i W r - . i ' r . , - . , wBjBB lili lldlJi Of ijrli - i , ! V ' ' NEW at Hid ii SALISBURY, t fun C, MARCH .wu vol. i, no. u jtlBlUttnll Wc, , ., hate. U.Im liui. i .!;" MWtMhTMMk, I PtvmaMil Ubtrk Jakwal -!- i- i I i -t.t a.. . u i , .. 1 . f MM I NORTH CAROLINA. mm . PREAMBLE. We, tke pNfb of ike State of Xorth ( rJfg AM-y God, ik. riiteacfMraN, filWul aad ie. N. Tat freedom of tke . t. aeofflx.grr-lbulw.rk. of liberty, and anffirtlaal akal ka kek (k writ of oflhote do. for Ike Mid ittf tit bottaY state, ordain and eti to as and ear tf Ikb) : "T,CUi bWaJUTUW 1. bj.iuts. i ,iat the irreat, ftatorul and a nriipte. oflibmr .mi fret rnu.itL may ka reeegateed and r tebtfaibed, and that the telasitae of this) State to the Union and twverata those of t of t In line people United of tkia States, and Bute to ike rent of Ike American people, ,nv U deftoed and afiratod, da de fection 1.' Tkal ket It to be self evident that all That Ike; aas endowed by their .monc tkesa ara Ufa. neat of tUe fimiu of iMmwl laker, and the pursuit of kappiaaoe. Sec. S. Tkal ad political power ia vest- d In, and derived iron, the poople) all jrovenjactit of right oriiataja nm th Umaalal la fntflaalfal kHMHI fk-BaV Ml jatata rx VM f am ivawv w urea. V and i. inatituted aakly for tka good of ike whale. Mae. 1. Tkal tka aeoala of hv the mbcrunl, nolo awl eid naive right of regulating the internal ewvernt poller thereof, and of altering aad dig the ir ouatilutioii a their aaiour mm. MbIbwbi tack right okoald ka Itajafajai anee of lav, and ernwbtotitty constitution of ike jutted States, . 4. TUl this state shall remain a member "af tka Aatseiata Vmkm, afcat Ike j-ple thrrrol ara part of the natteai that Wtkh) iteaaafl frni era-1 axtMalatea af limajam . Tka privUem of ialBM oarpaw ekat aat ka an Me It. Aa poiltieal rkjtta aad priri MM Arm wh 4Ma4aal or imMm or IHIIIiajl f tLaaa-ailnra - , HQ a a. , li ajaj mjBmamfarjy avammgmjam. Uon o-AltaafctA, rtght te or "We.- ft tlwaataitaf not to be tasod, oratade abeet to tka rtee.f4. Aval af a free tkarhrht of iko bag armtea, U tkaa af aaaam, aye daawer om to liberty, Ikey oaght no' to be kept p, and tbe military .boaU be kept noder thaalrt Ma. The people bare a rteht to aa- Ml Mpilkii te e.aeaat far thear ema -I i food, te inauaet ibetr rep ret utetfeea Kigbteeath Dlatrict-Oreene It Wayne Nlneteeath Uiauiat -Kmakliu tVaba m akau be not lea. than twenty Ira rear. af age, .hall bare raeHed bt the Mate aa a aMaea (tea yara, and fhali hare aaaal- T.aati it Dteahu flmanWe aad Bat. 10. Eaak amamkar af tka ftaase Poraoa aball oteat two Hmton of Repreartatire .ball be . uulified Twaaayoaad DUlrlat-Oraage akall aloetar af tke Mtete, aad tUI kar. reahj. ateet oao aaaator. ed ia tka eoaaty for which be W ekoaea Twuy-ti.wd DktrU(Tth abalJ for on yajr ll I I lj fimfiaj hfa ani at OOaTrOlOt'. oloCtioO. Twoaty-foartk Dletriet-Oaawell aball DWtrict - Rockingham Tke KxaeauVe i af a Oarerw aball be reeled tke aupremo eiecatire p"wer of tka State) a Lieo tenant Gover nor, a fWretary af State, aad A editor, a Treaarer, a SapcrinteadatA af PnbUe VTorka, a ailllaUa Jul af Public In fauaatai.aad Attorney Ownerai, who ak.ll be electee for a term af tear yean, by the f Twenty afth aRateataaat Tweaty-aiith Diatr Teaty ainalk aWetrtet''iielilpk ami Montgomery akall afoot aae Meaner. eighth lJtatriet Moore aad kali elect one eeaator. 1 wonly laafrnkJ Tweaty-aiath Dfatriei-Aseou Uafoa akall elect one Senator. I hirtieth Diatriet Mecklenburg aball aboiiah- Hoe. 8. Kr redrew of grievance, aad r amending aad flrengthening ike lava, gjtt a jL l.i km jfcjk lauLil BR UaVflaV aTRajf HM Bnc VI a7H Itf fO. See. 29. A frequent recurrence te fun damental priuciplea u abaoluiely neceaaa- ry to mamnu tbe ble.fitga of liberty fteaV 90. Ma piirUere, or kooora ought to ka or eoufem-d bt 'hi. Btate. Sea. 91. IVrpetaitler. and mnnopnliea t mumtf arM feariaa of a free ataic, d aekt no t to be allowed. iceof fach were i. oo right on it..- part maraJ and Ike all attempt oove'On or iMfi wiMtioTor to the eon.tito- i'n and roeeramuit af tka ITnltod and that aa ktw ar lo ooot rarest toa ee eao bare nay binding force. Sea. "'ft, To malatain tke keaeraad good laiih of tbe Stale uutarui.hed, tko public debt, legaktl fy anatfajeted before tb rebejrio.1, akatt ke regarded aa mriofo able and never be oueatiouej j but tke tate akaff never aaaame or pay, ar aatksr hte the eollectioM of, any debt at obliga- United Sutea, or any claim for tka foaa or emancipate Sea. tta titled te exdu.ire ar Sea. 8. The lgutatiri, Ktecutirc, and (OOfTaaM aJOjOIOaU BOWOtJB Oaf UM fOMTaw I aat aagfct it W rarieit eiaatati and dfo- and te apniv to the of erievaaeea. See. M. All men bare a nateral and unalienable right It worrbip Almirfbtr Uod ai tmdiag te ikefr own ennacieuci-e. I i:o ham en ealheiNi abeald, in any eaao whatever, control or taterfcre with tke right, of conscience. Bat. x7. Jim people have a right to the ptWIageeof edaffarioay aad ft ia the doty of tbe State to guard aad maintain that TWrty-lrat Dlatrict Cakarrat i Stanly .hall elect one senator. -' Thirty at can d Diitrict Davie and Rowaa akall efoet one aorta tar. Thirty third Dialriet lfovidaoat akall elect one senator Thirty fourth District Foraytke and Stokes ehall elect one senator. Thirty fifth District Surry and Vad kin anail elect one senator. . Thirtyaixtb Diatricl Alesandor and Iredell akall elect one senator. Thirty seventh District - Catawba, Gat- ton and Lincoln shall elect one senator. Tbirty-i igth District Cieareland, 1 ol. and Rutherford shall elect one sena tor. Thirty -ninth District Alleghany, Ashe ami Wilkes aball elect one senator. Fortieth District Buncombe, Hender son and Transylvania akall elect one .en acts committed before tbe existence of laws, and by them only declared criminal no t pott j,trta Ke law tatius;. retrospectively, sales, purchases, at other act previously done, ought to be passed I Hie 33. Sluverv and hsvoluutarv servi See. li Tl.at every ritisen of this stole f trade, otherwise than for crime whereof the ill. liberty, wli lata onght to be made. part lea shall fat wi Inn this See 34. tka SaasVt' VesVib"' sfcaialy 00ttVtoR( Tke limits rfasa aisan namaWMf and bneaiarlaa of V ss aw . . . a toVNt' Jtt9&m tPOT jjjj Jf AeasBBsln rights aad eagkt 8oc. 10 Alle Sect. All power of .aspendirur Uw., r tae.t.mjll.e of Uw., by any v, wttnout the cansenl or the uvse of tke ssafa. It. injnrioi to be exercised. Res. II In all criminal Prrotions, ' very man has tke right to U informed of tlic accusation against him and to confront Ihs accusers and witness., with other tes- Lirtioi-y,"iint toiareeoaasel far hU e fence, and not ba anatovltad to give tvi- f,!, . tr necessu.ry witrn s. letence unleea found gamy. See. it No person shall be pat to aa '"er toy criminal ahargr, except at here "after ndowrd. but by indictment, orv- eminent, ar Impcarbmeul. See, 13 No person shall ke couvicted .r any crime bat by tke aoaoimous rote f a jury of good and Uafwl men im op n Wrt. Tkt legislature teat, kaworer, re-vide other means of trial, fat petty israemaanors with tbe right of appiaj. M. Kxer-asive tutUafmald not ke . 1 a a. . a "Jotou, nor exerssire fines imposed, nor ruel or tuiuaaal punishments u Sairi5. fJriHVal warrants, w bcrvbj ny ofleer or miastagrr may be com man - ut sesrea saepecieu places, witaout 'idenee of tbe set committed, or te salts lin vo ricbt and sale, denial r deter. tfoe. 36. No soldier shall ia tpcuff tffi li Wstrtdfr'fJ in mi v lnimi ike consent of tlie owner, Mat in "V "Tr war. bat te e m.BlnaT nThiil br Uw , m men ar. ea- m;im QlMll ll f itjlll i iH it. Forty first lintrict Hurke, C,!, aad Watauga shall elect one senator. Party -accuud Diatrtct-Madisou, Much, ell, McDowell and Yancey shall elect aae senator. Korty-thinl Di-triclr-Clav, Cherokee. Uy w.wd, Jetkasw aad Macau shall elect Saa. g. Aa saum.snHwa af tke fokabi tanto af tko state akall be taken under Ike direction of tko (ieneral Assembly in in the year One thousand eight baadred and seventy-live, snd at llm ami of every ton rears thereafter : and the said .eiutta Districts shall be so altered by tke Gene ral Assembly at tke first session after tke ret ara af every cuumeratfoa taken aferssell, ar by order of Congress. Thai ly aa may ka aa tarsal number of inkabi touts excluding aliens and Indians not tolod, and shall remain unaltered until tba return of aarotkrr eaaem ration, and aball at all times consist of contiguous of law toiirtory aad aoeoouty shall be equiuUy crod without !entitied to two or more senator. aajaaaamanas ssjssa. ' mm , S fats L., m. V i saaii oo compoeea one uunarea twenty lleprc'iitativcs, biennially by ballot, to be elected by the t WBCCtiv.lv aecotdiug to ibeir population, aad aack eoaaty have at teat aat Rtnreaaatatire. el jmty aat iwatata Me re ratio of representation ; this ap- by the U.1.0- 11. ! red upon Coastltat! See. bars BO inar divorce have power imony la any I Sec II. I'M General At not have now er te fan any to alter tke name of any I legitimate any person aat bans la U wful wedlock, or to restore to I he rights of citi- seuship any person convicted of say ia famous enmr, but shall bare power te pass general fours regulating tbe same. Sec. 14. I lie (Jt oeral Assemby shall not par. any private Uw, aulass it shall be made to appear (hat thirty dart notice of application to pars such law ahull hare oeen given unaer men direction, end in eli manner as ehail be provided by law. Sec 15. If vacancies shall occur in tke General Assembly by death, resigna tion, or otherwise, writs of election shall be issued by .tke Governor under suck regulations as may he prescribed bylaw. 16. A law snail be passed to rates money oa tat credit ol taa State, or to pledge tke faith of tke State direrti it or indirectly for tke payment of any dobt, or te impose any las upon tbe people of the Mtaie, or to allow tbe counties, cities or towns, to do so, unless tba bell fat tke purpose aball bare been road three sever- I times ia each house of the (rencral As- bly and passed three several readings which readings, shad have been on three different days, and .greed to by eacl House respectively, and unless the yeas and nays on Use second and IMrd rand iugt of the bill shall havo been entered on tbe journal Sec. 11. Tkt afWBaajaaaas tatavia which tke Lieutenant Uovaraav shall bt aaable to preside over tin- Hi-aate, ami efoet owe of their own af their body t ami the powers, duties aad essolemsatl of ike ofaoe of Governor shall devolve ansa asm j j wbanaver tbe Lfoatenant Govrrnnr sknll. ! V r... ... - m - a t ju. aaiara miJ.. .k. .wk. JZl .aw.. - i ikey skaO ks pvridJ, kattel tmrW:0 lli,r.i.i mmtli SSta LaManJ ' ata Court issue tkoreoB: to the next session for iu setioa be diri kJvX'''! AoJVCHlblT by fW , . a.st t u t -t. . m at loo, tbe vole shall be rTeo esrc AT.' X7l . TST.TT It. Tbe General Assembly shall j 0ajg- tmm Mt after tfos approval of this sror te pass general lews regular - - i , t li ,ri and alimony, bat shall not .a u.. . : tU rr11' d.ir0,eB 1 ve ft- w-d to, ibeirsi daw of Jmm, IndlvMnal case. I .i-T ' I af ata Wkea- aary 1S69. Mec 8. No eh.11 be eligible as the age of thirty yeare, of taa United ks have aball have been a States fire years, snd shall have been a resident f this Stole for two years next before tbe efoetfoa r aor kail tke per son elected to either af these two offices he eliribk- to tke same office more than four years in any terra of eight years, an tes the ojtoe shall have been cast n sst- ' ' taalra fojdteteJ diet rials far each n of which s tedg. steal ba cfossoa, wis. 7,' te said dfotriet, at toasTrwtestewV"- tfaTtJ , .a sa . . a a Sec 13. Ml aft. 13. Tbe of a of Public Works, Super setioa, sad At-prcseribedby Uw. If tbe office of any of said offieers otherwise, ,t shall ka tka duty of tke ff n ataxias taa - s.a.tll tlssaalaaa- ' ability be removed ar kU lenmir ka eh-cted aad aallfii d. Every sack va eaaey shall be Sited by ilsatlin, at tka Bern general etectlna that occurs than thirty days after tka vacam token place and the person chosen hold tko office for the remainder of tke Third thenfficesh.il have been east apoa ' T7 ... 1 ,. - ss Liao tenant Governor or 1'rvaaaWnl T? ? nX"eiion lYoI--.- of that Artieto. A m nee. tr. i ae u ear rat Assetnor y airsit entuils in such manner si to per .1 i tkUfaie te75-? Jul . 1. The legislative authority shall la- vesu-d in two distinct branches, both dependent oa tka people lo w it, ruga Isle entails sent perpetuilias. Sec. 18. Each boase akall keep a jour nal of Its proceedings which eball be printed and made public immediately al ter tbe adjournment of the Ueneral As sembiy. Sec. 19. Any meattaW af ,at Irsastt may dissent I i.in and protest against any set or resolve, which be may think usu rious to the public or any individual, add have the reasons of his dissent upon lire journal. See. 10. The House of shall choose their own entered ijta aktr. ajaj. irkjB raata aad House of Biipiaseaitilies reseutative third Meads M aoalaaea taa I nasi ttsBBT .t4IIIClHj IH AOTITIaMnK aa tke when as- j pctiooV vIms tba? I ) U t He U f ) r t 1m ftfuioto I sft botvjtnbofofv difoctCtj lo bt? IonJ oIT. Ifioata T. lat tojokiito; tbo apportionment aa 4abo aOtJjOO Oa ast4QatOa0tttCray tb sTes t l4t of ttpiiirtalBiliti sfteN be muntafoid kj s divid.mr tke amount of the population of tke State, cxrlu ed within those coantiet severally contain tke one m s is !ih?d, shall be denominated tlie lien oral Assembly. Neither I l.mse shall pro- u i nobVic bwaiinOarii ' wniiNm it jorit y of all the members ate actually prtt- nee U not aWtfoaUrlv descriU,! See. It. Tkere .hall be an im prison -""i for debt ia this State sxceut in cases fraud. . OrillVXrliTTT We. I. IMbeMtV IwisoiHjd ar dtestiaad of or ia any manner deprived of his tkeUn?' rfKT' See. la. Kvcry person restrained af bis M r'y- UaaAMUtaa remedy te iaajeire o inr tawtalness thereof, sad te if unlawful ; ec 19 I .Heant iJbyjJryTT! flat 3. Tkt Batata shall ke composed of ftfy senator Menially chosen by bat- lat. ' d..'-J4 fo! Sec 4. Until the first session of the (aarral Assembly which akall be had af ter the year 1871. the Senate .hall be composed oil members elected from di IstetB enll-lilntl-ll OS follows t. lhnt TllaMlBll 1 rf rrjirmans, Chowan I'asaantauR, t arrtiacJt, rasas nan vjbbi den. skull ehrt IWo srnotoW, S.-e..ml DiMrk Martin, . Wnshington, irf tryiietkaM etrat ewe mmator.-' Tkini District Ihwifort and Hyde shall eh-ct one senator. fourth District Northampton shall elect one senator. , District 1W-rtio and Hertford t one sens I or. SUtk District - Halifax shall elect one senator, Seventh IHstriet 1 lMgecoejiht shall Kichth District Pitt shall elect sive of that comprehend- i which da not I hundred and Xtetk Dtssttat Mask aad Wlfooa tkalT -Craven and Carteret i MasiruBi "C iwo awn.iors. Tenth shall el, Kiev, nth District Joues and Lenoir shall elect oat senator. Twelfth District Duplin and Onslow shall ek-et one senator. Thirteenth DisUTCt lipuutt a and New Hanover shall elect two senators. Fourteenth Dirtritt SUden and Col- B st.4i - District- Kobesou shall fleet 11.. remove J.ttjakrssa-dy ravers at U re-1 jjmmm twentieth part of Ibat pi Bahama af aae State, by tka aamkrr af Bepresenuii ves, less the number wanrued to darh conn- the number f the population of the rtlate, aliens and lu- tiatu not taxed, auon not be To each contain ii ,:, a- a . a 7" ' twice the said ratio there shall be assign ed one representative ; to each eouuty contain! 1 ip twice bat not three times tbe said ratio, there shall be sssbrned two n-pri sentati ves, and en oa progressively. and '.hen the remaining n-prcseuttives shall be assigned sever .til v to tke counlies 1. . . : I... I...u. r...u.u . .. . . minx mv m-peii tmim H.-c S. ITutil the General Assembly shall hare made il.e appoi iioiiuient a bereiuU'foro provided, tin reseii tali res shall be cdmpored of mem bora eleeWd from tho counties in the tol- lou ing manner, lo it i -1- The county of Wake shall elect four members ; tbe counties of Ci.ivcn, Gran ville, Halifax and Now Hanover shall elect three members each ; the coantiet of Caswell, Chatham, CumUrUnd, Da vidson, Duplin, hdirecoinbe, franklm, Gafflbrd, Iredell, Johnston, Mecklenburg, Northampton', Orange, Till, Randolph, niiUTMN., ivucKmiiwiu, uowao, Sec, 21. Tke Lieutenant C.vcrnnr shall preside in the Senate, bat shall have no vote, unless it may ke equally divided. Hec. . The Stamln tytjbBat fts other officers, and also a speaker (pro fwmafirv,) te the absence of the Ijeui-n-ant-tJovemor, ar when be shall exercise ike office of U sterner. Sea. 23. The atvle of the acts shall be "The General Assembly of North- UarisaWtVatestt. See. 24. Each bouse shall be judge of the qualifteatfoa aad efoeffons of fts own MnfMbaWPS IsisJI il Upon It own ndfUrn- aunaasBkB BuasaBaa sstanast tVan stsaBaal sBssaBBaBssxaaBi Lbbbbb fhsa aBaa. aaMTB irOsW Umj SO UHJ. ptr-JJaMtt; Ollft W vm pla fl btC1 la IlltO bltlt 4aVMa tbf a Wft hottAOe) mmj $lm jointly ailjouru to mj future bbbbbbI nkjtfilnf mtfi nf fa Sal fas t wiufctsrita sa be day, or ether place. Hec. SS. All Mils legislaiive 1 in each boase bafora they ease lata , and shall be signed by tke iw.-sid - tug officers of both houses. See. it. Each member of th. Irensral Assembly, before taking his take an oath or affirmation that he will support the constitution snd laws of the T ni ted States, and the constitution of the state of North-Carolina and will faithful ly discharge his duly as a member af tke senate or bouse of representatives. Sec St. The term of office for sena tors and members of the House of Rep resentatives shall commence at the time of their electioit-t and the term of office ef those elected at '.he first election held under this enustitaliuu slialliernini.iii-.it tin- same 1 in.e as if Uiey bail been elected House of Rep-j at the first ensuing regular election. rT. I pou nioiiou mane ami sec onded in either House, by one fifth of the numbers puaeiil, tke- yeas .ad ways upon any question shall be taken and en tered Upon the journals. See 20. Thu election for member of tke General Ass. ml.l v shall b, held for tke l nsp italic districts, and snewtieSyat tko placet where they are now held, or may be directed hereafter to bo fold, m hi af tke Senate. 80c. 3. The return ni every election for officers of tin- Eteebtlve Deptrtfhent hall bsT Mated up and transmitted to the seat of Government by the returning off ers, directed to the Speaker of tbe I louse of Representatives, who shall open and pub lish tbe Mine in the presence of a majori ty of the members of both Houses of tke General Assembly. The persons having tke highest number of votes respectively. shall be dccUtrad daly elected ; bat if two or more be equal sad bis: best in votes for tbe same office, then one of them shall be chosen by joint ballot of both Houses of tke General Assembly Con tested elections shall ke determined ky a joint vote of both Houses of tke General Assembly, in such manner at shall b. prescribed by law. Men. 4. Tke Governor, before entering Upon lint duties of hie ..thee, shall, in the pretence of tlie member of both branches of the General Assembly. 1 or before ant- Justice of the Supreme Court, take au oath or affirmation, that be will support tke constitution and law ef tke United States and of tko State of Xortb- aro liua. and he will faithfully perform tbe duties appertaining to tko oraee of Gov ernor to which be has boon elected. Bee. J. Tke Oovernnr shall reside at tba scat ef government of this State, and be shall, from timo to time, give too ticu era I Assembly inormnliou of tko affairs of tke Stole, and recommend to their eon- tMeratfon such mceiurea at be shall deem C X f tHe MSM $ , See. 6. Tka Oartramj ball kavt aanrw er to grant reprieves, commutations and pardons, alter conviction, for all offences. electa la rate of impeachment.) apoa uch condii ions as be may think proper, rvgnlaltea at-' my he provided by Uw relative to the mauuer of applying for pardons. He shall annu ally communicate to the General Assent My oaeh ease of reprieve, commutation or granted j Mating the name of each Sec 14. Tbe Secretary of state, Aa ditor. Treasurer, Superintendent of Tub lie Works, and Superintendent of Public I sea action shall constitute er officio the Council of tke State, who shall advise tbe Governor in tka excculiou of bis afitee, aud three of whom ahull constitute a qua rum ; their advice aud proceedings hi this c-tpauty aball be entered in a Journal to be kept far this purpose exclusively, signed by the Bxaasbura present, from any part of which any member may eater hie dissent; and such Journal shall be placed before the General Assembly when call- d for by either House. The Attorney J Ueneral shall be CX officio legal adviser of the XtJtecattve JA-parrjraent. See, 15. Tbe officers mentioned in this Article shall, at stated periods , receive for tarn tu rsues a compensation to be eftao lUhed by Uw, which shall neither be In creased nor diminished during tka Smefal which they shall have been elected, and the said officers shall receive nether emol ument or allowance whatever, ftee. 16. 'There shall ke a teal of tka State, which shall ke kept by tbe Gover nor, aud use-t by bun ss occasion amy re- uuirc, and shall be called "the Ureal Seal of the Sta.e of North Carolina." All grantt and commissions shall be issued in the name and by thu authority of the Stale of North-Carolina, sealed with "the Ureal Seal of tba state, t trued by Governor and countersigned by tke Sec retary or state. Sat. 17. There shalt be established ia the office af tbe Secretory of stale, a liaaaatsaxaa staff fjfkjfifaS A "w" aa vi araeaa ssv t, iv-e a x migration, under sack regulations as the Ueneral Assembly may provide. s tt I J.a. Fosjrili sOaaftnct ArvMWulfaTW fian fisfc Moore, U. l I SiSk" Dhttriet Northampton. Halifax, Wake, Naah, Jobn.toa, Franklia Uraavute. Seventh District I'erson, Orange, I batbam, Randolph, GailfOrd, AUaaxnee, Caswell, Rockingham. Eighth Diatricl 8toke. Forsytbe, Da vidson, How an, Lhxvte, Ninth Mecklenburg, Lincoln, Uaatoo, CUveUnd, Rutherford, Folk. Tenth District-Iredell, Burke, Cald well. Wilkes, 41etaaler, McDowell. EUveath District Alleghai Watauga, Mitchell, Yancey, Die Clay. Cherokee, Sec 14. Every judge of a reside kr ad or for 1 with t of the Governor, ed, tbe sentence and its date, lbs date ..I 7. Tko officer of the Executive I lsthfartmtit it A nf the llllili ItiffititntaVMiil r isat Mill na aaxsaa ass ass as a a e w 1 iwutnewne af tke State shall at least five days pre- m & MaiMKlw m as sissa IIm BBsatl bmBBBB" faaa t Isn ff rss inn ANalWJ wftWWtWUj ffVpvn HI Wmt Ifwr- with hi aaxklyi and tfos lime, require ihij ffiiiiaB.la k aaaaata shIi.uI 1 to the General Asecm- may, at any wrtttag SunfCIat. tnEraatftfta I Heetfoo 1. Tin. distiuetion between action. at law and raits ia equity, aad tbe forms of all such aetbms aad suits sraxrt at .ls.lisl.e.1 and there shall be in this State hut aa form of action for the eBfersBmeat ar of private rights or th re- luf private wrongs which shall he de natodaeivil aetfoa; aad aver) action by tbe poople of tke Sute as a Court shall holding his office. Tka fudges may as- the Govern which he atite session, may require aat or more specified I arms of lieu of the judge ka are. Sec 15. Tbe Superior Courts exclusive original actions, whereof risdietion is not given to aad of all criminal panfth Burnt larsor kali report JaatTtaktaC said courts in whose district ikey eicfeeive orurtaal ia gircn to some ether coarta, Sec. IS. The euperior courts skaH bare appellata,i.dltiua el all issues of tew or fact, determined by a Probate J edge or a Jatahwi of tbe Peace whore .'...tit :. . . "SBk.l aassF - Hetj 17. 'Vhm imk$ A Uw mm kur Cdiurtt thkiU laavB Jfirifijtjitttoa q itj nto- a'fcaat'lf Off dfCCfialalf t&W JT'wn tsT P fi of faattlVtr tetattaV rarty. fikgiunst m prin f4iirfd with a pub ic mmm iW the pqubhieut t4 th mms hi lw tnmffl n criminal Wtfc. Mglli iMutu shall alfM h abolish-,1 an4 th fart at lBfcaBfliBBaal faftfi satajMp aMid ot fUch otlvtt mal In t aa anall ba pcasciaWBMi Kxecutive Department reUting to tjn. dutief law, ea the trat Tbarsday Wsvne shall elect Iwo member f the rear one thousand ehrht each ; the com ilk. of Alamance, Alex ander, Alleghany, Anson, Ashe, Heaufort, IktSh Bfigryj BasteotaK ilurke, rsbarrn. Caldwell, (Jaraden, waB Sec. 8. Tka Qereraer l.all be mander-iu-chlef of tkt nailUU of Ike State, except when they shall be called into the rvtet of the United Bta es. Sec 9. The Governor shall hare pow er on extraordinary occasions By ami itli the advice of the council of State, to convene the General Assembly, fax ex tra session by hi proclairiatron, stating therein the purpose or purposes lor which they sre thus oonveiied. V Si-c, 10. Tbe (ioverrior shall nominate. in dl matters of Uw. 18. Ia an eourt, tiao partifEa Baajr wai issue tried by order of court beau, a Jary. jnkfok BBS. tbe finding of tb. X. Thre. ConxmissHmers. shall ba aap slated kg this convention to report to the lieueral Assembly at its first session after this constitution shall ba adopted by llefsas pU, rules of practice aad procedure in a eordaaeewfth the provision of the fi.rerro- taf'tatttfoj. f aBBaJssum " ' : ' ' tHfotst SO TllfB f Iff fat Of See. S." Tat wan tataaMialBarft faaR at- court shall be appointed by tka esart so renorr 10 ine ttenerai amhusit ss sib as aball boM his on tar eJsrnt , A . a r 1 r k . . , " - - '' iviiL rigta Sec 19 Tko Geaeral Assembly akall provide for tbe eatablUbrraent of Special Courts, for tke trial af ml.domuanraV ia ic CQ60arir. t- - - m m . .T. '.a . .. .. at . T f ,k. a.wane vaters taereoi, at me SSs. - st in t. . . 1 mm 1 m wmm mm w -- t ne soveruor srt.it r.rs p racahcies oecurrinrr in this C. 1 Tl... I.JL!. .. hall 1m vmIm! iu h mouH for t he trial of Ins. I c peachineate a Supreme court. Superior election nMxrta. courts of justices of the ream and BOBBtlV. spdal Counts. 1 Sec 22 Clerks of the See. m The Court hsrthetrtaliif hnpneb- sbaH bold tketr offioes for jineuts snail tie in. eeaatat a eaaj nity of that rjaat Tie General -meuinerk snail ne neeosaary 10 a quorum- mm awei tlw- judarmwut shall not extend benaxd rrnto- rat froai aud disqualification to hold office iu , . . Stat and of members of tke General Aa- ail ofiteers n-fanso xffiecs are br this constitution, or whirl. is of all officers provided but the salaries of tba and be and w ith tlie advice an 1 consent ..f .u. 1..., ,t, lZZLZ t,.n L i;..i.i.. ... s ' for in this Article : , appoint alctment and p.intshioent aceordluirto Uw. iVnages snail not aa aimmmaaa a Bring labii-heil (tee. ti. The ll.tw.r Itrnrewratetiye. side ' tkete continaancc ia office. shall be. lr. shall hav.the l.Wvr of "miiK-ai hiu. No ! See ti Tke Uwt ..i.;iti.,l kv lair and eassX anirointmenls IH-rsoi. .... ... - , - , . r . . art uot utlierwtse proytaeo lor such officer shall be apixmi by the lieneral Assembly. and no ted or elecled Car terct, Catawba, Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, t levclanu, t ominous, armucu, iavie Forsyth, ll.n.l. i season MhcIisoh, Montgomery nuotauk. Richmond Stokes, fiimn, Martin, McDowell, Mitchell, , Moore, Nash, Onslow, rss- I'crauiaiana, I'erson , Folk, Rutherford, Sampson, Sunlcy, I rans vlvsms. J ynell, Watauga, W. Starr. Washington, til August, in hundred and evenly, and every two year thereafter. But the (ronerai Assembly may change 1 he time of hoWinrr lbs elections. The first election shall be beU wkca the role shall be taken on tke ratificatipn of thin constitution by the voter of the (tote, III, I ominous, Vl.nivoi, vij unwM.-m mj - ' - - 11 1 1 1 , llastoa, Hates, Gteen, Harnett, ami tkt General AaseinWy then elecled, ma, Ilav w.H.d, Hertford, Hyde, shall meet on the fifteenth day after the , Jwttca, faseofr, liuenln, Macna, approval thereof by the Congress of tbe shall ba 1 'resident af tko sousl II have the power ot iuikai Iiiiik shalt he arsavietsd withiaii the rurrvoc- Of two thirds of tba rteaslon. cut. When the Governor is Sea. 7. Treason anaiast the state shall ' levying. the kete See 25. Uws af tka United auBa5at IMI tjl atTfawBHt aJlt'PalJ Action, at kwaad .ait. ia but shall U-ri, to t;. ,L. aiviaa.lbrm aMsnd 'Htanner' as may U- presciitad bv Ibafe no VOW urtlras m A .... " . . ' '.- I . .- . . w 1 II 1 M . .1 I . . . . . ly divided. He shall. I'restdent ol the Bsaufts, bilst acting a treason mW oo the Wlia-my f two wit- ont prrjodice receive or hi nre to the same overt art. uc n soasssshai ; aad all such a o ennvtetnm uf trsoawn or ' before, aad ocndirur at, Strrvtes tfo sse pay wbsck shall for the 'a Ta c-art. u same period be allowed to the speaker t attainder shall work the house of Representative, Bad kt sknli .V? - "" rf " - 'tka Jeneral mmm CM lUlsOul 1 . . i art. aim. eral Assembly, efsfo fec. 9. There shall be two term of the atacrwa pravt . to qualify, Supreme t'ourt held at the seat of gov-ra- Set 96. Tke State, his inability msntof the stair 1n eaeh rear, eommeoeiac Coart shall ka when he i aclinr a Uoreruor. If. In case of tan impeachment of tba Governor, his hi aa. i l iaJiuw the d.tM as hi oaVse. or it. :.. .1 o... :t I. JL.II. I. i - - .1. m artlmna shall m SSI- Miiiinr I'wini ouan, n miii mwi iw otom, w-. , - - . y i.. ti- . . .. . .. but if it shall so fall, then oh tbe next wis.- become vacant, the powers, duties . ""TjJTT" 73. j'i- any taeraxttw,ta lite .pprj. MTte- apoa taa usmxeimiix wvwmor woi w rtsiB f thr r,,rtl)H4..v. up.01 .ay matter disabiliUes shall cease, or a new Uoveraor f itw ,v Clll inference ; but so hvsueof! ball be elected and aariiSed. In every fM r.hall B trW frafore late osarl : aad thai t.d shall hold their reru ARTICLE III. until their suc- xu - t - t . 11 hold their office or Jaditesof tkeguncrior eeeakly. Tkeysb sight years. The i Courts skaH be (tested ia aad straShoid tbmr otaasaf coian-tmao oa i r " .mtm "Si..:

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