KBr I -BWnxanBMarV A XEW SERIES. S A I4S BURY, JV. C, JUNE 5, 1868. VOL. I, NO. 22 'I - xt ByTta or BinwmiPTioN. IV ATCnMAX & OLD NORTH STATE BISHOP ATKINSON'S ADDRESS. dta at. l.w riM WEEKLY OLD NORTH r Oa V.m Mia Moetfca, a. . rty. Wriiua fc-rW Wutrt " TTHC ORDER." A beautiful form moves over the laud, It', tnledon i cnowty U mingled with love; It binds loow chord in owe tingle strand. It unite them aud assl fnem for ioa uove. It cros no the AuJ lorgatl OOt K ISMMOQ M Ilia Mir Cottage Jr ; I The seeds f hi it sestleii saensil, In Ja liuw they a?"" "P ,he pa,hw7 - trod. Tbnqrh fMlnM ito woriiojsalaneinUie c,-U, In e work it pprtkM each one U dooa well ; I abkc the rtrro-heertrd when we; from hi bosse, StJ ding to if misslrai tksjogh to deserts may renin. The iga h" bat given away aa lb deep, caught by tbe eye Mid moat tecreJIy kepi; Not oosef them I lost in Die calm or tbe doele, h ilUkiril tl1P P wkl (be CMkt of jewels. Fiaieroiiyl Frulwaltyil thy raianoa is wide, . . . .. . . Tl.v landmarks are aeatlcr oar land and ocr -v Ila the Ur . bin topsaiid in valley, Thy loot-armta aril) !mgr for sgc to come. United In il chain of age four posted, t Mindly rcmaitA far m parity a 'a east ; lbs Bld all tlnrd a ilh lbs Moo-1. Thai flowed ft., the I to who Ml by H.c It sUtidi by lb eowch where 'l!.e ecslicr -wtfiwa, -- To catch tin kali eocrwu at tby Kb from bu ii Ufxb) Ihtni trapbirl for tbe (rikr Jovr, 'or ita utimiw u clnty aJUajngirO, witi. lova. u 1 m -nded ay tl ueauli Igto til tlmar;. - w)uiibelierotUil, Vara iH 'ntnm eHi (ry that it 0f, Wtvur-n nai!,',. !ivka op ti it and tail lire. : .. . . lea iulB nfchanly drana a veil over l.i' arrnae. J-.( of b-i.r..tetiearr l.eard ill itmonirp, rfir- ti on rank IxX few bare attained," jll m.t tin wwrjH' aertr- .Ubl new My ..ti , ta to piro them my aid :-.t it nee.1i tt 'a tri'itit t xotind out its . ' ' ' ' ui will upfolU llifl bWrtttk.ft forearm. Fraieruttt-t l'rat.rrii 11 thy mia-ioo 'a abroaft. Hhkraat thy banner bind obavr thy thorn, 'm ty stfimp thy b-nt fl deeds j know tuv tio inirionla ail that it ncaua. l.i... t. Mow in Cruv Cuvut, V M'l; puMe pan;r aiuic tint! tome igU l)ontliam Mr. T. 11 Moixiit, of llmt ly, mwo turned Hiat net linu a enntrr n hit tki-u tho M.' f H pen. Il nt by" Dr. Wofco't, find ilio . wwtiiitd ariiitlly hentfd. Suliftcqiieiilly it tew airnin Mnit" u lnln in- van nt noSnnati on lmTui, 11 almirtod tli.: Per ttiieo Cbriatimw under frtfat pent, and it nntr nerfoctlr curtxl. ic procotw ia l!ii: A uioed uf atick ij? plaator wtta jnl ver the Mftcer, a drculitr piife cut onl f 1I10 (iter a litc larger tlmii tho oanevr, at llio canror and a amall cucti in of the Itewiihy kin noxt to H expoael.. .llien a piasfcr inarto lurjdo of iinc. blooJ rix't and t flour wna stirctiJ on a niece o iaalin the aim of iltiat eiroutar oncn- It. and applied to tho cne"fi f"WjBajf,4ritra. f)o removing 4. 1 aaar wil) W -former -rnr-tftr M appoaruf ihec.d.n and )i:udncM Dtat Bntkrm of tkt Clergy and J jut j : .U'-uiipg a we 00 al a time of great njrrirnliiiral nnd commercial dopraaaion and liketriae of much am ief v bveamo of the political condition of llio country, and fcelimr as wo all mut tho evil eflacis of oar urakeni circumatAnccs, in weakening the en- orfcie and impairing tlio reonroea of the (Jniicli, wft rot have cauae for mutual congratulation in its general condition a.' home and ahnmd. Hie 11 u 111 her f lire Clergy, in thin Dioctwe, haa indeed been duniniahed. during tbe paal year because of the rrigoftl'iciiey of tlifir mainfninance. owing 10 tbe general iuipoverikhment of the people, and in that waj we bare loat aotne of our moat faithful and 110 fnl miniatera. Bot, whi revcr the la borer baa been enabled to work, tho harvest aeouia to become increasingly abundant. It cannot, I think, be doubted loat the Church is becoming belter MnaeiWborJ and more highly apprcoiatad thronehout the Diocese. The confirmation in the placaa where 1 have visited, are on the whole; lar ger than usual, and too number of young men applying for admission for Hoi j Orders' ia very much greater than at any other period dnring my Kpiseopate, or I believe of that of any ono of my predeceeaore. Oi) tho 25th May, 1803, (dnring tho silling of the Convention) I consecrated St. John's Church. Wilmiugtuii. Ileiora tho K iitg of the Convention, in St James' Church, Wilmington, 25 persons ; and on tbo 28th May, in the satnu Church I oonliruied i others ; and on 87th, jn vlto saioe Church, another person ; on 28th. 1 confirmed in jirivate, a siek peirm, n member of Sr. John's Church, Wilmington, and on the same day another tick person of the pariah I Bt. James of tile same city. IIamg been requested by Ihc con vention to attend the Conference of the l!i1roi of the Anglican Conven tion to lie held nt L miltoth n Seplem tier, it became necessary for me, im mooktely alter the adjournment the Cmiveuiion, to t onl en my Mai. tatioit of the Central and Western parte of tyjr l)iocce, iu order to bo nblo t comijly wilh tho request, which 1 slHMild" have been 'moat re iuctatit to refute, and yc compliance i:h which would. CO amy Other fcniw liavo rtsured in neglect of the fl elt more inuuediululy committed to my charge. Accordingly, on iho 3:h of May, I ret oil frani hi'inc, and on Ihe 81st held tho service of the Chnreh and preached al (iaston, in NorlhaniptoU connfy. TT Hie chmch building bill Iocn re nove-d from tho villugo to a sUoeon.- pidered more convenient at two miles 1 infant, and although tho congrega tion hn lost one of i?a most useful and efllcienl nifiitbeiu. in tho (icrson ot the late Klmoiid. Wilkin:'. yet there fiectns to be fnl detiriuiuation on their I'fuf in imctire ttu-ir n guhir religious sei vices, wliteU, n eoieijucnco v the niysIeriottH ;tnd violent death ot tho Itov. Mr. Casttetnauaud the coiin tinned abjeence of Kev. Mr. L.ght- iiMUitiotli.nl been lor a oousiuorablo ttmo fntrrriipteeli1 , " , On the 2d nt Jnrrc 1 visited- Entrm uc! Church, Wurrenton, (iroached, coiifinueid I t peitoM, one ot Whom was colored, mid fUimiins'cren rnc Hide Communion. On iho 30 and 31st, T preached nt Henderson, con. hrineiJ 4 iieivus ami jiimi aoniititei oil tbn Communion. On tbo blh I ureoched at WUlianisborongh, and iSWUed an vntant. i me om 1 preached twice at Oxford, aiitJ cott fj t tnetl 9 pei-soiiK. ( in the 0th, In the morning, I preached at Loiiishnisr, in the afternoon, after a sermon by ifcov. Mr. Vanirhn. 1 conlirmeU 10 ikj.soiis, 2 of whom were colored 5 and at night nreached f" a colored congregation. On tha Kith I nreached sft KltlrcH't Sptinjeii, nnd conHrmcd 1 person On We lath .t-prenched at ItillstMMWigh and coiitirn-ed 8 weinons On the 13th Tho Hishop eonlin an account of his Spring Visitation. From thisnoiuttllockinghain coun ty) I went on to llaltimore and thence lo New-York, on my way to Kngland. Of tho proceedings and results of the Lambeth Conference, so far as they were Intended to be madp pub lie, you are already well informed. That meeting will, I believe, bo here after considered as marking an ora in Christianity. It brought together, from all parts of the world, the retire presentativeaof that great and rapidly inereatiiur communion on which, un dor Ood. tho primitive nnd 1 mad tilt a rated uoapel ol Christ seoms uiuinly ro rest for its preservation and diffu sion. The principles which they set forth in their pastoral letter and their reso lutions, and in which they concurred with such remaikable unanimity, are those which can, and which alone can, efloclually shield the Divine Truth from rasa and ruinous unbelief on the one hand, and perhaps, scarcely leaa ruinous innovation and corruption on the other. Amid considerable adversities of opinion, frankly expressed, and with dignified courtesy andgreuit ability maintained, it was yet very encourag ing to see "how absolutely tbo "One J"uitkn was received by all. Thai raith which has come down to tta there is no minister there ia wnially no progress. I have adnilfliatered the Sacrament ol Baptism to twenty-four person daring the year, of these seventeen were white Infants, three while adults, two colored infants and' two colored adults. During the laat year the JJlneeso tina loat somo of ita most valuable Clergy. The llev. Geo. M. Kverbart haa raaia fd the charge of Calvary Church Hen derson county, and Hi. .f nines' Church, Heudersonvillc, and been transferred to tho Diocese of Kentucky : tbe He v. Ed win Geer is at present residing In Virgin ia, although still Canonicalty within the Diocese ; the Rev. Wm. Hodges, D. 1 ., bas resigned tbe charge of Emmanuel Church, Wairentnn, and has been trans ferred to the Diocese of Maryland ; the Rev. Jos. W. Marpby was, darinr the year, transferred to the Droecsc of renn sylvanis, but has recently been received again into this, and bos accepted toe charge of Christ Church, Elisabeth City and entered npon bis duties there; the Rev. Joseph J. Ridley bas resigned the charge of St. Paul's Church. Louisbure, and has been transferred to the Diocese of Tennessee; the Rev. D. D. Vanant- wern has been transferred to the Diocsas of Missouri. There have been added to the Clergy, one by ordinations, to-wit : Edward Woo len, who was admitted to tho Order ol Deacons Bundy, May 19th, 1867, iu St. James Church, vt ilmingtoni The Kev. J. Brenton Smith, D. D , ban been trausft-rcd to this Diocese from that in North Carolina, but who i teiapornrilv ! Hams. James M Janice, William D V hil- in Baltimore, sent me fttfiO for tbo name ted, .Tasafw Spann, R J Allen, M Owenby, purpose. The. congregation ol Dr. Doan, in Albany, placed at my disposal a box : ,.r v iJ .... I 1.... u : 1 - ,. .w w ui f, , , nun hub uvcmi .1 lull- from the earliest ages of Christianity, of Uie KoJrBw ,nrf -rhihig IVhool. ..... .v, 0-0 ............. ... ...v ... ,n Kajeigti for the education ot coloured And the Catholic character of the teaehen and the instruction of enl.e.red church ; its adaptation to all sorts and conditions of men was made striking ly manifest when one looked around him and saw in what mutually remote quarters of the earth, iu what dilW cut stetes of Intelligence and ciyiliza r ion, amid what varied races those men 1 ved and labored, who met to aether for the first time in those an cient Halls at Lambeth to consult how thoy might beet ad vane.: the King dom of Christ. There were those present 'Who were spending (heir strength and perilling their live among tho most degraded hoa! li eu tribes elf Africa. Others from among , j tnesavagas 01 nornoo. winen. tM ,t WJ1, Whl, to deter others from of- mneu 10 tuc pontwai uirim.ua ui meiftj,, As soon 1 the fact, were marie ivmocracy or .c ; wi ne "., kl((Hrtt , ,,,, who th,t thi)0 again,. at n, the front ranks of the Beer , eomadt N(.w he ntitnw of England. Some were of world-wide , .elMj( w dl,.r whh wt repnutio,. lncolog,ng. gome weie f V . . fi, of v,. of ajothiiie and $75. A eominittre of Mllemea in New V.nk 'if whieh Birtioji PWteris chairiosn, raiwl l' die purposs of contributing Iu tbe relief of tl. Hotuhen, Clergy, bt fnite iveeWry srfll me the sum of $MM. for tl- want of thereof my n Dioise, snd the oinie eomnulten ha. idso sent me a bo ol clothing, not yet re . ei'ved, but which 1 am daily expecting. A box haa ob been lent mo by the flood Indie- ol Cooperstown, N. Y repestiop a donation iniuks lust mr mil snotner tts. been sent to a Clergyman name.1 by me, f.om soma 01 llmj liwisr. 01 tlaniord, uonn. rome smu-r amonais have also bean given by persons who, I beliave, wish 4 hir names to be withheld. -- '-" I sin glad to be able lo state that, since the laat meeting of lbs Convention, a Normal School for the education of colored teaehen, aid a Training School for the instruction of colored ministers have been estah'ished in the' city of Raleigh, under tbe sonei iotendenee ol 1 the Kev. J. Biinion Smith, D. D., ami that j there is every ground to hope lor their aocceas. and, cnwseoHently, fori great beneflt to the colored people of tbe Slate and) directly to its entire population. Wot to tlwiii too long on subject wbKia 1 have repeatedly discussed in my Annual ad dre.se., it is evident that but three results are possible in regard to the colored peopl". They must receive right telignsis iostructkin, they must receive wrong nahgto-is instrnciwa, or. they must receive no "veliirions instruction The Mi st we can give, llstm. The second ihey will havo if we do not give tnem tbe Brst ; but even imperfect and erroneous ieli.nou in stntetioo would be better tlmn i..me st all. The greatest calaanily that ikmiU Well occur to our country would be to have a body ol bar banana and heathens settled among u, with considerable coitinl over our judiuial and leg isbuivRsystema. Neat to thai in evil would be to have litem taught a debVtivc and errc neoua rehgibn. Tlie only preventive is lo te.ii-h them H ue rele.'ioli, and .it is quite clear Hint 1 his. n only bedone by reaching some of tlu;melvs who shall teach oilier. If any man anpnosed that a sulliu.ent body of white tracker and clrrgymrii emu ic pr.nt.ireil for the wants bT the I eolore1 pfxipht of lli outli, I can emy pity hi. want "I knowledge and lore tboiurht. Tlie real question is between in- strnotion of (liecinortst populution by compe tent teachers of their own, body, or their de privation of sound retijfimis instruction t aH. The hitfbest interest of thviwHilves and W oilrselri aerm dearly to require the establish 1 1 1 , r. 1 1 . L u u f - 11 VI I...1L. wonii i .tuisra, m iioc-, 1 .... Leandcr Pace, William K Ldhetter. Bedford Mm mb, 8 II Si .ncill, 0 I' Kd uev, I hetoa Kslecn, 8 B O MtCall aud David Htradley. Cuilford t'onuly Alllism M. Mebane, Joseph Haakiaa, Wvat: Raepdale, K..I.1 1' Dick, Fratkerick Fontrrvs, Calvin Cau scyi'Cenrge W Bowman, Newtsn D Woo- d v, II 11 -nil.au Pans, John fTfttt, John W. Kirkman, Andrew C. Marrow, Abram ('lann, David (Jrcrsnn and Robl M Staf f. .Joseph C Tftomp- Jno H loir Alamance Coentv son. Nathaniel Stout. Wm P Mr Daniel, Simpson Vcstlc, Jame Albright and lieu- May 11, 1868. taught in Holly Scriptare and believed by tho early Church. It may perhupjt be- pwwUfo-4 to n wh- had no pcraonul claim to to distinc tion ta Say so much ' this renowned as sembly. Thy, (ncwed opportnnity which I en joved lost-year of cstimntiug the condi tion and progress Of the Chun-It of Eng land, deepened the nssuraiico which I previously attained fj -i hi auraiiKeiie-i bcr, ore lieariy the eemmeure ..r ....... .....I 1 .,T . .1 jtrre post year. 'V The'Rev.. X. Collin U11 UoliOle wim mey a real ,1(ci,r f Trinty C uieui 01 ine enuiirv. nicy .., ministers, snd has al' token charge of the coloured congregation of St. Augus tine, in the same city. The .Rev, .Milton Falls has been re ceived by letters djumissoro into this Dio cese from that of .Maryland, and has ta ken the Rectorship of St. Mark's Church, Halifax, in conjunction with that Of "Sa viour," in Jackson. We bare lost by death the Rev. Cyrus Waters, formerly Hector of the Church of St. Tl.om is, Windsor. He was, dur ing tno war, subjected to harsh nnprwon- molU hools b.r them, and wo ought mcnt bv au act of unscrupulous violence j on every j, round lo r.joioe wl?n sawh school 1 on the part nt soma el me subordinates .are established, v hat o-.ir cliMstiau ohiigs. tm. u .,r tl, iii.l Stint... ....' lions remiirs eun lisitllv he dnithli-il when w.. .11 .,..., ... ... , . ...Vfcl 1 J . T " ' " committed any offence, bat rernember tbe injunction of our bm.l Jesus VUIWl, SW SV TMVVirU -V IWI Ol VltU piCHCU IHC O.ispel to every ncetture. The Qiaroli, (Itu itiir the lastyear, hns been called to mourn the loss ot tier vciei'able Pre siding Li.-.I. the flight ll.-v. J.Ani Henry Hopkih D.D., LCD.. B.U L, whosv niiuie wes honored in fot eivn eonnti i s well Ss our own, and wboso memory unci he ehetislsil while men ronlinoe to respect disliuguialieuV ability, extensive learning anil uiilaltemig de vi. n..n lo the convti-lioiij of truth and dutv. Wo have very n-cvnlly lost, also, the Right Rev. Cicero S. Ib.wks. P D., -Bislinp'of Mi.3011 li, endeared to us not only by hi virtue and 1 hia service,, but ajeo by his (x iug-a native ol fiSte earty assisttatc d many- of tl ineiirOcrs of tliejTliureli in this Diocese. It is po.per, likewise, la expres my profound sense of the lo.i which the I'l.ii-cse, as well as bis own PniisS and fsniily, ha -sustained in the death of tulr former' fn'usurer, Mr. Charles T. Iisjgh. of Fayclteville. A bi-tter pITicer could iiowheic be found, and a bciterman scarcely, rv Moon. Uncoln Cnsoity- Hiifns Clark, W P Uynnra and Henry Wilkinson. Wilkes County R M Smith, John M Brown, Jamas F Tugrasa, Andrew Por ter, Samuel P Smith, John F Barber, Isaac MeCall, Harmld Hay, Ambrose Wiles, Toliver Shoamate, Wat E Rcy Iteynolds, Bmanut-I llarrold, Jasaea II Hay. Cleavcland Coanty - .To roe 0 Bridges Andrew I'arker. llavi.l Mall, floury Wormian, A W Cowiua. John Cook, Lewi Doi.ui'sa and J C Ryers. Alexander County Robert Carson, R O Rennet,, W W Stafford, Wm 8 Teague, Vetiable, Martin Axum, and Jeremiah Oar. Macon County -R M Henry, W Higdon, C T Rodger, A L Barton and A Vaagbn. Wake ( 'oonty Barthalomcw F Moore, It W Wynne and William A Jenks. Cleveland coanty Joke W Logan. Craven county RiehardW Berry, Wil liam W lloldeu, Ted R Caldwell, Hen deraon Adams, Ccbarn L Harris, Rirh- luoiulM Bearoau. Robert V Dick, Thee Settle, Kdwin O Beads, Chas R Thomas, Daniel L Russell, jr., Nathaniel Hoyden, Oliver II Dockcry, George W Logan, mad Anderswn MltokwVi''Mff'iy 'sb Passed the House of Riprosewtatirea eunnent hMUmcal re4Cacit, aod somiwh taprtassjdn-tIwaaHf .1 aungu.sncu lor onuuuti cionuc ce. oui .M)t;ejMnMW . t,,,, lfce .njhief had been all were agreed m accepting fur their own JjJ Tlie conVitution of Mr. Waters, gunlauce and for 1 he lu.trttction of otlicrs, njra dehcahad btn been shatur that diMtriue of Cbirwt which . plainly . . , . IIJLi ajwU the dicom. J H Myers, II Thomason, J N Vestal, Jesse Reives, Sexton Jones, Moses Chap- Elislia Bebbrr, Gabriel Marshall, William M Bogle, Thomas J Dula, Daniel Moore, Ueorge lying, Ja J l eague, Andrew C Watts, D F Reece, F A Campbell and J N Craon. .Mecklenburg County H W Pritebard, Wm R Myer, Robert McEwen, Jeremiah S Ri-ed, Rufus Barringcr, Wm M Martin and Alex Melver. Alleghany Coanty Wm A Brooks, Morgan Bryan, A Manon Smith, Wm Andrews, Nathan Weaver, Goldman Hig- I gins, L M Blackburn, Reuben Sparks, H flanks, John varsous, John A Jones, Solomon Stamper, and Alex lllack Ashe County John William. Iredell County Thomas Holcorubnnd E B Slimpson. Wayne County Curtis n Broyden. Stokes County Jno J Shaffer, A n Joier, Aquilla Moore, Wm V Sheltoo, J R Jewett, Ambrose Jessap, Ira Gentry, James Harris, J B Voting, J J Martin, Litton B lerrell, W B Vaughn, and W m M Gordon. Yadkiu Comity Moses Gross, McCans Cnsteoeens. Thomas I l ines, (ienrce Lonir. vnn ' i..itt. u.: -i'i 1? Hon, or by a Martin. Sand C Wech. Winston Flemina.1leb ' Tljeae are weak spots in tbe Attest 1 Edwabd McPnxaaoir. Clerk. Br Clinton LlOTD, Ckief tfort. THE DOUBLE-DEALING CHICA GO PLATFORM. From tbe New .York Times, (Bep.) In certain other reajsecta the plat-, form sounds ironically. Declarations in favor of a rapid redaction or taxa. tion and lb strictest economy in tbe administration of the Gavcrnment are nnwaeaflable as abstract proposi tions. Lvery man not fed at tbe pub lie expense will bold up both hands for ihem. lint . a Republican Con vention in 1808 ought to hare been able to present something more ef fective that promises. 1 tie party has been in power long enough to have gathered a rich atore of performances. It should have been ablo to m before the country with a record of services rendered in regard both to retrench ment and taxation. Tha pnblic purse haa been for yenrsuiltogether in ita hands. It has had exclnatre manage ment of the appropriations and excln- sivc power over the forma and amount of taxation. How happens it, then. that i u a platform intended to 6ot forth it claima to continued couti denee it lias nothing better to offer than resolves in favor of reforms -which it haa obetinalely and culpably neglected I Why is it that no seri ous attempt haa been made to enforce even moderate economy, and that, in consequence, the abolition of taxes mini le followed by their reimpoai- by a large addition to tne ea has resigned hurch, Beaufbrl ..... tr.il ij . . nn.a.tit u Iflnmt I'm.. now tn Lnelind and Walt are said to l.i. ij.., 1 .,.,i i, ,l, n!.... will xe 2S,00O. lit Churches Imve in-g , dl.privt.d-t,f his Valuable ser- viws. forts of his prison! anil consumption soon manifested iuelf, nd he was compelled to .. . '.. ... I & T '. , . resign hi charge, wnere He was greatly beloved and very useful, anil to return to his native State, .Maryland. Here be lin reritl until a few miiths ago, whe.i he entered into Ins rest The present m;mbcrof Clergy in this Dioeese is fortV-rtine : of these, however. several have euangetl their cures duringjd at all. He ' an excellent specimen of that iypou iimnaii cnaracier wiucn mangiiiij every at St Mary's Chinch, 'range county 1 uj (Wicheil i.i.ii conflrraed 8 persons. tut- creased iu similar proportion, onu new buildins often of grest "sVautV and sultMndar. arc cuutiuually rWing no The wrahipjClkeXhurch ta' conducted with more and more of solemrflty, devotion and iinpreesivciurss, and it is in theso rc snect. 1 believe, uncnnnled ou earth. The Churcli seems to have an increasing strength ol hold noon the , people. Au established or disestablished religion, as taught by it, will remain the religion of the English nation : blessing that people and going forth from tnem to bless tlie re tin ibri 1 i b nt the reotiest of ,l;v. J visitctj the 'School of the mow... . -auiH. ' m ...M- . :;. ii i.:... iHiitl was very tavoraoiy iiniivs B ". oi ir w ii sMwnr wiiiui , , , - , r .i." JI narlwld a. i, ..1 I ..I 14 b... wit i the order, cheertulueet and ap ii evaioeu "j u"t t ar . ... -i- . b .K. i- i i i n-iiniii iiioifress oi un; f. sua wouuii i now irvam.-w, r - . r- - - , - d iheeutmde rim soon ae.mra.es, preached o the... and cotihimod 6 o d the caucar cornea out in a hard "' nnmher. "'p, and the plaee heals ..;. Tbo On (lie I Sin And ICih at kaiisi.nry lined aa Hi,,,.,r.d he fir l-VI . I i.rewlie.l tiee, i.israncn .jjih ite,. IssiUi .u ir r .--. f. tvt t...4J.. lleesL.- Ti Hintrmtst--Reeoe ot , n.i lias treeii ovt. ov -w..- agar.wWaiy ftaWal rtllfl HlMte, , I JM.lllli, sMMffHI'" M"J.r,LU viixii t,i i"" -r v i n v ... nJ i eo. i:rt .,..,1 r h . rLm la" 1 . - . .t. t .1 urnv. 1 iiaritttiio viivt-i vav- " vu -c UU MM JilX?.oUXnmoreiuren . - . In Bwtttmtire t preaebfll oraina.1 ? . . -y. -X' t.ijLi i ir tion of thnto young Minister, of Chri.t. ' ackm.wMge u. tins J'.ll.ll. III'.UII' I - . . . w.j lions mode to me for the use of the more (m for six or eight 'I'ng Success; fttttl eti known of lite ocanewf when tin -plied. years not a rent. tie; wiili mi St. Luke a Chiircti, ormftrtrretf 3 pee crise lias !ioiis find miniinitiercd the Holy fnn ,rm ce of ' tnnnioii. On the lflh al Christ Ch , Hale4-iaco4tiiiyvC Rroftefecd ajid coo hrmd 1 iKiaon-, I id t rei iho 18ih at bt. Jitmea Cliiticli In the tur&i Wor aavs a Iredell tmnotjr, I prvnebed and eoo undered honm may be eiucA by li'tue.l 5 persons, 1 ol ihem eolofad. Moiiful of imlvcr Cn 'ho ltth al bluteawlle, 1 preacneo Fu il.o mouth of in bfeg Molli-sltst ChurrjH, kiutity on b horse oa sooty u tbe founder ia,"reWiio for that purpose, and con Movered. Th Id bu tinned one person, tin llio -'1st at (pi rrom water a is was tried an owi Ting a table sp. alum weilWk niiitnal should bo. In men o"" peraoii.- mi uiu -isi day or ihoiabotiU. ;(i win's Chapel, in Wilkes county. I several oee;ioii, , pcuoueuV baptUoi . 4. .c.biidieu ana I waasirongty urged by two dear trtrnds . . . . T l . r wno nan nccn my- parisninners m j.au mo re, to spend the winter wilh them in Italy, but I fell that my duW UA else where, and 1 returned to lite United states about the ft of December. At the instance fit the Freed men's Commission, I reached on the subject of the religious education or tho colored population' al lh South In several Church W, . ... II. 1.1. , cs lrt ew innc, Aioany ano nainmon-. Meeting the convocation of Northern Xew York in Albany, and addressing thent on the samesubjljjm which Bish- . onlPotter, who was wrtMeht, Itkewfse r The Rev Win. C. Hunter bas resigned the charge of St. Supeu' Churrh, Golds borough,, and has became the principal of a female, school in Warrentou, perform ing also ministerial duties at Henderson nnd Gnston. The Rev. Richard H. Jones, is per forming some Missionary service iu Edge combe County 1 he llcv. . Mat bias Al. Mars-hall Ins re signed tho charge of Christ Church, r.liaabcthCtty, and succeeded Ur. I lodges as Rector of Emanuel Church, arrcu ton. Tlie Rev. nenry A. Skinner i Assist ant Minister of St. John's ( 'hurch, JsVil nungton, and Master nt the Barochial School of that Church, Newbem. The number of candidates for Holy Orders is considerably greater at present tlmn ever befme in the history of the Diocese: they are now fourteen, to wit : ILL.. o:.i i i. v lv,....,. !.. .Mlllll 11IOIIMI .Mil Ml I, ... V" n J lfc Julian t . limes, ,1'dm Archibald Ileal, Frank J. Murdoch, Homy N. Jasper, Wm. S Pettigrew, James Augustus . ... . 1 i.-1 1 iiatsa in i Wjiiill'ti'l Pkiitiiil.il vtatrvtl I gVTtl ri Hf irr w . rxrsvT rva trnrimn wii.-t-e respects aud which certainly seems Ui mu deserving of .gieal respect, (he liish-loned tngliso geiilleai.ni. lor lie ws UlOIOUCiny r.n- gli-h, niH only in birth and edtK-ation, bnt in taste and 'sympathy and in the best character istic of .hat ieopJe. In regard to. my own condition, which may he necessary to come andci the i-onsiderstion id the Uquye,iitiaH" seems proper lor I hat rea son lo slate that hiy health fins been much boueBtted by my kts.yjsit to Euroie, but 1 still h.-li, -v.- that the progress of the Church in the Diocese -would be promoted by die appoint incut of an Assistant Bishop: THOM As- ATK I NSON. party's record. They are a condem nation of ita recent Congressional pel, S Speere, Jonathan Waggoner, Geo career, and a sorry exemplification of Nix, David Haubina, JSJoue, Williaml ita fidelity and capacity in fiscal and U Patterson, iTcnrgo D Williams, Bar- financial affairs. riwt C Myer, William H Rodwell. T L Tuthcrt, John D Holcomb, R "M Bear- , ' ' . son ai Jesse Lackey. rrom Wattungto. Madison County F M Liwsnn, J 8 Washington, May 88, P. M.-Sen-Dcver, D E Freemen, James Ramsay, ,te Wade appointed Buekalew, Morrill, Same Cruder and li ft Brignum. - o Maine, Stuart, Chandler, and Thayer a Union County William M Austin, Ar- committee to investigate the reported cor ihnr Stignll, Robert. Bivcns, Benjamin F ruption. Finchcr, Ja.he McKejly, Milai A Leui- Doolittle presented a memoHaTfiwD me ous, Jackson Greene, Ihoma W Griffin, conservative citiaens of Booth Carolina, Richard Tarlton and Asu ltrutuhlow. against the constitution. He said that it Rowan County J A Hawkins, Na- wfti M Me ptper, temperately written, thoniel Boyden, (Jeorge Barnlbndr, Levi ukc& it reference to the special edqeid- ireaicr, iiimui s .um-a iei i en-r oration ot the judiciary committee. Williamson. Rwkiiighnm County Thorns Settle and I nomas A Ragland. Burke County James H Hall, Joseph Deaton, Ashy Mull, Jeremiah Smith. Wm Bailey aud James Hildcrbran. Gaston Coanty D A Jeukins Moiitgomtrry County John K liofflin, James Batten. James W Reseat, David. Wright, John C Nichols and James B Ballard. Bttucombe Cotnitv .Tames Reed, Jas B Ellari Ixivi Benlaud, P J Isreal and Amain Roberts. AN ACT TO RhUEVK CER tain citizens of north CAROLINA OF D ISA Bills lie U enacted by the Senate and Houe f JiepresentutiveB o Me United State qf Amenta us Vongret assembled, 1 wo thirds of each House concurring therein, that the several person hereinafter nam ed be, and they are hereby, severally re lieved from all disabilities imposed upon them, or either of them, by tbe set passed .March second, eighteen hundred and six ty-seven, entitled "An Act to provide for foe mora efficient government of tlie rebel States," and the. Acts supplementary thereto, aim ihc amendment or the (on A bill was introduced extending the time for the Completion of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Also, a bill reducing the interest on tbe public debt. Arkansas admission was up. Drake opposed admission until tbe four teenth article became a part of tbe mental law. main taiaine that ti eight States Were required to ratify, and that Ohio and Nek Jersey bad tbe right to recall ita assent. -. Drake added t "There was no hurry, we nave acme witnout teem states for sev- sevea and united wilh Bishop Whittiugham in setting them apatt lor the. ministry, of whom one, tho Kev. Nelson r ails, bas sinco come to labor omonc us About the 1st of January I reached lua.ulgLJJiolijrf U wjwjer aiocd ednetty ui WdmrogWu. r-i't. . li'l..,,, ii, on friv'... sn unennnt Af llts Fall visilatinns " i fsruns' oroifiimecl daring the yoar i fTOIt of whom 331 are white, and 74 eol- ntrl. This number exceetl tlutt of the entuhFi-iBiieais of any other year ef my Kbtscopaic, while the places vis.uo nave been fewer Ihaii usual, owing io ray seiicein Europe, showing a more rapid growth in the Churrh. .' It is also to be observed that where tbe Burishe have been vacant, at Gsok'sboro.' Llixabeth City and Kiustoo, there have boon few or no eontirmatttma, showing inn i n- Umiirite Clenrv in tho Diocese. I have refrained from directly asking lor cm trf' button ot that sort, except m two in stances. A small sunt was sent to H1.-I1 -bp Potfef; oTrr York; Oy aji ncyiainl ance in England, for suy rcngfou object lie saw fit to appropriate R to, stnrT I sufges cd to Ilim tfnrtr I could well uso it in my own Diocese to which, with -his Usual kinducss of heart, he readily assented. In utsting through Baltimore, by tbe permission of tbe Ree tor ot Grace Church. I asked from I he linm-i I contributions io be made by that . . . f 1. V . 1 1 . . I 1 congregation, on woicu i inoagni nan sooMkclaim as iu first minister, for the relief ol some of the suffering Clergy of my Diocese, an 1' they sent mo ia re sponse to the application $300? but vari ous sums nave come to roc unsouciico. A ladv wbrnM birth-idace aud horn are Hay wAod Coanty-A J Murray, Isaac eu years and cau do without them Clarke, D B lord, Henry t rankhn, Sarol mon thg longer." (Sensation . ) Fitagerald, J W Harbin, J M Patten, W Executive session-adjourned. s f. vans, n tj Jicutoru ana k n t iwens. I House The commerce committee re Jackson County E D Brindle, L C nr.e.l a bill nllnwine- imnorttions for.bn Hooper, MnidfCi1 Stcky' WMMrtt ftlW TTiiii"iiBiilM amft 's : tby, J J Hooper and A Cope at destination, ereadag'tbe Ohio, Illinois -' V"""V " lT' " M and Alissoun Collection Uistncts, and ma lt Wdlmms an I W ilbam B March. a"3Mafa,-0liatB aaoflt. LeiS McDowell ( ntiidy Jame H Duncan, n of entry, passed 6 to 4. 0 S Copcbnd, John Elliott, Jas A Mc- Indian Bill was resumed, when tbeeor Call, Jbhn Elliott, JohnD'Brien,Thoma rBptkn committee introduced a resolution v: ) "uuu 1 ""a instrucliue tbe Sergeant-at-arms to fit i Lndbett. ory aud rlts H Webb. Cabarrus bounty Victor C Barrinsrcr. Cherokee cooiity -Wiltiam McGuyre, T R McComb,xBhelix T Ashley, Curis- topUer Geuiry, Geo W Ferguson, B K t as the guard room fn the Capitol for Woef- ley 's con fiuem en t. "The Democrats arc still fiRabustertng a call of tbe House is progressing with ayes and nays on every" excuse. I he cnate rejected ITlTliaf nna. OS av-i i war n n i-.a !-..- viineaey,ann ueorgw rt fluaii. 'iiiut urii trg tin i nnu i.iivc, anunii us 1 a . r a a . 1 " - """T 7w " Article Fuurteen. namely : . fx , , . . "r"T "T,' "VT MaraJrall lor Caroliua v ..!-., i ' ........ w... M ii.;,ii' V: i Dlu trlllRlmt. vVOCm rS .tr' 'it ill y iiiu aa iiaiitt'iii, " i , . w ww . A ley D. Joue, Albev JtdHwon, JjkfaJsLW roll, HiUuud J. Smith, C. L. Ha'n and i- j n n mcnaruson Stanley Comity Jo jeph Marshall, Jas E Maiden, Dnmos Cogging, Danl Riclny, Laftry-ette Green, Allen Burris, Franklin A LaAon, and John A Morton. Davidson County Evaner Davia, f Epbrahn Hampton, Urrew H- Lne, David I l-otlin, yTIWgfjeoi aim riemlerson Adams Person t ounty John l tlkersou. Caldwell Coumydboyd T Jeneie, Wil liam M B uber, A W Austin, Samuel Me Call. Washington Moore. James M Bar ber, Rottert B Boyle and Himiou Bradford. Forsytbe County Joseph S PWpp. John (i Sides, John M hlolw, larael Mo ses. William tniaarn. E A Vngler, Wta 11 Stipe, nnd Allen Spack. Transylvania Connty-Jeremiah Os borue, J'C. Duckworth. Samuel Reed, Robert Hamilton, J W Clayton, William R Galloway, Barry Orr. Is.wc Harris, R P Kilpalrick and G C -Veil. Ileudeoma Oenwty lieojamlii V1 urd ,T'- r " I nil ui nabuawM lies in flie wordin. of ttntberford count logan. Ku fn Williams, Drael P Sorrells, J E Me- Parland. B W Andrews, MosWa Wilkcu sou, W B Freeman, Edward Hawkins, R J McCraw, Eli Whisuant, Mahi Walk er, Willis Bradley, W G Mmle.- J W Jlode, James H Carpenter, James Mc Failand, John A Carpenter, A A Seog- MinsvSami, McCarry W ti W.)1M.J&. Uaiponter, I J SpaiM. u 1. irecK, AMofe lei field, H H Hopper. B W Barber, W O W allace. A C Mai lin. J W GibsoU and Jere Jacksoo, . a..AJ. i.iinit.i T..I... i . n.--.. Biwsswall. WsaMcUec. Jas LatLui, Aloon Jennings, B A Sella, J R Kulla, Alfred Julian, Jas T Fox and Elijah Whitney. The difflc nfty hi nominatiou Snrry county Drury McGee, Thomas Martin, F J Williams, C H Kepp, JjcI llurti. Mania Payne, George A Jarvio. J 8 Bcuigre, Jas Nations, Isaac AnafieW, Gideon Bry.uii, Johu Nichols, A H Knapn. Jolin C Thompson, C C McMic kle, Wiliiara Hodges, B F Scott, James The affairs at the Wa changed. Drake's movement in otmnehion to Ar kansas immediate admission excites as tonishment. It ia not known who will follow bis lead. The Senate is divided into four panics Uas swhqet, lewatsrial cancua is considering For- resignatmn. Adjourned to Mon day, when the acquittal Senators will be . - j . .. . seaaarz - . . - v - 1 - . U-,I. I 'I Jl C-n.1l .l .t msmvj V..H.I.., .nsm im KA- treme Radical withdrew. Ex-Setaator Faaw. of North Carolina ii among too.appJcanta fbt t orney a wlaar It ta behaved that Seward, Randall and McCulloch W0I seen retire It b soswrtskl nosiUvehr that MeCalWb will retire on the tirst of June. Stanton' son has restgwed hi elerk sht4 in (b w ar office, (I never withoot sue jtviilirtned pensun. --tA iJr"1'- " S fc, k .... . pwrnaw f-W-i. l. :-jw.-',h- '' . Ml . -:'M

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