mm, "-i-Tip-i Yy ' - awt,Usal- am. . K.flh District lk Mokes, hsrry i;, Havi.l t t wumjr.r-vr-. - its manyvi kneed I Welssve N wheadatii that the new roMi nation iVrsnu, P-bBbly and is ry had one, and that! Uudor other Ca-wail. eiiesmstancM ther would oppose " Blub liatrict -R.wsji, Cab awns, who yd go aw KM 111 1 ' "r "puliaV " f-l,'.,'i"'.? Tne-v profess tfeai that if the people re tawb. Iredell, ftavm, ladkia, t like . , . ,.. . and Arei.wder 1 J oMelbing wow w,II befall them S. renlh District -Ashe. ATlegbanV, W" St H"turbed by no such apprcheu V Manga, Ysrneey, sta.chell, Mcjbawejl, sions. If tbe whiu people of the South H.irki i aUfw, U, li'mb. il .rd. Hiwviaaisr!. ill but smite in opposition to the new lotk, Henderson, Traiasylvania. 'Mini- :. -a .. . -i - - - J mr.a. - Jm r i i cwwtniiuitnp ami il' iimi ini m nil mirmnii" eoMbe, Madison. Havwissd, ackson, wa- . .", , . A mm, Ihrssltrr aad t4ay i Mw " "r" eeeslitu la rack of which Districts, one lions made and supported ljr llic negroes will a etarMwi aa Bcpn'sasiliw s tn lb alone Negro suffrage can never be for- Caapwl.rrwU.ti.wk.iKr,,,,,! cid upon ike wl,,tr- people but by Uw ,virr.:S:u,",r, n -. . Caahv, - as;M V Cartssr, JaaVaV-loav, d. .1. A. G. l.fcr T KoH 1 UK CAaN VAN. the lews af lb Bute aa aa in make liyigra Mit. Hanks, iIiu editor ol jcouform io ( leveling U a this paper, li lt liere tbia irionting , n-rti-'lViritory ever aiade liaH law " Jl "w rt . ATT. aM IT tlie iurnaK- of CanTaaalng Ikvidaon oHtaorfa- HxlEin ; I1k ?iilf. BY nK ..ll.i.-M in . N, 0, Ai'UlL lo IM THE OU COMSTITDTHW Witi its Various AracnJincuU.. FOR GOVERNOR, THOMAS S. AMIK. ' for lie t rrx a x r governor, EBWAM D. AJLL, or w itAxnrrft. FOR COXGRES8. Hon Nathaniel Boyden. -WRWrAX. COUSTF COSSERVATIVK rrrrxr Forth Srmmiti WM. M. ROB BINS. a Row, or tit Omit IUprc.vnMrn. JOSEPH A. HAWKJEScV iAA. M. UAV.U. torSkcrtf. W. Am WALTOK. HENJ. F. F RALLY. J'W 8 Hj f 'Maf 0$urt Ckrk t A. JUDSOR MASON. 7 Register tf Peeds. . ORADUM V(XDoN. For County Trtmtmmtr, JAME8 8. McCUBBINS. Fur Onmty Smntfor, m T. WAGG05ER. Far Cmmta Commutsumers. Jnbn 1 H.h'. Paai Seaford, F. N. Locker, J " lAxkey jubaaos, D. A. Davia. ELECTION T1..KK 1 S. Bjr aa arnDgemeot to aecnie election liekato to aO tRa oaajatMa akriaof boot the Btja, tba owbstiea mf Catoarba, Jfrltow ell, barke, CaUwaO, Rowan, Daria and Iarukn, will be supplied from tbla TNirywiB i nlrir aaitfa'Tf, --1 ilfr will to tbem fnw of eoai ... I Tbie bt e itlrn t fman the aabatea on the ; AUbaaaa bill, mhith bill. a il paMrd the lloaar, we publiab lo-dar. That bill on ly m.ikra the aew eanatitatian a eonatitu ti n of pmriaiaMl janmaatut, aavJ owes If nym ta adaail aba 8mm ilar U antil it akaR be approved by a majority f toe people of Alaaiama Uxnuc abc aiecmaian of aoaaa af iha ninendav-iiM ot-n4 to it in the II Mr Hinfbaai, awe of tbe able! k-adcr of ke Radical aany in Cougms, said tbal be ruM BH Ter role lur the adinaN)in of AUtaaxa ao Urn aa tbe peiiW of the jHtaao were ippeaad la the eonatitu - i" t " mil Wr. lie aaid Ra waa oUij-d lo rc nMHi twavaa aaAa aaAa a iii aaau'a foreraanat that ruticrmr and io- N Mr reeve teaJd wewar be bronght to lire Waertber ia any rnrrrnmi-nt on tcrmi of perfect equality that wbt-nvrcr it waa at teMptre) the inferior racu woukl p lo the waU. lie aaid, and aaid truly, that tbia w peered by all hMtory (hat In Enrope the Celtic r icf d id bci n coiiiJ" 11 A t.) jiic eonib tn their aanerior, tbe Teuloi, and each would be the caae here if it wete al leenpled to eatablieh negro governments. He raid that be did not expect much pnp. ulmrilf for the congrrsaiiMial policy. AYben men like Il:i)ru.uu bueiu iu talk after tbie faahieu it foreshadow ibe deieat of the eoetgreseioaal policy of the white people nf the South are bat true to them selves. The plain meaning of Bingham s language ia ibat the Northern people will not run tain any party that aiiempts to orre negro suffrage upon ike people ol tbe South. Tbal ia the reason that tbe project to declare the censlitulirn of Ala ''ra tried by a Majority of tbe loyal voters" of that Mate, and admit her Sena Ion and , Representatives t their seats an aa the Legislature eletrd under it sbnli have ratified the Howard Amendment, was abandoned. She most he left under a provisional covert: men t un til a asajmity of her registered voters agree to accept af tbe constitution nrrsenled. If the Southern people will onlr remain irra ip their opposition to negro snffrnge. Northern sentiment will soon compel enn- greas lo change its policy and v!m.t them on a while basis. If the Sontliern penple rom$emt to negro suffrage, tbe Northern people will not objit-r, hut if tbey do not leuuacatit will never ba iurrr-tl upau I hem, and ot tins tne evidence is acriiinulattiig every day. . i. i swiuuiy, in wuieii nt is Hio live e.uiJiUaio fefr llie Stale Senate. 1 1 ia alim-iicv will doiilitlora be rrirret- ted by our reader, but mo hop lo have an editorial lo-ter from him oc citaionallj. lie baa been tu Iter. sty l.r funedaya liun an aiinck . f cliilbi hill e hope tlin rxeiieinriit of lite Pitnvnta rill rcfirr- hi natitil hraltll. He will imt rMtitite h a editorial dn tea rtugrtlarlr again until after file election. Tito intellirenet which we hare f-nm tlta)t f 'mmt v ia nf the moat cheeri m character, and We confident ly prelicl that the ciiservativea will carry the county. in iu law and iualitutioaa o ensrriag list- lion, 4Sfil Hb fcel term of Rie oaarf, a llrndessafn slowed to rrtsJMj iM )rclM1 nmtf of the law m the Hiranliaskdjaaa1 j IfAriMto Siraatoa CoORt-j-W tlsai tl eM af the B(r. . V llrnderaM was continued k the proare MR. BOYDEN ACCEPTS. If will be seen fn.ta the card of Mr Byon, which appratt in oar eel nuns to day, that he accepts of the nonitnarton t en a e red htm hr the Conrv$ffrt of the Sixth Con greasional District.. Tin's will he moat gratifying ihteHiencw to the er.le of the District who will elect him by a Inrge majority. We learn that he will addrcai the people of Alexander at Taylorsrijle one day thia week, it heinjrtlic week of Alex under Superior Court. Next week lie will address the people of Iredell at Sfatearitk. if Inyfrig the eek 6f Dos IcII SttjHjrior Onfrt. We legret that Mr. Iktyden's en gntfeinen'f will not pet nut him to canrast the District inure thnrmighlr- lint he it well known throtij'lioiit the Distiict, and ia well known to be on l n inn aa a Stale as llie ronveaRoit baa made iu that of iha old State of North ! Carolina. We grant that in order to gain admis sion for oar Senators and Representative under be IWiiMlructhdl .et jMa ne cessary lo have made suffrago impartial between the race. But nothing mora Congress did not require that our whole judicial system sboald la changed -tbal we should have tiv judge ol the Su preme Court instead af three, and twelve I lime, hoping tbal it might be in my ! -i - j .1 u . . . - ' . J ' I . . . 1. . J joagrs oi me oaprrlor Courts lusteae af , no so, aim io appoiut a nay eight Neither did congrosa nua.rc that j Bat 1 rrgrei to mlerm you that ap the other new offices should U- ereated . poiutments have been already Made for which have been don. Neither did il rt- ase, w hick, witk a lew engagements of bu uuire a recognition of ike eauality of the ''iess, will consume the lime I'll tbe day races as has been done It only leu lured ofeleelion. negr should be iuvaated with I beg the people of Rutherford and the ui avaaiaBiaaaB hbhw inaas wmwn wir i"! jsv. m it . . C M. . WWm f h V?ml eoneewiieo. n . i it il ne imnwn" ntre a man to be i ii . i ,i... I ...... i . ..... r m j ,.. .. . ' IHUQilII SI! lwi' ihv I iniru wrrjrwm ,m if mas J. lami ftfh m 1AW art HiLutnoao', April 1st, 1808. fawaj . Vur letu r of the 0tb try.eonslllutioaaloraiieoaslltuiional. The latato of the I sited Plates, lade pan tbe iher I ST Ol bat surdities, to recj aW public private. criMiaal or eril, and, in tbia aoau ill am ly aaett t ili cm, of the atari, yr. ot. fuaV.Urb-.l,. jii (hot lliey unuw. m I f ' alt., inviting mm Pi visit Riiherford asMre- raw people on raw in the approaching election, arrived her during my absence (row home; and sine my return, with an auiioa desire to ac cept, I have delayed an answer until this pow prwuoriv n worn to htdtler will, la proportion to what liht owust, umI ttsav Uuetsr laaea, tat . oipuretj lo pay HI TKBN linnj, al liOul, as much Ux iu ho ever that the negro should bo invested witb 1 U K "c people of Kutliertnrd and tbe tbe privilege of the elective franchise, net djemt counties to believe that there is that he t Hon Id be made eligible to office, iw part of --the punalatisa of law gtate, as bas been don. Neither did it require witb whom I should take greater interest k i I r .. common law and equity, as adopsad ky i r"u iwriv Iha Usaaiitut in or by acts af Coagrvav, fill moru than a doseu heavy volnnse.- j and the laws of the Slate, embracing To ill.iMr.l.-f 4)1000 of pro- ptvty formerly paid Ux to th law of Kngland in Uw and ekak m a.A . ore voluminous. Ehber bij-'M "no ottfloUrlh of tv. are far more Ik. ataea learned profesaio. f. . life froffJ it rMSjiffjsJ. to par time. let every man, aa a onraiuioa afl r ' ' T P"7 beiaf reslort .1 lo bis birth right ia the four I lint's aiirll lax or $40 ; mm elective franchise, in to take a wholesslo e oath lo support sll Ik laws of bmb ikes " ut UMl propirfy wouhl formerly hare paid ftdfe Uoverumeiua. Who will swesr thai he ill never break tba aaaee. ao matter an what arovneasisa, thai k wiU alaays.atlU W imw reqWtfatl lo pay $Rl L.. I.,, t l . l.i.l, 1. .r.... m- ' - ' ' rrouire w'" - """ '"r areaier mnro -r - r - i ,i i. tKaf a I A t that negrors and whites shonld he mixed i cooferrmg on the oreseot stale af tin i son, ikat ke wiU never Wwadi aconUsot ssi " - . mm wrv SIAlfiea I indiscriminately ht th- jury box as is pro- esamtry. than themselves r and h thae tresspass en the lands of his acigbtwr jjlleTS $2, ft) our prrjaarty hnkJ.. vided for in tbe new eonwittatioe ) asvadUaaL FahneU not f-l at llhrrty la area by euuiug a rnliiuj switch I Who ' SoitlsqeiU'cvioVmtrhattkeadvweatrs 0cliv a tphariee with their wishes. oaghl lo to required to swear l any sncn ( n in du isnpiNSBj io pay of the new eooslhution are left without The convention, called under the aa- nonsense I In what respect wRI alb, ,.,,, 'PI aJ iwl so a , u rn ih- ,,.,.n .i.i i ..(...,.;.... u tboritv of Conrrvaa. and which has sent ' ""bi inr most solemu sppeals 10 Almighty eavaaaa waurv Snr the ' iJ., " ont s timrmsed constitution for tbe consid-! Ood aa the 4 Irauiseieul Witness of truth and Rcprcsenutive. If ike aew eonstk eratam of the people, ha been very spar-1 and the just and Omnipotent Avenger of tution should be rejected, as we kave ao mg In lis allowance of ttmr. With an lalsenooa, in amil rcspeei w ssbm do DAVIE COUNTY. i-owcd .to the new J natttntion and to unirersai nrro iiiffruwe. He is also known lo le a conrfrraiive man, and never tu have any ;.thl a tion with i tic R-idicuI part v. Uewill receive all the C"hvrviive votes in ihu District, ami' his name ai the ticket will induce many ! an(surt it who have not lieen tvurued as (Jon sen at l res lie ret el', n e. f HASf MEETTSG IN ROWAS. We bad a grand rally of the Coo sen a ' Uvea yesterday. Tke Mora was crowded ' w , ,fa uecent looking wkhvs people, and quiM a Largs mttdber At 11 o'clock Town Hall waa ct ift aa attentive, wide awake assemblage It mm awaid time gstkeriug. And on the pUtsorM Were seen a number of bon awed nsoV ..kigkty fespecfed Jentlenrefi, limy, Oraham the ssosi notable of them alt. There vera C ministers of tbe l " 1 issamsinlinr nearlr aa nianv l ,.il .. d ' citiZ'-n THE MEETINO ON THURSDAT NIGHT. Tbe Salisbury Conservative Club had a rousing meeting at McNvely's Hall, on Thursday night. The spacious hall was well filled by tke citisena of the sown and surrounding country. Many of Salisbu ry's (air daughters and they are the fair est of the fair graced the occasion with of well-behaving - taetr presence. I ol. H. C. Jones, Jr., of Charlotte, was the nist speaker, lie en chained tke aedicoee for near oue boar e -I M'lH WIIH'K with a thrilling and eloquent spcreh which : 0iiifliituii TAXES. Let tho people rememlncr thai il the new Constitution ia adopted Oie faXea will he four time, as great as they were in lMrt. let them rc member further that the araontir of taxable property in the Slate is about one-fourth of what if waa iu 1300. Slave prooei-tr, Hunk t ck and Railroad stocks have bei-n s ept away or iiecmne wortiilii. Heal ck tafe has depreciated in valiie at least me half. It' four time tba amount f taxes must lie . collected from tmc rotiitn ol tne amotint or prop erty, what wll bo the increased amount of taxes which that pmerty ill pav in proportion lo its value iu ISM SoJvc this question, yni'inrn who will liavo the laxes to puv, and you will be adoiiti'lc-d at the answer. Let us solve tt. To do so we will assume a ease. Suppoee that m 1 'J , one hundred dollar worth of property paid the sum of one dollar. Tlia' would have' keen twenty-live Cathla, or one win no m a dollar, on eveiy twenty live dollars wirih of pnierty. Xow, solving this 'piestimr by die rule of proMirftoh : we must supjxee that this twcntjMive dollars, worlh ol prnreny will have lo pay iliestioi ol tour doilars'fn taxes, under Ibe new for the e Witt lie foil doubt ,it will be, congress wiU no doubt injanetlon in the Act, that no leas than I betd among s people, who will bring I hem miuirc modifications and amendments to than thirty day should be riven, the intsj ridicule and contempt, by swearingas be made, and that it be sukiuilkd lo lh enuvrutmn by its srtwr, would appear toilhM ( requires r people again ill a much k-ss idik-ctiouabki "mv umtrrstood this is an Intimation, form. This is all thai the people need lo ,,," BO """ man thirty days should be fear as a eoasseuetiee of it rejectta. permitted for the deliberations of the pen- jjiwtoB.wn msimmeni, wnien inis oouy was more iban sixty days in framing, and which if carried into effect, will make a A letter from this county assures sis revolution in almost every efv feat tnat Maj. Bobbins will get tke support of " of the Stare gnrrrnmcnt The Con- the m-kole Conservative partr. Tbe old V . 0T ltr' e"l,M Jl ",P. P'0 ? , , . t s. law rvsie under an nr: nt ttieir legislature , incnmben'r of the count v offices hare been .j.!.- a. . . . . j Tkfi and which proposed a few amendments nominated, and all being ready, Uavie is of tbe nhl Co- .minion, allowed fonr a a as .a as a mss . I e 1 I. a M S I nirippeit anil ready tor tbe nght. Mr. monma iirom amy io noveiuoer) ror tne UuLhiua will " those amendments bylthe es tkere on tke 1 f h. Witb the help it fjfi ft wcr "V J roU , r on liner ratincalmn or rejection. 5uch was llie w hole-souled snd iniromitable white ,. ,.,, A i t: i J ni. men ot Uarir, radicalism will be ch ain d great compeers ; such was their care and out of the county. llial tin- enuslitutwn, the fanda- This same letter Informs n tint yw. nt"t w m aH hs parts, should have , , the approval of the sober sense nf the ,ug announced lucre some day. ago, ,bat olh.r.rM,. , -noro-,. that tbeir iM-ing on of lbs Rewislrars of kUwaa, k mh showed be rented. And had tbe eonld not canvass ike enanty, but bad recent convention sprung from the people. eiiraeed Tonrree lo do it Air him. We "at ; bad a martty of Its mem aa ever before lb War, and a I ruction over, as only round num bers have been aawuuMxl: for oisrht r j ' e Will il not i ir i I ni'Vi'iil V lh. ...... ...I .. rJ ihs. eel.. J no ssng, . of the President, iha I we hai e . ,;tl will gl) lllto three lUtUlOtss been bnmiliated M degrsdaiion and then . . . . . .....,. laughed at for tba quietude of tbe snbrnis- JK buildreJ and llXty-aix lboil "T' .ili. . Lii and Adktra four timea and neariv 1 have not leisure to pursue I his topic, V nor to notice lbs numerous olber objee- oilc-.'iau over. DO llial llie tax Hons to the dociimeut seul forth tut' the i eousidetalion of ibe people; its extrava gance of expenditure, its heavy exactions in the wax ol taxation, its changes in oar payer property will ba CON FISCATKD under tin- plans,. jmflcial system, rualtiplicatiou of offices. J lle pretext of guaranty i,,o , sec., ai. My most earnest retommniiistion is lo reji-ci it. I aas, tewrJeswea, whk great respect, Your 1 1 'U. Servl, W. A. Uaaaaa. M.-ssrS. dsn. 1.. ( ,rson. L Deck, T I'. Erwia, W. H. RiUer, Rc, I 1 I t.l j j a annrehend that Toorree will not come to "T." m 7f-"7 ano aepeno Mitt nil Ins rAnimahhiM t K. . im,f.uu1 represent; bad they ex peeled to be gov the scratch, aud that if lie does, be will not stand more than one fire, but will in- eontiiicady elide out. to erned by tbe regnbstiona and lo bear tbe bwnhetis thev Were- making pmrtsion In impose on miters, a like extension nf time, and regard for the deliberate sense of th Bennkr. miirbt have biH-n rinected from The Regislrais of the County now bare them, fts.,, hsjtead of being tbe servants their bonis open to register all who are nf the people in lite ordinary sense of poj We havir bsmrd i.fal Hlar represeutatires or the whites, who REGISTER ! REGISTER ! 1 entiiled In il . i have aiwny s l-xereised tbe power of gov- lunv in Iha enunlrv who havu not vet - . r . ev ' s - ..' , erHuient heretofore, they were far been enrolled, and IrUat ihat all will avail fa .f tUl nmiorttv iu Co themselves of this last opportunity to do . which called ibe eoavetuiua into being. so, , upon a basis ot constituency never aataor- . ... 1 ewe ,ised by the governing au'aarily at the A Gooti Iuxa. 'I ho while aen of Utr, aud more of approbation Row an are roused aad rousing. Tbey i 'h1t 1,t"rt"- tbn among the Ire hit.- , i ii.i t .l.j peop'e "t home. Hut as if lo complicate mean to put forth all their strength lo de- ' .. ' , .. . ' . anaus and eonfuae the i-neh feat in Uadical Locstiuinon, and tn ItlU sjsmisijfcassshdb Nakal for eweaintr-S.. t., 1 1....... ...J I.- I -4 .. ,L : i . i... souin, ' i in . I' " oi aaaswa w " viim in , 'taS Ullimn. ie- i iiui.iu Sal tSewJI f as UI ibey have laid off to go lo tlsu polls m the , t vote iwatmte forty or More oik- Sl.i.with three and otherwise o isi.t na-ni.ts goveniineni ani lor , , i... ... .... ..I llu I .. ..i. I. r .. . . . .....I 11 - -. .... r .r.n.i.i . .iii.i ,i i m ii Tax Notice ! Tbe following alatorncni showa tbe atirounl of taxea tbat it ia tiiuatesJ tbe people will have to pay for the year IH09 if the propoacd new Constitution should be adopted : Interest on the public jrttlsWtr faith of the State I A tar rnore gnllinw ciinfitfcal ion than tbat once proponed and now abandoned, which oul propoacd lo confiscate property exccedtita; in value five tbousaiHl doflitra. ' e''1' ' Will )ou vote tor tbe confisca tion of your omu lands f IP NOT, VOTK DOWN THIS NIV CONSTITU. TION. debt For the General As semblv, (catiinaiod) Salaries of oiTtcers, Coai of I'l liil t ill iai v , tor working the aanio. Cdntnion SchRayr' Unt versify. 6OJW0 .-ilMMHUI aisWH ."sIMUNHI etc., duly eipiipp. d, and camp on lb.- ground for a I hrac days service. If the 'oner vatire white mm of the State will accept tbe suggestion aad art with like determi nation, tbey w ill carry the State by 30, 000 majority.' Hsr. Pttor Yobs. That genlk-man is in tke city with view of leaching cu tativea iu l.ougresa. A negative voie in I his condition of the matter is prompted, not only a a rebuke for ibe denial of tiara necessaiy for proper undi rslanding of the chaagr proposed, as well as la rat off ibe Mwy new, aontaii awry aiid rspc-n-sive oCcea it is ought to eslabliek. On looking into ike CouatilulkMi offered for ai'opii.oi, the bbjections are so numer ous ami di cisive, tbat il is impossible to panicnUriae them all iu the brief space of a b-tter. 1 am gratified to see that iki was frroaentlr interruDled bv mauds of tunes h touch to be iail wlnlo the i nacular tonrue. His lectures on Inric witness oioeciiona, which, an tar as ses in lira ni mar and Isne. A ponunuy .. ...u. m y-ipw we Ktfurmri ia fa iim. sous, whose time or mesne h limited, to eSMHnit f fa pubi,,. pre, or Mr. 1 gshr s- thi.roogh know Kwl ge of rlw4r -rr'bes; leve to bring bv yoar atti afJaw om rj nf these olijeetions, winch, to uiiKoint id priipvrtyiit valuo a hut one fourth of a list it was then. If, rhoM, twenty fire d. .liars worth ot priiixjrty pid a tax of niie-fonrth Of a dollar in 1 what will be the rme nf applause. After Col. Jones, bad conclu ded, loud calls were made' for Kranei, E Shober, Esq., who responded iu oue of tke most chaste, elegant and appropriate .neeelies lo whieh we have ever listened. Wo hope he will pardon im for aaptesslng increase if ilse teiiie aino'mit mna ha v op Kgyei thai w'ho speak w wett sa-ftil".''' .1 f?"r hi IIW I" The so seldom. After Mr - Shnber had taken ttltswei is at hatid. Il reoalii-s just K .ii, flaca dssbiaved above iLem eosi-'bis seal, load calls brought W". H. It ii'ley, ! sixlui ti qnarfers of a dnltar In iiiakc eoialcd lb drcrauon Rsr the oraon- M ,,U . H- "j"' tL W""U. I fVnr Uu"-B,. " f.Ul . "'C , '",L'1 U."U.e' . ni - . a trniasaaes speech at so huenn hour, and tl,c. new 'Constitution, should it be, ; - rr.-. as suck speakers as kad pre -eded him. udopled, will he iliat UXTKU I tines as reaat tm aoores laepeopie. Wsaasrat w jj oveter, prosid. d n address the j r .rtl j(, j,,,";,,, u, fa vln d Jata Sfl allomat M describe hi address, audience for a lew mirmtes in an animated ' , i,,.,,,KI: taxed us it was in 18CI .imIh . Ii.i-lt fit.. hli.m.l ...ilti ... I . i And laxaUon being wt vaiortltt It I will lrar just as hard upon llie man i. . .. - . . I.. givs the most entire satistaeti-Mi. Profea- "w- n" ,MH " f"7 commenteu sional men wh.i hare not siodied the science thoroughly should embrace this Hetoae, .linn it, County Taxes, Township Tuxes, Cost of iaJe Convention, .-RNMNN) I.4NNMNKI 400,1)00 Article. V I, section 8, reads as follows "Il shall b. lis duly of ibe General oppoiiumty of piohing it to the Imt torn. Assembly to provide iron time to time as it is done with greaf ease and in inered- registration of ail electors, and no person thlFftulclrihTS iearned fcow tb- Tr.-tiHurer'a t.- f 7 " ,, i , . t , , , r U. register without first taking an . saiisfaehaii to alt who will favor bun vtlb',,, (r .fc to port Slid other official SOUrcra, a trial. j l-eciuii. at Mc.Vrviy-s Hall, jevcning al 8 o'clock. A treat is jed. All arc iuvited. Il b .rKrimtius I ul he run. I 1,U Strain Which exeilefl lite Utmost enlllll- baisdb-d ike i WiuutH... now kfeila!!": ,J,h k-"1 Mr- 8teer! ,ke .: . . . 'l-or., were ireqneniij a; -pi iaq'o. r , prwpk- lur rliac-l-r reii.m. provwgj .... JL uX rPm lrt. I boo os n.-ih n,r but Ins h.-use hold . wsJssnsassaoxusm, that tbey .lmuU an-llU eub adiourked to meet arai next prorly. as It will Hie .oat. Mwitotfogrr rrrrf He was rytrmrdTaAkr-mrr, when abl--spt!sttCT'-lu?et be laxcf k W ' . I af i usa 1 1 a tti iiPfitMirtiiKi . tfsi iMlsrs if4 . I ... !al. - - J J 1 tsspru-tl la- Df Ifftrwrtt. ! ' m. J " ' "" lowrinoM m 1 1 gl iuivu:iu aurnieMi. siiiu , r " .1 r, f -r i , it 1t 4 ,t. l I aa- i .1. ... .1... ....i --r-rr.M f sail tr ( I m . , (I. . . . , , ., I . I . , ,. L , ,i , 1, v intr to the rountrv. The cause is now psaaSjsj subject. largely in the ascendant in Old Rowan, Mr. Graham foacksdrd kisspceeh skoal and is raining ground every day rimh We h-arn ibat' tLe eutlnuiasm which''! and save e- Ir- in hnitretis wh it'll yoll can ii it I .ear, l.y ' voting do ii the lie W CoHofilufintt. V o'chw-k, aad was Mkiwid iu a short ad. iiie. by our candidate fur the Stale Rear IS. IS. M n. In .- - reriewiug portions of Ike Con- s: mi rion not touched upon by Mr. Gra ham, Mr- UuhUus tcld us of ahat lie bad the column. Tbe impeachment is progreming Wilhia Uie next thirty dasit will, iu all iifUabilitybBoueluded. How it will tar- MsaaSa nuns saa tell with certainty; the iudi- s-eo, In aid and frit -ince hr bad been ausaajtsjas. , aowwyer. are bvot tvorbls to th I-' ni i niissjr ' i iit r- rsiy rft t ' -jf " r n si fTtirP1' 1 - -y ---' Tatti 1 WKr Smatt JJutne :Mrrji The robbed Mr. J M. Ilurah's sotoke-Umise on 8unlay nishl lai. Iue sinew been .n- ..ven-., arrested and ev'oiinio'i to jaiL Tliey were negroes, Ji.'l. T-..I-I Jim Ixiw-ery. Th.-y were ilus-overiii an J a. rest eel by ..... ..-.J dej.u- Dsrn iioiicernrii. J'oSTPoSED. ft will be seen by reler union and taws of tbe United .States, and Sala'rday tke Constitution and laws of North Caro lina, not inconsistent therewith." Here is a provision which deprives eve - i ry ailisea of lb Rusta of his birthright as , , i. an eleelor, until be shall rc-eitablisb his ba'glars Whu .. . ' , ... T - - .. mij mii .Mm, mi.w im. is i saa which no couseientious uuin can take. No peismi "shall be allow i d lo vols w ilhoul registration, - nor bo registertd, witkout first laking au taitb or aJBrimitioo to rnp I port tke Constiiutiou and laws af tbe I in I led Males, and the CoostitUlMMl and laws orNorfk Carolum, imi Incouslstaul thvre- i h i'h v Total. 93386,000 It will tint , In- seen tbat if tbe New Constitution shoakl be rati fied, tbe people wilt be required to pay in one year a lax amount- in to Til I. KK . MII.I.IONs BIGirr IIU.VUUED AN I SIXTV-SIX THOUHANU DOLLAR - ; The Taxea as far as ean bv both County tuid Slate, during the past year amouiited to atiout eight hundred and seventy thoUav and dollara ($870,000.) So that Hie tax to be leiied year by year under the IVew CoiuditiititMi will amount to more than F O U 11 T I y E S a iittu h before. The una ns iiuw Atsiiny to iay ' , Wm H hat tie. K t vere rtiredla X par, in adtniT I incrsd taxation. lion, say tke Itadieals. or we will never ' more erws ism iasid i tws kiw ih. n.stspsil sanidsdatea r enee lo our ad vertising column that I be When was ar oath of ny kind ever be sale nf the valualik' lands hi longing to fore required ass qiialiieatHin for voting 1 tint estate nf B W. f Iriffi'.h. deceased has r as- ixr . i . l v. 1 hsssa nostnoned tn the H.hiiImv or Hav were reumred to take asset e. i .1.. G . s ... j ' .. i.. .1.. ' i ,1... i .... .......... o. .i .ii w .......... I. ..I ...It i... i.iruii, is irrn.j; ssiit ills. H'HIUSJ III IHU ,i "' " m"J OS Oi-psJIS- f It IV 1 -'HI HH I 11 II III ,lll lit! ssontfi, when II will lake placv al the nients were very properly required tn take pillW Mt'18'''St1sy. rhls fa straaTa arnarar.-aa win a very valuaMe popi;rry,ad perswni WTsk'eapesr la UonsHlatHm of inr In invest in real estate would do Well . Htaies and nf llie Stale ; but no oatb was I to attend the sake. i ever reoshrd of an elector as a condition J as the slave sTopery hi no longer ' . wmn "s "Igns .wn. Aninrnuiiriui us f . . A o . i.' if V i . - . Is smlsnn .1 l LI. A I r.AM r.oiNt. jur. .isBW is BUM arrived nt years of ma Hint r. Ihev , " - " "aiiiosi. in acq aired ike right to veto ow sayhig a tn-1 I WAAwk . H A KALHUaL UAsNUIIaUTK. . Ww leant that not kwtc since, orm of i ho innoiiiem of the ftUdicaJ I'arty to ii present I his e unity in tbe I- g . Inline. Ulioving ,sr ksspias; thai kl bad disco red a sjuld niiaa on ht preniMen, applied to m lieedinsi by ihe name of Govwnaur 0m well, a miner hr tr.nle, with vie) lo en- paging his scrviears for the purpose ..' iiivesthjaiina; ibe aMitrr. ' mv " w Jt wining io work for :rw didlsradar and Ik mid himself, wttidi tbe can l: jJSla -, I,, , ii U 1,1 -. . ..Ii l- - L. .. aassw asm OMlll -S"ail lllinwr f si II IV U I he Dually concluded lu ajirr(ao G.iv"" Waal to work i and cinitinMad trerkiag t'ir seveial huiirs in the cold and rain nniil he was inierraptad by lint earn didaia, who wiahad to know how he hud viiied at tbe last eleelien. '(iov ' replied thai he had voted the Kepbh licau n ket. Wlierenpoo Iha nomo nee drovs bitu Irani Ins, de clarins; that be wouhl giva eapby meiit to MO person who Voted that ticket. Tlii mean while ansa now has the tlldttslling effrontery 10 salt llie Ml (rrues to vote for hint at i ho approach ins; election. We tell tba non-roes to i beware of aaeh false, hvutsMiiieal Who, wtiihj they are will to mnku mvu of thsnn for ilia twirpowi) of advancing Iheir ow n selfish poltu cai aspiraiioiis, vet were never known. ainJ we are well peisuaded eever will lie, km wo to bofrieiid one of tliem in hoer tsf fteedL " ? 7fEtK. trfrrr blioas tktket. Tfc following is Iks L'umn Republican Ticket brought out by the Raleigh ''; mfcr.w-l towbick -llusioo waa taad. sa Saturday : Kxrmtut Ticket. Vat Govensot, Daniel R Goodroa; for I jew l-G over n , Wm tttiaat bar eeereM- rv of .-.late, H W I test ; for Treasurer. Kemp I' Hanle; for Auditor, 6 W Bar- gin i tor Superintendent of I'ublic Works, W H lUgiey ; lor Saperinlewdeat of Pahy tie l. s.rucuon. Ur Aeria XenthsnksIM for Attorney lieneral, Lewis 1 Old. Judicial Ticket i'or .Supremo Court Judges, Jf , t, s 4 sai I mj i al aaal aa AsUsm I'm ina I lsM staLssLksb UP as llawlf C3VT IIIitT 17 Wf WmwWkWwr' sarlsfj will secure nr admission. There ia not a word of truth in it. Th reconstruction sets day not require ss lo make any such Constitution ss this. Th only point on whlcltfiose acts dlcMtd any thiog the Moor aud Nathaniel Borden for Superior Court Judges t trie i , 1 1 avid A Bsuroes t emmd r. J Warren third district. uiif u laau at? I 9 w.- the oath to i tlt liiv-lno jn r l.i III .of inie- ei-ih ; fourth ibsleiet, l H 1rsaa4fhitiilr lUlph Buiemj aixi wssww ww naam ' a . - i"i III' j i i he isend one of; lawyers asstisg admr Rodman's I seta u be Brown, of this place, litis just coiti- bmms U- Repukieatt .Setiatoraale couveulion was tbu suffrage ues-jjatcd a beatllilill working model of. e(crulBei to trjb v two. Tbey required that universal suf- a sleam engific. ft Is of aaple as. bn: as judges, inm of them w g fa y. incorporated into the n . w p" w e r to dr. ve S Sewing loschme, I'.ill s Mssaritf sab fay .Vear ClD.sfH, politlda -alasakmsar - isai i aahM asat ww atempi to rvrt l.t iU.iijkjsM"1'f tStigb of nsa smd shmisaasai rasmss. tor this a o. fnsamiswi Bell the ball ! is s rswWesI sod net s srWaa proeeeuiioa. Icsstagra In our old system. HsatWeoa . . ." i I il I nj. I 1 1.. ----- congress, aad Lotbiug saseat No, It bsS prossedsd tatdieally to change tbe whole s tractor otottr Stale Goremment, aad to provide for a new codification of! a twenty horse power. or inn thing of that kind, and Jks SM aijaTaa III sail linrtsriaat aat SSWaaVsa sasaMMSaTS t S. ". rli: iSartof Juaticc. vwaia aaa an ' i V UVItl Vr ia , a s s a t- . - .'s.I il. ,, 7. ... that our people rei need .. -iwm.j W.W..S.... o .as. uur. , opDor1tu)eJ ttxvwMm fc- gc pM, And now. if Mr. Urown tan IntM . mnnU. mmmL umij J!. 'X, ao engine n uia iae, wuai ia io Hin der him from building a ton-horse, or 'r.S?e..nnr. Iw. -: u - . . - - . inrjiiMiiiiri im su niiiuivemu u s Sing Ms, aa they became competent b T rl make a enntrwsjt, kr Mere agw asak lisl inrrilSJSrV Ul.tes of aoveriMUeot but dense; snd i hoosaude upon thousands of ........ a . ... ... ttsra. lusa Bred and dim) wwbaat ever ta ! "A'" ISL,T trfwoted by the 1 his hi i sib alii i is aallasl sa laahfa I r. PSar- Reade. B I district. Wm T Fair Baker : f1 a . . . I . dislnci n Mattel is K Ahn . called m testify h, prytjoacd Uoitatttution to It was la ikis sease. !r r .d in the idea, so tion and charity. Tba Rail Road and Banking Property has so de preciated as to afford but a small Tkis Omiismiia paafasaj that berewtVr tkwy mll mdy acqnir, thi. prtr-1 1 7, " " , " T Hers ly beUg sworn, if fa 0stk war Ux, ond thn hind have greally sixth B GilllaM ; seventh district. Jackson ; eighth district. Franc her j ninth district, Wm if ghfpp 1 Mnth district, Anderson Mitchell: eleventh do Clinton A Cilley. i-ftjrettitrnal Ticket. 1-t district, r Wm Nicholson, id Js i Wm ii wrth, 4th. n A II adri. k. dud J llsssVlaf, IU QtmK V tl KM par, 7tk, Cat K H done. ' ' V mm s 7VW A'crr- Oaemmw mf lis April 7, I'.M.-Gew.ll.n omnia leak tbe eat ol i sec as lb Go em war af Virginia bed sa- tCeTCoal HlVaO tlia ijlllics).