5IBPr HV'V' ""f t - -L .A'.JHiaBBiiWTWW1 J" '"U - -' - -a-. ' . . . ,1 . ' . . , ' , ' . a . vaamm a m an mm. SERIES """" SALISBURY W. C, APRIL aTl86& 1! V WO cr..Tor.CWCIfTKir.a l b Be riwh, u go beyond that, or -Nor t.a. Ma--. J-ha M . wn, .r. to .h -4 k-rMfar ,7 ' uJjt tha .MMW --I pr-eed-re ). fot II Gilmer .ll-ded tab BteeW. MM pb far pokTiert favarto, We . .toThiaia of if.' ' k I i ,k. fluctuation a morn ur . Ml m hi at eeuara w wo ooaui io L iTCMMAX OLD XOmi STATE. t.m Mr TUB OOMINO KLRCT10N8 WwfyA.(uU.UCMUefcfro-lb, Urgk RjjfrV at tke reqoert of Mr. II rZLr m NiMite bfa rb-e m) Un LuatM Mftrd ef, and iavite an attentive jLZ. Wrtiiy mmmm " jut Mr. Helper ay ea the .object of I. .dbthoeae all thai ealv ltMlaj.ll i by iU aeeeplaaec M tin pert ef the peopfa. i . . Tbr very aat of ratifying the l bi llon will render void 'Logi.folore,' a la ear dkeat to the pro of tie. Uni MMM ef wn- Wa haw MWN TWO KIJKTIOXt. W. tolrt Jtrt body ealkrd to frame amine. Might have (WMnd draig. fct 1 - Mala, lrtker aa tktaUaay awa I tat I a "at MM MI "it Xty, Ml wTMmbMaf k ; la ia law wwaM aa m? a .tUt tbaCoa)- awtwawlfcMU aliaa iMl'tf whlek w.t , Ircud by a part nf the rvler; Ml Ike poop will rfcrhtfall liaailalu ita prrleHptona. Twaj wfft demand new alaMiaaa for MMMMI of ika litwUlatarr, and far all State awSecra, Kxrcativa, Ad MiwkNralive and Judicial Tke eanwrana ordinaaaa may ko adwlattd M aaata, kat Iks will li Ve no rtgwt la tkeat. Tka enuatiiutioa of tka linked Htatea proridaa Mai "TUe liouteof lUpceaentalivea akatl be eompneed of aiianVn tkolad every Mil J Ml by Ika pcop e of I be acri-ntl 8uteo, and tbr t-lrctore ia eack auteaauM WBwV Ahf Me9w0awwVtffw9 fHPlwl ttttf fif $ Mf oaW D$&t MwfawwVVVaf Wwtwflrw aW Sttt Ltmitittmrt." Now Mraa aaalmVallana, enter Ike eonadtatWa wbirh win be in feitd vImm t bs rtpfpf'HtiiiiTCM In rongTWaJ apply for tkew aeata, will be ratirrly dif forewt from tkoee d tko elector wko will Man! I beat to Waaoinfton, ai.H tbey will It dill mure repognaut to ika cxkktog Tke memkere ek-et andcr tke d I Ware, and at lean, MM raree apen tka wkke lUUd a eard in Ike Tka OUaaar aMndtd to to ia Jala. X OMtoM, MOM a ""eal wko now, with the hope of eaaciala emol ument, kaa kreamr a eeMftof "Mt1 at iba fort of tke leader, af the kUdteal twraMMm.-Sariaaal Tito Baa. Jaba A. OUmarb) m of Ore here, and baa, we are aorry to aay, for twelve nmatba and more, Uat part, been (ready aHWd foam a ac r ere paralytic rtroke, wbicb baa an impaired L kenlik, a to render bkn aimoat krtp- mack aa at mart, MM Mi bow ord i HatewC i iliTiArB , v ill t&Try w UK iIhsi - - f nrtaiaami Mai i m A . - alaae O awatttUIIOn IM IIWMi UMI IftT bare not been legally atoned, ami their would only prore tke We call I to lb af Uenoral Canby and of t 'ongreea. If the ordinance orHrriba the election eoald Ml 1 wbh-b wae eterrmrd d trrtem. bv irrtaia Stofa. which I irrt in order. U alea prrrenu the bjimJiH af ewart foam now Stole to a- mi wreieh aaj tk. bordrra, eoald he I twite by Ow d.macer''-- ka n-flbe Uw. -ctieaa in all the Sutee, waa never more enUal than on tbr pramml aeaaahm. If i eUarirn, U North Uandina ebell take ma week or two aftoftbrt of South inline, k will be Impmaftfo toMWtwnt krttof wf Mto e-wljr M4aiiMjiM.M . mibfotMeof lb. line. The n.II keep i m mart mn, wIQ ha ."Northern I If they are actuated by ea. the r wM MM know on ether. Tito n anrt art of area but ten day ar aaemtr. will r M Wirtnali framSe, if there by tba erdinauco for in fenerai Caawy ia an honorable and ap MMMtMefraatm'iiiiil iliiid army. Weare lawfofw quite Mire II hi MMMMB aeold Met have been -n te theae Ucl and imaldiritiun. to ibu arrangement to M Jtarfh (Jarolm "a "itMbj MtoMll : w I . . a a I " 1rH V foeafoiy Mr JMahmd rrvrtn-f jTZ 'lT Horn, a imt iamwiaieerr aeeina. revw i . - . we believe that be Bow indnlgea a hope of w Mi ring any aaaaml hanar ar emoln menla foam an party, and aeare eeprei ally tba part now to power. We pre MM the tinniilliia to ia to Uw Hat reported by Mr. an tba pan af Mr. Covode, who, it wa lb fort M Mtoht the matter. Dill ill Illy for war f. fond, like ten of It M mil J other ia tke Sonth, who did all la their power civil ami bloody war, I ea by k m health and ImIMI tbey bare Ibe eigne ef Me Mnae, bad tbey eabwrt ed other to plat for Ma beada af aid Aba lA-aala and Uenernl Seoti, they to hope that they afoaar vn W. -. .... im . : U-ia.-, vv n Mod. .ea. and hi am bat. Tba III II T ' - . "T" . 1" ' laelbmJ W iwiiiiabM who are now to ddwafowrt fctoTdM rncll? wbhh the THE JL'DICIAUY ARTICLE! tad ay waraM IrtVlffo, Mai mmt MCbae- Mfs jgi miT ika imnthMtoa. tl MMWAfM". mgw itw Utilrl ftliwMfM hfli pfvi mm- m mm . J fcyfow, that aWafarttoMfor PrartdrM T h iMirb. nrta.wkhwMfoar af eoBtra- the eeveral 8iaaMVwwMto pfoaa aaj AX OMMXAKt'K dnframan 'J.g1 am. day, aad to la manner ifo- K()K TE gUtJXHMION ' TIIK no weTl to Iti - . it-e-i.v OOXHTITLTION HI TIIK -HO- -Kmiieally adminUtered - i e .. I Mfor wtf foam alpartoof ibeaeaatry, the name time, and avwida tba aadn. AX KDIN AM K Foil TDK ST. HMISSloN O" TIIK OIIXalTITtTlOX lO TDK rttC) tL ASU TIIK KLKTION Qlf CKITAIX OKriCXM. JfcatHiWllllf aWfM in North ayetcoihaeop H lernaed an rarmfaewrily M all elaeeea of of oar MM af Mb State, regfolerad and aali-1 Zm7T"ZLi m Jieit fo-J. M provided by lb. rt IV-ngreee, J .".V',' 'ZL,.- krn.wn aa the Beon.tmellon U. en "V! l. mmU N' Kor the Coemtkation- and -VtomMk JJFJ -- tba Cnntentmn." be held rt the plane and afottona to ba MMtorkWd baa been gmwlnf tnriee, and the wi las- Tito Mb) under lb reg- L. .1 !'... contributed to ita aamplaliaB, ami have it a the hart adapted to the nrhmiairtratiea af kH, J a Am WI ha held at .. - --- j i ,i... ,s JtoJl ton. nf thttitotio7for Senator and , j"rtt.w .f jmUcator. i T1!T".?L . " ?!,V?rrVSTSrM Suu- Im. bar- growing" ami mat. and lr all I the 'here " '"J" !?!,,0,, r",,U U ! rtmly .d m-ey i-eaJc.Ubh-. It IT it- I... ,J ,L-1 ruM be imp eelbte to cetimaU- Wlnrt H ika. 1 Aa election for member ol the , f- . ltmm tfc i r Uaked ftalee Oomtree. .ball be held in : . . . , each Cammeaiotial LM.tnrt, a. now tatlfohiB, at tb MM than ami place W. -mamaa ir Micial .y.tem titatnmv aata ilnaiina aaau an cow . . vr. ml-d hythe per mad ander the , V"Hk 3 OlTu i not the mem ou.-fl iu . ,. , , , ilia tkat aHlto beat men o different age, all coi.tribut- ing aometning. It lake a fong time, and M ! qaaelBine ef bw that bare arleea ander taar ytrm. from lime to lime, and that i La. 'r"y f m A goad judicial .y.tem, wa aay, U the mralathtaa a before thw ordiaance. Tba rrtarni .hall M .t i I lion, who ihall give the pereon c ""'ertineate of election. to It i the foyoMabihfjf cW i The C.mmmMl.ng UfM-rt rt . 1.1. uiiu.ee INatriet ia tea ao ted to en- a lieriaUlnre lor a fUte, , i,.,-,. " eraor. or other Auto MaViwra, txrtpt ia i JV s 'it,. IVeeidant af tba Oonven fwrmt, to tke arorWM. V Mr U bareb dir. rb 1 to forward a aar MfoiiM. A body ..f Ml ah-eied by j ,M erdinanew to tba Com ollbitoamia wbeejlbe whaia adult ..'oMMfal of ibi. MibWy DU- to, ander tfe tWrtitnlH.n .rf the Su,, . 4,.y nf Mk, MMMi o. anna ar-; w toaaand eight bawd red alJndgea, IMjial to ap two more plaeae for poUhcal fovarkee, wha will lkrtVj draw fram the Traaaary af the Stale M.000 ar $7,000 a preaeat Jodae do all tba nrt engaged over a third af the year. Thaaambaraf Seporior (oart Jadgea i (wMWttMrf vich t In twf9t. Til MMak Mf Maj tfob wMarn for iMriiil pato.at a cot of fojM 11,000 to illeOOO a year. Tbbj involve foar more SoiieUorsMipt, - f ttoiVi mwi am - luliiiaian IMcniirf pwCff lor pom Tka f1 llrtln provide for tka eaaaa mi Attorney General af tba State, at a coat of tS.000 or 14,000 a year bat hi to for' Tka State ha dc -1 mM jmurepm atw in. aravtow that in and ride bu own neing thai he .hall be- kk every aaM aa tba m to bef bHkwy MM fMafltlpI wttll . It ab.Il.bM aW Qmmtf People'. Conrt, that hav Marl, tl- ve ouaralrd o far tba eon verieoee of Me people ; amrt af tba bMhmm of thai to Ma Clerk af tka SaparW art aw before. AN tka Uw- and hew k i to 0 itoch a rrma of ttteftf VMr WWm WWiWfQi y era M tka CtomtinaVwn nd it : the maker of it t tell all il mean airato; k k "mm Tbaa tkk new the Judge, of the Coan. hall be elected by the voting popalatkm of the State Oar people have alway been averae to thi j tbey have refuted M adopt tba aye- i. above all eanwh and eritical amaMhrtbto tbaa if tka . m . .A i i B M mmgkttobeMe. I iu it thai . tola la not alt wa laakMlbfo WnB, whati king .af k. lladieal an't like. Cooeerv.tive There U a great deal la k which I don't like-bat much more oat of k, which I weald have la it. Una thi point I have tba moot derided abfoe- yoa cannot have eoneidered thia mailer wall to ba in favor af k. Radical - You talk aa If yaw have tnd knl anA tkonrht over tkfo matter atora tbaa I have. I have read carefully the ed eoaiMrtiaa. and 1 fad to k particular to Sad fault with bat, I coo foe. I have aat (bought ahoat what waa oat of it which oaabt to be ia k. What i there in it you object to I Conaervative lu lb fir eonuMttoitna inrnaiw la IB , he able to par toe Intarert oa uatamonnt. tba at- Qnai rative-I grant ywa that we P" tofoafoV; bat we are not. Ueaidre, pay. 11 aa , and w will be a majorky af JaafW of the a. gra maa, ami k b aat aniy nrababb). bat "HrlbMMMh -Tbla i. hardly likaly to bap- aa b fo, party prebwlba The State debt, by tba and of the Decent rear, will not be leaa tkat than 19,000,000. The iutere.t oa thia im dona theae tba tfoogr, the white Mn pbee, thi. ly thataac wkbk oar hwnorrrfobd people bare to rafoa. br malUplrinK tba a amber af 'fan . . - a a 1 .a a . wTfth braW aMJkTlCwi. FMinjlHI Im C . "a.- a n aa a a ba Miptal. wa man antra its Jndreaand a Saperinlet.dent rt I Work., a Snp.Tiulrnd.i.t of Public In- a M . atraetoon. a Saoermtrndent of the rrul tontiarr. aa Attorney Uaaaral, a L I Miami of etner on here tofore unknown oar bw., for all of wlmin Urge llltoill are to ha provided ; ao that the incrraaed anmtal eipenec af the Stale office '.will fUlTK of rtady and meney, to etlle any ytoM, Mid, whenever aetalf li.hed, k aboald not be abandoaed eseept for the mail wihrhty mm ma., Ta do aa, hi to keep public juetice ia a coulaut elate af uiuertamiy and to givo riae to ndb litigation, and eipenee. MMMMI Bava tried tbey. ander Our people ol M li WHI baa aiti dmrlat Bart of aoartitattoa paarar to ka work will go for Uamraar reeaV-d, and the WIN bo without ihe ioaugurii'.n I pbnt tba teed of fnlare tronble. rbaO toinl nf tka UidtoaJ Stale iiinute ekrbt. ( Signed, t CAt.rmJ. CvtMv Iretrnkut a the Owrtinlwiaf tW ftoa A'arM Vmrulimm. r , ... 'and approved nnr .y.tt-m ; lb. aiH-er- 2? A;"'l.tand k; k aeearae tker right, vaerta 7 their want ami at tomb to every man ex act inrttor. II. mid to a friend, oa Satardar, b m MM. Mavaraathm, "I would rallier go toly fo MW do-.. I iMillr aa a mtra aad Morigbi . .troy tka old lr tba areaeat anomalon. dale ef down to potterity a a rire and upright .troy the aid distortion an ka - - - - 1 ' - - to' J aba tbaa aa Preaidrnt of tba United aad rule af practice, aad mrate nSrwaWtoM. for-Toovrvn Stotoa." Ue will be lorel v teMe.1 In the principle, of Uw herep.fore ot " m tba Soatharn Ataie, Hal ft I approaching trial and if ho eumce out a monta eaprnee, aa abovaj Whr. than, are wa oalled upon to reject our well Hied and ertaddbbed eyrtea I To what end are we mvtted to adopt the traced iu the l.oiMitutioof 'lite ta the hriend work af aarw and aaaiaat ;M ikink hU for delegate, to a totelnan.e will be naoueu uown w po-M-i.y maa .tx . Vn. lmt aal b Mb ctpacit y , hut alan aa the ation, whoa framed by th t'onvea- arventoealk oeeapant of tka Prraidenlial a. . ' . mm - - - - m . hi k.n ... k. kti i' i... ,. . ),,. M aiiee reorivfr tbet'oitliitu ' I'" ittnicai. are ra.., . whbh wkTBiafe-aTggrtlrto I . -ton reeouatraatiou of the Soulhern b ether band than tbaa ' State. Thaagti way Keep vary oniet on .y the f.M,.iiia- ! Ihe .ebjeat, each on. m.iiu u.at um- It U ..( bw lb.. I ...,.lilu. V. mm to .a ' ib I ...... ! .mount ot raa blown iu by the Aba. toftr M cteethm indrr , Wy a baret iki gbaalb kakkb il berlaiaa I af ha aaaW. .,,r-...l.kd he it - tiou and reeeiminatioa among them Tba bjar wa lb mlliurv mmmaader do DrtU are eeaaing to ba happy family Jof '"or can Aa ,or the , ijtorlf. Th eon. ita fonetbaa when k nto.n, aal aabaitted it rotor, for ratliaaOoa. form or day. Tbey aekoow ledge that il mart be evident to every aaa that the plan, to lay tba beet, waa a legbbtiv error Hart letter ia Halt. GmmUH .4" the old .y.tem ; k do- to pimtngi many of the ettled at la- deecribed. and bare tke whole m.ttor of juri.priidenre ami tba adtoluiali ill of right mi witboM a cam aaa. Tba arapoacl ya tein b new aad unu led. and k will eurt milliotut of dollar to eetifo it ; indeed, k cannot be tell led ia thi art Jwatowe ia the r oparpM bite aar prweat alttto. Taa thnaaand aaeationj ef Uw, tkat no one ami publicly forrece, wUI tkat will bad to radio. taiutv aal coeC UnaVr lb) propoeed Cuartkatba, a new ayrteva, entin-ly, of rwirtef praeticr ad of ibaqr don't know kaw to eate, emant aa they are Into, awd wa Ml by lb light af aad experience, that they are acre lad in the hand ol mbmI bite earn in the bad. They arned, in a few m Ml thi, to rate eUdly again! decency ami tba wMto Ma. Ilea what thi. .y.tem will bad tot If tba Radical ticket nuceeod., with a few , (and thay M para Matter of Judge, wa will have t One half of tka candidate, of the Radbal, far Snpewior Court J edge, are utterly -tlr aafoi iilBtb o : they dan'l know aay bw, aad tbey never will, far tka fatok af anpneky la bara k. Whh men aa tka beach, what aafety will Mere be tor rbhU or property, or life 1 Wbrt iiti.en can tell when he b to bava tba law of hi. country admmelerod T It will hi i ilk mii a ik it of I 'oart aad bw to place rack men on the beach, bat the will eertolnlv go l here, if the negro will lake tkea there. LKT VTU MKN OOXSIDF.B OT THIS! Tbeao Radical and ruineae rhange are the nihpring af tba vanity and ignorance of aoato Yankee aprtarte ia the conven tion. They rated k, aad Introduce ineae innovatiotia, without knowing or earing a fa abaajt the aonaeoueneo to aar people, They waat to ba able to aay, that fkry introduced what they call reforms in con tiiutioa-ntaking. Tkree changva were nrt nnalred by the h-gi. latiou of coagree On the contrary, twenty, or thirty nf the protuiuent and moat U .dnsal memln-r ol eongree wrote leaaiug uieinnera i me late o -called eoavenlba. urging them to atoke inet a fo w ohaagra in oar Smlj- coaetitalion a poaeible, only to ercurc negro en If rage, anil then to go home. They told thro up.tarto, tint -lb' ennar- aaeaeea woaM be, that tin- im-.-ih.-, i mi a :: a a Aa, L-a- m partK-, would repudiate llieir wor., n ihvy undertook io preaa appa ibe fwaph trance laaarathnm I Will tba people aubmit to theae out rageoaa and dhmetroaa innovations ! If tbey do, certain, inoviiable ruin will be the cotieea nonce. Let ev.-rv Man lake up the cnuatitution ;ind rend it. and .ec if ail that b ben; aahi of it. demerit fo not Warranted. Brrra one will be forced to r, that murk more might be aahlagkinat Then m to Uw adb AND VOTE IT DOWN ! Let fverv white bwh ia the .Slap bertk hiMrtlf, for all our hope, of a jaet, enlightened, impartial dwprnaa tioo of bw. af right, ana of lent foe, nil oar hope for lbs totnre are at rtakc ! (Prran to RaWgh cwnliml ) TIHM UUrS KOU THE lOPLE to a leaa mim laaa viww.wvw, aaa. of iuelf. toSaiiBlly brae, exefaaive at Aarlaam, to pay w n .m. a a . J a a Vfrilaawdllllf could be aaid againal it. Bat the k Maa, aad May bara barn ara the teutbof tbu "adveiitorer." aa lev. Tourgee, and tke aa- O t 1 fttl icll tr S, Alld ill 9 lmi' t wko, now that "bwrnming" baa are to ba made high official, of by A faJIILraB OonTKJUATMt.M THH 1 o'X.rn nn..N. Radical -Good morning, neighbor Ja have yon area" Urn new f T.miiTtilion T Conervative Oh I yea. Radbal Well, it b pretty goal ander the drctimetancra, am t III : ' I'-onaervative - Well. I have read tba latHattkattdftflL .-. SMSfelbr-Au- jBjfttj'.; t.!J!3?fcj,tajM;;ajMa . - .tudied all of lu moat Important provb-1 debt b a bat and boo cat owe that foai aaj I beta etnae to a different eon-i ntli poa tl. but nrt Mkaj era an elu.ion. It k bo atora like the old Coa-im mar rtokt M the Laaan. aad bhar ahall .Illation, banded down to wl by tboae old become regabled, order reelared. firm ratrfou, Uartoa and -aacon, that ITwnnV ilMtaie b hte Ike aWe. r Radbal -Ok I Pkaw I yon are prrfa diced again! 'th e ranter $ of th new can- . . . . w a art. . w . a 1 1 and a new Mak mf fom. arete ka eetafc-, BtMtttoa yea am t line noiaen, Anyy . lhTtbtoltoMi, itha aaf.l.lMeJtoanlTo.rg, buudred dollar, par aotitb. ami ibeea.bcr. wha bad amt to d wkh Itm j awp,- Ralical Hut. there ry to tke proper carry bg aa af tka gov miaml, ami cannot wall be di.ponaed with. Oaaawwative-Coald not eight Judge ride tba circitiu aa wall a twelve I and eeald nrt three Sapreme (bart Judge hare dwae better than five I Have art theae Supreme Ceart Judge., bnatawara dbdiarged tb-hr datir, aad fatly mate teined the judk-i.l character of the Stale! Radbal I eanfce tkat, b tba ataia, tba Judiciary baa done well enough. Coiieervative-Well, my friend, k b beat to "tot weS etraawh alone," eepccial fy when art to bt k atone b to eart the already impoverfofo d people af tba State the .am of filteon or uiglilaan thunaand dol lar every year. Radbal la the Matte af tba Judge., I think b would have been better to let the old ('.in-litutioii.Unda.it w. Bat it ehould be oar first duty to gel back into tba Union. Con tor v. live That b the getter! ar gument of your party friead. We are al remly in ibe Union, never having been out of it. I t out to uU what I thought waa in the eonrtitatbn, which (hoald Ha poae on aa lire abadato duty nf rejecting that docaatent at tli rembgibaraea. Tba nrt objectionabb 1 might aay, the moat int.uuou. featarea 4 tka new t eart Ha J ton, la that which roaKe it obligatory up n the Lrwbbture to, levy a tax, at the prevent time, aad b the arceenl crippled and impot-erbhed condition of oar people, at pay the anneal latere! en tba Slate' indehtcdne... K ad iral - Vou are not in favor of Repu- dMtbn, are yon T Con.erVMtive -No, Sir, I am for from it. and lb fenture df the new Oonatitation will do More toward making oar people repudiate than all the legi.lation which baa bean done b twenty year, not ex eeptiur ihe .eceeaion of tla Stole, and iu defoa Oar own court, are viewed agaiuat the citiaen of the State by Una very con- .titatba, while Northern cr.ditor are al lowed to collect their debt! in tba Federal al 6 per caul., .mount, to 1,140,- Under the new are to rafoa art foaa aaa 1600,000 far tka pern af carrying aa tba public School. Thi make tba um amount to l.CtO.000. Then we have to raie a tai M IMnnarl tka State Govern!, Maa Ma bamai mi the numb r of Judge aad other high labried ofaceri, by the mmt rtkatba. will not amennt ta tbaa 000,000. Thi. bring, it up to the .nag sum af 1,940, 000. Sat thU na, even, doe not begin mt all. Tito new it tax will 400,000. a paaakva Mad. and Ike art amoont ta a bat .am Thi bring onr taxea, for tw aarwaae ap to the ea M.MO.OOO! In addition to thb. the fed ami tax will net b b. than 1,500,000! So. it is reduced lean abaolate certainly tkat, ander tba atapeaed ranetkatbn, tka people, poor a tbey are. will bara to raiee each year, in the way of public tax aa. tba tan endow, the anreaeeblr, ami of over FO IK " ' ".IONS m. s ia ii.i mmm wui aww. i nied, that Galviv J. Oowua, tka PRE SIDENT af the Convention, went aa eating MMM b ihe city of K.l, rt down at Ihe with A. H. Galloway, i -a k' ihe two, Cowb (white) and Galloway at the warn, by fomil Il ha been Or lX)IXAIl$tl-el tin- gr.-,wpw. Mm of thi inn u to go iob tbu pocket, ef Northern M8ktotkaM ami broker. Radical There mut U heat BMa, tor aar ppli Tea are I ' on verv alive I ia art give you aay word for it . 1 give y oa tka MjMWJaV There cannot ba any Radical n by, U, onr UoxiaavATivx i Bat truth b, and Mat fart only makea tba neereaky to defeat ihe Conaiiluliou tba more urgent nml obligatory upon tka pcopb. Tke Mat prnpoeed Uonrti tution, to a point of view, b aa abiurdity; ire$ tkat fa ba done which b Mr for it rrouirc to ha daae. roar million ot ild not be collected out of MM ample of North Carolina, without forcing three fourth, of tba haded property of The lewielator who framed aalmaMBt were either Idiot or knave, md tke people will m find out what tbey .hall have rat.Ued it. Radical I cou!ua, theae figure, rath- Bie. Taa waa aal la tba raa bad to tkat whWb wae n R. Whati. there out qf it, which ought to be la U t Cost.xavATlvx. Ia the hrrt nlaae, I MsU Hn? plitcttil iii ih Cfnliulibii tx cbnae watartHaj the Lrgbbtnr to pro vide .eparate chooU for the education of white an-l ngro children, to prevent my children from b-ing placed apen an eqaal looting with negroce. RaaHaal Tho con.titution doe. not re quire them to ba edaratod ia tba MMto M M aoebl eqnoJily with win. I be whole platfonn, nf yoor pnrty have been a af tba word EQUALITY. They it. pray it. and preach It. night and Radbal. 1 know thb, aad bet we mean political "equality, nngbt to ejabe the dbtiactba. The debga e in that oa. art tka aa it. Taa af tba a pbto of mMi aiaa tobb ekb-ky - . a Walla, delegate Radbal aaadkbl Jndiebl rtrcnk, the city rt Wllltoh. ( white) amll Una i SOC IAI. br w. from Martin eoantv, and a for JUDGE in the 6th went into a Mg ibap, In af that aby, known al - and th two, Watto bote" (negro) drank to gba ." toartbg each ofh er'lgood look.ll 1 not thb SOCIAL. KQUAUTV t Radical-Why, yoa -atontih tnal IK) yoa tell dm it it ra that the iter with a ..t a .... ihe Convention ao acted, anf that lea anTvtrM Dorainataa far the mT. rice of Judge, by tka BemMieom, t Oaa Obtoirvati charga. mf ve Yea. I hum theae hare baea made, and thai thay km nm( baaa 4mmJ. Aad theae act. are not alone Matt whoae name have tiiHted the MlMllM af t tion, geDerally, we la tba to Coo winch they acted towa I tell you thb, and an with a manU Vhy.on tkaahwhl before taa adjournment, theae Ml " mbled," court, and in doing o, to ell from over the hand mt year wife and children. And wbifa rank b ear aitaalhm thb eenalitatioa di alert tkat tbeao yaa pb, (whore bad. and wbeee ALA, are to to) tehee IroM tb-m by theae Northern Sh vfock,") baR ba taxed te ibe inoe ef tl.lr0o.0M a wear to aay the bimrt entire- MOO.OOO a year I en th.- Stole debt, wkbk fa It in tke band, of tba It fa an artiaaw, a tflkMMM on tka pnor ux Py'r- wke ly make a .upport for tborr Radfaal Bat, my dear 81r, yea mj yoa are nrt iuTavnr aHT-padlalbu: Tkei what do you propoM to do, when yoa ob ject to paying only Uto tnlerc ou what the Stau awea I Coiicrytive-rI "ill itdl'ea. I uld 2 revived, and Wa wealth ana prosperity th. good old day ihall retorn to bieM nt and oar good oh! North Oarolina. 'The ad bolder i rurt we aie near, lie can afford to wait vubeet bjnjry to hue or hi.. Radbal Toe are making taVong ca Conarrvatirr Hut the action convention meant thw, M it thing. When the labieM waa krtn eou- ridered by the body, it Waa moved that upMnle achuok bntld be provided for the two raeea, and Me anani when Way Bad am . .i . . .. . eoetpr lling children. H. Wl ika day af oalewatca. -in coo ven tioo i red tkeutoclree into a geoaral mrvrf inf.. a raifiilar Cvrnltoekinw mmrvm raaa rwaxwaww wwiw( Intlic," and there, ta the Hal 1 ot the Hoaeeef Common, of tka Capitol of the State of North Carolina, thb gta" . oaaa faaBoaa. tka world ere, for their eteady morali and correct deportment ia UMt Hall, Mutcuned by tbe;Stnartaltriatr repreaontotioii of tba y , Kather of h i Country, and made irn- ounrtal by tba name of the tainted tiaaion and thoae grand old stale. rmer daya, Macon, Uaager, ro race, ana the motion w. a,moai Mtorebead there, i tbey imi pat a ebtoae b the mmZ tiM W 1 meiicwi ilia cm to end m Mto pablie CCU,T com- -. .! a I ainoua trantiaetion. that ever eilt de of a groir Uon. Memltara of the cmventiou, biaek and white, aad black oataider. form ed it circle, joining hands, itamodia- , leir ia front of tka Speaker . , aaabM-M adaarta tbeat,to 16 month, to ebort tha forcing tk children of Hat poor tchite mem fo associate with iar and I Children on terms f equally Radical. To be sure, tlm Convention le v in tront of the boon did not do thi. I J , ami dnncing to all orti of tnnet, di(- Conervativo.-:-Tho record of tho con forent Krgon lingiiip; differi iit tunati. renitoa aaew MM m trae. ana, aa- amottaT which the meat popular fcJkwtbbealMfaaaonibowhi mgj.. H efo. garden if Wajawa Mtiina MMMa to tor- , n uy j,4in a taa enrati-tent a. .nite. ta aa. tanafdarina ia tba ela." "G mweauae comaanie ana regimen a m - . :,T m . . v- i... militia, aad earned iu infamy ta the OX-. M" -" " . "".' i" tortebM k rrtaaed to ferkal'lko u.tcr-, ""mmom! V &4 br of naib mm ander aejra udklil oir, 11 waa a eccoe uini inauo tree nwn lUdbal I wwrtd adfer Mywlf imU ick ad ika araa weep, Candidate! I aouldhe mnetered by MT JwUjrmhtpe) were een , prom uient "(3:i ive.-Thaf. tba way year' ika State Waiwal.aaa rfuftyalM of tint wwr irom wa ilnaMMMi aahilalafa out pari aR MMu,MJj M Mj fflijBtf aaaear were eeea to aia, and yoer art had inevitably 10 social effect ot whtokey and raaabky wkh the aegra, and U the vry Thb aceae Waa kept Bl reealt for which you exhibit each ever- hoar at nijfht and the departinjr ipeo ba. Rat thia i. art an. I wm few t.ior eaaU MMt here and there, IB tka mmt totoaart u,ur,m n Ukn mm4 Ifi om tha banehaa. , ag-v-- the 11 mi nrdir-mm bg.lw.ng ra-rrbgea J? m-?L ui whiu-andblack.ll I ' u "V". Radical -Thi cannot bo true If I ' m -TTr" T convention had toirpotratod Krto m ntr Ulton OW UDttot aoa are apea tho white race a that hat ba Mterail tkein- ikat, I woald rote agabrt 4 conaUatfon IicUoa, apon them aad Uiatr eiuU imed ky each traitor te War race aal draa, af MM a MMM IM MMk. entry. i went af tke infaruon Cnaali ration Onwav vatfve. - Tke ircertt eaa be pre- , whiah ikaM wiekwd aad 1 M prove it Bat, my dear tr. the. H aja WOM14 faetaa apon tuaai I not aaly dM tha, but U .b nlatoly voted dowr . rp ding thai a Will IK CHILD ar be baMM aat, a M tea ftaJieel Ai ill fraMia awaa l i.TW.iuS . lately suaut ajuek were thaa aar ta A.

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