.faf Mitten til jtau. BY IIAXK! BBCNKK. HUISBI RY, N. C, FFB. tl, IBM A eatteaiV IkUrov lAey Jlrtt mat Mad." It it NkM of the rrtebranod Ir. J. saafc Butler, Bishop of I lui Bp ..1 mi mmwwmwmmlm "A Miner" th.t h MhlW batnl of Uung iu liU garden daring the darkest night af ike year, and that doriag took walk befc-sxeendy held tW following eallaqer with himself: "WWt smaafry te eh. -re again, the insan ity of InuVidaal. r The physic.... kuow of aaaa, and a to diriivra, we hare no bate, either from Serif tare or reason. In fa aaaa ia talalioa to deia affair " ''True, nay Urti, a man baa a lease of hit under atend'og any more than ed hit life ; they m the hand of tha Sovereign of all iking." -Why, then, t whale eommunitiea and public bodice ha emd with It. af inaonhy a I a. kdiraiaaUr "My, Lord, 1 hare ridrred the eaoe aad eaa give ao Kin. it." 'Nothing but this priadplr , that they are liable to Br at taaet with private iadividuate. for tha major part of those i of which ww read ia history." TTmj waa thought to he an odd uaeejt I great ahltatfhtt aad divine ia bis little attewuoa at thattaoaeaixU ' of the French Kereiauoa. which 1 iineo hi lime, and many tlioiu- aaaV) who will ia after ream road the hit teey of the preoent iwvolatioa, which ha aow ham oear seven year la progress, harw ham. or w9 he, oaable to account for thorn, or u laart far many of too 'trantac- tmafth am iaaayathcr way than that ia haeb Bilk ahiejeraeraaaled for tke "ma jor part of thoae traaaactiona af which be kad read m history " Many of the leading paUw journalists, and the great body of tha pah Ik aaaa aad ataieemaa wow eon troiltig the party which seem for the time to hold tha deatray of tbe'coantrv iu its , appear to hare lott all 'power of i to hare neonate perfectlr They forcibly remind us of the vim, m the the al sea, m mortajear lest tha ship . MmJ. a a aa as ! go owwivauiica- himself fast to tha anchor sstAsX hh at leant might be tiii party aeem to hare ' to tha anchor of a aerie of fatal, radical and rerolotionary measure, aad it i greatly la be feared that, if re taiaiag reason ia tha mtsiei of the pee pie shall oat aoon overthrow their prr,;xti aialdifotltfcah a kkudduinn, "the groins ! carry ibcm," and tb I of Coootitotional liberty left to tha eoaotry, um atraightaad so profound ly to the bottom that not a bubble will they areata of politic. Hut all this stupidity moot yield to and be enlightened by tha so called progrca of tha age. But to be mom serious is it nn strange thai men should be so blinded by prcju diee and fanatieJam f K very esperhnent of aelf-gorernment which preceded our proved a failure. Our lather endeavored to avoid lb rock anon which the ancient democracies split. Hut the se men In1 Sag to b so much wiser than their fatb- r, are driving tbe slim ol Stale under a high wind, headlong upon the rcry rock on ti the founders of the Constitution sought to avoid. The progress af the men ia a progress bucktrardt to the aiplo ded idea of the pure driuocracie of an cieni L recce, no greater madnea ever eontrulled the deliberation of any party in an- age or ia any country. We do not belie v that God ha yet determined to hut certainly the Radical party ia doom rd. It will die and the constitution will live, fir one ar the other, arsjaf die. uWaUJUtoaaaajaaai or MB lien, am entitled to equality of rights, for lb reason, a it is affirmed, that "all men Wore created equal." '1 list each a paeilioa h) fallacy, centred it tod by all erpirleaea, I palpable to every in telligent mind. ft, Tb new Constitution will place er ery negro and white man In the Slate, 81 year of age, in peimtl equality, not only a to the right of rotiug, but a to every O'.her franchise. 3. It will totally discard that ecntial republican principle, that property ha a claim to representation, or a right of pro tection or guarantee, in the property hold ing qualification of the representative or public officer. 4. It will create new offices ; besides a Ooeemor, a Secretary of State, a Pablic Treasurer, and a Comptroller or Auditor, It will provide for a Lieutenant Gorarnor, a superintendent or fubltc Instruction and a Superintendent of Public Works, all to bo flee lad by the people for a term of four weary and negroes tcM be tUfiUt to all qf" these qffiee3, no property or edu cational qualification being required of them. A. It will vastly increase the expense ol oar Judicial system. It will provide for three or five Supreme Court Judaea, as tbe Legislature mar determine, ten Su pc nor court Judges instead nt eight, a Judge for each county in the Bute, and perhaps tor three Kqnity Judge, all to be elected br the neonle. reoniriiie no oth er qaalificatwn, we presume, than that the candidate for a Judccsblo shall hare been licensed to practice Ta w. Negraw, there- Thcwc rewectiotu by the wvild asm recklea. I hare been aalk-d forth course, of rJs " 'Conventions aad of Csagvraa. They hare thrown aside as of a vale the eoanaei aad max ims the father, of ike Bepebiie. Tkey of the ttm ancimulti d wisdom aad experience of I the march of what they thry have aaaoased that of tbe past were i AS KVEKV BODY KXPKCTED Senator Sherman lias' introduced a bill nuo the Senate declaring that tbe Stale of Alabama "is entitled to representation in Congress, aad that "'fteWul' il rescatatives shall be admitted on their ta king the oath prescribed by law." The new Constitution waa submitted to ike people of that State last week, and it understood that a majority of the register ed voter abstained from going to tb poua, ma Out eating ns ratiawaUoa ac cording to the terms of the law under which it was submitted to them. No sooner is this rrlnlt known in Washing ton than a bill, retrospective, in its opera, lion, is introduced to annul so much of the reconstruction acta aa require the as- t of a majority of the registered voters to ratify tbe CoiMli'.utkm, and declaring it ratified by "a majority of the qualified persons voting on tbe question of ratifies Hon. Congress, it is evident, will unt stick at any thing necessary to carry tmrAi infsmou policy. Constitutions, co-ordinate departments of tbe governments, er.ery tbinir which stands in iu way will he bverridden for the time being. Bat the day is not far distant when dm joa' pie will risejrt tteaj might and knrl these bad men from power. Thi tltey most do or see Coaatitutioaal liberty forever de stroyed on thi continent. There can po longer remain doubt as to the course which the people of North Carolina ought to take to defeat the agra rian constitution now being framed for them. Actiox is the word. Vote down the constitution by casting a majoiity of tke registered rote against it, ai:d Con greaa ill be left witkoat a pretest so far a thi State ia concerned. Tkis is the only safe coarse, and the ouc which we beliec will be pursued. THK CO.NVIkNTlON. An abat'nce of a day or two has ravented the- editor from reading tip fully the prirceadinaa of tun CVnven tion tha o called. Of one thlnp. howover, wo loot tety curtain that I hat body ia tuiik in radicalism be yond tin- hupo of roaarreolion. Noth ing ia to bo Imped fur from it that a fra id n wie Ounatitutiou it uiero- bora nre intent only on party Mcen dciirv. Kvi-n tliou IU-liiiblicatia wbn piofwsoed to be -mo leratu" are now oa radieal m tire timet radicel. We would as anon e vert to are cnld fire, hot ice, a woman that would not mar ry if she had-a chance, or a virtuous riituotia prostitute, a t, son native Conservative Itcpublicau in North Crdiua. L.k at the moderate Tcano ' infamous propoaiiiiHt- to place the eteciiic CninclnVo in each eonnty under the Control ir three men. Even the faatidione Spence who waa once so proud of his Uaucaaion blood and superiority that lie refused to "ta luU" Eph and Ned aa "brother, in the church" because they were mm growea, ' "beenuse God had made Ihctu his inferior and it would be dcyradiny in him to salute them with holy kiss lias been seen setting aide by aide with the "negrowea" of the Convention whispering lovingly and fraternally in thsir ear, and who a now moat pmbahly engaged in wri ting affectionate letters to -hb dear political brother Gid," has shown hiinaell ready to gn hs far aa he-who will go farthest in endeavoring to de grade the white race to a level with, if not to place diem below the . growe. l'orrr bpenco ! He waa elected, however, by the negro rata not by the white men of IktVHhwm and tfc acpnis to think if incumbent npou liitnseJr to ibi all he can to be SOCIAL EQVALT V The whit peopu North Carolina, who ira r waa m nam oaty, have already ' BAUSBCRT PUBLIC SCHOOL W learn that t rrteotioe of lb Hoard of rV-hool CuniniUBKMir at tha Mayor omor heea shocked by tb priaJ wllllogam yrstardsy erming, Mr. J J. errWABT, WM af the amlmwag 0rtkm, to usgesw, unanimoaslv Vtrd SuDerintnu-it for lb "roethf: ' write tw art. pot , , . ... , V-i. la the Uaaeraatortai en air, aa al It refusal puuue kimmis or uie iow n. iu to elar that whiu assa shall uthesom pK)iui.int, and hope ear M- -jud tomrv unaer agro oaWs in the ml sea will eaooursg oar oommissioneri and th patted a fitia, H Heretofore, va the in.ihKreli Sunciinundcul in tha nut oeommry and Ue ulaia aav aoMunea aay msa f mvor : . ,. l. l lac oeaMaaasamonc toe .... eurerprwi ar mmmm , Q, fiy, boW,rrr, aa wilt be ajM ed, la our town, st present, there is son more (nm (h(l prMMKiD(a, vfr. Darham oaVrrd aa UiMusmleil, aoxl a rood iam worthy or eneoursgemeut tnan amendment to th Hill of Hlgkta, prohthit ot pubho auhooa. llag totanaarriac between the white and I to lake ehargs iuimedistoly, lM,am-..5! ha rahwd aWjadat. after auu our . . . Mr. 8lewart and to apend this work ia ilipahTlag it t in ibe schools in acoordano with ii lions from Ua Conimisnoear Mr. Stewart has (nor fiasiih aasiste'rt tsaihsri, who w h srn am watt qualuVd lor teacbina, aad hare had their schoofc Rowig oe far a week ar more; and if pareat will only tike tb interest in tbk arrangement that it deserves, wa lav Be doubt we Writ aoon have a well organised system ol public scoook, whisk wilt be of uating bceeet The tHhJren ar eaweeted to motion to la hie would carry worshipper, carry the that tha whole Hill of Kkrhu with It. aa the amseaaiiat waa to th Bill, aad art to a particular I satis a. The arisast tyrolB parMamaatary amg know that the ixdat wa wall taken, aad yet Mr. Cow-tea. th saamlled Prsaliteut of thte aa- eallad Courentioa. ruled adrersely to Mr. P. This was either the retuN of stupid Igoor- aaea. or, more prutwoiy. of Wllrul toregni of hi obliartlu as a Dnsridmc otBeev. The motion to tab la thea mwraited br a rise raw vot the seataWairi rrrusta- the yea and school from Bias a dunk. 4a Out BM.ning, bill nays ; not daring to allow a ballot, or baiac 1 2. and from a to 6 in lU venia. and here- eawUUag to treat a iwupoaitioa, whtek aimed attar, all ihsas Who wish 10 allead loheol will V. F7 whH wi,h uf "T" "' ,uo' Here, then, to aa additional atop ia la pro- where to sUen.l. eeas of AfrieHiaatbm. to whteh w rail the Tlie Commisslooers bar appointed a Com- attootioa of our Canvaaaar aad of tha pe tto, to mrpam a srrtem of ralm aad reaa-1 NortL Coli?. hok r. 7 r . 7 " " lfcoatrv. The aUdWola la thi. KXKm. .or in. waooa, wmcn ma icnar wu. 0 ,, ,Uo- pilbsriasl ia tb attitod af oeexiwciea 10 carry oat I having Itoeasad tool moot primUM of all A Sirrr Dotxaa I'low A ploweoatlBgl.ro aad Caueaaiao raaaa. They eaa go to iwrw, wm oe as eugioie to jiiueanip a .rfy fotfcirs .' wbo'llgiveaayahaprtosur ao tower depth of laonay. white men. Of eoerse, in a number of .pUerl There is aearasdy aay tenner ia tee The aaasteg part of the , coontics, tbe IMM .can elect Jedge of whu amart get ap bis plow, at from 3 to tstTl their own color, if they choose. . . J., , . OWrak auiherraMa aster b . ., J j WO each. Ah ? hut this plow a a aa. thinf u and a nearw ' feesVi i 6. I uder the new t onstitutinn nrcriie ... . , , . mma maa " t .... ... 1 1 a f.iiiMU t.I. . u. w. .n ruL, . vi I , 1 - will be eltrible In both hranehen of lli ! r I BJwla. v. w-,K. a THE i'iUSON JlOUSBOKMAln At Kinroes, on the border of Kir,.' in tbe moat Protestant Diet rim n v. lard, far a way from OoreWsor Umn lllnna, oc Caihoiio Highlanders, U. the water of Lnefaleven, uiadu jm mortal in Scottish biatory br t, event of the few noxt month, t, ward tbe middle of tho lake, half ', mile from the ehore, waa an ,nA about an acre in extent, on which a caatlo atood belonging to Sir William Douglas, half brother to tbe Earl o Murray. Here, under the charge oi the Lady of Lochleren. tbe Lord. . termined to immure their Sorerein till they could rueolre at leisure oa her fate. Tlie curtain rise for a moment Ihe iulerior of Mary Staart' ari. houae. When tbe first race bad .... eed away, ahe bad need tbe armi of which nothing could deprive her ahe had flung over her jailer the peJ! of that iJngMlwfaacinaiian mMk noim who came in contact with bar failed entirely to feeL She had eh." ed even ihe Lady of Loehleven. to wh e gentle quaJitkw ram an n I... bees) unj uai : and (aa Tlirogmortoa wrote to Eliaibeth) "br one mZZ Bother, ahe had won tbe favor .d good a ill of Ibe moat part of the house aa well men a woman, whereby ska eai ISlOamf 1 9 0 eeVav eTk ea)acaaVaaaaafBa. fAfadf waa in aome towajufaaBaa tsf havn Iegislatare and to either branch of Con- 7. X errors will also constitute e a tor- tmn of the State militia and will be eligi ble to office in the militia, and tha Lecie- lature may allow the regiments to be corv poaed alike of block and white men, and blacks to be officers oeer while men. 8. 'Negroes will be admitted to tbe jury box alike with white men, snd intermar riage will be allowed between blacks and whiles. 9. The question of suffrage has not been determined, except aa to allowing every neirro, 81 rears of age, to vote. Hut ihe come one of them, and be bids fair to ; question of disfranchising white men has aucceed iu the effort. ACTION! ACTION! ? We observe with the greatest pleasure not been settled. We believe th it a Dis franchising clause will be inserted. 10. The on I ion of public education has not vet beep putiiicly discussed and settled, but it ia understood that the lub- nu k oa... walkafnrkjop. And i, plow, KOONOJfT IK A FAMILY. rae hmtead of oaa; aad If year phw,hj ,,eahc whW mwe so fin-toward team can stand the draft, you may mount H I rdaeiur yiMinr enple be rood tbe raaeh of la th morn In. aad drive right alone till porerfy. a economy fa the minuiiial eft hoon A.Arnw mm moeli jsw ani.ra ir. .st- mm t f m. tkair domeatie aftaira. It matte , ...... -- ' ... Ul.l-S ll.l a , , I n aa nma mi mow eaeataj wt miie.ii. wam wj had six men. six inulee and maay plows at ,f ttesrslsa eoatiuoal Itokac la hi Utekea work. 80 yon perceive that sixty dollar, is I or in tbe parlor ; it runs away he knows oat not such a frichlful sum after all, to pay fori how, and that demote srnsfe erie "aorr" like a ,,,w. I to hone-leer n- daugtiter, until betoal u-.. .1.11 . J x. . ... 1 n . .1.:. I ' i" ii. m torn i'low more mioutely. It mart U- ern. and I .k, awtv of la wrte a asw that now, ansa working, to be property estimated. I wruacfeDy out af ft I the least article. Thoae who feel interested iu it may be irrati- however unimportant in rtaett. ftsr It o.or. . nrnrumi let, nnianr any fir it oueaa tbe dour fbr rate to stalk Iu. and iu exhibiting it. The timo will rome. we .-.. A nun nta a wtfc to hsoh alter hi af . . . I a a . ".t. a. a.. a . t trust, wbeo an nor farmers will be both able ''" ana aasm mm in ins mnraey inraagn aad willing to introduce poa their term v- ii(u' ttlU' 'i.'drfn C , S . proper station life, and not to dissipate hu ery vaiaabU nupruvemeat ia tbe implements property. Tb bwsbaad'a in threat sh.akl b fled by calling on Messrs. T. J. A P. P. Mr rney. t 11.1, place, ate, mutate pleasure ,, u., Wrca aa eaportoaHy uaimfNw. 1 It aj a capan. 00 aaaanong an eridenea 0 art of m. pwisraunm.1. wU' niBtfU do to eaeae du aagrophittete aVIar. that terhance of M Hawweeed her dan- -J8- lowadah.t fcfoaaisrito.. er in lite nm for liar uer The nJm wtlealaod wm irha HI an acre in Bwwated of ' ".atl aTT wr"n Vlweoty fast aree or lour Map of . m hendred Trm B same lert ar nml H li am afinr. I " j. wpaam amrr.nv of aoooBV v oaonaJnT which roul-httna- . , J ettlPd, but n 1 understooU that tho pot)- . ' r -, -- p,M.ny. , ne nusoana . mi-re., snoass a that tbe Conservative p,-opU of the 8tateii,ejijk,u an( the University will be r7". - thesaooVnf eokiattoa. tbwnV tor, and bar gtmakat ambiii, are everywhere aronsing thenuvTTH, to alike to nnfrnPi . hitoa, both k. " rmvjtrnro rru'. UnhT! ,h" i! Wgnroctio; In many coantie. toeet- j As? ft BOOtTBTALRCAffDSB H. JTJ iugs bare already been held to endorse I 1 ,nMXt tbeConrenUon will require tbe action of tbe State rooservaio-o P. qual righla shd pnvll. ges lor the negro,-. .. ... , . , . ... in public Convevances, Itaiirnjtrls, &c. tbu mm a xiaieuxu on me ma tnst , i ,Vc have presented, in the foregoing, ana 10 carry out ine pmn of organisation thru agreed upon. The ablest and brat men m tbe Slate are taking part in these!'" Proviinn win lr"" eni", but 1 ,. , , 1 its offensive feature will he suiEclcntiy meeting., and Ibe result will be sack ai . . . 4 . .. " u,, ,0 demand of every white man, and mii... ., ... ,i... ti - . . 1 - . 1 i . .... tmmwj tug w mc Mia .v T.ftw sgarusi ine agrarian Constitution now being framed as ha not been witnessed in many years. We hope the canvassers for tha western counties will go to work speedily and imraaaaq rally superior to a Sydaryaad Lock, Somcra it tkey are pigmies as si Man lee Ia tbe ! their learning tkey imm to bare awerlooked all that i ralaa bl ia tke history of tke post, and to have besom fanatical on tbaariaa which tkey fad m tke writing at some Btd It, publi can Muwrni his admirer to bare been ao "apoetle of Kberty " TVe theories iaate seem to be determined to follow tkem oat to- tkrlr kriliml conseqaener . Tkey will, if thus followed out, end in tke destruction of all free government aanong as- We abouid aei be sarprised at any mnmiet to hear aome of these modern So ki daelare tht,as syg aotbnity in govern, nsent is "deiived from tke eonaent of tke mmmtrnmi," father cam exerc no antral arer his family except by to rat j yke cklUawa, aH that . ear be aroat bef4mi.grdaramrdk.gly. xiaJwg tkm leMtohtto maiay mt tkW fttxj have already dweavered that aafrsge U aa '-hevr-nt right'' which eaaeart he oritkheld frog prraon saBjex f to tke laws, sjid" imitofarnlly that the civilixatkm and pro pas of the W ck-mand that it should be caatorred upon wooaeai oa well aa men. In AaneatkU has been done. Tb. I. 6. LASH , ESQ, Wn aee that this gentlemen lias berti recommended as a suitable can didate tr represent tlie 5th District in Cotigreae. Tlie rccoiuiitenitati.Ki it made through acntnniiiiiication intiie Salem J 'rest over the signature of "Republicans of Foraythe." In it a very high compliment ia paid to Mr. Laeb ae a consistent and able man eminently quaiinea in erery way f.r the -witi..n for which. he ia nam ed, alt of which we mrat heartily ea- dorse, and we aincen-ly hope the peo pie of the district may be able to ae core hie services, should the new eon atitutkMi be ratified by tk peo4e. Mr. Leah ha never Iteetrv nIitician nor aa orace aeecer, and we uavo no idea that ariv thing can ind iee him to canva s for thai or any other office. Yet we believe him te be ton patriot ic lo refuse toaerve if elected. Tlie communication claim that Mr. into ItVpiibiicati. Tins ia correct in a literal sense, but me do not tliink that Mr. Lash can be said to U-loug to auy parly urganiaatirniln the State, lie ia an imleendent CdiaerTativc L'ttion man not a j.l itictaa., We do mot pretend to speak for bim, but we tbiuk we can say with perfect truth that he has about a much confidence iu the leaders and other way can tbe people be fully aroused to a reuse of the impending danger. Tke present mail facilities are such that but feW of tbe m con keep them wives inform ed by reading the pablic paper. And besides, the masse of ibe western people Were always in tkehabit nf acquiring their political information fima "the tamp' more than from any otker sourer. Since the war there has been but little canvas sing done except by the leader and em is - sarjea of the radicals. The mse have consequently been misled. It k) to cor rect Ibe error into which tkey have hern led that a canvass is needed Here is an ojiportuiiityTor energetic and active eon- aervalive to render more important servi eed to the cause ikon can possibly be ren dered m aay ether way. Ia ttia tooaarthwi wa call tke at ten lion every colored man who desire the. iuture peace and welfare of Ibe State aud people, to rote against it. Tbe people will be told that it adop tion will he eeeeutiid to Union. Bet it I a sumeient answer to such a claim, that where take to their counties thoroughly. In no I (ke Congress hat not require.! aucb a Coa- wim the Ur, u 1 A wkw aott aot fcr beraeif oaty. foTOitd. but the ia the agaat of msay ahe lore, and legree, of sha ia bound to art mr their good, aad not Trt Iter her own crmrneatiuo. Her basaane' good i tke sua at which she ahoohj aim his stitntion at Ibe Convention will give us, in order to restoration. We are lor the Union, under the Constitution of the Uni ted Htat.-s, bat such a State Constitution as the Convention proposes to five us, will destroy all concord and harmony amour ourselves, and of Course alienate one party or the other from tbe National govern mint. of die canvassers of this county to their duties. We think it important that tbey should hare a meeting snow and agree up on a plan of operations We would also suggest to tkem Ibe importance of calling n mas. meeting of ibe citizen, of thi. county, at the Court House at an early day, for tke purpose of ratify ing ibe action of the Raleigh Convention. organ inr of the lladical party in till Sta'e aa we have certainly not tu nc fie i epattnutlonallj a Conacrvativc man, and we, feet quite aure that be Will never endorse the bow bnc made I tution. of Tin: cctxvKNTiox the new cowl n 1; ; ion. As we have not the spnee 10 publish lite proceedings of tbe so-called in full, we will keep our readers posted at well a we can as lo its doings. It ia now engaged on the Constitution, and although it ha not perfected much of Its work it ha yet done enough to enable intelligent persons Cutuertatite Mttimg at CHiee Branch, Hurry Counts, Feb. Is. 1868. Tbe proceeding of the above rowting never reached us until to-day. We would gladly have published them had they been received before ihe events to which tkey have reference transpired. The rrsobi liona endure the policy of the President, approve of the l onaervativo ouveu'iou t ttaleiph on the &th of February, ami breathe "pirit of uatriptitto throaghoot The meeting waa addressed by W. W. Davis, T. II. RobcrU, Dr. W. A. Jen- k i:.s and J. J. Hit liff. We are glad see thai the people of old Snrry are be coming alive to tke tense of the danger which tin eaten, lire libcrii' . of the coun try. waiter sTsrsxs. . mmui. Mm- n .... meaiiw or oer erpioiu in ine nanm of Bar The National rul.lisl.mg Company willsbort-1 fa,nily. where aha amy do aa nrorh toward ly give lo the world new publication from I making a fortune aa ae eaa iu tot waattlog the pen ol the 1st. Mo Prvaident of llw Con-1 ho" r work-rimp ITS art the money federate State to b. eaiMkat -A Const.lu- fn,d " "ealthy-it I. what . .... . ine save man aw earalnir.. A cood ana pre 1.011.1 view 01 ti IM0 ar wetween Ire-l, buabaad makes a den.au of Iks frails Slate ; its Cause, Usarsder, ConHuet and Be-1 of hi labor with kla best friend, aad if that kit. Presented in a Seriaa of Colloouie at freud ho not true to bim. what ha be to 1 ,,,,,." h.m ' I aopai If B dues not place eoafaeae ia j . . .. - - m .- J l appear, irom ine ir.ironwoon, w.tn loei U ? proof sheet of which we have been that 'he book is made up. ia a treat decree. Il recorn of bonremi.ons IukI with aaaa of I" ,,w trftWioo. Her husband's 1 - " - v .1 iu 1. .... ,1 j A. T 1 "-"rT Ptrohntaa i bar reward.. Serf rratiao. g..i.lU aullair, at las rvaneuce in Or. w lor J- m -rBtt, , labraxa, a-),,. . vilte, Oa. The book wiU doabtkw. be one of mor ooiupeuy than ha purse eaa wail n- irreal u.iereal, a any work emsnatinir from "rum. am equally peraietoas. Th Brst . ,..il n....i h- vanity to etlravaaanee; the seeoudfaa count; and tbe latter brlact latamnataa. LltMOKKSTs MAC.izixa Ttinctrrant alontn-line worn 01 an evua to its train. 1. r vi... u 1... ,. i .,..1 i ' r TT.."" "T. - -1 ' Tkt Firm filled willirlioice Iinr.ty l'cois. no. trv. tasl.ionl ..... ..'.. ' - 1 a asaia.iiii aitei rrtt,,rai mm 1. plata, areJolectural deaiga, Ac Every lady dj, inml of oa of the prbmeatlhtu m tha sbooU Ure IX-moreaL city by ihe ha Ira So. am a iieafcaitiiiia. 0 I in ao aaaa. a asartrr, to out Il.. Tartr Csrraaa-ir. Un itel . h """f ' e."eqseaa of tkaa Br "Tv wu, iuiwn me pioriij , nriby - , . . ,, . . . . I . . nairaion, nsq., wm at unum u.ov en oalur-1 n lay la-t, Uyinz to sell a horse, but upon bein. I buildreg eofwanied w,re beiog anttaj down o.ie.ti,ied a. how lm.ein n..-.. ol I """ atirwdeo rraat Ueuloo, llii. operation vi nt hw beee caused. Al dy teag oar onsen, aaatd in tadasm unoa 1 thai oaoaamaal. The wafta of the was a I daring oaa, aad equally rt awoear .k. 1 .. ... I ....... I Ll ..i a. I n ;j I - "-"""I.. -- - W, Lrin, . auu County from wham county the horse had pecuj ciwdll to Mr. Oeorra Bappkr. 0 list been stolen. Thar b wh snibecoia-ntlv ar and ladder Uaanaonr. aash Ansoibald reate.1, and both b and U barm ideutifled. talker, a oolurad man. who, atorilttlg Uss Tke isro wm tent to iad at Lvxtngton to lr BrKlertJoor, exhibilal m .x . , 7 mFll S . traordinary degree of activity m its perform- await his trial and Ik. harm arm returned to am. The danmou aaaa asw wmm - 1 I A libra, hi, i. ,4-;.,l. ....i.. a ai :sr r,. vi l n u 1 . 77 r w . " ' vu.ui;. s, a dstoetive, too modi oswdH maart o to know with traXTa certainty wltat ibe ii.o-t objectionable of iu provision, will be. The Raleigh Sentinel, which has op portaniliea of knowing, which we have inriovaliona t . ...1. . t . 1. . V n rStati GrneTi W'P wm7m t:L. ,. A,, as. B. .Flakaasa a Ue ha aiwaya been in favor ' . 2 7 .l.. o. checks aod.bwiancea' in the con-1,.,, .... nf o.. 011ier atitutiou of too State and recent event new Coostimttoa which ha jaet been rat- ifi. u in that State reeoguiae tke right of . . aaaalaw aaa fatoala rost tkm salt Of Mill J hold an other ''-V i'"i rr " , 1 .dike. Thi la, indeed, ueagreea, Tke tbat wa b-u, eat of rate. ratten tor tke tiotit iu each a mind. We will not degrade anch a mentioning in comparison hat. the t.aii.ee of the Itad.cal I rants in the District. Socially, man with aspi mot that Conveaiwn 1IKMIV WALSEB, Be ., Fo. Thi tenth-man was appointed one of the canvasser for Davidson County at tbe late State Conservative Con vc iifjou at It.,!, y h. but we tec that roost of the pa per, ihrongb some mistak-, have tbe name of Henry Walter, Jr. Hr. Walaer m art able and efficient speaker, cmf wilt do p.odx-rvice duriug tke coming cam paign. . ia ouupliauee with an ofdiaaaea of th Con-led tb members ..'iha department when thry gta-a, reported the. number of eaetolioto in V -fct Whh arirkjrtotery the hUkarw for eadkaitio,, Prom th. report U7ZuJ mw IWH HH. WW U'AM.WrX US WW.HJUUI Oil both old aad new daote k) eighty-five, a mounting te eigbty-tbre thousand dollam. Tbe Superior CoTJrt Oerk hntm m bit of- See judgments to tbe auxMiut of thirty thous and .toilers, stayed by Gen. Cauby's order. Balsifh Carolinian. saa Ian d by thoae ia Mam. Hart d) Barley a ' in-atng taakduiadaip feandrt. Tbe un- tjt" Oovernor Worth ha issued let lets pa tent 1 he Mecklenbarx Meehaiucal Aada-uriKw of Char!'tte. Tli Company is enaaged in tbe I niaaiifI!u.'trc f liw North Sum naaiing lla- clnne, invented, w Believe, r.y a gentleman resiil.iig in- Oharloite. The Haekms a most luglily nvomuiendeU by a of .11 far hi an ana WO. , ComtuitUe of IntMstioatio. No ad of the Prv-i. lent of the Conymthai, u, in our eftbnaboe, so higl,ly the leleution he has made, at tb bajre tltainglbaned f,nub uoimie wbje il dai' vrx 1 us. atmt..wiy...kv j y raana 01 ine couveninru ids. uie new cwn titution akall admit negro .aunrsge and the Howard amendment by the lcgisla ture. The t Ouk 'TiBCB.- -The Wrstitrt1tcT Jte view far January, with iu uual variety of interesting matter i on our table. The following arc some of the content : Dan aw. i.gar of yaoaaaa ehology, Two Temporal Power, The Church of Seotland, Kxtraditien, The Origin of Kleetricity, fcc. Address tke Ionard Bcott Pub. Cn, 140 Fulton feH., OajataWWawWrtL 0w Uanmiite to iavantoat the raaanr ia reran to nam maid.aiandra by Hr. Uurhwu's re oluts.il. The oanaailto. aa aamsil by him, oousista of Mr. itrhaB, Aslday, the Pils-riin, nd I lama, the neam de tatolrnm ttaVai .11 tisam who hair I II ia rleeily maniieet tlat the ot,jeot of -. ung .isiy sou llama on ine coumiiltre with Mr. Durham, is to defeat and prevent the in We Irani from the "Western Demo- vesii)rali.m. Aftar what, has trairtoirae. it eri, that Ibe mat brute over la ijalawba watte apfanol 10 vry one nan 11'. De nver, on the extern ilivanua of the Wilmint;- I riant s reiatsna to Ashley sr. such thai he eaa ton, CharUtt Kutbeifurd Kailroad, wm I have no o-mf. wk wiXh bim. Mr. 4. f.w.. upon Nr. lMtlmlil Ine necessity ol Jen mmin; hira as harimr ln vniliv of . nablJ. ' L- A M.trit nf tin I tits War hoo.l: and llanis Mr lill,..u .....I.I Vhy.oogi,;al I'y - i WV I. .n that oa TI.ors.lay hat, while a tauub with a pair of oyster tornf.. StitiuL room ; the two 1 it may hare been 1 and lady, and their I ho curt Waa ancle mailt wall eighteen high, ah. ig the inner 1 rati a aeries of low tried aik ea, where the servant, toldiera and retainer littered in the atraw, la Tha angle oj,ji..te the eaafle wa a round ferret, entered, like the main build ing, from lb court; within it waa avsmolhing like an ordinary lime k iln from Mtvan to eiaht feet in diainatrr fitter Walt Vert Bte feet thick, forme.1 of rough hewn f,nea rndetr latoatar ed, and pierced with long narrow slifi f.-r windows, through which nothing larger than a eat could paee, bat which admitted of daylight and glimpse the lake aud iha hills. Tbki again waa divided into three ratstaa. , bore the other; the height of each may nare rjean m reel ; and in the lowcwt there waa a fire place, and tke ai.oi.ov. siiow marka of groove, which it ia to be hotx-d warn fitted with glas. Tke eoinmonieatinn from r. an n t rnom mn.t have beam br lad era through lioha iu the fl air, for 'here waa no tfaircase outside, and uo tnaee for ana within. Here if waa, in three three apart mciite, that the Queen of Scott item ed the long months of. her iiuoria.t, metit She had happily a tough, healthy nature, which cared little ,.r minor disc, mfon. At tlie worst, tho had a many luxuries aa tha wire. and daughter of half the peers in Hcothmd. froude't IluUyf iny- rw.wT'rw-rl-- a-M,M ciln follows: lit PcAueow. J. J.Io State ar Lad. wick, from Rowan, ne error. Ia Cooke r. Cooke, horn Wake, as error. Ia ntet r. Kuc. Irom Northampton, error. In Mintoa re. II in ton, tiam Wake, lodgaiiint la 1 erley rs. Newell, ia equi- 'rfT? Whtod, decrue (br plain tiff. Ia0e. Lacky, in enelty, fromTkav. Mna, aireci.ng a retertoee. Mt UxTTM,J. I. Ltak ra. Brook, verml, Ben; bat Ua tiauks XJIbson, from Cam well ...P5jf,--lfeJaS M well, judgment Tbe tyjulltem planter and Farmer tor February bat ateo been received. Tbi i.gre., by ita Act, demand 1 . one f lue bet publication of it kind a .-. 1 A . sea, we thought ail to orangery ami co. I piiiuc and govenjuatt fcr ko rue br r aea We hoocrexi too muob to. drag tkem 4ewa trota what aa aaajakaj a thaw ktgk place B ally, and intelleetaally be to wet toighijioii with tke white. All tkem ibe or for .be black race, riril rigkte and U. tfc. qjasxlay Wtbtedd he anataUnl M.gc, ..... .. v...-.v political fraoehter tor ineA and social pn- above t hem . II ia taleu ta an d ch aracte r are enpk aa to qualify him te fill any othoe with boner to hianewlf ami uae fulaeat to tic rHaVtaV ' C'aaatitataoa will claim tor tke negro race. Let oa ee what K kaa already done, look ing to thi retail : I. Tke new Bill of Rights will affirm that all men, wilbnat AUrea Ck. B. Wilttato, oditor and Va. Merry' $ Museum, an iutei eating Maga tine tor boy and girls, for February is al to apou our table. Address, Merry' Me larjre )g was being sawed at the milk of Mr. O. O. raraley a' sml.len commotion wa caused Taw U8H or Pkfh b Pepper is an log swm to fly off of the ear oa which almost universal condiment. Black pea. and lb. it. was booiei, and llw sw broken and entirely rained. The eufhi wm stopped m an peea bte baste, and an examination made ta to the caua of tins l ran-. in. i.i. Just then tk n- tmeer ran up from tl? room below with a per irritate and iunames tk coaling of j ine sioma.cn. tied pepp, r !. not irri tate, eonte, oenlly it thou Id be used iu ttetd af black pepper. It wa known to twenty (.air p-nnder toUd tliot, which I VT TmmmP " ,' iti-U. bad in.pp,-u ilowu from tl, am i lnv me immemorial, a it cor. to y ( i ed aad renrre k mtmh fa lharvar ao. Keith, from Madisoa, writ te be qoatked. In Maxwell vs. Brayer. from Heaahwowa. affirm-d. writ to be quaaked. Ia Better mt Mcddiug, In equity from Petufnrt de- tree for plain tiff. By Uk.vi,, J. In Slate . Leake, (rem liu l.moud, no error. In State vs. Cook, from Mclhiwell, ne error, la Hlato ae. Uuckner, irom Uaacombt, memm. la rtteie rt. Putney, from Wake, aow. Iu Siateexref. Hoke es. MegaJtrard, from Lincoln, in euitity, referred to the Master b, crn-et tke renert. Ia Freaete a. Aard .1,, in ee,aky, item Cleavelaad, htU diamttaed wkh costs. Per iCariam-State r. 8pivey, from Maeen, iudgamot r verted and mmere ds noeo. In Bute rev Couyera, from Fraak Un, ao error. Plato Darham, of Cleareiand fjaaaty, aad Calvin 11. koouce, of Sanaa OeeaMy, wore liataaod to prartiaa tow kt ast tha aat A Sffy9arah --- V- Tla ryr,.tuV Mew trvsinto- i lent wbtah imnr eo i tent wasot otonrrM m lajt on Ko.Uy ast, resulting ia lhadtkJ kVetort larxe 1W llei4. tM iKopueU UOS-U trolll III. mws. -""... one: I luiueiuortei, KB U cor- , , ' : , riT Il wm looad that ibis .hot had been imbedded .reett that natalence which a,U-nd the I 72. m.'1V" , M tcM1- "V ,:,:,,,:..:r. zrr.y.z' tot vWe pe?o,ir ,n m to raad.1 ... -V r ,''oi oo oi neon anr pepper in in.ir il,.- v... i .ii , .lWt j ..jt w- toed; Bat to thoae of weak aud languid Lor H..- f the radristil m.ploye, arwek its stonmcn. 11 it nr more healthy to use car uruu wbkHi yon Nii.-hei: wm side. The Um iu s.sue filleen or tweuiy in- ab hi ditnwtwl, and ia titouphl Iu have c'e t iL' l;i.. a u'...' irt.- t l. i j ovoi iMwi ainjwuiw. bim, oara nao eo- ; ....-... . . 1,1 i . ' . . llralw iroa u o.er iiu- i.m wlmrm Iha Uuu ("Tr" man any lorm o - -- T- "". ua ... o oi urxn ia. eon oa i.t...! ...,1 ,o .11 ...KSari.ftASa,hi. art. .J..I WlUf. bmU alt ihourh. This, we think, ia the neat remark-1 heeaaae it ttftaulatea i able fi. t of ihe ehataaaa e lurr ir lii.nl lions of alecnineaa i mJemnmL Journal Health rkbout (lability. aamod. Iln tram tto wood oar, wot erte- rz!:fen ha body. H. bad in about aa boar. f,aW. I U,'t " "n,,n; boy a awl tbrir pa--iimt ,eiit. Rail,ua.l shops tad Iracka am daagar loot piacej lor caiabsas, tiraiyhlhae eh Wrau.

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