fa. J . .. i " ; , ' v' '' ' I j fu. . ft. ,) ia.' nwffg ' . ' I J I (POMM No. 11 Alf ACT. TO EXEMPT CE8TAI5 MASU FACTO BES FBOM INTONAL TAX, AND FOB OTHER PUB- House of Jijftftg MCW ifr". That aa art oat Bleat jfour awraoe MWMi Ibe Do i tad States on dereay niHN Iw of the United all to report, in writing, . . - . . .lii.i.j "' nwnwiPiiwr, hn w un win IFTtZ -mM.- ' ZZWtkdom Um Beraaee, he ld, ttt to )BTOei0 Uteeaot irl-b-iJ,ofl eoorUtlo., be tfued oot less IO WPP I ' ' rJ I Am ma ' a ..... . 1 "-?tbiif'J t- thoemix) doll ere, and eh.ll MM aor more then three years. States, or ehall aisle o eigo any fate ilBoate or return in an caat fTMBJ ert he is by law or regulation repaired to make eeertlneate or retarn, or ha- It Baa-ledge of information of too notation of mjr reeenue law br anjr or of irsao ooaaaautea or aoy IhirtisjtB, etirhteaa hundred end sixty tOaf oatd u ib. earns I .I0, be it further enacted, ult n 2iavMOi7rao!UM on,Promiae, or disoontinu' if ? l-. ",Ti" tattoo a ode tEtaaat ahall be"aIwed pBoliajinaroiOMiwaioa to tee taiee iar- JiiHmj the bermiesion in writing of posed tbareb on jpw made of ooal h Bewotarr of ibe Treasury and the wholly or in part, or of aoy othor mm- , . erneY fle n era! 7 tanal; on Illation, l.brioalia- or AUnlT. t-rieJ- othor' daotaoftkodiotilloiloo. othor aaioaraj oik or article, toe pro- rCMlMlMefttiOfl, I or of THE RADICALS IN TttJS STATE i-wl dmdltatioe oeaaL share, peat. QUAKING. Mphaltom.or othor llfftai sab The Standard, of this alt, we risjsjs tBoreia naasnasa, team, suppressed the telegram reoeir aad all tho othor ssaaiH odor the Aeaociatod Pres.. from iaeladiag eigar Washington, on Tbarsdar ni.ht.- n.J J mb . . s .. faetnros ettt, cigars, aod eharoot. ; Provided, jTW letegr am was as follow. (bisect, be taxed rales lied by the sa four. ' t Latest Aoat Wasstegftia Suftmi Bate or Unurls his flag from tntDonmoflm UMol, No joy nisi saf Char. fc WaaU shlaatim, April U, M. -Sergeaat hssjast arrfred, sod stsots aa aa- a eonssaasoss sfJodga Bteaaar Uloess, the Court sdjoenied to It o'clock to aiorrow, with bat two duweoUos; relcee. r sdJoBrasieot of the Osort, she eoeiieaod lla sessioa. aaas Ohsmbsr, vUi add oaWtetht ia aafarU Capitol at The it las Tho fcWeeoi Bslea' eereaioei. Uo aefexU bi. lag frooi the don. of the Tor A 4 OU Nor CANDIDATE TOR 80UCIT0U- 8tb Dutbjct. Ja obedieaos to a prerions ssA, a reatloB of Ibe delegate, from the coBBtleB puBaj the Bib Judicial tricLatetsilheOoartBeasela ob the 7th af April, la bobubj date for BoDeitor. 0 eesslsa, Ohaa. Taairas wea called Ibe Chair, and John H. Welborn request ad to tot aa Searetarr. As tho rsrioaa i celled, the fafbwiag sjeaUe- KEtT tore column 0 YIBOINU. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL OffE KLLLI09 DOLLABS. e'slaofc. From Wevhlertoa, April gaaat Bates eroeeed ecloek. 1AP Laos; Bridge at 10 Mr. Eldridge, BeprwenUtlre from Wu aaosio, welcomed Betas tea Mask The vaathsr wss aatsroiabie. hot the si . isrsi was rerr urge. Bales wore too jeekst sad paata pre- to Dla in son to lieroiiaa, sad m kl l " T- W-. . Ale. He eerned a bom cap. prcMnted s hiai br ths ladass ef VMuharg, Miss , aod hie lag. TrJ Ibe frestdent net bias st the threshold Tsagus aad 8. A. Alipaugh. Xtswiisoa-Jaha H. Walbora, M. H. Plaatx. Rowan .John B. Welborn proxy. mm Plssaaas Qahi, J. P. Loas. aMahai sjaaoja Mathsars by preay of the Mansion saying: "Ail I want to do to wcIcobh yos and your flac Thai tho prodoota of potroUaas and Tho CVsBsrrosslooal Esoeotiro Com b.tossinooa lahsajam bereiobofore mlttoa hare declined taking stone to meotioood. exoapt MlBBnlaariaf gaa, indaoa Hoidan to withdraw from the hall, from Mas oftor tho poaoaca of North Carolina Gobernatorial race. el at saa half loo I Too ai brood aaasa of non action is Bate, reaetred aa entertainment at the said eeetioo Binetr-I the abeeaoe of muij member.," White Hoass, assi sm.ssdid to tho Me Wo are not in the aaoroto of the UopollUa Hotel, where be is quartered. 8aa 9. Ad As U fmihor truuUd, Badisstls. We know uothioc of tho H Capitol, wAsrc be ThotootMoff IB toss sat oootaiood asoveatabt in Waslii bail bo oooatrood to ropool or infer the sbors taMfrasa fere ortra aaj soar, rafoianoa, or pro most sJaarly, a risioB for tho asssssaiont or eol lection port of the Rad of any tax whiah n4sr mtimg dmim th JUd Laws, may accrue before tho flret da, MaW. of April, bbbo Dosoiai oightaoo boo NOItTU CAROLINA, thiBa: of tho t in Washington eluded to in , bat It dred and alatr-oiariit Aod Botbino staiood snail bo coootrued It is too late to remedy the matter. It is saderstooj that the DepartasenU any tag upon maonloo fcen if tbor coold rulo H olden off will ho eieeed tomorrow, in honor of an idea which have boon I the track, it would bo of no trail. rasliag Lincoln1, atotaa. indieateo,LAftr:h,lTl,,Ur, CM' -M .rSL'r9 tr i saoalders. from Vick.bnnr. ihev would BEATEN IN hawe allowed him la place THE NK IA, beyond re G BO ON THE GODDESS OF LIB EKTYI asa rr or othor artielaa madltbthou'Sted tKe passage of this act. prior to ore In S. And Aril That after the first day of Juno Tho oMsfo ssjsw of North Carolina I Gen. Sherman was before the Impeach or troiiBJs? The doeroa has irone "eut MaiMfsn to-day, who, bariag pow- forth, that tho white man of North - asse witnesses on oath, without Carolina shall rule tho Biata. Tho rMh,,lW 0mut rle' of internal taxes paid in 1 he bsllanaae aad found waatiusr a aa a aa a I . . H ... tMH bo aiiowoo 00 UOeneive as U olden is to tbc of aay artlcfo of do pie of too State, we believe that otMOltich there is I now Coast j tot ion . it ufactoro 110 iatorooi U at tho time of Capitol reaponaibifity of denying access to Bates. r, I Altortbe adli I the Senate aeea iaarnment of ths Court, k. m '- 1, ..11 I. I properly wciir bed 1 .i. nrin,,m. ,.t ' , nni r .1.. ,r,. by the white men of all poviiaa, SBoat I aatiTEaesutira Scion and theo ad- a9MfTV sj OsbB On motion, tho following to anbmil a rarioas I ' v 1 Wtesten, ecaodM 4 4 ca-: 1 m i OFFICERS. W. 0. CABBJNGTON, PrttidmL 1 J. J. H0PKJN8, AWetsrf. cw. C. H. PEBBOW, M. D., ifoi. Admmr. I Till Ml nil sal Sill SBl fsBsaOJO Compear X I u. --. .. T 87 Per CW. of iU Props. . IsleMBteesdsss sa.tr shssmssssssSsd. sommlttee . W . patraaa to obaas laaSr pstMss 1 1 1 aamrm List sBsiniaiiiia ntirttnrBtf t mm ba ltsi aorsi. 1 stssa. sol ttete ef ny. "The Piedmont Baal Batata For Lift) IixBuranco Only. BROOKLYN rrsDMoirt LIFE INSURANCE iiuwin mummm COMPANY. nation, ris . John H. Hester, of Porsy the, John Bonner, of Stokes, aad John H. Welborn of U.ridaon. Ate 1 ihort PMW,KA J IU. n. f tbey submitted the name 0THOMas p'0 J uwu J "WW JlmlZ'rZL"7 I Everybody Uses Them ! Ua 1 tfoa, k was ordered that the asavisa- t--J- m.m . iog. be published in th. Waickman J lmlml d Oid North BloU. Sentinsl, Press and ISr.rkr-! Stoma I 1 CHA8. TEAGUE, Jen H. WafcBOBjf, Secy. Virgisto, tok. abmnir. In p W EaHiate s a, Oo jteltey . BsUss? fbjtl to the JVerm-Tke TVaV waaya 1 The dessoerate of Londonderry, N. H. supported a colored man for one of their town oflkera at tbe late election. The Bepoblican. did not vote for b.m. and he was defeated." . Aiejw.lrMkMb, " C4ttr'' !iVtr!: . . of hiTh intofrity. nd paimos can nd on aa Aad Why did tbey not Tote lor him f "OOOTARS BEDBUG Aad war, if tbey proscribe colored per- wsSSila. " will at home, do tbey try to force the Southern people to aubm it to negro domi- SL. WUUI- B BtSBg An raa uj4 aiU. Bd-Bul CiTl amatostotesl JWy.ato. arisa. Boiu.0- nvtvunn vtwd cAir.ik. S LSnrrnGUgk (Jroult Court, to ase Gao. a Joaa Wa. a. Hiti.flerrayer. B. M. lotiso, mere 0 X. Bincham O Co W sjss hsre las sgeoey Cterk County Cburt. , ajBBta, SssBOorv or for apod Kir. Com- natioo ' 1 people to aubm it to Beg re ANNOUNCEMENTS. IPW are aathorised to as OBADIAH WOODSON aa a for Begister of Deeds. TTS are authorised to announce WIL LIAM A. WALTON as a Sharif of Bo wan County. We are aatkorioed to JUDSON MASON, OS a candidate for Travaliaf areata wanted. AopIt to Far Moito I. Fans WoW, Carped 4e.. "APT. JAMES F. JoHJfSOK, It. rate, tming lower thee t . O-B.T.av.orSoTlMkot-: 8pecialA4nt.Cbarlotto.H.C. I ISECT POWDER I Jen.T.ineu. wamriF ame. "Costa irs ssaoidal. for r008TAR'8 rarOwea. tWaT" Taae. tSmJ to Ito ty-B o.Uor66c.oxof o CORN SOLVENT. Wsrtaac. irs. 1. .. l.i i. 1 . im 1 naimvin ru: weaeerm! powarl afHaaMsg! Ereryfamlly abould kJ, it ml rb. oota I 85"o.: I "006TAIP8" BTHRN 8 I V" BETS Vifffait Convent ion x caV. , Bichmoad, April 14, P. M . An article ( aor attaU aoeu drawback be b equally eo. No white man, who id la any case an lees it shall be examinee it with proper care, oan d br sworn evidence ia writine.1 rote for it. who is not a Hadlcal. The the eatiafactioo of tke CotBrnujaiuo. Consi nation ia too fold tuuro objae or internal nereaoe, ilia toe tax tionatilo tiiao tbe i been paid, aad that soak articles require, manufaciara wore, prior to the! wro sniir .t day of April, eighteen hnndrwd I Qoward amendment all bad sawajrh J ferred Is the .ucceeding Lsgbl 4 siity eight, aetually purchased I in all conscience, bat tho oaw Coaati y for it to th. people foi actually ataaafastarsa' aad) eoa laiioo asakaa lao for this county at the ensuing election. NEW AbVBBTiaBMkNT. ha am immediate. Tor eat, barns. OliPf nS ttt tt I -a cnipaa naaaa, una, mtm er aaimaia. I Zi-i---t -spnam ruction acta I was adapted, providing that any amend Coos-roe. required only no meut to the Constitution shall first bs saflraga aad tho adoption of the I adopted by th. Legislature, aad then re am rr for rati fication. aaafasisBsa aad eoa taiioa makes the aagro the oqeal, IX .jL. . . ... loba daUrarod for sorb ALL BESPEC1E with Ibe white , shall be held srery if aad aa claim for such man pats blm to the jary box sad T-VTu tod da-u-. ji or far any drawback of la- i,,to.cry office la tho ' State, alone tL.' " r'Z'J act. shall be smctive qualification or coodilioii. a J7k,J7 3L ,..- u, te the Omnuiis which securce capacity or bmm0im7fgmL Ceegrresssaa K earolliog ayj (kmpanis. il tea Of) esponarionS the paasan of this a. rah of adlfUf Jaff it fWfihSf who sliall manufacture by maebinorr aay goos. m aa "aa a mm enrolling whites and black, in aeim'aie It will PliOllIBITthe firm, or oorpora I (Jeoeral Assembly fr..m eatahli.bing s si a a 1 a a m . . ay aaao beoasasad ia tho or preparation for sale of any sliall pat bp for sale noma own aayi The Cna.eaBea rescinded the resola- ttoa to adjourn to-day The Bapahlliaa assslnsniies are heine or blacks and whites, sJierertae state. aad one the Leg f" wapwaamw v .o cm auui , .... wni;. .... VI..,, il.. VnMli.ni Cr.i.. .1-1 isrtm "'' r " Irre member to tae Lesnalature. WEdSFm 1 BOBPBsId, to-day, appointed Wm. S-ifflSge and to admit W. Bcrkclv Maror of Alexandria, and a . -T a. . - 1 - .. : w r r in mooe snaiea, wuiifau setef ettr Mses. Is Morseatoa. aa tar la Meaeay after Oa Stfc koeaayto May teak tea. sad BJbwj Is saewar or plaaS to tbe plaialir. patition, oltor'im ta Mm a. ware, or Dproeidoa for olee.ing fbe Judge. JV'" aod Bfiaaaa by Ittj lll jdeV eBaanMP K a political W Mewksbarst for Oorsmor, ad) not otb- office. Vmally, It more than q.iadru a aad aoa aeayo irteltbsr to ta such, or pica the aipoflaee of the Bute tod "l-. w wni. rotora of North Carolina for that city. e mark I degrade fhemeclree, and their ohil- ndoot dran.br rotina for a Conetituiijo Ifor which firolhooa- In this Siate, area dad Couneilmcu ated a nee eily Council d dollars, shall pay for orery addi Congress I Congress has not yet. brl. 'h'T mat ihnnaand dolleea ia aiAMi nf ! InnU nn onuaiitv nhnii n ImmeUialalr procaaUed ITi.lTTrrjrZa-m-:I"r!-TTT. i.TrVTr . . dodge Cum, concluc e inoaoBira ooiiara, two ooiiars, ana wngtevsr 11 may nara oesignea, out wben o. Tbomw 1 amoont of sales ta excess of the tht aetr lxmstiuea UOBBI Willi Taomaavaa of fire Ibeaaand dollars pr an- the white men of tbe State, br their deaenbing hi. arts shall ha returnad ji the win 1 e men of tbe State, owa rotea, consent to negro NararJ Nor er -&mttil 00, April 10. P. 1I.-.TBS to toipascfcmant. led st aslf seat two. wa. called (or ihe Uefenoa wsapsd by the Proaeoanoa, ia iaterriew with tbe Prasidant. Bou.l.a I wKen the orders of Moral sad appointment "J I were handed him. Yke objaotkm was elabor- atelr argued by Ulanbsry aud JCvarm. Iur th Defence, ssd Batlsr aad Btogbam br State tf Itorth (ranulia, BURKE COUNTY. Uairatial Mnaer Pill SO jtm administered in a hmrar-eoatadl aPraa- Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Spring Saras,. 1866 V. C. tastt, n. The Saw. st law af Tboamaa "COSTAR-S" BISHOP WS?" Of extraordinary eileeey far cortire asss, iadijnmtfaa, aorroos sad sick aassMpj iisimds. sjimtely.gmmr al debility, livar oompfalnU. chill., fe- 1- flotgrlflBg. Oautia.mild.1 ua Is mb earn It appaariu to IfaasUsSjaUea ef fto aamt taattaa Sibiluli Jane K . Mi M.. Jamm C. Jalim .. BuiUti W..TfcamaaO.. Darla.Sa-1 rah. aad Urlaaa Seott. are saa rnHiaO ef tbhl Stale. It theretora ordered that paMieatioa ha Stot) to. WAWaaixi Ow leara trata. s 1 ia tae us ar aaaasaryi . wr MB waste, aaSJMaa ssU eaSmmmm mr st am aext tana sTtsSj co.rf Latest. "OOdTAB "That CoaghwH kill yon. Don't ne-1 AR-S" COUGHCREMEI)T' Tb. children pry fo, It, ju rtoroT.'aT auaaa iitlPbi l tel I apaaaara, ana all troubled with Throat arstoad to tea sesaasaTSssaMms. win ha heard aa parte ss Jrfgamstantoajed pre aaaSjma ss tsaaab Wiinem. E. W. VXemr. clerk of oar SSld Csart IwtwjW:pc I W5t E. We DOaVtUll! ja& ths Comnlaxion. ririna to ar aald Caartl BotUeafLOO .f aeh, a. ("OOSTAR'S" BIITEB SWEET i AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. Bandar, the ki i slssr, SBMStksadasBV Bamorm Tan, PrwT, Ftmplaa, am. quality. DIVIDENDS PAID Df 180T. $643,005,00 lutorest receiTed more than pay. MiHissa arerare erarMserea IF YOU WAN ROSADALIS, QT 1 1 Jaan I S I mtt Worthies, mm . dfav -f a a 1. . . n y ra WILSON S REMEDY for nONSnMPTtilM- I . .w "f " uruggins. atoo ausa .sows. None genuine without "Postar's" Signa- i IllSttrflllCe AgefltS Uld COBUlliS xae V aT-raV-, A- Bion Mercnanis. v- i n nMiuufl month of Ji htrv-tiabL Bait nreemdinir. . - m ' ft rl a Maoao Bolb. The following Is a proapounon, ot Bittera drawn be a Northern Badieal Th" Cn'f J,",lo "huiitted the aoestion. of newsnaoer of tbe nerro rata in 8t Do- 'n a fir iosl.nceinq th. Msssger. ware cfe- d tkev iLTktlls. v f foiled -4? ' 1Q. Tim n. were Cs-nemn, W mingn, alter tbey bare bad nfly years of rK,hji..r n.n. ni rw.ir. 11. st tbe r yearly tad the taa the eacees of fire thousand dollars II be aaaaaaad by th assessor a id qeatr rear It ia tho monthe aar. April, July, aad October of Dsid. And the a-. I -1 -f -bout ' . - .... . . I - f - IfT." Ml lor alien be made in spot on earta ; 1 Bamoar brufca ranks for T. aighteen bundradl "The Uteat new. from 8sn Domingo i. thaauMtme. , for the Uireo months 7 b) anarchy, snd the Cuurt sdjounmd. are tell. Ut couree tbere roust e sort of goTcn.ing fores ia ef is. Froui Waoino1on. I. k. n,. r.ll , I...I .LI. 1. I W..I,;,1CTl.,n Ai.nl 10 p u AH (k. .. Ji. probably sbnut the full Silent of iu pow- e1t iimun r, Who r J., ..j I Mwbiaaa dafosSS tka 1.. .liV....l l I ' " "TT I auuan iirTnBSifc. ir- w. r. w-? a- -r - Chahdler, Cerasss, Oagin, Drake, llarlaa. Huward, "Bjre, Kamtmy. and Tnayer. tbe Brat lime, on Ayefs Sarsaparilla, a a . ate . Ayer s Ague Lure, Sandfopd'g Liver Invfgorator, k sires ssaf 0e SjeaT on receipt of price. ta,oop - ay $5,00 pays or ei,A 1, 00 SXgOf jhw. or aar Uree S1.00 sue, sent) ALL KINDS OF Ft heuby h. acKdt . aaaw1,wowW(w Dollaotion. promptly 321 NEW HPRINU mWAm. amamVml aw - ej mmm m m a la' 1. a ny Potent 3o,uooi! I Suffrage Con sO- U", Wiajoosin, for the trat time IX O the .'J. 1 t. 1 i rotani uwTeinonia j, .... .... raiaeu" aaeaBT-rj. i n nifTW " Hu4'. . Ti r uj hi..., . w smwaiaajaajMital ot such a country in the baud. u.a a., r . w, forfeit Ibe distillery and r s.ch . neonl.. But we no haln 1. liX ".r L. X ledge dga Uortw' An a bullae M z"-":':zz; ws : s .tteai-ryrftfae. to, Ht the dunilery aud of saeh a people. Bet BS SCO no help Li eight year., Iiaa elected a Denncrsuc Or IM BBsd the, and all (or It. And wa mar rest satisfied that if lemt edas7 Jf. a a. a t :-aV 1 sr . - - . " I -j'--.aw, M.e seas s se -w aaajessava Maaan wm mmv twww mMp w aBtgfsot hit- i'atj ww . 1 product oa of distilled spirits, gradation than that whiah they bars As ; abainmt would g ia tho distiller aad wa ibe reached. It w.Jl not reqairs thess teiar ljJ mmm . . be fined live to-day, wss power- gi ve s poor MPS of . . j 1 j .1 tii a A would resort to cannibal iam, and derour 1 1. JJinulrd UL Thamaah. uae force Wbee Tfaunas wss srrsstod, bsweet Qrst to not 'lama than tor mora j.,. eeah other out of eai.to.ee, it would pro- and haiiaiwteonad mmm tbtog tbat could h.p- aix mootna nor wore a. or agent appointed tothkl a odor the aatbqrifr of any ntnaa I at ear tka lliltms U,t bdfmilty of wroaa tMglaot in tka m aaawi uuupa vg ma or snail aoaataro or ool ode aay other neraon ia rWranH tba tbeJi make oppo Idl lawiraVla.il llldk W lalsyaj 1119 do. or ooaitto SCI anik piUm ... .M. ... INtetBbl defraud the Uajipd 'hs PUiM-'t" wissVisa jsfftyal -1 1 see Uolden dewa la the rerr dust of a To ate llolden dewa ia the very bassrnatten, toplonag eeagress toramor. teen to see tbe Kad lbs PrestdttBt, who t4 that be wss nglit the oass wss sow la Umrt, wnars be wanted ftsraaWWlBa to idTlri'pJtP9 !ri teerkfaaeaef Qeaaral gh.rss.a 1 ml the Cab aasb) ataiBBtea wi1L4g shsat ajkkag Atai to get out o( the way I Tbey bare no ase forth, old seeesh slnBer.-his panhsanO oat da way, efa I Jn Tucker , JOB PRINTING mflllu Pmficmtirft ami The Tarboro Sosttherntr learns Ae Loyal Lsseasss at Beaky Mawat I s floeiom time of it one night last Buck wool-pulling an before, Tbe sraa retereed ef nosh from bis were seen alJlleT: jkBaadtjWeeBat nation reigned Or any ollmr Patent , CALL AT 0. B. POULSON fi CO S. STORE Wy.u'.Oid Stand, S ALISBURY. X. C. March .17, Ca tw7t.-wlt , Pnrnriator. J. O. VEACH'S MAIL 4D IdrRESS LI.SE-.D4II) improved I It eassw' tW aab tesert kessMlhHy. It kaspa the Scarp daaa aad Heenaj, It laTUjoraUa the Beam af the Hair. TI?eitStf olla7alIIJlrf,! eTe Halfi Hair Reoewer, BBVB& ambrosia Iq Q O D S . f5 . . n , I dWK J. HIS liAIK, Hostetter s Bitters, Perry Davis' Pain 'tiNm Bad way's Ready Relief, I ' ' . It TJ-K-,- mil Va.aU kt.juU . fJaWJTN 1 1 ta tall i-4 I LIFE AND BNDpWlHUfT. I Mm I . i stowis .- s leatasra Cumoaarl , . ' j Z Xaste. ,W T 1 iBat1 flBBBBriBwimsi' 1 1 rsUsstelfseatrei. i L DIVIDENDS PAID AliUAUT D CAa m -ygj fjKwke hShdteaHa mwsi w SWSSWw m WW aapeswwpwaaaww wawm weeawawe utetetei-I mwwimT T tawa anil of V ...... war . 1. J. - claim aa the policy in east qfdtaik after the sooond year. I SoQaawaWaa MptW, XI ah wkt) aawfJwt r-- . r 'iTi"r"-wwv-.rm"r '--rs r . - I (t ' L 1 A. w. is.rrnr.nrj, 01 suueigo, av a . a 1 1 ia. ... I a-. .... - - a a ft ft 1 1 1 ift ft 1 ft il ! 1 jftajft I rt .it KftiallS iaai aiaftaia-aS S una.. th laaaaw aaa aftaaai aaam aaaaaaaa aa. sw a . ma iwamawp ) - I . ' T . . War R laaace. D. L Hia-new a j . . ..- a -, . 1 in in. IB JtXVBrWXVlaO : 1 tTILIZiaS. a1rV ? ZK: x j ROW, L-6ZZL r-ttm T-drTkV sssO I. IfSSj iy'rSams. s j st asn.s mm at . Imar. taaual M. Paaa. .. S- INSURANCE COMPANY f Hartford, l oan. gTTatua , dec 81,1867. INCOME YOU IWJ. $7,726,516, 53. FOB PREM ITJM8 $6,332,804,95, FOR INTEREST, fl-3 9 3 f 7 11,61 LOSSES PAID IN l$r. l68.7i5818, AissrteMcasteeflactadi.afl Iwrm. sislfsl SAML,. OOVliUnB WAIT. A rent. RaTeiVn.S.C. A. Philips. Agent, Charlotte, N. C. mact-weUwtf A he I fee re . Or at beer, Hafafvaira. aVaBaa tafsbaavaSSm awaaSawSE Vprael aod CeeTe) majterE, Jb a atd .leai. c. Sa. a okxkral AstuatMiBT or to HOUSE-KEEPING ARTICLES ; aa ranee oat . it it It keeea the Hair woai Chaarins Color from an II rmtorm Gray Hair to to Oriciaa Color. II totogs oat lie Hair on Headt that hat heea hakl aaa 1.) Cavwa, Wa. Sem.U, Oaear Taaa, Ih mi. iaw,tt, ea a a aaaaraw.tr arueua, e taba ia aa aaaattaS aWam, Bate eBl aa eat. m am CASH OR BARTER. M W. JAB VIS, Ag't. III. K C. Barak I. I a .ttofttawwaaaMaat le ftsaKponect. Hhas amber He a. ta THT Sale of tka Uses of R. W. Orff- esmassasaajBBBB.aasjas tth dae'd.. hes bssa aateaBBi to Mrmdsy --T.sjturriTH. :mfr. (apr-d w dttw bl . Schedule from High Point ta I OA V ICS Hlgn mat st Sa o cloolt, A M J Arrive, at ftatom at o'clock. A If tto-ekmtt.P.M. jgteBBa'wkw "fa?. TJLiwaa," J 0 TBACB. K bsatd to eatlsseed Mia feW SBsss Ua (iaaa.) by DraniaW aad l.k ta sds saarr wtom at Si mrklMll. Wbalet auTl Oa. NrwToA: " Bankrepter. TIT -emmm VV laaae fast asfcseX'hej tod 110 Esmasd I Ran A WAT torn tka sebserib Memday ia February bet, sn sppiiisi bay (eolrirad) saceed Sao Boss saay change Um mueiaeaMa snmt I LEWIS Q HANES, an 17 twdtwtf N. life mm SOCIETT OF THE UNITED STATES No- tf Bswaowat, Naw Toax. Mtaa i i i K.mC?(L agUmPuBejbdkfauato AUpridsdsito mmrasteMataal lah amPmu0oarT6nTj BOTDB.S A BAILBT, tail 18 year. ht km dabverT to ma sear Dose Waft. rv. aa aa. - a 1 v s. j. ttB) war 1MJ 4-iam k ffjQt ttiA wr Inseteaee (mansaT to BAuaaoar, . u 1,rAli,,,r' - aasroa asa. tw aw u. ' mm mm 13 B. R. MOORE, I of 1 siicirsa 11 WILMINGTON, N. C aai-ly wj;' e- r e