I aMfp Ttam I " f A -----r , . ..5- ' ' ' 7I -. . .' ' i V ' - . ... . :r. . - - 1 m wmi mm. 'oililiiiiai JVEW SERIES WATCHMAN OU MOITH 8TA. .JJ ava mrtbaHtyiXaaat iMteTL ' " ' ri? fcflitrr ilnn Mt iliiiilfce tb. earno. TBI WEEKLY OLD NORTH HTATB. Oa Tsxt L NO. 5 SALISBURY, If. C FEBRUARY 7, 186&- VOL. Uelted Istraatfaa Acta, teahjagaay MM Of tan .fa, WW W TM DKAMINO. I dreaai of ten ' mawy SSarmai Mr rtwufbt raw ol 0 ar earth "d T, KioeVdaadf MSfaantrt4s OfM aBfaMatod fat tha MIHM itr ikiti Uw thfo gevccw- ia all it parte with ha Exeat!, Lrarielslfvc and eat of ito own Tree Hank JO, 3rd. Aaaetauti Tkaflal ItWa BtOalaoitar and atiU Ike? Htaatooltaytaltalis aatemettam- . .ream sad tkartaTaaVth mam ma) thai Tn" 7 naaBV pay WrJTliimttfwvfl rmdmybro- all, thr beta HwLifl B, ibi. .ats 1 t hose a TM jM stbssadit lmL o I TbaMufl Lanaal I pydf Maidact,p Tail I wraasfl LaV there l pw mm nikMti maaaaam t" a. B . . Brtaraio Sotkat Mtii own J not devrve ila sabwaace in aay from tbe proarat rttaie dee it CoaatiUlian. It aadrr atlrn auiVoHtr and aeitkar cJaiaia Ntr djMrmt l jbfai any ewawoctfon trltb M. Oa taa aeatrary, laa aaaaaaarj afeat f iW Waojpiratkan of taa ravamawal, vUont to (o ta- lf thr re aar aMiraiioa au tiM axiatmr govrrn- ajcai ta aaaaay Mad far the aaajalrtiaoee af that araf diiil, tkia okHcaiion moat ariae from aoaaa enactment af tka farmer ar cIm af aooaa aalboHty luperior to bolk. It ia aaadleaa lo aar Aal ike Lei af ika ktanfa rattan at I contemplated br tka Caw arreetU and deatrav taa p aar aMication au tka i Ltfialatare uL The aatbontr meet eome, n j freat tbe acta af Congreet from wfaieh Qoartariea derirea Ua cxwtaaae. eta are, Aa aet le peoride far taa more cf- aieat goreiMaeal af taa re Del oiaiea, pawed Narak 8, 1M7. tad. Aa aet aapilranatal tkereto, paaa- 187. to die afore- ...-'MUM tbaardiaaaea tka Qoeelioee I Ued br axpnaa aaatfrat 8ectioaS,ef1 Ika Act of Marah S3rL 11, ahow. piaai Ir tka Intendment of tka kw-eaakera ia IT tkia recard. Tkai aectioa it aa folio wi : "Tea Oaaraariaa far aaefc Stau rbatl ureaariba tka fata, aalarr . a aaakaa . a. a. a Una to na paM ail aeiagataa aao outer afwnta aereta aataariaad, or aa- earry far afbet tka aarpoaaa of ihia act. not bareia otkerwiae arorided tor, and aball provide for tka levy and eol-J (Oraat) admitted ibat if be onanaad b viewi Ike property in to aajr lection of aack ue on racb State aa may be tke aame." By a prevlooa aection, pinlalra maaa Waarkwataf Aa iipnaaia la ed by tke Coaaatandmc General, or by virtuo of any orderi iocd or appoint- ly ia taaaa ta jaen- Oiaattia ia demaadinf fundi of rwaaary to pay ka aaasara f It aeema to me the cou- kt Wrfaotlr plain under tka teroa of On. wiaibare, WiMUrrar iaa katida, be! ted aa I araaatjaf at liar pray kf Ike, had. namWrinf Oad a r t nnnliamilfrn at bar knew, at a I Ua the ana of th.tr aa that aba. daafaatart: anayi it aat iklari, af ta BmrraaahMatoHl-Ahranlamthaohtoaik1l-ft atwawrr. They anaVtoad aa w W,,h aver, amf rJJer ami hrfca i. hand, Walaeaa atoaiai aa to the yuan 1 1 kant Of I aVep aad and Ike ...tut Jki tbm a atoat arV I wakeapaarly; ar awt aatfl .aaraa, I aeowwframme aUnrtma, U me wakeapwtlaaraa. THM QUESTION OF FEB DIEM. rum eaaiMpxiCATto ar raa roauo (TOAacaaa. . A Mm. 0. . CMmiliimi G mUMimml Contention mfM.Ct Sta 1 bare tka honor to acknowledge that t have received and carefully consid ered tka ordinance panted by your honor .hie bodv. via : TW Ihr Treanrer of tka Stale af North Carolina, upon the warrant of tlie Pretideat of tkia Convention, ia hereby aatbatawd ami direetod ta pay the jaw aVat ami mileage of mrmben aad officer. it tlrlay tJWaWIHaTaWla Witk-tka fraatrtt deforaaee for tke opin n of tka ataramlon, I muck wgrct that my viewi of the law render it fawpotaible tor mo to obey lb mandate of tbtt ordi nance, Oh tka letaay of Janoary, 1867, I took ai oath of olra, not direcily ar indirectly ta apply tka pnbtie money ta any other u.ethanlyhTwdireeterl. I. alao, entered Into bond in tke penal ram of $850,000, conditioned that I weald iahnfaM aecoant far all romreye and oth thinn. Which thall coma Into my handa by rirtac of J ofllce." If a call i. made on tka Treaanry, i aatboriaed by Uw, it iamy duty todeel compliance, a. well on tee" "riU f -T "b, aa ike hw aecmint of tka ftb- aptaalbililiea af tfaater nrdi it michtUiaeambent on me to waive my individual opinion in deference to tka tnperior witdnra of the Cenrention. Bat in thU c. ho eonae qaaatra raf aaajjaariic4 artkjajugof moment to mytelf and otkart, It would bo madaatt far tat to dwregard mv clear eon rietioa, aatwUkaiandiag the dignity ami weight ot tbe body whoao Jadgmeul u va riant from my own. 4 Mafc a garatad ia tkk Bute, with power to raite fanda, by totatfan, for earrylug. aa ito nperationa. For thi. parpoae fund, bare beea attaaJly maliaed, and I am, at pee. eat, tka age at akarged witk tkak eaatodj and dUfaaraemant. (t b trae, Cuiighjaa . . . "it I M haa Caalattd taw gorernment wtegai aam wahl, bait, la tka aW -Nee, ta long at I taatatl to be Ut terrant, I cannot bat ac fTtagitu baa, aotwhkatandirg tke aV , that the esmttng Stale govern- weia, allowed their mder certaia eoaditiona. 1 1, of tke Act of March Z, ! U - 1 k.l " " tka riMinlf, reeid rebel cUatoe thall be by Uw ad- 1 aa.aaaaaaaaaatiaa la Congrea. aay which amy eatei ware- w...u waadla kw him MaaHawB- at hv Virtaa A thi. act. oat of the Treatary of tke Ual led Statea. Tka aacttoa quoted daeUrra that tbe Convention muet preacribo tka pay of iu delegate, aad of all other offi ce, aaptialtd auder Ua tatbarity, aao1 tkea direct, iu what manner theae ex pen -era matt be met. Tke Convention moat Wry aad collect taxea for tke parpoae. And tke particular kind of revenue aet la indicated. Tke toxea muet be levied on property alone, act aa prrtnat ar other .object. ; whereat tke money in tka Treae- ary of the taming state governmeni ww. mihtaltd from peraoni, calling, privilege, ia rkail be deemed pcovmiowai only, aad la all raafaata takject to tka paramount authority of tka United 8 1 ate, at aay time to aboliek, modify, ooatroi, at euper- kc. aa well a from property Ia it conceivable that thi. tcctioii would have keen paaaed, if the Convention al ready had power to avail lleeif of tke fund, of a eovcrnment tkea m operation collected nuUer Ua law I When Con grea. ha. enjoined on tka Couvwntina, for the puraoao of paying ito maihcra and "I aeeaa, tke daty af taxation, expreaaly de claring on what cah)ecU tack lerie thall be made. I ami aaakte to find a plaaaibl- nuton for tke claim tliat other fund, col lected ky a different mode of taxation, for oilier purp era, by a diBerenl governmeni, 1 i.:..i. .1. 1 rl. ,.r..n,......l IIUrl it al. W,.,l, W.H.'HfM jmw..w.-.w r lowed oa certaia term, to eontmae until aapereedrd or eual rotted ky tka United 8tatra, abanhi ke diverted to arker object far which prur ir iou ia otherwiae eaxweaaly atode. The Ordinance under diuu.aion call directly on the Public Treasurer. Thia ia according to analogiea heretofore pre vailinr ia North Carolina. To aalhoriae fa look ovar kke law, ami ha truoWa hi I he wooed aad tret ata- aam' No (Onuii) remarked that b. d oot with to be tabiaeted tolaailltam I Sor; wbea the Prawdaat fapkoaf : 'Why, I laid yoo, Otatral, that I would take all tka jamritiir, total tad pay al tbt aet that miU be impoaad lOQ TOO The tret Secretary eonimued : ("Ha mean iagOiwm) admitlad all, and awatoa rtomwui)? esam.1 that had in U ao iahrlliinwittiy. Ua ad millcJ that when tbe in.arview lerounated Saturday he waa la have men lb Praadeotoa Monday anon the takject." The treoaa aaaratary aow tattrrtt: u TBE LATE PRESIDENT LINCOLN. No man, no one, certainly, who poa- t raite af eminm 1 ao raw trait at eminence more idolised by a party, while liv bat. the Mr. Li.t.la, aar reaaratod aad mouraed mora wbea dead. Tbe extrav-ae-aaeee at hie friend t, at leant for a time, aeaared from tka ararroet af tbe rtoath a revereaca for him dae only to Diety. I'erbapa, aa of the beet and hlgheat tmiu of Mr. Liacola'a character waa hi imple bouaaty. Hit eanvietioaa were baamtly faraard and at boneatly espreaa ed. lie andemlood tbe negro elmraeter, havinr bean reared ameoff them in Ken tucky, and tke opiniona ke formed of tkeaa. ia early life, remained witk him to r - r . race, and rcpecMliy to toe wniie race; but he deeired that aiavcry tbould estinguiakea by proper mean. Bat a to negro cawaftfr with the white race, a public man b tke country baa borne a more decided teatimony against it, than , paymenta from the Treaauiy, tke warrant ' of the Ooveraor, aa the certificate of tke But Mica It that appear, that Congrea reaerve ta tka United Stotea, tka power over tke ,l.d - - Iu North Carolina, aatil tka oaaad. ahall be br law admitted to re-' atTltalttrrrn la Congreea. In other word, ' Comptroller, it generally neeeaaary k. tka llwiteal Kiaie eaa abol-' lyctri.latnre. whether General Aaae ink, modify, eaatrol or tapererde thi. gov- or Convention, are aamtlty paid an the iraaiiat aatil a Conaiitution tkall be form- certificate of tbe peeeiding officer. Tbe td. latmlllll to tka atntlr. adopted, and warrant of the Governor ia no protection III yciaglt.l. tttatuav to uw treaeuirr, uoo r au.uv.i.vu j tkaU be elaeled under that,' law. Hence, I have felt it my duty ia ..... a Ll i .11 .1 - - - - - . ..L tnm aa.li war. i amwi that Aaemuiy anaii , n-- w w - tka aiiiatmd aaae ml meat to tbe rant, but to aet according to my clear con- rvdii.iU .J iU. Laited Mute, km.wa waettoaa of daty aader tue law. r or we aa al. si. and ia addUion, aaid article ! view, expreated ia tke foregoing comma .lual k adopted by three loertb. of the Year koaorable body haa juatea tareal aa tke awaraa af jlatjr Vf -' al aawl aaawa TfA 9aaataa)ait7aaCm taTara aTwD to wit: tke formation of a Oututatom. Ilcanwot at tkia lime, ahoUth, modily control, or tka pt meat that weald he inter- wfek tka prerogaUrc af tka Unhcd State looutic poailion toward, them. Ia all ca Now. Chief Juttice Marakal lay It dawn ha MeCalloch rt. tke State of M. ry land, that the power lo tax any eubject, involve, tka newer to dcetray tuck tub- taat hw aaramaive toxatioh : and to the power to appropriate a portion af tka raaata af taa Btoto. include tka power to pproariato all, aad bene to deetmy or control tbe Stale government ot depriving it of the mean of continued exi.teuce. It tkn appear, that the ordinance of the Convention, directing me lodUburae mon ey from Ike Treatary, infringe on a pow er rrrvvd exclaaively to tka United Ctiaatiat Again, by the It .rcUonof the Act of . . . ., ,.t i. .. ........... July, low?, UiC contmuauci: wi p.t-" Slate government it allowed and tke tame i declared to be aalject In all rcapeeta to the Military Commander and tbe authori ty of Congre. How it thia eoneittcnt with the claim by the Convention of pow er orer tin- aame govertroenl I The Trral nry, of which t am tbe guardian, i neeea aary to tbe lifo of tke very ofaniaation without which it cannot be eoutiauad hi the manner allowed by the Act. It amy he aaid that Uiu funda in the Trraaurj are tufEcient for the need of the Courcutiou mid of the State govern .laa. Aa a matter of faet 'Ida ia al- tnntber uncertain, bat, even if true, the principlfl I not al an anocw-u. 7 dental eircumuuee of one State not h.iv- lag at thia timo au empty ln'y L.a. .... haarine on tltO COIUtrOCllOn oi MU nf CmigrCM 'patted long before and applying m tka nine other State aa well. II the power to uireei 'iaw "" -Heeded, it toemt fo fellow that p-jwrr to enforce tkrae direction, by puniabment for diaobedieoee, i likewhw poteed by thi Convention. Tke moat obviou pun i.bmeut af refractory offieert it removal ar taiaaniii- from office. Now Cougre ha steadily refuaed to confer on the Con ..ntlon thi rUrht of removal. It ia veat din tka Dittriet ommander, wko may abilitute ottcer ot trie army, or omen, piaeaafetataaavaa or utptMu ed. Suppoeetbe Commanding uenrrai tbould exereito tbit power by ubtitating aa otaeer of tke army. Would tke Con vention claim authority to direct tuck aM cer f It teemt to me thi claim ia iucon abrtont with ike power oi the Commandinr U The fnnamiaa? eantidnratlont would aatiafy ma that I am not ju.Ufi.-d by tue aala af ITlltinMI UOWB a HW wwu- nieation, I am therefore Me. tolcly rerpouti- In reapectfully declining to obey the nr- tW of thia Coaveatkm, I. fejr katea to aure them that nothinz but a tlrong of dutv could induce me to lake an antag- .. . - . . m - . . at aaa peactieabie, It will give me great plctav ore to co-operate with tbem, and to give uH the aid ia aty power, towarda further ing tbe brat interval of tke Slate. I bare tke honor to be, Very reaneetfuHy, your, KEMP P BArrLE. Public Treasurer. vfthe.Kew k. 11 - 1 - tA K. nolinad la aaaaoo to enaMb fbc Prelert not the ofioe id rb1 aame poaiiioa at it WM when be (Oraat) w at appointed eV-eeetary ad hfria." 'The 1'r-idm.t -id loOei-rral Grant: 1 ex - bk death. Ma waa e-peaad to Uvcry, pooled lo tee you Monday. Why did yoo not believing tbe inautatioa aerjndiejal to call r Ornt replwi tlml lie Wa loo mucb boU occupied by General SkeruMi and many little ouliera.' " The taaond Secretary amended aa follow : "I think Uwrnianaaged in ilwprepara lieaa mutmtry to an abdicalivo uf tbe War Offlce." T Kfl Frtfc 1Ww(lP' Cfc? trtwwra Pl(twt decbvwi: "Aad the fact waa aav.lnnad that Gea. Sberaiau waa here on M.aday. The Fretkhmt now periimmily mid; "On Saturdav. when he tGraul) referred lolbe ten ure of-otlke act, I told him tfial t would take j all the Moprhnnoient and pay all the fine tbal mitht be mtpeatd upon linn under rt provat nju. Wkwa hw aruat to leave Ua roam I re pealed the remark, fur I wanted to know whether or not be intended to bold on to tin office deHffitiov lo relieve bim if it waa hit pur -pom to yield it." Tbe lourth member of the Cabinet went oa lo my to tbe PraMikni: "Oa Twreday you told kim that wa the obj ct uf your ooaveraaliin with him on aiurJav." The muoad Secretary tpoke: ' lie (re feeing to Grant) did what ( expected k would Tbe fourth Cabinet member continued after tka Saorelary, and mid: ' I did not suppose a man occupying hi position would ao preva ricate." Year uorn tpowdVnt deem It heat lo emit Um Uonwr let n employed by the pcaker to denote his evidrnl ih v' at what be conceived lo be the had leitb at Grant The third Secretary mid: "My idea it that be auppoaed that the Senate would act on Sal orday, aad he inlaw t1! J lo carry over liar Pre ndenl mail Monday. Tbe Senate not having acted iben, be did not come to am the Pieai drnt en Monday, a he did not wh lo tee him until lb w bole tiling bad been consum mated." The Prendeut f otebod the conversation a follow. : "I denirad to know wlwa be (General Omni) wikJ do, and did not think thai be ouoW have aa witaooderatood the agreement." Yonr eorreiraaident having oummunicated not merely in auUiancc, but literally, tbe dia logue upon thia Mibject which took place at tl.e White Huua mi Kri.lay last between the Chief Executive and hia Cabinet adwaen, ha merely to ohaervw, in oncluiun, that the Jig natarea of ai who rendered tbe teatiaiouy would doubtktm be affixed to U if it should bo ofBciaUr denied. . t j, as. MB. TEAOUE'S BE8OLUTI0NS. Oar i tarn t af tke Convention proceed lag erred, oa yeatenlay, la attributing the fallowing resolution to Mr. Tourgee. They Were preaen ted ky Mr. Teague, of Forcytbe, aad we pal tkem at) record, that it may go dawn ta paatortty, aa . Waakimrma C Y.rkWrM. An O'h-ial Hport of thi Johmmm Grant Affair StaUmtnU of tk Prtiident and Cabinet Oficer at to tht Conduct and Promutt of Gen. Grant. Washington. Jan. 22, 1808. The q-ieslion of veracity that ha been raised bet warn tresident Johnson and Geo. Grant m n.riain iuuriiai compels your correspondent lo make known the following tacit, which confirm ; but oriaiiial aU-ment to the rtortd, and which not only the Pnwufcrnt him moat prominent member of bis nMilivalv vouch for: Just alter the locate! meeting of the Cabinet on J..U. 17, the ' tlele from the .VutiuMflf 7a ttlliijeneer uf I he 1 ."nil wa rved m pr.-sMi.-e of ihc Prvaulent and the lieon- menfiooed inem bcia ol the Cabiuet. The Mateiuenia niedem that rtiole, which wi re aubalanliallv ibose tel egraphed after ail inlerview With Mr. Johnson by the corrvajxwnlent t)l the H'erW, werairevd to. by tin President and all ih.Sec-wUrH!fr-crri: hut tlie oljeclioa was made that they fell abort ol ujlujl actually occurred during the meeting of ibe Cabinet on TuesJay lb ltih. inalaut. The first Secretary or mem bee ol the Cabiuet prew ut al tbe meeliug on January il. proof af hi bitter footing aad hia re.di net to place North Carolina entirely aaal irrecoverably aader negro supremacy. Bead the reeolatmtm : Be it ordained, tec.. That the County registering board shall bare power to dis trauchiee all and every person, that aided and abetted, gnvc comfort and their iuSu ewe with latent to dissolve or break ap tke United State government, before or in time of or aince the rebellion, or have ; been or are throwing obstructions in tbe way of reconstruction. Jtt it further ordained, That aaid board ahall consist nf three loyal men, who can take teat-oalh. ( iron-clad,) to be elected at other County officer are, and shall , hold their offices mouth, or until their j uccessors are eh cted. Beit further ordained, That aaid board thall meet twenty dayt previous to any election that may be held under this Constitution, first giving ten days' notice of the place or places of meeting, and ahall proceed to register such In the memorable ran hiinclf and Judge Ueagtea, in llliuoia, be,w emphatic ia hit declaration. At Ottowa, ha aaid, "I, at well aa Jadge Douglas, am in favor of the race, to which 1 belong, having the euperier position.' At another time, in a taeeeb delivered at Caiuuibu. ha aaed the followinc laa; guage; "i am Dot. nor ever bare been, in fa vor of bringing about In any way the so cial ami political equality oi toe and black races: I am not. and acrer hare been, ia favor of making voter or iorort of aecroet: nor qualifying them to bold foflice. or intermarry with the white people: and I will say, in addition to thia, that there it a phytieal difference between tbe white aad black races which I believe will forever forbid tbe two race living together on term of social or po litical equality. And inasmuch as the v cannot so lire, while they do remain to re liter moat be tho potition of .uperior and inferior, and I, aa much aa aay other wan, am in favor of having tbe aupcrtor posilion at signed tbe wbite race. There It no evidence that he changed theae view. They accord with tbe view, af every ho neat white man, who kaa aay correct knowledge of the two race, who bat not become a fanatic, and who ia not blinded by partixau am bition or interest. Such views, we bold, am not unfrind Ir to tke trae and beat latere of tbe colored race. Mr. Lincoln was a friend of that race. lie would not enslave ibe negro. He would give kim hi freedom, and protect kim fully in all civil rights. Tbaae are identically our view. But be waa not In favor of riving social mid po litieal euualitv to ibe black race, lie waa oppoaed to mvking rotors or juror, of negroc-, ar of giving locial and politi eel equality to the black race. Ha wa opposed to making voter or juror, of negroes, ar of giving tkem office, aaa ta their interna rryiiig witk the whites. 8a are w-. Mat the aWksfa eJaita that Mr. Lincoln was a friend to tbe negro, bal me, who hold tbe tame view, precisely are called bit enemies. . r - Iilil-OUT O" THE MINORITY Ol vn mammngiem. Of THM COMMITTEE ON SUE "S.gf tilTaf nTl KB At JK, IN tiihVESiiun aAjt 30, 18C8. Tka mtdwrshrned. a minority of lb. nmmittee oa 'Suffrage and Eligibility h HSce," regretting that they have beer i liable to agree with tbe majority of lb' ouimittee, beg leave to auhrait the mi owioa report : We cannot view, without eriou ap rrcheiision, the admiaaion to all the high t rhjrbtt and privileges af citiaeaahip f a race, consisting almost entirely o: baa. recently eaterxed bom slavery am. infilled by prevkrut education and habit f tbnnght and sett-reliance, for the Intel iirent disc bar re of tka Julie sod reepou ibilities which weald devolve upon lham I VTe do not regard tbe right to vote a antral ar ialsrasnt, bal convention ueraly to be regulated In sack way II 1m. MMn..... ,! -,!.-... ISS WHO! rommunitv. Ilnon thia orinemle woman lorcod at waaiev-r naaaro. iaa aewern.-.i .A i ' h.rh-, avilwdarf. I. there '". Ur J "ul P'-6" Pre" y reasta why tka aagti sksald ha ad-1 ., . . ,, , t- , . i', , raneed to a higker position t cJumfwd betwtmt the President and Traataes, While wade not deny that tnera are lm., rurded aad asraae, the hat yet re- msa t to ttoek. a, ia taa, that lbs Uaited . . a a a . a . . . wouM h a trwaaer al sad tka mU TU" Attorney General at at a torn lo knew bow tbe tn be aold, wttb (waraste nam par that the ea-aJthaJIb. kept amm: The ecm of Ooeawma. t tbr- fure poatpnatd. The Way and Mean Commit tee hare agree 1 to tke Senate amendments to lbs Wthtij mm u. bul, and it will oowbticm pam tka Hsmse. This moraiag's Work" fata the Mamrkaj. " Wiakiagtsn, Jan. 31. Prmidaat llkstis is to atsktts- to Great Urtiti tke Aararmta Dl toffifVsMKrtt Oi BtVOPVtaMV of arad aa mora. Aaetaar and authority has falarmiaad open Ik rkstb br lo be pursued ia mat it lo tka of the I lam I am awtboriaad to state, meet mtsaianj and tVoaiveiy, that the taptiaaat riemtndt which have beea too meekly urged by tbe Secretary at atato tpta fot fataak Oitiasf, arc to be n- udividuals of that ela who might be ex- aafca that a Pedy and peetcd to expreas their own conviction at muet be made by person or i - . . i . . i Preatdent biraaell. but four ot the prrsrms as rnay rie entitieu io voie irrme. Cabiuet, will j this ordinance; and for llicir tervtcen tuaii n cei ve tucb compensation a may be al lowed by the General Assembly. Beit further ordained. That thi ordi nance ahall be hi force front and after its ratification jr W. .1 r.l not auppoaa that aay white man in North Carolina Waa ao running , . . , iy r iTirTi THE RAILROAD. It will be seen, by advertisement else where, timed by the principal business men of Wittstoa and Salem, that a rail road meeting it called to be held iu the court house, at Winston, on Saturday, tat dar of February aexl, to "lake into con aidermlion tbe best means of securing the location and building the Railroad to Sa lem, under the charter granted by the late Leirialature." it being the extension of tbe Coalfield Railroad westward. We hope the meeting will be well attended, aa it i one of the most important more- menu erar made to benefit thia section of country, cut off as it is, at present, from all direct communication by railroad, which always has been great drawback nana us growth and general prosperity 'No doubt spankers will be present, who will full v explain the object of the meet ing aud impress upon the minds of the people the great utility of a railroad through this section of the country. Kail roads have always been a blessing to communities, wherever located, for proof of which we need only reler to the nour ishing Northern and Western States, which, in some localities, present, as it were, a network of railroad, 'l imes, k ia true, are act very favorable to enler- lu the South lust now ; bat a brighter day ia iu store for us, and we should not let fbs rt sent opportunt tv lor securing a Railroad pa, witboai w en unon the Uoard of Uegiatraiioii, who SOIUCliHCW-u. .... . -r - ... firrcd to, ohseiv-d : hat 'pen. Gram . Uul must generally be an ignorant class 01 j . . .r fl..Lt i..J MlkrfTLl.. . I l.l t. ...... .1.1 1... n..lmilU ' edged' that he (Geo. (Jrahl) bad promised either to letatn tire olll -e or io leuocr i reri)M.v... in lime to enable the President to appoint a gyujjaaa. lie (Gen. Grant) aaid hi orani m at the time was, that lb 'iut' must nay io until the Sail' could gel in by sdue coorst of law," ... I make a full record of what occurrou nere on TislisJayJ" tT '."",- The IkwSM JSecreiary mru : int ore-..; record, then, agree Willi this newspaper state ment, eKeprm that il it more fuB.fc When upon tbe first Secretary ud : '-Te, it gives a much more detailed aecoant of what aurwd bete. Speaking of hi withdrawal frtmi Wf Dsparumnrt, Grant aaid that be bolted one dour uf the Secretary's office not he made, kaked th other ami delivered the key to the Adiirt General. He did not prolem to know what iranapired afterward " Tu (aeond eVetetary added : "It it not tt alt surprising that lie (UraW) did not reuulk-ot He v. m ideally two much cool used to re member muen," , . " Then the third Secretary remarked ; "He (Oram) eaid teat lbs dweataoa at tka paper over with bile SXaioal hi own people The t onvemmn, ol course, will not aon oo little sense aa either to adopt the ordi nn:.ce or io ineoipuraw it in tw- , -i,, u IOUicr opportunity may lion. To wnfer such extraordinary poW-, r ,5- railraad might, percbanee, be located' so as not to materially benefit ihtt immediate commu nity, and therefore our best effort should now be pat forth to secure tbe location. We notice that a series af Railroad meeting, having in view the extension of the i eyettuvuie ex t iwltteld road t . t Greensboro, arc being held, which com- aa .Monday last, to close at Ml. Vernon, in Chatham county, oa tke 11 proximo. There ia no time to be lost for those who favor another rente, ria Hbrb Point, ta pre their claim, ia the proper spirit. xtawwt agists. whitee and black, would be montlmus. We are aware that tbe 'black and ten Radical paj er in ikb Ciry urge upon the fjaarsnliaa ike adoption of the Alabama Coaatitulion, which eounael, we hope, ike Convention will adopt, but it will hardly gratify Mr. Teague low malice o far, at , io place the power of dltffraifcharmg bar ciuxens Iu tbe hands ol ignorant uoarus of Rcfiattatiou. We have no choice, bower, In tbe matter. The more violent, tbe mewier and the more outragcontly tka Convention act, tke better. No de cent mari in North Carolina can certainly hare any desire to take part In tbe eon duct of such a government ai tho Stan dard ami Mr. Teaaeae would have in would have ia this State RaL Smtinei. Northern Georcia. who Sever tinti ja saMaj eactua, ca.cwar.il sand dollar, thi. year oo a orop of A mane any the tho white and com. Louisivna raaotara are imp raving upon the contract system by giving their laborers tick ets ach day, good for the pay, of ao many hoars aa oka may have worked, bay or moda- trioua. The FaveteviHe AVan clu-joicU oo km than fner Arm iu that p ace, occumng iu the apace of four days, also tk expkaaaa of a tokas tke ballot box. still tke great mas of them are so ignorant and prejudiced, that they easily become tbe dopes or ocanrn- ing adventurer and de-jagogaet, throorh Secret 1 introduced from Northern States, mere ly follow tke instructions and reflect the viewi of ikoee who control tbem Wa believe tkut the bleaainx we have derived from oar government, have due to the virtue, intelligence and inde pendence of those inverted with the right of suffrage, and we tremble for tke safety of Republican Institution when it shall be determined to coaler tni trusi upon those who mentally and morally are unfit ta administer it, to "confide the power of making laws to those who bare no property to protect, ana to do tow me rrbt to levy taxes on those aha bare aa uses to aay." But it is said that the prorxwod alteration li I iTtir Ir J kg 0 i k) -r fa restora our state lo CoutituUonal rvIaUon with the KeeVral Government. Iti I lb Whteatem of tke Executiee af tbs United Stale, or sst a oacia ratine of war aguu'. Gieat Uritiaa most loevttahly eataa" Congrem. Washington, Feb. 1, P. M Htaati: No tr a aincnilar the elective franchise to tboo who are ao ia- experienoed arr beaine Borsaa. to exereim supervision aad lulebtg aad little prepared for tbeordiu t of life, that tke aiitssasasat eaaary. thrnowh the V readmea' xereisa saaarrarkm aad toieUaw over them. Bat we deny the power of Con gres to prescribe to North CawKaa, who shall or who shall not vote. I reeognixed as one to S.. Art- 1 This has always of those gr sal right and ia foot ills their who ahall vote for msmbsrs of a the Conatitutiou of tbe U- See. II. provide : Tbe Houa. of Repraeeslatira shall b. eompoeed of member eboaea every tatoad . ... . .i - - ir.y.JTrLrzriirzL a Gr-m WIU tutl Ciwtuir tu rmu usaaav taaaa ' I . i oa. a a . m .X . uualineatiooa requisite lor elector ot taa XIV Houm : Tbe Praeident mat ssked wtieiher be tiad appoialed carrasn pcal fam a i- -: master, who bad been rejected by lbs Sstiate, UW oca tnpomtmtolt were John Tonne Brown' earn wm Beck advocating hi sdmnajmi. He Ibat the House bad a right to extend beyond the OaaMitoimnaptirtwialitam- If the member elected took the oath he had a right io a seal, and charge ot dnloy.lty tbould corns up afterward, when, if guilty, two-third can expel him. No action was taken, postponed to Monday. In- I Virginia Convention. aft) The of prohibiting the to corporal ml rates of who doss, bam holding in internal imprsatmtnl lor x a so Beaks iwaorted ia favor wet. Aam pteCbume pmaoos, tsj tfBatVatk to leouerhat thTrtmraoos ooropanjea r mssaKng tfaetr pcetm. Tb City Couoctl has named an ordimmce ermifaax all abhibodied dtmros ia a body to b knowa as a special city police, to look after imaadartm and Masarwim fa Utah say that Conrreu certainly reeognixed North Car ol i as aa a Htat ia oromr eowsthutioaal re- a lb. ratiaeattoh of the XIII by OOT Legislature of IMS- a submitted to war Leg- of 1 888-7 for ratification. We eaa, tkea, oely regard tka present Humrea a a punishment for our conduct strikes us as cx putt facto, tyranuical and unjust. W cairuot content that our State should be degraded to aa infeiior position to her sisters that she ahall expunge from bar Constitution clauses, excluding the negro from voting or holding office, which other State bare iadignsntly refused to strike from their own. We refer, especially, to the Constitution of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indi ana, New York and - II Ii ni. We do thin k that the requirement would eome with muck better grace, if toe, and other State had altered their Constitutions, or if it was pro- oed tn So amend the Coustituliou of tbe United States, as to make tk application universal. Vicwiuar the matt or in ever light that pre sents itself, aad willing to extend to the ne gro population every right that would legiti mately result from tho late war, or that ia nummary to their security aad happiues we yet think the welfare of both room is boot promottat retaiaiag sax prvaeai v.ouuui- Uou. We consider the whole scheme at intend ed to advance party anrpoma, aad to arantra tke next Presidential election in tke expee- tatiou that the Slates of the South. 1 Afrieaaiaedaad Radiealixed. may more ronnterttalaBcx tha ham uf ltoral 1 that will otpur is other sections of the Cuion We ad vise that North Caruiina aball reruaa to alter bar Constitution, uoJer dictation from a t'ongrea eumpamd of member wko Nhv fsaAfMa to fVTtfMsr"lrt lMf f?HMtiCWPBrVt aad who, in defiance wf tb voice? tbe tw ill a expressed ia reeaal .lectioa. till bar eo their heart and devise new taakt for us. Let oa rather trust to a retanrioc aeaee of justrre. oa the part of the Northern people.. ana mat aptnt wi tnagnaaimny wwvm win revolt at the idea ef Hureiax the South to aeeept ia a huge mam that wkieh tbe North rejueta in niiuule uajiUtiea." Lm-uaart upoa ear own eonaeientiiiat eonvictmua of what it best fi.r North Caro- liaa. aad. while swbmitdng patientij to the mm. I present military rwiv. wot .""K" t Uowm of ooiuioa whiab is our birthrtBht. It then, negro suffrage and negro, equality are forced unon us. we will not nave e t the modern Mesa wB be tka M aaa Tbt Indent, it it a year w.t.U rarbsraths modern ettcan wU to tmmwrgwl stated, iaWtamingtondit- n i f rl rax ktam hmA m llltitalllatlMtll raW tats Ml Mmlta UtatltBtjaTav ntnaw I taaSX UM MioauMBmdntrmm ummnwmj WAw asm aXWaww tb Mmmwr to cham, l hWrir.rtnwill bim to retire a not but Mr. Ilalekas not yet availed bim- mlf of the oupottunity to fotma TbsPrest- yet known. The Workfl Mexicaa that Ibe Lejpoa of Hoaor,' contu five Amstima aaVsmm, who from lbs North to thai ordered to disband named lately and go hoc Nothing it mid of paving tbem their does, and there wiH be diffcmtty with tbm. They have which they bare vice. K -- OjTT0aapODy0nC9 aamy Jag of forty- DC. Gordon Seamen van on Mr. 1 bundred4aouaad to the In tbit town, ca Wedriesday night, January 29th, Uxxsr A lux, eldeat on ef Job. A. and Augusta M. Hah; aged 13mmrt3 msstkt and 4 days. So brief was the iltnem which proved fatal to thi dear boy, Ibat tho fast lid ingt which many received of his sickness, wsaaMtmjtmHed teief ImdXeTtha ttm af bfo alstttd to haa, that It wm rarceiy to be expected that that event should cause any particular regret, ex cept dm natural sympathy always Mt for a family bereaved. But tfaecase was for other wise. Though ao young, the deceased had a-n-ady gained a puce in the love and esteem af all who knew him suck as fear even ia riper Wish r privileged to attain, a high stunt and stkf-eai at bat age wees anstod a to our own humiliation and wiM at and self iWtewrU JOHN W. GRAHAM. P. DURHAM. of teieewphing, the defects of the A net obviate many of tbe detects of the Storm y- l wa tried oa tha Wmtora L uioa ton- ptny ' w ire at Portland tk other day, and waa reported to be nte saamsaf al The Newark inventor of the i an to invent a i r. j . r mrusoeerarao aarte. wooooy.. daddres and propriety of manner, which were the subject of geoerai remark aad admiration, tn among casual observer. Aad among toma who mw bim daily, kissaatt Umtwr snu afisctioaate dispoartron rendered him a general tavorileaad aar Ireque-jily spoken of by food parents a aO example to be imitated by their children. But oe regret, can be Mt mom karjng aad than tbowa ol ma mttinitt aaa pmy uamg whom be waa alwayt the choaeu rvtoenw companion, a ran bttie a dSnVidt laufay wanhl and mecrav with him-omt .are I go aa ylttmnUy in sports ia wUi hCwok a fart. ta . aay a boaaamg trep waamewmuy emteg aad sadness steb over youlbfu! tacea, wba Um fost of all and Ibe tear their young eye, m the stood ky I tolaaetheuux kmk attVfaeeofh i bey bad loved sa fy ats traJ tokwm mt tka mnawwtaes nkk fm kmlma And wbii kis relatives will griava that to kseoved a child M i taken awar. titer wut MlU oa a will ekjughf the mmtary ot maay. hath yooag aad old. i 4 . AaXmI ta - i . , l2 - . -