, " - ot QiQ VOL I, NO. 7 '-rra, SALISBURY. W. C FEBRUARY 21, 1868. 1, 11 M 14.1m 11.17- 1 ... J i . I ill!" J ' ' 7Z7 w- u , TKHallAH IKfiBVIlHi. WATCUMAN c OLD MOUTH STATE Vase " : 9 TRt WEEKLT OLD Oa. Maota. SORTH STATE. r.o 1.00 a., . ' a nu " JBLaSa rat m wmm " jFxe-SKimJHBSOFMY FRlENDt. Xo. I. un..- 1 a collet boy, tbo arrival JiUp Wa timiurnl of getiertl lu iJrt. Of course the driver blew hi InnlMib ueer,aua a Who tlmt ha. anee K can v-r a jrowu u waiting around llie office, while A they wait MMtM la- door or wiudoafl .k. uD ia ban. staH aHak 1 .n pare tin clothing L contentment V i .aval f avaaWaBhWaWl ButabaB rtm k. .iuJ ol w I m-.ul to 2o! inaj .crval WWxk time end to ap- r -wn. aw wre taiber wore sc.hsb tt i net hat) well taut . - r a . for a yoang, roxarrjan till, irfai .-. f eriHrrr. nerds all the unary I. j. J ...t.. I... varan Ml too sure. aw v J ia.rl.aiM 1 m an DM tree i" ... .ki Tka a'd Frank Hall, when kuMbm about DM r - " a. q i. t ooin 1 by the (U of the eoS, u it awpp-w, aod porttrry wok the bawd of a b-a-bwma young man, leu tenia! tfM ofieca WMMi-f b " la wake m to my room ajicnmatanota wight n-h .. .,rn.kla and (ban Wtl No. 56, and bad bint fool t torn. Dut ..:. ... .Lam. t!u: mil V tim UMt 1 Ulil WOKa " w f ' m thou ori- lnmyatU.ntwoa,dnrmg all my Xum lu tb Ithn- Waa I drawu W fcim br to P"- f " fr thrm in fcia Waa per- mlebt well baft Man to, .1.1... ,.rv nfl-Il. MI l"M'C !!ZTi ill. vl-JT.va minded ktedHam. i, i..i.a'.i in t-voiv ban. Hi kair. atraie-Ut and tmooth --- iit iprKion uui au fli hat roCuUir audit bap i ..r.m. ! v wilk w ratber Urge, T7i..li..,. (.. Ilia (vria waa erect : "it 'i:.v. iUua no m-r ot tbat ut Heary clay tbau " l- '' 1 e.r K Hi Cij w dieuifii -udL, ur ocent indicated e. lf r-Kaon The rntimacy of a lot lrinahip t TMled a character b direct hjrt.iiiy Willi .Li. u ;.. . -,ili,r. l!a WW tue rn a a Mnh.diat mitiwtar rhwa thr Mpir h of llaB'iorig 3 wbWpcred, aikrabt af ft-!' w. 'f da. Baait Si) Ufa auploy" Wore ha ilwd.be bad written -Mc i . j . an tlin ujin'I Qi aia hey, that ware aitii t of h iocceaa I CfT3. 3 au!ar with all the Mn ll F- r . . 1. . I ... . I, . did, I can a-y b- m axwe u rlV 4r hiW and Jaalta.andcihib- HaJmor of the b-H' r trail ftaapry naeded gm 1 v.,i k waa net wkbuttt an abi dine eonfideaco bj t!iw rub and grorf .t,l. In eanaTalKn - a..i animntcd ! chwete. iff -aa.re t,JIUcM. llow laAy hi .. -. . a -'ay.,,! .V nm)t tatm aaut Haw he lort-d that atetling 1 I I tk. Intf'JiiMHft waa from MJaaofri, nd he rrfM nte with- pietnn-a of T Bcntiwi nt tiK . . .. - inVnnect form aud parttealarly the diagtfnl nandertn of il IJ JM.i.11 s ha nltcd 111" Ocma ... t the tjntarni jvtiu.tm-. tli conree n ito me) memorawe Jnnc, i waa . . . i, i ) ...im i to him a to an mj mv i- i af that iott raating ja-riod ol my w-. 1 1 apantoar oarim fifty.- j ali wytaewtoea or y rwwra- keaatifu! piece trom nnj pm m album eoitewmntj; a ,t In taad the nwnliala. The wadding waa a Uroa and happy oeaaaloa. Hi baoy ancf drank In the foaUve glee, while it dlf . ..... M a A . fbaad agwatal aptnt on an aronna. a. a late bear be rti (or hi room hi college. In that abort walk from the arowded ball to hit dormitory a torriUi? cold waa aoa trectud which, m a few dayi ocaaakwaJ vbileut hetnorrhaaM from the long. Ok, bat a crncbiog blow to lb aepiring ul t How bia life plao, that ambitiona fancy had proad over the hi ruing future, were rolii-d op liki; a feroll and labelled by the red rital current in ktter of woe ! Dut when dtaraae allacked hitn It'cnconutercd a reeiatiug will that it worth half the med irtne and acienen of ike mcdiaal profearioo 'I'luuiirh utterly nroatrated. bo waa noun oa bia foet, and bailaard to aecure the killful toeaiment of Dr. B ,lu Bal- lla.ni Tkm ramedtea and adriee aeon liatarnd bint nfljeiently to enable him to i.it .nn frieiidi. in the country. Here Jairaih ex'pttre bnwgbt oh lTtnMa, and be IBHIIIieq ni iraj.UHMi " r,vT pact of a rapid docline. A be lay weak and amaciaf d in bia lonely chamber that dread word "ooneumption," fcoured to be placarded oa) every abject and over all the e;iling. The drapery of despair boug like a black eortaio aroood bin, It waa a aeaaon utolM$tdeatA. Again be rallied. And now be repair the mountain of Ponn.ylveui for the maiuder of the aummer. The pure wa- aad the tool breeaes invigorated uim. He aelected a retreat on the moantaln near atntnra. about an mile Irom bt uoara- ine home and thither be would ride hi imii nr nonv eVfrv montiiiK, ri." - -...., r7- . , - r ----- ay tu Aahini, reaoiug ana rntu !.- ntaat aa be could invent, ana 'u " noon Irolbie pony back the ail milea. Under tma regime nia nwwij umrkafcly pid. . Atih. Katr n Kaieicn, m iiuu.i, wa jurpruied and delighted to met him, lonkmir nearly a well a when l ittt mm June. A neither of u ba many r: lant aeoaaiuUoce in the city, or scarce l. -.iad tU, laMbitalitiv that wen; giv eu to the ijudrup-d on exhibition ; for the hotel were crowded ana imrigu u- citv-Nkeln tu iuvtution. Aiun foformed wliero we eouW find a irrvate hoardinc bouse. It reems to me tt wa 1 . .11 . T .. I. w.a he fcouae or a repuiaoio chijo -- Pojt Mastrr. On reaching oar little nJ- 6r room, (to it appeared,) we ran gra tal la oar boat, for theie waa soiuetlnug the Coor lartre enench to alecp on a t MMMt nt rt'iiiur eome rest jiii y f - o y . without fear of filling out of Ded or tiling the W-nd down. But alas ! aajn iug oar room waa a larger on whW .1.., . J-i. vouuir rowdies were crowd J l.tn al niatkU when taey came iu ,k;, n.L Perhaiis 1 dm not know -" K , . l k. aa certoiulv a I do now, taa wnen ....I. LMm ami t'iiua are oat alter 10 or 11 o'clock, without belug detained bv analal rnrai!ntenU or Ojrgent buei near, they are occupied, a a gvm-" '-"h' in what T win uot derlbe hcrefurtbrt lhau lo call it paatlimo of foola lu.tue iS. n,,w.t infrrnai Saloou. JUt IhO Otl- .ccnilvJfiriMiity assd nooaenec of that A.n .mi a-anvJeus arowd taught t ,1 v Had hnpn. II 1 COUlU pirat eri.h, an-eeu, I eould hang mnt- bMwm amaa,' own sotioiiK in thiirpr- vnt w i v - - , lots- And what if I could bottle nP, u' ecUs. of iMi wnrd aod turn tbem Won 6. ...... rtahlo eocM;tVv A arcat mauV " ' r. aj rj w. rvuiusc man wouia never r i 1.1 l,,.r...lf to aa miiru man woo muiu " , . anl manva wifo WOUW Spum r..n l,.r lilliai IMTfl the dirty doe who dare to ki her pure .weet virtuous llpa aftr I. -. f.'. ( ht. .tarn in UlC icnor wi...b - - ... ..,., rrem but 1 must go on wuu mj Vrrf late, oun atitr auotlKH, overpow ..r.-t t.w iiki..nii.'jLlioii or f tiinne, gradusll -ajkeided ioiav aiieaee and lamher. The nit morning, as w. paaihrowgh the room, it betrayed the chamcter m conaiits. Ino neus, mo cuu, .j.-. -. ' . : . at - .u i. vi ihfhat. ihr vsrioue outer garuieuls, the whiskey 1 -l.tl. ...1 ka iao.U.ra. the fume of U- eed, through the fog of tobaeeo moke, around the throng that Blled the rows of seats. 10 aee If there was a familiar foee among the arrivals, I discovered, imagine ;.k, wK. ih-itlina unriM'. the very Li- t . ...J nnmmandinr form of yam auur 1. mi i w-. j . my college ftieud which my w-aUg fan cy had giron to the louoly tomb. Ab I lUtwa.abap-7 meealag-eo unexpect ad, so luU of srotlfcation, to both I And now for the links ia his bletory that wtU. mood the broken chain : With a heavy but still hopeful heart he hastened from Raleigh to Boonville, Ho., and after the HeeaJjaary preparatlona, aet ont for the eoft air ahi balmy seeuea of Cub. WhlW ew row for the Missouri river, ia an opeo vehicle, a fcree Novem ber storm araaa, and tka cold wfoda and beating rains wore too sirrere for bis sen sitive and weakened constitution. By the time be reached the boat be waa suffering greatly from bis exposure, a cold baring attacked kbt-wouud-d lunge. Haf whtgu- lar reenporative powers soon rallied nun, but only to encounter a suddea attack nf .i.nl.r. Fmm thai dantteronn and alarm - ka ntT. r.'(l foine time anrni ft. uimw . . - , . . . . arrival at Memphis. While he waa last regaining hie strength once more, aa f..it .i.Jk. ka1 f,rm. it an allianee for hi utter dostructton, be was thrown back upon hi bad of parn by a ddon and severe rheumatism. A long eouGnenw-nt was the result. But hi bravo oui uiu . .r..M..r and in a few week bo Wa sufficiently reoovared to ride out in a bug gy, litre again bia III fortune befell him. Jfi horse look fright, rao away, threw him fmm hi buggy and fractured hi an kle. By tlio aid of eretcuee n wa vi.iting freely, impartnw aod iweeiviof refTaahini; ulisurea at social gathcringa, ..i- .nn. Bnrrial attention which hi uo- t.lfA...liiiaa a well a bia luiaforluuc were c-tlculated to win rlv ana touru- inrly in tbo main College building, in Hajul .t Hiaward' flail whore the festive party waa held, aigualled th cloaaoi the joyoua aunivoraary by playittgtbal eve beautiful air, M8weet Home." With what donee those rich note iwepi on iu silent air I Aa wa paul and openeo Mt kaaaaa to U.a LAO MlBWMnllBg wcetnea that ilence wa a dcaert, that iahable music wa au .,,L nawxr bloomed, and tboae flowers diuuncd ion, wbiel deaia my a: UUHUa aw e--y" . , - qaor, the loud breatbwgof tb aumr . si-2-.... ir nwn variou crook ml lueoriaiBa - . , ti angle aa they lay id ejr ttnpor, made up a ejwcinted ofcouiision very trikmsly llluatrktive of the moral condi tinn f mtn who can delight in so deba sing tlieir character and "bood; But the wakeful hours which the- row dies forced uuon us were spout by us ia daaaaut discourse about tbo pat and the Lure, lie wast not yat aaou-al man. TlHrt wa. a t-llor, a flush, a eough, thst created nn aalueM and fr.badiiig. W told mo ho would go directly 10, . .. - . fx 1 ilf . VV . irlaa 11 oik.. .- - j- r , . k ,1 hui iery doubtful as to wooiovr UiUrorcd to meetagaiu. "And mrw. a we ate n hoot toparto, I laavayou my autogrsj irw"1" a.L-11 ....aaa ramdS 4 VllIlT 11(1 D1 PHI1 aWywaj luraiwj-i " J , , f IIL.a, J tLanaaiir) i.ia4 ftlt'll. tflf1 U' bywaafdaya. Hoping that the godd'- of lfortoae may arlla prointton-ly upon the pathway of your I I.-, lint tag gemaa X may. preside orer our lint:, and inal nnany toara.v of lite shall loae hi. busUie, and tlum repalt to ihc land-hilV of Georgia or to f- uba for tl. rVrnti r. ?ertod early timt fMrniag oaer-i Mnntba'pai miFTn II. I away i-i which I beard n t fftiMtia i' I' 'i'1- ML- yrw.-- ' it Mfigi" - - r . ...i.:..,!., IrtDl'' . ii,...- I f. . VI. ..... UIB f rholy huo, With a reference Cuba and thi me! bIm-d In Ust l (f gets. ltei when ill have been maili-, aud fCSim afUm. with il a.ierybil- Wwa and tbtaetetiing storma shall hsve beau arwaaed, yoa may reach the Uaveu of eternal Ui-a. 1 remain Tsr aincesf frienu, Boon vilU, Missouri. .LA. V BuawalT ksil ' raaobod kerne, Li u ruddy, lolly, U lee ted, Tai -4- H to the altar a beautiful Virginia girl who Ta i Med ia the vlllagn near ll coBeg. Impv Cm. that i- our brio' r.nnii ) t"- other 'wttb raveral other., remained w at closing if it to arhe hi a land of atran juisod vi.il finey ''1 foi A UM..m tl, mild weatber arrived, be re turned, somowbat improved la bealih, to hi home In Boonville. Hp then joined a party of young men on a hunting oaeur FawJaa ,K Waatora frontier. Swinging riUII M aavrw M loose from all the aterentyped custom 01 bnmu-lifo, with gun. and ainronnuiim their meana of pieaonre aud u-tauce, they frit indeed that they were adventur- ers. llavmg roacuou n -- V ., , they freely roamed the prairies aud wild- . . !. . ,Vlii.ir iilaln nmods m pursui wi 8 - r., i.. i.. .100 no als were mainly ruruiMi- 1,,. - . . . , a. j 1... mm. 1,1 nach dav 6 num. ji m wm Mre a- . , , night tbey slept iu the opeo air by day . !... i,.,.urf in tne ooen air. a. . bwt mcdicme for Hoary that oould have u ,.r. ., nl, ,1 He arrow .tout and niu- cular. Hi eye waa as bright ae before its natural lustre waa changed oy iue mer ciless eloods of sorrow. Hia pale cheek ,t,1r ao-aiii. lie was a lanre, When he returned he the .tody of law, but apply . . v. , , . ... .......I ....... he ini liimsi'll wttn m "" 7Tf ' , soon began to study down Ws strength. and prudence wanted mm 10 anauo .1 ... Thi. bring. btta ufto the fnalM ff laV maT ro-uuion on a eaual viwt by kKitli of ue . ,k. f llrolhorly Love. .O-Cililed. Til. edimiaulou 011 ihU vi.it was a baud . it,.:iim-nt and wealthy young uier- -1 vii..r,ri wlwi afterward hc- Clin.n i:i'iu . fme Colonel in tbo Coufoderste forces ! m :.... Tbo fires were then burning warmly which at length spread into the ai ,i..,..,,.,n nf civil war. lull a iii w.. - - ..... ).. .Inritie- hi sojourn l.;i.i..n 1 1,, ardent southern pirit iu hi. discuasion of tbo exciting top. Je day while engaged in a warm eoairorer sy with a northerner, several others, friend of his antagonist, gathered around with evident sympathy aud readinees to support their advocate. The northern man becoming offi-naive, Col. 0 Un dauntedly eootitio.d, although he sow so many opponents ano uo ono uj- ml lnm. Just tnen a neary w, .a.... - . ...J t.i.kiui I,a heard 0!1 III rnouiuer ami a. ire -...- the booster Vkc exclamation, "Ook, atrau ger! I'm here!- It was the hand and voire of a broad .houldered, brawny Ken; tuckiau who looked -rough and ready nar aav amoaut of ucn Work, as wa threatened; lol. V rawoa uw u-- 1 :. 1.. ...... 1... ika nlLe.r diaOUUlIt UO- fonded bimaclf with a hearty laugh, MY .. 1... 1..i.Ium1. Mlhnahaw! we nor th. rn folk don't fight ao eay about these lui??" ii :.u At.... litis same spirit mei who oi. ter iu the hiaua-y of our friend, for iu iic .k. ,. Miaaom i battles be wo so bad- it, I -" - , J y wounded lhat ho waa eomieII-d to eub- i ,1... .mnntation of one 0 his limbs mi. . . . . . . at tbo ihix. I do not know whether bo survived tho operntiou. m ....... ;..r..r..,..ii mr rnai a lew uarain. noii-j . - , r i. .... . Measif. ..illiconer aui Browiilow of Teuueaave had hebl a grand . .i,h ilu aholiiiouist in the isiunai iaj r - 1.. .1.. , iiituiitiioiis excueiii 1,1 tka rnsillll Zlr-"ttor orew in upon one of tbem, who waa advancing u a a a .1 lainl Kv fill! ri'tllA .... I,i,i mill Hllll Illt'lJ llilii a 1 ' iiu - r i ,w . att. .. :f . . ann it ten neattT J Will ib sL. am a--a. -j- a;viw-a.;uri nw4TVftr wTntltr VOU. l DOlt " 1 uttiu 1 V Z- ... am . 1- U'l,..ii UnuililnW Mi't'ST a I. 1.1 ,M;,w.r;iirv drew pistol ? fiau -.Vt -nil LfoiJ it on tbo tab! 1 1 VI I Sal -- aa--.- 1 - . liefm-e him. onielly ooservni;, . ... k. I 11,1. tnr .anerianaa In real 1110 naa ruaue u. h" rn inm. v., - -r:- r ... ark. U Ite.ide. ther, are greut many .mm TT VT mid r.rri, i;o7.brbt -b- lasssan in i 1 1 a officially. But why should I aay tide wkon tbo reedy tongue of my camp anion w smooth ly told the pertly keeper that wa ware from a great dietanea aad would like eo much to inspect the ground, that permie sioa waa immediately giraa. From that rude atoae atataary of old mortality that standa hs ibo aogle tToot log the eatraaoa. w waudatod about through the multiform plot, amM the tu rioua .poeimen. of oteigxacaus, wound through a very forest of tombstones and larger moootaanla, until we reached tbo frail wooden tower which ovurfooked the valley of the Bcbuylkill. That night I had to describe the view we oujoyedfrom that point, In an article lu Heary a albamj so I may remember enough to assure the reader that twa anigrim jata u. hho ossra, did not go away foyleaa from evmi that visit to "a fluid of grave." See that solitary cross, ao rude and coarse, standing on that little alopo between the tower aud the river 1 That is tho stranger's grave He came to Pbllaatel nhia aod died, aud ne our knew even hia namo. Lot him eleep there I It m a beautiful epol for the calm repoao 01 J..k If aw. Mand vi.ll It to WCOO orer his memory, yet there are more dew-drop there than iu tho higner gronuoa, dew drop, are tho tear, oi nawro a. sbo weea over the darkuess tuai sarvnm. m children. Those toll oak. are worthier ornamentatkaw the rare vlnee and shrub, thieb human taate aud treaaure have plauted over the dust of departed fneuda. They wok like great sen.tir.ela guarding the some of his rest. The Father;, nyer murmur hi. reqeiem. a it flow by bU tomb, l'orhaps those who lost bim have foar.d bim forever aud the angrf know hi name aud tbo place wtiere no wa. i....;..J tiki haw rnauv ot our own uai . died the .1!' death mid met far .k k. .tniii-fr't burial since e ...... I I. namiw silence a . ... . 11 . .1... ........ retired spot that day 1 ut m "? , know their neinee, the story of their death., aud are watching their dust even thongu it nver round a -epuicura. But turn now and enjoy tho ee?- To the left rum dep, concave nin u. - acendioir to tbo brink ol the stream. i i like aa amphitheatre. Tbo trees ranging alongHt. slope, are tbo apeciatr.rik The chiming rivor, bridged with tee, la j the arena. Aud 1 know not w shall find tho corabatauta tt we ao uo fancy those roaring coal-trains on the op posite valley, to be maddied inousters rushingto the conflict. That long and bcautilul bridge to the ngni m.iy ...- for llie cages Ta which thoao monstora are ne. fined. But we need not Iwger longer in.. By the time wo rerschod the entrance wu ri..p,I and wo could find no om nibus. Loiterinit along wc at length met ... . tnrav wairou whoso anver waa ,ia HarraaVara l aloa aaarwtrka. tOMtlTION W TDK SWVB. LETTER FIWt(K)V. PEBRT, OF SOUTH CAROUMi. Terrible Pargliialtoi tf tbe Po test . . , . . r:..., af from Massa- hisaes me. tnore ww arra..- ehavita. win. afterward became a daring f Li1"', wrote ixa fiiat the lust he . .. verv ill in M. mpbi. a. confidetrt that if he were again pro u .1 i. r m tiie army 01 uarp-'- - - 77. n..,v Ke uuaiu mi y ( Vf course 1 his file bim as 1 tall, . 1 i. Via turrible disease. iraieu ; , 'a ansioded sealed. I mourned dead, and fow ware the graves, . ..antler heill t. lUftl oo.viaw m . Okie year aad a barf ftum the day "f our parting, a cold gbx-my moruuig m March, is:,f,. a I yuteyed the Aiuama of tbo Amciicau hotel in l'biUdelpbia, and gfau- I w Ull ni.u 1. j. j f- a.l k k ..ood-iiatured aud were soon jolting back to tho citv as happy as King. One night we went to the Ac.demyo U...K1. k..ra lerturc by fitUiry -WUTO nwiue. . -a - , lkechcr. I do not know who he was that ujght as the other day when arraigned by bis church for writing a novel, (for which ka i... auAIKaOl and permitting it to be dramatised, V plead thalK..'. Berber l.j- .l..f...r n..her were two difTorent uuia awi.w -tm...... I nrranme ho WilS bolll tUUl auai u. i"is. . j- - , , . k. l.ia amrv tur Jionner is eviueni ly umde no of what be eoucidcr. hi heat tllOUk'bt IU tlOUl jeciurua .... J I observe part ot tuai teciurooi aow i 1.:. i.v,.,n, " writteu last year. tu 111a . - ar iu. nr Met to wnte aimtner ll I... kl. kwlneeliMHlla. for novel mouey win iw -, j it ia all he got in this grand oxpctiamnt. . I... . ,.,. nr. il thoao WUQ uaro reau .. .1... I... nine I III- I0f ill rCPUtaUOIl Ill.lu ilia. .... - rJ he deserves. If ho never tnje again even the lovem of lietiou wUl norfebyeot-- at IlinMinr iat t(Ml aenaiblo to link heuvi- nuu "W" . a ly ou-bim agaiu. 1 have ;rceiy w work from mortal luaubich, all things consldercrl, is " vulnerable to the critic pen. How tan ho liBttlUUg iamiwu" the North a he doeal -f His lecture lliat ulgbt waa nam ij mr- esting, ibough it ov.nced originality ana -l:u XL .iiuia It was as dry, aa tt am ' ' , - . k.n th vast audience, as a shower ot saw-duat. He read it. ueariy an. muat bo peculiar- force lo hia extempore delivery or hi. influence could not do so. 'a. a! L aa. ill flf 11 V. great, Itut a truce mouth pulpit ana nuru-ueua . - r pbia , , V I make no apology for my frequent di gressions iu this narrative, as be who writes .faithful .ketch of real life Is aurf- trive a miscella iy, aud conaianiiy hi tliemes. Wcwent togmtrer to rwn uiore. We didiut think our dignity com promi.cd aa we locked arm at ibo depoi, 1, .,.,, t., iha frantic portcis, and .1 . ...... ..wu .u-'ive CuUrH" " wo a- a v Inaomotivo. aWumi Wamdcd OUT wajMip lUltimore trtt wo met medley of Ub- luuaryUfe-fair ladiee, a heterogeneous tliroug of men iu a hurry about all sort of busiuc., tbo anxious and sbivenue poor, an imposing funeral procession aud sgvawauuw-iaiuiin. , . . vt... . aaiiarated with the i.aujj, musva ' ajj K . J..-a - J HrTkod I aaw ."the Hon." of the .-.k... 1 1.,, a-iait to Laurel IMI City wurTiuv. . ' . - a elu,uirh to be re ?VTZZZSL: VVohad foil caueo m ad to it permit, and bad to U add, L favor witir the iauitor. It . "J.llrktTammoriix. are. conscious 0? VT. ! Haaaa, ennsolo OOO to reflect 11 uiav wiiii' . - m . 'a I,t oroide of very small would hold such offiecaaud tbey ur" .mnnd a fraaratice that would re gale any soul that waa not dead to toe faintest dream of bop aad love. We all felt we are togetnor one more, but oh, where eball wa all meet agaiu I Hare Henry aad I bad a long separa tion. He settled in Vuxiuia. He mar rried an aeeefxuatiahed lady, aud ap-ut a fow year, in tbo untold loy that a nobt woman breathe anon the maa aba ad mire and fovea with that profound inten ,ity of devotion which none can appreci ate save these who are thus blessed. ( Js) continued J A DEAD FALUBE. Tka New York TrAa-ie, having be- ininnaelv dianaled with tlio ac counts given by the Herald and the IVVU of the saying and doings 01 inc swiua;.. "conveatiou." lu the Southern 8tatcs, . .....,'al rommisaioner to Florida, with a large aaaortmant of brushes and a bsrrel of fime, with iustructiona to lay 011 the uhltewaeh thick and heavy. 1 he .,..n aalaated for this work wa Solon Robiueon, the notorioua old humbug, aUn twaddle about arrriculture in the t7i tnr man vears. baa been about .. ..fnnnl aa th celebrated discourse about "cosmogony" with which the im mortal JenkiniKin prefaced tbo converaa tion which ended in his exchanging a irross of irrcen spectacles for the favorite V"ira ' ... Ill l . Al . I MAWOS andifax-donthat eoltof the Vicar ot oih. aa. ,1.1.1 (. , -A . "Mmmisamuer ,.. . mora unbaUDV missiolV Solon reached TalUbaaaee, prepared hi. white ah tinned bia brushes, and was in .1.1.. in a nrel iminarv flourish before i.i..,i..n ... r - .....Tiina thnm to the unclean blacks and . , J uui. when, lo! tbo convention ex ..I. I lib., a hnmbhcll 1 Tk... waa in tho delectable body such of scoundreliam. that ka ,..,... rat bv the ear, and the "mi nority" ami "majority" are now holding separate convemioue, ..." - .:.," i.i.ia that the members of t.ie or shall bo hanged. Both very richly ; ik.t fata. The day after hia arrl aaavaiw BBBwaa auaw. - ar lmt val, Robiuaon informed the J rwune toav there waa more talent, decency and learn- In If ml flO II IE the black and white ivadicai k... k. k.1 avar seen In any deliberative body. He foand fourteen corn-field hands equal to Daniel Webster and Dumosthens, aud nfno Yabkaa arTuattera aot at all in ferior to Heiuy Clay. The very next day theae distinguished men leu upou eacb other like drunken negroes at a eorn-hueMiig," and tbolr conduct was an trr.ail 1 rial thai Snlon had to drop hi wbitewasb and tell the truth about the utterly depraved vagabonds, whom fad waa J - .. n,ir.-lea of virtue, refinement .....I ntnanetiei1. He fiill three page, of k. 7 r hunt nt the am wun arewauw the Pandemoniuaa into which tbo late "conveutiau" baa reaolved iuelf. Hcdo alitrM thai there is no "intent to work, Horn cfowf Cmt Oaeafory a aa daad MtUUmn, Instead V A-ddtng a Hundred MUliont to ifs Rtmmm.. The following letter, adJlHWu! by et- Oovcrnor Ferry, of Boat iwau-, CapUin 0. N. Botler, of that Mete, but now residing io this eiiy, gives a graphic ..J nanlornldo oicturo of the Trrcsent con dition aud future prospect of the great Southern ection of our country : Gkiaimi.Lt, 8. C, Jaa. 19, 18ml. 0. N- Byn.x. Ll-: Mg Jkar friend: In your letter to my u you ay that tbe Sortbero rasople are not aware ef tbe true aondition of the Soutbera State, and that you wish me to write aometbtug ou thla aubieet for publi cation, lam willing, I always baye bean, to da anytlimg and ererytning in my power to enlighten tbe Northern mind a to tbe frightful and appalling condition of tbe Sooth : but k doe aeem to me that I oan y very huie uot aireaoy known, tbrotgh tbe public pres., to the whole reading community. It ia well known to toe worm maa . nl the Southern 8tatca have been binp- ped ol every veauge of republican liber ty, and placed bv the wicked and uneon tilutional legislation of a Radical Con gress, uuder a miliury despotism for par tisan purpose. 11 is cqnaiiy wen lhat negro canveutioua have beea ordered :. .11 ,1. .iataa (or the purpose of CS- .klUtriaia in them uecro supremacy. In order to accomplish this, a very large por tion of the most intelligent, virnioua a..u patriotic of the white race nave rjecu aw franchiaod, and are bt reafter to be gov ..1 ha- ikakr former slaves and unprin cipled adventurers from the North. These F..a,- rn KTlOWIl. BUvl U:i vvimv- quoncca ercry inulligont mind S-vy wtt .1 m t i.ii 1 ml M When slavery waa aboliabed in the Southern State, if the people bad been lot alone In their State Icgialatfou and re itored to tbe Union, H would have been well. They would soon nave recovered from their exhausted and crushed condi tion, and been onoe more a, happy and ey have ensued. I am not able la elate th. falling off of the eeetee era thi year, but the rice crop baa fallen I hundred aud thirty or forty tbaaa ce to twelve thousand lie roe. Tbe pre eut year every one will have to devote hi attention to tbe rawing of a piojrbdau crop, lie will uot require ao many laborers, and would riot be able to feed theta if be did. The agroea have nothing to rjva oa tka pieaeat year, aud are unable to make crop, by thcmaelve.. Tbey wW have la .teal or atarre. This greatly dleeoeweajee farming In (fie Southern Stalee at rah time. It yoa make a good arop 0 aro r is tens, yea bare ao security that uril not be atoleu or burnt up by tbe aagioa. In retard to the political condition of tbe Southern 8tatea,I am in deep despair, and have' no hope except la a lata rung ef jastice on tbe part of tue Horta sopte. The idea of plaofcig tka gov- ernment of these State iu tbe banda or ntgroe., la prepo.teron.Iy ab.urd. rione otrt nave property, an aof dlieltt five hundred can read or write. Ia tka recant election for member, ol a eon y of tka uoKToea W a .k.i- . .mea and scarcely 0U IU a drod could tell after the election for whom be voted. Tbey were controlled Mindly by tka Leyel League, im iu printed in Uhaneoion, wim I'reairlent Lincoln oa them. There k.. k. Ifnra a nek a wide fluid ed for the damagoguea aad aupriDclpled amranta to oflfoe. The negro i tbe xuoet creduloua beine iu the easilv iranooea ou by vile are disposed to pander ta kit auT laaaalan. Emissaries from white and black, nave come ncroauu f- jadiced bim agalnat tbe white nsee. He l.as been told that unteee be voted tka Radical tickot be would be placed back in slavery, aad that if ke voted that tick et ha would baye lands and mules given him. In .0010 fnstancee the negroes ac tually brought with them bridle, to take their mules borne with. By military order in South Carolina, negroes are ta ait ou jurie. In aome of the districts of thla State tbe negro popu .atinn is so much lareer than tka white world, and most rile wretebe who ignorance the North, fWlwaaa aaaala4 laV fin. prosperous people, iukj av ded hundred, of milfou. annually to tbo wealth of tho Republic, Instead m coi hia it. aa tlaav now do. a hmidred million. D " ar every year, utrougu k.t ..,i. wil.Uat tumult nrovsils, tnai ...... . .. . . . . . ,k. k.li nf the convention ha becomo a "hidcoo gladiatorial arena," that the del ...laa are '-mad anETV bull." He UO nounces the Radical "lobby" for bribing ibo members of the "convontion," and the 'delegate" for being "te4ied in wbia Indeed, taking tbo atatemants of tbe Tribune's commissioner aa not overdrawn, a l .1 aU - ....a.aaaa" we imagino that ot all me --cniiooaa vet held, that in Florida i tbo moat un l. .naklv infamous. We Submit tllSt .k. Truant bait not paid expenses by ....inn. a rnmmissioiier to whitcwaah the Soutuern tUUieaw. tica. oiwhw. JUDGE FIELD AND RECON , BTBUCTION. WaaL!ntos CortMttJBc Kw Tar mm It apiwari from various respomuo. be fa mnruinr we xm:tntioii of Soon mccUng in Washiu- aaaa. ann . li.'ft.ltUJll that wa not realised; r.i .ki....l, 1 aaaaui aome time in the t'ai-i IUI .11.' UK" - I . lol. I never had ihc plesanre to meet him. 1- .1.. a.... ..r -ST. we had a brief in- 1 U IUV mmm..-. , f . aaalsl tbo feverish excilomeut of Commcncemmittour at'asa Jfafcr. Ai eonimeuccmeui 1 aa uwlMuuaailKaB ' wlaa we fint scenes of student variou , . t .L.,wM in u.. .a thai im-rp IS no 1ru.11 .U....-.V. ... ,k.. .ttm,.i!t nf certain newspaiiers, mat ss.(.,.lw.n L. Field. Associate Jostiee ot tnc fiunremo Court of the United State, in 1 1... nr. -a. lire of ft llUUlbcr of gelltUni. '!l expreod an opinion condemnatory of tbe .,atrnel:on act of Conrrres. Some day ago Judge Field visited Senator a. ...... aaviMit- ai nni iimiii. "rw.- "i'l . .:.. wk... lu, mat several cenllemen. lu tbo eourso of couvoraaiiou, mv 'J - ,.f Imnartinl' nfifrrd snffraire waa alluded to, wlwu the Judge gave Li view. aJ op noaedto such a ni.-!anro at thi ymo. . Hi .1... .-...narked lll.lt he thoURht W conservative tendency a a movmg icaturc ..(' ............mental administration at thai It...,. unair,l ha desirable as calculated draw together tbo opposite element of tho Freed men's Bu- n.l a atandimr army. But tbe un just, unconstitutional aud suleidal legisla tion of Congress has paralyaed ihem for- w a TI - ta. n IsusnsVwM t II fit ver, 1 tear, x uo negn. -w 6-. ----industrious, useful and civil laborer winch he onee waa, but ao idle drouo and peat to society. Innate wan bis new ami m. -velous political importance, he has aban doned bia former iudustriou baWta aud spenda hi time iu attending public incut ings and loyal leaguu, guthoriogl by day and by night. 1 ne wnoie nw aw - M . . . 3 . . .k. poed to quit their woru aun rrawra - town and village, where tbey may eko out an idle and wretched existence m pu- feriug aud beggiug. - , The cdbsequeneea arc that our fields and oUntatioa are uncultivated, the coun- ,r .....lanrzllt. al tUC poilHOl Biai. and filled with every grade of crime. Not a day passes over our hcada that we do not boar ot some men, uoumj ,..i.!.., r..,.n or murder. I will mention . ...... . j . . - . two instauees oui 01 inoanua which mie-bt be enumerated : ive negro men, lart week, in Darlington Dis't, went armed with guns, to a country store, rob bed tho store, killed the clerk, shot a woman iu tbe house, and weut to the .l.nllinir of tho owner aud kitted him. 1 A " p ... ai 1-. t,..r time ainco a UarCCI Ol i!Ctnn.-B inaaj- .n ndairuriiniis on the ow uaraiuia rallfviail. wliicb thiew off a train of io the night time. Again, at another point J on the same road, a parcel 01 ncgrwaa tired iato tbe train, and came very near killina- several passengers. Last tall, at Fickeus Lourr, sevcu or eurui ucjus-j were convicted of murder, and seventeen or eighteen other sent to the pc-nitentiery. u;.rl.a. a v r,. iiborv.au offense which waa cucely ever heard of in South Carolina far year, past, una ucwourc a j. mnn ..ril.li' ill the ncizbborbood of tow us and village. Theft and burglary are of constant occu nonce- an laoawanwy .linoat imnoailiie to raise hojra, sheep and ...i. a m.nLk.nian told ma the other dy that he bad fo,t the laat ooeof bis aheap, forty uutnber, all tofon by the a- . ... . 1 k..i ne.rnaia. Auolker ieuitviu.!,.!, .u.. ....... bean Go vernor of tbe Stale, uafortaed ma that he had cbjhty-uvu hogr to kill last fall, aad that they Were all stolen by the the ubiect of tho reconstruction law .nmaaaa therefore, that the accusation "fc-- iko .Indre was based Upon an in forence drawn from bia view, on political .n.ii. r. ol aii autirelv different character, Senator Stewart, U ia uudertood, i very mortified at the occurrence of aa grave an accusation resultiug from a eon voraatfoa that waa aa jy-sAsJ. Oa a .UrSi TiMW lutli 1 that ... 1, ... ,k.. r-i.niia anil ... in v.tiaaaiull aDOUlU no aaur, a.. urewvii u - -a i ,. . 1 .1. 1;r. Uamnrv ham DO-lit air be sallsiacinruy an""" come move and potent in It. ! ' r -nrt eHTnaaL e-d from what aourca. that they will compose almost tbo entire iurioa. Hair it will be poibfo to admin ister justice with such juries, m compli cated case, ia more than I can tell. Ieav ryiuaHy al a toe to buaw how the officed of the State are to be filed. Tka clad oath" exdudea from omoe B are competent and worthy. Tab) difficul ty waa foreseen by General Sickles, and be requested of Congress tka rumoval of the teat oath, ueneru una fmmwimm, ly .uagea ted tbe same thing In Georgia. It will be impoaaible for tka uJffreaa au4 the worthless white to fill aome of theae office, or give tho aocurity required by law. i Property of an kinds, and a.assl.ny real eatate, haa depreciated ta vaiaa one- half or two-thirds during the past year, no one la disDoaed to purchase any thiug. and foreign capital baa been driven out or deterred from coming beta ror invesimeu u Property sold by the sbentt brings noiu iag The Marshal of thla State told rao the, other day that be eold a plantation, well improved, containing two uousanu. acres, in Horry district, at nublic auction tn tho birrbest bidder for five dollars - - . . a .. Males brought only nrc aoitar i A in eat many persons are moi the lower country , where larva aaa aa Waa nv nee-n.es. and that auction of tka State 1s deatined to become a wflderae. The same thing must occur tn many portion of Mississippi and other Southern Statue. A gentleman just returned from MuwiaaiuH pi tells mo that lands, wnicn rcniuu aw year for fourteen dollars per acre, ware J in . I now ottered at two uouan pw aw 1 w no one would take tbem. Unless there ia a reaction at tbe North, and, bettor legislation for tka Southern State., they will bo an incubus to tho Un- w - . .a . 1 Ion, utterly destructive to tne warnta iu- pubite. The present military force win have to be kept up to maintain peace be tween tbe two race, and tnere m no cer tainty of their ability to do this long. L have, for some time, thought that when the negro government went into operation it would be impossible pxattaia tka peace of tbe country. A wax-a-axaja must ensue, and it will be tka most ter rific war of extermination that ever deso lated t he face of the earth in any age ot eouptry. I am. with great respect trU. etc x). r. ii.icriat ntrt'nt rtOVOa Tka nm 11 tort of ao muY priafonert and vi.ia 111 our iails boeoming alarmiug. Wo shall not long be able to ford tbem s nor wil tbe prison cootain tbeuv, The country i ao aaaak impoverished that it i difficult for the oa- a Uf al...M - - w i gau m u do so. tan aron throucbout tbe United State, with the Uovcrnmeut tax and low price of the .upls, has rendered it MUpoasible.for the planter, lo continue their business tbe present year Tbe difficulty, too, in got ting tbe negroea to work daring tbo part year baa diaeouraged aad diaguated a aaaat manv. A UrCO COttOU CTOD WM ubated hurt stukrg, and a great efortraa ruadi! by tho xdatner toTwartavo tharr for turns and give employment to the a roe. but uulvvrealWture and bankrupt aw v It artatl namixilrMl wprc uu whipped of joitice, whj hxns not a-lSislrr - . 11 1 1 initviu mtHJ iui tun aaa vwvw - " t aa a a t t u upon hundreds of tnu race 1 .tox. r Pxttutx. Pkk wBji'raaoF Cauu i? thx South We obacrrev upon looking through our Southern exchanges, long liats of parauaa who bam bean aentaamad by oourts for petty Crimea or offeucaa, uoariy all of w bom were neeroes. If tbe latter weaa tarnyma-ffiau mr mms disparity iu tbe commit iona of crime t ar f. 1 : j .1 ,k 1.1 la UO "T. .. . negroea wuue waaxu luost was ,11 . if daav reaflvl Mr. Ue.-l r , . ' r ..::r:rfwnialkerToTTn WasSi tne laiinrvea I , ..u;.k.J Oulte aurv, n nwni.u.. ma . - . ne nrauna usri which haa ou win, n 1 It will be back ed up by a huge capital, will be strongly tUdlea, and advocate the claim af Chief JuatieoCbaaefor tbe Pre-idanay. The same baakera ar strongly considermg ibo feaeibility of esublishing a unit class aT temoon daily iu B iltimore, having tka ana,, object in view Susk . Pr-uabwo-anrv- Saiaaaa .(- W-kd rVlWhfjd Turn I'UiA mm inu son the aohurbs of by two negroes I iter i..a. . 1 I

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