. V - - - v . " ' "v WfrP ' mt' .am, ,i. ij -? w..?-. vLr , . . ... . . L. ' e mm ma EW SERIES. SALISBURY, W. C, MAY 22, 186a VOL. I, NO. 20 .nTtw or uairrios..ta fir.'lUlVN OLD SOUTH STATE. - L . its ". , r-i - - -.i rp '.TEEKLY OLD XOBTH pTATE. ! .t fruM I be Kniirvr ft (RjOilXSOX BARBOUR ESQ. BBCBrnxjc. April, , 18BS. ,lly and virtually, -we i tr troe and valid rtcaaelr that PiC'C ww" . ...I... 1 am Aitii JiKfinmfi kUi. ,,.n a- " p-w-"- - - I -- . . iedlr. hee rejected IIM kUt m union ever kuctwpi Law.l -.. man. One touch m Bind LL .m! I have -nbdiied the Snath pvao -- . .. .. - .-ifee-unl than all Me v. . .- fr ci iu utter; but tltey failed. ' : 1 f- . I .4 a ' ... c KTorx u i-is-m, v" mu reciate the grand truth I ivc i alfootete liMOft 1 iwer." and the result u Ikw . . .1 -A .... ..il. rf nmu oe -. - j . 1 . -1 , 1 itnueo ana ihubifi uewe 1 , 1 it'ur a now prveeettd to ' - u r 1... a..- , 1, p -mm ris"";". mmj " mm 3 ua. ii ot the Son rtte .jMir anH there i danger that they ili wtlr d n nit toe meiancturtj Mitki .tii ttiat :ue wouu can no lu.irr uil a ceioni ror s otwkcii niuii rhaii f-r a brufcem iiea't. lue uwdwrhm ( the aaaet fertile por t,m of th nxmir hvigiiUliea (be I L-,.j ! laefc the enerirjr wbieb aprinfft .ctfu Uopa tK j ere iireenieie o.-rrl, repea d or a 4 iuiH-iidtnjr, e-Umitj all fnc iiit.Joale been nan it. in o ijfue aixt iiuionit. TImC. fcowerer. no'linti cmiaru wi'U tu el 10 olace 1 Ik K-Hiibem State mm r rT . .i,.m na i..n an aairas-" 1 ifct rnuvr rrim of ill niaeteenfJi . - a a aur Smthera men vhI4h -ti a lMartjr which baa eith ibrudarii bate, fansticiam. or fottr x.i iijnr;sj a cmiiim filled with err t'Uog-r, aud NrriiM. IraujfUl ub utiuilrrsblo woe too race. ail uitimatelr to the wixiie naiion. 1W Jr- a.le.l texueneavata . anj .ur beat and nl mmm itr eiien the mad caro-j .if i .diral i;i 'oet rf lReal late aiil nt rUijuaaier rteiw no. mi iheeame. rntutd eniand 'he nr t k- J :. tlte nation. Jerfiee to the race race ui Wirt t the ngr "ke declare (bet ihia M the onlv rv i.-dv which ran brevent as. aiu-all caraOMtthe. To km-p the i ; i ix auiaitioo and n a cial j,-,,. p :. ical equal 1 ir, ta nuii.lr it m not on acemii w mm .' .r ::,,! we declare aaiic ation with orn iminiaiMble. bet ueeawe it the iitiies of an irreeiMieUiahle an mmi. !me, Enartand. Uuia Mtri"; their alftvra at bl.w. ter debased, tber were d ih mf race and had the ferai of n eiuliutHMi : bnt here If H ride. Toe two race , entirely ".it, aud find haa wraled their In ' n to erparete etrtlictrion. and 1 j iu lojjjptlier whini.d ut eaaunder. tne nerte Hrlraa bfb in their aoeechea Mnatenii .i and in the him totioa tber here tint fttrth, dia 7 thia.coweiiaiM'am, They erieee iiheralIe aeapiebta of the white ef ihe South, awd ckiillse th-y rannui and on toe Mine '('inn . I have alwr dwpreeated th aeon "t raeea, bnt it letionuitle, rni 4 uuier the ajviee l wicked I -lehided nfen. ft Meat eu9. there ? Jf-rr. to any man w ta not Bha.no bia nedte and lue l.ti; i t4k hi poaition rrompt- 1 and r4ritrtdr in the rank of hia .... T . . ,t ln t.reparrd to ttiara the r ;tj.- ..r 1., tu.-rnt their l.in ' l;iinae roault of alt th 'rnoit there can be no doebt. I do n-t dare te uroiby. 1 t !l I eMnot allow mjraoll to be oat the A uenean neoioe me rteiiiB!ivea ofUie irrtt Anajh. race, wdf ywMWjaa 10 I "n-r wljit-l wicked men infiniie the Hie of eieil in the aaeahe of will allow onebmlf of a laugh at the lataaaity and orwrewe of the other. If afier M ewriaecet mt evmneateeMqted to do ieatiee te aareir the AotUi fenae te follow the leafcue. and eeidl which tctr er later exerciee of law lew aad eaj er. 1-iuoVi.ce. il mimWmWmmwmmmtmW' point to leal mmmmmmmt which awlaiW aatn if it walk in the path j etfice hrad the eej.awd picture of a mighty ie peace aad) taeaaa wul hare tt and Wt tetr haeiae aik eeeaikw TWC i iaahHi the Endowawu Jaw I id efCel. r Cat, U-tt. Martin, Jnrx Mm, B. T. Fad- T. A. B. Bill 1111. Kaaa, a P. Battle 4r aWAeaa awew feaawatoarralayee. Tee t. nil waae that aarOea af fetere wvU Inm pmat to tee Bah a Maaaari.thea airaanieJ thraoh the (iamw, the Be. R. C Tear, ike IhwaxhtyOU haviac of taww aartefy takora to ta 1 atotr. f aent to await law rr- r af lb Bdtaharg 8adetr ef l ha was '.hea brenrht hate ea with dldway Haailii and Horner aad Jef frey, and two year ltowJalad tbfea in atokleihl.it the Ediahere Bwrtow, wwaae eaaaeaa Mt. eraaf faw u a reg ular earn ri tutor for nearly a quarter ef a eeatory. Batoerlag m I aadaa la 107, he waa railed ike folleeiaaT year to the Enrtbh bar. where he raeedfl diati-he gabbed biaaaeti. Ia 1810 be eatored PaHbuaeet lor the hnroawh of Ciaidf reV and twe year later aoawht te n ureeiat Lir' rpool, hat waa defeated by Mr. C'aa- arterepl te reeain a feat la Parliaairat, be waa f aamr retained be the inflneure ( thf Fad of Uarlinirtoii for the Inneagh ef Wlacltelaea, wlik-li In- c.utinmil In rrim- eut until 1890. In the unoitiae he bed mt fUaw that eaVn by aechhr mm Baule ha heweeer redweed the ef hia aVe to aarh retra, teal aa iufei- a. Ia ta clerical da.ieeef hia oCee.be haa keen rreaily aa.latod he hie Chart Ctork. Mr. Donald W. Hat, lew wfcwaa a keitor I will well and faithfull diaebnrge the dutiea of the office on which I am about to enter : 8o help me Uod." coMKcncaTBD.J IN MF.MORIAM. M ie aoanetfy WILL IMPEACHMENT SLCCEU? The Journal of Chmmeioe of New York aae: 'Time, which the iinpnarjiera mi in form to ihvfr uid, co-tut ajfitinnt them. Eeerr tick of the cloek ia in favor l the I'reaident. Tlte longer iinpeaeh- "Learea thai ate (altaat laeaan) eaaay, menl ia kept be Cure ihe pede, I lie Meaaa last am ratert aa " tniwe hateful aud nnauuoorialde dotw Dird In Thomaarill'-. K. C. Mnudar ttaaaflTai with aB the dilaBi of ifcwaaWeae , jt beonite. Impeachment haa weak Kvot.lnr, April T7, 18W, Ainria M. IH)I WfK a ef th Oeaaaarwllcr a Drpartateut, ..ni (. ,lu k., .l.- tl.., j, -, aos. Iravii.a man waim fricodf and rab ?h".Yt?r''fm4.hUmI'-mlh " ilcolo. Like cannon hall dve. 10 mourn title aad di-peoeatiou and teaat oi aw uaaiiacaimaa. mr. ruiam, ajt l.,...,,tlli .... ..i' ihi-lr irrruarabU- l.wa. I L l:.: , -I a. W'V. 1-"' - " ' iwronnd. adnaaa h will be better tided than h b. been by B. W. ! du '"'"K Brt, E. Urn rarefol attewttM I la,'""' " ,mv rT"- niiuatue tf dtoaaVr, hi fcrtaaiu ia keep- j T a New Turk Ttmtt any : tue ap hi rwpplie and to atlendiowi ' I.uiKachineut haa laiUad. The 1 1 Sat tact ; of the taken be car wiioie 1 time haa" brorlwT.f it nearer to thf Anote rerwea by nature wito an I I reenie ewnwniou, a uiigni ivKiirci lie at hot -(.timed by the i at . ua m . t a Ola an ear mm i t raw diet Hair, tnere to await the re- r --e grand area f hpam nhaca, Bdy araoa. th juat,-. KV r ,wt r "7 I? . rV' i".. L i. ,'. P"Jp"'" 't -t the vote nut :.. I. t.tr i . -TaT j !rT7. . fa .. i i n ii... Ilh. alh.me fioat diAuhiiui- m.der al.irb rrllid. It hi ion naar aaQnld ehe halt ' i .. : . ,-.i.. lr "' j , - I av i. a ti iv n ti :!i lliev then laboud. and tin- rxlt iiainn of ' a awod aw . thera wM he hat Iktiei i -i i t i.- Ieacrj anrraaa ea lata arrai ewaaare, , aiaa. a if , a. ., ar. ... , , . . . . j i , . " ., . . r nno mo iiceiara;ioii, on nciian L.irJT3 . jTIibe .t ii l i .l. f;.i amMlredactliHi. In MHO and 18tf h room f. rootaUitit. He haa had eel ... . iMutii row wta mt raw aaee ei I m T l " ,i ali i .u i.i i... j. : ... Li. ! iM'wecu-i.wi. inai u win not no - to a w- . aT a . r . j Mi !.. Vnr. t 'mm ' ataea i-t.i ma i" mtuvw fjw aw-rfw awanAanw: it 'Bn ata v em to y nt . vratzfrrrm .,r zzr.zrmizzrs n fB.Mr..fQuet:.i.h.. ck, f wbein.ie.br-,f,.berye "T. '.rr.. -ntnaii tawarieaura a taa efae. tnwtea .oeiivi u.a me .. t cramie. , . . . ' . e .i.. flr rnw. i,..-i11wii TL-J- .lt k.. lw-i inms inuai tM ai.Hn...iia. ' - - - - - " I T iTLf?!'' ' t iMdaritr hv ihe active nart whieb helabl. wriawadaair Boawi. Hetawad Tu New Voik Ihrald aayi 1 . a, i.. I .aaaaa laaaaw aen m pates -1 j. , . r , . . , v l.i.. t - i a ..( i.uin,. .t i... .fu..i.i a mmmm aiiiiaii. mm mmmm aneaw t - J r .1 i'k-...k ..r v..i. b- uuith, pwr -- in. .mn- aa waw ewaaoaat wr teoru. em - - - lte niatohtwawWrwi. f .. - l.. .tA I nuii'aj fruat i!k- ehaira un IrrH-d aafoi . hi cwtait itlwatiai haa - tbld hint lotancta nit- in lhal Ihe iffiewa; mmi taka, niaa, a wwla, I - ...fTT. ...... . .... . .t . i Iwr t latn-lv iar i U liinaiaii In fo redaee tin- daee lo rHeaa and it will ! not ttic-.tiu'er be final trial. Il .1 . " . .-. . vw.i Mi. ....in ' rC"r i 'jnnp- mi- im n-Mi i.ir a ntmN. aar w oii unrai. j.iii.f.iriHiit-ui miiit' ' I eawy. 1 r- . . Zl ' .'.rik II, '- i -J- - ai- ... . i . . ... c. . I c ,, -. 1 t mmm ear aaaaw a the ereal laee the Uharaa ( --, . . -p.---- - - p, -. wr - - .... . . n . . . . . . i u . -- ha ahia dealha. connael, and in l30 reaujrned hia eewt in j We are oat wihle thai aay fmuul I Jjiy.'' I I a ... t iraruaawau aa taeatlier tnr a iachit.ma.lor awaawtaaa aolioaa la tunaai u o tal I - -' - I .- . a i c 0 ,t and waa elected lo nurewent Iorkhire laarawordtai tie t.yAnv mairli AT ewaae aawar waaBBBBweeweiaw. BTaBatoB mm airw trtia-tl It I I aw urai .a-o m aar 4 a . eew i niutrssrw, a. v .AXaJk.JMra. I - r -- " " I . " ItAw Daaata of K.wth f erohu aaiurteal il Obfaweeaw tbwt yaa bwee I I .kh aha tawao at the he-1 tfiaea.S to "" , ,,,, , , mlu I . i ' . . a et.K L. .1 i . j - . , i an a aaiM aaa I a -I.-- ta . - Ajwwt Badksav hew Irat t . a a. a aanaao a main ni rrearn v. ine J -r " Terry. BawW 1 rZL eiS ' 1 I a.. Aat Baff 1M, m iheir oniafow. naaiaf wowe raaw ejwawaww wo aaweawaj ... XIII at the Church of the I , . j . - . " ' ? ' F aWd gaatea ia radeienc lo tb. rt. cli.Hi Ld w ih a' waMfcaai,Bk ad Ii r n.iW Ai liHal BeaWaveawaatoeteeatoe trr-; :to5Kn.trfo' l?le7nSh '"Ito.' I lea-wdd he all I I. w4dk bw te aaalf te aaatoa. rite aawwe reanrt km aaade I aaiia I j, aa a aa totteewd ahat dat- ty for Oaaoday at U I . . J . . ' - In ... tm o. "T" ai .taa.a a s j . 7 Irihat he had ban .teaad t defcwre the. BwAe toaiiiiae. of .be -bate ubitl ta mf lV Uwd-tU Porliewwul aa aanaear for Wiacbeiaoa. and w.i i-lrcled lo rt-preent Yorkshire The hv year, wh-.i Krf Oecy hecaan I'riia XiuUler. Mr. Broejaffaaai, wholtad b.-e"m. one ut ihe in pnitounSit leader of the Eujr In h her, wa .JT red ike pnet uf Lord L'haaet-iW. wah (ha title .f Ba ton Bmaghaui and Vaat A Lntd chan cellor he M aaid lo li.tr eiritod the aaton- uhraent of the chancery bar by the rated j njf wmb whieh be cleared tr 4,k-l to of an t-oM-a of arrears. Ha oppnaawU acctt-d t atat or tocaa m eeawnf; wtia raw. . lead t macraracv in dt-rtding ttv-m ; but to eonatder a ... ..n i ia .- ib. Boh .ti A.hli. , La CetwiwHy U-en aeeepitd hy Wa aee- .p.-v". . cawaar. in in.lt lb a bur v-inMlrv wa wlnraeoit that, ti ii....-. ahrijn that tMrd iH ike t kaiiei-llorahio earte th fol The i A hiwinc year by Mr Fenya. ioce that fiat I.ol Brxurbaw ha never held 'ace ; but baa been ia receiet f an grwneetl.it'iyi ilibm whafwi af M.Oaw efFi iiiar year, aud aulil r cut ly ha taken au a- far Cinaje ceatearaaa nvr part in ibe d.-teranuaiion of a))peal. (Ia i-at uf the aay a word ia enabled aa to apeak adtiordly, and what ere have aaid i a eeaniy c leiplitoi at , but cm a front oar aw eon virt tana ef what i doe to the revera! oeVet. rtna WttiiMjmm " WatJnwwtoa, May 14, M. Renal. Howard had a rtwttere whjht, lt ni;kt andaMiUdtdaraaaav. 8 eater (jrianw tajht ana ia oartiaMy aaeJe, Irat he kt ia do danwer iitor Xatbng Hog. The (Iteaaf JW tei tana ic indoor ia tni fd rid wrhapa fatal ci. aode nf to "at the l.nioo waa preeert a I'lirUer. nobler, looter purpo fl to eletaie an inferior race, aud 'mt a raltaat people, lb lime will aoue come when be to well. that Uod hi Wei ahe iKl At toa.l I d Latrvna the fonarr We HajVg mm CwBJ 4eJaanVa tanat" CeSanTaB) naaaa Wi ' W MB) anwnnaWK WdBB UnhWf . MaflKtf rM'MVWVf eapeneW tea aaawoy togree.aaraj. ataataw . Jlternrar. knowkdcT -. and the Chawcft area jfrea tto. 0e . ftoa Htfang, tion. ' - f-eVaanJ hy; -wie-t Tat' eai trita wa. Hw the CWA .ia era, who eenV.wer North ttaawiwaa ahoadd twM9 Her BSwane aatkw tforat forefr WaUBtfa eWiVnUleaVHjl fta HeT aapaaWnaaMBaa a(eaW eMeTVaVftaVI' J aMHB af taW a . .11 . . J - a. -"wBaaaVa" waVaaa BVaMhalBaVSBV e etaaaaaai aaaaaam aaaeJelaa ithaa VaaawUB amJaawea tanarBL we Beta IkW litw. wawaawWaa eaBaW aWlBB MnW ' war IfWMeOhraaftJawary eMaa per- eaeiiaAnal ptalial wwaanTanTrwte! TVwa wndt if ig ' Taa fowelr 1 1 i hut f anaa aiiaaefi he ito Lia'iaf leati I -TT- - - - ' 7" I Mtd, -I atawrd haw today. Bruaar. mf infer Kt . Dr. Chrorr lriL-d -h-w .dead ear the. aa tiwirrmr ; 7:hr ho .award, m to the tJoue of i. r.l. In all matter, relttlng to papniar rdaraihtn, to aoeial re forei, and tnthe nrnrreea of aeienee. Lard , Itroaa-tuua took a pr..r..nud im-nwl u to aa ni;,in afvw raontlte nf I,,, dtwth. Bitltim.irt Gmjvfle, Monday. HF We clip tli fi.llawiiia; articla fmra the lUieigb SraneW, and iueert ia the place of any remark of oar. Il I a aa- ' Aaai Lai I r',rt,u' ,n 9mm M ofacer eana to yield the atato office to the radical iu- eleeBaM ou,brn,' . - . -Cv and Cnamit-' Tin S-mtintl aav the Exeutire oCce at tin Wat 4iiit.il an-Ix-i.or i.ut m com reatioo aar (U-rT anil pb-te ntit for the inrornitic U ! ml ad- wrl ipt mad, nearly alt mini or iti..ii. The bnok areaJKbeJag being prwaent ; bil amone; broajrlii np to date and the paner at ar- avtne aenne ot wnten rangea mat tm-ir rnccerear, wmb oroiua- prOwd that diatin gn ry chpaetty, cao lake bold at unee. Sim JaaW Battht ; the aeconv , pie duty n-qoire that we ahneld give a at rite Ceattol Spain, pinoo trtbnte to all of them. It. Wiftc, of Char-. The E uiive alitlfty id or. Worth,. dot il 44 Ad I CI, III- itadtralu dared nttnta weak I uc- Tbe Wis hare no new tbonghl to uive the Senate. We regret the adjourn went. 'I he enejieiiee that pervadoetlie eantry ear. the whole civilised worldvhoitld In ended. What the country want ia a verdict, and that apewdtly. If it ia a void ct acuiiil -i a . . ling jar. eoiirraon. we can iiiiuooimiki It. and are iwepAred to fiieet It. If II Urine eaoivicfion, ihe winner ween ter noon the dutiea at anna Admifii- fraUoti (lie betier lor the luiereattef the people." Tat fniaMtaye b aneiherarti gram, it amy he elated that Snan-rlirim wa token aaadrwly til aa . dm aday af- toraawe, ami Uwaaavawd wah paraly.i. The fact are and Unite a panic aaaagiae. arendaaaal eklalara. daael'ir l'-uk- liew waa alee dalle ill the him lr f. M Wa-biaaton, kw ii a iWlaaal ' epaiaap IIvtMe Aft-r the omidbee adatiaeion bill wa 1'i-uya rpake in oppiwuiuR Brook followed. He emote of the unfit character of the BepreacnUt:rre, alTudiiie parlirwMiTy fo FTufea. ' Bat hatrifapnd, raayiue; that he vi , Winr a axrwe that the Bepntenta livea Grma llorada ehould not be admit ted. Bnwdta wa tied thai St. vera aed wUb falm o fhat pofet, aad arecaded. aayinff that (ia, Alabama and other 'The vofe acrjnilting the IVceidenl laumita tti.tr itc con nnnn all laws iiy vote for the j "torw lore of u ill. ami deny Ihe Sen m a. n bsaaTaaa- AAA n I i rat -1 nulii .1 r mt kjb( f ItIff T wewfw- Iff jer n ni rtlt"Tini mTfT'f TTf' jaateala, except when ho think wop er to eonaull tin-in. Alter ucli a judg went (.ongrvea had better reig. Ttie country ha no nee fm it. An drew Jithtieon ia the fi .vei inmmt." Itto aae jioirttal mako afarrona aaaauit uptm cK-nator Unnieiv. liken ing him to Juda lacariot and ttene diet Armdd. It deal tnor lenueo ly Willi Senntont Trnuibull, Mender ea, Ketaenden, Ac. Iiecnnae it np- I ptor t.l have mmr faiMt An ot ihu i .: .1.0 tor tnmvit'tion, but hiiifa at thunderbolt it bn in reecrve t.T ilium it ll...v .... arol. tl. i day. I bat their 1 'otsatitation Lrrtrlalar wet wa hod o ileret ht ' TBIBITTF Ok BK8FECT. WlW II. ht ihe providenee ef the (raod Arrhitect f the Univeme, oar weN beforwd brmner, Jekkmi hi M Uko s, bath been called hum iUu iatprrlecl to thai n perfect ghiii-m and. celeatial i. ..Ip-e above. f iaaoitrd. That we feel that in tbi aad di,-..a.i-ii. our leolae h.i Inatoae nf it .mf. -t, fiHMt eat, riiK-d-aud w.irtlnrat mem bera, eocietv a int.-t and ui.ri.-ln citizen by to ewaatet 1 it I wbal I .1 . ... . ...., .kLa .....I 1, ' walln. e torv al llielnae. I iM'BUh.ic lolerer-t he . n".1 r . aaaiay mjn. laaia Kwrnm aa and the party whale to-day. be Ctegy oad Wry, t- ad for mmm hmaf , t pfowd for the etalAnm af the Soih; to aWforlhemiaUrW tr-- lewd for them ia tWwpwrtrty ; ...,ci.,j,- - 1 Taen fofl.eiaA forady to lh gnio, the Aaaaty ef af lb lwd depart- haa can-fully guarded a r a he could j.'i.i tht-.r aiiaiu ! - m th- dijinted time, h h 1 j mihtii.it. t fearleei.lv and ably di-tended etvd libetle pat haa bawe bronjbl Mi imI eontiiiitinal covertiment on nil er r f oerf rfpm by tW nn- eaaione A fewvf Oor. Worth' ihhm 11- wotk at their devoted Bretor, 'be t me.nl bare been eorupbviued of aud appa- ekaa batnia bare reiiliy with gn d reasoi, hut thiiee a In. every brwb and ten- fcnnw nil tin- fact In. I. Ii.ivi- mHoi-nced faithful auniatry among him, exculpate hfhi from all blin-. believ- Iweuty year 1 Kh UX that r.-.i.-..a of pound poulie policy -P .a r. fcij ja.irk.., I.I..I - Iw k: : .1 u ,,i t 11 iu ... ill p e.i..r.- Hir.p.ii. rlli ha been en-awe . anaatoj iniua labor by ibe elB.-(ent aud lb aaai neaale ef Tarboio vied with ! nuliriug iff ft ofbia private rWretorr, B : J e . . a:. ... .. . I . ,,- , ,m 1 . . .A . . - temt. -air- ; each ettar id tfevw JtJ.pWiliy. rece,vi,,K ( Jtaj. at. tl flagiey wrio anown mm ffjr- Wltnj eCl.T.. - ....... .. meaev .w, pikp ! l eaik 1 wirhX ihe miiat eeion-na Irtr.d-' kept in tin., condition .tint will (hi ebeer- aeWL A awt - bpr jpseevaaion wa ! fully surrendered to bis ureVir. iht- mi ar "put VI pnoial. and tea teOgj ft yiuug men whoa awvicaia have f the iWt, to to plied far them in tlteir h.lf-o 5 pad he the alilin of thte heaatiful ! have K 1 A ml, til! 1' litem, 1 ma Clnawaad tb entire W. efall hiaj le . V, t. It S.mtb. have aatnee- .'tBflFrdhe man- Bdhjaim, no antler what hia 111 eouduet r mat aula aar base! b'-CU or b"W dieplT and daihjv hi hand h td hei-n iiabned iu to aeon. rhee who -At m ta a. ' a' ., ah' accepleO Kaorcol rule were pareotwO ay the whoteeab- " . . . . . ...... X fame and Hiaghaat aOvoealetl Ihe bill WonorMre owcted aa amendm.nl in tribe not Alabama trom the 0 to 74. . 11 Slevena' Ante ad meat in d 1.1 dee biral men iu trni ted W twig: An arnewdment atrdtrrur from ihe fowl of aar b.ta hern htllr eona) to the eiTnitfi., ;trv'i,"fp mumm at oaf manner ay twaat ri.cuiik.tai.ee. under wbkb be b-wt di- W a ..1.., .....1 .k- v..,l:.. k 1 , af t'.ea vent war , 1 .. , 111, , ,.,. mmmm . ..........t; iwnn . a ioae.r.iaepret- hi. notice am! no dnty bat been left uuat-. eornaotee aeajea aa-b-m rtuerrwt re ttmMy ntrmmt aad daretod he while the church-f tenOe.1 to I he atnou.il of wor tu- l,o ",- "T J ' "V" head and tajhre. ia eae ef Jlatnre pertnrroed wilh hi uwn hed and handa i P T" ,.t There reprMe.the' ai.ii'.Pl urrredible. Tbe i itrirale and dif-1 P" f- A ."- w.r tbm t.. 1 ai..4 ...A n.-li ......o !,.. 1, . . ..,; 1 .....1 mmu I cowan aaocad by the Caar ml nLo-ta and daw- lied, reonired iil onlv eood enre but a 1 ' J ihe tombe aed hnowliJif of the law and af rateadVc du- J "F" lir there i no re- IV. of .1 punei i.ir ehar.irli r. If hi Li Jet thmudrt ef re-rintr there Wik Were rwldlirbed. it would eoirnthat : lhrr f "F par. .a m . ' av . ... JSiaolrrd, 1 bat we lender In the bereav ed t iru 1 v ol oar depurted Li other our in cereat r ymathie biiping that the remem- lpppOI 'pd hip Inn lln.-liil j.nrl virtm.tlp til. tjamy prove by the help uf lime a healing oaiui. ... Jfaiifred, That u a tratimatilid of our pottow We wear the eanal badge ul mo urn - in- for t Inily day ami .1 In-.irt rirh a ith waira leelinr aympatli'e. fn lb cirri of boiae bee virtue were matured, and beautifully ex hibited fn all the relation of her young, life. Aa a daughter, the waa obe dient and kind, aa a eieier, "mii.l and lov ing," aa a frk-nd. Ime and good 1 aud "Jfone knew her but to love her, Or naiurd her hut to pmuw." Like the laat note of tome tweet eld pong dying way on the evening brecse like the hot happy warble oi a bird ere ft whig h flight 10 warmer cllmc her pure, happy apirit paatcd away from earth to enter the "pearly galea of Heeven," aad tbe laat word thai fell ea the listen ing vara of thnae who watched around tier bed-M.1 were "All I well." Oh ! the tweet ataorauee the blimful Irope ihe memory ot thoae little word muat bring to tbe heart bowa down aud almoti broken I Ob, hew tweet to knew that hiving heart baa found a "place of rest" secure from all Ihe tlormt and "winlry weather" of tbi cold world ! Mourner I 'Bound tbe domestic hearth. ay, wouhlxt thou wia that pare epirit bach ta ihia abode of transient, worth' j pleasure t Would! thoa recall that bap py heart which beat an lovingly for thee while life lasted I Weuld'tt thoa bring hack the "loved one" from her calm te poe hy thy rain Mart I Oh I no 1 let her slumber on no more unkind word shall wound her no more "summer friends" hall leave her, for the It treeping away from all tbe pain aud uurct ef earth 't "vale of tear." Tit tad to watch lb bright flush ef youth wte away te watch the love booming eye grow brighter and full of i bat strange lustre whieb tell of Death power stealing over them to a laud be side a loved form, aad tee it snatched away froe at like a summer Sower nipped by an untimely fieet, enaicbed away from youth' brightly glowing bopet and aanny urospects. When we view all taw nd more, loo, when we anaa toe muste or a winning voice ia the home circle when we sit down autoug the scene where a ftruiliar form wa want te greet at, aad our eyes linger sadly on a "vacant chair," it is then we feel bow tad are these myt n-riont diupcnaetiooa whieh God bring upou bit children aud feel thoae aaatieree ble loiigiug for ihe loved and lost we experience that temptation to win back the aaeet sullies, the -endearing word of love and kindness which made this earth aa ev.-.- nn iirty place for us. la our Sti ll" li heart we tlmetl cry i "In faerer spar the flower that tit. Sweet fragrance iu our hearts." In the quiet abadea of "Fair Grove " three "grave ef a household " are made. A father, a ton, and a tltachtcr thro jewel from the home-roof are retting. Annie sleeps not all atone. She ia only gnue to meet oihcra who loved her ia life to meet them on that "gem spangled bote", and, with them, wait to greet yon when yonr earthly pilgrimage ahatl bare ended. Oh T "thought fall of rapturous boauty !" " Ton shaft 'meet again on that inlet shore, yon shall enter tbe "myttie land and learn the angel's love I You shall meet around Gou t great white tin one in Heaven I Then, weep' not aged Mother, kind tlt- P rt , lovtng brothers ! So line that when the "golden chord" loosens year tout from earth you may met t your "trio" iu Tmhara will long, ni-tdf-d have-Of idered excellent tervice iu tmmfmlmUU tbie. and ton aB laeet iBirto, their a 'WtW i with tdea inre. A La tha DSATH OT LOBD BBOUOHAX. A sable li aahlk aabfiskr i tbi mom the Ornate af lore Itrnwrr . roat.h.Ilif .franct-,1 wd .repNWibe duti.s njf Iti.- ..fJice la. jt. mttatt-ver aeilltlattt-aji oad Vaat waa lfrkof in tb time of hisd 'shall ao - t A a. i . . TTTT"rr lsU-deOrtelaebaao, Before It reaeh- tewn. UHte ttavt Hod la ftravT jfawaga dm Bee. ue. nmmwww. -a i - ... , . " e : , v ' . , tr Beeap-1 .. ' jLppteptsagiappp. . ..... I ... I illS mfmfll ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp! pppppi pppppp! ppppp! ammmmi ammHammmmmmml thia department, id whom Mr. fliorge II. Suow deeerve honorable mention. - The I'eblie Treaaarer vce is fully ap. to time. The State In uever bad a a perior in thia department, to Kemp F. Hi tile, ;o. Me in m-tatta 'anteniit- tingly his time -and talents in ibe diUVult iUJtfl, Ti. at a cov of theae reaolu- tin ma Under the ealuf ties Lodge he aent j where r.o earthly sorrows find an entrance a copy Ie- neiit ui tbe Wmlckmitn Old .VwtA jtfadr wiih a reniieti fast publico w. It n iii.kv, Lk! ll.v.vks. J W. Hatl, ,'Cee. THE IRO.Vi:LADTKSTO.T.i. tahjeet of revenue and finance he haa iu vesligalad as fully aa it waa poib!e dur ing the peritMl be ha been ia ofBce, aad he bus Hlusiraied the phihwiphy as well the adutlnistrslion of hit office We re Tl, I ('idled Stale in I Laee Male. hJi he ad- iJaiiPpppfeM"opgsiiii .aii - pf jwsjpfW'pw'l a'mfp!pnaao!Ptppwpapttpgpv wm igard Una great error tn aar ty themtt-l Ae Public Treasurer of a State liable ie removal for any other for malfeasance In office. The principle of tereaae aad fiaaaee reqair a long coarse of ttady aad araetlet to arrive at an approach to aerfoetfee. Sboald he at Mlas a-1 aay time propose a tyti iwol work eel, the Oeeeral ink II t been requested tn pnhlith thi lewt oath, we give if he low. It i .. t. - -- '- - - , . J f J 7, '""eii n vt ry intii ajiu "f"? ihhi a tetlcntl otijee anr tort : I, , of aoaajy of . nnJ S1.I V a . , . . tectifo. the alftata p,bibi:ig a change of ' ? ' a.aak-s;: . ra i ' Zr . I Ii lie never voliinlA'llv Imrne ario.4 aiemaK rdaee rhavaf"1 ?b." sliall never he aaeadi I e a te deter- al 'Uen Iheicl; that I have mhsale i fcwr ml or gnmst aay aitatea! olpn arily given no aid. counter or clasw of ciium-m d th I'uited -fatee, ancv. eitulnwl or etrc-inrairement to in reff-ienee b. ibe iighl lo Vote le are' irne eti.k' ! in armed h.wiilitj entiiled to vote he arid atawtitmiaa," a thereto ; fhat I hate neither eonglit, adopted nhwt dirithia. edrpir acceticd, nor aHanipted to exer A:i aatendatenl, that all cMmrea of Ihe, rie the imicliona.d aliv olHeo what. ajnajifljoi jfy jir pWend . a i- ip ji - li ijLaa llLji u.. r,-ii.itrppe. f".' '""en J ' " milled t e-vag rrhta T lerra, wadre-T,i ,n,..M;,.. In l,.-lit, to H. fTni. , ted state; that I batv not yielded a eden'ery aoppairt to any pretended Look upward, then, let year taddened heart be filled with Hopethat "guiding Ktai " in sorront hour. Torf gent are lalthig way . Y nur hearts are laden with giiel to mht the "pore aud good " but It a becaase eur Father it gathering ap hie jewels. Farawcll ! then tweet friend I dear Aa n i-1 Would that I could offer a tribute to thy gentle worth. Thou wert a "rare frh nd" u "1-iir flower" ami my heatt thrill with unspoken regret when t view some moment of thy pure friendship. M i v the turf ho irreen ahoviv f hv head and flowers bloom around thy laat retting p'nee. Mr heart will linger over the past aud cherten (he sadly pleasant memories coniiccted with ihy name and a with that my life may pats off at tweedy1 at thin. From HtcknwHii, nicltmond, May 9, P. M. The ffa- bot still caniard fo their I thouM be i . i. i t ". r--- j Warden, the fVa4Msete Fhptgraph- aatk the Oeavsral PJmer 1. tb. RepUac. mt 1 kaaa Aw Oeaweear of HBataa. g . a antent. aaibntity, power or con eiitutton within lira? Undid Hlates. t . . .t .1 . s I S J . asm sear tpiaiiaai tntteaw. ami tee t,iiL,r inrflter twear iio ami tn) mat to the . . i t. tj. t.fi:... t J uai tei y anvieugo anu aounj , a ; win ii.iorf aim leioiHl the UfMtajiut- 111 in tu unnuu otsuee agaioar an eaeaiiea. loroiarn or dotueeiic : that I I wilt bear tree lailh and allegiance to the taunt-; that I lake this obligation freely, without aay mental reeerva tioa or paupoae of emeioe ; aad laat, pri me Court to-day decided that ia debt contracted in Geiifodiiate money the amount sh.dl be commuted at the value of henrrry wteM iketwt"lflWyreeJ when it wat contracted. Another tiou waa given hy the tame Ooart, ia that note b.ilders of the old Baake el the State shall not have preference tn the dtvhrion of ataeu bet depositor and til creditors share alike. The memorial celebration to-day-Foor-tcen thousand Confederate grtvet. at Oak - wood Oeetetery, wero docked with do were, Bae. Bithep Daggett, f the Methediet Episcopal Church, Hooth, will make a valtarieate the Cattrehet ia the Sart.be ry. (JreeestUr', HUbboao', Wtehingto aad Be where Oitrieta, between th 2th fdane aad tbo lids of .air acta. I