avei - . ' .'.; . --Hr ' . ----- . . i r vti .' W : 1 ''T- " 1 ' ' 'vfit1 Vj&S" . . ,v v gP i V' V " ' ' -' 1 v x ! (BM3 a (PS ' i t. tiiyill,'"'' VOL. I, NO. S 1VBW SERIES. SALISBURY, ft. C, FEBRUARY. S8, 1868. tUTM OPHUBSnglKTIOll.l m au in C. WATCHMAN OLD NORTH STATE i. fgl-WKE&LY OLD NORTH STATE. v' - 1.00 from tto bhdtigh REMOVING -DISABILITIES V. It lUtM In Wsshingten, that tto Recustroeliou Cost .liiar bar ratstrtod In (MW nf Hbi inabilities, ImmnI hy nmuswpalfen i l. raknMton. Wt Q"' Ijamclr, e. i-.tomOrr.ef hWlhfferottue, Jtfbn - ni and Hsjtdcn. of Nsrth jorelfea, atta from General Ifeetory -joasrsl Rale and Victor Barringur, snd , or two ..there of less note in this But. W in favor of relieving each and all mull to them t Ws spue now for Ml a of tko popular tko aoirit of go- fH, fcy aeeept- Inf.noteueJM bat a lomporary daty, f awdhisf tkaFneewonto of tko fSuu in 1861 la ordof to rare tko Intoreota of tko people, ho dieqnoJiied kitoaolf, or became " by a eaboeournt act of Coo- Btraaa kilaW odKoa. Tkero a) owr knprfrWDaridr. kovwocfe, who wae i of that town for kia loyalty to tko OererwJiowt j wko dieqnal iOed kWlf to knU okfce.hr reeking and aoceptinK a teat U tko Lrototare, for the two-told Uyal porpooe of gwoan of tko rebel army, into wfcieh no bad been nulicioualy oonaeripted j and that be .lok eV MeMtbina- to torwiUatr the - ar. VrWowodwk. VA. kWUrt Ktttok, Natkaniei Boydon, Todd B. Ca i well, Lawia Ilaaea. that nro wonrly all tke JodM of tke Conru end wo' know not how many bwadude r' thowannda more, whoao eumplicity witk tko rebellion woanhkor nominal like that of Caldwell, and wkeoe yearuinwe tor low i bf tke I'iikw were aa aineere of Ueweral LonconweS and the partiea nanH above. Willajntt Oorenimenl "peddh-owl He am.i.-.iy in tide pitiful We. r .hall tkero to nmier al act of awiuiily tor nil loyal and tow abidinn riiiaenef If CoruriOM wHI not grant general nnv . ' ft.' - . . neatT, in UearenV name, let it act on u.e kellion a-a'ie nw rfftoewft 0 Smwd wtr dominant, .ball to tko nroot neoep. table reeowttowufatini t Mror ; and that after-torn wairfatton and derotton to frev dom, akall eland neat or. OortfruM aaouot without n proatitnlkw of id grant power, tnako a toe profea alwa of -" ' the tontrb atone Mono of nalrintietn. and the condition of reetoration to the rbjkl of cirikonakip. It cannot dcrlare to Ito world that fidelity to Ike Union, by' rtoathern man oVtof Mt rvMfton, i rirtno wktek wobe lent Witk the aojorlty of ita memtore, than adbeeion to tko Kepublican party rinrt (At rtbeUion. To art on tkal prin eipte, U to pat a premium on political prolitntin and to Vr oitiaeoakip a tke price of limWmmWmWffi&Wie- le price of iimr-eeriftg. We mav add ", to tbrne COtMideralione wkbdj address ttowselvee to tko honor remark, rliieli appeals to the passions nf the mere parti- j x r-1 11 i tills: that Ute snoa uoerait 1 i tke most politic. Tto Kecnn- 1 Acts have settled tke )uestiiu as to who shall ratify tho Conatitutlon 10 to framed by tto Convention. Litorali ty, therefore, eann-l incrraso the number of "rotor on tbia question, nor in any way endanger the cause of ratification. Ob tto contrary, liberality cannot fail to tore tto efsnt of reconciling tto people to tto now order of thiurs. The wider tto net of amnesty, the better will to tto 1 temper of tto) people, and uie weaaer win to the ontwsition to lite OnnattUHtoi. A man must to very ignorant of human no bis ignnrnnee liinet to ensued by the littto noee and wvauneM of Bio wtnansuip. Or to most to actuated by other motives than ttoee which are tonnded in n regard Will tost the Convention eall upon win not u Cowgross to smbmes tto wholc lody of ten wbo vi tto war, am known to to loyal during sj who are now law-abiding, iu ka act of amnesty I Congress to tto ini ilirshiiilise from tto of removing " Ju4tos. nil nf whom of Ito United States: and net on of mnajir. UUW'nUSSWTi whom, so far as wo know, won au origin al Bseesssrmtot. There on uo materia) ant of which to organise tto Judicmr,'; under tto now State Government, unless the Judges and leading lawyer shall be released from their disabilities. Gen. Sickles tried in vain to find eompefeut lawyer to fill the vacancy oeeastonod by North (VmUwiWm pssfts ma tost know, aad WW aaVm thai, share am W tmit of ssea U this State, wbe. pslriolr JT-vd fevwwf tto ajvtog daring or ss ttot of OeVwifB wWoventor Jatonwn orGevndJ V"jt Wo repent, llfl IWVV" these ansa to tlfj BlMF' aaipi total nvntov5S tko Wto- m mMt? oryfewnhlljdM eao anirVBET; th raolrMtMNi of J ode Morriaton t Uoreraor Worth and Goo. Canbr kave boon rngajod for tLreo njontht in finding tnociwoor to Judge reww. Altar oor eroJ trial, tkejr kare olond a kkjktjr re poetatdo fawtlnaao), wko aamo to tko Otatoo ao a Uuiou officr-r. and baa fince I uj.lird bioelf to tb ntudw 4 law. Ho will dooblltti make an honorable and re nrctabb) Judp t kwt it wtN bo iaipoa.i blo to tad bmm tkan two or Umbo other mm tor tiie circuit baoob, wko would not Boo t; whito there ta no raatnrul ml ol. kick to Cowri. If Ooarrtoa woobj avoid brinftog otter woaoo noon lie icfcoeao of roconatroc- tiou, it nioei lorthwitk rcloaae the Judfree. and anoitt of Ike leadinc lowrort of tko Sutefrout tbeir dUabititioe. (Hborwioo wo shall ore low pettlforgioft dentaroKueo etotad with tke oreaine of tko Soproeao beach, which onoo woo filly worn by a Taylor, a Heudcreon, tod Gaaton: wkde eaen wUl be elaetod by nnirtreoJ owCragc, to preoide on tke circuiu, wkoao ektof njorh will eonelet in bee capacity to taebeoe and to oHetrthwto wkwky tko rotora. Proa, Ito Batleaal ll ilnofAor llotttn lump in Vtrngrtm Ltcompto. over Again. Tke Leeompton Conetitntion, no-called wae au iaawneitioa upon the people of Kan ana, in that it wae n fraud npon popular rlgkto, and did nM reflect luelr vie, nor feeling Henri ail the repreeontatlvee of the Sonlh, beaded by General Qnit mnn, were at first hostile to it Ezecu- this senUmont j tot ito fact that the lem Dm party 10 a great extent, through Ito tenders, Menttned itooU wltli a ore which bod not tke approval of the people of the Territory of Kansas, damaging to tke last degree, and it naaeeiinankly tke todptont stop to- kV dhuatrmss dotoat in the ejection of i860. HtrangB to any, too leorene of ei toko tot Utile kold of tto shallow, ito shifting, tke utterly partisan, and tto oik erwiee debauched of noflticisne. Tto whites of Alabama having lawful ly, under tto reconstruction act of the usnmlu: aneewdaacr to t ongress, uken n juotnabfe course to save thrown from the anticipated wrong, buna, ot negro ascendancy, are now to to tto rnle of n bogus consti sd upon them by Congress, and which i only tto creation of a minor ity of the people, and that minority oouv posed mostly of negroes. That the whites should to justified in resorting, as ttoy tod Ito righto, under tto iwooiuvrnctiou bills tksmsrirM of tto usurping Congress, to adopt nay atop to avert negro aseen daney, Could not tot to anticipated by all June snludi d asm. Self preservation is the first law of nature. That it will prove to be. disastrous policy to re-enact the odious principle of Lecomptonisaj In Alabama, and thai, too, by a negro minority, and not white oue, there cannot to a shadow of doubt, ft, in. connection with other enormities of Radicalism, trill sink tto wholu rotten hulk In irretrtevablo depths. When an editor like him of the Nan Yarlt Tribune, who has clamored with an parent sincerity lor "general amnesty and universal snlrnjn in tho South, so far discredits bis record as to justify Congres stonal aclioo kgaliing the bogus- consti tution, isst rejected vfn part by black ItflBntotves) in Alabama, what wonder is It that SO reckless a partisan as Senator Sherman should introduce bill reiuaugu- rniesc tto Lncootuion policy. It u as foltows : msrsto, The people of the Htsts ol Am is have, in strut complisnoe with lbs Oil;, Scutum of the Act uf March 2nd, 1067. enti tled so Act to pmvi'le for tin? more efBcieut fo eroment of the KebeJ Btatss, trsosnl s too Mitwlwn of governurant, in oouturmity with the Cotwituiiun uf the UoileJ Rutes, framed to a Cont rution of delegates In vomptiaiios with a.1.1 ,ck nn -IrnBllwntossU ietntion ha been rat- iiteauysnuuuiity ol ttofuerM swssnssw Una on tto question of rsntieati'Mr, .nM 'snhl tMiMitstioa oonuuot U tbeguarautMs rawuired be tol Ad; . , ., , . I'm ,i 1 1.. m.. t Mr tart, at sbocssb tmm Xraate end fltoss s fSnfinmUtlmn, That Uie fstoto of Ansssans is enuued to-Kf renjaji fsio in Ogress, end 8eust and RenreseiiUtives .nail I sdnmied, on their taking the oath pro scr.tK'J by law " To add to the infamy of tto Radical record, in so far as it has been exhibited at such short notice, by ssen destitute of true political principles, we copy from tto press of Mr. Horace Ororiey, Ito eibre tlnse bitter eueiny of Leeomptonisnt, as follows! "Am ato'afs Mr Huty of Osssjrssj to m ansakn-i rfrrt In II itsisntol, sjtd nt rsire to JmitAlnbamnloAUnwn. If tktr, arc ten torwfsiea to AUnnm, sms stoirs to ntorn to Ito Union. CVaovrsi tkntt nmgnue Atm, and tkm omtn, as to rsarssntiaiissr 0 w om. Tton'tto .to., -2,2 ollemaa, and on. professing honor and renllemaB i,...rtiv to nolttie. was It is a rotten, told, wentou, and meretn- emus negation ol principle on uie of issnes. si Wiujsw WsretT Pssxsn-Ws y estsrd.y suBer tto m west psoolty of tbs low 00. m. mm row. His emaciated form and sunken ryes, betrayed Ito wrsuk which hisenms hss msdsuf s ones nnwsni majfc We nudsrsund ttot to passsa sassh of bar laws in rending, sad it prepsimg for to final MHihtors of uie uosnei u. mmmm, in thsir efforts 10 bring bim to re- neutsnoa, ana ns is soon cu -1 Rev. Mr. Bnfly. lis bas mads a wrBtsn ttsj- !r .nrJinoBAad kte tho hands ottbsiai titJrW tto Watchman 4 (HdHortk State-LIKE-SKETCHES OFMY FRIENDS. Pij m On the 81st of July, 1861. when tto battle of MaoasSBi was raging, when Beauregard was straining every energy to check tto fiauk attach of McDowell, it was heard by tto Loudoua cavalry, com. pany of Spirited Virginia youths, that tto Commsnder in-chief tod kad hat torso killed under him, and was not now suita- kij am hid Inmredistelysprivsterodo vow their ranks toward the station occu pied by tto General, lie was mounted a Btsgnifieeut steed. As to approach ed, to discovered Beauregard alone, not an aide to sight, is tto est of mounting a small inferior torse. He ssluted him and courteously said: "General. I beard of tto loss of yonr horse and I hope yon wHI do me tbe honor to accent mine." FuHteiy (for tto distinguished General unlike many of his inferiors whom 1 know, is always polite ) to accepted tbe lime, ly present, and spoke only a few tot elo quent words of aeknowledgetnent Tto young cavalryman saluted kins and vat starting back to his command, when the General said to him: "Stop! you are on toy staff till further orders. Csrry (this dispatch." That young man vss my friend, henry He acted bis part well wa that day sod to was not forgotten by IsassTignrd. la a few days to gave him a permanent appointment on his staff. He followed this leader's fortunes through nil bis vicissitudes till to was relieved, from tto command of tto forces in Missis- e evenine. not lone fter tto battle of Shiloh, as I stepped on tto ears at Sal isbury to go to Ubariottr, I looked up and saw arm standing on tto platform. He wss returning from Richmond, where to kad keen on official business. H also stteodin-. as escort, tto toroic wife of Gen- Gordon. Our ride to Charlotte was peculiarly pleasant to me. Mrs. Gor don wss comely, thourh not beautiful. Bar education bas evidently been jooi etoas and toratonioas, in that it has adorn . . . a ed and enforced a tweet simplicity and natural cheerfulness, instead of supplant ina them by artificial attainments. With out a servant and with several small ebil- to take ears of, she appeared quiet usafsrisblt, and quite ready to con verse most agreeably witk tor friends.- Little did tto took then like there wot a soul of fire In that gentle bosom that could blase forth into to intents a flame of pay triotism at to dottle tto tdmirieg eyea of warrior at dm her heroic deed tvo Z a s .a s years alter, vben tn the streets 01 n in ch ester she grasped tto Confederate flag, and rushinc amid the panic-stricken sal- diert, called to tkem loudly ta rally to their That wss one of tbe most remar kable events to nil the nnlold and wonder ful history of the daughters of the South during the falsi struggle. - She is a native of (Jeorgia. Her name wss Hsrrollton before she becnme Mrs. Gordon 5 snd she is a relative of the Hun. Willie P. Mangum. During our brief Interview, Henry gave me several note of bit soldier-life. He stowed me rhe record to kept nn the lie hi nf Shilph, daring tto engagement. It a very good representation of the ge nius of a battle. Tto first few entries were regular and the chtrograpby was utatn. Tbe to few grew more sngnbtr ss tn tto letters and more reckless as to tbe lines. Then, si the fight became fu rious, Ito letters became as illegible as the toad-writing of Biilus (Jhoate and there WM t tig-sag jerk and dash about it that might well represent the tracks mads by tto Swhiltorgher's crab; Just keenre the fisrht commenced, tto staff-surgeon felt tto pulse of Beauregard aud all hit aids. He found them expres sive of very different degrees of excite ment. Ttoy ranged from 80 np to above 180. Be felt 'hem again after tto bring in - m severe Mid found lu-cilerathiu in some of them. Strange as it may seem. Beauregard s was higher than nny, save one, Icing, If I remember ernreettyt tar Ugh aw, if Wtt above, 120. This was en tity seconsitrd for, however, by tbe imfce bleed condition of hit health he not hav ing entirely recovered from severe timers bv tbe realisation of- his tieruendous .re sponsibility and tto intense exereisc of his brain tt tto luomeul. That was sqiiaiut sHlticiam of the eureeon under the circum stances, when, it being suggested that to feel bis own pulse, be replied : "It is aae- tor mine was so mgn some time sgo that my pan is busied." He tod torn bis pantaloons, a few moments before, in mounting bis horse. Besunssard commanded, tnongn rannen by A. S. Johnston ; tto latter deerrmgjto tw Mrtth tk InAalitv. ine former's familiarity with the locality, &c. Karly iu the light a courier rode Wf with the iutelliccnce tlurt tto enemy were & P P 8000 men he seot te roeet them. rerard stood quietly aud lhuehlfl- ly, like Archimedes, tot far more alive, than ttot tthiloenuber. to tto evettto around Ihies. marking witk s cone on tto ground .L...I. I.. ... Jr!n. a d tar ram of wkM k.Ttod hi. head to ened point. When we think of ttot battle, bow na tural it hi to reflect what might havs beta kad not Albert Sidney Johnston fallen I When to fell tto sngel of prophecy burn ed tto unpublished leaves f tto history of tto War of genanjfen and wrote a new and wildly variant volume. Those un- nub shei paces, le tee mwk teavw. Ito Svkil. wore pregnant with tbttfito tWur of fftot nan But it nans to well 1 to tto good It to well ; and this it tbe consolation for the weeping christian. When to was lost sll but wbst teems misfortune and sorrow, God will eon-vert kit tears to diamonds and bit woet to wealth. "Weeping may enaure lor a nignt nut joy comein in in morning." Aye, "afflictions are not to much threatened at promised, to tbe peo ple of Uod A Southern rerkneat was beaten and failinc back before tto advancing- fee. A fresh regiment was brought up to relieve tto loss. Cien. Johnston said to. would lead it himself. Hit officers protested. Gen. ' Hodge tohx kits thai to ought not-to- do so : that be might be shot. Ha plied, "Xo ; there is ao danger," cr in similar Isnrnsee. He rushed into in charge received the wound in his leg treated it lightly and refused to retire from tto field till the hemorrhage tod sealed the fate of hit konored career. It not tke clamor of tbe censorious press that tod Mat to that seeming rashness. U was tbe spirit thst led Beauregard at Manasses tn teito the colors and press to the onset hi tto very blase, of deadly carnage, ll was tto spirit tksl converted the coolness of Lm iuto such desperate valor st spot sylvsnis. It w.is tto spin! of majestic heroism swelling in t storm of enthnsiss stove the wont of means required for ito execution of Its grand conceptions, snd having done the work of the commander, hurling itself as on armed host against tb centre ot concentrated dancer when tbe fate of gigantic issues stood hesitant and 11 11 1 venue in the shock. Who can tell what that rreat senilis comprehended ot - . . 1 . tbe results of utter defeat or complete vic tory that day f Con toss than that genius interpret the impulse that led him to such apparent rashness t Hit death and that of Jackson bear tbe impress nf tto bond of Divine Providence more signally per haps than any other enseal lies of the war. Tbe death of such of litem w as revolution in history. In tto bloody and tots successful con flict of tto second d y, Henry's fttthfU tody Bsrvaat. John, diet na tared- Two days nested aad Botkius: wan heard of him. He wss given up as killed or cap tured. At length nn ito third day a cu rious object, like a live baggage wagon with a mule's bead in front, vat seen ap proaching headquarters. On nearer ap proach it proved to be John riding up na a mule wonderfully laden witk spoils from tto battle-fields. Across the mule vat tvnng a prodigious sack with both ends swollen to immense proportions ri b a great diversity of articles. Before him John held a huge trunk which wss like wise filled with what to esteemed . orna mental snd asefnl. Behind bim was strap ped a fine saddle while bis dusky form reeled 011 another. While engaged in hie Clanderiug, he bad become separated from is friends and had at 1 1st effected bis es cape and brought off his oils through a serie of dodges and flank movements ttot won nun quite a reputation, jacmj k me a trinket from Julio's trunk which I prise very highly. , CHAPTsfl V. When "Beauregard. Was temporarily re lleved, fmin filling hallh, Henry was transferred t tlio sutff of Gen. Bragg. He did not Bfco the peculiarities of thst rominsnder, and eriher restgnud or asked for a change. Gen. Lee applied to Gen. Cooper for an active and accomplished young man for his Inspector General. Henry as recommended and promoted to that highly responsible position. It it praise enough to say that to held that of ficii under the syc'of the renowned Gen eral from the day of bis appointment to the close of tto wsr, a period of strife which for violence snd continuous "strug gling bss seldom, if evearb en equalled in the annals nf war. To chronicle this pe riod of kit life in detail would to to write .1 li.i. r .v. I,,..,. iv,ii.r,, Vii. i i. . r ... .t... i Kinif. ..... --. - - - r - 1 dous career I will net even pause to tell buw. repeated! v. bfe proved himself the orator as well na the officer. 1 hasten on to the day when to stood by hit be loved and immortal ehieftian at Appomat tox Mid saw him snrruudor to bis inferior that swoid v. -hose hilt seemed the. only tnortsJ holJing-jiJace for the Independence of the Coiifedemev. Cast down but not iirdespsir conquered, but not dishonor ed, he rode by tto side of l.oe as lie re turned tn Kiclimond -itot cltv which his devoted (tenhia sod his army's valor had married 10 immortality, in vain, so far as tto apprehended issues of the heroin ttrug ele were involved. How stranrelr round-d the Voices of those Federal soldiers, ss they, gave veul to their admiration of their great adverse? ry inetoersl I ' Henrv emerred from the, struggle with only family sod surviving friend left of the lorluuu be enjoy ro wnen it ix-gau. No ; In- still owned that unbending spirit and walked forth over the tomb of his bu ried fortunes snd topes and country men, resolved still to contest tto field with mis- ,ii aatoSasustoi nsrtnwe ssssunnwiwi. Ere long to might have lxe 'teen threading nit wty along Baltimore ttreel, with a few books itaV hit arat, selling to whomsoever would purchase, thereby tto beard tf kirns sK snd dsv to it a Agent with ijoying the a lam, iocrsastos? toils 111. enjoyitnr tl confieenee aad esteem of tto most distin gawtod men in tbe eity of bit adoption. Surely tack men d use res to to known aad konored. Hs eonuaered the difficul ties of orphanage of almost hopeless af fliction of d stoat of poverty. Let us admire and lake courage I Do not tto bless tog nf hie father's na follow him f nasrine to nay General Insurance May to, and you, dear reader, conquer tto last enemy and reach st last the shin ing shorts of the Land of Perfect Life I Will yon I Proa lbs t 'hsrtulle Dsstssrst. THE HUMANITY OF THE NEGEO This is an age of development, if not of nrrnrreea. The tea 01 public opinion is restless, snd it oftoa "easting up mire and dirt." Even after the partial sub ltd suss of tto storm of revoliaioa, there is still much "scum rising to the surface." la svidtnes of this vw ant tto eld tto try np," and industriously eireela- ted, -ttot tto uttjn tot no twists to hit manity, and is simply a urate. Jt It Ir relevant to this discussion to enquire whence he sprang, or whether be Is Info rior to tbo while man ; tto question it, has tto nerro n soul is to. possessed of those ausiitiet which constitute kemani tv t If tto nerro is a brute he is, of course, of a cl ass of creation totally extinct 1.. in. Hut it is a SxsS law of na ture that whilst two distinct classes of an al mav amabramste, the produst w in unable of reproducing its likeness. Tto n .nriiia- la a barren hybrid, upon which nature bas set the teal of Ms disspprobs tion. It fellows then that tto AssSrwjnsu lotto is infertile, which is eonttary to facts and daily observation. Any result of amalgamation that can be perpetuated in dicates oneness of origin. Arsin. Msn it the only being known who recognises tto Supreme Being. Of, the Great lacoinpretonriblr, or any of His Attributes, tbe brute know nothing. as no capacity either to "call on His name, wnien implies isiin, or to --profane' it. wkiek implies unbelief. But it It in evidence ttot wherever the negro It found, there it tome conception like ttot of tto red msn, of a "Great Spirit" wko it over all. Hit ideas, just like other heath ens, may to very vague, but still those imperfect conceptions are found to exist even among tto wilds of bis native land. Tto negro may to proved ito lowest of men, tot bis recognition snd devout wor ship of tto true God certainly entitle him to rank as a member of the geuu Homo. He may have Ires brain and more skull the white ansa, ant 11 inete were toe are either of soul or intelligence many a Caucassian might to sdsaonistod tini vs nf crtdt colon. Again. Man is tto only being kaevu who it mesested of lbs sill of si Brutes have tto faculty of expressing their emotions by articulate sounds, bat it hi tto distinguishing characteristic of stun to express hb emotions by tto tongue in tto sasralar sentience of thought. No nation bat ever vet been discovered thst hss no a language capable of being reduced to some g.ammaucui Ouer. wra lire twmmr men, who are esU-emeii tbe most degraded and the feast like men, have had tbeir lan guage systematically arranged. And it tos been found that these African tava- acquire other language with facility. uut wliere Was tue language 01 oruim ti reduced lo a system I Whoever heard of a Monkey Alphabet or a Baboon Gram mar, or a Gorilla Dictionary T Was it ever kuown, that with all his powers, of imitation, Apes spoke trench or Arsngs studied Englisbt The very idea is ridic ulous enough. Man, and man snly is pos sessed of colloquial powers. .Language is the gift of the Creator to intelligent hV ings. Its acquisition i beyond tto pow er of imitat ion. Has the negro tto pro per orgs ns of speech I Are bis colloquial abilities disputed t. Then to is a man and no brute ; then to to an immortal spirit which wilt rise to its maker and not descend to Ihe earth. But that which stamps tto negro with humanity snd unmistakably proclaims bim a living soul, is his power1 of abstract reasoning, or the faculty ol deducing gen ernl truths, Or law from collections of in dividual facts. Animal instinct is of it- elf wliollv irrational. It cannot be im- . , , , proved by education, ll bo no acenmu l.iiod einerirnce either individual or trade tioiml. Such ! no tto esse wKh tbe ne- gro. tie tninn ana reasuna, fuugvs, w gliift and compares. He hot conscious ness snd reflection. He is a proper sub v-- . 1 t ft. - - - .... 1 ject of law, and all civil enactments to re gard lo him arc based upon bis capability of intellectual obedience. Tto spoiling nf bis good and the1 taking of his life, tke law regards at theft and murder, nnd pun ishes accordingly. Bst the negro recog nises a moral aa well as a legal obligation. He bas a conscience which accuses or ex cuses. He is the subject nf divine truth, of moral impressions, nnd moral accounta btlily. He to borne every evidence, f$ only that to understood tto gospel, but iliat to tod yielded to tbe justice snd the power of its claims. Who tos not admir ed tto simplicity of hit faith, tto ratioual- ity of bis nope, ana ins foytw anm ttrmt of thatHsetter country'' which shall to composed of "all nations, and kindreds, snd tongues, and people." And when "Etbiopa shall stretch out htr hands to God." who dare doubt that that subhm a4to inadssfed in tto great sctonr demplion, and that tto negro is a recipient nl its glorious reauues. Or? wrrj Jjj Hsas.-0.,tt Diary efltosr bss eossmhtsd Ito dit thst unEtary ble sin of believing that s whit, man is almost at good SS s negro; sad Ito Radical negro worshiper of Newborn est after torn With B share stick. "Off with kit hsacT a lbs try; and 08 it will corns. Soros tint, since, w mads a similar iline with respect to hlssor Van Horn tbe Orwav denied it bot the se quel IBUt WW wwangui, "l"w r .i eeutt ( I IBS present ow w, we im ouuuum. that a ms wit sow it entnw eturaey. ,D MABB1ED W' ttot tto following - totto.au. WOMES Tto Mav Turk Mail sensible article on (bis lubject 1 Pay attention to married Indies, young gentlemen, in society. It 'psts" iu mart ways I ban one. It hi generally under stood smong roang men, that married to dies do not cars tor their nttontinns. Mst rou are supposed to exist upon higher level than their own, and lo look upon Ito little stienttons of society vitk tosHffev- ttotfl matrons, vo mean, who te- 1 ' I . . . - , it I: rr eosrnnte their position and its aigni . . no do not "flit" and make themselves as lit tie marled women as possible men urn randy enoagh to dance and trifle witk ttot class uf women who regard lbs marriage ceremony as a new lease of so cial freedom, and who enjoy the society t sny gsnttoatati but tbeir husbands, who look tor pleasure oidy in list toll room' and who know nothing and care nothing for domestic fife. Young men are forward enough to gratify these ladies with attention proud, many of them, to ntrry on n flirtation with an other man's wife. But the ladies who realise tto dignity and tto duties of ttoir poss es married women, wbo enter sod icy for amusement, and not fee dissipation, ate almost universally neglected by young men. They expect to to, of course, snd and think little of ft, perjntpsf tot the sum am. Bsenliariy Amerisaa, shuts tto door to muck genuine social enjoyment. Tto bolt of this is with the young mi; and vet it In rather a nrlsunder standing- than a fault. Married todies may not core for tto many little compli men is and pretty things which are natur-! .1 A ,,,, i ll,. n.MM nf vnnnr, ZsTIssfwsmk " ' '" - This form of attention to marrhid women t .9 A .. .1 1 is, of coarse, aitgnsung. sstienuon, in tbe first place, is a compliment in itself, aud is enjoyed particularly on uut ac count. Tto anna In society who Is died "a per- fjbat untltman'' and every esreb basal least one such man it always welcomed at an entertainment by bosltss and gate Is alike. If n young man will study bis It B yOU-g nts. be will movements, he will invariably bud that to relieves tto tottntt of ! half Ito of entertaining tto company, by paying his attention to those whom others pant. Ho knows that young ladies have atten tions enough and to spare. In tto tap per room to will to found helping til the married ladies, ensuing with them, listen ing respectfully to what they say, and complimenting them. Yet, staid matron ly reader, complimenting them, in a hun dred delicate ways, which ladies can best appreciate, because ttoy understand the art themselves. If a young msn wisbet the reputation of being a "perfect gentle man ne must pay aiienunu to iuu mar ried ladies. Betting Cjuivtly by, as they do, and taking apparently Utile setive interest in tto gsyeties of society, they form and ruble its opinions for all that. As a matter of selfn-hocst, st well st of politeness, it behooves tto young man to nay attention to the married ladies, snd not to young married ladies entirely Tto elderly matron is pleased to receive at tentions, and aunreeiates them. When tber srs eiven unostentatiously, and with perfect respect, the turns to tto friend by her tide, and speaks ol true politeness. INFIDELITY THE RESULT OF IGNORANCE. A correspondent of the Church Union savs : Lord .Littleton and Gilbert West were, at they supposed, fixed in tbeir principles of infidelity, and were persuad ed that Christianity was an imposture. Under this persuasion, they were deter mined to expose the cheat by writing crit inisint nn tbe New Testomeut, snd expos inc its errors snd human invention. Mr, West choose tho resurrection as a subject for writing and publication. Lord Little ton chose tbo lite of St. Paul. Having commenced tbe examination, surveyed ,he field of inquiry, nnd reflected hum the various parts of their suhj-cts, they saw, as tbey proceeded, new light breaking in unoii their minds, and the fore oTtruth overpowering their understanding, ttoy were soon hsvuvhl to pause. Tto re- tuft of their separate toteinptt was truly extraordinary. They were both convert ed by their endeavors tn overthrow the truth of Christianity, and becnme ss emi nent for piety as they were for loiters, . Sir Isaac Newton set out in life su in fidel ; but on a cipse examination of tbe evidences ot Christianity, to found rea son to change bis opiuions. When tto celebrated 11 alley was talking infidelity before htm, Sir Isaac addressed him to the following effect : "Dr. Halley, I am always glad to bear yon spssk about ass trmnonty, or other pan of antthrsBtltw, because that is a subject you have stud ied, and well understood ; but you should not talk of Christianity, Ito yen) have not studied it. I have; and as certain you authinn of tto matter." Thfa van la just reproof, and might apply to many TfTi i A geatlewsaa was owe. asked nanv what led him lo embrace lto truths oTL mm. itahitA rf Ar of Ressoe pi it b, and Wat stnsok tto any Bat frost what I 1 at tto akusak, I thought ported tto Bible truly. to tod not rs- Bible truly. 1 got the Bibfe, read it carefully, nod was struck witk tto majesty with which it revealed, and tto strong evidence of its Divius origin ; tn i ttot I finished my inquiry witk tto fullest fk mil ltd tto voth of 1 YOUKGMEN AND MARRIED rto-7 . Ace Lrf BAIL ROAD MEETING. According to adjournment, n large aum- tke ellisens of Forsythe eostaty tset in tin) Court House, at Winston, on Satur day tto 15lh inst. At one o'clock, E. A. Yogter, Esq., tto Chairman called the meeting to order. If W. Kries, one of tto till lilt irt appointed by n previous meeting to sttond a unset lux or the Western Railroad Cost pany, told at Fayettoville, est tto lfth Inst., was called nn to report tto pros pects for aid. He reported ttot tto tilt tent nf FsyatteviBetnd Wilmington were anxious to ran tto road through ibis sec- Yeunffft of the eowntry, bat to saw hat littfe a tHfle chance for ranch aid from that quartern- He thought the tost thing we ooald do would to to apply to tto Stale Caavua lion, now la session at Raleigh, for a sep arate charter for a road connecting with the Central Railroad, al some point be tween Greensboro' and toxington, run ning via Salem and Winston, aud extend ing through the Northwestern part of tto Stole. It wss then moved ttot a committee nf eleven to appointed, whose duty should to to confer witk tto eitiseni nf Fortytto enwnhat aanaHoiVliUf WMlttnSS, aUlfli tenths! WW obnUY4 tto wnols subtest of tto Railroad, snd the best saesW securing Ue Basse. Tto folio wine committee wot ed bv the Chair, via: R. L. Pi D. H. Starbuck, H. W. Fries, T. J, WB- son, John H. Hester, P. A. Wilson, John M. Sufiord, M. Masten, Madison Baper, Joseph Hasten, aad O. J. On motion of R man of tto ! to appointed , tpontlta Which WSS Ul I On motion, D td R.L. to apply lm me- diatr ly to the State Convention for a char ter for said road. Tto meeting was addressed by D. H. ck. B. L. PMterson, E. A. Vol He stated that to was tot quits nuu,, just eorrmencing hi. toti m. but nil hit feelings and Intor ) identified with that section, sad bffi felt m Twff KfIt sent, for he felt it wns an im portant one for the future welfare and pros perity of this section; and that, at far aa hit meant and influence could nitaid.anjT should to felly brought to hear tto tto benefit of the proponed road. This, his first effort at DubBe sneakine. was well re ceived, and brought forth considerable np- plsata. a .St a mo . ft Un motion, tbe (Jhairmsn wot directed to call tto committee together at inch timet and places at to may think tout, to promote the cause. On nsntfec, tke Secretary was rtqnattod to famish the editor of tto Salem Prow and Winston Sentinel, with tto log of this meeting, vitk tto publish. On motion, tto meeting adjourned. E. A. VOGLER. Cbm'n. M. Mastkx, Scc'y. A PASTORAL LETTER CONCERN ING AMERICAN WOMEN. Bishop Arthur Cleveland Cote, of New York, has issued a pastoral fetter to rela tion to American women, in which to dis- courseth as follow. It will m strike homo to many an American hold: 'nf 1 ftifftni' iTnf iife b ' i lit When I see tto tawdry fashions, tto costly vulgarity aad thd wicked extrava gance of tbe times, I feel sure ttot thous ands of American women are strangers to tto. first lav of refinement simplicity in manners and attire. Whim I net that thousands of American women read tto ding newspapers, frequent tto vilest Tra uiutic entertainments sod join in dances too shock ing to to named among Chris tians, I feel that Christian matrons are be coming too few, and that civilised tooth euism is returning to tto fields we have wrested from the Indians. When I rand daily of tto most ungodly of crimss stains! nrftl pawi human life itself, which are too great to to mentioned more particularly, I feel ttot y of oar countrywomen are with - - - ... out God m tto world, and that radical re forms an necessary in tto t acatfoa an which the young America are dependent for their I r-f h re without girlt are reared for a life of to duty, 1 can- misery fat which ttoy involve families aad Sow tbs wind sod reap the As a Christian I tore, I make my appeal tot yea, 1 YOU tO pfMTUl by faithfully I ay asnshtnt oil that toada to tto degrads- 'jlJJt soch crime w not only winked at, tot IV- ytr,y,'Jtt?"'h mtmimmmM Boats TutsvBs. On Osimaay niakl. a lbs thtott si Mr. j Ctorto, ami ta Sunday night Mr. fa Cb- d. ot Ihivshoo. had a boms Soto. Mr. Cfinard sjfflvt a reword for tit boras to ibis fs stso seties soother case of bora steal- , tog in Davidson tbS laief captured snd las Beet, rseoversd. VTe would aJvaw .verybwly to "hnv. toe door npsss iu. boras hi I. Patterson, tto Char- ssasting, E. A. Vogfer, Esq., chsjrmonof tto Committee, Eh. Z. J. Stafford, and P. A. Wilson, all of them doing Lto tnbtot fcH justice. Owr ywaag friend. John W. Print, ton of Francis Fries, dsssassd, vw loudly sailed for. and responded in n brief little n young this