. kfiV SERIES. ir it TEH OP OTBClimON. XI L ATCHMAN OLD MOTTU STATE lre7 , OmTmt, atai WEEKLY OLD NOBTH STATE. ea.eo . t.OB Ita Neath. . net MARX E8TON, IBM 1 ' Bwkrlor. y. MB 'M f rem very pal. lutwnAU treated a ftonui oar honored Clay', and wa fcv tk famf f ttomu. t u Mm, tuat u uke. many WO M afar!, in at . eUace and aw tktMSk tb pie into the Um. To my antiwry uf EIIb, m M wb ttto TtxgrT wna, ah Iju 'ftitwlv rcnlted. "ahe knew a. mncb .m btoW antt- ef Ml M H rao.m i W creet Ellie'a and hah id mr tO U M Mark Krteu. Year had ad M,. Bar had meta long MOW tber had played IcayefaWia childhood heated the early fcwrriea, heaped Bp the tiny (,vr.aid in the Mod aoead the mjbo hoajeatoad, or taarother hoarded the not f.K the coming winter She had married r-Jy , l,fe, and luaC faft Um. home of her yomh, bad kmawa oa aoch of joy and orrow m ia naoaUr fattrmixed fa a Miot midway tuikra in life. Be bad remained A.oadtJM.Ja.J..,ia.ia worhl. But reader, there waa a reaaon for hi do- .--.n.J -.j.- " K'aMaadhdaW aI -.mat aaa, aa&aa bow mm m I lug ao, palpalilv puilf mj warOTw, ana w nVtently weighty fa Am Jamgmret to jaati fr hi. remaintog afaoe, aU afaoe in Wo I it w . ar other cannot view it fa the eaaM lt-0'ht, or eonaider that roMOn a very whhav aiealone. Yet wo UUeve ha we eoadid, It Truth may he eoo.idered the oftapring of i. ir u tneM. Nature baa wot formed a ali alike it ia well all do not tba aame faatidioaa Ut. all do OOt with the mom eye. But let a add, each knowcth hi own dilikea or famfareocee beat, aad every heart mm bat know Be own sorrow. 4i ia our parpoee to tell yoa thia winter cVeaiaf the reaaon, mm prwi u kyCoaatn Mark Eaion, why ho remained a Wbefar. It, Rt atom e bad bet" "B "fl A cldTV K bin. "H UfMd mnVh- iudi MMNM, K 'n Anm mL m,i,ia ri Hmtm Km ami mnel K ml Tun Eawfl Pod do Pfl PnTwantfag band EmVTlreW mutoatk thi. email manna j 3 ammj ii sfflis I - flB BMC 11' had been wit oa Mverai oaya . ' , . he mmU tba rerelatfan. Wa had --tber t wm Um pure 'eneMlhe . . i .,..1 A L;njJ,.nubiB and the rich eatot of th cheek. II. Kd been with ua Mveral day warn vorcd by tnndry Uttfa atteauo. and kind-' completion muow w--em to remove an v foelfag oar irlaen I anr I wm nt in a mood to .ptworiate aem to remove any . a . t ' : 1 A mmMmmm iucouvcraatiowatleMi. Wawrldtr ing at the dining table, KIIm, he nnor. t-ouria Kton aud I. Mr. Kay nan mi o. to enjoy Uw meal M long m we plea ed and bad gone to hi tore. Tire elder mem her were eon venting of the day a tar ia the put, while Ellie audi were delight, ed iMiawer. Mr. . May naked rather abraptly aad with a mhihlivm arnUe. "Why Mark did yoa lira a bachelor f I Med to think when we wcr children yonr be.rt wm ward and yoa were aMeptiblc of the bemitdal,'- V. were ralb'er amoaed to M IB er- neit look hi face pot on tad laughed aloud , wheM he anawcred, "I won't deny Gertrude, I hare fared for mire than; meat men, and .till lovo an ide faM 7 It aeemed i oJd, a of hi ge talk- ;.g '.I the tender nder paario, but we ought f rrotlcu" Iw twrid not tofgid not to hu younger day If cootinotd, "1 (oroctittea teB my friend rem ' cence. of my eaily lifo, anal Male the rvaaoo of my fonebnea In Wfe and ! ffVHQtn Hf) true ffamMf. Ughcd tt for my mttna tlmn I btve received, Wc plead for a ttulpronuring hpne. ible u grant the fatter, if he wm not to " la tM anmmar of lft-r. whan fa my teutietb year, 1 attended a Camp Mtetfag at l Ta nnvmber, Ger- trude. what a vaat rnmner of neapte rrom .il qnarmra-for and -r-yeariy Mm- !! ' rrLdv'. -bo. I i n I ' litre. Uat a tow day. B a aioou Lrr ' .V.e 11a L,k., nfi.nrrd ibe eMn. ITjmSnlVJSmm y agT hidi that ntmM.rr- llalkar dainty foot up hi ngnl thxtrn brighteMd by Tbnaj. Jf now miry aw " ' n i j,ma mammmmmw tjt e ky. Loa ammnnn BanKdaV aThl 'nBfcV Pmw ly remain, trev with aa. nd OflMWMl binnche. often with mneV wkoM biV I nUtlMnwl la ikdh nIw 1mbbMj J Walk Wllilll tarn M, MM um UmmiU or new-born iouit Mot a mum at the altar remafa or tba fear row of tent. Tot mom now living eaa recall tba wheat Mono vividly to anknC Hairy now angel, nwthink, would lore 10 linger bare, if the pirita of the depart ed Tint thM mundane ahotea of oar. It wm on a Sabbath mominr In Antumn, ma a .. a " gnrgMU with beauty, that I rriv d on liha gtooad. lfctriiitBijr ko b j reiu a limb amid aaaaaharof other ajoigUng prayer and tngtng. Thaprajrera wore fjBjrvent, Ike by nana were Ming nk ipmt ana IM Bn-toaT noaiea apwara on me baltuj morning air, with holy lucenae. The irreverent there could not but hare partaken of a tpirit of reverence t hat k r in ad to pervade Um entire aaMatbly, and uo woaider thO ataaer ( learned to pray Tba MTV iota did net hut vary long after 1 had taken ay eat, bat aa I waa eom fcrtaUy liiaated, I reaaed Mated thro' an Intermiaawa of an half hour, a many did whoa the. eleven o'clock eermon be gam. The Eev. Mr. L , a man of . 1 M - - 1 eloquence and a noted revivaliat, waa to Uua aermoa. 1 waitea wim aomo M 1 bad never Urn ao fortu- to bear him. I waa watching the of people eomiag hi mm v- direetiou. Sboald doabtltaa have engaged tir aometbing better and for k I Lav been nnnhnSed with a life- .nniehedwitb a IhV any pretty face, came oaly one, eogag- d I can ace it u w, I of aolUude. Man the aiale, but one, i after attention. have mob it ajl tnroagn uie. aiki i what a lovely form, ahamiar bat not thin, and of a medium height. CJ-d ia a nul ling gray ilk, with laee fritlinga tupe- . " . .1 ft f A 1 .1. teuura ia tba neck of Lernouice ana lathe email gray kid rlovea hand alie eUaped a cildl hymn-hook and the prcttieetof French las. Gracefully be oaaaa up tbaaitja, but not iu a awetp mg train, and eat dawn eppaatta to me. Bet boaaat waa M kera,mg tao ; not w of Dow-a-day of two atrawa, tied with two ribbon and heaped) aw with flower ofcvcryfaN j bot-oue fciiie, ne your to wear, large enough to pro tect a fair face eomewhat from unbiue and freckle.. It waa of enowy wWtenoM, wy wbttenaM, of .ilk I w-fcrtb W trfafaMd traA wreath of pink rubaafa,tk irfalitliug of the mow, acai "Jty Bmam rfak ribbon tied beneath a mktchleM chta. U'm't yon think mt niemarr good to re mete hr ali tkeaa minor paenU after a Upe of than Ikirtv Vear. But the f ice. more r ri in he plaia ahooJd I live a aaaatary. Ike tmk braided dark hair wa. ported neatly em the whit high forehead, then brought entirely over the com. eo. truting well with cheek, alt aglow with bealib and beauty. The boo wm well ahaped and Npa that rivaled carmine fa befahUMM, where a .mile wm alway larking and dimpling 0 eAeefc, aoehe tHlhai&ii kor mmmA, kriagfaf milfaTokiamBW.llMrf aw and h wa. approaching fair, awoet womanhood. Mo wonder I thought of angel, with her Bear me, and the mnic ofHeaven, when her tongue took up Ike arfady at-ahyoM.'' . " Yoa are all .mil log at my entham; pjMjM don't forget year nroawa.' -WcU, I wm charmed .aaMyaod, pro bably it wm a delation, bat I never wirh to mo an angel' face more beaut ifnl, than then Edith Caraon Mfneared t bm Alone, it wm not the glteay hair, or the velvet cheek, or the earmfae lipa, or the deep bine eye, it wm the whole taken to ken together that formed the be.aly and harmony rf that face, amd (ivatad my at- tentien. Dot tf any cnarm ooiwmnr tttadb mta.nnWnfl, WUtm K MM. a tmt.wu down to an earthly idol. Try I did. to it rBnavRgmhflPWwlW. TtT.1 wj ..... W--- my attention, bt affaner far wm my gM SdBk:r(ace than that of the diVK.e. Fearing alto would think me rwde, I tarn ed from her and covered my clfM with my baud and again tried . to fiten. But oneooMioo.ly the hand wm removed and I wu looking into her fa. 1 ought her eyM and a bToeh oo deep to be miatahen faoontod her temple. Service again cloeed for at) iolermUaion. 8 lie arm to go, and I onpereeiveii folloned afar off.-- mw ka enter a lent, and 1 proceeded to a Mend earrfa-. whr. bd inrilrd me to Hon from Ma b.ket. My frlunna ndtfaad bow abtracted 1 wm fa thought, and at tributed it to pungency of eoiweieoce or holier thoogbt. They were load in their prai.ee of the dieeonrae. Iu deep reeearcb Lad mnTnldTd new wonder, forcing cou vietion, and it eeemed iu melting palhoa u.a tnA iu war to ever heart, yet I .fattimil.. Tliaiig If faiTljpji Uli h.rdencd. In the everang again I -Jm nM th charmer, again watching th play of etprtaaioii on th beaatlfnl foe and oace aaia OaOgbt the gfane of the blue eye 1 found by faqdlry that the waa a atr-n- Ho tU Mhbeood W" f a widowed anther trod uc Hon. but with my other Mrengi- cot. duct of that day, I did not Mk or wfai ij. mw bar ton vc th atnmr naw w. W I I fla-aatlsr ahameBaaaattapmmmj wjmaw Bmmmevmmnm mmm i SALISBURY, wiiii ap laniOT imo awr. ww vv' ( . I v : ' iL. J - m 1 ...... aliaanta wore aaalieauivd and Ui i drtva aa wm nivaa to lha negro the box. The gentleman bowed and IdrnM n-lnelantJv awaV. I diUked him Hlchard Hemum from oho maanH lj mmw Um aaat ihaadkl hi a mil imrtkn- i (ally diaarreaable aud hi face UK)reiivn at Lw pnnniur. If an aeeruted lover I knew not, but I believe I aim.? hntad the atronger and I believe I waa aalpknaj tin iton fHit. waa Mine. I eared wot,, tolly hmv rn lliat day' b ifV Ihedi May hnW. t mouniea my noreo ana mefo abiwly away, but by far lea in a ebaerlal mood than I came in the morn- tog. Ye, I had loat my Inrt. TboM ! that have bwu in a like ahnation, cannot 1 kuow what it meant wUh me, W I hW itl tor a life tiap. A Mraagc haneHnOM came , over mv then, my eowl anlorod a aliadow, And nur aual (Wan .-t that akadow, Shall ba Hl.d. -nrrm.e - IM wot a amlllm) At bom at fact I arrived aud cava my borae to a bov. and omceeded to lln- dm- in room. I t'uuud oar rather nnmerom - J w m family aaaembled around tberappi r table. I look my aaat and endeavored to be the gayeat of the gay, to kake aof UM day dream, and t drephm myaelf Hr my fal Iv. 1 wibed 1 had not gone in the morn ing to the camp meeting, or that 1 had not have bean awe a fwol awd nowdmod if aome of oar ui irhhor had ot okoervi d my diatrMiiaa. For at that ago 1 waa afawalarly baahtoi aad had at ll' 1 1 I rf of T .O ' , .a , being hmaed. Hoped my elder brother would sever hear -d' it, or father. 1 ar gued, eon Id iM.t yuaag man of twenty ae a pretty face, a mot pretty owe, with out falling fa love. What f ah mat beacttlnl, there wa. no i Btwtdr., what wawM a y email meank do with w that had been cradled m bear.iitttl, there wa no n"4 of iaMaiiy iff, rwprciaily an aaiuano. i amid ut fort one. I wm hot wrahfcy, T tanT diit own a large ulantatiow mid a More ot ve, and an mi probably for tkm there waa an imuamahli golf t go alone fa my room that night I detdr mined to outlive the anhappy pnMton, and to forget 1 had ever aeeu kdtik tJar Kn Day went on I thrnaght of tier and decanted of hwam.iat nightly, alway appearing I my dream m 1 raw her clad in the gray ailk, tba dark fang hair aof lly briidvd and the bright foe hoKmiug with a entile Try M I would 1 could nor rid myaelf of t be infatuation. Hhen aione, her mtxrr Wa rvor proMoi, ai itiy. out ofpaiienM with my If I raawtved lo u w. - r- wmlBte. it- n raw ! .Vn CIWe Hp W mvmmmm . . or pleaaed my then fa.tiduiua mate. Face I h id nn though' pretty, now cumd bom-ly or quite winunnn. But it waa tu tu th aocieiy of Bty own MI 1 went wiM rnde yg men, who delighted fa nothing o much m iu miduiglit anpper., V . .. ... m t . l good Ctnwr ami himniy. i nau ueauy cheated rnyeeff into the belief tbat t wm returning to rraennand forgetting my fir.t fa, if 1 did dream ot her after midnight nmHime. But one evening havmg by chance met a number f y gay ampn far) nt a annuity turn I wad ooJoMty pjdcau object of ridicule. A young man eatrd near m by thaatavc, after pro- nt m tow aroonda. that will ..A.,. ,n. ! tkw iuaawrnnnnWamna4n annua ta a town wiawwi iur wi mt " Say. Mark" Eaton, bar you got over yonr dietemperT" - What d idem per .h-1" I naked in won der - Why, I hear yaw caaght the d ttem per at the ramp-meeting at 1 , and have been wnfulty rich ever faee." " AH aeeming to auderatond the joke, joltied into an nprorioM lauph. Thia wm fan bad. My eoler brightened, I knew not what reply I mad. My tormentor continued, I teHyea Mark, Mia Edith Canon fa kmintnmi, bat it ia no nan going dfa tracted abaut it. Some of ua more bai.d aoiue fellow mtend diapntfag your claim to th prion, far we r aw you watching her Hkea hawkdoeaa ebieken before. awiMip." "I waa indignantly angry Added to my own dkwvmiiare my hoarded aecret being known, 1 did nt a to - hear ibe, name that 1 revered bov all oih-ra, and poke only in anft ton., duamid fan a j, ut, i make .port for boy and rode men. 1 felt a. if I could have airuck tlm raaul uhmj lect, bat to bnve .hown any rvaant rnent wontd have ubfaeted myaelf to fur ther ridieale and eel fad tortb great BV-rri-ment al my expaoae. So I concealed fay diapbaaaie and mortiliiaiion M beet 1 could and Tried to hi ugh w lib th other. Bni I did not tarry very long after thi onaet of impertinence, hot making an g etrae of an obiigaiory ntnrV Ml far home, and the aolrrrhft of fay own room. When one" there, ebildhib a. it may en, 1 Alt more lik Ailing down and giving vnit lo my fccBiif fa hBoia than any thfag el.c. Throwing mymlf upon my eoucfi, with the monligbt"! reaming iu upon me, I ra .olved I would one mar ce JSdrth Car- ,n Soon 1 feel Mleep and dreamed 1 ilwfieto grmy dm fa taitmw and h. r latariant hair dfahovelbd and tloat.ug .round bar whit awoohiera. The blue m were ewimmfag in toara a ko bent litem on me and ptenonnced my uhtne, aaying, "Mark moo i will aooa be th bride of ifaNrM Uufaton -1 do. not love him " 1 awoke aud wondered t UM tarn v dn-aroa bad (udd.-nly token. But aflnnaniBHtfSna the night had givvm away. t oil mi ir Tliuthe day war on Into wtek. .1 eek.fo.med month, and month bad Aatamn anft and vtridin h id rircn place to hardy, atorn , . . . , mm dalalv tnwt apa I . i mAgy jff N. C, JANUARY IuhumI aiilaal AU ibfmurb abeaa eiarhl Inn a lanntba. I waa a druamrf. at time arfM "trfvfaar In forget, Bat I exttld not. "So oa? piuaMAt balmy Spring mora ine, wbou nature wm teeming with life and radiant with beauty, I war to ibe home of Kdllh C wa on my I bad - rav to IM boom or ami v Mean, i i k ngtb afer a arrnggte with woe lewd reaaon, a I thenght, been loreeaj to ooy - i - , w 7- huiw w wnmrn wrn, -"" "rr but m I did not wlab to reach my deatiua lion Vie uigb. tall to begiula my time, I tr,rped at a friend' bona at anoi for diuuer aud remained Kveral lioiir after AajB I Wat Ml toy Waf, I thadghr the kiee bluer aud brigl t r, the tree rreenrr aud the air oiu aa I oearad Uith'a "ee. But de.pt la ry delay I wa fa t danger of reaching there ere twilight The day wtra growing longer am I bora would travel too faat. So to KRT W .I" .... " .. m J ""J .... ' I Ahw.u.1 .l.Kn m Iiv.wav will wood on itbi-r auto wbom tapping oran- cliea almoal formed leafv cai.ouy above. Ia tbie auiet retreat I would not h re wooden d to have met a Irio of fair! a with treoaea crowned with bio daiaica or boaeyMle with wbktb Ibe wood wera filled. Aud could 1 bar Mked a gift I and the favor been granted - nanv-ly the heart and hand of bdiib Caraon I w.ml.l have been the kappic and rwheetof mor- Wat. But fa - coukl l met Ufa bin eye of the fairy 1 worshipped, peep mg down upon me rrom tcatv D ran earn and almoal fancied I nuld hear the melody or her vote fa the eon of amiable nature. After a while my noble kor' . - Y i - ii Tt i ! a. ... axadwMluiueaaiiuatiu tuc fun waa u.gu up iu the heaven. A Her a i toe oi nan an nour 1 had re'iied up betore the gate ot a e.me - wnat many rovaoowwa wmppi- n uwhuc The family ema gmhnnid ia tba nman in front, the ototker eat MWlog the fantfali, reaiicM bny of twi lve, walked ibe floor and whwlled. and could It be Mia Edith, tilted heck in the armed Pick ing r hair, reading what ! t oakl .nr.. la delight in no veli. I Bat what happiut to h near Edith, not an angel, bu. a wv maul Seeing me pauM, i r. Caraou .poke l oin enough lor ate to bear, "Go lleury aud ee what Ufa itraager wbbea." With a boned the boy cleared the tep and walked nattily dawn th walk edged with box. Aftef the una il compliment nhed, Uaw I May with yon to-night f ed, "I rtS ank m tker." Hear iug my reqm-at, Mr. Caraon came down to ibe gate after bidding me gmd evening laid with much dignity, i "I am erry rir, to inform yon. wo nor- er lake in traveler! . A gonthnaan dou om half mile farther on. "I remarked quite coolly, I am no trav eler, madam, aud wiah to Mop with you." 'After a mod Marching gMlice, (he bade ova rid fa. I did ao, a ervaut rn nmmaued to lake my borae, and I wu politely aahtd to walk in. I aaccuded the toi.e (trial and bowed to ibe young Ui)v ensconced in the great ehaif. Bni culd it be Edith CaMbti. What a tcaa. hatfant Wink Onrann fa that aid fa- liirml Ittlfl I W ' rwiww eon ww toin taJaw, nod the dank hfar mmjfaul rwOely back o a. lo dUplny too miicn oi he forehead and knoll, d lightly at the hack of her bead t The hair tao rbrnt lo rvneh, much of ft, .landing on end. Bni ..h t hurrura wherd waa lb pearly row plviiun I had acn fa the annwy Unmet ? i lure the bright riebbtfauty ofhti cherkal Conld the rain have washed ilorTJ Never iu my vwfai. nf Mi Caraon had chalk and milnt m-rarred 10 mind. - Nothing remained but the crrnin lip and they withuul a null. Ye, there wm the blue ere., but dreamy and drow.-v uouich after Utng bent over a novel th entir evening, ft wm Edith Garaon be fore me. but not lha Edith Canon I bail once Men end Warned to fare, oh I hew dearly. Bat the dream had cuded, aud what a aad waktug up! I fell likr-hed- di.ur bitter b ar. and taking the winga nl an eagfa in Mar to part nwknnwn. Bat I could form uo encime lor going ere niorn- ing. A truge louelineM errpl over me .oincwh.it tinged with moroMtic.. I he Ik ve I wa ftdaen. I conld not love her. Bo near her, yet (0 far from a being I idolized. 'oh I CoMin Eaton, why did yoa not aril her lo take off the ngly wrapper, braid her hair and if need be nut a lil))e rtwdrr on her face,' exclaimed Elite and In BMrly the MOW breath. He regarded u attentively in hi. ern ont way n iMQud or twa, iheu tLKcfaimed, "Lord know gift. I had already been deceived ebough. For m"rde' ake do yon too never powder yunr face or wear ..Id faded calico gown. Lily Whit baa decked atony a face in beauty and proba bly mad many a bride, bat for once It uiiide a Uubrior of m-aily three (core. - But let thericrAaeuVe bare a .hare nf bhime Hul to continue, I nut give the hob ark tin mother left u alone. A anddeu daepera tion eied me aud I determined to iry t. love her. Hut thi wu for lhardy. ami 1 ahould .never have breatfad a word of ten dernee for her. Yet i did. "I aaked her if .be knew me. or had ever Men me." She replied, "So." Yet 1 Lmmmm. ' ' - mm M. waa nut .aneak TTng to ef icT IraW. Tiren t tma ner rirwj.., . -w. the Cnirmeeting t D , how ever (inc.- whicb tfa-y ba if srrr . .rr zr z,-- j Mr MW I" wm e ii" wwiw . . . , i i m had been before ate bow I had ' BMt her ta my dream. - yea, ow re. - . a a a : bar. Itol It wu toiM. . am no, v JbdlUl tarMn a. i now apw m , u. ouea mw her. And probably lmagtirU had ihve:d that face with i IBM fal Km I bad not wWhavy Hli Afdk '. tBj Mi- -nrrMJt': 1808. baahalnr and h . ,M ot rr ,rtMkj M make e one. Hul let me do Kdith Car eo,i fuatfcoTu lay in(r, t.uih a apportn ulty rA red be h ft om iu oompany with her filth) brother and went to her room and aha need her dre, oon appearing In la far more becomiiigone. But I he thought forced itaeff 0Kn me that ah drmacd tor nitiiin I wfadraaVa wim uat loved poat uom for it own ak. "1 left earlier the euccecdln day than i . . w Ti r - . . . --- b 'And did vou ever viait her a rain, wa queried "Tea. worn two or three lime, the time oi link- the man with the red hair d whom I thought more dfugreeatife firmly UclMV t couia nave heiirt of bdith taraon, bat It would have wronged her and mjelf too. Ihm't think me Dreanmntnoaa yoang la - dfa fa aayiag m. Mark bunt wm quite a different looking man at one and twenty in n,.w f.nrlv weiirbed down bv three w ... .j - -r -0 core year. I leave that to Gertrude to auction. "Aid did IloUton marry hcrl' A4lm. , and a brote be peovd fama-tf to be, for he whipped hi wife. Poor Kdirtf, .bo noeee deaerved nch IreMmeul. Vo- man' (bowlder war made for mttajlhOkdl &". Iu. theii face, for nowder. .ri .. J..::. . j nJri- f l,. II 'In' Hit IIIIL III .tint m.ii..l a " III repay u ten-fold in love. II me Mfcbard Hul.mn i. dead in ten-fold ia love. Vat .j - u,j 1 Dd 0e w j. ax)MM Edith i. bow a widow living in Virginia." "Go tberr, then, and marry her yet ! we all rrid. "He ed. "K, no, It i tbhty flve year (ince the Camn mt-eti:ig at D-. bat conld I find Mine .emblance to my angel gototbe North pol" " Mawb of rt." "Uid you uever are net attar her mar riage," we faqnired. V. . one , but mm 1 had long ainee nrued to care fW drew or apnearwaaei, .be did not reoognfae ma, and 1 did not myaelf known although by her 'But tell un Coojitn Eaton eoW ywm never love another j There I certainly umii to Bfail Mtatail on Ho ntdiedf'no not well enough to marry. I wm wedded to an ideal being." ' Oourin Mark Etton, h Be wbhed me to call him, left n. fa two or three day, .face when we have never hod aay tiding, of hifa. Wo know not if be i .till a lath, lor, or indeed if bo U living. Nei t her do we know the (pot he cell home. Bat .hould thi tory uM into Id hand, and be ah on Id rrcngnfaa he hern, may ibe old man forgive our betrayal of a aecret, nub which many arc aonvwraant. IV. plead iu raenae a love of aeribbl.ng and by o engaging our 'im Mme hoar have been paed pfaiaaatly, tbat wherwi.e would bnve aeon tediena, daring theM UhiUtniM beitday t fa'Bty quiet the Charleston Cornier. THE l'LOT TIUCKEX8. The Bill for the (opereedin nf the Su preme JndieUry !. paed ibe Honae by ike targe rote of 116 aye to J nay. Cmigrr I in foriuddeti to the Judiciary any right to pu. upon the coiiaiifufaoat ity or uncoiuilHiitunialiiy oi it meaourea, eveottt bv a twn-lbirda vole. The Ooart i coinpoeed of eignt. nn,OTTp.j, ihercfore.fif -ft. member .hould "declare li.ee lew. io bu nnconatilational, thi indgmeul ia to he held invalid. Iu other wm da. the opinion of the three diaaettt ii.g member, or their abaence, i. to be eouridered k eaublwhing th conatitn ifanality of ihfwe mjiclmuiila. 'In plain term, the Legfalaiive Depart mut have eiacd upon and overthrown ibe Judiciary. They bav nut their ve m I . .1.1 1. to upon t h . in. They bar fltil njninaaj" ibe tinrernmcnt. and then Minouiieed bi lb Judiciary that Tt thill not pu in judgment npon their mm. Thi hi a coup oVfof, almovt witbont a parrallei. hi. ceitainly afar grenier tt retch of prerogative than Janfaa th Second ever dar. d, even two eantarfa ago. After thi., there ia aearcely a Mep, however extreme, whieh can eteitc the .lighterl nrnrie. It wa to be vtrwetod, in piroinire of the now evident deaigu, that the War De partment w.mld alwt w aeised. The rea ou a.rigned lor the removal 6y the rteident of Mr. Stanton trom bi Cahi net, have toereforh beert of emir-e pro uoauced Immflclent. The Seuato by a vole der.ie. hi righUul (n.pen.ion. Cp- e of thi vote, were imme Imtely trait milled to Mr; lo fieneral tirant Mr Suittoil aprn aretf at the war nd mm m d M oe tt beau mm to -nine it. duliea. und. r the direction a AM Urmgretto. 'ike tel.gnin Mya, Omieral Grant withdrew. I bla wc uppoM meana thai be hu abandoned the o&Ve to Mr. Staoion. TheM erent plainly indicate the tn- of iku Radical part to bold and . i ji a WILM".W " ,. fw'LlaI ve taken pncaMinn. Thev intend, in order to reum ttkrw power, to verthrw U btfag faatjtn tmn, era to lha point of revoluiio. Never h ikiim beeo a more remarkn kfa fulfUlmeni of the prediction, mad by the Conaervaliv iiniiri - of the dan- aWnto--rJnC...llB,J WjP jj of tat party 84, V JY, an than ever, although not then prompted by ' pan of the gifted beorge II. rnmtte : jrafoaey 1 know. Yet never did I m my I "Oom. aaraia Time in the cjele yf it angel face again eave fa dream at night. I aoaaoa bti brought to a the rich and root Abl that evening of m) firat vi.it wm ; low tiarn of tb-furMt Aw aM langwt too grtat a boct I could never recover 1 eerufaaa , -hy-the eool aad bracing atuu-- i i. " l . . ! I p ier of autumn. All nature lemi to be from It. um what pfa eophy or aigumimt V Jllo, I weald. I akook hk bend Mdl and MB Maw. . . - - - -' rMlorMfaaof thaUnkws Om. tk. U. val fc... of th. Mt few dav. thevhave oomfy oow, and wlthoot dl.iruiae. enu red apon their work 'if the d . (traction of ibe Conartlutieat and lh abolHloo of the en-ordioalc deparfll . . . . . L ot tfovrrnmenU Their bct laid Mbeme may yet prove futile. The country may yet eeeape, a bv fire, while tbev mv peruih befcre the wrath of iuat i ablic Iaigntfad In the hiatory of the paat may yet he THE SEASONS The f!now1u (rifled awreedttt from thai ..... - .k. afarM of f . : . .ub..iiMiun to the deatiuv 1 uu,vHable and aneedr diaolutiou. Ma- 1 tare, hu.ued fata dicairiea and giacdM M- bum. aamne mm if it war. ptnparing to chant , tba requiem of it una death, and. na vie- lb raquMm im lla uwa aeata, ana, ua or tlm. that Mvage nation i immolate to propitl- aU their rod. gady ap parol d far the -iriAo. Th earth, .till covered with iu mau- mna Ul.j tOJ , mmh aa if ii rluae te d,' ryfl. .n' wfcii the tM and the vim haw ttTrf w AMnm. oaf an aWhwd tetma 1 gorgeoo gliueriag. nuny-hoad meaiac that I nreeedea and pmeWun uature'a approaeh to the re nd yellow leaf' that haafa decay aud dfa4uti.u. Auimna I gjdtMO. 'gi riou. luxurlw aeaaofl. Uo wnera yon -- , rut whether on land or oa water, on bill or m dam. am to blaia or. In yoa brwatb th earn Ufe-ltopiring. bracing air, mat only Aalume briuga. atoapvaaiv lo the healthful breeM. the llfu hfau mn qwiehly lkaafr.k Mjwlimg vrina. aad-tka xeitod uervea Uugle With toe Mr aeuMUon of intenM delight. To ahoot the bird to rliaae the Ma?. to flak fa mm lnr. dft- V,tac atiwaan. an faa rifla .porta of thia inoM elite of eau.. Ye (ickly, money- rnainored crew, u ho tit from early morn to 1 dewy ev. peetBg over tbe eaurea Mgen. ur counting gaiuatbai uoly i f your id more metal tb th hoard, row have, nuit for a time yonr mercenary muring and hie y to umftokmor nawm-beaaw b pare air bid yonr mu! to r.vl at the gtonou. feut that bountmuM nature jn lavith profoaiou bM iread before von : aad reeogniring the inaieM v and power of God. fa th fraitfoa of the bkaaHBg h bM beatoweu, WtUB. imir reeling, in uuuon lo toe mim pienu"r oi w unrounding ae.. and atevaliag yor above ami fa toad thai TirrHi real then, ob Heaven and ita high hope. "The gofa( of man ha. contrived to ia ir te the progreM of Time by tba nuehine rt of thd etoek and the aiorament of the watch, bat Uod mark ita progreM on a grander Male by tba revolution of the plan eta and tba change, of of the raaou. Day form month, month inak acnaona, Manan emniaaw Ufa year. Man' lifo, like th year, kaa ib) MaaoM. In the apring-time of life all b fraabnea. verdancy aad hope. In hi umtner. man ripeM Into fall grow and vig oroM maturity. !! ad with axUtenee, he feel, eonaeiou of Mreugtb ; aad. delighted with the permit of pleasure, he k with avidity fa every field I. ere n ia likely to be f .iiu.l. Hopethe moat hardy, the moat brilliauU the mot delight fnl flo-ver that v nf hhanaad fa the garaea of the eoal now lap ring. faW foil bUom mnbarant (nhrtaoa I It diffuee. iU vivifving odor over the whole refamfag tb. faded motaraa of paat en. and opening to the view uf the mind, eye .pleudid viakHM ia the future. Who in t'lr u.id n-iiiner of lifo. bM not felt how .wwet il wm at time, to neck t' field or for etaud ha al.ine. to let th oul in dreamy rapture lean back uMJ th paat. aaji draar torth gladneM frm the wreck of Time', r- iuel hope. ! Hope rear her OMtle. on thai nnn.y mu oi unHiiirnianiiDi air, ptii aiie m vrU them with th. gnrgeuM grandeur of the aunbt cloud, lint Autumn coinea, a4 with II eomvathe harveat fjfa fruiu wboto eel We have Main. Tb well if they be nol bitter to the Mate Bad pobonnni to the pmwh. Ma b the framer of hi. own for tune. A helm cwn to "hall he reap, aad M he bee labored mi akall he be rewarded. Yet when ha bM failed aad lib Barret b vaiiit. eve kjr deluai ve Hope Maad. by to ahbpw fa her .wet. alluring ton, theaa Mrnr that th coming wiater will be mild; aud tbat auusehow ur other there will be an famdnana. And fbmBy. whan the winter of life roie.c..t.laatbe glacier on the moun tain peek, Md M the Morm-apiril when it la . be the ocean fata fury, aud th man perbheeaud MMM away, iiiimort I l'oie tber to heM the agony of the parting cul. and bid h lift it. vbbm to an uthie aad batter world, where there b neith er Hope nor Fear." Wmt wnii made to l l.miel II. Baker, Em of thi. city,, to whom tb tiovernor formally tendered the rao.it ion for the Meood tone, y enter dav. Mr. Baker declined the appoint ment. There U eei tail v u.. fav entire to n man wh home hb pndieaina and aphokb the dignity of the civil law. to accept at thb Tiiw Vi.'iw .li.,M,viili Tba tadbual emmevaietMbvlh reabjunli o Judge rern to tt "J" lowle, Im. U.en U aging i5.rn.id ia all nor- her carry at nfawanr, "r'nn0" tiohaof the State, bit uu .me w.wthy oth. f J?"1" fTf-lVtkTZ. rtaUou im. bee. mand to it. he tort w J- o in ILr Miamou I time, a Mat upou the Ibmch, wli.aos juilg jiniiim,w an. """""'I CSiriiBrhriaiihur fcr rhw WmiAne. uo. befor na arbitrary t'ougreaa, which will vaati thia and other office, and leave of hm wUn ofatrawtn lb hand that akould bi. " . hare gmep ud Uw word ol juai.oa n u. Mr. Ex. n Whitely. of Murrrreafoiro. N. 0. BM written acominnuicMioa to the Nort a Lie . he Matot tbat he ha- .ud uf eomteiiMng niuokM fhereby making it valnaMe for agrieultura, aeruiKW. He elaima that he aa "extract the mei'B of the mok." and make a vain able manure of h. He Km iaveeted a ma- chine for th purpoae, bat Im not tb. rani- 11 to (n rodaee k. With a roaekiu. of a fVOL. I, NO. 3 11 " 11 ' ." ' " - i TUK BUrRKViK COUKT Tba Sapeem Oeurf. oa Monday, granted Umb a to tba fefloviag mikj-Mil Uw in the MVeeal Oeomof 1 t .... 8 mn in the dale: i B Shaw, Cnrritnek Pauiuk U Morgan, Ourntock. rnunfaM. Godfrey, p. rodfrey, raeq , Coaibecbmi KiH W Ray, Uombertauo Oeorge M Hom, Wm. Namon Vfarceaba. Joa A Duprae, FdL, Jno 8 Ham, mfHH JM H Bow bad. Oranvilla John 8 Cranor, Bilkva. John D Wdkanon, Peraoo, Jtoraee L flan tin, Parma. Alvin B lioward. IrcdoH. Matthew B Lev, Bay we A flamaritJ Kmoml rVwo. Wax M Hroolo", Davidson. Juotoa Davidaon, New Hanover. Strptn 1 Brown, CaidwriL Wm K Bordfa, Anfa. Ohmro W Harria, OranvtfU John N Stardm, Ouiaord. Walter W. King, - JeR McLean. " Wm M Cocke, Jr., BaltU Calvin B Oner, Mrokleoborg D-mcl P. Meat, ChMwafl, " Nat Atkinaoo, foHMumb. gmuri'i r" kxMum f Pnpn, Waha. Aad M Tanaday th fbhuwiag wr ioed aad admitted to praotio m the Court ef Law and Mtony. via: Wat fentar Fmmb, AugaMu at Moore, imowaa. Walter A Mooiiamary, m Walter CW, Babla. KdTBrabcn. JHfM TPDevereog, " . Daoiri L Roeral, Brmiawirk. Henry F flraanar. Unoir. Jvhn M Monug, Chaiham, yMSbnam, Biifirl. Andrew i Loitm, Lenoir. Samuel T Wiliuvnt, Oranvflfa Samuel A Aahe, New Hanover. MiobeolM Jaahee, Rutherford. Mum A Moore, Oaatoo. Wm B Duckworth, TraMylvama, Flaming J Whiiroora, " Ororge W Johneon, Pitt Ctofa M Cboka, FrukbB. Oeorge M Whiting. Waka Charie M Baabee, Wak. Peler H Adam, Ounfard. AngoMfao W Bfanw, Cartorat MarthaU U Piooix, DavnboB. Richard W Singktory , WUBM. Joseph W Todd, Aahe. John Uathng, ii.u Jnmttuwi, not Doncn C Wiotton, I Wm L lorn, lirton John Oray By nam, Yadkin. Nicliobs W Lithorioo, Yadkia. Clinton A Cilby, 01 dwell. W Wood Fbauiog. McDowoB. George P Erwin, Buikc Pimry Baltb, Eifaeoomba, Wm H Obwba, Yikio. HOW GALLANT MEN MEET. The euiriBBinlmt. fa thb city wh fur iaheatheNow York Tribune with ueh a purely fietitioua picture of the oefat inter change of General Hancock with ore! ti ara a. and Mpecially with prominmt -Kebeb. will doubtleM find a new (object for hi. pea iu an incident which occurred during the holliday. We Mk no thank for aup- nlr.ua thi. verv veraciou arriUr with the faat ef Una iaobfanl. Theg an aa Mmi A few dare ago General oalled at the rrridQBM of Gen. it inhbeard. (ianaraLHaaeoek engaged with wme frtaana, fadfaa and gen ilemea. He imvaedbleiy faft them to ro eeive bb old army frfoadV more reeentlv hb foe, bat new again hb friend, aad after a warm an .tin, faaiatod nnon w needing General Lonavtreet tato therawbrr aad Intro LongMreet into tberawtor im to the eomoanr tker I ducing him tn tb emnpany U Th Myl of the totrHarVw wu o peculi ar tbat we reproduce it for th tpeefal bene fit of the malignant Kadieab. M a foil faad- fiction for ttmlr MMpkiou of General Man rock, loyally. "Ladle, and gentlemen.'' Mid General Hancock, "allow m. to introduce to yon ehmt gentleman, to whom I am iadebte. an angratoful Kmpr and whom I had tL mbfortune to win in the tame combat. " We moat add that, although tb camp vnu eompoaed exclwively ofladbe andgjg tlemen wbom y mpathiea were on Uie Vf a id of the fate war, the inaident profound and mtiet pleMUrabb mC,. aud Ike two diMingaiHied eoldier. were Si garded with iuereaeml admiral ion and ranpeet. a. v. awaaa. Armed Nyroe$ in the !mtk. Nine oot of every ten of the negi m to ba daily ou ouratreeia ai. ".rnieu anu equip e.1" M lite Badbata direot Some nave hug bludgeon, nune inunem kirivee om pbtob -a' . Yhere j crtninly no OauM for theaa howile acbt on the part of fl bw-bi.Uag whitee. Them are earrnl about with ta neroe. wtocevor ihay go, ihglit and day, It is a common oe ourrviiM to lumr firing at a!l boar ef the mgbt ui .it pal of the city. Bulbi lva eMen-d uvi-ral iwveral private reameooe withvo ih paat l. w da , fotnr in chwe proximity to the ffr... deeping inmate joiwi..au.nat, an ,,..rl either hv th. mitiUr v r Olfll M- tUornie, ao tar a. w. bare been abb t.i barn. ttuub ia hburaal rma ami r un tn awoaina. j To rafae fond, for buying ap aU the real catate ot other nation, Cemgraw b evidently bent o Mllrhg the apare per tonal BBaatet eor own. It ha begun wl th the iiun "ladcHb. ot tbe country- Danfar fa i aarwnaand "wotton. will j take notice. Let th buyer and vender i0f eut-ont ware, and the Chatham atreeto j, prepan) to bid fa Mr mtr than aflf A. S amBmmn