, 1 jjf4 r. mmf V,. 1 IM-MOCRVTIO CHANGE FOR $vcotm 1'nless.a in UetNuof lat fall .-,1 tl.ii itrin hnvMiMi, tb) I ha lie within; tliv. past year a greet of auullliiuul atiiuuit iu imju ue.papalarly Wined re-etioii- ;....,niiu tit i-iliy of tnalntaiii- ina the uoi4toy of the party in .lj. ..dlrlata frsr President In No I rem ber next. Unie llwf-ha been M.cb a change, FW. W ... i f leant, would dOBM BO Mr i.i.s tha aUaiion than would Mr. Pendleton, or Go. Seyow,tf Con necticnt, in takiajf the field again! Titer art many member of the republican port who wonid rather ret for KMWf nt tun ftadktmi or either of the' Seymour j enl Hiey woold rather vote for Grant than for either of the other gentlemen named. The men who, tinee the eoniuience metttof tb, war, , b8 with k. nrtv in newer, and ere now eon Mderinc the propriety nd fjuty of withdrawing from that party, have been led to eneh consideration hy the evil reealteof the policies adopted by Congress within the laat three or (our cais,and eaforcod agaiust .tbW position of the President, and hie riinvtettM that the party, in coue quenee of its immense strength, ha become eo eorrapi mm iv w uuwuiwj f treat. The demoeraer must largely de- iiend on the wrevareneo of this viction in the Presidential campaign propose meats will c 'in mend In addition, it most nrea of reform which. themselves to the intelligence, and patriotism, and spirit of Justice of the I people. II M UOI uuirmiuciiuy as serted br timid democratic politici ans that the democracy annua tue no affirmative ground, fhey say lt us uroflt bv the Mnndera of our opponents, and assail their eon up tion and incompetency ; bet .out commit the democratic parte to doc- I trines wWeh, In tarn, seay tiercely f assailed, and thus rendered uuponn hv. Such a course would be incm- j latent with the hiatorr of the JWI mocratic party. It is the boast of oar wganiiatiou that it plainly pre sents the issues to the people uKn which it ask their support. Let as go into iho can v ass proclaim ing that the present iniquitous tariff lawa shall be modified ; that the aa tional bank eirculattou shall be abol iabed: that the expenses of tbe if" reduced : frrat the JVaAaVsa 1 ' mdum Washlngtee, May 9, P. M. -Meade tslsnrwuBS Grant tbst both branches of tea Uaorrle Legislature in Badieal and that the Florida election passed off quirt I y resulting In tits adoption of the (Tonsil taeVa. Doth braaehsa. at the Legislator m aaumi. Neither House in session te d iy General itossoan and sereral a, of CoaaiMS. ballad the President tn dir Ex-Prssideut Bucbanan la daugcretwly m. The 8tar ears : "The Hears In lbs Impeachment stock made a tremondaa rally last evening, and far a tiese bad ft all thaw own way. At the IssHeg hotels aad ether points where tmneasttna In cm market are serried on Ufl msaas ot toe President who were supposed to knew a thing or two, were aettleg well en acquittal. Two to tea so ear, aad a headrest to one. At night lbs Balls rallied and swept every thing aad professed to be particular MX. ieea to bet on acquittal. To-day It has been a see-saw operation the Bear up permost one hear, and the Butts the next. Should lbs excitement inerease ia the ra tio it has for the laat forty-eight boars, by Tuesday it wdl be ap to fever, beat aad something Over. Undoubtedly face day will he tbe most exciting day In Washington sinos the surrender of Lee's "sT . The Espress says : "Thar is a good deal of talk about town today upon the probable result of the impeachment trial. The public pulse' fs SOaseWhat excited, bat the preponder ance of opinion seems to be upon the side f acquittal. A gentlemen, nsnilly wail informed upon the eerrent topics, and who has opportunities of knowing wbereuf he speaks, Stated this afternoon that Sena tars bad disposed of tbe qaastUa of Sun- rsmsrai, aad wtH make no ques tion about the President's right to make tbe rimsesl. The point about which they are now Concerned is relative to the ad in terim sppointmetit, and the letter or au thority to General Thoataa. The Sena tort who art) satisfied that there is no caase of soavietisa. hy reason of Mr. Stan tea's re moral, are not so well aatia- Mat tbe Bxaeative had a right to e tea est intert m appointment, h U not believed, however, that this point will oq 1 1 s Bign crime ot mirariDCeui- MEMORIAL CEREMONIES. A large crowd of ladies and gen tlemen gathered 1 at the Memorial Cemetery on Saturday at 4 o'clock. The grounds were in fine order and the display of flowers, arranged ia every conceivable form for tbe deco ration of tbe graves of the noble dead, baa scarcely ever been excell ed. At about half past o'clock, Geo. M. Whiting, Esq., announced the opening of the exercises, and the Rev. Win. S. Lacy offered an ap propriate prayer; after which a beau tiful ode written for the occasion, we learn, by Mr. Mary B. Clarke, was sung by a company of gentlemen. Mr. Whiting then introduced the ore tor, Capt. J. J. Davis, of Franklin, who delivered a touching and elo quent address. Most of tb crowd stood daring tb entire exerc sea, and all seemed interested in tbe solemn and appropriate service. The graves were moat beautifully decorated with flower and at a lato hour the crowd dispersed. Oar Brace will not allow a narticu lar notice of Capt. Davia excellent address. BenUnel. A WEA lIIEKTOr. I JU Xaado'f Black Osawse.-Tbs A Dostonian, says ,h. Commercial LTrX." to test the capability of e negro ensas maintain Itself, wss the notable by tb celebrated John Rand eminent shail lw military despot ism now goveum; teu rrerponsible not to me but to the people, States be extinguished, and the rergn Th people who hold tbe soverei pow. of civil law reatored througtt the ! hive placed voice of a majority of the lawful electors of those Stutea; tint the na tional debt ahall be paid according lo it terms; aud that the authority f the Constitution, a tbe supreme law of tbe land, ahall be vindicated. This proclamation Ihu people can un derstand stii-t will, aitprove, audj it will not interfere witn aasaniiM itpoo Tbe above paragraphs, are telegraphed ta ill as trail tbe alter uncertainty regard ing tbe result. in a well authenticated conversation, the President is rejsveruted to have said ia answer to a owreujon regarding Bing- at's sesieslinii, that be would not obey wfc 90vSbw9js BaairfJdBwS S. , "Why should I not obey if tbe form of the Constitution are complied with t" tf Senators do not set jurlv, ttiey are R a I le derive our adveiaaritta. Chicago Tin o I'KIUllTVB GLtMAT UP TUE Lt 1 .All 1 U. The primitive atssospbarf el tbe earth greatly richer la carbonic acta wan i resent, and tberefore unnt lor lite ration of the warm blooded animals. y of plants in purifying tins at waa long ago pointed out, and deposits of toawl fM bwr bssat UN asawpwiHin vi him ca sh arid by the ancient vege- I a-this eeuesctian the vegetation ares sate the vtiensms aon of trvpical plants growing within tbe Pebw Circle. Praf. T. Hterry Heat eon- I sieers as ensatisfaetary the iaguuioa. hy potheses prewsssd to account for tb war mer climat el ancteat tunc, ana mints that lb tree solatia of tbe scabies la to be funnd ia the constitution of the ear ly atmosphere, when teesldsred in the I glitof Dr. tvudsil's researclies on ra diant beat. lie his faend that the pres ence of a few huudiedtba tff carbonic acid iras iu tbe atmosphere, while offering a). mont no obsUelu to the passage of tlia so lar ray, would suffice to prevent almost entirely tbe I by radiation of obscure beat, so that the surface of the laud, be neath such au stmospere, weald become like a vast orchard house, in which the conditions of climate necessary to a laxa riant vegetation would be extended even to tb polar regions. - jroDMaw f at uyn Horace Greeley says : For young man who are worth $1,000 each w regard Virginia, ienneesee, and tbe Carol una, as very inviting. Twenty aucb may buy for $10,000 an estate largo enough to cut up into twenty good farm, and then have half their money left for improvement, dec. By settling to gether and cherishing a fraternal spirit, they may diminish by onethalf the amount they must otherwise in vent in teams, unpleaaeui, dec -We advise no poor young man to migrate bouth alone f but let twenty le lorty go together, ony an estate judicious ly located, eut It Ds start a store, a blacksmith shop, a 'Common school, dec, ami they will doable the value of their purchase in on year, and be in good eircuim lance witbiu ten year. There are a cheap land and as good chances to day in the South a in the West ; but a man worth $100 may equat in the West on a quarter section in somcMction remote troin preaeut ettluirieui, and grtAB into a competence ; whereas we could ail vise no one to' migrate Southward with tees than $600, while if be goce alone and settle among utter strangers, ho will need far more than that. Vicious as old Greeley V politics are and have been, there are yet Mine giHsJ streaks in him. In the above he tells the si mplo trnfh, and give some good advice. ixnttnel. Cheap Lawp. We recollect of reading tome months since, in a Northern paper, that tlie taxes wonld be laid on tile land in the Southern States so heavily, that such qiianti- ienf tbe in would be forced into mar ket under the sheriff hammer, at public auction, that they would not command a shilling per aero. Thin prophecy has been already verified tn Randolph comity. We learn that nil hundred ifres of L'o..l timbered fijmah fiumrriit l-ot I laud was ' recent iy - sotd at auction in Aslieltoro ,-at tVw CeMs fxtr act. This is tbe beginning of the end. It is needles to add, not an acre of this laud was bought by a freedmau. 7 rfisAim' '.iaoi me over oae department wlta all its duties and responsibilities and have placed tb Senators also with grave re sponsibilities and witn a constitutional power to try impeachment and render judgment thereon. If they misuse or abuse I Ins, or any oilier power, tun people alone caa bold Mi era to account, i be people having empowered tbem to ry hn prachment, it Is not foi the party tried to set aside the judgment. The people alone can sett I with their agents for any abuse of their great trusts Adeertittr, be a toy barometer on exhibition, which consists of aminia lure cottage, with two door. At on of these stand a man, clad in soch parple and fine linen as const i t tite a Sunday -go to-meeting garb tn New England, wh'lo at tbe other ap pear a female arrayed in - like ap parel. Three twain seem to watch the impending weather. If thai arc signs of rain, tb roan, with a noble bravery worthy of a better fate, step boldly oat of door, while the wo man shrinks into the cottage. Bat if tbe signs are favorable, the woman goat forth to chop and gossip, while the man stays at home a' d tends house and baby. A thermometer form part of the household furniture of thia inatitnf ion. at one Itaudolpl. tyta made br u of Koooke, who, by hi wll, astpsis s considerable number of bis slaves, who were subseoaeetly settled on good land in tea free Slate of Ohio. The latest tion of these a seres ws find la tb Cin cionati JEnasairer, aad it soases frees tlemen who resided for some urn 3 Life aad Property. Pan Francisco, May 9, P. M. -Various terrible phenomena were experienei'd at Manna Loa, between the Satb of March and 13th of April. Two thousand em th- n" l shock occurred. The shock oi 30, lasted three minutes. No oni could stand. The Churches and honors in Wale, Chi na, fell, following shock wbicb earn with a tidal wave sixty f . t high, sweep ing everything before it. The earth op ened with bottomless fissure. I blrty persons war swallowed, mo eartD op ened under tbe sea making tbe water red. Vast 4aad iidr In the meantime oc curred, jastisying life and property. The seatasb aad sid of a hill, fifteen hundred feet high, wa thrown a thousand fret over the let of tree into a valley below. Gases issued afterwards, destroying ani mal and vegetable lite. Au island, tour hundred feet high, was thrown up three miles from Wai China aud is joined to bind by a stream of lava a mile wide. A volcanic display illuminated the sea flft v miles. On hundred lives and a half million dollars worth of property wa de iroyed. PnntavKP Cdek A the eaeon for green cim is near at baud, we will state ior the benefit or ilwaie ajiyJ wish to enjoy a luxury in the winter time, that green corn mav bo pre ¬ served in euli and water during the whole rear, and will be almost as palatable as when first plucked from tbe stalk. Mrs. O. H. Byerly sent us a- a .e e .1 .' , . some laat weex which sue put up in salt and water last year, and we found it very nice after a little soak ing. Make the water aait enough to bear an egg, and place the ears of corn in it and keep them euhmergvd. That's all that ia necessary to be done in preserving corn. Char Democrat. From tbe flsisatlfis American CASTING METAL IN PLASTER MOLDS. Messrs. Emtobj : When read in No. IS, current Vol., on page 901 see one of your eorreepodent apeak of plaster of Pan for mold for cast inga of low fusible metals, aud re coiummend that the mold be sub jected to a beat of tOO F. i must uiner wiui ine writer. have had some experience in the use of plaater of Parts for molds, and I found the best plan wa to dry the mold perfectly in open air. When about to use tbem, I warm then just enough so that they would not chill the metal when poured in. After wsrming I held them over a flame that produced a good deal of smoke, antll the inside ot toe mold wa com pletely blackened over. Then I could get about two hundred castings from each mold, after wbicb tbe plus ler became soft aud email particle broke off. Upon examining 1 found the plaster waa burnt and of no Tur tber use for molding purposes. , A. 0. Small. Augusta, Oa. " ' ' J m THE IRON CLAD TEST OATH. Having been requested to publish this test oath, we give it below. It ha to be takon by every mnn who holds a Federal oflice of any sort : "I, , of county of , and Statu of , do solemnly swear that I have never voluntarily borne arms against the United State since I have been a citixen thereof; that I have voluntarily given no aid, - eounten ance, counsel or encouragement to persons engaged in armed hostility thereto ; that I hare neither sought, nor accepted, nor attempted to exer cise the functions of any eflice what ever under any authority or protend ed authority in hostility to tho'Cui ted State ; that I have not yielded a voluntary supHirf to amy pretended g e nuient, atithonty, power or eon atilutiou within the united States, hoat le or. inimical thereto. And I do further swear (or affirm) that to the bet of my knowledge and ability, I will support anI defend the t'onslilu t ton of- ihe United- rntae against ail ne iimcs, foreign or domestic ; that I will (rear true faith and allegiance to the same ; that i take thia obligation freely, wuhout any mental reserva tion or purpose, of evasion ; and that I will well and faifhfnll discbarge the duties if the nflice on wtiich 1 am about to enter : So help me God.'' if era Prmmi. Wercgrt u witness sack evidences of wanieira poverty, as w e. every day, lu the throng of Mirk, and occasionally white, men, Women and chil dren, a collect around tb office of the Kreedmen's Bureau. We do not know the extent of Dr. VogehV ability t re lieve the wants of tbsau poor people, bat fear it ia limited. Manr of fbeat seem to be persons wetl able m labor, bat we tear too many of tbem hare learned to .rely upna charily an long, ilfv have ceased to aVo-nd enoa their own rfAirl. The fear is too that many of the black do not cou irrita cbartry fur-the gorwnmaa to , provide for tbem, but a duty, hence not I . . i , . . . m . . 1 oniv ut sgee and inarm ana inuy wor- my crown aromid, eut many wim ate aoie to w irk. In some cases ihe difficulty f o-nqr wtr appeal tor u'ip necessary. Jiakifk Scnlincl South Carolina GtnttitHiia. Washington, May 8, M. The South t'.irolina Coin mi. tee will protest against the Constitution before the Reconstruction Committee. Mr. Stereos received them a chilling remark, thit with the pro teal tuts claimed as grievances, he regarded as virtues. Col. Thomas addressed tbe Committee making the point that the white people would not patiently submit .negro supremacy, anil that, wbicb tbey w.tttld be eompeiled to submit to tbe yoke .tT i.i i... . - i ......... ...n i. sinn was irirca bv the same I ourt, is tint . ,,,, 1 , rTi' i f un i i.i! a. ..1 removed. 1 he question ot taxauuu seem note bolder of the .lid Banks of the Stale 1 "17 i nun hoiu - i tn klnnro-v h t .oiiiiiiittMt sennuslv. l ie division j . . . - .. Steel Billiard Ball. Among other new uses of steel, one of the latest, aa we learn from a foreign contemporary, ia the em ployment of this metal in the manufacture of billiard balls, in place of ivory. Much halls are recommended for their great elasticity and their freedom from any lia bility of cracking. Frvm Waihinyton. Washington, May 9. M. Absolute un certainty exists regarding the impeach ment result. Senators kern their own counsels. Judicious people applaud tbem tor their conduct in this lOSf L MABRIEO: AttbewtHsansD. M. L. ObaaaJ In Ibis eoanty, at 3, o'clock. May 13th,1 by lb lev air. Plylr, of th. Methodist Chnreh. Mr. A. M. SULLIVAN, nw cbant of this place, to Mrs. af. B.OWEN. Printers' tea duly received. DIED: rent John Randolph' colony of black. HI statement ia that the original Millers were war xtra-intelligent negroes j that they ware established on farm having good houses and SMS, aed well stocked with domestic animals aad implement and re quirement met their condition was bat tar than that of th small, even mod, farmers of th neighborhood, but now what remain ot teem and their descendants are sank into a state of barbarism, shunned by their neighbors, except the Quaker, who still extend charity I aba communt cate with them : that their bouses are dl lapidated, their fences rotted down, their Bald grown up lu briar, and tbeir am mala aud implement long since gone. A Villainous Attack. On Wednesday night as tb 8:45 f . H. train from Wash ingtoa waa approaching the city, just south of Camden juncii n, near the Deep Cat. some evil v dlsaoeed nerson hurled a rock through a car window, tbe missile striking, with greet force, Mr. Curry, wire or uev. j . i.. m. carry, or Aianama, formerly a representative from mat stale in the United 8tta and Confederate States House of Representative. The lady received a severe blow on the fore- bead, fracturing tbe skull aud rendering ber insensible. Upon lbs arrival of the train she wa removed to th Kutaw Hoase, where she received the pmfession- al attention of Prof. X. R. Smith. At first it was thought tbe injuries received would result fatally, but last evening Prof. Smith was of opinion that the injured la dy would recover. Rev. Dr. Curry, who waa en bis way to this city to attend the Baptist Missionary Convention, now In session, waa announced to 'deliver the eouvedtion sermon laat evening, butowing to the condition of bis wife be wss com Belled to decline. Baltimore Sun. Execution of m Murdnnr Confc tion of kit QuiltSjKMck from tke Galiow. Haverhill, Mass., May 6 Samuel Mill, for the brutal murder of an old man named Maxwell, in Franoonia, New Hampshire, wa hanged to-dav. Rev. Mr. Cowan idle red an impressive prayer. Mills, in the meantime, looked tbe vast assemblage as if en deavoring to discover one kind or familiar face, but evinced ontwardly no emotion whatever. At a quarter oast ten the nraver was concluded. and the Sheriff then informed Mills that he had fifteen minute to live, and could say anything he pleased before he died- "I do not know as I have much to bay , sir," aid he ; thou turning to the crowd he remarked : (ientlemon, Pamnel Mill t guilty of this crime, and I think I hare made my peace with God. Samuel Mills has acted like a man, will die like a man. If I have done any thing wrongT hope you forgive me.'" Here he closed teurp narilv. bnt after the lapse of a minute continued. Ivenllemen, tell all ot the folks that Samuel Mills says he is guilty of ihi - . i i i iT s ui. - . crime, ami no un-u iikb a man. AS the last minute was . passing away. the Sheriff advised the unfortunate criminal that he bad one more ppor tunity of saying anything he desired to the crowd. Mills said, in a low, clear voice, "Good bye, gentlemen ; ran County, April 1 0, 1838, Mrs. ' rkbead, aged 61 years, and 6 j Her mind wa clear ap 14 the Ia Rowan E. J. Bir months laat. She expected death, aad afraid. She exhorted ber son lo ia th better laud. May her sleep be sweet till she is waked by the saorahtg trumpet, Uui ioberitane incoi i aptibss, aeenled, and that fsdeth not away. "The art gn to tb grave bat w will not deplore meet The ugh sorrows and d tbe tomb ; Thy Savior has passed through lU portal before tbee. And the luuiH of His love is thy guide through tb gloom." Lines eomposssl on the death of Charlie Maatiu who disd user Wilkssboro, April I darkness encompass 23d, 1880. ta tbe triumphs of the faith deliver to tb ftaJats. At the see of six. he dssired to be received into tb Mrtbodfart Episcopal Church Sooth) at tb age of IS. as prams i MIsthw. Ills faith was sowaskissomlurt. Hew a great being sick about a rear but waa patient submissive. Fur tevsral month, be Wat conscious that his brief life wa draw ing to a termination ; yet hs was aamoved by his approaching dissolntioa ; aad. aben th kttnt ..I hi. A .rri.1 K. ik. monster with that fortltud which Christiani ty alous aaa inspire. He avowed his prefrreasi to live, not fur hi owe sake, but karlbatef hi narsats whs war most ar dently sttsehs to him ; aad. if ever a boy did aVscrw the warmest affeetion of his par ents, Charlie wa that hoy. He wa about I years em at the time T nts death. Charlie, His hard, with thee, to part ; How eaa we give thve up f It almost breaks tbe wounded heart. So bitter is the cup. Bat this oar loss, our Is thy eternal raia i And when We Jordaos strvam shall We hops Ui meet anain. Till that Messed day, sleep o eaw boy, lu thy saua, garden tomb ; For nothing tatirv shall thee annoy. Aa snu Win State of North Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. Court rUaimmd irjrwi Ajsrtf Term, 1883. rarthing Oe, va Thsmw ft K Brewa. hrrisdMlas of th Coart A RbMrowu t ftater- fcr six weeks A 0M Mrtk Bmu aotiivlux to be sad mmmm t v af Witiami, at lb eeart-boeas e the 2ud Monday ia July nsat, and the and lbs shew seas aay tbey bars wby the has levied oa shal ant be oe ihmiosd in ttss ass of tas nhhuaT Witaesa I. B. Todd, olsrfc of oni said court at offlos th 3d MsaHlav ia April, A. D. 1888. J. B. TODD, Chwk pr adv M 00 1. ' in lbs W Court of term in lb. iifnd in, TWmmssI B. i bsyeed the asaissaf mis 8tot tbeti itlistliab madafcri State of North Carolina, WATAUGA COUNTY. fWf Jlsas emf QuarUr Stmimt Apt Term 1868. Thou J. CoBey A Bro, . s The D fa worth, t si TT anpearine to the lltkdssrls of m Court -I i hat tho dMaadsnt Thomas D Pox worth rs- skis byood the hmiti of MSltoIt hr inSm Walal ort said dsVnusnt to bs& appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions lob held for Ihe county of Watauga at tb beuss in Boons, on the 2nd Woodsy ia Joly next, and then and there shew cause rf any be baa, why the property levied on ahall net he sonde Dined to the ass of tas phuotios. Witness, J. is. Toon, clsrx ot our SUM osurt at omce, tbe 3d Mooday in April, loan. - J.J pr adv S 00-19 B. TODD, Clerk Thy mmry long shall linger bar, Aud thy example too ; Fur thou wast to tke heart must dear. That beat thy virtues knew Although thy years thy day were few let long tbey deed WIN livs. And prealfal aa the gentle del Sweet counsel still will give. NEW AD VER TtSEM.ES TS. Executors Sale. $55,000 B ANK BIIJLS WE WILL SELL at the Court House in Salisbury, N. C, on Tuesday the second day of June 1868, Kilty five thousand dollars of Sank Bills, and 1 1 Thousand N. a Bonds, (old sixes). Tb bills are on the follow ing banks, to wit : - 2&0O0 of ihe Bank of Cane Tear. 91,000 i Wilimnglon. 8,0110 ,- Wad. Terms made known on Ihe day of a K. IiARKlriO J. 8. MeOUBBlNS, Executors III SB Murphy, Mav Otb. 4808. . . .. C:ia-lot e 7res. RaleL'h Sentinel and Wil- niineton Journal cony iwo weeks aud forward l.ilh to ibis ufhes. Fiotn Richmond. Itichmuad, My 9, P. M.-Thc Su preme Cottrt to-day decided that iu debt contracted la Confederate urn icy th amount shall Iwrninmuled at the value of monev when th debt matured and ut whi n it wa eootraeied. Aiinlhr decis- shslt Hot bar preference in of assets but depositors aud all creditors bare alike. Tbn memorial celebration to-day-Pour- tccn thousand Cont' di rale graves, at Oak- wood Cemetery, were decked wub flowers. Stevens suggested the plan of allowing the property-holders to fix taxation Many Southerners wre present in the Cemmittee room, and tbe Committe are hopeful sf X li irliti s ihm of the most objectionable features of the Constitution The Tarboro Southerner says : JSf understand that a body of cavalry hare just been through I'itt county, ar rest ine every Conservative citisen who made himself at all eonspbsunu in the last election. Several of the more prominent were carried to.GohJsboro', oa the charge of endeavoring to intimidato voters,- but ant being able to sustain the allegatious they were discharged. ne have indeed arrived at the lowest stage of Military despotism God protect the fdd Rorth Slate iu tho future! It r.-.t. . : - J-...I .1.1- ft looss iiiuceu uara. DueL B itliranre, May P M. - duel waa fomrbt tetwMB B X. Green, of Missouri, anJ DahlrJG. Wrtgbt, af Bshlavm. " first shot both wre wounded, Oreen iu . i . if. 1 u. 1 L. - l the sBOUiuer ana r rwiu m i" ,r "J - . .... f- i i , .. .1 .1 : je i ' aed. I ne srour cnuou om on- aisnwij . - - .mamin inrvviuu ur" -, The raising of cotton in Egypt ha . , W i . i. . tl 1 ceasi'a to ne rcinunentuve- since rne terminal i- of nur war, and largo tract oi Tahd "mlelyWriloyeolor that puruiMio are being own with l. In ancient times kirvnt waa Second shot demanded but Mond rrfu-, , Mtiarv , wij JJ U mnv Phe -four ended but the difficulty ' ' ' XasTroar a rewurd of about one A Child vtitk 4 Monttaokf. 'dollar a hundred pound waa offered There is a femalo child I lecn ; in franco tor tne rjaicasse ot euoe month old, not far from Ihi placJ-trnw.-uivn: with a moustache. It 1 Mack, and and. have become very detreiie. a a a 4 W . t & i .... . t si....... .....I .Stuiwi., l . - ,.r an inn I lono-. tivor Ullflll iiiinurcu iiioiisiiuo ajmiua ooiii oiiki .c. . - , r. s.t- -i i. .!.: Jkfev Wttde Suocemr. is slated thtt in case Ur. Wade become l'rcai- ad a .1 tt W I ... "eut. ine lion. II. d. dcwen.ox ineuivx.k.. . ,,urrr hr oi Oongie-. will le elected aaWhnnirh tha hair on llio head of tho ' were delirered to the anilioi . ., n!.-j i o . j . i ne amwrnssssr to rne a niieu ciaiea Iln Jawettian Dwewperat 8 'anytbiftf to woaed merber child is red. It wa only a few day tus Ladies of Wilmington observ coming Danrill Time. led tbe Memorial ceremonies at th Mr. Davis trial h ertainly to come bff Cemetery, near thai city, on Saturday j Senator e A Sinonhr Story. General Halpinc writes to his paper from Washington : "It was told me this morning by a gen tleman ot the highest position, and char acter, that three Radical Senators, whose fidelity m the behests of their party has never heretofore been questioned, waited upna Sonalor Johnson, ,,t Maryland, a fuw evenings ago, told him their consciences wuld net nmit4ham to vote fur convis tion, and begged of him to prepare, in hi strongest, most pointed, and condensed manner, a summitry of the leading argu ment for President Johnson's acquittal, iu which tbey might concur with him (tbey not being lawyers,) and to which they might point tor justification with their raspecU v constituencies. This sto ry appear to me incredible and yet my authority for the slnictotnt is s gentleman bearing one of the most honored names in the land, aud who is on terms of olsws so cial aad political relationship with Mercr- dy Johnson." m i.t. -t-srit s sa ftnltjut ausa Sir. pucaatew a vena ai umsc rjmse spire neat March, aad Govern- waata te good luck to you." The black cat was pulled over hi head, and the Sheriff remarked: ''Samuel Mills, yonr time is up, aud may God have mercy on your soul. ' A he concluu ed, Mr. Stevens pulled tbe string and the trap droppeo. Mills, being heavy man, fell a dietance ut B ,h. .a, uLufSi. m m i i I it. r. -1 : cigiu icoi wim such veiocny mm his neck wa broken, and the only ap pearance of life in his body after wards wore contractions. of the leg. After he had hnng half an hour life wa pronounced extinct, and the body was cut down. . T v awr The Fifty-second Annual Conven tion of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of North Carohaa met iu Tarboro on Wednesday last, aad adjourn ed on Mooday. About 'thirty Clergy men aad Lay delegates from loan twen ty-five Parishes were in attendance, Bishop Atkinson presiding. On the second day; the Bishop read his annual Address, which 'was more than usually interesting, and tas Ilattued to with the utmost attention and respect We learn that tbe entire session Of the Convention waa a pleasant aud harmo nious one, but that no great amount of be siliess was t ran rac I ed . The next Convention will assemble in Ibis city, on the first Wednesday in May, 1B63. - , ' The citixeus of Tarbarw' were lavish hi their hospitalities. No people can dis pense them elcfanfly or gracefully. Haitian arannrf mii B. T. Rice, the newly elected Badicnl Senator from Arkansas, was a Ken tuck v White Emigrants Wanted! t l ii 1 0 CULTIVATE two of the Richest aad best farms on the Guadalupe River, Tsxas I where a working man eau raise 10 bale Cotton and 1000 bushels Cora la oos sen tt armuat arises worth 82000. Timber. Water and Stock ranee abundant, and th Country much healthier than Rowaa or Ire dell. Parties wishing to emigrate to th "White Settlements " to make something aoa to xeep it. Apply to ; . D. MeNEELT, or by letter to Or. J. R. JOHNSON. ' Salisbury. N. C. May 3, 1963. ' wdctw-Sw State of North Carolina, vourt ey ftcus ami yuarier sessions Jipru Jicrm laoB. AbVX ftps. Horton, OuartbaB vs. 1 , brown. Attachment le lied on land TT sopeerinjr to lb Mlislaction of ihe Ooart --that the defendants Thumaa A R E. Brew retiiie neyonu ine limns oi this state : it ai or dered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks tn the W'.clURaa it Old North State, notifying said defendants to be and an- fiear at our next Uosrt ol Vi as and (Quarter Stttsious lu be liW for tbe county of atauya at ine oourt-nouse in u-auie, on tha seenod Monday in July next, then aud titers shew ause il any they have wliy the land levied on shall not be eouderrued to lbs use of the plaiu as y. , Wimess, J. B. TorM, Clerk of our said court at office, the 2nd M today ia April. A D. 1SJ& J. B. TODD, Clark. pr adv $8 00 18 State of North Carolina. WATAUGA COUNTY. Court qf Pleas and Quarter Sessions April Term 1888. Reuben Farthing ) vs. Attachment. Taos D Foxworth. ) TN this cae it appearing to th satisfaction of Athe Ooart that tb defendant Tliomss D. Fox worth is oon-resident of this Sua : It bx therefore ordered that pabbostioa be made for six weeks in tbe Watchman A Old North Stats notifying mid defendant to be and appear at our next Court of Pleas aad Quarter Sessions, to be held for the eoanty of Watauga at the court-house ia Boone, oa tbe 3d Monday in July next, nam and there shew cause If any be has why Ihe property ksvisd on shall not bs condemned lo the use of tbe plaintiff: Witness, J. A Todd, clerk, of our said court at office, tb ad Monday in Aprnv lane. pr adv jg 00-18 J B TODD, Chwk. tut r raor i:rn fob UNITED STATES TAXES. WILL BE SOLD at th residence of J. J. Albright ia Rowaa County oa ihe 30th day of May, 1868, tb following property: 300 A0RES OF LAND, more or less, belonging to J. J. Al bright, adjoining the kinds of John Eraser, Pfc ler Albright and others. The above earned owner having neelscli d or refused to pay th laxa (300,00) due by him to tb United Slate, the property describ ed has been distrained, aud will be sold at tbe time sad place mentioned above, in pursuance with the provisions of the Act of Congress of the United States to provide Internal Reveuuo to support the Government aad far ether pur- oaul. n. SIUI, Cot let. Rae. U East, J). 0. JOHN BEARD, SsKsbory, May 6, 1888-wtds Deputy. Valuable Town Property FOR SALE. iril-L be sold at public sale, at the Court TT House in balisW-T. oaths 18th of Jui.a Beat, the valuable Hs aad Let known aa the Julian place, now occupied by Mr. UiU. It will be a full sale, ineludiag the wid. iv a dower. The Hons is hue, embrat : g a good store room oa Mala street, wad-seven oms for family use. Teems Notes with saaurlt f tha first. payable January let, 1889; th Si. Jan. 1st. 1870; the 3d. Jan. 1st. 1671 interest from January 1st. 1888., April 2&h,ldS6Y wtw-tda NEW SPRING GOODS. rwH8 osscBrua Uas jmrotaRsn aa k.stius Kr falncb sf GotaJaV ml tbl maursi f 'm, miww eesee ws. waa wusw eee we esssLasVrtliTt''1 'm"',mmmj, LWe llrieml fttrmsi sflalfal j(tUjd l', Secan, Jass I SUr-li Shatlaai sat tasntnn. SMS WalssS ssl hm TriarkwT, MasvdnlmFe, Atn?a aseVa,eieilii I, r -as Bss OsM. rapper, A OKSKRXL AsaOBXMKV OF HOUSE-KEEPING ARTICLES OHO ii BasssSi aad dkvsra. hSis, ( Mmei.. !,,. c. .lit was, Ur Mllr-. WS--BBB.-- CASH OR BARTER. Hi W. JAR VIS, A.. a.u.. State of North Carolina. WATAUGA OOUKTT. Carfa Quarter Sessisss Anrsl Term, IBS Win. Horton, Guardian s Thomas 4 E. ill I lawyer, who, having collected a large s Im I li j ;. , T .i , HMpwa . mmj ... iiiiiiiih.i, instead of paying it over to bia client, aad led (ur parts unknown. Boston Poet. Tho Macon (Oa.) Ttiesrmak ot May 1. i "glad to ace that, since th excitement of the election ha passed, auny as oar in telligent eiuaens are tu ruing their atten tion away from psiiues W great qaestious of political economy that invoK our ro und prosperity ss a TT s-tli.it tlie dtfleuuaou Tlsmias ARK. Brown reshle beyond tlie lim f ul this Stats: It is er- t dered by the Court last rathswahoa be saads for sia-wtvki m tbe w saema A OH North Slate, notilyiog said deleudauts to be and ap peal' at our next Court ot Pleas snd Quarter BesiUtiB to be hHd for the cuunty of Watau aa at the eourt uonaf iu Bme, oa the Sod N outlay m Jul next, then aad wars Shew causa why ,the land levied on shall not be oua d.' mne.1 to the use ol tbe plaintut Witness, J. R Todd, meet, of oar said eourt at oAos, ta Sd Monday m A prit, A ft MM J . B.TOD1), OWk- pradv$8 00 W job mxim STATKSVILLK, March 18, Uu8. A Msetmgaf the Stradtbol Jars of tbttCom- moxy tajis st Wiaaa. mu wdatalsy, tbe 15th day of Asail seat, la or rsjeet RossiassJ for jsn Ry f aay ditr im aw bs kriaabt bstm mum. of tb. Board of Directors. R P. 8IMONTON. SecV. Trains wil leers M 111 III. at TJ8 .V M. , 6Jo A. M , n and Saftsbury, at ML, StlBiiBi after 0 9 c and Believe ex a puchaott oos. drug its the sbiajmt isa tebwv D.un iCorth Caroh- WTATTl OLD 8TAKU UT aajBtba-,- . X Won a 1... .. -- - - " ' - v - . - -. 9 - .- - - ' j a I - JLT. . . X m 1 , - . ... i 1 . ! ' :- 1 -i r- ' , w 1 : : : 1 ' 1 . i- ................... -ama . , . .... . 1 . .. .. .. c : - ;iwa.

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