haubbukt, m. a, march m, ts POU GOVKBNOBa THOMAS S. OF AIM. KM UKttfttAXT GOVEBXOB, WARD P. 41.1.. or wew nx novae. fW rrtrp f 8h, UoHriitX vr BEST, or cbWb. KEMP P. BATTLE, or wim. if &nft. v a. W. BURG IN, of BemmtM. ' 111 e iOseWec 1M Itfc V. BRAXTON CRAVEN, S1U5 II. ROGERS, 1 M. PBABSON, af Yadkin, WILLIAM H. BATTUE, of Orange, fcDWIB 0. MADE, of Pmt, MA TBI AS . MANLY, of Cm., A 8. KUIIIOlt, af Bwneerabe. DAYXD ABARNES, ' Mr ABO J. WARREN, georqe'vSSono, dPWNa dBMHcaf, Villi am s. devank, MAKOVBR, . R. PrBATXTON, . MARrilXJI. TBOMABRCmN, Jil ew iUHun. rRANCRSnODF.R, MSam iaidk 2eew.ejl. , MiiM BIH flf, WILLIAM M 8BIPP. i" ' ami mi .j-.--- ar- - - r - . T"- xTictmft JUttHct, .OHN L. BAILEY. -JOT WUKRE THE MONET GOES. At ntiniu like ike present, "hen our people arc odmpletely iinpoverulied, anil when tbey are crying out daily to bo relieved from their poonuUrj jn barretmente, the would do well to consider what it being done, and what It proposed to be done, with the little rrnii ey ye remaining in the country. We belong to the liberal school in money matter a in every thing else Wo are noUherefore, ditputed to com plain that inch ofixeare at are really necessary to aerrr on oar State gov ernment linn Id be paid an adequate alary. But we do protest against the creation of a number of new offi cert at a hgll salary when there is no present necessity for them at all. We do protest against the expenditure of the people's money ouueeeetarily at a t me like the present Of ail the Initiative bodies thai evor assewihlarl tit Nun It Carolina, the I '..Mention now sitting at Raleigh. has snown ttaeit to us tue most prom gate in the eapewdiiare of the peo- pie's atone?. AY th Hew const nuiion lion Id be adopted If we should de- c de at the ballot b-o to abandon our present Constitution and State gov ernment for the sew one proposed the expenses of carrying it on will be increased at the rale ef many thoue- auda of dollars per annum, sll result ine from the unnecessary increase of offices by the present convention. Let us enter into some calculations to ' whet additional amount of mon ey will be required to rerry wo the new government if the people should agree to ace pt of It. In the fret place the number of j edges in the State has been increas ed Irom eleven toereeaforn. Two ad ditiimal judges have l oett added to the 8 w rente Court bench wnlH.nt even a coloi able pretext, and there is but little or no reason fr llie creation of the fonr new ciicnit judges at this time. These, new judge will re ceive a aalary of ii 000 per Annum each, which will, alone, increase the expenditures of the State government 34.000 a year. In addition to this the convention lias created a c m in n eion for the purpose of codifying the laws of lite bate, to consist of three persons at a salary of tit"! each per month, lite, commissi n to hut 'or tliree years. This will add at least f 7.0Oo more to the yearly exj.en- for the next three years. They have al ereated tfte offices of Supeiiiitciidctit of pnntie works and Superintendent of public instruction, which wilt add some l-t.000 besides the increase ot salaries which will amount to about point hid ,.ti rrport that . ody cow. aew thai no ueW man skull U at a XnSfrv of ttt per da, and to imv roautrcd to Are" a me,n o eVt. bitn for the imntletfUbn of ile proceed. . 'h" "nudmni was defeated by a rots peo- ingsiii the $tmltrd; thus add fcbottt $00 more to the uselcei nnnecesaary espenditnre of the ' pies money by that body. In the people look at these acts nf a petty that claims to be their only friends. Its biisf career as the pee- eesenr of power in the convention shoukl atiuinniahthesuaato what thcr may ettpect in the futnre if they obey Its btiliesta now. Lot fileiii rally the polls and tlel'eat their in Canons schemes by rejecting the Const it lit ion which prrrptMt-s their dcgiatlatioh addition to the ittereaau I eft, euditn which they proHse. af Oa the loth b Kebvaarv, Oxesewtloii rreeired a wSMmiinielWn from the Yoeas; Anserine of TLI AT 1riMOX." Whe i Judge Alerritnon argited the ipieslion ot the bankrupt printing be fore his Aonof Jmiu Brotiks. that Uarn,d, eniiahUntd and profound magistrate promised to write out and publish his "opinion" when he should make hi -decision in the cam?. We have waited long and patiently for that "opiitifn," bet our patience becoming somewhat wearied "there is a point beyond which patience cea' eat to be vfrtnei4 On the Jay before, when Mr. Boy den argued the case. Ids asexer was very auxioue to leave i he matter with the itrgitlere thought the publica tion should he made ih the local pa pers, and that it would be very wrong to 1ft the Standuni and the IiiMeer have it all, bnt had no discretion in the matter was sorry he did not have it was all axed by mnotktr law of Congress by the appropriate m act and Ac did not have the power to interfere. Of cur e he will explain the whole in.oter when he h)ishcs his opinion he will show KitO the tjjrp'itfli-m liw came to aDct pri vuti printing to be doiM) in the execu tion of another law, on a wholly dif ferent subject malic a separate and d stinct code. It la true that this would be a severe t-k for such judges as Hardutcke, .M.m.-iiiM, Mar-hall. Taney and Stttry, hot the Inm-nous mind of oar Oist tier judge will ette rictice no difficulty iu the case, as he is said to arrive at correct conclusions I k l - Tnefytt rkttrirt, . T DAVIDSON, BOX. THOMAS 8. ASUE. We raw no today, the name of I Lonetrfaiive u . - - liiwraHi.w edgeal ability, and n man In weakav Om afctoi bejtjay with prWle Oaawareadee nsan 4a his defy under the lead of oar at ward i and victory will BE PUBLIC A K SOMtNKM efaW eswsea'isn haviaf tamssiS' iLr itsyahalipahlliet Masaetiee Ooaasi. tee have aiaHntJ eeage Hesdt and .csrrr bythessforjedtssY the Tit etrrett in Messrs. Bsaee and THE NOMlKAtlOM. of tksCoasrr T " 1 1 - Ss aasteeasesiass1tasassje-- -Owswas as- rea mm one debet be ntaes uf Gut. Vaaot. StuMd. Whs VaeCbatss ef ess Coaiadisss wM asl apaa we as aW utiitid iees. bet SjW astsawj SSsnli n vIU bs made. i .i u r. .. i uWt e aawe ery eseaatssae tax. Wfeaessr ss sasanaast ateg te h. anv savswrsWsefmst 1 - ' :.. almost bv in ii it ion. en's t bnattau sskina the ease ot the Ooui thaldclivery of a rssdinc b i sen pl ot Scotlai rsaatag by mil, lor the HsJIIfor' Mr. David beaefier mmmmammmmmm mstlsr is, that we have but fcw Jrfbsys la the eoeanr. , g Messrs. Ashlsy and Abbott, while and Norlhoru m-a. and (iallay aad Hsrtit, negroes, opposed the granting of the r eaesl -nkmnpen IkttJepliritundtnwnding thai wilrt nnd nomroatum to br admitted upon the tamt term una with the mm privilege. Mather ikau accept the kind ness upon suck tSrMts lbs request was Wilbdmwn. The oppotition orlginaied with Oslloway, a negro On the saase day, ike Bill ef Rights being under consideration, Mr. Dnrham masts' M Insert a new section as Mkwi i i nncamian and AHmn rates are dis tinct by nature and onhw-1 thrrentre sll marriages betwsen tbs CaneassUn, or White race, and the African, ot black rase. - t" - - I ix" i lb section Mr. Ilarhaal demand ed the yeaa ami nays. Mr. Sweat moved to lay on i bo table. Mr. Darnam called for the yeas sad nays on the motion. They were refused. The motion was then adopted, and afterwards, slse, the section as reported. On the 4th of March, Ihs report of ll c Committee oa Corporations other than municipal being under consideration, Mr. Uurham moved te ameae the report br BW tHff A WVTw9 CM IMaWlW t afVaVjwlMl faas institutions ef kamtitm in trhirh black and white pupils aft educated promts cuousle shall not be inc rporatrd under femoral laws sr special act." The amend ment was rejeetsd. hi the bib of March, Mr. Durban moved to amend the report ef the Oast W y m dfi in w SaMJlvflv ss Mlnws ! Section 0. The Oturrmi As- .i- . -sji i . ii i at a. . .i M .i seab mwim Jm, VrOt-inC MTnlJOXS For rife OwarJC thsnhren at the State, seattrsttf aad assart from Uom pYotidM fot white mxdrcti. The section as proposed was rejected by a vote ef ayes !5, mom 90, Mr. Ursham, on the same day, moved to amend section 18, ef the same report, by the addition ef the following pre visa; rroetaea mere smalt oe stparuH and ats- tinct seholt for white and btiwk children. The amendment was lust by a stiict par- rote. On the 10th of March the rettort f the Judiciary Cunsmitlec being under mhp id eratiua, an iu third readiiiK, Mr. Durham red to smeed the I till section ss fd- lovrs! ProciHcd that white' orphan chil dren shall not be bound as apprentices to colored awrferjy and that no colored per- OOUNTt CONVEfTTOX. Ws WtrnU remind Saturday neat, the 1 1st last is the day I ted far the meeting ef tbs Oenely Con vsntion to t eta la its CtnMsrrnakfe Caadi- dales is represent this County iu the "Ueese of Representatives - ef the neat Legislature, and to rmimsnd a candi date te represent (MeOsasty and Darts In the Senate of the sans body. It Is earnestly ttnprd that every Cap tain's district will be felly represented on the occasion. A CANDIDATE FOB COXORKSS. As the tarns far holding the slsstteh M bnt a month off, the Course list having fixed it en the Mth.SLst, and Mud days of April, the t'ouservstive people of this District will be under tbs necessity af ss Icciing a candidate for Ooiurres is a few dsys. We see that many sitiaeee af Ire dell hare urged J0tf II. Mt-J.ArniiLiN, Eat) , sf that eoanly to consent to lbs ass of his name ia that connection Mr. Xle IanrhHn Is a most worthy sad respecta ble man, a boat whose cosset at ism there eaa bs no doubt, and he hsj the further adrantage of being able to tahe the re quired oath. Should ha become the eaa- dkiate af the Conservatives b will re edve ear hearty rapasrv TUK Sl'EAKIXG. Cor. UoMea earn Thomas Settle, eaa didates for Oarsraar and Jadee ef the Supreme Court, spoke to aboat four ban' dred persons h the Town UaH hi this place en yesterday. A boa I one fourth, only, ef the audience wees white men, the rest negroea. We did not bear any part of the speech uf Oor. HuJdss, kwt team that it was meek higher toned nnd mere able thaa that ef Mr. Settle. We heard a part ef Mr. (Bottle speech, and wa never beard a more ad cap tmndnm deaaegogieal speech than, the part tn which we listened. Il consisted almost wholly fat appeals te the passions and prejudices of bit and ir nee. lie endeavored to cliche them by exhum ing incidents of the wer that, for the sake of ih peace uf the country, should bt al lowed to repass in the silence of the tsmb. tin. diMriet who raa tskr thV froeWed jj nam, ipm jnore inau amn sw M 11- Belasr, Esq., ba MnaeM himself at an bjdapssdeat wad'date and the ptel i llMii new seem to bs that we ball hare a tiiialar fleht to ibis die- We beard, contphtlnten the part And he appealed quite as much to the son shall beappolnted guardian of a white j prejudices of his colored bearers as be 20.000 wore. If, then , the new cniittitqtiori sbonld be adopted by the peiiple, 5o(to more will be requ red to carry oh the government than will be required to tarry it on if they should reject it. And moat of this to pny the sal arhsa of officers which are not at all needed to carry on the govern ment, with out which it has always been carried on I cretoforts. Tin-stare facts which the poor tax paying people of the country should pouder w..lt Itatinm tliAe ttmi hnlr ! u'ili wwss wwrv nsij uf.vitic nv i itc " iti vote oa the ratification or rejection of the new Constitution. l5-tt tt is not only in these respects thst the convention has heetr btvieh HfKjSll - 'US1' .i. V"W M to- was to vote its a aalary of eiokt doVirs per day. -o convention, or other legit kuive body, ever sat in North Caroli na pre v loos to the year ISAi the meni - hers uf which received a larger aalary than three dotUtre per oar. The Qas- lous, the Btanlys, trie Iredt-lls, the Henrys, the Muffins, the Badgers, the Grahams, the Morebead. the Ed wards', the Fishers, and other pigmies of by gone days, were content with that sum. Hut making all due allow ar.ee for the depreciation of (he cur rency, and the superiority of the Mul liktee, the Ruses, the Tangoes, the Marsh nib. the Kinneya, ih Gallo ways and the Coffee Mayos of the present convention Over the joor crest u ree wboae names we have men tinned, and four dollars perday ought i to hr satisfied fbem. ATfhe "c?.n rention will ait about fifty five days. this would have saved to the State afaoot 8 000. Bnt, not befog safis- liut we want to tee tlie "opinron." We call for the "opinion." The liar is anxious to see the "opinion" every body wants to see il. Not that any body questions the correctness of hi hoi .u s decision, but that thee are anxious to sec the reasons which led his honor to make a decision so much to the interest of his honor's personal and potitUal friends that they may read and irttderel and see and he con vinced. Agn n we say, give us the "opinion" t ho ' tipiniom" the "one tos." nurd. Com the amendment Opt lhrrh.ini asked the yeaa aad nays, which were re fused. Tbe aatrndmeot was laat, and t In sertion adopted a reported by the cow m It tee. Wc state these facts for the informa tion of the white men oT North Carolina. did to his white hearers. His principle object seemed to be to identify the pres f Mr. MeDeeabi's wands, wbomtissetod a belief that OalVla had "packed'' the Ceavcallca. That, however, Is a atolier aboat which lbs Conservatives east bat little h.Jeed, If tliey t are at all, Ihsy will rather bs glad sf the access ef bis IrJek. THE HOLD EN BECOBD. That illustrated paper made Me appear ance according to peotniee oa lbs lath, and is sll that wan msmhid. The ab ject ef the publication U to give lbs paMIt record ef the ltadlcal oaaalililn for Oev ernor dartog bis whole political lire, aaay sfstfhg mslntv of the articles' whirl, he Wrote for bis paper lbs SUndard. The first namber is pretty well filled with eatreete from them, and tbe editor promt nee that the neat ana shall he still aawaJaanadi big H It will dcnbtleet bare a gMat mo and we learn ibat M.000 copies of the first number bare been printed. Tbs spe cies of potttieal warfare which it wagea Is one hi which we never engage, but which is always resected to ta times ef high party excitement. Tbs efiact ef It will proba bly ho considerable. i mm i - STAT LAW. As It fata matter ef general Inters to all slasses uf people we emhcaso the saritasl ey pnrtuaily ef laying before oar readers the Stay Law, or Hetief Bill passed by the Cue- vdsttoa. whtsh wSt he finmdln eulama today. snrh aubsm aV A7 . . , . " ' mma n wn Mil enssa ape the eg Hkdmrimr. That by saaam. mtuuniZr all farther Haul Or aWE aal Thatsa rasa . SW, ItKid: fror of ike plaintiff the Itoa 19 mi tbe above res er d. ercpe for straw d reset is to r which have beea, er thai be L - ' ' jadgmeats or decrees bi ratiltie ebtsJasi. rriedentlMtsrmtysf ttoas. at aad retemed ahbsalmli ? Hj!! -r whe er th.k. at rn I.. krTdl .... any eonaent of the rare atom saag tola e Allied widi regarding each others pa 4s I trie t ism (1) witb the sunr of $M.tnH) ot tbe people's uioner: tlw poured ed to re wit d Mr. iloldeu attll ititre eXiravagaiitlv. lie imt beinf tati Had with the order that he rndiiced J udge Brooks to make, that he should port have the bankrupt ad vertising at near I WtietB ll"IV I . INI'U Tlll-llt KgOfESHIOM'. HobJrn, Scttkt Thomas, and the other leaiers of the radical avrty in in this State, sr denying that thetr party is iu le ver of negro equality. They iiscbtiin any intent in:, uf opening the colleges ana pub Ik schools uidicctitnmah iy to tbe children of both They deny thu tbey are iu fitVoVOf enrolling both rce in the same companies hi the militia, whicl would certsiuly result in placing col.md i.ffie. r- in command nf while men in I hos i in which the negro race predom inate. .They deny that- they are to fa ror of permitting the intermarriage of whites and bfochs. They deny that they are in favor el social equality with the negro race. All three things, and many more, they deuy while they persistently reurn toinoorporateanu clause in the Con stitution prohibiting them. They have proceeded sir the tpne ta the Convent ion upon the hypothesis of perfect equality between the races. A ftrsnger reading tbe Constitution, now nearly completed, without any knOWedge of the circum stances under i.n . it was framed, woald conclude that there was bnt one race of people in the State. But the peo ple will Jadge the party by its acts sad ..ot by its professions. We give below irom the Balelgb Carolinian, condensed report of the proceedings ef tbs Couven lio on ibt-sv s.ihjecls and h ave our read efs tojedge foriben tioiis : Itoapite the denials of its leaders and presses, lle ltalical pari In rt..rtu laru Ima stands firniTy eomatrtted to the dogma of the equality of the races. " I,pr.M,r of the charge, we eoil.tefrom the report of the proceedings of the hV coi.siractiou CoiiVi ieieii, which was, we They are eompeleut to deride between Radical declarations and Uadival deeds, and tbey must decide upon the day of the election, whether a const ilutinn emanat ing Irom a body which has so an equivo cally committed itself to negro equality, deserves ibeir advocacy and sapport. cut Conservative party, if party it stay be called, with the Secession party of 1860- '61, notwithstanding tbe fact that nearly : so tue i. Hu.cg union nsen or mat uav i are new members of the Omsocvaiive a campaign Pamphlet. The publishers ef lbs Daily ('unJinian at Raleigh, B. C, propose to pa brisk a campaign Pamphlet, prorlded SuMcren encouragement be given tbeaj Immediate ly) It wiB be a Very Interesting aad ef fective aleotj i iinrlag dacameat. la I heir pros pee ors ike pebbsbcr's asy : "If wc are immediatolr ass a red that a sofiicivut number of eeptososa he disposed ot to cover tbe eipense of publication, we will make arrangements to have tbs pam phlet in the bands ol tka public within aao week from today ; and, tf published, in will contain tbe North Carotiuiaa s re ports ia fall, tn-- Conslnellsn to' be sab Imitted to tli by virtneof saht dim At ttoring Term eaVeatton on a saehjndgmentt er deaien shall hens h -priag term inru, ror eee-aita ef Iht hlae at "priwg Term ffftl fer eas- ttsj for fhs telmstetftho asaaa!"e. o-- Ten. n. xaatne BMrt rsgee or trnstoe. satnl etSat property conveyed bt ttjeh irastar at that tiato nag ana debt, mmittoara, the sols shsfl bs past paacd to first ef March, 1670, al thai Urns eaouk! law anaaams sasdmk sYtJto rsaUmn, I postponed te the firs, af that time shnald the trm net one half ,4 lbs reeid bt Bostnonsd to Bnt ef Marsh. 1171. aaJ at that tints tie imatoe at attiaaat skin sell ike property er so apnea si it as will realise the ha mace ef the debt l Prsnaai, fisnwrr, That shaadd the tsaaaer er ansv gagor fail to .pay tbe Bret or any saW eaent ineasBtteat, then, aad h that ease the trustee or umrtgager shall seB at da Jtealbt credit, as much of the property conveyed as wilt realias seeh Installment, sac 4. Be it further srdafsta, Thai section U ef tbe above entkhd set be ear tractor pay keade ab.II to March, 11. m 'are jaatiled in asm . iri'g o be a repri-sea- tatlve tody, tbe lollowu.g lucts, vwosaud I A RADICAL POLITICAL JUDGE Judge Fisher, of the Supreme Coort Ol the District of Colombia, has recently d. cided, iu tbe habeas corpus ease iY Samuel Strong, demanded by Gov. llcrpout, Ya-t as a fagkive from justice from that State, that V Irgiuis is not a State in Ik Union and has no rights as meh. This auder tin circumstances, is-a decision thy nf J. ffo'ys in his palmiest days ; in- nsmneh ss it can ewly be accounted for in the desire uf him who rendered it to sas tain the unconstitutional acts of Congress and is, therefore, wholly political. We say that it kboliy polithnd, be en use the qui-siiou involved bad just been decided the other wsy by lbs Supreme Court of the Uuiled States. Only on Mond.iy last that august tribunal decided, in the ease of Meant against the Alliance Insurance ('ornpany, that the BentbsTW S ates were still constitutionally States in the Union, and that they bad never been ent ot it. In this opinion sis af the eight jadges of that Conrt wsMrd. Sere was a decision made by the highest known to our Constitution and laws tb-i tribuiml which is made by them the Jamil arbiter In all suck cases. . Be judge nf sty mfortor Court would have ventured tn have disregarded that decision whatever might have bsen bis ewe opta ion as to iu correctness. Kor is this all Tbe ease Is which w have referred bad first been beard end de cided by I he Supreme Court of i In- State of Massachusetts, which bad lbs p'ainthT's plea, and ibe Supt Court of tbe United Stales merely aSrtn e tbe judgment of the court below. Two courts ef high jurisdiction, one of them the highest, bed already decided that tin Southern Stales were State in We Union. X I Judge Ptsber, for the merest political purposes decides that tbey arc imt. A single judge ei sn inferior court aesamrs, that hi. jurisdiction is co-ordinate With, and equal to, that of the highest ciuirt in the nation the feou rt ef last resort,. We do not believe thai tbcrvis Lot one other J adge in the Co it. d States who would have had tin.- effrontery to hare madia such a i decision Underwood, ofrVirjrinia. It isi organisation. If we tertsined doubu before as tn the pro priety of giving the election of jadges to the people, what we beard of this speech would have satisfied us on thst point Tbe speech was l bat of a violent partisan, when e judge sbonld bo man free from part'tan prejudices. Early ia the morning a note was ad dresaed to Messrs. I (olden and Settle by tbe Conservative canvassers for this eoan ty, proposing a public discuss Imt of the issues f ike d.iy t bat some nf our men sbonld lw allowed to meet them. This was declined, verbally, nil I he plea af a went of time. The district nominating con vent sin, llwy said, was In tea ton, aad weald net eonelmle its tabor hi time for sack a discussion. The pi "position ens submit led to that body, aud by it rejected b almost a nnaiiimons brr rental king tkst he bad heard enough Conservative speeches, and tbat be now wanted to bear eaatt Radical rpc-cbes. What excuse they will be able to find al t heir m at meeting we nan not tell. Si the practice of canvassing first commenced ia this Stat, -no rsnvatt hot bean eear- At uight, Gen. l-ach, of Davidson .d W. M. Bobbins Esq, of this Idrcssed a large audience ot both iu the Towa Mall, making very cBbetivc fives of this county are becoming thor oughly aroused. A vigorous eaavwaeef . :, L a . ooniy win do eommencru si on the results of which will be seen in Conservative majority at the a proaeuing en-etsnn. inner aseauis axay rest assured that Bowau county will do her duly iu this crisis. lie people, Caption ef the Acts of the Coerentien, Gov. Graham's speech, together with the address oYdto Detnocmts of West Vlrginis ; slse, such other matter and descriptions of psianusi and scenes as have appeared ia tbe North Carolinian touching tbe Convention and Its respectable (Ti Persons desiring to see this work brought out, will at once eemmanicata witb the North Cireiiuiau, staling lo wkut extent way win patronise H. ft. B I fan artist can be procand Bt lime, the Constitution will be illustrated." ' mm AN ORDINANCK RESPECTING THE JURI-DICTION OF THE COURTS OF Til IS BTATlfc Sacrtotr I. It it ordained bo the pro. pkmf North Osrotmm, to fJbtiaeafhin as- temokd, Tbat Secttone 1 and 2 of the - t- dinawet of fha Convention adapted Jane 23d, IBM, em il led "An Ordinaaeo to change the jariadlction of the Coorts and tlte rales of pleading therein," be and are hereby repealed to read as follows! That an warrants befiam Justices ef the Pears shall be issued or be returnable aatilJae eary 1st, 1869 Hklllfal the drtondaal upon such return pay to the piaiaUff, sr to the collect tog a Mtt i, tor Ms use, af confess judgment before the lagbtiMi for eoo-tenih af the debt and demand, (principal and totsruO he shall be allow, ed twelve mouths to plead at the etpira ttoa ef l hat time, should the aVfVadaol pay to tbe ptointuf, ar for eatuBBh ef the debt or dimmed, he twelve pi ret ion uf dant pay te the menl nr alaalkf s.-. j.i J twelve msaehi more to plead t at tbs rs C -alien of thst lime the plaintiff shall vo jaigasiul for the reeid aa ef but debt or desaand t JVeesahd Jbanvaar, That tfte ptaintuT, if required, shall file bis ehthn in writing, and If the defoadai.i shsN mske oath that -the whale er any part thereof la not foatly dee. er that be ha. a reenter dastard, all of which U sfaan pariicwkrly set forth by affidavit, then tbs defendant shall only pay the in stallmeat nanhed nf what he admits to be due, and Urn justice shall proceed to try the statist! to disputo between ike slpiiattoe at coafost judgmeel miktol ef Ibe saU hall be showed months more to plead I at tbe ei- oktlatH M Tim It ame of the reaUesef esZ. he shall be aBsesd parties i a the twelve te plead only pes ment of oi tlia n.n.1,1 uta.hasl Sedfessl ton ever the fast Ice mar have festal him htdebted over and shove the same i Pro further. ant fail to pay or section 3 of the above entitled Ordi be amended to read as follows: Sea. $. Thai all actions af debt, covenant, as sumpsit, and account now pending in tbe Superior Courts shall be continued in Spring Term, 1860; and that tbe several Superior Courts at the Spring Term there, of only, unton otherwise herein provided, shall have exclusive Original jurisdiction f all such causes of sction except where Jurisdiction has been er shall be given to ft mf 4ftMwt dJw SaiM InHw9 'wwft fiJriWrlfiffwfiwi rv or law, of North Carolina. Should ih. peine Term. 1869. on wrlls which shall be relnnied to that Term or In any suit, for tbe shore causes of ac- up for tiuaHnuliia. Mr. Graham, ot ih- mmmm aak 4 tn amend the first settion br ly oouDie loo regular rairs oi socu inserting tbe toltowoog work, iuduccd the eoorentioo Id mppsrsoas ohmB he orpmmiotd mm On tbe 10th of e ebmary last, tbe re-. I m enough for Congress tn disregard the rt ol tbe eommiiu-t on jiuma BADICAL NOMINATION. TheBadamJ anwawatBua) atari ailin for this Oongrewionsl District met in the Town Hall hi this piece en yesterday, aad after eonsidwahle deliberalioa aomi uated Calvin J. Oowles, President uf the ate so-called Convention, as beir eandi- late for Congress. We need not toll our readers who Calvin is,- -be is new known in every part nf the Stole, and was Jang be known, as the most inefficient presiding officer ever beard of in North Carolina. Ills strongest Competitor for tbe nomina liou was, we I. am, Mr. Jeba McDonald, oi Cabarrus. Bo for as we are concern ed, oe are as well sstisfied with this nom ination as ll (s pnasiblc for as to be, with nj. radical nemiajtima. Of all the men mentioned iu connection with tbe nomiua- TWhdd ttoaefosd 1 c.se, the plaintiff shall weed to jsdaatowt sad the first or . an thru and in that be entitled to cxfntion for such Installment : frotidsd Sx'. t. Bt it farther ordained. That 'Jner, That by tancatft of the plalatiff me neienoani may tn any hum eenwil judgment for a stiuaUtod sua in full and hnal discharge of all further demand ef liability upon such elahn. That all sxe entions en Jiirlgmtuta he a alto as ef debt. eoveuant, have bean, or lien then pending hi the fiapertor Cmm, tsnlve Cy er confess judgment to the f one-tenth of the debt nnd the plain tiff one-tcnih of tan debt nnd demand (principal and interest) and sll rests to that time, be shall be allowed Until the newt Spring Term to plead. At the said Spring Term, should the defendant nV to the plaintiff er confess judgment for ewe fifth of ibe reehhte ef the thbt or de mand and cost, be shall be allowed until the succeeding Spring Term to plead At the said Spring T.-rm should the defend lent pay to the plaintiff or eeufoss judg I ment for one-half of t be rcsi due of I It. debt er desaand, be shall be allowed until Ibe sncceedluc Sonne Terra lo nirdd rm the pat"' eg i-ll be tosnsd eulude IDCfttf h'TY'tofQC OVtatifAwMB WtfOCB ATaVT BaMat- jkelrUdael at the expiration ef twelve months from such return rtrittf a an ai aueh toto ee for only see araih af the doe at the aaauejfonef thet men I a shall is. II It! Alt fit f IhJ1 twelve fifth of the aud at the succeeding Spring Al tbe said Spring Te shall have judgment lor the , esldne nf bis debt or demand : Prottd d, hoirrrcr, That UN ptalntrK required, shall file bis debt or demand to wrMtoC. and if the defend ant shall make oath tbat the whole or any part t hereof If not j nstiy due, or tbat he has a counter demand, ufi of which shall fundamental law of the land, bit when the jadges corns to bold it in as b fax her es- tfou we tanik Calvin caa be most easily "That fWrcaltin,t'" liberty is indeed la Jangsr I heel re if tbe Ouuaaivatives act watery to The only ssnseKug reheetiee shout the 1 bringing out their rand Mate. We beea be particular! r sei forth bt- affidavil. tn.ii the defendant shall quly pay the iustdU ment r on1r. d of what he admiu to he due, ami tie- com t shall order eiury al the same or som subsennent Term, to iry the matters iu dispute between the parlies, and at the nett Spring Term the defend ant shall be allowed to pjead only upon paying or soufessjug Indsement for uhe- W i h ..t i lie n-siduc ef the admitted amoant fhe fesidrre, twelve montba the debt. Sav. ii. Be il further Sec ten 17 of the abevveu titled be amended to read as follows i Tbat the provisions ef this debts or demands contracted hnwtred since tbe first day I as ...... is. suoo or wuieu mar am traded or iururn d, sxernt Sd nn any bond, promissory noto, bill af exchange, or any ether IneWnmeni ef wntlbrg, er parol promise made sin 1 664, to the fall amount of tbe principal and interest of a debt exist ssnl day, and trjtho se for sue hah sf the ifhallit ef fur the batoacsef ardhtoafi, last Saan. exeend to anr tatfitoV tube to . .S ' . .... etnee e tfou than such preVifaaent nbt aad ex- cept also, asl ton i, uftoay vivo, continne o patrol promisess nta,b.llof , nstruinenis nf writirnr or is hereinbefore mentioned Sac. 0. He it further. erWatd, Thai ints nniuisnee shall be in after its raiificstion. in etei, loata a lew oert ."urasiicsald tubs a eujiaxed ui tea In die from and m Rvrot JL ff'TtnltHPfl MVCM, Mm oofcttastly s auiet man ,..cs S I L. .1 sTTa. W ' S'SWi saw iswosr, i.e. er tuejurj unus ititu tuaeeird roomer, seretuy yeer, Uasjr, asflo d wmti over and auove lbs salno JYovtaeek fur- "o"S o.i Uv a s . ! U-a l.ettor lie uws.u in,., me .an laug snii clkrOl He thee aehtdkaj wf&ilosetil iter, i net saouia uie deieudant fail lo pay or eoufeas judgment for the first er any sobseoeeni installment, thee and iu tbat ease the piaintifT shell be entitled p proceed lo iodgntent aad taitaiUa 4m lott !. in, and esboosd h. to get eat ol the way moat The tee his advice, tad the wwarrrstalseee altorwaid ucf to eVsUr -- h I.., a hs-teh' alxt sLimMm irk sS psato.vv- ferssv tustoes-s l .

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