r. IrTM Of WIMCRtPTIOM. WATCHMAN OLD BOBTH 8TATE. a . I TBI-WEEKLY OLD XOBTH STATE. t. hrilU) Nrns 4y Vn; TAtortticaUjf, B All. BT A IMTI CAEOUMIAlf. Dtainam doe not imply a atiperfi cial excava'lng of tU surface, howl sver donee or Irequcnt, but deep nod dense, Mid the deeper lira better. In a praciioe among iiram lo m .1 sin "low nd between," an J worse I Iran all, loo shallow tat drain the water, except it) lite ilia diate neighbtwlnied, end even then, if the toil letiaciowe cur, effecting no good at all. I have aeen water standing within three feet of a dftefa, (not drain) and there remain until tt tliaappeared by evaporation. Wuatgnoacan toi- bly result from aucti atretic t none whatever: and it WttoW anewer aJ- iimtf, if no: quite a well, to dipetie with tooli entirety. Now if the do'-trine of capillary at traction la true, (and no one will deaj it.) ii lollowa tlrat lira deeper and den ier lira draine, ibeammerand mure ef- Lctimlly the Water Mabenrbed uy lira ftubatraiam. nod i hence eonreeed to raid draine, wbenee it taae off read ily, and henee drfe lira earth la the iciinty, aud thl Hi'm tarn, absorb ing lira' water adjacent, by a gradual curiae to know the reeelt. I nailn ued boring til' I reached yellow sand, when, to my utter aatoniehinent, the and pushed up in wreathe, and in a few ntinutee lira water flowed three or lour timet aa copiously aa it did before. Result. The land dHed, and I bav cultivated it ever aiaoe; firer, la corn ; ihea in clover, which waa god, and eiaee, in com again. Now, Mr. Infield, if yon diabe (rave, eoiue and aee. AprW8, 1868. A. Drrciixa. ten, or fifteen feet, to drain an eh pla ce. Nor for lira edification of those deeiroue of learning the mode, and who will believe, 1 will give me llen. although there are many, who, not nvoeratatKiing the tawa by which wa ter ia governed, will ridicule the idea aa alianra and fnoluh in the extreme. In the first place, then, cat an or Unary ditch (aa deeu aa nnaaihlit if y.m choose) to draw off the water, and if i bia doea not anawer the pur poae, then get yon a large auger- two men and nave II securely fasten ed in a alaff, tay ehrht or ten fact long. (Jupiter Oly mpus 1 1) and bore hole at convenient diatauoa in sard ataff, ihrongh which inaert a atick aa handle. Heine ihua equipped, ex amino your ditch and wherever yoa ""i "'?" or water ooxmjr up. there bore in the bottom the ditch, from 8 to 5, 6 or 7 feet deep, (mercy upon us ! ! ) a the eaae may be, drawing tut and cleaning the augur at inter al, and when von have gone the re quired depth, which will be indicated by a clear white or yellow aand. yoa mar diacunituue boring, and after a da after the annrnval f th.it instrument little the aand will begin to apew ap, by Congress. Th Reconstruction Act, and aon the Watar will follow boil original and supplemental, provide i lint ing and throwing up sand, sometime no nute shall be ehtrted t represent. lo lite amount of a iraek or more, ao tlna tn Congress until the legislature cordim lo the force ol tint water thereof shall have ratified the Howard dtatiaaa mi interval ..I St I or At) f-oi Amendment. Hot Itt-rc came in (Jen to bore in the aairra war, and I will C'uby Voider, which allow on member ................. :.. - ..(.. ...... ..n kt io t lie new ((fllBIIlUC, lllltt m IVW 'Jfti J.MI Will STATIC coKVfjrnox. W. paUiabcd with Inanef the Item Haywood and WMaoe ted by ear frlsaex there, ia it waa man lion at RJig b oa the 19th of J have eeeneed to eve and movement betaaae We did net are the ee- eeseitv, aw from th Raleigh Seoiin'. OBK. CANBY'S ORIKtt-OOM- PLKXlTIESOP "BECONSTHL'C TION" The lelefrraph reportt that the firat re solution ol I be aerie adopted at the Chi cago Convention aaaefta "the aaaared sue- eaar et the Ueerrateeai pmn of He- eonatruetion. 8o far aa Kurlh Carolina ia concerned, Ueneral Canby'a lale order constitute a ftart of that pi. in It aa ee what k to be the. effect of il. Aceordhif to the new Couathotioa, the Leetliarc ut lo auemble on the fifteenth - .. l - -...I l.-V.I-l"'i ""rc. lie I hb ii wi uiiiipa hii iiiatiuMiin n jUNI V afntpia ryta wt a t WWVVtllt; I'gUUttire l trtlte run take the iron rlat.' I IT PWH.W II UVCUmC i i .. ..: 41. ..... 1 J drr, arable and productire. 1 have euIi,M r,.Brew.llUlioi, Tbi. prneuced tin mode f draining auch n.BIOV. ((f du-bilhi,-. can onlv anolv to ... a ...t II ... r I. . . . . . r"'""t" j wo. at irw- incapacity umler I lie K. cotirtractioii ttueiitly cauaed apniig to guah up. Acts, and caniM.t affect a mm 'a ability llMTliaigmg from 30 lo 40 gnllotw ! to lake the iron clad oalh, wbieh will mill ! mkeprrpsratKHi IwHk Water, by measurement. ler hour, be reaeired until after the I, iniOBtun tin- camliUate an ceoiiietrtcal urvftTeaabm, in a descend . ts here there waa no aitfii of a aprinir shall have ratified tbc Mth. Ar.iclc and intf ser es, however, draine on the wa I oaf ore (and in aueb places you may eeen aectarea eatitiaa to n-preeeHiaitnu ter. till hsjinir ita abaorl.it g influence,' have anr quantity ol spring, hut at e prubaUy no exaggeration to say nil MwtiUitl nf the distance rom the ' tur a u hiU-. the air. .infer a til al..r emy-nve .ii. iuo. rs ..i u.. i. l' .l,.in It .vail. sUktf 'n. -..kr k 1. A.m tu,t r.dh.w thai isUlare can uke that oath, eertainly I iut now aaid that a drain dried , white aand. been awe tins u a snod the can h goHiieiricalit in a tlesceiid a gn of n Inga, alwara turn, out t it. if series, and the ta bvcauae lira , be t he boat, but, on the contrary, it eari b or belt near the ditch, which bv bo. intra f.att or two deeir y.tu a a drained bv the ditch, i Iteimjl r- ach yellow aand, nine time in ten cotistantli' reuieuiatied with Water ad- v.oi will tan a aprinir troin IbO to iott imng. and at m, indettniiely, that ' per cent, k'roiiger. lliere are except ,rtim Mret drained, Itomg aupt tm I bunt, however, lo all rule. Iv water iNaaainw lo lira traiwh-,dwa it not foll .W, that it capillars aratsc aaeauag ia I . --j I tbisbasy aaaaawaaaaagifayx.1 I J ff OS w-m 1 " a L ."V. -Aaaa" . . . f MfQVMaWV ai ffaTaW- fJaVf mBKtUBmti. v- I " a I xsaMManj jAaVaaWaaaKaWaBBBew m mmmatm tasff iannaa aaa t w t i n W vi aBVated the sosat af xkw ScaaaW e 1V rsalii ii Isnw aaa-1 ana the FustaVaaV aitaaaats to rarrmat TTha lfcrnaeaaxe aaaaaaaaaaafr xhaC ihr! iisuisw i anr . a IXw S-watsnt. asaae.X mrr taM la Ikar a at llraaVn naaJv nhas. rrafcae.1 COBBfr COURTSHIP. ill r a xara or aaaAanaa. Dritd hooldbe handled the same way. Kkhrltrrki are net worth the Oft i alwara hrlnr a bet- I. a a' . . a a ter arte ibaa Macaberrtea, and i BMT seetse w aadtU I . aamai -v.tr.ar . t u. aer aeaxagn, oe- Quimcm Vor. eat fine, I aaaaarrM irtwmn,M cautiousaer ; , .d ro-j aiM. brinfi.r ave, Mlnlv all llie lime an am- Tl.. .1 .kiwi. . ,1.. roieg on between the girl Mtau to emfing be differen, (h,,,.. ajfa lover whom the old datue I . . . . . - w vera XV en uiuei iwpw aaaaet ittwii uv ai"ii J that m the fan people, ana ia the fnaTs, it are, la aa aeaae a pU. Ik-ina still idea were well foandrd, whh anr eaaeaapasary af call for coauty gates. What necessity Convention I Bah gale pointed to tea Malfiaal Daaxaaxe venlbm, aitd that bade arfll giec didale and a ulatforax. Tae E Slate Coiamitteo Itavw ael.-ct two clean a tar the -Mate a and arratife ererrtbiue: durt a vieon.us eaavea. Ia aaasA ml coiinuea aar arpaataauaai a mmy Oar peonle. ! iaocral at id Caaaai ) et ia I are all united, and the deck ear car-, ready f.M- action. We are beatlilv h fa thai af dabs This plan tl in Uooqrta aaa Ztaatfe Oat sua asat ts i meet ing with the ibwi gi aiafy sag aarcea. I In both iatanea. aawnryr. It ta ik-re sult of i be reentamendaliawa'af dsrar State Kieeutive Comniium aad nat at Oaaaejp liaaa. The cause wbicb it impolitic to call a Cob vented their asseathlaee in i't- heli-ve that oar Eaeeatfee t'aaa mittre sle.ul.1 meet at aa early day ta Warn while yoa turn year whet 1, Ustea to tae worda 1 aar ; CaTa ha coutrivrd lo ateal Tanr anrhlaHnj. heart away. (Mkawmwalag voir beware Taa are al the kdhsd aaa'a care, I assuk year sighs wbeaa'ar m aebtbbur' uamc is beard. ('.in".. ' touear i b)se, rhnarh w inn Ing HUtf thewhaiew hi eu barred ! f Ijoette, yen are not apmi ing! , yoa aay i there hi walcb doth keep waV awue a arambliiie toaa-ue : Ah! lu re at my breast you hnnf I, Kke yaa, wa fine and young ; Aad 1 kaaw how a at ia lave Ta had the youthful heart In si nn in r II it the diww I beard it more Ah ! Iitsiab, yaa ant aot spinuine; ! is a ewat f wiud, you aav. That has aude the bin res irate : Ami my pear, aU, growling Tray, Moat yaa break me that hi patef An! my rbaW. pat iaith ia me lor tbipoen, packers and buyer, which ia i he gradinr and packing of the difiarrot deseriplion. Never mix different qualities in the aama package, as it is alwaya discovered, and the price will he based upon the poor eat qnality in the barrel or haw. Barrel are much preferable to bag for shipping. lje there be a diattnguMeing antra upon each package of the different grade. Let all barrel be carefully and correctly tared, with each tare marked on aide of Barrel, aa well aa on the head. If the above di rection are closely followed the fruit will rlat with the heat grade, and the in cream; la price aver poor, mixed and care- 'eetly packed fruit will amply pay lor the extra trouble. Tbi eppliea to aim. afcfttL! X mad 1 1 ' J noihtng like a qunuu could do o, iu eilh- er ILutae. How, then, a tattler stand, can the lygialature assemble at all f And, if it does nat, bow can the Howard .Viiieuduie.it be ratified, and haw can the State get representation in Cungre I Denies Oen- Canby's order m revoked tr modified, the only course to be adopt- d la tbia : when the tiar far the (scal ing of the lglalare shall arrive, ad Irorintr drained land, and lira nctt belt aitiaclioii cu.im-s tbi taOllt up w atei alter it ahall be aseeruiued (hat nob-gal and .lie aval, aciing iii the same man i to rim. for lira want of a paaaagc, to quorum can be had, it will tbrn b.mme ner. I .wer and slower. Itba aaarfam iu low iriouud. Ih it. more tae duty, we suppose, of the District Ami Una bring me to mat pan ni nr laws, that same lawa amy ami u my nidi, et which ia the nnmt necea .m uplai da, iparticulmiy ol a laary, (aa 1 will prove irn-outlr) and time,) awn where there am let Ibe same nine unwt dieadeda well annntre : uitd.wlttadly, rw front ex a neglected by the farmer, becauae penance, lat year, (istu.) I Knew it Commander to order now flecfinu iu ail case where miimber are disqnalifi.d by r-aou of inability lo take to lake the tett-oaih Tbi will involve great delay aad additional expenae. 8v much f.ar this part. of the "assured success" of Cuu- gT'caiitual n-coustruction. Agam : The new toastitution provides be ready toast ter alaacc, aath into the canvas. Thin can alt be whhoat a '-.nVei.i tl thoroughly united aaid raady ta da I duty. II it Jonrmmt. it inr.dve a liuevy expeiiee, without t.t aj HJi caae. Then, a a matter ol a iniieiifutiu inward, a ho fextra c utv. it frdhnrs, that upland re . . . . ... -i . . .i "."' ana uenevea, win. naa never axan quire oratna aa wen aa tow mnu ; it lut u,,,;,,, nrocrT, Ve , elect, . need lira reauli, or aeen lb gtnal f not aa nuinerotia at leat a eep. tM mitrr ,. diachurge of their re feci; and tin ia, denaa a well aa! Jfow, my brother fanner, if there ticctivc function, ten day alter iisap- deep drainage. j ja pltiJojophy in lone, why h nldproVl by (Vngrer Bat Oen Canby'a i nave aiieu.iv Mtown in wnai rati., mere not Ira iu 1110 iiio uraitimfe tya order orovkln tint nu Eexccultve officer a drain dries the land, and will now 1 tern. If water U attracted to the xnr-1 shall take sent, without swallowing tb prove the itucevetlrol Ireouent drain, fauo fiir this Want of an outlet, itlleat-euth, until tne Htate siialli.edi-cl.tr li t..il.. wa, then, of cur e, that the teem very uliihafphicul in suppose-, led eutltl.d to n-presentatiau in C-ongrc, more drama, the winner rile land i that if vou make an outlet, aliltoaglt or iimu meir aawavmaca unuer me now tlried in a areometrical nrrtinirtron a ' it ware 40 feet deep, (hat a water 'udm.ni, (afler it h .11 have been " . . . . i .. . .-. -. .1 .;i;.j i. L. . l .l JJA..i.i.. , cenu lie: and all tanw the neceaaitr naturally nuuniieded luta a downwaro i- - it n' -' 4 drying laml. for the sooner dtled tcndeuey.it would etk llmt p the ktaurar I may lie ploughed, and cage ; bat if roa check it, or hem it lima WBwjh m lit lit ie butt in. rfeatnte all your tnaaauuti tv I. "other ban eg kind mu4iv n delay from a vuiufratinnditnce of force if hack, it w II out totuewliere ; water. tl trained Would more ihau e.m and un ish v.nl uiiiku It H i.ii-;ie i penaate, imruapa ia one year cuiti Uecouatructhni acts, are removed. Hut we have seen that, a ihlng now are, the I..-iril.i!ure cannot assemble at tin time aprcided Iu the I'orurtitulioii, In ratify the amendment, and' that, until tin Mate is yalion, for all expenae, h ay both' .1. -el;, rod pi. till. -.1 In r.-nr,- m.-ii btf L ..I tilt will nml one, II it be on lira lop ol a bt-aaih musi come Win. tin wUI be hill. To provu thia fact, I write this.kirrrlM,r t st Mr. Hnldea. f.w be can ug f the inervaae in yield, and t..e l'..r the uneducated, termer, tit for mit lake the irou clad oath. Not Mr. T. N. t . -i. .:: . ... ... . ... . . . I . . . . . .. . . . . : ... i innroviiijr ta file ami aiierwarue aim the learueu.i on uu .jcai n, a ter i k. uattiw. ii, ins jeuteuant uovetruor n the imtrovms or advaneintr ( the; had tanned aauriii a above doaerib elect, for he cannot late it. Not the Speak emimratur i or climate ..f the land ...I. I had lite uuritudlv to kmiw how er ol the Senate, (fer wheat the Consii- rmu ctsrhl to l.-u .lav: the latter eflltitsh ilta I'ouiitain baud of Ihul aitrimr tutinn provides.m the event of the hsea m day; the latter off high the fountain hemdof that spring tutwu provides.m Ir iifcessarr, bwt yerv' wa. i procured aoitie old eat piiHt. P""!' "f 'he Lirt . I 'i - . i . . a i a. i .ii m-i X .1.1 - - j-aStl t. ith the which ia not mil vautageoaain the cultivation of cot and 'iteeried one in the hole 1 had "i in particular, by which the cotton iMtred, very tiiriit ait no water could t advanced, both in irrowth and ma- ecatc. ami the water rote feet 8 r ty, proportionally. Wow prelum-'niches high, just on a level w ng some farmer may not eompre trrrtnud. and there it atripped. . . I I . f . i fit . . ' . . . I n nu wuat is meant uv captnary ni raetion. I will try to illuatrate it. ami uakavthem eniltlo of it uieaiiin la tarinera way. f.r ir.tnce, awj rnu dad a pram of iHeatl-twlaud about iu spot in this meadow arc pringy places, which Hi.jtitrently du eu i drainage, the water aiandmg n. w near the aartace. Now what i the cause of thl wa uteuant Uovenior, ) for there wiH have been tin I. v islature. Not (iov. Worth, lor hob) n-.t an oHieer un der the new Coualilutian. How then f So etnch for this part ( lit "assured SUCCeS of Congrestioual meuiistruc- sUa I It . . . . . ... ..... tl... t t'..i lliA te.ll.f An .- .... t X itt ,fu no. .. Ik's, touibv on er. However, sneei- a paaagu it oiiglit the jUrface. and fi)l4 one otfceT coniingeinry, in which the Kteentive and L -glslillve officers elect ; A BKUTI KUI. I.K iK M . A charmiuir tradition ta with the site n which (he teaside f Solomon wa. erected. It Maaudto have ben owned iu eomtmax by lam brother, one of nVsm had a fatuity ; the oilier had mane. n the cetmiag succeeding the barvetsiillkj whtau iiavinar been gathered in aeamtaf) tdi.adu, iho elder a ret bar mt h avj wile : " My Tunnger hndber i- unable t.. Lear the burden and I tea! .af t m dat; I will ariae. take my slnwk, mml place j ihem with hi withtaat hi kaww. i. letige. Tim younger i a-1 byjmilnr wiiliin hiin-elf: ' My elder brother ha a family, and 1 havu mute t I will mmlnhate to their support, 1 will lake off at y hock and place them with he wfih out hie k:iow I '.-dge."' Jmlire their ma'aal aatrminhmem. when, tm the bllowiegMra ng, they i found their sbodt uudimtatahed.-1 This course of event tratisptied tor -eveiitl uignts. When each te-.lve-i to stand iruard and solve tbi. n-v.e ! ry. Tliey did tat, when tsa the hditw iuir uiirlit thev met each otln-r. hall way Let ween tfaanr re) archive ehi mjk . 'i with arm fall. tJpnn grwamd had , lowed wHb aaeh awtctatmma aa lttec ; wa the Temple ol Sol,.nio:i erected ; apaciou mid maguiticctii, take d ....I H. .J ,w .LI ' ' lllllai I " 1 1 Mlla1 m isirmvt ataa tern, a1''" Alas! how many in tbeae day er.mld homt lateal iLerr ahock than add to it a TUB CHICAUO COXVKXTtlkX tnuxT mm pe-ihext and COLFAX VK E PB KS 1 1 K NT. X. -IhrCammmt to f IhiragasMa, mfaaaaaW afmOmtm laysmsi. IV -uat-ia - a suisal crime, ntiriia I mm aaattmrmmdmWtnrtl j ' ls-a aVmth a jjjjfjjjjjj Pr KaSS 'l taU'STaamW!i wTn era-, A .'x ' J I Sach--r-am-tl l a! gaate aMaajjaaa aad aatrnVv. mewl ma!-hildren sasmgraiami saamU X t-Utv by a mrartiral . . y -r - aegm -u awer iagaa. ad m a. tana jar IXaec dia-1 ausst saleable. r. Xm, ia n niiiiiig (sVatgm f taar.aeai the aaaaim aT the liaaagm Ka- f Wdsaaa 119: I'-flSt otaaexri 14; Age prills me ta iea l.'oliu soon w ill faithless be, Aad year lore to an a by M grief" wftl h the sad beginning thW tae! sare I heard his I Ah 5 LiactAr, yaa are net spinning ! Twasyonr little bird, yea say, Oavr that tender kits just now ; Make him era baa t riding, pray, He wxl rat it else, I raw. Lstvr, my girl, oft hriagetS pain, Shame asad taw in iu train, While the false, accessial swain the heart be ha heguHed mat t path ta aiunuir - Ubtt ! Lhette, yaa are not spiuuiag ! Taw wish ta take the air. roa aay, Temk. yoa, daughter, I believe you I hi yanag I'oKn gn hi wat , - Or, at oaee, a bride r ceive you. . Let kim g t cbuicb, and there ShuW hi purpose to be fair ; Bat, till then, beside my chair Yaa mut work, my girl, nor heed AB hi vase so food and winning ; Tanghtd iu lave w.-b, indeed I IJaettr, my daughter, miud yuwspiuniug rrything that I sent to market, H mat ter not how dull an article may be, wben of good quality and in good order, it wilt not fail lo bring highest market price. Then remember this, and pack all good ia neat eider ; mark plain directions on eveiy package, with name of article, weight, tae ae count, and forward invoice of what, how, and wben shipment are e. Wc beg to Hate that we ahall endeavor to make a speciality of telling all kinds of dried fruit daring the coming season, and claim that our advantages are equal to anr other market; bat if desired we will ship to Liverpool, London, or elsewhere. We wtll furnish, at manufacturers' pri- t im proved peeler, ces, aay er all of the lateal and beat Fnan Urn Haleigh Sentinel DRIED Kit I' IT. ., a i.kua . . C . . -tt t. I w it aaa nse am n w vears lira uusiiii s until it ha become, la many a leading branch of trade, and found io be very profitable. The high tax imp., d upon distillation of hail haa had a tendency to increase tbi Again the work i imsv the af ahemg done by women Sine this it eomp-irativfly a new busi- V sections, ana one Hint should we propose giving a few suggestion as to tbc beet plan packing, shipping, etc. We Inidiu-aT MB: FeaaamtXt; 118; llarlaa f; KaByC; IWntj I tihink ted. teTtriae i5i The lie call af the CdttaX Aswan hence keit the nrrftiiuditig land ul war wet. Then le- ami practice what vou learn. Hut, any ic, liow do run know that tbi i lira eauae of ilieaa wet rpoiaf Itecauau. a 1 aaid, a m aomelime the caae, an ordin try may b permitletl to enu-r upon lie- ill charge of their j.respcctivu functions, vie: ill ibe iron -.-I nl aath aall be dispensed with by Coiigrea. Bat the Omnibus bill. Inch has already passel the House ol In fr aiaridiasg aar woar the anrfaoe I there were mme heL.re, and npnn-ia- hi is cauaed by capillary aitraciion. e siinane xdiraauag tna water, an a l '' v "tl ap mgo would water, because c tiui.it escape through any other 'annel; and henee it rise to lira aur and there atarnaie and evaimr- es ny a biow proce. reiiilentiif the rud barren and tmprod active. An eaue, and Uteehict one oi thee y ptxaawt. hocaimu titer ..not. atalniiH aurine-t wli -oureo ia ctn- - tetHy aafflrn the. 1 1 .4 tiirtw we Ma. and fretteontlv an ardinarv Hcli ol 1 wo or ihreu teet depth, will 'I reach them, and therefore Hum 'uuniio Wot unaia-hily. I in ucliuion, then, iniarht aeem to In .lin.l, ,l, v m v an . but after Itenrcseutalive and is uow peuimig la ii 1 .. 1 ..l. .... srhaala fore the Siuiate. for the adudssi.111 af ft1?? mm ' " 1 "-e"--"ai- T- - 1 North Carolina, Ate., dm not propose aertluc the ppe none of the "Tj" , ' -.-""--miiiu.iu , jh. . laulrrd. and unless some furl her and sue spntlaT. t touiiti Hie wa.cr ruro .... - , .t.,-,.. . . . .,l,. tj and and g"jWy.ktf the V' ...c der, it look 10 aa .I-., a a .... a. . ... ataml mm iitmt mb xaV Gtm JkiL B piiai ill li. ia IXaat 3b district. a ikr on sad It'w!- be-aiiie, a etem a caae would admit, wa prtMif poajtive, aaceiided from bclo 6 or 7 feet l'r...u the vert- mtn-h M. tt llu- dry ; t ea mere , fe -.m. j. b!.x:k-d The haxW.xmi that tins W "r v of diabililie bv Conrress (and the at the depth of Ia,II tJhwbxam but not yet passed the Sen aurtaee, lor 11 i ate, and m-ty yet tail f the inmst ry me t Hie taws ot water, aa true aaitanr- lord,) aue aot -etspense whb .iic heaven. tht it (water) eek its have, (obligation iu take the test-oath, before the at, i an ordinary djielt will tjti 'cut, tliun tbeae wet spo s musi tr rr remain umlrainml and wortlilea , not bv any moans, hit; the rove ran. 'id thi ia a caae in uoint to move lutt deeped railing is aometime no Jaaiy and moat Le effected, in tome 'pe ur u bet, il tu the depth of ave, , i. t. t. . . mill will caae 10 ru.' wuen 1. uaa rescn- ijed that mtint. j Apro(Mi ot lapping springs ny boring. Ten rear ag. lira thought, (.(t ing that dttchtng did not drain a certain piece of land.) uggeted it -elf to me that tbi plan might uc Aeenrdimr r I did a I nave anw 1 he State i declared entmVd to reprvanta tion. The truth is that the lt i.lieal in this Stale alone mast be saddled with the re- snonsibilitv for ibe ereent diffieoltie. Pi a m hn to he the arofcSTTrfcnd of lbe Congress ioual plan, they ran men for nearly all ibe offices , who are disquali- u . ed from holding office under that plan. Hrai . , , - T ,k.. .1... f.....r,-. above, an) the very nr , r .,.., ,kt'-.-ra trial I made (and It, Wax lucky I did) vw altd the Waate thing, for the object ..I 1 succeeded iti lapping a apr tig, about m) Cnatervativea wa t defeat ff poi four feet deep from tbo bottom of the d whole scheme, aad thereby de ditch 34 feet deep- I ftrxt afruck a feat their owa eandidate. In the Badi belt o' white aand. from which t here cl greed for office, the anrarorania tew came pretty fine stream, but being dir-cly iaikextreeftbrrrtaaeter kajdhxj Mi l. I I M IX PAKVO. lliere ia a waarld af troth and sense ia I he follow ing extract tram fir. V. Nr. hluubet. Cdy Ion's a. .man's right paper. It is pr.nl itt-t ion nf Parker I MLbu t . aad him a m an of mi ordinal y aagacily ' o.-a-.. ... i,iML ,,." 1 1. 1 i ." "e ' r .1 n. a pmitiriu necessity, aaa asa aa act at. - daaa r... .L. ..A. t ,taalL ' the Presrdeat i a parry trice; aittamd wjJr , . A.. . A 1 1 lliam t. LwJJ B-MdU ..i-. " S .-jr tt" ,1 aU nri m that the I'""1 I . . , . . . - and hanging of Jeff.-rson Dart a tTJmm" ' - a -necessity, his life would be no mare lhaa I The atmsa aa mm aH laat tke pnsaat musbrttum ui das party aatrawxalBam. The Mtturh i hated by tha 11 11 at the N'srth, and hate back ia re Aud yet we are stenned ith, tha prate about res ton nc the fjaroo. as w are fubuinatine: powder could be maaUrd is- St mil. 10 bread i'ae hate new teguaiuiil khf a Kwm ax 1 Jl the Souibern heart by the Xavthawa treat- leag Xwaam 10. mi nt ol her wrtl barn as the tiawSaf taffij for re ue rati on, bv all ibe law at maWaaJ ! The life aud Item?. Uerrit Smith aad A t MM itiH aitii laahnaaaaaBa tWatmTxmr itWat sk Wt d our teHow smaer aa weB aa laaT.am, wad wateweria jrmt W asst. hat Waatgwaai are ntock.-d it ibeir ti.t. and hrasahd :a im tha rath l hasksg h. A mth- aa IJoaaerkewh. The aeests has ahma mtm ws supplanted the peAptt ja pw ei.ee, but n where and aevey can r aa- r tgs - and remote corner. The paawaeata rata 'Batlarr aamka saWaBanr ma tajaaaa f to believe that the d.T maci aad aad heavy, -iawvr. SaaWl ia- -m m 31 m -di l - . a i r 1 - m the the fruit ahsmid be taken be tree be Ion: it become perfectly ihpWaail aac Mow -just as soon a they be gm to :-blush" unless I hi is done they will' dry dark in color, which is the great nkyttaia, and leave them always wlth otat a auotaldt m ice. Titer should he W"dblhjrd lent as little care and attculiou will -allow. (Ju-ii ters arc considered a Urge siae tut peeled peaches, and consc- ly not as saleable as if sliced finer, Umpfitd Jbmmes AtomU also be select ed kram fruit Uat too ripe an the trees. -They should be cat into halve only a if Baxter and mixed eercr bring a good a price, whth they are really more trouble ate. - tt w afway best 10 select lb largest peaabs Km- good " aanmlfd halve,." j Dried Apples. Seh-ct aoumTfru.it, not t riu . Be careful to I aire them clean. Urt taercae bo speexsot tae skin nn any part, and above an, a sate that ihey are well eared. Dried apphs eosning to mar ket with speck oi skin, cures mid surd jtB,,eB, hevvr meet ready sale at mar ket mnde. -Meed" apphs always pay fee ta additional troahle ; bat where i not done, let the above, a U clean- be observed. I hi done, and dne- I a bright color, they will always tell reaafity ta a goad priee. Armd tArrric, with eed in, always teD. Ihey should be carefully picked early .Ujt the nnlv name Ul u whereby they aad ihew ha stved; and ia it shall be saved, and he not shall he vcar of Soalb and at m ATI letter ol inquiry will be promptly answered, and tbc beat possible inform tion furnished. J. It. Himm V CevX Generul Product Co at mitt ten Merchants, Corner High and Water Streets, Ports- moutn, rirptam. ( ' bar lo t te, Halubury . Grectuboro Fay - etteville and Salem paper please copy. Romantic Story of am Adventure-Seek ing Young .Wan. Some years ago a ton of one of oar wealthiest and most respect ed citizen Oee day Very suddenly left hi home and every comfort thai wealth and the most indulgent and affectionate parent could procure, and disappeared with a trav. ling circus troupe. The young man w us then nearly twenty -one yean of age, and seemed to be prompted to this strange freak by a pare dislike of control and a desire ta see the world. Tears pawed away and no tiding ware heard af tha wanderer, and the parents, now approach ing old age, had begun to giro ap all hope of ever receiving er hearing Item him again. About a year ago, a cJuxwn of Chicago being in Savannah, Ga., chanced to meet the truant upon the street aad ac costed him by name. 11m youne man. however, denied his identity, hat the gen tleman told him it was needle to try to deceive him, as be knew him too well ; and finally the wanderer acknowledged Ida name. He soon slipped away, how ever, and was again met right of. The other day Bailey's Circus Company pitch ed their tent here, aad among the perfor mers was the long lost son, who presently sought his lather' house in company with bis wife, a very worthy young kdy who had been connected with the establish ment, and whom he had married some time ago. They were welcomed and made at once at home, aud the yoang man haa settled quietly and sensibly dowa af ter hia wandering, and will cheer the de--IS..1 Ti i j coning 1 ear ut not ageu parents. - Chicago Post. A certain judge wag once compelled lo double in with au Irishman iu a crowded hotel, when the following eon vsrwuion en sued : " 1 'ul , you would have remained in the old country a long tha before yoa could have slept with a judge' would you aot r "Tcs, yer honor," said Pat, "and I think yer honor would hare- been a long time in the ewhf country before ye'd been a Judge, to-" i Turn LmstALAToaa. According to Gen. Canby's order, a portion of which we publish on our fintt page,, thia mora- log, ( part or the remainder to appear hereafter,) the Legislature nf North Caro lina it composed aboet as follows : Senate. - Radical 38; Conservative rioiue Radical 150 ; Conscrvativea 40. j Of thee Baal!, 3 ia the 8enate and 16 in the House ar when ripe, thoroughly dried, aud kept as ham a psavibh.-. 4i.-edh-a" rberrie u tin- most fancy of doaiesi ic dried alwaya bad a iwedy market at gaad price. They reunite lo ha carei al ly dried wi.hout bt-ioe burned and nack- S?g!?rrtStBUa xaii.d with tared ; la aay way, a and have to be ICemlJt- JBBaUBjBfa4 . ffiWaCCmV. " iV.W BUcthtrtH teo-ea-m.-amV. should he handled in the hare reecudv aad m many ike best paying crop that grow. When riyt tkwy aatM b aieelr dried taet d ) betorr packing. If packed before iho- tkr Tax Whxat. The Shetland, ah Herald say the wheat crop is look ing very promising in the Valley. Tlra bti wei weatlrar and warm Kpell-i seems In have forced tt aJnl tbo reach of the fly. Iak imt. for fine crops in tha Valley of Virginia, tbo hue! wheat section in the world. I President PaWoa ha ter U. Mr. UhwaMm&t&k he advtae aajjaf indi ill ami wh ea the part of the National Gana Ooaraatiati to meet of Jaly, to ith far ' aay. written a let- ejwhkdt win acuoe 0 laser vative iu New Terk mt the candldataa Viee-Prosideiit. Ua "he weajM sesdily yiahl m eaeaaa law af terro. aow harry ing all that i to wf 7.rrr,.V"'",Lt.i: " ST wl they and .War eaammy mm laaL-aaaanWXhaj. ,, ak!a jl t-a 1. S I . .-.-.- rT T.T r . . , . . . . - 1 mi lataaria , i im 1 raiaaasv io win eenracirou . r ' Ml . I 1 W V, . - e M T' 1 , - y - v . v f e"X.i. -I-, - . --ItES N

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