aafWZ" aJPawaaBBHaPPaTPfWlr,! TaaWBW TPIP aafl - - - eaa, lit MA BRKlTtfANNS lluia Breit nana gift by, nt had mmu rVy.'; I frM te lotoatKn Mm-an fW.t. r nam It wv Maul l i V.n fib bad hair a prmra n . rea, Her evci war H'wim-I hluax Cod aa ah haW beet into mioa, lb (tadst Baste heart ia I wa Del tolled n ewre a ibeo keg Of vbw V lrer hoar Uad veoev da kaaajf (ha bparkt ia, Da Pnaliawitft a ohaer. Dry eat 4aa bend nod ransybrooat, 11 braiwnret ami baavsa to. U nJ a astsad dta abcndsaaiB down Mil twt parraia at Neckarwmn. M." atWaaWIWaBjBaBjBBBjaj THE NEW PROVOST OOURf. We published lut weak tM order rf (Jen. Canity, eatubluhinir it Pro Hi 7 1 I SaV 1 ikJalBaaJas. - ,,, , -m fMIMHBsw " "-- 'irH ' " v al "MtWBatMWBtt. . U " I .1 111 UH. III 1 UW"11 CntTRCH MATTERS V leaim that at meeting nf the Church tloonle of Ht. Htika'a Pariah vnet Oort at Raleigh to try certain in tliitCily, held ia the Pariah church. iL.a -as I aa .1 e I a r . . " may ansa in oi counties oi on the arter-nonn of the Sad inat l.. mi..... : .. .1 ...I : w L i i .i .. ii . t.r. uiair, mull i ncnienuur, mo loiiiiwiujf named poiwii were Cniou, Cabarrne ami Iredell, elected roem bora of the V entry tor K4i : vi t i m - PZT' ?f ft'f"' " JodiT' 4 Uk Dleckmer. Km., Mr. M. W I raits hta jnrie4.ctionfn acc.rdaoce Ju at. r M Ooffln. !ln. Vaare hfcdatoarl foWan aioaa", Uat loataJlaVr motiaUin'i prow, Vbrraa ea himniiaarahlaaoaaiaraf U aduer of da aapMta li(M T Aljaeadaa A ?a in i THE "GHEAT CRIMrNAL. f rom the Saw VarkCaaiaw.tW darUar. (Rap.) Thtl ta the epithet whxh the Na t.-dford Meienry nd other New Eitgtind jonml( applied In tho Pree dent daring bis trial. Now that the tettimonjr ia before ua, of wliat of fence baa the "it" criiMioal" beeo. proven (fiUtyf FW what "high eritneM ta be to be c.nvicn-l f Sifted down and analraod, the of- at-B. a. a . fence of Ui rreeiaeiit conaiati tn a difference of ooitilon with Oongreaa njion' the yuapjnn of ppcontrnction. The viewaof PreaJdont Johnaon were identical with thoee entertained bj Pmaldy Liaeolu, Congreae, and the K.-n.Wican party daring the r bel li mi, ht: That the tlare Staea were nut out and would lirit be aoffrcd to iroout of the Knion. Xhia duotriae. (.r rtpolicJf r4 H f mr reara' r. nlong with njorw blood and treaa nre than any diber lir, ani-ieut or modern. The i tad i rut kaadera, a ler lite war waa or, iuatitated a new i' t. A bandoaing their former ground and eroaaing their track. thea nimod thai ten &tee ware oat of the I mini : ihat they cmld not come in by the mode provided by the Cmati. in'.ion. but must he ao recitnatrticted aa to catahliah nnirepaul in-'m sul And npoii lb a iaane. and orer tiii ij neat ion. Oong eaa and the Prea- idetit have' quarreled for thrvo yean. of dia-iMur and. di infer tlncis yeara that hae added liundiadi iif iiuluuna, unuteajfaaidy, to ihn pnblic debt. If PreeidVut Juhuan hav d-uio any net which by forced construction technically eul'j c'a bini to iuipepch ment. it wa inilaiin- of iho civil i-lluic-teiinf law and yet in what be hmd tin- approval it hia conatirntiou al adviaerK, a bile the beat mind in the Senate, when the law war under ' una di-rathm, held that the President, ihniild he reft free 'M diMiav and - laiifi' hi 'abi et MitirateraC jnitie iM-jfiimitig, . itieroiiire. tne I'reaiilenf waa r&l'. r Pn-aidunt Lincoln. Ointfte, and the Ivi imlilK Ht ).! v re wmrrg dotingr! . nor waa ih ail. Hie watTt ell waa wroirg. for our only jnaffflca tioi .faa'ihat Stairt cnld a4 law 11 IvoreouatitntiiinallF get out of the lTn;ui. The conflict wbUsh Andrew John- -iri-iie-uioiered . awaited Abmbam L4m-On ThvsnaulM'o. or d. t-tara ith Paragraph II. (iuncral Orders No. 18. We tried laat xeck to got Oeaeral Order No. ID, ao aa to pub hah the paragraph alluded to along with tea order establishing the (Jourt bat failed to do art, and therefore in aert it for public information thie week. The order authorizing the Court aaya it shall have jnrisdTotion in the Ijconnties named, of all civil caaea "in wiucn the amount in controvera doe not exceed three hundred doK lars, and of all oSencea, not under the Articles of War, which may be referred to it by the Poet Commander, except murder, manslaughter, assault lib intent to tilt, violation of the lawa against dueim, penary, rape and arson. ltna jurisdiction la fur ther rcatricted by Panurraiih II of General Orders No. 18, to all civil eatea arising within that Post, in which the amount in controversy does not exceed V 300 ; and to ail ot fences, not under ihe Articles of War, winch may be referred to it by the 1 oat Commander, with the exeep lions aforesaid. Paragraph II, Oen eri Ordera No. 18, ia 13 the following words : a MNo Provost Court will entertain jnrixfietion of any case, nor will any 1 nai Lonimarrdor refi r any case for trial by any auch Court, aiileaa it ball appear to ibe aaliai'aciion of the Post Commander, and shall be cer titled by him, either : 1. That the case involves mat'eri" of difference between employer and etnployeil, respecting rights under provisions of military (frderi ; or 9. That the pmperS'ate authorities nave refused r uurc-iAoiiiililr failcif or are unable to take action needf ul lot the pioicction of pcrtous or ptop erty ; or, . 9. That there is g-rnd ground for believing, upon fault shown, which mutt bo preserved of record, that im artial justice cannot bMieciirel in the State Co ri. by reaa4iif firejudice on accuuat of' race, or color, or for mer condition." iv. it will be seen that tfh Post thaniel lioyden, Dr. J. W. Hall, Mr Stephen P. Lord, and John S. IIen deraon, Esq., and that at a meeting of tne vestry held on Ihe afternoon of the Saturday following, April the 25th, the following named persona were elected to represent the Parish in tbe Amtnal Convention of the Protestant Kpiseopiil church in North Carolina, to be held in Calvary -Church, Tar- boro', on the first Wedneaday iq Mar next, tne otp day of tbe month, vU: DKLEOATO. Mr. J. M. Coffin, Mr. S. P. Lord, John b. Henderson, Esq., Dr. J. W ALTSBKATCa. F. E. Shober, Eq, Mr. A. D. Bor den. Dr. J. A. Caldwell, Mr. M. W. Jarvia. Mr. M. W. Jarria waa elected Senior Wanlen k Treasurer of tbe Vestrv, John S. llenderson, Esq., waa eleefed . Junior Warden and Sec'y of the Vestry, and it waa re solved that in the future tho Vestry should meet regularly, after Tea, at the lloime of the Rector, on the last Friday in each month, to consult up on tho condition aad prosperity of the Pariah. SUSTENTATIOST. The Committee of Hustentation of Coo- eord I'reabr-tery deaire to call tbe alten- tiun of alt Muiulera aid Church' s to tbe- loiiqwiair, extract Inim the muiute nf the Svned ot X. C, aad of Concord Preaby- ter. In Kewbera, Nov. 1st, 1868, the Synod adopted the following reaolalioos : " 1. lie iced, That the chairman of the Preaby terial Committee of Mitaioiia, at the organ nf that ('otnruittee. be iuslruct- ad to make hitaseif particularly aeqiuhu- ed witii the conaition aul ctrciimaUnceii of all the hurchi . of the Presbytery, for the purpose of ascermiiong whether they are eoutribuiing aecordiux lo their ability to Ibucaeae of oaatentation and llin other benevolent eiiMirpriaea of the Church; whether they are giving competent sup port to their Paatoni or Stateil Kunnlir-, and farther whether Pastor and Supilies, that are adeqnal-ly supported, are pvinr Latest News. Compm Tk$ (hurt." Waahington, April 38, M. In the Court, bumiier ottered a motion, which liea over, that, after conviction by two-thirda, a majority of tbe Sen ate shall decide regarding tho qaalifl cation required for a aaoceaaor. Manager Williams returned. In the Uouae, bills were introduc ed, .admitting North Carolina, an i 1ousiana, on the adoption of Art. XIV., and providing for the exclu sion of daunt from suffrage who are now disfranchised, and no adtuuwion of the dlefranchieed under Art XIV, until restored at therein provided. Abyttini i. Loudon, April, 38, M. In Parlia ment, D Israeli said that Mmaara Abyatinian exploit waa only equalled by that of Cortex in Mexico. Impeachment, Ac. Waahington, April ft, P. It the Ihe meat .laairahla atock ot Now jm r . , j x . I rHe a pretty ttrotig and broad eerti tilk-u'e. befiire tlie Pruvost Court efu outer mi tho trial f a cso. W bojie tins reatnetnoi may prevent ilie .jit having niuch biiaiiioa to tiauaaul. CtturltttU Demosrat. Prom the Southsra Hoaja Jsarml. AX OLD PIC TUIKK KK-PUODL'CKIJ. (jibbon, in hi Decline and Pull of the I Roman Empire, atler raeeanihis; the r in which k-d to the destruettau ef that uMgJbiy nMkwV'sayts gz .,Pbe Senate, ouce the motf imva, and "tern, and aat aaaoasbly that the vrwrld had ever seen, was now a timid, faithless Court continued. The following it the taxt of Sum ner's propoaitiou : H'Aemut, It ta provided in the Constitution of the United Statet. that, on trialt of impeachment by the senate no person shall bo convicted without the concurrence of two r It rdt of tho nicmbert present, but ibit re quirement nf two thirds it not ex tended to the judgment on such trial aa remain anbjoct to ibe general law that a majority prev'iiilt: Therefore, ia n-dor t remove, any doubt, It is order. That any question, which mav arise with regard to the judgment, aball be determined by a majority of tho member present. The following among tbe sentence of Manager Williams' speech : "Liaik at the bloody Council of New Or leans, and thow mercy to loyalty and innocence, and not to treaton. After Williams concluded, Butler explained tbe Managora' connection w ith ihe Alta Vela affair, alluding to sir. Nelson t reference thereto. Duller aaid it waa not only eup preaaion of truth, but a tnggestiou of falsehood. Nelsou replied that this wat not the limu to measure cliaractera with Holler that could' bo done tome oth er time. lie did not think he would sqffer by comparianO. Considerable excitement ensned. CHEAP ! CHEAPER CHEAPEST ! Ia Baltbaiv, Amil the Slut, 1868, or a DRSIGJC ta lofona iha puMie that I bar Conircslion, Mr. ri .1, L. Millar, wife I i,.., ,.rBrnn llMn laa N.Mtb and am nw a- aa a m i t .a j " oi nr. r. tamer, in ma tna year oi her an. Mr. Miller waa born In thit county, la Ibe boaada ef the Organ (Lajlberaa) Cboreh, at waieb la early lift, tbe became a member. Hart wat a lira of eare tolleitndr. devoted to tbe rearing ef her J nine children, tit of whom .ill aarvitw. with ibe bereaved husband lo mo am the loee that never eaa be replaced, the loot ai a ttttbtr. May Una aaVetioa be tbe mean of drawing every member of tbe bereaved and afllieled Mttly to the feet of Jeoa, and that work out for them a far mora exceeding and eternal weight of a faithful tlying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Chrift Jeau cama in to tbe world to tavt tuner." Coil. For Life Insurance Only. 0ol that t avar bad tba fdaetore ot ocVtop, rtMiaiadnf In part of Dry Good, Hardware, Quecna- wnre, I Inula ol ohoea, Haia and Cape, Carriagrj, Har near, and rtaddlrra Trimiiiinga of M kinda, 8o)o tV UpiKW l.lUtlllT, Firnch Calf Skins Lining and -'wPud Skin, Cirocru of all kinda, Drug, Dv a, Oils and Painis, Yam and Whirling, Iron aadrVasf, Worsm amrs, Rope. l)WOeT. Sliot ami Lean, Uoano ul iliff'-reot kind. s. State of North Carolina, AN80N (.(JtTNTY. Court of J'Uat anJ Quart 8m sWa, January itrm, II a aaeaaaftaal aaaaiSaMrraaaa ttai uJMI. IB aava snaa a aaaaw aw BaMa at Im laata. waa It la aaaaatata aasmat W aaa aejme aw as flnAii Ota lataf I la laaajawa at Mallmari. aasiryla at aa liam aulaaJtUaaVI StaalMrTi-' I Muatar m April aasV taaa aaa tbarata alaa, I var ar aaatav. ar Jaitajaial taal wiu b laat aaalaal Mm. a a uaat mStaaamlstWi tat. WTtmm. pwrfca, J. Oaaisai, aaa a IU 3.1 t lhaaim f. r. abort a full aod oamplata ataab af ad of Uood. 1 do not denre to try lo bum bear Ibe or 130 some! 1 1 in-'. iieopie 4he ffreat Itoui.ui not a mob, a vile colluviuu of African, Oreefca, barbarian, enfranchised slaves. Syjtaoa, liberated fftaiiator, maito worar lion, aiirneil bv Keuator nude anil o-canao meir mmi tea were tiot naiurai WdVer Davit waa served Opoll llim a uatioual lerialatort we perann- lew moutliH licfore hta ataassiitation. "I corrnl" ',a i iiwawj wtatartt. I .... .....- ...o!i,.l" ia ,dlt -IK-ll a'w "'"i prove men! of tbetr people. a. Mfiuni, f nat in- do lut he can by bit intTaenea to induce li- Churrhe not only ti five freely to the eauae of be- nevoltnee, butfo provide adequately for tne eomtoriable tappart or tlietr own I'aa tnr, aod eepeeially irUiey pay tbe promifi etl salary with pnnctualltr 3. Resulted, That whenever it it ateer taiued that au tingle Church, or two Churche united under the ami- paWora:, have not the means to aire their. I'aetov a aufuVieut anutxirl, tlie Kiecutive Commit tea be reqoesteq to sappltment rtit salary o in.u im- ininiuium amount auafi aot Be MM lljan MOO. a. - m. . . . . - ..cM...,., nii.-ti nut. niiin -p ... . . t . - , . I iaaa oi luiftrmn u umi rut, t'l'fin ill whilom ao ma,.-atK-al and nnahty !-lbe ' 011lrib..ti,.a- u, the 8..t.-.Vatio.. Koud r PWPS 7 w i hi negloctinp; to provide for patora sap- porl, that tbe ame shall aa reported to PIBDMOm REAL ESTATE ISI R(lE fOMPAVY Ot VIRGINIA. AUTUOBIZKD CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS. OFFICERS. W. C. OARRIKOTON, President. J. J. HOPKINr), Reeretart. C. U. PERRO W, M. D., Jfed. Advitor. Tbta liberal tad aolvent Southern Companj pay to ila policy holder annually Ii Por Vent, of it PrttflU. It pronow tn aid It natron br'takinz note-i for one linlf of (ha premium i. It allw U patron to pay all rh ifdeairod. It iurltea ita patron to attend it annual et tleiueal and ea tbeir rirht-i protected. It aiiow ita patron to ehaiijte their polieiea from one place to another. Ita Poliry holder are not restricted a to tra vel or reaideaee. It offor tha following eerti Heat aa to it aol-vetu-y i , . " Xltara CoctT Horng. Ta ( March 1 I8C7. The nndenlrUiod, officer of the connly of Nnlaon, aod Stale of Virginia, take pleaaara In r -op-tin ending a a mlrant, and reliable oompa ny.'JThe Piedmont lteal JtlatInurance()mn- iM.u, , VI lull, niuiiir , auu iF'niur. ,n,- uin 11 ui i . . . . I ; " . U ilvencv. a- rat J aad term, for life l.i-nr-,ud , kl in a firat ehvm anoe are auch a l eOuunond it to public pat bv mvimr I bouirht I J0.0U0 worth ef Oeoda nor that I boos hi them aodar nui'h peculiar ad ranlage as tu I ollered 7 to 10 per eeut advance on litem batora I moved them from New YoriL AH f have to asy ia that I believe I have tbe lairaat ami brat se lected stuck ia the plaee. aad H waa boogbl for uanii aod il su yean eapanenot m buying good h) worth anytl.ing, I fiatler myasaf I bought a low a any one ete. I tiaaplv ak the public to examine NTy -Ka-k before bunny ci-wii'-ir auu uv iin-ir own jirairn. 1 win it dialinclly umlerxtood that I am not to be un deraol-l by any boose in the place aas or old. Be sure In call before yaw boy. I wilt be pleaaed lo See all my old Iriaota at my old rtai d. Wo. 1. Murphy Raw. All kiu-ls of country produce taken in exehanga for foods. Order lioin a distance promptly aitemled to. J S. Mcf;UBBlN8. Salisbury, N. C, April 27. 188& .. twtf nna. It ftluckholdera. Directors and Officer ar men of high integrity, and patron can rely on an Hiiiomtue, eijieieni ulHiiuxeiu-ui oi il aaiii. Nona of a bare tnck or parmnal intareat in thi c-iniiMur. and nimolv rive tbi- aa diintrr- eted teaQmaur to the im-rilxof a good lnatitu- Itoa. nto. R. Hrtvtas, Clirk Circuit Court, Jon . Illxr. Si.-rrt ' VTu. ,. Ill L.I.. Survey or, 8. II. Loviso, Clerk IVmnty Court. 0 A. Binybam A Co., Agent, muiabnry We tlao bare tbe agency fur good Fire Com panies. - y Traveling agenU wanted- Apply to capt. jabks r. Jounsox, Special Agent, Charlotte. N C. Jaw.7.1W. wAtwtr THE ZlQUTTABIiXl mm i-SOCIBTY THE UNITED STATES oii'v uch in name. lie lias eonitniued no "crime." Hehaadone not hint; w Tthy of ttripes or bolide ; and after the s-nate shell have itself committed me great error (to toeak mildly) of iivietina a i'reaiUout of aitrhettuiet. wiiiiti onTy oifeneee were ermra ol iiljrment and iiilirmitica of lemper. aod of which hit ctictntcs (utn .tAiid iinpeuclied, tlieir r.crimt will empty more (tjrvinnoiiil teafa than will "c j.r fltalile or iilmiamit to their ncea ;'iit- And tba niotneot the prea- ure which, tipw the pnuciidc id' ihe ireli. now siiataiii the itol-'eala it tii.lrawn, the icttctioo will com ! nance; and tbrae who aeekasub r anee tmmt eon rnf themtflvva wjth a shadow. The iludicala will iret ten huontiujof pcriurlHnl, restlc uuaatia I' 'ory power, at thu expenses, lo the 'u-pumicau party, ot tour, eignt, ana -runt twelve vcuis of leviiniiitte, I, rucpurout rulo. more than a thnuiand years to bring-1 be great Roman uaiion to tbe dut. .Shall our nation so recently to d.-ar In ita tilizen who prided themselves juady ia being American, ao bigh-toncd and majestic in the nreteuce of tbe gov ernment of the world, anh an grand and ; ... t - 1 , .. . . I i.ir.i.iiTiui ill nam .niiin h.i. iiib . i j . . 7 , 7" ,r. " , r . . irom s-Rion to seion, of the manner lu " '"V""' r1, re."r ' ' "c which he ha discharged th.-se duties and a. .,. a-a. aa-1. Iak I L. ..alAM.n awl aV A k . . . . . C . ' . tbereenltawliicbhavefonowedfii niiliem Human iegiuiiurc is juaiiy appiicaoie in 7. ffctorco-, That the Chairman of Kn. art. V here out of the iaomberhip of! u, itl f4cll 1 be directed ... B p-v """; " , to Uke ueli afetw. and ta recommend lo Vreabrttry foi it to take tai'tr aelioif as it may think proper. . Rettlred; That, where any. Cbordb bas reasonable complaints to make against their Pastor for not devoting; the wbnlu-of hi tinie ta their spiritual imju-nveatt-ut, after they have provided him With a rea sonable support, it shall be the duty of tbe chairman to bring tuch eorapiaiut to tlie notice of ibe rreibytery. U Resdrfd, That the anl chairman beT reunited l-i render lo i'reb ti-ry a report. Losan wanted to aay bltt Senator Cnikl i n. who wat sit inir nnnr him, saii : ' General, bt 'jtiiet ;" and the affair subsided wifti much suppressed wrath. K vattt. coiumcnced and his first ac cent hushed the excited aemblnge Lvtirtaspoko to adjurnuikiiil and t mi tin ues p morrow. I Tlio indications arc that Mr. Da via will not be tried at tho nuu tonii ot r. . e . - i - i , tiieumtrr. It isCtateti on public but doubtful authority, that Grant litis advised Se!iMti,.. r,. decline tbe War Depart- menu auiL iaqaaat tbe President to wirimra ii is name. Full C'abi net to day. Saicide in liichmond. Richniond. April 8, I. M. J no. j Cash AeU. .i...6.o00,oon Ml ward, no ot t he propr emrs of il" 'm;a--"7orSt 7 m llmTZ a i i ""r iit i t ftmn assured ihmii ISOT; ta.tlS,!) I flie SjiofswiHuI Hotel, mi -1 neaday - xumiMT i Polioio ataaatl to oneyeaiwu,4d& j week, intnnntea to some trtonat, Hl.it au pronts airiueu among uie roiicy nniaeuan they woold m.t tee him ajrain, and f rW.. i- irrw val. iB,0.. rirest llutnal Life Innamnce Comparv in theroi-id. X '! PoKeiv on a Single Life from (250 to . If vc Hutchison & Co., a"ts. Ao. I. Uwcan i lincK Jiutc, SjHjsbl'kv. N. C. TTho are alui ant fort nf Ihe best I'ire t- ii!. aFtrrffii i TT- Ttiw.j-asSE: lii,uraili-u i.uni;MUir- lu wio i. in'i u dwiu,. jnareh 4. IMttH. tarwlm " Oonnccticnt Mutual Idib AT J. W. B1TTUVG S SALISBURY, JVC C? ATTJM. be found as complete a alack in ve il V r) line of Good a any. in tht country, and at price which i- well known lo ba aa reasonable at any. His TJood were bought for CASH, and in ilia 'market at tba time of ibe late decline in DomeaOe Ory Ooadt, Ibereby enabled to give advantage' that cannot be bad elewliere. No blow, but at I. W. Bittifnt' Ut-neral utiuk autre n be Itad. 1 return lhank to my friends for their paM patronage, and it.viie tbem to come and tea m and tell oilier where to buy - good good aod cheap bargain. He buys all kinds of country pro duce for cash or barter can give wholesale buyer in the countiy when wishing; lo recruit Uinr stock great advanine. Itctpeclluliy, 1. W. BITTIN-O. SaUnry, X. C, April J7. 1868. twtf State of North Carolina, DAVIDSON OOVMTt'ff Court Pleat and Qtutrter teums, to ruartf Term, 1868. ioko H. Wrmora, Adaa'r. of L K. Pwimsa, deo'd., C. H. Perry man, Andrew PWry maa, Frank rVryamn, A wit FMtWa Parry man and wUt Kteabetb, 1. D. Fktry maa aod Jtobart Parrymao, Heir at taw. Prutioa 10 m-kafiaalXUta A ma Wutckn IT tppearie.g to tba satisfaction of tbtOaart, I that tba defendants, J. D. A Robert Parry - II M Mia of this i A OUfkrtk, tltfawa drrd that miblkaUioa bt . paper iihIm 'I ib tne town or Hanawry, n.txatti successive weeks, aotifyfctf aaid dasaadantt to be and appear at tba Beat term of that (Mart to be held for the County of Davidson, at tba Court House in Lexington, oa tbetecond Mon- lay in May neat Than aad there to anawer tbe petition of tba plaintiff in this cats, other wise the same will be heard m part and judg ment rede red pro eaataeeo aaSMtaeat. Witneaa Jxo. Haiata Clerk of aaid Court, al Otfice, in Lexington, tbe atoond Monday of Pebraary, A. D., 1868. JNO. HAINES. CC.C. Pr. adr, $8 00 0w;12 I inn B IL L Lllla r i UP Xo. 01 IF YOU WANT ROSADALIS, VTILS0N,8 REUKDV for COXSUJIPTION; Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Bboadwav, Nkw Yoke. bat since been missing, nil Hits even- - 315 ing, whea he was fiiiind in the canal, jThMari with a bullet hole ui hit head. A S'egrn Killed trhile attempting ta met 1 a yVaii While the train aetbe Wit- i iigtoo aad Manchester lUilroad wa inr tba depot on the opposite ride of 111-: river at 8 o'clock' Friday night, a ne- i" named Orandiaon Cannon attempted f ' K'.'l nu ibe car and in doip( ao fell to Ii 1 onnd and W badly eraahed lx; I ath the wheel. IU wt found few hi uaeuui afterwards with both legs bro- M-n and hornblv uisncled and one ana Kctnree aaa tba etbar band enpleeiy I. lie waa then taken into a Luil- 1 g vtr by and everything aoeaibh) done r hia retirf. fe state that II wat thro' hkwBrdmma he felh that ha wat Irom district. Si C. hern bo bad a i aad aoyetal child re n. and wm m ifflT y .boa hurt, havina come to P' eilV bl aesrel. of woilr Hi, eai.ir.-d ui 4 o'clock yesterday taarriing. Ai I qu."t Waa held bv Coroner J. 0. Wood I " a we day. Jaa tarr returned a r'Jtetia aeeordanee with tba fact m H itminpton Journal. In afiehifan the majority agnintt a-nttrrtrrioit excSIOoOd: The jeritv turaiiiat orohlliiti.m ia 10fa)!i I saaiaat bMnnlal lerialativa aea- tares pratnnatiy tnmtpt, mirr puiiicatiy du)hooetl And tint "barbarian the 'enfancliiscd eiavee, the wort etcmcnl of abt itn itau tmpaUtion, are hero too. - Upon this class of tbe popalatiosi, a da ao an! verted in the lesaou of freedom, ac customed to being governed in all the af fair of their lives, and tumble from tin ii very nature to learn the lesaomv of -1f- gaveruineiit. the Uadical Uoiiirn-s are I striving; by a&jbc mean which their po sition afford tlu-ln not braiUtlng ;o iidopt the wisliiihidy, whea nocctsary, to biwtatiw the, privilege nf suffrage, forjt tbe BaVpoae of ptacmg in their Inuid the b.daiice'ef power. And ihia wTTrrjoh greta so-cal ed-.l-.that they may retain the government af thit country in their own hands, ahbongh lu dniutt ihey place tbe t-nbgiiien d white majority under the Control of the isieu ant and degraded ne gro initio, ii v. American, shall thi transparent design succeed ft Shall intelligence be governed by ignorauee t 8hall civilia"tiou yield to barbarism ? Shall the vilest and moat Ctriolim and the highcet pvlilical wU m guiding tba destinies of our nation ? Tba iaaaa is hi ynnt band ; and ttfrtt Is sue k one which iavolves all things en Ihrbteninent and dt-gradalion, salvathw ,he ! Veh vterie such measure, aa may be deemed adviaable, for tbe combination and consolidation of feeble and vacant I'hitrcb e, so n to e. ,it 'lute tnltable and perma- nant faalorul charges, and Ml it cttort he ....!. i !,. il.. i.m,r-iiv .......ii.j imitmtme, Aim ao, r. ai. uot mil The Georgia lUtetian. Atrtrntta. A:fil 28. P. M. The nn ofiicial count t !KJ connttca give Hullot-k, itadical, majority. Forty-two coutitiua to hear fi-nn. which will lesson llullock 'a majoiity and leave icbtilt doutilfal, Now York, April 5fd. P. M Cot ton dull a ehude loWer. 8le of Son bales at 3H S.nno talcs report, ed as low as o2e. Doid 1.30. Stcrltiitx dull at 10 DulfHitoie, April HfasH a Floor Hnn. Valuable Town Property FOR SALE. by neighboring Vlinls'eia. At iu recent meeting at Back Cteek Chnrch, April 13th, 1868, Ihe Presbytery of Concord adopted the following resolu tion, in refarence 'o tbu foregoing injuue tions of he Synod, viz : 1 - "Rrs'tlml, That the Chairman of the 'oittwiUve of Suslculaliuu be direeti-d to , aeck, and iho nimialceV ad Te-fon nf raW.Iidw stdirat nntjlt? Wle", at tKa Court j ' I lie HresbvtPrv be directed lo furnish, all' " House in'alibury. on tho lljth of Jun ! ib ueta and fi-mire m-eeaaarv -to euahtS. !JtX. tfto Valuable House and faot known as t.. v ......... . j:c... 1 thaxJulian place,- now necc.iiied by Mr. Kit. .,. a e i.ta-n:. n .L- a.: , II WHI b. a 1 1 1 1 v 1 h 1 . ail ii- iioiii-s 1111110s- . . --- - Ayer's Ague Cure, Sandford's Liver In vigorator, wei4 Hostetter's Bitters, rerry Davis ram Juiier, Radway's Ready Relief, N Or any other Of Hartford, Conn. mtEaiOTjjMOfiJLU 18(17. It Hill he a full sale. .dower. The House includiu; tin wi.l.nv ...1 I... il.n t.,ui!.a uLalu-11 i....- .......... .. . u - b.khI store r.m on Main street, and seven lh f. .r f.n.t'i iuu. . Published by order of the Committee of Sustcuuiiou of Concord Pat-abytery, J. RUMPLE, i Clmirman. Salisbury, N. C, May lf, 1803 Trrana Sntes with aee .rilVt the first pavahh- Jaunarv 1st. tbe 2d. Jan 1st. 1870; tho 3d. Jan. 1st. ttffl-iutorest from January 1st. 1808. - L IUJkCKMKK.CM. E. f--AadrBasJ8B? at giving Oep.ablicao majori IIoo. N. Bvdea ia probably the only Conservative elected to Con t " aiaaivn! .a Sliimmi 1 smlii ia 1 iis.ii iiiiiiawiiiaaa"aTlrT" At fhe residence of tbe bride' fatbrr, on "the Wlh inst., by tbe Rev. W. H. Cone, Mr. J. H. TaaxtIK, and Mitt . nty. ; AKY AD VMtTmKJUlA ZiL tmm. wit, - j'-'t '- 1 n. K8LKU, all ot tins eou p irdou tne tirting language, cat we icel il, and the wise will acknowledge the iru h of Ibe aasertion even heaven tud hell. Charlotte. April 2o P. M -it. artorw, Lincoln and Gaafoa are re VtUaUe Ueofa for Sale. Escaped From Jail At XArwwW, Stanly Co., N, C. $50 Revvarti. T will pa ihe hove reward for tbe arrest sad safe confinement of Bill Murry and Nick tVillumS: or ' j -lot lars tor enner ot firoke jail en ilie thj TSttTApru I bright moialto, about 23 years who. ... .-.--V,s - , " . SryX-mm ACCUMULATED ASSETS $17,670,288,88. INCOME "FoK 1867. $7,726,516,53. 0 1 TOK PRKMIFMft $6,332,804,95, JOB INTEIiliST, .3 9 3,7 1 1 , 5 8 em is a mulatio, about 23 years old, about 61 inches lush, weifiia alawt 140 or 50 I iwtanwf a .amirhde. t tana ml m. hf til tat VOalian a Jf T1IK SLIteCUlKKK haa for.bitlia a naiiveof II is (Slanly) Co. Kki" tar sate two very valuable Uor- aj att j, hvt It) ioclie. Intb, weibs ' 1,0 ponuda; ooi.vaatad of ntan slaaeliui I DIVIDENDS PAID IN 187. $ 6 4 3,0 0 9,0 . Intrisst reeai ved mors Umn ptf . lease . 19 vldend averaae over Ulnar cant. All .ii...A.e-. non-loii'isiahle loratatad amount Ajuuranee ran be efferted in all h-rin- de: irvd. SAMlUOUOI-Aa WAIT, Qeaeral Aaeut. RaUgb. N.e A. 0. Brenixer. Agent, Charlotte, X. C. tr 3-w4rtwtf ss ota a aaaaBtat aa aeayi L food sale and work wall t Sorrel Horse, tour taara a nlendid baaiajr aad sulky animal. Addraaa. LEWIS J. WILLIAMS. Hmiurvilla. Yadkin IV. N. C W..l..l. An. P! V l SUmI NieW says n is a uaiisa ot Ci io, atvfmay be tryin th dee'd.. hat beta Sale Postponed. THE Sale of the Iada of R. W. CrK fVtcnt Medicine. Atx S N & CO State of North Carolina. DAVIE COUHTY. Superior Court of Law, Spring Term 186$. Jama M. Johnson vs. Lafayette VanKatou. Attachment levied oa Land. f N thi cat, it appearinr to tbe mtfsfketioa 'of tbe Court that tbe defendant a a non-resi dent of tin State : It bj ordered that publica tion be made for lit week ia tba Wttoaa A Old Noara Srava, for tbe defcndaet to ap pear at tbe next Term etbaSvawffiorfJHBt, to be held lor tbe county ef Davie, at tba ooort boose in MocasviUe, on tba hat Monday in August neat, aod piead, answer or demur to plaintiff's wit, or the tame will ba taken pro reaskssa, and beard sr jsart. Witmaa, If. R. Austin. Wark of said Court, at 1 iltice, tat laat Monday in rabrOarv, A. U. 1868. 11. K. i pr adv $8 00 6wl2 . AUSTIN, Clerk. GUILFORD I AMD A6ENCY Of NORTH CAROLINA. Landholders who wish to 88 Agricultural or Mineral Land; Water Povrtn, AW. 7W Lot, ar Real Abtatj of any kind, wdl find it to tbeir advantage ta place their property in our handt far Btl. VI e have ereat faciOUet tor praconug pur- baaen fw all such property. Far information, address JNO. & Q BETTER, ktmaralAffgt, i Qrocnsboro . N. C. Dec J, 1867. If CALL B. P0ULS0 G STORE. P Rfil I . a iiv sl i-s Wvatt. U.d SAL.ISBURY r-si March 17. '68. twTlvl4t STATESVILLE, March 16, 1868. A MeetineoT tbe Stockholders of this Com-m- pany is called at Newton. 00 Viadnaadsy. the IOth day of April next, to accept or reject the action of the Convention in relation la the Road, aod for tbe rnaailirHii at aay other business which may be brooabt before them. By order of the Board of Dirwlor, R. F. 8IMOMT0M, SWy. Trains will leave Morgaotoa, at 730 A. M, and Salisbury, at 0.30 A. M, returning after tbe adjourn maet wAtwrtday REEVES' AMBROSIA FQRTHKH.UR, Improved! , It h aa slsaaat llraia lor the Hair. It raaar th Hah-t carl besotifulla. It kesps lbs Scalp ( aod llaatth r . It lavlrale. tbe naoUaftha Hair. Itlbrees lbs Hair sud Heard to stow laxahaaM'. It Imiaadiatalj stops Hair lalbswOajl. It keeps lbs Hair trout rti.niinjsfolor from aaa. it raatarea Gray Haa- to it-Orhtin.l Color. It brinjrs oat tha Hair on Heads that has bees bald t" CIJSflmGrSA: BAILEY, Ih.acaaifna.Jsaliialy af ale sabaanew. ' - . ' It bas rareirsd over s.a tboasaad valaaurr nasi at IM Haae, assay aaVrabA are aat aai aklaas ia hark ataatiaf. It said fa kattaaaad AaWla ftba.aaasa Meat lbs ataaa.) bv Praajrbts sad lMsra la raw Go4n svaryarbsra at II par ball 1. Waalsss Is bv Dcmaa Haras '.: P. C. WaU A Co.: Schiaf. Mia a ( a. Kaa- Yark. ssarcslw It Laborers Wanted. t AA FnamtnaeB wsnted to work on tba W. a. w j c ta make hia way ia that MAN", 8hC afStaavy Oa Iw. of M Court poatpoi it will ti Kd Road ia Burke aad McDow- aed fai Mooday : e) comHie. Vv sees paid monthly, and eofulurtabla quarters av Uaavt. when it will tab Maes at tha rat t Hisjii dear ia "alitkair. Aaaalv at tba Bovdra Hoett to . W, QUirriTH. idmr. ; ' . C. 8. J. G.VEAOH'S 1IL iall KXPKESS USK-Dallj. Schedule from High. Point to Salem, tliti itutn rout at a etect. a M J Arrives at Salem at o'clock. A M an (wrtti mm aay jr ejavm, Jr. Jm at Higb ftamt a7f 'tattfe, -MI t will find this Laa Wail atocked I dtasre, flna Horse, careful aad ac tinr Drivers, and ao aaiaa will ba to make all who travel oathia Una com fortable. I Special attention will ba (riven toaH Bxpmaa matter ant to my care. Jan l-tw5i f C TIACB. CrkSl wnoiaJSlaVLx Booksellers and Stationers, .V. Xi imfh r fa apaaai Btl.TlWORE, AUK prepared to oaVr to lb ( Good in their Hoe, at p Icomnara favorably with those at aay Otaar 1 markeC Their Storikof SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL MIS( KLLAKEOUS BOOKS e and watt aait-ctad. triad ataartsaaet of fktaijB A American KunotK-ry eaa always be foaad at their establiahment. ' TV Seep wwataat aa kssratV foil suoofv of BLANK BOOKS of diflerent style and of tbswr own inanufactora Ilatwg a Bmdery cooneoted with tbeir SJtort tbey are, at al limes, able, al short aetata, ta order far Blank Books, ruled to aay pattern, or of aay oeairasJ ajta of BtooVaf. Urdera, rteaved by aiuuaM atleotwo. Hf" Tee aes ifaaiabJ to oal aad ear Stock and Frioa before parol i ma twgtwitpd JOB PHI YI NG i T. lal I area. U amairtritT u two. . May I. U t majority u i.hH) t8. wa April 1Mb aaHHBtBsBHHa