NEW SERIES. vTCffM AK 4c OLD WORTH 8TATH U OtB B IB II rni. WEEKLY OLt lWMtTII 8TAT1 M.t i.eo . OM Hilt. aw the ViMhrn M Mk . vih-E.BKrPCHBSOFlIT F1IWDS. Ho. II. Mahomet MM M iwo u. Ulfof Era and Ulfafeaaw, that tlm fir. did m-lt Mahomet bo vWted the Seventh cot the ftM. Caoatarul aa 1-5 nuy thiak f It when be consider the . rinje anion of feed and ertl in the com tha eharacfa-r of intn prisons ilowawer.ln human character the rood ...j .n da not remain toeetber without change; for till the W leaveaa aad cunterta lb etH, ar fAe evil eurely V iron or debate u good- Tboe who do net grow bettor, are eurttlnly growing n MA I , IBWV VVll ceroing In a young man ' IM MUM .,.. He ii much that nil lib ail a iiobhr neekwon of m than hit. lie waa I compact, com hining Loth j r .portion, and every t ruimctry iu bin waa rather rot and r . ! chViTrd. Hit email tapering ejrera t g ther with . ute of d U . V . X.. . . 1 . toJ far gave lac pn-.n Hi. I would ihffjl f the Me a Uiuuipi, mt-d. lie tu an ori . A tcaloat mim 1 hie mlb.r That :. r ol the U"r miniaarr dVd too anon to eee the abarne- ter of hi ooly child from thoeo ruinoaa i aawaiinaa wbarh I' thnu.g ike n .iba-ay of VoUlll. The niof hi r 1" -V . ... a . 1 w urnet e-aal lo tlx- double duty d. vuivca . I 1" . her bt tha Macallan at u. r ton. in- m rbo hod one af J-H blcatf 11 tfl Lv IdomaVa aV . wtmmr lam w ,j a,, ill J,hk!7:W. a T Zttl" km in t He b) among the worat men ruprW knowbrlge of Dotr-rtature to How often baa muritr been the able tatnua tla. ana in ma way a nr-, i ' r"r- - , m f I ihcmaelrea and tin- know more 'be i aialaatBUr. nera wrn-oireowiia. 1 came and. danger td tno youtn tnan mve c ieent of bi anlortu ..i .ther can learn in tune toprovideagalnal j f W(, Ttmm u i,,lol. ifMi Ml If m' ..-I .1 '"IT waJaiamanttaraa ia the poetry al tha jet. poor, urtnrnn- iov.-u o ' , ith filial rkvotiori. That lave, to dearly , cherwbed by Vr bereft aal, my have , I d her ta wdaJgenc-a that ripened into , but raw. Ob, moth. ! Hi y arbHwd .fTretioa pnar a tt poion mto Ho lav irt. , ot year ekfldrun I W by w ill you albiW . i u. -i L.. ,.. I,...! ina to aire . '" , ' i ,l..t linanu. Li, b u kaow wul nadir- wrbap. but al. ! cannot correct the cvtl n may brv which vo utBkt hf failing U -aart y.rtir antboril for the guud of your , n cttuaren i.i ii ii .ii : - . (jraovitlr waa an eulba.ia.tlc . . ! ' i" oman in her level'teat elraraclera. Fond of mnsic and poetry, biawrlf both iu'1-ician and Boat, aw I ... r,i r a tpirft frrtl nluaaanirr. with a reverence te tor tne claim ..f friendabin and Uie gentle and digniBea ( smeoiOca f aocial iuiercourae, an accom- wio beautiful wrher and an elo., uueut apeaker, be waa calcaUled to win the f4var of the fair and cxerta faaeinaUng j I - . .. a oiHuencauvcr hir wmtn1ouT WTtbrmt f there waa a acred' regard lor religion lhat fun .waved hi large and restlesa heart, aud brought U to the- crota . oi ru. ' psnitenee and tra.ttug wve. . ilut after all, vwa predominate! m ni , cuftaeter. (kne br one wicked littMrrU. Unuiiuin .in 1W1. tUe mrtian tjf j ere Contract. It drank, ne g at I T . I I . .. I 1 unit Jd. he, learned ta twear and to spend IB nr evn tiitnrt ami in a recaiess a reckless w7t anu. 1 lI'U-' iijat ha vielH, H in th. ardnrtioiia of her a huua it tka way lo bell. MX limit. wwHe at College, ae n-mnn- J M .1. tL 1. . I. l. 1... J 1 aaujotuwa two mucvo , v. -v .... naoitiy, W Kt lint enmign m smoam lum, and aft timet ha apoelatmeo u .: 1 J T.. .iti.ii.. inuet wa oi.mi.aea irom uaj mi.".i. , He waa r.otoriou for hit baleful Inflii- eaa over minor met. I have teen uonte . y i I.. and pi.ojs voutba a-radually but Mire drawn into the eireka of hi fatal charm until their maniineee withered; and tb y shrank from the companionship of virtue 10 lie down in the miserable abode, uf shame and eth. fta remarkable wat bit liiiBuenea in tbit regard ibat on ana occa sion, When Ur. Uiren, We t resiueni J I. 8. College, preaebed nr tb Odbncr, bo portraved-tbi deadly eWac vi. which inhtat literxrv fcatlluthw, ni vividly that a part of the and looked al. Granville audi, nee tarmd n. aM bow he : !?rY,b ... . . t t 1 'a ?.l c-ubj bear Uie terrible deaenptmn to . faitlt- i Own ennrtuel ' It VB Till!, ttte thed divine had heard oi him the fearful denunciation tpa- cially for kirn. w aat a eonln.ion or pictnn-s nit mem- 4 tee bini n w nlad with eonident attaranee the abttrtice problems of Math- matiei. Tnen fee looked in every termr the noble ttudent. He waa ' narlirular! V loud of that branch and easily ov.d Jiietinne which ertjn n-d palimt and pre onged application from th Irsl-gratl) laonibert of tin; eJat'. it Mailt. I recall him at be entered the eaeaaT b the atartiiaa after a night areweal. Oa warjd eaate atangariag ia. iui ta w JwtUgui and aimed y awollra lid, in Mtoaal undrt. uniform, hU hooU a-d long aattoa fowo being the only addition to Ma tohVi after be aroae (roar bed. At rucb timen a eteee look Into bie quiaateal face might dote bi eonarioMneea of the gro taoaae figure he preeeuted. Again I rreal! bin a, with meek fcee and rrntk tone, ha atamta and leJU the dmcaphja of Jeeaa haw Ua heart melted at the thought af bia aina apinat the anta riag hrra af hi Savior, and bow ho had Eyed and traatol and boon lorgiran and One week I war aick and confined to r room, and be eueut moat of the week wU), mP He Mtfi the , jCtlr at other thus, amy exterior there wa wrt or a latlblul, .loo rvi d that beneath a gay exterior inert waa a mooo Borrow that often I tali ad Mm to raeilieannt or h roamed Mm nHth raaMtatwdy. la the tatimary of aajr aeaeeiation, 1 atked the tecret of hi nnhapiMneaa, and ha reveal ed it to me. I cannot write it all here. fltwh thing may not he pablitbed among ua with nroprietj. Bumce it to aay that be taw, lut wa enkmdled in hit recVlei boaom, and ere long a fair and treating woman an wrapaod in the weed of re arortefnl deanlation and wept over the Mew of her nraWd virwe. tiinlliW brrmgwt rniaery not only to her bat to In r UeawetVrth there waa a .bin den on bia heart'that no gai'y or pleaanre could re nwve. The gbotl of that marden-d virtne baaatad him through all hi change and wanderinga. And well it might be, for there are tew tin darker than that wbirb black en the tow) of the man who will de liberately lead a gentle and innoeont girl to the thamblea of bia bellinb mat. Aoiue bo will read tl.i have wronrht tbta fate of rata upon the fortune of thoe who but (for them might have apeat Uvea of nreful- ueat aud retpeeubility. lo them 1 ap peaj; Have yea aarrmoraef Are you a.llaa an far tkat it IRIUi l no ibaiUC oor B gret tn route nr Ute tbt jm rprtratijii of tbit Inleriial offence agatnrt tocb-ty tnd virtue f Then, I onettieii there be a crime in the eaubigae of human crime -I a, .U - - ......... ir it I I . t .ai i.iiiii II VOU 'Hm IHM rHIMH. , wonU Bwwar ot , , , .i,.,. deeo r-nmiv uftcr aedactloti ! liraovllle wa aa arueni uinir-r R tm h j Wat aa ardent admirer nf Uiler. It i. a aarden of liierary uowere; w kJ frjMrMi,ee ttmt at fr Heh,tn and pollutca Uie aoul. ? ,g ia rfUe potency (ftfrnpi principle aa di.plycl ia w rfvjif fa nd M m b'u , how n tent parent . i-. .i U:. can allow an nnepiirgutei wimi ' . . . ..r . . 0,1 . . . r ruaJI Wcil pruUJ y (tog w Crtrmpt the pure youth ' ..iont of the land, than all the . . nii'eene Daoncaimu w in ivii" covers i that ever emanated Irom the corrupt pre- i of New England. . , . h. i .;.iMA I In Ue name oi ui-rr-ncv jt .ln,tlh moial rklcssness i ... , . vnlved ia placing in the banda af the ynmnf. m ,o0me f Byrau ar Bbakrprere .jn,. tyme pieees which are so dc . i,,,. and ruinously cor , The young man who, prcactit. ?ot eiitu r to a l idy mart be charged eailWr with thnughileaencta a to what be d . w w.,h their con a. , ij nUfnl a hook wi,lout knowill,5 ,U coolen contents) or with a IWroaa offence asaintt modvatv and viriiu w ken (m t'M,Mer-u were roulu.1 a:, .. . i...'i MW."iteiiaJ- - . ' ' ' " a c. . it... force, lo which Isntnvnie neiona.-n, .sr . ..1 , . . tjn pwalnbrgbi rur- - wna mmm mm in i.mi 1 -. 1 reiider. he fought till the f.a waa ,an; 'near iiim, and then wirh fixed byiract,li . ,l iirm,.t r Roncncrau : but 1 T . 71- , liALi. j,. hunwH ue tell, mac uigm , . fci o ApB -0- ,8m-riiig 1 . . r-nlied. "Ye: I am .offering the DAIIKtJ Ol 0fTH, VW I mm. rrvrn t w y- hall not know it." When ask- . . . . . . . 1 1 .1 . ol a .1 I 1 a - a a tk aa ad if ho bad any measage for bis wife, be siiuidv aaid, "Tell her Afe in defence of; - Tn. ll I'kL. ........' Wa. Tri 1 f II.... Ilia nolo lliu waa a 1 mure m-dn ... bv vice. Alaa ! poor Uran ville! Tk NHiat bfa V Tluiriatmbr whUi. $r . ii.,neachti consist. mtlv in tli ex.vie of . tu . I. baa b-o myd hy a" hi i-e- awVltas. rSl I ' u. u I m . ttras rtl 1 n 1 1 1 in iittj wttMt't. - -y Oofn-nent m tlia wort! albal in rraeatior. bv a aeetenO-l in mm iterant .action of tha, ..I;.', whicli tW IB mmmi BW01 r"arw.i wi umitLJJ .ayetv that Un tame IT . . ... 1 fcl 1 tltns M.nton, wnoij".. net U.-iM-rl, advid tat I'rewdent 10 remit. An t uow uw Prtatdvnl to 10 b impeaelied in Sunioe'a wsWraat aseauae aw bvliere. the la w tu I.. n.K-outiilutional. and iatMuUp.oed:iiJ 1.. br.u It to the iadicial Utt I -.t:w...-. . -. ... Oeorgia eaeuanfe mva. that whil a ma- jom r At plantar m me PwiU'ai. ol thai otaie ov ui -i" m itieirait'mptlortiae cottoe, almoat erery fvaw 111 S .ri'iern Oe.wgia aa. mad money 1 y rtieing wheat aad corn. TV Asbevine A'taa enntain a Card, tiened bv etht citiatnt of Htywmd eoanty, witb d .awing from he -toy trgwa,ad tocr- m - 1 U . . ei ii ' t iwi iug hw "the Urn , Btalandawbnwmaa. SALISIMRY, r .r teai HE COWIBACT. It ia clearly manitett from the Wle- grapble meaeagea teat ta WatMagtoa by the Itadieal Uoveraora af Paaotylvania aod Iliinaia, and intended to operate ap oa the action of Uongrc i" luc matter of impeachment, that the eonrpiratort wiionave been engaged ntwawwe poe the 1'retident, and tbaa lo pntaett ihrataelvc of the Kxecativa power Car par-it n purpose, bad concerted all tbvir nefarioua ulan to aa tn strike toL- 'lo r at a particular moment, and upon a given I rnad Tboao (iovarnara now almoat threaten a wew eirH war, and tor ounce that troop are now oJrring to came ta ibia eapllatjii i . ' i ui jtnMatMr"tx" If Ibete meataret are aerioaa, they are little calculated tobttlmldate tbote againat rbaaa ibev iht ha directed t for eatriea- im doee ami .brink from tha ditcbargc of Jtmiv uaAar iaa ialntan of caVntive threat. If ibev wre onl .Intended aa violent folmination, the trifling it unbe coming tka gravity of aa eoiemn anocea- We never doubled that the revo lutionary cable which now really control tlui majoriirt in Coo great, and which, by dint af audacity, arrtitteney, and vla, baa .nceeJcJ ta all iu dwptrate mcaaarar, evea againat the better judg ment of the party, waa prepared lo uke any alep, however roth, in order to carry aat iu wicked aud destructive detigna. Hence, we have endeavored to prepare tha public mind fur aacb a condition of thinga aa ia now upon a, and have not ceaaed to warn the country of the danger UmI hat long been Impending. We had not tuppotcd, however, thai tbe.e scheme, bad been to far advanced aa ta be backed" with armed organization in the Statea, aucjt aa j uow openly and rocklertly procUiiuetl. We kuew that Ceoeral Oraal, after goii; over lo the Jacobin., aud renoaneing bia recent pro feaaiona of tympathy with the Prrtidcnt, bad, liko Brciwu, llirowii bia arord into the tcale, ami ejpecH-d b that proc-ed-ins o deter tboae whom be tbamefully dctertrd from the fnltiliu. nt of lk)i cii rtitntkuial obligatbraa. At Ute menace of tha regular array did not make the Prueident falter in ki duty, it is not to be supposed that the oiitrageoua threat that have bean icd by partiaa Governora will alarm any American ciliaeu who has tin- firat iiisliuet of .patriolitm and true courage. IT we are to be aaaailcd for de fending the Cnnslitatkm, for aunding by the aacred inuliiioiai of the patt, for p nntiug anarchy anu ty runny , for uphold ing oar free 'uuiitnti mt, aud far n-siat-iug the progna of a military detpoUsm. mi let it be. The people of the Unitid State, will uke care to tattle these qurs tioua for lbctn.elvc, and iboae who et-ek to employ fewer at their only argument will find 'in the hour of trial that they have counted without their boat, and ill miui in s.imiw the altrmnt to subvert libit Go-crnmnt by miliurr power. One repe i' more lormidiibie pmponwoa w concoctid here a cnibt l titfiig arm of the IsrSple, and conepiiatora would to weu to iction iu that recent etpericnee. - , r .t- . st: j 2 Jipti I Slfinyrso'. GEN TTKJMAS APPEAR' BE FORE JUlfiE CARTEli 1 UK It in- 'i vm.i n. Q10 W.tiMuItt iNt-xl. Wvhbictca Feb W 0n. Tlioma. tp peared. tin ns)ring, with hi Counsel, before J mite farter. The Jndge,l a mbwi f.w BtaaWoo, wirhhi ertswitiawn aswl other donnaaw,- -tt.iii.ii'- kovsn aaki-d a ixistpaMicnieat. a.1 TW,' k aers ol'ieeled, ln bail bun ami lie waa now a pi A ' auea arrw ra deraan.le.1. but J'aW 1 n ..1 Tl....Btma arit lwllr.-! Vil"lr IUII tCTIrtat a r TL clones thtt tu titer onlt-ta ile Umn l -lurj f-krwpii nmreapeete Hi u f at ajfliwar ... . .., .. ,...,.,... aainsi mai.ion win.--..... Cfmanrm. Washington, bVlj. .Senate: Four hnn. l-ril 1 :iir 11. optOnisiauu pretented a nirtno- " il ot giH.vCes. aiw asked rencl; .wniun was ,, i,,. the Juowiaiy. i, . omeennu reiorninj criminal in ien ciMiHIIM-s w. ,ii-M. . . 1 1 Tb bill wa re ujtuiilHTed to Oe morrvcau tiortsty re-worded. . Or 1. in routine raafaioiooa residing impiwh ment, lavseih A BiiwRtna: Uarinr's Perry, panasd. 8vai Sen .t.":J mtmiaied .keaat abnnt a o-ovktinn for vioiaiioo ol list Tenure-ol .Hlc--bilT, the i iiwaehment eliarg. wih einhfice .even or ebtlit'omini". -llatrwyTwe Hume ounuorreJ tn the p pleiiwaial B'-in"',ction bill iwtaedn Jetter ,Uv by the Sentle. It provide tfiat a in j .r iry nt"vtertaha tarrrythe Ouwatoutlon. bVg wi-,.t ...rsv.11. sl...i. rote aiiywU'io in itie 3.... .fi..r 10 ,fav. residence, ft.., and lhat f GmgreMMMial and W.te i4em1orii. ahafil he,.n....ndv with lhat Kw ralimwIKMi ol the Conntitmion. Vote, U6 to 31 TUe, boll Hues 10 lb Preideiit. An Arhinias Nearn't BM Knowts . .A.. TV neioe not beinj read ia we Talmud, oor conveitaot whh IheatuVra, frea neatly five verv orniiiial oooi'ueoU on turni'urat Us ulten jgB'li nlaa wtjpiaar vewaVaaVoi llie ftc't iheaeadTe. the Del Am ( Arbtnsa") OcMaat, Peaawary 11, annum toe lulljwtak insunee : ' , , . A few dav ago we heanl a freeoinan, wno armed fa be the NeeMr of ll oeowd lie wo t.lhiut.S'lio.anangflenuy on tb loiutevny ot itar anle-b-liiviaoa He mid. ' in Hem day. people didn"! mar7 nil dey wa two hiindred vears oM. ami at rurbiv .toy waa Kirto aaawa. "A aahlo bvsumtor remarked lo the group uf haareradata to; befee de Bnod de peope wui . 1. I . ! . .1., I .. n " L. . T 3 J 71 . E teenty-nve ywam em uw or - K C, MARCH THE CAT8E AKI PBKTEXT. Far what eaaaa hi Preaident Johnaan to be im peached, aaaT what high erhaa miadtaaeaaar baa be aammiued ' Tbo oa- tanaibla pre-xt ia an inaalt lo and an out rage upon the intelligence af the nation, and ouly need to he named in" WW to provoke an onthnrat af botreat indigna tion. Ia tha exrreiee af bia outmtitolioo al function! ha baa thought proper to dU p tat an offrntive aiember of tbe Cabinet, who haa abuaed bit treat, violated the aanctitv of the moat confidential connaela, allied hfr' with the J'reeieVart'a aac miwm, aad aoatpirad- far bia dawnfall. Ever aince tha toanaatton at tne govrrn- menL at all tiatrt UM under ajl ciicum undcr ajl c :ZZ ii. j.l 'U1U Li. Awn P.M. " " tCZ, I KSwlMta W-b- rXTu Johaaoa. Aad ewan aUf U I eiiil lenoro-of office bill, which ia ncon-! atltntional on iu very face, and wnicn waa fr.mMl for an exiirea nartv pnrpoar, it waa declared duttuelly-durlpg the disco hich ihua aervee a a coiitcaapo- raneoua apnttrectioti of tha law by iu own framers tha'. there wa no intention to apply it to the Cabinet officer, since It could not he tuprmaed that any of honor would consent to hold ueb a posi tion who diffarod ia any way wbk tfa viewt of the Preeideut. The per Iwn fttanton waa lent nnderatood tlien than now, uotoitou aa bad been bit batenea aad venal. I) ." .VufnW InUWjmctr. HI.I-.SFl I. KiNOKANCK One of the enterprtaing aay nU of the Stae, wbo.c waadaiiagt led him into the mt out-of-the-way corneta and be nighted localities of Itobeaon county, where the enlightening influence of alive newspaper has never been known, dis covered aa aid woman abate ear had never been mocked by the tiding af a peace which haa proved more direful tian war, and who, iu bliasful ignorance, wa ttill knitting tockl for the soldier, d taking Confederate raoney M at change for her ehickeaa ami egg. Poor, dear eld eoui, her waking wat a painful one, and our friend regretted, when too Ubs, lhat be had undeceived her. Better have been left to go on tn the end of her dy knittine aock for fwt that would never wear them, and awarding the only money- that can be buried with profit. ImiI Ihurr it no Imp., of tins now. filie take, the lT, aud aa long a her old eyei can follow tha liner, there it aa hope of her fulling behind tha tin. We exonerat ed our ageut for taking her aubacriptioa in Confederate money, which we have de termined to devote lo the next charitable object that comes in onr way. Morning Slur. POOtt OLD MBN. During the discuiamn of the auffrage q nestiotr hi the Uuritt Vanvenwn, Ob Friday, Mr. Kumey, eVbgate frna Da vtdaon comMy, now eigbty-oue rear, old, raUcd lua tottering form and .aid that it it war in bit power Jm would allow no minister of the Gospel to vote who btd waved for the tucrettof the Confederate MM.e. He also aid be wat in fivor of diafranchUiug, for Hfe, all whom Con great had placed under the bin, and of taxing tbt ir property a long aa they held a dollar worth iu the Stat. He could not for bia ute forgive them, and nut one of them, bv bi vote, tiiould ever be td- -I milled to ibe balml-bo.. - VI, .! . i.itiublo nbieet dnet tins poor ..Id nun nrcseiit. On the very vcree off the grave, be raise hit feeble voice againat his own race. He Cim eo sei.-nii.Mi-lv vo.e in favor of the enfrajreliiteioerit of the moat ignorant and, depravod negro but rush men aa Wiil. .111 A Graham he would diafraiiebito lur life. What a rhame, that thia old man tbouluViu bia declining ear, arrav bimaelf in deadly boetility to' nice whose blood coursct in his own Such in exhibition ot vein in is oadenon-fhinlayoni.g man; but in one lour Inch guage. that they may propeny oi a, 1 -I . 1 , 'bi ZmT M-jri ve ,r. ii is Ivutothauttima. The common navel that they mm 33 .I y "Laydiwttheir heart aud co.iscieuee of all ,of:roie.- 7-i..'.''.'- .. ' Cbnvrtation wHA General Grunt. I RJunT Mr. O ant m the 'TafenTOrnSe'ei-" arn'mbigOHiii itent cijftr bot.ln Mbl mormuir, Mr. t.rnnl. ' tJood monnn-i. Mr Ib-a l." ' He ami m tin Wr ufli.v n.nv V "No. I'm in the PalciH Oll'tee twr. wiil you n..lce f . 1 "Tea, ptoaa five ua al jfhl ; be von peing to rim f.a- llu. MaMhaA lr. f "I sto H.-v.-nly 111 xioxi.l men in the battle of the Vildei iws Mr. Hewl " y,-.' wlili Mrm were the slewed men fir'h'inj .hi, Mr. Ornl?' Here he tnt down, so a- lo i:nav . ener That' all lie saj-l Sai.l fadaK 'Mr1, Orant. f.ilktilotri know l-tHnrUthe-'end of tla cigaa4 r..,brwffwk .aannxjng ht wre-re von stand, .bi you f "Wliat b.- del you bet en al in..- race I lie oilier .Ur T" "Mt, lochia' f Wat, : ibrhwwyaaTT Irvinf t" ride. old-W;" an.t "iliereby hati(ra tai.1" He Ht another hero.t, nsl Km llr. Grant we ar aorioB u-iribly ilown aVrth, co.di-aoVym.anil a.,ne irtittr wom.n wml in down some tiacts I will s)HHk lo Mr. Stanton, tnd if lie lit not anything fa- me to h in tliV nlnee thiiaT lernoon, I'll get eoine cigar, aud take yoa out to ride." I wa. ratrsfted by the above con vernal ion thai fr "-. ram wa t ttn at man h.l a man to kedi.l: be ia more on my reeunpr1 man man Hioce qualilie.1 as a man tlou) Anna LVkni'-ai ever was. Acer Orltmni C'osani am utt Ornmat Miaamt. Oeaeral J. ft. M.-grod,-r pn-..pttd l.nneeU oa Priday toat, a tlw Clerk'. OnVse af the I'aited Statea Ua-uit Couit, of New York, ami propose.! u take tki oath o allegiance, wmcn wat iiiereapou Jul admintotered to Wbrta. " - e 6, 1868 WAKE OOPOBEBHKiKAL Uli ' M , TWCT. I am, We umderatantl the aegre-lUdieal 0a venltoo lor thia Oangrctaianal Dlatriei met ia thia aity, an yeaierday. .lanRt It ITirria. nerro. wa nominated, but de -lined on the eronnd lhat the eb-ction of a negro to Oongrea would damage the puriy at the North I Col J. T. Ueweeae, Uej;itr ia BaokrupUy and Yankee, war tlien nominated. It will be aaen, by the Card, in another column, tliat J. A. Me iKmald, of Chatb-.m, declare himaelf an iudepeudont candidate. I bia whole proceeding ia aha. UdM tliioe- aver nerDCtralcd. The uoiniunliou of IIi ria waa tiuinly made to delude the BMateJJaTtTeT-" MittTBS J Tt' 1 neavoea. And he never And he never woom nave ue mill lit alined, if he had not been paid to do ao Hehdo-btb-m, nmeived, Hta m eorrarHioa fund, a fail peaaniary lent for hi. naffwltc tbuegtiwu, as e inav oon et pact to bear of bit making another trip North, giving PbHadtohla the go-by, for obviont reason. IMiewdfce Radical, lankee aad native, are octtr miued to have all the paying offici o tbrm selvr, and the National t ommiltee, at Washington, for the ottentfljle reason, alleged by Harria hi declining, have fur nis bed the ateana lo bay oeT negro aspi rant Inr tM the oaSoet. Whether the inv groca, who are not intereated iu thia cor ruption bnthiet, will eland by mid tee a few bundled scalawag, monopolrte the officer., to wtrWh 'fhebr mimbert eoii, le lie m. in the lladical diatribution, remains to le seen. The nominee, Deweeae, ia ihe BJnat ob noxious man bi tbo whiU people of Ibis District, and we hobl hope tnall right thinking negroes, thai could hate been pnt forward. bite aa omer iu ibu Fed eral army, bo made a tpcecb, deoouncing thc President, and boasting of Uie ntfoei tict which be bad an oiKirtuuiiy of in licting upon the people of nndef.ndej portions of Arkaneas, during the war. He is Holden't prima pel and favorite asi-.-i-ate, iu.ilevol.-nt, vindictive and proacrip live, a negro equality man, 011 professed principle and by actual practice. W should Imaorry "to belbve, wba we do aot beltetre, hat aneh a wjan could ever represent the people of thie Diatrict, white or bhiek, in auy public capacity. IUI Stnlinet. , ,1- --1; -1-Mr. Juno of WaMwjtoh. Our a.t very yooog ' liivnd " liia jay.nicd from U'esbin-lon, teeiu (a U- bent upon at taining the bad eminence of tecuiiiv.. a seal in Coofrest by the ik-.t.. vote af the drat Distriet He will have atliaip cuotatt to o'oiaiu the nominations Jit ratal enter, ibeli-e. iih C 0. Pool, Prench, of Wirshington City, an.l Wett, af Martin, and Aveer, must awl down as low as riotamte -IneJant .hjo hi purpose, 4a ogered the followinjf oath, as an to ihe article on wHrVaRe, ami aretd ii. a lop lion by a Vebeunmt, low down eecl.: ' I do tatomnly .w (nrafa-m) that I will support and maintain the 0 ..rtstiMtion and Uws at tti U.rtte.1 rbatea nnl the O.MHHtoti.H ..I the Stale of North Carolina, not iiK-niieni therewith; that I will never raMMauM orai.! in the teceseioo of tlti Slate from the United SUt(tr,.and that ftrflf acetyl !A pJOienl and toci'd fnalitg V -' s" '"'P ""' ' ' "' " 8.10K an oaih. tbnoe neH1 " tite terms ot the Alabama test oath, disfranHiiaeat least nineieen-tWeiOjetha of ito wlrttenren of Nartto 4RaW Hoob aowuVt ii:, v l.e forued bytlm aword npoii ilea win e peole of ihe State, but anilfaint!.m and Al licaniaation,'y in pri.iei4e. lait peaetiee, inuat lake place, before any n.miler uf wlair men waahK taks that oath. And yet Mr .(...,-- would InisBaj ITwena the a bit pear-toot the Si.te, who have henuiaWe recoTiiicai him. ti,H nbo will bvneelorili Urn llirir uet-KI ii.on ni,.i tt'e are i.leaaed to a l l that Mr. R.l- man adininhitered a serine catijatim to ll"-jay-awd, and C.4- Heufon, wTare turn, made a st rong appeal aaaiu.t so olijcolionaj!. teat are. Tlu? amendment of Jones was iejected, nmeli to the diacwonlanj of hi Ouu.nsuiomd pro Mdi ItU. Smtintt. Masoskt teaebea her member lo uer a lamb tkia or white leathern apron, an aatotew of innoeene. more ancient Uiau tile golden lleecoor Roman eagle. To use the tueuty- four laeh guage. that they may properly di i -a..i.- ,jc mL . g Km taiu. i their mm.U as living sioaes, f.r tMt itptritnal binldiutr. that houte not made with bands. I Mtt.mAl ft. Btt Ireavene. n these alone to aer.iplish ber noble work. f..r every well rewniated lAls hat 1 llhbMi nlwaya praatat. . from- Whteh Me sne may learn their duty to ue another, to their country, and theirfjon. In thi bless ed toark man to taught wbhi,aad how h is to lite, if be ever gets tu that, "real pre pared for the j-eople of ioi." That the law of the Lord 1 perf.-et converting tbe s.aiU Tifi teartiimavjsure makieg wtoethe simple Ilia statute right, rej.acuia tbe heart ; Mis eommandmeuta pure, enliifhteniue; the eye; Hi. fear clean, endurine forever; Hi indif ment true and righteoutaltoifether." Than,, is Masonry eouippt-d. au.l reiyiug on inej promues of ttie Almigntv, sue " n.r. tkstnat mountain of ia Whicli Ml . .. . r 0 . . . . 1 i blighting tlx pn-epecw tu our "ii.Y V..r she come or frgln i4ated. lor one of bet eardinal prlnelid.. ibrotbr- lv whieh theaeiies lier to reaar.1 Xfr whole hnman specie aa one family; tbe high 1 and b IJJ" fSlS B. ."t.7 - - nlauec arete aid. support, aad peoteet each other. On . tbt pmicip! Masonry nitts msu of everv cuintrr. sect, and opin ion, and eoociliatee tree frieraiahip. among tJwee who luight ntberwtoa reinaiu irtaper irom eaen oro-r. 1 111s va nay of Masons, eompoeed 1 men of every eoiintrv. ohm, kluare.1. li.Deue ana pwtne. comes forthwith boldueet and courage fa. eu t..r into th an ark. to ameliorate man '1 eou- ditiou ; to prepare the way for the epread of 1 I........ 1:.... put.' Int,',u It". uuuriHr. v. . - - Jhtr. A. J. Mmem. The term af twenty-one Coiled Mors til expire 00 the ith of March wwam faBtHBB are Retmbaotn ana e. 18.i9.of Detn wwranlam anfjanoa ' ,!. f.M A aniM Mb a We - M A I t NEW t'T tk.' (ltd Vath ". RALKIOH CORllKSPrmnRNOB. fjaWpHtfin. Feb. W, IMS. ileurn. KiNtDrn Tlili.kiug yaur read era would like a privet tetter mi the pre eediugi of tb H ale C'aarwention, 1 have con. d to write yoa a few linea Tb suffrage qlicttinn wa uueler eoa tbJeraimu for tit days, at a coat lo the State ..fat hast $8,000, when It could have keen paeeed la owe day aa ea-ily a 6 six. tte much fur the gratification af a r men, in toiler lo ri t iheir nam. ill the uewtpapert forelectioneering purpoae. hereafter. Tlicy Inally got to wit Monday night, and passed, upon aecond readiog. tha fire, twa arUtoaa of the ma jority report aa 1rieiue from tha commit- tee. Several attempt were matin to amcnu by inverting test oaths of a ditfraiirbning character j bat they were ll promptly ro- ted down. There hi been a awed deal of tamper exhibited within tba lea week : a fire-brand waa ihrowti turn ihe minority lo ihe mtlority ride of the Hoiiaa unit week lhat seems to nave innameu . .. - - . , , . j .. side very much eo much so tnai oi.tran- 1.12 .L. - - a - baa Ii 1 tell aal till V tt f 1 1 - ClilBtrir a rwrww waw wty w.watv ware w-w One of the lie publican! in at , , . e pOlllimCIlt OI ULICK.IC W . rpiecka few day ago, .a tha artbeeet of , nTel)tion The nnl. rf Mr. jfel...i. disfranclnaing the wbuer, We , rf 0blUbamt taoagb raportad by the motMel tfiem know that we are their mat-, w tltiek Vltt, and ter," tec. .. bit IlepubUcaaitm wa aaaailed 00 ... Ormerete aaeHement rarevwbM in .- (.g"7XriTnded bimtelf vi die II .Ii Ibat wonung MM atH af ra-, UcMniei the WM ialo Afxiaa' uhw ma.kt nlad, by ileesr.. AaUaT h. Dar- , JgT ham, on Monduv night, which I aapKe . ' w . . von have teen; but waa tetlled for the 1 Tha X. P . O. boat ted, in bit Ipeech of pretenl by referring H to a committee, ! acceptance, that Ae waa not aliaid to meet who I boue will be able to tettte it final-1 Gov. Vance on the .tump ! H j sooner -pluek the Ncroean lion by the The report of the committee in the jo- j beard," put hit head fa the iw. tfl tbo dictal department has been dicnaacd and truth, or ate mantling aqaaBy dctporitc, partly pisred. It abtdish. County I'onrtr, 1 at to meet Vance before the people. mnket tweh-e jadieir dietricta in the ! would walk a long wart, hi the rain , any tUate, abelithee Court, in ,uity, aid day, to hear Vance take hold of the X makes the Supreme Court to have the j P. O. There would be nothing left bat - ,.t .imlw. it uow baa. All : a efTV gmatt crease .pot, after tkat tk.n- 1 be 3 doll's of the !ii pieme and Rnpcilor Court, and Solicitors are to be elected by the people. Itgiv. s i lie Clerk of the 8u-1 perior Court jurisdiction over mott af the buouert berctoture iranafa u 111 u County Courtt. The kendbtiean Conventtun ia In e- sion, Tfiey have nominated W. W. nol den, for Governor ; Todd R. Caldwell, far Li. 111. Governor 11. J. Meaningee, See- Hilary of State i D. A. Jeukina, Public Trrasnrer; ft. Adams, Auditor; C. L. Harris, Snperiiitendent of Public Wurkt ; Mr. Ashb t, Hiiperiniendont of PaVHa la striiclion ; W. Al ChliBiait, of t abarrus, Attorney General. Mettra. Peaiaon, Rod. mid Pool are spoken of for tbe Su preme Court bench. The t'onvention seems to be full, a --' ..... I.Ufba I .ee In.- one I.e.. I .", . I . . 1 1 a. ' . ....... - - debgate from Rowan, Jo. Ballard. I 111. -deretatid they nra-not near through ! aud will continue in session to-morrow. The Conatltutional Convention will not adjourn before ".he lOlb or 15th of March. There seem to be an incline t ten to tran sact business exceedingly alow, for Bouto reason bet known to tbemselvca. I should not be at all surprised if the 15th find the Convention still in session. As Obsxkvitr. 77ic iYcoro lladical Convention on Ycster dap Additional Xomination. We bad no Reporter on tba tput, but we do not care to cumber onr columns with the disgusting detail of the doings, in the nrgro-Btldical nominating Con ven tion, on yeeterday. The aAoeceding were marked by great confusion, constant wrangling over ihe s noils, like hungry dogs over a bone, and incessant clatter. A looker-on observed that ihe whole affair termed in be a special contract underta ken by Abbott and Jim Harria, aa one or the other of thorn wa c utinually oa tbe floor. Hon. II. M. Pearson, Hon. R. P. Dick and Col. W. B. Rodman, (ah ! Col., that aeenuntt for the milk in the eneoannt.) tonia,toajlhlii ilf, bench ; and a committ.. consisting ofb-kml . I. Cowltt, i. L. Russell and W. M.Cole- rebnrmiT", wrWTtpptnTWto gentlemen, and ascertain if they would ac cept the nominal ions tendered, a Repub licans, the mover nf the reolatiou ra ni ark iitz that be thought the Republican party ahead of uny one man or set of men. "jr.- r ill'... 1...: "9 Uli motion 01 atr. aiHsni, a n-nanuuii was adopted,' that H waa we sense of the Coaventbtn. tlml the '-ttenatiltntenar' (a. called, Convention should increase the number of Supreme Court Judge lo five, in which event, the Executive ComtuU tee wat authorised and direete 1 t make tbe two ".Iditional nbiarnatteWB. The siibioincd tiaalTT were mad fat llie uH-nor t 'uiirt lie. eh. Wu ahall have occasion, frcqncnlly, hereafter, to 1 .a a. r 1 etnv is nti the nomination made b' it thi f..r tb this 1 t.'oi, vention, and wo may oiily aay, present, of moat nf -fwe following, that if l f.c aie to ronstitute the Judariary oft North- Carolina, Heaven hetji the law ana tb peeplr. ' . : let. District C. C Pool 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 11 a E. VT .lone. C. R. 'ThntjNtt. D. L RneseN, Jr. bib 7th. 8th. Oth. 10th. Th.MiMs Settle'. D. U. Surbuck O. W. Logaa.' Hon. Ander. Mitchell, 11th. 12th. Jacob Bowman. R. H. Cannon. We will publish at an early day, tba aew arrangement or Judicial irunncm. P. 8. We learn that the proceeding. of the mongrel r.mrern were particularly . 1 , . H ., u .... , ' m w 1 VI .. t " - - w VOL. I, no. ditcracrful, on yetterday aft err - . a lode afmb, w a tpeetatur, teak c I like in indtocriminate tow. There were ,.: f.v white men ia tha Hall, aad tha 'necr crowd were surging to ana fro Tb bhuk wave. Amid inch .aaaaj af tamult and dt-montee excitement, a reeoltition wa pasaed "iaalrBcting" .tha Ceutlitoiioual so-. alledj Convc iliou to dislrai i hi.e tba "r. h. Is," Mr. McOontW, af Cbaibaa . and Mr. Klliott, of ClcaveUnd, 1 alone and amid hirtea. Handing Bp agtimt If tli'w Pandemonium, added to lie maUey "Ceatiattiia" ia iha a ant but the blood, excite tba tedrgnathra and a route the energy af erery decent white waa ia North Caraliaa, w- ... have a much poorer opinion of eof own race and color than wa are aaw djaj'.- J ta entertain. We ahall take occasion, hereafter to de scribe tome nf the closing iceneg of y j j, w tpemk, pn-ticularly, of soma r ,l airtnra in tha move- I Bfnt tjve rejoice, far eareelve., UMt tka mollrrc andrnaj crew kave ebowi. the:: k.da eo uleialv and anataardadly. Now plainly 1 : - ' - , rf item ate. The mob Shmerted I ' tint die about 11 o'clock laat night, after the ap- ning operation waa nntobed. lb. Having been twice overwhelm ingly ).. bv .Tim utkiie neonle of North Cir- .;na fof' tUe f Governor, the X. . p q now jop, forward aa tbo negro j candidate. Of courae. ha can not cxj.. ct auy genuine white man to veto- tor b'; 1 low can be expect the negroes fo'do to, when be declared : That be ouly struck far peace, in tbo lattur stage of the war, in order to b A V !. SLAVERY; PPR' That slavery waa the normal condition of the negro, that, ha aboard be "fed well, worked well aod THRESHED WELL." I That unqualified opposition to Pffjrc suffrage was the moat C0N8PICUOUS OF UNION LANDMARKS. And so on. avf infinitum. all of wl.icH wo shall be under tba painfal necessity of reproducing, from day-to-day 1 tor 1! theso many weeks. lb. Conqrit. , Wtshington, Ten. .27. Senate : Nothing interettinn tianspTfecl. Mouse: The Civil appropriations were re turned. Speaker Colfax read to the House a le:- from the Chief of New York Police to tlie Chief of Washington Police, containing a atato Iment that Pal. 1. Shaffner reported that ono hundred and s. my pounds ol nitro-gfyocrina were in uiiamboriatd banda. The New Turk Chief feared that it was intended far.Wathii .: ton. It teemed to errata more alarm than merriment From Uaihington. Washington, Feb. 27. Tbt Iowa Dorr -emtio State Convention has elected dttogatrt mvoraate ta Pendleton, and instructed tbem a . to vole. '4f 5tf - The impeachment matter bat made no p- greet to-day. Several parties, teleretted ;u Alahama's admission, were before the 'Recon struction Committee, to-day, urging prompt Tk I' respective (T) Attorney General. ta li, Coleman, the exemplary yomo. whom tin aitiaeaa of Concord inform ua, wat m vmnmr that town far hatttnt deffow a Attoria negro woman, was nominal d lor the laney Uenerelanin 01 tne snaie oy 111- foe and h;xiat of Menagerie So. 2ra K nven-bun last nurhf. ." . (JraekMit -beevmgs V'Bml CWnFiaiaa. On Saturday Judge Kelly presented in t? House of RiiuiaataHaitaB, a memorial fr jta three thousand ootered people ia Mitatttpp, asking Coogmta to make an appropriation to carry them to Iibeiaa. They say thee- ate no ' pnamecl af tatcet by reinainmg amoaa; Use whites, Tb Ult. r, they my, haw all tba tan K ard rW e to give them fair w..gcs lor their tehee, aod they, therefore, with far emi- Lgr..te, . V A NEW FERTILIZER. Meter. Atkteaon A 8bepperon, tola airtnts tor North Carolina, offer lo the ,mbJit tbmacb our adrertiaiaaX columns. a valuable fertilbtet kjtatru aa Eadaada , , , . T... . t Guano ' It introduction into thi eou; try it recent, aud its turrets upoa all Mud of crop bat been ma keel Herng pare.mitMcal gwano. H pitttfttirt att tbo beat tjaaanieaaf tha Peruvian, aai to aoi.i at just half the price. TV testimonial of planter who have aaed it are proof poeitive af itt merit t. Tha agent hero will sell it for UO per ton, cash ; or, JoO paper. me Star. A Hire ma Cntrm ta. m N'rw Toax It to taut that RJtawaigh, with 140.000 pope iatiaa, aumaaaa aat aattthm ehnrcbea in deetv tnte durtrwjta m that city, aad that d New fork and Brooklyn would Jo a proportional work, in eby mto-aont, they would hare moo ts eherohea tor the no neglected popnUliou. the New Ortoaaa Picat-mw ibtaks there wul be comratrarively httto eatatri pleated inia year 1 in 1 w ; rss-i 1 --vtata! bia 1 govtraroaau-- " mmfwrn jgmt r nifm ft am 1 eat i ... . . ' : . te Ttr-tsa d rat at fm : e- ' ' . ' ' - it-JJ A4rV