. L: . i . tt: - 1 - 1 , 1 1 1VEW SERIES. SALISBURY, APRIL 10. VOL. rteie. , APRIL 10, 1868. , y. iTH 00 WMCBirriOH. III WATCBMAtt OLD NOBTM STATl. MM. llHTW. J- f gf.WCCaXY OLD NORTH BTVTK, On. MmU. SV the war. .040,300 And 2,509,000 . .9,001,000 10,370,000 8,906,500 TO tax m-ost or t. oorr. r oesvrevL, WeastetoOMsp And cast Uo 'wood toy mm. Ah! loHiiorkHlaKllwf h it HI I Hfe; WH MM,?uq 1. . it Add bond, dated kbrtKl sr..... Total ah which interest is to he paid July 1st, 1809, 019,470,000 thousand dollars annually ! Of this 984.000 I to be paid 1st July, 1800 In In other word. mi, liy tnxa'ioti , to par interest oh i lio ponTlc lUM lUui I I the people niiict d.bt,o.totberegtci 1 Vf Li. In the above estimate we include the $1,000,000 guarantied by the Convention for tint Wilmington, Chai lotto Mil ttuthet lord Railroad Com wan y. aa that C.uimuir la not able, and has not been eiuce the war, . Unkersitg. It is enjoined on tbo General A Hera My to provide that the benefits of the University be extended to the Tooth of the Bute (of all colors) free of ehsrge. Of course this will require an appropriation. Certainly 025,000 Is a moderate sum for the purpose. 6. Insane, Blind, Deaf and Dumb. The General Assembly is required to rovide that all insane, dosf, dumb and lind shall be supported by the Slate.. leretofora the State only supported the White poor of these afttctod classes. This imrtofAe rirTaV well as the poor, color ed aa well aa whim, which will cost at least 060,000 more, and the estimate is 7. Militia. See. 8, Art. ltrf--r and lee shell wreath tbs bed xil. declares that "the General Assembly shall provide for the orrstiisation, amine, equipping and dis ciplining the militia, and for parinx the same when called into actual service. Kx -Fmrisional Gorcmor If olden, in late editorial in the Standard, said "that whan the blae eoate shall be withdrawa tut levied under the Revenue 1 tr?m "Hi WWB to pay the interest cm its debt. The act of Febraary M, ISO?, y ieldaabout f3iO,UUO, so that for the item of in terest only more than three times the present tax most be added to the lev tes that is, where a man naid 51 last Tins (from tba aWrurh Seouoel ) Tlf OCQHT8 FOB TUfe PEOPLE W he most pay $4 thisyew. is on tne siippoMtion that tbo expen se ot tne proposed otate govern tout (no. 2 ) i . TAX Anon I iff CaTDKB TUK . . WKW OoaSTttTSOJI I ! I Tl Krtretg 4 our peopl. it hi rveryoMS Bioetli. ine siaieincnis . I ..ur poverty nave not neen e-xap derated. Ko qneat ion, theretnfr, ia mora important to na than that of I tjjration. will not ha grcatea than hcictofore. lut is far Ircuu baiug the cjaae. A litlhs consideration will show that the expaaaaaof admiHisittring Use givrn tuenl nuder tba new Con-litution will be btyend moasaro greater than has ewr been known in North Carolina. Prudent SMS will stand aghaat at tba result. It will ha sms that where a ho will tax -payer paid SI hjst year. la rmr coi.d .tion it is one nV P"7 jttxtM ut pay IAS txptnt at the Cmutnlum. - ed on a loyal basis: i. e. black and white, wUl take their plaee." He has oltsa praised the policy of Gov. Browulow, of I ennessee, whose mil tits cost last year about 1300,000. The Standard, of March 19lb, says, "we must sit at the tost of Brewalow, aa Faal sat st the feet of Gam aliel. XI Hokum be elected, of eoarse be will carry oat the easts policy and we caaast expect Oar 8 tale to pay tee than Tennessee. We sat down not less than 300,000 for the militia, while and color To recapitulate .- Increase of of the proposed State goveramcul former years: 1. Oeneral Assembly , at least. . .050,000 1 it New offices sad increase of Salaries, 60,000 .SO, (KtO I 4. Common Schools, From the Sentinel. TOE MILITIA, niie SCUOOLB, Ac. Tba new Constitution declares ev ery male person born in the United States, or who has been natnralisod, who is twenty-one years of ugo and shall have resided in this State twelve months preceding an election, and thirty days in the eonnty where be proposes to vote, an elector, and, by consequences a citizen of the Stato. first, of eonrec, includes blacks and whites. Alt such persons are includ ed in the term "tlio people," .man tioned in the first Article or Bill of Rights, In and from whom all poli ties! power is invested and derived. Throughout the entire Constitution, no distinction whatever is made be tween white and black. The doctrine of equality between the two is rigidly observed. Jtlacks ami whites are n colored person shall be appointed guardian of a white ward. , Upon the amendment Mr. Durham asked the yeas and nays, which wore refused. Tho amendment was ijt. and the section adopted as reported by tho Committee. . now, here is evidence sufficient. (and more could beaiveu, if needed,) to prove, that the Mongrel Conven tion intended to leave no gap open, by which any distinction shall he mode between black and white, in the legislation or XSortli t nroiina. Is any one fool aneegn to suppose, tf the new Constitution is ratified, that the legislature can alter these things, as the Radicals intimate f Such an idea is ridiculous, if m Constitution means any thing. open daring these hoars wllheet Inter-j It. Meaasars of the General Assembly, aviwa or sdjoantsaea. 'as folhrwes v . detent. All J ad gee and Clerks ess- First District Pora ebnaaa, Chowan, ployed in conducting said election shall, . Fasqsotank, Oarrilack, Gstes and Caav before eommeneiug to hold the same, be ' den, shall elect two senators, swem Is the failhtul performance of their j Second District Marti a, Washiagtoa duties, and shall si so lake and sakseribe and Tyrrell, shall elect one sssuam ; lbs oath of nates preacriU-d by law far Third District -Beaefort and Hyde ntsM of lbs Hulled Sutes. ' shall elect oue senator. Eight. No member of the Beard sf j Foarth Dietrtet Nortbamptoo ahari " Registration, who ie a candidate for eiee- j elect sM senator. ttea te any sates to be filled at this elre- j Fifth District Bertie and BstMbs , lion, shall serve aa a Judge or Inspector . shall elect eae Senator. ,fr 4 A 1 ' Sixth instriet Halifax snail asset earn GEN. CANDY'S EIJCCTION ORDER. afiliawlKlrt. In ffhaa Hfssre Knnt Jd fIousc of rcnreeeotatitas." and P0 8 S!P0D ,L T"T. ' 1- n. .Vi . at nanetion, a. t., aiaren xj, iboo. 1 office in the 8fato. j oiiiiul oaoKas, I -Tk . 1 n .:. j I . If o. 45. 1. 1 -i. J -1 1. -! 3ZrZ&Z2 TbaOonstilnllsnel Gaaventm. af tba are, ni ins iwcinrnuoii 01 . v , . , .. n. , , n a 11 1 11 i State of North Carolina, in conformity Rights, declared to be equally en ... ... . l v.i. o,' HIIVU IV VDI I Ml I II ucc- 11 1 IRCJ tl 4. Common Schools, .....500,000 of the highest interest. I . F ysre sj SM . University, . f XJ5.000 We therefore desire mat wnen tne v" -r e. Asyiams, w.ooo Isolde vote osnwatv t'MWtitatiae),f Ine eaptmsee, w team rrom the raw- t. Miiiua, .300,000 1.- ....d.r.ra..d what burdens c I rcaurer, ai ready paid, are ft f.- .1...; ae. aa.uH.ino We hava thrf Tim charges f..r printing the' 0985.000 v- . T , (Ud!liah mnA Mkm Km 11M iki lnlim aa Ita imMui .1. hi " """"f" TTa ri. ... . U.. Hat .at r.,-.l Tt. and we have a croud total of 01.836.000 ini.1,.1- iumim ia 11a raiMU wiiinii 'p.--. - w. t. . ' . - ' . I.i . ..... ,.lv- ...n.h. if tha Oin - "n ttat win be more man wi .mat. " ' oc ruireu . I1 iw.-w - . - ww --7 . a . ' - t I . , ... tt 1 miUHfl lu St I l.tV.m ti... in niaei in . ine lonrpnnnn 11 an mv. ... ... it ution gnsa) into I est 1 lit ate cannot Icaleulatad fi 1. IntertH Tba now clarea "that tba "itera .a oe sKstteo, as.a'a ,m the vtMic Declarati col. being ippor a-. ' . . . . a a i.l . .,.,.;. I ..r fi . ,K- I A said before, where a Ui payer Altai value of land ton tha valuation UM4 l - J"' unier.,ko 1" dM: m "t Ktgttto oe Iheputd cdebt regular ly contracted uclore and since tne re sJiall le invi..lata,W foMtMb IV. see. 4. it to brucided that -the irriBral Aaactnldv sltail hr SKliroun r-!."-3r v : . ii" iegtolation and eg svirwaate of I ?;) and on all personal property ' 111 the State. Thw taxes everrtbiiur Stock, fanning atOXMila, Btovtotons, it-c, Ac, down to milch cows, and chickens, and ImbicV cradles. I tJtVi.nt tf vetutrm AtntiMttf. The (ieneral Assembly must meet within 18 days ator tbo aeOoptanea tern provide for the prompt and ra. f tba Coostitation by Congress Ihey luiar narasMt of the in U reat on the itabnll upon tba property of the Hie, and the sum time realised shall ie set apart 0e a sinking luml to in- JftoTcdlotlia paymeut of thepabJic lelr it thus appear that if the people ia :t the Coimtilntioii, Ihey expree lv c iiimaod the (iunersi Assembly emntnenee promptly the payment f the iuterest on tho public debt JiY TAXATIOK. J'ho Convention was not satisfied ritls ticis Oonsiitntiiuial protrkwon.- liiuv trained an ordinance directing liow iha bManast shali b- paid. It is rovidud thst the Uenertd At- ijf under tiio CollslMHiiou shall I iv m cash, on the 1st m jjinun v IMiv the latere on tba bonds, dated 'ire May StMb. IS8L , 2d. Aii latertwt due before the 1st hf Jan uar v, 1SSB, nod interest on ill, of course, rota themselves $8 per day. on third fre than boo been uvual heretofore. Tlie Assembly of lfiW-'7 cost 58,0rt0. A the convention whh 120 members coat 080,000, each member costing oo an average 9C66, the General Assembly, with 170 members, if they sit no longer. will cost 0107,000. They will sit much longer, ss they will have more business to do. i tie new constitution totally ctiangee ear law a and will call for a great deal of unusual legislation. ' 0. Salariet the afScert. More office have been created than hrrHnforc For etamphi: 1 Lieut. Hover nor. 1 Sup. rinh ndunt of Public Works. 1 'upet inieu Jen t of Public lastructioB. 1 Attorney General. V Supreme Court Judges. 4 sauerior t outt Judges. :i t'ommissKxiers to revise tire laws. Boards of Public Cbariih-s, enjoiued by rtieie 41, Sec. 7, at least 3 wc presume. We cm nt the Attorney ueaeial as a nrtr efKcer. because be will be s salaried , posed Constitution, pay $0- To this must be added all county and city taxes. OwiftrirasMa, .;. The saantr taxes 0000,000. We have no data for estima ting the city taxes. The Stats and coun ty taxes, under the new Constitution, to be raised out of the mast exceed 00,000,000. hate ( ToMttron If it ware passible te raise tho rates on all subject of teaalina eight times tb prssint rates, then land would "mmj for State purposes, on the val ualiou of 1860, dchty cents on the 0100. On the vehta- benefit which the Slate can confer. it is, therefore, perfectly plain that the Oeneral Assembly can pass no law making distinction between black and white, which the Courts of the State, under the new Constitution, would not be compelled to declare unoenti tuiumaf. If tba Legislature vara to peas a law, requiring tha enrolment of blacks aud whites in different com IKC7. snnnlementarv to the Act of March , , , -f 2, 1867, "to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States," having framed a Constitution and civil govern ment according to the provisions of the aforecited laws; and having by aa ordi nance adopted on the 17th day of March 18G8, provided that the Said Count it ution shall be submitted "for ratthcatio to the persons registered under the pi. .v -i n s of this Act I March 23, Section 4 1 at an election to be conducted by the officers appointed or to oe appointed by the t orn , . "IK"""-- . , g..,,. (rrHl as hereinbefiKt, provid- pass a law, requiring white and black . J bo h-ld tor the eminuio.. of different frchoos- . . , ... K , . ,i,' r , K.. law proniDttina! t ' l. l. ...a n...,t- . ....i k... ' - . 1 WW , big further provided, by the aforesaid or- .. . . - , - . , e.i, ana sw uwi my .uri in.; ohiiihwii .ri I'ltilil run I r Btr.ml ninnmnf cfr.....l. . if it were to pans a wbitee and blacks fro at intermarry ing; if it were to pass a law reqnir- ng whites aud blacks to nde in dit ferent coaches or public coaveranccK if it ware to pas a law prohibiting 'all Stats sad Cssjair officers who are to biaaa and hlaeka fritm airtiutr in tha he elected bv the people under this Coo same seats at Church or at the same atttutioo, and further, that m each Con- diuancs, that al the same time an election hall be held for neuator and Ile.preae.ii Iniives ia lbs General Asseesaly, and for table at Uoie); if it ware to peas a law forbidding whits children to be apprenticed to black masters ; if it warn to pass a law for bidding blacks from being guardians to whit chil dren, or being executors or adminis trators on tbo estates of white men, such laws, if brought before the Courts, would be pronouueed uncon- stitutional. - Badicas deny that this is so. But upon what gmand f They deny it j without a reatan. Varioos attempts war made to get tha Convention m speak out on these subjects, hut every proposition was JUIH.U IX) W H. In the Convention, on Hie lath o February last, while the report oa the iili'iri Was under consideration. Mr. I I . 11 A ... t lion of 1868. it would ha nrohaklv 01 00 Rf. m i.g.'iswu nn lbs 0100. Bat if the rats ass made tum " Mbi , eight time, higher than aw, away sub- fjmhmWm oeratma ahail ba oe jeeteof taxation will ba de.irved Un- "od into separata ooiupanius, and der tbs new constitution, lbs pull lax can- no white man ba required to mi dated si lice the war and IwIVhk! ;., hia duties are to be diff.riiii from 1st of Jul v. ItiliO, shall be funded what they are now, and there is to bs a h aSbtMsttei BatsV ; .--.s,-,i,;.:..-..jfWicitoro ride the Bshigh Judicial Cir 3d The interest .m due leuit. The Attorney General ta te be f of July, 18fJtf, must be paid iu anrely sa advisory officer. The Snper- i : ..... ..i aaa.il-aS imrtlllnlivi s niiik sssaesasa" wwwaw. not be b Mruer than 02- Hence, aa the rales cannot be raised oa other subjects, ibe deficiency mast ba assessed oa land. The land tax will necessarily a tea or twelve times higher than at present. Of course such taxation is confiscation Noariy ail the land in the State woald be exposed to sals and bid in by State or by those fortunate enough to bars money, g. nvratly Northern specubitors. And Here we sett tha ettontiea of our readers particularly to an important pieeo of in Lruatiea. The Homestead granted by Sec. 2, Art, x., can be toldor tajttt, as is expressly therein declared. Under this eoustitatiou nearly every acre of land -in the State, Homestead and all, will stead- It must be noticed here that infer M inuirovement bonds issued dur ngthe war, altltough under nets sed before tin- war, and u d tor iiildinwoar railn.ii.ls, not for war Mirpissea, amounting to $l.053,HMi, Ire totally ignored by this ordinance. I is peculiarly nnfwt Innate, a they a use his sulsrv is to bo paid by tbu Slate, not as heretofore by the Literary Heard. Without counting 4 new Solici tors and other minor officers, here are 16 ioinoitant offices, whose Salaries wilt not be Iras than. $35,000, in addition to those heretofore in use. . B-sides, rom the example set by the eooveli lion in bavhiK useless officers lit gran Mo. ly p into the .hauda :.ef vMSMil(m&:!l atramrere. A ItofHettead undent tats cnnniiuiion it a delusion and t mocker. Of wbst use fay a Homestead, when lazed mors than its uWuer can uav t The whole plan seems to bs aeaniiiug- ly devised scheme to rob oat people of their lands. And it must always lie re- obey a negro officer." Tho amend merit WSJ DEFEATED by a vote of 83 to 9. On Iho 15th of kut.. while Article flrat, "Declaration of Itight." was being considered, Mr. Durham, of Cleavelaiid. moved to insert the foU lowing section : -"The Caucasian and African racoe aro distinct by, naj urt jmd color;! therotore, all marriages between the Caticassian, or white ratauil the Af'ricau. or black race, afe forever prohibited." Mr. Durham demanded on this the yeas and nays, but the Convention re- t tbeui. and. ay a strict laid his propoeitiou ou tite tit On the dili of moved to amend the poi ution by adding proviso : " Provided, That institutions of learning, in which black ami white pupils are educated uruutisouously. Mr. Durham report ou Cor tba following Ire the only State Iwmds he'd by our ,Mt myi Hergeant-at-smi and r- eniaena, wnnu luny-nilie umiiire I n iHirl. r. eud from llietr niM'raiity who lut of every tilt y raised by the ordl ihe tmhlie moneys to ibemselves and oth Itmce will go out of the State: Many i , rs, it s. . ms clear that all aalaries will bo Iter b-sadi nntl note- issued dbritio' Aii a lanrer seals than berrlofore it ' is t - l ". " ..... ... .. . ... is war. SMS) fur tear tmrmMt. are safe to say at least ous-tntra more. . . -"rr et m . or " : . i . "rtd, the ordinance only prOt id 1 3. I'emtentiarw. L Mt . a . at a a ia .-.-a nft tor bonds dated before I fie war We have carefully calculated tlm in "feet to bo paid to cash on and ba t'ji defit dated before May SOih, s,:i,is i8.toMJ.SilU. On this there ''t he paid 1st of January. Jotilf. in ii, I,Ul. War "be S,0H.SU0. The Convention author $3,0SO,0OU mure, in all fS.iMil. To this add interest fundable n new bonds, under the ordinance, follows ! - "-rvrrnr Interest authorised te U funded "y ue actor n- mil aapnir, nt yet presented, (ttsihasO Tin. t ieneral Assembly is required build a Penitentiary. Thin will cost least 050.000. Kot, toss than toO.OOO ill b.- snetit the first year; I'mbably a I " -- -r- . ' . . - . .... . . Superintendent, WIIB a salary, win no ap- IM.lnted. 4. tlsMisa,( u ., It ie enjoiu. J oa tbs General Assembly .1 I hel, tii st session to provide, by tax a ii.... ....A otherwise.' for i aMSSral and form s stem of Public Schools, wherein tnition' shall be free of charge to all the children (of all colors) of the State between the ages of o and XI ' r the ' 100.... dttlid ACC1 Utlldjf e' There are about 000,000 skUtfrsst teftMappiwaeiiiiur ereeima, ana vase aow. the Htate, white and colored, tx tweeo tne aforesaid sires. It is impossible that the . jW a .a av r Aft I i for this purpose can be toes isanpJWe-1 war, the Literary Itoard dUtribuied $ 1 75,- 0 0p0, tbs countios raising the .1.0601-blflfMsVSOf. The amsudnteut was IfEJGCTED aliiutinn votes to ralifv this eudrnioua lax heretofore estimated, aud votes, also lojauaH not be incorporated under genu .act lin e tho Homestead, hypocritically I al laws or special act provided for in litis coiisll ution. We have thus made plain, and within the comprehension of ail, the enormous cost of the new eov einun u t proposed to I bu iuaugurated by this new Con.tilatioo. We nave, in several pnrticuiars, unuer es- f(ownl, asjctioij timsieo, miner tnau over-e.,u,ea, no tULsUa 6. Tbn (lnorl Assnmblv shall provide schools for ihu black ereesiooat District of the State aa else lion shall be held for a member of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress. It is ordered : First That an election be held in the State of North Carolina, commencing on Tueeiay. the 81st day of April, and end ing on Thursday the 23d day of April, 1868, at which all registered voters of said .State may vote "For Constitution" or ballot (or the State and County officers and for members of the United- States Moose of Reuresentvtives, as specified in the before- cited ordinance. gossan, It shall be tbs duty of the Herds of Registration in North Carolina, commencing fourteen days prior to tha election herein ordered, and giving rea sonable public notice of the time and place then of, to reviae for a period of five days, the registration lists ; aud upon being satisfied that any person not eutitled thereto bits been registered, to strike the, name of such person from tbs lists, and such persons shall not he entitled Aa vols. The Hoards of Registration shall also, during the same period, add to suci lists the name of all parsons Sruo at that time posset - the qualiticAfiou required by said Acts, who h ire not sLWly been registered. Third. In deciding who are t be strick en from or added to the regis ration lists, the Hoards wilt be guided by the law of Mutch 2, 1867 and the law supplemen tary thereto, and their intention U speci ally diM'ctf-d to the suuiilciuciiiaiy Act of July 19. 1867. Fourth. Any duly segistered voter of ihis Stole who may have removed from lite County in which be was registered, shall be entitled to vote in the County to which he has removed and has resided fur tha too daya ojext preceding this elec tion, upon presentation of a certificate of of Election In Mr nr wine which he1 seeks to represent. Ninth, 'ho Sheriff and other peacej officers of each present daring the wbnfo.tioH) that the f pulls are kept open aad autll tne election pj completed : and will be made responsi ble that there shall be no interference wi.h Jedges of Klection, or other inter rnption of good order. If there should be mora than one polling: place in any County, the Sheriff of the County ie em powered aud directed to make each as-1 assignments of his deputies, Sad other peace officers to the other polling places j a may in his judgment heel subserve the purposes of quiet and order ; and be is further required to report those arrange ments in advance to the Commander of the Military I'oet in which his county is situated. Tenth. Violence, or threat, of violence, or of discharge from employment, or oth er oppressive means to prevent My per son from registering or exercising his right of voting, b positively prohibited ; and any each attempts will be reported by the Registrars or Judges of Klectious, to the I'oet Commander, and will cause the arrest and trial of the offenders by mili tary authority. The exhibition or carry ing of deadly weapon, in violation of (sen oral Orders No. 10 of 1807, at or in the vicinity of My polUag places during Ibe election herein ordered will be regard ed and treated as an additional offeucc. Eleventh. Aft Bar rooms, saloons, and other places fur the sale of liquors by re toil, will he closed from ail o'clock of the evening of the 00th of April, until ail o'clock of the morning of the 24tb Kighth District I'itt shall elect em OartW Ninth Dtetrirt-Nash and Wftecnshal elect one senator, m Tenth District Craven shall elect two senators. Eleventh District Jones and shall elect one senator Twelfth District -Duplin nasi shall elect one sens tec. jm, sw Thirteenth I lislrict Brans wick and New Hanover .ball elect two senator. Fourteenth District Bladen aad Col uro hus shall elect one senator. Fifteenth Pis trial llhssjaslaal shot one senator. Sixteenth District Camberland, Har nett and Sampson shall elect two i Seventeenth 1 elect one senator. Eighteenth Di.triet-reene and Wayne snail elect one senator. N i neleenth District J istrict Johnston shall sa -X.C-wiw Of April, 1868, and during ibis time the sale of all intoxicating liquors at or near any polling plaee la prohibited. The psHot) fEmhssond smB slssl sni aoMtor. On .March tliu tltli., tbo tWrt on Education being under omsidoratioii. Mr. Durham moved to add thu fol- taxation tor Ibe preseut and successive years, if the new coustitntion is ratified. We defy eoejradietiea of ibe foregoing facts. Felww-citisens of North Carolina ; hi yner impoverished eonditMMi, can y such a bad of teaatfoa Will crush eat all year enterprise, your children of the Slate, separate and aiart f'rotn Ihoaa uruvivud for while children." Tin- acctiou. sj pro!tJ, was RE it imt JEC1 ''.D by a vote of ayee 10, noes viuli- 00. ty t if, then, you wish not all your real On tha same day. He, nut end.-r the Hbecuf's hammer moved to amend aoctimi and sold for tasna I It you weald ut Education report, by addi i.t lain ini ,,w ni,. DrOVISO . . - . Orabam 18 of the ug the lot rtgistratioii from ilm Cotinty iu which he was originally registered and that he baa oot voted at this election- It shall be the doty of the Registrars, upon .be. applica tion of any duly registered voter who has removed or is about to remove from tbs product in which' bo was originally rcg istcrcd, to furnish bin with a certificate that he' was so registered, and- to note the tact lay the registration books of the pre- cin.t, la default of the cortificate, Use adfljdavii of the voter must set forth the Coanty'saiid precinct in which he was or iguially registered and the length of time he ba resided iu tho County in which be was original I v registered and thu length of lime ho baa resided in the Couuty in which be desire to vote, la doubtful cases, the Regwtrars or Inspeetoisnf elec tion shall require such additional evidence as may he necessary to satisfy them that the applicant is legally entitled to vote ttlvik forms for the certiftcate. and lor the laffiiiaviisheei4tt reeiiieed, will be fern ed the Registrars and tlio inspectors or election and when used will bo atPiched to tha ballots cast by sue h voters, and will bo transmitted to District ileadqtiar- ters with the returns required bv law. lb officers of cities and towns, and the Sher iffs and other peace officers of Counties, will be held responsible for the strict en forcement of this prohibition, and will promptly arrest and bold for trial all per sons won may transgrota IU Ttcdflh. Military interference with elections, 'unless it shall bo necessary to r- pel the armed enemies of the United States, or to keep the peace at the polls," is prohibited by the Act of Congress ap proved February 25, 1865, and no soldiers will be allowed to appear al My polling place, unless as ci listens of the State they are qualified and are registered as voters, sad then only for the purpose of voting ; but the Commanders sif rests Witt keep their troops well in hand on the dava of election, and will be prepared to act promptly if the civil author iiius are una Lie to preserve the peace. llurtcmth. 1 be returns required by law to be made to the Commander of the District of the results of this election, will be rendered by the Boards of Regis tration of the several Registration pre cincts through the Commanders of tho Military-Posts hi which their precincts are situated, and in accordance with the de tailed iustrtictions hereafter to ho given Fourteenth. The State officers to be voted for at this election are i 1. Governor. Lieulcnaiit-O.iveraor. Secretary ofStatr, Auditor; Treasurer. Superintendent' of Public Works. Super in ten dent of Public Instrue- Weke shall elect two senators. Twentieth District Warren one senator. . Twenty-first P.rson shall elect two senators. Twenty-second District Orange shall elect one senator. Twenty-third District Chatham shall elect one senator. Twenty -foarth District Caswell shall elect OM senator. Swenty -filth District I shall elect one senator. Twenty-sixth District Guilford shall elect two senators. Twenty seventh District Randolph and Montgomery shall elect OM senator. -rwenty-eighib Uislrtct Moore and and Twenty-ninth District Auson Union shall sleet me senator. " ' Thirtieth District Mecklenburr shall elect one senator. Thirty-first District Cabarrus and Stanly shall elect one Master. ' I hirty -second Uistnct-lravio aud Kow- an shall elect one senator. Thirty-third District Davidson shal 2. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7v lion. 8. A1 torney -General. 9. One Chief Justice and four Associate Justices of tho Supreme Court of the - Mate. . ; ; ; ,: ; . . 10. Ottc Judge of the Sum rier Court Thirty-fourth District Forsythe and Stokes ahail elect one senator. ) Tliirty-fiftb District Surry and Yad kin shall elect one senator. Thirty-sixth District -Alexander and Iredell shall elect one senator. Thirty -seventh District Catawba, Gas ton and Lincoln shall elect s Mattes'. s'?! Thirty-eighth District-Cleveland. Polk and Rutherford shall elect one senator. , Thirty-ninth District Allegheny. Ash and Wilkes shall elect one senator. Fortieth T" ifT f in iwli. Tfeaiii ' son and Transylvania shall elect ono sen- , ator. Forty-first District -Burke. OaMwsJt ud Wtuga shall cleat sm esastor. Forty-second District Madison, Mit chell, McDowell and TMeey shall elect one eon tor. rfjhflfk im ' Forty-third District Clay, Clmrokee, Haywood, Jackson and Macon shall elect one senator. The county of Wale shall elect four members; IM (XIUUMS Vt OttSTtn, OlM villo, llslilax and New Hanover shall elect three members each; the counties of Cas well, Chatham, Cumberland, Davidson, Duplin, Kdgeoombe, rrmaUin, Gailford, Iredell. Johnston. Meckleubunr. North- i mpton, Orange, Pitt, Bsadnlpb, Robe son, Borklnghasa, tisraa, tlfawMMd Wayne shall elect pi I Hindi It 'lilt 1 j the counties of year wives and children turned oat to beg aad die, aud your ones pleasanl homes para into the bands of stranger, snd State bond holders, rally, rally to the nolle, at - - . : . . - . . s i w.7 metit 1 oa Oeaae to see stored and hsrmwuy sssn ii pie, but, iu tbs means and ilea ptspsesd, you cm sm nothing beggary, afuj ruin, and degradation . "i'rnvidL t here shall be separate and distinct schools for white and black children." The amendment' was T.OST by strict party voto. Mr. Durham, on the 10th of Mureli. the lzth section the (Joiislilulioii 1 a ia uwn rawswii .wo ,i, iji ; uroinsjeu to ninunii all wn-AyJutsmipB touows: sf restore-1 r mnsra, inai wnue orptinu see nolhing but 'children shall not be bound 8 p preoHcea to coioreu masters, auu mat ' twit ' The iatfl-- tetiiTi writ each county at such places as may here alter be designated, under the superinten dence Ntf the hoards of Registration as provided by law, and in accordance with instructions here- after todm given to said Hoards in confiriniiv with the Acts ol Congress and as far as war bo with the laws ol North Carolina Sixth. Thar potts: ahail he exaW at such voting (daces at six o'clock in tM forenoon, and closed at six o clock in the afternoon of each day, aad shall he kept for each of the folio winr Judicial Districts: Alleghany, Anson, First District Currituck. Camden, tie, Bladen, Brunswick, PasouotSnk. Pero aiiuana. Chowan, (.atea. Cabarrus. Caldwell. Cneaden. Cs Hertford, Bertie. I Catewha, Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, Cle ve- Second District Tyrrell, llyde, Wash mnd, 1 olambns, Currituck, IJavie, Fete ington. Ii anion, Martin, Pitt, Kdgrcmbe. l y the, Gaston, Gates, Green, Harnett, Third I list ricl-C rave,,, ('a. ie. el. Jones, .' Henderson, Haywood, Herefoai, Hyde, Onslow, Greene, Lehoir, Wayne, Wilson. Jackson, Jones, Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, Fourth District Brunswick, New) Madison, Martin, McDowell, Mitchell, Hanover, Duplin, Columbus, Bladen, ' Montgomery, Moora, Nash, OsaJaWjrW Sampson, Robeson. quounk, P.-rquimaiis, Person, Polk. Rich- Fifth HUii id Cumberland. Harnett, id, Rutherford, Ssuipeuu, Stanley, Moore, Ricbmond, Anson, -Mniitgoiuery, Stokes, Ssarw, Tiaaejlsanla, Tyrret, Stanly, f iikm. Uatea, Washington, Watauga, tikes. I Sixth District Northampton. Warren, Halifax, Wake, Nash, Franklin. John aton. Granville. Seveuth District Person, Orange, ( hatbam, Randolph, Uudtord, Alajuance, Caswell, R'sskraglsaiu. . Kighth District Stokes, Forsvthe, Da- vidson, Rowaa, Davie, Yadkin, Mirry . - Nintb District (totawter, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg. Lincoln, Gaston, Cleveland, Rutherlonl. Polk. Tenth Districi Iredell. Burke. Cald well, Wilkes. Alexander, McDowell. Khtvt-utk Distrtct-Alleirhanv. Ashe. nelTOfataugar Mltca Wilson. Yadkin aad one me m her each Vancy ahaU alee f 'fleentk Te Ooanty voted tor at this to be 71. . 3. -ds--.-C 7. . i-is t- W iSri A Buncombe. Twelfth District. Henderson, Tran sylvania, Haywood, Macon, Jackson, CUy, Cherokee. The Chief Juntos aad tha Assseiate Justice of the Supreme Court, and t he Judges of the Superior Courts, to be eiee son, Onslow, Call wet aad ted by tha qualified elector of tho State 1 Third District New H ttwg at laiwsiteoagbsa 11. I Ine Sol'cilor for ei it, to be elected by the eriff.'V' . Coroner. Treasurer. County Cterk of Rrgtster of Deeds. SstfveyoT. i Five Com mieeionera. To be elected by tne qua their respective co unites. Bfassaaoi -Tm first rwrricl i"crprir 'Iha- Camtack. Omasa, Pais eel en, rerqm- Chowan. Hertford, Cat.-e, North- ampion, Halifax, Martin, Bertie, Wash ington, Tyrrell, Hyde and Beaufort. HreeM Uuinct - I'll t, Vttwem. Lenoir, Wsyne, Greene, Kdgecoaibr, WM- i I n e . Moore, Moiugomery and Aneon. roarta inaaet wmc, wmm na wan. 1 ' 7r'