Vl,-m W WW' l' ww .. . j . . iwn ... ipp ..... j, Jiifp, " J?Vs '-7 ' ' 9 I TO ISM Ilia i ki 8BRIE8.1 SALISBURY, N. C, APRIL 17, 1868. VOL. I. lfOvW- m MMUN. at OLD NORTH STATE L .1 WRSKLY OLD H01TH STATE. r...n. Om T SB.? SB Tri ' ittU0ANOt la ha lonely prnta, tue m-u4 Mid iilslKSSr saw uu '"". U)i wmym gnw tnics on im wuwm, h.e ewisBasanldlss r -lr"PP. .TZSd' winuatUi lbs ihI ooMMd oo tli railing, one o'er one, ImDbI niw w uMi iov wwi wire , i4if back tn I furOi bwlwt-tfft. Htft tit ; .at. .1 J. all MlnA.L.tfw " N-'i'iaatdaamevlfea onUtol lbs Jd snnoa. ic-riss-ii- v,a the were of she obi . i ,, , ..rreetUM warar are -Wad " (UtlaaM waaa ar the gr f aaw anMB"ftaa -' -r ill ikkit hi rfef eVeeM . .AT,Ut.a Cli.Ir.nan oT.hr .yiiin ,m FiitMoa. Itae uewl j that (ien. AU to rtieed by the Urat Aiu!ily. heretofore made n eoorte. if be baa been ao to ic torreclntaaj of any ol pecibcatlv ap4.'iHi nia ai eugiu mot the Stat debt. . ' ? UKNV lllhil I 4Hb ihiir correal- lkawataawat dniiy ha" ml wlrrrToBbruaeW tdr. eueH . n.rwrt.rv r..r Kadieul newetMUer 'reant-at urnn', dr.. will ,rjWJJi. 'k.i more tlun lieretoloie. 2.ffj!td iiot deiijr, Hfvl cW. .i tbo in xkw Sra'in ornoKU will 3 ttlrdivlnot deny llt tlia Tetii ""'aWjwKoh TfF"' " ' "IOfJ UnaVat yaar 4. He ajiiiaaaaaot deny lh.it ic Common Heboid., lor white ami ka Mogwilicr, will est $fr.aUV0 utn. 4. Ho wMnd f armot deny thai ic UjiiMiaily. Imreaftot lo be liee r i.lackiid wbiteis will coel $-'3, Kpainutn. . . .0123? ,,d utn"rdiij that uilttia, wtioiu ltohlen announce. iaJmStfk mm and eqnip to k p waoppaehiiai lo hi adminiatrnt ion. !N faaMMra 'par suawam. Tbe roDOaad Ouir4UiUNi vbdatea the posing tbi duly on the General As mbiaJrwTtf aras aeaessary hi ma e Holdeti to do like Urowulow, and "co thi provision. N i W ttfl t llfj li(M tr !MwHf9 Jtl e such as must bo incurred right ay by the first Genaral Atermbly. -n. A did not deny them, because " i sro IsM down in black ami white the Caaatimiiofl. We did net eali ate many other expenses imposed hy CoMiMtiens cb as ifouses af rage, Druukortl Asylums, dja., ba vrnrtiAS ki ,.iimvl hm. nl'liaaaad alhaai enaawaaieg eio. k IJjTii j - '- - Um br-kca lw, r asSbat Ihjr twrH4 haM ,uro,.-J bavk fiooiiaa U ear . lal eKjltm?!'' "' h uwnikhag ANOIflKlt UUN Sl'lktUH ie IHHiw i mi n If" '" ' HMriMNMT be deferred by the Ueoeral Assembly, if (key oboot The nptMM above enumerated the On ml Assembly mntt provide for, or break tbefr oaths, aa the v must wear to support rhe Constitution. J aeeeespeiiees make 9980,000 more than the State baa ever paid. Now add ke taxation of hut rear, J60,000, and we hare 1,940,000 er anniiin, to support the H'ate Gnvemmenf And ret (Jan. Abbott doea not deny iyt.it '.ibem ; onLy makes a general aeeertioii, tlaittly abaurd, aa will here a tier Mear. . Uen. Abliott eatiniatea the State debt, aJruftily csielina; and to he crea ted Nnder ordinance of Hie Conren tioivat $1888,000, whereaa. we eatt mated nnmtoficuU data mi 111.4 7i, 500. a diiferouee only uf khiio $00, 00 per ami ii in. Ueo. Abbott must aludy ttMrea h little wore chwcly.hr. ffre he becomes a perfect (Jhairnian ot' Finance Gnmutltee. lie take hi ligiire from tbo Treasurer1 Re port to tbo eonventioa, wbieb bring down .the uutiaudinir interaat lo only October let, lb07. The ordinance ut tbe coaMiin, ordering the pay of intei et , direct the landing of over a milli on of dollar intereat, lulling due after Uctwber let, 187, winch, ddcd lo Gen. A.' figure, make in round number the debt, a we Mated it, tl9,7 J00. We aee by Mr. Hut tie' letter to Dr. Leach, that he eali matea it at $l9,MO,ftOO-t,0OO more thee we did. J he diOerenae however m not rer v greet. If en. A. tare toe intetsat I ft ,10 1. Hit. while we make it, art naJU, il,163,OwO. But Ueo. Abbott aaya we hav e act oaf o. bond and elock, which diinin iab the Stale debt to $,207,000. and he uuotte trout tbe i'ubiie Treaaurer rewurt. to the General Aeeewbly ! 1405 '00, wherein he aaya, -while ..me of tbeae ecu off aru unorodnc live at oreeOttt, I trrliere, in a abort while, under the reral of trade and travel, the will, to a aruaf drarree, re lie the burden of the ub! c debt." Mr. Itaftlu had a rijfbt to make tins predict -on in January. I860. Ho could not anticipate, tkan, that hostile, , eellod xeoonatractioa legialatioa, vile lander by infaiuoua iMUliaana, aerting lb unsettled cooditioa i South, and ratweea taxation of Ilia of our and on tbe ehiakiy lamnf ntareethe Wee lerti cue tie, won Id prevent "the re- viral of trade aad travel," which he. in eommon with ail patriot, hoped far. Trade and navel Atfe mot rtmit e l, and the puhlie burden are not. therefore, relieved by I ha lUllrued tocka held by the Suto. Not a cent ot dividend ha beeu paid the State Mid ibara will uut be in any certain Moaah oflha teek,ae ibaaawf tbe Ailatitto North Carolina Kail road, of the We tor), and of the We Jvftm l hern V. U It 1L, eeuiNot be etpected to be product i o for many year. i'OJo much for Gea. Abbott 'a aeta off Tle truth h) ll.ai for the pi cm ii t the State moat kauk to other amrcea than dividend from Railroad, to enable her to pay Intereet on the public debt. (ten. Abbott makes a radical mi lake a lp our pition. We are aa much oppoed tw repudiation aa he i-. In tact, wo ate mora an, aa lie voted for the ordinance providiug for the (taftiv' 4' l'e iuteieat on tbe debt dated I-fore au inca the War, total -IV iaMoriiur, abd thereby repudiating hotuie isaued during tbe war, issued - ' - ,MIW.. ,,. ly. We think, However, mi, a weti n other maltciw of detail, ehoultl he left to tha'UenbUVrAaaviinhly, whoure be l eal judge a to ihe time auU Uiauaor of commencing pay id out of iuieret. Kjecially we iuit that a timeiiiulioii, which hnpoaea, bcaido; the vl, 168,i 00 ititere!, additional burden , of $I,h.,oi)0 per annum, should be voted down, an uot suitable to tbe people ol North Carolina. And we ate euro that tbo forcing war pew pie. by tbo legislation of Nortlasr men and of .ennihe ucgroee, to be win paymeiil wjfJittorcsi bafora they ate ready, wtH fiater thaepiw e ro- nudiutioii. Hence we are tue iruew i ends of the bondholder. Of. Abbott Ignorant 0J ie uonnt tutivn. Wa are amaacd that ea, AbboU alnmhl aay that, under the action of lire cjwiveuthin, "new bond can be iaaued lo pay every cant of the inter mi a it fall due, until tbe pernio .irdinmtce expreaslv directs, that pay ment shall be made on part ot tne debt ou 1st January, 18ii, in Ja.sh, and. Ihett, finding all interest not paid Into new bonds, the finance directs the Ueneiai Araembly to pay interest lite Whole debt accruing 1st Juiv, l and afterwards, in cash, la- aW, the whoU Constilutwa itseti declare, that Mtbft Geiiersi Assembly shall, by appropriate legieiation and hv adequate taxation, provide for the prompt aad regular pay meat of the intereet of the public debt." The constitution further provide that the General Aetembly, "after tbe year 1890, ahall lay a fpecifle annua! tax,' for the purpose of creating Milking Fund. L e. the General Aeembly hall begin right away, promptly, by aa quale taxation, to pay interest regit larly, and, after 1 BU, a tax iu aoui- lion eliall be levied to create a Sink tut Fnnd. Word caunot be pla'ner, Surely, Oen. Abbott was napping terribly when ha atd : "Jo correct this, (I. e. the depreciation of onr bond) it w a only neccawiry to pro vide for the resumption of the inter' eat, and tliia the convention did, hnt did not direct a tax to be levied till 1910." Qh, General Abbot 1 1 OOTTOB TAX. (Jen. Abbott argue that our people can bay all these Convention cxpen- AAA aam a. t ae of over fz,uuu,ow, necatum in 1807 they paid $1 800,000 taxes on cotton, and "there hat been u extra ordinary oppieaaion from taxation." In the first place, it ie not true that there ha bean no extraordinary op- preasion from taxation. Many cotton planter were mined last year. AH except a lew, wno nave neiu meir cotton until now, bat money. To many farmer tbe tax amounted t onejifth f Ihe grot pneutl o their crops. Tbi i certainly "ex inordinary oprealoll.,, Secondly, cotton planting doea not exist all over the State. Those who rake this staple might manago to pay their share; bat tbe laxea muet be uniform, and we really believe very many worthy people, now hardly making both er.ds meet, will be to tally unable to pay their increased taxes. Lands will be sncriticod at tax aalea. bought hy capitalists and peculator, arid our good citiaeoe with whom we hao been raised, will arivo place to t rangers. I crimps Gall. Abbott would hke tine. We have North Carolina heart?. Gen. Abbott defend tbe Omw lion by showing, at length, that cer tain prominent Conservative, Frcai lent of Railroad Companies, asked and obtained aid for their roads. Ccrta nl) . and they d d their duly to their roa'le. ny ifeitinjraii tncy conto. Itmlruad Paaajdenta are genorally sanguine in regard to the ability of the Stale to bear increase of debt in their favor, and wohedy hlamaa them. Wa have not lound iauli Willi ti cir aethm. We miicht have voted tor their reheme, for they have extreme ly '-winning way. Uut we presume lion to aid them by giving the people a Constitution which will coat over $990,000. for tbe Slate 'axes alone. They would not we guilty of audi had "Railroading" aa tliia- On. ABaOTT JOCDLAB. The (ieneral not only a (in wirier and expounder of CoirMi unions, but r . h:m 1 1 i.: ... I he isa regular Joo Miller. Hear him ! Ihe people Ulust remcn Der flint II will pot coat BS much to Conduct the iraof the State under the new Constitution as under the old. By a careful estimate, it will be formd that kBwltdgu the receipt of your not ht fhere will be a saving to tbe Su of! yhiIie ,al! u, acompnnr a committee of over $10tl,t 100 ! !" ;' Now think f it a moment, - Under the new Cotisti mt ion 90 new offices are created, wliicll will oet f40,000; L. rU-N ttnl.nnta to tin' Oorfltl.rt f.u. ..,sr. and white, wilt cost 4500. ! Ooo; the Klitia must tje aruieo, euuippol uiol paid when in service, which cosi old Urowulow 1300,000, an.r will cost Uoldeu the tamo, 'lira University i t be ntado free tori- . . ir-: T 1 i-Yj-- ' fit .-- " while, which will cisl f25,tJ0 ; the Aylunt to oe thrown open for all colors, rich atjil poor, (,V(.llt p,.:i iM considerable num wlrich will oust $50,000 more, and alU(.rI ,d with such concert a to indicate Penitetitiary. must be bejlt by tbta eotutaon purpose, appeared and took the first General Asseiubtr. whifll Will cost $100,000 the rirvt yea, ifcq., At. aid all these thiuif. according to (ieiL Abbott, can be done tor $100, uou less than we have heretofoie paid r.ir our Suie u-overntiicnl i. e. for less ihati $.'i0,it00. Hie (ieneral Asadiublv. alone, will cost two third ol this! T tii k rot. 1. tax saocatutT. The General quotes the clause in Constitution which says tbe poll tax shall be eipial to tat on $800 worth of property, aa showing that the tax e cannot be very hiirh. To this we reply ; let. That all the iwovisioiis of the Ooostitotiott must be construed together, and, as very clearly, other clanace cotunwud a much higher tax anon than tbe words of litis section. taken Intei idly, would warrant,! I Voir raw 1 I be eorneeiteti 10 ... ' aiieh a ineauiuir aa will make all the provisions aland. 2nd. Or else if ttuv rate eaonot be r;...,l ik onautit v of uruueny tax J ant li. taaWesBBtsir Jlaaidtit lane: and other property heretofore taxed, it will then becoiae tne amy 01 tne Assembly te .1 Imnum. eatlle Drovisions, Ae All these will havehave to be brought in. ti. tax iat. aa well aa entireties, school books, schools, mechanic's and tool. Ac. in oider to raise what this Constitution preecribc alialt be raised. " "7 r 7 this laat view derive plausibility from the following considerations : 1st. While the Constitution 1 mil f detail, in fact being a mere code of law, no exemption from taxee i put into Ihe Constitution. The 'ten - oral aaaeinfalv ahall have power to make exemption, hnt they are not compelled to do U. And tley could not do it, if thereby they wonld fa I to raise money enough to carry out tbe direction of the Constitution. S. The late Convention actually lev- ied a tax oneveryihiiig,--eu,fhe baby' cradle, the bible, the clothes we wear, the food we eat to pay the expenses of the Convention to pay negnves and other eight dollars per dav. No doubt the Radical party, if elected. will pass another Ke venue act just like this. In fact, it the section unv der consideration be interpreted lit erally, no other act c n be passed. (Jen. Abbott 1 oblivion of the in creased County taxation under tins abominable Constitution. He fails to notice the enormous increase of taxes under his Yankee rrvrim- of County Comiuiiuncr, salaried J us rirv nf I lis Peace and tuwnshii. We have not space to eliminate ibis ' I la am at SMM luitlBSV . ' - Ihe truth is, the extravnganco of this Constitution cannot be defended. It is, to state the whoie truth in a few words, Yank Conditntion, fitted 01 1 1 tor rich and populous cotnmi. nitiea like Massachusetts and Rhode Island, with a people homogeneous iu character. Importud here, and ot tared to a people poor ami aparsely sullied, wih one 'bird of their num ber ignorant Africans, just cine gcd frrun slavery. It is in such a place A GRIM AND HIDEOUS MOCKERY- IU tmocfM will I the ruin, of fi people ITS liKFKAT THK BHtllNXI.Nii or KWIBWKP raosrjcuitv. in inree .wee as, it will lie wiv, oy a lemoiw of 20,000 white majority, hito the rubbish of history. It may ba tt binned hereafter by soma antinmri. an and held up aa a monument of leg islative lolly Soma of it advocate will take jconspicuoua place in hi tory, petty Damons, Robcspiercs, Rarerea and Ueucdict Arnold. Genetal AMmtt'a btttsr has not on ly appeared in the Standard, but will, doubtless, ba sent, in another form, all over the State. It is a deceptive an J misleading article, and wacaH up on our cotciiiporariee throug;fiout tna State to publish our reply, that the untidoto may go along with the pois on, s TUE DOOTRISES OF THE. NEW fHSOVEKNOR O K V i HI i I M A . " The fwrVwina? hater tym Hk Esse! lenev" II II. Wells, at present hoUlinir lm. omee ,,f . rnor of Vfaghiia," un- aWr (Sen. cliohvld nppulntment, sura- cieully indicates his scntimenl m ISOo: ALfHtAXDau, Ya., June 21, 186.5. ..1 m(... sir .1 have the bouor to loyal ciliscii ol Virginia in a call upon thc Pn sident of the United State. My offi.ial J I cannot hllT UIV utic deny mc iha pUmauro, bud mrJSSm 1W dotvn to her spread ra...... .. - men! you ara inaugurating. cry after the fall of Richmond I became aware that many of the feuding secessionist, despairing of resisting by rbrcc of arm the power of the Government or the mi 'hi v logic ot events winch waa soon tn ovinia truly free, had delerutueil ,....mo. hv swilicw what force could not in Therefore it was that, soon after that ..1. ..e .11 ............ "An electiou of member of tbn Leg latnre wa s...m to be held, and among l hose who announced themselves a CUB dilates were some who bad imilormly re no ed to btke llio oath, and preferred to lose their property and be separated from tlieir lamSie ratlH-r tlutu to acknowledge .1 ..I ill.. Qeveraatet of tne UTO,r....-.; w. . r. Mit. Two year ot duty tien-.i f . - 1 anil ucu general v..im... mm hiouulit, taught tne that an oath of alle giauce was not1 conclusive evidence of fjy-aliy, but that It was nearly worthless, unlet- accompanied hy consistent conduct and loyal nets, snd no surprise was fell when, on counting the vote, h waa found that these gentlemen wen- elected hy large majorities to represent the people bt a State government whose legs! existence they had positively, denied, and fr whoae overthrow some f them had within ohe year plotted snd eoospin-d. No Uuc for a asouis at atisaiidssslead imlft ibarlgii, for it was loo pal liable, and too frequeu.ly adinitted hy tue less discreet, W leave room for doubt. With tbe Legislature in the hands of these men, the ealli-r of a iiiilalwwWdl MaTtatlia tV peal the aiisonl and restore the old see stit ntion would be a work of short lime : .i . ,1 and little labor, but very sad in IU e eaawees both to the. white aad black ?mm country it ton turbed condition. The Tbe country is to dy hi a arW tls- tarbed condition. The ngbtt T proper- ty are not respected ; ta ky to the guvernmeut tae maa wboee aeei- never asetieaed I lold by ssen fresh trass the raak of tae enemy wax virgiwi wm seen furnish kirn no koajM ; that it boun daries are not bmad rnoeeh : that there i 00 room lor the 'Yankee' or those whnl helped lo carry oa the Yankee I'Ur colored man, who waa held wonky ie bear arms, and did ftgbt bravely, find no protection, peace or security, except when In the inmeuiaie presence 01 a mu ilary force, and not always even then. This is all wrong, and yea are m aanger of loaiaa; the very things for which lh- war kaa haaa aroaecated : you way tuco- rise snd ipeeuiste to the eontnirjbul tbe fscts remain, and the only wie course i lo admit lln ir existence and provide the remedy. "Ami what is that remedy t III, in my judgment, to locate a tumcvnl mili tary force to preserve peace, command re spect, aad secure order. Tn other words, to vindicate the supremacy of the Is w. Then disfranchise thus who are not loy al, makiag loyal acts, and not a poprr oath, the let of loyally. This done, create a pripetual balance of power, which will at ail imes secure you from political danger; or more plainly, h-t the mfrro vote. lis has laurht - lei hua enjoy tae fraiu of victory whiclt be helped lo win ; and in extending the elective franchise tn him fa is done nw because be is a negro, but because he is a free native-born ebb aea of the Cuitcd States, twenty-one years of age, of oand mind, who has always been and now is, faithful to h' government, obeying all tbe law ot the State ; and every man, white or black, who has such a record ought to vote. It is true there is a prejudice, aa old preju dice against such a measure, but then it is only a prejudice, and not an argument and should be weighed as such. MI am, very rs pee tfally, "Your most obeoieut servant, "IL IL a'tUJ, President Yirgiuia. iTo F B odL o . 1 t A 9 t I IIIUII B'tl000- ii:rVn MmO f J -JO" V'Wr 9 AT TUB Old North State. If it is ' iriaa " ma iho old maxim tells us, to "learn from our enemies' it is surely so to be mis trusted by our friends ! And we turn towards the example of our sister, North Carolina, for a val- uable lesaou which we should hasten to follow. In that gallant old Common wealth hex- aorta ore moving for ward t hv rosctir of her interests anil her honor in three solid col umns, which Rweenhcr territory from Khat to West whit a fire ofl irresistible eloiraence. ' Il i a grund siectacln to see her hattrr- headed patrn.ts.luT ma tun: states men, and her YOtiliiful orator dt'dicatiiu! thomselyes to the seH vice of thuif Mtate with unsclfis! and In to if devotion Which Is U- .j pra FfOtn llCT tnoUII- - - - , .T llli: ( imm, 11 11111 iter comic iu mn uttermost bottnrlarios, ,'hft tiil dren are working with head and heart for lier salvation. It is n auhliine sjiectacle ! Each day two hundred uoUe speeches, iioule iu cut inifiit .noble in design, noble in pluck, and noble in unselfish devotion, are mado within her bor ders, 'file u fiery croas Mbxirtie aloft within her borders by tiic swiftest runners of her clans ; ml from highland ami lowland they rally to. tbe rescue. We-repeat, it. id a sublime spectacle, and the most bitter Radical in Congress must admire the heroic force d I ' - . . tne Atiirioaxoii s pu n vtiitcn . . WJ7 w. glow s with such rare brilliancy in so durk a 1 light as thai winch gathers over the orators of North Carolina. We accord them our admiration and salute them with honest pride, from Vance and tira-. ham and Ashe dxmtr wific itTthn est ty ro among them all, and wa should observe our sister Slate and emulate her example. Let the Cetitral Ct t m 1 1 1 1 1 01 , gfw the siirtiaj I for The men of Virgin iu tu be un and doing, like the men of! the old North State, at it thoe we were at wrork ! Ntrfotk Virginian. Virginia Convention. Richmond, April , P. V fM-.lution ba invite Serweant defeated. Hates was among the TYRANNY. One of the most ftnmoua acts of the M LbtMah saa the rstinrt .i... , l ..u .. i --j: ... -- Oat iotimidatiou of rtacrs." We say l. i 1 1. 1........1...1 ... comphsh precisely what ils caption li.di cale il wonld prevent. It wa adopted under I Be iatpressiuu lint it wnubl ie- tiaudale Ike trhile votrr of Aorlh t list shJ asnsa iLaim ti a(vaa nrx iLasIr aavWl JjudKim-ut -right Msgrat. - 1 lie "ordinance Hears the ftaata . . ... . m L nncMstuatiotMiuty on us eery sac ; ""SI kiflracndent of this, it will exercise ao jure control over the action of tbe white atrn of North Carolina than if il were aa order promnlgatcd by tbe King of Abys- W bars never advocated 1 lie use of extraordinary mean to control tbe negro vote ; but if employer think peeper to do so, there . arc forty ways in which their employees, may he led to understand that, ka certain contingencies, their ser vices may be dispensed Willi, without v io lating lite "ordinance" in quesliwn. Even under this Chiiies-tliiii lie' fcsft J nance' no penalty attache .to the act ol liscbarring an employee afinr the elec tion; aadV V if bare aay iaducace at all, it will ooljc be to induce some, .who re gard fa aa a threat, to exerctae tbe right deciding who shall and who shall not cmain in their employ. Bat let as give (be public an opportu nity Of reading the "ordinance'' for them selves, aad if it don't make them laugh, then we are no judge of human nature. Here is the document that is to strike terror into tbe ' Coneervatrve ranks aad eaaae every white maa to retain in his employ the midnight Leaguer Lis neon enemies : 1 ii Ordi nance (0 Prcrent the 1ft- limidHlion nl Vnlrrs. t it ordained bg the people Xort Carolina, in Convention assembled, and it it herebg ordained as follows : StCTlox 1. Any person who shall pre vent or endeavor lo prevent, aay qualified elector of this State, from 'the free cier cms of ihe elective franchise, by violence or bribery, or by threats ef violence er injury to his person or property ; or by de Driving an elector ot employment, or threatettinr to deprive them ot employ men t, shall be deemed euilty of a misde meanor, and noon eouviction thereof shall he punished by imprisonment fur uotlese than one month her mora than six months, or by fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars for each offence, aad one- half ike fine shall go to ihe pmstsnr. - R t'lll A Arr T 1 - 1 1 L oacuon CAM uiruig m mmj immrm upon tbe condition that the same shall vets or not Tote tor any speerat camnoate the mraoing of this set, upon ihe part ol the person dcnuuMbng the said condition. Sectiou 3. This ordinance shall be pub lished and circulated with tbi Constitu tion for the informalioo ef voters, and of its passage. CALVIN J. COWLE8. Pre. Contt. Cvnv, ef North Carolina. T. A BYKHKH, See g. J. 11 . HOXKK, 4att tiec'g. HI - Vi COUNT THE COST, ITow remarkable il is that men can be found who are o afraid of confiscation by Congress that they will try lo avoid it by voliag for the infamous Constitution sub mitted by Stan who purposed to rob us of our property by this very means. Will men deliberately" embrace the substance iu attempting to shun the shadow ? Do not our citizens see that, defeated in their ubiect of confiscation by the direct leris- Uuon of Ceugre, the base toots of these very men are attempting to do the same thing by taxation at home t Doi-s any one suppose such greedy speculators as Gn. Litlle-MS, i.f Philatldithia, broken down' iu bia lumber schemes, would de vote the entire winter to lobbying among the members of the socallod Convention 10 paa the large financial scheme and railroad projects for pare and disinterest sd love of the people of North Carolina f Has hi heart become so overflowing with unselfish regard for the welfare of our peo- . . 1? . . . . pie, enure stranger in mm, mat nc win consume the .Spring, nd devote Ms tal ents and money to a canvas of the State leave all the luxane of an opulent c,iv bora and w illir gly embrace all the BM eommrto of a .North Carolina canvas J Ce Uch sacrifices be voluntary . VV bat generosity, patriotism, unselfish devotion to the welfare and aecesshie of hi fel low-men. l'shawl Not evsa toe pear ucgre could be mado to behove such em, "The man U paid, aad WKLL rxtn, for low- mn. l'shawl Not even the poor wort: WPaaa out lands and etaer ornBortr are sold to meet Iks eeatanes ef t . . - ik. ... .ll.l,.r fhi. m.M rjtlmmmU M ihe .ntof Nertbera boiuibeldcrs, wfll I the iuinoverished neoole afthe Sute are I in p. lied to treet I WO MILLION AMI A HALF DOLLARS ei taxes, as tb,y meat m 1969, ander Urn fmratme at tee new (Wiuiion, shoaid u headopiaW the dhuntorWtod BBtrwdaaa si this man 111 Ll aiAsslf Surely, sack ef eae people who intend veto for this Mmsitoa Coaslitatiea have oosABtod the eosL Honor ly nminatat aa teat ear weata be paid, but b doe net rarjuire! that the hurt cent from us to ear wives and children should be thrown el I f"r support upon the eeid ahariUa of tbe I world to create new osBce wtra h ,or eeaw aimiawe m 1 Onr work of internal imBSW ( 'boald be completed if posstbh., km large appropriations saoaM net je made to m- fiaenee vote, nor shaehj ear railroads bo beib at the saertftce ef oar lands and flw fpHhae iasBcmbkan al J b- "prided t. bo.W radroasb to 01 '- . I... .1 V, il.MM imm 1 1111 Jil mSm T' r .. . . a . " 'be sheriff ' hammer. Ovr prnpte not be robbed bo ptnnmeot ad SsfwX' We urge upon all of onrcitiaeas to make the simnle calculation for himself fat re gard to tbo eapeoses ef u new" North Carolina Let hua calculate the hrterest on nix kt fen xtt'uoK or polls. an, the total of oar public debt; let him add thereto tbe salaries of tbe office for ho in be it called to v ote ; pat down his own estimate for the expenses of tbo. pub he schools, the militia and Ike penitentia ry, and make a rough estimate of the tax ra to be paid to the State mhme Then, wlien he takes tn consideration the taxes paid the United rilatcs, directly awl in directly , coanty and municipal taxes,' tbe total amounts to fearful Agate u sua more than ail the gold and stiver and cur rency now in the State sea txk timb uobr rnAN 0111 mcoppx cast iat WITHOUT A SACRIFICE OF TBE IK PROPERTY. Before we vote let ns count the cost. sar.s-.- ' CAROLINA. is to be held an she Slot 23d. snd 23d ef April in the State of N. Carolina, to pass upon tb Constitution which bss recently been framed by the Hat ical t on vent ton la teat mate. Constitution, which we shall hereafter lo discus in detail, is oa the infamous doctrine of aa equality between the two races, both social and pHlielf d weeV winder at the siavemcnv m lam arw lum nww curra- pondent, that the Convention which train ed this instmment ended their aerfonn- ahces by singing pans to John Brown a midniirbt murderer, assassin, an urreedoalst aad indulsjed hi dancing, ihouting, sad tumult all deacupttoa. This Coastttation, with which , It w i 1 ft is pro. posed to khaehle tbe State, is being (tout ly resisted br the white popnlstion, and we are glad to bear that they an makmg a can vas worthy of their race aad blood. to prevent Us rati ti cation. ,Khmj desen and despite me treaelicry rsersaati as HoMBb, w b 1 JL ...... smash ed by the of the election. Letter. from prominent North Carolinians now before as express great confidence hi die result, unless defeated by such frauds. We share their aUttBssW Be-1 this last point ; bat we entreat them 0ff aa stream sbbm prevent the adoption of this stitution. They stay fairly count bt strarglo upon the sympathios of a 1 majority ot fba North, and especially the West Sn4 grea' central States of Untoa. In order te fore our leaders of the principles upon which this 1 is Dctne conuBCten or uio suns tx lion of North Caaohna, we ubioii following extraeU from the admirable ad- dress of lion. W m. Uranam, at too uonservaure conveutioo own m wh . . - . r . State. Mr. Graham is well known as one of the most distinguished statesarak of.lL J Carolina : he was an associate ' l ; he waa aa assecw ster, Corwiu, and. Crittenden j'n 1 net of Mr Fillmore; and both I tbcie. I bt bis Drevions service fat tbe States Beaate was noted for his misucrata NOBTH A a election orgies ot eaastsMaf "V such ignoble lieve they w shall hem eaergy to lean Caass. a mm aad conservative view. . His uHersBBBS rtf,7, deter vo especial atttention at, relli lltkg.imlf tne seniimeuis ot toe must luuocnue ssu peace-loving ssen tn the Lnrteu outes. laese extracts exhibit a toJBaier which cannot bat be respected, when wo consul. 4. er the swpsIpunjlwlon to which tae. -ggdfr South is now being subjected, tbajMMaaal and aalignaat auempts to subjccV.WK population tu African rule, aud the tbxw' -'4 ened ruin of their country. If under all this there is confidence iu the uluuiaut jusuce ef lee .-v. or item mssars, wa i-t sura that tt wffl be abuoclauAir juauhsd by Uk res Bit .-v anonai in I - is! Verne at JvawSBB.. Uwv. Vans a lares asweasidag of the good !.UM."' j.yyr" day, wrAhBaBem Th are almost entirely broken n ot Catawba, at New too, last 1 ues- Beting effect, Tbe Istagwe or- little room v , Ooo. -s. bb weaso in- ' j tormcu. - .v u x.:. - - A . . " I. Why. Wt! ill, ahaabl they cease to U frecmoa and voto aa tke please. te a they please, aud not i the Head Centre. it. The Jeutiek Paoevcer. This fsaUval at the Jews wmnrWwed ycatorday in the eveainr. which was tits Uth day ol Human, and eomoes gh' This festival at the Jews f.unirawwtd aaya. It was Won ol their the night fsgyp, nut to d Bs vl at st lal Oettverauc en bursts their departure fro j tob tbe atBtbar. oJ tiHm L hall be tiaua. uaatti sear tbe hnnse ot tbe U. I I U their n .J mm .-pt i sotoe MeaalBr ...M i ?eeahUeeslbraeB.c-W,-B5B, Vh. a

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