8oWBBWsmmsswawa mnVtWMMHHHttBNnMHMMg BT BARE BBL'aKft. U.ISBl KV. X C, JAN. 23. 1868 ONGRES8 AND THIl SLPKKMK court. Ws hare beere alluded to tin fact that i !. u Ed ical members of tk Hnn f Bap natives have greedy proposed ike pa Hfe o an act requiring lk eoncarrenee of two-thirds of all the Judge of ike Su ,ir. me Tuutt lo pronounce a Ian of Con- ,.re a.UuiiH.i. That ike ttrnate ill concur vita the House in the paaaage d too u act we cannot believe. There are aaay aula lawyer in that body who, we thiak, will inlerpoa- each a powerful ..ppssitl a will rmsare ita defeat, -"uch tmcm aa Hb.-rmwn, Traiwfosfl, P tends, and other we could nstae in the Bcpub- ieau party, however alroug their partisan "erliug, will be deterred from eh V9mmWtfWiltfmC The hope wffM'f . fae, aa ornamecla t the pro tria of the law, wBI as allow tbeai to i irike aach a blow at, the liberties of their juty wimoat the aeaiblanee of aalhor- y for sfce drew. And they may be g which awabrmatea by rba proper term (ha Soelh will be nrerwlHrUnwi in one taw nxssa aa which ita iihin heioof. common destruction. They will a ban Tkay ssea to be detaraiioed that AVir dun Uie deeper gad falling Otn eu.lity wuh ihe acgro race (halt be ad- grMaiwoal politician to their far, mated, and for one we are little dispose aj tfrik for jjuion BB fj,,! to npei " bt N mm... of their father, in time to aav Ik canal or the Caoeaitoa race grmerany jga !,,, irrtJribU ruin. beeu praven by their whole hUtorya a people. It ia carton to reject that among thoee who eoted for 'hi reeolution are boom who have been noted for their life lone; boatility to the negro race. The thanks or the OonservniHe people of lb State are dna to Mr. Darhaai for he able and eloqaent oppoeltioa which be However little patriotism there may be in ihu politician, it ia not yet aa linct in tliv bosom f tlie mama of the people. It still glow there, and sooner or Inter it will bunt forth in a flame that will burn and defroy Ike eltUbiira of tl.a demagogues who r r 1 t ! -t I . I . l I made to thia resolution, and lo those gen- " ingiiiiu me ..T.r ..y ap ilemea wfc joi... J with him in presenting j poeJ to iheir Slil mud tlieir pre- a protcat against it. iiam.wwu. n mm m mm nu ,mmwvm from oaiiMi ettcct can doubt. xone familiar with ihe hi ory of revoln tiona can fail to see if. In such limes the public niiiid veer trout one ct mine to the other, and vibrate like . removal of thin gentleman from the War . , , , . a ,,,,, , s pendulum nnnl in Um conrae of ... ivAW, bmhaw, w a dwudad that W ., tntAt nttmmt: 3 " " 1 ol reason. One extreme has beeu reached, and the reaction has com menced. It may not be as violent as the first movement, out it will Lc as ras eweajffc t tec that tkey would be i ry 1 livfy to fail in their object, rvca if tbeyywJwe for la fovjet their obliga m aa to paa tuck aa ass. The aeprcsas Oeert, like every other J t-partaKut of the Government, was cre ahd kv the CoMtitotioa, aad derive all It power treat tnai uatruatanL Longrra iu aieiisis ia any way witk ita ju rletioa, wot declare that it - riart tkaa a saajiwity of the jaatice en the I aca lo deeadeaay aaeatioa, whalcver iu LABsr or importance. Wkaa the Cwneti- t . joaaav tkwt the isdiriai power of the tukwd States akal he tested in mt 8c, j easra Cwart, aad seek taerwr Caaru aa Ccugrec (hall from time to time ceub- taah, nmeaas wkatitaaya. It a aaajoray of the Ceart .ha deride ia all - asas, aad Cagfw ha ao newer to de- la ailMl n in lite tapreme judicial power wat vestad kt that body est as the aaa,! in. I lk Haaaea canararrfag, km l be power to pass all laws sawder the Can i IM Mi is. and that power cannot be taken .rum aach majority except by aa amend riant to the Cuaalaatfoii. Thia uan w toe pUua to reqaire any o elacidate it If ike present Cougrea afcsedd aase aa act awhing a maiorily of wo-third aeceaaary to the paMagc of any . ab lawa. such act. would hare no hutd- i thia Coegre f, further than it kr to ihsilTi aV The atxl Congreaa veahl not even ka under ike necessity of lefsaHngH in order to legklate hy a aim -e majorriy formerly, if it did net saeeev to de as as jisaere matter of form. 8a, too,' if Gengrea aaould pas an act 1 Judge le declare a law of Congrea nnrimrfiftWaal. sack act would be uttrr ly weM, tni fke mart weedd not be bound by h. Arte tribunal eatablUhed by aa Ot of f'lagim for certaia purpose, it aoald, perkep, bare the power to lay lewa sack a rale for it government. Bat when the (Vmaotution aaya that the 8a- .iramr judicial power shall be retd in s aatwenlar ewurt. it mean the majority of hat court a mack a it moans the majority id Cawfrew whoa kt says the legislative rahaJl be rested ia that body. And.so l think, the court will hold and act ae- Stnarly. Wa believe thai it will treat i a law as a more srwfom Jmlmetr. It i as aach aa independent departmenc of i gorrrwsaiinl a Ceagiass ia.snd it will vests iod roe od race and maintain rity. Osfcm wie 'icatanend. E. M STANTUX. 'Our roadrn doabtles remember that the Senate Ita refused to rn-cur in the lis atill rocreUry of war. I in action I of the Senate wa taken under wbst U j known as'tke "Tsaere of office Act," a act which the Ireident hold to be uucouditutioual. In this ouiniou lie i aatained hy all sound constitutional law- peedy and for more permanent. The yers. Irhap no oas expected the Sen- tendency always is for those who are ate to aa otherwise than it did ia the governed by no high principle in poi matter, but few men (opposed thai Stan- itics to abandon the sinking and join ion would persist in striving to retain the the rising par v. Bo it will, in this osteeof CosytaVnfiaf adviser of the Pre- instance. In addition to the honest ident after the I 'rtsideut had declared rnaase who act from the impulse of that he bad no confidence in him a a patriotism the Conservative strength Cabinet officer. It was, peruana, natural ; 1, w-lf hv bnrde of oilier CONNER VAT I VA MBET1N0 A maniac of the CowMiudoi ckhaas of Howaa Oowat wnlae heal aliheOowH House la 8alaWy , on Moaday the 3d day of Kahrua- m lit - - " - Ik spoaTof arHxasVMt sV4rwaas to lh8tas terra I fo lakea, aad at Ka- elUitaal ika moat dfotnssisn finally disposed of. Tfc par daJ to be Ihe oa iu wat BftPSlto- i-i:,"',:- hfoAwkfo a, -iiujj-jrr.'" 'J towidd T-awenV rstoctowy, prinUi'g j ygsa4or Tbosaa, ckforyUad. w.. the ass -wt4aa .fo.sa " w. , dm 2- arpcedky th difforaat assreTS, vwrtse "T. . 1. wkaai xa.ofo.cai Ismam. SOW VSa I -- - M -- Ha Or I mmw aaca V ill in JBJUSVSMSXJB. 1 f I the different ssovrrs, varied Work oa lb fith of the same month. JL large - J - - - u - 1 i xlANT CITIiKSa from 84 w 810 per day. A. tn The above eat, we kwkave, wil ks meat esr tfoa expeoU to kaad itaejf dswa to poator- to. W oonSdenily expeot ity M l(Ja aagM of hfolsry as lk cm tor to am a tha aeeaston, a Urge ad rrtbom.w mtm sink and the founder of aa al- pthcrlajr sf Ih saas.rvarie people of tb -Blihd Democrmev whfok isle coo..,. Tfc. eal for ths Snua Ossnih- auaBia u. 1 wim rarypenrrar . prooa.wn, anu iw- .. , , , i UrJ .1 k.l ita ao a ill h fuKr and .Wr rep.atl llr by ww" - - i r I , .j UiJI.mi mi. i memoir u- l u. M ai . . i... ih ir iuvalaabfo service to the cause of i - -- ,i rx jUmmM. whi. li i rood eovernmeot and of saaakbxd. The ihrmlan Ih euxlrustinn of tkeir liwsrtiea as hope of posthumous fame, oae Mr Durham aakad iafonuaOoa la rwgard to tkaprutost aaVrvd hy himself aad othar Twassllml rafSfod Shas W had ha sa- from interestcrh motive alone. All the various cause combined will pro duce a iniglitj ground swell that will cause radiculit-Hi to totter and fall. It will go down with a mighty crash amid the execrations snd rejoicing of millions, snd the grand edifice of th I7uiu w ill be snatched from the hand I wat be bould desire to be refoataiod by ike Senate, hat at that potal every nun witk right notion of proprity supposed ke wold yield hy resiguisur his office, l'hi, it seems, he kas not done, and has no intention of doing. He see ma to have no sense of propriety, or to he blind to all of shams What will be the end of the c ntrover- i . . i tf. . i sv cannot be known with eertoluty. The " w"" iioer.e.j I a a . - lal I. Preeisfoat, ws see it stated, has n. etl its orcrtiirow to serve scinsu anu tiaed Gen Grant that all order in rela- partixan ends l.onstiiutioiinl lioeriy tfoa to thai Department wilt be sent to I will be restored, and all lovers of ct, bias for execution, tkaa abowioc a deter- III lil.erlv will hail the event WWhr re iuati n not to iwenenfo Stanton a Sic- ioicinsand celebrate it with rotary f War This may he, and we jubilee think is done with a view to an appeal to .fo, ria hv the latter .bieb will hrinr THE STATE tOSVEXTIO. the question of ike Constiiatiwuality of I As oar readers will be much interested the Tenure of office Act ap for decision in, or nm used by the proceedings of this before the Supreme Court. Tbi is d..uht - body w publish ibrm in fall to the ex- less what the President desires, and '.be I elusion of editorial and other interesting I ...:. l. Lu --- - :il & I m a - -J .1 -' weD as th uVfradatioa of ihemaalres and thai obikjroa, aad Iksf ar determined to so ad to eounteraot them if sssasw. a ban tit Coasliluliou lo be framed by the body now it tinc at Raleigh, comes lobe submitted to tliern tor iheir ratifloation or rejection, there Will be no soeh abstaiuiox iVoni th pota as tlier was st the kit. election. A ikorouah orvan izat ion will bring out rery osasarvativ vote, and w appeal lo Ih conservative man of the oounlj lo aid m eflvcling such organisa tion. Com up, then, by kftia aad bua dreda to tha mveting oa lb 23d, sad 11 us haye such a meeting as will fir asaaranoe to th lukewarm and the timid, and stiik da may into the heart of our opponent grand probability gratified. SIGNS OF THE TIMES. It iea mot gratifying fact tj ay ..f the ablest Repnblicj at the N orth are taking out m strong and decided terms against the present legislation bf dence Joum rial, den relationto the Supreme Court o' political legielation that will plogne the inwenloasr sayi tbat it buds no countenance or sup port in the Constitution, and will find Convention shall be ratified by tke people, none among the people. The Dnffalo If the people skoald never ratify the Gaav Commercial AdvrHiter is scarcely siitution presented at all, what ifcewf . Iwm .1 - - at - ! .1 mm. severe n pon the new rontrnciion ""! "ww-j ..- bill, which proposes lo abolish the 11m features of tke CotoStita which the t on vent in is .tpreted to g into existence have not yet veloped, but we (eat from what we have seen of iu proceeding tkat.it will be radical and proecriptive enough to tke view of tke ultras. But we will not de nounce it in advance. Repudiation in aome form, we learn from a private source, stems lo be determined upon. Tke great champion of tins measnre. of "Relief" eems to be Mr. McDonald, of Chatham, Mr. Rodman, on Friday last, introduced aa Ordinance em bodying the main feature of Gear Cawky Via. Order, to be in fore until the Constitution pet stated by tfc less repealed by I bo ome other of i : - . These ar pertinent kwdy, or by authority T question and we ci.il governments now existing ia the Southern State and fo confer upon (sen Grant the sole executive powers f the government in alt matters per laming hi reconstruction Ity giving him pxclual ve command of all milita ry officers in the; South, and confer ring wfMMt him powers co ordinate forin it , defeat the ratiaeation of any ilh the district commanders, and Cmiatitatfoa wkiefc lb CooranUon may provide that any interference by the nm. r Preaident or the Supreme Court shall Mr. Rodman's ordinance may he found be thigh misdemeanor punishable by in onoihtr column. tine and imprisonment. It denounces it as an effort on the tart of Congress I OEM. GRANT. to tjrucr, all Constitutional iiower and This creel soldier, who command , . - - m . . .. KX( ELLKNT. It will be seen ky refer nee to tk pro ceeding of tke Slat Convention, that Mr. Hodaett, of Cue well, ka had tke in dependence and tha pasrfotfoax to prop that the new consthatfoa shall ke ssaaV hahed upon correct Conservative pnnci pies, notwithalandiagtk radical and dem ocratie tendency of tk time. II propo sea to balance iutoisal agwfowt aaaxfaersfcy providiur for universal suffrage hi tke election of memlxtr to the Haas Com baaed upon a property qua It Brat tor meartsr af la couau. Such a Constitution would esWtaally s tke rights aad inter! of all. Tk would be aa eweetaal ear upon anv aerariaa lecfolatioa wbirh xsiafct be clamored for or atteatptrd ky lb. mob, while the Common weald prove an eff. c tnal check upon any oppressive legisUrioo that might be alieasptad hy the mor tacratic chxs. Wkhoai a check of this kind suffrage cannot be made nnh with any degree of safety whatever to the property bidding portion of the people of tk State. All Use would soon he levied upon properly exclusively, and the majority of those who ar protected fo their persona! liberties would hear no part in supporting lb government. This Is e proposition which, as the voting popula tion of the State is aaw eonlitiiled, ad. mil of little . r no doubt. But it n wat leas to disc tke ysstfoa aaw. Mr. Hodnetl' proposition will not receive twenty ia lk esavaaiiaa. Tk time is not yet coxae to discos tk tree princi ples oi government in North Carolina. There will be another reorganixation of bar government, sooner or later, by the foMlligeat wkxts sxaa sf tks State will not discriminate against intelligence and ia favor of ignorance. By establish hag suffrage upon sa iittelflfxert basis ga sraBy, a provision like that proposed by Mr. Hodnett, may not becoas a an amity a it is where lk ignorant aad vicious think, would ar a sufficient re ward far v - : 1 i sack devoted patriotism, hat like Bacon, they unfortunately bav to rely upon "lk next age" lodojutice tosbilities which the present age is iaeapabl. of appreciating. Tha-. Onr thanks are doe to oar friend, E. A. Vogler, Ksq , of Salem, for a perpetual Calendar, with his kasinesS card Mr. Vogler U on of th nol pub lic spirited aad enterprising citiaen In ike Slate, and we wuh hint sweoea in all his undertaklnsrs. -7 s sf WiWsiixi fik -.1 AMwalfo-af. a aad Ik fol- II rsomm usi tk. Commlttos oa BUI of BfokUv, whaw fsna-1 a- 'That afl ovfaomi afoul enjoy aqua right aad privilege, white IrarsIHa I this Btoto, la any oa sj aonvoyaasm ot a of. p.kfi ky barter, for wfcteha I from sstkar State or Maatemal sfcaJt b sfoamsd foaaf a saifcUs opened to tha . Ta n ia r aired autbonty. aud shall be awa pawwaaaw us wi pm.ui aoua rnrimlarte a assaaat of rae. c..l..rorprevioornditkiaa." Ifofevred. - - - r - , - . . -a., ' -. I la van Iteraxrwd tate Iha at bis rssi . aa tk fok day of . 188, la tk fist year of Us sgs. A bright particular star kas base I is sailed to tk aad daly of sasati- MSfog tk srprss for tke krarsl. Ia tk at IhV oar hratker kkasatelt. d frosx fokwr to iintoksxanl altkeDafo 4 honor, thick .pon bis and "wfcbV kb) greatne wa till spi ing." PaUfodb tke kaad of lk writer whenever Itsaa be b a am II h bad bu It Sirs. aamrl ul mU wU th skaa." Few men ever xSisiUfaP sxaay bling traits oft atared from fodfotfof th rirtae and eeltencie of saMMSjl failings wko has astf at kkSXOtt wforsrsr I Ta aat as aaa THR "COB: ST1T The Fram tha Sentinel. tmOKAL CONY KB T10B. Moxdat, Jaa. 20, 1868 Convention was called to order st 11 o'clock. Prayer by Ihe R-v. H. T. Hudson, of tke cirv. Mr. J. 0. Mrler, of Yaikin, appeared wa .Mined end lok hi scat. J. E. O'Aare, negro, wa cwora Iu as Euti aasiay ' h rk . Mr Abbott submitted a X tion from Cotton Swrpson. fo relatio lb Lie ebcibm f delrgate hi ll county, aad moved it nfursssss to tk Committee aa Election. Afo aaaifcsr from W. D. Peara.ll, of Dunlin, which waa referred to Ik Com mrttos an la Jashamry. Mr. Colgrnre, memorial from cits of Jnoe eoauty, fax relatio to change of connl v line. IsVforred to Oommllte on Comities, sVc Mr. Meikar mtrodaced an ordinance ; nastvidinc for the admissfen of tk Court of North Carolina. Lie over: Wforaa. Protection I ike rigfcts of pei mm and propeny, the fruit of industry prudence, are the corner which civil liberty is built, aa recognised in our Cooatilution of 1776: Thervfere. Rtaokrd, Thai the'aetfoa sf tbi Con vention bou Id msaanfos , Una axfoxa, kr providing tt.at the Legislative power con ii of two hranrfcs -the one repraaent ing airssns and tfc other representing property each of said branche bav ing co-equal ra wer, that no act of tfc Leg islature, not approved by each branch, should have validity ; the elector for the Commons 1 consist of all mate citiseas, shove lk a of 81 Tear, and lk elec tors for the Senate le consist of all eiii- ragakond of an inferior rasa if i at tke polb wiik tke ssoat intelligent u.l ind appose the author of ihe biH can answer virtnons man in tk land, bat it would he litem to tin- sat if action of his friends ia the Convention: 1 'chaps he lakes it tor emoted that th Constitution will be er ntsd bv the penate. Oar opinion is W- . - that if the ordinsnce passca in it preset.: A tllCT-HASfJED MEASURE. It tefii be situ from the proceedings af - the Co ren' ion oa Thursday, that tkwt body ha passed a resolution of restriction upon th liberty of th Pre, It is, in deed, o worded tbat little exception can h take to. it, if lbn-aaous which called 41 fortfc had not baked oat i th debate vhfek ensued apoa it hxtrodaction It aimnlv dedmv that no n-txirW luli be al- t j . j .1 ..L.rx the nart of Congress, it aays. ' serine JV r-j pj. phMaT swaWBJsBB twtwtai saxxu mwiivwi a ' y . tioa wb proper pct. but ths dh-re- ' monstrous a to hrow .poet complained of. aad at which ths res- sil it previous acts into the shade." 1 tea was leveled, was a di'inctiou made The New fork Commercial Advert d the lenortor of th Sentinel between avr and the New Fork Titrae bold tlte W brie and eoiorwd delegates design. ting the latter a aegrts. We feared oald be s very Rd- :. af body, kwt we were not prepared to ase Rg this length. The term neyro is a axsjafc. a f snat h) toiaa, aa the term Cauea tut, and it is lisfcadl to wodertnd hoar an seaaibfo sxaa af eitforr US e Bath seems a a party among a wao are a. th. RW Republican of the ffraaxefc Baesfhiiaa, wh idea aad mot- to they osx to bav asteaaod. Twsald 97 f that fsety, Prstoroity sad - .,u:.iy with afl srn;" has beam revived a lixa htote. The wkiie Radicals iu the iravmuM, while ' y iarwrmmy ikkmMi'mtWllif end" .. jfobiwy wtnfc tfc axxgw,7-wS; srr tsoxart af tttow f tes...mgs to muzzle holh th President and Ihe led the respect of all parties, has low judiciary, and say that the "amazing j ered himself very greatly, to rue no assumption which is involved in the harsher term, bjr the manner in which prosxisiiion almost take fsrajr the he treated the Preaident in the Statit breaifh iu tha reading said stagger ton affair. It is not denied that:Gen. on: credulity." "This Inew device on (irnnt had promised the Preaident that be would hold on to the office of Secretary of War, whatever might he the action of the Senate, eo aa to ena hi the President to test the Constita tionalily of iho Law, should Stanton appeal to the courts to be re instated ia his orHce, or at least that he would fkjigath ofliee into tha President's I. -: 1 A rt ......... L. liaiuia anu an w a iwcrw. iv in my pointed to that end. Not withstand people, avail If the late elections did ing all this ha treacherously Barren similar lsnguage. This course on the part of the lead ing rep.blteaa pwssa ahoas that thsre is a point Lay ond which Congress will not be sustained by tha Northern an excellent syviem naer any ctrcam , of like age, who have luted proper ty for taxation, at the lining next before sack wfoetioa, of lb vain of 8880, or up ward, aad wa for paid 11 Mr. Abbott introduced a rssslntfaa of instroetfoa to tke Committee of stiteca, to inquire lata lk appoirttment af a com- f Immigratieo ; wlocb wa dered the office to Stan too, and viol tad his solemn proatiiae to tha Chief Exacetiva officer of the nation. This mar elevate him in the estimation of the ettreiu U. hut all good mea. oft, not fartitait ample proof tliat sucti was the faet. AU sensible men every. where must aa that tha proposed measutes, if carried out to their legit isnate resnlts, wi 11 end in the over h row of conetit ntiooal liberty on this eoalfej whatever party, will condemn tha act, pent, and though many of them may and it will east a shade over the glory not sympathise vary deeply with u of Geu. Grant, that nothing ran eear of the South in touaeoueiice of onr re- otireJv drive away. We sec it 1 " I bellioa agaiiMXt the govararaent, yet ted tbat ha feast rery keenly the im the.. !( halt before thejr will cxmaant pyilaty af fsxsm axaasJeat, asxd tbat ka tO pull OOwTO tnC ptlntfV 9 Itsf'sNNrSH ahM91xriliJ tO 0BMW fHHS tution by which sdl, both Noctb $wt bjr perasmrflag Staatoa to taahja. THE McCARDLE CASE. It wBI be see by referuuss I new column that this vanced on tke docket of tke Court, and set for bearing on the firm Monday ia March. This ease, it will be rvmembered. involve the question of the constitutionality of I be reconstruction laws which is now presented In sack manner as to leave no doubt about the jurisdiction of the court. We, therefore, hare aa assor- ance at last tbat the opinion of th court will soon be pi sen a to the validity of those acta. What that opinion will be can be bat little doubt. The bill recently passed by th Ho of Repre sentative to emasculate the court, con vince every in tell :gent Man thai major ity of ihe court are known, to hold opin ions adverse to tk constitutionality of said acts. And even if the bill, referred to should pa th Senate, a a one new believe tltey writ, we have-aat the Might est idea that they would be regarded by the Court. A aa Independent depart meat of tke Govern, deriving it paw er from th same source trot which Con- grss doriys UKw-ts (stkjrtio, hl ta . . : . . . ir 1. 1 S wows pvwva recreant to mm raw u it should suffer that body to arp its fene- tioas, and it will not do to aanoraoce fo the loafcfes. fcy without invitation, aad a resolution fovil fog li. 8. salt uts to tk Boor. Li ever. Bv J W Hood, of Cumberland, fne tgra.J: A resslatise ta regard to la xer diem, via: That each sVtegat to this convention, aad each elective officer, the president ex cepted,! sbaU receive six dollar per day aod twenty mileage to and from ven tion : and that the Praia! shall receive ton dolterS per day, aad twenty cents mileage. Lie over under the rules. Th question as to the election of sa Engrossing Clerk was next taken ap, and tke resolution of Saturday, against tfc appointment of such and officer, was vol down. Teas 30, ryV Mr Uuriila rJ Miami V mmImIm ImI aibvwh, am m mm, aw wa. qrht sajS. . TcsaoAT P CoBveation ar aaavoidahfy crowded oat for want bath of tfcaa aad paoe. They aot, kwvr, of any . A number of sod s number of resi.lutions were a variow Ijreto, for tke oplt, th fcnt Wt ed elected without a Mr Bradley's resolution, of Saturday, came ap, providing for a Committee lo wait oa lb 6 'Vernor and inform bun of, lb organisation of ike body, lie. Mr Tourgee moved to strik out tk words "His Exwlteney, the Governor of N. V.," aaa insert ta word "tiov Worth," simply. Mr Abbott, while he did not recognise the State govern meut, yet said that be wa in favor of acting courteously, snd wished to address him a Wa cus omary. Mr Jones, Washington, skid that the author" i.. of the L . . had recognixcd (Jo v. Worth in his iefsNl capacity, snd thai ifcey wet acting under their Minori ty. He did not sas how they should in volve Ihemsel ves by Similar recogni tion. He would vote for lb original re solution. Mr Tourgee aaid be cauld not regard tk original reeolution a anything eleC than eosssxsttfog them. Tbat wa the ros in trad aced ta m mt and 'afcx a a aafcCBfi " '' J upport it. pat I vote and body. Lift orar. Ou n...tiou of Mr. Bteh. of Pitt, rrness wa take ..til 8o'tek. P. M-, I -ruVr to At KtVT tkf lfw'.kSaWwki kVaw sjsjglsBrtsaBlit y (O wS rag tad euxjitor At 8 o'clock, tk ProtlaVat fcsfogafosal. Mr Walker was. ea mutioa af Mr Hestoa. oalfoi to th Chair. Mr Tnuraw veal aaaii anse fo ssss. Lias or. Mr Patrick, aa ordioaae for lk raltef of Itltea sfcs Coarte Uf pfT?0t th MsWM9s Wkf psTwtSffli aarge aa orwiaaaea 1a rwgard to Mr jorkssaafo of th Coarte. silo h eotuuOera m Wkote. to-morrow, when lake u. Mr BodmaaHordl Harris, (4 Wako. Mcro, asoved toat to aa eleeti..n of a steportsr. Mr HoaWt wasted to k bow if the H. did reallr intend barina a said U was aaintosdsaU. Mr. Twargw mmte a prdwt of sovarsdth whwte assStor. aad it Ite vv th. rater Th. Chair asstaiuadla pi at. Mr Uaatoa moved that a tor tea mi. ate, aatll th coin ia. Carried, aad At the aspiration of tk steal salted Ih soava. to er, aad a- tmH of KtehU: Hal. Mama, of Wak. nearo. Blehotea. r ranch, of C'bowaa. Pat rick. Uahagaa. Pooh Btkwridg. Pteher, Dow, xfoabxeat Carter aadOsrlaad gjscuhst: KichaWa.Msy. Morto. Prank lia. Hoffler. Patrvw. Pavkasv. Ouator. Willi 0 re. Tree a xstarr t ovm, Starr i a . r.tsa. May. bma. Mllliis. gkBxni. Prvoeh. of Buekiaahaat. Mara, aecro. WilUasua. of Mas, Trar. Tarter aod Smith. oakefor ' Bndmaa. Sweet, Tuias. Jo, Waahiactou. Pd. Uurbam. watt. Welker. Xmr, of lamotr, Vox, Uai- s, aad Tsaga Abbott. Heato. af Cald well. For kaer. Hobha. MeCuhssw. King, of Uaaula. Long. Mar. Care, seer, aad Band. fofox fesrvmsi . Oarrvit, Abbot Ms, rrwaca, ot WaOen, a sa.au, ot wa. Hayes ol Bobeaoa, Iiymaa, (negro, I CaodVt, !uSia and Teajrue. CWaM. CUm, V Toms, rwMsxpx Bay McOuhfataa, Aadrewa, Arafott, kfowr. CB gtetoa, 0aoway, (a) Isxffia, hmj, fcfosfo. wetland rtanklin. (,WaorlM. -Jones, of Wafcfojta. Ash ley, Grant, of No. tbompton, flarru of Fr.uk' Shxeare, gmeroryMblr, asxtshle, eaartooas, obUsBri HUbfo, he won the aWtfoj Mtaoher biueddl VxuQu''1 ry ifl atoJdiasst,yh ced fl , xetoM,ud a cpWfl BjkjtJalled by th iaa r',""y p- BmfosMd KeaS aad otatSMI BBBH WaSie. kt :TMJ1JB srwilk h. amv4ioff thtsra. , sane. km i iC , m ae t mm mmm mm mm ..Cer. B aJBBfl m m m nJIos Kb. I wiac. j. Um -UM aWdtufo reeeaa he take, for kfo great akkkmM IT 1 -w-tk. rbl2aJtoaE3 W I regara , ho.' WUs, Km,, ol fooeote, Memlt. K.y, RoUmus, (oegeo) Dickey, Tucker, Murphy. Ser, Cox. Long, Glover. Fsrka, Murphy, Da, (negro) Pwraoo, (negro) Dual.1, Duecwofta, Hobbs. Bradley, Wans. I Afmha.- BtysA UBm, Etna, ttranaoi. of Hiiery, lX.we.1, Uranl. c v .yae, Kg- UmLUltg. GuOy, llara, of Kobe oo, Higb mith, Colgrovr, and dtMey. Km wl8rB." AHH0y ww(swr. RrJsV VVBBMJL Bead, Sweet, Hayes, of llalt'ax. (aegro) Gra- liam, "I Orange, Logan, EttU, ftsatli.otCkt.w an, so. I Pisher. uiwtoid -Joaea, ofOsWweil, tfoa. fa- gru) Gabagan, Dockwnrib, Kcofrow. rfoader the festive kssad. hie aavaryfog aox aaiabafadW.asVjto.kfewRsad repartee tea him Basel a rival. Tk wrhor never mot baa i ths d cte bat ed any wffasTaJr'aj (MM(M( T'-sVIe fcsj swBkwi a.-. miasltLs Us was aa sxeaiit, and HI latter of tha ks tfc J Lodge, lo tkat aU perfrst where tfc al mm it msT m. aw tL I TwAxsxsk.bi SMEMsBBmwBaa VfelMI sBMB8Cr wMJ 8881 VDIf CIsW mHVYTT J sides," ami sa fowyer wa eteim that tfci eastaph skall he pbteed oa his tomb : ccrea sar solvm, uca an osao ab ax. XI -TV i "3 -fc-5sAw " A iiif lmi of bar white nakara, ad mhfoxfc llllliltowBpCWgliiit snd iaviw una to vkt Ik Cu imtlv i tea I On. lb. nagrae m Ih fallery. Carolina Ccnrenliotv. aduplad a rufotto rsoatellag fosti aad Mr Bradtey's the adopted. Mr Ptoses' of tha ealliag upon "th. I'aT fl - r. Mr Dartoxto rssahi.laa af Saurd.y, Provicional 8 WSI fry .tehid ka. Banc, tfodawlt, Kinney, MeDonaM. of Moure. Barue. Kppe. (negro ) Kliedos, and Cue. . Svfrnp -Pool, Jooes, of CaMweK, French Cbowan, Bich. iJaadVr, Durham, Graham ot Orre, Hsrris. of Wshe. (sxfra) MrDuaahl or Cnatnam, A nara, Cherry. On motion of Mr. adjuuruod. CbadTis. ww8J0tifft9f1f efsM. SI '8saHBB t Nhwa fietaal efliats lo aaw ad. supported by Ruler, Slerrna snd Krltey, lb. eeUuction bill as reported by the commute passed-. Teas Nay 45 . Carry of Ohio, and Stewart et Sow York, voting with ine Uvroocrl Th insjforiiy and nriuomy reports aa the election ot J.An Y.ioo Brown, ot Kenlurkr wore ordered to he printed. Th nugority rt- port sdvers lo In aamisstoa. Tha Contereao Cuwtwwtle o tfc aat i -con tract nm kdl reported that tha fteaal n di from it ame tSbna ot and pxm th HuombiM, snd ra-issu id matililli Sax wkfofc ama.li. foe. The OOfTlrTfi t f w-sj fXV I ht? wtfBttOQ tftS WBI TWUlblf to MtM. TIm new omtimititje uo tr fi of 9 MotaaMB outOMBi8) of tjcboptk, MOffct'0it So,Uk 21.-Tb Csakrla sw ot propsny uouW ssswstisa. fur turua l Aba inviting one of tk BokssVriafBfowW ta ekf ia preparing fcwinr fur Ihe Coov. n Th pnatotian toaKJiah th. Dkura Coeni ol lbs OOM wa voted Sown, on foss July, aad other I i know if there as tfc "Sertory of There was a sxssfc ofkao. His eas th "Secretory of A petition of f th Usovget tootod praying for aurti govs maw i. Mr Xmnmwr of Tea., ahVgig that th Federal dbvr of f tkat Btote ara noo-iwttdau aad sexo'isBg awl ia sympathy with th Uatoa men hut favor (he potwy af th dmhwtrattoa. The mmoeial sa pray that ia. Senate wig withhold their ooonrrnatKass. Mlkor araough loyal Texao foBd thmisBess. tokwarm lk sf OSMO mm. 8o4stwl wvImm ioo 'ly Osalsdaiato State, wbst W ars MM saauwl h snuply to ham a osakaaa. th jiota TfcVBulof subautuni to-day is vary oouawraiiv. Y.Kk. January 18-Oorlo Sat fottW 8alrear89 hste at ITal7f j f Pwrktewer New mam at, (to, ud 30,76. Naval stores oafot aasfo nn am aa iMina, aa flaUL IS rwy,ww, tiiui;swf vei, BkfcilUdhf ?. sj swOOaVT loV"-"JtaJlOwl swxTwl ot lw- atft 4bVbfi fhiW owl lowof iVttno Vill4 osl J low 1.11,17 fatorfoa, January 18, p m. Consols WP 88 BowfoTL i Liverpool January 18 Cotlnn satisess excited adranced Ifole. of 30,000 ba- Uplaadt 7f; toSfrr. 7. NawTovk, Jaa.2l.-lodua;tailpw. Sates 3,000 katox, IT. ' than old 4a&U. - Baft MONwOT O00T , & BwwfcwrOfTl fo, 10 for old, and 6) hw r l,3flal.S3. Memraxk; oU 10,37; BW 21,31. Tsrsaatto 8k V A Buoda, 10 UOM l,JS. Jan. 81 l.ll fiiro hewry while Nam pork -.74. Wilmiartoa, Itaaary JL8sTrya ttue 0844 Bosiaotekaadsmka. TaTscoe 1.88 8x8 sed(te a h t if i ' b 8 a si i b. b. sx ol 8 fa hi