HjHHpBBWswnwanwi,. '" " v -' " WH BY HAKES BIUNKJL BALI 8 BUST, . C, APRIL IT, ISM. THEfU COMSTITUTUN With its Various Amendments W T , a a FOB OOVSAXQB, TIOI AS S ASM, OF AMO JWB mjPTBVAXT GOVERNOR, x - OOKOBXBS. For THOMAS J. WILSON, of Poaythe. M. BOBBINS, ol Rowan County. Jar At owes UtjrttenUtf JOSEPH A. HAWKINS, ISAAC M. SHAVER, ForSkertf. .W. A. WALTON. poeere hi at all anpaUtable W bits, be bM to a gnat people, noon, to eoiapbu. ol but hhisU, and been m upon una ovwobm i oapmu Ma to cm kiadly ktaafag f the wit whan Interest M M laboring to betray : SMI the MM naapeetfuj consideration of Mr. D.strkt Attorney Bteraack. VW Moot BaprrtniHT Ba. JOHN BJLXTKB. tbe Tke Mi of Mr. wkk tke eertificeta tsjafiad to in daisy ara not now ia of the editor, but MS eurr.u Moving mm kia withdrawing from the Maraa for ike Ctrnyentfoa, aad promising not to interfere entirely la poii liee agaia. Tbia proojlaa ba haa not kept, knot. 0m of tka by twenty.alt of tka aaat raapaetabla aaa la koxville, and detailed aaaaarnni rakallioaa acta of Moring, bia perascutioua of Union men, hia attempt! to Kara Union men punished by tka Confederate aalboritiee Car hind- aa to Union prisoners, Ac, 4c Tkia arrangement waa a freed to t tbe ae, beeaoae it waa believed (hat the pub liraiion of tbe certificates wooH certainly lead to tbe proaecution of Moring for per jury, which, for the sake of lis family, no AWy, w kaara that mauy m tee marriage. a bjie women and eecro aaaa ia gf eraythe eiece tka aaWtara ooareaitoS. Tfceae wesasd, ' mueraa, m Wcl aa ihafahlii, rttBW eet rohblag Mr tkaajMi.lM tar., -beat hm, mi alavat rrorylkaar Mrried kia lag eonruyaaam, Mr. J H. Tbojnpeoa, now fall op napua.' Mr T. la bag a large aaaaW of pjawa ta of ika aaoat SMcensete aaeat of ilu it M true, ara of their aei, bl there meat alwaya ha a alee af the kind which war farmer. starling poiaL Men bow look apoa theaa j qaita M well aa they can ha wrettbee witk abkoraan, laat aa aaak I ad North. Ha la afao aa agent for creataraa were aeee regarded hy See pewad I ssde af .... . C..T T- ft bar claa Ira eoTClSCMsy Mm Crawford retired, the uiil.aW.f ttMAI cirl avafSraatl far a Ugtg tuna a aaants anasa, aaa WI caut'i aut.oaa dia abas . a pioaa af fcaahlw at to f'sftd-wbuM thar be I. zamaammm i i Tss Wst taxr Uxssw-li hi sat without ialareat la ahaarra Saw tka negro aaaaa lajavaa eoaaaal their ataleu proper ly, BaA Todd, amaiad Hor.1 'i PUS land, aad pat It awoat paaSMf about the middle of tka idat is Ska ridge. It waa ao well done that i bat bleaelf aaald kara Jbssd tka Oaatilliaaa af Meiico Rat the ftaaaaat tkraakar aaJ alaaaar. which aaa tka ea. (Another, karied la aa aaaaiaappar. Jim aw W. FRALEY. Court Clcr. A. j5lSO MASON. lor SevisUr o Peedi, OBADIAH WOODSOM. JAMES S. McCL BBINS. CHARLES f. WAGGONER. Par Caawar flaiwiniiiiiri Joki Althareaaeal MORlNG AGAIdJ ;af aaaaa afaar , wa pobliah the Callow far If Boring had remained quiet aad ' - aa . m .. - . a ahaitadby aia promJaea It would narcr haaaiii adna ta tka pwkBa. Bat he baa ekoaea, ia eWUUea af them, to appear keaara tka pabtie again aa a pol i t ical lead er, aad kaa eauaad awAv HtspiMt to he mhRakad ia tka gun to the effect that arTr r . " ' .trees, of tW-bwry tor Ida loyJ.y, when, ia fact, he waa the arcaaar, A lad waa talking to a negro oa tka .treetwukin the Jtowaaas wkiah Mocag did aw like, - aa ' waav ... aat. : Jm SVJa.. "affaa S jawa, re- sawa SM L affarwaraaU tss sam 'S the lad threw a mom at ortng hoaui4 orer to coarf, y4 o aa . ai aaa tta. 4 a aaaaw a SAtnaos. N. C: DSAB 8rs: I do not aeek nor will I ray witk Mr. C. S. Mar- Kno ,r ille in 1 963 of bim. Ha waa bat as wadkW aSbpSS", . . m'.ml'- -S T a aa apoa the BUM pretence of toyaJ- otterwtae, a faw day. ago, by iaa reaidiar ia yoar u,wn, who re- toka reform wkat Mr. Moring. Mata waa waea he reaided here wMJ)amw8 QO jpaj lllftO aO tratk, bat did ao ia urn mOdaat regard far the trath U to auppoee that he i S eawdid.la far aar i paaaNwa open aajr lark f.rwpTy 4. m i -a torm. wea a proper frpat a copy of --day, that he deaiea Sod raaU-dy aaaMa Va tay MnaHjr to tha UaSaa Mauarneemeot or the war to tbe there. Tkia denial of l.i hi aa. it ia falae la erery particulv, aad tt to be ao. ju waa not Among tkoee who certified to t,l. har- ing been a rebel waa M. L. Hall, of Kaov v ille . Clerk of tka court ia that dir. to whom Mo ring had aa triamphaatly rafcr rad aa waa who coald prove hia Uaioniam, tss ulsVuil uad eieaaer, wbtoa aaa tM ear Jiaeiaer. nanea in aa gaaaiaappar. Jim af each tkiaga render, tkeai fa-1 paefty a threeh aad clean from 00 to ' Lowry, had prepared kb garden plat for miliar, aad blunt, tha kara aenaibilily to I 400 kwahala af wheat par day, aad da it kaaaa aad aataaa, hat before planting hi. abarsa which wa aaaa Ml apoa wSaeaatag I heUar ahaa aay other maahina which W I aaada, plan tod tha baon. And .till another, tkeaa. If tka h-la Radical pwBcy, m hae arar had ia um in thia coantry. Wa aome time ago, buried la a grave aid, art forth U the or w eooeUtutkw, the llow- woald coaamaaMi Mr. Thoaipaoa'a eauWjaad pat up laaad and foot ard Aaiaadpaal aad the areil tight, katt, I Sahmaat to all wha ara la aaad af aay af permanently prevail., all tka hotter claaa the artieka wkiah wa kawa aaamavatad, fa Taoataa J, Wiuow, Eaq., of Por- of wkito people will leave tha B.aOaralM wej M of any kind af aaatiaaa, each ay the, baa racahr.d tka aomination aa S Sutra, and tbe lower order, which remain M mill fearing and other heavy Mating, candidate far SolUilor of thb) Judicial will amalgamate with the ocgroca, and w epe.illy, a. we are anxiou ta aee al) of Dielriet. 8m proaeedinp of Dial. Con ahaU m all tha diagrarwfal arm. a. af ate-1 mt fcMaa rtaaaftuaarrta aacMragird lea re-enacted ia a bad onee inhabited aad Qa Wedneeday we had tha lmin af auvaraad hy the no hi cot epedmewe of the I wuv . i tUVaM far! AaoTSaa. We have tha ptoaaura of Caacaafaa race the deaeeadaato af 'Mih, f iriilnan h. thaa wry, aad -re I noticing another eam angine juat torn Cayalbra el England aad tha H uguenou France, countrymen of tka Waaklng. tka Marakalb, the Lara, tka Ban- dolpha, tha Pavlea, tha Jredclla, the Pink neya, the Batledgce, tka Lanrenaaa, and the Gaaieaa. Shall thb erar ha mTmmmmmmmmm rhafbs bra to aboot tbaiuaalvaar At 11 opaosk bar aaatkar mms ills ksr sMaSaai of her intended vi.it to Mistl kiaaed bar. and bade bar rend nrrbt Aa aha tamed to go, OUra aakad rf aaM it !! I awVlMlw at tbe Mine t ime Mlisa ake waa aleepy, and it waa too early to goto bed. The mother had aaarMly Step ped sonata Iba tbrwbold whan aba heard tha reaort af a pietol. aba turned, Clara .bricked, ' Ob ma! i'vssbot myaell." Tbwaa were bar laat worda, and abe only lived long enough to imprint s kiwi upon her uiothar'a face. The mom ol the Set appeare to bsvs boos aWiastlos lutgo.it of lire life aha MASS MKmiM ATVMAJL I . w L t aw i Qremt HmftUA us If af MiawSwed, Xawys Onmm ntf twHm Ah IT WILL BE TOPE OWN FAULT Peapk. of North Carolina, remember debate. The crowd HI Yadkin College that if uni veraal negro auffrage and eagre I waa amall, owing ta tka haajaaai af the m a aa w- - S CALVIN J. COWLES. aaaatuy aaau m luieneo epea ywa, Thi. gen0emM MPir to a aaat ia Ooa, I, rT" '7 r L "T "S 5 ear raadera that we met with a pbted Ia tkia plaae-a one.borM power week eat, OwreoaapeUtor for tka Bewata, hy Mr. Chabuh Oospos, who b aaa Mr. Long, b a German Bwhrejlf preach- Metad witk tha Wratem N . 0. B. E ar, turned political demagegwa and he Sfcepe. It b a "high preaaure," beauti eeta kb new part to m mack perfection aa I deaign, and executed with admira ble aaaaJI faculty win enable him to do b akjfl. It work like a thing of life, He fa, however, aelwitkatandiag bia dear-1"4 vrew a crowd of apectotor. to aaa agoguci.m, eourteona and gentlemanly ia I " operation. that he can boat Mr. Bo den for that high poaitioa. U ae, ke doabtkM imagine himaelf to M a man of great merit, for without great mark ke coald net hope to aocceed over rack a competitor. Wkat are hia merit t He kaa never dietmgaiah ed bime)f ia any af the attribute which cliaracterixo a rtateauaa or a man of abil ity. He b aotorinaaly a . Rjai) of amall view aad af Barrow mind, of hitter preju dice and contracted heart. Nearly all of kb very little ability consists of financial tact in a small way. Without knowing how ta aake near, ke yet anderataada how to keep tka little that falle into kb hand. Without rbmg to the dignity of a merchant, he b yet a auceoa.ful dealer ia MaaQ thing aach aa fbh-booka, pin, needle., thimblea, thread, etc , tie. Bat of tbe reputation ahich he acquired before tka meeting of the late Convention waa, aa a dealer in aaefa and rnhfa'f skins. Even when ke etarted to the Convention he carried with hia, m far aa Saliabury at laat, a beg of root, to trade npon. Ifb kbtary aa Prceideat of tke Conven tion b weak in tke mind of aft, and wa need not recapitulate it. We make thb not witk any view of attack iag the character of Mr. Co w lea for he b erne of the moat honest men in kb party, hot only la show tha character of the mind who aspiree to even held the Radical party at the North responsible far it. That Mrty will make thb defence, if it works badly, M It aar tainly will " Wc did not force it upon the Southern people Oar rrconetrecliou lawa submitted tha qaeatlaaa af negro aafrage aad negro equality to the people I cation. At ClemmoMvillr, alter tke can- of tbe Bootbern States at a free election didalca had concluded, tha crowd waa ol for their acceptation ar rejection. Ia near- aa entertained by M. fl. Piaaia, Esq , fa ly all af those Statea tke white people a atraag and forcible apeewh hi whfak he had a majority of the volera. Thar ae- depicted the ewotartfaa af tha-acv Oaa- eepud or the proposed constitutions, and aUtuttoa la a ataaterly manor i. the fault i their own. Why did they not At thia place to-day we had reject them aa tkey had tke right to do t fair attendance wha paid gated If they had united ia opposition to our to the apiakfag Whether an) our meaearea wa never eouia nave mrcr-a w by tkt tbem npon ina wnue people ai me oooia. The rirht of tke people f the Statee to form their own govern men t WM never en tirely ignored by. feegroeo-thrj were atill allowed a free election. Certainly fc cannot he charged that tke Republican party at the Berth waa ta favor of unlim ited negro suffrage, much leaa equality Did not that party refuse the ballot to the negroes la Ohio, fa Wiaeeaafa, in If aaaaa, ia Connecticut, fa Michigan, and fa other State t No, the Republican party, aa a party never favored throe thi run, aa the Hon. N. Botdbw. We leaa that thia gentleman made a meat telling speech agaiaet tke MW constitution at Tay lore- riile bat week, it being be weak af Alex eoart. BaoismaTioit m Rowax The tol lowing, we learn, ia the result of the rag teaed to the dbcaaeioa with Here, aa weB aa a Tyro and Yadkin Col- Iswawea enpsn, taajaadt aawf man wawawaYS vKa kat " . , a.i t I btratfaa for tkb eouuty. New naaea ad Z ITJTrl WkitoalM, Black. 133. , JA GRAND RALLY AND TORCH- L1GUT PROCESSION. There will he grand rally and torch light process ion in Saliabury, ea Monday night next, the gOtk iust., under the aua pieee of the young men of tke Saliabury conservative elub. Ia tke preccaaiea will be borne a number af illu.trMi ve trane- reeciee. Able speaker, will be pr.liat address the jeople on tbe occasion tbe CONFISCATION. Bays Mr. Hoi den and his friend., fa not dsad, bat elumbering. Tkey an nounos with intenee dalgfat and grat ification, that it fa reviving, and with Johnson out of the way, and Wade in tbe Chair, lebcb and traitor, at 'he South will hear tbe "crack of doom." Is It pcaejblo that Mr, Hotden sad hia friend, hero and in Congraa, can find nothinf bettor, with which td frighten the people, than tbe threat of Confiscation ; and fa there so balm in Gilead no other antidote for tkia bare, but the new Constitution. If not. tho remedy fa worea than the diaeaM. Conflacate all our rixbt. tirivilegea, deatroy our timo honored man.ier and custom., and anbatitnte therefor, Now England idea, sed runtan muraa, and what are onr land., worth, taxed to half tbiir val ue 1 CWotu. April S, p. MUnaSMfaats lL J mm, Jr, fnsla.al af the n iidag, fa. I trodneed air. W. H- Bailer, wee ifatw. I BawkW. -4 tknk .aaaa tLm wfakid I mwMat MltlMw tW StaVlwW dfor an JSt!JSllC mM iaa aedwmee wna a powerrai Miremaat alratbaaf tkakfadev. a Waa nam at . , a us im aawaara. who for an afaoaaMsniignalfas ssa ea. Tke Bra ad stirring The torak-ligkl the kuwtat itmem eon fa Weaera H white man were farai ciea wail gwttoa an, witk aaei install aa. toes, dinrhVd ltd ftaoectfeJ, rat fatal. tive of tbe detorminatloa that thb awt ha a white man'. Govern aMet- Soma ware of an aaaaiag teadeaay, witk s rep reaeatotba of HoTdea ridfag tka eagre and .parrfag em to the Qali at aafaial siwis. we will not undertake to say, hat we hear of many who wfll went tke Radical ticket, aad yet ate paw neat tbe Constitution. Oar atrnstW aVwaaia aa jr' sszwZ?" .y owr nier-s UTTl OAVnaiM with the that Ike ronstltn I aawaawa, WtVaW, tion will be rejected hy the people, and Candidate for Congress in wa shall be greatly disappointed if Davidson does not poll a awjiwity againai it A1 are invited to attend, both town and country. this District, will address his fellow Wa write tkia fa haato os wa hare an citizens of Rowan, ia Salisbury Ba;iaa- - elecuwna apM then fa rarfana Northern 1 aa . a j Sat " .S' am ja I J Btaee aeanoaniiy prove, put raw south ern people aaw it to accept of tka at a free election, aad they are responsible far tke conarqaencea.n Buck, fellow-citixens. will he men tn ru. wolin. qr a Mat In Con" of SortMm ilpoWlcan. when grea. freaa tkia awtrict. I the .ril eflWa of aniverMl nrrro aaufraee Are the people af tke 6th diatrict going I , atmmutt hcaria to aaantaa to vote for ..eh aaa srer aa. af the Uaamrfssfa M they awry aaa will, if yen adopt the new constitution. Da you wish IS DO taunted thus fa tbe day of year xafa fortanca t Then reject thb Coauuitatkta. If you reject it m bigb-aiuded freaaae should, jou will neither be troubled with the reproach, s of yoar owa conaciooca aar tboae af a party which a atnvnur to opportunity of sending it to tke post a Learngton to-night by a friend. f M opportunity presents wt write again before tha cloM af the rill Conati- of the moat pro- Are tkey going to elect, a man to Mpre- aeat them fa Cong without the aim pleat qualification for each a position, aad who could never attract the attention of, or exercise tke slightest influence fa that body, ever a gentleman of large expe rience who would attract tke attention aad pommand tbe reaped of the nation f Wa da n-t believe that they arc, and we think that M.r. Oowlep ia acting unwisely in rim ing. It would bare bean much better for hia had he been content to repose up on bit past digniliee, bat he fain, aad de feat inevitably awake him, M well aa hb party. Per bun we hare no unkind feel ings, bat hb party b a revolutionary one, and tta destruction w it be the salvation of PARTISAN MEANNESS. Tke Radical papers ia tbia State boastinglr of submitting the new ( aaeat, to the people, wanjjaannmxjt, erdet Printer to issue a large numb r copies of the Coast it u tion, fa pamphlet sera. Large nam beta or them are .cat tared through tha Stale, a tka public ex penae, but tt m wrrarsaaty the same pamphlet, by a ta the people to adopt it, Badaaa aad Oakagaa Lrt the beware of it ! We Iran that tke in aome aMlioue, published a the gfaaaW paM form, materially on Saturday next, April 18th. Comt end bear him. iSXSi ta" There will be a Fantastic Parade fa thia place of the Coneervativa yeaagjte he nrioaa. men, onday at 9 o clock, p, a. aTV'Tote tor IM Uonatitatton, and ywa vote for Pree Schools," aairs tke Wil- afagton Pee (RedfeaL) fUy.aahnphj which are ' free" to white aad negro pnii dren indiscriminately I" peopW Thb Frkidm aa. A friend write, ae Josiah Turner, Jr. ttnxt ae rettee defeating like Vance and tbe steaa er.gfae he eaat i eat m See par treed mm wm ma.. a tneaa wntee aal irner, Jr., in hb speeches, tie. upon tbe d isfranrhiaed I the Con.titution. He b make yea eobeervient to its auccess in the mcical Constitution, printed ia the Sm- Ui.,. ,.Mi,ntlal eleel.on A ...r 1 '. and wbwb fa(Urd IB impression PVWVmia, I ikv will mmtaa haaava aiul kaWmI that the Conautution mMI, :, u. .ill JhW sm eL owke, la pam I Maiabnt, nor aaaa fkaa. differ, from the 11, ..... .,rIV Jl.rVuu.kii mm Ha to the wise ia lMktrii(, for general circulation. Thai to control him. HenlintL country. H wUI yet regret ibat be . . aaia-a ia L-i a i. I ' carry, by persuasion, one I reed man an exira,UMV MBa men who would carry ten sad CPy WW I Ma t wen t v from the official copy paUbked fa I The aagro b ordinarily grateful. The !. c.iBllrnca . ... . ' . . . 7, ' mm -no wiwni aaa hsw am, wm rm - ' f 1 " V V IIC. WW aj IlaSWC UVI SSaSU SI 807 IU VXriM I gjfa fj AaCADia, D.rid.a Co , N. C, "T f" rF rj.- Anril Iswk lRGfi. I I""" " -t "V " w. i o-ii-k. ., t il fy Owe of the radical candidate, in I Which 1 Gen. Meade baa w wf . an.uui t rau iw wn uvsstaj i ej j. .... . w . morning, the 7th, for the purpose ef aaw- th unt. been Hmckmf I u , ' tTrert vuamg thb eouuty again the new Can- d"f f"11'1' J aad bring to trfaPMI peraona wlio'may atitution, aad aba as the Conservative I "y" w w " m 9n hereafter print, pnblish, or fa My manner candidate fot the Senate. On the Mae - ""w-iry wi.n g,re oircMUUHn to, ii war reached tyro, but owing to tbe inclemency of the aceudfary public Major ftobbina, oar Conservative candi I tiant of a aecret organisation now epreed- m Stales. 1 Joes be refer Obiy a reba afab bring here Vt he was k viotbat aad wfadatHyf rebel, and tkb faa b e. SeMap W a any fact of thb tr could wen be. 1 could have 1 fay setter hi much stronger Un it wm his coaacioMOea. of thia fact a THE DANGKR. - Tke Radical orators are c(,iit,nt!y de claring tka eoefaty wall regulate itfeif tkt there is ao danger o( amalgamation and mtscegepation in the event of tke rat ification of tbe new eetiatitutien, which re cogniae the equality of the races. Ia thb aa I Tke reapectebb portion of both race, may refrain for a time, but later fate bou no to some. It leather OOM far the Senate, a faw fan ago on the '"a 0 fka tear a farther esboaure that induced kia a accwrapanykia denial with tke com pliment, that I wm a good fawyer aad an tuwaat u.. hat Maaaniaa in tbe fact sta wy sw.si se n - n L'pen tka receipt of a eepy of yoor pa par cBtofaing kb denial, exhibited it to liaaal pafapai who knew Mr. Mrinr wl.iUlsere.ided here, better than I dii. When Mr. Bawahaw voluntarily offered to get ap proof ta enppert ef ay sSateaent, Md fa a abort tame sent me tbe mcioacd Mta fa tke fidluwiug worda i Aooompanyiug tkb aote ia r. WaMaa L. Kaea kecka tka wrtk the following auteaaent : I any pert, or tbe Ku Kluxt The but very few person, assembled As all I P " T' T . .7" 'ormer b a ariou. rejity-lbe fatter b were aaafam ConaOivaiivee we I " "r! collection oi people, aaa Jir. i probbly only a aiyth. 'e have o aee did not think it neeeaaary to address tbem rne w" r"7 igaant tou tM pea- tor secret political socienea of fa a art speech tbe candidate. All the int. Ii fmm ttia Pnnstrv most encouragini character, and from k U to tke people to decide (fat. f Tbia garno won't do gent The day for frightening tho Southern people witk inmate of conrtacatinn line (asaed, oeapeeially aieM year propoaed Cunetitutiou contemplatM I ho very Mine thing In SB indirect way, and lo lbs support uf whlcb jwlioy, hidden thsrsin, yon have all solemnly rn io ina negroea in yoar DEPRECIATION Qf LANHf, SOUTHKBN icQwL Mff-.J?? ,t-.-lfcw b .weWri(asWssoT.- .waWi February we ted M lOtlpail aal the praa eat value of fl.alh.rn faada comuarcd with that of 1860: la Vkgiafa tke deereaoo la tt per cent. lu North Carolina the decrease ia 50 1 ted la Sowtk Garelfaa tkn aaoasai b SO per cent. Ia Georgia the decrease U M per coat. ana a IwSMaQsfSaV t sasnT Oals9CaToPBwMo3 aw) JMoO VCaawwa. la RMMMtMcMercaMw SS per cent, ha AikaaeM the daaraws fa paoaaav which ere nfaan Inaa of capital ef the eeaatry , tea dread of a J ""e'WsvnWBwnxs Thcae pauses are naueroue enough and to cauae any eoeuUy to wither away. The wonder la not tha the whole Heath is U ifb led, hat lha there fa any vitality left fa it at sit NsntaSMMsr it a arth, a row. a a ta sw-hji. a a bat aa isagtaatiwe 111 III I IB WM PswMaf MM OfawkSl fSS fall aaaa LAI sraaftar was ef tke bs tilled, ef tke Soe there sag haarfag up agai me t a M of adversity eucb ae ha never ba tke lot id any otk, er people under the au n. Had it not been lor eucb a spirit of energy. persecution, they must have fang I tar m ether Mania in tke world could have stood tbe trial, to which the houth ha been aubjected.-Norfolk Jour- Indiana ,tho MM fa tad- forint'ti circlcw) as ms , we bejeg the only ma of J pnM SSfS ap m eecn, a manner joui ure u. u. a. nave uune more wiery for the Lexrbfatare present " w SwawfB aay May. ue wanted Mr. " , -wr- - s;iiaiurc phtbi ..... . ,, , . , . , ... could inflict 111 twe.nl r vrars. ig uce which we received I nouniM io ten aia wn.t bMinea mi .... . ...' - - -m.- iw er- . Tf a n w a. . . B . Wwaaw mm II 1 1 Vl t Ur Wat nf the I " - " -e a ar- awwwsi a a rill fa the lower stratum of aoc ie ty , and in tbe oo atea time, by familiarity with tbe, a firm 4bgaatiag acenea. the repytgnaoee to tkeaa will, fa a greet measure, ba oblit erated. Tka rfaing generation, aeeing negro b decUred to be the aqaavl af Ike ykito aaa ia tbe constitution, and their father, have been acBSSl caned to Mr ilk tkea ea term, oeeaalhy at IM ballot box, in the legislature, cry quarter we bear that tbe ho neat or aa are nuiuing tke League, by tke and gang agataar the aaw Ueertitataw. Not only b tkb tke cms fa ilaaei eeery part af paridsoa, hot eyen ia Radical Forsyth we barn that there fa e tremen dous ('shaking among the dry bates," That honest man and pure patriot, Tboe. J, Wibin, aaa wa awnsaM M eapport tke Con.titntion if it wan bearable, aad who had reaarrad hfa Opinion of it qo tn he pould bare aa opportunity to .tody it cloacly, declared fa a epeecb et Win tan. One more unfortunate-A Girl of Aiffhtteu Onmniti Suicide by Short i. tbe . : f . . . . Uary am, a. anansaansra, aM ta atbertttcmon Wedoeaday, tnat r tact ItSdy public stations, and having been brought be found it mttjgrmbfe, and wm forced to into association witk tbem tkecQacive. through the effect of such eiamnlea, will, eaM upon tufk thing, than we af tka prsaeat age- Tfcse will be bid the faua- of m alteaate mongrel pofiuUtion, ... a.. . ... tWf, ,t It. I. ... nU U . W.l. is- a wv -wi i ... 1 ton s win cause nandiewa a foray IM to f T W - station ' " a a . .n i aut tV ti I A wkntat '- - -sawLaW aU- f mWW IBsawMlwaf tMLW9m Wtjjj XWmj QmXJ whasoTll wTu're VstaT cm, and wkakfaiMi Ij luifrtii etaaM- getwnaent, eg aaythfag abe partem ing WtM mtsQlllS IMsfa qp ake ana .1 tWa dbueeed to eajjort Mr. ftmwm b tke Cooaeryative candidate far Solicitor of tke Sth circuit, and wUI puran until Daring Mr atty af Tyre w wfa faBndry and aboee of aar cotcrpn.- ftbM wtter tafarhood. tt) it "the ae- raled ou, of the Hub is St hoofa a Connecticut." Tfay attend different achoob fniu the arbilea t thai b all. So it will be in North Carolina " Raleigk Standard. No om kaa asarrtad tha " tbe negroes are ruled ant ef the Public Schools in Connecticut," hat that they are to be re stricted to the tiiered scboob sine.. But tbe Aeaderrf add. : "So it w 31 be fa Keith Carolina."' There b ao pro vi- aion in the mw fanatstolfan gaaraaiaa fag that it wfll he aai fattoatha anatrs- ry. thai faitraarat exeluda the idea of aparaa sckoeUfar tbe nea., af,ually thtawa aaaa tke Btnta lTtaSfaf fcr fka admwaaa ef n ign. Tka t onvc.twn Tvtef down a propoei'tfaa to have aepar- aia seWulla tr.r vkSftka mmA Uuta . nA tw w w 'i "a any oepaiittM aaa who may take the re- ligent Radical, who b on term, of intimacy with many Radical Seaatora, re marked i "Uurti. is deliveries; a speecJi, but It might aa well be to tM li now," And such aeesw to ha ion cnteruined in well fa lempU made to create a different irupres eton. yader tha terrible faflueuye of party praeare, the baakheea of tboae Senator, wbbk needed "aaMwafaw are i 3 Bi- a rv sj a I oemg grauuany oraOM up, end BQ feara are entertained mat tliey win M able to tee the mark when the day ef pronoun ciug he verdict rolls round, (f., in 8a Leet ajf far JVauoV-So careful ua the Radical to prevent their evil deed from coming to light, that they kaa at jL a vj .s. a . . : T iaew preiKi, ana print tbeir tickets in darkened fOoaa, to prevent tbeir hefaw ' em on but rwtara trie wa tbaca, witk a Sack entbaafaaa wm played In tbw Plata i moved afaaa. wkkMi af aiaafa pfayfag a.tfaea aire, j star, and sSrina ef eat llMtry, fadfaa, fa brae Mmheva, ea thnelaV oral ftan wiaduws and kefaooba, view fag ABadafa Oka mom martfag to ho s euav com -I Ska Bsallssds fawk itUuirilsal aai vmmm, mm tmm i a a mmm . sase admit tkelr eheacM a torn eoaaly lo k Weetcra North (fareBaa eoHo es Oka wkltojacaof the Kaatt ta aswwaraaa- ksTiiPfein. mmm .J. fs, At fknrJBa .1, wbitenaupie ohm aua are taawengsiy mm rOwUwrtl A Mell voi wfiil tow otv B .(- a an ! A aa aI mm mm wMaMfa pUk B faayj r aervaii vea a garaaa v unary, t na vast rvarxevT lm f brrU up tha Leegnea. Two CeBMla. Wr uvea aa oppoacd to aecret peUtfaal eo thaa, end of ovary grade, and fa erery K. We Milker aBUato wrtk Iiaaan, hetasa, aao Ks BJant fkaTlis IT VOTE IB CAST M LTINO CIRCULARS! We ara fait rani that i wMf Im'M fif-HMJ i wslttdl tJPwJ 1 werU vrthUeyBsetawstaM Is StMp OfawMoaJ ale fa araangMed fa rirewtating aasoe tke sw, ffa, who era art expected to reed tka af3iliffiitMiiooly t BHaawwaaWal ag4fejejjakaf WoCwMMft LFantgfc sanswtwatly VwSwatoW tsawawt aafatkeUaatl swaawaawawawL.a. J to it, that will plane the eauality with tke whites ia Tki b being done, to get tke Igaesnat wh.ite people, and tboae who will net have m opportunity to read tha in I ia i n tSJi ument, to vote far it. adoptfan. We tiWJ OQrVclvpfl i)fj aVB ittfewawaVOwU) lying etrcula, eddreaed to the "Peer te Men of North Carol i na." wfakeal to It, wbtet .adiavia ta White i 1 wrj we in take the faaawfaa? from the Maw. beru Jmtmal (f Commutree. It a t "a ncmence that pre lately lac aaaa "box (From the b'tiea Herald On Tneoday evening laat s y .huh woman nanirHl Clara Morion, leaitiimr . a . ,r... . . .. , j alia wjwtnaarni fu PsOgeaWapl at met. tog ap" pracswa praciieed fa tkb ait, L'tica, shot beraelf with a ufattd, thO m well aa Nowhere. Preaaea ara fai' tmll entering the body Mt below the ia," and warn ticket, or circulars are tne inotiKrr ol Hie gir' keene ae. a-ronaeiy in rreMmau fa sworn to wirl keene boom Of bad repute, and Clara wa ,mamJ- W ''be tbe people to be oa sS wf ake nip W i id filial ii. for J- So cUndestn,, raacality fa go me time pre vi one abe had eoni I 00 ' Jtaafa Sentinel. tha any of tbe pebbe selves UUa to .wkrafawt! kry tkea .ndictmeti l aome time prevtone abe Sad ooni plained of illneaa, appeared dbkenrt. Md apoae onea or death. I. six night of tka tragedy arrapguinout. to vt.it her lives in Michigaa, and ape tatee good hja. ABpr tttfars, aa as ed miIMj IjaSSlI tMe boiue, named Mary Crawford, fVlNaD VaVaB trtu-KavhS. r awe made Wh.ngtpn, April 9, father, who ko Jspaaafca bade korai J1 W- Wood, ef r eke retired ,V"1 Ve Wa.hii.gtpn, April 9, P. fc; of Alabama, who 7 liaaie he waa fa favor pfCosanaa. tuia ntnry am, ana tor a quarter f ea hoir the swjsr eresisin an ih brink of eternily teemed to derive great Mjoyaeot rraa Ifatoniag to Ey mn. sod pas)au which faw girl, of foQUealSp C 9o9clo 4VaQ Iflflgls t OWwS t to while men I '-iKfKM No, My nigger lend himself to suck utetheae lying aad tion.-would rob hb crib and steal hb SBM Banner than thbree, and esasrr. to haws their wortkka faidM iayed a tka wkk nil, a .Ml Wr slw hear it reported that U Meek, '"mhlfi "h splsstJ at Bafaigb, to ladMUaSMbis rata for it Let tke people net he decUved fa . Skfa aatterl Tbe only eefa eeaae b to Pear afatraftaCqajJfan ' wIbssi A amino to GirU.-Th. mi ewMte Of hasty aad uldyfaed marriaga wm II lusiran-d in the poliM af New Or- .-A-g l ,,,,"t laJwSaWXI, PoTtWwM Wi mmmWTJtm IMbMIVi V'TranJtrrsyaufa agefaet herparrata eaSd bateeoTw A the fadiee' rajaxteiiluj. WawMbJr ho prtewce opened, Mr.CBrtb.pok.ua toaed to, the Court adlournad. - jwrnetka T CIO. H.i?rt OataC. 4iU aede aa inflammatory harensTM to the sVgtwee of Wilaingtoafawiaktetiaee L n AfWfhahadnat ly low, ho was k Mrrsdy gate HrasJueasTtS adiournod. Tha Senate wont into Executive Bav I) S. gaasB asteawted ff7faeked ao wtae tha hfa aaofa heaiaw a. parted hot 5