pray?! aBBtasa bwen taw BsaBratatsa BsvtaBrartav aSraWHaa BTBsWa NEW SERIES SALISBURY, IV. C, MAY 15, 1868. VOL. I, NO. 19 . ,iirmorwMiirmi.4i THKI-tUil IN tlVlHI'R. WATCHMAN OLD MOBTH 8TATK wtr rf. ye . - tM I TKI-WEKKLT OLD MOBTH 0TATS Trl Wlv, H Tf THE ABY88INI AN WAR. wj: ..!-..- lMeWdJ . IlieUff ff Kng Theodore Origin King TVodoro or Tbeedore of Abya- i-rory leader of wwpyw throng the wmM haa Umm familW hi omm of Wi war with Kagiead, has beea lain MlkMmi Wiful, Xag- . dU, by the Katftoa uy, ImIm ukwmm) by la tttrsyaph TV origin al BUM of Tlfteodore wm Drjajmateh Kssal. H wm bom of humble parent tage in Qearct oo the herders of WiHira AauWa, and was educated h convent, ia wMe ho waa placed easier rcotratet V bat pother. He oaaafod from the roaveat tobhi ancle, Deiatcb Camfu, a iKrted lehal, tfttfe whoai be Imbibed ataoU I.. r warlike pursuits, and eventually be- ' of a larco partita of Abya- lawaJf aaaMioaa aad politic, bo ia aulargmg his aeibomy rr oaaecfaT tocrcastd wbaa la 1SS3 ha mm vaar mm Tae nr cbteay to fee canted on with the troop, Karopan. aad native, which ia India bad hceeass arc am and to the hot climate Tha Int KagKah troop, aaade their .tv paataakaa be fteteber, 1867, hot It waa aot aaafl the etas af the mr ikd tka ki. army arrived. The satasBtiaa Halll br Ocacral Sir Hubert masts, act UaeW hi. Colonel the cavalry riakmr a battle aai tat Thea, aa the bar. mma Thcadara aaaaV ually retired before the Kngiisb wiihial aaUl fee reached bia eapi- foaght bravely for bia crown, bat ia I be waa disitted. tbocaDital essior- ca ad the king hiaaaaif slain, tier i, oa the whole, the Abysaiaia Baa ewer had te English accounts, be excelled ia all manly aeteaita. aad hie rianral ataaaar waa pafile aad carina; Bad ha evaattoi thia bafiah aaarrel wiihEagbnd, lofcjBj, aW wawld prabaWy ha played aa Maortaat nart ia tae iviittril tioa a Eaatara Atriea. The rctarna fhall be the PreaJdeot of thai Cooreulion. who ball rive tbo persona eh Mai certifieatee of election. Sec 4. The Oomnundinr General of thia Military lMetrict is reqneated to oa force tMa ordinance. Sec 4. The President af thia Con Ten- lion Is hereby directed to forward a eerti- aad easy of this ordinance to the Cow rie; UeneraJ of tbts MUlUry Utatrfet. KatitVd this 17tb day of March, A. V.. one thonaand eirbt hundred and slzty- etght. (Sined) CALVIN J. COWLES, rtmmitl Constitution Convention in X. Cs F.P Hlaik. The Norfidk Jour- mat has the fellowinf la regard to this dietHnrniebed aoidier and eir ilian laathsr name has been mentioned la coar cction with the Democratic leadership a sutiesiaaa ana a aoMMr, npon wooes a uSBBiseiiiaii may be effected in the event g contest between the Pen- a daiaawin Naa aad II Ml blaaaetf atroer eawacb la C I . .1 - - J JUL T - I i , i"iiaak kj lb IkaasflilT I WHlT ARE MTE COXIXQ TO f a, be bead af the Abyaaiaiea) Cborch. ' H dec the Editor of the AaaOaraf Ilia rcica sooa proved to be the awet ef aappaae the pcaaae af North Caroltaa will lucura Abrisium had ever had. Aa rrgard the article apoa the Hon. N Boy. oea as be eaaae lata power bis ataaa- dea to has paper af the Sd iaatant I How tioa was directed to the laspartxitsj aW a aay aaaa, aaal npnially Mr. Holdea, iiir on tcraas af friendship with the gear- aWiaapt to tbraaara a aaaa with each a erne which ralee India, aaal whirh Uatoa record aa that owned by Mr. Boy. has I HbHikri baaatt bathe a.Sghbarbar I daa t No man'a rccacd in North Carolia i trabajhild of Ada. He, ttorciare, re-1 or at Washington U better kaown. Ho salvad ta sawaet aba ttobto by virtae af the treaty aaada between araioaaly than be did to prevent Great Mrttala seal Abfaatoto hi the paw aaal wtaaj aeiiisli i aaase aad 1H19, andratiBedia 1852, ia which U wM body af his paJitieal frienda, oa aecoantof fbssaadnrs frasa the other. ' inw tar troopa, abandoned the principle Mr Itowden, who had bean far many of lh- Ball aad Everett party ia I860. Mr Maaeewah. al- Boydca maintained ibeaa and coatmacd throogbont the war. aaal aevtc the great v.-are English Coaaal at Maaeewah. al- Boydca thoegh not aa aecredft rd agent to- Abya- to do ao cinU, want to that niaatiy with psaaiatt tut the pupil fai aether, aad rrotaiwrd daring a war wbtoh hrah: oat at the aeea aiea af Thi Ilea. Uafcitaiialily Mr.' lWdra, wUhaalsaasiidil ia wtoaaaa; tbe favor 'af the Emperor to a bvrn aa- teat, wm killed, aad bia aaen.nn, Mr. Casjeraa. waa aoon afVr hie arrival hs in 1888, laid by tU king, thea be devfred to at (ha QaiuiM i to sead an llaUsV ter reached England to rebraary, 1888, ii r uMiued aaansaered ; and thr itHtti la that thia with a qnarrrl with M to a a sky basket td to avowing his aitoah t to the Union. He, aa all kaow, Oaa. V. P. Blair, of Missouri. As original free aoilcr, be would conciliate that aeathaent in the great Northwest, where tae uenaaas da most abound. aa old Kne Democrat, broagbt aa at tbe feat of Gamaliel, bia aaase w. mid rally the thouaand. of "Old Hickory" men who have not a&Uated of late with the Caorjar bead Democracy. Aa a distinguished voiaateer soldier, be would edbet Graal'a popularity with tbe regular army. Hot. especially, aa a well known chain pion of tbe great American ilea that "that a waite man a country, and mast so continue," wa think Gen. Blair would aehirae for aa what we need access The Southern people aad tbe Dcaro eatic party could not be charged with dis loyalty to tbe Union, with hankering after slavery, or witu undue attachment to tbe dead iseae af accession, if they wore to nominate far tbe ('residency a soldier who votanteejred to fight for tbe L nion, and a aecsaher of that family which,' of all others in this country, has proved it devotion to and nationality. HOT HARMONIOUS. We regret to see that the Northern Democracy are not aa thoroughly united at they ahaald be in thfat trying crisis. General Ualpine declares, in behalf tbe War Democrats, that they .will not sup port a HJopperbead" for the Presidency, while Mr. ValUndlgbain, as tbe represen tedve ipf the Peace Demoerats, says ta tbe War Democrats of the Marble. llalalna school that they ouly waste breath and naner aad ink if thcr itnreiue tbalr threats, or their vows, or tbeir oaths, meat with anything bat contempt from the more than a laillioa of actual, posi tive, unconverted and undeniable peaaa men in tbe West and the border Slate Soath. AH this means tbat the War Democrat will not support Pendleton and that the Copperheads will not support Seymour or Hancock. Nov, isn't this a pretty piece of busi sa for the Northern Democrats to be engaged in f At a time when all should be harmony they are sowing the seeds of discord and disruption simply because each faetioa ia too greedy after the spoils of oasce Tbia division of sentiment Is a good thing (or the Radical. Grant smoke bis "Havana" with increased relish as he walsbes the progress of these aafnrtoaala breaches iu the Democratic ranks for be knows that without it ha will never oc capy tbe I residential chair, or (Mi crown. Morning Star. carry sat tbe above saratisaaa tie ' "'Ml WMMft HVt sTsSSaMHMBia SaMttaa V tstsaa - 8arrR8Alsshsaa r wwa wsaaj ' sawvwaw veeja iawraaw wbm insj rat his esasiiteacy daring the steadfast ad frcccMsatractioa. He refased to tka ararlamatina of Oaa. V ia 1884, which to the latter genlleesaa'a maaivLsaa aarmsl u 1 1 asfi 1 1 - stf lLf.-. . .1 J VpiBP"R WW aa aa f I IIN8 IsaWV Allfjl V 18 y did ant aaasaat every decent aad intelli geot aaaa ia the State rrteee to do tbe aasaaf Aa teaaeattoa af tb returns of will show. of and re- thai Mr .-aaaT... aa S - A. together der the laaaat Acts af Csuurrees, and pab- r. Stem, a mwioa- bcir advised everybody to vote lor a Coa- i- y, wlm, to a beak oa Abyssinia, bad rent ion. Ha also advised the people spaarsj aai e pen rally at tae atag, ana aaaiaai aay ataffi to nppiss l be aamgs b bad rasMBstrated satoet ' at tba toto OaajaaaW, an til their scrtoa bine's lentper. aad a rear after harinr repeatcalr declared bia opposition to j rn fM f J ' ffljl 9JMawWW-Vaf lljtV'f wtt! sftlt tlW MW QvaawVlssVwtMKs. vMtvaMiM armed, lores ia the missionary station. Iv proved, tbat instrameat missioHaries, aad pat them in the rrnaJreaaenta af the cast Mr. Cameron into Acta. Mr. Bayden also declared ha ehaiced eaatinaally - wised the HeaU priaaa, aad had 1 to aa Abyaaialaa sa Idler. Great went ptwvafaVd to Eagland oa ni no aawa af tbw eateaga am Ubsakjocta; baa to oor'bkrai itha! It was not until the neeond half of August 1864, that Mr Bateate, aa A.iat- 1 it by berth, waa seataa a apecasl minion during to ike Abaastotoa aasaatajto caad was ia- ra Mr. iad aa hii arrival ia I'ebraary , 1888 m a Italy saagntbeeut style, of the ariaanrrs batog at aacs I be king. Bat tba hope that raised waa sooa to ha disappointed, far whoa Mr. UasMm and the other ptisoners were jnat oa rba point of taking leave af the Eat- p rnr, they ware put under arrest and no- l,C. I .1.-. I J I . In. 1 to. i mm wrj wmm nan wm rrunin ra be country at State gaeste antil aa aa- er is aid be obtained to another letter which the htog waa rntog to write to en. Hypocrisy, falaaaaas and nseny seem to have taken a promineut "t in the eharaeter af King Theodore, tor white U, to oa an lias as letter to the V'f'n, ostensibly auribatad tia of Mr. Raswap to hit eriah af oaa nhing with Met In what way thrfriendl v hione af tba Engiiah ana ihysi.,iai. ''''sWlcAiwsl MlgTaM Iw InNbws wXteailAial- W? treated the priaaa. r with taahnay oaly f " short pertad, aad snoB area rignrnaa on for hi. chadga af cnadaet, he after srd gave aa sJagod report that Kugii,h r "'nch; aad Tarkisb troops ware aa iheir r .to iiivada AbyaeinU. ibabaare'a latter waa conveyed to England by Mr. riad. a Garsaaa ariasi 7rWaasVatto ' tUiTtoaaw'laf a latter 'aTaaatana, If Pa ' m n . a V - - a M not meet Reconstruction in all bia nablic sneer bee that no aaassaa tbaa biassetf for rrcoaatrartMn and that af the Caavaathin had stonned at what Ike acts of Congress required, the-' of tba (.institution, that has ipaialtiia la is was faaaskd wbah in the Coaatstatina that were to an TwaaateawlbVdtet Mr. Boyden consistent well known at Washington ; and it i. a faelwell known otbers, that Kobkxt RnutBWAT, Eeq., haa writ ten a stirring latter in reply t an in vitatton tendered liiln by the citizens of Lynchlmrg to make a public speech in that place previous to hia removal to Hum i ork. Wa pre otic para- "Hat gentlemen now gloomy soever may be oar turroundiuga now, there syeta 'silver lining' t Itdo clond snstended over as in tba ansp:cioaa and cheering fact that the inutterinaa ot a signal and decisive revolution amotiK lha people of the Noriliern Stales are already distinctly audible ; and, if I miatake not, the gale that A TEximsKK Duat- Tlie Nash ri lie 'rear, of the 27th, tells ,f a 'luel with rinet in Overtoil county, some two weeks ago, between two voting ex confederate soldiers, named Wald- ron and Jarvia. Their families had been at variance, hut a reconciliation had occurred. .Nevertheless young Jarvia. under the influence of drink. awoke diaparagingly of tbe com age of Waldron. Hie latter thereupon sent In in a challenge, and it waa agreed they would tight with rifles at one hundred and lilt v pacea. At the first fire Jarvia was wounded through the fleshy part of tbe left arm, while hia bullet whistled savagely just above his antagonist's head. "Are you sat isfied," aaid the wounded man's sec ond to the other's friend. u Waldron wants another shot," waa the reply. A savage tmilo lighted op the fea tares of young Jarvia at hit arm waa bound np to staunch the blood, but he said not a word. The rinet were loaded again, and once more at tbe signal the two men wheeled mid tired. The re i rta were almost si in n 1 1 aticoiis. Waldron ran forward a fear steps, staggered, reeled, and fell into the arms of hia friend bleedinirand sense less. lie waa tlmt through the heart Jarvia went slowly home, saddled hia ard. lie made some mandible remarks, for which ha waa sailed to order. Tbe tariff question waa Introduced. Pike wanted free trade for ship building materials. Kldridiro aakad if free trade was good for Now England ship builders, why it was not rood for the Weatora laborers. Alter a long discussion somes bat Jo cular ia character, bat thawing able sectional acrimony, the i oa n sa Bobfnsea offered a resolution expung ing tba impoachmeut resolutions from the Journal. Tba Spaabtr declared it act a privi- ieced questtoe. Robinson Said be would bring it up agate it was a mere question of it would ultimately bo upon red. Stevens introduced a bill for the ad mission of Arkansas, which to bo printed adjourned. 8tevens bill is as follows t "Whereas, the people of Aarkanaaa, in pursuance of tbe provisions of an act ta titled an act to provide for tbe more ef ficient government of the rebel Stales, passed March 2nd 18C7, and tbe acta sup plementary thereto, framed and adopted a Constitution of a State government, winch is Republican in form, and the Legislature of aid State has duly ratified tbe amend meat to the Constitution of the United Slates, proposed by the 89th Congress, and known as Article AIV. Therefore, be it enacted, tbat tbe State of Arkansas is entitled and admitted to representation in Congress as one of the States of the Union, upon tbe following fundamental conditions : That the Constitution of Arkansas shall never bo so amended or changed so as to deprive any citiaen or class of ciu sen af the United Stales of the right to vote, who are entitled to vole by tbe Con ttitation herein recognised, except as a punishment for such crimes as are now felonies at common law, whereof tbe par ty shall have been duly convicted." A detention with the north Carolina Constitution aad several members of Con great arrived bene to-day. Senate. Court prolonged secret ses sion resulted in the adoption of the fol lowing : that the Court adjourn to Mon day at 1 1 o'clock when it will consider the rules, and vote on tba several Articles which shall he taken at noon on Tues day, without debate. Tbe speeches shall be limited to fifteen minutes on tba entire ding a drop of his blood, or taking a penny of hie porpwrfy-. or ironing hia lliahe, be it sentenced to removal from office and transportation to the skies, Laughtirj This ia the great undertaking; end if the learned Manager can only gat aver the ob laclet of the lawa of nature, the Omstitntion won't stand in hit way. Laughter.! I can think of no meth od bat that of a convulsion of the earth that should project the depsaaad President to this infinitely distant space : bnt a shock of nature of to vast an energy and so great a resell might unsettle even the to firm Imra of fl ill 1 11 I l l.antrlilKr 1 ' flow shall we accomplish it f Why, in the first place, nobody knowa when that apace w hut the learned Maua- himaelf Laughter, and ha ia the necessary deputy to execute tbe judgement of the court. Let It, then, be provided that in the case of your sentence of deposition and removal from office, the honorable the aa'ro nomical Manager shall take into hit own hand the execution of (he sen tence. With the President made fast to hit broad and strong tbonldert, and having already essay od the flight by imagination, better prepared to execute it in form inking tbe ad rant ire of ladders, as far at ladders would go, to the top of this high cap! tol, and spurning then with Ilia feet the Guddeta of Liberty, let him set dt npon hit flight Daughter!, while the Moose of Congreta and all the rtbople of the United 8tatet' shall about : "iSsc tiara! antra ' f Laugh ter, lond and long continued. Here ii oppressive doubt strikes me. How II tbe Manager get back I How, tbe exrreteioa of opinion. Mtternete in tbo denunciation of pa lifical opponent, would taatdboa more to the speedy Battlement of the vexed q orations which now aaitate the conn try. He, however, at odious ly avoida political dkatenaioaw, and with rare discretion aJeada no room for cavil to tbo enemies of the Soath. Governor Letcher it at jovial and entertaining aa nanal. Ha teeia a deep iniereetia the election taeti to be held, bnt by the tertat of hie parole ia prohibited from taking any active part in the can vaat. lie waa placed nnder obligation, aa be tare. Sow home, attend to hia own bnainete. and keen aoief. and ha means to ob serve faithfully the agreement then and there made." It it much to be regretted that in the coming conflict, Virginia it to be deprived of the ter- vicea of thia gallant and xealoue sol -dier, whose name is dear area to those who heretofore bare been bia implacable political enemies. Statement of the Public Debt of Oa UntUd Statu on the Id of May, 1868. . 8 par cent, boada 8815,947,400 00 6 per cant bonds of 1867 aad 1868 8,688,241 80 6 per cent, bonds 1881, 883,677,800 00 6 per cant. 6-80 boada 1,442,045,460 00 navy t'ension Fund 13,000,000 00 31,93,37891 80 DEST HXARISO CUPMHCY irrXBJCST. 6 par cent, bonds, 23,982,000 00 daa30aOOO u'lll Mis M a net nr- v twnt hen he sett beyond the power of 3-year Compound irravitation to restore him. will he Interest Notes, 44.573,680 00 get back t And ao ambitiooa a wing iW '-" "te, iQ3,w),2W oo at hit conltl never stoop to a down-1 " r Dra"- vomn- ward flight I No doubt at he pattot the expanse, that famont question of Cralyle, by which be points nut the littleness of human affairs, 'What thinks Boots of them, as he leads hia hunting doge over the zenith in their leash of sidereal flref will occur to tbe Managers. Wlmtviiideed would lxroies iiiiiik't rt tuia new constciias laughter looming through 00 269,375,9'W 00 stATCBXD DXBT WOT PRXSXXTXD TATUWXt. ...A ,o , rl, Ani. l.. Th lion members may 6le wriuen opinions within apace, beyond the power of Congress two days after. to 'send for persons and papers .... - a- ... a a. aV In I . 1 i,Ti in . i he vote oa tbe Articles to be pabiumv i Latingiiier.j vno tnxii return, ana ed with tbe proceedings. Motious re-1 how decide in tho contest there be garding the form in which the chief Ju- gun, in this new revolution thus cs tweep, fr.,m the North in November 3X11 next will bring to utall the welcome hmr' . jj .-nJ&M assurance of deliverance and peace. tnotiueeiio, leii uie co un it ia si in i.l v imboaaible that in nnv tr-v- assurance of deliverance and peace itissitniMv impossible mat in uuv eotintry where intelligence ia 'iitfused. and where the ballot is free, such an arragant, malignant, unprincipled and row ibeireckleas polif eal organ zntiou at the ltiHwnsiraetioa. alaalato was ike wai Helper " Kngliab artisan be aent t. enrage in to Abyeabiiaa tervtee The ' kteglbb l'itoiBstuai enaaaad snaxa arUaaaa for l servioe, aaasvtesT sort thi a telha wsalof Abya-ltoa, notified lbs king thai toy week eater his territory tt hawaaU ''agnattoa all diplomatic rteoareca to ablato from ' bemlore the release ef tbe captives, the appoint Mr of Hanb Carolina, and bat for the assassin', ballet, instigated by W. W. Hoiden, North Caro- lina would hare gore back into the Uniea to I85. sxstmr th. wise stateaaaanahip of Mr. li..4ra-ter .-la trl Inane fur tka tubmianam of the vmumtruium to we peu ami fAs eteemm ty eennx tum. Be ,tormaimedbo the people ef North Carehsa to Ctmetntim ataraailaf, That lha Caaarilalina adopted by tab Con v n tioa he sahmhted for raliticatioo, to the voters ni this State, registered and eeali fied, as provided by the acts of Congress tbe atecnnstraetM the 8li. 22nd and 23rd af April, 1868. tea abaU be The rate aa' said Constitution far the CaaatHatten" and "Against the ion.lh.tioB." lac said eleclion shall be held at the place and under the ttoae to he psaaenbei ingOeaetafof this military district. Aa eleclion shall be held at the as the 'for' sedatives for all State tebeelecird by the people sthattoa. sssVa. 3. Aa tltttlia for ilited Sustea Ossarreas shall he Mubon, xar senator ana Bepre i la the Oeearal Asseaably , aad ate aad County u the era, who are ledbytWiiitBlsaaaWthhiCoa of the held iu thSterat tariea. Said slttdsa shall he conducted tanl regaialteas a before xseauuaca in uus or Ivadical party can longaxit. It baa agaiuat effected untold mitchief in the patt, and tt will doubtless survive toiig enough to accomplish much more Bat if truth and justice are ttilt reali ties on earth, it will, in my judgment. away, pursued bv the scorn lestati'-u of good men the world over, aao embalmed in the execra tions of history forever. , -4 doubtful whether a State now hi the Union would net to-day repudiate colored lasnaaa by aa avrwhriartog majority were the question submitted. There ia, then fore, rood reason a by tbe Southern State so universally resist the It. nuhli- can plans ef reeaatfjeal. r If the com- - mm aasaraa ten s of on necticnt are unfit to veto, so mnat be tbe ifaoaaands and thnand in the Camliinu, If Michigan and Minnesota, Ohio and 1'ennsylvania, cannot control the action of their handful of these unfortunate people at tbe ballot box, and so must exclude them altogether, what can Alabama and Arkansas, Mississippi and Cnuiransc dn ilb I be in swarming at lb poll id my- :.. n-j n:j.1 A nans w w wwajp a. Tna Sslxm Railboad. A friend at Salem, ia a business klter, alludes to the Bniirn'i charbsedhy the.Vpuven.tiah . . Ja. ran frbte some point on tbe North Caroli- Read to the town of Salem, and says : We sre determined to build this road. There is an enterprise and energy enn- with it tbat would surprise you, and which, with tbe means at oar eom latetnt, will ensure lis success." I arf ... rm a , , a I lie cms ens oi iirecBsooro naving re sorred to grade the road is the Fori vthe line (to accordance with a pro posit ion from the Salem people) it it audvrstood tbat 1th. read will ran from Oraeadawn' to V baa. Charlotte Vemoem. Wathitufton. Washington, May 7, M.-Only Trum bull, of the doubtful Senators, voted tbe publication o( the speeches made in retirement- Tbe vote was 20 to 28. . : - ' ' : 'X A fvmth Carolina Committee, with a protest against the Constitution, will ap pear before the Ueeonst ruction Commit tee. These remonstrances and personal representations, regarding the sitoatinn atlrnct tbe attention of the moderate Republicans. I he complete city registration ia whites 10,834, blacks 6,737. ,? 1 he Court opened bat immediatel v ciosea me aoors ana went into scares sc Sioil. '"''? ! ' A Massaehnselia member ofCongress to day, roaiarhed fat allading to the tm- ucHchers, tbat their friend were much disliirbed. The House is in session but doing both iftg. X ( ien. ( iilliam has marie a report to Men. ir.-iiil, stating that the incomplete returns show a majority of over 1,200 tor ratibciuiou of the constitution in Arkan sn. If his' order had been complied with the result would have been indis putable But there are in the counties of l'ulaski and Jetlersnn 1,900 votes which cannot be aacertained to be either for or against the 1 oustitittion. Where these irn giilaritie occur each puny charges thu other with traiids. tice shall pat Hie qucstiuu were tabled. From Washington. Wathwitoti, May, 7, . W -Tt U staled that adjournment to Monday was at the instance -of Chase whs desires time . tii Wished f Who shall decide which it the tun and which it the moon 1 Who shall de ter in i no the only aeieu; title test which re flee ta the hardest npon the other V Laughter. Pi reflect ou tbe proper manneruf putting 1 tbe questions. From South Carolina. Charleston, May 7, P. M. (ien. Canby s issued an order postponing the meet ing of the Legmlature, which fixed fur the 12ih hist., until shall nave approved the new tiou. THE rOODPEGKEM'S SIGHT, y FORE The woodpecker in California is a etoi or ot acorns. The tree ho selects it invariably of tbe pino tribe. He bores several holes, flittering slightly in rise, at the fall of tbe year, and 3 year 7-30 Notes, due Aug. 15, 1807. Compound Interest Notes, matured June 10, July 15, August 15, October 15, De cember 18, '87. Bonds, Texas hv denanity Treasury Notes, acta July 17, 1861,andprior thereto, Bonds, April 15, MaT, TrCsaaeBiry lSfot! March 3, 1883 Temporary Loon, Certificates ef Iu- dobtcdness 1950 00 .r 4,715,280 00 856,000 08 1551W 0,000 oo - f 818,1981 00 ag03stp"a00 00 18,000 j" 84 5f Another Manager Brought to "" then niet atray, in many Couslitu- instaiioot ti a long d stance, and returns with acorn, which be iuuncdiately sets about adjusting to one of the holes prepared for ita reception, which will hold it tightly in ita position. But he does not eat tbe acorn, for, aa a id in bit rale, he it not vegetarian. Hit object at there waa in the Southern m storing away the acorn exhibits heavens a soot across which no nlan foresight, and knowledge of results let or body of any tort moved, and more akin to reason than to instinct. that the earth ought to upheave itselfi " tucceeaing winter me acorn re- and tend thim to this detolate region aint intact, bnt becoming saturated Mr. Bo Deech th Ridicule. utwell having 7,905,883 out tXAXnto no nrntKxsT. U.S. Fractional Nates, 356,144,727 00 ioual Curren- GoU'i Certifidatesof Deposit Total debt, Amount in Ti 32,450,489 94 19,357,000 00 for punishment, Mr. Evarta that taket down the other Massachusetts fledg ing. H may at conveniently at this point as afterwards, pay tome atten tion to tbe astronomical "punishment hich tbe learned and honorable i with rain, it pioditpoted to decay, when it it attacked by maggots who seem to delight in this special food. It it then that the woodpecker reaps tho harvest hia wisdom hat provided, at a time when, the ground being cov ered with snow, ho would experience Manager (Nr. Bout well) thinks should a diilesilry, otherwise, in obtaining bo applied to tire notel case of itn-; suitable or palatable food. It is a ueaehmeiit. Cicero I think it ia who uhject of apeOnlatinn why the red says that lawyer should know ievC cedar or the sugar pino it in va erythinirfor.aiMjneror later, there iajrutbiy selected. It it not probable no fact in history, in science, or tu uiai me msec, me mosi uainiy 10 me 407,943,116 84 2,639,612,622 38 s 105,90958 00 Amount ia Treasu ry, currency, 32,174,136 88 139,083,794 88 Amount of debt less Tbe foregoing is 'a correct statement af the public debt, aa appears from the books aud Treasurer's returns in tbe department on 1st of May, 1888. Hugh McCrLLOCH. Ptofttoxy of the Trea s u ry A comparison of the above stateBsent with that for tbo previous month, shows that the debt bearing coin interest has in creased 18,I57,450. The debt A man in New Hamtshiro crawled a quarter of a milr in sat- atlacUen ofaiiclijction bet. The toraiu tlroiiim hundred bad nine conn ties 6K4 majority give Bullock FoeninaUd. Uirhmond. May 7, H- The Republi can Convention ibis morning nominated Ceo. W. Hooker, of Henry County thr Attorney General. Wash Woe ether Matiere. hingtomMay 7, P. M lions. A deficiccv of 887.000 for tbe admi trillion of the Reconstruction Acts in tbe lini. third military district, was reported. A joint solution ordering the Presi dent to send war vessels to tbe Oulf of Si. La wren oe, to peotse: fishing interest and to demand a reparation for certain injurii. - Ia the course of the debate, Pike said, TV no I airSHi OI wai , i no ni-iaHWi i . thai! asks nothinr but tbat your laws shall be ! 1 "w ,,n be enforced." An amendment was pro- I posed to send rastals ta the nrastt tf Ira human knowled. that will not come! wood peckerVtaste, frequents only ihe lm7ocZu,tero" "f 88190,. i-a -i- i i.!. . . i..,f. i ,iMi.i,i,i ni im ir,- l.nt trim it ia lvO, 1 he matured debt not . "Tt a. . . tau. : n-i 11 : J .. Iter a ivsensruie ot inv ignorance, oeing naa asnvwMn " devoted to a pnifeseuHi which sharp- er districte of Catitbrnia, trees of this ens and diuto not enlarge the mind, I: kind may be frorpiently teen covered can admire without envying the ta!H over their trunks with acorns, I - -I ft I I ' Jk I. . I. i irlinn InaM u n.t mn Aat- tnul n-iflirri penor anowieugu evincou oy iu f "v "i '" honorablo Manager. But, teveral miles. A. B. Barton. nevertheless, while aomo or.bia-ool.r zzi-- . leagues were paving nttention to an QEN AND EX-OOVERNOR liniiccupieu nnu uiinooroprinivu is i . , . . ., land on the wrface-of the teat, M p Lbroiifclt, Mnnntsns lWwnll. mora ambitious. I Tito editor of tl.e Lvnchburg JXeWt aehingtoniinneaehnu'iit ,d discovered an untenanted and be'HJC tellow paasenger with th .'ion in the skies gentlemen on tbeir lute visit to this payment has decreased 81.13L100. The debt hearing no interest increased 81 , 477,640. The total debt baa decreased S3. 106.7 10, while the debt less cash ia tbe Treasury haa decreased 818,680,859 80. Anna Dickinson" the sltaatat. trved, he woold hare ! city, tayt of tlwm, in a letter to hia appropriated region f Laugh tori, reserved, us thin, in7 the final councils of the paper : Almighty, at a place of pnnithment! "Gen. Lee received tlie salutations for convicted and desposed American and respectlul coiupliuieuta of many Pre!Ml,MxC Jngh first I thought that hit in ml bad he- hut at alb. points along the route. tbat t is tba great offence. -J .l f ..a m i : :.E . . ill . .1 Aitns? come so enlarged that it was not these lie received witn tnat nnrumeo sharp enough to observe that tbe 'dignity and graceful politeness which Constitution had limited the punisii- bare ever distinguished nini, and be ment fLnnghter ; but, on reflection, seiaed to pay with equanimity, if out a few of the viah of her wrath on the devoted bead of Geo. Great. She don't believe ia tba lessten-tonsrasd Oen- L She thinks h is not sound on the negro gooae, aad that the smoke ef his dear tho old aat boadatakaa far the halo of popularity. In this she is little thea half right. more Of his unmanly eonduct cabinet affairs the Dickinson deponent saith aat. Such tribes do aat ireubte Angnsts, April 30, P. M. One Und to take care of American interests there, was reiccted. Daring the debate he wat at legal and logix not with cheerfulneat, the penalty of eal at he was ambitions andastronox greatness. mical ; for the Constitution had said Gen. Lee deprecates tlieacerbity of Orant. i i r..m.' .,,.1 .,.,1 a. s.,.iri i r-i:.. aaw ik. f -3r v rclUVIHI ra ViUir. avuva aai.i aaar ii'ii,ivl "wuii mvh wv aia, ia. Ul UBte VOS S ve limn to tne distance ot removal. lana, ana is aispoeea to oeiteve that the ballot von won't Anna: The Radical party the taemorv of aa road Year works ia the past wont save yea. Toe ate. I.Bhsrh the aaaitatoaa. tsaaity af putting the Mack race forward. I ou waat to cover ap the negro wit J Tike ihonght some one called him a cow-Great laughter. So, without thed- more md is disposed to believe that the ballot yen won't gat the sassae moderation and prudence in th, MLgrJeltk, " 1

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