' . 1 X ' . , n i i'i . , i.ii N . 1 NEW SUltlES MM flit SALISBURY, N. C- MAY 8, 1868. VOL. .A 'NtT IMblll. j ill 1 ..; .v -. mm- raa-csaH in iui WATCHMAN OLD SOUTH STATE. I.M I :i WtEKI.Y OLD NOBTll I I K. . 1:3 . Mta. asar-ir" "fl . u" ii i 'ST "i - From the Halrlgli Register, LETTER FROM "ITINERANT." Cot Jihthd, Nw Coast, N 0. 1 April 6th, IMS. J To day I fawed a small herd of what we know m "JUnk Panto." Baa of oar people will probably receive, as rather fabulous, the statement, that there are wild horses In North Carolina. Hut (bay re rather abundant la lbs estreme rest. 1fMI AI TWITt From Oeracokc Inlet to Old Topa.il lulet, or Beaufort Harbor, Is Mm twelve after. Ii" a seady break w.ter. frofc half a aula la a aula wide. It ia well supplied, bowerer, wiklow marshy spot, which yield gras eoong h far graaing a ronsklcVahle Dumber of cattle and bone.. The land ia owned, bat Mat fenced. Nn landmark, w Hoe are planed here to tell where Mr. laud ends, or D'a begins. Om ihk range af twelve mile long, by one eras wide, between the Ocean and I ore Sound, tbeae animala ream at will. nn, avd nrr wot run. Those harass are wild, and roam at pleaanrr, over their sandy territory. They will lei you eoese within a handred yard ol tbeta, before they ran. Bat in a laah tbejr are off, and they ran like deem. Vet very horse baa an owner. The molhere all hare tbeir marks to indicate tite ewner ; mid in May of each year, there ia a grand frolic erar what it famil iarly retted a "pout be knowa nothing about, and what la bet la, care nothing . He haa no more use Mr Mem than a bog haa for a holiday. Ibia i lha animal in aaa oa farm in buggiea and everywhere, ia the surround lag country. I lately aaw a man moving wan a isruics, ana waa moving In a new farm, lie bad bis trunks, beds, kei- uaa. ploughs, bo tea, ahoveia and the ath at thing in moderate aiaed boat. Among lha item ware a lot of bankponievaoro vwo or uiroe in arc ana eotu they were pat in looee, about a a aow and pig would be treated. Insurant. A MEW CONSTITUTION KOU THE "DMITRI) STATES" THE BEST 6AT1HE i THE AUK. -'"'Taw Now Tork World, of Taeaday. early, who ahall only vote anon eonaent of .the Congress, anal whaee volea ahall not, ander any ci reams tancos, be counted for ar agaiaal anybody or anythiug. Amour the signatures to thia "Constl- taUaaa" are i Taaddeae Sumner, Butler T Spoon. Robert C Skunk. Edwin M. bin cilage, Wendell Wilson, Hannieail, Am Dickinson, Hereon Howe, and hi Keck ley." TKtrr rotTB Kwnain Under thl baadlnr the Scientific American, of the tut alt., m view of the many lamp ex ploelona resulting altanat invariably from the rue of the bad keroeeue, urge the lai portanre of tea ting their oil before nae is the lamp. I bla, It fay, may be readily done by any man, woman and child, by means of a thermometer ; a little warm water and a Ublepoonfnl of the all. Fill get off a capital antrre on Radicalism, in j ,he wi, wrm weri l" cmpera- tha .hape of a Urleaaoe Con.tltntion, I 'u? J? 10 ? 110 fe- . v , , Fahrenheit. I'onr the oil on the water : porporttng to have been panted In can- , ,pp,r n.B, , ,he tolding oI, hj match ens in the first mouth of the Mew Era, by I o, otherwise. If the oil is unsafe it will Thaddens Steven, for the people, ""and I take Ste, and its nae in the lamp ia dan imously adopted. The preauibl reads: "We, the member of the Radical par ty of the I nited satrapies, in order u; the United 8a tr pica of America. The following are selected from the va- rtooa article a and sasliabe of thia new Constitution : THK LRCIHLATIVR DKPARTMKr. All legislative powers shall be veated ln ! (lAnffh'M, i lh I'nileil HaftwiilM wtilfh penning." By thia ,imii co,ul . Sr,iatr. a Uonae of Ren- time In the year, a large number of coll -.--utivea. and a Caueu. are born, and br driving all inn Hero two AU ,,ie o( tho OTernroo.i f an enclosure, fin mothers bavitig been ,be uoU!J H4trapics shall be legialativo urcwWIy marked, ike eoU ar known j jWm by Ikair kc-pinc aawk wkktta motlrer, and Th llooae of Repreaentali res. or the are aUo mark.il with the same brand a ; Caacaa. ahall be the indeeof the i l.tiona gerous, for it is liable to explode. Hut if the oil is safe and good, it will not . take Ire. It Is worthy of remembrance, too, that all persons who sell kerosene that will not stand the fire teat at 110 der. are . . - - ,. . w lorm a mora awttal Union, secure to our- Hable to prosecution aelvaa the powers which by the .grace of Nft'o may here add that late accounts de Cab, Gumbo, and Greenback, a have I ny that there Is any trnth in the assertion been anabled to aeiar. insure our perpetui- that salt pot in coal ot inereacs either ty aa a party, provide for the common economy or efSeienev of It nee. On the peliatioa of oar subjects, promote oat contrary, iNs asserted with at least som avnaral welfare, and secure the bleesinr plansibilitr. fbat the addition of salt to of plunder to onraelve and our posterity. the oil could only result in giving rach a ordaiu and eatabhab tbia Constitution for ; character to the flame as would Impart a Correspondence af the flaltiinota San. HPEi.CU OF MR. OROBBHECK. WAiMiNoroM, April a. Titer la but litlle diiTcrencea ol opinion abont the argnment of Mr. Groeabaek, of counsel for (the Prei dent, before the High Court of ltn 00V. WOttTli. it ia a littlo reinai knl.le that Hie name of (Joe. Worth baa a-rareely been mentioned in tho sale campaign in ibia State. W never vole I for Oov. Worth, bat it la due to him to mtv that lie haa diMcltargod hie dntiea ao faithfully and fairly, that neither WW DON 11.0. Thf Tory Hrrtlor af lit (pf frar. peachment Saturday., Men of all ! glld- MUtm fo, con r erifteed a pare, trembling, bleeding vic tim libany. Fire and sword laid waata and decimated Scotland in the attempt to fob)! on that anflinching people the tatter- air. ahadea of noiuica ajftce that it ennc .uii lu.brfi. v...it. ed ability of a nperiorcftaracler.aiid J, Bn lion eat man ; and alttiotwh he that it will rank with the ahloat. 1, t.i i;, wi.i,, nt rh. t, iei...t .er cleareat, anil moat logical argninent; w,:j, WB iMiin M. n,.tl.i.,,r hnt an . . 1 ... 1 om.' . : . - . 0 . ever pnwenicu mm; uiuuusi. old-line Oemoerat of Hie extreme lUMiicaia (tie men moet:lu,.i w- .... hnt adm ' demalioo of the Eniaeopacy, while ijuiabe d Erin fonnd not a ftlfidf i .generous Joe. Old castles and j were pillaged ; abrinea aad cbarckea were I rrumbled to dut; their ricb golden I and silver ornament, were taken to deco- coiivtctiiin their mother. In June there I another "penning."-. AH the enits are not born by May Yn it the final marking were postponed Until all the animals are born, tbr sa born first would be w-ned. and tftetr ownership 4 ..ftru.d froinaov Satnnv : uruvided i r . . ' 1 . . - . . ' 1 'bat prefcn-nceis returna, and u ualilicalio na of every mem ber or either House. The Congre shall have powar to auythinp. A tax or duty may bo laid upon artt- horriMy ghastly line, to the countenance of those sitting within H range. JfhVon CAron. thrmen vf acknowledged li-jral h1 Ii . .. ... . -X I Hi. ...L I k J Omm fthe Garnet of tk&Daut of tkeyj ooiinssm. HVi. The weak' Was uiiknos t'agana ot the utaaaie Age, an gradnally adopted in the Roman Emf along with Christianity, by the latter Ei anxious for Mr. Jouaaou a Hie men whose minds aro nlrendy made uji, and who have deterrNinvd not to be convinced, (and ihisda not intended to apply to Senators hut to gentlemen otitaidc and to member ot the llonse.) all say it was the best ar Aliment yet presented for the defenco bnt they do not attempt togaim-ay anr of lie points prceonted. Siueo tile oomuieiiovmout of the trial no man has been liatencd o wild snch marked attention, lioth from ... .1 unatorg ana outers upon the nHr and stiectatora in tliu gallerV : and this, ton, in sptto ff tli fact that it una a groat piiyeiical labor for hint to apeak, and that his voice, from bronchial hoarseness, was anything: but pleasing lo the car. Dm after bis first eet'ienec ihe voire- wiw for gotten, and tl e closest atteiitiou was paid to hisaound, forcible reasoning. He was decidedly original in mail iter, matfer, und form ot expression, and threw a flood of light iiimmi the ease. -The lawyer of the Senate as Johnmni, r u-w:ti(leli. Trumbnll, Orimes, Shermnn, and other, seemed to he fiarticulnrlv in- jlercsted, and inid 1I10 slricttraf attott tion; and there wns hsrdlv one but noted tho (xdnti now and then timVle. perors. The origin of the names of lbs Senator Howard, who lia iluon t daya may have beet Iat aigkt of by many .ort) tho trial oecnpie! his own waf of our readers, and mieht not prove unin- ! H'C outer Ctrcli! of desk, on this tree.! inr to all V InH that Runit.e u 1 oaciisfon, and alter Mr. (iroesbeck so called fim tho fact that it was ancient Imd cen a short timo, moved near er to lii m. d more than once criti-. ed the case citod by the ronld not bo kuowa. Hv Jane, the increase is ended, ami the eoha 'born since ibe previous "penning" are esarked, and the herd k-ll to roam uutd the w XI yaatv tub rtsiitro. , ! ruclore is constructed St one shall be given by all cum nercial regulations, to the ports of lb( Satrapies of Massachusetts, Mains a. id Rhode Island Tho t'onrreaa ahull have full authority over the lives, liberty, and property of the puople of the van. 01s satrapies. Old Sairaplea may be excluded from this Uwioo, at Hre pieasnte nf the Cm) aweaS, mkataeer their populatioii or wealth may be ; but no utfeiien Khali be consider ed sufficient to work perpetual exclusion, except the nuance of jierpeiual hostility to OH" MWIBW JI4li,. tbb xxBctmvg dbpartmkxt. The executive power of the United Sa ft 1 1 lies shall be vested in Congress. I here shall be an officer, to be known aa the President, who shall hold his office during the pleasure of Congress. TkO duties of the 1 resident shall.be to sign ail bills and resolutions that may be passed by Congress, and U appoint to the various sabordiuaUi administrative offices siirh persons a may be designated there ,1,. o unimm iu ibo tyuu. aioiiuar lueaus .. . 001 . . . ' ' icallv exa . 1 1 . . m , 1 - iue nay 01 me moon. 4 uesoay waa ana- g,.Mpr teatea to lmtco, me eaxon aiara, tne goo , lt WM4 m,(hst that tho Ohio Iitw of warand litigation. Hence in England, 1 yrr was giving the M tin gun Senator and In several of the United States, Tna-,' omc points and deejaions wliich were dyisXiwisery, or, as It is generally ,.i,ler newXo him oK which hades-. called wkh us, W Jiy the day of ts is altention. Sr. Sumner, m-ginning iiitgaimn. raneaoay maee , , jaj-ajnj , ho nwirtX illlerusted tta name from HooVwor Orfm, sj.ero ar U ... x, inltf. 11Hr It was atatod that if wo would grade the road loea-ed fcy this pWee After some , a,tel,,iou. remsras rmar Mr. rnes, 1 01. ononer, i' end of the re. f. ' From this, from right to Ifft.Tliwariifa wnea Twrnrhtg Tn to tite .- J siA. aJ -a . . 1, otbeV. fkaaj brghjs the driving. People from the aurnui.ding enuniry galhf r in, and n horae bat k begin at tke opposite end of the reef, and drive all the polite ahead, inlo the enclosure, and the mark i ng ia done. -IIOkuR-TXAIilMl. After tke marking, aaal the ownership of I be rolls ia di-fc-i mined, begins the bar gatu and sale of the horses, one two or three year told- The price is 6ed and the halter put on. Then comes the fun. The rider is taken through the mine course of instruction as the inexperienced con try bors c ihroueli in the hands of sir. 1 us downs. I be animal has been too j tor by toe congrese, or oy uongn-ssm- long aaed to liberty to submit to bit and individually, or by promiacut members, of 11.hr both. He rears, plaegea, iirsd'.wtt, the I'nion Ixsagee "w " 1 O I . . si a a t i I " UTJI I'll IMSU- IIC mm H1W laawji sa y a. riVII t, .OBBHX7 I nejuoiciai po-e re . ine u mien ' form.ard nd subscribe their names to I shall be vested 111 the Congre. 1 bo trt-1 11 t loliuil hilheilo Diety of the Northern nation. FriiUv is from Vriga or F!rea, a Saxon goddcas. Saturday mean Saturn's day. H'm. Journal Imps, ffneo Mr. Manager s JSntler's opening. Senators Drake mid Fowler (iCtfUp ei seSls near the ta'fde of Co mi set, and listened arrehttvelv. Seha- fhe Kiulcm Ttrminut X. H'. .V. C. ft. tor C nil; ling kept hts seat . upon tlrel . 1 ha citizens assembled I:, the court outer circle tor a tune, tint nttcr house, on Wednesday evenine, to hear n while became So mncli interested the proposition of the Directors thrnngh that )e moved nearer, and occupied a their Pieshb nt, Mr. II. Friee, of S ih-m. M.i4; beaido Seliator Jolntson. The latter, 4 i is custom, putd liie stricl- all three girauao ia a good rider. known aa the Hui ; that ! Court is hereby abolished, and the per. sons hitherto acting aa .) usi iee. of the Coart are hereby dcctarediatlsw. Trial ky jury ia' hereby abolished , Treason against the United States shall Consist in opposing the Radioal party, and adhering or giving aid and comfort to the qaiet the am aaal. tie la tsreed Into a 1 1 ibb-iring creek, wkh a muddy baSVUa. His feet are only employed now in busy effort so keep from sinking ton de. p After a row hour of apart, tke animal is rowasrnmuiaal wilk hi master, and CO borne wiu bias. enemies thereof, ridienKug the Radical Hat tber never unite recover (torn their policy, aaal in sneh other tilings as thu -a ' . ... ,.. - iv. ,.,- - oaiSnemrut. I lie I lie v lonv tor tueir nnert v. They aaw their stalls, and ofteii kill ile-m- sHva ia fruitless endeavors lo get looee. Tbey faJsksw to bi aame aasaatomed to grain. They love their native grass, aad tbrivw best on that. go Tim LOOK. ; Congress or the Union Ieaguo may de 1 i l.ii treasonable. Tke religion of the residents of the I 'nib d Satrapies shall be worshipof the ne gro, 1 Here sitslt on, nereaucr, an anil j slavery MMo and a.iti-slavei v God. atlRCRI I. A NROI S PROTtWOXa. Hank ponies are small, bat stranr . , 01 'peecb ana of tne pres. Tb.y sre usually no larger than a two o, I "''all eontrollea esclusivtdy by llie three ye obi eolt of Oplaudbree.1. Tbey ''"?" Any neraon irho shall pub havs fong hair, mane and tail. They are ,bu "P" oppoaiiioa to the Rad iol handsome E.igravcr generally make W PrtT W J?)" ' Pt- wild thine look Well Indians, plant. ' rowat"1 ec""' P6'" horamr a-td ibe like. And hi South Amer- hwa, pere mid eet, against iea likelv the wild bors, are handsome, seiwn s and searches commanded by Con- bat these reef ponies, are degenerated g. Warrant! may Issue upon any tt ParlsE'ff romt,brS rWaWe,;! dom, without rro mismen or shelter, they J envenleaee of tho parties procuring lUetr tisv neonate dwarf. Horses, like pota- , . . , . . . faia, need a cWe. The brood mual bo NlUg a lh.J onslttatwin contained ennwed, and their paMure ebanged- TV MW lUe ""eWro,! f0" Iben the mosquitoes and a thousand 1V;,V "K ' - wp Wmm.kamlw thm ami ffo 1 yrtilution may be amended at fffie "wrrrrisd them to death," as aid mdlus flP1 fgfSS i 7 ay, TVay suffer f.om beat in sammer I asajority of the nd said in winter 1 from winds and rains, Hus of pre-uttives. until Iks hair Is coarse. rf nmTy in',wn. sa the rirbt to vote, being an inherent and Bow Tr.rY iik 1 n k ' inborn right In every person, and coming, are no anrliies on tlie reef ; but i Idjr reading Mid writing, by natare, shall subsoil U very wet, the poue a paw: a , bW;iijoy4 by every resident of tke Lais tin tkmaasafc-ajsrl la a few minatfa ifnn led Nrtiaines. wfrinnrt regard to Hm age, Water rises The rwmv waita ami wlfk-TseX. Trace or Color o the suffragaa ; Slid 'as yon have saaa a terrier at a rat bole, 1 this right shall never bo abridged exeepi -e.t w4. en-tkearaier riaos, b Mm b'm-' hi tba of sneh pereoa aa may wll .--HrWorJ'' b ' ferai u ' '" eppeee tke radical fir ..It s: I., tm K. ...t.. F. Caldwell, and CP. Meudsmkall. it! .JZjEZZZFEjIl ii!Tf was nnaolmouslv . . I ",y "ry "'""si,,", ,,.''' ... . toIfa.ll OUMtflll... lull... alf ll,A IIMMsJ . Il itL '1 hat the snbscribers to the . , "i ITT tjr'j stock of the North western N. C. R. R. i "' ". "u "'o"o rewrm i Co., do agree to guarantee the grading of t "V lite Managers ami coiuisei. tho read fUa Ureenborto the Foray the ; wlie ther upon the admissibility of County lins, in the direction nt the town ! testimony or in the general di serfs- ot Salem, as the same shall be located np-; eat of the issue. Senator Chandler oa d survey st the said route; and that ' alone aid not seem to tie at nil mler- aacb subscriber sign a bond to secure the est.ed, for lie wns not in the ciutmlior same, ia pniporiioB lo the subscription imicli of the time, aria the, argument mad by them respectively, on the book, .was, therefore, ttf I erly lost npott iijm. ueieiipn,iim vjta!xi cj At rneelnse eo Ins remarks. Mr. tiroes- beck wsrcongrattiluted by several i if at might forwardness jn acting as lite Chief Executive ot North Carolina. We presume that Gor. Worth has but lilHa faith in the ability of the new parlies that have sprung np dar ing and since the war, tw settle na tiooai difficulties, and probably be lieves that thing will never get right until the eonn'rv acts apn and adopts the priuciplea of the old Whig party, (for the whig party too a party prinaipU) while we believe that tlie ligJitsof lha States and the peo pie will never be respected arnl main taiued until the principle of the old Democratic party ar- engrafted on the policy of the Uoveruiuent - mean the principles nt ihat pruty in regard to Statea Rights, Tariff, Bank ing and Expenditures by the (ieitert at Government. The war settiod the question against the right of a Stale to seeded and against slavery, but not agnifiM the gouerat . rights of the aupy arnte Stales. Hut it was nt to talk abont ol j par tie that -we commenced this arti cle, (we iniiy have Kruiei!iiiig to any on ttmt subject hereafter,) it wau mere ly to tiny what we consider a Ucscrvv eil compliment to G , Worth for I ho teiihl'til manner in which he has die cliarged his duties na Giivernor in times of great trial and perplexity. Ilia tet 111 of otBco mny -01.11 end, and therefore we do fttt couaider it itn- pi opei to allude to hi in nt tins time as an liotiM-t, pure tinmled public o. tice. We have received no favors from Grv. Wotili, and don't ask 01 expect any, but as a man who alwuye dilleied with him in politics, wo are disposed to gtvu in 111 ( or any oiuer nirtu" ibe credit he is cjiiUWi to,, No man deserves more the compli ment paid him above, by the Char lotre Democrat, thau Gov. WVrth. I North Carolina never bad a better Governor. The State possesses uo truer citizen, nn "nobler Roman,' than Jonathan Worth, and tiine almte can fully devefopu llio wisdom and tsucccsaof' Ins uduiinistration, during the critical period lie has sd minister- led the Executive office. Mis duties tiayo neui iv exnansieu . ana worn out , actMrstilulion, which a life of sobriety and ntegrity and a god conscience hud inaHle capable of great endur mice. iVyW, at a ripe age, lie ts en I'eobledland wilLrvjoice when he can lay aside the cares of office, look re cuperation 'in private life and ijuiet. May lieu veu long preserve hi valu nlile lite ! He is one of the few left utitoiio up whose mfcimt v and virtues connect us with the better dnysof the past, ana sncii coiistiiuie iue leweisoi tho State. Sentinel.- r ,!P!:,r, IN TWO I'ABTS. and I marrol At those who do Dot facl the m.deslr By heaven ! I'd almost said the Memos ..1 1 jo... r.: . I 4 uni I 1 ivi' n iifiumiiir lair aim tin....." . ..in.... rare lawu wc ww P"""" KnelW waa all nowerful: her eanvaaa whitened every sea: the aen never act on her ensign, and it was therefore, in her loaopby, but just aad proper so to do ! word and her slx-pennv tbeolocv were opposed to everything not Saxon To trace the times and the which controlled the minds of men ; to connect the whole a one thread, and , . , : weave into a simple web, wilt be our pres. , ., or'"' I em aim. W. shall run over mack kU-1 KjT trO UIS!l. mwmnA IMS down manv l.lalori K. ' . .1 1 : . ' .. . . . 1 were onuosed to everr it was therefore the hirliest wisdom the Loud C. P. Mkupkmi 1 1., rh'm. Will. V. Stsinkr. Secretary. Oreenebbro I'atrwt. eurbniteny eccentric old! that Mr. riX!necK gnve l,,e P0" earth in those that loved it here. A BEAUTIFUL THOUfJHT . J)ickeua Wrote : There is nothing no, nothing beautiful and good, that dies and is forgotten. An iufant, a prattling Child, il.n Si,.r,oa .,wl iho Plo-f.fo.i;..;, tying III us craaie, win live agiim in uie engaged in. short conversation with ' i.iui, ,.i w Lunu 'IS' """' dro.lled in t, deemat sea. or, not ootid iiotbe determined tmti TbeM h , , , $ie ,,Mta Iim 11 ml I.ii If SHIW- 4ltM.fr tyaiillsin - a I I " 1 1 I rT"" a " " ,,t houven out (toes its otcssea worn on y eld landmark. Else t ion nan art Of will, not voice and we therefore single out this field. The eighteenth eentury haa long since paed away, bat it haa left behind, in its history, page of romance, foil ol daring and noble exploits. 'Here fancy cap roam and dream of lovely visions, and conjure up thought of never-ending bliss. Here fame can wonder aad sound her born over the cunq uerur's tomb, and sell of bis past 5 lory and greatness. Or, ske amy sit owu by th grave of . tbnest deeds, and tell the paescr by bow much worth ia bu ried there. Here glory can find a crown ani find a name, and none brighter, more fair or more famed thau Flora Macdou- ald: The sweetest tales of human weal and sorrow, Tba fiuroa. Uupkloa of tba llamor'a fame. To in r fond I amy, ftura. seem to bonww Celestial halos from thy gentle name. In it nations were crushed, nations were born, and nations were remodeled. From the erention of '.he kingdom of Prussia in 1701, down to tbe storming of Seriugapa tatra in 1799, tm before1 tha student of bietery a vast accumulation of interesting matter. The Mississippi bubble excited the Fieuch as much as did the South sea bubble the English in a subsequent year Poor. Poland was broken into fragments, and the exiled Irish lost their own down trodden land, but saved France on the bloody field of Fontenoy. The ' United .Slates struggled through seven weary years for freedom, and won it after a glo rious contest. Amidst the many revolu tions md onn iiter-rcvolutions which dis tracted the French people, arose tbs great est warrior nt modem times. 1 his centu ry then can claim many brilliant things. However, it is not our province to say why empires fell and republics rose, nor to strictly adhere to tbe causes that trou bled the civil and political polity of the era, but it is ours to blend the utile with tho dulct, histoiy with romance. Now, to do this, what analogous theme, fictitious or real, could be possibly selected more truly worthy the pen' or any writer in prose or in.poetry than tbe one here pro posed She belongs to Colombia as Well as to Great Britain, n4 to the House of Hanover well as to the Hense of Sm art, The latter she loved with .woman's love, while to the former she became, at tached from a strange current of human events, based upon the stranger tide of human ideas, and so to say human in stinrts She figured on this continent and in Enrope, bnt iu each hemisphere she was tbe advocate cf lory patnciples. Her heroism was not less conspicuous in the one than it was in The other. Her life from infancy to maturity waa obschre, but from woman hood to tho grave mi al most uncasing; storm, full of adventnre and notoriety. .In Scotland she. was the brightest object among a Stern host of "Inirds." Her devotion Ho "desr Char lie" has immortalized her name, and in W scatter destruction broadcast 1 Brare peo ple were most cruelly butchered or im poverished, and chained down ia the vil est slavery. All this, forsooth, too, s bring joy aad gladness, aad wealth aid dominion, to the few in Un great metrop olis. Waa tbe apirit of liberty broken I No. Like embers on tbe hearth it shot forth scintillations of vitality. It waa merely dormant, wailing the opportunity to burst out anew ialo a aaafkuBmUea saaa sweeping than ever. This despotism waa wiling, and to none more than to tke nave, brotherly Highlanders. They ba ted the new sovereignty. Tbcy blushed with shame at their humiliating condition. Daily in intensity arrow tbe feeliiiir. until finally 'words gave expressing to tbe thought : " The ( maculating, contamina ting touch must be removed and spurned." Had that anpicioes moment arrived t Were tbe pibroch beard on tke heat her I Were tbe clan of tbe Macdonalds, tke Campbells, the ktaelellans, the Macrae in battle formed T A natural event time ly happened to postpone this threatened outbreak. William the Third teat no mare. Before the accession of Aunc, aad whilo yet a princess, a lady in wait gained bur love and confidence. This was the noto rious Sarah Jennings, Duchess of Marl borough. She was avaricious, ambitious, very vain. Understanding that her mis tress would wield the sceptre, she made use of every devise to ingratiate herself into the good graces of the future Queen. Like the witch in " Macbeth," ske stirred round and round the boiling cauldron In which her slowing fancy had pleat j all opposers of the Whig party. It was midnight, aad a pale cold moon lit up the pirea of London. Tke Tower stood gloomily against tke sky, a terror to a crouching race. In it Marlborough I ad been immured by William. Tbe street were deserted, and on the great brides quietude reigned supreme. No footsteps, pattered on tbe side-walks; ao hilarity proceeded from tbe alia house ; ao jocu larity rang its merry peal in the -club-rooms the coffee-houses, the SeriUcrv' ctub$ of England's golden age. All was solemnly still. The palace was disrobed of its pageantry, hollow pomp No live ry-man was visible. No dragoon, spur red and belted, trotted along the avenues; nor did tbe sheen of a belmeted sentin i appear anywhere. In one of ihe kingly kalis lay the King. Not a whisper of the air was audible. Tbe uniformed par .sites of tbat great man had alf vanished. None stood there to do him honor. What cared they, he was no longer of this world. His victories in behalf of the Prelacy were forgotten; anyhow, were not sufficiently resplendent to bring a sole, to his bier. There he lay, powerless, in the cold embrace of all-powerful death. Ho wai tbe bitterest enemy of Loaia the Fourteenth. He is now nobody 'a enr mv, unless before the judgment-seat his owu. A side door is cautiously opened, a deen the fullness of h,r heart she might have i ly veiled head elowly introduced ; t ; truly exclaimed ; " I will not wholly die." eyes glisten and start to the right, lo too A lest o I sincerity was idled til Other dav bv an Kendemau ho directed in hi will, ihat tion- untuned by the Managers sonic Dead ! oh, if the good deeds of human hia funeral should take place nt G o'clock ponderous blows, and utterly deiiKil-1 creature cokld be traced to their source, i isr i a,j i . i m l . i .L i. --ir' - J i . . .m , v '.l. in in morning, u oe uiru ;u iue nuiuun r. imicu i o n icnsoiinio, nun luriiitMieu ; now Deautuui count even ueam appear ; and at 8 A. II.. if in Winter. He led a tmu-li b-od for the serious icfleetion of for how much charity, mercy and puri- lisl of 400 person, who were la be invit- ea,., HllJ every member of the Iliirh tied affection worth! be seen to bate their ed to his obMouises, aa all. of them bail shared bis benefit in time past. All who came were lo inscribe their name in a register lo bs kept al the door of bis resi dence. Of tbe entire number of invited, euly. S8 came at 8 o'clock On the morn ing of Feb. 30th, when the old gentlemen waa buried. Afterwards all who Had at tended and pet down their uanie as re Quired, found tbat each nf them had aarned a legacy at the rate of 81000 for each geuth mail, and 31600 fur each lady. Thus those who staid away lost some thing by their iudhferenee. It air. 1 no. L. . rasa, a conpie ni rgga if Hat sbsp- and rough shall, one of wliich MS tba word "War" distinctly formed iu rm shell. The nibev has " V " on it. A Lmsaat Hx. -Miss Pittard, of thia county has swrrt - through the hands- of Mr. 1 bos. O. l a, a couple nt eggs of flat shane and rouirn shall, one ol winrn h the, The ears are at this office, and can be see by t he-en nous. We rannoi account for this enr phcnniu nan unon any other hypothesis than that tho hen bad been chased by J. W. Ste vens, ihe radical candidate in this county for the Senate, or, that she stood in dread or a war upon her roost, by ibu aforesaid candidate Millan Chronicle. . Tbe at Venieeu -tuirIw;ii.'a li.a.':c .Ttade their appi annuo m tite northern' part of F edeiick cunnty. Va., and a nnmberoTlinjDaTajbcii killed by eating them. Court of Impeachment. ' Mr. Qroes beck i a native of tho Sfute of Now York ; went curly in life to Cincin nuti. lie was a representative in the Thirty fifth O'liyresa, and a member of tho Fence (Congress in lbtil. growth iu dusty graves I A HOW TQ 8TAMP LETTERS. An exchange baa the following article on stamping letter : "Many persons instead of wetting pos tage stamp wet the letters, but it is a In America she arrayed herself in com mon wtlb her cmutryiucu ugaimU tbe caiiac of freedom, forgetting tbat it was not for tho range of Prince Charles Ed ward, bnt for that nf his enemy, the elec tor of Hanover. With all a Woman s charm and her enthusiasm, she unfurled on bigdi hia battle flag and fought for hi j supremacy. - Wo have anticipated this much, and yet a notice en passant of Toryism and Whigiam will not, we hope, be consider ed ti ill ing. ' Tbe clans nf Scotland, and especially those of the Highlands, sub mi it. d rehictkntly to die act of settlement of King William, and in silence deeply lamented the au verso fate which drove Info exile tbe old royal line. The "re straint imposed upon them by ihe heart less conqueror daily increased the gloom which hung over them. Consequently, after the treacherous and eruel massacre ,em i '11. j I I II I ' 1 9mm t.innn.uw .tru o.o , Afor- all the--enmkim. aWnf fW """. , !g TT'JT'"rX of Olen Cm.., rhoee -who csutd dn rmrm if.- - r -.1 -, ou ...... .v. p-w wwa IbaSI :-i . - . r . L j i n I ' Abysfinian expedition, its fraiilces-j it nli nwi hk-iI fin ir evi,.-,t i I ilm tiinirtif thi in rti.l tt'tit'ti nr wlitillv I . . nwis and the oiioiinoiia sinaaw it I" 7i" ' 1 J it .u Till wwa tae cnalaut tratisatlsi, .TT.M "...il r I. !.;-i. r P 17 rarTe". .lmrr: wilds. ' Ikey not only turned their . " . a k a, . ! wnus. I III T ll'U till I y IlinWU lllt'ir j oi.ee tint moisture begins to sink into die j UrK, to tUe .,oro ot the" St. Lawrence, niaswu.H i.siu. ... ...rw ...u. . . . . . Soot lern tiwrh. liaut auccess. '1 lie impel ial barbari ail has boon vanoiiielied and killed, j becomes so, dry that si stdkip tiKf Eugl sh captives are all recover stick firmly and completely to it ed. und tho arniv has not au tiered I " J JivlkisueMksi tkej haraVh riar niriiluilarkl TW W?4iii of -the Prewby to aiiilia safely making its way back to' ri" 'ii the coast. nil not have had John Cnbner, a German Democrat of Hartford, Connecticut, was too ill witlt rbfTiinaffciin to walk to the at 'he late el eci ion. whereupon his Wife (a notable helpmate, indeed,) took him upon her back and aa tried him npamtd ihechesiisof tho crowd A purse of f'.'oo was made up tor her on t lie spot. '., Tho New Tork Keptt, eommeni ius iiiKin thw Various plans tbat are phitKi'jNiJajkaep-naa)ngwr-j!il condtictors from steal! trg. say that the beat way to pieveattbeiB ;rom pihoi ISg from tlieir receipts is to pay fair waes for their servioos. iit Scotlamt under cotisioderatioti, lor some lime past, the qnestinn of general union. steered for a more genial, more torrid clime, iu ibe upper fegiou nf the river Cape Fear. Here we will leave them Jo pursue the art of husbandry, and gain for themselves, their children, and. their chll dren's children, the sweets of honest toil, the fruits ot pStieut labor and industry They forgo not the tic ot kindred tbat and it is th ought that soipo decisive be taken, tuweWan next !aiill bouiul ihem m rminrar iiahmai Wa'aE "; , land they" Watched, net witli mt some fee'l-er still- That sa The Charleston Mcrctru sars : Gen 'big of hope, the quaggy foundation on Hancock asavMa aa likelv to ot the ! bieb they considered1 the House of It was looked for bv borne, ami by anfioee 1 .., utio ooioiontioo at sbv lifiinu BrSBIWUS lO Hand. atssmaat and availability wiH do-1 Year followed year down the ffit flow- tormina the man. whether Snvmonr. ,n8 "T"" f ,,nwi aud u" Hancock, or Pendleton, either accep table. "f A representation of a fin to and a harp na ihh.ii wimmi on a wnn near c,ire- Orueltv. diahoaestv. avarice, and the pyvnnitda, vvli i is considered-to nrodlealitr. warn at a war llnlw. CWTkat those instrutnants trv ul u.uSen sn ItehTng palm. Mammxrn was four tbonaand year old. - lJ2mmL(m hi pie. altar was ss- left, to the bier. Noiselessly tbe door tums. I iptoe approaches tha enveloped form ; a delicate hand steals oat from the folds of the black domino ; diamonds fiV- h, tbe figure start. Th embroidered gsmte covering tbe pallid face is with tnnch trembling turned down, end the dead ia csaed upon by tbe living. iWk.QeC for this," mattered tbe Duchess. " Y u are dead I dead I dead Yoa cannot tor IL- . , nrj me, lonr eye are cow. Wriero now is their fire t Whe now will oker year behests ! Who will cower before you! I cau deem every obstacle In av path as a mere trifle, easily overcome. I will gala wealth, and friend, aad distme tion, and power. My ambition will be satisfied." Wkh the; words she cover ed tbe inanimate visage, aad more like a sp right than a human being, ghdkd from the chamber Sunn all England a con vulsed with jy. Hie t'riucew Anne ascended tba thw and beame tbe good Oueen Anne Thu lories participated, perhaps from policy ; like Whigs, from evident sueeea. .Erom Chevoit Hill to Laud's End, af Bet trom Dunnet head m Port l'atiiek, the name of Anne eat glorified, aad her enthronement was proclaimed amid tbe booming of oaa nou, and Ike acclamations of illilns. Ske was tke daughter of Jaro.-a.ths Cath olic, bat she was not a Caibeiit. Ph -was f tke House of Stuart, tiat pleased thu Tories ; she waa a Protrwtant, that pleased di Whigs. Bwneath all On ananimitv -'t ftwlinc waa not so eutbaematieaily disiaaveu in Scotland. Hew aaaJd the Torn. the-? Whigs I Tke ekoats oKtkair murdeeed fattier would ur bloody rravea ami enr eat. 'Far sham,, i for ahameP However, tbe waa a Stuart leaded tobtW i saa- ; no reformation, i anxious eye at hearts waa it every whore desired. Low- UseUoo tasar arroaeed nature. 'i -v s. don was then, a it is now. rotten at tkel fleam af kope tke meeim .i c PPMng faction fro, every vi ni -.lum. law JeaWat . . L . ..- " M"n or ins grown or i . . pitn secured ui some da th Baeaat A BJ '-5 'X satlilaWsaawiMsaaaaaWiafsrr li-aal ll i f ,.-- -,C J ' "

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