tr tft or uuacutn'KM. -ct cm. WATOHMAll fa OLD NORTH STATK iwi.HMiiHri. ' ' inwk t.m TRI-WEKKLY OLD rrfWssUr. oas Thj NORTH BTAT l.W . - rew WATCtlTUE rOUU! WtntmrO. Mtd maj tmvef - - fa rhJtranr or affsoeivsJ or win HI ry, ha deserve pii iMlit for ike stent which he Iim ta ken, end the orders which he hat is atwaL forth prevention of frmnd in .l,orroehiuir election ia that State He hat directed Beaietrara to receive i!ean strTcsfrooj the lists without iroper cause; be haa promulgated an order direlly aimed at fraud by State: tv to row, bet mal be tot alone ; and that, wbee tha votes ate counted oat, then ahall be present, to aapariotend the eeaatlnf . a raapxtthU and in tallisamt man of aaa pmim. These ih very niach that Gen. Oenby had is-oed eotn of simitar purport, (leu. Meade haa acted wisely for hu own rotation, and fairly toward. the ecee, esn hardly be accounted for, except upon the supposition that Wen. Can by haa been niled by the repraaeararioae of interested person. In this matter, are have no person al interest, whatever, nor are we in Uuenced by any partisan preference we expected the appointment of i Hedieal, but there are others of that part, whose selection would have given far greater satisfaction. We hop the people of the District tins thing in toind at thai .11 in noar tins Hung awerion, in selecflhg a member oil Congress. The claims t)on the Rad icals and KepuUinana of Mr. lien rick, a native of the 8tate and a man intimately contacted with the or ganization of the Republican party, are far greater than those of Dewece. Conservatives, of coarse, will vote gainst me Uonstjtunon ana lor Mr William, of Granville. Sentinel. bv oor Disjrict Commander, it de volvea upon oareelve to make such arraitgemaahr as will provide against d. skis aswtawj, M i naJJi htsse counting, or any ether of tha ansa or oat fraud. Which will doubtle. attempted by some of the Badioal p. .M...lder. Let oae or more Coo servativea of intelligence and firm new be always at the His, if adeiie sihlt, (and wa take it for granted that tie poll holder, who inlands to act "upo ttwaeuawe," will object.) to see that every th tig is conducted lair- As weaaggosted, a taw days oe,LwJ lU u Ut the poll ladders mt coaetw MT(i IM dsv U can U , . - ... : I . im i ... " . -ieiNiev waami, raigni, choose, relhrva thcirisx-Ive from all imputation or suspicion of unfairness, . j rvaucaiiag eoe leepecUble person of each party io be present when the voids are cvaaied. bach a course ha always been n ual in electi ui in X otfh CwteflnS, aader the old and h u..ri-d euai'tus. Give us a FAIR. liAlXtr.sml wc will DEFEAT TUE INGLV f P. 8. Illima tlat jmegalng waawrit ten, we haa hrmd aome facts, wtsaMap.wtanoo in this on i.eetie. and which exhibit a desire at d.drrmiuatiesj, OJL tU , WMMtprt t. Leahy, to saaaee isirtiess m the elssvbw. T!ic 'Mention of Oen, Caabj wa officially called to this whole subject, tin, partft-olar plan nce ..dbf.M some lithe but tlte suggestion did not roach lu until after bin nrdara had been iatm tl.athaIre7wES hsn ten hwS OMisajsaenMSLor tkt Ntw Vk WarM Rtcofutnutw in the Old North State -Doiny of th4 laU Black Crook Convention. uasJB aaaM Ralbiob, April 7, 1968 As oaViaOy aaooaaead, lb flgaraa rrpstrastaa m Kertk Catenas ate: Whiue, 106,781 ; aegmes. 7t,9.12 ; loul 179,033 -wb.ts majority 36.789. Tha "tlistli" a lb aaaatlea of siaviatlis add oa taa 19th aad ltkh af Navaaa Jt 'mm.TimrTif the bdWtag 901, aaalarhy over the half of taa "fid ftf tiaV0S IVQalirifdf 3.179 hems making ap these totals I have amstirated, and f.uad that ukinr three naaraa to ba correct, this North Carolina 'Caavoatioa" was ealbd by lbs vets el t8,70t white man sad 7W0 nagrora. -Bvkta w SMS. limn . pnj. Tab ill ail us sasjSaSm.-' Borne the called, lb "Cooventiou mrt in thl- rity on the 1 4th of JaaSSTy laat, and aer maaaaoS to - era lea a the 17th of March, a sarlsd of mixly-fcar ars, wtta a err diem of so, and s cost to he (fond people el the (Hal of trow oa 100,000. As I iIm sarssaael of th i that i laid. Il wss a Oaaaenamsasi ardrstntcUnn H Jon vrution," and that suftrimtlr di-arrihi- H. Thhtv-ihrr oat of the ltt I "del gat eeaipwatng it wrrr rrgivtrar, and, aa tech, cntiaVd la tbevr own rk-etiea. The aentbatan fro tiainra was there tf ssaisr, sad the North Carolinian froaj New KiieUnH, and tha rrnirsi'nUtiva at the bnri an, ! the intprual rcvrnffc man the ''ssaMoack and "acalUwag, and "rarpci haggar." and. high abov alt. s piilitJial eif hui paisaabai Mmssihs r cit to aaiK-tify the saves with hb pemmrt. It didn't differ in the least, I assure yen, fnan any f thr ofhrr Crooks, save m tin startling originality of iu grand finukt-mt thai wa uniipif. Jut prior to aHjtuirn ntent a 'aelrgatu" strucd up 'Juhn Hrown'a 651 e.i flat - . mm plan which uena aioptoa. win .re iat J grnamls Of apprehension as to any uidairneas in the coming el tin. Tfie readinew with which he can delect any error or nofairneet, re lievss the matter of doubt, as Iris pnr Pw is to have nothing; but a lair election. Iu many Omnties, ia the last elec tion, many persona were prevented born voting, because of the suiai number of precincta, at which polls were opened. The) reason assigned i-.r this is. that the number of quali fiedtMansw to bold the alealfea won so eMail, that thry were compelled to unite several precincts togwilier. To p. event lb e in tha coming election, cmi. Canbyhas authorised the Fust Oommaiidet, ia every inaUnce where pialiaed meo can be procsred, to "e the pot i opened at rritar raa Liaot. If, therefore, qnalined men TlL Hff KT ""vonte aewre i M nn lody which begins "Hal's can be haat let the peojie mvttUir namt ttt tk Pott Vmnmandtrt, thai dl . kill T. if W'lrllw a i "w rxmmyjnmvm may a mcrt oaea WHO BKCOMMKNUKD PEWE8EI We And that Hi sppolnlment oi lewev as Pro net Jadge, aaton ishes every one. If Gee. Stnby had a voage, in me owl, the public thaa aaiMaiHMninient. 1 he o inn it asked who rconnmrnded biinl Wo judga t'tat o one would have "goad such a recommendation, l.n 'lolrtea, CVilauisn or liarna, men intima,tel huainea intimately identified in nam ism and .... . ., mess wimntm as to preciuu me at th Hun aii aitixion- ary by Use bona. In jnuii-d the taintr and up nae the eborua. At ffrat the lugroc in the, gallery looked ou in amusement, but pretty soon they loo began to sing and the uproar grew tremendous "Old John Brown" gave way to "Hail t'luav bin," and that in turn to "ti t say yallel gal can't yer come out to night," ami then II Were swamped ht the roaring air of 'Hog Kye, favorile nepro com chuekiiifr in tin- garden POUTICAL SEED CORN Tho seed corn of self-governmcn has not been entirely destroyed st the SI .1 fi .ii r i . rriu. xue Following snow mat a iiihii rcinnsni ns necn presorvca The State Right Assoclallou New York celebrated Uie anniversary of Thomas Jefferson's birth day by g dinner and speeches at bt. James Hotel on Monday evening last Among th gentlemen of note pre sent were Uo vomer amy monr of ton neclicut. Governor Fnee of New Jersey. Ex Mayor Gnnther. dec. Ac. Mm followniir were the re solar toasts. Tbev hav th twang of better day, remtnatog tie of nte-Kadial time: I. "Ihouias Jetforson The rather of American Democracy." XL "Dtate hovengnty The feafw tain of all federal power and the pal lad turn or oar liberty. IU. "The Constitution and the Union May wa never pray lor peace on any other foundation than that as isblishcd by our forefathers." IV. "Tho Chief Magistracy of the United State The highest office within the gift of the An erieao peo- I. . i .i ij mmj ,i mnjTvr BUUlu aa i nc u iriu of liberty, against the usurps t ions of corrupt legislation, or the factious Spirit of party." V. "Supreme Uourt May its in and integrity survive the of those who threaten to de tree It." VI. "Die Constitutional Congress of the Untied States May it sooo be restored." VII "White Supremacy The doc trine of the frame r of oer constitu tion and the keystone of tha arch of oar Civilization. VIII. -Die Mimta-Onr fathers' .landing arm; for the protection of eivvsej. IX. "The Independent Press The terror of ly rani and the last hope ofi freemen. y X. "The West May she amend pate herself from the tyranny of die- am capital, until her prosperity shall be as broad aa hei prairie and as unrestrained a the winds that sweep over them. ' XI. "Th Sdhth The birth-place born by this evil tree, then what can tha United States expect by transplanting it to our soil I There i bat one sntwer to this i uestion. We have here a race easily superior to the Latins men descended from the Normans and Saxons, th Celts TUB GOOD OLD CUSTOM. The Wilmington 'oaf is much eg essed in regard to the supposed de sign of the white Men of the Month, should the Radicals mil in their schemes. The Pott thinks th stock, ihe lash and tha whipping pott will be re erected. We era not airs id of and the Teutons ; men who have cov wiTO un mm iiwiimiiuui , (aen ptmisnmeillS. IHS fott UlttJ whitened the seas with their navies; dread a 1'ott but we think bad white ornamented If With tbr architecture, ,. aa well aa neirmea need mrrer it by the meat ice of tion. aeonalotiaHv. The whinlmr Pomt to his fat aagro wee U, among others, I hghaatlon. And nothing In the prorts- specially ra tiled sad son! rmed by a sol- Ion of this order, or of the Ordinance emu ordinance of the l.'onven tion. And herewith aabhahed, ahall Se bald la bar or hinder any legal proceedk their civilisation: and on the other hand, we have tha negroes who never founded any institutions ; never sent s ship upon the ocesn ; who never built a city; or posse ed a dvilisa tion. JSo man. however fanatical, can dispute th justice of this antithesis t M on of those grand, silent facts of history wh eh all men recognise. This being tree, how can any white American contemplate without shudder the attempt to make the ao equal equal It it is once fairly inaugurated, we shall share the fate of the other American Republics. Caa we cape it t II tin be possiblo, the on ly road open h) that which leads to the polls, and the only means left Is to VoTB AGalKST THE Col Virginian. CUBTI8 AND BUTLER In reading Csrda's aaagniWoswt r the isfaais oa cannot help eontrast- r it with Butler's opening for me prose- The two men. and their apeech- . .. m m1 . '-t tm, are tyjrtt of the two aides ol the ON. U(aJl m I Id IH last III. aJ?a,'e0L ezslljutt SFT aa easy (anticipated) victory. Cards i are, they polite, eaha, Biulisul SB th lipmaahssl strengtb of his poaitioa, and ia the jastiea of the Heaate. Botha argues, warns as ha foundation for argil aMat, ably and f fecti vely ; beyond tual he quibbles and bound of of the greatest statesmen, orstore and heroes or the revolution dcaoliitcd ERSION tiftin' sand " and haa far ha second line rhvme ton Indecent to repeat. Fired bv tliin, the aahita joined hands all round and executed a war-dance to tne cimrus "Aud s roly, sboiy, boo), An a bog eye, amy, sholy, booL An a nog eye. For flal's in de garden aiMa saud," Ac. And thus did th North Carolina n- greasWnsl redcatrnetion "t'onventtondis- fart itself ia it closing hours. BRIBERY AND CO Two negro candidates, Scboak and Smith, in Mecklenburg, tried, first bv bribery sin! then by eoeicion, few days ago. to induce or compel Jno. Heodersnr, a colored cmcrva five, to pledge himself to vote for the Kadieai ticket. Jietidorson lota tue that they 'hedXeot money enough to bay. him," and a person al collision came near being the con sequence. Jlieuiuy person iu tne State, who are now disposed, or who are attempting, to HHIHh or to KKItiHTKN voters, are RADICALS This is a fact Csnttblo of nro- f. The Loral Leagues' are grand bribing ssaehiBea. Mot only that, bat they a m . ayaa .sV are engines of terror, xuoso who still adhere to them (tare not call their souls their owih I bey are bat so much day in the hand of the tre hi maiiipulatioii of lliese daik lanteru concerns! Jim. Svnlinm. This system has Keen tried in the countries we have named, and the result i before ns. It I not in pow er of man tomak the Negro,-th in - , and the ( touciutan asnmnate. God hi decreed that this shall "not" taka OlaM. and it ia vain fur man a i'h belief that they would consult fih.eearrJ',,U?',, n C,niatr 1 1'i-mrchments end line abstractions nrf :i i . tu.. nV'ti. last iaakaatt-mrang- eat rtrs frnmar -r d proadasjr ia sech mat torn The I'poinfmohf of a man alreadr linhf "'V4&&'&inmmi prungeA aaticely seakmg hare are so many other i 'M tilted mid in.. re needy Catatria. Kilract from letter, Nkwtok, April 13, 1868 ' This county will give at least 1,009 ity against U i ur ample i bv the military rule of strangers and tyrants, may he nee like a I'lacutx trora it asties, nnu ocbtnw again tne aestiitmble l.lettings of iwace and liberty mkid her pcoiile." XII. "Trie Ifemocratic Matoritr of i : I ill j the House of Assembly ol tho State t iNCt i o a. XIII. "Woman May she rule by the ower of hr?r virtne and beauty. TOO MIH'II FREEDOM. 71 io advice ("nun South and Ccn- ful America nnJ Mexico arc instruct v. There ia a ferocious war going in Paragaay, and the banks of the I'arana have acquired a mournful calehnty for wrong, outrage and op- presBinn. 1st Mara aaothar revolution no historian can givayim its autnericat value Ims broken oat. - ffh Eonador a social convulsion is distracting the country, with all the horrors of a savags warfare. . In Uruguay, General Flore has been assassinated at the instigation of his own son ami tha capital given over to sack and tdllairc. i In Chireqni a political volcano has 'burst forth ; and in Mexico and Yu catan wa have "earn and rumors of war. Now, how are we to account for these commotions! Shall WC accept the theory of Uobbes that the nor mal state of man ia ana of perpetaal warfare J Shall we sttrbnte it to the efiect of climate, or the failure of Re publican institutions T Wa anawer that the cause is not suggested ia any of these questions. ihe true laajaai a these perpetaal commotion is to be fouud in one simple fact. The American Repub lics, South am? Worth, have attempts ed an impossibility: they have under taken to reverse a law pronounced bv Uod ; they have mado hold to say that "all men are born equal." This is the solatloh of all their troubles. The Latin races, the negro and the Indian, have been endowed by the Creator, iu hi All-wise econom itli dtOereat faculties, and powers : f ira i . . oi hbsi in nation, tueae elements can never be made harmonious, and the System of government which attempts to place tliem oa an equality tag a fatluia. With this lesson before ua w profit bv the warning. If should Mexico, rigistev. IJvw two hundred have ri-C1- tered this Wavk, oearly every due asint Sn'r.-' f, 1 (and Central and South America havo lfJ.Un hia crew will be no whore, "ailed in this disastrous experiment ; mea better pr. Ellis, ear candidal tor tha bJaodhed and rapine and thin Tw 'tuhaa ppn M aaiaef. !nd eetraga have been the assert. CurUS keeps to the strict dialectics : his reasoning is like chain, in which there are so weak links. lading from certain premiaea to certain conclusions. Butler taffts like a feed law yer, at his fkvuHte pursuit of making the worse ariix-ai tlio betn-r caiM-. Lnrtls talks like a judge ho h u examined the whole question judicially, and believe npon his soul in what he Mr. Butler treats the Senate a if it were a Cooper tpstitnte siulionce, w hom be was trying to btdiy, cajole, and Halter to his of way thinking. Hi- appeals to lb prejudices, the partisan feelings, the aeeming inter ests nf his hearers ; never to their wisdom, their equity, their magnanimity. Curtis addresses the Senate in their high sod true character of court, lie trust to their intelligence, their justice, their gen- It-rosity, even. He cannot bring himself to think that a body of men, representing Ls ihey are supposed tn do, to much of an thar is wisest sen has: in the land, ean fail to follow bis lofty line of argument, and to be influenced by annsiaeratinns dl reeled soh-ty to their minds and conscien ce, tie speaks tn them as il they were his peers inteilectuaHv w hich is a com pliment to tho 8enatc. Butler harangues them as if tby wera no better than hi self whica is an insult to the Senate. Curtis reasons at tlio Senate from III lev el ; and there is jus't the d ifference he tween the two men snd their speeches. As the Senators decide upon the qnes linn of impcaehmeut, so will they take their place in history upon the low plain wiib Butler er apon the high table land with Curtis. Nw York Jour, o Com-m'ce- K't AoAiN. These awa inspiring and glsaefly visitant mad their appearance at Fort Fisher a few night since. Their appearance, we lean, waa made in this wise: several thousand eottinc, we give the stale ment of the sentinel on duty, drifted with unnatural regulnrily upon the beach, and many occupants raised their f cables hone from the interiors thereof, and formed themselves intn ghostly columns and at the hiddiu of a sepulchral voice, the Dree Brigade of Death, marched with noiseless step mi the fort. A the fort wa immediately ovac acted, it is not known what effect any epiadUrjajr their movemeut would have bed, although it is probable something terrible would have red, for we are told, "They eat up whole leagues, Not leaving a man, And go away hungry, The Kn K lux Kla... is great terror lo evil doers, but not the Wilmington J'od. for It en courage that cls. Daily Bulletin. Jmpnrtant to FfaVrs. The following I going tho rounds of the Press, hot with out aav pa'aratty that we ean disc over. Th advice it eon tains ought to bs strict ly observed. It may not be generally known, hut whether it i er eat, it t wall t keep before the assail, that they must yew the whole ticket at lb eusaiag tlta. Tea cannot rate for or against tha Constitution without voting tar id his taa . If yea do, ote will be thrown out If yea r omit any aaase oa tha ticket, your HI be thrown out- This Is a tnek I make those who wish to veto for lb Constitution, vote also for Uolden Look oat for t h is, voters. Bs sere that your ticket ia all right. If you eras a name, insert another. Be Careful that you do not threw away your vote by neg- iirence. If you ao net know whether the hue Military order to the Clerk nf the Coart. at Oraeaaham, suds the dispute aa to what will bo do to rat ere. Whit awa amy marry then 1 'metis barren er, without regard to color, weight, ouoinea. I imasa or odor. And Cufle haa the right tn de- f hlUS, mand of lbs C'ltrk s license to take to hi bridal eoueh any white darned who may happen to have a taste that way. We are all equal now blasted he the Reconstruc tion Acts, s interpreted by our very sa vory Cooventiou I e shall need no leg iskttion, if th Constitolion ia adopted ftssW eqaaihy is already, then, fixed tact. Let Qneahee come on, from all the Hyperborean regions, and bring all bia .. .. ... ...... Bauoty, as well as Uis ueiUbvrs, with him. liar we will have the nrht to vote, hold oflUe, and intermarry. Many of the boat white wen can neither bold office, nor vote, protect their persons from insult from tho greasiest negro on the streets, with any thing more danirerou than an old Barlow knife. 8ft, let all nerrodom gather itself together, aud come with a ruh to no 2, where young Jubilee ia growing that, and will soon be full blown csMfiss dimensions so amplitudinous, that his every day breeches will scarcely be able to hold him. SenHntL S- : i. hag ia nsbalf of any minor heir, female or insane par- yon are right, ask some on who does. Let the Radicals gain nothing by our in difference. We moat watch well as work. liougk Hotel. Ignorant and gullible a the negroes e, they are obliged to appreciate, at its proper value, ia their calm mo menta, Holdens love (or thorn, lie said that be advocated peace, during the laat year of the war, becana it was the only means by which Mover' could be mtoed. Hu waa ao anxious to retain this feature of Soul hern insti- teiiona, that he was willing jwsur render political iu'lependeace ami every thing else, rather than to juoardise the right of property in SLAVES I! A. l,i ssioNta, V nil 15, '68.) CABARRUS. Extbact from a letter, dated I'loNKs-.u Mills, April 15. "Cahrrut is all right The Can ervatiyes will carry the county by five hundred inajm ity. Wc have an excellent ticket- I do not know of a single parson, in this section of the county, that will vote the Radical Ucket, W will defeat Uolden in the State by at least 20,000 majority." Bat. $WI"A...- L $ yhov '-ys- We have a letter from Concord to-day to the same cheering effect. a BUREAU OF R. F HdVb. Ass. (JoMwnwmsrjs, Baleigb, a. C, April Circular. To thk CotoBkii Crrtam or Noats CaaouxA : In the course of a few dare an elec tion of great Interest to every one in this community will take place. At all time, such occasions are prodoc five of mere or leas exciMnent ; and from the peculiar issue now pend ing, the great objects at stake, and intense feeling of parties the com ing election will undoubtedly be more than ordinarily exciting. In view of these facts, and fhe manifest, us well a expressed determination of tinecroapnlou leaders and other to ereale disturbances if possible, the Asst. Commissioner of the Freedmen Bnreau feel, it a duty to caution dl c loted citizens to refraiu from con troversie and arguments, either, at the polls or awav from them: to r train frotn observations and remarks calculated to incite others to anger; and, by all mean in their power, to avoid collisions with those differing in views. Violence will be productive of no benefit but will result disastrously to ait engaged. lake not the law tn your own hands, but leave it to those duly appointed to carry out its pro visions. The civil and military an t hori t ies have been charged with their respective duties, snd to them yon should look for protection and iodret Heed not threats, nor be intimidated in performing that which is right, and al'ie doing so, return quietly and quickly to Your allotted duties. You have shown that yon are law abiding ciliaens, and it ia with confidence that you are now addressed. Allow noth ing !o occur now that may disgrace your record ; but on the contrary, so deport yourselves that the future may tic what It cannot rail to be, happy and a prosperous one. "' By command of Col. and Bvt. Mnj. Gen. Nslsov A. Milks. Ant. Com. JACOB K. CHUB, Act'tf Ami. A.ijt. GenL son, respecting trust estate, property er interests ht tha hand of executors, ad and other fiduciary agenU, er la vested Ly them to their fiduciary character. Br order of Major General Kd. R. SL Canty. IXHJIS V. CAZlARC, - TWdbOsaw, A. A A a. From Wathinaion. Wellington, April 18, P. er Colfax took th Chair of the ally, before tha hour of meeting, and, members as war Minsgavs to Court. Tha (MaswaisW w. of the admission of the cabinet evidence. WiUwo, on the part of th hi speech, and Jadge Curtis Judge Chase decided that the ev excluded. - read mUeswi" vJmieWtbte, bat the rot bmng ukeo. It wu The vote stooef : Tom 20, Mt 22. P. M. Tho Coo at midmcbt. lasti of the committee. Only the tiicbmoud, AprU 18, vent ion athouraed to I tion a umtiou having been sing with signing by th man It is understood that thai ben. gra After tha adjoaraaatnt, epaecuai ware made. Porter isading iSailS, nrodioted the adoption ofthaPmliliiis by a large majon- ooead and A Ben, two lisiiBg R -publicans, predicted the Ocasat of the eooaUation. aud MhOIDtoQ OOtJ0 Ryo i.l it would be mainly on th tar of tho Bo it placed the white man i by the Governor, and I secretary of the The 0anti sinutli aittea, bat Mrht, oahsd a State oonmuioa. to aH bare. on May 7tb, to nominate Stat offloers. Tho oal rote oa tha adoption of th Osnst - m the convention, last nieht. was 51 to 26. Four republicans voting sgainst it. ' . Conyren Impeachment. Washingtoa, April 18, P. M Iv latraxcaQtsrr J B. gent correspondent of the M. T. World, adhere to the belief, expressed men than a week se that the doubtful mem bar of the Court of Impeachment are aa- VIOLATION OF GENi CABBY'S ORDEKS. Uolden advise his negro allies to Hock to flic polls in crowds, lluu is evidently for the purpose of carrying out tho programme ol the last elec tion. which had the effect of driving thousand of white Men fro.n the voting place. It i intended for tn timiilatitm. Oen. Caul. v. in Oen. Order, 01, orders voter NOT to liu ger alwut the polling places. Again : the ordinance ot the "Con vention, embodied in lien, t-nnhy s order, affixes a penalty ot hue or tin prison men t to any person who shall prevent any qualified elector from the jree exercise of the elective franchise, oy thsxats against his person or prop erty. This is what Uolden is doing every day. lie is constantly "thkkat kkino our people, that if they vote down the odious Constitution, confi scation and other horrors will be viit ed upon them ! I Is not this urrnih tlATIU.Nl ryMany have been puzzled at the in consistency ot the Aortheni Radicals, who are u enthusiastically ia favor of araiitina-! . ... . - ,- wi,ii sea. - aa f a : :'m at . l onvi -'es to neeroes here, but . UH state, WDicn was rail Sea Ml mly refuse ihein. at hoaM, Tha Convention on the 17th day of March, ia obvious enough. It is the best 1 1868, and which is herewith published, is mod of draining their own lands of a nm-; hereby approved and will have the saaoe. They intended to do it by way . - .a. . ... a. peaehaiaM wa The aunooaoemeot of th vote. at noon, was followed by geooral naing m BWweed ten mino'.es. th nraiu! that they were ready to res quiet was restored. JWmV ratappva frnvTMOTJ Bff DsM Thu a tb fnrttinadMwUT tha these irregularities have occurred, snd lb uu porti the vote may he inferred thorefrom. i nere wa ao appla er Ngbbur tion. Out simply a nsuez one seemed inefined to ask hi naighl n tnougtit now r Tt.e rote wa as follows: j-a, n .TWj , Yeas Anthony, Bayard, Bockalew, Davis, Dixon, Doohtlle, Veeseoden. Fowler, Orimss. Ueudertoo, HaeaVioks, Johoaon. lfeCraery. Pattrrataa, of Tennessee. Boa. 8auiabur. Trumbull. Van Wmkle. Vidters and WuTev- Nays Oamoron, CoouM ConkfiasL Oaileft, CcriteM, TOE "RELIEF " BILL IN FORCE. IId'qks. tD lla. DtaraxcT, Cbaklestox, S. C, April 3, 1868 GEXKRAL OKUEKS, ) No. 57. f The Ordinance of the yen tion of the State of North Carolina, convened in conformity with the Act of Congress of March 23, J8G7, .upplemen tary to the Act of March , 1887, "to pro vide for the more efficient government of the rebel Mates." entitled "An Ordinance respecting the j urisdiction of the courts of Cole. Drake. Ed- moods, Ferry, Freliajthuyaen, Harlan, Howard, Howe. Monrao. Morrill, of kfaine Morrii' at Vermont, Patterson, of Km Uampsbir o- r'"J, namy, poennaa, aawagaa, ocawart, Thayer, Tipton, Williams Wihon snd Tates aa This question involved the snpport of tha I Const ithtionaleon- Presulent by th cabinet, in view of th vfohv- (Kn oi to constitution to removing Stanton nil sapnimiug ihaar f aext question wa stated a follows : W offer to prove that, at the meeting of the cabi net, Mr. Sunioo hg BNMUl, waaa the' Tenore-of Qffloa bill came ap far nuiliiinllil ., was asked, and the opinion ex- Mr. Stanton, and the other oabi- appointad by Mr. Lincoln, did not . the rMtrietkMM. V of a blind diteh. and sly ly their filthy and fated waters over the broad acres of their unsuspecting neighbor, be fore they were aware of it. They inteud- &&1&-Tnnm bwrtb ditch burst foeae, snd the conninc scheme is exposed. We took. however, tor an Egyptian exoda ot tho disfranchised race, from all 1 aukeedom, to eidny the luxuries which await the i this favored 0"inm-M hereby approved and will have the fare of law iu the said State until the lUtito tion or rejection of the Constitution fram ed by said convention, by said State, shall have been an election held in the mat by law, and. in the event or the reiecooo thereof, far the innher period of thirty J w - Tl . aL a SF IJ I - " the people of datt mer Jodg- Chase stain decided the evidence Drake sneaolad. nassyaa wetriil fa 9ft. On Uus vote, Spesgoa and 8hannao with the minority. irmined by 1 1 preaeribed ' ery aide the ease of prosecution is falling to ihe ground ; for' besides testifying that the purpose of the President was to test the constitutionality of the law, General Sherman also declared that nothing more yras said about the use of force than that Mr. Stanton waa a coward and would not resist an order for his removal." "f the late matrimonial SKXsiBi.r-sIaea Ba who waa ao initiated by tin (nr-ro) "Republican party" far the House of Representatives (-called) ia Warren, declines this bsh- kuown smong tbera. The Cons'ituiiou-roonger were day. Proi uied, That the term of said Ordinance shall not be held to apply or conn -ci with any agricultural or labor lien guaranteed by any law ot said State, en acted suosruwHUlr to the proviafaoa eevwruasewt of said State, under the I'resident s proclamation ol th Hth of April, 1865, or bv any military ably sensitive, aad eoeld, by ao Means, order from these Headquarters now is allow thems. Ives to hiu t, either in their force. And provided hrther,Umt all pr piecious Cwistitudnn or thirir pieefaes'er- reeding of any eotirf lu North' CroRna, dinanccs, at any dfarJnctiou of color. J recognising or sanctioning the investments These exquUite genderaen left all that to' of the fund of minor heirs, or of females, futare legislation, or to the decision of thaler of insane persons, in the securities of ' the fate rebel government, or taa ssiml vote noaama refaasd to bear the i Vsst J orokaooa w.U UterwlidteSSUodaU saajwsT , laisn rfeoe ; aisDw- to call other witaaaM; in ease Mr SuaUrry, who kew moat of tha matter, bat wss sow TWOeart adji avail Supcriutendcnl of Public lushasWoa, to-1 Ha aars mat ks is auswswd hi Cck- ssud atlaaj hfamihT ifcn hisiku jhsaia himself t Hut the thing is ter prepared far that tha far tow wsaaag. Hod. The marriage ot A. wit : the llt. TribuUth.n 8. Ashley from! lies of the Sute of North Carolina, crea te ape Cod. But what reasons bad the ted for the purpose of carrying aa the war safes of the' ittennoemole to suppose against tbc government of the United that the delicacy might not embar-, Sit.-s. shall now be suspended until the m Coach- raaa the Legislature too, add even Tribu- question of the validity of such inv WLwkm hW Mtk tllCTBafiricd llT' of th I'nited Stale, or by sash invest the m ary ma Wte ttt m" Am " ilriBaiaa'UaHam al " ISt AaTOCS - KX)M II rU TJOK. The mora that the infamnas Oonetf . tation is (haieatstd before oar people, rrAfmAmKtm dMst lis pnrraaeeaof nswr 1 1 rule, TxTeot, sssst ssAsfa dermtatun . are oxpeed, the Shore indignant Um people become that the Northern al veaturor and white spostates should have had the effrontery to propose it them. If the canvass could be pro tracted for thirty day longer, it would be rejected by 40,000 vote ! Aa It ia, we shalt kill it and its million -at dead aa ilector. rmnw'ux m ! -