Mam a ajBj -rrrrrr" mjIy, n. Z march 20, , tvou 11 N. u b Haifa a -1 . i.. a-.. - . r . a .t..- 11 ,i .i.. laarin.rmrti ri 1 .a.- m AhAC. A;.H,XHouoirniiTAfE. M tht lUanga III HOW 00MVEHTIONB ARK PACKED. , Tb fMft "RewiblkjM " CWtnlion l 1 UCKC'r liail, -uo p" Mnlurtton a long lurtof condidale. mr oi iKipMfMlrfii a. a, it In kakWl I M HUU tome couulie bad the tlreugth f twenty fo 7 ItfLT 0U HOKtH STATE , t,klf . On. . ! 1 nam a aaaa j j H w 1 wl 1 hiV II nil i bad but and la nmny eaee no repra V- --- Uuuo. V.nlh. ik. toW of r. J while olber. .v. fka ITnmM ; A1 AW mMumw rm- My n.nt Td hwory'. rC, 1 n-wil.K HAMSON-FIVE 1KH- 4 PERATE WOMEN VANQUISHED BY ONE. A MhAlgn pop h felte-tagi Kit. 0., of Detroit, had eontiuncd to . .a- ill. will oil brr ImmJo ocWk Lr. ...i odu dT Uu-lr two or lliree of tbrm wtrmbtod in hoote nror br, ... . mi of fir U 'lick' bar. Tba ibinK nt to bo to deUberately dona, and tbey bad all tbeir plana Uul to toa- wat o 00 wmimf-e Men wat in ttoro. Mrt by way of abowiaf bav tba body at roittlf iM, atm -r bar In aneb aotwty, at riiot Anton, I'd 10 tot wnarj AadUua Ha brt aTwaa" uh-aa'O'S. ' Mat of bar. tkWUb-rt-- lAtbr. AWia-Vr, a ttJ. 1 lrdallf Hwkc, HnHwWk, 1 Uridvak. CamUH-k, (artcrai, Oattarba, Aadalaaor I'd aM U? ,. ,L- k,. head I'd bo UPbatwbaa, Cbalbam, (few.., I 4 J f 3 Lntaoln, 4 4 1 . UcDovall, 4 Eaeon. 1 Martia, t I Maw Hanover, 4Nb. - 2 J 1 ft. wa tavltod Into tbr koata aboa atea lU id anon ttro ptwteat tbat okay wtakwar toaeabar apon torn, aaitara "b wbbjb tba aAbort wrm lolet-aled. Never dreaming of any bann, tn irtt out went. AI ino iron , - IM n a aiatlat ika "J5f Atuwkwai anrwibabaaaawlyWa. Cu-UrUud, Cmtot, lOabarrwa, Daplln, Ptrlawan, I'd eir.loaO,i" . a nkt. fd awawio ariH rht wana, aM, Vwrayuan, KrMbUn, My I My aya na TbtbaK Id. And UlkUr Mw M oWl, TW ttm I'd an. lal aant - 1 t m 1 nU.w, SOrancr, 8 lrfawH t Pan-lank, loebl(cbaa. AlHihajiX, 6 Rowan, tt RaaaW a raarji t Swrry, Tyrrll, tJalr-. . - wWhraaray Tk MakwaaMnld-nw 14 nnn nar-' waab And Naiaro ow pant want MyajnUM trot and Ut , To p. Je rb.-0r IM -TVe. Hartford, ll.rwwod Jaeknnn, tfwttwfWVa HamHt, Tanl Oft I L nlaw, I W-kr, 1 Wayne, j warrm, 1 TadRk.. Yajwy. -f 3 -- r 4 4 t I T9I 1 - f Mjiui a on jif m uwm mrniiw - Ufarf eord-woi atkk. Tbta wm . a. a m II r t. 1 Lot hnna thrown t Mr vun iun i p to knoek her down, bat Mr. . 0 . efbt it before it ttraek W. and aw , u tka hall mm ik fcHnkan Hera aba met tho other., armed Uh P" . .! the like. They thowed (-hi In a teeaad, evidently alraiJ of their temnert roormic and tbefr nerrrt girniR lha wuman by the hair, trW t-' K chok. her, .mother her, .pit oa her, and verythinr etc tbA Wtl lmK.nilnn eonlJ tbinV of. AkW only by the end- i -r Uab tba ennUred at the door, Mra. tt. fcjbi nor way, ahtabing at ack i tarn at they came !. ""d dot'0 them on the head so that .i. ..n l...ilr. for a full nnartcr ol l , . ' mareifnllv br tn wnur ana waa amii - . .. S,flW..rerrweTt- 0-awmrmd i w Luid in her moaio ana la J.. h throat and chok 'fl!K TRIAL Or UK. TYSU. VW trial of thU omtamt ailililarU tk. EpUevpal Chorah, far rloUthm of one d" the Cannontufth. ehnrek, harlag asaitad a tjoud deal of Intarett la ralbjloat elrtdaa, wa nnptud the WlowUf traet tht Ckardmm which airdaln. the aaae, aa give, tna Uar of the chorea govoriug it. Owr abaroh lav oa the mailer la no rnrr flly cWm in tenaa, ...e.... tad intonl udLttU. lb. -HU"f the earn ... ly, that aultat that- neanpapar Jodtjineol. b.r Imouted t an Inteutlonat of truth j.t .. .. .1.. nut thlnt tney ate v no riKiii - - -- -- - . 7 .? i. innntMl to ienuraaee of JhTlawf f.toattrlhat. them to an mlaatailtaalimof itt manning nno th.eom-.wowU b. totooDOto aa amo. ataaimtyon tb fart ( i.;,i. U atnvethtr inermtihlo. ThoftUaataUaunplrthki: fKo miniator Wkiimiun to thi t hurrli ehall o-temte. etlher toy mehina. reMW ptaTertorotberwUe,iatne pnrUh or wHhiu the par.hial erne of aaother ehjrymaw. an Uwanwhmieewleed PTtlith or one., or in bia abataoe, from ch.rca MTardaoaor VoaUymea TrmmmmH 'irWotdlX are defined hy Uw.or a-Mlml by dioeeaau '";"; HMithtn 4if Cniii-U - title H aanr mmjwwm III. of thin liift, or re not otbeerwttetet- thM. they .haffh lb. rr? JL ,m.Q beUfied by ika dvtl dlvknona of tba Kuto no follow. : , t .. ami h.ondnrMOi tbalt be the uinita na no- faeiby hur of any viUams Wr-- tbiu. iiieoriKJrateU Uon.ngn. euy it ..f tome divmloo tli.t.t inn la to i enU- mad by iba IxgiahUara between I A ren Humeri micw - - , , ... f (hc rjlf-tt- l tlie nreoeiiee of nnains oiac " r. . iw"" - . , A STORY rOR SWEARERS. ' a ft Mnw A rentlemen onre h ard a mrjonn k . ... a i .i. MMi h , I l. i iMiMw iia um RIM Univwrelty er iwnna uwnni aaraa r . aX boor white men of tba Slaw. I waa a aownrOiy tbmg w taSirlldr-at. tbap. nv, .ben b. d.r no. to d.i ry bi iTllxlIcn moulbt, rf they cannot he eda fa, Md be waa not afWd to nv i .1 u f.,.i.,,. Tin iiu ... ...... tit.... nr unirr eated otnerwiao , m "a . ,, " i , ,, m ij ,i ,o .hol. hi which negro ehil 1 ll rire yoa tew doUara, naWlhoarw- T 7"i,, .h. Convewtio. voting I ieBn ojf y0B knt ilie village cliuren- lirtrn (n . . i. r r down nil pro not itiona to uukii uwlincltowt ywtj twelve o'cloe to-nig"'i " ...1.- . IkalVfl nwllawrT nWiv ! Im tLaw auliwilfl. 7. Tlie article on the Militia It to cram ed that the lyT"ntm-e may nt whitee and bUeke in tbn regimenti-, and the hlaeka will haaa Imhio aa whitM to he of ficer, of the regimcnta. ft. No prohiWtiow will he foOKI in tka LewitUlara en- iOiirioun-Mi, ..... act a prohibition preventing w hi toe and black, trom intcrmamagc. a ti.-llv ander tbi. new iU. the nroDertr holder, and ton.rhm Uy b-k far the mereat tax Uw ever known, to carry oat the Kadl cal notion, of progrewt and for the promo tion t the negro. or the lim- lucli may have r It "t aurno uiviwon , ' t been reerolted by the W'hm SW, 1 thr iMlrlee and eonoont t the Standing C 1 tuiuw u rontitutina the noundartat of a ber, Wear, twelve Tl-l It . T. ft fkjrr. . te. arfov-.lvyTnee I waya awiaf . to or. K htorU e. Wake, I t'ravrti. Xew It. Ilavwhaaw, i Natihamwana, tirauvUh, Franklin, Jai' jtanvVbtf laMk wwW wawFPnwawa) 7 llwRfas, Abuwawce, ts lu 5 . f bat the Wroine caught ono of tlie nngre. bttween her teeth and grmind the Serb to thetKne. 1 hit "laid .A .he ran out very i I -A and I Be Amaaoo .1 .t.-.t'wre.tle with tbetc. Having X-1 a for. tba waa bound-not to another one, tick. There were with Com par- Conatitn of ew the tame oatht tbat yoa when yon are alone Willi our troo. "Agreed," tald the atan "tie an eaay way ol earning ten dollart." Wall, aaawt taaw !-wt-.-, f and goodly of lha whim man of Orange, at owe of the I rnrkeMMtkati town. IM wat mure eflkient government of the rebel .tea, paated M.rrh , 1 867, and to -ttte rcatoratiou " ahall be dccfdod by a bad mittee a cuntituting h ''jr j- "" -U theea be hut one ehoreh or concret; . hu. limit. ,,f aueh vilhhfo. town. towatbip, borough, city, or aneb eUviai.n f , t city or town aa herein provided, the Mine thatl be deemed tho paroehUl reof the mmitter having charge thereof. If therr 1 two or moreeongregat'iout or ehorrfiee there ia. it thatl be deemed the care of the inltin ten. thereof! mid the atrwnt f a mtjority of toah miaiatemahali be neeeatorv. l. f aha Canon, of the l'roteetoat Eaaaaafan v.. on until the IWO nve at nrM.r-rr cimrrn w r - Uhe. at ber tMe. THE NEW RECONSTRUCTION MILL. Br it MamVwbjr the Senml JfewrmnMnmfiMC ofAe f7ihi df-dra o 1 America im ummusi astemNedt . I i bereaf cr anv electlor, author1nt y ttte ... t M.rel. S.I. 167. entitled "An et .npplantentnry tnanaet loprovid.- for the u Hut.- Villi. VB ' - -g . . t :. .!. vntea nctnallr eaat I and HWI'iillJ VI in . m - m I. .V. i. .kUh tba ameatiou of tlie adoption or rejection of any fJonetito t ;. ...h..itted. anv Derton duly regta- tered in the State may vote in the elwtionl- dittrkt where he oSera to, when ha haalvi retittod thorein for ten day. prrt ding tocb election, " preri.un..a o i.i. ..i; ...... ( ajatraiiou. bio tBdavit .1... ...i.r.Mi.rv evidence utider taeb r.roUunna aa the dtatrict command em mZJFi"ilAt U furthrr enacted. That mi. pMi - - . tmn of anv oi yon liavn yourt." ... t The time patted on, midnight came. The man went In the graveyard. It waa anigbtof piteby darkneet. At be enter edtlarvrd-.a--k an waa tint at ocam. - o- - mu'i word.. alone witu uoo, Lt watUl. at wniiiicrfUl DOWCf. 1 awW II T t I HIUI w in no tbowgbtnftba wiebedneta he bad natn amied, and what hn bad coma there tooo, darted thronah hit mind like a Bath ol lightning He trembled at 'he fell on bit. knee., and mttt-ad of the dreadful oatht be came In alter, the cwrncat cry went op, "(lod be merciful to ma a tinner !" Tlie next day lie went to the gentleman t.d thanked" him for what be had oof, u v- ' 1 not to .wear another U NW m crowded la lit ntmoat oaeaohy, anda iiiini w mi the baia.MSo ifa PP1 Wvf-" Jonee aHawaT'l- f 1--M -t-.-r. -f r ,1 mmk k I. wTnLaar Mr. neni and ne-mlar oaatwA hhy wM aatan nayA iiitr, twl njni -m brew tedlenen ,n-Hk Ma ul indignant who are men. ' Hot, beneath the OnV Bia ?d tSSL-2ii ie heel of nagro rule. recb wm reeeivad WTO great em The Hon. Jamaa M awh, of rweattew and atv boaaa with aim attavir the erv RadHWl aioa poruon of Tba Hon. i.... I aWAW Tim whole thVir ama a grand ba. bad tba aftaat af earrymg a the already oath aa long na be lined. We cave in the ediloiitl aaner. tome weeaa - -l t vulvmg tne simim mk ith T-ral. It uppeort. I. Wl-le i - n lUn-wnr. hatha nmtwaww awanrw I n gatJ a w. ,"mT ! ! tfw rrvant aa tf nTdll'S' T 1 ted twdee e-nntmt, and (tat ...m.o. f htaatx y v.ot..i ,.,aiW to. h i' y rwTTtw-r aeerenohl tmlj t tnd m"awnt!y other, ana reanwy oUnZl nanwaw, R a-,l.Ki1 Ma. bo anvk gowl w lha maimer taled, . - . .- L itai k4ei4a-! rrwretwawaw wia ay that of the tftt km, 15- roproaen- 14-n-teKea a .i it ... nana I leaving (M Ibr 3 eolt -nam -- by i,oH-reWu, y . appear a. lenwuecntauvcn mim eowjilET And m, a eoun- In the tit, wilh the aw. .-a 1 k ut;.irt latliwo, a atove, wiw nm - water, waa nptet, and aaJdcd a cbAW Help from aaveral men that were near -.UaJIv called for at tWn atage of " ' J . - " k. . II " an. not lend defeating worn r of niura ran no bid. a. ditl bora. Tne aid Mr. O. eatlly wnqnered the rem..r l. vmunnl "cnouKu thlnga, bat fbey knear pretty the rumour JS ibrwmeve to ibe work, of defcat law eaongb to be heard away or DE THE PRESIDES 18 LINE PESCE. rrney give, the loHowtng a. the Hn of d-TieTered on by the 1're.ident' line I.-, i ' . , ..ait il II I i 1 till I Convention of any HW V iiii.iii..- . l . u... .......,;.,,) in the act to which atalB, Section lr. . , t, ' .. . aataawt mav nrovide. that at Tbi. i. the. who.e law .-in- ,"V - nDOn IM ratification of uld mi ttiai u.m.uB - , "---J.:;: .u.' .i.i,n,.d voter. JWAT oiannwa. month. , H.-mhera of the Ilotlte ol xut tne i.i j-e - -jr. tmu w .... - . 1 i i- ,it ,rf New Ifruewieic n f ilu. liuited mater, ann ago owromvr T'-'TIT, lf lthMr. iiepreco.-jr--- . ,...i i.niv u-iiimiii no irnii il-"" i.. ,.ii , i,.ti.iH oniceiv iiiini.... --- hot in diareward of the written prohibition ..u-iUo and the tame election J of the Kniteopal elerlymeu neuieo in the return of tba - a, ... i. ..a ii... timm m wa iiu r anan - - Tii. .r. it no airame v"i " . . .1 - -r- . t j mi tr m lnuirou an r the tact ot no ease '" -f' - anJ r . I. .nafl UllfMI Hit II l"lllHiVia III I IM- larrtof , Vim. O. tppearing by Friday next, motion " t be mad.- Hi have er ty h) SoHth it rt not Curvi! fVwAtem. MfV tlatt everything i a er tlie Wire, is Wterally true - Iku U.thadnettJi-hSim Onvlei"i. winch we a.4 I. JLtta-a- 1 Jjwliuinaa fjaniri1 ;T who role i.iTuooBaikntow to aappw t the r.-uli ntnan urla .... ...ii infonni-d Ih her Imh-Vererhama WMthinnnn hnn Irwawd 4ty mile, of bU e, T! w :u. that anv county thould It IB "n . , VX thai , M view m " leeti far as w .nee of the party. fl. - a' II tncban ordmamje hn re, he i...t .Mima abottkl atoma) dnwoivo vention, ami anatn u "- li- pa .a Carotin.. The rHafniiyM ibe botly haan adon- theoon-I i .... BHI T - - t.. i tWCWtitwtiowal uonveauoa --- --- i which tawre nr an 'wenwrvativr'' -o-called and .o know tkaan by name, an w- "fZl-U irtbn Tucker dy, were eieo reprr.. ... - -Hall affair. So tkwm3 fonrUen of lln Kepublican oonntte were not represented Km7Ki . .771 . ft .11 r uiion wm if mo. nm . .. ,l ... . miircaaniainm i proper nw. - "r " ( . .. . VI . the hearing pottpomd utilil tue nret .. ... day in M-y: Falling ii. .h... they w,l I Seeondly. Make a motion to q.mth the article, at impeaebment on the ground than if true, they do nt eonaiu -a- n mUdemcnuor. Thirdly. Eiorptiona will he taken to certain .en.tor. on the ground that thry bar. prendged the caee ainl nwi-v . tWabaia alreadv derltred the rreeident , ehateii. , ,, ,, may bo relied u : a. aI ni.aa iBii ii ciiwiiu ar v - y 1 w- of the resolution coudemnbt the removal of Secreury Stanton. lA4Jf, P.mnlily. Eic-Ttm" -n be taken to the Inriodictbm of tin? court on tlw grmmd ,,ol it it not the 8emnt mi tba iued ill it oluiv i. t. ...i...;tt...l t'lii. in ti .......... .. .-- - - , rfS&STlnae . for member, of con . a-i i. t...,., t.. trial fur a breach - - " Vr.i. .... .'i-.i- ritni. before the proper ' 6 n'i- .L bo. na..ed both Hontc. , . - . , j - - - t . -.iatiral trinunal. to wnicn an oW. ..f the RpiiaraUeburch are mneaable. THE CIltKF FEATURE OP THE NEW CONSTITUTION. We have already given the chief and moat object limbic feature, of the new Rad ical Conttitntion a. developed by toe no tion f tbo CoejvxrMlion. Tho varlona ar tlele rented nave hew aft amenoVd, on their aeeond and third rending., lha we have not been able to get tneh perfected copie. of them a. would do to lay before one reader.. We lirmr, in a few day a, to The following lea- pon ! I. The Hill of Klglitt, m tome larr, materially di r. frcm onr Hill o Righla, ni-der which webavecnynyi-w . I. ...... .. ii,.., ri w a 1 1 . . . ... L . nd w now awaiting a veto A GENUINE IeOVE STORY-AN IN rttivsr IN THE CARS. tk the whole, pleaaant trajtt and chjir ' .mi not mmmon on theenra. 1 hi. oninion I etpreeaad to my friend Bnm-1 new the other day. i fcC, r . ...,,,-ii,i.r liomo the lovely Vha i..... t m wham I wat at that tin otto ' 1 - . , . j j..t.-l Charlotte conld Marcely find room to apread her crinoline and Arrange her voluminout flonitcei. 1 atood np ..ear her. there, being no vacant .eat. After a minute., came in 1 1 poor lllgllfT depn-ited . barket of clot n aTrnt tilallorm. and lield III In r mi wit- - f , . , aa .a . at a 1 ' I . ... . I l.miir artnr a .nwll rlitld, wmiea nine K... n f . gu i....L.l i.r.1 .ml wearv. to ner arras, aim , bul there wa no vamnt teat j to Iki tore, Charlotte might have eoiidei.oed ber . hut aha did not. UeMilc her, very Mveiy aim ntjam . ...pit M lha aaoalr of old Orangi to have beta bald, mjmmu1 ,J wora- inatiuo of candidate. MT -IBB laaja ... . a,-.. at piracy. ine cr arvoct behire the Supreme " e , . ... ,1 l.H tribunal iK-ciuru, u of mturance ooverru a in tnoet i manirtt of ibu of a eaat ronaadenat prtva.BBi . i i -. uiierot. HiiKiei wm un ...o, H"--"-r - t ... Ilie conttltutionanty oi acta, teemed involvew. 'WJ,M i : -.ha AHlanue insurant- w.i of Ilon. tint pltiiilitf having medlorveorer of the company the ""TTiaaV atKured by the conie-raha J-" J,l,ak.-n into the rori ol Mew fMrnn. or tcl. innalion at a prmr, try - -- . Hit. Tiar wo-i -rrTTllt1 . ,1-i-n.k.m .nd t ledettame wat "lliai ariaurr, v. , - - - nirary Wat not eapture, err-..-, L Z Uw ol m-naoee, and, tba t-bnghy nrb- It on the high . . . ru ataoorateiy .Mm l. and the il.. I Hie nolici.- aabmra ol y kiud, and that rha eonmanie are . t l.-i J KiiHinu. inai w iim. ... .1.. I -I lnlTfl iirisaleatf wa caniure uj o -e- .'..lanvlo iroveinnent, and Wat noi, l ner. fore, piracy, me reia.i r power wbieh utorped all autloiriiy L w aaniBma. a omtea, - . ...kM. mmlo under and y virtue v .... . m-mnre. wltlllO ttte " w iii..v Mr. Justiee Neltou ikbtrorud the eOUn. ... I immL ii... 1 1. . . i.t 1 1 ii I niori' in." una .. ." r".'TT:a ,...L.4a,o -tAai (Ar Sktto. mil W lire i-m.- - r , ,, , . i.. . i..h;.. rfo1 not. Ihtrtfurt. Um thnr rr, noting the guifica0 -of M ilecUraiHrni-tonwrn. to ronounce it cl.-.riy aoifcr dirtom." not, pr."0K "-V - gi llie eo- ht lore lliec.M,ri, u ro.". T "7.. ...... vi fa Inr eonfiafia- oir 'V-.. - - , I . fuu., rarUa UCU IIW" . p o, oic m. .. : - . thmL mhmt u,J nun in Ira aiv " .n: Kormw'l law editor call oonVr Actum, wtt etm. , a... -u .1- ..mhi ra ot tint ooort ex amu in u i." - - . . , c. ,.1 CW and dw.ym-. I tb J"Jl ?C ... i I ... ih Matanwb uw, Ik Ite- eomarneti. act. wiB aiaroely bare ibe wvfct tod r aloe ol watte p.-r hy tlie tone the I .et- ident is ready to )-eoa w T ,h. "rf.. of the r-beIo. State. w But altered by the J convent1"" w'" ,u " ifnis who Ii eon oe uhiiiu aou 1 It iu loo otlwr inenageriea di. ftijm eTaoHtrrr. i w "j ml ma tlrttrlatom m porta--. - an much : "A daring I HJhug the. truth. -!Xfcilah; .""" CTTZ 7i" : aaka. 1 mm .go, oeeaoTng - "avaaTaWb-t loiU rarv Btim. vma at.rvinir tbat wa aaa no all toggou r t-- r- . ito. me. Bot give it, mxatmw w-ya -VT - We hare given tno-w wi re.,.--. bad it to give, and now they, It "a-um warre. My heart grow an at the rtgbt ol Una rtarvation. I man tM. aunpm i ing that it may be t i inn hand. .w nMola. 1 do not aaa lor I t r r J.I'oi.aaaa V vt' " . nonber. here, white (and bbek too Re- ahiiram aentimant ot v.-.'.. i.aaid to are wax in the hollow of i m .,-t to l.nre detrreo lineeutor-nnm, .wr, - . , Wake, and ttw net- " . s bar. i llmiaaainla r JullUMI . . .ai-A l..-aaai.t aMWtlnt " I . . ."BWammrwE- a i ll.'ll 14 SlllitJaal MM .1 W 'Knoraptw aou - .a: ail a rival m DM CWUinrr, aif -i --, I flW"BWW, lh.t ftvm II lutwawrfr . IWT i ton,,,ton rrmwl-ovr.Ver. by vol- doxen Z other eountie. hAvinglh. grottott fuc,..- oC The 291 delenwte w. BBSmJ-Z.. . .... .1 I .-.,.,1.. - 1! HlliiUM r tnm w j tHveu In llm Btannat" - m.Kl.-.l .tatementof tlm number bb-ui , . - the eapuciiy of 1 nck- tlm. t : .j a-mkeril It crowded jer.itn... -.ooaUcra. I i. . .. ..I ..Alllll Llim .....r VguJtMW wca. r --- f It. . Ide number ol we -.-- rbo nappcwwa ' ai..ia - llim. J. m f . ?. I SSrJ to UkTmut in the pt re1 .,-, Irhmna CrrwSl, in wkkb be nay t Aa ; were Fifthly. Tbiit ' B"'7" " 1L. t the eaae of Mr. SUntois tmccontitrf ftrrt aootmti, ow on ' Uving bee- Mr',. ?I,,T.! mpomimcnt. it cannot be aiplied to tot tonwe of office wllhont having a p-troot-.AVaL and beeOniiiiK ikerejof B Tia at Mrtanttm at .1... 4iU da v wt .Maicb oiuv- '"-- a . , . a. , tl,e expiralion oT r idncoiu . m. and tlit he ha. not etnc tbat dote bee;, Swretary of War kjrt, although cxercl of tbn fnntloi. of tbat office. Furmry my the IV.-dnewl will nndowbt .. 73 I.;. Am tuJir. nud aeein to Itt V IIMl OU HI" i-H" ,!-Tf j ' ' V . . I t.l anve Ilia ..... .... v.. fin... n-ruii.a - III.. .v - T iineiiy .... ---j - . --if. ...j aal a the rvavtM. ol mi men. --6--, " - Uy mov.i.g down do-er to other., to make .pace enough lor the tlra.iger between imroelt and Mi. D. At UM ho .ncxreded, antl h us i i ever w, no Char- around ettbtena wlm 'Tn the light of three foe.., the ti .....Tt.1 Wn Stale i oiiveulwn of Wrd- lt dwindle, down to I n.-o.., jnK---, .... -ulllll do believe tiiat 1 wtolwin ympnthy with (len. Oram, I deem duo to mweH to .ay that I am aa ateonly pnninml rhMra and nouon anv man an laouimana liana of Oongre-., aaabmrl I Irani. nan aTibk ni to m to tlm great body t me eHmn r i af Aatrn, mm a ""17 lL4!V m.ntced to ge tliat both be and t ougr.-.. may maaw 76 aba H! couutie. ; a ,vl i iIh arte-tn to trample npon tbetftom omy , ,..,. I government. w,. bi little better than I awn a " - ten lb.., an impot''' ouarl. all Jar. HoMen Wt. wnntal or moral dhirmctioa., and it claim for nil equal rip1" . , tv. S The article on the Executive. le part'ment provide for the eleclion.of a t ioveruor. Lietiteimnt Hovernor, S ereta f Htate. Andit-w. 1'uWie Ttenanrer, SnK.ri.rtend.U mi Fublic Worka, Super-1 intendeut ol lNiblic Inauu . ' . JoBked .unoyed to OeiveriJ, by lit p ople, tor a term to,t, . ' 7 thr uuW comer, who r ' tl mitt nc II tint ot rawer i.mse ,HE:.-::-J-i iwMnnetbcb , MV! Stoto ml-h.ittrn.ion Utoncem tour jmr, . hynmipWHr rote, however onc Lt-m U,lap and a.rd tb taarM.nwnaat ' ' I r - T' 9' It S. Suff jc f turtle niifrerMTMinoMg nit ill. llaA nlnVM'IfAt bw w- a iuflhid the woman to be tentrti. Itt It drew her drapery her, and bla.led too, bat it wa. not pret dr.ire 1 tuigiii become n . . , r .. nr. .. Il VC III I'll IT. men, zi Team . , -, .l.t. of the Slate twelve tnmttlm, nd who are ci tlm wmnll hail-elad muff over ber half Itiidiei aaa .t. tho l otted Stole., w ii Imut any qualifying nrnjOwnwi d tinttioii neiwecn black and wltoc All of i .1... ......1.1.. ,t delMiainr .nm. is im --. - i , . - 'z:. I I.. fant that the Itadleal tire wtlttu- roifit, ro n, n . -.. let him redgn hi favor. bh. ign. be nrodur -J In IUF I IHHH I .... i -r T. Grm.t timr.-f . tZ"uMi U & by firneral l'oii.liinnnn Vr , aunth voajll lirant aoking relieved iron. . . s ih.y s fmm j-jiKki! nwi :r:..i ht, a,.... IihV IM'IMI Il-Utvt- , wWWl rPYITtTUU) tUC ivara Ur'ad it "t dolUI. per rtnuio. .... - - UUean,,. Ull in I' HOJIK StalP-r-IMaawI of aturar in four lb... or two waiext when malted, I. ........ ..... -nil mmA fit at lew drop, ol tawWin ftymnrnwh ftm or other flaviaringaeeorilhig to gatto dnxen The nntuiitoted by aecUma- imLadd iwo po-nd.ftion, y Auntie, in other ami when IH, WfVttnav Pm .. i.v,.,,, rnirnt. rairt. nf the . nnioiai. " that Wake comity, re ' .1. fca-' Ai -;r.on7of the '.... lam - A hired man naioe.1 John : .. . . . , -La i.wM litall. 1 1 II . fc Im n.e tutneil'iip nve len --v x unr m - hMnan ...i i.-a . . . j .aWov i-ma much .... . . , ,-,nrh ahall be roae betpan Will boy. t. !l what at wrong in the foBowing J . '"lwr,uld give we the rbeu- J ...d alii M K worn. J - . - - . , contain, ton w4aawl .toady .wtii(r ama tol'k ft . Iiormof Ui.. MothwIi'M peraaotK. - "Taat!-A un lady'. w' h.y;',' t ipc, .kb, two irmv yo n , WorV-oJ' VatahoaaUT eonl'.'man'a urHMng-ta-. "' .malt ,Kmy Uaooumtf to a young huiy who a Lar IlLtA anVAti fta.lL A Wcateru paper 'TiCSm the ttiothnche, ihe one of Moore'. ra.ngr. reada folio. ) I I i -1.1.. Mtrrillit Dtnt'lilTS Cian. U, WW L."i r-" '---f. which b lld naye o.yo . - i,v order of Gen. trraut. lie ttteUret. of the opinion tb-t be eannn. Ml. M " vet Mlitie erounil fatnn. aUid nut If-r ati aa I: r r 1 . klntl )i Hl.l- I I' IJ.' II ll - ' - a d 1 ., j ti,,. rmwd that I alone DU MtXTi wrwar a .fl to ob-rve. The ehtld thivered .- a fr m ,1a. door blew I. t i i i ... tl.A vnunff .1. .. i.,, her unitrotnetetl mta. INI II" '"" ". j--- - a . , .....! 1 ,.t,.L ,, ,1 w blaek hml white. Ad aot jurymen. - "" ;,,0 put on ru- nt- B - . t. t tin MMI n a -fi... I... iarv hat been Ijroni.v Urged, making MnW JPrt j k-..-" l ... .1. .1 Sllllirtllll' ihe little one ; the inoiti- ennfu el Wondi-r. AI alio anwe to leave the ttmtenJ f lb"-; nd twe ve n . umniw . Court Judge. h..te-d or. lsl.l,-i ' "TZXulmm removrU lb .bawl eal by the p. ople, and ."l, llmlrmmi, wteJ offer lite or beh"',0rL7,onr gS hen" J worna., did not -i- . , ,., . vMiMisi s ol onr Keep it ior ner. , vaa.iy rara-.-., - doctor nnmeo.irr ..... HOT twWanal gwBlwaW tft J . mmoh (ar tbem. a A 8CURVY BU1WE8R. T It (4 4Awa1 "(gnto BwaWaJT a( 'w' legitimate buninet. of making JV will expUin Court tyatem, aotl fixing u.u oliua M mnaf 5e l1 ta wi'th tear. I noticed .-...... - - j- . mm i.. . , , ,.- .-, 1 1 .. deacended U) tne oni.o ... il .(fair, the m .king a Judgctnip - po- T.-T . . ,0 ...... - . , deuce ieal .dice. Tbi. article, tr were were nothing el.e, onSlii to defeat the cou.tmi tiou. Bofide, it abojiabea the neeeooary .li.iioriioii between tku. giving nee Uctten.ive liliga. unknown alw rote to detpafr, for I wanted Iv-r ie.Mlencr, but Soon after toy denurt. 1 wa. in xhn.ive litigation ano , com y , i iw. - -lw AVn'n-t aUwaJa.-a. - - tor aa tlm naated to a mntual acquaint- ... ! til aii...o.. , 5. The Ifiolative IV,mrtment t dit. t l JonarlBMrMi tmn I LIU ean bo the jidg nf !lrZ regard. Urant waa m nr r - 11 n . .... tt.Jt ,n i ... luHu- , X-berewhb ir .He option. Gen. Grant bn.fnm.ohed the ?re.identwtrh copie. ot tba fJfJP Iteiwrru iu " :-- . r f.,r the Voter Or tofurecaiaa- r. .-"r " , ...a,- .lali. I lMWngM fcA ,ln bl,llt IM'-ryr-y , I . I ... . 7. . . II ..F ir.naai. anea wuo biiiwi ... . ..d uio a fx-nalc ana iioae I r. -1 ., iua.ead of a Henee ol Q- -...1 ..l... !..!,. n the nrniM?rtV quall- iiuiii-. ..... . ibe doorway, rrom bim ere many muiuute. i icnrnt a. id addrett. To thortea the atory at DOMESTIC ECONOMY. ii .... ttaain Two Quart. """"" . . t . .-a. meal, wet will, bultennii anu a overnight; In the moniing add ora pint tnolntar, two ptnw nn - meal, .onto lt. bwltormdk - " moi.U the wh.lL, and nod to nowtraha hc ncid of tlm bntlerroua. aii """v t. .... .-an ii ii nan ana ua mm I r . Uratel Valrt oWrhg IIUUID mm a t . . rf a . 1 eawlei to per um, .ww-l tortperator A na oiueci to i.v-. eruttover the top formed by thlttong baking, it may he cooked in the MfP" . a 1 I ! al.i- aaaaiat A fntrBlft The bread -cooneii in una --7 - 1 in flavor from that which in baked. Sa-uKT Potato, iaiMiM.rBaili three or .nd math them .mooth and Jnc with hall . nf I -am tttir logeineT nan - pimuli f b.Ute-nr Mil qnlte Jhrltt nnd creamy, adding hU a,,,neU..f.l of I b mou brandy, or tne . -j - - -- ii ii " m .fan t mr and i.rjiiae. " w" CTi TVi ttir them into ihe -trtter mi vwgr4n - ok. .k aaaaahaal naUato: etwall very lwrd at tlar-hwtrfw4to .nuie aril hack in a. quick oven ; or ,v m... -baked hi deep plate lined with pun .. with wide border of panto band- tamely ralrrartn. - Ife ).,.' T,lal AoaU fomtpontf? Ki'c!...H,..d, Maleh rt-tll . L u... tahi a ntorr r lit: wnicn ' - , fourth, Wrd-eod-y in X by the filtowrrrf rtroeoedrntr m JWgv lJdt wood . loon i im mwvi'n. . - . "Untied Si.te Jetrsai . prrnwt bwrlng been l.ean! ni.l.i, "'! La the Ovlendaat n t- wow . . . - .- MUtll IMeiilant hva w "r"' .7r. UtK day oT April next, at 1 ' " T "i lion, ongbt to djorn nd) f b. Ith .lreadTobraxkma to tk ohArg. W -! . mnaV ! nt iMtir tftk9nOd Of Ulan ;;ci. ever .pent before to Koru. mou. , in the tlrtt plane, ..IMniBan a yw w which la high- than thaw ni "yM dent for , It b. h5WvwwV lv for party parponea ; and 1 yeatorttay !;iror th. rikattonof lb law., knt really, to create fat too The lollowtng the nature ot re: Mr. Heatoo called r.,v-iHini. for A Cod coni.nia.ion to eormiit f V. A. W.Totn-JliM BJ, bold tbeit oSne tor t General Aaaetohly if it be eoinmiasionera to ner moo to. while mancc nf their at th Capitol to and etaitoawor auowou ao ,mm,A rrtot-J tA atanMnM WT lO ."ft TnJrtee. oi 0ilrd. LoL "" " B . - The qaeation reewrred upon aw tiou ot tbn iidinBW mm Tho waan nod nova ware 91, nay . . tiur of the Mr. up tk ordinate, Rodnmnfto whtothkterm. reeciv. a aaUry of iw dcw.nlatotie mom Conrei.tinti llln,,flBaW?tram jWla awBBaTflwmlnBl Mghuawi kmn k. very b-d ior t nrau-l taw u a-aa d br the partie bttte4, rmanMBVUt i. abaent, the foreman bad dovill 1. dr anta ol a boot- tryiug to drink hager beer out ot .Jk, the pre. - oi J ' . . ' nMaffanM fSwMrW Orlean., and in wbich from coin- leineral Han- . .a.. t 1 I ... ....r.J.llS tO IIU I l.n... nfHW. in New Ortean. will J-vcnt the ISvefrom JgJ n(Krorw in lcw ll.UMek ark. to be relieved and of the 'l"cLl- : , . . . l a am; l.'tialaai nmteelion trom taxaimn ttaan "I" of ihe mnjorhy BaBy dictate. It mo gerry luaiKlem the Senate ann in, " throw the control of the L, gidatnre, more fully than heretidStre, in the hand, of Uie tot, ann dweriminatc. in favor f throw ing the balance mi power in lb bra ol rKttorfP-JM lanatt. her to A few .mall incident whieb tutriKlucea k.. her real character. d.y after nnr marrfage 1 .bowed ber the kt....wl rrinuM.ii tbawl. which I rettecawrd t no rawrMitr and ahall keep ao a me- manto. There art . .MBtoliiwftt ftAwMl .l: k. In II nr I DOC td pUCC. narlatolr I mar b id to bv jMud out my wife to tb oaj. Jterea., BmV. the to Um ouaditmn. oi u. '""7-r.,w ... I XI I I I i'lJEllir VMr, nr tl !..-- flnrlr Mr. Dan... it it tated, would have he i Mbnaa-md. ro xi a "5or Sale A raa . W nan the Ctita ill Bt an oak lee" k hlr at" to a. wi:h earred Tot I Tbeac ipk fa i a t not in Ha health, it iai hat been t the hop of giving. the noMtemp . He. WcipieAtkAtJ net he carried in to nf the people ner pretext of ....a. :.. oaal aotl i for the LrgbUtare - not for ra,nveoAion law U ww.tB.tolilih of twe pmte, tUr 2mrZ titicauoti for meaaurt-a whicAtoMi to vuaJ ice indutlry and trade. IH to. w mrt rnllroad ebartcr. ; bat far thit a f ovdirmry tepdattotv-rh. cre-dort f u job, for the bane w kew njJto conveuliou van. m Ta. ,, l aa Mara tJmr fadlt ankt it t the people for rati hen tien, but it will neverthe U. he on of th hmue. befat ahem in lrAjwtewwfwffWawm Tk who voted far thnt .windle witt der to their entitota ikaam. It WatJMA iW.LlJLJU JaBafatni rravnted by the fact that one of them t. fI!a-VUte 4 ga-reme Cenrt J-dge, and .1 , . aaamber of the Bar. - ff fa a matter of regret t tbi. i tk. vratUon will add to the - of the a7k opt, 4 aratihcuoa. till fnrttoir. Mer d anytfang torowA Jfti I m fjmi--w-. .a'i .L M X CUif