j, . I BT HANKS & 11KI Mil. AALIMUKT, N. C , MAI V lfW. THK RJtSLLT. The rreart padlucal mtett, whreh vu to WU. for iIm at hart, lb daatinie af Kb Carolina is over, and tk eaoke f ike Utsta ka so far cleared away u to MoMt as te aVterarar the rru)t with MM 4cstm el caruinl. Tka m Cm Mkataa, ilk all it leveling doctrines, ka m dan hi hi miii nd by tint e whoa bav ihaurhl proper to denomi- lfc parole of North Carolina" t. a Vajatfr mt froa tea la aftera tbeauand. Thai reaaR u (eared by aa froa Ike eaaaaaaaaaaaM, though for a f w week kafoia tka tlwatiea we had strong hope mi a diweretit iaaaa af tka contest. Wil- , aaly for tke aake of a settlement, to c accepted of a gou l Coaatitatiaa at i of tka raatioa. wa aaakl aat In la. 1 i all tka Oaf HMw) ii nim far. a tka subject, and aragtfccaed and 1 ky tke eoavabrioos through whicl oar aaahtry law paaaed, are act at naught. Wt aaw, ar tfseftghl wa aaw, for r a afirrariaa tkaa ia tvjaetiar Wa exerted h, and tkaafk we kara tka proad consolation : tkat we did oar datj fa smsasiy ana Gad tkat tka dan- wkiek wa yprksaded froa tka ae- a may nerer oft Tke two raaea ia tke ' tnaetharion of govemmen like tkat po wkick we have jaat roted koBmgcniou by amalgam i katwatft them matt take place. Tka faraaat waald prove tka rain beak raeea ; tka latter tke destruction ' .' the weaker. Ia tka first erect we are tor all time ; in the second, after af horror wkick no pen ran de scribe, are an rained for a long time. A the greater part el tke intelligent and rt l white people of the South would f waald submit to tke foat, tka latter will moat probably be tke aeajaaL Bat apart (torn this question of difficul- i to tke races tkat are acker ol.jee- I are iaaasaisaatabli other pro ia tka Caaathatioa which will de al! tka eada af rood rovernaeut. the meat prominent are the wj.aaa - aaa for electing all judicial office ftp we priame. and lliat ma kmc every vo- tar qadhted for ail office to which he m ks eleeitd. Tka election of Judges can at safely ka given to tka wbolo body eaa taey are of more than or- ' kmsllsimuu. Under this eonstttn tioa, where a vary large part of tka elec sat expect fy MTf fsfttoir s ararnnf nr wfiftker Executive, Legislative or Judi cial, will ha filed ky men utterly destitute af all pkKe prfcaeipla. And if i rfcm nerer ka ram seal, aa its predecessor wa "H. itporf Coxtgrc, it can satbe gatte rfct af hi any other way. It is a asair to talk about calling aa wtfcer aoareatioa and smeadiug it so aa to gat rid af tke ekjectkmable feataraa which we kae nvotiooed.at h-aat for somt yeai toeaaaa. Waaaftald drmanatrate that by argasMsrt twt It ia awaleas now. Aa good and 1 yal eitiaens are shall bey tke aew C mutilation while it rrmairx fkl taajslBi ntal law of the Sutn. W. akattaerer see la get rid of it ky aakea tkaa legal ad eouatilatioual saeane, and ; aot, will be tke aentiments af eka Cotuenratire peophs of North Car e will indulge in ao further rt- nsoaais saw except to I 111 i I K. I I.. s a giro no tabular etatement of ike poll ia tkia Uaa for tka reason that rary tow of tkea ar aficial. 1'haa wblak are aot omcial ar ao unn titute, and wa hare baas aa for mUM by thaaa hareto- fkra, tkat wa do not d. m it adrUablr to give tkeax in detail As to tbe result there can be no doabt. Tka CoaetHatiod aad tka Radical ticket hare certainly carried tka Slate by a large majority. The legislature will alao be HrpuMican by ft m tjority of thirty or more on joint ballot. The East general ly did very wall, bat the Weal has gone largely Radical. Wa hear ol but sis counti. went of this that kara given Conservative majorities, Da via, Iredell, t'atawba. Alexander, CaidwtJl and Cleve land. Wilkes and Kutherford are both rwparted as baring given 900 majority for tke Constitntioa, and many other counties e mailer asajorttica. Mr. Baydeft has been elected to Con gress from tkia district by about 1000 aa jority Tkia insures ns I we able repre seutativea from this State, Mr. Brjdep, af thb Diatrict, and Mr. Lash, elected on tbe Republican ticket la tka fok diatrict. Wy hH lvy a eapila- inhabttalit ..r tlie IMale remark thai, m historian will, evaraciciixc Ike aeasares of tke psiieftt slay aa aft of tke blackest pictures .uihabooi af tW COLORED CONSERVATIVES W kara among as a aber of re apeMaUa colored aaen wka voted tke Caa- arrvattve ticket aad against tke Constitu tfoav Tkaft men ar entitled u great laasaaaanaii al tke hands of the 'white faropW. Tbty should ka preferred aa al) xccaekws, whan tbnr sertier are n . ! d. to tkaa Who votd against us. They have kad tke peueuation see tkat the C'aasirrativsa are their onty true friends, ami have kad tka independence to act np- oa tketr cotivictiona aa freeasrn, and their jsMiking food to be devoted to the payment of acta caa never, be fwrtten. e intend. , luc uwt- TAXATION. There ia ottv feature aboat tke new con stitutiou wkiak wa did not diacorer until just before ibe election, It ia tka Rait to tka power to tax property. 1 ka first section of tka article aft Reran ae aad Tax ation declare : The General A tina tax on every over 21 van and endrr 60 ve rst tkall U C UA L oa race fe tvx on property seised at Ores kumdrni iaBmn sa eni XV nmrnissionen of the sereral coimtie' may ex eaapt from capitatio tax a special rases on ac oonnt of povertr and inHirnitr, aad Stut- aad CV(y eawaahoa Uiz eaaitwusd i cxeeerf rww aJoaWs oa tit ktmd. Accordmg to tke above langaage not more than two dollar MX can be pat on three hundred dollar worth of property for I Kith State and county purposes, w hieh would he 66 J cent on tke 0100 value. Wr arc satisfied that thi ia the mewutne of tka arc lion, notwithstanding soiae d oar prominent men bare asserted the con trary. We kaaw tkat some prnmirient member of ike Cons-rvatire narty aefee with us that there is a limit to the liixiue power. though thev onnos'd the ntihcattnk of the (Jonatilutiou on oilier grotiuda tba the taxation matter, With thb restriction no toxalinn, tbe fact tkat all hite men can hervaflei rote, we don't think we are badly hurt the Constitution is adopted. I CuarMIe lirmorrat. We do not understand the section quo ted, as oar friend of the Demoernt does aid we think be ia clearly mistaken, will be observed that the limitation is tbe poll omy, arid not on the pioperty Lit us employ the langaage nsti.'illy em ployed ky legislative bode s to express tkt idea intended to be conveyed, and! its meaning will be clear : "Tbe General Assembly shall levy eapilalion tax an every male luhal'iun over 21 and under 50 years of age, whirl shall be ewsafjsa asajj saR a (he tar oti pitptrfjt safosaT mt fhrrt twnirrA dollars im cash : Provided, that the Stale ami Commit rctpSkthn tax combined shall utt er exceed two dollar on the head. " This is tbe langaage Inch most legis latlre bodies woald have used, and which exactly conveys the idea of the sccliuul quoted from the Constitution. The pro vise., it will be seen, is tkat the tax on tin pott, not the tax on property, sHstT neVei icera a certain amount, i nere is im mil fixed to taxation af property hut tke public neceesity and the mandates of the constitution. If tka tax levied on proper y is irar man az on ine .iuu wortn, men tbe tax on tke poll is to be reduced in the Mine proportion, but if the tax on proper; ty ahouh! be above that rate the tax n tka poll is not to exceed 03: The prori aloe, as We understand it. affords no pro tection whatever against extravagant tax atiou on prorjerty, hut ftuly agaiuat kigb taxation on tke poll. That this is .what tbe foimers of the section meant there can he no donbt, in construing an instrument of any kind, and especially one of such vast importance as tka fundamental law of a t;t.-. aame meaning most be gircn to every part of it. and the different parts must be made to hartnonixe, if p'wsihlR. Where this caa- not be done the lees important must i M to tbe more iaporunt part. Section t of tbe Article from which the above ia ex tracu-d by tbe Ikmricrat is as follows.;' N Pec.. 4. Tbe General Assembly slwll, hy ap (Tore iau legi!atKia and by ; .,,' laxathni provide for the promp and reyu ar jayrnein , flie interest on the rwiblu; deUt. a' .J stier tl- yer IHMO, it shall, lay a pi-v tie annn.J tax up oe the real and penonal' pi operty of the Blals. and .the sum thus reaiitdlsnajl be h apart as a kara studied the sab lee t witk some eare, tka two sectioas parfoatfy sajswe witk each atkar-tWer is not tke slightest conflict between tkea. The laagnage is manda tory, aad Ike limit to taxation, ae far ae pioperty ia csmceHSed, is tka adequacy of tka amount required to carry on tke State government, to meet tbe expenses af tka county and t.ewnship governments, to erect Aayluma, ILases of Refuge and a Peni tentiary and to pay the interest on tke paklic debt, and. after the year 1800, to create a sinking fund for the pay inent al tke principal. And all of tkia ax ia la be levied nn property exclusively, aa all tka taxes levied on the poll are to be appropriated to educational and charitable purposes. Sixry-sil and IWw-lbird cents on the hundred dollar worth at property in the State at Ra present value, would not mare than meet tke ataoant that aaal be raised, if tke requirements of ike Con stitution are complied witk, exclusive of tke interest on tke public debt. JarV a assxSBssaxwss4aaxthk ssfcaaxf W (s!wwCTllM laTtd tbe Article aa our friend of the lirmorrat doe. Nor, Rule aa we think f tbe capa city of tke Convention da we kelieve it was so stupid aa to iaser; sectinue ia the same article wkick are' c utradictory wkick are wkelly irrecouriluble witkraeb other. It certain! v did not intend te do any sack iking, and, in oar opinion it h not done it. Tke greatest objection wkick we have to this part of the Conatiintion ia tba the matter is introduced at all. Tke whole matter of taxation should have been left witk tke legislature, as formerly. A ron llllaliia skankl be eriy a fundamental law for tke government of tke people of tbe State, who, at a corporate body, should be left to attend to matters of debt and taxation tb rough their legislature aa may seem beat to tbra. I a TdlBULAR STATEMENT OF THB RECENT ELECTION IN ROWAN a a aWt. COUNTY PRKCPT8. Ballabury, . . Xeely'aMill, Mt. t'Ha, .. At well',... Li taker's,. . . narttey's, . . Uold-IliH... Morgan's, . . Total, . t j I'M P U M I i 3 IfiL. I e2 -all aS, -Si J w! eifl t & k at It ail si as ei B1Vatwxatf ataxalt S k r Ot a s'HSJ aJal j'i.s till? 1'AA tilA at I ft awatata itiafl dftatl Kill fain a?ISB ma I A IlilU Uayv WO Plf Ow OsStJ OU.I OIU VV9A 0V Off OHO UW 0VO Wt O I sT QUO , Oil IWO i 179, ItrtfJ 179 U6 179; li 119 la 179, IM 179 126 179 190 179 lMj 179; ISO 169 190 169 198 109 198 ffi9 198 169 169 190 IM 169. 198 169 198 100. 196 i 147; 3.'. H7 35 117, IS. U7, M 147 147i SOI SaVi 1471 35 147 9.1 147 SA 90 07 90 07 90 08 90 68 90 90 00; tt 90 Ml 90, 67 M M i 54 4! SA 49' 54 49 S4 49 24, 64 49 49 51 40 M' SO S4 1S7 S7 110' 27 lift 27 lift JT7 114 114 Ml tl lift1 IT1 lift S7, lift X7 . 65 57 50 50 49 6i 48 ftSj 4l 47 Aft, AA, 54 Al j 49 55 46 07; t'AXDIUATKM, Far whoa aaly tka total rata tka Coaitjr is given I O. Woods, total, I039U r Majority,...! 479 1641 1162 1618 1166 16MII6I 1618 lrl."J i 452 4A3! 4 J. 8. McUabMaa, ) W. II llowertoft, i n v Survey nr, j g' J.' Shino, C K. N. Ucker, Comsaiaalnu'a. t Joke 1. Sharer, iWtite.) J Paal SeaSnd, - i J. 1. Jobartoa, ( D. A. Imvie, 1115. 1621,1617 1168 1158 1634 1150 1623 1I4G 1614 1168 Cotft'rt. Radical. 4531 449! i 484 4771 440 I C. Corrrll, Joka Ryaer Newsoa, I V. Jo k 114441 " IMlf im iil - no? : - im Senate, will, iu all hamftn probaRili-1 DixitKR I'autt Mine Host of tke THE NKW CONSTITUTION -ITS OX UEUFono BR0W.V. The aiiblinleat octncli- ,io-cnl d in the late rontvat wax that of tln ditino;itilied ataleaiiiitii and patrhit canvaaaing ugama' iw new Cuiiatitu- iom. .. 11 urn the Conservative cttn- liiU'c fr the Senate in Caawcll, and it Wax niai.ily owing; to lii exor- ttluna that that comity, in wli'elr there Win more than 7o reg'storvrj major ify f negro vofes, pve a majority agaiiist the C ma! it ii i ion, and eLuded tbe conservative ticket fur State and county officers. ar ii a aa. . . a. VsOh orown is, ve nfticve Hie oiil eat jinldic man in North Catolina, with it tingle exception. That excet ion is the lion H'eldon N. KJ wards, f Warren. C). iirowrn first enter ed paMic life a member of the leg ialatnre in the rear 1815, tyoie than fifty two years ago. Since that time lie has filled the highest ioiiion of ho, nr and trnatVft-hich it was in the paver oT.tbft Sitate -to eonfer upon hi in, and 81 led llrem 1 the aattstnc ;io of all. ThMiewsrtre of Iris Run orable ambition waaVitll, and no mo tive bnt that of the lftiet patiiotiam coold ever have tempted Jiiin to ap- ter osi the jM.lit cnl arena again. fnftneitci-d l.y siich coiisideratioiu as heac he leraiii' a Cin.d.dov for Con :f in iMjj i-iifving that, from tiia tx'iMi.-ivc ai-Ojiiuiuraiice mid inti unify Wlftt the public II Cli of the Norih, he could render very impor tant Kervice to thu pcophj uf North Caiolina. Aa, is known, we were hi aaccewful competitor in that con tea', we onty refer to it to hear teat! mony to hit lofty and eM valroiieheiir- ng in lite cauvftea. and to' the patriot in which we believe, influenced him i becouiiiig a candid te. During Thefcarrvate Rtf repeatedly fold ns that, - i - .-r-" . j ... wiietner eiectetl t ttcfeated, that would be hit lat appearance before the public aa a candidate for office. But alas ! ihc hoie of a speech- and harmonious re-union of the States, which he. 'it tlia time antic pa ted. and in whicli he waa anxione to ty, close his long and Uaefill public Hoyden House, Col. C. S. Brown, gave oaraor. And the eaua in which lie enierunnnent t some or nis numerous fought his last political eon lest was Wtia en yesterday, among whom waa one worth to dose the eareer ol , "'" It M needless fur US to fONSTRUCTION, We ask iheNortk Carolina hear in mind the constructions wkick wa audi a man, however irjjpch we and jioeterhy way regret that it ftvex aroaft. x . No higher compliment conld poa aibly be paid to hit high integrity, great worth, and exalted patriotisit Than the manner in whic h he haa al ways been Buatainvd by the people of the intelligent Conuty of Caswell. Before them he waa alwaya oinnipo tent, and the recent election showai that this confidence in him waa not confined alone to the white people o the connty. Til ELXCTtOX in tkia town and conn ty paaaed off quietly. No diaiarbance of any kind, so far aa wa are informed, oc curred. The vote east ia a larz one. though it dor not coate up to the num ber registered by some two or throe hnn. dred. Tbe county had been well canvas sed by the Conservatives, and the leanlt baa been equal to their expectation. If the same efforts had been mnrlc in all the eouiiti-s ol the State that wus made ia Rowan, the onstitution would bave re ceived a far smaller vote in the Stale than In many counties there wa no ntiia-lf I bos who know Col. Brown, that the din ner was splendid. His reputation aa a caterer Is co-exienalee with tbe State, aad' on this occasion be surpassed himself. 1 Among the distinguished gentlemen at tke table wa tmsierd Oca. 1 II Hill, B. Craige, V. . Sbober, Esq.. Maj. W M RobbiiM and others. aay to ' put upon tka New Coniiilalhwt, Ibe canvas, we Bare tnown essential and predominant feature of tke aew Constitution la, the perfect surd pscftt tfmmlilf af the negro with the white mam, m North l arolina, im all rtofircts. Wendell Phillips, and tbe most UoaiioaJ iiegrophilwis of New KngUnd CO Id net e press their p-culiar views more fully lie in thev are laid daw by tka Mongrel Convention, ia tke fsfW Conititation. We have repeatedly hown tkat tke STANLY COUNTV uenerai Aaaeauiy was inaiDiiea, oy lae new Constitution, from passing aay law We are indebted to a friend at Albe- which mad tbe slightest distinction be mad for an official statement of tbe r ib MjpM whiteala "arth Oar- . . a- . . . . t nima, in mo mailer 01 iiuora or 01 oauvi. suit ill Stanly. 1 he mapintr against the !. '.. ... . ... .. W ' - 1 or in the nutilie aeboola ir in Ilia militia. i. oai oa L -l a.... I " f ' t..r..iU,... . ,,. -., lttr Nr the Batter of saarriare. or and connty I onservatlve ticket a ahead. ! or apprenticeships. L. Green. Ksq . beats Morton. Radical t Bat wa beg tke public not to member of the Cooreotiou, for R preaen-1 'Ke caatrsKior,. have heea denied , ... . . rx by most of tbe Radical writers and apeak, lativa by S50 majority. Our correapon- a-f(Jf tba Tkt wkft peo- 'Stanly bounty la right aide wp once more, tjur people bave been trodden tkat tke General Asmmblr would provide for separata schools for blacks and whites, Ac Ut down by tkia Negro Radical agrarian doe- dar tke new constitution we believe snch trine, bat thev have shown to the world ! 'ava mid he cnconstitafioual. Wm shall, where tkev siand nn this all Important " coarae, not object, if tke Ossmral At- qnesuon. I hey are determined tu be a i www cowoat im sawso imm nwuuetran, tree people if thev ran. All tke bettor "" ou Id we object, if h dVetmluB to informed of our coanty voted against the "cl ,n tnc mailer aa R Is required to da Uadical ticket. Nobody voted the Radi-. "7 u,e coiiaitiutioii. Many at in white WORK OR STARVE. This-the law ajdraaakjh there ia no aaftftfm. TknasaftJi ar i io evad it; ofta ej making tkeir f . sea wak for tbea, etkera by Uriag mesrry mmu ibb a wswsjsxaiaaasi ra , mer years, bat wktb ao avail If tkey starve In the midat at planty. t may eat to th full, but eating wkkt ere is ia against tka law of aatare, very soon tka stomach refaee to i the food, lb body 1 aot aonriksr1, Ik man RtoraUy xram tbawagk ke , feel aa banger. Tbe kastd, tka Ir. keart, maal work to lira. If ye a tke labor of learning leaaona, at t lima mis tke sirwegth af inetlkn;! w! mental work brines, aad toe nriu . perish far want at nowriskmeaL Tt ands hare starved ikair wka lo tkU until they wsaaar ftw tt u taat ot carry away all tka aria) ka In I Many starve thfr Warta by ercwlag taam wvta neMft mt and leave tbe maa kaagry tor aRsc prie of lova, and ka f u' tkt organ ix.il ion at all. but imperfectly canvamed even by" tk Concervative candidate. It is tbe boast of tbe radical that theirs i tka party f the working men - the la-' borer and tbe mechanic. Such is not the case here. No class of men did more gallant service against the constitution in Salisbury on the day uf election t ban the mechanics of the plac. JVnf n iye one of them, except one of tbe radical candi date and hi brother, rnlid for the eon titution. To ibis class of men, as much a any other, ar we imhbted for oarac cess In this comity, aud .heir nr vices will riot be forgotten. FlJta On Thursday evening about o'clock, the War!4ur bP the rear . Pontson Sc Co'. Drag Store, caught fire aad was totally consumed By In prompt aetioa of the citixcu and the fire compa nies tbe fire wa prevented from spread Ing to ihe. surrounding bnildings. Tbe fire wa accidental can not speak who rendered lue invalnatie service of ex lingnisbing tbe firc, but ar' giv place with pleasnr to tke communication of "A Ciftirn" on the subject. All, no doubl, did llteir duty manfully. eal ticket except negroes, and suck white eutertaiued bitter prejudice against the better informed id our eeuuir, and were Some of them were determined to put down intidligence un der the toot of lb weak aad ignorant to tke rum of all. But ikia cannot k at least long We, of Stanly, have washed our I lands clear of this charge, (set tke matter be a it may we are free of tkk) charge. ,Yoar Respectfully, 1 A Citizen. BialKweeo'a Maoazink The April number ot ibis excellent periodical is upon our table. It i a very interesting num ber. Content : Horace, and I he causes of Irs popularity ; I.inda Tressel ; Sir Rob ert Walprde ; William E Aytown ; Cor- nelia O'Uowd's paper j Charles, Kean ; A song abont Ireland ; Tbe battle for peaee. Address the Leonard Scott Pab Co., 140 Fulton Stteet, New York. It is both a pleaiim and a dnfr to expre-a our homt lelt thanks toawar fellow Citizen of Salisbury . for reacn inir oni Drug Store from the flame Hit Tl II r,l iki.rhr tt7u A. w. were not preseu, l)iut l oTTbe meifts of tRose mimciilaua labor I. .Sftveit; and with out meaning invidiotiXiliecrimiiiation, we innat accord to the colored firo- men the highe t pra eN(Vr their in domitable and efficient effort. With reiterated thanks to all. wo air very KeniH-cttullv. rouLso.N dc go. people have been nrekh sa enough to vet mr ibe conu ntion, bad as it is, and per il pa it is the best to give them their fill of tbe negro in tke start. Ah bitelHgent Republican informs ns, tkat to bad ae idea tkat any memker of the convention really believed In negro eqaajfty, to tke extent that h- wonhj be wining io see wane ana biaea put in the schools, Ac, until some short tone ago, when he met witk J. R. Krvnc the Radical Concreasman elect from ibe first INttrict. In expressing to Mr. his ronr.ciinn that tbe Convention tended da sack thing, the gentleman wa urprfaet f bear from r reuch, that tkey tntemmem nothing else- that they were i termined to break down tbe prejntlie evlor among the "rebels," aid that they did mean to put white ami blacks in tke same schools, Ac. aa the beat mean a of dtetroying tkat prejudice ! Ooronlv snr prie is tkat lb gentleman named should bave asked French that question. His appearaure i quite enough to ea has do pre! bat lev is tka arlaa af tor. WHt net work to tftM ftM penally. It is aa error Ml tkhsk t work wax a penalty imaaeeft1 aa atan ! having violated Oaf samasutti Ma, aatare ia sack tkat activity call tor plovmeat tkat R may re sari m fcesl aud tkm eaa laarmly ka a tern coiinnement, wfter tfte eve, law ear, , the hand aet remaia kit. A si painlfti death will .urelv rmmmMJ 4to t! boy and girl, strive to lor work aid n di un R Tkoagk yam fttay b aa ttrh a. Aator or Stewart to maacy, yet ywar on natftse will suffer lb pangs of fxivirtr without aettr vine prejudice against AciJtOaTLEIMJKM EXTa.-s-We are i .lebiod to Kemp P. Battle, Ksq, Public i reasurer nr the Mtate,, tor a pamphlet copy of the Revenue Act of North Cam- JOTiCE TJ. MAG K! i ! A TK . The justices of the pence for Row- lina, witkiniruetiontoocem,fer l8C8, an County are req nested to meet at which we bave oot bad lime to examine, the Conrt Houae inSalisbnry on Mon " e sre also indebted to the aaaagir. dajr , , it beillif Oodrt week, a it " J . . w "ece-W va a majority prea , --"-pent on tnat.day fr the (huiaactiou of laijiiaioij nirc int. i nn i inir VI A SSI ft' Carolina, at Chapel Hill, on Thursday evening, June 4th, 1868. " the 1. v r- county bnaineaa. D. A. DAVIS, Clun'ii. , GEN. D. II. HILL Onr eoiiimonily had the pleasure of listening fo a very interesting and instructive lecture at I) kad. The Richmond papers are fur nwilvcs, to patronise tkos mccban WastdReborer amtfCJ! TbW la inSod by ibe Intervst of tbe while race, and tbe fMMHkjiat of both races. Snch, we kop. .di be tka aoamaef aR: We ..nld not deny to any tka right, to vote a tkey please, but w woald always gtv Hk tba to those who rot Ada We weleom tbe coromnni- e itssHj of. oar new correspondent, Ada. wh ch appears on our lit tt page, with plaesur. Wa nope to have an iwpwi. These two sect iona, being part of tnifii' on Revenue and ft asation, must be construed in connection with each oth er, and il tkey caauot be made to agree, ecri 1, sjooted Ky the Democrat, must yield to section 4 jut givn, as, when conridered is .connection with other part' of tke ConatitutiorT, and witk certain ordi . -l x . . . .. ... . nances oi ine coo veutiou, it will De see Ike mora iasportaot part. Tka lan gaags of Ssctssa 4 i as eawprafcaaalia as eaa be tke ward "adequate" being a eotaprek!) a aay in tba English lan- assist as the closing scene of his long! Hall, Wednesday evening. ttf)m the and iitel'ul public life, was deetined dis'ingtrihhe.l gentlemnu whose name not then, and iierhaps never, to he re j heads rhis j aragraph. He had cho alize.l. A more alnrniinir crisis in 1 "u for hi subject, "The Sooth, and tlie history of Jda Ridordiiate than SouiJierw Iicraf nre;" ami proceeded erer hela.it: threatened it has arisen, j hricfTy.to i$tiw whiit the Soul h had True to the instincts of his blood, his" contributed fo ihe gieatnet and glory noble nature ami true patriotisotn, ie ' jf United States of America in again ouckM on . Ids armor lo do hat !"''' i hat she ia now, and what tie for the cm e of civilisation and !i'lc slionld prixe and endeavor lo fus- in mourning for the death id Williao C. Rives, who died at his resideneo at.ar ,i .t I . . . .. uZ-Z- mcee ya at Clm loticsville. a few data ae-o - . . ' -T" r rf Mr. Rives had been long in public lite, and wat one of tlm nioafaccoin pli'hed men Virginia ever produced. auy awe, that lie color him-elf. it is understood, we leant, that Pilcrli Ashley, the Superintendent of Public In strociion elect, entertain tka same view that ii i a tavern Idea with him put toe white and black children of tke Stata in tlw same sehwnis, Ar. Such an idea wss denounced severe I r during; tke can van by the Radical speaker. If sack a practice obtain in this Slat, bow headway do the advocates of immigration suppose thev wilt make to North Unroll us r w hen will the hey day af pro peri ty enuie to our down-trodden Stale, over which tbe Radical gloat o muck 1 SentheL r'The Alexandria Oasetle eery pro. rly say tkftt tke vast stuns wkick tke voroiueiit appropriates tor freed men's u migRt be appropriated more ad rahtageonsly m aiding tbe emigration of tkoae wkodemte to re to Liberia. But the difficuRy is, that such a disnoaiiion of , -T - ' -aT ' . bu A Quxkx RxroKvixfi Fabhios ix II a lit A Dresden letter says that the (jueeii of Saxony has expressed displeas-i are at tbe untidy, dishevelled style of wearing inc. uair winch ha lately mme into fashion, llavinr freouentlv to . reive Kughab and Americaii ladies who good 'government 'or "God and hiai,iriwr 'he flllure. Among these hoc sometime appear wiih their hair hanging native'land. And most nohlr and - prominent the cull 131 1 rravllantlv lima LaXMsaaJLsM-jsJilsWtaaftsW now, goes to the Senate, where, ihoueli and upon which he dwelt with . . . ... - a' i ... r 1 TV i mn .aaiigmE livatioii and en- '00":'f bout their shonldert, her Majesty the fuad uied for tke benefit of tbe color ed people, could be turned in no political account, either among whites or blacks nd, theref re there is no Cbanee for aid An agent of thi Society in the. South ay., that if Re had the meant, ke could send a vessel loaded with I cmigksnta to Li beria every month to go to the laud of tkeir fathers wber they Would be, indeed, and hat as a sham, -free, .juul m.d inde pendent." But no ! that wouldn't snlt. 1'key are wanted kere to eote-io aid tke purpose! and design of trickster and politicians, without any regard to tke Ira interest of the colored race !- Whig. ne, uno inoee who act wim nun, may he oveiU.nie by numbers, yet his venerable years, iris loun experience. ah uiqUeliotiai'' palrtoVwmrand hia manly and chivairoua hearing will command tit respect of even .he subject moat reckless of Ri opponents. emphais. Tl.e Hall was packed, and it af muted at Court. lianN Oen.T. C. IHodman was brought to IRoifgh Re cannot control the Legis lature, hi influence trill yet be felt for good. " " ' 1 Mk taarmmmmpkmt the (Jenstitu lion, and bu tana of seruce the ford us pleasure to add that ae have 1 -.SaZ fe 4ftf tgn, and w rarely, it ever,V" "ore attentive V 8u,w J.tarday on tta. . ii- Xu l"al,ln'!u' mt treason. The rase was y""'"' spearaer un any continued antil lb next term of the conrt, ana ine uenerai wss held to ball in tbe sum of fire thousand dollars, with it , Ws sta- John KRkwood, E. H. Englhh, Sam. W Wtlltana, Sol. r . Clarke, U. M. Rose, A. U. Oalaad, L. B. Naab and Ueorre A. Callagbcr aa securities. His eoansel at watfctoa: m A Woman Kills Her itmebumdOu yterday evening Jane Dapme a colored wa eomaitted lo tke t'ouniv MW: Bftorgfatjeufc ti,M aasde r af her hus band, Sharper Dupree, i colored ) AceordiiiK to tbe statement uf - ' was . whipplns her. when io a ft of passion she seised a knife Pitt Courrr TaaoaoT. Wa grr below aa aeaeamt af tk aaVR take from Mia naaftsm assswata Jsxamai r bv ewdaaveraal upttaad aaicBri beer, km ran learn ftethmr jsmaRs a t, occurrence, every srssftd asaa tkat w ask having a different version af h. Tka dair mil (bommeree ay : TxaaiaLB Taxoxuir. TVr reaches paiuful inteWbjsftto tkat a) Satarday nigh t' last, the waa tar at net ummty, aeeawipa aied ky tovaral said srs, ftraastd'd to tb hnase f Reddick Carney to m t a s of tkt gewtieaaa, apaw a aUnse of bom Md aawal atmto) stow. Tkey re ed Mr. Carney' at mMakjIst, and d. saai dcu a surraocer, ' attempt to 1 i'imlut mWQ firii bt Oil fused, and tke nftftto wa bath Hmrge, a yonag Carney, was klhV.! . Mr. Wbitaksxmk aaxtdssdaw af Reddi k Carney, was severely, h rnt awrtally wounded i Roddick Carney and Mhv Pt r kis.dugl.ter.f Willmm Perkh... wh. ws spending taa oigbt at Mr. Canity snppossat t have be trarnt tu the se, hmt by tk attack a tartr. Tho the boose, fired by tbe attacking dwelling and smoke hoes. pr ivisiorr were eeattottV Tw aaaWer warn killed, two woondad. and the aalcer shot through tk Itotk part of the arm. Mr. Whitehamt wMcatwased. ami Mr.. Carney and her daruckarr. iff. Wkitr burst escaped from the baraing bathRii t be Sheriff earrton Mr. Wbitebarst m firea nviile, odt a sa led one of lbs most bloody epumdes af tkia sa hi Eastern X. Carolina. We recollect dUtlnctly tke ebarte mr.d month ago tkat young Carney had kill i aa olacer who had attempted lo go op an apstair when warned not to do ae t bin bought tka ease kad keen adjudicated Ung fnee. It "kj rtatltasl that lb at- triapt to arrest him should be made at a hoar of tba nirht. when it is well known that he has keec in the habit, epea ly and frequently, of coin to Chrmraviiia. and other public plaois in ill country, for mouths post. Tkis tragedy is a meat anfortunatoone, but illiuHrate meat tordblr lb aumltlcd condition of tka country under Radical rofe. If the Bhcriff bad tlm aateemav autborit v, it wss his duty to make tho ar rest, and public opinion In Pitt wiR either ppnive or condemn ftia coarae. so soon as all tb facta are known. Th ease should he facts eikdtef cation of the llouijh JTote. tiia di- of truth.--frVuWw, from. Waehi Wash iigtoti, A ington. prilRA, JaVP.If, Ma. Botdex's Msjobjtv Ud in our last tkat Mr. Boyden wa elect ed by aboat 1000 majority. His msiiri ty will be about 1400, be having run snead of bis ticket ia on at two Senator Yalaa writes a letter to tbe citisens of Illino a, refusing to reeign, nut proinistng nereatler to do bis du- Sititmiih Jtaf ia which haa dragged h in down. II claim that hi drunkenness haa been ex 1 Mew- Schofic'd's nomination ca rarions spca.lhuiotn, : Pirit, j,, ol- r""" swaaa aftsxs i V . 7 " " J." sod (tabbed InWtkroughTb kvt fsT" nfftnclrnetrf onTTo Conservative wuicn wonno nr aJmot iiuitaiiiiy died. i"s. oecoim. a compromiae be i ne parties were living at the tint of tbe homicide on the farm of Mr. Rediu lprsajof thU eounly. Vtrft,,,-,, thmth erwer. N-h, and Gallagher A Newton, all of a L ' ta X "aa ft .---- - ft 1 lam aiy .im jfocsj refer. T barlow Weed aake an important an nouncement, to tbe effect tkat uo eousid (tax Mr. Sew- BtaT aW f Prmideot dabmam 1. rtm d vad a amlitoaVhytbsIligkCoftrt. taeen Joiupon am Grant, but the affa r isaf lla Stateaseret. dohnaoii appears not to have eon snlfi-deren the Cabinet abont thu loiiiinarioii. Iti Ihe Cnarf of iinpcachtnent. Hu inner aehmitlad a mn ion, Uiatth V mi llin I i...l . J . I o'clock of die 4y altar arajperg. wi.icrn.m wa lofteJa and it suae '..v. .

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