o old and tried friend. He looked at her se riously snd ssld, nnl thou not tort something that I entrusted to tlise?" And ba answered, "I fear so; for tbe lock of my casket is worn. Sometimes 1 am weary and sleepy, and time purloins my key. Bat the gem that thou did l giro tne when life was new I can aoeoum for ail as bow bright ihey an-!' ' while tliey tbu sadly conversed, Hope put fort b a wing tbat she had worn, folded under her garment and tried hs strength in a heevea ward flight. The old man laid down to die, snd when the Soul went forth from tbe body, the angels took it : ami Memory walked with it through the open gate of Heaven. But Hope lay down at the ihieshoM, sad (fealty expired as a rose giv eth out her last odots. Her psrtiog tigb was like lbs music of a ss rph'sbap. She breathed it iuto a glorious lonn. and raid : ' Immortal hanpinem I I bring tbee a soul tbal I nave led through the world. It i thine uow sioos Jesus bath redeemed it. Jfes. Si sernsjr. Adeertiainy The New York TVft has the following upon the value of adver tising, and every practical business man will confirm what it says of the present tele of busiuess : Prudence and econo my, of course, are Ibe two great lesson to b; lined ; but there U one part ef il.ese lesMoa wlrklt i dull time is espe cially apt to be forgotten. BiUnre of thing j whatever you have to eHr-Wt?e are many people ready to buy, eye iu the mot depressed season. Find them out; show them your wares; punua-'e ihem to buy of you rather than number. When buyers are reluctant sellet s mast bo active. It it neither cheap nor sensi ble to sit still behind your counter Bad whit for the bustle of trade to revive. When business is dull, that ia toe very time to advertise Iu the first place, tbat I wieo jroti B5aWJatf"W advcnlse ; Bod in the second, that is when people devote most time to readhig the newspaper, and when your advertisement consequently is most generally seen. A few dollars thu invested will do more to revive nalaggtsb business than anything else in tbe world." Mariny The New York Timet 1 earns through correspondenU in variou part of the cotton Sutcs that very considera ble numbers of people are moving away from there to the North, and still larger numbers are preparing to move sway in the stirine-. The idea has taken firm pos session of tbe minds of the people of the cotton State that their section is destined to ruiu, poverty, and negro supremacy in ih future, and they complain that their hope of better time have at lat left ikmWtstsssr------ ssagsssg We would call the attention of our Southern friend who nre now seeking tie w hoities to Virginia, f tor trouble here are very transient. Here tlie re need be no want, and can be no conflict of races. Here they will find cheap and productive lands, a climate the! suit them, congenial society and a warm welcome. Many ef them have Virginia blood iu their veins, and ihey will eomc to u like long absent kindred returning home, 'I he old mother State will 'akc them to her bosom the more affectionately for their misfortunes. Iel i hem come Hick. Whig. RK0ON3TUCTION IN L0CISIAN V. i ' Nw OttiXASS. -lan. . The following order ha just been sraW gted;t j ' aaVllsVBV iTB.MltmBVnfSTSWV. ,l New U. leans, Jan. 1, lSod. f A' I. , Apptteailons have been made si these .head iinsiters imiilyiiig the exiOna?--f an a'la'trary ..irttortty in ne eiWaamtmg.OeirmtMOia purely civil ouulroveraie. Ihie peti i'tKr c licit lhi action, another that, and each refers to tome speeail consnleralton ol'graov or favor, whwh he upp.e to en'1, ami which stuaikl iuCianoe Ihw Uepnrfoent. Itte aomner sueh ppbeation, awl lite wate ol time they inrolre, make it rseaessaiy to di :e-e that ihe itilnitnl-lrali m ol eiVil justice at-p rtaum lo the regular court. The rrgtiis of litigranta tio uol ilepi iid oo the iiw of Urn 0 nend They .e to be adjiatged and clth d aooffinc to tbe aws. Aibitrary power, such a lit has been urged to aasame, ba UO ex ens berw It not fbuml in list law ot !..Mii-tna or T' S-. 1 1 oanuut be uerfredfrom any act or art of Congress. It t reStraineil by a CousWuiion, and prohibited from action in many partkis ularx. Tho Major -fienaral commanding .takes oc- VOL. I, NO. 2 e.i-ion to repot I that, while di-elaiinmg judicial function in civil rases, he can ufler no forci ht reti-lanoc to the execution of processes of lbs Court, By command of Mai Oen. Hancock : L. HAbTSLFs. A. A. 0." FBOM AUGUSTA. Ai'uubts, (ia., Jan. 8 P. M. Tbe committee appelated by tbe Ma con Conservative 8tato Convention have issued an address to the people of Geo gia and tbe United States, setting forth that since the termination of tlie war tbe people have complied in good faith with all the legitimate requirements ef tke Government, and have earoetly worked for the reiteration of the State to It. Con stitutional rigbu in the Union. Tbe ad dress enumerate grievance suffered by the people from Congressional legislation in tke enactment and enforcement of tbe military bills. If appeals to tbe people of Georgia to organise for R'lf-proteetioii and ceaseless opposition to negro supre macy, and to Northern people to come to their rescue and unite with tbem in tbe patriotic effort to restore and perpetuate constitutional government. The address is signed by ex-Go v. Johnson, Benjamin II. Hill, and thice others. Conqrxu. Washington. Jan. 9. Senste Memorkdt wore presented, asking for relief for the freed men in tbe District, for female suffrage in the District, an I enofrom 6,000 hand loom opera tive, asking for exemption rr an taxation, A petition from lb Alabama Convention, praying tlie removal of Governor Pattoo's po litical diesbiUties, was presented. Mr. Morton called op bis resolution, instruct ing the Judiciary Committee to report Bluff abrogating tbe existing Governments in tbe rebel Stales snd providing proper Government in lieu thereof. Mr. Frelinghuyscn moved to amend, so as to make tbe reporting of the bill dis cretionary with tbe Judiciary Committee. Mr. Morton desired to teat tbe sense of the Senate, directly, upon tbe question. It was high time that Congress had de fined iu position. To bis mind, tbe state ol affairs, now existing in these rebel communities, had never been more alarm ing. Congress had, on tbe 2d. of March, declared the existing governmenu iu those Sutes as illegal and not affording proper security for life and property j and at that time Congress had piovided mili Urv supervision, until sueh time a loyal Svernments could bo established. To y, tbe miliury authority, whicb they had set up, was obstructing the proper operation of the law, iu some of those Sutes, und upholding the -existing illegal rovernments. fMr. M. here sent to the desk" SeeretoyntartttOiUrcb (aaMr be read, and also the order." -fir vten. Hancock, in which the civil authority is declared supreme, It would bo seen tbat Gen. Hancock, in thl order, not only defied the power of Congress, but actually nullified aud re Infused to execute iu law. A General Hancock has confronted directly the Con grcis, it becomes a question as to which side will submit. He recognises the at thority of the civil tribanals, orgmibcd by the very State governments which Con gress has declared to be illegal. There was danger that tbe work of recon struction wouldlrsil by the very military power which they had raised up to forward it. At this crisis, it wss incumbent on Congreas to be una and consistent to itself and prooaed to ab rogate these Governmenu. If the amendment of Mr. Frelinghovseo vrai" adopted it would mean nothing. He (11 ) want ed a peremptory order to this Committee to bring iu a bill immediately, and be desired thi Senate to so order. Mr. Frelinghuysen mid that he only thought it right that some confidence should oe ptaoaa in the judgment of tbe Committee. The further consideration postponed. Houe. Tbe bill asking for th release of Father lIcMahan, and several other Fenian, ami tke IteamMrwr turn Policy. Senator Wilson has written a long nication which appears in the New York lode-s pendent, recomiiienumg tne nominanoa am General Grant for th next Preside. We) quote from it tbe unto wing: "To the recorartruction policy of OowgSSSa-d the vital aad eveithadowrna issue of (he day- General Grant gave hi earnest ipporl, are' tuts zealously Kriveu to carry the legislak, Congre into effect. Cm the rraintiefiov policy General Grant baa oe-n snd now is IU aceonV with Congress and thu iV ublican par ty. So anxious wa be to hare i!at pobey carrte.1 into effect that he urgently preaac-tl up on member ot Congress the vital nuportatno f so ariangiug tha ailjournmeut as to be aide to m-t at any time, should the needs of the country rcO'iir it." happsars from tkeyn.that. General Orapt U aa Radical a She most Radical, and tuny etutorses the reconsfruolioh rawicy of Congre-, with all its attendant evils snd disasters to lb country. This is nrxi in gross error tad wrong m int Bsnend endorsement of Uw ioUmooa Sunlen. -Vut JfUUiftitctr. , Treatnu ni of th' Aycd. A little, tbottghiftil attention, how happy it makes the otol Th-y hare outlived moat of thefriemts of tler early youilu Ho w lonely their hoorsl Glten their partners ia Me have long tilled their sdeul gi avert; often their Chil dren they tiave lo tlie kxub. They stand sulitary, bemlingon tbe staff, waiting lA i Ihe same call hU reaott lie m. UOW I HZ ' thev must think of absent lamented I l the love which chetitte.l them, and the team oisympslhy tint leu with titers, nowatlguael ! Wiiy sliouM net the e'fng around an t comfort them, eEeeruig Ibc f gbottj wlmsOUg. aud happy passed. ' .aii... h i 0ener4f&TVt lAeoU

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