I i-mirm to pars. 1 ! m . rt l.jr Kl. I, trill I" -. -iharfiuameiit, if not rui.i, up i ucrt d and the currency. It y4 n 4 Irne oarMlfviMMwratiain mm W . ml . z - .. Irtatoc, all kUatu, JjBb Sloop. J P Wimrnaa, 0b H iK K.-o.u-Atwffl-Dr NrU.kn.WD AtwcH J V kl.-l.raB. David Omr--, (TH PUalo, David Krnl.ii. Ji. -oh B-aum. Ilatkey ' -Darnel Kiktltn.il. h K lliilhp., ai.iI a .lira (AIM insinuate at naftira , Dr. kl A J IUl ii-J a seams of .our interval and till-1 G Milt -Dr. R J Shin,!.. Ail .. ,i. . .1.. s,Jl; ...... ....... K Mturey, Jam- tiill in-.. w VIM ivnir him r "ill ."mi . . rt .i ,i i .. . . ..Iff.-.., 1 :rels.r, ,tf rl.. Mo"iwi a -Omen Morgan N.ll.an More.,,, lr , " ' , P Ualvui tired, " dry Mean, M. orgc name, yw MMbu) tporel the aiuL Ju,.r 8l,,--rury liairingrr, Kdward a T t th 4c.Aittct Wlii NiauLo-d fur.. Xuahjarrlrr. T..r.i.. Kestlrr i.i r. rithtamx. 4 liitkr' Q kl IUmJu di, Jacob Tn-rtrr, II. Pwi.i, I). J. li rjhelton, Pr. W. B Maarca. llenuonr pre- .ihd ttoaaahiiat the neetWi;, I he ( "'' arc in eahici (hi morion ibc nmcrcdinn were orator- SAI.lHIll ItV, N. C , MA It OH 13. H8 ed to be forwardial I B Daily Sruhmti and CMaf A t) Stale with a rrqami to pub- komihjs, aa fcayWbaal Vigour. (VhA. la Wi tba v heart of ibe d to arrive alfiwbir in hew day, end lirafum that ba abtff iWnr a dir. On motion th meeting adjourned tint I'n'dnmoBlBon' rnn thn linjj. grn r ,' W. CaUrman, ajB4Joid MiUo, 1. N. I!, ..m. J)Ht It) be brk-rat.rl .tale ntlr, Mr..llltM. & Uvltcruri. Juhn J,. I,.. .it I, ttlt lite tlnltlwtml Ailatu Ihown. i. scx-i'tsti ruatioa with w liiclt tin- cur Ci tia-iion the Chairman of tlx- m.-etihg was i in - in u alHritr it twwd, for lira ctttisiibjr- ! "t""1 t'H" W 1 ...... ... , tlx- Dii u i Cvu nlon . Tv, . , . . On in ' inn tta-p.ix-Tdmi.n arr.. n' n'oS-ml to c. v. 4mn, pai AN...Krtr H. hht,i irrmn . ,rt.nn, 4 Huat taa wit. aartua Juacaal af il NOKI'h COtti.lXA it a I. lit 'Alt To rorrvrl ii.uati i ln-uaauna niide bi HIUMi Of THE TIMR4. From alatoai wary jaartcr wa.hara iba mnl gratifviiig iutellicnaca. A grrat rrr ulu.iou ia hipidlr ta4bjf plarr ik ibc-awlod. ul tbobutiaal uiMira arbabari- 'jtx'o iuduct-d by fal-liood and mi.. n nt nliin la art vilb tbe radk-ill ..1rty Keri-loirtrr, and all tba indicallntir now arc tint b wbltrpni pic wilt vuta agaiaat ika new nrgro equal- lly L'otialitutii.n with a .I.-kut ol uitaniin ...... - . WO .I'M. hit ri. irnint" 1 r-i- ..-.I.-ITH in A MIIH-I ll.l.A 1. Ill t I ..-Iiiil llfl RUM IV L ' ' sVil Ha f . i XV . r W ArU" 'u'fm"" OMAW lUaai; V. n&f afutu l I.C 'fly eb ..rparalag anyt',,,- -f thr kind . . - ..I tlio North an.l XWnt.anJ the i-1 1 hi judgment of the wuiM at lar(o. I rVeat my nbligaliiMia dtr JiaiiMC . t -u ym hare been )leaart to cHil'ur, a ..I'aaaaiaa ibe duties imKMcd. Mute, aud other Obwia rralira pat-i n-qiMtett l.. nrj- 1 ba MKiHini tbrn ailiruorml. IIKNKY BAlIltlMGKn, ChmV r-iJMTT.tiff IrrllDia Salj bij.r. Maacn 7. 1HC&. P-.-.aat la Mariana aotta- a It'gr ami ra- l.M 1 ' C C. 4 ..mm Ur. A. J. Ma..x P. P. V- nr. Jl-Ct. UIHI' file only all. ralion m idrot lali' in, tlio 'I'u,,. a liiclLater I.. lint- oceSrrrd ia oar Malory. illing to accord to the rdlort-il all lln-ir li. in 1 i. V. of Cmimi Tali.- Uuwan at tbr Comt llowo' in S..1i- li .I. ..... -...I ....... i- . . I I. - I ... iw.v.a rem. ...vtiwi ..- .'.I. .i.i:.. ii. i j. ii mTZ iU X..r.b t:.... U.i.,1 aucb PP'- rrii. in Mini a they would make m l If tbeir rifb. raa to eeafer auna fiiirbla ai-re to n I ioliUoorn. If tlio.tncli iiolitiul nrivilerra aa "run b d.-ne CONSKRVATIVE MASS MKKTIXtrW rtve rritit o, TtvMy with tbe MfVtj and W.tf.rf Hle l-l 1IIU H UlNlillUII UIU IT I IUUM I L ... H I a . 1 . I . . I, IX DAVIDSON COUKTY. t.-.l k.,.-of., , U4b race., bit! lo raU. ihria lo a ihhikioo At a meetin, of the C.nrativea af L 1 Ser Datal yrwdie ttalrigl, Mi? I11.". !" J1? Ui"- Davidwn Cooiity, hrld in the Conrt- ."W" rrceirl;u aevemr e rni c7 r -r.,. w uuuaauu wiaii imm iuj .-.in. v.imia reui 10 go, no uearui wnuir ncigooor Uoad boaiiur. It that Win. l he . i.r ,K, v .r .1. ,Jn,,!.. it.. pironl year, ihould aianuul to that oiitu, , , - ; . . . j i i . , .. ,, ..I eal plalforai and ranxiiic ini-niaetrrl uu.lor jiiiiilC by UoMnbom, it would add thirty- 9 one ibnutuntt dollar, to the reet lita of ,-' !- Il la aa tbe North Carolhia, and foity-aeveu tlanitu- ly neeeaaary for them to be enlightrnrd and dolUrr to ibe Wilaiiii(rtnu and WVI- iM 0 the real condiiiou of Tbiaf to eaaae .K-iiua tV baaatl atbai itaia wrtbowt tbvtr aaaaaat - a paupL la aVtW ia fVn.iiiatloa wbtth bnm the eJaiaa. of f vara abU to flatu key aiuuJ up manfully, 21 a paapi er teaae! aati.l.ilary la tba CamrallrO, awd wBl On a-wkm .4 Vnur. E Sl-ofce,. . Moaac in Lrtinrttm. on ftmrriitr. March l bo"' ' ' iirjrane-J by ti e .(.- 7lli. IMW, . . afl . , . BB dU a .a . t I a V U ... JO I i kl I . . ..." mar woa. a. , i 1 1 1 n, mwm r. r. aireunr-j a. p,,,,,,, frr.nteflt, Alex. Uonrad, Kai) , Nv.-i.r- Viav j,.. aiui Aodraw Sechriat and uuurnaa.ap.ia narwaj nit arwi, j jj,b I,. l.vor, Kaqra., were n-qiuat.-d ... Vlr fflulwlA II. . i.l . . I ..I ll.i . - . I . ,T7 LvTVi ii " . i to act k fvn tan. ia-i ' He J., tW aa- K. V- I'.hi..; Kao bring emlled for, -y tproirad la the uottlhg rVciiun Ui 4 pl,nrd the abject of the meeting to be i t-i - tr inaaaer, aad ojectareJ ilwt they r.-1 mi orgauiae a ioiucrri.inc any. ne ' 'ua He aU eoaaiJaralioaa af oartr. iMd- ' ohowed tbe ncccaeitY of ao doinr, in or- a tba ladiiiJuaJ patnotwu ol e.ery jjrr to affect tin- eouajUlutinnal reatorutlou ' -V-Traiir rrery man wno ne-irea r Xorth fjaroliaa to tbe l obm and t u.j.taiB taa aerctidaBcy of the Uanramar. - ajr n ib Soatbern Bcaira, aad Iti priariee in it Slate tba gfaat priaoPe of hbert j repu U'ul by a Oaaaarraiira Coaatttaiidn htmM itowa u ua by our wtaraad patnonoam-eator. II. iirmd wKb BMCb dree that plan ol brirani caiimi lor ibe arrcral . eanrlm. adopted by the HaUi Coeatitatiuaal Goaaarealiro Ooareniioa. amU b earned oot aa a aaraat of ooceeea II. utterly danarded tbe idea that the people Veaa but free to act al they cbc-, and aaai i.ujg woror eobld brtal oa than Had atreatlr Aifaatt Ba luaa t Mtring appeal to it ' rtiim to arouae Ibemaefoei rnrtn tbetr let bar if. aod waa erery rrlean id tbetr power lo de al tbe rettneetnu) ol die radioat coo-Mtutt. w beiajT trained er a cneeention attoie ai Kairifb, wkbout tbe aulhej ny or sanetkai m i aa wboai the ooaatttation and tw thr jia beat -declared to ba "tlie people" of tb Mala. Al tba noadaiiaa of Mr. Sbaber't remark on uaodoa of W. M. aaubbwa. Km . a commit .4 . rnaiiHiaa af W.M. lUfabiaa. W. It Ibdey, MM SL Orabaea. Soutl Trott, W ' '..-rntaa aaa Dr. J. AJ Jnrwa, waa arpoinl I 'o draft raaatltioni rlpreaaire of tbe to ul WatveVwberatint-, Dr. to addree U ba did m bit ami latitat aad 1. . tree ayte. At tbe waJuaitia of Dr. Kaeoe. rwuvk the tbrooj, HaOmrmmt. W. M ftob IV e. tbejtaaitriore people of Rowan Coon ty. ia oat-Mo fire tome ezprewion of oar on eawaaamx the In be t lb united la tl rot era l N..nl. Caro tVhilaibe ' -I wen ' in do aoapl the loBowmr n-luiiut .'reateaa, t Ibat are cordially ar..r.rre thr I . form of pnmnpiei promultated by the Con iiatioe Stale Cao'eiitnai beld at lUk ijjiion . "-bdaraf Fab. 186ft AawAaa, X TW are bare witmt-d with V-i'airM fadakMOf aherbe and it..trtiati..n. tbe -ni aif mliq frlay of a w .ned t.iataiaal aaaiiaiiea, now at araauii at Ka ieigh, aaaatma to act ic Ibe name of rbe "- l V of jtortb Carolina, but realty tnrlmr witt, their aeat aacred nrbtt au! infer." in m Urt i laaai tba aaemltiiij iT iini party. tanfred, X That this ao-caRrd euaretiiiui '4 at dutr.ed the wrVJe ryatem of our rMgani'i l .ar. aaa) tubalitoted In it -teaI a nai-.tituiiof at war rilh, a9 onr ancient aad trme-boore , -eea, turtiira. to tba aaiuuia of anr peupie. anil i.i of aaaeooat mfmoaiy contrived to tx t t: Ibe rtrtwl ooa-r. ot our State Ouv.-n, .... nt to the "Inpn Race. jaaaVei, L Tbat ibe raraVelioo of tach f'or oWntaui atoaU briar a btiirbl ui.n tlw j. .i-pentj of ear Slate lor t.erw-iaii. .,. to earn. ' rt lweirt. tor n. iiaaVrf, &. That we will tire one nojte.! and entbuaaatic apport to the tkiet of th aa-ratitr party ie tbe entanng el.-ni.at a.et aril apart aa propry exertumt to iuaure it mfthei. C tbat tint meetioc apaoin. twatf abdeaaiet to the conreotuMi of th; umim tor uine a'i.: p'.-ice ay Ua- law bjajabar. diaiarialat aave thr Stale from the It nlie-ilV elntv aaarft rale and conreuoent rain. Their policy to rttabtiah negro rare and hence aearw social (quality m dearly vi.-ible. - Thie it the iaaue. Jft addrraaed himself next to the nexture present) adVlaing them that tbe routervaiivrt were really their brat friend.. the mtekmsitm of the Rad ical leaden to tbe contrary notwithstand ing. He dhmwned any intention aa tbe part ot tbe couaer ralirea, aa cbarged by olherr, to in.iiignr.it a conflict of race'. They .imply desired tbat the negro tbould occupy tucli places and lie adtuitted to such participation hi tbe govcninernt, at bar moral and intellectual fitness will jus ufy. I liis it tbe while nun gon rn- ment and its deattny rhnntd be rmitmlled by tbe race that fought in ratabtish.it in '76, and are every way infinitely more ca pable to labor for its peace and prosperity- The Cneai-rralirea of this eounty an folly able to rote down the Radical Cou etitatiou, toon to he sub mi tied to the peo ple, if thr- rue men oi tbe comity ill on ly appreciate the issue and pare at they pirate. A little more indepetidence of ac- , calmly bat firmly, will redound to oar boom ) aud a rrturuins; tense of right by the people of tbe whole ecuntrv, will eventually save the nation aud the Stat. of North Carolina will go back lo tbe Union npea just and honorable princi- Itenry alter, Sr., next addressed th mef-tinir. chargins that the pntent Chi- Xress, ba hix all tbe power lo restore lie Luton, wat restio isible for tbe present distracted- disorganised eoudhiou of tin country -.and, if there are disloyal.!, or revolntioi.tsta ibe Hulical mewla-rt i.i this 1'ongresr, leeialaling outside the eon etttuti-.n, are tbe teadera. M. H. rimiix, haq., also addreated MM meeting. His interest and rympaib were lib the white race, as was that ol e.rrrr ather rood white cit--n. " He urged that we sltouid adh. re to urinciplu at all baxjrds; and denounced the ladicy men in this crisis, a anreli -hie ai.il dawey-rous. He had taken an oath to support HMt t'ou ttitutlou of the t nited .Mates, and, re garding I'ic rrcotietiiieti.iu acts as Huron siitutiooal, conkl not support thcta with oot vioLtiiiig hit oath. J. U. HelUtrn, Lsq., raid lias isde. witb Inn), was to eland by the' Cmeiiiu- hw of the United St-ites, or gn wtlb ibo.e ndcavoiinf lo effect its overthrow. Mr. Robbiut read the following resoln- lioaa which were unanimously adopted t Jftajoattf 1st, Thai we Mm .-,id.r nd r-itilr the irrat-cedincs of tin- la'e I'eie rv.it i vi- Conveiitiou held :it !l il. i ;li. on jih ribr. tuft, ami earuaairr cm- Driaaatet, a rn Dwenct. i . trttoa o Is :.aarpia s wturiax i matimnrejaa fpr Cdwim, and also of aptsnotm two with two Alternate, to rers-s-Ti ,-ja iht Naaiwial Dwno i ala. Oa iba brld ia Sea Turk Cur m ti 4mMf of July isa. Rmmmtd, 1, Tbat tfc'i mertin anp-i'tit I ii i all dub"1"' " ft Cjonv.-ntum uf ihr fate p aad Jodanai Dal. art of winch K .w-.ii conn t bjnat iprt, Ibe time and place of hoblioi: wbtab are to be breraAer deiyrutwl tor lbs of atodtnx a l onsmanre eaod date . ijbdaiin' ii teat iaaMai Dw"et. 8. Ttntf we aupn.r.- w ram pro f Uie WaUn-raIt e Juntr w litat w- wdl iir.at-rd W laUry U can at eoor by appmmm? Ur VM-s-a rr eaaeaatrra for ibr DUhma th. aad tbat we aa i,eilr reuomm.-ti I u. i lour-ai.itr waai vative do' At aa naadaM af tb. limea ii whaty! wiUasul intarea, eapeoiaRy at il rriataa la Mr. Barar' awn partooal ,-onvictiea of the baaeat .......... l..r ..I tlu. 4.MIII...II. ,h Uia w.r WMa tba areaa aba. to aehi , tbe w bile aeeale af Ibe (Male, a la aaa J . a -i I -a. ..r .1 1.1. .L. ..J par we tpecwi a.wiwi at w aftbe Badstal aarty. oretwiiM-, and threw down I uetr anas, taetr I , " r MwawAaa ... . aJbaVaai m. aaaraU aad tana. ' ": ' "rrr . . ? .. . . - - - - . - - r j esxltfjta tsar atenae ataaa ...... . i ns iaie Ur. Bttk believed tbat ibafr aurrtader tl L .aawst tatt ik Caatniare will Make hone, and be bad can Irooa m iba iwegriiy a ..paint writ! at will ba entirely .. i i r a .1 - It- l 1. I . . . . . tll'l II. Ml-il in oull-lll .iw-.!. or nm eating the Mnrvrily af iba Sooth agi.im lb asnersl.mt of Northern radiwli when Ibe bet alluded I ) above Wat made; attil no Stmll.ern atdapiinity can, therefore, laslraln a at ii --p-vi lor llim aih' ianat alon With Ka-eui-bleid ot o ir ualidnaUiy. Separata that em- Ukiukuui Iba luatlH aO uf Uw pailx 0 in power, and awooiiila it alone with tb coho try's past batury of thiry aasug nation and It s and beniAwMrt adt. at home, aad there ia neither men nor wemaa hi the rtmb who Will not beer, ami llnU right lamhy, both Setf-ant Bitdt add hi. rljr. ww-waa. .a. ne ear t,r h tWtu lo 1 !,. Jtlat tbtfll tjfja be bagugbl to the ide-aaV-a aaaf gradlaii absorb- h to. Laaaa. ml tba mUjaW ato tbe Meelbnt .1 fa. adkan. Cl.tllllMtil, .mkah b al-' -r er-o. kta. utdlae btbwaxray mt km. toweled to baJanjed apao ike wkfce pe onfyn.i rraiKAIng. kiff4kiy aad Mbot . . ll.u-neH wHh roe a Iwliail MHajm UU evening. We rtov riten, I tratt w bate all rite, ahav aMN aarty avtoett Into . mk aitf0', don Ridtd. If dirided arcordinx to the State's interest' it would give forty thnut- and doll.lt- to the Male, ol w hich seven I Hat lire victory I at baud, U lo be no aarty victory, bat a triumph achieved by eameet . UaM)ervatir. uwti at all part lea, aaajaf taa in a tftrWt mruMto to refltaa iba turn froaj tba baadi of tba CM lauirra, N. C, Mnreb t, 1SSS. ; Ct Jaaltrr, .', Setrttmry Gomrtv tux Exix-tu t OmMifke, Aareial, If. Cl Mm Dmr Mr t Year letter informing me af my aaauimout nomiuatiau for tba . waa greeted lain TV i i- -f 41 L " "- by aaaaJaacbj a . .. t... a .1. r aa ' thi fai cnt.ru loMMHirr ot im i uhk h dtni' imiIv. wm not roei'lvcd 9MH twd fm, wfeb .li I MM new ahaltnr- ihem to abaadoa ibe hypocritical leaders who are endcaroring to lure tbcm oa lo ii-en tlmiitaud dnllara Would b,4u, to; destruction aud go with the decent mm the trhool fund all of which mild hi- ol Ihe rountry-lbe true tiiemis of the Con lott la the people if the hiisinraa Went by tilmikm and the Union. X fine Celd it Ihe Raleigh aad fjajloa IfaMUaWfc aax jum, aad tba re pose llwy pav tbe Xorth Carolina Road r , . , , , ' , the -awe at if 'be frejx hit went to Oolda-1 " rWtlo wM w wM i boro1 - cveu iheu tcveulreii thousand dol- been improved by them. Xltn v af them lara would betaken from the trhool fund and given to tbe atockholdert of a private corporation tbat has p-ceived more favora than any other in tbe Stole. I be Stockholders ol tbe North Caro lina Railroad, at lln-ir Ltat annual meet ing, took a wiae and just view af tbetub- jeei, aud ordered tint fn-ighia by GohJt- boro . Altboach th distance is greater. We are infortued that in con.-. in iue of tbe eaay grade and curves irai.spnrta ihm can be done at lee coal aud ia equal time. The shipper para the same either war. .. The Ral. igh and Gaston Company are clamoring for mil lint business, although it could only ba given to litem at a pub lic lea. Tbey any tin y paid for half of tbe stock in North Carolina State bonds, and arc consequently entitled to stand on the same fis.it ox at the school fuud or Liiik-r Mate tuveatmeat. t us si- what the facta are, : Wheth er the Statu subscribed lo the original eiuet ruction of tfacrnad are dn not know, bat Ihe LsfUlvture of 193S-'30 let th. in ill i have five hundred tlHiusaud dollars, se- cun-d bv mortgage i afterwards lb Suite let tbera have ihn-c hnndred t'housand dollars additional 'he SlockbiJdi-rt giv iug their individual bead of iudeiunity in the turn oi fire hundred iboutantl dollars, to save ibe Suie. . Tbe read laded to roeei both, and wju told to 'pay the prin cipal and interest, amnuir.iiig from nine hutidri-d iboasaud to one million dollar. Tbe Stale beaMiuc the purchaacr, audpn posed to reorgaiiixe the road a capital of uighl buudred llwiusand dollars, which waa the principal paid, with ill. In.-.- ol several year interest. The Lagiahltnre proposer! to give the Stockholder one hall if they would advance tour hundred ihflHsaiid noiUr, aluch wu about the amount tln-y -l, and give tin in a ro of th- tr obligation, that is, to such at would make up the tutu oWed, tin v wout.t lie then the fuU value in are already engaged in their arduous taak, and as we learn, witb the greatest turcrta Wc hope thoe who are not already ca gaged will enter ibe Said al on tbe work with all deawa a greater honor i ban la lead ihrta, fmn . . r .. a i T! '-15 itof fof arsatofctu alb fTaialll r and I ..Hi y ..-arc in cat brat, and uir ev-y aaa wlaetx-c ro be tnaanbri d a almr m tonoetorth. .al ha II a-ttaf, be at oaur at a member of tia- tb proi esrtinx of this ia oar 'own pstari, witb Uw euaaarra a lauaea Ibatlhey becopaadby live aapart at tar erete OatwatoM eTW. M. Rohrao. rWunbry th. St at mat, war deXUalcd aathr day tor U-A4 -in lb Coaarr Obavaaima to aaauaaie cad- ..'t. tor II- Tta futtowng LaatV msn were apraantrd Vr fib rraaMiaC iCohjitoftea. tor ibe por raal-to- CVibs to than rra to oayaamax t aiin nl ft di-cfarattoii of nriortfjf. s and plan nf nrgtulaiiuia tb tiepwipE! of county. s i llemirti d, J bat u order to carry out bat Man we recorouiend Ihe appoiulment '.f three psrtont in each Captain's district to act at an Exceative Cnmmitteet wfc.au daty shall he to superintend aH matter of otgaiiixatinu iu the com ty, and In tee bat every contervalire in thi-irresuective districts tegiaterv, who hat not done to aad entiiled, aud to induce all to turn out and v .ie. l'AR'l'l X.AX ISM, The ttrencth of old party fWlinra is truly turprising. We fnijneutly hear men complaining oa tb one band tbat "the Conservative party" ia nothing but the aid DwnoTTtlh. party rc-nrganfaed, aud on the other tbat il i ihe old Whig party revived. The fact tbat we hear tbee enm plelut from meaibera of both the old par- tie thowa tbe strength af ihe old prcjudi era. Bat tbe fact it that both are mistake u. 'Ibe cnneei vattve organisation i not a par ty at all ha the usual acceptation of lb term ll it bat a temporary cmrtMm af both the old parties a Union of the Conservative men of all partb- to tare the State from the degradation of radical misrule aad op- pr-ssion. The present issues are of a crave ani momentous character and rise high above all consideration of a party ebaractor. Tbey aapeadjwthjok. quetit and patriotic language of Mr. Sho her, in hi speech hi the Conservative ( iN'SKItVA l'IVKs IALI.YTXO. Iu every qaartor af the Stole we are that lb Ciiaairratfvea am movlag . Mam matt lag art bring befci every whrr and lb ut muat rntbutUsm prevail.. Tbe abisat aad bawl men of tlte Slate am engaged ia eau vaaaiug aad the epla win be thunaighly ruliglilsiird bet woe thb aad the day of etoo tioa. AH th indieationa am that at the aXt election the entire rote will k polled, aad if il b the eoeaervallret will triumph Our limit vd timer will ant permit aa to pub lish tb proceeding af ail th Coatervallvt 1 uamiuatiuii. meHiugt which are brine brad Inrouxhotit ' 1 trust, I th.- Stair aa we wnobt with to da, bat w Cnmmilto wB promptly will publish all of tb. bald ht tbe auraitoj ' r i... .Mr k. a ' ' '- " r - w 'an la ii ii and as many more at wr ma. Ho a my ' 1 . . ... ' heart m onr Irieuda tend tlirm la. I mine Ira ' With all it. iu forai to Iba btiwead i ed, but, let na be tbaukful, net yet i lr dWttnyed. The ci-Prcaideut, on i with another aad jrt -m'ai CaattVaVrnV. 4Mma .oitff, 4mV mmjiy VtVlfm) 4kC .-ueoaragemani irom nnsoii n. JBeashaJI. yre- Ko , rbalrman of tbe Btato fnmmimu lb urn on ycaterday (mat Clevelaad court, uniting adjoaran-d. I autwer al lb earliest possible moiacn:. : . mj, , I am eonftd. at tbat no higher erur.pl i-1 7Aa A ' IsCtV oa Hdrnvatum. meni ba beet or weM eea be pihl am. There was aa attar hteat raaaft of Fridar I ban l hit rrqnest, aa aaaaiamaely made, priwrtn. ,a ihat anbde. TW amjiimj ,. for me to bear the banner of the free while tba correct Trrnwnf Wba lb fuauwing at. ..... ..( ... ...ii.. Siaia to iki. mat and lain wae imwadi rvi.nifut air tier la (ir the lixbta and Bbr- i WaU"d -i . .a ..... I .:. 1 ..-I t.iai.iwara.1 In wm n oar ne. r......ii . - . , . meal aim lor vnra. laa c.rnma.m- '-w-JtW sJrknA, daltojt mwmrbjd I eea. a ether late lima men-, a i '';,-.- uf tia 4Sl ami ehraaaa ffffi Iota term of Be Ina ibaa WXtom ( Ui) byaamaouVl m ftWutommuJ LafaamaaatVwltt Ll - - -w vrrawrwl 9mmwpwmmmmw am WmfrQ arumt thai every rtoU ol mJ. aad pbytoad lamaj dill at Jfcbmdt darmg mwpwicd bt- w briber the pathway fcwrarauWiy tbould . aamrba, mdaw tbay am point to a speedy and happy trtamph, or, ef means. in tbe good provideurt oi Ood.eUll forth-! tlr. Orabam, af Ommps aamal to anmtvl. m lata tba valhrr mi ba.ihalton aud taf , ,""' " "i, J.". melHhd,ti bTeimpr - -cmtiJrratioB. relaatantly to eVfJtt . , O aham rnlermd tm il with : bit muml t.Wy. arsl akl ihm h wm aaW I , that iba Eiecullve m p,-ri,, t airs-m-y. fU yarn aad aaa. a mpllv artoct another af rvAurd toa, anj bit IBimd Ul arm MM.) TH CONVKNTlONt Thi body ttill erect oa I'erhapa tbe ciplaua foaud iu the foci that ha member y very worthy teat af North Car- Weel iMfof mToamMMV BOobolml Iwtff , mid I aromim him my mmt nfmtmikim. UtlW ."a ! Thm ehart raaort of what a lb teat for am Camay a it ua ana ipur th ana lav l., thi. lavr evidtaari which ami,. tm, aarpamaf the mr tfosaifs to be arm every where.of a grrat uprising rrwt il- wbb emTshrawf mwMuto af aa- .aaxuuy i pruanimie iae .wiw woman ran siucTaaifr de- to .to ol a aoall't ! m oar people, to tarely badirativa of p- fhm may be ! "g vkrtorr, rgtog every . - to bit dmr, aa I ahall taduaror I ine, and thanking both iCammilme aad yoarartf, a The great m.joriiy of them am high baaar done am aa for lb meeting at the Court-Uouae of Satuurdy last, to the in dividual patriolttia of every raau who hat tin good of the Slats) and the preservation of t'otislitiitioiial liberty at heart. The platform laid down is not a partg platform, hut platform which presents the issue of the boar issUCt which alT. 1 1 no party hut the rutin at jar ty, but which effect the 'dear- t iuti rests of every good eitlaen end t ri-ry decent while man. We fntst and Mievc that the voted themsetvo SS per day during trmhin making more money than they ever in their live nr are ever likely to make again Think of this, ye poor men who am to be taxed lo pay them, la this the kind ntrtttltf w hich yea r. pected from that body when you elected it f Am the arrvtcec of there men Worth more ibaa the service af ibe grrat art who composed tbe Convention of IS3J, aad who were content with 9! ,90 per day T Are tbe service! of K 11. 'league worth more than ihe service of Emanuel Sbeher those of Spencn Mellikia and laaaa Kinney w.u-th wmre than thoee af Juba l. liar. Imve Ibe mi imsTma IMrw ojafmm. tO do Eiecullvr welt for the ka which a knowledre of k waa conveyed to of Diwe ate, I am, mj oral w. mwm ttmmj l'i"'ri .faniti uw i. v i v.- r ZEBlLOX ll. VANCE. Vmr m rateaama af (MXmHk MEMOKIAM. faermaseanmm at aa iisrbh aaa, w am maatraf m am rum, Dih. withal af hh) tor- ("'rU hama (lBlwlT"eJf, taVgdT kvvWil MaotMamtmVoiS MTPUHa to m roach' a "Mil,, rruuk." aad m d lo make maffansOsWU haiaBaartatwm.be ,torlmi mtm Excoraaux Hum MiimCTiHra. nm-t b an. l.j.l. -i i i frien.1. and iu In euonlr. A " " . - - TT? " been riiinem-hrU fium tn.a a. (J mix turn tbi week our rnead, Mr. a B. Aux(T B..aoia. ooam Mc&.vrrgabatlmti Hrooka. of Kurarlhe. who U here for tbe wu eaWwgmm! ilhma rfi f , j , ; - .ba tkni. anw b k"'rU mi obaJWih day .4 purpoae of introducing th tltne, now bo- .. A.- Ma ht paw Ibr toil big manufactured by Mr-ttre. E. A. ao-i lo that brujh'er aad better work!' i.. ler ak Co . of Salem. He exhthitrd I I "l of lb Imbb-a mauua and roanm th pe al tcver.1 specimen, of their work 'nib kJT. we do not betolula to proa ana at equal hi Get. Bmmm wa h.w la tbi ever rrrneet to aar we bare ever twaa.!1' 4 , m stock iu a mad with a e i:,iut stock of , ahoattwoiitb of it mst. Those who 'here it yet patrfotiam enough left in had h; 'money er.- Unable, to g'-t aay ol i.u. i Ui v iride partisan prejndire ami bio rich present. Finding tin- capital , conirr. God forbid that the loo small lo represent the profit, they , . , , ,i .. i: . . " nay mean rr.-r come anw pan I aaaos 'v. ilia .1,.,-L if .. ,r Mi'M.nr i J ' 1 r r" s serve US, and call -U ilie elglit tboii-aoo : res shall be o lnng and party tinea he follan one uilliou two l.u.wlriil thousand j o tightly drawn that nit good men may ilollars, istuing fifty per cent, of slock to j IHit be able unite Iu the Slurk'oldei . I be I. XI Btiire, ttlitT Ilie wr, uaa1 i bill ostensibly applying to nil tln-r vul- ii h the exception nt iimt Wei. Ion. ...and I he I ave the coui.tty ! a common Cod Im bid effort to tbat the day should ever enine when tlio spirit of Manchester! to exchange Slate houd for ratlruaat tmcks, brrt in praeriee it only a p pin-.! :o tin.- Kaletgb aneTiiattou Koad, that waa out of debt, and- ready to make admidrruL The swapping bjp ereau-d great deal of diasalistaclion ot the 1 1 me. and waa eonn repealed It wna consider ed quite a privilege lo givn Stale hands, On which the payment of tie- interest had been suspended, for a fork that was about to pay a dividend aad tbat would bear further "waterius" by a stock divi Tbe cane ttanda thus: These rock bold the Wiimiuxtmi l,n!,v Hl am'u "vn ",e 'P'" P Wilmington and i triotiam ! Wfo-nerer tbat day comet the Mtmiirtd M, That it ia tbe imperativeWers owed the Stat.-; tbey were released duty of every good eitiseri, who ha not rrgiatered, to do o when an opportunhy un ol our hi., i ti-n w ill et forever. In thi coniM-ciion we write thv atten tion of our readers lo the eloquent re marks of E x - President Pfcree, at a receot meetin; in Concord, X. II. They breathe the right spirit tin' spit it of a pure and lofty patriotism such aa alone can tare tb .'oust it ii I ion and liberties af the coun try now tottering to their overthrow. THfc NORTH WESTERN BAIL BOAD. We spent mnt af the day on Tuesday at S di in. and we foaud oar friend tin re tiont which it is their power lo bestow jubilant over the passage, by tb Conven tion, of a charier for a rail road bearing the above name, to tlurt at tome point on tbe X. C Road between (ireensboro and hexlngtoa, and ran by way of Salem lo and allowed to crime hi and take ihe lake the (lock '. about One-half of Ha value. offer.: lo arouse from the indifference in- as ubeqm-i t event hare shown: then to which he has fallen, go to tbe potts an they were allowed to buy the State's ia election day and vote against the 1 h-s true- tore, wln-n ihy wry ready, to pay divi livr Radical policy bow bring inaugura-1 dend,aud pay hi aaapmaled bomls, which tod ia our good old State and thus save, warn worth ah. sat three hundred and sil lier from bamiliauon and ruin. tv thoi.sand dollars, being the amount the , Tbe following retolutwaa were in trod u- j Mate n inyw ner raav rntay in , Vjm. Tba Cnavention omlby M. . IWx. Esq., and adopted: m "n" 9 "TV? .fcrn made aa appropriation of $10 000 per itv ihi-v unlit un iiiiriinrull.ir Hints re. "" " pi"i"i.s"."i rir vw fn i - : rr r w I . a. . u jai ataaea in such a manner a actaully nn- n"le "r xne nrsi iwenry mne or isrrom. a part oX ikt erltool , fond iireome We think tbe StoPt ought to haibaiiu for n sowrra to bagja, al aa early day, uma iu mbcaUaaoed- We say il hi a bead pa- urge the tating of pub- gravc and John Hogan by M per day fj f. grmiled to learn that Mr. Brook. 1 jrTr-h-. -I . a m n M a r is at I . . . . ... , ... . . r - .ire uio.c oi Alien oc ana ir. iiooos ,g meeting: witb success- Men who, like with .toMP. t worth that much more ihan were the w. ! a. i i. .... a :. . i.:j of ffiuul aisl I , , m nt aic nroca...iii: " ihish ni . . . , . vice, of Chna. Kisher and .lohn Gilo I ' fcoate manufarlure so as to render u aa ! aj,. come Are men's .crvicet to be valm-d aceurdiug (d.-,uient nmni. - ' " - and il .rd i. to i heir competency, or mcompnteney, t 'men tbn balaao af trad ia aa favor aa discharge tbe grave dutiet with which m i0 enable u lo reeum-rato our folrea limy are charged F These are question formes, should be tiwtained by for the crmasdrraibm of ibr people iu ibtir wb baa the fatei.. of om praajd present tmpoverialird condition. ;,t tomrt. A to the ifoingt ef the body ittelf there t cent to be he Improvement. Erryy j A Amuctr t rox tNM CM. Oa aineadmet offereil by the conservative with . Monday night, just after tb t ruin lor the a viewol preventing tlw social eiiualily of esl bad ped McLeansrilb-. on Ibe N. ihe rset-s is promptly voti-d down. Evrry C. Railroad, some person threw a large rraahrd hi I hi 0 mam mil t. u 6ur to add amahcr p. At ihe tune bl -abb. ami bid ur""aWwfy rf,W MR as-tiead to ww wmftiaf bb) baitbj iu Ihe ruatrai (tr a thing ini,i be conceded to tbe negro here 'etaae, weighing mvvral pouoda, at tbe ha rry thing it rtc- j die, ear, which entered oau af tbe small for party purpose while everything uied to him al the North by tbe same par ty for tbe same purpose. Tba Constitu tion will he completed soon, when we will Ukc occasion lo analyse ll and ht our readrr know exactly what it is. GOV. VAKCE'8 I.K I TER. Gov. Vance hat written a letter lo the i:,,.. ,;a, Kwriiiiii Committee de clining tb nomination for Governor ra cent I v tendered -hiw. We give below tba letter prefaced by the fjebtimtTi remarks, which express the forliiig of the great body of ibe Coemervalivc of the State lint Cou rtier Vance's retiremeat will' not be prrmaneut. No man in tbe Slate hi mom universal favorite and be ran not al trays resist the appeal tbat will he made 10 him by tbe people, of Xortb Carolina to serve them in tb highest oflkeial po.i- windows near the top, striking against ihe sidu so as to imtn-de it progress when It Ml down up m th floor at our eel, oar friend, Mr. T. af. Sunnier, rerciving a showrr of broken glass. W do nut know he. In r tbe thrower of the stone, Ihm Qiiixntt like, intended lo "fight the Rail road,'' aw Wmxther he had an intuitive bn- pression thai an editor wa on board who oinsht In he "taken nt" for ik. 1 ,l ... at at .&J Srw York. Mar. 10 -Oafton IrW f" ' ' " "'la sbarW brwrr; ibaiug a.do. a c whuhlM threw rameqalto as aear In Ms tarrrpoul adraam omVsal 2, is.! bwert. bat aba! or urt ilaurh i his sworit 'TV Oeorral ba wpwmaltd ttira oaaufy a crest many luuea in both Ifoaaa rd th an fo-datam, and I can vrry iruttu dly addtbst Iu man; hull and noU. aiUrbtoM Of .bm-i.-r a a In i-ii.i. genlbanan, cfcmm and aa on. kepi baa btrh share ben, aad pifui l fiith. so una h a; ihm hs was hivaut by Iu -.Muml mrrwartoj, Hi r-ear waa mil ir ' nHO Nt . ehartiy , SJM . to. hp mtf aB' kar .rr litoad aatataat airmaal irur, U'tih ua n cluor. haver, orrr his history on boat on ba jnan nimn, Ul ntto iba past sprain. 'Mosul ib raasumed awl birat.ua the radiant alioie, Win. w thr mm, worthy It glory at nhareT His wurk aM nVurumTr' aud Ood'. ffngrra Orm ol Loxr iu th oowu b (orevsr win wear. moroaj w5fljr . f omafluojnn 4nwa f- ntMjrs That i brat to our bearts, he bmeoly fun i T. 'bV iMfjkt. F- b. J IMS, ' a aw wa dettreri, mm a wa bod htm in our power w would hand him over til tbe tender mercies of the "rtf" (nor devil we mean,) who would knock him "in," i brow him into "MT' and send Mm off to tbe foundry la be east orm again. T-5t Mrmdmnt ii !; v. a,.t - - mi. row. no ail ,nese acta JStsmVaf 1st, That the Chairman ap- nutut ffVe naraaaa to ret-reaeut Itaridaon t - -. -r- -ar -wn-j-'a" "mMMrsi ' r x mm coaaty m am jaoietai tiacnct tmoren ttoa, lo be called for tba parpoae of nomi- . us . a mm . z.i . .i . natiug a caoomatc ior rjoimtwr mr o.u , .ia... Jadwiul District. - Ly . I.,. ,i. yicanw m, t imi iae . ..airman ap- KticUl ,b,t wi J.As ft Hernb-raan. P P M.na I 'Wm Urn '-th, fh-. a A. Mi urn mun, (hrm, Siieanm P Jflsrt. li C. Umy Brown a-MafC MhVr, Ikato MuaTataa fubn M Cres Kk Saoa - ftowaa' Bn-V i T htarln. Bhibd Cut hurra iu. W It ff.sry. Jem for TWti-ni Tl f f It-'Tl'' ; A Bawko - t ' Ito-waa Mt Ph fw tj ri ami Valhh r gJumntOria lima i-unu t name "uW JBnmjsnoss-riv - X&K&QfMX t .. Jtgstyoaasaamtfl gtiamMnnaai.a ftsi atslafffh Ji lli at ff J aTuT aaatx asm at laa nt . ..uoir in the f 'run Miiaunl Diaukl4toa-i . . .. . . . vt ' : ' . . lae ooiy raiment in tin? rtaie rnai owe to kwealloetor te wpsarer asm- j-bt-a condition of thins? broarht r... I-,,.... a. it. mim- . . . " tm day. TK wish aurfsisuda mush iVoy of their good mek. aad whan they get aMudliitlt tm C-agreesm the Ath . . . ..t.. ,h. to aaoolnt ' .ITi r'.T ?j7Lr ..' nsa.'rrarir TJ u- 7.5l District, aad Ibe Xatfooal Coder Ihe first rolulba lb aamointed the follow ing; TmmasF ARea, A lei F Smith, J, H Welkara, P. A, Ka-r-r, Dr. C. M ng mi, hasy aa a present, n e advnw our ut-igtrbara not to be too greedy tbey bare had their share. wnBflamsnT Caoanr BC0oHBnaL H- W. Boa m mail, W mm Met S-Hie Harrfi. brftmaf CbtmoTis emmtj, a dm suffia perma aow ko uag at Abihanm. mm saw hiairsl sod thtr- , . misi U MS. ia a asfirs imj r. - If. Bulgrtl, V. aa.'r tam-Stoi swabbed tbe old cannon, which had Mtlacotlr bcci been nmd for snore tine, aad we left midst the revmberaiiona af artillery, tbat remmdsd n nf other, bat scarcely of sad- will visil there with ibe The Stn.W eays! Th.- h i ti r of Gor. Vance to t he State Executive Committee, de. lining the nnm iuulion lor (i over nor, will lie found below, iu first auennnrement will tend a thrill id regret to tbe In-art of tbe Corwerra live tbruughout the Stair, ami wilt be hailed with rejoicing by tbe Badirals Bat tbetr Joy will b nf tb.irt duration. It a know, isersonallr, thm liov ana of hi SPEECH OF EX PRES. PIERCE. (Mralrhs. Is U Ha-M Part.) Concord, R.-H , March f. The lh-m-ncrat of tbi cii v mrbi a large meetfog this evening at Eagle Hall, which Wat -crowded ia every part. Senator Uaalk tie, on entering the hall, waa received with a perfeel valinn, and on being introduced as tbe Mrrmtrr ef 'he Caaatktntfoa. b proceeded In a spi i ih of amsttorly power to make good the title so aptly givva him by the gallant tjene al Uiuahli. r, XtCmf AjvmnsKMAy 3K. NEW ERA IB ABB All rharfes Rcdacfd, W. T. BASON, Dti QCLD mr-mfolf mmw kmrwra that bt iLfcaWW - S -urged dmner-. Al tbe ,nn riutiau f Mr. Dmdh- fcssmV. waarro I ni nrstly begged that bethouhi not be urged for any pnsiiiou on tin- ticket. Having th. tpreeb loud call were made far settled bimselt for the prosceuiiou nf bht I Prraident Ilcree. who profosaion, be has been animus, both from tba audiauest. Tb rail aud inclinalioii, to svouj all , oas. and in answer thereto Giweral PW-rer or jnatemeam Bt offto. to pped rberptonter-. iieeamity lemjsta-tfcns energy, to pro ride for the future. Otbrr mttimm it wa An Mt Meaner, ihere walk th. VTTT SiTOnW DeTna reotont influenced OU North State, which, we'stpwmre, tbey fWp- ftffi f,b""rD bT woald marcely tolemll ta"mtoiir, .V. C.tkm Barm, wb- mads a bet WHh a party af haamto. aarry tb Mamsaal flag ling, for ihe moment, to tatuiffer aaylhinr pi Ibe wishes of hW friends, yet malum nlatlisn aad i..nnliation li d him lo lb dUW luatbl a, which tps ptapht of tba Stale will regret, 1st Um aeceatify for wbtch aoaa aeators to mack aa himself. turuaf mr mat o at cheer upon rheer flat) est im st mn to deaBnnstrali.ni., wCi rbs air. lbmdntmgaWbd Q;tJ mrmfommw I ,-V. of .reryduaa mw to b fVafrmk-v alter 20 odd yean active laakis. I 'to W rsdlimim-Caaaabtorortt . Wahthmy. Mareh 13. af wtf BataaatBoBUBBatBwaflBiaaatk i. aakla ak, Mfl af a, taaa M U. IBflVraBCP Anlll IH l-wssURUv. IKM aaftlBUlB. renifoamn is brld by bin femVw -mtmm.t. When mmaamtlra quiet waa nytorsd b spoke a fpttowt t "1 thang yuw, ladle ami xenlh turu,, heartily and the ebtef bW bAnMrg your gall is to exr-eaa mi thanii to the ; I lb noble Srnaior Irom Whtnila. wb j baa. from iba find, ia tltsaa dash vnara ofl Bomorcr. be feri that the pubt e rxtgmi mrriaralleW peril I lb Repaoli brave I, OB rilTICIIItl, JfO. f. CQWAM BUCK MOW, . df(vm. CB.iimu srmawily atiiaard to. 1 liimmLwVi' a V m.lr I .. . J ttij r f. : ' .U I v tv-Twai

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