TT m flWP m mm WW I H ' ...i, ft aJJPfr!rr.i23grmpBrr . TxjBprP-riVlapix9M r . TJ .' 1 fr h: ,r ..." " " ,- -- ' - - ' ' . . . .. ' . ' ' ' . . ' ..- .' i i im il III III 'I NKW SERIES SALISBURY, N C, MARCH 13, 1868. nm t urn in w VrJaJ. i.wv. 1. if i hi v VVllMAKJiUM NORTH STATE t.ou 1,11 WBBELY OLD KOBTH STATE. lata won. mm! are ready a point eut whole hecatomb, for tacrine, provided they themselves cacape the doom of eoaaet nlll. n . . . . .m . . . i It is, I think, not dimeuii to gwaw atrnte, aa I shall endeavor to do prreently that lb question moat iaitui iliately lu ' L. L,.I Lab I t...M i a . Ifti.artV obo diciicc to all the n-quiirineuU of the eon SPEECH OK Hon. William A. GrtlVftM, imvi'"w . v, .. ... sr.. , 18- dwred, (and, pcrhap, were Intended to produce,) frr.n and real offence, with Ta rring objeeU and pretexts, wore paraiaU-d in, until the nntional mind beaamediafiw tad, and it recoiled hi a new revolution, br whieb tbo onatltuiloii araa reatored aad rlgntad op, and placed anew upon iu feet on tliu nrm funudaliou of the Bill ot RHrbta of 1688. And the phiiosnpnic Mr C.iJkvm tbltl tl.e eonrenlloa (at ,fci hon conferred in ek.g bin, U ' ,,ldr over ha proor. dtofa. WUa tha U ib, it rTZ ;;Xna.wbW,l-dWom.d,, In , ,,Ury dUtrcaa ai.J deject.oi. wWb pet- overlookad. Traaaon, ba f'Mff1 "f enmea, I in that Inalrument f.mnd in th' artlcie eeUblUhinff tba Judicial dt part ment, with a definition ol tha offenc and nd tba qtmnlam of evidence neceoaary for eonrietioa, aa well t the aafety ol tba Uorerowciitaa for the protection of tbi citiaen aatinat tbo creel and mligniil peraecationa on chargee of thia crime wliieli diapraco tba eenela of RnjiMI I...U. fUM Pkkaf Jaatice Maraball. . . . .i .1 l.,ttrj. lnmllv lltlOUMl. in BHUBIUIl I" II . I .. . .11 Moolliern Blalra, out wneiner 1110 .f ' Ju ici op 11 on : "Aa mere i no ,.ti,.n,.,.ll bc'etatmi., by Uking end other JjNjV Z ZloTS"! excit. and agitate from earl, of .berc Butea the power le of re .r .on or Kvenune.., .m, uachoi '',,,he en fh.n rreeatm, the eaaat dueling to a r,-fl.-cti..g mind la before .hieU it mm" Q 15L. rfrl. to ral-gioe. temperate or eve. 'frr' -, ! 1 -W or to tba bHllUnLwho aUoatiy P "? ?f ir.JST .lJ5 Slit iag. Auu neaaua,u.iu v " ,mnorL.11. .fc-a ereat fond.- fl, .mi f what lutle leiiigenor, ' . . ,.f property remai... to lh pepl of the 1 I m . k. L.J umrtrd to bear Suta : aeo wnue -r - . ' . . . i . I.. ,wkt. In tbeir deliber- ii- pan. - w i . , . atleU and T"'0 l U iW, iUtieauiaiaad eo- . ' i 4 ku and waa unnrreerad ((. make ma aw.'""!1 . ii iiu viiai iinnciuien fue a-otrreeyS IM "M ' ' ' ,,r Urtfc, were eefWy .wd-iugtrt-J ii. i ln aaf rihrr thia aaai 1,1, ln the lure of aotuatiy dt.eouraging . ' a . .1 1.. i.k tlit oecaat ji. . iJ. tor hiaaaelf. aad be d"bu d not il.athe afaihe the afatiieaetita of every mneber M (U eouveatioi., lU Car ... IturyeeiboHarlied bewiMtend.-d ever, be bad no dreire to contra vena, or treat it villi ili-reeprct mid of the Oongreee , fiti'mj:. or Ita laaaardbito predecraaor, Lib. be ...ifht aaaetae tl.c i..l. nrge te rrUieiae iu etin, Uh Ue freedom doe to truth awl the prlwiplee of repuUir-n l.bavty. he uaaieti br eWJd do ae wUh .aA end llaa aeaaawafjiterea eeeiifded to a greet dipem ef the 0rvTnaatt. ". l.u aa. flfi-iuiim are anont to IHII.MI'I If'- I , , uku place, to awrruiii the aei'.e of tna l.,ii.le. and greet eeeaiae.a 0.1-.- !,.mIr4rbtedplrti"d "V""?. X a. iL. .I. rifitin. It la , onW otal, bet penaiea to the very wrteraif ebkeia. tW tin-re abU be ti utmoet fratdem ttieewaHH. and lf.iju.ry iutn all lb later ii.volvl, and Ik voter tbn be free to ea-t bla .nfta ac-n-rilm, te hie iuAv ih-.l"'." lutereJl wkl-uMi. I" naioi. of n.jon..H. e.oai eeaeeae te biwiaalf for 'lie act, he- ,7i I . ... u. i,r M.i- .'ll.iT. t!M-r II oe gi"w - - ..ittj. Hi Tf4 aiir1etire1Tvowr Hm of Htptof a I ... t lie !.i. I., n. at to m- i" ".., ".. -- . ....I ,1.1. .,1 the ew Teata meat, eolaina lite pie.pWe moat neeea- aa to be hiioe.i ', rUred "thai ehHrtiaHia oegbt to be free, and "lbtfa tW ri 'f P'PW 10 ..arable togetbar to r-M.aolt f-r the com mn good," tetbe ed, i coaree, th-l Ibay may eWejatre opinion, beenvitwed af tin ir inlereata ml dtea, and atrrngth ea earb other by roniual cmnael. end 1 co opertio... Bach be lA American theory (, Hil I trut ever ill be. UwkwtWUeed" tb.'. prmeinb-a la thia c.mveUtioi. byre, at in !. S iho Stale. piM-uly, j .1.. r.,-. ,,r ,mm. tn maha knu moc 111 ' iw.v ... j t . i. : i . .- mMmrv ot the eoill munity, end to endeavor to advance thew bv tucl. nieana M are contUient with ex- .....1 irfWr. And l.erv I mi,... 1. 11. . inn mv nuret lht, r- eret aaaociatioiMkMdp !". ,n"'iv .t... :. , .1 il.r. euiioea. auib "lioyal Le-ele,, 'c, ' ' u .: a - ...-ivilr. who unci with eloeett doora. or'i.. ..i'I e4 iitW, and t.y oath" ana "y"- leencTierhatn em..a tin Meek w agamfl nt uatrve wttea, . m-....- r 1 ' ri.iiili.. mm nartw. lo alarm tlx im "a- " - 1 - M I..., I of ronhi" '! !"; Upk 1 IWiii -- - ami a division of ajadla among the vtcin... and Wle, and tbua lo coutml the declaim... ef tbt beBne-bex. To eouiiteract theae evi Italwwosea j"''-'. th. griat cauae ef the country Irom theae prrjnua . Imlden tiibitHttM In Hi- nra-n Mniiii o. .... L..: . tin. nlii emtrtiKieiirV MiPiiiica , iii nmr - . 't of wliltr .1. rlora, ibat, tinder the acta of tll "aaaatera ol then iiu.ia, W" J - , - fmuZ" and the DOWCT of .l'-CWtoil ..a.a.a. ll... i.e. M.,1,1 LulU'l 111 lUT iro.i baud If ther bu. wilt to .-tetciae Hi and to giv. ... .i.l,.il ,W.,rH. .r tliex oigauwaioni Ii""" vi- j oude, auch toi.feWl.cfl a' tin- p caeiit nail 1 . 1... 1. w iri-ee.'.irv. IwrawiatwdieebmmtWimblie aawal m the North, in Cmigr. a and ummijc He" ci.hMlfo'euta, ..r an 5mptraan.d aindbm-iv ineulcau d and ebariahed, that inera. Jul : .u ..I.W,.! til .ilad It... .i.J mmI.IIv in iirraertk. the OMl. "" '-f-m I"-- "" T frealione fur the eaereiae of auffrege among Ma own luuaoiiann, aa was miwaja wraw d. d 10 be iie privilege beretofore ; end ureecrlbinr. br act of Oongreea, new qeal- meatloua, by which aome 30.000 white tee, who have enjoyed ibia right, ahell in foture he deprived of It, end 70,000 bl.ieka marly all Jojtt etaajicipated from alavery, ahnll be at once inveated with thia privi- ... . a . t. . a L Aa lege Of eieciora Of ine nia.r. 1 .uL mm Aim-tmA kv aetof t'omrreea: lllif .w.,..v mm j m 71 far tftrr the Conrrraa baa already canard . . . 1 t .1 ... tbla baat to DC apopiea in ipi rn-nmi mm a eonveniion. Dot called in para ea oca ef ib eonatitnlion or anr law of the Bute, or by the aanctlon of the old end h-giri- mate elertora. eat nv Ita own rnaeuiim merely, and threaten" permanent eaeln- .1 r. fi,. ,,f il,.. Mmatitation PlOh) 1 1 "111 Wim WTIl. mwm ef lie United Btatee, aa the eltenmiiva. of the rejectaon orttf wont, toe nci . :- feet, a mandate for ha adoption. . . . K.ii,. Uentiemen, oer cou.nry ua paraed ihrmigb a moat bleedy and deeola Ung civil war. The etrnggle waa one of the ummiI gigantic in hotnaii bialory. . It la actntfu timi tae nfiww ea fw"" prejudice akoold eentinne to roll for e aen en, after the atorm which aet them in g lution baa anbatded. Bet have we net, ran w" not Irave peace in thia land of the (loapeJ ef peace, at the end of three yearn altr-r an honeat anrrender of all t be arrow in rcalatance to the eerennnen?, ana a r frct reatomtton of, and profonnd anbmia alon tb, tlteeelhority of the United Btatce, aa fully and completely aa before the com -menccroeiit ef ImrtHltiri t Are the Ira aona ot bialory to be bvat npen ft T Are .1... . ........... .iin now in r iiiir i' 111C iwil mmmM wm i i. !.., that " lo eoi.oiier In a civil til il.. ml war, i But te inumun 1 ovnrcHee ie their fellow elliaen ; d 1- .! :, mmmm ,.r m.V mil be IKlTlt'lC t" 'O- leetand paiufali individiwla for the aalte of - s 1 .1 1 : i ilk. wierr policy not I pnniali,) yet, afur the .Uoghter ef hie children, the. deeotation of bin fi. bla, tha eonflagralioo of hia bouaca .J .11 llic untold chaaliaeineute of war, In eaart of l.iui d.-?rd1..C uomiaaum. w eruah hia boiaj and drelroy hiat.MtiWtwua .ill tend but to tmrniab the lame, aun weak. 11 the mm, of the eo.Hio.eror t It i . i.t.a.ln. i,.ri,li nt iii tl.e ki.iiaU of hui;- at the reatorailon of Cbariea tl.e td, in era not unlike that of tb re-eeiau.iai-ment of the United Sletoe over llieoulh , rn country ... 18, l W the l'''"" Armi a.atiftuliied cUw" to tbetua I nd the bo lille "Uie Ueallng j?arllnmat. Teato 1-" he Chancellor (Jl ndon d.-clarli.g, in tl.c name ol hi aover. ign, -wp .' .j a auUar to you, genUemeu ; be ti ': - ..... .ill ;..;.i uli him in ly Minor: .! j- j reatoring the whole nation to ita primitive - - a r. . - aw . I... -.1.1 tW. mlmtl ienii-er aiMl mtegrny ; .- n- ' . Cm .1.1 .......! Iiiimnr. and lis ' :;:.'-. aa 71.. Li.turiao remtra tnat s.Biure. mrm -r i,i J-.. .... iil.d while he no-re-- . l.VII'.tOWII lit... , , .. niiy inrloenee, te nae it t.. perpoeee lo.- . ..... 1... Ii.a wmi L'.i ' maul I.01111-, j , niiod, ltei!ver a Ux ,ipportUl.ily "fie.e.l . in"." n . . . . ... .?....:. .k . ftuw , 1 .i " - - il..u fatal mnaenaeacea MM ...... .fi"" 1 11 . . T eiata in twe wholeeoiue piece pta : in reli ajlm. never to loae aigbl of morality ; and in iiit nut , n ... - 7 ... -V of the K..fbh couatittttoon, " ,Br ,-llnr' good at-nae and bnu r fcdbtgoiave.MM maltreat the enfrai. .iai-.t l.l..ek- :' to eon ..: .1 .1.... .... ....ft.ttt ftinurele la vioce wni mat wir ym " ... 1 1.. Imm- mi ft.ftati..iiftlt or conln- inacy. hut oalv far the njrwton of ur riehuaa Aitu-ii. an rinsena. and 'be ne- fenee of e.yd 14IHW, i ""' rfiaUrmg irom nv,i;.l .. i, tvr j.d to warn them Wee, aiKi , . azainat the ioiar. praemtieaa of mter. -t- edmportera, end the tale bearer and m- lormera, who, tiler the eloec nf nnarieeeaa. ful revolution, lbongk'tk'7 el", iu 1 r . ul ftftii.t tn Brorner. be- in., mmmM m aniwo ft-- ' f r ' . . ....... ..:i a... ..alsta in that wntcu . .1 11... .,,,,.,1 1 . ..n i.tri 1 i'.i " H"' 1 .1 1,. I. in. were not onlv nence i. 7- , , -, . L ... . I... lilu.ltY- 01 ma auuj.-vft. am lu.nfti j ...7- L.. .Lfti ..,,1.1 v of the crown, tin, on, m .. t . , for a 1. mperatmnt ro cnthol and palri j iic. a wiadom ao pioloond and jwrt, a thai , I '.I... . I.I. .... I,,,,, H hu ll or fjtejtibumi, in w" aurc.d our civil war! Ttnrf wi.O wast n 100a ror ..w ,n.-.nofi and revengeful frelrnga m thrr -,. a tbrongh wlncb l-ugiano a . . . i 1. .i.tU a K iif. to whom WOrttaot FUll'IC .ia.'ij " r'W . . . rtaWren, Hurt W-en : -.V ... . i..ftirrv had la-eu anet- utimarcnv au .'" j. . , . l.irotcclor- ,urpc., 11 " J K.. ,u,.n-, awttyetl "t 'j- hmi Tlli had aubueett tne - . 1 n .....!.. atftuka. tne law- in wli.we name v in..-. --1 -1 . 1auce.rU.en.w1wa1 ie- a v -VJ Ira. .e Jeamfl IIHII VWM ' .-':,wi:Lbt cape- n.ia cap"v"i " JUmi, rr w. lve lone V. nra ; rrntiimna nujif"-, , Zy tbo tarniStdcaire ol iba new turycr- , iv "TS-t-tii i for cunrtlutiiin' 1 ii'ii ami ma wii""' . In ham. my TWr po.,y wml-J. e.-aaful. Some ll.iricen I V. J VI . .1. .aab.-r-.if tb.e implicati-d in .holamWednatbte, or. neJ, ol n r. .oat awo. - - pmoalrina-ef tnv were w 1 ; . . ..., ,. in aDi.'g. eola- .H-cnraon ene -''lr f ' lf..L,. f .ml intormera, f - nJ.nbanndaeaJ eWUjr " "' Siffi-n waa.too I rjow . -..l aaanafl Ian 111 il III' IPf HI ra v"M- La. u..t .. ..ftawimn W -""-T.. 7-di aimi-a -iUi.rt aeiam.aa.onr ---- , M bpre,..ded Kr. J1"' aw.f???".;. macbli'erj of jua Tg irom - j,. -.n.timtion tic.', aiKl go r; , . j tn- npm. any miegea w,f i"'. yy. .zi .rr.w. ,i br ti. Kiigtana, m -"e---- , . , ,hv irJ7rSftIa TI....- ueraecutio... III f MM una aytai a..ivn . rom (Ac yrea lending form and maxima . ... . . wa . 1 1.1.. 0 tlx Cotittto. lueaeuumo.c j..-cinb-a, ao obriooa and ao afe, are oon deapised by men of ardent temperament ; and it tbo nril aympwra . ..-..j, - political eatbuaiaam to deny er dun gard "hi my aiiieere couviclion, genUemen, that the eerioe. If not fatal, diaeaac with whicli oer country ia now afiiclcd, WJMB ay iu n-covcry trom ine gap"' -"- of war, and threaten the utter depletion and deatruction of the aoctien in wl.ich our lot ia caat, iiring from the potttifiU a t . 1 , itnatt' i,l enthuitam, tne intolerance 1 which indiv'iduala may not beeouaciona r not able to reelet it, which pervartta the aetion ol Oougreaa and even jaumiicea ita eye wbeu it look toward tbi "Uod of tbo un i" and that tlic only cure which can have the leaat eftet, either in benefit tn the (roven.meot or ree. ouraelvea, te that ot wbh hmtory de ...... ti.. ffHcieucv III free and re- HKIl.ft 1 1 ..... . . public ..i 1 goverumeut M P eg1.- lull and eordtel reatoration of rigtrta toall the Sutea a mcmbvre of the Unioii, and 10 their people aa ciliaeoe according to the tonalitulioii ; And that the whole scheme of rtcmttrrclum, In looking Ore to denial of n-preaenUtion, whieb pule h author to their wite end to make ex euwefortt, whh o being able to find any that ere eaUataetery wan ni.prv,u- 11 . .1..... ... . 1, attainder. mild rooi.-ctTcr, -- - '.. . oue," It b true, 11 iHUor. y - ' -found lor any, by dtefmiichi..-ment from office aud the exercia of the ejeetive; fraiichiae of all men wtea, iWtn.r I v held Federal or Mato offices, look part . . a, . s ...atlur illldi-r agauuit toe uovcrnmeui, what circamrtauce of cboico or necoe ,. .1.1 .1. id...' arn now. iu -men iv any, Biinuuii .. 1 .- ... V jl:' .1. . .f it nallia. Iiv nit tram, ne ine.mii, w. . - .L.uti.ft-I... ; anv war voiu.iM- WUICII n wan, -" j . 'a rUr rave aid to the war on the iioulberu JX. .1..11 1... .dniitu-dto a aeat iu Con- ' . I...M ...v Federal office, b-'w .noftjSLjif .ai-aiiH- .' ": " cver ana ir.y "i r-v; I . ........,1 and IK UVinoftft"-. . aeeuaer and witueae agamat bimaell, 1 ft..i .......... ni-nurv on ' power.pi .eiiiv"-". r a; , ..f the weak aud the aicUd, and a stumbling block in tin. way of ll.e manly ami eimacientiona; ef looking tlrat to n - .v..,.. elaaa ill which Il njprcat-maii... . will be dtfBcult to find men of .my mireer, .... ,,. , ,,,i, ,1 irom ahion.l. and which may include negna-a ; Ibeu to a pardoning pr.cca by Cngreaa wbi.-h mayletin such aa bvn propitteted ita fa-r, not by maintaining tne IJover . " a . ft i' . nl list. during the war, Out ny i r'"'" v..i ion to iu policy ainee; and 1 hen, per ... 1 J.v 1 mil" 1 trrudit hap-, ai aoiue iii".r . . '. 1 ..... ....I.. 1. l,.ve a L'enral n.giv una n itow..., - j, . ..u.ty,-i groaaiy miauken talal. as well aa uneoi.ainm.o.i y.-j, -- -- . tl.t mt aalymline tiroCfS", ful 0 '- truai. au-uicioii and mJF&$Pn V'y rlv ...oli.-d to brittle, gtaaa. out 111 iar- .-1 - y - - . a i.Ailft, to make a teuacmua. loueb awl laaimg poi mm latliera ol Hie lirevoiuin... . our ikitinll ftUlcetiotiV. Uial, lk of mankind, they were enemict fii,anfft! II VIII I ft t I'm tttl""i rfvaww a - coiivmcing logic than any ot our state. men arc yet nmatew of, to preve lhat this maxim ia not twe aa between tba late b. IlicerenU in the "American Smt. s. 11 the people - Kortll t'arolina are -I JK-ace a itlUboae ol Kentucky, Oh , fVfnWy. 3 . a r V..,lr I take It that tliey vnnia aim v- .-, - - -frienda. ami. if frii'nda, then equate d fellow-eUinwia, tsuiitled to Mie s iuii ri-btsas to repn smitatmn in v Ita rrgulalion of the qealificulios d among their own pe-iple tadta ii ... mvwn to the 0'inslllU- .111 .filler tw-w m . , I ,m. 1 do not deny, 4m Jf 1 freely admH, yWt It W tn ngnt m Oovernm.nt, acting timing.. ... law oocera, l y ine- "'V - parlm-nt, in a ea..' demanding , tb r ft! i...r... W. Pnurls f.r trial. 1, at ami carry ,"ttUtt. w .ny ciiteen. ;.r any Ui loiin'i iw. ---T d mental law, which define and bmita tho ..... Ai ol our troTcr.iiii-iii, 1 1 hi. 11 mi hi mo u 1 ... . tftunr. ' has given a rnlo on the aubjeet, both to I . V . . 1 . L . , 1. 1' Atifti.rt. the etrangled prineea, with ibe proenre ment of ibelr death. War . at beat J,lf,.l tradti The moat brilliant victo ry ia but suceeealul cernagw. But " ike big wars that matt auio..e. an a . akeve the malice and revenge of private fenda. Oer waa an American wer. VI t have reed ol the ficrcencee ef llie fkruggle, . . . , ft. i, ....... .1. ...... i:i.'ir nip-ftta itrera. ou iivw. with komieiftbs waa tried btttora a Military t'ouiiuiaaiou. and. after Ita aeoteaoe, was aeat to Ueonllucdiu a Stale's priaoa iu Rew York i npoe the ground, that, iu the year UM, there waa a civil oreruinent in South Caroliaa. and a Judicial Depart meut tbera of, having aol eognixeue of erlme eian ...ltt.J I. ihat Slate : aud that by ei.nae- qnenre. the aeuteuee imraawd by a ll'htary f!ounni-ai..u waa void. The revenue officer. w-The7nlim ttai Xtatea, within aor l-irders. are regmariy i...i.i 1. tl.. ...mifti i-f all civil and cnuiin- ... ... I, ...t ao Itlnatrated a when "Ameri ran met American " In the hostile field .1 i.i. .. ...A,.. ii istorv. siorv k 1 i .j.u.:. . i.1.1... 01 loc taiv (, ft-- " . ,04 luria.UCk.oo l'e i-..ftk -. a ft.ft ih --.lahrate; the arhh'fr BHJllt ? V.. .I,..r. f.,r.-. at neaee aud in the IITI1I millb waa. . 1 I www wan -ww w- -- - w m oflheberoe of either ride, while time nin. tor all the purpnsee M dmy aud pro sbail endure, er the Engliah tongue re- J tort ion. that may be deanande.lor mm m-i. ...d the military student, with hie by the Exaeativa i fc all wn- f ' T ' 1 if tana I will traverse tbeir tin., aud the eolleetbm of taxea for the pur diagiam In hia hand, will ' , ; IHHH) f aarrria otv pneution. vr leeing fielX.fftWiutOfttieltenand dmlm the pni,4 now v.nts thoae made llinainons 07 w, .1 l, nt.aeus of other I."- 1 9 - . k. rwiivMi mil the t'ourU ot Amen III'. y . ft . ea. which neitte r eau bo p;rmitted to tntnaeend." And I be .5th article of the amcndmcnU to the Conatliirtion provide. .1.1- - aftima Bftal Wtll II"" left " daring and genioa of Marlbiroogh, Conde, ,. ie ... A .. A if Aft. Buonaparte, and neinugion. statesmen could but teconcile themeelv. a 10 look upon the past at irretrievable, and I.I ..i, mm m noliev to fnivive. and, a. lar aa pomible, to forget ; if they would be a wise and tomperato aa the aoldiery , who oveerame the resistance and aeeeptcd the urfendcr of their dveraaric, were ......... ...A iii.vnaoi-nnua : if they would t...t .n.iftni to reestablish the consritn amendmetiU to the Conatliirtion proTiur. out . ..... . for jury ,.. thia greet crime M well lion. Irelat, . ofth. Bute. a. JNN aa other eapi-el tafeneee. Aud here per mit me to relate an incident of aome in terel in the history ol tbo Federal Cou atitulioo of the country. Perceiving that ha bad voted aTraiiist the adoption of the Constitetlon in the first convention, in p- iMisitim. 10 the admirable argiim.-ntauou . . . . . .1 of Iredell, ami u" . f n.i,.-, 1. hnposatlle to of Davie, whom be hd followed in tbo field ud in tevor of il i" m teeond. I underatood to extet before thia dteaetrooe war, and to throw into toe common skk-k ol American fame the renown acquired by either heal in the terrible collirion ot arm, they would at once commence the work ol re-onion, and in some mem-ore anticipate a 'verdict wineli win ia- reHuin- - 1 111,, -Mi II'.- . 1 ,),. ,r,,.n It ia fmnoaaitle to dietraii IJVIIIS'iai-." " . . .LI ft...-! ..ttinni.t I.i dlMffTltCr. bV 111? t uireJtan W.; tbiV tbte change wtakVffi " aftwaat I aV VI. aa n,nyi,'.rOl . nirllflUN UI lUr Ptl V v-"-"aa.- 1 place, t be reply waa, rw w- --r ,l,a ro.lliona who. in any fJitJZffiiaw! we7ai trhkntt. produ- lie. tiutaiicT ufftftiftii. Atati-a of this country and W mtepti-d by .be other, mm mm, - ---- , ITS rimmZ r dmt. Uriaon, l. o nece.aa.ry to the ner- .hhuwom rr-- - - - .... r .t .-v. , otv. lhat wo admit ftfSlhn The Eng,?h, with the ma. uic a -r- . o 1. . .iiiift. .ft...,H nl ihn tame o tUiiia were removed, and we voted lor . ; .-eoo, r " ' . u, .... 1 ....... av . sa a-aa nun firm i hi lift " ... - - S22EB ..rnd Prin- history., Tetthe fame of a these w. cinlea, nearly all of wliieb are con, .eou. rcu ... , -;. - hi ihe North Carolina Bill "t, .. w.m in eluding tried by jury. Kven tWfc rVl.t. Wn ll, aTuti:'.; Liitation, Mriym1 .cqaiiiCd .iilesa ibere -321 wiinessea ... -" j lriwl ,,, e caae of Ireland, and it. frulU are eonle-sion m open co.rt ; frMMi . . . from 1 u(.M,i,rto gene MCJ' tffSATi th7y iualds1Franc;iu jj Tlmro is ,.0 autlmrity, Imt an inhibition m -m .it is tatd. tb we are tl conalilutio.. against u, - e .f .1 . rlebts of ei.ireas. taemifew. tbein under distraint, ttnrcsa or B ..ft.J. an.U.v tile laws 4 war of aiij .VfA to:wJ.?f r.-I!l.r-:-kte-i the feet of the eonquertw; allrSea treason, or m pr...nft -J", ,ud that, in hia good pk-aaure. ne may iui- L.U .v inuoi indieial warrant and ad- ... ,. andcouditinus which ii... ..... .. "i' j . , i. raw 1 im . 1 I Itaitlaa: Ami then- is no power 111 the . ... mnv. ai..tll. If this wcf true, the J - . - i - . Lftlft. (,. J 1 : , 1 . .... .. 1 u 1 .lit. ..IM ft..... ,.n iimii ,, it. 1 rel-iir w in m" In tta trial, uor to inflict pudiVli- hfttrshneaa are the best menus ..f cemouting " ' . . . ,. ' mt I.. it,., I... il.i.fti. K-li.i an- exiM-eted to live to- iiient cither l.y 11a own mm. ... J-TT, But agency of Ibe military, a an ., erW a m . -. ... ... - - aaiU jn, for not anreenderlng up rights aa J have but rela- encb . ertom to ttair Statee. J,.nwrrWik'm by porthaa the And we Uajfn, not a....-,-.-.- .Hmple aipiiust their own Koverniue... . ffssatv kilt llha cOllselailiie', ' ii-n, !.. ,1.. ,t..i Cn-titiitioii of the Uuite.1 1 1 f . I. ..1 . i.idii-ial deterniina- . ...... ,.,1. ...tft,ii ..f the m.wers eoiifeiTed amen mim"S j - tftftasaa, i" . - . . tloii can overturn, we claim tins protection treatyur eoinpoft t between all their. itixeins and benefit, wf the con-l.tutiou c-. - as we . t .a -- e . ously 1..1.J iniel .gently .o ueu ZF-Z ttdaVwew expounded by Iho grea W .- elm M are charged with reference has been already mane, wiiose , KMM-MM ,., .,!,. of iudieial brav.-rv, integrity nnd ........, ,,., i,l,.,l fur. therein. T J . ,111. LI. .1., o.l.T im nfte ".." - 1 ' , iiupartirtlily is only eqnHfl by hia tlm- jf (ffwns- be treason, or maynfcea : ... ......l tftftftniftftiftftu i-xnosition of , 1...... ,,..t Wi-n iu the unprva- 111110 .ni-. ..... - r . ' .I, ny.i ti.i.. w , ,1 ,1 all q.i.-sU..h nl American and law uWrvation of Marshall, already 'ju.rt wktek were brouglM ioto judgment during that, aiuce Bo offenee is more calculated 1 .. v. af.. ?. :.. il.. a ft.ri.,.1.. .he ...ihshiiih of men." h s pudency oliuii ty-n- ". JTJQ ci.mditotkm of tta HM court o. an aim j i j y -- ... e 1 . . . . . Z .r -i...M.. rrlme. tne enrnui Bute, and the enforcement of their yMf meuts by exeeetio-; yet CoegreBa. by which I am eoDrtrained to eouaider a fielion of law, withont any fountlation iu the actual condi tion of alTaira, declares, iu effect, by ita teg . . ..... 11. , 1..., . ... islatinii, thai mere ia no wwte. " - - - war. to which we. 1 our helpbmmwa ami ta.verty. are a party. . ' .... -,- . ..!:. .V.l invnra noon the 1 ne urav i.'i" , i"u . . ' . .....i.nt nf thta Dninoaltion, if whetntr Congrem i.the peace maawg power a our gorernment, even iu eaae of foreign war I . 1 . m,.ftr ot uflrian. . .1 1 um 1 lie, iift'ft ftftfi"" I ' ' - . . , ...... 'It. .. a. none sneli to eoneiuae ie. j least, this baa always, heretonwe, been .up posed to be an Executive power, to) be exer eiae.1 by the President, aubjeet to MM b tertns approvea dt tne . . . . . 1 . I ... .... tft-lt h were lironghj 10 a lenniaa.iou - ry" (Jreat Britain, with Mexico, with the Harimry ...., .an tha Indian trilftrs. in ditfereiit pe ri, Ms of our history; and iu the inatauceof u. . , . 1 ii ll,ftft,ilft.l Bat the vr ntsxey bis Minute order. Withdrew hi. tfiHipa. after the riftiu. a as ootuviilered aa anppresaed. aa proceeuiiigr-, i - ---iustituted. ao far aa example and punishment j ......... .'iKii.riftR interfer- Were ..ei-iiini umwn j . ---ft. a In nrtthiiiff vxetyt to vm the ivrt to r;ntw ..r rail out tfii' minuiry lorrjc, 7" . . .. Tn til nulhti- ". ... l.ftft.U mmm Sft 'lr fhllUiTll fto Ma ...a ..!-. kaa silisii.ilinir of DuHHl. ill' thatJaekaou aakeil of Oougreaa waa at .roe ........ .1 .r : .. I . . a 1 1 . , i - l.lll. All oilier BW-pa ii" "ft" -. i --- tiou. the military orders, the disposition of ... , L- .. ..... ft... I .... u I 1 1 1 1 - the land torees uuoer ptnii no.. r - der Elliott ; the det.-nuinalion. after the pea- . -...!. TuHT Itill in IKKl aaire o. um nnumwiii . , . , . a . ..... nn l.inar lteeued tni.l Iliese iiirc " a- ,-.- - .L I... k.rW ,,f ri.arle.toBi aud their I in mii "I" - . . -.i i i .....ii b...i,nv,i un. if fit paHmiBBVBVWI ftft.. -j- Bui if the Senate, only, to to be consulted iy tha l'leMdeut m unugiug 10 a - - . . it nuv he. bv laud and sea, all arouud tha globe, aud a domeitic in- i . k.a a. . atn aavaal l.v snrr.-ction rannol ne unmro, . . the Preaident at all. tat eau ontotachised up by the aet of both Hooaee of Congreaa, to wl.ieh tta Preaideut'a conenirence ia not if . tm-th mis inaluntv iu eacu hi hoars of relaxation and social intereoora, liad .! la red an ojaoion inai invaa - ia ooafhet with the Constitution, a coairaitlaa f the llooaa of Bepresentativaa baa beam a. i...,ir. . ha facta and. V veruV e-l, to oondar lb. qoeation of Ids imfwackanawt , . .11.1.1. Mima tm mtflCat. Iia I TI.S neuaraiion, aa a w-m v. w meaoor.- lBproocodiii laj J ihlnk we have aptne evidenm oi that J eoilnHuMm" evolaed by etetl wyef wMeh the hwlorian ha TWmmded a. 7TS!! in hia proper imliereW tha Judge, of the u pretne Court in their, Ibourh not elocled y moltitudes amid shoot of cmitendmg perttea, are as much tit st-ents end repreaeaUliveaoI the wliote rawpltofthe Udfted Bmiee, m Oon greas in its department. And when Ita com mon constituent ef all atari aaa one eat of its semta aitampting fft,." hrowbrat another, aad rlic It h .ion., they will not ta -tew ie awnlo tla reacue. ikmbiUty will be eaffta Jo no one dena. tment in a geisiaiiamf Wbtt te baaed on tha ttaory ef checks and bs Is area. Altboagb I should not esteem k decent to refer to party predueetiona in relereaoato the foon of appointment of a jwlgo of that court, exoept for the unwarranted attack toado upon it in ll.e proceadiop of Congri, to which your atienlioo baa been cellod, I deem but ia.r deteuoe to armiod yon that fire out of tarn eijibl judge now constiluling the conn are appointee, of Preaident Lincoln, confirmed by Lu SenaU during the. war. If Courreet can- . . . . , - em not leauae lis wisnca in uraifti- ooh aeoort, it ia because thoae wishes are not i. ...I iiutlna nan be allow - lHOl aa in remain, i.n " - ed ; and ibe apprehension which they Imve r i 5 r. ...... K..f. , tlwl mart should matusesiBi. ot Limm ire".. . induce reconderatioe and a change of policy, in-lead of violence and denunciation aeamst brvtb their aseociate deparlmeni 01 a coui.ou goTerneieaift . . - ... . i , . ...... r Qenllcinen, what waa tuere in u wm iho unlortuuatc stinirsle to r-vpft-Uima.baifed. and antmcaitiM bt tween the f-T'tI war ? It was a fair and ruaoiy ngun j f upon an alleged defence of a great intereat, a X" : -tr-n : " lit TH' f I hi l fir wiii.M. lias now ocru iuii"..w.. by those who commenoed it, lhat tins defence ... 1.. nireul bv a seanratiou of tha 8uies interested in thia propertWororhe rest, ... ., Z -- .I n h ... ana Irors Uie common gocioiu. isted over both; and tta right to secede and srparatr, was a right which they were eni.tasu peaceably to exenise. I eertainly believed in no such right, and never gave to the doctnno the leaat countenance. But I am free lo coo r . l . .. ... i, A-aMad whether a ma- .S-, in.' i j ""-' -" - ' - .ft.. , , joritiiy of the people of Ibe Uniled 8tatm bad not at dinereni pm. From an early period of the Federal govern ment dispute bad arisen ou the power to dis solve it or nnhfy ft authority within the em its of a Stale. Tta one party conUndieg that aa it had been eatablisbed by twrnfisnt between the people ef the diffcrenl Suiea er lanum tie. tine pan tea who bad eolered into it could aa in cases of ordinary OOOtracU diaaolve it; the oltar. lhat it was hke the matrimonial con traut indissoluble at tne will of the parties. , . . . M..ftft,ftMM,t to saidnre for all aun consimwii -r- ...... Th. Mnlniinna uf Virma-ftn.I Ken tucky, in mainiairiea required, if a two-third, uiajumy iu ru ,u-.ay. iu uva, ii.ih shall eive it their aanetmn, it ia certainly a , The lrty which apbeld it, with . ,.r .t.. i - ., whiuh no coin- raWiiMl th Presiden. and bet -W . - ftl T'SFTllVtL.. .1.. fi.ited Htatea in l lie len.iing ag.n m-i , , . r. . .nv n-her time, mmmmf MV " ' ST V..,- .-.ii thp imsi' Ih atiWt eominuuilkvicluding men, Women -(Cdta tta lac . JTSefSBriB Vats, aiidonipi-I them to do pt uanrc oy ( , expmtmn, onl.l t,uey .n... .. f State authority, such plea eaanot be dr ai their NtBiuHtaiai, - n 7 .,w,ai11ftft,,. the eft.iuurreuc 01 .--. mm-. .1.. 1 ..t it... .i.ITi-,, and -ball ao- . ,. ... ,.f thw erune. tu negroes to Ita L-t.joyihcnt,uf this Tight j WurJfc ,j,r climnand .w approvarof with such exclusions of white menjiiHiiu-, 8uu thonty cau umKe no inu a i-re S by .he same aela. - H mSlg 'ZM i.esm doininatmn-orer ine cm...-. --W-TTS WJ we .k irshnt w.'s ri.e imputes! W - , mm mi are at.-wc.vd Tn-aaon ; wo coiiuuu. .oe, - r - - . a w(lt. innuirts. aa to ll.e condemned iwliyHliww,.. '4. nSi. aimol. 'a ' -tftltH 1 " mmtrnm "J m i i - J- Li lis ihb aaaaawv1 . - y-fe .ml. Jiulii'ial imwers I ..-aisiaine, in..- -1 -- r Waa western Peurrsyivauut herd at eon-...lea-.-d territory, after the ntan.ou of the Whiskey insurrection ! We know it waa not. but one of iu leaden ware arr-aled aud tried before the civil eiuirU. A well I may hrrm.m ramv emu 11 ' 1 .....ri iv. . ll.e L'llilt l . 1 ft V,.ft .1,1.10 A ami sentence pronuiiiu." - j - trial byUurv and in tta were,'ine crime wta committed 1 're tliere tw witnessta. to tta earn overt act again! - i - - ! 1 B tiiaa bv htm In aua.. ntvw . , . , - It .u.. in.,,;.. I. o-hii-h no en.n uew view ot an"" -. nientator. in eiithty years, lias ever m-.o.-- sugg.-sted. and no practice of the govern - meut lina ever recogtiiaeo. nuu n "" (.'oiigresa abovo "ibe oiiuiipoieuee. a. Bla. ealls it, ottne iiniia.. ra. for there the Exeeotlue alone both declares war and c.ueludea peace. But Coucres uot only wist, that the Koverninent is iu a state of war with these 0 . . . . 1 m: ... I Qft.iAo .11 llnunm- suDdue.l ami nuinu.airu on-.-ft. ary chimera, which the metemdioly proofs all around u. show to be a delusion. Iurt it makes instant ftn.1 Quixotir war upon an per- arma. prinrfpalitle. and p.wer wood.. not . .1 1 ft 1 J ft . ftk. IT. S.ilte- adnnl It. 1 ne -re.e..i-i iietrativea this theory, and It provoawa an a.- .Tu. . V . .it... ,1 of tile taK upon tne r.i-:"'i'-j r -r- -mverniueut, atripping it of power which It 7 -. 1 .1 .1?.. ..f Waahlnirton. has exereisea iuti" - trp, and threaieuiug the iueumlieut with tm-iH-acl.uieiit and removal. Analyae the aub jrt of lb quarrel, and will yu not discover that the I'reaideut nisisis inert: --.-o. that the iopte and State, of tta Bodtli are ..n.itUl t a footine of equality under the Constitution with thoae in other aecti.m.; whilst Congress deuiea it, aua renins math.- euteraii.erofiuy .uch opinion 1. in sym ivathv with rebellion ; s.ia-radding that be 1 ......ft ifti-ftrio tiiwnrda them be- inreaieaeu a,T,n- ' v J . ' . , .. fore the nhsm f the war I And upon, the most ruiid fcrutiny. will it not apar that 'his- olfeiic hath this extent, uo . that he has been more forbeariiig aud coneil , . ftl : il 1 1, ..t J fnrr of theentR lawn B HHHTini -- "" r .... bathe expi-etedto la?; "that his tahngs l lean to mercy', mlel" Auu nia momm- ne ft .i. ,,,1.. ,, .ml tha Turhts .. reneuo. nee -"ii.i-. - , a r ' . . ,i- .... I,.. n, Htaies. renilers Tne peonie 10 wmm - -- ; . . . . . ft ft... ........... 1 hi. it lull III him tor theiuue nemti "; piiucipIesUear V.inOiiiuericau i..--" litlea him te the tmctmragevneut and the thanks of every pat riot . Hat the hfnotUesift of Conjres- ami the eonstiintiunality ol its euactinente on these . . a ' . 1 a t . 1... k-aaairel.t vmz. it l iiii(fO!Hil, n- suyut i r a., ik.. itf k i i.I'.i iid ilec-ision hr-lon- the So- lu ,'ift " j " . ft .. I'.nt under t8 t-MistrtutKai. I. me ft,-.. -l. ,l,e if lhn.oa.ntry. in r....w..,..ft .ft'.-,-. m ereat IiilMie inlet I'll. I. ' i 1 r- r ..1 . 1 .. laws brot.uht .-SIS, were ('left-.-, xm - - . - - under ibeseaiiiii.g ioq-ury of iboae grave ami . ' . iL I '..ii., 1. lea.iH'ii men, w.w arc "r" ' imi.-nin Ihe Ust rewt; who are ex-rcted to 1. . . .1... ... .J n.fti..ii ia Ibe oartv , oe in" - 1 - .11 . . . . ft I ., I ,T, .1,, elected tta President and beM majontiea in Congrem froin tba begiontug of we peetajni t,.,livi.l.. .ls I snsiK iided Sir a time I.T tue wr. ..-.--- lomrut ftw mmr, svr.w'-"". iudit idiiats, i(,1C(utwlt vnM it7rti. almply realored to 1 . ion.injalise. ta a letsare ascertained ma-a,v. --with a mrrernwent wf.V ..ffi.,, .Turi?slB any clttxen, or hl.y TOlTof ltn,,, cn mwgm - w - - ft . th, rf. mferr by which State can eoiittut a enmi lor kajai tiinr. uriorr i ut 113; - - m V 1 My umv. Ai -i: u i- i.k-.U ! isIh .1 .. nnnvirii'ii ' it it 1 1 1. if mih- r' the parly thus acenscu can w---- - ,i.iWf a,..- wront- aa a of ,;,-a Ih.mWg "i,o,.tJil.e a-ar against the llg-miW brdwifte T "Lilt noWer of life and I sible ; n-r cinxena, aanrtvwa r---., ..ntcxcrcaing ta P"W T"' j,, ) hlg respoiaiUek.r anvlhing tkey may death over all within it. bmiu, I g , quealKin N tl.e J JdwaiJ . gyjLaJ the atuns.ic of the o purpose to a .ticfpale. ut, g n . nwber ol men .lain and wonnd Ita'SrWr I yirt of treasure expeude 1, and U an ainenabilHV to HtcA00" 1 J i .LI ia. m..i. to tha naasmns. aa la iii nil their tafegnard. War ;" , . a- -pp; - - - j tke irtel I" A' Conalilutio,, Btwl voice of rc Sute. a. iu ZJ$ iSJr ita rcanrt ef Jiictafd th. 3d. 'rclr, b - -d by tke-motta. ol ra.K ol adi-uuate Mtppoi I, uinler a .limiseni oath of olfi.. The unle Was wuert jtrai. .. ... : ..v. ;wl .ftf 1-vi.Ut. ie was eutertai linn in i ire I...-.-.- . . ,h.t iho reei.i.-.b.tiiT Of solving ,au prtai oneMkaai waaaWblto taramored ftom-tfa ne - , . i . .j I K. Jft.J. ati in, aaf ft- lvi-s, or, at war. ft.. -j y ",-3 1 . ' T .. ft J Li ...... in.. 11 li.l'.ti. I . nna.f ny ine lnn-aiun wft.. .. . - be ciinnimeit, ami, n snvnrw . -. 1. . . 1 . 1 .,,.1 it. iiiM-ou-a 11a it-u MBm.ia...i' m - Hal under ihe 3. ten ib-t the arts in u -- amV llttt wlatlW I IW I ITM lTIf ilflliim- ui - 1. ..iifl t.. h .1.1 At IIMflVV UUUlll- mrtnU-r. for tU golX Pwr air .... ii. ivti ilk. trSt.w U VTV uhTtt IT .. .... ...... ( nf IllHllllt" ill OV0I "in iwiip-utw -t - J and feel and kn..w. lhat Were is . n.a . -Lott as alw.v. uh-ler !EwTO-r-WKd around u., there i. a t.dal uab.t.t y me aw-r . - K.rirt -, t was iua m-Ui Cougreiu l prt, 1155. and 10 two pnM-la.i.atHea ce. tne ., - ,? ... ift.daia.iMal: Judiciary declared .tar, wMJ-Wb- , nig- "m. ftj - that e-uinentJudge. Mr. , .m no. exncamd!- larged from imprte-nment a emien of outh . ht lhat itv. . (j Carolina, named Egan, wta. being naxga4 mm u,u w-v -m Jtiogres. iriMH 10a vnt.rn.-n r , ta-ntury till I8OO5 and at tta qiiadeennialnm ty Conveolioo. k repealed its devotion to tlatae " . . 11 BiiikftftaMa resoliilioo. a a t,n -"-.' - not iu only votarie. PiAtician in Sew Eug lamL in liW, and 1814, in Ohio, ,n her con test with Ita Bankol the umieo oiatr-at 1810, and with the mgrtrv Ware iw in ioo and 1855, freely referred to that power as a. deeping tliunder .that they might invokeif they found it neceaaary. Though not a be hever in it myself, I could very wdl ooroatve, Ibat na advocates ware not few nor insirtfere, and thai aveutua'ly it would be brought to the . .1 1 TL.t 1 isaiinn Vma fcfbitrainem l UW woru. lt.M-11 most emphatically answiunced, and can didly arjmir?cei. iu. 80 far as regard tta peo ple of Horth caroliaa, inere m nv w cause for nursing the ember of feud between -. . - . . f , .u. ...... Oft-,.. Ilium .ml the people 01 any 01 um A tartfe majotlly 01 lliem neuuer wa. 1 in. ri.ilif nf ftft'ee-sioD. its efficacy a remedy for any grievance, nor that grievances existed . . . ... . . 1 ft. I.t. m VK wliu.ll jusuueu a revotuimu. -- - 1861, they voted down, at the polls, wWh my lull tmoiirenoe, approbation and punnarnn, a propoaiuon to call a Convention to con si oer 1 he subject ol cession. Il waa not antd eve ry ilate arouud her had aeccded. and war had .1 . 1 In ahii-li ths Vtt actually naru wnnii. .,.!, - compelled lo take the one side or the other, that ft . : . .T ... .....I inl.ra.1 aa a maiier 01 nrceaaitj, ,i,4 saleiy accoriling to our judgments, we de termiued lo espouse tta cause of lie Southern Stales. Being in, Surlh Caitdin bore her part with good faith and honor towards her asso ciates, and an miseinsn ganaBiTy never surpassed. W hen the lonunes ot war proved ad! taw iu feyor o pten.--Theie tuts been some difference of opiuioti. whether wace could not have been earner reaelied. With some opportunities for obsaa vaiwn, I must my, that, through the agencies . r-, . . fc.Iftft. I.. . .lfl.liail till 01 isorer.wii'iui vhku mm vftw - - general evneonence, t trevat when peace could bar been obtained earlier than il came, except by a new revolution. It seetua to have beeo among the ordinal aaaa ol Pn.vidence. thai the war sboual oe pnxraqieu to the point ot exhanstien wluch It reada-U, tliat when peace dnl come, n smauu w UmuJ and unirer-a!, throughout the yaHrro luml Never waa ihere a contest abandoned pt mice pcrtect smoei ity, or a snrreoHerof arme.1 fiavs mado or observed in better faith. Tbero haa'jut been a .lay, 1 assert 11 wiui-jim " . ... bft-Miation. Ihere never has been a day. suav tta surrender of ttasa anus s becamo known thai a Marshal ot on oepn.y, wras ww-r-r evidence of hw oftaial character, might aol bare gone " eveiy pan o. um rested nr served IU proceae ol the uwen eny citUft-Q from tta bighrat la the lowest wnhoul TBtsn"ff' or ola; root ain. la--aa .1 ' I 1 f ill ii-l aaTt f Turn taata-nwaiiaiiiaift, - . . . . , .... I ...I ftftMMi . iftil Hi. n. iwlln heavy lueses to Ibe ooequeruuf anlhorily. U . . . a . . .1.... .ft. .., ibiMP ,.r)ft.'U uue, but im-se were as bw "----. lo the ue-'.tion u i ruin aiscrreuuj faatorad, aiw um ......... ...Heil to re- WCnWiTuTt.'n- mt.i.alncrd to '. " ' -. . j . ,-:i.e a m l t.u v oreev, aaawsmi tmm r ration ef att ttaalave-, to ibe nuaatar of lour ift- ml? 1 t (1....I .J . miHiiHl 1 11 hiaioiu 111 an, ami 01 - - Z North Canaoa a ka-feilurt uilbctad aa a peoat rv fcar the war to the atuutiuM more tbati oa-e-iHtif of all the properly of th 3Ute. It waa auheaiited to wilUout any Mleuipt U teal law oiftastma UsUaw ita Cotuts. rtefsaru.-e.ii 1. . auoihar ta-faiture, to tta atuou .t .if BtsBl miliums of dottars, upon a retawemeui ,4 the Pixsvdeol dw tta asiBukneo' ot the 1 C-atateaW-w eakraar., 1 "I im J wiui villi II," 'i- " . y - . . - , - ,ihH mamma

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