V .4j t v ' A iUisfcllanccms. 4nAy ItmHntion, Turn Mw York Journal of ftwnaaatce, which be a eh bar Noi-eM UmI lb- teuubh-sl rSMl m.w ton lha i rainlry, M Iba watt Bi I pot yr. mo .M I n iter. now I lake la alail Bo w maw from ike hj liwasa a if aessawan Wheat 11 J'-' oun- ualv at tlx h.-aJ .. in Icadinr. editorial I 'It kavk aa if tlx- ! of (hoar who rar wn tnr patty aupr'.i.r than fm :1k; must lal .ali iat ol lax cavalry, and wli would i.-Ht-r ran th Uua! ar axe tltaa reetgu law til near it was arseit in planer ibeui hear long into a ooutws tl..it mnsi end in rrvi Jntma 'ibuaa wbe have bath Mo ban iba moat bop i i am Mow, (Wit sel .J - -oi. ! i.i I nisd- m ma ta rui. the laeir, ni tha kdly ul n hgwklw appasrs to I without rt-MiainL ll taf aanUT Uiii( ta tnroujli the lira be ham pi oi' n l unity .an lev il.ej, pe H nay a HI oo.a now aa war" -fntil uftox dedeelwf the Akawsme iOKma, l suae Ppce mutt H : "Hat political iaiiafna who arc trying ll Southern Mat.- bad a csi klo pursue one ui ktodm-ss arhicti aonl.l have given a hue a ask matte wilbcul needle h msn, and tbe other, tb policy of v.-nreai (nicknamed j-xsOor,) imposing 'ets abd pen and whack It wa wad known bclurehaud Au gio Salon pride arid sstf-rsprct would indig naatir rnacL Tb new ooowimiKxi aanfinn- BKWSPArgR LAWS. roatmantart an reuuirrd to giv netcw by al.cn a subsertbar do not tsk bat pe- 1 from i In- offle : and give tha ivaaoiw of itl . being taken. Nt- brvtini; lo do to make i oa master responsible to the publish lor i nsvmciil. An person who lakes a issuer rrimlai ly from kba pual-olnc. whether he has sobrribrd or M responsible lor the payment of Iba iub k.liit A in nan ordarmc bta BanM JUiioaliaj Mat pay all a-TaMaajaa or tha .ul.ihrr may Inuniinuo toiH-nd it until piu-iu i madr, and olkvl lint wli' b- aniOMiit. wlHllior it it lakm Itrom the (mv i not. Tla- i .mii is iiarr dfcidrd 1 1. at rrfitanfr lo laka la Dcw-i.aiK'r and pi nodl Irum iIh' wan idrW lor rriiw.i ;ul' and V '-nj lla-tii unt aFrJ lor, l lrnauonu ivhImut .4 nt.-i.i(.n.al IrauX vd dSiinory in Iba mtrraat ol lb black man aa af.nal the wUita; and lliat tieing thr frcat otj-ct wbioo tha Radical plottm clealra lo auaaaaa, wa say look lor aa aaawidniant to Uw Braormranioa law wbick will make a ma j niy of aH tha Tewacaat (matead oi all taoae rafiatt-Trd) wi(Bc:it lor a chracr. O! ooarar abaiwiU have toe de-red rffect. Then it i thai tha laadan of tb Radioal party atrhl oa from on fpn i' mrajmre to another, cor no t-rrorara thew lreitkilioo thai Iom toward the aide of ami ckowocy to the vanquuhad TITE PBK91Di:yTIAL CAHPAION. Daoocratic pofi'JciaQa recenij arrived frnn I be Wcatern Stale ditplay cooaid- crabte eweoanagf oteitt a to tk iimt ol .1 it. i ,;.t j-s m i luc cvuii'i iwu. ii.hu v iaj VT the irrt. of the papular mind ia pt-r- cMttblw WNHi to lite continuance of ibe prkavat dtlrctI contlitiOB of tlimc;. andthw oapU arc bcguiuin; to ruaiiat tbatje only !. po of a aolntion ol tlie cavuox rlifcanlum U iu liie cUoieocf loy al Mrt aaoe aaodirate aian Tha financi al i(oetVon b partfeuUriv watched, and it k, wiil exerciae a decided iutlwiioi poo the remits of the election. Other ajaajiiiia cJf policy will 41s o come in for a ahsrc 1 aaWktia, and it ia tbouajht that Oongrcaf, pbm it reck lee j career, Ml iiiiii'ilalft aaat af the Boat decisive rerolatioM ia rbe public mind that ha M riiaraceived the political titaton- of lai eoantry. yk naoveaaeat ia already no foot to deviae me wara and ar the arryuig oa f the campaign, and ' in wlrieS, trout uH aspearaacce, aeituerj and making them competent for jurj' duty, party will he found lacking in liberality j it proceed fat regulate the inamier of vot. aaa aaakaeaaiaaoon. h "la h workinir tha the uaat cjaeatiou. 'Tcajtaee what help be gel from me, replied ah, aliglilly hluabiog. -Ah: then the spot if not Car from here." "It W qnite near, " w as tb reply. "Caa ww see ft ? asked they eagerly. "Ok , I could not think of showing it to y u," replied aba. "Then kba secret place, madam t" "Qoita private, I assure you, geutle- men- "Bow long baa he been digging in it V "Almost a year." "Had any one been digging there be fore hint f "No indeed," answered the lady, with a violent blush. "Do yoa think bo would sell a part of the clatiu I -Ts quite sure be would not," waa the quick reply. "Xar work it on share, "Ko, k," "Uaa be the lump still 1" "Certainly, here it ie," Skid ah, ayi eovciuig tlia bah. "Sob agai( errad they, aa they rushed out of the shanty. A MODEL CONSTITUTION. For ingeur.iiy and cd assumption, the Radical constitution-makers in Aakansas must be awarded the palm. Tb imin ment which thev have framed as tint nr gauic law of thai banks State, is per haps the nmct curMNssly aoneoeii'd docu ment that has yet been put forth by any of the reconstruction convention. After giving the DAiiot to women ana negroes. Important Ikcition in Bankruptcy. I In a case certified lo the llistriet Judge I by 11 H r osier, Register iu ltankrupU'T Ifoi this district, iu which il was claimed I that assign erred ia aatling aside amount at $attu la tb bankrupt as I exempt, the Judge decided aa follow t "Iu all ease where a bankrupt baa a helpless aad dependent family, tb tall or WW (hoard be allowed, in sweh property aa the bankrupt may select. orous r iryia ut. The Alabama ConMitution Vot. rn.ilaMprda. Pa. 17. A special to li "Press" statea that uaoaVtal reluru from all but fourteen eounties of Ahbam Sl.iiOO voles ware east at tb sufficient to ratify th Stale offleers. The Pnm k one of Forney's papers, and ia aa Radical as caa be. Of course, before they v-et ibrou'ib with it, lb so called "eooatt tutions" of all lbs Southern 8tates will be ratified o Dura or as Old Crrnrs. Wa H. flood. Eeq., lor many years a member of the 8pe-ial Court for this count ami aino the lata war its presiding iastiee, died al his remdeiw-e in Iba county, yesterday irjoruiuy, aged abuol SO y ears. Tbe Cunrl adj. a mod upon t'.e annouooe mant of Us dcalb a a mark ol r t OalfUfh Aronawa. o Tiw-Vaal.iiuriuu eorrespooileot of me New York -Tubuue' wriluc ' A yauildtng eV tJih men t exists in this city where pooh are opened about once a week for the l're-tdeoliat eandi- Idaiea. Last eSaaiav AVastem btttmg ineu Ware uflcrnm odds of &U0 lo $10U inat kr. s;U rraiinli.' rna--rntic t.otmna- Geocrsl Hanoick is lue next biahest. Un ol (be prominent gamblers an J pwutician ol lb country has Iwu snd is sti.l llting beany old en Chief Jetiue CUa-w aaiust Oeoeral Grant, as the Republican nominee. As the liuie lor ilia Uoiuiiatuir Cooveutum disws jsraier, the iote et in tlso pools in j sUins pabM It clal Lsrwk C. Rsaasa of Lsxlogtou. N. C. k agent for th Arlington. Th sumpaay k highly spoken of U th tfoa. On ncamU W Um HomJmiu, I have moteJ my Labora tory ffm wiimm, a . a,mnm Afr. f, Halttmort, VJ. J Ilk UHKA T SO UTI1EUN Health Restorer, Tha Iseat Blond l'lirifW in tlie World. DR. LAWRENCE'S CBaV 1TK rtm m ci or SCROFULA, in all its forms, a it arik mmt ami Ulceration rthr (iUnuU. JomU. H7 Asss 3a i fftwss Mercurial Afattiouo (mi Harm, Digram astasias as PV a As Slam, Genrral Bad kcr Dimntm aamml ey aw Hapr State of far Blood. tf ITwMfowfa. swia ma kaadesss ol ear beat eluasaa, Sasllfjr b Hs w mm Cerillcalos tnm rkj4cUau, Wa aeeroy rertlfj tbsl UW Roatsiua Is prepared wa aarsasowmy taat by a Phraieiaa wawlaaa ralaakas aa fc too fata. Ac.. H kslaa asrauwi sssm Bssasrksbls rust I rah vtrlalty. A . It. Moore. M. A, W. A. t'lajfSII. M. V. L. A. Asm, M. I) . K. Bamat, M. D J. WinmrnnU M. D.. B. W. Kino. M. I . B. O. Barham, M. D.. S. Woodward, M. 1). ami C.Uct Sl.lswT. I lierelir rrtiry that I aa psrsan aronalatad witk the jbevs aaiw.1 l'li-rmn. and they r all ai Mmveiamuiy aaa aowiim ia w ROSADALIS Will Cure the very Worst Cases or Chronic Rheumatism. I kwrsbr certify that I wa sorssl af foag aiadiug tkrisw RhmaUaai, by Ukiag w l . . i f ii. i . ui snsiaiiii JAMBs will. Wilsaa. NT. May . IttiT. IT The IIOaA DA LIS uVavaghty srarflcatar rvrry km ef aaa ftsa aaa taiat, ar r iaris lb eaiirs systaai l a haataby caasltiaa. fT ll is PrrsVail UaraaMs. aster yrada era Ik slights li.ry. It Is aaa Nisrsi tjasak taaasdy. Tb art! tea mf wkk It a mask ar fMnksd asaaai ek kml, aad il w esl aasl nkml by Ik Lradmg PhvHaiaaa -in , msa it ia ki.. u fKKPAnKU UN IV if UK i J. LAW RK.M'f. I ksaut, Sf aaaovar alt, Bliiaw lifjkaw Price fi.ao Per Betllr. tr tor Sale hu aU pwimtmttl Urua- futt in the Untied Stale. For matt im Sahttmru, ha Jno. II. hu rt, and it. B. Footman, and Druodittt Jan tlw:twSm THE 80WHlKlSr HEPATIC MADR sad rtd by i ueesr, wba ha a Md.wbaat a . DCBwn.tb.aV anawaa m bhhhimm aaa aa aaaam la iba aasaH i si aian. aa tb man fcsurskli II. Por Life Inanrance Only. PlEDMOm JPf REAL ESTATE USI HUE mn 09 VIRGINIA. AUTBOaUZKO CAPITAL XIONDOLLaiHS OrFWXRB. C. CARK1N0TON, Prtiidmt. t T llllKVIVU amtm. W. UlJ nit. Up unrnvf. C. H. PEKKOW, M. D.. Med. Adtimar. This liberal and solvent heathers Conipany pay to Its pJiey auiosrs anaaalty HEW YORK COLUMN H7f 'er Cent, tgf it, JWoJif. ft proauaa. ka aid Ms paaTaa bp taking B It alsaw J urnhnmo la aajrajl emn U aaatraa. It luviKa iu patrons u aWand iU aauaal st- kakrfc'kKl. m I llsaunti aad as kbair riaku asesd. It aliowi ita aslnni te ssnamas mk bom an aJaa - - - 1. Ml M n 1 1 1 . iu roin i hidaamaraaaw rel orrasMsnc. Itosmm th a latoa- pa i ... u smm vaacr : a Oot-BT tlovaa. Ta.. 1 Jtarak la, lev y The andsrstaned. oaTbata ai la euaatr of Nelson, snd Stat ia' Virgiaia. taks Bssasare ia reo.maiaailiig m a set vant and wtlakla saaapa- fuiajTncy, ruTwia awl m are anr as m fmataay. C. DA VIS, Hum of Wilmm. Xnvtrabcr lt, 1T. i th Pails I Ub'LiauudJ Life Insurance IstapMry growing in p. Kimi rooms Cicxtt, N. On Bat ad, 1867. Dr. J.J. LajraajH.1 , Dear sb Please seas aw raimestsbfly. per Exareai to Tarbara'. tan dates mow tMMtbn ol year Muaa- talis. I hsv. i-amfally .saaimcd its ruiaiaia. aa Save ii-.-! II iaaty ersrtic In a ssmber o! rases I well Messrs witatt I tssaa a in i isa as.ai mi heat AilnaUtr let-rr aed. I bar. tnril U laarecr at saoeaofneroruia snd rc nil sleets.", at.. aith ino. h Ml -fartlnn la n.r-elf and patVet. 1 hae. tbuiskii. aa kasMstm la raraaiwe.idi HSu Pkja.'iaas sad ntksss, SS tb asost isliabai Altera tue now knave. Re-pei tSiltv. vsurs ... .H. M HI U.S. M l. at. Oar. X. Y nig on tile eoostiiutton. voter are re. I quired tri awear that I hey have never giv- er il si'i i.t tevteiini in an .Tine. 1V atisfied with this, tbe framers of the con atiiuliou clap A muzzle upon every man's mouth, by requiring him to swear that he acecpto for all time tbe social and politi cal etfoality of the white and black races; not merely tbe "political,' observe, bat the ''social." And lo cap the climax of mode rat ion, afer prescribing all the other qtiatijDcariona for voting,, tb'-y gravely proeeel lo disfruncbise all permotu who tka&l rote against thentr cm$tiiution. We ! commend this proviso to tbe reconatrac I ttun convenlioua genera" y, as one emi ncatly Jit to grace a. kaodel conMitutbo for a free jieople. LkarkiUm Daily Aewt. with dtstrnat. I do not ear tkalt V - . . . ' . w . wi. . .s.i.1 l i.i.J j.'eain onnat on tnr i nun. a in .. an il.ii i , , .., .. r - W I 1 rJVatbesaa. nU from Ugh -otvea, laJSBJZZSSZZ m I mr-fi, tw I str at.- as aa hsj li sniM J uic ssav vi 1 1 .3 scoru toot . mean act ; nut i a are not i a- rivmg to cinigrst lo America, trmtt faam. A fceliit ta an overrnltng wil0 bis worWly effect to end bur Uivtattjr, waw sUspc. our enasywiiose j j.4 wah preer,i.,g tlie In-re. A ex and wtao will reaanl us vast iceticg bis oouidry lor Ml country s JUDGE GAISTON'S LAST WORDS. The RaJetgh Clarion t),u braatrfu'ly and imtssrswively sketched the deaih-ls d cm tb great and good aaan. Hi last wards were ia whole kecpidg ritb th parity and P - IV of Us Ions life few of his chosen friauds, who were at his bedside, nu the first intimation ot a danger to which be was iniinmli'a, M was rcUiing with great playfulness, the particulars of a convivial party at Washing! en CHy, J years ago, and spoke of oe who on that oereasion awewed himself a PrW thinker" in reiigton. "From that dak" said Judge Gaston. "I always looked dpi 1 do not say ifiAt j arejording t saar deeds, k necessary. W uiuel believe and feel that there i'a God AM mm ami" raking hiaksetf" nasi sn ming to swell with the tJbougbt At htisnTT f Ther waa a sadden rush of blood t the brain Jfe sunk in the arms sf kia friend i and in five mkmten, his spirit was gone ! Ke4 groan pained ties ear-af bk agonised friend. Hi body dnat ;, sua Stitfit, we can , now rests iu Urn bus m of thai OodAJmurhtv bis-line, and to wham be t a Mime awd I'rwkmf.K pitch of uhneiiieiit in the Bit of tH-rforHlH'if aacr4 music ia caid to have bs;en Miefad in London, which none of the ehnrvhen in this country have rati achieve.! A visitor at the chwrvh of! 8l. Cnibariow Cree w aat.ij,hesi, n ia the saw ship, evoeaafirii; Li- true cha tsVcame iothnate with tbe clergyman On die (isaasjas, boweser, tie lister t.sjk sict; waa cursed asni'luously by Ibe other, aad,' dying, left all hjs.efTecis, mduding his sermons, krttms and li st namniik, to the unknown ndrse. Up on arriving rata in Ink contry, the- eoorict as aurued the name of tb deceased, and, present ing lb letters and credentials of th departed to lb Bsshnei, wa inrited to praaoh, which lie did, using one of the seimons he had inher ited, and wa called to a cl mf eh where he olB- for msaral war. Tbe truth weald nut have beau discovered had not mvuJfed it oa but death 0 " Another Kre in FnyetUvilUTha On Sat ur. lay nig'lit another Are broke out in rtsyetl vill io a very dangeruSM locality, wbcrre a number of old wooden buildings pre sented a Wide field fur it darastaliooa. which wooed proissby have extended over a wide oaea hot for Ibe orouuA and eucTirelic user few banoay ago, ta bear tlie tetany j tioos of tbscttiecs. tiretkcu'l by Mis letior nolo, 'ren The.r or urn-Jed about P. M, in a derenf hv a Moftuaiolial ifej leiuatl ' biLeJn used a a skvpmg room bj Jr S Jx ek 1 !!"V 4 -Nfone-, muated in ibe old wagon y-fd, and ltd followed l.y flie Jst5rrtl At4Ctr &TmToTut a rowU woodeilXogaiioalioi aootljer f,l.. 1- a yiuiyr ladv , staii.J iuo lisy street. Ttw ktier tok fire sever iug upOll el...lif jins4ick, fur the tunes, but wore as often . s'uii;ui4ed by ttie Sa of fyrma i HjyL Tb'' IIo,Jl L""-1, ,'t!'il'r la t li-f. J ' ''V i.i oei if.sis'J sesTaae. rja "i-'i .i")r . . , . p - . the musie tosk ut iiiut-h tmio. c'eigynian aTifi..u.iicel iliaf lie had tit lime left lo prtssch iiiaeerui'Ui in tfxlf , but m would havs) it printauL r- i ratr" r-'r tlsat ibere is a x xy in rifirr'r to He- i d-.i ina: : eie Mr. Pink Ms rted last Jioe.-tobar tnr U L'n atoi Stale, aa AaseTaata fiieud advised ban topansaam and always to wear al bi . mm. rv aaarUiwr iece ul iew .aVj. ma sl'i taks for a' ' . jnusr-i, u SiM- niirr waa owuod by ttiiunel Julia UlUku, and was ayasto about wffVh upon wuicn Uxto was uo tns'iranoe. Upmt the. tewiineey of rhe wagoners two '.teosi were arrested, one a-boy named HA. Wrnsl-eie- -against wbam Binr I mid to km xety ausitis evidence ul luceti.J ini. IPal .ir. A ge'itiecnaa to lis. n ir hTaely ia ren ted s new Instrotuewt, by which the refmhly of ielegr.;.lnng is go-ally luuvased Th Jfor- fawk I M oena and e. rn based system Iron 2J to nlar favor. The prejodiees that nr a season prevented many from taking ant poll ries isf life insnrauee have been removed by th dbTnsiun ef correct and reliable informs t!on an to the pricerpb-s on which life iaanr anee companies rood net their bnsiaassv It Is u.. 1. inter rewarded as insWwi hje, but aa simply aWawnai tbe paymeat of a stipulated amouut lo one's family or other rapresnata tive in tbe event of death th eorapany doing nothing more than, in a nnsinrss amy, assuming tb responsibility of paying a given sum to the insurer's representatives la the evvat of hia death ; for which risk he insurer, during the term of the eoatraet. pars so much annually or otherwise b tlie eomnanv. It is a nur fttM lrusacti..a. rmedirn eslriilattmrs whieh bavwatotai th i teat ef Ujoo experiment. Properly iiianii;ed. a life insurance eompaay cannot aU. VV ith na ordinary ran of business, uue rompany is as good and safe as analktr t prov ided tlie fundamental principle of life iuaoraaee are strictly a-Uwred to in graatiag poliriea. eul lectimr isreiniuina. and investiiut funds. Af ter accumulating a auiBciy nt surplus fund, what a t imieaily kawu a the origiual capital atiatk doe nut materially add to the safety of a Company further than the pa rite holding the sUask are severally aad a a body peculiarity interested ia its affairs being jadt aOutlu and economically aduiin'-tered, thus resulting hi larger dividends to tlie insured, f "oiiittaiiie hersldiue and blazouiu their millions af sssets are no safer than other eompaaksl wlwavi Bgores ar not so larjce ; provided the company with it email array of figure k doing au average ran of besi uess, and conducting ita affairs oa the prin ciples alluded to above- As a Virgiuk en terprise, and oa well-meriting the success we are pleased to kara it is attaining. We call atteatiou to tb Aumfto Mutual Lift Insur ant Company of Karfaaaa. whieu eksisa to be as throosrhly sound aad safe as any life in.ur- eompany in existence. It was emtrter- e oy tne uegswawre oi irginw io n- ary, 18W- mo of business. of its iufaner to public confidence and lavor. Aa ye n has sustained bo loaaes. ft assets are rap idly increasing. With a due regard to the interests of its policy-holders, it is admiuk teriBg iU affair on a well -guarded Sild eco nomical basis, ft assumes no extra hazard ous risk. It Imputes da restraints and lim itations on insurers, but only such a long ezperienea baa folly attested to b vital to the sun-ess aud safety of a company in the long rua. Its terms re as, liberal as can i.e one real in good faith ..by any com puny . It U a southern e. in pan v. and its fin..! - are retain ed in the South. In all the eWusnUaiid ail- vaidasjesT a life insurance company rt ehal- leugca enumitova witk any other, a- men it cau buhlfjM plaiin aouthern patronage ea pacially. aiiUeit has an cpiat daiui with other compaiiie- in every slim and latitude. Its j.rin.'ipal office isln niehsttrsndlVa.. while It is establishing it specie all over the land. The Ifev. J. E. Kd wards is areaident. Tha, dirsetory t isspamd of th beat i'S'insaa 1 talent In the rtiy of lueniaonu. v.s.nsn- s sik. Esq.. is secretary, and Major J. If. U borne .cue ml awent of the eaasnay , . r - i ..a wriom ouaiiies pwirni . o ir..e.i. ser liresaed. and trm whoen an desired luforma- tu the ci n tasas. rafi.3nmft.JK8 MinJIMMillilillij "smatsaS mW umW W Will Cure (he worsl Cases or Scrofula. will always keep tm bead a mtrnr wM mU to km . abtlia.il at retail si tb aasnm astm la tb. araaeretiee mt them very sawtkw aad sacakwal fkus, ul ar truabl a aarJ i. near. ik. srai M u..IM defy ut mama ut.iaaait af atdily. rseerso. aad aakn I bay eimiala oa aristl. wksrft has paaHy n -werfel a real ia efaaaaiag tb Ur. ' a-hick tve iheai a adnata ar atari ther tm bessi.itiir aBtred ot ib. amk 1 Tba aiawpiaaikia aa.d tb fill i rarrrally (ir. saied by tb ksad uf Ike Siasnverer. east ntay wad by lb uaaat tea gatstal sj ik HI. ia Is. u, a.lhef ul la Is. aad basx ikait prealtar ei.maiaaiMia sr f .gf.lj s eeafibealag. saikf ia Ibatr aalaMt aa tb U.a. . I, d ksdesd. i rtoaate kkr ear a after raid aad coaghs sr. stoaa aa Wlrag r. seneiiee af lb std.M hgf4 la which all sr ' il, 'very one el bakes la saw r feat Ik mflaane of the - SaiW. will Sad ik gysateM sec mill is baehtg bw live aad buwl well alaasaasd by Ikea iuala ...I fill. "her. ik. rsM are laaw. i specially taw sWlkera hsalr. wKa I bey baa b aires kleB rsoesssek. ihv ee.d n rrc Mira.l-is a-ihrir naii ar so a all kauwa by ibi ir raea. Price 25 Cents a Box ; $2 50 a It. aMass k.eji baud a aappty of Decxna' Sovei eign Remedy . -- 'sr -. 1 , (ue lb core of l.ver aad Af a aad all ethsi l lot. -awl refl ' vita . . to diMtinttly aasVratasa, Ikti at arr tat rtmrmma Arm In ALL lu fkiahbl f w have atoak ar and stmpry Uwaaa (ar Lit la ar 3datr.cajfrriyjna an akyatkas at ti r Oso B. iaimqrkartotftsart. Joaa T. Uix.8antT- Wn A. BiLb.8nrvrr. 8. IL Loviso, dark fwaaty Ceart G A. Bini Wlsokav tbe agsncy Travel, nr CAPT.JAhtlW I . 7. Isstrl. vixu. Clerk Oaatr Court, i agm ly far gesd Pin Cnm- wanled. Apply t r. jxiuii to BON. CawttoWB.C warlf Tht- IrliBfUa 1 bibb I ' - -H t 1 ' "f, : n-yrjj-j SMaWbjkf) ME grto. MtH k (-r? r ( ----.-.asus.1.lWa,, ,, ft ntntrnm i '"s yaVk Jkafc. - 'Vs i Hit statement belotc, and despair September . IMT. ITS fOUMH. h peratir IA saes aad I laaaraac. Cnwoaay oa lbs .oauseat, akicb tb. I fl la .. iverHy sdaulted, and toagk 'hv the rr.dsssass. that Fever aad fsasTf mm s amkaaii Ag. k) cai B"d d by IUad not. . Witao Crsrr. Ps. J. J. Lawasae: Dar Hir My yoanrt daaaklar. ared firs years has beea dreadtully aBli.-led witli Scrofula i -sr'; sll lierli(-. I tried a rreat was Phyaieiana bt vith- oat rel iev ire hr ssack ; I fact, aroat of tksm sale) thsr ass so Uses efcsr. Darisg lb last anejag stie a as anise than ever hrr i..niy ana nam saa covered vKh serea asd blolcbe Ilk kkM aad eyas badly Birevaled sad esolie. Whilst In this coast- -.ii I a s.lv.ee.l t.y IT. I. . Milk to try yam isrtstts I at mi. e eeaeared three hast lea. and eoasstoaosr (fvlSK il ti her. tV rlTeet wa. maei csl. la bsathaa a 0Btli tawy xrrsl saUtiiMiuieKl she was entirety well. I aa snr. Yours, 1th raaraetaad gratitarte. ; vf. v. vlilvbtt. ROSADALIS SafAsuas jegssntwre or irginia It has had an unprecedented nra. ft lm mmsf alllhii srik ry. It ha established its claim ILSO. N. C, aeataibr IS, 1W7. Pa. I.swarsca: . Sir Iu l-.a mv son. uow seed five years, aaa saecissird wi h what piavrd in k iiHpar rasller, wbieb ...pl-'-ly dme.yed hi healib He bi beeh .HI eted wnh an lavelaral sad as irem.ly In ah: moss Erapti ut lh ekt. aimetiairs hi-ski. g isjl i sores. Ac . Bsml dasw wa prescritod k wy faaaly pb III A 11 Met A isr lakviag it my sea b cause and remains entirely well. Tear uslv . J.ll UANItb Consumption, in it early tinge, eon be . .. X rmtad -1! My sa.gliler b. been cared r. de,..elert d.sease ,,r the l.a fa fin .noancea ay oar r)ai euvaC-.a.oou. b. -'- Ma K. ABM im 4. im;7. laauata -lt.r " ssmI lie "OiSi A Vi.e . ; .ta. rJOU. whrie a.rate 4'" t fHk is etM uesiS'iee. and r ' s won to give loeui suns-1 w "aw .-sa. ns -." tbiui to Uy botJ ui." 1 I uksaas to eaaoaecsip. Tue letlers arejlrarwd , " awy. t.rt-n las- a sn ara o ,.Za ' ' Ttm kiii I ii ii ssaseasassi rbck est th I - NoatioW of thai esnulry, ssys: I tw atosa of UkauBM lat J!5g?M ditia, ajgnnisaimTit. ttaaT ei-rs semuaay. Tbssv will furuuh a the condition and business of tb .a 4 C.mil Tbeyi Oalreaton, Texas, sseto Liea- c iiurades the o'hef day B ekm ia asurk ooort trakllsl to of li . .Is! aarevetv-do tenter ksr fbe , .... is-uaiat at . out and not 'bay si'ssr low am ol near Aovem- tne wuoks u sue W1IIITO s mmi wva-s . . .i . s. r ' . . . ' r m lung m- aiilb with wtook to mm it awa. ninisij T h'em . aa jwudeijt too- e. nani. J raw third bis powers of swallowing Vai a. W thm e adsss to w-od then , t-asufn xha iso-d, anil !c aegjeo lor BV tsrksie ibe da iaakarf wttkw; i a) ned a reon Bom toe tormina w af . usst bwunasfcv ceTa-r.- ss 'company uo to Jaauarr. lr. with aertiueate otal- toltoaiob as to the credit and reaponsihility Af Wa aaaue by Wilnar T. layior. tsi., audi tor ssf e Be ancooiii. and by J. 8- Calvert, trslanrerU yitg'uk. Tl i Irf-Tj-'rr Mutual Inmurane Company ssadmt k aiiva. tactfty, ativ institution- Itisnot bsvmg aayUoug to b rsfjajakd la th liglil of an erpenmrnt It is aa eauamiHe tact- ."o company i safer or bettor nhaa tbe Arlington. It JMi kugas hlesgligntban. and ahriaks fVnia o a.aussriaon wnh the bent aad anwt pspnlar of na kind an tmm coMUssci. u ROSADALIS - ... Is a Potent Remedy in all Chronic Diseases. fVoiuti. '. mmulJUormrn at Laa, Wiimn, Xorth Curoitodr I have beea eersd aTswmala InAarnale n of lb a.r aad Partial Ue ilas,. of laa icar' staasbsg, b KUAlAI I". tir.'. w, leVvM r. Wllse., epl .. her 11 fHBT. Post. .em. V- . Aag. Bt. I -1.1. Cssu JfH. B ker-esar: f-.r u..- hast aevea r ei. lu . ear. I h b.a evrls afflicted Uk a cy trouble ...-f..r... ujffj.ALP BlllfKVI from which I bate never i.e. n ..' le ia ehMalb .rigl lesl p. r. ' piihte rslivrf-. in 1.11V .Tllie iimiiv (inftWhiHrt SMva stvceWitrseiiarV! alii I cAn let Uy Dr. Lwrr.e' iiddl ts. - I leas lhau one uuiatb I tiuiol cataelrXal- '" ' iie.i soairsly carad ut uy tsisabbaoodt rp- ...... Other measbera af siy f.aarly k ad it as a Mood euriAer, with tbe n...i iraiifynssr.salls. or Hie i rttiy resrannsn ov isa . ver aied before, oe bs Is., efie.al in sflVci sell.. Roeadii-, and f soabt moat ctrserfaHy rsc weave 1 i i ibe pb!.c aad to kfl ft timr ha hi y Very rreaacltollr, yswr. .. MBa.sC B. H'i;; Opfanl tb I rfrfard H .oae. nun. I.s'bid af Ibe Liver, rvedenue lb. aui hal-l for ib intnalaciarti iain iba evst.ai nf rertsia Boiias aaa u agrat e.lled Balaris. .,r Marsh Miasm. V aaa tsalUr w faiaish a package eetiaasig iwabnxi.r ft, ass u. art spa lb l..ei. etssg earjlviag ana palling il iua healthy, a leva eon- druaa I lb other wa rla.ai l have docv fed a mMbeise. whieh wbe ika into ik. stosuaeb, saaaea in .. ibe etreatosas. aad, b ruawns inn ruiiltrl nth he caasssf lb. di vis: Malaria. aeair'ise n. emubalstsllv. an ssTiiasTS f Ike prima Tb aBrlwag. t lUlo tri.imeBt-ikerslre, sj. that a ear anas! to radical ad euenle w.ih .ai the neemy isf breakiar. itowa I he aysiask b ott- part lo i. move s disease in ainaher. All the ai r idieie c u. tofari.hed al 6fu per ce.il. dtseoi. to the free At the shove rales ihey ea to rl b. mai nr esprmS In sat Is ial Ibe Hailed Hlalea Tl.- raahiimat sei iHeaV lb order ar C O. U ti thank ear ea. sser Kir i!.e liberal ai rsase.- sirsa ss bkto !. 'by toas e.M.U.0 to Uv.o a by aessbaf Ihsir rdr I W. lBEM. X US. .V.aM Cafisa Sirttt, tialtimo. Mi, where ihey Wall peMiiptly attended .1. K..r the. Medicie call on sll repetbl t)reits every where, and oa all ta trS Sieta at Bstobar. n f . ft-l. John If. tpuias, Salsdniry, fUruggist,) It k autbenticafty stated that one-flflh of the inhabitoaM of thk eountiy and Kurop die of fjonauasptain. No disease lias been more ihoi oiiwhla aediliswl sad lis lisl.ua stood ; ther i no deseaa upon arhkjjfc a?kl a greater divemly of 'sslMaBaf which has more oomrdeteiy baftted all medical S and remedial agencies. Snsa of the prominent symptoms are ( ough, Kxpectoration, rHiortnemof Braatb. Ir riiaiwn about the Lungs and Chest, darting raina in the Bide and Back, Emaciation, and gi-neral negative condition of lb whole sys tem. Persons nuTering with this dread disease. or any id its eoncotmlants, should lose ho t rue in seavessms tliciuselves of tlie proper Reme dy, iu order thai they may slay its ravages, and be restored ta Istofth. Th Bey. S. A.WILSON'S Prrptred PreMrlptto f.r ib Cars f Con'umpti'n, Ait him, Bronehitii, Um'ft, L'lh, and AU 'I'll ro;i I and Liny AflVt (ioiie, hy the use of whieh hs was restored lo health few weikHjV after having suffered several years, wnh a severe mng aneetiea and thai dread d.sea-e, .fonai,i,.p lavs r,.,w been m use over O n yean Willi lb muat mrkd sn I tser.br eemfy uksi I waa Meed of 'Throe- 1 1 sflV.i.es isf ip tvidaei" y lb aw ut oat aaajwutkr Lawr.aee It oa ., aad the... aa advias vlhera saBsm.g wilk lb "Baiey Iba," l try tb kVasdska B 0. ALLEV Wdsw. Asgast 1. IMT. ( Thr Remedy is prepared frees tb original Rn-tpe. diemicaiV ("ire, by lb Bar. KD- W AUD AWJL.-ON. 'Go South Jd bjtreel, Wdhamsburgh. K in's Co- Near Vorp. tnaoa with rati sod preparation and see, loewthar with short bk toey of bur e with synrptoius, ezpenem e and etire, caa be obi an eel (Ins iaf nbasge ) of Mr. Wtiaun, a kks, or by calling on or ad- 6.fi.roi!L80N4tO. T)r i.TnHttLfi RALUmHY, K. C Oj? '-3JBT' VIHGINIA. .Mwsia i yri knmt niult M A Virginia ttt4 Southern Inttilutum j 'wssr!w rrv: i iy bii. m Lr Its f und tue kept in ike South. r?eXswC .!.ei..i i$rvwa,t It ha met with unprecedented succet. it fortune an etliUuhed beyond any contingency. j.mi 'fkanmnj ki csati sad snato acalast Ha nsatlMy last will eumpass is. .a.bly silk toy Lite rnmsn rs afimmmipiuiy aaa Il ka aaliMalssrl Us clatos ts r cz t rrv no . vrriu.iM l f imiDif t, JOHN V. Klv. ratsu t. laaAen, vie rszsissxcr. Wm. B. eV I I su-asV D. J. ilKTn0OK, II MmifAL KXAMIaKM, iiauli;s u. .SMITH, M Jno. Ii. ( Lainoaa-g 'XnaTsX". C. Cabkll, DlULCKMiS: Will 1st r. Tsyhsr. Basmel ri. oureii, Joks leolcy. rtorwsT. Woitkam, Willisia Willi. Jr., 11. A. .il. fas. J. Bra. aa A. HxsU. at Oaartoi. W. n.tykrr. J.B. Kdwsrds, J. ft. Mnrton, B.H. IbtosU, Willkxm H. Pslmar, U. B, l, Itaekarvlllr, ewasast i . Trey, licree Js.iha. -J. W. A liana, ttoarg. palmer. A.tt. Itoektoe, Jllhs C. WdlSXSM, wathn. a. Tayhw, A. P. Atoll. way. B. kssr. 9. t- am n. rues. LEWIS jan 17 -1 wot w if c. HANKS. AoY. LaxibuTo.N, N. 0. GUILFORD LAND ASENCY OF NORTH OAIwOLINA. Landholder wli wkh to Sel AyrmnamraTmr Jkeral Land', WmkrTomtn, AliU. Town I jut, ar HmB htmm any kmd, wdl find it to thew W.har. For iu prdeaeff tl a mtodB' hir i i grant ascikur lor all sud aasB Itist ". LW 2. IStTT no. b, Qttkmn. Oeneral Agent, Oreenoro, N. 0. J. O. VEAOH'S iiiL iM arms u-!)..n Schrd'tle from fltyh Point ta Salem, BA VR.s High I'aiat Bt 3 'cliKk, A B ut Arriv. at Bakm at H, a'otosk. AM LeiVes .Salem at o'rdnrk, f. M. , Arrive to Ilka) A 7 oVloaJt. P M fssaanasn wdl Aad this Line well atoekad wJLk ciaed Btans. hue Horses. can-fhl aud art c ouim.sl.it ing Drivers, and no pain will bw sparod to nuake all who trawl oa this trae nm (Brrabte. trprs tal seraorbv wtB to given to ail Brprew matter sant to my ear. a; yaay ie tuu j u. VBAUU. tim - Erepariftions! Everybody Tries Them I Everybody Uses Them I lit i y bed) -Bcilev rm ia Jhtrn 1 t f rb) odJv-Bf f BBifflif Bda Tbr ! Cathie Etiermiualor,. aamrssa." -Bui liaaimmtssV Hi sun faasdy." "Rah. mm at rk kaba to an." tonal to fas I ss, fto'i Aw yaw sassyasl wKk Bid Burnt UC06TAR8W BED BUG EXTKR. A LamM -fWsUrays aw Bags -Bmat ." rwaisatot Ptow w Ac raW m,. m ma. tm 'COSTA R"S" IN8ECT POWDER 'COSTARV Kst Urea, - ''.M j j"' tsstity ml tf Bay to. . Hal "1- OOBN SOLVENT. RBfetfc Try a f jajanjaa Wit "tOaTABTS" iU(JK rilOKN DALvy. Hs "Palraraal Waam fW " (aagar-casns Zn'mnm eTAjr8" BISHOP PIUS. sdvsniaieto Of extraaediiuxry .sVaev tor eostlr. le. Mto, indigtolton. torvnn aad art lor proeuriog pur-1 TlKlSSJTL PP7- mmmmm,. nnij and soothing iaasmVatAIlr aX IB I f Rfi ' T " anp . PlIfjTOttBAPHY. DAVID L CL AUK. Portrait Painter and I'kotiigraphmr, mutt ssakwi'l kill roa. DmIoI ketk. Bic aad te gass-l ( ( )S i A li-S" COUGH RKMKDi TtoeWtdre rrB it- dt "fumOtnl Kj mp." Pur laienrh. cedd mat thmat. croon. wk' askkma, broneblai aTstlss " I Upeskera. and all troubled with Tkr" OoipliU will Bod tbla Ve.WBensay Bsaelines th ffrinf sTl.. at 1 mvcs..- (XmA.Vtih lelTTER SWEI-rr AND OKANOK HLUS.- KMeWrsthaski i sltor. amtsdl ' BaasvmMrifc IjMm. Try a hottto, and ss its fl dei fnl (juahty. Imituiu,!,. 4fr.3mo: job I'iumim; Heady Enynttd at thu Offim. ...W-rrrwiiivs,njni VHSfSTiw, mrq 4 . A.Ju . a. with kite aid of th bmt Inatrumeats. is ura- V"""" Wsmnra r- .. i - -t . :u . . - i . . , pared to make ITiotographs and all other ann I ruvw. picture in the beat sty Is Of tU art. lUvinw U tad BOc M'am mmthfntt Druagutt. aka V .wdward'a ftotor Camera, b can make Bl 00 tier mmt ha mam an rteerpt t Y I'll.. toTIao)ui full lifc jM, nul to a aleel en- tl Tui mm far ass IA B1.00 tttt iT m I vai... s. is , ' -r w -T Kravnaax. ikwiw, y Hwmiupiu, irraa i nKa. bf f.jyres ' wiw I J i vswwaao ssoouiun-, in n.iee-spes. Ace, faithfolly pboiowraphed and in;oitied to any deaired als- ..' " POUT A IT PAINJVfQ, PurtraiU accurately and faithfully related a U fasti. BW e aittinsra of the lafta9Ma IB VtsfY d It - IsH o,oJywoWf,awJBJ,00 titc l 4B, Brtjadtray, y r-for ss). by JOHB B. BBBIKS, I JSs I