tfiutmi 11 suit. HV HANKS & BBUNKR. W.l-l TRY, N. . . . 0., APRIL 14, 1967. TBOMAiTOU, David Co , N. C, I --raBSWw leek, aWWmr- f Tt nnjpfc basto, w smittrd, in oar for MT letter fro AresdU, to notion Um im firoreiacnt being mode at I hot place. Dr. Sferltoo At Co., have onHoM a loan .1 i j ihers, and art now engaged in man a faott'imr piooaao aod oikor stTjrtctdtural lrrpicu.-ir.s of eteellcnt quality. They will noon fonts thsir establishment largely by tb addition of sew machinery, and will (boa bo abb to farnish all kinds U catting and machinery In demand by onr fanner aad mill owners. To tbio oad ihoy are patting ap an engine of able paver. t , Saturday w wen- at Belhany-tUlp mloM of the resell, an J up ' . - uaaaUy kaovn aa "Possum town,' name which the good people there d I mash fancy, aad which wo promise not to aae again where there were a boat no b wad rod persons eonrrerated for the pirpoe of beerirg the candidates. Many .1 thorn lioisaod attentively to the apeak ore a both (ides, and seemed tn be anx -. 10 ho ealighisaad aa far aa poaaibl) a- . the menu aad dement, of the new -istltatlnn. This is regarded as th . rei radical precinct in the county baring voted that ticket almost anani usly heretofore. It will stSl give i - . ity for the aear eonslitoiion and the ndatal aak-et. bat there will ha a good r ote this mate ajaiiiaf the Ceestitation . n 1 far the Conservative ticket Wo del aaialaaad at Biowatowa oa v -oday, hat laara that, ewiag to tho la mrucy of im wwttmWttf taMM wctv my t w part to tiMlt In n All the in- forasaiiia mbjik nirkm assjeaa tkatqaar ter Is to the eweet that the Conservative. li carry that bos by a decided majority. We) wan net at Zioa aa Taaaday, bui - freemen of Ifoviasee were present, and ably aad effectively addressed on ib aabject of the aear aaaatitarion by Mr. Brommel ami Mr. n let map Hr. licit- saaa is the a err arise aaadidate tor Clerk of the Swperior Court, aad had hitherto entered hi the diaetwsion of the Ch lllllin, bat gars kis views of it on A Mistake A Concord dondent of the Raletfh Sentinel, over Ilia signature of "Many citt- tens," will do the favor to direct nor attention loth date of the "Watch man A Old North 8fate," which All ad him, and tboeefor whom be speaks, with pain by saying that the conser vatives of Cabarrus and Stanly have given op the race., ore. It any each article has appeared in our column we cannot find it. We are quite sure nothing of the kind ha slipped from onr own pen. THE ELECTION. Under the regulations of Gee. Canby for holding thia election, it cannot be known with certainly how the rota Lands until after the last day of the election. when, (and not till then,) the ballot may be counted. Those -who have keea at the polls all th time, however, adventure ap Gen Canby baa removed, tho magis MEETING IN SALISBURY. iraies composing tne ueaaty uourt of Buucoiuhe. The Asbevilla Asuv A Dutchman's Ttmusranes Lstlure. -I hall tall bow it was. I pat mine kaad Merchant!., wakes tho foil iwing comments : In compliance With an invitation en mind there va von naln. Then I oat mine hand oa miue body aad there va from the While Men's Conservative gentlemen were re- V0 'e. we "onr3 made known to on these we are enabled to say that the Conservative will carry Bowaa by be tween 200 and 300 majority. This will be s highly gratifying result, bowing a larre rain in tbe county tines the last election. We have, also, report from Davie of tho same tenor Conservatives ahead with increasing majorities. From Iredell the same, and From Catawba, almost unanimously Conservative. P. 8. Just before going tn press we have heard cheering reports from Mt. TJ1- la aad Atwsll precincts in thia county. Atwell's will give about 160 conserva tive majority, and the radical vote of about 75 at Mt. Ulla in the last election, will he nearly aanibilatsd. At Harkies, at die close of the 2d day, there was. neary a tie. So also at Morgan's. Gold Bill will give a decided conservative ma jority. 1 has, altogether, we believe we shall carry Rowau by nearly 300 ma jority. "Why these moved has mil them ; but a clue to the secret avty be fonnd in the fact that at the sitting of the Court a fellow, by the name of Jesse mammae, a deputy hnhV was tried, convicted and sentenced to pay a flue of $50 and coat, for bru tally assaulting a young man by the name of Henry Jones, one Sabbath night, while Jones was oa hie way from church, iu company with eom ladies. Sumner is now the Radical candidate for Sheriff of thia conntv, while Jones it a Conservative. Jl i known that Sumnei, throngh tho standing medium of communication between Gon. Cauuy and the Radi cats of this section, applied to Head quarters to have the fin and oat re milled, or a part of them, which lha tieuetal refused to do, but baa re moved the Court The next Goert will be able to remove the penalty. We understand the assault upon Mr. Jones waa an unprovoked and malicious one, and the penalty was considered light.' to attend anoder. There va very math I the meeting Oil Monday night. At 'all miaa body. Thaa 1 pal 11 o'clock on Sunday night we found mine pocket aad there waa pain in hand In fto Oa yesterday we bad a glorious time at THOJfaaTvnxa. He where have we aeea tbe people more thoroughly arueaed thaa thwy ara here. Notwithstanding the in elrmsary of tbe watibw the attendance quite larre. Tbe speaking took la taw Baptist Ubwreta, which wasf waa well filled. The I Ike intervals between the speak lag with Miilut asaaie plsyhag wbl happy eaVct, "Tbe Old North State,' aba patriotic ode umarnil by the illus- t wears brsorehi death, sUy set to music The la- re aaxieaa to , tbe occasion with their presence, but ! would not permit, which was ! by all, aad by none so as by larsalf. Every thing look , ami we have strong hope of the at the OsewarvailM ticket even in i not with as ee yeaterday, and have not been since We were exceedingly anxious tn with as at every appoint- bat they thought proper, for reason i be satisfactory to their friends la ge with aa as further. TbofnaviHe it the seat of the celebrt tod shoo manafaetarinr establishments of the Mesar. Liaes, aad Shelly Bro. Both ate Mill in operation, bat are not be ng wsrkad te thocr atasost aa pa city aa vWs bops dse prosperity of the I soon revive, as with it will of tbi j Wbaswvsr we have gaaa the wheat crop gMterally looks more promkibg thaa we it at this season of r, a few e Oar leaders will not, we fear, bear (rem i to oar sanctum H. Wa very unintentionally omitted in oar last, any allusion to the proceedings here on Moudav ; and amidst the excitements of the election, opening neat day, would not, probably, have thought of it until now, had not our neighbor of tbe Char lotte Tunes, Mr. Warring, presented as in his Tuesday's paper, a fine account of what transpired, and which we hare eap ied in thia issue. W e hsve omitted of thia account come remarks complimentary to ourselves, for wnich, nevertbless, we tender onr highly esteemed friend of the Jtmes our pro- fonndest bow, with the wish thst he msy ive and flourish for a thousand years in while man's Government. r Our patrons will please excuse any lack of mterestinr matter in thia and one or two proceeding numbers of thia paper. Tbe voting now going oa is tbe nil-ab sorbing matter with w as it ia with every ssji sis. Weeaa think aad talk of noth- feg else. It is a life aed death attnggle, ia the pi ug i ess of which the hearts of all ate deeply engaged. The farmer leaves his plow standing in the furrow ; the me chanic forgets his tool ; tbe merchant his counter j the lawyer and doctor their of fices ; and all are to be seen conga gated ia the vicinity of the polls, with anxiety depicted on every face. They are quiet and grave : sad show bat faint signs of that deep feeling which, if it bad exprea ion, woatd ring out in tones of indigna tion at tbe terrible wrongs which a cor rupt party is seeking to inflict upon them and their posterity. Under each a state of things it cannot be expected of any one calmly to tit dewa to deviae, or call oat tempting dishes fur the paltate of newspa per readers. In the absence of the (euinr, who by reason of the arduous canvass through which he has jut passed, I -as unprepared for such a task as are, the j u nior. we crave indulgence until this elec tion has fully pasted. GBANT AND LEE. Who. to-day, would not rather be Gen. Lee, the rebel, with his character for truth and nobleness of soul unsullied even by the breath of tutpioipn, than to be (Jen. Grant, far Loyalist, dishonored by treachery, and disgraced by falsehood I "If say, peak, for him bve I offended rather h ROWAN. y be relied upon for a -wtiorttrr Ttot flon. John Pool addressed s large audience ia the Town liall ia Salisbury, on Friday evening last. H is speech had I heJiasJMeot effect. lief. Mr. Pool been eanstamty gain mr ground. Af ter hia alHeefJort put down our ma- j as wide as civilization calmly aad eotifi jority ai one hundred more in Rowan. Ijeatfy appealing to iw to dp.justiee to lie Who we repeat, Would not tren. Jbee, whose honor as a man, Wloaa mdhi a aa Asserkaa nnasa may only be questioned as tbe right of r volution may be questioned : as the right of tea million of freemen to local ssJf -govern asset may be questioned ; a the duty to resist encroachment upon ves ted aad vital rights ssay ee qsmttsaed ; a the doctrine, in short, enunciated ia the Declaration of Iadependeace, and implied in the Federal Constitution, (as construed by JaaVrsiH. and Madison in the Ken tacky Itesolutions 1 msy be qwsstioned, and not other wlac f Ixe ciuwuefl wlthihe tor slid affection of bit people with a fome Upon Cabanea for the Const i in mil the ticket. Ital Standard. asr ewa Poors ss-st To.n U.: was r smr sVaaA amsBM . n m a landjjdfinaat ooeM as influenced ' ey osja.ef Bs snsmp. ' Hs plssaad th nefroai r, no (lewat, ia whom isSsrsst ha spok ; hot h ssaas as vote tor the radtosit who was sod CatMrrua eat for them before hi judgment, hi motive aad bis record who woeJd not prefer la be sack a man thaa to be Grant, standing self-cotivicted of treachery to s friend, who had in hi honor ia a matter of kbrk coocru ; concerned in a baae f.Ueiiood, and publicly exposed by the President More Insolence TAu Tim meets with Punishment. Another of our citixeiM wa last night stopped on the street by an impudent negro. who aa rimed the right to ca lochias him as to hit business. As Mr. D. Finlayaon, of tho firm of Finlay on dt Bro., waa proceeding from hit residence to the Method st rnrton age, about eight o'clock, and while opposite the colored Baptist Church on Walnut street, be waa rnflelv seized in the collar by a large black negro, who insolently demanded of Mr. rliilayann who lie waa. Tins gentleman made no reply, and for the moment knew not what to do, being totally unarmed, not even hav ing a ftiek. His fears ware increas ed when be turned and taw several negroes, the party to whom his as sailant doubtless belonged, on the op posite side of the street, lfetertnin el to make at least one effort at resis tance he drew back and struck tbe negro a blow under tho ear which cnu-d him to measure h a length up on lbs gronnd. Mr. rmlayson then like a prudent man, turned and made Im way from the apot as rapidly as possible. Some precautionary measures must be adopted to guard against snch out rages. Every white man out alter night shonld at leaat carry with him a good at ck. We uinst relv noon our selves for defence against these night assaults, and should he prepared lor thia course. WiL Journal. Butler A Dinner Scene. A Washington correspondent writes the following good account ot a scene which waa lately enacted at Wil lards : "There it a loose darkey about Wil lardY Hotel named Tom. You can bribe Tom fo do aiiyih i ng. " TjgjBfi er day there waa a dinner party giv en by a Maw lork contractor, at bich it wm understood that Ben Boiler would be a guest. Some dis loyal wag, without the fear of Con rrees, before mm. got hold of loin, eed him liberally, and put him up to a piece of outrageous and treasonable tomfoolery. After the plates were served, the hortt said, "That will do, Tout; yon can go. but lorn did not gu. (! serving that his orders were not obey ed, the contractor repeated, 'T told yon to go, Tom ; if I wnt yon, ID ring fury on," bull lorn hung about the door and did not retire. At lust, very inneh worried at his contumacy. New York turned upon Ethiopia and said, stern ly, Attracting the attention of the whole company, "I have told yon twice to leave the rvom, and by. 1 II be olieyed, or put you out my sell. Tom approached i if 'J ! anu rcuuea in a n loud enough to he cnt, ' If yon plei mission "I can't stay. e table Iinmblv, bdued tone, but ard by al. p res- sir wph subv . I'm obliged to What fbrr The d 1 you "Well, sah, if 1 mnst tell, I must. axes Mara Butler's pardon, but I'm 'sponsible for d spoons. Item spoons is silver, en' I' was 'specially set fo Watch 'em. 1 ran 't go, sah It's as much as tnv place is wuf, aah." The seonal can better be imagined thau a aa a ee l better be imag H OLDEN 'S ItEUiRD IN A NUT SHELL f ved and betrayed the ed and betrayed tbe I , ' ... ', i ..airf.'"" veil and bet raye J the in men. de e v d and betrayed the ved and lie t rayed the 1. Ha dec. Whim. L 1 Uedeoaiv LVinocrata. a. Be deceit Douglas men 6. He decei Intoa. . ."- ourselves on board of one of tho most elegant passenger coaches we ever rode in, (rebuilt at the Company Shops,) and were toon enroute for oar sister city. Aa far as Own cord we bad the pleasure of the company f a Dowd, Ksq., of tbe Charlotte Bar, one of the ablest and moat ris ing lawyer in tbe State. At half past two w reaihoJ tbe Hoyden House, where we were hand somely and comfortably entertained. Thia ht one of the beat hotel in tbe State. i Monday morning we wandered ih rough tho city and saw-many ele gant (tores, winch had been built on the burnt district. Salisbury ia real ly a beautiful city. The street are wide, level and shaded by rows of magnificent elm and oaka. There is an appearance of progress and growth which indicate a liberal and enlightened people. Many of our friends called to ns, and extended toe a warm greet ing, At four o'clock the Fantastic ap peared. They were dressed in every variety of fancy cost nines, both as men and ladies, and represented every characier. It wa most ad mi rably done and created a great deal of amusement. After parading the streets under the inspiring strains of music from the inimitable Salisbury Band, they assembled on the tqnare and went through a variety of ainus ing evolutions. They were about forty in number and well mounted I he whole city turned out tn aee them, and the country was well re presented. After mos'C by the I kind a prolonged and enthusiastic nail was made for Maj. ttobbint, who appear ed and addressed the assembled mtil titnae in strains ol t uniting eloquence tie said be had visited every comer of Davie and Rowan, and be was sal i tied now the white vote will be almost unanimous against the negro yankee Constitution. The afternoon passed in the most pleasant manner. At night there waa an ontponnng to the City Hall to hear speeches. The large liall was crowded. M my of the 'air maidens and matrons of a ofty famed for beauty graced the oc 'casion. The Band poured fourth strains of oiiI-Htmng music. Ihe whole va truly inspiring. I Mr. Jas. Kerr introduced Uov Vance, who juat returning from his magnificent mountain campaign, on chained the audience by his thrilling description At the conclusion of his remarks and another piece by the Band, our -humble self wa introduced and ad dressed the meeting for half an hour. Mr. Duffey. of Ureensboro , was next introduced and commenced hy denouncing th crpet baggers, (or for coining down here to impose on Worth Carolina tbe p inctple of ne gro suffrage which had been re pud i a ed by tbe vary Slates fruut wbieb they hailed. air. jjutfey w a graceful and nig tutted speaker, and will win raj uta lion. - A At this stay of the proceeding the time for tlie train had arrived, and with reluctance we had to leave. Altogether it waa one of the most enthusiastic and pleasant meetings we ever took part in. We return our hanks to the citizens for the kindness I fined mid do tempera nee. Now there I no more pale ia miue bead, Us pain la miaa body vss all goes away. 1 pat mine hand in mine pocket, ders va twenty dol lar. So I stay mid d temperance." tW Therfew Weed, a Republican, aayt i "However blatantly grass may la their si a Grant man saw .. member at Con- Hfm BWTO aWaffreTsJef peeehra, they knew enough to keep negro delegates out of the Chicago convention. If negro delegates appear la that convention, not area Central Great's popularity will enable OS to carry Indiana," Count y Hairymen, Farmers. And Others. COW 81 G W TOVm Ashes, Beesmtm. Itutitr ''l powteW a weoBBoaB JpeJwV wlewesj dafmsVwL Dried and Often Fruits, . Grara, Wool, Oman, fWrr. Newel St. Mepa, (Mmstma, temthen, our ami Mem HP NEW AD VHRTJSSMtJiTS. and courtesy extended, gnat we could not do the i at mo I hftrisitdjt - ' d only re re justice to pe "bli. i' uecei ece IISOI ved and betrayed tbe 1 boy t sad rirlt, strive to love work and uot i ved and betrayed An- m Thoogb you may bo ss rich as . ile South. 7. He d drew Jeh a. Ha jsew baa in band lha colored pie two years will suffice to de velop li deception and betrayal of Attor or Stewart ia money, yet your own He is ia constant receipt of th Latest Past. t of povety s-i, .miaaqi tbeni. lieeord. at tbe United Slates sad his Cabinet ; hu I honor, slid ' so mmw to do him Lagan Genaty lOhio) Oasetst. iW" Vote for the Coastitatioa, snd you veto for Free Schools," says the Wil mington Past (Radical.; Exactly, schools which W0BK Oil STARVE This is the law and penalty from which there Is no escape, l hoosandt are trying to evade it ; some are making their fellow- men work for the, others by living on money inherited or accumulated in for mer years, but With BO avail. If idle they starve7 in tbe midst of plenty. T hey msy eat to the foil, but eating without e ercise is aeninst the law of nature, and very soon the stomach refuse to direst the food, th body is not nourished, and tbe man literally starves though bo assy feel no hunger. The hand, the brain, lbs heart, must work to live. If yon dodgo ths labor of learning lessons, at the seme, time miss the strength of intellect which mental Work brings, snd tne mind will perish for want of nourishment. Thous ands have starved 'h-ir vat ia this way. until they wonder bow it it that others sa . u all JJu. i.B ltC&J uhii away ait in prises nt root M any starve their hearts by never ex ercising them with noble emotion. 81 lknes eat into the nature hk a can kT and leave the man kuagry for aBectioa ; bat love is ths pries of love, sad ho that will not work hi tbi field must accept ths penalty. It is aa error to think that .ojdxjhbV peojiy jasaoaad ou. man for having violated Uod command. Man' nature is sach that activity calls for em ployment that it may remain ia health, aad there eaa scaresly be a saore terrible where lb eye, tbe ear. and paiufal death wiU samly result. So New MilHnery. T 1 IVonIJ inform ta Wat of Salisbury viutnity, that I have uit rsoeived a hamli took of Sprint; ami Summer Millinery, em bracing th now and varied Mykw of bonnets snd bata. Thankful for Ih liberal patronage heratuturs extoudad. I would nwpeHuny to htk a eonliauanca of the same Suinpiai and braiding dan st the shortest none. Uss. N. t. JACK SUN. My opening will lake place the 2Sth of lha month. A would Bnd rt to their advantage to 04 be lorn parebaainr elsewhere. '.. A,)ril 21, 1868. TO THE PEOPLE'S STORE AND SEE ! TT AVISO just returned Irora the Northern II cities, w oftW an ENT1RK NEW STOCK OP GOODS, bdogbt at Ih low (xicot for Cash. We offer at WHOLESALE A RETAIL saasaama n t iwnnrsl ttook nf sseasb eaher for CASH OR BARTER too vntting dot aarbst. DRY GOODS, DUKSS 600IM. CLt.THIltti. ntl8, Ults's Usu'. sfsH klss. the. sass rstatoaasit Silk Halt Sd risrtuly tW BS A larre Mock of Hoot snd Shoes, Hemlock Sole. Calf Skins, snd Lining Skins, Bridle and &bhM rj j fg gvoe,ra( tocflr of mmm & mr, iron and Steel Groceries, Turner' and -ine Oil, Wooden Ware, Qwswawwara, sad is fart a general stock of good. AH w ask I a call at i ne PEOPLE'S STORE, At Sprague 0i Itand. Main Street. pitar the Market House, SMITH, FOSTER & Co. W. A. 8a era. Tim i. rosrsa Jkmc Fostes, Jr. , Salisbury, April 15, 1808. tw3m. 00$. Lard. Tatlom. Ttaaeeo, Seeds, Sorahum, JfnlitH, kc, 'ha., ax., TO JOSIAH OARPBNTE Oenertl Commission Merchant, 44 t 44 Waahiagtea St, NEW YORK CITY. and mssivs hi wsaklv Price Carrenl of Pre due . nd Oroseriss ths most eomplet pnea our- rent puhlliheO la the t'BJUd Slatsa. Plate and (IrSs fuiuitkml fn . liberal advaace mad ea Established, Mam lei, I860. First class references givn when rSaalrsi Marsha. leWe. twlv . . . - yisiH cABteaiNa staia aena CoarAMT Shops. N. C. April I. l"a. Oa and after this dateth following will be he Schrdule rnr fssssagsr lraiot over thM State of North Carolina, ROW A If COUNTY Courts Pirns ami Quart rsnwy Term A. D. 1M8, JvWIWIWw'i'Wi'i, aay1 f flttsS 1 J J IN Ibis i tke Oowrt that tna ssajaasat, IkwU I so-rsidmt of mat 8taa, m is, u a vatmmm to be aad m th. Wmickm a 0ml Msrik sSast, atairVW aid sVfcadaat ts bs aad aaasar at ormuu Osart of Hs sad (daartar fssanaess ha kskt ,rs.1k!T iheod tUbtbr aasVVaay Uhaa why lb prsyer at Ike fttlllisw aaehl am hs granted, otherwise oss sases wa) be bsard sa lorn. Vita, Obadiah Wosdnaa. Okwk of ear aU Court at Offeo. ths first Moadsy m Fekras ry, A. D. U, out m aaTwmwtf-mmml WOODSON, Okwk. ywsr of owr Iniltuiailiiiia, UiAM WUU OBA pr sdv $ 00 Leave Charlotte, daily 11 J r. SalUbury, 3.U7 a. Oreentboro',... M W Kalviab fMl - Arnvt.tQolitWo,.. IkMtS P. W. Leave lioldshoro', ltdtt P. M. Kaleirb 3JU - 0rensatjani...T7 fjsJisbary. 38 Arrive at Charket,...tlS Tbrourh Daatenrersby thit linehave eholee of roalea via Ureensboro' sad UsavHIets Bichmood via lulsieh am Bichasoed or PorUmusah. arrivior HinU north of Richmond at the aasae either root. CoDDeiUm i mad st Gold- State of North Carolina, KOWAM OOUHTT. Court t Pleas ruarp Term, A. JO. lMsX Julio R. Simestoa so Kaaaaef. tStlnea for to the mtisfhoiloa of Ik Omrt tasi um nriwmsa a. a.1 ars noo-rtsidsoU uf Ik hy HmOhertrhati ootdymg said !! as bs aad ap pear at our neat Osart of Pbassad Qaaner Session to b lU for tlx Owsaty f Kowso, at ike Oowrt Hon fa Salaeory, an th fkta MoasUy m stsy orrt, and rae sad star to Wlfwe) JbtdrJBft1)t Will be? ifl nSeaasod lha prsyer ot i a it was, uoao-iah Wooosoa, Urrfc at ear mid Court at Office, 'the ftrtt Moadsy ia. Fahrua- ry, A I). 1MB, sae m the I of our laoVseadeaeA at all Umaby bom with Psssearer train ea W. at Bead to snd from Wilmington and by Frstgbt traras to wsiesa. JAMBS ANDERSON, Ssperiatoodent. OfBoe X. C Bail Road. April 1. ItW. tf CU8HINGS & BAILEY, Booksellers and Stationers, No. 26i Ihltimort Xlr , oppotUs limaomr, BALTiaoaa, A RB sttpaiod to oaVr to lb Coontry Trade, il Uood in their line of North Carolina. YADKIN COUNTY. Court o Pleas ami Quark Issnjtmr Tstm, 1868. dm ., as. nir at law of Ea 0. Baker Jean, u rt with m:v siMtixtj GOODS. 1 ratiit susscaisss Ha just C 1 to l Ooeda, 1 Uw Slon tTonlt inm' Oornor, assawttnl astrtjat at fastr a Im' Drew 0-1. PrlnU. BklrUnn Skmlon. LlMm, Mala, Ss suS Baa, bSws WalkhM sa Brass Mm, mm aad Cl-Mh tMaaass. Orathary HaMwan, atSts ... II. 4l-a Sd ... I. v,rk. r-a-b-i, Br- BSKatL 1" BmeSi rafpar, a aairvaaL ashortjiext op HOUSE-KEEPING ARTICLES ; WINaw Ootka ! aa Caaara. Nasi (araai haaps.) CSai St, w.ii-Soeu. OtaW Taaa, Wirt lisvas, skatta !,., aa. asa utat sfbwMs, aa- Uinadia aa asaarta mat, arfclck IB aa aaM M man, W ylota tar CASH OR BARTER. M. W. JABYI8, AoY. r. N C. at.roii to. lata a btb atrreanwa. t. E. NYE HUTCHISON & CCC Insurance Agents and Commis Bion Merchants. pur,ar nr ''Itij-jftd ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS, NX). I, C0WAfr8 BRICK HOW, . ALIBTJT, ST. O. Col lection t promptly attended to. I.W la Oaa. W. WSBiaW Oa., OkaltaNaa, A 0- tltl Sasj, CalaiaS., . a. Cat Wat Asm, CaadaUa, K C. I liisia.tana.oTa. a tawS-1 I prices that mil too of way othar apars Utorabiy market. Their Stok of SCHOOL. LAW, MEDICAL, and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS it large snd well arleoted. . A targe and varied smurtnieai of Foreign American eialionery oaa always he found st ibeir rstabiithmenl. HTm, , . m k - .j mmsIm - SM.aV - - A tTwtry atr?p CGmwuuKiY on nana raf wdbvt t nf BLANK BOOKS of difhraWI tbj mi U llieir own man ufaof a Haviag s Bindery connected with their Store they are, at all umrs, able, at abort nonce, to fill omVr for Blank Books, ruled to any pattern, or of say ... . .. T, .. oesrrea sty w or nnwing. . Orders, rrenved by mail, will meet with prompt atlennoa. ton are onr (Mock snd FriotS tier. o cvll ftntl fjaf BiQioe r piirrhaviinjr els?-fwfcwdi.pd Wt'Atxn L C. lUa-fUsi, 8TATESTILLB, March 18, 180A A Meeting ot the Stock hoWer of this Com pany it called st Newton, on Wednesdsv. tbe 15th day of April seal, to acotpt or reiwrt the autian of the Convention in relation to ths ilod, and for the consideration of say other boom winch may b brought try order Of th Board ot Director. K F. SmONTOB. Ssu'y. Train win Irate Morgan ton, at 7 30 A. 14., nd 8ahsbary, at 6 JO 11, returning after the adjourn roent, wAi:tday ilksaery and MRU. CORRELL, beg h M-WsB. 8U. COBRELb, beat to inform the Ladies of Ssfifhary sad inanity that ahs hat opened a nvw Miivnery, nearly opposite Ihe Urne 3tor ot Joke H. Kaawa, wbetw h wiU br abUt at al) timet to acoomraodate ihem with any thing in her line. She solicits a call Drea-naai) done at the Sam moot m the baft sty! be MRS. WILS0V. MB!. MARTHA 8PBARS, Salisbury, April 7, 18C& Iw-rf-MO Tailoring' Establishment. r 'HK 8uo-cnoer take this sjsthod of is- a lormior bu rntaat that be still carries on at nit stand in ike Cubbins, Foster dk Co. eathr WIS without active exerci. .y - P M f Br j ! ScVBIILB iiiwatstsJiy ay to the the, sad or bis sonny in an astir to all who may mv -r hfm with rail parly" for the (to-soiled) hUnaom f negro) rey a libarslsksrsof sahlia oatiouur. Mi. by Ihe "Kepabiteaa eharr-a will be maaerato aa lew at thorn of the Hosts of Representative. "VZTWnaVl s v in Warton, decline, tbe ho- ' GvmTPrTM M itH Aire him Vogler & Co., M l.M'FACTIJRERS Of Mr, Women, Boy d Muses T T sppeariof to Ih mtadactioe of Ike Osart 1 that Ela-ner Parks nd bb wifo DoRy, A Jarm-t Mathw and hit wist Sarah, fall 111 I. is tin case, are BBB stdliaaol hto Stoto tT North Osruhaa, it ht Ihwafosp. attknwd I Curl, that aaMsKestkai be wuuU for mt mike rrnrtnii ei4 (1ft Iftia tBaf. awsfi ing said drfrndanl uf th fding of lks prtHJM, and that unless ihry sfoear at th next Term of Onort, to be haU at the iiW It bsTbsV kinnlk., on tie. meond Monday ia AfrS aest. and answer ihe nMnion iIm aaana mitt ka iV iyo conato and lirard ex swrts to them W itraras. i. O. sttrter, skarfe of oat osorL st ofBct in YadkinriU, Ike 3d Mawdjjf la faint y. a. u iws. o. MaUaSa aee State of North Carolina, STANLY ttWMTr. BLWrnya JIL Mi.lMttS a TTttWtatnvefa, "''t bTt ' - It appaarlor te Ik taittwttoa el fa SBBM that the drbndaat, J K MasdsahaS laakto bs- yad Ihe limit of tfchrStato: It is stAarsd by ia u wsteamaaaOMIlarth Stoto, aetityiar Ih.saidJ K M.odaiiballUb.a7ZZLv JZ 1 ImsW arid OoarlsiT atcfSjBpWtjM ls mytt ncourtof hU forth in Albemarle ob next, aad show next, aad show cans, If any so has, why the rTT - nTlm".! i, th. am at th pfoiaUsT Wltoa, Iastwatu Brasa, elarfc of oar astd sewt at satos SsAlh- Ue monad Monday I. Fsasaary. AD inw, ewra marls. 1MB Mw ar fee SS. L.0' 0. c. c. me. D. C. State of North Carolina, STANLY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter reoruory J,rm 188s. W. B. aort J H. MMdanhaU. it im - hp dsforS OfIR Shorn are well made, and oth-ra - a - tar i i. t . " mia.rmi. r, a laaiw msreatiou tu aiaro id jr HllObM ; the will tpatk for ihem- setre. ana will we think. COMPAsa rivus Abt both at to Quality aad Pa tea, with aay ever ornegat tea tha lMsta. State of North Carolina, MONTOOMERY XWlfTY. VOurt of Pleas aad Quarter Jamuarf Term, 1868. .0. t-.yoodlhellmiuofthi.8tsts( Ui court tht pubtfoaUoo U mt wt valves'! thald J.K. oar aast Court behold forth kcea is Albsmsrt a th May next, and bow aaa tf aay he baa th property larUd oa (hall not V sasstol to tea am or ths plklnttsT. nt Pleat and (hurla. laaamaa. to otwice I fTiii am m iiawti " I Store Of Mc I Ho..a r-earknaak aa ..a. M.-k. atiilwll haiMia erbro.f s and wit Martha. sastoew aa wlh Maty asa. Martha rraasna nan, ntcata Ball. Jaka Mall aiw mil, caseiia tall. BSa saa sell and Oiort that a otaa u. eaoata IM1, jaa Bttl. Laarim tmU. Ltasatles to Mw la ito' 'mLZmtl U to aa tototo ths tows ; ams-stth f sr. jie ssys whirh ara "FrM" In arkita aad .in. ,1,1 . 1 a... L : li .L-. L. I . dra f IJ - -W- a . "'t' B FBlflj, fg Crlajj Ike sal ss naxl hrrsx Uus atoasry. ta asvaaat, fo Tmy sa ths ina irawSmiruU'' aala)a? HmA. aa. wHI ba heard part, J.'sjsaTrtTsw tl! Wltnt, IavBsystt wrssa. stark at mat ssht eoart at AJbamarto, th ssesad Moadav hi Fwtv t'tv u oaaTsTir, eaa of North BOlfailr 00DNTT. Omartef Pleas ami Quarter Sasmiams fb ruary Term, A. D. I86S. R A. Dsvis sa W. 0. Toon Original Attachment that pubbeatioa b. mad for sia wash, ia the difcaasat to be aad saaear at . to am UmOawaty ia- Bowaa, at A Court Boom la Waiy 01 Bowaa. tt th. Oonrt Boom fo 1 Ikwo and (here sbsw raoaa, if say mhaa) j the property levied 00 sht Bet be CSB- den.ned to lb use nf Iks pfoinbl. Clerk, of owr mid ia WasaaxT C. 0. Wa . fo Tear lb gHt 1 - - W.4.. rlark f oat said cart t tfoooay la Jsaaary, . t. Witneat. Obadiah VTi Omrt al OaVe. tBoSmt xj. At P. 188ft aad hi the soar at serf OBADIAH OOOSOct, Clark. or adv S 08 8w:H SEWI5G WaUTTKD. ISS MART HOWARD, CerasrsfMaia pjj- I s J i i . , .-, - tt . . ' , j- l..i - , ' 1

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