Grail' lUk M the Jew. si Ooe. vmmt's tig III, t. I annb mw toi Mikt ,Ua awe ililn i, itewtoe;i i. I (.-Ilea tbm Jew la attor Aslb.Wesana To a raw ef Theafb lias beatf m loot. MfettoilMwtiw jHraal J ' ta depths Pwaw a awl ary abet, mm for wbon Um rail itood 011, And jtarted JooW wv ; rwe for wbws M wonder wroegbt, fet tl bloated ad Dmmi beaaa. i , Elut his P;ui .DiU wbfebiM A na mm wbleb gov H birtb i. flu illii.teobwWa, oLaM III be to oertb. at nsmw-asiod Ilk Ui nuttrci ire to pntot kirn to tbe Bible, Tin iiirnihit tnd ihi Mil, -, hicbbowto Un Itowgnw bvba Mr. V. ytelded Me right, to the of lierrany. Mr. Pendleton, of Ohio, will go Into tbe Nov York Cotv earlM with a fpoeter na tabor of and wore enthusiastic friend, thaw any ollior man. Everybody odtuila nw nun qnaiinoatlons for tho rrwU deatial office. Indepoodont la yri vte fortune, bo boa tnmod hi ha r for year, past to account la (tidying the aelanco of politico and government, and bo atauda before tbo oontry a ripe atatoaaian, eqoal to tbo autiea 01 tbo blffnoat ontco of (tales toaaohip. Addod la tbia, actor a a man aad a gentleman ia lofty, aplnapoawhabU aad apotkaa. if ha could be afwfarf, wy even tboaa wuo qoeetion tbo expediency of li s nouti nation. Iia ia all that tbo party conld want 'and the country demand in aKroatdoatof tbo United Sutaa. Hut the outcry againat Talandiag bam, It ia at goad, would bo raised in a lower key againat Pendleton. Hi idaa of tbia dan of Democrat la that tbo Democratic candidate moat goto the aoldier rote with an unatain ao war record, or Ursa! will win in och aoldier Statea at Illinois oibora la tbo Waat, which we cannot afford to loae. Aad what it a little lingular, tbia claw of Democrat! look to lb Boat hern influence in tbo Con rentiou to eettle tbo qneetion of ex pedieucy aad policy. The Southern take ia the malt ia ao anapoakably that theee gentlemen believe booth in tbo Ooareotioa wiH do the qoeetion with tbo auuareat conaid ration, and under tbo gravest rwpoonbilitiwof a aound judgment. I u bin n the caw for reflection to our people at boota. My own feeling abont It noods no concealment. While 1 believe Pen dleton ia tbo trained atateeman who Would beat fill tbo office, and while he ia my fret choice, tbo fact that the Latest Nwj. CongrtssIt Waahtegton, April y, IL Tke Soaeio PlwWaWul WWb IiKMOaMateWflHett 1 1 'clofjek. The Miaagaw are iatrndariag aaaaoaro otUaaaa. Blodgett'a indictment waa oaVrw Boiler onVrad Blodswtt iwr Evarta oojeeud thai Blodgau waa set oo trial bera. Batler proceeded to etoto orally be inleedad to pro?. The Chief Jwtieo ordered that b be re oaf to writing, aad Bailer pmailad. Ckaae peraiated aad Batler kt new wri Ms WAiHiwoToa, April BO, P. M E. 0 Towueeod bat baas appointed Affeat at VtlflUM. The eleee of impeachment la not mpeeUd sin tks TL B. Ftwaa, "to. who bat lately made his nark to fiiendly to freedom, an com in an - - .. dor of tbo Fifth Military Dit net, wm TV. tho boat fighting aorpa commander in of tks Soutksm the Federal army, would not canee fAf Na- me to beeitat one inataat ia giving PsssdleUm and nim my moat cordial tepport Bo, wa w . . -- ia too, o rroaiount oonnaoa, it ing impeachment, and In ab eligible, and by chance tb Demo crat abould nominate bin. This ia a April 1. The universal wioh aad Iipoatatioa of the Dannaraay of the great qoeetion ;nited State u that tho white of than the "del i ahall bo roproaemod by f i fa tbo National Uonvontion. I full uondmwd. L ... .Jh. . . A J 1 . M I tiave tasen agooa oeat oi paint to what. are ittoaonumoataof naa lemocrat aa to tho actioa of the . .I.....M it : v. - - , in"ii'i it ww imtj maj iiiiiiivt ru' ia the NoTctnbcr contcat, in re i to Federal policy ith. It waa a qneodon of the awenepe vwe wenpej lAinioeracy come int.. lat qoeetion, involving nothing leea a On "doliyoranoo aad liberty" ten State, and to be most caro- t rom I AHOLD PIOTl Gibbon, to hi ! IBE-PRODUCED. and Fall f lb.- Km nim. alter rnmnnlinr the r.u towar.1 tin which led to the dratroction of that tgbty natioa, nyai X "The Senate, once the most grave, and inai aaaeaioir not ne worm tU middle of aeit Bteabery ta mock batter. mrucHHin ooarmuaax The Senate refuted to admit tbo Blod- gett paper. BaUar. wbea appeal ler for Blodrett. taid that be had aavar been able to get bit aaae before the Beaati. Jaotico tbould b ae bha new. Bliagatt wa only Captain of a Rebel Militia company, aad ao unwilling Oaptaln. Bfodgett weald wear. Jflodoett waa known in Augutta; h W elected by hi neighbor to make a CoMtitntten for Oeorrla be wa and Mayor of Aogaau by Pope. Butler did not doubt, when O eorna waa admitted. that Blodgett would Uke hit teat bare wbbtbearnadaatefaa. Batler then offered tb nanbntlna of ierman and Thorn to Brevet General ablpt, claiming their admlibility the 10th article. The Senate r feted -14 to 35. Tent Meawra. Aatbaoy. Cole, F de. Fowler, Grioea, Hendcron, Morton, Kae Beat? ante Treat!! V a Winkle, WilUv d rate. tending the tint to January 1869, for och a aajnot pay Bfty per eeaL Wuklngto. April 11, r MThe Bee rotary of the Treatury reported thai tb aanwat nalkni free the Utnfodtralt pro partv abroad waa 1144.000, at aa Menu Of pyu UUU. l b aenwM from wBlefe the amonate flhanandeab Confederate Agent E P Walker Mr. Btaobary I bare waa a fall Cabinet lo-dy. Tbe Preaident tent aaveral routine mea- age to tb 11 McCaHoeb' report State that tbe Ar- ot Uta (Joofederate Government bow that many million were received and diabureed by Colin McRae, ia Con fcdarati loan in Europe. Salt are Inati- were roaaowod won tbo Sampler. Tnllab led to reach any balanee In hi band ; tb exUncUon of the C Confederacy. AurutU, April SI. P M Tbe election it progreaain; without toriout dbturban on. The black remain about tbe polk, electioneering for tbe Radical ticket. INSURANCE ACCUMULATED JOB PRINTING, URT BLANKS, $17,670,28888. IgSHH INCOME FOB FOR PREMIUMS I jSjf- $0,332,804,95, Tb democratic vote wa bug to-day, but tbe Radical will carry tbo aoanty To military la etatloaed at tbe poiU, to it would leave tin white of bad er aeeu, wa now a timid, foitbjea r 8.tb to atrapjri a boat they aid oat of tb mire of Radical re- f kTMJwwwyf ot BTWwJnl oo X tknatiooa oligarchy; while name wnnom to maieattcal and might mighty ! the a lift Ibjaj ilMlr IWI Mrniff Ibllllll1 S nBaybni f Afrinai, Federal o.wm AwtXtbLan &ya, a toaTaX boat hi tin Syrfiianib, their flnilin were not natural aad their net tonal laafolatan were pertnn ally corrupt aad politically dUkoneat." It squired more than a thooJOodiroart bring the tt Shall year nation to tbe recently to emueracy will bo awilt to wop I ti Iha Mtatata li.-.k II,. 1.1,... .... I " of uuli tar r and Afn ruction aa utterly null aad void, id f ao effect, aad at ooco to ro gniaa taa axiatiog wutu uotMitn to f6M tbemlre. 'r..rrrr , i7 H A-rtona, ae Urt-ntd uiuii in laucr 10 tueir iu "T I alt ataintitl in the preeeace of tbe gov no tin Union. I moot OOO fen that I era menu of the world, ana to rrand nt f did ant poraonally need inch aatnr-1 Irretittible in power-perUb from the far ice, for When poliev and good faith of the earth in let than a century 1 The h point to ooo course, tbe mult it picture which tbe bUtorian give of the tldon doobtflll. But aome Sonthem Roman legi.l.ture it juttly applicable to When out of tho membership of then be found men politically Eld rid aaked if ba understood that tb gentleman wonld give one hundred thousand dollar to make the impeach ment trial a uecee. V.Wnhburne had not taid that etactly, tait what be meant wa tbat If impeach anal wal' 4 aacear, It would be worth not one hundred thouaaud dollars, but en hundred million of dollar to the country. it. greater tecurity to person and 1- w. . Kklridge taid he tntpected at that if tbia money wa to be need to cm tb (aeon of impeach men t, be would apt Mai a dollar for neb a pur loan. Wl the did doom them nocceearo. I nk that, bofor Ooogron adjourn, I ruling party l,riW.r.iiM..nrfr,lirlllh!. dithonettf And the "barbarian." Infltientially, the f a" - a. . . wm njte w pny a ""F ln aalvereed in to leeeeoe freedom. in tiie July national Uon ..tmi u, un. rom in .11 th .f. I am sure the feeling of the r,h,i, lir.. n.l un.hl fmm thir mm loaBOnta n to Dear tneim rery nature to leam the leaaona of aelf ve with mderl roticonce in tlint government, tbe Radical Congrett an apaa whose action ao mncli d Utriving by all the mean which their po- itfon affordt to them not betiUting to adopt lb most aiiboly, whon neceMary, to beatow the privilege of auffrage, for tb purpose of plaeiag in their hand tb balanee of power. Aad thi will Con ann u liallail do that they may retain the rovemment of thai country in their B it a noaiiion of aroat Influ win ba foiead upon toon, aa to viceopon, if not atwolnte defer natron Of, a Tory important and ian qneetion. TbJa relate, not 'he platform for hanoily thora Ml not bo uninanairoablo diversity op nion bore bnt to tbo choioe of available candidate. General rant being the oppoaing oandidate. . iaa. w . Soulier von of tbo lata groat ar . now aeatterod in every State. jjnr'ml'" laaamanM" ' mt dasli t ' law. il lit? 1i eauit, AiMI tho question t can be counted on for a Democratic 'date, taken from tin wing of tin xnnocracyr T Mhtwlbf caae. hardly any Will he nd to den y that it would bo ex mely haaardout to make Mr. Vol ndingnam the ataudard bearer, for only would hi hi copperhead ietn on every i iimn. but hi actual h tv to the war. It won't do to un a millioo of men who war rnr aid. M'ekn.iw tint better than Mr. Vat B "du.gham bitotolf. He felt ami iioally acted upoo it at tbo . 18dm l'hilade.lihia (;.uven P. when, to avoid a conflict to opio he refrained from Drawing hit ted claJuatu a aaat on ita Mad he done conseieti- o Saetliem man, srratofil fureac- to to hie people, could bao voted lTll to .it, and yet tbe Cbanardondtb with lb argaot. Boat well, aot beta; ready, aaked adjoummeot to Tnetday. Tb defenee aaked until Wrianda, in view of Buabory'a aieknan. Bout well, seconded tbe reoaesl, aad, after bearing and rejecting an appeal from Logan to print bit argument, to Uourt adjourned to Wednesday. House. The Senate appropriation for impeachment waa ooetidtred. Eldridgc taid that it wa evident that tea rJnaoand dollar would not defray tbe expenses of tb inpraebment trial, and be thought tat was a mere blind. Why did not the committee come oat boldly, and aay that thuj wa a mere bagatelle to op erate eo tbe public jpa - Wasbburno taut if another appmpria tion WW required, be wonld vote for it, and be believed It weald be worth em hundred thousand dollars to pay tho ex oCol umbos, April tl, P M Everything is o met. 1 he lUdicala an desperate and trtcKT. I here were 798 voles polled to day, mostly negroes. Many of then ware tor tbe democratic ticket. Tbe democrats ars in high spirits. Uanrian now wveral of toe surrounding oo unite bring in tbe moat cheering aewt Market. now lent, April si, r. . fjetton a shad lower. Halet of 700 balea at 31. Gold 1,39,. Baltimore, April tl, P. M. Cotton quiet aad inn at SI. Floor firm aad ac tive full price. Liverpool, April 21, P. M. Cotton dull declined 1-16. IplandtlS. 12. Sain 10,000. Speaking of tb Impeachment gen, tbe Bnmd TM says : "Of .hesev- men to whom hat been ea basted tbe conduct of one of the most momentous event in the lite of tbe nation, men an bat two when appearance conveys assur ance that they am gentlemen " FOR INTEREST, f 1 .S93.7 LOSSES PAID IK lfff, $I4i6H,75818, DIVIDENDS PAID IN 197. 9 4 8 Int9rMt rtofsciT! in Tides d average 1 polinlee noa for ttawn 8AML. DOUOLAff A. Philips. Agent, lar 3-Atwtf IF YOU WANT ROSA DA LIS, WILSON.8 S&ryeant Bait in Baltimore. Baltimore, April SO, P. M. The Ser geant liatea leatival wat enthutiattic The eeremooie at tb Washington Mon unieut wen beantifal. Bain Indued With presents from tho ladiea and citiiens From Washington, April tl, pro tec ana: natural isM own handa, although in doing it they place tbe enligbteord whit anjorhy nnder the control of tbe ignorant aad degraded ne- rro itiinorit t, Americans, shall this transparent detign tucceed t Shall intel licence be governed b y ignorance f Shall ci vihs tion y ield to barbarism I Shall tb vilest and most pewton rule, instead of tb purest otism and tbe Inchest political wis guiding the doatfoJw of our nation t issue I in your bow) inch involves all tiling! lixhtenment and degradation, talvation to Vwef hwtHlal f eVIid tbelt as i oue which involves all thin -n-'ation and destruction, lile and death -yet, even -;..-:'-i pardaa tha aa iaa liiffaasTi, bat we nel was 1,140 PJfS Vfc'WrHrWmVma,'1m strength is truth of tb esaartion-evea heaven aad banc. MMB hell. At Mm I .. . , -wtewmwwam ' gM'Jg?atJsriU Uaal ia tba ntorW Uars Fwter.jaal -- rnon ihat tliey fought an.l risked Ueoteneed. last week, by Jodge Mitchell W awl Imh on tbo vrnsr mil. No enteuced. last week, by Judge at Iredell Superior Court, U be oa Friday, May U. BT Mr. Wilson, an English gentleman tb Beak island Hn"fir- a walk od, wkiek ia Gen. sv. . in Thuriow Weed makes aa important aa- noanceanot. to tbe 4Snt tbat M n- aratitat whatever moid ksdae Mr. Sew- aid to remain hi onset a ring le day torinx Company, has made a beautiful inr-eene of blwl walnut, elaborately Wathinglon. M.-Bankt' bill, citiiens abroad. amended by alio wine the Preaident to withdraw commercial relation from offen ding nations, and exempting ambassadors, consul and agent from pan whom tbe I'resideat may incarcerate to retaliation, passed 99 te 8. The pressure on uncommitted Senators is titmiudfi. It tna font all quar ter, and tbe apprehensions of the Presi dent' 1 1 lends am iaorewiog. The new Municipal ettiaer of dria qaaltwea to-day. Ho negroes among lhm, bat oo known native Virginian. North Carolina EUdions. Wilmington, April 21, P. M. -The elec tion passed off today q uiclly. Tb ap proximate vote of the four Ward of the City, for tbe Constitution hi 1,900, and aswinat it 670. ra eats at Weldnn was M for. and ST agJnt the OoWUtath. Boom negroes voted i be Uonaer vati ve ticket ia Wilmington. The white gen erally, will vote tbe second and third day, white tab mwren make their greatest ef fort tb first day. Newborn. April II, P. M.-Tbe vote of tbe city, to-day, for the Constitution , w rr i - 260; againat it SOU I be negro psitou. Taer w w m amt- markied: In this city, at tb Fbt Presbyterian Church, ou the evening of the 23d insL, by tbe Rev. Jaraao Riimpm, Ma. Wil- LUM M. WlLRKI.If, IO MISS Ak BELLA L., youngest daughter of Wade W. II amp ton, Cq , all of Ulit city. For Life Insuranc a Oaly SEAL ESTATE MUM C6MPAMY 09 VIRGINIA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , ONE MILLION DOLLARS OFFICERS. W. a CARRIN0T0N, PrttidmL J. J HOPKINS, Secrttarg. C. H . PERRO W, M. D., Med. Alitor Tbit liberal and so rent Osatbera Oompanr pays to its policy noiasrs aunuaiiy 87 Per Cud. if its Profits. It proposes to aid Us patrons by taking not lor one nail ol toe premium i. (t 'm pctraof to Bar all cash if desired It inrvtss It patrons to mend it annual srt- Uaatont and toe their right protected. It aliowi its patrons to change their policies mm ou Ksot u anousr. It Poller holders ar not restricted st ton-- w j uf rcsidftnoe. It offers IS following esrtificsta at to iU sol- VBaeo Court Hovsk. Ta ( March , 1887. ef the aawto of N el ton , sad State of Vi rginia, take pleasure ia rsewnmeadlng at a sol rent and reliable compa ny. TO ntosMsi mi snietansnes uem- pany." of tbia county ; snd besides the merit of it soivsncy, iu rates wa terms lor Uh lnur ance are such s to commend it to public pat- I U S 1 1 k holders, Di rectors and Officers are men patrons can rely on ai ot its attain. Ayer's SeVtaMtfiTtm, Ayer's Ague Cure, S andf ord's liver hmgantor, Hall's Hair Renewer, Hosteller's Bitters, Perry Davis" Pain Killer, Radway's Ready Relief, Or any CALL AT G. B. P0ULS0N DRUG Wvatis0.d SALISBURY. Mardr 17, '68. of high lntegnty. and thU nompaw! and stmahT dv Uus ssted testimony to the merits tion. of s good instito- 00. V8Trxn,Clerk OreultOsurt, on F. On, Sheriff- WavA- Hiit,8jvror. 8. H. LoviNu. Clerk Countr Court. 0 A. IWagaaW A Co.. AgenU. Salisbury We also hare the agoncy for good Fin Corn- Special Axent, Charlotte, N. 0 witwiy Trarelin agents wanted. Apply to CAPT. JAMES r. JdBNSOir. Jw.r.iaM. At Moiehead City tba Rcpublicana an only 18 ahead. .3.500,000 Wasbingtou. April 81, P M-Iu tb Howe. Mr Robinson one red a resolution, recalling tbe msaagers snd abandoning tbe impeachment. The Speaker declared tbat H W eaaatton ef priviUg, bat nnder tbe ruling I of lb IUh it could refuse to consider even a quration of privilege, foe He rstewd to eotortoie tb resoiuuons by a strict party v. :e. "Pevnet 43baWr4)Mtto-na direet ed to enquire Into tbe expediency ef tbe a meats securing tbe Central tele- Cash Assets. ................. Annual Vssh Income,. ....... . . -- - j i tear Ml .11 uiiiiu. ....... .... mm Mnmhsr of PoJIeies tsaaed ia one rear 10.465 f An proiu & vtod aoeg tw rbcyTuafiii w THE BQTjrz-ABX.B SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES No. 93 Bboadwav, Naw Toaa. nuaily, Diridondrebniarj-lst. 115. 1967 Cah vain asiO,- The largest Mutual lifs Insurance Company la the world. reawn ri a Btngl Life fan W to . CO.. AO'TS. No. U CsmsM's Brit Rom, , Saijsburt, N. 0. who ar alto agenu fertti ef tb ton as Companies a.- 4aAnneLnf e.v FOR THK HAIR. Improved ! Rwaaeksjanfraaia mass tke slatr te carl lnnlfctly. It keeps the Scalp Ctma aad ttssoky. rurorsuatke Roou of the to. It bress tke Hair aad Beard U It imraediatelT etopa Bslr raltouj Oo. It ksf tt Heir from Chsnfiar, Color. Oarss Grey Hah-1 to Orqrhiil Csr. II brings out the Heir on twwatojl nb toostwtWsawnwwatoe tMdkmm.mmt tfknmamaaJ sielsns in h:Ch , aUlserns It Is sold ia hsII-eouDd in tke risks.) by D Bll Goods siwtshsstatat paiksttsi OTa rtswa. Barass cif. C. Va Co fells O Co., w Tort. ami Escaped From Jail A$ ttJBeWfclf flr'etvfi'1fcs-- $50 Reward. I will pay the above reward I Baal efe 0OOsaalatsj O Sei 3saesVV.. 25 dollars for either of it broke Jail cn ibe the 15th April mat bright mulatto, about S3 yearn old. feet 7 inches liurh. pound, eooricted ef rap oe a irhsw BW a nativ of tha IS cold Wact iooutfta W ut 170 pounds, oonvicted ut in W adoabora, Aiwon Co., N. C toy be native of Ohio, aad an to make hi way in tbat direct 1. MANS, wet April 16th 1868. $10 Reward. RaM A WAY from tb subscribe Monday in Vehruary lest, aa (colored) named Sam Bon name to Sam Aacsna. Be m old, yellow in the United ! job mmm stay f compfcrsa, tony man ItstmaOtu H.a 8. J. Bl April ftX ISM-ApdU sfWR- nniiniUU artw naiait I IrUiTAn I L.JsaCU - - - - - - I " ' I V Is. S 11 - - " - amotamewwy, ,ML jTwwj 1 MOMTH OAMOJJMA. ius-s. .r ar it. si ar ssaaa aam aamamTU. OWt9 Ol flTOsMTwlllt nstiieaii sws'ee 1 . 11.58 'rwi -S7r.7nJJ fialWa 1 " a I mm m I x. aaJ - ttaUJb W I Wassaw Jsa Haas, CKasTa' aCSswt. otf fAJITRLITB, l7w AaC iowv" " I cXECCLABil. JCwXaaeJBBaCeC I lKe wv-owci a HANDBILLS, NUtP At Ntm rilllmlall 1 DRCO T.ARKI.S BURKE COrSTT- COUKT BLANKS, THZ TtSrWKEKLT mwZ, i. LlTmZ ml f t AMD THZ WKKKLT I tmdbmm) aliAnk. t Jfetrtk SlttwCa "T -3rrr. I ton isf:m S iWm lObiUe Ot aettw ltTalneAl tK IAJ Ou I anwiv eon w aw I raa Wkamw.w s, mn wnDnrrr - - ' .,..' "Ms( arsoaVb WtsUjff Bslr. -. - - - - - - -- m- . ttStt'-TSSSZ WWralertMetlliia, I f rfssa - -m nW 1 VAnaRnr a.-skawwwv. ' L , . . 4 i rntmnii uikiii ii aaasainnMmiwasea. v I r W W W . w ' ' ri . - -j TAKE NOTICE, a m Raxan w cuBra a rau. w, t mmkmmMkm!SSSSL . , lfa?lly WnBWWnaaWO JaJl , .' ar mi motto ao tint a vote would It Bi TM Itaan f ato a m t . .a tk. b n be by tb Hkyb Coart.

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