m but raa 4 iJh B-rir Coru which tbe iaeeara fa derived, la tat- r l-l .t th fast rUl-. u..a,. lb- v-n od. , . ; ;t . mat, aster tMtr asaoioa, uni. i tfa .. lllliMHI flaawaw Coart. b tlit-ioad b;Ui.i iwo I shall bold id- e.iual slsssss, oaa W which sU Am far sW yiao, A ebr Ibr eight fceBr, Tbe Orwaral A.reaably fay prireVir bjr laW that the iuilgc of fhu SB prrlor courts, unload of Daiog oLatial by the voters ef taw whole wu. a i fan-in fW praviaed far, shah ba afactra) b ifaa 1 of uVtw reapoativa autrwis 1 ba rmwriar t erm shall lx-, inert. bo NM OOjeti nts all aaalnvi rthm tbrir jartstltrtloji, rx rapt tba trfal af names of fact rcqairiaf a If. A aolfatof shall ba rfartni far aaab ladsria dirrwt by tfa quahaou tav ers Ibaiuaf, ax w prescribed far iiwbaw AmMt, .hall hulJ tana of fowr year, and pros ssf ofths Bsat. fa aji emai ia tha Sii-isi fat Cwutt, and ad- tn at JastBJt M Mi esKrtcl. See. la aax li conn(jr a Sheriff Bad Corener, aball be elected by ib uaallned voters thereof Us ta preeerfb ad for mawibert of Ifaa Gaoaral At aaonbly, anal shall boM tltesr oMeca far two J air. In each township there aball be a (Vnttable, elected In like manner by the vtes lhmaifrwfa aball hold bia osBce (at two year.- tr, the eterk rsf the Superior court for the edsaty may appoint one for ape Keanee, in any ol the ofa y rhaaaaetiaa, tba eom- fnr lira coontv tnav appoint t oflJc tar the auexpired farm, f fa A fajaMaSiafaaaxavnaf in oaa pro r 1 dad for bjr thi A nick of tbia constitution shall be filled by 1 of mm tloerrnor, on lee rWed far. and the ap boM their pktrwa antil ranter election. bet ft. The officer ejected at the firat eieetion held undar tbia eottatitu tion, ahali h!d their office for the te rave prcaori bed for Mtent reapecuva IjT, next ensning after the next regu lar election for member of the tiati era! Aaaembl t. Uut tboir terwa aball tUe apawiaai at tbia con hj the coneaa ef tfaa I'm Haa 1. The General Aaaembl v ahali by appropriate legislation and by ad eipia'a taxation, pioatue tor tne prompt and regular paynioiil of the lalcraat oa tba public debt ; after tba vear IStk), it aliall Jmv a apaaafio an nual tax upon the real ana penoiiaT pt.'peiiy of the atale, and the' faiiu timi reaiiaeo aiMii 00 aet apart aa a .inking fund to ba devoted to tlie pay t of Imp pnblir dul.t. c. 4. l iitil the iMii.da of the atnte Brno, fa In each toaoekrt ther e money that aliall be uaid aa an euui ahali ha biennially eleeled, hv the valeut Cat exemption from military qualified votera thereof; a Uttik and duty. Al , all graaia, gifta aMd do two juatlcea of th Paace, who ahali viae that may hareatvr be made fer coiiatitiite a board of trualeea, a ad 1I1U SuUa. aad out .oliorariae atmro aliall. umlcr ffca aanerrinloit of the ii i,ed bv the i4ant irlft or deviae. eountv 4Vnni.itio:.re, (lax a control ahali U aaciirety inreated and aacfed of the taxea ami tiuanrr. roada and Ir nrcrerred n mi tmtoheahfa' filnrt liri.l.'t s of the Towiialiii' Ha inav ba the aunual ' .if hil lnutkii Section 11.11111111 uw Bill ipaiiii-iii . ' 1 lull uiwv pieacriU'd Ity I11W. The (iencial .Va itll ao much of Mm nrttiimrv m.-nnun ant m,t .iMwIlntf il,. train rJ na on 10 83e. S. Ijeary Uoruaataad and that dwelling and building uaed lltoaawitgj not exceeding m value one thonaandl rtollara to lie M.-leclod b the ownar Ihoreof or iu lieu thereof at tba op- lion of the owner, any tot in tba city, iT." . 11 . j it t! j . toriT wy uornor vniajre, wini 111a u wciiina nay 1 i!.f,-jt.t.. . .n . ii.li. .I-.. Uuildttrga uaed thereon, oWbtxf and . "TJT, ,r.,vlllM, JkL altoJI be avaraa to kaaruic A x . 11 11 "'j " m 1 lAl.' '1 t 11 1 f im m ftUTICLt XII tntrrlfa' ap k a aa a a Ml. 1 I. 1 a at 1.1 a aiiiimi ittaiat wnt 1 liana oflha Staia of orth laroiiim 'batwaoo tba agea of twenty 00a and . . JS 1 x.f. . 1 . veura, wno are cniaooa 01 inn rba trait-artion M 'ahatl h at ar, tne t fcrtcrnl Arfeuihl) nail nave 110 power to contract an ue debt or pecuniary obligation in heltalf of tba atata, eacwpl to aapply a 1 -A A - 1 f , taaaai oeneir, or rw awppioaainr men ion or Utoarroetion, uuioaa ft ahali, in the tame bill levy a apeeial tax In pay ie intoreat annually. Auu the deli anal AeeauilMy aball nave no power to give or lend me credit of 1 1 10 alatv ia aid of anv twratMi, aaancUthnt or corporation, except to aid in the com HrrbMi of auch rail roada aa war ba utitiniabad at the tiaue of the adoption of thie Cbnatitatioti, or in which the atate baa a direct pecuniary intereat. unleaa the anbject he aebraltted 10 direct vote of the people of the atate, and be approved br a majority of thoaa who aball veto thai aim. tea. I Piopeily belonging to the atate or to taewiefinal eoepoeatlorta, abeJI be exempt from taxat'on. The (lanaral Atten blr mar exempt eierica. and prooerty bold tor aduca mom 1 aataoiiT. anparel. anna altd otherwiaw aaao, weaarajt for mutter, bonacliold kitchen furniture, the tuecbanieal ajrricultaral iwp'eeaeata of aae- fiMuera, liaeeriea, and aoieojiiae bmruinenta, to velae of not exceeding three hundred dolbjra. tec 7. Tba taxce Wxi-d by the commie' oner of the aeverai etoin tie, for count r partwata. aliall ba lev, ied in like ina oier with rheafntt- tux ps and ahali never exceed the dotiLI af lalit at faak a ftlaefl fofapetMIWi . .-i - - - a P , aan witn tne apeoua approval of the dciieial Ajemldy. wc. a. x.very act 01 uie eiierm Aaavmhlr. lev v 111 j; a tax. ahali ftate the rtcial oMect to which 5t1 hi he applietl. and it aTiaH be applied to uo homWy may pro vi, lo for the election ol thetatoa may be ncceaHary .ahali of aarger onniber of J.taffaea of the be faithfully appropriated Tor eatak I'eucu 1 tn eitioj and tow ua and in liajiing and perfectiug education in titooe Toarnahipa in which eitiea and thi State, a tyateui of Free Public to-rnt ire aitoated. u evvry Town School and for uo oilier purpoeea or nip loom aiian nio ik mjniaiiy ttec uaea wtiataoevvr, ted a tSchowI Cttutmilleo emtaiating of three pereone whoao datiea ahull be picaeribed by law. Bee. t. The fownehtp Hoard of Trnateea, ahali aaaeaa the taxable property for their toweahiie and make return to llie County Coiiiiniaioner lor roviaion aa may fat Tiaeiaribcil bv law. The Clerk ahatl alto be tx at cae Treasurer ,f the tewnahipa. Bee. T. Tio county, eitr, town, or other aaieittaJ corporation aball 00 tract any debt, pledge ita faith, or loan ita credit, nor aball any tax be levied, or collected bv anv officii, ol the aame, except for the neeeaaary ex pauaea thereof, unleaa br A rata ef a majority .of the qualified votera there Ubj Sec. 8. No moner aball be drawn frees any county or lownanij T urer, except by authority of law, aeee. v. au usee levied By any county, city, town or townahip. aliall be uuiform, and W vwiarvaa, upon all property ir. the aame, except property exempted or tin Uoaetttunoei Sec. 10. The county officer first elected under the provfainne of tliia article ahali enter upon their dutiea tea daya after the appro vol taf tbia Couatitmiufi by the Copgroaa, ot the IT;tt H.i.v. ' wwp leaf KtalM aW n..a.av.Ml ;.,.!; U il. o: her purp e. yoaceahaal luye tiahaw original A UTH LK VI. Ihen iral laaumtilr ahatl pre-crihe I "rrnuflu in ki 1r.tu11.rrr to orrtifc. of all etvi! action founded on contract Section 1. Every male pereai born am demanded aba! not ha the Lmted at.ttea and ever male tare band red doliara. aadiperam who haa been natural-zed 1 Ifaa at tie to real aetata thai l twenty one rears old or upward, who not be in oonHoeeim. and of all en m aball have resided in 1 bia Slate t waive inal martert ariaing within tbircouu- tuontli next preceding the election tiaa whare the paafahaaenta cannot and thirty daya in the cwntr ii 1 iraiarl a Wtit rf iflv ildlan or ian which he offers to vote, shall be riionment for one month. When an deemed an ejector, ieeee of Ait ahali he iined before a thereto, he ah tote1 cam the aeaae. The party Of either parfv war jury of six tvfao ahali tn eeal.uet whom fediaiant ttelf be renden-1 in auv oitVatotie See. S. It aball be the duty of t lie- General Aaaemblr to provide from time to time for tie rewt-t ration of a eleetora, atad no feqWgh el toifeoTO etite S-Tlnoiit Tesfiatr .tun, or1 to register, willaotg firat taking an oath or affirmation to support and maintain the constitution an I law of the Uti ted Statea, aed - the Couatitu tion and laws of North -Carolina, n ! aetion, may appeal to the tupe rior court from the aame, and if the judgment ehell exceed :iwentrfive dolhira. there may be a new trial ot the whole matter, in the appellafc incoi.i'teiit,t!.c-rewit!i court ; bat if die judgment shall be I Sec. A All ebsotiouaby the people for tuesuy-flva doliara or Urns, then I aball be by bailor and all election by lb eaae ahali be beard ia tlra apellate the Genera! Assembly shall be ri'tvz atswfa taws upon matters of law. In roce. all etwea of a criminal nature the par- bee, fa Every enter, except tr against Whom lodgment ia ctven I hereinafter provided shall be eligible . . - r ax . -. 1. ... .1 to tba oupenor Uourt. 1 10 ootce, out oetore entering npou me atter shall be heard anew, dtacharire of the dutien of tits ottice. brought before a justice I he shall take and aubacrlbe the fol lowing oath : I s m aoiamnty where the he ahali make ajrecord.of the proceed Ingt, and like the aame will, the eiarhof the teperior court of hi. I swear (or affirm) that 1 will support and maintaJn the Contitmion and la wa of t ha United Staiea and the G- When the office of Justice stitutiou and laws of Xoi th-Car.diua t ahali become vaeant, oth-1 not mopsiaistotit lhrewith, and Ilia' expiration ef t be 1 1 will faithfully diackarge the dut ea mitare far the 01 my omce. so neip met too. trict. to elect, the Sec fa The following elaeace of court tor ttte I persons suati oe aiaquanneu nr omce: to f H the va- Firt, alt peraooa who shall deny the beioaref Abarbrhtr Mod. Secud - tbe office of clerk All persons who shall hare been coo of a wperior court for a county shall victed of treaton. perjury, or of any ia caweot lageitlaena or tne uniteo wa ea,or ct. the of erwiae than by the Voler. of aigr dU X elerk of Hie wMrtc i . i.ii , . 1 , coon iy, anan apporet ft cancy for the unexpired X Sec, 4. In eaae beoutnetManr aw (Tutted States See, II. The Governor ahali ap point a tnfBcfent unuilmi of Juaticet of 1 he Peaeo in each tytanly who shall liol.l their pliiee until aectiont lour, five ami ix of thi Article shall have been curried into effect. Sec. 12. All Charters, ordinance and prnriaintia relating lo mimieipal corpora' ioiia ahull remain iu force am lit legally charged, tmh as inconsistent with the provisions of t hid Gmatitnv "on. . . Sec 13. So Comity, Cilr.Townor other muuicipal corioralim, almll as. or par, r aliall anv tax be lev ied, or collected f r the pavmuot of any delt, or the mlert uon anv iebt contracted, directly in aid or support of the rebellion. ARTICUCVTII coatroBavnoaa oruMi max vi sk-ii-ai.. '- tl i '..rl,. ,,.ti, ...s fa. . -v.i-.i. v-.i 1 in formed under general laws, but aball not be created by special act, except tor iiiiitnciiaii purposes, ami in eaae wherein the judgment of the Leg's htiure, flu,- objects of the corpora tion cannot bo attained under gener al law. All general In a and ieci al act passed, purr nan t fa 1 hit, sect tion, iim' lie altered, from time to time or repealed. See. 3. Due front a-poruta ball lie secured - br such individual ('abilities of the corporations and other meauas, at mar be prescribed In law. Sec S. Tlie term eorporttMoo, aa used in tin Article rhall be con-tru ed tn include al! asrKnathnis and joint stock companies having any of ibe poweraatid privileges of corporation. not. no agsjaa by m dividual or part nerwtia. And all corporalintia ahali hare the right to use, mid aball be nbject to bit uaed, in all c .urt, iu like at tea aa natural peraooa. See. 4 It shall lie - lie duty of I he U-jfiaJaturc to provide for the Tgain - " -as si . sm st ' j aatbsSttf cities, towns ami tuo porai OS vi II.1 get., and lo re-met their 0W I er of laxatiuu. rents, borrow ug money, contracting debts, and loaning their credit. at to pre rent abate iu sassaaasnestj and eon traeiUtf debu by each municipal cor Sec. A. The Usivoreily ef North Carolina, with itt lands, emolument and franchises, ie under the control ot tlie State, and ahali be held to an inseparable, connection with the Free Public School system of the State. See. , The General Assembly shall proride that the benefits of the I di versity, as far a practicable, be ex tended to dm jests of the State free of expenae for tuition ; alto, that all 1 no property winch hat hereto! accrued to the State, or ahali hereaf ter accrue frets atthaata, unclaimed diridenda or dug ri bud re aharosol the estates of deeesaad m-rtoua. aball be appropriated to (haute oifae Uui er- See. 7. The Go vemor Secretarr ef State, Treuanrer, Auditor, superinten 1 - -S .a . " uent oc raMM Worts, tsserlnias deot of Pabiic Instruction, and At torney General, shall aamtjtslt 1 State Itoard of Education. c 8. The Governor almll bt thoitaand dollars, shall be exempted from solo under execution or other final process obtained on auy debt. Ion no pi open 1 aball be exempt from taxes, or for payment of fa the par- sale lor ilia yfa'kna cool ranted essaas ua sard premises). See. A The Homestead, after the death of ihe owner thereof, aha!! Ira esempt from tlie payment if any debt 1 , " " during the minority of his children or sav oaaatUyaal .lMs.a.:t UnO W repel See. anna, from religions sera pie, aball be exempt tlwrefrom. Sec. f. The General Assembly shall provide for the orgaiiiaing, arming, equipping and dltcTpllne of the Mlli- oue ef thein. 4. The provlifrma of sections President, mid the superintendent of Public Instruction shall bt SMI Bill J 01 lira Hoard eg M.ication. ' Sec 9. Th Ihiard of Education shall aticced ta all I be -poo ere and trusts of the Presidcwt et4 ihrectort of the Literary Puud of N'ort Ii i 'r, .. una. ami almll Have tall power Iu leg reta ssssojrssaftssj akVal Medlul ruics and regulation in relation to free public sefaada,' and lira educa tional fund of tlie Slate, but all acta. imUi rsswtarier i.f MMd IVaird, mar be altered, amende. I or lepcHied bt the (ruiier.n AsM-mhlr, and when so altered, amended or re pealed, rtier shall not ho re euac f corroption or iDaJ-practice in office, unleaa auch person legally roatored a t4 ahali bsve bouu rights of ajafa 1 if 5 ,1. ,n.r.i.t Ia .1 1 1, t the swperior court for the ! r aiialrai.point to fill the varan cy until an ejection caa us regaiarJy AKTICLK V. "l- JsWswg asp xavarto. Section h The Generat Aaterrtbly ahali lr a capita' ion tax oil every Mala iadiabi'tattt of the State over taentvone and ussaW titty year of 'era! Assemblr, the following officer Hr, wuieb rhall be equsl m each to A 1 ruaanrer. Ifagittar of lhrads, bur tbe tat n properry titued at fhree revorand Five Cotitmiaaioners, bum) red dolW in cash. 111 Wi Sec-fa k aliall he- tlra duty'of the lsftlftirYr Hi' ' 1 coWttVes Cemmiasionere ts eaeresse a general may exemfif tram capitation ' tax u tuperrUion awd coutrjil of the irahal sikaaaaLassaa. 00 acooant of isrturartr anu cnaniaoie iiisiuuiion, rvciono, nviWAU coceisjuTHire. t. 1. !rf each Omnfr, there sbal he elected, biennial Iv, by the onait. tied voters thereof, s ororided fori the elecflret ot sem)fa d jltefJetv fW?!t:iT. !.. - I AUTTCT.r sncva-riou. acted byjhe ifaard. .iMtflfO: fee to. The first w,rotr -fthe liuard of Kd neat ion ahull be held al the Capitol of Ihe Stale, within fitiuen daya at Mo the orgensatt tests of the Statu government under tin Out-.ti-lution, the time f fa'ure meeting may be determined by tlra I5-.nr.l. Sec. II. A majority of the IVard shall coiwtimte a quorum for the transaction of but ocas. Sec. is. rue e raiingent ettiensca of the Bssrd ahsll be provided far by the tretiernl Assent uly. Sec. 13. The Board of Kducaliou shall elect Trustees forihe University follows: Une Trostee fot each county iu lira state who term of office h .11 be eight years. Tbstiret meeting of the lltard shall be held 1 1 Inn (lOtuavtaMer their oieotssni, and at tbia and every aubaeonent meeting, ten Trustees shall constitute a quorum, lbs Trnateea, at their first meesiiis, shall - fat divided, as pouallv n- mar be into f ntr cfttasit. Tlra beast of tlra tirat class shall be vacated St the expiration of two year; of the second class, at the ex piratlou of tour year ; of lb third class, at the ex, 1 alien ot aix years ; of tlra fourth class, at the. expiration of eight years; ao that 'owe fourth may be chosen ererr second year. Sec. If ihe Hoard of J ducalion aud the Prosidenl of the Uuiverait. shall be rx ufUut members of tlra Soar! of Trustee of the University; aud shall, with three other Trwree to beapMMuted by tlra Board of Trus tee, tassatitnto tn faaeeotive Com mi (tee of the Trustees of tlra Cuiver- .ity of North Carolina, and shall be clothed with the powers delegated to the Kxeeutive Unminittee under the existing organization of the Institu tion. The Governor aball be a ". 4cia President of the Baxrd of Trus tees and Chairman of tlra Kxeeaiive (i m in ittee of the Uni verst'y . Tlra Itoard of taliicatum shall provide for one and two of ibis article shall not be so construed aa ta prevent a la u . I! 1 a" wwor a tion mr wura uoutj ami per- . . -- ,t ; pwlirui iu, tltv trot viioinrrtt t otw SUCH - ... . , BL OMI for lis. and lor paying ilia called into active service. See. A The Governor ahali he Com tnamler In Chief, and hare power lo call oaf tlie Militifa lo execute the It riots or insurrection, inrssiesi See. 4 The General Assembly ahali have power lo make such ex emption at may be deemed ueeaaaa rr. and to enact taw last may M ilgfafC.WA IMH'HI.K TRACK ROUTt 6ALTIBURE 4 01 Rsil Rofad. jJtlW) ITS CONNKCTwONSL, laaprifa W torineo for lira ptrtou claiming ai exemption, or a mechanic a lies at i.-rpfc. Sh Ooiaof. in. tWtlfVsVo) lKsVs I .in.. Ill , isakls. Tsa, CaVaHsl4ir' Ctawafam tjfct' fsVpu, faeatU. !. wetswsuieon tne p-emiaua. Sec 6. If the owner of a Homestead ih .1 4i-i die, leaviug a widow bat so ehildren, ! A" tlra same shall he exempt from the I Seetfon 1. No Convent debit of her huabaud, and I be taata, PJWpta '! be called by t and profits thereof shall ahali inure to aJ Aeaemhly unless br Ik bar Umtfit daring her widowhood, 1 fsse of two thirds ef all unlets she be the owner of a Home- bars of each liouteofiheG ARTICLE XllL AUtcauMsarre. Section 1. No Co initios lbs th she be the owner of a Home- bets of each Uouee of lac Ueseeat At stead lu bar own right. tstsbly. Sec A The real and personal pro No part of the Cossglfotlon pi rty of any female tn this State, as ta quired before marriage, and all pro- bill to alter the same thai have been pert v, real aud potential, ta whseheh ,nre Hu in eeb I loose of the aaateaitaw aaaaviaats faosnis. lo on Getstral Assembly and agreed to br manner enrit lod hIihII ha and m.ii. thie flftbs of the whole number of the sole and separate estate and i nn J memliert or eapb Hopae, reapecti vel y : uertr of such f.maafa. and .hall not It! or shall aar alserstmn take place en liabie to any debt, obligation, or en ! ,l1 . fred to, ahsll Iravel .. - - - t, a. I -a- - m k - - . . . I . I r I . . . . I ! . a I . 9 gagementt or lier husband, aud may ucc" p""anc niwiuii po bednvltedor lieu utat bed, and, wiin a traweaeotiou of niisuht t foe lb written aoaeot of Iter huabaitd.' General Assawibly If after such )ab eooveved by her at if she were uii- ''cation the alteration proposed by lira iorriei, i" ' ' oeccding (feneral Assembly aliall See. 7. The umUim! may insure . 60 xgrcoJ 10, In the flret tcsaiiw there his own life for lira sole use and Inme ,"cr two-tblrda of the whole rep- fit oThm wife and children, and "taetiialmn in each Uowra ef the Ues CStwoftlie death ot . the husband the Assembly, after the same shal' amouut tuus itisutsil aboil h jatid 1 'Mvc been read-three times on three over to tin, wife .111. e 11 dn n. or t lie ' severm uays 111 eaon uouee lata me guardian, if pudef age,- for her or j weral Assembly .hall preaenbe ttieir ownn-e, tree from allthe claims i " "J ai"u"uwi" r f :he repre;ut.iiives,g the husband, ; nuiemlmeiit may be sUbnutlod lotlio .rsiryW UUmdhm, w qoaUned votera or the House o Kep Sec 8. Nothing cvlHaine.1 in the ru-estaliraa tbmtigltoul th State foregoing seefWh of fbta articio aball MMl comparing Iba vote gi- operate to prevent the owner ot a ' " 1,1 ,n wnoic otate, it snail appear Homestead from dispoMuu ol the same a majority or me votera rating l.vdeed. bet :o deed made br lira '"ereon, hare approved lltereof, then, owner of a Ilomeatead aliall bo valid not rtlnSrWsafa the same aliall be- TWO CHAB0BS ml Cut oaieroa W '..lods-at. t la, faaaai. frm W awl 1 iiafas fa saW I of the 4ewr and MtmfAit, Ttysfa, fal r trfsntr vasaoalo KaS-nti. HaatoT,! Hs pSaBv ssbssVsH ssssssWsrv trseWnBl r-iMTks , as . goat, afaitatssfaats aavl laa. fas a, U, t,rZ TaaTlfa pssta swToao fn w oW I aT't aatfaot ta m .,1. SJ . llfajartauj,, 1 m nisW'rmfcr sUf i Bf lAttfa lam ' f 1 p - - ss ""masssare-o sj Iba SVosea Of all totas IStMtrf at Ssraasjsr sBU titM ta o a- m isav 4 mm IS jaaioaa feN sajsc- Ml -r' "T- . , ... al Uoa. siaora . Ban. fatUaaB I Sasaaasfasa H . C. . "-.5?5lT t. B. rat, tlsa Tisot Vt. BaB.BO.1, wi thorn the vol aura ry signature and a.-etit ot Ins wile, stgnilled on her pri vate examination according to law. .-' ARTICLE Xt rrjUauMtvsre, r-asrai. lasrmrrto Aim NIB csxamw. Section 1. Tlie following punish m enm team shall be kn.ww m the laws of tliia atate, via: Heath, iinuriton- ment with or without hard labor, flues removal from offices ami diadualifica B3-.vV t'-1i Wi''"?'-j:;'VaaT-- J. coura a part of the Constitution. AimuLTxiv. MsoextaefaHk Section, i. Ail indict mclila which hall have been found, or may here after be fuune, far any ridta r of fence committed before litis Coaatitn tiofaosBsosltas muy w preahmded npon in the proper Count, but ao puniahment shall be inflicted which : . t i-ii t . ... .1 is loruiutwm oy una ixmtuiUHOtV owe. I. .o larrson who shall here tbr iDbahilanM of ifas ooaMijr sad afasuys 4m I of Cueatintcsioa. Mo safawsa fa far sjssl dnrnarhly analwd. nJ ft aatara IrataasW sat aoSBsaol Seawkm t, Ifaligbia. morality, and knowledge being ueeeastry iojpatd irovemment aud happiness of man kind, schools and the mean oi ed il eal ion, shall forever be eneourged. Seelta TBBjaua aastidy al its firsrseaaion ander diiafJottstitutiou, shall provide by taxatinst and other wise lor general and uniform system of Public schools, wherein ttutson shall tietrce of 'charge to alf the cfiil dren of lite ebatc Itetweeh the age of six and twenty era years. Sec A.. iicli ApltJ 'd the Wtalt ItaJI bo divided tido eonvetiut a limber of liiairic:., in which one er more Public tciiopla.. tbaU ., ba,niain- tion to bold and enjoy our office of; after fight a dud, or assist in the same honor, trntt orprohr, under ihfaStale. j as a second, or accept, or .knowingly See. 2. Tlie object of pmii.hmeni. carry a challenge thoref r. o agree to being a.t t)! tojsstitly jwjtlce, buljgtt out of thi. S ate to fight a duel, ssatl Itota any otae in tins Mate. 11 '--tiiMti immm w ta aCaar - ffC It9tffW 9999fyTVf TTV Ittf l99f? fJOf reel ion and instruction of other ehst sea ot aBBnuais. Sec. . It alia ess rilh this oid iTinrtsitr aihl tN Stn't and eoum I Uo Ja, Utidgca, lerytng of tuxes and taiued, af lea: ton:' months in every . . ,i-vT T" " a . i : , i it . f -r t. ti, ..m l. . nu.l . I. .11 nov-V Rliancea Ol llim UOUiliv. aa may oi-.tiar. aim 11 uni toiuioif-.oneiB 01 J . T ' : ' K . , 1 ; . fe . .... i mr exceed two doliara on tlra head. Sec. 2. The pseeaeds of lira state! and oiraiity cajnfuiToti TaX"fiaTt1ra ap j lnd to the pttrjcet of ediicutton and the suppoi t ol lite oor. out in 110 one : year aball more thou twontytiv peri be appropriated t th See. 8. Laws shal! be passed, taxing raacribod br law. Tlra iteirisier of anyconntr .lull fail lo comply fcstria shall be Kx otiic o. Cleik of the tlie al'oreaaid reoiiircuiente of id of Cormiftsaioners. j a a a a . .1 .a . j . . c. 6. -it ttiaii U me uuir oj Hid (Jomsusasienera, Bret oseeted in TV. .. ' a s . -a t each county, 10 oiviae me attiira mm eajan dsstrict) ta dele mis the b the Gtw'wAesjblr 4mw eafsuhsl and 111a utttiti in connection uiihthe' I'niver-itT, or I fepai linei.t of Agri culture, of Mechanic of Miuiiy ai d of Normal Instruction. Sec. 17. lira (feneral AM-mldv is hereby empowered to enact that every child of sufficient mental and oliisi- tsrctTOO, riiry ta be trnbhrtpYmdrct-i aTiiliiy aliall aJfend the Fii bile sciioota tiiinng lira period oeiween twe. 4. The proeeeihi of all lasid ,1,. .M ailli ,,,,. rars uiai turn) iin.v ijwxt "i ''"' .twj. , ,r a ,cnn (4 lfm tuw, 10 tmmijia B. ST I7 t ? - U. . T T T rj-- - -t ie (fi .uiUMi uy uie t. uneu riarrs m ttnlMS MMStvd br oilier tho ...ore .arrfeet orgunitmna. ef tbe lloat of TntsteeV " w ' w SeC 15. All the privileges, rights. frsmch sos ami endowments hereto fore granted )to, or conferred npon, the Ii trd-if aHsMBtsfstlJuirar stly of A orth Carolina by the Char ter of 175V, or by any subenent iegialatiotia, are herebr retted in the I'oiird of Trustees auihorjted by thi. Constitution, f.wrhe perjieimiM.eiu !ii of the l-niversify. x, Sec. Id. AaMUva psBO'icalile af lt-r tlie adoption ,of tins Louslttutnui 1 also to re. o-m lira offenders, and tli us JsWtejit orifae, mstider, , aroos, bur glary and rape, and ttloa only may bo suni-iiable with death, if tlra Gen eral A-Kaihl aoeoael I; - oec 8. TheGeneral Aaaemblr ahali at ita first meetiiig make provision far) ine erection ano conuuet a a r im prison or enitutiary at urn central asii jail tl thie ls..iut whhSsVihbtftBto. Sec. 4. Tlra (tetraral Aaaembly may provide for the erection of I louse of Correction here vagrants ana per sona guilty of miadeiucBi.iort shall be restrained and usefully employed. Sec a. A hotise or houses ol refuge mar 00 swMMiinesr; wnene ver tne pub tnsra oaa areater aYivrroty at nhui, lima 1 1 ttsYj 1 riiaisai Pants 11. lltr .ls srsl Back. oeiai ai gslivt eaUtlitioa tf Sec. fa shall be drawn al.u lUe Uiart ami (far. Sanaa ts.mUM.aa. rfafasye - , aW laaaaj '.aL!. afat. 9atl j 9 I r-f W9rfU9vT tllh IMI ltr, a io moner si from the Treaaory, but in eonaaqnenee of apprttpriatiuiw madf by law. and an accural account of Ihe receipt, , ami ssmstsBtBssa or tne iraoitc money ball be annually published. aTrT.il:.i-i " ' " ui ri vfa . iiiv "CtlVini aMrVIIIUf Bllfll) r!ssaasHMsst4ts A saslsasss loaiBokstfa staaas'asa provide by proper legiJatltm, forgiv tmWmmW' l.ZrrZSy All Thrual and Lung Aflextmoa, I metr latxrr. 1? . " " TTrrrr TTT Z .. r. i.. ,i t t I m a taw wooaa, aOsv bavHW mtin l rsnsj ..vw. in hid aivvuec 01 ail T cson-1 .. mm -l .1 ti 'jmt . I ' t uni ot lira receipts " i . .,., t te -1 ' " iasrta w and shall be required by com ton mat the s'rudare t of iraiial iottitu .J av.. al . . fflBBoBBfr ttdfa, city police prisons, secure the and ci tagtaiai ia? th State, of tlra aard diatrieta. mid to reoart aame t the enerf Aaaemblr before i . r z. - . i . r ,the arrfdar of Jsmmrv, itu.v. appropriated Uy tlie United Mate, ori lo-r.- otore bv tliia State, ala. silt AJmt i V j I . r. A . r Ira ne ver confined in tlra same room or eeil. Jtrac. T- IwneficenJ r3$bna for the po.pr. tin- unfortunate and orphan lieiug one or tlra first dutiea of a e vi liaed aud a christian State, the Gen eral Assembly shall at itt tint session appoint and debit ihe dutiea of Itoitid of Public Charitie, to whom shall be entrusted lira supervision a all penal aud state institutions, and who shall allium II v report to the Gov ertior. upon their conditions with sug: gaanrmini lor inoir onpmrCTneiir. ncc. o. i iiure aliall also a aoou as practicable, lie measiire devised by lira state for the establishment of one oi mora orphan houses, where deati lute orphans may be eared for, educa ted and taught some busbies or trade. : Sec. l. It shall be t he d u r of t he Legisiatare, as soon a practical, to devise means for lira education of idiots and inebriate, ' Sec. 10. lira Gciwral Aatcmblr the blind, and th Insane of the Stale iiiouies, stocks, bonds, and other prop Sec 1 The personal pnapsrty of by a uaiforsn rule, all mooieaSoodits - r- i h.i . ----- i ... n . minumta. . tn-w . mm, nui i - -- - . - : ' ' ' ' , w - teak iiisjs suias or otherwise ; mid, I See. t. Upon tne approval of tiie,erty now iraiongiiig to any luua tor any ream su tot tntrtaie m tmj estne wfan; all real and personal property A report Brertaed for fat tfaforsjoingjpuriraaa of education. Abut, lira net of It ve hundred dollar, to be selected accoi din to its t rue value in moner. section, by the tteneral ABtambly,; proceed! tuat may accrue to me oram oy ancn rewdeiifs,stiaitDeano nere- j irom aies oi cursyi or inu uiioat i uy oaoiun rams s aaie ssusr esvn- penal tie and forfeiture.. Also, tba; Son, or other final process of any Tba Gent-ai Aaaembiy mar also taxjUraaaid diatnett shall have corpor. t.a.lo. protoaaiooa, fraochiae. aud ia- a'e power for the neccssstry purpcer local government anu suau mm (.ium, I'rovtde. mac s income eJiail be faxed avti the property from of knows a township proceed of- all sales of swamp lands ; court, issued for the collection of any belonging to --Uie Btale. Also, BUjdcbt, . ... shall be eared fbr at fne charge of the Stataaj i 0, Mf tittusm Sec 11. It shall be steadily kept in view by th Legtalatare, and the li-ard of Public Charities that all penal and charitable institution should , Ira made at nearly self tapper ting a is consistent with the purposes of their creation. Irary provision, all officers ia this Stale, bet her heretofore eleeled. or appointed by the Governor shall bold their piauiimia only, until other ap pohi i "tenia are tdade by the (iovorn m w, if the officers are aleeti re, an in i heir aucpesaor shall have been choaen and duly qaalified, according lo the provisions of thi Conatitut on. Sec . The seat of Governmetit in f hi State shall remain at the city of f II ttara'gn. See. 9. Ho pcrton tliall hold mora than one lucrative less, under the State, at the tame time : Provided, That otficertiu the Mililta. Jssttar of the Peace, Comrationeti of Public IstsWaasf' Charitie and Commissioner appoint ed tor sjiecial parpoea. aliail not be mmrnjim 1 sBSl H.. Cunm laMkntia srTaAWS- LmWhf W. Tfc BsW. BB A. w ILHO, 14 faaoh I ffafa ft nasi i i ii L. - a- - .. issiBBj I Ut VstMBksrs mj pnsVfl WVswl Vmw t sf 'ssas nfMsiM sranaa assfa, isaafao ikt start I ot h.. M wit. .r.pl.ii, anr rtaeatfagaawal-l . ft PUUL80N k ( 0. sidered officers within the f of tl.is sekitmi i Mil lr-- in Convention at lUh-igb. tl.e sixrwrttlt day of starch lif tfTe yrf our iora, one iliortaand eight bun dred ami sixty-eight, and of me Imh- pendeneeot tlra United Stabi, the ninety -sCeoiid. , , i Signed CA1.VI.N J. COWIJ-X. , yVwiO-ffft .J Ik tVllini( Vmi.-cmhiH,. T. A. HfUMKa, Stey saBBBBB ANSON Ctfl Cnmrtof 11 ft and QmtrUf Stmiv, lfa t wi M I MvVV. J OS. - il OaBasjta) f. Krbjr.) I ji,M nialiassii I 9mwwmWmnnmmnrf grrrwrnm rif ! W , II 1. ISO II Hon j w.tnre ( lilajfal . Inunks! t U r.iaH-sosat ta SsSusant oik"" l w fssMb ta roart, uait raw MSVJT fpj A mam M..4r la fl srt. IWs thro l t a ww , - - ri OIMTAL SCICSJCt .1X0 1HECHANISM. ii iTi'ii mm Inn rktNH. Dtutt-tuul IMJ I II I1.. F. BASON, Dentist, W. W ltfa t9 tf lfaTsWW9. rtf ttttfattsTfat SwSaVSs A. O. 1HNH. tatters. c. .IsrsstUtrMO MBWOl i. romcpusv cor. V rHn H m Utf Tvira tarrWsasary. uW was found a - BARREL OF RRASDY, 0Ul.li rafwsjdajljr nuak luwwo d...t u- iUh.ui la-anntaa uraaa ar sar atbor ua. .-rturiir.1 to Haboburr With abomlaal mid- -rson. aSii-h as ssiaatl pass f ssiiusi m fahfafita'tlllia, ami jsWTarajrBnim rafar isanataraaf TUf r br at a Wins " nteraaf Br after 20 ixld yean scttvs prsetlw, hope to f tb- rab4 Matea, tsetbia sfa af BS I tlsass. rv siiaJCUhJal last HT Ho on assl ba Oststad (mm fear of A,"v trimn ,,r V?'M sSs aabt Biaaw , pun t sr bi-rsby rt-ainri-tta apaaar sod Bia SB Batutiur, March W, tH jfmt . f ,b 1- ho. jt ivpuly f.,lltsOT

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