1 a.' ! V- autftwi & Oji $w BY flxiinumr. r x. u ' a MB Of at -f l rears iwv nave am the Nswth iitl-otltri THK PR H'KKDINOS OF TIIK fOX -1 count rice for nearly all Um maniifac- VKNTJuV TllKASUEKR HAT- lured arHetet for which they need and I I L'tfcJ I L" I ' ii ... - - TT FlaTI IcommiPWl. Atn Hum wfieu the tann vxmtioa I in and planting internals of the South ihwt vvtmwv praaperova ontiditfrtn ' trlteii with great aridity, w ma air the great- we ware biipiag large. 4anliliea or r pert of our limited apace to then, m vrafai, eottn.e., (hit could le id- tuts iamm. Weieeaea' mjauti iHwa mtwr..iA r. ... ,i , a k iivauw. wave wa-t'i ia wwiv iiimi ax a es. rr JrVRl BROWN. - vorr fall reported, but as the subject en 4er aWeasii wee ie shtehtvcry bod takes a ear interest, era or tve, we have at si tesptod to abridge iW, biljiiiilag the rrsrarke af sjt rftaVrrat members woaU prorr store arr-ptable to imr read- ... ,1..., .... .,!.;.. 1.1 I Veiy little has been drnn in to er than oar import, and we were not impoverished thereby. Now it ia dif ferent. J i to Southern people are producing no surplus are exporting nothing acd eoneeejnently the bal anco of trade is against tlient. At long as this ttate of things continue i.i jii . i Constitution. As I"" W1" "H"0"' "r anu poorer. ttVr.nnwrtm sre agreed aaaa we shall "e of rninedie ,or ourprenant rt Jem fit. We I condition ia a system of home inn- fcaaaijafjn eapntieed tWsyhfcw that the jfactoriea. Wa should produce all the presented weald be radical mannfactnred articlea which are used prescriptive, and we see no reason Injur consumed by tllll Southern . people Oar Raleigh cor-1 should manage for a u bile to live whose first letter we publish-1 within ourselves. Snch n system ed ia ear last, end who has the mt am-1 would retain tiimnc na the little mon- ple eppartajiitwe of informing himself. L.. wis tela we have left, and would re- aanto view. JUf hehaWt iktUsuui ta lit Lemelil of all -' comment betake This aSstln gumma ifclMBwi, the old est tad one of the aWtttaStiiAaaj pa- triotfc pablir ma ia the tfaie, recently prcsnhd over a Conservative niertinf in Caswell County, enflrd to nppolnt dele gates to the Raleigh Convention on the ..ib. Una taking the chair he sorb a speech bow me hiss aaaj iu the peoplr of the State had a right "t0 expect (rum btiu -gaining wltk- mtatjt nd patriotic eeultun nls. We boot ha will attend the (basveatfaa at Raleigh, on the Aib. We mnke llir f llnwiuc extract from liia pnUisbrd icmarksi It W aaid Col. Rrowa, "bv tm the moat mmiMtatoiM crisis, tbrnngh which our country hat ever pntssd. It taboo c as all to forgul and fccgive the errata af the past, and It unite at one brotherhood af patriot to rsstas aar eaatatna aeeutry from i bo rale of men who hate caattd to rewcl the prtncipb's and instkatioiM of our lathers, and tccua Cttallr bent (mi the ihwtraatinnol aU tbas'm-rnionbie and deft to us as riltxens mid laUrlots. lie must foroti old port j i.igvei mmd diritiomt, and mutt umtr in a noble and patriotic effort lo detest the deatrattlve tteatarat of the present majority in Q trust, or we arc ttrevcr rumed. majority af the ettitwatioe will be sat working lata than universal j elnribility to office If each a constita inu he timmlti.at we thmk ie, thata it bat aoc coarse for the decant white men at the State to take to reject hattheaaffa. We alt gfre place to the eery able let ter ef Mr. Treasurer Rattle to the Cu lt would bring producing cl the consuming and G0H0BVftl Cdam'mli citigfiiaioi mm da y. in theXJmtrf 11 i tj mt at it Mm I diet to n ci nase tor the our- legajMto rupee tent them in the Blare Conservative Convention to be bold at Italeigh on the 5th rnef. V other would create a home market fiw the sm nl! producers of the eoan try, and at the tame time prevent the neeeaaity of importing from abroad audi articles aa etui not be dispensed with. The man who at this lime devisee a the sahjeet of ntvine the per bit capital and hit energiwa to home of the membert eat af the State I manufacture and to the (uatering of We will ot commtat upon I home imtustrv fs j u-t ! v enti'ted to be it snttber than to say, thai we regard iu regarded at a public lieuefnctor. To logic at eaaoswerahle, as our n-adei will tlie extent ..f the mMUtacliired arti ft tar themwetvea ami form tketrlcles nmdneod iietnmsthc balnneo of trade in our favor nnd to tlie extent m l . i i . i . . t . . PRK-JI RJIIKXT. I"' empKiyineni given n uir arrt AMNE8TY. Ry a tote la the (Vmvetiiion on Satur day, to lay Mr. Toargec't resolution, aad Mr, IksrbamVaatewdment thereto, on the table, wc are left to infer that that body along tide of each , not recommend tbc removal of the no ht leal ditamlitieK tram any portion ot the people of the Stale who are not now hi accord whh the ItepuUieaa party. Mr. Tonrgee, mora gaucrotit than tome native radicals, is for removing them from such nion at were I'uion men daring the war, bat who are opposed to the measure in Congress ; hat we have liule reason to be lievo be will succeed. We bad haperi that tlie Convention would decUru iu fovor of universal am nesty by the passage of some resolution similar to that of Mr. Durham, bat we fowl tare uow that it wHl not. Yet, we have no reason to believe that Congntt would deed Iu void' if It thoaU. That foster In cite ' body is delermiin d to keep those disabil i l ; . I - Wm asta, akwwhwe, tbt extract from the nu ccjian.ct no Evening nmmt, tsxato rwel inttwttry am! give employment to a. ties banging ov. i tbe rioulberu people for raiam. a toe otaras or cuovaraa-1 . .i. i . Ll.i Ui t t i. .i . . t of wrisata eireJe. L. on .J - ' - i mtaM wormy viaee 01 oar ovn Clll OK' pwjiw. ra onvio- luero io g,TB rt . ...... . . I I i.l i .11 A tl I II Vamt or tae united tutcw, lotzens, un.-. i no: uni'i.u ' ? . amtsatiiswi Acts of Coo-1 fhtj eonnec,;,,,, ;t c;Vc ng jjreat thasa? Tbe rwmorwJ es- lueattire) U note two enterprises iutt , "" ,umk Vuie Po'l-able, but Umt tlie started in tins eonnly of F,)ri.yt,e IK" ts ot taeia woi stand ton n.un thetboa facfory of E, A. Vogler. Eta.. 11,0 ' ,"" e""'"" ;l em. Slut t in e nllillli' I'Htn i In I K"i ruiu.-ii, we u.ive no ununi. jn t Owerter, antWt -..., r WiU A- ('it nt Wi. ....... it appears from the- re marks of some 1 a . . ' I IMVIII a-s "W litasil - we . !' . ? Jarfawd s.-.v. a Tliaenterur so o Mr. Voider is nt ""."'s'f u, "y u r, what shall be said of Ckmf Jmtict t1A fiet .. ..( fl. kln.l in tl.n Stai intenil to commit tliemsijves against the we will not My more at loatan el opioaax, (it aaderttoot by JaJjre IW.) ia tdvaact of jadmml daemon, m lti . ftp Mm 81 Eli in Congress to oV.I JUt Uv aaaaaJmrhaaaehjeaL Wt think oarsetses, of merable oeaoKau witbia lbs past twelve there liav in been a t-imilat estnblioli antra I? What tbafi be said of 8e iniaiaissa, adga m tbe etBBwaabuas Prtaaleut . I , 1 MAKING HISTORY. Under thia attractive heading the Rat- 1 ft- . . I . . . . . It- eaeuaiiy-t, 1 -..jji.. .hich U P(1,1K , ...maa toitan im itn, imi sasayUlajtl . . , M. Cleiuan proiioses lo puUUh iu bode ft 8enaior, mont at lliointnville for a ntimbcr of -... . r r . - . " I wben tbe cjoani J"" I1" Mr- Wf ,K,W sh ou was awJer I under way and ia taming out work ts nemesrtaaiivat. ia sdvaaee. as raik ul iaa ohariredl beat ortlieni work. A uenllemiin is lbs old. otJ story of -year bal aad I -.s,,- - .-.ir of laa.fo .y l..-a 1 ' 'at .a ..a .at mtiaa4ti-total--irf.tnc I"M' eaWtlitU- it b cruaioal to give, aa oamioii upon in I menl, and if they are not 011 hand he Mat hs bsmg mmrdmtnre ike Coii r'( J may get ilicm by wailing a very abort " "tr imtaml- '''rtiaae. 'StMdi eitorpraedetarrvce pat- had' rafcraaes oly to a bus on uV- . aA .n,. ..,.1 i,,.. not naf l i J Y" Y u.uiulu finu which Brut mar is tbrowab vibe l10"1 , and fmmm fW natmiikisg wttb Tbt) eatalrl tollmen t of VV liton di Co., aeforekim. H tjeokrttitn. m I at Winston, ia tire first of the kind in JU . TL . - ' . .jL . . '. "' J. . smmu X J- W ' tVlJ I . tset, was that whenever a ease arose before ,e State, wo far at we rcmeinlier. JB Utart mvolvuuT that pstat, and which Jkanaiiiny, lbs astotr c amiiHns tbat fistiili that tbe moo. 1 ttts wert tmaawlittiiunal. Oaaof Ibcnjirifimil attUcbsrya aga Jnsnet Ckttt, impoatbud aanug tbe aihamit- f Mr. deaWtoa m pretasetv similar There have been clothing eatal lisii- menta where gentlemen could have garment mad to order, but this ia tbe first where all the goods made in to clothing were manufactured by the proprietor of the cttablithiiicnt. We boe they may be able to introduce their clothing in every part of the State, and tbat it may aupercede tbe Kortheru article. Lsn latCBxac. Wt are rsquettol to state It m east -issjad witbattoo steal en-1 that, Mr. A. Phsbtpa, agent for .the Coone.,6- Hnkaf - the eetsbrated poet, cat Mutual Ute Insurance Company, wilt he in Fmi Orwed Hill .. Mtbor of lbs fine m,Uaj SaUbary next wash, aa.1 mM take Rml r- , Mtftn Wiafartj sn contains a rraniher J wasiaig opnn such persons tt may aW id lisiQI triages mat. mm, of tU bwdmz "ee Iu w a .!u y iu the shiiim. We need af (ireat Bnttain and hr United I not dwalupoa tlie Kautage of life iiiaurauee Htoiea. Nous on Mew Beoka BUtacs. Vane- -.-they tr fbaiUfl byalt " W Uae iuaurad ties, La ftisartotad mformfor bindmic aid ia diaareai Companias oavasisaa, Tlw Cn -ft. only upon tbst, bat upon the other seiesc. La Tbt Kdeetjs Magasint of tarttaaa-bajtnimw for Vebetary has been re- aaivttV form, lief ore tbc Convention shall adjnnni a historical sketch of the life of each mem ber, and to this end has laid cm the desks of 1111 mbcrs a circular settiug forth bis plan, and asking them la fertiisbjsiat with sncb Watches td tbrmaeivea. This little enterprise of Mr. Coh man's for pocketing a few dimes, it likelv to read Ml- LiJk! -S"1: " . 1 1 11 ... me tute several innusaua auars. n coarse the mcinbert of the Cuuveutiou will respond to bit call, and each mail will hardly consume k-ss than two dayt in prepariag a sketch of Iibaself, the et- ente of which must be paid by the peo ple, air uoienan . mkciit as wen nave deferred this work, anbas eery "hard up, and sought, at hi leisure, in tbe records of our courts for the information he desires for true and authentic sketches of many of the member. at tbr cud of tbe rear wat pieaeM t grsaf riiftat atoratuta. ifSaaraaaam Aibhcat W- f. Bifcwiix,, K. A Barkman. MwwlTark. Macaaita Tbe r aftkisakla mat anfadtr Mg ia abn oa oar table. It cutitekis a cou- 1 of ikt Bruwahiwt and Linda Treawrl riauafaatoia astadaa. faaa aaataaaiaa atiiittt has ih rapoUlion of t Cowipaey. ; an exce l. '1 : a J f JStw P Pu.aa'y( PratmtL, I,T. Maaaga Mvam., Aa JbaWiatod Mwiaidy Maataam far Roys aad Crista. The January aaaabjr f ttt aadmiatm litt kiti msijtsJ ft it tssstsd cauefiy to me lastroctiop ami aaataaMBt af the Toaag aad b) en s tbt vary east 1 liBimii 1 it af as kind ia tbt pcH,trr fca 1 id,, mawawnadMttmv 1 ty-eighl rears furnishes the bast erLroo of Rut tat tnd instraetrra ucn- aatuan tor the (Ira asts. fmu $lJU t year Addrra. Merrya Muaeum, Dtaumatf't Yoag Aaaxoci for Fabraarjr has stoi asati msiatstSJt is tataxtmj sw-Jtb- W. a tuaammt -fct aluamj hanialki tin etraorsa wan rtpiaras af d.agW. kit head sa-wty Jbasrau-1. fljm $M Address W J-We have nefvnl the first nuuiber of tbt Jm Itodtr, a new weekly paper jast started at Wiloa. N C. hy Mr. Muftamri, formeriy eoeaected wnb ibe Care Umitut of tbe same place, bat wliicb lut bet removed to IUlei''h. Tbe Pluia Ikttkr is a large, wli edited and well printed paper, 1 Consensu v in its polities, flauetts to iL Csaouxut We latvt re- oeivet! lbs first nonrber (J this psper, just star. led ft Raleigh, arid edited by Ilearne 4 JJun- turmg iu pubhcsUbt at Wilson, aa t a hkfj mpt'atioa a one of tbt edited nepers in die State. That reputtuon, wa doubt not, It Wdl fully tain as a Deity paper, mgg tram tbt urn- bar before us, Ii is, aa btbty, the kvgeat Daily ia the Stat at Jt mnvlf out of the btadiomst ami beat peJoted. (q oolitic Hit Pstaocntia Saccate to It the, '. Kit.iCAL (rn Ojs xsrios -Gor. Hold- n, Si tranrrre-B oj thfl Bepubbcan gjrecntiVc Commuter, has , t call for a Coovention f tbt feed) Party U meat in fhdcigb, ea ad day of fnmcj,. Tils FittT Stjus. We are doe Col. C. 8. Bauwx, of tbe Boy den Reams, for ajfo saWd. Tbe Colonel it always up to lime tt respects providing good things m teascn for Its House ; bat in Ibis ease be baa, we flunk, taken bis pa- by nrprias. Rim donxsTo. Ika katd Trm at Ins ample hoard, 1urd the hap '4Mlaa to convey to ut ibis prite of trie season, and penbrrued the ufBce with but tocustotued graca. . ' e I-i7Mrs. RaTTIM Pottxaxvwikl of V. A IVUid, tla- man who lately bed a saasHing affair with the Wise, ia Baltiiaora, has distin guished herself hy de oting Dr O. A. Moou, of thai city. It seem tliat Pouud has eon ustfod bimsctf from bis wHiknd she in searnh iog tor lihn suspected Dr. Moore of tiding him hi lus concealment. SJ;c tntrtd hja prwg St k- and dim Jd 61, Ipt. Duulor lo tall her ofber hnsW't's a bereabouU. Ue oedered her to base the atom, and sent for a Poborrnan. Tbe laxstor Into tMernptod I pefcbey oat, nu ' a small pistol and fl ed 00 bim. liar bad taking i-fibet in Ih wrist, l'. liemie -n en leml and took her lo die Station. She refused KrWi.f fbdber. ttu t m raatft kii Kite fj tikMs apiMiiuteti to act at Bocretarv. me object of the aiooflng waa then OX plained by Mai. ICobbint iu a bold and manly epeeeh. Atile, eloqnant. ami patriotic addresses were after wards delivered by II. O. Jones, (Jr., Kan., Ur. T. W Keen, W. II. Bailey, ami Jatnea K. Kerr, Itonrt Theta ireiillemeii expressed the sitisc of the meeting, advocating, aa they did, the snptuiuacy of the while man, ImpoH cy of negro anffragc atid opposition to tlie measure of the uitootiatitiilionnl State taMiventton, ik w aeat'snt nf lUleigb, and to the destructive and proacriptive measures of (he Radical majority in Omigrea. On motion lit following delegates wore aiMioiuted to reprttetit Itowan County in the Contervativo Conven- tion : T. W. Keen. ). W. Hall. Li wis llanos. W. II. Bajiey, W. M. IMi blue, J. 8. M.-Cuhblns. W. II. Craw ford, Jeremiah llitrringer, V K. SI10- irci. aanics ii- cumse. ixurr a'gn, J. 8. Ilenilerson. J. ii. Fleming. Isaac Shaver. M. O. Morgan. Levi Trexler, IL J. Holme. M. L Holmes. E. Man ny. Dr. Slnmpoek. J. I). Johnston. J. K. (iiaham. X. P. Hall, A. Ii. Ill dor. Dr. 0. 1'. Houston, Jacob K. (iusMlman, J. r. Jamison, Aiigitttua Leaxor. Jidm oh nip, Uenrv Miller, Wm. Miller, Dr. Milo A. J. Itmie man, Mosca Barringer. J. L. Reiidln man. Scott Tmtt. John C. Milter. II. O. Jones. A. J. Mork, Jehu Foster. Jr.. J. J. limner, J. J. 8tcwat. Wm IL I rale v. Wm. B At ell, Jnhn L Hoiltick. W. A. Houek.Sid. Khitfa. K A. Heilig. W. K. 1 .we. Dr. I. W. Jonea, Dr. M. A. lxn.ko. Dr. N. K. Liiekie, Dr. P A. 8isaf..-.t. Dr. L W. Coleman. Dr. J. (I. Itamaar, D. L. Ih ingle, Henry Barriugwr, Bar. Wm Lambeth. Oh motion the meeting adjourned. K. E. 8HOI1KIL Cu'it a. Ktait CttAicit. 'ii y imX? 'Jab-n. Ca. rerrt. Cl W. Clarke. JL W I rakaW.L J. latw. 'U lUrtasr. isr. ti oore, Col. J. U. Urf. il'..V..! v ing" Im tent to each nroxv. alto to the 2 2 'Jj&LJ-tU "l mmxtmtjllM.j Ue eonventfon waa o. lied '.riler aM-ata afo u yafiKli "3 11 o'clock. tiJimW tj mmmL ,j 71 the Rev. tt. T. Hmtson I peter to May let, IHtW, J, d -J ' w m9mm mM Gen r 11- aa. n. us IL Mo-hJ Uol. d I.U. roll M Lenoir. Col. N. A. Miller, Prayer by noil on tnotioa fbn Clialnwan'a name I ika ahv. added to the Hat. I A letter from free. Caaby to Meart. Abbett aad RagUatt, Uaakayntte tppoiai ed to confer with bim in reward to the pay view 01 uio smius uia- ttuatd : tUtdmiH Auuruxtn, with reqneet that they be pnhlithed. 'There being no further bntinoaa be fore (tie meeting it adjourned. V. PAiTKRSON, CuV. J. Maso.n SrAixuouK, V- W. Faixkit, . f CONSEKVATIVE MEETING AT LENOIR, N. tt A Cot tet vative ineeting of the ct ti reus of Cnblwell Cniiutv, was hold at Ienuir on tba let day of Jauy, I s;s. Hie meeting waa ormtuzt-al bv cull ing Gen. 8. F. Patleranii lo iho chuir. and J. Mnaoti Spam hour and K. W. haueeta were reiietel to net Secretaries. The Clminnan explained 1 lie object of the meeting in a lew but very ap pmprtete rental ka. On motion, a comm'ttcj of live were aplMiiuted lit the chairman to draft resolutions lor the meeting, con eittmgof ti tt fnl lowing named gentle men : Ur. 11 I. Heal I, (.en. C. W Clarke, M. A. Beinlianlt. Eri.. Dr. W. L. Glnsa, and David K. Bower. Iho committee through llie'r chair man, reported the follnwing resolu tions, a Inch were niinuimotisly adopt. oil Vdrtna WaUbmaa aad OM Nurtb dtata. A Meeting of tkt Gmtrvotivt eiti tva of Davidmm County, teat held in LfBingtim, Feb. 1, 1HW. On mukm. H. W. Irmmetl asehdto the rhalr. anilJnu. H. Welliom, r nitesled to set at Secretory. Tbe Chairman tailed np- ou Ho. J. U. Leaeh to explain theobjeetof 111a inrvin; una eeiaff woae, m vwanama appoiutaid a oouunitlee of eiahtto aabmlt ra- sohitioasexprvtaiveuf tbt sen ti meal of the luaatiiut. vial. - l .1.1. .... 1 ti:.L I as It . v iwpviu.) no. aicnani mm. ii. I'riiulx. Jacob Rerrier, J. P. Stimaoa. Jaa. P. Reall. Jno. Milter. J.J. Sullivan, and Audersnj Owe. During the absence of die committee. Jno. H. Welbiwu, Esq., wt calkml for. who eauie forward aad addressed the meeting in an ehwirrewt and paltliahl taiiath. W. M. Brook was railed lor, but the iiiiinedlalt retarn af the tuotwitteu. forc ed him to dteliae. The committee through hs Chainoan re ported at follow 1 Wtimwaa, We believe the cause of eon stltutbiual liberty is imperiled, and feelings b-ep interest la the future pnamerfty aad weal 01 oar eommiui country, rheretoee Jftenbaat, lit- That wa are foyal to tba Constiliitlou and Government aa established by oar I- alters. 2d. That we view with pain the attempts now iwitnf made to overthrow that CoUetlte- ti' U Mint Unvemiaeat. That while we are wllline to all their yaat rights nf nmtcetii.n of life, lib erty ami property to Ihe negru rare ; wa are opposed lo universal micro suffrage, belie v ing that a race ao rooeatlr art free are wholly iinutialihed t.. exercise now the unvihve of a . . , - oie eiee.ne iniociiue. 4th. That we hail with pleasure a return- lug sense of justice ou the part of souse af our Xortheru frieuds, and that they until ami have our gratitude for this reeeul man ly Stand for t'oa-litntional gnverunieat. 3th. 1 hat while we are wrlliua to sabtavt to aaaj ouay the asws e the 1 aoeernrotsit. we yet believe in the enualit v of the State and Par Ibe Wat. hu.su A- OM Xorth State .Jf aM-mpt to f..rr.. up.it the eVmth a Icitslhion ot thiuvs not tolerated at the North. i unjust and iucoaswteut trilb oar liberty tad rights as hVwmea. Upon the aiiauimoas adoption ul tbetera- oluthms, linn, .lames M. Iach, in rvtpoMa to rapaaieil ealbt emu forward aad adttreeetd tbe men-ting fur a boat two Is airs, his tawtaxt was atuqutml aad patrtotie, marked with his usual ability. Tba C. P. Robhins Ete was called upon who. owing to tbt kaaaaett of the hour JecUnad. Tin- Chairman then appointed the follow ing gentleuaaj to represent Davidson Co. la the State Convention, vis : Hint I M Is mm Jnha n Walboin Jas P Htimson, C P Lowe, R 0 Robb-rta, P C of the Union, bat It innef be a C usii 1 give bail and was sent to jail. afliii'fii -ljimkawjmmmgjjaaJjfcgggjJjfciJ OTATK CONVENTIO!!. Tbt prorvrdings ia Ibis body no Mombvy, art Mssmtnly stated by tbe fodeigb OmtUd aa The Convention was engtawd, at will be n Uoui Uui nroiaaxlHigs m Maxmttaajatm of an ordtotnua in favor of the WtfamngtuB. Chalo(ieAliuili(oid Radroad Co.. tanviding for tba glafe't endotsement of 11,000,008 isaals. sod far the laaosbtg and destroy it tlMO OOO ot the muttincs of K4.OIS10O0 an- Wrsd by tbrQener-J Assembly of Wflte-T. Tbt tatsect wm fully dasauaed tad resulted in the pea-are of the ordinance. It w etfieved, tba endaesemtnl,, the bonds oao be due of fcpoo terms greatly futioiial Union of free ami equal Siv. . ...w.w 2nd. AVWtW, That we pledge unn selves to liae all lawful meant to up pote ami defeat all par litre wbeiher specio si cuiieii Uepnbliean, or more properly ICatlieal, whose' ami m to dettioy tbe Union, blot ont the State, subvert the foundations of aocial or der, ami estnbliah u detpotiain. 3rd litKolvea, That wo will main tain the aupremacy of the white race, against the supremacy of barbarism 4th liemdven, TTiat'-onr co-opera fton and cordial sympathies are with those noble men of the North, win. are battling for Constitutional free dom. in h i?WrW. That Pieaideiit Jtdtn- soti 111 lus noble enorta to nuuntain the constitution atrainst Die revoln lioiiary tebeuies.of lUilicaiisin, ia en titled to the confidence and thanks of it toters of freedom and good guv ernnient. (lib Jietnleetl, Thnt we npitrove the ptxypoaiijoii tonold aotnte CotiCentton of the Conservative Pttrty, at iitdi-igh on the ath of Pebruary iittt..aiid that tbe Chainnan of this meeting appoint Weill y hve .ndealee to represent the connty of Caldwell thciuin 1 ill Uh,! t,:l, Hint in the event of not more than three of flic said del gates atteodirur the Convention, tbe Hon. JolinC Bryan, Ex tiov. Chat. MmIv, IL W. I! luted. Earp, and Maj. W. W. Oickton, of UtJeigh, he re quested to set aa proxies lot the fail tog delegates. - 8th teOatW, That tbe chairman of this meeting appoint an executive committee to CKintiaf of Ave jiersong, who slinll reside at or, near the Court flotwe, aiifTineh oilier sub Commit tea in the county as may be occe sary to disseminate proper informa tion among the people. The Chairman appointed tin f I lowing delegates : CV . N. Fotk, W. J). Jonet, l. E. fip war. Dr. J. Mason Spain hour, Mai. aW.F. Ilei-pery Jolm Hays, Kobbiea, A J Ovrea. Jao Miller. A P SmmV. Ur J P Reall. Wm P Mo. a. 0 P Hmltb R B Kobberts. J H Tfa-txtmm. Robt Kimin- aon. Alex Hwrnpswd. Jas Wiaamtn. at H 1'rimix, Cbas Hoover. Alfred landaav. W H Kvans. Win Baper. John Teaaoe, Jno M Moek.joka Htoet, Anarew Uaaawy. H H rnihnell. A. Jones. J W Thouiss. David LsaMn. J J Sulivan, Kenj Miller, WTMocsja. m l a. ante, u u Imrr. Htary Watoar, O W Uwrdy. Alfred Wood. M N Hertimao. Jaeob Rerrfor. H J Grhae. Ab-x Conrad. Ilr J U Sheluui. H 8 Jutes. S A Meek, T P (Iriinea, Jim S IWop. Samuel Peri be. H C ' ' nil j- . , ih.niht. C W Mat. J W Cooper. Wm Bar- 1st. Itewlved, That wo are in UsnrV fll Dani-l. W II. Ibgctb ARCrever. refiif uinst It ihe neonte of North CWiniim are depend ing on the Convention tor relief-, tubttsnual and nmudtoial reficf they are doomed to dis appointment, " ' The Convention will net even attend to its legitimate suit, is alow 10 touch spun the bat- was caned to perform, tod II sfle. t N Kiaance Cooimfuca be mew tits a to ra ,Mrt a tax bill ty Thursday coaming noil. A IdTweiktr paaantotl a memorial from certain citrsens, praying taxtt tae wauuia tmaaf grain he ptokiUmd tor ft yoara. Lmt over. Mr. Reda, tots tbt JadicUry U-at-mittee, submitted the following reports 1 Oa erdmawt t r-Jettoa to bidJing of- aae -asking to he discharged wm fart her eosMicjerattnu, as the matter was anatr cotisklsBSlfan be lbs seaNasttoa aa Lrwis lata j Oa svtauaiiec hi raUnaa to tbt tttrtlse of Jadgea by the psopU-anfsvarably ; Oa iiMhmi hi rrlatfoa to proving cooveyaacea nnfovorably ; Also the folfowia trliel to the Oantd- ttjatotrr TWthetfarrend Aniashry ikett Cvidc, by law, that msthaafcis aad m era skassld htvt a lien on the subject matter tf their bihsri Also on ordlnaaea 1 eeptttlng the admis sion sf Attorfiiee la tbt bar ef tbit State, introduced ky Mr rretltv,r eP xlwRxbrd. By consent, the ordiuanoe, aa reported, was put upon its passage, aad the yaat aad aay koto called by Mr. Darlxssa ra- talted, yeat 78, nays tO. Also tat a ordiaane ia regard to a change ia tbt nttry Isw, itllmttsndiaf thai the law rattxtta aimluiugttl, act, at tbe matter htltngs properly in the Cots- milieu on legislation, ask lug Its to that Commits .Agreed 10, Also, aa nnTmaato attittelag rd matrimony betwecr. Naocy H (Iran villa eoaly,aad aer baa wat laid a lb to Me Mr. Forkner mated to vote a vestoraar. mington, Charlotte tt Rutherford nauL Mr. Ellis a ished to take ap the ied ktwiaets cm the calendar. Mr. Preach, ef Rfoden, moved to Uy the mnlinn to rc-coMtider na the table. The yeas and nays being the Secretary called the roll, and the ma tin., to table prevailed yeas 60, nayt 40 lea presblcet I ban aaittaatea tea mt lowing gentlemen, a the comndtte led by llood't (arm) reselaiion, to pott tba nsmes of pcratas whom tats coa- vi niton ma at fit to retpmmran to Con gress for a removal of their axtUttoal disa- binties, vis: Messrs. Kkboto, of UM 1st Utotrtot; Kmg, of Uenorr, tf the Sna : Hay, of the 3d: lourgee, ef the 4th; Hand, (negro,) of tbt 5th; Forkner, of Ibe Uth ; Joaes, of UaldwHI, or tba 7th aad Oabatfoa, ef the flth. Mr. Welker's ordinance, proh.Liltog the dlstillatfoa of grain, after being attended, by Mr. Towrgec, so at to make H take af fect in tea days after its 'passagi ins lead b. KMh, waa, on motion ot Mr. On- ! Taitda'SjaU IJH,l""l aay nwejm waa ewall as fat. 1 have ha a stated ahaVftlt aarmstry toJmttkuJ? In the Constitution to secure Iu aiauJ at. 1- 1 . ... -,1,1. .11 .l T-m I Hi. mnww XI mmm mmm mmm bm i. u ef North Carpua. Wa haw uf aw2 Mg ertmt.ws. but what thai! tT Haft to take ad ran toga af nWi imsn of oar rwpVs, to Sttart tbs ai. of s CmsUtethm, whfoh they do iJT, prnre f Is Ihe party af Mat ajonrl Uaal le bafa np fa this way T Itetr-avZ. iaa.y.Ni will ot otfar tbit latth U. aarZ . 1 .Ml . .1 . HJ imj. imnr are pow uwy are SMraa int f tM wrabefleV tJtoy aft wlula Z ibair kirth-rbrbt far a atatt of Mtu-V As I have sabl eases, a -seat dtildj distress comas foam the U- S. CatrU J tbti stblsetdeatoi si ve true retiet, at MKar tat txan.l,. u J as they eaoatt apoe tat I sUtutioa we may mak. rou.tittmta adrraalaga. Imea CaaaJ bat aadesbal g mfa aagsaJ I of tbs CM ttdtat.al whirl. 'J a Utwl Mr MmM I tf Chatham, oppna4 J 1 : - M lead eotiearrsd wnb 1 irvehutd of tfj ktfeoodtad latuac J li-fj 1 Btrrtd bstweee J IttU bad 1I1.4, J ifavar af MrJaJ . Mm balfaaa tba J J A WW 1 Khbalb.tk7tal r.eonsmwn fml'.i.l ilir tkJ-1 Mm anaae.1 J Kbyiwadl Mr leurcrewmm pSaVeae to Mr Orthaarw-1 KtsAefa. si ' dcmaiaird. I Mr T Jilmxl . J ehair. M If 1 I appeal was 1 Mr T. tbe nv trdbxTmStl be waeUal trmfnte the amendment at tbt trsl titv. Mr Abbott waa apprcfo tttt af all aa "taosres. H abfod ta tarfavt br wtj Ingpeoide. tart thought tba raatlerst .nl II tsasti.d wtth gwat care, iipstfolly wke, raaM, in any way. be atsaxtrwed ha. ining nae repaHana. Ml S ts rrr-l rtry porer in view uf the present crest t trust, he would vote for it. r ivmsiaho faviNetta afae4iaH did tot betWve t. rUl M Tba rbrhts ..f sMqWrrsaraia at Feb ham, of Orge, reforred to Ik C aanh- tae appointed Is confer with lien. Caaby Mr. Abiott pnacatea itaofattoa, aa- R L Holmes. L C Haines. Alfred Hararov lrs. Joues. R Dattabery. J K Priuiix. aad W n Blears. On motion it was ordered that tbt tarysend copies of the proceedings to OU jvtrt aiatt aasl tmiy aennmtt, with request that they publish. Tlie meeting then sdjonrntd. H. W. HKCMKLU rWdent- J. U. WKUU.aa. See'y. RATHER DTdOOU UA0 i NG IP TKCK Tlw Xurth Candutian, at Balrigh, speaking of the Convention schemes and la bora lor tbe relief ot debtors by some abort cut other then hunrst (siyineiit, has die tallowing : "UELIBP FOR THK PtOPLKT This is tba try of Ibe Convention of North Uerohna the watchword of tba Republican party uf tbe rjtale. Ttie iwopfa of forth Camlnis txsibdets wtnt rebel if any peeade'ever did, hut they are not likely to obtain it through tbe medium of tbit nondescript and inbunuua ounosru. oatrtertd in the skats House at an expense to the people of some twelve hand red dollar t day. That great body bat now been in ssatkm asvamxam" .lavs, at a oust uf not bat than twenty tboo'and .kdUis, yet wlntt measure of relief bat bar tonsil tattrmalrty 1 perfeeted, or oj.a-t.l even T Still the cry is mtt W not follow the letter of the be f rehef lor 1 Imr icing the Hecreitry to prepare a list asaf a 1 aKsmxasmmmsmmm m last ear iia aw (Jaatat ami tt aaa taaaaa g f ttl lite) tjlfe" jfeeeVtatp PfftWtfl IIWI swxtltwIOCX l mils travelled by each attafate, tnd tmnwrrt ene far aMeafr, a the money - mi J ii 'I'La, msaAs.aB ata i.taa, ami itl WwM TrWnj. J elV I VIM WWW WjPPWfWtxtVV MMl ttwV R'waflwtinll wwplcd (T x90xtrvw?f Ux) gfodly.) The hour of 12 having arrived, and tkt R. lief Hill being lb special order," Mr. R tnbam, aa Chairman ef tae Com mittee, wat entitled to the Boor. Ha en tered into a lei ti by argnrocnt In defence of tw Report, lie dul not think the sage of the measure would in any way came In conflict whh tbe reqnirements id the Conslitntton ol the United Hints. Mr. R. base I bis mala sign menl npon ibe as sumption, that wt were net a Hlate nf this Union, and, therefore, were ate beln wa to t strict accountability, bat, at mdivtd nalt, we were bound by Its provbiona. Ht protosded to combat tbe subsli.nto prnposed by Mr (iraham, of Orange, (which we may publish to-morrow,) and 10 utter bit atoeoshmt to tbs rarinat pro iktottt aaVrrd. He denied that, ihe asare hinted at retrndiaiion. bat merely ttayed the collect lea of certain debit tern porarily, ta prevent attar rain foiling tuaa the peopie. Mr. firabtro, of Orange, said tnlmton Mr ubttfoVrk p-f and bo-s1 itoadU y,rs f toil, should aim facaitsa. Gra-ieovntVleaatioaat tbe haada of tbh l.d. nay had wgrkea. atate mtaay aad satj It la good faith ; they had Vd article, ta cost them many a weary days labor tost twee ; aad now. that they were po. el . . tm. .. . a needy, were ihe richer ejaass, who .1 .1. 1.. ...... . H...11 aw, . mm an iii i a ai ami iwwn Mf. tRUVy fovoml the bh at rcpst this ouestior , I do not propose to make any extended remarks at tbit time. I stated. In the former discussion, that I dnabted the power of this Convent in to legislate. Admitting, far the present, the ennstitulmnalttv nt lh reemfalractMiu sets Mr. King, ef Uuclu. did ant lit. ami law kg aap shape r torn. Only da est debtors wet at waya mvinc for He efateteated bowewt peoale, tnd ili'l am want one. t s"f. J f inflow ay, (nerro,) wotiM not vnte repudiating any bmieat dirhft. He essfl only vole for retmdbetimr debt a root rati ed to the y iiraksas f ttaweartie the fM cltmatloa nf Mtftg, and debts ermine! to carry nn the war. Ha wished toll known aa a "non repndUtor." He 4 vorcd Mr. Graham 's snbstitnte. aad a few aniendmcitts, would give it lbs wifl terenee ever any other tbat baa been inundated. lined, (negro,) moved to Dost poet the wholo matter until the report of 41 coraitdtfca tt Uomeatoadt Ud bee ml posed af. Mr. Rodman wWbcd to arrive at a rcet vote to-day. and earled the utivatM eeetttoa, bat withdrew Its ht order to tffj w Mr. r nlltngs to make an exnfaMtaim Mr. IL then renewed the tall. but sxdfl withdrew it, in favor of Mr. Rich, tfl an-i thnt when the bouse anjoum ut t . aa a . i .x.a ..... . that boar. . Mr. Htatoa moved ta amend by king K ten o'clock to-morrow oroiH arrhd. lhca tbe q not lion of djeerameat cord in lo the ammidmtmi waa ott sal tla ueople, ataj meuitiers .must that. II have hoard gentlemen, wh claim that l.l!,M!; e. . I bie eanvealmn hat Ml and aovenign paver, quote Judge Gaston a their au thority. Mr. Prssiaaat. Immi . demand bim. Ha says, "accordln to the tnem jt was worse ih an f. folly to think relief or I from s set of men who neither know, or care kl Hm bm'tUiM - .1.1.. dollars for silting m their seats tbrtt bourl aaob Tbt Wilnungton Afiraiaa Aar to iW'Oer fWMf: ', "Tlsj Aahlabula (Ohio) Smtttd mys tbe snow at that nbue Wat almost blackened by millions U amall insects, on the Itkh January, l'erhapa i here was s msmmstb Oomlla Uua- eawjfaa mawatsa. ihtaa. . i.i! i. "A live OorriOe it on bit way to Xoodon," Plenty of them in Rak-igh. The Oorrilles propose to heap Cbwfae of Are oa Castello bead lor rnnptag agiu 'em uti tba now qutaoun. theory of oar gnvemmnt, all political power waa derived from tbu people, suit when they choose to make a grant of power; they might make a plenary er re stricted grant, might give it all or In j.arl I take k for gratia4 that deiegati s ckdm authority for this cna vention. from the fact that the proposition nf Congress bat bee approved by tbt ptopltv Are ant eaudi tiont prescribed in thtt prepnsltlnn, and it is not 10 be regarded as ear Power et At torney t But as there it ancb dWtret among ear people, I tat willing to vt for the substitute I bare efforetL request Jfog Mai. tbs. t3ssy to ejsaW ft, d hoping umt it win be accept. 4 by tbe peo ple as final disposition ci this whole matter of old debts, which hang like aa Incubus apon the tafagtes ef ear people aad thai, affecting the remedy only, it Raleigh Oor hl voaciPattd every moruiug rihas, lake notice I Tare hundred tad twenxyfaht Ihrmmtd and niurtv dead ef lbs Uaton armies now he and not Ik obligation af crutractt, it amy 1 sppoiated lei-uetet, umatat not be held void by ear etwrtt. f Palrirk waa iu charga of a I 1 propose that all writ in debt, which shall be returned to Hpring Term, and h. afl swJtt for inch onuses of action, now Mr. Genre A. Trenhobn fa mat to only one tell of tbc many rth man thai ly liveil in fomlh Carolina. Oovtrnor ii wbo before the war was one of ibe riot 1 rtaj rahneiro Btate. bat now barely 1 Irroupnn; and 1 he real body af Ike pat' leaders aad haaoam men wlss tace last some prtatrtfaa. ass now destitute hat eomtdtfaiaw trams tf btn4t.bat no to buy th Istpxtasstlll required for Uanr vatiwi, An Alabama rauver anneanoed that U ke n silrwt in retard to "certain Kits fr slatb-ot fiUlriiiacia. a era sent to tte Tbt adrtor rewAved ttrca bottfat fruni WWmyarWW4M BmValtVat HPTh WnVninirton Star denies tlw rsa ihst lbs Wtluiinetae ft Mi uMmair fl " tba faM-is .4 a Nsjvreer fat tbt beaeSt " eoror- It rf i bat Mr. tt. 1 appointed rtoriier utskrr s 'Iter Start, it J.Khtmeut m favor of ordt otw crwi wiaMt cfabn amounted to about ten lis" dollars. Mi. Drsna baa lliilkkai whatsrer no wtm Hi 1 run iti is Ik rnsil nr 1 . . - .... far wtatstsr tbevamrats .0. . I the latoa-a-fawte, busts T lis save 1 ueeerv URot oflan. amam: mm 4 rerry-heat. 1 vtf bat ! tuad 1 I lata I'Mlaammxttll afxtm lll-raad. Wltlliu Vie 1.. a - r T: e atiamajtjta- ipag-tagtm, sir.. - a 7V: T3. . fW. A, WIRMS w, 11, Jtaiotfe, d, i- r : .

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