4 t I. II lull Ml HANKS A BUl N'l 11. MALISBI'BT, M 0, ft. J. I8. . - . .1 il 1 !a .. in MktikAlrlnff man, -eat to suppom. d-Ur. in .d btvugnt " m " ",7 rr Otanfau. and iitii.nntllH Mi ieSseeor tlt the Umaervaitvr. - . - - - - - , that IlllgUt l aChtU Wlllll" mi m.. . rM 01oMy vn.ur.v.. - fh.teve..t, Constitution .! they wB be expected to decide Mr nf itir rtr. no emlter what the U T" rwr' I may be. pro bald 1 JE ilig' J'l.KK HU0AL3. ,rof thai Th. Uirr number of tea best of .tne jl a sn . .--.tu tt e itAi hi mil iui m,y ne. r - - SET ,. l,r,Mn. MatW in tha nnwut COflOillon " 1 oil ear I , THE LATE COUSEPVATITI CONVKXTIO. We have eeet vlik wuw intelligent persons of Coneervatie proclivities -mum who ere opposed to all tbe red 1mj sJbMsjsn being mud in the organ ic law of ibe Stele bJ Ov,io" ..owsjttutg at lfattign wbo complain i hat tbo MMMiof ol the bye Cms .rvwiire State invention at lUloigh i T They erm'end thot ii i,pobUtfcaiaOoiiuiU.n wnwld e aaa" em t'llfc" mws, jaflHMk hsve beew rrsmtOe? wamti te r"""" of tba StawaoaM bare aaaapfrd M J.e tV.rserratlves bad not pledgeA gMMaalvwiaadvaiioa to ppwe whal mrraMM ebma, 1-e pusilioii, iofloenoo, talent and ehareeter of the wr mmo rnr' these complaint. U aacb a to entitle tbaat to tba aMiat r spwifa! aomideiation, and so a in lead to t cat tbem. W an aoC oaa ? ibtfae h' vara pladgad to oppoaa an j n aliallim wbieb tba Covati..n -Ukt fitM Wewaraanxiou. tbat ,W bodT ooU ba oompoaad of Ooo Mrrati va and moderate man wbo wold frame an acceptable Oanatitatton. Cm tba b of Noramber laat we pub iij . mm kIiIc article, from tbe tot of one of North Carolina' most dfaHniraiabed eon, on the anbjeet ot Ma. aoaranhon, in wuicu mc - tar took granod in faor of a Conaaa fhta, aad tba formation of aveh a eon titanion u would be acceptable t majority of tba wbiie people of the M, Tba vriaar, wbile bo did not argae in faror of colored rofrge per tuMiui a aattletuant of tbe von tba baatt of an unpar ified anf rage for all daatea io fatara 06t aifcfransliumg any for want of the qua!indatou- i had htrwtofcre eaerciawd ine4ee i frtnebiae awder the Crmttftation ud lawa of tba btate. ibu prppow - - " tmr andoraemeat. wan anarained in a "ft able argni which tu never refuted. If any nch : had been tendered or eAoaid aaw ba tendered by tba Coi raotioo wa should advocate its ac setaaea, aa would many tbonaands of aa itood Conaerrstivea as can be fnmnA in Weatern Koitii Carolina. Boeb waa on position during the late caovaai, and each waa the position of ay of the ablet Conservative men a Mt .1 aw .vii 14 .t. .1. . (Vinatitntion iname na aiTrmcr, - mpoauoie mm v - t .... ... , a ,,f tba iko- ma a - mmtmtl mm. Ill It- LMIUIeai ve -- - T aliAiilil if wamwi aawam " m .1 V .K I tr AitliWaJb that ervatlvea could accept. But, jndg- pie oi .... "r,r. . r Z. hedev.lop.nnJthenMJe, eh daaWon ahonld ! Il.lijg ; Tveu'io.., I. A.II.W reaolntlon ing the pudency h nal Wore 111 . 'J i u in Ka tli a StAneti. that Mtfli c" ,m- Id then lo cinolled ihJ - -ritattUtand .11 1 peach. ..en. would then alorbiug ia now ,n to be pr. o acquit l,,m, wh cb a " . . . c Iw duauirout to the f it if beraaf- - J 't hod v have been not liberty and good pw nly to cotifhrm, but to etrnngt ban the . der ented to the people of the otafe. .,.gro tuff rage and negro auality .unramaev. and whether ban ter la North Carolina and the 8oath. .ha white maa U to ba placed aadMi rally, and at a oonacquenca, aocially up, a footing of equality with tha nro. and in many looaltilee eabject aw - a to hie givemment at a an pen or. ft in expreaaing tuch an opinion, artj inj in lice waa Jone tba Con v en i..n ahtinc in the eapitoi, wny na no. hat body rafatad the alandar by AS indkPKNDKNT JUDICIARY would he equal ly ditaatrtxit to mt nwiunca " i:....i .... ,i, rii I'll tiio nnin.ii kM m.ntilile for hi imi eachinen t tha 11, into of lU-.rete.itativea. In ---- amaI ilin ProtidvUt would ciiiivi land before the cM.i.try in the atti . ... nnrtrr fo the ranee of tba co.Hiiitubon, and would al.uoat cer tainly ha tiiuinphanlly re-elected next Kail if icantrted. Bat ahateveraaay happen we apprehend m armed ooU Uaion. haaqaawt aetat Ae all tba an bee-1 There it th aud publie morality 'oidnion" than ex p ranted, tbe oonalo- r-mieai jadfeiary. AM bittory aion U irrealaUbbj that no ininebca inmnn.. au fctj Judget, like all mnm. done it. From tba fiiat day ot ire only humaa eetnge, ana KU, the evidence afforded by ,-,u ubit to all die ttwptaJeae w a .., , I rli. i. t .1 : that iivo unt k;.k kHMtn natare m m" tnantioiw" '""'i iw w- - it haa acted and legislated aole- nuH Daecarily Ot to, tor we twm " itt . :.tll r .! I. w,th ft TieW tO aecnro lue uunimi prci pmnw- ' - ... It -- Jl - J .L. power of the State to mm and tie undrr the in ante Thry are a lia tire untU nee to be hv ai V who were BO-f afoaei h their haWrtit iawawaea oy me rau.ea., - - a i - . , .. VI IWK- l,tv J . ..... a MAiiniluill DoaeO io mi ll m "I . . ., 1 1 . r ......... nimi-nt. turn can find no ret ton io j'.au.y v ' . ' remaining uentral in the appr.ieciiing contest. U-i-ctt. r r . rr : k fi.m. , u.i itor.t. ah e .m fain, tlial in ppunwi n.-v ' . .rout for the pM-geof Jaw. whh wo. , m t be in vloUlion of the Constitution or turn lWrd( wia tiw t.. - t United 8ute. and wliieh an iiMltrnlvnt Sunn mi- Court would decUre te be so, and, therefore, null and void. But tbe dificulty will he aveidrd by the election of tout! corrupt ercaluret, to PM Duprcuw Coerl Uuch plodgvo to tutUUi the la , .u baaards. 'lhut, the deeiaion of all m-al noettio.it will pass, virtually, mr-T . - . .... . ... into tbo ha-ids ot the mob. wiin too Lm confined to the white nui ww ' race, or to tho while race and tbe inU-ll. geut asaeag tba cohwvd race, tbe danger nld not be se treat. But adopt the aoiiution which it toon to be tuhaiiUed te the people of tbe 8tate for aeeepUUon or reivetlou, with the )udielary article as it now stands, arsd the glory of ibebcueh U Nonh Carolina has dearted forever, we will see no more Tsyhwe, Hinders na, Qatlnut aud Uuflnit on tne oupnuic kmrh dariua tbe period of Us etiftotiee. tl. rukie Unruaee of Fox, in u mwv B I w w. fun - to PetVt IndU bill, our eo. will then beaosse "a bed el Juatlo apaa i lvM--mtite t 'mmWd iv .w I ot tw atat -"ye 1 Maaa. ArTAWJAT.WAI La a to bafa a .1.1 m4 I IH . I 1 apawt - -g mmm v . t aw J MMataUvta bat rawa I AW a k am - artaa rrH-".. Hawse uf ik. ThU deternilnatleti bsa been 1y an aowaeed w the Senate, and a .paotntaa t, rJ .l.U Prenamttoii will at our nr mil. r , - , i r: .rUrd't Don i ,k- iuj. tbe itsten 1 1 lie nrtl wo r. . T1 r ulUtTf " 1 111. II. II 1 ir mnri . wv a. at nMitn pxen. - - Uarto. son r..p " . . ". . j a ik et at ant Mined ealxt and cltcuicat ..U ..t while Oacbtrd' hook . . .i ,i.i it,-lf U the tett of tao anic.r, "7 e..eeM. - . fa, devoted more to tbe suheet. ef the book . mmtei. jfe evidently ratsajr aa- than to ttie looa i.acw. - - . nsn " . . i tbr . . .i . -wit a deea hv - .... Ul ametstu urli Ilia, mej ' tnw -w . .L- t..J. nf .11 atttdonti of bit-1 . Ruetmi. Ht ierei in w--" torv. l"hUHpU,w - ' ' " I. anmn retDeCtt, tbt m - VMatS truoroinarj hi. " ' ." V T , . . i .V- s. VTke.ber the PretM-ai's Wttraetio eeji heajslfsawCir aepiuds apoa Uihar the words 'during tba term ef .1,. President by wheat (berxtav have boeaappobiiad,'' la tbe tenure ef eft. be audersiao aa karmg rs- ealy to lb geaataJ tens el President, ar wastkeriUy enrsliiil aa bavbuj reier- te tbe asaageat term of one who i lU es&se as Via Prosloea, Tim Protease aoew lae latter, aaa If ear- rMtm that paiswaabls ease Is elearij which iastiae wdl lorever skep." Ol all lb feature of the New Constitution we .tA thU u the rera tcvrtl. lftbeeee)- ..tinn eannot be bMuelit IO before iu adjourn meet, aud the people rail to vote it Jew, M wdl hot be louf bedre iber wni be anuble le ay tta its, teripia .ml, tin WASniNOTOll NEWS IM PEACHMENT. Tim new from Washington to dny m .. . - TiImw character. u ol lite uhj - - Tba President haa at last determined dec aire ncrion of some Kina. hclbei lie m lU bnvc the pntdenee Tipon but U to play h part with dignity and .. i tt... nt our fiunrrme eretion. and the oer re to pro- - wU . . i.o . im i -- - tl, vnrnr. le.iiBius i - m ' t . . deed, it is .t 4uiia ocr.aiu -u. course he had marked out for hi.uaell n taking the first important step iue Stanton, mere c" . - . aa the Preaidtiit will retnoexl of in i J.mbt tUut -a. Anno lasct ai UUteU w ' T, r ton's rirht to retain his otfice nn- j.. .iTofticu act by a writ UCI l"V " thotdd tw, mm to cunttruct Itt inn.ie.sry iti. . - w" , 11 - e mi.'iIJi. to irmove its juuges r frok, temptation. Let their tenure of -fax b- for.llfe, br for a lmig term of yean -place ;hcm above want by paying thorn an adequate tskry-nv.ke them remevca- hie or puniahable only upon smjemmsmxa let them be sppoiuud by the legwmture fr their tonnd legsl learning and great moral worth, as ba g. ue.ally len the case in our SlaM htrelolor, sud we will . i. A ,il,t mdicarv. in bench has Been have rc- fleeted honor npon any country wnoe option am beard with reject and quo ,A . authority in Wealm nstte HM u mlt Of thit every true North CarnKniiu. jurtly foeU proud, and hope never sec U hib character UrnwlieSW Yet. notwlnVttindinp tbe eph-adld sae cess of onr syttem ih the past, and the uu -..r.l.l ara-untcuU which eah hi ..fO.ro Warranto before the bupieinc L re lbat jt was founded up- Court of the UtuteU Btaiae. " Corteci ptfajstgiaa " nw ik - -er this is a snruuiary proceeding. rled by the body now tilting at Raleigh In the'Stnte, as we happen to kno Bat rose tba moment wa saw bow tha Convention waa constimod ve every hope that it would t a Cooetitaiioo which we would Wa watched its proceeding- tni1 'j during tha brat weeks of its deliberations and obi worst fear ware apaadily confirmed. Wa ne r er w amaad dieeover the aiwb teat dwposi ion on the part ef tha Republican in tbe Convention to conciliate tbe Con ervwtitws by aet of moderation and liberality. Nothing waa farther from a spirit of concil at ion aud eom promise,toonr mind, than that which titer mtuiifeated from tba very begin inc. and w do not hesitate to say that with them universal negro tunrsge was a predetermined question. A immmm sxwiority of itt members were elected under tbe most solemn pied, gas to consent to nothing lest, and ;iew gp mach 'riLi tker doing. A.m. mm matter of voliey to the .i the as. tling of tba Convention may have been pramaiure ; bat that any longer delay, any amount of negotiations with the Radical leader would have induced tberu to take a more hinder. ate course- to have framed a Loai'ira mm which any Cotmervative man hether it ukes the cotirso of olbarf chiming to be a Couvcntion of the ...,lf of lite SUUi. I Uill ojr t ' i1 mm. nil that it tf"l Ue oi'ltT uhii.m " in tbe hlttory of the 8wte, and to pursue .i.wlfct wo have not ut mmnt ..... flcient knowledge of legHl proeee.. , all AVfllt 1 bipM.iaw-ia.lU T 7..V. L-I ZTj. llh. and chaos tbe wild and t. lu oortatti mat 'S'" iiiro,.-" - J wm ww . jk l . uow seemt and coost.tut 1.1 . It Itaa aVtrrmmed. If It will soecdily be brought ueiore 1 (ltr , T . T "i ....t to deckle it. ee-nge ... " ,y mourn.. ... . -r- ; . ' aufcj officer! bins of th dees not iud. that hereafter all die j' aatatvat hll be elected and if that tribnuai ahouiu ueeioe a w U rtmn.- foToroftha PmmkMJl . I wmt m iadieiary -ill It will, then ba will andotibtedly Ik syet reouire. hut little s-gw, sostaine I by tbe people who still res gtWl The Judges will uo Ion- f . I ..a .Ao.nfirt J ... - - - - I.-S mia aotne poit.on ot '" r. fkl irMtependent magm. for law and order for which tbey have I , been terrteAaw. From the uea. I brief tenure ol Ueir omee i- Iw. doubt L..tl te revolvins: in tbeir miuds the THK COSVENTIOK. With each succccdi.ir day the intensj- u.. A Uv. liup aerarianisni of HM mnriTi, ' w body becemr were and ntere meairesW Tt..- i. now seorcely a doubt tint the TT 1 . ..la mm.A i 'iH.lliOIl School nf the i..tP will he thrown open idiacrhuinate Ir to both raeee, aud the an act will h. M.i rr,mtni1 the ei.ildn u of eaei. race to attend the femrabn School or b Jrieed of tbeir ll..fitallei-tlnfr. Hood trtiui CuHilterUiiU ouuniy, ow g -" notice f hi. intention te inlroduee an rd nM nninim the fine lm:ocd y our " j t...r..Hh J4wa upon." Mtmitri una '.; tmct wee oaaaata the r w nj) brtrreti arottmd mkUem. ... ..!.!., Inf inTOUt tbi liopted scarcely adaflu ef a dnulit. In l.. d..re U no deeradaiioo to which th.t body ia aot ptt pared io stoop., Tbe pub lic need not be snrprlseu at to hear that some of the f o-c-neu " I k,r. We oueulv declared thm-.ve. l t. f .malnaiiiaUf.il, aulhorieed, if tWJ aaawsew snr '.ef i not costpellod, b7 la.-, a, tbe best only meant of eradicating me u - hetetuiore SXUdWg betwwn me .l.e black oehplo of the boutri. Its ro- i. f .11 this must be that every reepoct- able white roan N d Sooth will shaodon It Ith bit family, an leave rt to a xtuu. i .11 m if. il altr?II 111 sxsaamm Itttt ill Hit Jl- w " L t i... if tWii thuir ana l" w Itnitlll .Ut aH"- ' TWTfJsWUWWWSa www - of the moat ex ; . .v, UM mt cawlylnf for " . Q...IAB Ul : ...... mniT . uii . - mnn ' in P.... 1 1 ni aawa w . , j , v r . II- iL. mmm. .ear lived. U. was bcir to the Imssemm wMa .ma hi brv-Wmta. WeaWe"""" rf de saea1--T.afalm -a. Tbaaam tsraw fkwreear, Oh-rW b. t.aml rt wbaaaU wttwl-wtt j; domlnieas,- h waa aam, Mt taa aevar I taklscbaraw - JJJ . - Ha wa urrouaded by abb) stale- nn, the P.eslaaat's assjam . Battaitat i est sessa te be as slaar aoahl avawiv bha ef h. H. was buuad t. beytbebKr, It wwe, ewtil ta. wbieh be me we tbs serif oa. Wj waiohbesoeUaopa m obttttsaah men and served by the meet eeuummaU I .'Ilf JL.JimgiTTI TimTi '!Sw ' li.mAsjammjsjsatt warriors ef bis time. UI n .j :.k t-w tMnUmt. of all do ranee, ami, r- r . ' m t tlw. mm that ever liveo, ne bis career with tbe most .plcndid eppor tanity of leaving a greet sad good nae t. tsatbstrnma ws ' . . i - kt. hU will unbending. hU aaiure 7 heart bard, and in dUposlttou be was our wm ag mm iutolenml. He delighted in a J..V inrtuoa pobcy. lie was a mys tery to hi own age, aad U, perhaps, . rpL. Lta r..ll. known to ears. S? mmmm "V . . . t u which he etcrcised on tne eoaree .-,! was so terrible that It earneu the South." He for him in tk. i a tbe North Dessau ef the hs Inquiltio( luhrd .lie Inquisition In opam mm v-.i l.J- .,. nerhapt. wa utru-. , ,rB,rd eotluaoa I I r . ICI w. . to tne - . an oeeaemn n be anuJr to lin. than by writ an sastmnuT r"" . -' J - wbichap aU-sy be foand I. the eebmmttd ee f Marbury agaisoj Madisen. 'r'TT!-- - we aaid hi ear m tne ' L . Tueeder's Issue, we apprem-n- Uean tal in eontigunjg .aorc peraous to Jce l fapBC. sud ibiher torlun s, lor their blhry -nhjet, cootxaxy te .11 pr.'edent, an gioiu opinion tlian all oihera. JJM"V" ! attempt ebenld be w--rj edb!tenemiw,ortboeehetntpeetrdofl :iwJpMfm hm no.-n. i,gbemie.,itdudmg:tiemo..e...v lJcllcr bU lmpeacnnre.iv " .. hU wu sabiects, and even. f- nf we .pprvbeud but little among hUewu -i-i-er., by secret sea. k we 7 Jfif rreat maa u ... a.,,. tor simuno oi, k " ... . . , . . " .L., .11 n easier w ... f I . .w. u flUn.on .nd Ppol" W JTZT l-td aTJ- ''.Trii. ThmtslmW W . This esse wni be heswei. meet dmmansmmehe staatmi mt w ad . i,..lmeJ4UawvaW.UK. wbsfsmtb. .k. t.neaefameut fetlew. a. a - Tl,ii aa the ease will be beara m tteWtorimCaartwa-y P-J'JT . .k. tiHtm Cattrt. aad seat nw - . : . . . -- .o Am Ooart fera .Ww-h would be a Ctmgrem wrO makeaa etort ta asarpsteM ellthehawuesaef tbe Ksftlei sadJsdi eUl DepartaaewU ef tba flseimmsat it elare itself W be tbe Bwpreta power la U asm Brake s IStttrail perpetaa taresaadismrbeibyaay wsbayfs as- Evew H Cossireal wars dlaposi (iiialion. If tint a . . n.ni. ..... i-Mhle fthilitict, and J . . fmn tkek esaeta taac played a most promineut pari .twe c.o- j (ie pendeuey of hit time ; mdcd it may uoi D wo .t s eeameweeSafenmSft saasag dm Stertbe oeuok. sml mm r r mm Bak- A Kbitiov. TtijjB Ijpd hi elseseeli ,h ear Bt tpeeehee uf t mo-JRyM gar" jjjJ Had sad radii wtwawa aaa. :a JH Mb error In eYraUtiea te Bft kit laws as.. m t.iuly . -.a of coneid,-ble ShH tic, na tt,,on from their Jwetes aW-T 1 to aW rettirBlng i ,J isereasedMiM The dstthaeT I card u. the nature kT Hood of CuinUriaadl . . . ; . L. .i UM piw.uwe wfww wt . officer, horeafter to be Is-Ly, fcukea fdaee kt Camberbjed m my ln-t the ,-a.t of Ui, poiy are rat - - - STS rhTfa the lircaent dty Tbe hhmwy of sh reeeluuWa was lopted i JT- - ' amsu mmtcver excite deep interest bu jj" u cmd. to .pptbe rs:2:f .be unads of men. v U. of the President, m no pssf ' -'Tuln ejways been distingu Nor then can tliere that tbe Pres dent will at once ba im- best mean of securing tm irre-electiot.. ZmZ tjrf-m-wJwHttew will pcrpetaanybav. ihimereet. pejseiiea or o g jn,,g. meaoors m aa miogwu we- t , ' rill be giving . .i i ,. k. filial sal caace. Uw ofCrmgras. ragaianrtw a-- . .,,,.,1 of lWeofllee. fauvacuon t ..,J awhnrtsMI HT inc. w )oen foreseen i'a' a Jfc .. .- I ....tier Prdsas,temdw.bk it fF STsw pcrfoetly baswatJrJ. lH mar ii was. .k. Prudent eontam ioa by armed resittnce--we oeimv. whieh ow. fceh. rfeewtiofl, that he eoutempUlea amtbing of tbe T ' iuiUcneetobe eaed . .,t...A- iuterertS uf wealthy and influential character, of the poliliml or Bf it,,, nf .11 the eveut. of hi. reign none , Wo eonclude, ., - . t'ossrtltntiaw have been tbro-ded h, deeper mystery j wiU peweeed ht rvguUr form Righu -claw- pmHWrag ta. mam than .be srresl, imprisonment ana eauu : - ,0 MtahMebed pre-swaa as - -e - rrf hU sou, Don Carlos. He was wrest- Tho n0litni will be repreersv i . k:. nan eboos.nK mm dbycounee. " " , 7 perui.nent, then the tun of tlm rjoutb h. mx fn ver, s.l a hmg-eu endl.as uighv Lm -I k. .Irmilv let in. v Ol iiwui r 7 Tt la settled that all the iregree are to -taultobeelhriMe w omee without qnutifiealious, hut tliere eccm to oe .Inubt a. to how far thoeo privileges wHl be extended to the whites. Our opinion is, that th-n. will be every large proeerm lion, embracing most of the intelligence of the Stole. Suray.uoswee-il white Htan ill hesitate to vote .gainst ueh a on .titnrion no decent white man cm nci- tate about it. mi and confined by VbJIips order, .nd only emerged lrm b fwumn a corpse. Thi U afi Unit was known te tbe puWw t the lime, and the general opinion waa that I'hUlip was reapouaihle for nut ueain. nd so lie was in a great negree, woug.. not, perhs, in the maimer suptmsea ny hla coitemraHes. By great labor and raevarcb M. Gaehard secuis to nave mmr- ' . . ....ia .L. ..... cd ibe mystery wb.cb surrouiwco i J.vs of the unfortunate i'rtnee.aoe, io tsr. gTren to the werW n tolerable correct ac count of the tragic end of the youthful heir of tbe vast monarchy of Spain, the son el Pl.illlnthe II.. the grand sob of Charles the V.. and fbs descendant of Charles If: - t iw as. i mj wi 1 m. I I... mi SI. .i . i ..kaumt will bo eotroueww I - eelmitieaaf amours en lb. part of the aei.. f it..nre. ntative. Th uyetanv .tVmmXw. r k-4.lfc.l tion of tome ot me n- --- itiu. dev. thae will sufflee for th till I 'I .M " - - deposition of ibe JtortkMatt. .c,Feh.ie.iafl It ht will bare to shot u,.i. n Burl aad p..rtanc that we shouM sehMmsauf ef tbe afatoM of all r.-.tiWilfuHT I " -' - will prov. a (T, j w.k(. euaetv Ma " w I - "am m r,. trial will flae T txwmsaw.aaa t. u.jmwM .. jlWaetelaeUeeuir, .or wo wwewp" T A UL.ha.at The trial will nm.e Of tsotmeei.a vain and Idle boast. Fertvth OeeajSVi the smw -Biouabttbutfor msny tfjoWr. BsA-f tkmrn, Lble mav not he terrnhmUd before tbe ,, f aeje vjdsamerVmtw tstd Pnoihlenfs term of edms expire. gulr . ..AC . , I i x- UAUP Al.lill' mvr-w . . . I J I ,,.n,- asee mat ute wew . will expect tin ir in kind. We believe hsb re. Aefoat ue. la these next etect. auow that in takiog ihm eourse .m waa Heretetop. uy could only be peuuuieu i . .i.;u ,n.. nf iiiitaitiir. an mi I' i'llllMIO ll - v ...tu.nl tnthe fKoi'LB Exomt'rc, wlncftma eo raiu.. ,w.r,.o,.ot ,.( the jfuveriiiiicnt, against . . . l..li..n...MIW lullv vi fjopoo impeacument nr i i to -aaetaia the? . bereslW they will he in constant r, er of being punished with disuitSMl irom office for die upright and eoi(cie..tioodl- With a me eoold have accep'ed WW do not lor oWaionMtiicffe.e. "We cbaHeYre he usunmtiovia ol C.ngreas-lbe i.t.l thrp. f their duties V(B i,. .11 V country lea r......;,!. deliberative boJj tWat basllMr .d a. adequate enlary since tile MA 1 . i f. . t . ., a ni litiv arty man loanow ..w. ortttms any of lite proceedings of tbet Wyrwty nianrfeatatiotis of spch a dts t tha.1 from tbe rst Uiey to make v.,h?rs uf the ig- t i s a ant, tba riciona, aba tne urmai, I re-4eldra of toaa wbo regard liberty as I ice to, and law as tba to st maiawt efWrrge. Wa B.oro donht on tba moraHigwf tbe 5th U Fobreay as So wbat Uie main fea- ofth.- tonstitution wouio we Hia e today. Therefore, wlrile . ... Ji I..4 letter a&einbled in sny ttali uf probably sunposes that the Senate .ill be owauwd Ay tbe mauifreta t .i l.r nil and SCO uit term IUIM Ol IUB 1 .itiu.. wraaoweeroe- had'derxition dignarfon throtigtiout me ew. y mat ti.e Upu!.hci. pa' J " . . . .l..l..ii..n ..I I ...! Most aa tne f"""-;- r " " .i heh4ealewr one. Ana ( ..i. .Lore the fear of want fchxieu by - -1 a t sT 1.. toia i,o..l. this article has joined other k ml iIm so-called in a report on the sab- w ' . as .t lt f edneation proposing that all tne r :., I i iiiMiiiW smwalii wimTlHiw UU UI.V muamr.mw -w- . .hsll h. thrown open ludieerimrnately to .i-hitt.ud the hUcks. IfMr. Eeas k.a ..nth eimueh to entitle him to be held retpouslWe lor hi. nets, he woeM I be Jti ti.. indirnation of the wane rnle of this enonty arm taseea " is impottible for tneb a maa , to eaette any mb,T felinr. thin that geed hu ' , The merest cipher in mon u r"oiru.... - . , . , , -i la I., ik a ni auuirn ill IIIB WWl.W, WW , , i which to make a tol, ..m a tool be .. . ZZZ A Vn nnn who ku..W 1,1111 Will ew think of holding him respeniihle for .8 we?: .1 wilt b. iu (ear of losing llielr piac: thBir,tahryatthe,phatlonoflhWr Vu ivtTt ihii. tbey win oeconre, - in in now doing, and upoa hit rt- oT" t lie man i putaiHins t.i.i. 1. I... 1hii suluected, lie win Lij at iiitis i. - turn from tb BHW 1 i It. l.l. .u,llt1s-l-ltI. Ill-' . J i ha i.atlsvai KllOlitU .1" r-a k-e...-- will create, st.rrm of '". wllllt .re now iumiy rerd"! 7 ; at t. Mr4saai aj. m DOsU (Se-1 LI- .rvnn ' 1 If i II mx ttrtniw" - wsj. ! it .table chsractcrs in the wecJd, mens po- of the people of link Mitn-the elxewrby ro which he hat t,.. temporarily dtown foruY In fa we do not know that lie has been drawn nart in. tllO OCXt hoald the rlmt be tlie resaltbe may jwsjsibiy be playing a trump card for the next rresiaency. ThAee. it is true, are tlw Sir, oner thhtke of esMinir- w. he It ntfreninr, and bat higrSph be would meet proba hve naed eat nf the mind. hit imtriet. tvar a, Phillip the Good of Butwwady. ... -n mo. t refer our readers to the srtl- -i. i tha ii -eie w or io the wark af JU. CV IM WW.W mmm fv i.....rd for the iulercttiug story. Tbe tecond is a review of lbs history oi ,k. .orient orovloce of Anon, m r Theea aie few scentriti in tbe world whose 4B mmvww. .a hi.toryimor.iutormtiug thaa mat or Aniou, audi she interest scarcely we fl .t.. from tbe time of its eeeapatton by rtomana. to tbe death of Its last sov ereign Dake, Kane, summed The Good. and fadur of Margaret, lbs ill-fatod ne of Hear tba VI, of England, in -1 -' ; i s i .kl kJ 140. Ws eannot Bna spaee m u.- w to mention any of the most impor- . .t. 1. htr eventfal history. Hot I local bsuse gave, eiarn. to the eHsfcreert eesmsries la .i..n mi v other of which we have an count. It famished England with a Has f Korerehrus iu the aWrkms bout. Phmtageuet. aud at one time was tWffW- eewtcd in thirteen sovereign bouse et we coutiuest. The .ixth b a revkw of the of Sir PbilKp Pnmeis. What we eertain y know of Francis would render hhn an toiercnng character, but It ta what i Wl knew with Certainty that mak the most iterel.g, A vast ms w intern.) eircamtonrial ecideuca gee. to . . .1.. ml tha .1 u- prove tlitl r-wm -.. -in. ltuars. aud IS all uui conci-.... iliis evidenee is exswiued JbeWe t-foro os. and almost convince! that tha areat secret has really ..rovered. At all event, the Aed even it no decision la the Court i n t,. -rrlv.J at dariag lbs pendeiicy n,.,i,.. k of lU- imptacnm.-- ".". 1.,1-, -oomuami of CoLOBe.s." hww thst .1- l-reauttwt j Hope. lor fJrwrWvbad . . ..: .... J by tU "emu, as M totirn j. tmjmaSrmt4 k, Ore. Oeahf. MOaey. Wptby a vets of two thirds of thel Sen-1 i,,,,., Btor. present, in me " " . , accepted of at lmmmmmmi.. -.wmsJde Uwyers, xseadts ef tte onblican pariy, who will bare mo tlve Morrh Qseeaaaa II I rerlrTfor tbei rep-uilon. rids Jwrisu mUo uk. uSe r aath lZr.J d.-ternL tUUeasea. s pe.btl- Bram-ut bid bar. ."Hk-a-walei and hearing and de-m will reewmber, to tiesv ruw-ioy tarminmgae -1- . ,, .-a D bom of i a.... .Ul acauit tba Pieshleut. AM .ot" jvttm; vtu.sr. WTe laadsertentty omitu-t to Wale in oo ITZLeee. Uv. .uderstood and ex ma . , .ii ercUed this right of removal executive odseers, not as a ngu f.,i br aa saw el we.m , th. Oieoathutioa Itself, tue cW af August Urn 7 uTm. Ueaarsasaat af War, eeaeeen fer upon the PreWeai we ,i-!dLr st the bead ef that Depart- leoderedtoOel Offiey. to lbs mailer in s them oeeenea, nature UoLCMwystt . . a a ..ta. asmasr bat set of! .1. - Oreaerat ( THE LAST Olf 0HA3IT. It was sastaaly VnwiAmnt ahmtld have l reply to th last letter ef ' which aooeared in the laid before fongrees about a wee t II.. Iota, however thought proper to nu,,, hut remewtm. U a arorritiae r and bta "fXtCS 1L ta. riilution. This It clearly i-ue UaxeTmse. doe. iu seetlea second by Pridtng tn.t hnWlMtoW the t.tlbasuy rl' ui ajtff th.aatd principal officer shall , jj-. M the Cabinet wst wackafapeiu.I.risa Qeewial (,eulatio..s in the boandlrta Atrbl of ; ,d Lore sWtof Guilford sd Ute 1 :i :i.; l.i.r H. tlrerti are Jrfrev are s.nieieiit. Atd ' I nnu riii ir itlFIVY .1 ij . 1 lit. I ' " r jBdge. Wbcwt I tenure. n. lbs. npon tne mere - r- ...mm.iion of tbe puniU of this . rtL,.ibdtoU..metb. iotlrasxeatt g-JS (W, N diopotkmt. H-aofcem. com. -fr im. iu.i. Tbe ex- ..: t more lhat ttu W to, i - r w bod W-T ' , -. . .1 . l".. b.ritwHoJ. about fmng ime ue srrottva t.ooesiuoo, and we dtc so With ail our baaru j&t the Conveotioo did net, aa .'il.il.r'iM. but .tro,. reaaoiis for Wm. ig that tbey wboee tei.ere des-md. rrwcu uppao iua Preeident sbaeW be oonetasl ami ae posed by tba Seoate, and sf ter wards i l.l i... .' iu ,h. bupreme wtn " haFaantajtt i O-i, Warrmnto case whnch will be te-nMotm r the i . r. . ...i imo iiibi i ur w i mmtrnt a wnmB trnui- .- r t h-e. hw u diiaved r a lew Uy. , .troug remw... -y ntloTr . iki, nartr will Hl"t r- T mA tba alitfhteat may be smraacu oup fTL..: ...f .lutremr- .ter or lea degree, crpwdallv iv is laxirt IV IB laexessiog time, like the present. Many .. .1. . I.Uato1 erc.set wee opent m VJ- -j e-- u a iJ... whkh me rt,mmatHm,Aasehe-, crmiptanthvae, whiebfave rerJ eatrfac- nrThe 'lmavvrlle BrbW -m r ... been claims f ki, Phillio Francis ttoud higher for the i doubtful hetnw of the authorship of -h-hrated letters than those of aay .-.r.n. We say the doubtful lienor, lor while the MHty and style of theleuerei eucL a almost any one might swey , yet Ibe emrcuW sovtu-i'y with which lire tiri- Ui. o t m area.esi anu uuei bereBtovedrrtn.eeWswfsiests the United Statu or iu any ether cam e - the orinsipal clerk 'ball have charge of the paper, of tbe o&m dwtog the eominaanee of uch vM-ucy. -mmm, mt th has been frequently sus- tolued by tbeipremc Court of the United a,.t .1, i. ii lias, on more m.,. deeMed.tlwt ibis porl removsl ,hd 1 the President by the Lon- i,B. itaclL Aud if it l vested Iu Ibe t IBBSBI ! WJ - manifest to all that Ceugreas sauuot take l from bitn. i . -jji.i... .hla It will be seen th.t ,11 niiui.i".. - . 1 . I... ...... t ..... I . tli at be bad tin i no j iwiutwi vi e?..BMOjTT nower to remove Stantun even uudi r f office set hself. That act pro- .1.1 that tho beads of departments "tiball bold their ofBcers twptiv.y en J ..M.llnnl IfiUklC. TII V.Lota principal of ttre htu-JW Jbmj -- in th.. king u.m U aesnlle.l, tbiw Wt aaut i it v ia every n -u-et is amah to eonvUsee every ma .MtL.K wax vise of me ni .-: j... L.A mmA that ourscssot oi a be.rt.Addree.HCo lrd SA.lt Pub lUhiag tJempany, IB i sitae Street, If aud during tbertoru, of lb. Pre.ide..i b, , ffijK? wlioea they may have been sppnu.uel tndj. J& ithe nice A. rouvkicd af tba paii his own saowmg. tt - " orer hi. own signature that be ori i.ted tbe Dosinon at oaeretarj fer lbs purpnee of Uiwartbigor a th, Preiidint. p.llcy, sad he al.o itiai he (ubteottently, anu wow bat momeul, fed the President to that he hitended te caHtpsrate wiih reaUiing the retuitenrent at at. ton ?tw etuawaiioer wmt --- .vl.-.v wi.B mo imsetwasun " .hiutesimlBda.bg. the. elmpk readin omiaiiondenee. Tba whae Wet tun plain to he mUnndcvsSned. !! i 'mo'ffaci ..u-guBrssrl tror . '-l.ai.-l n Hiiiitrtijr mimmtm lif1 '.trfJH' (Riff Afcel ig hi sn open bet gruiii'H. Them."(i V.t I whwpceee .MUM 1 the bo. l sit uait!.;:ji iAnad uW a .noruinj;, . ni mv "" r a jwnut. "rut i , T.,w ruoiith thereafter " Mr. Stento- a. ' ieH -kli aWStfefhr; L..tM.bsir gu. ef j I'ui.- dhyiir. LuitaJn, UiUr!'m I President .rgne thai hs had tbo rk r. iu..vc biin-tbat aaftiig I daring ibe term of sfefsset Prides be .,nul not rcmaiu edfee mere thaa Am of lhat Prist- . . . I ami t ii tt. i' HlMlalir 4 -.f J" w ' it .1 .s .0 IiStll 1 .. netoay. ' theu-it.-, this '1

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