T r i ' . T . ' .. fa1 i fi ' Ui ". "Tift' ffij&t'ifiiSfcim Itmjk 1 111 ; mmm & w im mil LfMatliMfMoJ VOL. Jt, tlEW SERIES.J .a jt. . . m . . 1 t 1 am - " . ' r ' . SALISBURY, If. C, JANUARY 3fc 1868. lt , , , , , i in k ! r iutm or avMOkiPTtoN . .a WATCHMAN OLD NORTH STATE TRIWEEKLY OLD NORTH STATE. f ro. the - Tec UerU. " sl'RIlKKDKTl TFCEN. GRANT. The great captain of Um ge-lb who whipped L -45W4 Ik Wl I, on haa .umnder!!; y, togto- riouslv srrendorv M.n . detract! r CMtIttio trod 8.WHMlMf th fske lie has surrendered to Ike IMWI mm latiouisu. Bo remarkable and surprising .'hi t rmtUiat 'ho newsboys U the . VWwrrr heard sliout k .... . i . OB im i n nt vsieoft I him- aud plut- Oraat haa lit or politician, or of Ilia military permitted hi ambi- Ibe dominant par of doty and re- .neeifui behavior to hi MisevW, 'ha Fa iJ. nt el the United State, Geoerel Groat received hie oeaoulesen from tie I'lrsi tit nt. The oract: wa paruljr eiecutire, and ander the Clitef Eteetttive of the R- r.ablic, the l'reeid.nt. He had tiotl tn do with Coarrf. and eboald hare re nirad no order from that body. Me aboald hare known nothing abeat what Conereae did with rerard I the War Da- I partmeiit, or hi dalle ia it. except thro' the Pr Kideitt. Caafiee la not the Exec- utire The mere rolattoo of the Senate that it did act approve of lh aapcni-loii of Sumea waa not an order for Grant I rmiv th Wir DfBartmeut : and if it had been, he ahonld not bare m-ogniied it : he rlxmld hare n-avired uo order hert Iron thf Prmidiit. Bat the manner of vacating the poeitioM to which the Preai A....i h.il mm in i -.1 him. wilboat ronauit iug with or n-fcrriruj the taatlef to the de ciion Al hla rhhal, wa diacrediraMr. it rhowa plainly that General Grant did not andenund hi daiy and tho rcepett da h, the Pr-aidi-nt. It I not to taw nwi v.diul Mr. Jobinum. that tbi wmnr i ijo-ie, but to the Preet f the United state, and to the people a H uiiaaniru Lv biui in that bish olEce. Tin wa nomithine to anworthr of Grant w raiclit altaoat aay tricky in bi wppinfr out of the back door to lot Htantmi eomc n at the front, witfcont noUf ring the Pr ident, that if cannot fail to damage him terio'iuly ia the eatlmation ef th Aaeeri caa people. AH lb rigmaroW, traahy ar gument, and peeial pleading about Irk previon conreraation with Mr. Johnaon on the) Mhjee of 8tant)i' pOfcai m. mnt tn noitiinr in view of lb great fact thai in hi eondnet be ignored the Ex oeutir of the nation, did not act with proper reapeet to bint, nd neglettod the plain dictate of doty toward Him. And thi Ifok aeTfthe Gi-neral bad thrown him-elf into the arm qf ihc .Taco bin UadieaU, and U ready to go with ibem in their rerolntinnar- too fee of Jeatroy ing the ( 'i.imtitntiiii and GovernaaeHt. -Wht a change mot bartreoeo bitol! He waa Democrat i former tlmm 5 he xliitiited great lilieraMty anrl broad view in bia treatment f the fetx-l ''" "ry eurrendered, and he ha been regarded a eonaervative all awnir, np to within a re cent period. What ha turned hi bead and thrown him among the rrolntiooilf We still believe hi heart h) right, and that bo U a aincere patriot, bait evidently h. !.aa be.-ii under MatefM- rnlnenee. The politician bare befogged hh. either to kill him of or to make oae of him Ui their own Baxpoae. If be would keep In hold on the ealeera and affection of the 'American peopta he will retrace hi etepa at once a far a he ean, alrWjiiat he i ciirmervative at heart, and rrr the- roW boulder to bw Radical ailrlaerw. N4nf eUeno not e vm hi great military Cumc can ave. him from ru'u aa a A ikw wight since, a party of jroang gen tlemen, in t Jooeph. sereMaed a young lady. At the close their mosiei mauee a card was dropped from window, by the young lady, opno whieh, was writ! the followine ComplimejU of the ynuag tor Krnr .ir. 1 . For ttiehrnrfHof HtUetblki ho muTt with tliat arinnung affliction', the ear ache, w tf Mm Mlownij rernory, wh a) d lobe ) cure, vit i TAfae a bit of eoWoa ninnli A bleck lxliner fit ititflntfi w-el ret! ffieWrtl mBry ri "rl W1 Ktl.orrbfl h.rp-wil- J he Cvjl f'''y H the Tjfl Bw ffsrtffhiy K. Ariviafup tv irB jypd oi m and. lOH Iftaisah r refeirmM Mil ami aad eoeea suwl Be? Uyp' aT rxaai uW.k. Bwr&nd moL.ru. ..' (.Weii ivtal everrnle a MM fUnuel tMiidfr over the band to Beep AND THE COURT. Tho i lata tkaj k m ear Com eomto km ef a lefthis the If. of of the F x. Aul bow the JadUtary U lathee eve pet of Mr. fftoveM "taken hi artntorof thorkjhta, lit iitito. Ikmoof ttutiiaad people. TV Sapreaw Court is ef eight. To M doty of T2m aau gtmtii kyertllirai. Caagrm. Fire aM lority of tha Ceart. Their . Ma of the abaUadiedaethetos Mdoraatoo dtoiarvsar hall he of fcree, ' if B im 1 Ciaai I hat tfc tog lioa. IU aoweraare noli of the aa- . Thar eitepreelfcAa' heajey wWl aid. w hat ppua are powered llmitoa ai what parpoae ia that Hmitattoa iiummilti lllia. if aha BaaitJ awy at aay Ua paaaaa) by theaa ialaaad U reetralai with Uaaited aad aa ia Mirhaay m. I C .art of the Caked I Uabol hail hoiaVtolM It waa of tho Cuwt to toaay oral aary Act of Ik Legialatar. the AwililMl aad au aueh ermaary Art f lh laMhdat. aaaf ligMayy A, t f the Iegudature. VrtRWoal jfcnjtf1 lM4a art toe very f all writto elarethat aa prUripim aad tkeary ef oar 0 entirely v..id. U yet in Wttm tMsmto'y. it weald ssdas. to oMlna..ry. tt w UBprovemeat in p.4itieai in.tilatione. a vrrktoa Coustitu toak stad rapaat h svtog to Iks JMtm fT.V Lf , ggP"! that k'ahall d.. what U -- Aaik paato tkftr Bill to toftot Judiciary f to tbvtr aha k. .read, in their wav. There the adaistraa rs of th law awmt he sat aside. It ia a h-ibi attempt. That it has aot yrt sa seeded i. due to the spirit of the p !' . who are not yet prepared to rrer even m form, of lilwrty and pass in May under It te said that tats narse or ia aany re prise to that there shsabi have he aay m hardy aa to have waato a, plaia aad palpable ao attempt at aoarealioa aad nvidati The nurnuee to tvu T .i i. f. up vritu pnrase. i calculated that thee had I they had bound the riooth to The plot is not likely to MM I km ihl . .Kit fa tha Mew York Woi A World "The Ibaaat to g aad rileoe th JBaprem f.mn. rill md sueceed eo if th B pea ce over the President's vto. Tk SW Court i lost a. competent to law laeoestilotMo. aa to proa u earn ear mw vagal to a aw m-rtinn that h will viodkate it righU aad T J rait v br so aii a. ieftfaoendeat ladieiarv la hoi work of frosdom. W boa the Uegtswuve Ifamaitmaat spprssm we eew. v-- erument to which th.jodieuU p.orer to vert ed. We ST all to every aamwa, ao Mtate. bat .averted provtoM.; mi hmger rilisonta, hat subject.. We have then a leastor. and a master irrep"ninte aM wna- oOt Th, I ten f Sir J ohm. UuU. m. cfaaaoag be .fa bets of Sir Jobs n. m u. . ...nw m th. tr rlw W Jofaa Huh mm aa Eaatlieb Juuvc who. iu 17H eseotded a wil oVvi-irut Iscpe .i.ie. m la. lamHv then Briar am dhata uee . Ing (aite.1, so effort m ouekiee, Iff yesrsl -rift., Im will w. Inuoed. to flml out wlio t asnkhat to his trainee property ll is nM ocoroMt rtmgtoeen storte ia tmrtoMrart. .1 w.nu..A mmm of win. I. in Awffdk. to nine ,..ire antes ia ealent ami Worlh glH.IWH.11011 It ialai saal that Hiete i. a fiiml iu in leain tn .iir ol il.MwO.OiSl belonmnr io tor cO.te. Tfa persons who see iavesliealirg lb matter, and uianu lf he nrar " ine pnaieny. .et ttie wnoont do. tbc.n ' to.(to Am rfakaoBABtft ka. The Atlaata Jn- ItUimtrntmr phtohes a atriag of Yankee kal in re-.luti..D. writteo aad read by Parana to bve aoala of fto Uastedl 'JaiSfML Par Caldweil to aM of the inoet Yankee slobberiag and CONGRESS Burt whether Acta of the aaat to the CeajatMui theupiaioa. -the I aaek Mai evidently North. c.Tj i . tract. nd far him nrisiinled to at I .a '.i . tftiioir. nut am it ! niranhsrs g( th tome and BMjo euOl ah thai wi ..7".t3S .... ,: l.Mil... If Caldwell Ml om or IM laWSfn rood ress. d M tl. WMMreaww.--mw-e w OUTRAGE BY NEGROES IM DAR LINGTON DISTRICT. Abeal eleven o'clock Friday nirbt toll, ive i case to the (tore of Mr. M. A. Matdrow, in Darlington 1)1. trlcu a to mue fro toe Uonrt Uom, and ra m Ik UMart Uom. and rap ping ap Ik clerk, Mr. R, Saga, naked ad mitunre. Mr. Bug euqalred who th y wore, and, rewivhto the reepona that Ikey war friaad aafSe to trad with him, open ed tha door ai tk rtore. Im aegroe, ith double barrelled .hot guu, md Pea tot thrir rajpak to the of Um ream, rail examining rrmarhm that they were in the employ of the raD road, bad )aat been paid of, aad deeired to make parthaa to the extent of tea dollar each. About fifty dollar worth of gaoo. were aeUcted, wbeu of Ika aaalaa aakaa Jlr. u be p a Treaaary N-to of the . of oae haadred dollar. The wM of Mr. Sag, who wa in an adjoin tog iwoat, hoard the remark, and ker u periea being excited by h, ke went oat of the back door to the bouae oi a gen tin named Wyndbam, and requealed him to com to tk atore, aad W aa aay irou hia fhaahi ocear to reader Mr. Slga wht Mail taunt ha could. Mr. Wyndham com plied, uking a run with him, a.id a he reacked the atore beard lb report of hot. He threw open the door, and waa lately filed upon hre time by the a. He returned the Err, when they raahed him and aeiaed bia gun, and eaaucd, daring wbicb be aMUMaea to effect hie cacape, and repairing to Mr. Maldrow bouae, reported the eoudition oafiaira. Aa na aa the latter count drr aad arm bim lf, be ran to the atore aaapaapaaied by Mr. Wyndham. There aM waa avert, and entering they found the akelvaa oi tk tor complef It Mrippad, Mm apjaary dcek robbed, and the clerk, Mr. . Ivn.r dead on the floor, a load OI hackili I having pamo-d through his bead. f'roiu thi. nielauelioly 'cc-ue, Merer. Mai- draw and Wyndham weal to the bouse of the latter, where tney roand that Mr. Wvndbam's (aUicr-in-Lw had been "oaa- gcrou.lv shot twice ia the head, and hi we I three different plee em tb per- aoa by the same party negr.--. W arc indebted for lbeo lamentable indication of the condition of affnir 10 that sect ion of oar. State to M rears. Wg- r, Heath Mouaeas, la whom they rnwmmu sdhy Mr. MalaW , one ml tjkeir eorreapeiedeat. CWirafea Um- PCRPETUAL MOTION AN 1N0E- H10U8 INVENTION. I eammury with rreral weH-hoowa gentlemen we' had the pleasure yesterday afternoon of vlaiting lb residence of Mr. W. II. W right in rsiuui war, ana oi wituuMinr the nueration of a very remar- j aad ask iugenuM hrtreatia eeutly aomalelad by that grtli aaaa Af- er yearaafai.fe(, I I aad UUri- oas .tndy, Mr. Wright kaa disc .wed what be believe to be perpetual motvna, ana, indeer!, If be Im fully eompllhrd that which has paxslid the combined wisdom and iaganoijy of ages, he has clearly de- meatal rated lb power off a self mot ion which may be eoatiuaed indefinitely, or Mtil the wear aad tear of machinery no- dew a leneefal accessary. Oi coarse we are not privileged to give aay fciif hi into I he eret merh.ni.m of (hi. invention. though we may any that I be motive now. j Johnroo (a certainly Lieut. Geo. Sker er, to single roand grape shot weighing j roan to) aad to aid bun by nonearing 61 ounce. Two aaal little tenements. if it ho ia his power, the retirement of Mr. mmm larger lima the other, are iraa rated a Stanlqa On or Ibn other of throe by distance of abbot three or forVet, yet j pnthese can alone afford an eiptaaalioM connected by two inclined grooves, lb 1 adetiuat Io the gravfay of the matter. 1 one immediately above tk other, and inch ! have read yoor ediloriol of yesterday, aad inclining in opposite directions. The ap- j yoor joke of Tknrsday, bat they are far, ft one incline, about j of an inch to the very far, indeed, from rvmoviwg tin diffi three or four feel, and the lower one about I oalty. two inch. The ball to started slowly Sir, I have to tbi lime been eonleoi to upon the first and roll on to the smaller j supporl (IcaoraJ (rraut npoa what I r! form -it', falling some 3) inches, it to tramcd Io be safBcirut proof of hto Uepab ihrawn out apon Ika lower groove and licaa pi inciplc. Nay, more, I have mi- tare roll bo ao aperture tn the larger ; As it enters the opening it .tribe, a .nrinr which tolls a bell in the - m - l 1 ft,. two feel above, and rolling on, : U niii.Hv raised to a bciehl of six inches i um... .t mi the unner eroove to I repeat the same motion, fa th kmgtb at tl U has taken us tn describe tbi-, - the ball would make 1 or 2 doaea roaad. ! The great dhScnlly, we are aasared waa in raising the ball from the nether, to the upper groove, and Mr. Wright waa eleven years ia maau ring this diffieiilty. Mr. Wright, W uudei stand, intend. Ink ing tbi invention on to M.iltimore in two or three days for' the purpose o I peHecting it and making a model, when bo will go to vVoshiiigtoo and lake nut a potent. ' Mr. Wright to native of Hanover On , hut has been livintr In Petersburg for a number of rear and working at Ins pro- feeaioii here, lie is a ffi nlleimiu ol num- ble ahrcom laoce. bat of decided iugenui to. He to well-known a tk inventor of tho well-known "Burglar's Alarm, how so widely ased. In bia present invrnlion he ft Mhleverl soeeew tttai win leu in hi favor. Ptienimn Index. Tk Wmomyieo oeir.sponileot of th Commercial. K publican I taae Uatlr 'tlesre is a tule 111 the snairs oi panic, wnieo, taken at the ffond, tearU tn the devil and he adala the etpreesinn bis own Opmion tnat, erldle ihey Tatre iie.pienily ilnlied toward it. (fan have isor -Meiarety sinica tirai uue ai rMwond tid aow." This smuaerot, mye tlw Toik 'Time. (ah llepublmau.) mam be ef any great mrportancc ll were .ni- eutalen eorreMmooi, mw WkwlnnWmWmf9ir III H!e .t...,..t ilJa uia make it Bsc. Bad IN The New York Trieane paatoii for Proaktoat. bat it ha toUeriy a many words in Grant faror. I be pail oaopby of tbi ia, that the Tribute would accept (Irani with bia chanae., in Itoa of Cbaaa wkkoat aay eUaaa. It aeeoii, however, that the rraVwaeha m read er of a differ mtod. (to f ihem PhllMilfkl. la4h.M.al.g Totht Sir: -Several day ago a nt that Gea. Grant had promised the President ikal h weak! ry of War, or reJIimatoh k ia okedWoee to a mandamus I doubted k, of eoaree. It aeemed io-ediolo that Graaral Grant would make a nroai Is like this. Tk ac tion Implied by each a promise would be I clear dsaiasa of the will of the Meuate of tk United Stale, taken af ter more than silly day of careful delib eration, and, doabtlese, much consults lion. Whll I am prepared to aad ia Gener al (J rant a prompt compliance wtta ine eondnskm of the 'enste, mutter for eon gratuUti.m, I confeee it i. a atugalar apeo tacle to aee. Repablican papers every where exalting aver k aa aa evideoee of hie ay m palhy with R publican principles. Noth ing coold better illaatrale the darkne.n through which wi grope ear way to Que ers Graat's political uadsatfas than the aridity with whick thia abaadonmeat of a civil ofliee held by him under circum stance of entirely doubtful right - ki obe dience to the mandate of lb pioal aagust deliberative body of nvr enautry, bstiHt canrht up and echoed as eonSrmation of J hi affiliation wkb oar great party. Strnag- , ly sympatbiauig heretofore with wuat ua. been popularly called the " sent, 1 stop to ask ia aa Urant move- alarm i be grave auritma : "Is this all V But to tk Vrtoanc of Thursday la.t, ia year special Ick-grapbic corrrapondence from Waskingloa, is a ditailed slaleeaeat of ike circuiiMiai.ee attending General ( ; ran . ' m tiracv from, snd Mr. SWatnu'l return to, the War Department. A poe lion of it from "official m'ormation,' doubtfe.. from (ieneral Urant himcelf or a athortcd IrieH-l. To thi edrriol in formation 1 wleh to ak your particular attention I eonfea it startled me great ly, for it seems wholly to confirm the as tounding allcgaiina ol the jnttuiyrmrr : "We have official authority for slating that I i. neral. Grant ami Sherman watted on Mr. Johneon to-dav. and inf.. run d him that they had advised Mr. Stanton la send in ni iiibiiibki mm .--vmiery m i When I tict read this .Uteioeiit it Hi ed me whh aniirty. Re-reading it has aot abated I ho force of tk.lt feeling. I fxMild ftad liekimnry aeMieo for ki ealiaoidkmry proceeding ol Gea. Grant hi retofoie an psrsilsnUy tv-ttoant aad careful bat tin. : that nui.cn. n. of hav ing forfeip-d hi rd to th Prrsklent (I he.iute to as tills stron language but 1 find uo other to duress av weauiu) he sought to repair so grare a fanit by mdu- dag Mr. Bunion in vacate hto olhce What other explarortloo eaa bo island T fan it be possible that, after all, General (;rant to in practical accord with Mr. rocauu aim who oarmiu. nut i m constrained tn .top at this last develop- meat. I cannot -positively, I cannot- r . I I . I- ro further without light. I have npolo- atoed ronrcienliously for maiiy act f douUful Relmblieanism on the part of Gea. GranU But when and where are my apologies to cease t My voice and vole are sk"d for l!l fat (be hlgbeet of. fire iu the gift of this great people. I have a right to know what hto polithml principb s are ; and until 1 do know, my voice shall be silent and my vote wkh held. Very truly yoarp, M. S. P. 8. Since the foregoing waa written, it ha been ela'ed thai Gen. Grant ex plain bis action fa yielding ap the de partment by tiiykif ti.H Mr. Stanton promised to resign nt once if poserVeioo were qniiftlygiven him. Reloclant I waarto believe this, taken in fnnnectioo with yoor official aiithoriiy,r' leave a room for escape. Gen. Grant made a bad promise ami-broke it. ' , For one, count me out of tha "(I rant movement" for the future. While hi action in thia bev.il- iiiMigrfffBB to his cause, it ha con rarted me from U. M. S. Phil uclpih a, Jan. IS, 1868. Mr. Johnson to rnwrd up Batler i. still hot ted nn ; Urant to rttteatty need opt fftoa ton is staffed opt and the country r titn- tionallr sneakia i gone ap Wall ill fell ( ikf rtft i - IdF Rev Pre idol try E. M. Frost ha resigned the of the fatoldehor' Feosoe loilegr-lo take charge ef a church in lUltimore. TW.-ETlf. AdMto, to WU son , soccer Js bim. GEN. GRANT DENOtJNOED THE HOUSE OF BIS OWN FR1END8. THE CLOVEN HEEL The New Tork Hirwid. In a rayawto of tk "skaatton" at the Sooth, vary proper ly declare that the BiaiMrn negro ooa- as: out of the sloven heal la aa oumis- manner. This to toe painfnlly , la tk Georgia n aaliod eon- palpable veutioa. the while atan f seas at ere or no account la framing tk mw eon.titotion, and the other day a proposhioa to prevent the i lilac ol whites and blaeh. ismisxd. la tk to. digaatioa of the majority, it was propoeed to baa tab tk pmp-.s-r (to Liberia. I the Soatfa Carolina l ourention, having a coaldraMe Mir majority, aad which ww u ppneed, to one time, to be liberally l li i Lft 1. mt fftftjOinv, i. nsasiwea, um SBenn new tw tovanlfsjil imilf The tototo Ik Vkctoto coneem to that tk mud bare their share of tha member of Congre; but they may be willing to lJirmle. if than- whit allies will fur niek e.ch black s pi rant with aa eouiva leni tor two year Congieaewnal sarvtoas, Ixtoea thoosaml dollar, in oar so-csu- ed, matter have net, as yet, toHy devel oped l hi mselves, eloept that tk blacks . -,5ft a a L ft are so lealoa of their position aa me eqaais of the whit a, which they aead aat be, M the entire eoaalily to fully admitted by ibeir UitdMul allna, that they want re porters expelled who dare to make any distinction of color fa the record of an ceedinr. I'be HrraU Bays : "Tie are ike radical revolutionists go ing on from bad to worse from anarchy iu Waehmcton and neano supremacy the Soulh to open and corrupt bargain. for political plunder. In all theae crop trine out of th cloven bed wd see the eaneucr of the time that tha Radica mean to ecme perpetuUou of political power by all lb taalU Mtl 1 UethT ajmy mand, or tliat they intend to tear as the government tn a eoudition of inextrieabl oafuiion, not aad hna. - .Vnfiwrt. TESTE It DAY. It will he aM, by ifi am to the pro- ceedinrs of Ik aneonsiKUUonal eonvoo lion, M yesterday, thai, M wa exported a Irart baa barn made with Mr. Jo W. Holdoa. to report the speeahea io the eouvcutioa, at a compensation of $6 -Per day. tho ra as to be published In eltv pane, (tk Simmmtrd, ml raa.) A the yeaug geutlimaa M and ran do bo more than furnish just soch abstracts as those already given by the Standard aad other city papers, this whole proceeding amy ho regarded simply M a wanton waste of tho pabiic money, for the nurDose of rrwaidiuc party pet. A the JUuuIrr i Uepnhiicau) say : "If a ritisea, without the requisite iiil ifca'too. slrould receive the appoinlmenl as k is rumored, it may be Imped that hie ssiiss ef propriety wilt iodoss hem to tele gra pb tor a phnnngranhar, ao that be asay be on baud at the earliest praci it-able um- eat. (WbmwHs im omce win aegenor- ate inlo a mere partiran job, which will depleto the treasnry without l ing of aay bem-hl la Ike public. A resolution waa also adopted, Calling apon th Public Treaaarer, on th rant of the so-called President of the ao- ralied convention, to pay the prr diem and mileage of delegate, oat of the monlc ol preooot ia Ike Public t reasury. In vi. w id the strong doubts In If public mind, and of the universal eonvic t ion outside of Radical inflnencrs, that the entire series of mis pertaining to Reeoa rtiMttha are anoHistilalioiHil, and. br shir twhtft me lb prupoeitioa of the eouvetilioo to by no moan aalhorised by ,ibe Reermrtrkctia Art. tbemeelvr, it cannot be expected that Treasurer Haiti will for a moment think of paving Uie motp-y, opno the simple order of tho eoa- veulHMt, Uie bond, Inch is largo one, we apprehend, would be sroioa.ly jeopar .led, were be io do so .Wim f. VALUABLE We witneaaed rrrteedar. says the Wil lonigtoa eStor of the 20th . the operate of a remarkable maefaiae ia vented and pe tooled hr Messrs. Fields x (Inerrent. of rtolem, N. t by which all porios of engraving to Ml Hi. dime tn the boat and timet expedition man Bar. The most eompnoaleo lellenng. ine amot eadhett phntngiaphs or Ine iMrt mf graving, are aeeursiely copied oo wmd SO sieel. from whieh hnpreeaiims may be taken. Xew.iiaper eats oa wood er metal, aad all varieties of letters are engraved with much facility by .imply turning a crank. The machine is on exhibition at Messrs. Brown tt Aderoa's jewelry store. It i the inveo line of North ( 'arliutana. aad stands uariv! led in the world of ineehanism. The iirin riple opno Whieh it to eoii.tnieted may he spplfa'dtosll maoaer of work where a graver or chisel is moil, sad it may not be long be furr we have marble statuary rut Iu the same manner. With time ami extariene improve ineiita will eowte, of eoume, and lb origino- biss will doubter aceompli-h a fame oouol Ui thajt of the greatest inventors. Dm Cmwrr -Davy kamao to be present at a exhibition of animals iu the eity of Waabiegtoo and he absiractodly obwrved If that fellow had oa a pair of spectacle. h would look like Major Wight. ..f Ohio iH-lnml rocket, so tapped navy on ine auouiuer. Turning rvaad, JJavy very formally remark d "I'll be hanged, major If I know wboM pardon to ask. yoor or the saoakey's. Dr. 01 niackwll, ai KittreU ad two ado last week, twenty aV a toJatog, liiiii i lii Ij 6I and b6 rbx TN ttoemr seems io leeo m oosi idoatOpeel The mux happened to he just HOW MANY CABBAGES PER ACRE. Th treat Tek ally generally calculate apea esa tmnmm aad heJer aere. albrwiue four .ep irinl. iWtosaakpiaat. wktoh vea a smphssef Turk sit generally calculate apea I saaauss the crop ova averaae five head, elrioff $500 an acre, which, ena erinir k la a sseoad one or third t ef the aM. fferd a pretty s-wd re- tars. Cahhagm often follow pea, with whieh radishes or tottaee haa hae arowa ; and giiawd from whieh aa early en? id po tato have been taken to eftee pleated with hill HI haw Th. seal tW thia srofr must he rich aad manner used unapariuglT. Hog manure to not approved la thia vtoiaky I tl 1 said hat k ar.iee.re -Mah-lseed cab bages." The eardnec prefr-r rotation far this srosv thuagh ws hare known eahhagm a aooen year in s k to a vaiMhie rose fro food far eat- lie aad sheep. It iaereoaes tho Sow of milk, bat il doe not Improve tho eoality. Irriga tion to valuable where lahlsan grow, as the require a vast naantilr of wator as well aa maaure. with deep tlihoj eultivaliou 7Weae. , Lom of Two Cotirnxa Schoox I. Intelligence was received here ye lerday morning, to ika effect that the Cckr. Imim Balance, Capi. Howard, from Elisabeth City, with 1,100 bushels of corn, 10 bushels of peas and 700 poauds of bacon, consigned to M lloseell A Ellis, aid th Schi. Jmmg JJnd, Cap. Howard, from the same port, with, with 2.000 bushels of earn, to Meoars. Mitchell k lluggins. had beoa blown ashore oa Monday night but, while attempting to make Praofffaft harbor, where they honed to find heiter from Ike a vers storm then mgtng. Tk partica tar were rapt lolly given, but it is pro. .unied the vessel WtU prove total loss, while portions nf the cargoea may ho saved. Tho cargo caf tk Lanita Bed one wm (ally havered ia thi city, and it is i bought the Jenny l.ind'e cargo waa in- urcd ia Xorfolk.- llVf. Star. An Inamong Sperrk We that a more disgusting exhibition of mull san spirit, contempt for eonetitulienal rwsrsataeSft and tire blmdne of petty pal iticiaM, wa never made than tn lac speech of Mr. II in gham, of Ohio, in closing the debate no tho pew rteenetractloo nsoas- . He took ap Stevens' cry, aad bold ly etaraac for Coagra tk rtgbt to legta ale ooUMe of the Uonautotioa. let hese same men, oho aot only violate heir oaths but glory to) the act, who spit upon the Constitution aad iu guarantees, are the same who declare they will im peach the Preaident if bo dares to violet i law of their making ! -Hick. Die. FltANK AXI) SC8IE There! that kitten", ran int. the pa try," said Mrs. Leei aa she waa h ii trying m "f you boot her dinner. --Children, on get her oat. weal yuo !" "1 will." aaid r rank. elaUerinir paatry. "Hero, seat, clear out : Poor Eitt. frightened wkh Ik wildlt in every dtrsethm hot that of the dN,r, and finally crept behind a barrel. Frank, of eourae. oould not move it. and as little could be get th kitten out- W lieu he tnoad that .he wohM certainly stay where she wa as loaf Mho mill I, he tried eookiag t hot it was loo let far that Kit would uot trust him. Here, Kilty. Bitty: come. Utile Kilty ; said Husie. in gentle too, as she emm with quiet footfall into the pantry. Kitty knew that pleooMl voire, and h pot head oat. hat haritated. 1 Come, Kitty; dear little Ekty." said. Susie again, aud she came. Mr- Lee bad heard it alt. .e- -Which do yoo think the better way. my boy 1" ahe asked, laying her hand oa Frank". shoulder "Susie'i or your!" Susie's, Frank replied. Remember, thea. little ones, always, that gentleness and k induces are butler than roughness : and the rule of love that of fear." Al l A I US AT THE 1 MIGRATION SOUTHWARD. The editor of the Piedmont ( Va.) 7tt- Mligemrfr. who has recently returned from a trip into Man land, Del war, New Jer- Mjrakd Nw York, bear testimony to the general huanctal and indoatrial dis tress, and say. tb.it all classe unite in tracing this alter pmctiotiua of Ik pros perity of the country Io on cause lac uuaetlh-d condition uf politics. Extreme legislation, be My to now res plug its le gitimate fruits. As long as csjilared cot t n mid lobaceo, and flie so long husbau ded Southern staples, which found their war tn market after llie end ef the war. ppli.il boato of traffic. Ik North fell immediately the effect nf extreme legislation. The rasoartaa hove beea exhausted now, and the grim skeleton which lias ao long bad it abode., io - the Soul Ii only, to also knocking at the door of inn 'Northern ll lends. He adds; I. isi v ear very Hill disposition exist ed with emigrants Io come Io Virginia. At this time weeonld lead thousands up- on thousands to the shores ol the ( ld Mo- minion if we offer tbem employment and furnish tbem mean of transportation." " e must confess thai we consider the sitnatlnti in 1SC8 much more assuring aad a turn iu tho long, loog lane." 6ttfA CurtJina Convention. Charleston, Jo 23 The Couventton lo- rhy wm chiefly engaged in discussing the uf adopting rebel measurm lur MtaPBi The ucarocs are hitler aoaiosl the One Stkl ' In k speech, (bat be .MMBSk-M.tktkiffBaaaMI a no other way The negroe. are growing more ex I 1... ..-..! ..J ik.i k. l-.i ..-l....l I I ACONP1RMEO Tha fkMiwiM hlh aVeb w thmk thara to rh0 AWffJt It 9f lffMti MB let M ffMBH T rrBMCeHaMel t ttoav time ago th kvd I fiTssmsk a weH-kaewu grambtor named Saady Bhek. aad slammlag the door babied am, left the bouae. It was la tho ilka aprtog. aa awtao hoard th. little wi. aay : Who! Hood)' heat oo a dieUrfaaaaa to dag I I ao what i aaa. The dinner-time came, and Saady aad hto fricodsrtdowotodiaaer. The ftoh waa st irs la ritonss, aad oa ratoiag th I eftho efbre him. la a bo sailed oat "Boiled ehiekea f I koto It, madam. A ckiekeo boiled to a i Immediateiy the cover waa other ehiekea. roosted to tar. -Ms asm, I wvrti't eat roast ed Sandy t "you know how it i bees cooked T" At thai instant a ' Without green pma ."' bier. "Here they are, dear," aaid Mrs. "How dare you war!" my moao, to "They were tempting hto. " said th wife, lo Klaiagtrem kto tlkf ffetetfli nUttidart 0 ir of laughter from bto . firt aad .hearted : friend, he eieoohed hto "Hew dare you mjbwvof" A GIGANTIC BRIDGE. A sorpeasioo bridge to to V erected by H Oodry. eagiaeer. ovar the rtrafu of Mamia. fStntjt 11 IMS I (NBI WwWm CRM Pm VeVRRMBSRRl euaat. Ills toeoostotof foor spaM of 3JSI fret each, elevated shoot 198 seat above high-water level, so that The and Brooklyn. to to bare a of IdMfML Warm Labokbm. We shown a letter, says the Balebrh dated at New Tork, writtee to osiaBimi to Raleigh, stating that there are bow id New York eight 1 kt hundred I and womea- ned to farm and I imld I Bid at iil nl to N. (Jaroliaa if eveo lolerabto ladoeeaseote be of fered them. Here, the, to M opportunity for those who wish to experiment with wait labor. Th Germans am aa h thriftv people, and so far a their i in this country elucidate tho question, iu- vartoMy SMceed well i in agricultural pursuit. To them, ia a I id development aad wealth of 1 eoasia aad other THE PROSPECT. Some of oar Northern pen that tho dry goods mtit rhaoto MBato section eiptrieoced an encouraging im provement in their trad during the latter part of last week. They believe that th experience of that class is n index of th business situation generally; that tk tarxeaw actot ia tk hard ttoto lam passed ; and that a fair trad will begin. Tbcy also express the that (here is nothing to make a business disturbance, except the political trouble, aad that the have become so thoroughly waked ap with regard I the latter that the Radical - ' a. a a. . rule-or ruin faction will nana be Per Contra, the N V. Albion, the or a of British toartonal to) the United ran States, after a hurried review of the of ibe laic war. concludes that the of thto eoantrr to dark aaal IUM VftMW , 1 " The ABmn to at least entitled to the i it of being im partial . It tmys: " I he pee- sow maamasM miwsmj sssims evenly so divided ia sajtimeat lkat an early renewal of actual civil war m no at all an unlikely occurrence. Wo Writ theoe sentences with regret, htm at tha same time with deep coortottoa of their llllhrihliM Tk met trr bniugbt mis ery tasogh with it for oa generation eer toinlv ; and when w coMlder that til another trucgle would eventuate in tk addition of a moat complicating ami aaa geroM feat urc namely, a contest be twee 'mm-we recoil from the wlllttto wkh borrr. It will be seeo from Ik above that poh- lic opinion st the North to aot on the grato question of tho hour. We think k clear , thai, wil bout mm prompt aad detenu in rd action on t lie part of the Northern peo pie, the conviftioiis of aba Afbiom will prove le have been wall fouuded Tho country is even now passing through a terrible' ertoi. History is, indeed, repeat ing itself. Tk MMM of the French Revolution are about to be M mjpBiaff in America ; and lb only barrier now re maining to the aceomplisbment of the Ja cobin parpoae to th to-maess of tk Pres ide,, t, backed by tk ilHlMlaid will of the Northern peopt. The immtdtotr fu- ure is frHUghl with eveit of un parallel ed magnitude and importance ; and it may aot be loog before the destiny of thto mm grand ive public will be irrevocably iced. Whether tor weal er for woe, k to heyMd ken to decide Wil. Star. who uftea rocorriag it seMstom torkahilky. wktoh ware highly ro Hahed by all except tho hruw'go, f mmt Httto wito. 0m marotog Spaary aomo kootMa oorosl. Th hadotoa aad earn wee saHllaal. oVms to a to, aad had beoa ordered by hktebdf th Movfcam I I Meo I aal ksnpketot aaa hmji Iki Inklifit Wliat willT.ru havo for droaer. Sandyf " mU Mrs. BIsch "A ohtokea. madam." aaid bar haebead "Boast io boiled I" ashed tho wife. "Coal aad It. madam, if rua had baas a I t TW iidt of th 1 1 nion Lep is Ne-Bf - of 1 : , i ; . - wtnn It eni: .re iiniaanisls Mod. A IT-V- - nO- IV .r-i -- -A.-4tvat v. a. i rt haV" ' ' , T, iare vadke- . Cues mm so a.