HPPPipiwiiii 111 lf PIP U.VUW UffPI. J'JH Uf II XS VRUNEB. ad new. nasally k) aaateng aeoai 4t ' except what w Mtw in Mr each which gave M a low camion of il. CHICAGO I'f.ATFdKM (-aaam!.. KiL wM Ixt .1 pril il .iUM-lr I --a-- am! (1, , ,,u mii(iIHO .. i4 M'wWl! W. lfc.gk , blu-klt. f 11m.3 WO III VI HO iiombcrs of it by a friend which aiorr nobjdu f.o- him. md do ui wi.h lo recent elec ions, who arc barred Tim follow ing the suffrage flank tka " coafircd urn preconceived opinio.,, , -,,..,,. i.j,,, t.. .ti ; M-coadli , self re. XIV, commonly known a llic amendment of it; bone our reveal remark about it. j.p, f.bid. lb it w. sh mid pnbli.li iu We have Mtw raw p.. per of llwl jr eolumua a Utur hi.b i Mt rtae. character, Ih fore tbe war r Wrn? a Bffll fill owh1 ML fltmiirh Ii iiiiv IiiVi: in- iu flic Ktpiillicti ilnifMii mJi.prd t Chicago l0t v k ; 4 SrrstMti - 1 !(- k' u u i .iii ' liv ( . . t. jriroa ,f eon. I nttrage fo all local . ilmegk kilter ...d ee men al the. Sou ii. wa demanded by crimunioos Whig, yet we never would .very coiMiiiurattoM public safe! v, read lirownlow' illbv and disgusting oi gran I no and ot justice. tll must sheet, .ba Knajcvtiif . though we had ,or , our aasaa-ry after having H."! by oe .oa.....iinc., aim. we miesuoii i , f dour an. and were . ... .1........ .L. ... W- .1.1. IE I TK nOH- ITHlaA J : OUR PHIBNS W.hc vari.. cou nt t4-Btcd dkd B Badg- rf.'lk-oretlry laW in- Kl'tativo Oammhtoc, I grt.-fii " Ike Sags or local, in the by Art. Howard or who am otherwise under elected io r -... i ma .-ia ,12 ,,.0r.i ' a.: .-. ' ,X ... aaawa'iati mi aaaaaiaataw i i ah 8irau CocaT 1 vkaJaerXeran -MJhr JMa W 'fl 'rl Ma-MUiMlarBj ,tJV raaj CairX alac yr.leroajr at aaawa IM CbaaYa,. ;il t J.. I,, ami. tat hrnaa. TT - ' T i fTTT .l ll : ak .1 t- -J vt . -k - -ri -aa v taaur aaniai i. aaanaat amnaaw aaai hbbbbbpi araaBBaaw aBTLaaBBaam.Ba giaaaa lani .ail wfUberwU-; tenderl II in be ao. 'tin Hir uroi i niacb dialreaaerl tbat ar nre editing t rebel pip'-r. ntiil tii.it we have " turned tm- an ft i age in all Ltval 8tate pru eriy belong to the eple of tli.e Btaiea. In il.e wkal ii..t... of American puiitira iwt iur akwMteleea . r n n-i n1 m -rioiat de .!. vjuei'vr luadc lltati that rut taiiaed in tlte above rraol it in n In it iIm farty oaaanlj fo urged in do en by a friend who waa a iiltwrHher to It." Ill K CIIK'AliU NOMINA I I' iaaiilitie. Il ia alan reiited that the reaaoua nf their diaa'dlitie aball be Ma ted Prompt und Immediate ilteutfon' to ihia m.ttier ia moat deairMble. THE K1D Of 1 Ml'EACUMENr. It will In aue 1 1 by ret'uroiicti in our we bad it in nur ,a.wer to relieve him, but j "l'w Column ! mipwBCHlMwliI la M we hare ant Ilia letter anil,!i,e u- that "n thw rwlo wn taken tMI aT. the alrvngih oi hia pr.ji.lic- tin to great, ti '' retiiainiiig nrticltt with mJ . l. .1 l.i. ... J ... ....... tk.t ' k:i in. r.-.nil aa oil tha aIawaiiiIi ar The K. publican Convention at Ciriea- ii woadd he impnaaibk for n to m ike liim ' tide, and ill Court adjMimd tint t aiiaeafaaal the K.i.U 'n ed. SteomJ Httk Fifth and Bccaad l ir caiu. Thinl Wttk- Foanh and Siiih. torn Ik H ttk- ierl.lh Bl.d L'gblb fifth Her- Third Cirruit. THE 0A8E OF YOfNO HAEBH. la the Sup. ri. r Coort of tbU county, on Friday, the Caae of the Scale eg. Yvwng k ad red and cighu-eu ah.irea war refwe- an, indicted for the murder eeuled al ihe mwnnag, Uiug more than a Ilarrw, freed man of hia atep-aou, Oreea Uarria, ..i . , . i aaaaaai n aaaaaaaaaaw a i aaga 4. e. uwreeil, bmo m ia eaan. owwor uai yieaa Ullla (J AAer ilea trauaactioa l the rwwtiaw hay Alahaaaa have, In farawaaaaj al ihe pra. iavai, the Freaidunt etatrd that a gawar-, vialoua id an act ewtkled "Aa act (at al meelinwol lite aloek -luddrr of the Coaa- : avoro ealcient CnreniMMWI of tka Li al luceiiiigol thi-io-k holder of ike Com- atom ealcient gnveniBMswl of I he reU) peuy waa held on th.: I lib iaal., la cc-'tflaUa," parted March awawad, eigkuki cordance with thu notice w hkh had been ' bandred and flliy-ceven, and the ecu iacneri uudcr the dinmlion of the Ihwrd. tuppleiueuUry Ibcrelo, freuced couttju. I The aggreg.de el ike ooiamou aad pre- liuua nf Hlate goveraweni which arc n. ! lerred atuck of the Main Sheet and of the publican in form: end have adopted cai I Waahiugiou branch hi 177,80 chare. coiiatitutKMii by targe aaajoritie al uj, One hundred and ek wu Ibwaaaaal three vote eat I al the WeeUaaca hekl Joe uj. raiiBcaiiwi or Thervlore, at k raeoBM eg im atmmit ead 0Mf go, a our r radar have already been in formed, haa nnminated (Jen Grant lor the Preaidency, and lion. Sckuj'lcr Col- underat.md the ilillerenco between i pir ly or a name and a principle. Wo might quote ftoin our a riliuri and ain-ei-hc du- clainia Ha wdepeiHlenc 4f the Con- fa, for ike Vice Prcaideney. briber i Htig the war to prove to him ill it we have atitutaen, aad I delermi nation Wr-eer thai ia tbe atrongiet ticket they enuld not clunged our principle, however tiro to rea'ere the LTajkac under it nt all. ' have preceuted rent .in to he even. Gen. W need n ay that wnder the Con .Grant hae crtalaly never gfven evidence atifwlwwt of' the United Htatoa the aWaa Aw eivU ecaploymeeu beyond .relative pocitimi in which we Mimd to tie- different 'eirtici- may Tiiivii eh:iiigI, but it would not aatiafv him lie would net equal right of all ikeSlatca, whae- hiccaeU" lo be uaed ac a tool by , b. lieve ui hut would, in all probability, ever the rigjkht mv be aivgwaran- eertain wily politicianc who wicked to j charge aa with having enoted from come teed We need n t ear that tinder ' i011 ke Pi'.aident and cecore mat- j-rebel document" instead of nttr Uuinn Ihe Cooctilatiea all lesialarir.;! miict frr Impeaehaatol again! hies. Heeer- pceche in 1M4-65, for wh .t wm Union i . , ., Itainfv i not the poccceeor of a large and : iara iheu u rank treaaon now in ihe cati- iw ai iivoii , T . io lav . . . . , . u. ; ... . rompn-bcucive intclect, or u anv oi tiie I.aana H nn. ail an inm imi-t to which e have rcfered he In g'-ueraly ihoeaaud of live that were tacrificed, exhibited eoneiderahle irmncr ot p irpote, the S.tlUbury pricon and m.my other ation of the nteii with whom he-act. "- - .1.1.1. . ik. ...... II. l.l.l. ... V... . . . . i i iiuir- . kv i . ,. ...v ...... lie uiii n il mi m rr . i.mi.ii. -.i i that doe not titnw tlieee lac' ' ... .i u7.. ' 1...1. 1 j- :- '..L. . . , 1H 111. -TT-rc ic tin 1 cbbbj 1 w laia in . i. vwae'iii 11 u'i".H' u ui 1 lis im w ni 1 in 1 "in e w eg aajaa a v1 tarn iiivj m. r tri i tbe mpUt and plaineit ri nil aJL - .lat J Pi- . roe ptwaawooa or inaw. eacreo inatrti iiud H bay evelaWiikt!Jklw-id to imug. Weare arprie..i ai thw. When aweol, it it openly proclaimed that ; ilSfT wilfc ( o,lfTP, he ay he a hard to we knew Daniel he waa a High mm, while tka reayulaJi.Hi of MoYage prop-. Andrew Jubnwn ba been, not- often repeating the Coed praytr, y erjy belong t ibo people uf law withctaadiag hi inteileciaaly inierioritp. lag " Fatk fiaaj iea ear Hp.i aa Northern bt!. that light M never I The wnlhaiam which hi name at frat I we forrive thoae who treoai ar.iii' " (tin. Every bodr expecled tlii incc tka liiiiuro to convict on the eleventh arik-lu. and po one will Ins carprised nr it. Ihe effect will be ouiaideiahle in rnora way tlian one. It will In l: 1 cum ilte conliiieiice of other natioiic in the alabiltty of Anieriean inill lion, and enhance nur credit in En npo, and il canuot ba wiiiiouj it in linen ce upon the political con teat in till eotmtrv. F biua-1 wjoriiy "I 1 lie eu in- in lei, i. The duie , U . I .. .1 ..J r It. It Imam ry huti, wa lake. up. The circamataa- j uUrd Uux-elor. r, cr of the caae, aa developed before the ' BrCl(iPy. Coronor' Jexy, waa pakUehed in ihhj pa- 'Vht reaolutioa prepared by ihe Pi- nice, euder th notnietMHUi ' .1 Hepnttttatit ay Urn flfloftlMtj. j a . t 1 1 . .... iiaarricw rn uvrwhi HMcawaw, lat la ntatv of Nur.h Oareliua, IWadi Uandi- ..p hi uma . taVawaa aae Am t .1. . ... 1 1 j 1 ' . . 1 - - -a -1- - 1 a mm. . ., .. .1" A, in a run al. -re a Ule lm " " " ' ceiKainwi per at Ike lha-, and we ahull not repeat aaue Cmmmee, ll.e.u now. ol horror ing had large nambor of ih ttttrt had and riprecced an opinion U aulddaJa-ond deal ol lerl- ' preK-rred .lock on which a per-1 IJ be tk Legi. ia aulidded good deal ol leel- 4tvi4tftirm1 teal. ai ao ' -ulw .1 .baU keen eacrnd, aad an aajaaeallf i, te he paid, were eonciderrd and gd the aandaut lo ik I'm in. . I the pri adopted unaniaaoaaly. 'l b Preidut ihea preeentrd recrda n ia Gongreafaa Male of uj, when Ike Lglleniaa of H) have dalr ml I1...I tka ' --- tm ika I o...i i ihe United Stale proposed hp ihcTbirt, luulta Congrec, ana Enown aj artieb I aoner waa gamy. ncr i.m, , f ,!.,,- ,f )a ,j,mrr 1 Vjt Z7t hllhi - -a I TV- '. ever, an tntetfigent i-ry . e-pa-nelWd U ih. peUrred t-ck .aid Hulea .kill never t7Z2Z I and ik trial pcoceeded wuk. Tk, . . .. j . a. .f , .f k..L. , .-l. fc T , Ti ajj m g j aetation on the pari of the Slate waa ably atiaJaa at the etecw of ike Treamrer of ; Hr anrna aur llham or aleaa of ebW. a t- a.ki ' l.i it A the lauaii. JonBMi nialwii Ruo- nHuanra mr jar. rH.ur.ua laami. warn aeerwed later to tk dabi again lo be enjoyed by t lie people of ( lri j ba, in a great degree, expended the Southern State that llwee Stale iiae'X It waa ucvet baaed apnn any are never again to be rectored to thing but hi military caeceaac, and it i their right in the Union Japon hi military pn-aiige alone that thf Aa a Union aaaa we have always ; "'7 'uek ia tk eoadng aaaiiitaiood tint tka Soil I hem State J eaatwt. .' were never, in legal contetnplali.-, U wruinate lor the party, and un ont of the Unioo-fbat H ord, nance fof,,,n":c for iH ,u "i lr of MKfeioo ware the mereal nuluie. ,,P"U' ,,,,, tfcrwaw thmaator 'ad,.ver- W. Uvw rdway. ceeitended, and .till brd tat l V Hr White he ontand, that ,1 ey tut State, in the Sg1?' fS2 , J -l , , deetttate hoik of th breeding and th C nknv The oor " Ifna.incU of a rentlemau. Ha i alao the I. ... ted State, tax. repeated y held the I . m aMepHM.a, hi itwjndtcMl dec.ion., . j, J M thm u,, rf lfce tudical and Oorujreea ha net ventured lo do jrt.hboaiperwonalpnimlarity. Mr. dare that they were not Statea, bnj ad- j CoMilg lfce other hand, h the breeding aaittod that ikey war. The righhtof ,b in.iincta of a genii, man, and ia ih Stat, are aa ind ctrnctible aa the lln ,.f much paiao J pipalajky among State and lb Cumtitntion. One or j t be member of hi own party. He b a goad the other mna! be do mved before presiding, officer, i oaiu prightly, bat i and w presume he doe Uf alill. i Vet he i ail vising a never to forgive? thoae with whom we di-ireed i id "h nu we pj. . -. ed before and dnriug the ar. We fear thai D iuiel bu " back slid" ud a4 Sf.NT.iN nbandoned the war office iiVnn lieur i. g of the I'tcaidclit no luuittal, lie would have aaveii him- I aelf t'rotn mucli dgrace if he had j .band nod it long ago. OIH.r ,.,K..Ud n. he Supreme Court I'n k Wm m Cmop. We regret to i learn ikal ike rtrct ia making it ap pearance anion jr the wheat In jiortinn of flic Still,., eepeciallr in the Conn, liv ot' I'll ion and Stanly. t , 7.". T i jT- .i. a. ,L. , ... .Lie defended hr V" w " la.' "T T ' .. . r t par, with Mai. Jaa. t raerr and Hera. Uoyden tt M ( , oibtjr, allot ihtacuy . in caa m Tb I'resldesI staled that the reaaire- Plllilllllieil III llie jur, two ww of Ike United OUU ia their right Pi vote who are new enlltlea to vote by said ca. ctitMloe rr.poeuvoly, except a pa. ukawant for such cries a are now &U. tew, WwMwaaf they ll...:l " V" ' "V r. A mmt mrn pnJr mvi " have keen duly convicted , aad a an- urday nigkt, who, after deliheraimg W'ld(om, Usse to come by the Uwae of IW,;M ,bU , b held t rio at likL 9 r rrk,r.M, - -" KtUnf STof thr preferred7-., and thai ap ' a pukm verdict of Gudty. On Monday seatenc lw,t)onl n.kJerably amount, hail TSSM ZrZJ.UkZ of death was prononnced. when ihe art- L a. I aU tu. --.a kai.. . P . 'T !k" ,T T.'V ........ - e ceatoav w eouvicie oy use saw lauwa. entitled to tk kamanHsM a Ike ., ttmr right, caa ceeae to extet. TI are proposi lion too clear for argn neat And iliere i no theory upon which thejr earn be overthrown bat I ' "frength Heat of the sececaioiiiMa, which we hae always opposed, m.d which we still oppose with as at mug coo ic j tiaana aa ever. Yet th party that caa itself the 'Union iarty" lias, in th above re lt hhi, declared either thai it aaeaaa stiadly U ditfegn d ihe Consti'ntion. or thai the theory of the acceMonitaia true that the Union hj in fact and ia tew dissolved, and that it never mean lo rewtoc il under tbe existing can.fitmpj; Bat another noticeable fact in the- ahoia HXfedalion i ihe failute !.. en don the doetr n of universal suf rjbjmti, thus admitting it hrpocracy not a man of meek- depth uf thought . -He will doubtless he very acceptable to bis own party, but can add nothing to ahe who make, lha e.trden of flower din- teh him that il he do,, not become .VWwl pU g amgaeteg hoe, kmdiog .lo forgivlug he cm expecl uo forgivenca. Wr j,.,,,-,, riHnnri. tM from hi RtaveaJy F4tber. We wonldi. , wrl,r nr,i.P K .iili give n in i.-i very aia.-reni auvice irotn t h.it which In- give We would ad vUui I. nu to ealtirale a forgiving spirit ainl exercise soma part of ehariiv whieli sufferetk long and i- kind, which bopeth all thing, endnn-lh all iking, vaanleth not it-elf .iihI claiineih not it own." We would advise him, instead of fin'iing th. dying ember of the p ial and eudejrnring in stir up strife, to forget and forgive the llrts. Briimau Kaowst. We learn from the Kaieigh StmJimtt that this venerable gentleman has been ap pointed a nninber of iho Xa'ioiial : Deiiiovratic Kexeeuiiva Cwuiiaiite. lo mm Mil tb vacancy fotb State of Niwth Mas. B.Toaa'aGsanBw.HT be kJCatlma. Tlii. is an fxeeltent apndnf maki two blade of gra grow where ' IOot njyj wc are 1,1 j aru that bit one grew b tnrt, U w.irthy of hir; , . . , fore The appoin'ment waa tendered to and rixiy the Si i.ior Editor of this paper more than a year ao. and by him declined, since which liute tbe Slat ot North Carolina lias not been represented in ihe toinrnitlte. that those who diilv ei.joe tin- pka-ing lru:t vf fdcU a laborer, a dors the "Juu , for" nf this firm, should he M unmindful , of what ia line, aa no N aehnowledge it U.COwT. The impeachment mana insome cuiUble form. W hope 'to be LJj j, jj ,MMB . slight u.i.fake pardoned for lire liberty we uke in ning L fJ M wir invw,ir,. tioiu hy si nitno-ing and examining .1 in ml Cooper, the President a pri rat secretary, touching his knowl pas. and labor for the re-u,ratfon of peae vi v , edge of lb easrrnpt.on mud lob and harmony and nofH kimell loir-; l. nil,iM," J' iM. fo. i practiced ill the impeachment proa gcriobe deeebjed hy party name and j ..rill wHe M tim k ,4 wWlWr .fo, badge int., ih . swpprrt rd a piny that 1 Wff, , f-Hl ,g,nw tOt rknalold'to'rf gtH, and while, and rriincea be.n- irhrpUlorm recently adopted at Thica-tU 4 'kri.gh IMV Sp.i.ig ; and all ih.it h never inteml to re. 'ore lael larougH un- summer, and aaiamn, ins her name, but must be allowed to decfire our conviction that Mr. N THxir.L BoV HEX i a public bencfuclress in ihe mai ler of her fl rwer garden. Who ikal pass- ad that aa mack of tka i clock at the Company, inure- liuB .b. a, .rtiasa of tka Ire from 8l1 and maaidpal taxa- liol, lBO Hut of Georgia as gives as aad peeceota a asost seeere and de-' iborit v lo Iwiatetare or essarta r saa I .1 . a , lu.t - - . W. 1' mj I irauiy inv.-aimeui. i ne rrsoiuoous ware dlate debu contracted DrSar totha laid.. eua.imsesly aaaptad. . - T riv,. Wa y saiter sovi.tJ Mr. lianett suud that unea th last ji mbor of the C laalilatioas itah.iad j aw-ating of tk hoard the doabte track j. bi( .ball bo nail and void saagawatj i.. a eeu in. i ni u m-w ai.u ..a.oo. ( wfc0 varv wyj dariM lb wbakl m aa L - m 1 I . .1 I . . . ... ffvajJPlywgr' . j iw WHies, uau ore. corupreim, ano ar limr ul lb rehellb.ll, e4 Wbe, danar now rrgnterly need, la order I opeu ; ,1 uar, apperd ik 1'adwa, and He r this line three tunnel, recpcclivcly Seven .ball kava ika aausai riahta ia taw Uaia. nuuurva ana eiruir serem, eve nauareu .,.,t lu..v .I..1I K.v. tk. astas nk . ibree. and eftv-thre fcet, mk- ,b. cmhu aad lwkt aa if no nl f I, Soar, have been i,.,., h..l . .-r ....o-o 51 PARTIKh. . . w-' . -4- II i asserted in political circle that a .tiv... c ie.-onrili.it ton is iik.-l v to be Bected be tween Pn-fident Johnson and t'je more moderate members of 'he Itepublican par ty, among them Chief Justice Chase. The object i said to be lb defeat of Gen. Grant, for whom Mr. Chase i said to feel great contempt as a olitirlan, for the pre sidency. It is even asserted that the Chief Justice is to be the candidate of this party iu opposition toGraut, and that be will be supported by those 8eutor . . a . t a n , I - . ... a no voieo ror inc arqniuai in tne rresi-., wa bar but lutUi more l say dent How mack truth there is ia these Th eighth contains, by implication, a assertion we do not know. A lew day, 7" L i.ion under the Constitution at all.- If scene i only shifting, bringing forth in I hia 1 1 ii in her of the Wntrkmiin unit O'l , , I.....U aasaasaawa ihil.l.i nf the sun, graci fully bending to every pa cecding. Mi. Cooper testiflwl thai the only corruption Ins knew any thing ahoat wa. that ha w. ap pruaelied by a brother in law of Son atr Pouierov, who proioed, for thoiatand dollars, to secure live vote for ttrqttiU'd, S-i. itur. Morton and Nye beins am niir the nutnber. Tbe o .1 to. 1 1 . -1 i . 1 .na.s tjt'tir laoa mio i'ii.i.-j -.....;. we i ii. m Iu- will r.H,H ihe artu-le no ih il i H. ' ' I for, as well as this one. I "'g hr. ex , and procl liming ihe goodness v, maternal in produced by ties rem W iih many good wishes for Itnnieland and love of (lod who made Hi in, and th. .j.. mo- be ketfer imagined than hi family we hope he may In-con,., mnrelprui-eori1ie liandlb.it train them There . ,l,.VMl,. , file defene set Up liV tlte? Iib.-r.rand more bteoed on these sub- u worh , vMl ut r; , jecia, -is well a more vbarilnble and mure , , . t . . ff' ., .. . :'.i forririut: gr.ivel rose at the east cndf to catcll the Prewident and his friend K" .a. I the portico uf ihe dwelling. Il Sormid dr nt tnitga'e tbu offense in the THE PLATFUBM. m f,v. rraadnwl its climta j-v Vanty ( We pnbhsh to-day the Republican ftU WednCsd-iy morning lt. thnngh it may form entire, and invite perusal of it by ronrinni l....ki: g . II for'aev.ral day, our reader. We gave our cnnimeui on! Hut we ibfn attempt a deaeripiion. the second recolutin i on 1 m -d.iv, aodlmiich le ' slrtxte out one fhuur a ..i unci ire. it mast he-ink a as a hob; the giant old oak w hack form ike AND CHIEF JlSTlCfc CHASE THE PKESIHEXT. A Wabingrnn dispatch to tint New York Tiuuct. dated u tli JIlli. M ing .bat Chief Justice Ciia-e baa lornutlty put biusaell into i lie hamla of t hia Iriemte, and any. that while he t not a eaaairdafe, he cannot ob ject to ihe nae of l.ia name, and will f noniiiiateil by Ike (Joiimi a vere censure upon I hi. f .la-tice Cjiase, ; ltb crriund. where I In rohbin. ibr iv. is H. prof awed friemUliip for the ne however, wil dev. lope wkatever there the seven Republican .-nalor wko'v.oed fa me .) some of ibef.wet songster pr. IW th orth where there is bat ' sy ae. j were oofs not stem ue any ror tne aequliui of rreNOejil Johnson, ..-cnrely build their nest aad rear their 1-tatllaVaW tol-jaUowe improbable in them, ihe and those able RepnJJieah joarn, who'vnuilg. rUt errper, and thick skiub. ' oriv tewes. a h e at ihe South 0Kn uaa mr" "U,"B ,u mV su.tain tin m in tjn-ir c.ur-e. n hat the.; where the mock ns? b rdeoneea her Ireas r 1 , . -v... . ... ii. . . - . I i: s..i. i . IsiS lnt P!Fmrm ewsy.aed apparently wvww iwwr " seemsrio es inai-jr rney are men or me i de-isiih ss. miurlin; of fruit and Bowers. I . r : it J ... : 1 J l. ' : . l : -e . t. . . i -e . I . . . - . . I icaawiauu oo.io.i, wo, ia. asa. aurro wuwu we him i... ... m oe, . joey ( -w,-iab. and How. r. and flow, r and cannot act longer with fh. lta.l.cals. But ! ,( rb.U ia their Saost natural places. ' I .l: . . I .... . .1 . ' . - . ; ... ,,. wa cannot oe onaiu ; im-jr m.iy . MIMj mmt HfwateaT. It is sfritb lrel lo upp.n Ike impeachment w&mi ''m-rMi, Mis.lSiedeir g .r-W, and we can erlliele. A snort time w ill i. veal to u ins a lo:al length constructed throBgh extremely hard aad S.criox J lit it juriktr d.mcaltrock. Tiut it lk, 4., wt-4 ug . Ahboagb Ibis work proved very ei- iIk) LegUlatar. uf either of sajdkuia. by peasiv., ism eoai exeeening av,w, 11 fa eoosliiulions ikereof skaM bavspaasei will doebtleas pro advaniageou. iu ma- befar the pas.age of this act, each hr ""7 w MklaXC aVJ 9 SSM-wYfMP WHM M "J,tairol!!f,Ufc t. j. r Jter ihteartbyt aaaraw aaawwa aiac w ww wwawwe. prtilvHt of tb eoMVeoisJ WM fr arching th ttlaarU on the l'arkersbarg tk nuiioo ml SUmSw Branck. Tkis'aWk is aeogressiug ratnd- a..t Amd L. U frtkmt ly, 1,001 feel having bt.u arched '"' That tk ar irl)-ru of tki act skal tanoel. during the saoalh of AprU. The utm ajfaA when T'nihlil of the Vu.- loini length ..I ine iun... i. up.... mat 1 Huirs shall oaVially awaateha thii do Umiicli M 17.870 feet of which, on lb rbseatki by tk L-WiaUlure. of saa 1.1 asstaat, 13.W3 had mm rmpleted. 8talrg eeapecnwly of artiete foarte. . '7 r h b ""f1' Ih ameudm 01 to tb Cenclhaihm ot d will be hutalied within the iw-t arc mouths. ; faduni stale, propoaed by , tk slhrtT A aew iroa bridge at IU-hester ha. been 1, i-.r. .. , ,.,i 4. - s- . erected, aad lbs last bridge reewired apoa y,. du fa lv.ideat4 within Irs t? 'T 4rt,'c,T tUy after receiving ottcial inforinatia being kuiil upon ikm pirr no lb l of fa gfo, .aid ameudmeal ky mm cetiou near New Creek. 1 ke work upon Le-uilare of cither of .aid Stale., e) tne bridge. .1 th vtver ana asma u,ae a iiroetem ttion auu nnctea tlulteal the other great enterprise. In wbith thai 'fki bill Sawaed the House uo Tbr tympany engaged is iati.g igrouiy fry fa s,.1 g, u m 1 pi culm. e. 1 . j an owtragc upo republican iualHaUoaM . .0 e.JcouiaEo.K iriiu.r, to niuwce .on- .... ...... isMwf tinned ilwrt oa lha part of th common), j ' ly and the 1 ouipmy I I art Met the n- . "' L " IJ oeci ion. siilt requured o luerea the ba- w iimi tiii.iu ot tae . x. waa. tne of H.iltiiii.re, especially lb KHls- e. urtitti ,nt lAHHai tyoa- hurg and Conuelbviile and tbe Winches- rt nttvn Unmoral U'itkJmttnl ter aad otarsberg Koads, shows ky the (jfyjHt infi-gle rereaaes of ihe bsdtimure and Wiaiwnaast alar II , . .1 J. ' ... . I I bar beau inuirnted lo day -at ri'i oau paet wmm, wwarw iBFitintll ... . . , , f44tg. At the low uriis clctteg . JT gwuilemeu u. - ai.. .-1 lei who prole s lo be acinainied with traftc which 1 beine irasaoned. and i liraul, that Ih Uetssral ha. whirk kuikJ no and devehioei all ikci written a letter and p. need it in tb gnat interests wiih wkiek the Company , banda ol a friend, who i tu he pre ia connected. UaU. AmfAHum. l ent ut lltQ Chicago Convention, dU ' ' i tincily declining 1 have hi naawj rafmgtmt im m (MrttHb.ukt.lbr uaed iu that Convention. In fast, it m,m: i t aaa a .... ... 1 1 eanos aocb enf rancbiaement will -a-1$" 1 Mil mi I tbuifui lis f Iu. asrtorl of liu iismi. rarari ,. j v ..Xr taral under the circumstance than th bat I secants; a will annoy other, whoa f - t .. . a a . ivissscjsruii . uiwuciih, ioiiivi ioiht imi- deaiied. and lratttae , . . . i.-j.i iea , IT I'.l III.' j.u. J.ose f r...cs..:r I. ..I.O.J. . .. .. a . . . trmorc are rife a to w hat are to p the it w .opp-ou-d that it will aid the par tg U thoee StaaM. U o.ntenip1.ting . opo,, .bleaWh reconciliation J what ibeyHnt-od ro do. t hi action of lb radical Convention M ar reminded erf one of ihe graph fa; delineation sf McCsnleV, who in dsweiibiog tbe Inwatility ojf tins bigntetl put itaiis to i be amrnsrsnen's irf I limes said that tber oppel bear ba 'tp.g. n.rt becauae il gave ji to the j tscav, hat hweadae it gafe ptaturt lo such e hie a." - - v r We a ill uiri pIaiftKHi esatrei .L...ja will lake place ana sack party be formed, bat we fiirbear any eommenl at this time When a movement, assnni. a more tangi. form we elml uke occasion lo pet u- Tbe twelfth reaoluifou so. in-!- atrange- ly w hen we reiucmber the course of ihu ... ! . ... i 1 S. iiil ..a. -1 v . . .4 ' . ' . . a .. umm mot erneui, n mere reaiir oe ' party towaro. iu eoawaeen people. ..n e Jives." Tbe movement in h s behalf. oiVi.vo itUP. Tli New Vork Trihmmt, in , a late number, say : Mr. Job neon remain. nl Ihe Wbiiu ll .itse. II..: eleventh . i not enjoy ti five or ix tftue a day, year-., .foljlicnili le selected, and we after yar wilhont telling every body. J doubt not judieioiislr, ttitctt'l at the Hai.e Fcxalk Imvi I... i, fov..red by I be. Principal wtth Cliicag Tunc, i responsible for the fol " Tken we skn have what are called 'good time,' ' -pleiidul limes' Wheat and green hacks will be etcUauged basbel lor hush. I. A barrel of whisky will will be wold for I wo barrel, of legal lenders. Coll. etor of Gov i mi aeasu. na tea will go about wiik wagon having fofiy andaa- paciou recepiaeleth them like those iu public tae a uh pill hfntks. To lew t. dollar iu gold will require a one hnrs Wagon load of greenbacks. Hut the The kaabng chawcl,and will gaiher in the i tun JJjnt, the lienwralV late npoa it THE at fongth. HOMESTEAD 'OOltttRC TIOX. i. suspect that the printer k mbfatMMl&"fyW. "f S ly omitted a part of it. We anspect that tke laat rcoJu!hin, as it wa udopt.-d; must have concluded' with ih Words: xcept those whu have beeit rebel, and rfiJi tlte whole radical ..or iu-'. aii i. perhaps, , we were m.fakeu t .an other portions ist e yi ar end ing at t he close of I lie present month. I ne unroot-r oi pupil in altendance is tin, represent ing almost ee ery Sute iu the -ouih. Tke next Session r- articU thtit W7 (nnmand mot . Government bbtads wdl be " pakl " Th. K Skm ; N a it v. Tve f; fattf only onestion will be how lo pay the Go t -i.. nj t , ,r. v a,.. i.a.L t . ) -aaA --SMasac.. sxtST-sg-fg, iss-tVta! . t ,fw dPMeWCTttftty THE ED,NBtfHa hEVIEVT. IJ---rtr f"H;..iB . : . . , . . I., pay menti under it r ill b. reached-- tesefa Tile April nnmlier of litis valuabtel ltm, and infcroiiiig p. iodicnl is on our UttrttUntf &rpmdeetkf Ttkframk aid We hae.. not bad lima to oa,. " lWWaslfc'hl H. K His... ha ruse it, but doubt not it wilt meet lb aa d ibal General Uiant Iu s decided ma lo k a candidal of lb Kepubhrsu parly lor in rresideucy, vxcepi up on weriwu coudiiion. wtneh the itad teal are not expected M consent M. Iho principal conditio i reported to Iso I bat -lliflimala Sasarro utfr. slmll not b mad on oi the plank. 1 of It idailortu. tseorg Wa.hu ing. .1 -m. -.s? :. r: i . r. I F a Jalc I Iwtl'eeiw r"! lias IIIITII'Jg lilt. " -p tent, of tb present iititu her nr : The have not brought lortb hurts, meats for aill eoiamenc on the first of August. 1 FeW l.tance tfif ialttsxaTJte-tate .. i a a ' J . . w m V - W egmsj l7 sTT mil iirai. uu I ...... aaa.e1..a. ...a .ar. a, wo - I a. . f I. . I .aa .1... . B .La-. .. .,1 .1.1. ., A v wvti t-rmvii'" m mtv m iwix-nj iiiii .- w mat i.iii tit - yiauiriu .,, it u.cit . r. 1 i t I Tw . rci nwnrii iitBaTiriirinn m lewarniiiir paBLtiiii .... m ... It klatemetif in'rela-ee to ectmOmy In the sdioiu'istralirw ' t . ,, ir. PtMltir Pblloaophv of M. August j . ...r... ... .... .... . 1 f.S'-i. so '!.. .i.ui. .. tail. o. 'oa v. .. ... . . - I .an v . ue v.iirvi w . 'turn to be fouud in i the kind were greatly etiBpled ifwot det-l ' i toyed by the war, and scarcely ainyikiog I but the acknowledged excellence of I hia heard the evidence, arid demand the viei ion of the President. M. d I). K Aiithony an. I 1,0110 utkers -" isaa I -rr . .r i : . a a. i to ue: auove oeuatof Uo Ssnl tile follow in g reply : v ..i..,,.,.,..; i ... ia - .... i t Cmie. Westeru China, 1 he M-nk do not i-....ii.. J.i., . j.. 'a of the Went. Trchaiehnl and Scien that I shall vote- either for or .ig linst coii- Mein iir-i ' lcl1""- 1 kave taken au oalli lo do im- ... a, .1 .1 l .t K .. . p.-triiai jn.nce acroruiligio tne t.nuslliulion title IM ic iti in, Bunsen . .i . - i , .i ii I of ike government, we the last i. aratrrui.il of l ie edilorial a .7. .- L . r if .on un .. i ura i . l.-i .1 - il . , a :.. i.. . r .in cie mi me iieuii'ca'eJto in unr uki. m., n. r ...one THE I-A CBOSreE HKHOCBAT. fi, i-jnciplo decided in the case eJ L-. On. neighb-arof lloi Ciwrhuie Demo , te-red to is that Stat insolvent Inu Sncttia. -iW regm to. Ie thst . .... , ... ii tVnm French crafaptakiog f r slriciarr. apoo that i onj, bold goisd IsetweeU citiaeu. oj'l ' wac H'dmtn, a highly respectable eld- . tw(. Hrii,a; rmtroniaed tins ch ol our-, I"1' Mi 'he Lteeraelt MtOistfr. .hat e are jest bsgi.ming t ,he me Siaie. A pnmptciitte Home "f ,ri" "wif eoanaittml suicide wc ,i,:lk w bavo a light to Meak Z Addrth Tb Lwinard 8itt Pnh.' by sboiHiug himself en Tuesday evening. .... M((r, , 'AtlW '.... "jet f.W lurk. Imendinr ic to the DAlrniiaee of BahhS who' Tnnutavrii.K 1'awiis (lams "al'i'aSl. ' M .1 aa I i ! - .i- 1 s auaaaaau aaaaaa BBBBaaaBBi auapaaiB. a rigai, convict- . .i j r, i. . . .v . ... . at f mr. iawiiirri y. wiaaic. i ne Miiiiuai i.oitiinencetneni t xetcia- f-r-W weareyast rjeginnrag i- ,e arne Stale. A yroMjrci doeot er Jwal II la dolus the Conservative jjj hod -. j , n c.osw karm Inete-ad ef-spmi, and tokeaj,,.. aprt , separate and distinct -rsahk io biaaaa-IT: and mr iaatl lea, ho I " ..... .'. ' J '7" ' : L Iprwperiy. wac-sre satu anout uiei . I ,ti..g teug -go ro.d the &hraj.r 1 ., , . led - - : -hi. tc.br man aa I iUasart. of the murder of a netrro mm. wast m October lr, in bloke Saperior i.iia. I... 1 .1 . ,. laaaUaaa.ta-aaaal V -- T f "J " ..of wku.1 totH. of car sa-igbbor, -j "' 'a , hough -e have srsm.,i,o.. '.-.red ds,, ' P ,-roperty, a leer real estate Mac orwi. wkich he law 1- it Ud amde J J un mt from Meeu lorn huh issd.tr VtI saausert that I 'io" haahaiid'. debts. L Ji a - fha U Croee ! r Ey tb than we did only because he felly ! strictly tree, w lis. not re.rj in its chjhr sooner tkan we case for ro'.v utonilia. and r .tise. did- Wc Qateer Jl.l wogmiicb sweca, erawo.iy were a ehoftliisIiiatiiiiiii.il w II takepl.ee H. advtrrthing aadb. answered with notice W.du.dy and Thursxlay, the 3d iu Unkraptey. TkU is saw expeeieoee, ' " 'h of June. "ii W ol Ifev. S. D. ' Not PLsaatar. -To send a bill ia.iug.-d at Daubnry on Friday test. xpri-saed bimsell as bciug fully prepared to die aad M tasted his innocenc to tke In on instance at leaat. laat. Reuben D Gilding, Eq , nf c'"c by Jtev. 8. D. Adams ol the M tela, negro woman who waa coa- Stoke etmaty kas sold kU forge, sit acted ! -V 0. Conference. Literary address vict. .1 of ike same crime, and K-t.Uuu.sa i. ' on Dan Rirer, near Daubury , with about on Thnrsd.y at 1 1 o'clock by Wm. I. be hanged at tlmsam .m, kas been re l.S acre of ld .Uaehed, to com pa- Scoff, Eq , of renboro', Concert spitad by Gov. Wertb antil tk tad of ny of German capitalist who intend r. and Gradnating exercises at night. ti to and laws, and that 1 shall have the eonr a-'.-' -. 1: rag and lioot-.ty to vote against ik tata. ol my judgment and ter the highest goou or my couutr) . sea,) E O. TnJi. JL Aatlssa and ijm siksw law, a also reported to ha Mid to I ii tend wiilitn Hi last ibree days, Un it he culd b a delegate to tile Co veil -ion he would vole airaiutGr.titJ hiiiisell, oil ihe ground that It don't waul lo v Grain mixed up in 'h m.t . ' - . " l a W . at ( . . lies, ami oil in giounu that m hi Hindi don't want lo be mixed in lliciil. 1 ho General, in con vu i ion with an old Western friend, lest j i bun a lort night ago. saiii that b had now, got I he position that wet maw aeeewiabte to bin, and tndiit ciaiia i. an id to have bovti lecenily dt ci.sseii in another way. It was pre piased In Cmigre lo retire tic ICuseau and on or I wo olliwr ot-ccn, Hi aniuiu. of the proposition being I pan lean . W lieu lb new ot III s I leu I ion waa brought lo General Giant, be i sard to ha - exclmmud sours what a tWhrwrr Wwfl; tlsasr ottlcer aru to be dispoaad of in Ikh man ,er iiprnt political grounds inoic- ly , e erv un ..t tu in lb army tu a .iK-ciai i lha ci,;.. r,at . r'f"m:y Mnm-""v' n.... t ". ,.iril Tr.i' l ' vngre, tnwlskeer it. .. A.... r a- a - . i ea lea v., w.toued at York, 1'eun.ylva-1 uit: H'l j nU. Go. of the steaee missing ltn, " P""-" aataiilndj. Iriiuvited to attend atrneb llt.w II aha. mt ' 1 m.. 17 ' " "- i:4JeaaBesW . 'luii r ST..fr n - White a iktef a te v.rraaa raAlaO;cT.-. We team I """'J pot.tr-a, f tol that this trail en inaoei km. saad.. I.. teardten of ktr fc. O. Maer. of R pearaoe ia this vicinity We remember ! ,K,' t'tghia sine, be WM stid- wa ppearaaee hi 183 with .asses diath..t. I oeuly Hopped by th d scharire of aess tkan at a sabseoaeat neriod. be I Can. A hri II at oan ware , vidi dar order, in IMI W are not a sarai that la had been hit, bat he est H a to tk. Utter itet as t tka former .ml he. hJf Iseas ke-aid hf sine. 1aWa.alaata. .mtm 97 r. 7 1 1 . I ' rw-- , ,

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