7 i,fr aT' L ma ""e-di 1 v m oaal . defence, ' i. sr Mr Imh.) They Death Penalty. A Win? flmUtimt f Chew W AinmJy in .lortA UlWiM rw Zdd ILmfed for tke Murs dV Istur rotter. ' IUMN BTSTBSV1U.B, N. 0, I May 1, IMS. I Ts-ay took fhee ens of tke asset sin mIat executions iu the annals of crime ai j uudec la mom ulrmordioery eircaio reeoid. A tenibss eriass wee ...-,, ii i.d a Heel that Ii. nt had iu nmI even la the Bareell trial tullow ed. The evidence wee entirely rireem rial : bat el nearlv half-past two, r. M .. Tweewaa Dnla sort", r. d the death pen .In far tka saunter of Laura uetcr, iu ewe SMSSB s of urarl v three thousand per i ef has nwa rare and color. Oa the fetk af May, 18, a foul, l..hu- maa murder wae committed m u west- em awieaeaf Wwaie i,ns.i,is,ihis til me, tk vnwiss beiuf latere Foster, a buauti- f.il, let frail firt, who wae OSoayia from kar lather's boese in Caldwell county to a auee fas WUkee hue a a ae la Bate liacr, aad ken bnitally maiden-d. The toaiy wae the resaoved about half a tnile. froai she aecwe at tbe m aider, aaa wae I in a grave already prepared M It Late in August ot the sosa vem the body wae teaaa ia a Plate af each decouiposi- tioa skat it wee dWeatt te tdenefy jajjii. causing death inHaiilsinisasiy waa aba believed that ike mardsred dr. o cask IBlha left breast iJhj kaait ; ike wouud had evi with a large kutfe or Wa- Tke disappearance of Laara excited uo alarm ear several dare, ae it wae sup- aweea eke had gone off to get married er to Tie it eeaie acquaintances in Ws- taaga county ; bat at lengtn tne opin ioa bream general that she bad been r.mllr dealt with, and a general aeareb waa ban it at ni, witiioat success at tbe time. Tka community iu ike v icimiy of tkie tragedy ie divided iala twa entirely distinct classes, a ui one ind hieeaeietaat ciaaul far tka Inch ef ability, bat stock wae ike evidence tkal no other verdict tkea tkal of gailty could be readered. Mia. Abb Melton baa not yei been tried, Ikoagk eb Dais's trial, u bv thai morbid oorioeity to aaa an seoutiou, au ge nigral anuHig tlw ig nontnt claeeea of eociety. Tha pre liininarM n nil arranweil Kv Prr thj' Skaritf Waeaon. A frallowa ouatroo and. like him, heard bl , . . .iJ, . ,1.. .a" ' i - I 111 lel I J IMIIf, VIVLiVi. wraaar IBWaw antai.a BVitKmll Y tt I llltl Ft af IDV VlBlbiC: .a a . 1 . 'eaeaa ,r fir. yaer. ul U xL illrgitimat. ?'M;,M,W,C Vf f1"? deugbter ol one, ctrU. Foatcr, and ie a Sl-leavltU-wa. tl.o .lt aeleeiad uoM branliful woman. XU i. entirely , "r ' raljr. A gwd bad . ... m. A A B B a. Oi.u. thair montlia. and a cartaio kioub.'oI the nroat ouafirmed and kardvnad able veto af the Haakar taw Uanaa paan tainaer look, vara evidently attract-'criminal of lha afi in winch ha u aaee tke follawiaf langaaga i lirca. At vet m written cotKcwnoa mg,. pp,DK(1 of tUe Bauumi CUrtaovan abort- at van. bae u baconja aW wkem eiwuod of thki aet. it oavht not aaty lata may w cioeexi. j 'u- enrtoua nittitnera or tne great iuflueocr ebe j ueojile who had never wvn a gallow with wkoai eke i ille- beforv, vhdiod thi structure-, eyeing i w eb- feel j, w,, ,rimiite twlitiins and aa it wa t..,..i ,nA ilwo.-t, i;.in. in iln- . i.l.i Iwrii auiiiiiioiied t.. ki up back the of depravity and ignorance ka tbe man. IcmwU ahtl enlorce Hie terrible Uealll ner ar.J bearing of an acromplUked Udv, 1 pfnall y. and tor the beHer rvervas ami all the natural imwora that ibouhl lion ot o.ilcr, tbe IhU r hi rraeea Bark bora beaaty. Tbi may in closed. Jhu enrioua nmitlieni of the part aeeoant tor the obtained over Dula, w gnnaaieiy couneciru, uu V" It Willi at range- lei-lin '-, tint he perewtently Oeaie all Bnowiecge a.,ey ,w utiriifliia. with a space of of her participation in 16 murder. UUiut lea fum ihd .-.oaa niece, on faaliae roatar, ine principal ' t..p, under which the cart with the OBalnil bUl tae . ccn.ro, reraaraitoie . . , , torabiiibaAdeb.,emot,.nd nmy be; 'ITT' Z J 6 .li.miJed with the .utement ti-t .he ha ! rvaiton. ww ne . .I.;,, ..rlci, Mkl I revioua to hi being taken from " ' . I ll.ni.il In 1 1.- ll... ........ ..I ll... to negro child. I J a"'"-, v Thoraaa Dula, Mioooodemned man, "'i'1"'" ii abo .t twent v-ftve year old, Ave troni the moun'ain region feet eleven indie hiirh, dark evo. i " rneU be lived appeared upon the Iu ai d lli greati MlilMHv M vvincaa eaatroi aje eo oc.niMiie awwoniM m is av- . .1.- .i ... .,Mih niBinr the Cuaarim. the Kseeedve aad . uu . J" ' i" www . er ho baa left any eonfwaWoo that bo m ght bo t opmiid to maiu ihcin iu public. Hi reiirvMce, h-wever, la accon tiled lor l ihe a ieli that ho would not liupllcato hi accomplice, Mr. Ann Mellon, how to ho tried. oocapyiag the fcwllle land adjaeeat to tka Vadkia river and lie trikotariea, i edaca ledaad kaawkgaat, aad le oilier, living on the apar aad ridget pi tbe aounlaiiut, i ignorant, poor and depraved, A state at imw "J Boexampled in tka kietory o( Bay country eiiau among theee people, and such a general nyiicta oi iiceiori imi aamaaila. tkal u it '' wie child that (bow ha fat her. ThU U the Bake Mere, where tka body waa discovered by " - 1 anahii and w lie re aoma ten or twefre familir are living in tka manner Aietrihf d ' It kr a poor country, covered aiik ikirhf n and a dense nouergrowth. nTj M Btteoipt had been made to conceal ike blood by covering it witk bosbe. Soon aepicioa attached to Tkos. Dula, sd Confederate soldier, and one Poster, aa illegitimate couein of the deceased, aad, hltr btr also Iran, as the ruiltT parties. Pauline was hen ser vant to Mrs. kleiton, and between Iter aad Data a criminal iutiavacy Waa koowa to esirt, and hence suspicion more pattiea lariy attacked to tbeeulprit, because Pau fcmc bad myrterioaary diaappeared for a lim alter the murder. Her ckaracter was tka saost akasinaed ol all, aad un der Be jaauonrr of brandy aba admitted wkea askll tkal "Torn Data aad me but apparently reeollect- dark enrly hair, and thoafrit not hand some, mirht he called eood-lopkitig lie fought gallantly in tne uoiiienor- ato service, wliere no earatiiisiieu a reputation for bravery, but since the war closed, has become reckless, do moralised and a desperado, of whom he people in his vicinity had a tot ror. mere is everyming in in prootioD to indicate the hardened aa gaaain a fierce fflare of the eye, a Cdeal of mal gnity, and a cal ess that it revolting. He laughs and jokot when spoken to of his ap proaching end, and eshibits a shock ing indifference a to hereafter, refus ing persistently all tpiritnal eomfoH Ironi atteuding elorgyinen. Yester day evening his sister and her husband who eatoo with a wagon to take his body, sent him a note from his aged mother, entreating him to con fees the troth for her take, to that the would he satisfied of his guilt or innocence. But Inrther than asking that they be treeta, and somo Mtiirular reiniuiaoen cos of his former life were related. Among them, that It was generally bo lieved lie murdered the husband of a woman at Wilmington, in this Stale, during tho war, with whom bo had then criai nal intercourse. Thoopin ion of all was that he waa a terrible, desperate character, and from their knowledge -of his forruo career an anxiety and singular cnrioatity was excited among them to see how he died. Few there weie who pitied hint, dying, a they believed him, guilty, without a confession, and none sympathised with htm. At eighteen minute before one o' clock, the guard being formed in hollow sqnare, tho cotideuined was led forth attended by the Sheriff and some assistants, and wi'.h a smile no on his features, look hi teat in the art, in which was also his emu, be aide hkt brother in law. The pro. cetwion moved slowly thromrh the munn & Oii Sittk State. BY HANKS At lilt I' N KB. SALISBURY, MAY 15, 1808. he heradf. WOald make no further latirnr A day subsequent to" this, Psu line. wkea criminated by Mrs. Melton, iv stav-nteat, ana sue mined in ike jail ol Here be mad a cos- eMrs. Mohan, wno. the alleged, Was jealous of Laara, aad a artv to tae piece wot io j feaaioa teerfawinatiii towty was ban was nnrsaed Dula had fled the country. I and arrested in leane- ae4, a here he at f.-nnd under an assam d name. Be was then- todgcdl hv jail upon the evidence of Pauline, as wss also UsLkM. ss acaeraory before tbe fact. Tree km were l..nnd agaiast both by the Ijrand Jary of Wilkes, bat upon affidavit the prisoners the trial w removtd to JredeU'coanty. .T The most intense Interest was msui ratod h this trial, which lasted several days, kv the people here and of Ike ear JI eoBuii. .. . Nearlv all the peo ple oa the Bates Plac were f njiiid, were developed. W'il- .ad ike -r i . i a .iu tesma him. wh rh reonest afreets, accomimmeu i.y urge cmwus. aa n-fnftetl. he said nolhiiiir. Uo wale and female, whites and blueka. ... . a Ma m. ' I . .1 ! ... it w huin t.. ...i rl-o. ... w Mini lllllll' till remained cenani, nor wiiii ....... ---- -- j any tignt of repentance, and aeeinoil to have some hope of ese,e, tbongh ho did not say so. A c-. .!:!;. m had been looked for ibat miglii either ex onerate or implicate still further, his alleged accessor v, Mrs. Melton, hot this ha refosed to gh e, aud left the impression thst she is not gnilry and shall not be Mowed"' upit bi.kiit. though the contrary is getierally be lieved. He raxrtrstik of a lioarty sap. par, laughed and spoke light!, bat ere the jailor left him, it was diseov. erod that his shackles were loose, a link in the cbaiii'being.nled through with a piece of w ndow glass, which was also found concealed in his bed. While this was being adjusted, he glared savagely, and in a jocose man ner said it had been so for a month Cast. Being at last, left for tbe night y the jailor, he requested that Mr. Allison, one of his tuttoeb, no swat for. and while charg tig hTiii wiih. in- strictest injunction to secrecy while he was living, nanued tutu tne miiow, ing, written in a rude manner wiih a pencil: Statement jf Thorn C. Dnla. I declare that I am tho only person that had any hand in tbe nisxder oi Laura Foster. April )ih, 44, Beside this he bad ahw writtea'a lengthy statement of his lite, but without reference to the murder, Which waa intended n an exhortaion to yonng men to live virtuously, and nor be led astray in path of vice a he was. There'was nothing remark able in this document, though it coh ered fifteen page. . Lett alono in Ins ecu on me iasi night of his eaithly existence, toe savage fortitude that had citaracter ized his trials, sentence and imprison ment began to give way, and lie in r vousl v oaced tbe floor as tar as the chain would teach, litis waa on! m horseback ami on font, w hric on the way to the itallows he looked cheerful and sike conrinnalry to his sister of the bcr;plnres, assuring her be had repenud ahd that his peace was made with triod. At the gallows throngs of people were n I ready aa sembled, the uuiubei of IViualea hcv ing almost equal to that of the male. Tile few treea-in the field were crowd ed with men and boys, i and under every imaginable shade that was present, were huddled together evory imaginable' species of humanity. Soon the procession came in sight accotiipaned by horsemen dashing over tho field, dispersing tho crowd, and a! ei Jit minutes past one the cart was halted under the gallows. The condemned man appeared unaffected hy the sigh', but talked incesamly to hi sister and others of religion, try fiig,tf poesible, to aaure them that he- had repented, l;'Mn hi-tng tdd by the She. iff that 1m conkl address the assembled crowd, he arone. and turning hisdark eye upon them snke in a loud voice which rang back from the woods ae if a demon there waa T1IK IMPEACHMENT CASK, la our last is a we commented at some length upoa this ease as stated by Mr. ltinglsaa.- laths dsisg sa ourseJfto the President's right to coasi tbe laws for himself la eartaia eases Another chsree made by Mr. Bingham i that tho President has "assessed to him self the prerogative of intei preting tbe t'onstitution" for himself, a wwH as tbe laws of Congress. The President I swore to support tho Constitution aa well a to execute, the law af Congress made in pursuance thereof. And how can he awpport tbe Const it a i ion without know ing what it is I And how oaa U know what it is wilhoat aa "interpretation" of it f It Is simply impossible. Then, in respect to sueh parts of it as have never been interpreted by the Supreme Court, he ha the oaa right to interpret it that he has to construe the laws. His own in terpretation, made witk the assistance of kis legal advisers, mast be tke rule of his conduct until a different MterpreUlioa is made bv tke Sanrims tribunal. To . i make oat tke shadow of a ease agaiusi the President ia this reward k will he necessary for Mr. Bingham to skew tie he has assnmcd this prerogative in oVa- auee of that tribunal. This he has not dour, nor preteaaVd to do. We admit s that if bu could do ibis bo would make oat a case at usurpation, aecotdiug to oar view af tke Cona'ilutioual fonctions l the co ordiunte departmeuto of the gwv ernment, and we oold be the last to de IVIIM WsHs But even if this could be.hown-coul.l be proved as clearly a tka light ul day, i there DO precedent that could be pleaded ia mitigation of the offence. Have none af ike long list af Aneriran Presidents whose name we honor, ever essayed to construe the fandamrntat law for tli. ui selves I Have none of thesa ever assert cd their right to iuterprrt the Concittn lioa for then) si Ives, and to act upon that interpretation, a contrary interpretation by tbe Supremo Curt notwithstanding I If any of the honored and respected pre decesor cf rraudeut dohnson nave so acted, without provoking impeacbuent. or threat of impeachment, then we sab mit that it would greatly excuse and palli ate a similar offence in him. Let as (ex whether such has been tbs ease. Daring tbe administration of the rider Adams tke celebrated "alien and sedilioi North mocking the tone and spu it ot a I j4Wi" were pawed by the Federal psrty, wretcH who wen Knew ne was going nto eteruit v mill an nncoitlu.-sed arm Foster, the fother of the deceased, tea. j terrn pted t h rough tire wlnde liigilt liked that wkee hs arose on the morning af hum' disappearsnee, his oorse was also gone; tkat W traced the animal to Ike Bate Place; tksihe anew die trselj ly a peculiarity ts one of tbe hoofs. He i.et er saw his dauehn r alive again, but lie saw d recognistd ber body; knew id b' en 10 tbe habit Ot vi.lt birr, and bad seen them - in and that they had two pn- vte . cjrtivi-rsaiioi s on the Monday and Wedaesdav reOpeetivi-ly, pn ceding her disaaassiranee. Partber testimony went to show tkal Laura and Dula were both aeea on the morning uf the muider trav eling by different r.uu s from the dir.i tiaO ofbi r borne, to tin 1 ? l'lac, it I a view, as was seppo d, toman-y Dola-i laat Data bad bunoaed'a msllneK, the tmpleaseut with ffcish ike grave waa dug, tka day pren us, o.d that he bad been : beard to say that h eobiraeted a disease j from the aunt red gut lor a burn be woum W reranard apaa kerll a. Jtlfft prfc veaj tlurtDuU bad changed bis name, and kd Hejng brought back trum leunessee ai.led to escape. This eumprmud tke essential lestiatotiy. ad t witBeasea generally appeared im lr aksssk tnj- of ikeai sapasnd SB tVoaS (,, , tixt kis scuittal through fear of some at Ms reckless asaociates in tbe moontsius. AossUmo foat attempted to bo avowed was ibat I hi dan ass contracted by Dais from the Bsardevad weesaa was imparted by toss to Mrs. Meitoa, wuo toreed kha iff, tbe i immissisn of tka crinss oa that snttrJCLsrasiS 4V M- attempt to cwiu t Artl in; h ff; su- . sr- ffs . sweet restorer, Unt lUXain, it. ant ral half hour is excepted, and the condemned after Hh weary minutes of that eight, sew the last sun he should ever beheld shed its glorious hght throogh tne bar d the window. After breakfast hesetit fWhis spiritu al advisers, and seemed for the first lime to make an attempt to pray ; bet still to litem and alt othere deny ing his guilt or any knowledge of the murder. The theory ecemed . to be that he would a ow the people that he could die "game" with an awful crime resting upon bis soul, fcui iy iu ihe morning he was baptised by the Hethodis! clergyman, an J from thai time engaged fervently in prayor; but when left alone was heard speak ing incoherently, words occasnmally mnrder upon hi mind and falsehood on hie lips. He spoke of Ins eatly childhood, Me paren is, ami his sub sequent career in the army, referred t.. the disedutii 'i of the Union, made blasphemon allusioiit to the Deify, itivoking that namo to prove asser tions that he knew Were, some of iheui, at least, fahss. Tito to'litict of the country ho 1 i-cu-.-e.il freely, and upon being iufoi tiied. in ieply to m question of his, flint Holden was dec ted Governor of North CaroJins,Jhe branded that iiersou as a secessionist and a man i bat could not lie trusted, flis onlv reference to the murdei was a half explanation of the country and -the d ffereat '.r r.ads Mm VM1 leodiuirtO l lie scene oi' the muider. in which his only anxiety was to show that some two or three of I he wit hemes sw ore laUely against him. He mentioned pa'ticulariy one, James label!, who, he alleged, had p ijured himself hi the case, and concluded by saying that had iiieio been no lies sworn against him he would not have been there. This concluded his speech, which, had lasted nearly one hour, and after an apparently affec tionate fate well of hi sister, who was then removed from the cart, the rope, which all the time had been row d hi neck, was thrown over the then in power. These laws were decbur- ed to be ancohstilutionsl by the opposing or Ki -publican party, as it was thee call ed. Kvery well liifornied man is bmii iar with the sensation produced through oat the country by the passage of those acts. The c lessor raised against them broke down the Federal party, ..aad brought tbe Jfepublieaas into power at the next election, with Hr. Juiwrsoa as their President. Tha' obnoxious laws were still upon tke statute book. Their V - t 'onst itutionality hod .been affirmed by the Courts. What did Mr. Jefferson do, did he excuie the laws of Congress ss ke was sworn to dot Many of oar readers will be surprised to hr us say that be di'dl not, but it is even so. I le.pofrv(jr refused to execute the sedition law on the ground that it was unconstitutional and void ; aad he claimed and exercised tka right to in terpret the Constitution, in relation to the matter for himself. In a letter on this sabjeet, written to Hx-President Adams. in 1804, Jefferson says: u.n- .1 enerv p nun un'tuf punisb meut and pruaecntKta under tbs' sedition law. beeau'e I considered, snd now i . .11-: l.-i . tbui law 10 be a nullity as sbsobsM and fwipSble s if Ci,!(,'i bad.ooleted m to tall down and woridiip the irotirn iin. ami lliat it was as BsiaVaBt dutr to arrest its exeenliou tn ever. diate as it would Ie. ve been to have lescoed from tlie liei jr furnace ihnsc who slsnild Hare trefe iramist, TUVa, tae Kssosdvo sad lkOBianffWmsmforlB ht assarBBWa or Uss UDrssniaoDst. aisii bw ue onVser who takes sa oath to support, lbs fsllt'Ti" . swears that be will snppwt it ss be onderstande it, aad not as it is uiideratooU bv otissra, It is as mash lbs daily at Ike Boose of Bepriasatstives, oftheSenato, and the Piasoi to decsksoo Iks coBSUtutiooahtv of sa ail or rsstratioa wluub may be prsasot- e.1 to thorn for ratffsace or arrxotsJ as II is al the aapums Judees wbea it may be beoagfaf bssssa itoas ferjeds usl Ji sJiIib. TbeBMburl ty of iWsamM Court osast aot, dserefor, be psrmitled to control Oonfrees or the Bxeou uva, but to ha only sack inOieaas as Iks Ivros of then- reasui.ing rosy 6Wr." We need not say that we reject in totu tbe doctrines laid down by JcJersea Jackson, snd tkal we think ibey b-cn tke fruitful source oi mock of lb evil which has sMictod the country. Bat we will oat stop to discuss them st length kere. That rt was tke doty of the judges to pes a sentence of ihe and imprison ment upon a man convicted under tb Se dition law kseaass Mey believed the law to bs consChational, and of the liieculiv to prevent the sxeention of tke saatoaee be cause kalis ind tke taw to be nneoasti tutmnal, as claimed by Mr. Jefferson, seeess to as to be a paradoxical absurdity Yet, however absurd tke doctrines these distinguished worthies amy seen us, they were maintained by assay other great men besides Mr. Jefstsoa aad Gea. Jackson. They have even received lbs of many of tke most distinguished san of tka present radical party, iaeladuig among them ChanVni Sumner and B. F. Wade. Justified by such precedent" and sustained hy such authorities should Mi. Johnsou bsre been impeached if he had fallen kilo ike sasae error 1 Did tke great ( The cause assigned for lbs leaders of -tke Whig party in 183 hold ; j, tbe dangerous illness of Senator How that Gee. Jackson ought to be impeach- 0f Mickigaa, who, it is koped by ed for the coarse which he then pursued f (BOM uvoring eon rietion assy be able to No. They expressly disclaimid thai it was on gurdajr. 8hoolo b bo uos a case toy impeachment-that it was only Lw to attoed at that thee another poeV a political question. They passed a res- j poneroeat may be expected. t ball esevUee tke we. that bis ia tka trae one If be Siae tke above was la typ we see, witk surprise, that tbe lUleigk 4b isd has taksa tka tame view with tke Jhav erwl. Bet hs sigessents srs aot at all iisslalln to our mind. Wo stir stand Ik Constitution Jest as we did dar ing Ike eaavass. HON. P. It. WWDLOB. copy ol k on lueeoadittoasi Carolina. When we kavo bad aa tunitv to read It tally we will " f " er at length. Mr. Qoottfos sdssita ikstlkersase assay akaasises isirlsliei tatkoaeW Uaawtsto; tbai wklefc be at for theagisgst tke ear hast time possible. He akw masses .iih ssneh sbow af reaaea. tkas tke lass rvMnsswnsffBBTHMUsMsffwHM hi North CsjstJiaa toe State members ml Congress sre ai stitatioool and void. Ia writing thh letter we kave as doabt tkal Mr. Oovdloe has been aettsatod hy the best ol motives a deair to pr the welfnre of list people ef kis native StMtc. WWW wsWmt nrotai iMsl WMejr tklags we ret bsre the highest for kiss, oriskag from oar aooriclioa of a ably opposed to aegre sadlVafs as , . Carolina wbe el Prsaislsnt, tae ikoMsis THE IMPEACHMENT, ll will be seeu by reference to oar news column Ibat tke leal veto oe imp ach at! la the Senate has keen foMpeaed ant it Saturday. Pram this postponement 00 tolerance can be drawu bearing the final rasalL Both parties, we sre confident, bat we incline to tke opin ion thai tbe Presidset will he dspeeesh ol ul ion of censure through the Senate, but declared that if It was a case tar impeach ment the Senate could not discass it at all. as, iu the event of impeachment the Senator would became tke judge. How different from tbe conduct of tke radical Senators of the present day. Even tke resolution of censure was afterward punged. ' Bet President Johnson has acted all tka time upon the opposite doctrine. Ha WSS ss profoundly penetrated with tbe convic tion that tbe reconslracliou acts of fee- grree were unconstitutional a Mr. Jef ferson could possibly have bean that the sedition law was unconstitutional. Aad moreover be believed them to be ruinous to the coeutry. Yet be never thought of fol lowing ihe precedent set by Mr. Jefferson. He did not, as alleged by Mr. Bingham, to d.-cide upon their constitution aliiy. He had no doubts himself, but lieu it was not his province to decide such que. I ions. The Constitution had established a trillion! for tbe decision of such questions, and it could he decided by no other. The law, having been pass ed by competent authority, mast rsmain tbe law until tbe Supreme Court shook oectne upon me question 01 lis vaiiniiy. Notwithstanding the clearness of tke President's convictions be executed the law. He, no doubt, wss exceedingly anxious for the question to be raised be fore tke courts, and he probably encour aged the taking of the proper steps for that purpose, bat nothing more. No President has ever shown s greater sab- mission to law, or a more anxious desire to preserve tbe constitution. Even tke But than sre doubtless other which have had something to da with the Btottsr. Prominent sinong these Is tke extreme unpopularity ef Senator Wade who is to become FeasideOt hi ease ei the removal of Vr. Jphnson. 80 great is his unpopularity, even with his swu party,; a a a alffV Or t tV. . - e t. that should sir. jh usoo do scajanswi . tmuj o "oi" r"-v . mow tbat is SffsafoL And there is reason 10 belie, that the)' " Usiea plotted for tke evertkrow af tk meet wkkrh tbey bad skied H tke It. t U Tr4jr assy ktfc said, "tke breed seeaw aot wtirtl. . ksffeereatt.'' linear. in wilb SffBaaa toeNMea oat WbW, a Pat, Oakw, OiSffSamead 1 hnsseatsad nop to the Dsow SffBrtymrsM Aad yet OBJ JMksn. esnva,M.T stoaamg to tfasirpnaaB. And mors alt. 10 h-ar old diawsnMi bke W. W. HolL lf TV L Tt BkffuL. WSM n is . tilward Cwsjwsg, W. M. tSseisd, ead ethers si tki cog oW Wliigs for p-i, ..m.w.mmrV'H a U. o tbs dvtoosrsifc party lo torcsuof Iksir sauatry. ihai . Tbs Wkstm lasTta Bbtisw tor Apj witk Ike asaal varied fotsresdag table J eentoats, is upoa ae lakes. Tka J teats of this aamisf ttm as follow QaUato, Tke Pilgrim and the Modem Notion of Ooveraaasat, The Iraj Qeeettoa, Tke Okasek Systom ef lrebj Meti C elBsVieli WfLkri$LWtwt WlVfM. (lover saent ht Victoria and CootenpJ ry Lltotatme. w9wfmfQt& eww ssOwaeeffi Bw4ff.Ct t'wb . 140 Pahoa Street, New York. ibJ Bsu. At WsaasarOfft, N. O.-W acknowledge the leeetpt of aa hrrit to s ball to be given to the Medical tJ ulty of North Carolina, on tke events. J tke ttad ksstff, st tbs Central Hotel, vj N.C, Tka iianln will it will be oat ol oar power to 1 Oca lUuawauB Srooa W wee liigldy gta iAsd to-day. n In Usswa Crawford lleSur's H l CQIllesrtki ftHlf iHtW tfttTnffl 1 all nsg ef osVjC Ikaa asp I Cfl y aalwttaffsM, eBfrgw, MMsb4b IbW wJsMsst or other paspsss, or branefc of sushi u eomprisre aa she oat endless vartrty ot il.iiigs, to any body who does, or 1 II is vain lo atle mora lurneuiar desuriutun : sou ssa waa pwapw mm b MM and ft lUs proprtotors to Wade from occupying tae i resmentisi )IM) Ub gooih w od to iJa bow j a ssBiealisn suck so sstoblwkmsnt osssSMnity of multkeSfftoous and Varisd v. Conn UUUI win im NjvwvM..,, w. cage Coaveniioe text week, SS tke post ponement was moved and carried by those Senator who ere known to be for eoovle victsse. Wede it ht well known, aspires to tbe Domination for tke Vice Preoideuey ky tkal Convention, aad it was feared teat if installed into tbe presidential office now be would so dispose el hie patronage to secure, it. Sock ooaiioapon will not be at all acceptable to hi party, hence, 11 is believed, these tactics. Such beine the probable reason of the postponement of the final vote an the lot ipeeekmcut of Mr. Job aeon we do not be?; 17. ... -BTB. . ff. X lu-ve tbat it will use place on naiaraey, hat ibat time will be another iKurtpone- HON. NAT. BOTDEN. This gentlemen, who has beep in Wash ington for several days, returned on yes terday evening. 'We leers Cress bin that lis name wad ssfoag the two hundred whose disabilities have aeon reisvid ky a vote of tbe House of Representatives, and that he will almost certainly be ad mi tied to his seat with the o impeachment ui.n.ger. Me' Hg Use delegation from this Stole. Is i-n compelh d to abandon their charges so iar as the President's tn- tentions were concerned. And the question b constantly being asked "will the President be convicted Owing to the degeneracy of the times tbst question esm not be answered. Ie other days, when Sens. tors would hare keen ndges, no one would have dared to pro pose the impeachment of the President oa sucli charges, tnis is clear Iroin tlie eases which we have eited. gallows and fastened. St Sliding thero jess the unags. I 11 WSS BOCOruilliCIJ iiuih-mi r.wwrj 1. .-virv nun on tlie briiiK or eteru iy, mis man calm iu thu ttresence ol that vast crowd, refused to admit publicly the dropping frouVdtis lips in remind to fmeraVf of, which Ihcy all believed hhe in i tirdif. 6atTlTOiffTO"tbatWwTn telhgihle. And ihus wore away tue last hours of the eondemued. So long had this execution been oeiidiiik:. and as the murder wss coin wamsdeBsitemeat existed had taken place" to allot her, generally known throughout the en tire western sect. on 01 umi oiaie. mjj eleven o'clock, A. M., dense crowd, of pWple thronged the streets, tho grestNpumber of females being some what extraordinary. These, however, catne mostly beeauee it wss a public afforded them an opportu uity to make pnrchases, bat a eertstu . . .. . . . 1 . -i . 1 ,i, . i.i.mi indtcateu uy a oronaeu cuwpica- .Gov. Vaoe 'ion, rustic attire, a tjaid of tobacco in trim ib bo'SMiiliT. - At twenty lour minntcs after two, P. M., the cart was moied, and the body of '1 homos' Dnla was suspended Isetwoen heaven rid earth, 'the fall minutes, and did not s'n.gle, the pulse heating ten miuatee, and in 18 min utes lira watdeulaied extinct by Br? Campbell, attending turgoon. After hanging for twenty ujinntee the body was chi down and given over to Ihe afflicted relative of this tariible crimiuaL . ...... .A, Thus closed the career of a man, who, thoiiL'h yonog in years, ignorant aad depraved ia character, waa one! like these. TAXATION. Our friend of tke Charlotte Democrat rejoins to our article in reply to hi on the limit .f taxation in the new Constitution, iu which be merely reiterates ki formerly expressed opinions without rrpljiug to oar arguments. I bis be does not attempt further than to quote what certain radical leader said daring the eaavass. This,' we submit, is no answer at oil, and we are surprised that our neighbor should have shown himself unsophisticated enough to take for gospel truth tke decbt rations of politicians in an excited can vass and use them as srgumtnt. Such of dealing with the The Hail Storm of Thursdsy last. d d important damage lo crop in portions of litis county. , We have had reported to as the total deetrnes tion of fields of wheat in emae cases j and in others, serious damage. We are pleased lo find, however, that the destroying force of the storm display ed itself in only a few localities. though it seems to havo passed ever the entire length of the county. Tbs VTstit Coor -Tas .WxavasB-fj wheat crop Is Urn section ef tbe Stats b iog uausoally Soa. It is SOrUse tbaa 1 moat of it bemg now ia heed. Siaot lbs ; 1801 it ass set bsea as early er iuoktdso 1 at Uus vrsson of the year SS at prssrai. k.s -s I weanr wSffWMverBBTr j to I deed we aliea.hr ol tlie rust, if da) i now and the ssaaao4gH ba dry we tluak the crop Stasis, U1I1 11 may be lost. As up tu tbe praseul 1 weaiber has bare wet soalMBBOasll. an 1 " Ihr May seajou" has now bsre pssal. i Isffpe foi dry weather to Kioow tor awude. TAe Next Step Formal P turn by eteU I'hrtUj. Wendell Phillip., m tke last the fftsdi-nle swy rhip in advance over eke ears of tke sates te tke I Chicago CoBveatiou. he wans Ike I to move 00 to as follows t After lure oi the equality. ... ..a J I lepeassssa party demos into law aad pisiform of tne pnaefple of vqnal nstlAftsf 1 ship tne same in Mlcbinaas to out ssaing what Uw o0em1rs tnul done, or sainsi whom they had offended, bat whether the pains they were suffering were inrlnjied un der the pretended sedition law." fflad la aaotkei luiltT mtbe saasey-en the same subject, be says : "You em to think it devolved on tbe law. but oottsnx m in uoostiiaitoa naa given . I . n k.. In ,U.uU W ll k.MW 1 1 i.n.r.. ' - oiffir fa. tkmm i-iWas not oar iiotii magistrate ai Kjoalty independent to the ' question. We took up the article on Kar ,d.ere of actioa ssaigoed to them The judges eull. ,ur Taxation. andNsndeavored to - a e - r .......nasl s.rl n d t i . . , 1 S lSr thestd- .kick guide psriato oausw lbs power is placed in their hands by the and statesmen In tk construction of sueh Oitasxjtmoja. Hat tbe Kaeeuiire behevios tk r SWV ..ki. 1. .1 1 , ... .i t.... tk. ' u exeoatkvaofMbeassne Ihataewer ssst Ueso 'y oioa. oy wassa a ooaoded to bun by tha Ooostitution. Nor was Mr. soa President that Gen. Canity's late order throwing upon the respective counties tho bur den of supimriing tech negroes as may have been discharged from sort viae for voting the Radical ticket in 'J the late election, is little else than a broad invitation to Worthless negroes lo quarter themselves upon tbe pub- ire iwsnrrpor-' meat are a lnaoy dne enforced by the ttrmig arm of, tlw wUilnrjjr, and boMcver unpalatable or oppressive, must be borne I What next I itstaiiBed opinions at bso j Iy asoae y waie a trae 1 , L n- - I Vffl rassfSwsVsWe Aererr- Bat w. wiH discos the phdoBs I tker. We ese snre that et Own. sfacksoa, in hut memor- the eerrcrt one, bet ve srs withng tket We know thers-are s , lew colored men, snd a few Northern men assong as wkoj am Conservatives, so-called, -ucb per sons have reached a depth 0 political degredatton osors easily Imagin destertoed. I ber were A run Bam ia tke oldes time, entirely to bate run sot. Standard. will draw around War. aad aserelksst the influences and ssssilslbins ear f f-ajt kh anrkry, .wjH-BBkjLef tke sort l a a Va T. t .a w . ih . iy to NMretM WW MU "pfMiwai njBffues ffStt I hajs sw JL . . ff. ff. wansSffaak i s-islstl t lw,"ej Y f afJwW anaWwawaalatus taast get oar asaic work done bow, daring tke lee montks of Wade's 1 istration, which it ie espeetod will this trial. Kvery dsy proves tbe tJ this. Men ef tke Peessadee type, Wers of Ike Orhaee sort. politicians like Wilson, will bare 1 Bat they in their lata wiH be slaughcd by tbs West Pointers -no the red tape school, it is true, bat sf ' abler son Uresis admtolstrattoa up more likely to seek diversion for to pi m a serai-aggrosslve "maaifest ay tort of a policy, that it ia te 1 unglsd and broken three not poller, and so weave in the national loom, tket they shall sets pet wet wen, gtowiog with colors and instincts witk tke ftl imudoes of Ubtrty, Eaality j IffSt as have one. end ens only, ab sjiiesnsksa ikmssfhsat the hmgifc breadth of tbe land. Chicago must be atsde to feel the I I sore of the hum ssbvy refortad Is. iit.it form to Im adopted them Mas' den ho enarliMHl of aaual ao'rsjVS. M areas mast be re a a trad to ssatotsls" ' of em m poiuicsi gined than "oleW and tke breed Verily, "tke breed seems eat entirely to kavs rea eel " Tfcere ere mea Is North will anseii ing iL required Ii ibis, or kt renal sabis' plisb to Tka ttoaih. wiU be there. to soa of her delegates, wksto to declare that witbee snd snactineul by the tionoi eonveetioa aa ssrnrll v the tbsisa aw theinojariy- 7- ' J w eawss) .'.-' !--. 7 r-. . "V 1 ' 'i j. .. -m ' .. I JajwaBBnnBBaBBB

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