VEW SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, JUNE 18, 1868. VOL. I NO. 83 AM rr KrtiM or.wcufrTio:i . a TKI tt-OAiH IN tOV At'H. i 1 1 M N OLD NoTli STATS Hm Tear. ( .tanlka, ' WT.KK vfMiiljr ITH Om Tsar II. M.U. n MsaUi, i.wi BTATK. 7 rto. M.- A STOKY FOU VKHV IJTTLE FOLKS. I)nfs Visit lo Qrandtno's. "Good -by, Ultlc Dot," grandma m she toied to kite the pink cheeks that ware bold up for a good by ki, "Coma and see graudina before i,n. won't real " 'Ha." answered Dot. in bar bird- liko way, moch the Mine as a robin would talk toils neighbor, on a cber ry tree, if they vera eating cherries toiretner l renin tm enemas, inn time, liMfaaed to ba bread and milk - 'Ei. I'll trtu an sley one, two, ? er to raanj daya." "That' rurbt I Don't ferret now will ro T and with another kiss. g. and ma started ror r,nme lt eat down and watched ber until aba we nut of eifbl ; than the her at tention 10 the bawl of bread aad milk which remained unfinished. I tot loved her grandma very much I am net sure but she would have been juite willing to take np her abode altogether with grandpa and grand- Attltnitfyli r.u,. Alld mammal In. lit a large share of her love. The next afternoon Dot waa ant in the gaidwn at play with Spot, her pet kitten. 6wt waa a ry pretty cn-a-t tire, and IM loved ber dearly, I as sure yon. Who would say, I love mamma ever so turn, and papa a bushel, and SiHdnli, I love Spot hdsP1 And I" tbink SoV returned her little- mistreat amctum, fur she toihiwed her nln.ut nil day and slept wtih her of mghrr, and err often Dm allot ed lier l eat of ber bread end milk. I I don't know w but jpT the idea into IM s head. Im! the determined In iwy grandma a v sit that afternoon, be (IM n i think that she could poaaibly r we the, way, fur hadn't she Wntelicd grandma ever to many time, and knew just the way the wenff So, calling Spot, V,t ratened tha garden (rate and past-d out Into the road. Hie trudged oft along the gvusay high way, ringing and talking t Spot alio seemed ha relish the walk fully much at lur little mistress. l.i went hnig vtr$ tslowly, for her eyt i- caugjhj tight ' to - many strange sitings ak.uig tint rnd, wbiib lm bad lotion and examine. " allow ber In get along II ere she found ii pretty li tie tluwer, nmf there a cn lions,. fthnk all over most, aa toft twd greeni4o olvet " th gient aty cbar of papa's in the f'brary at " ine. Hivu rtbt heard the binlV 'irging In thelreea, and of eoitrae ahe to atop and ltaton "'to them, and i'er they bad finikhed their concert ue thought it only fair that she should aura the favor, and soahoaaiigtheni ne of her tonga that was alui'Jtt aa n'rdlike und silvery aa I It ir. By-and-br. Dot beifan to gut tired, Md wondered wht the didn t coiae t rairamae. She tat down for a while ' rest, on en old log. and then she tw some pretty red fiowert gmw ing t a little war from the road. And kenf to get them to earry to grandma. or -ne laveo Howei s very mucn, uoi Fhw. And when the bad. with wat deal of labor, broken the AWer rom tholr stoma, sire taw tome yel low iliet further on and so aim went to et those, too. Titer wore great go ee things, spotted all over with rown. and when Dot came to them pe found that they grew higher than per neao. aiietri'dto reacu tneui. m she eouhj not, and tired out, at ', with her efforts, the tat down un er them aad laid her curl v little head Q the mote that eareted the ground, pot crept up and nettled down eloae r 'n lot'a arms, and began to purr. Md in a little while the blue eve of f little traveler doted ; Dot was THE WORD OKtlOD AUIDETII FOHKVER. Wc find the following beautiful thought in the Forth ffritiik A'tvuv: "li it a matter of congratulation that ine Dime nat passed triumphantly through the ordeal of verbal ertf eitm. English infidels of the last century raised a premature paen over the discovery and publication of to m my various readings. They Im agined that the popular mind wonld be rudely ami thorougly thaken, that dtrtatianlTy would be placed fnim MrineaK peril of exrlncrion, and that tlienurch wonld be d'tperted, and aahatned at the sight of its Mag-ia tint iam retnir ua Dtatted all their aopea, and the oracle of Uod are found to have been pre served in immaculate integri'y. "The si orm which hake the oak only looeens the earth around ita routa, and ite violence enabtea the tree to a. rike ita root deeper iu the toil. "So It it that Scriptnre baa rVorK oatly anrmonnted every trial. Theae gather around the RiWo a denee 1 1 11 1 -! vH will rub the chalk off pigeon's bead, the lamp the while pigeon's bean. wt'll pluck 'em both, and have them foranpneV Which nobody can de ny. Myself, or somebody eltc, will lectnre on the Uomie Chicago plat form Providenoe permitting, every week during the session. Admiasion six cente. JV. Courier. THE TRUE DOCTRINE. The New York World very forci bly fays : "If rfrglma it readmitted thtt year, the wilt Ita ve at perfect a right to exclude negroes from the ballot uext year, aa Ohio had to ex elude them last year. Even if the enter into a contract not to do to, it would not be binding, inasmuch aa 1 U 4. the black Written ftrthe Watibmaii A Old Xurth Htate. black off' Charleston, 8. C, May 23, 1868. and then o Metar$. 7touiai, ( hiUltattd OilO$, "cloud of wit from the ruin of Nincva and the valley of the Nile; from the slab and baa reliefs of Sen nacherib, and tombs and mountains of Pharoah ; from rolls of Chaldce parapbraat, and Syrian vertionittt ; from the cellt and libraries of monas tic tcribes, and the dry and dotty las Ours oi sctioiart ana antiquarians- .r . H i a nam A -wur ureseni ittoiea are undiluted by the lapse of agca. Iter oraclea written amid such strange diversity of time, place and condition among the annua and cliff of Arabia, the fields and hills of Palestine in the palaces of Iiabylon, and in the dun geons of Rome have come to nt in tneb unimpaired fnllneta and acuur aey. that we are placed ns advantage onslv toward them as the generation which hung an the lips of Jetns, at He recited a' parable on the ehore of be t.allilean lake, nn iboso churches which re-ciyed from Paul or I'eJer om: t.f ilitir epuUet of warning ex- piwiliou. '.. t.i .. .... -JUt J mo nrer ot me, which is- the relations of the States to the Fed. eral Ooverninent cannot be changed by tnch a contract, but only by an amendment to the Constitution. The Constitution makca all Statea in the Union equal ; any contract in pairing that equality would be null." Iu the debate in the Senate, ee the Arkansas bill, a few daya since, Mr Ferry, one of the Radical Senators from Connecticut, expressed bit utter disbelief in the doctrine that Con grew had any right to restrict the power of the people of the Southern btatet in the matter of tuoditringtuf- frage hereafter. "While," said ha. "1 shall vote tor the bill, as it stands. I do not consider the conditions worth more than to much blank paper." Other leading Republican Senators concurred in too opinion The New York Times (Republi can,) alto aaya: "fcach btate can modify its laws as ibe emergency re quires." That la our doctriue, the doctrine of the Conservative and Democratic masses of the country. The Howard amendment will soon become a part of the Constitution, and it exprestly guarantrtt to each Stale the right to regulate ttifftagc for itself, wiili the solo restriction iltat the non voting papulation ahull he excluded from the ratto oi repre sentation. Uefitre a provision of the JiljUomaVif Sons n8. U. Chivalry, Washington Citjf: Gentlemen: As a friend of ibe family. it bulb becoute my piduful duty to inform yon of the demise of your poor widowed mother, South Carolina Chivalry. She disparted this life surrounded by ber tin rucrous friends, about 4 J o'clock this morn ing, after very scute tuffunng. from Jfr- enrw laeummttm, whleb terminated In interment. 11 is orders srr, tbat ber re- "black vomit," You know the marrta) I mains be placed in a cart drawn by- early In life to yoar grandfather Chivalry, wUf horse, driven by "a tutored ftntls that the Chivalry Amily held but n 1. .no ettate, the period of winch has expired oni iney arc ai ooenj 10 ucgouaie win licnernl J-.lmey to work tbe lands upon such terms at iu their judgment Would seem to be most secure. 1 am Interrupted by a uote which I have jest received from the Administrator that a rebel flag 3x0 Inches bad been found in the parlor of the dnceaaed. It waa an evidence of ber disloyalty, consequently the would be denied the usual honors ot by whom she bad four sons and two daagbtert, Jaates U. Chivalry, Robert H. R Chivalry, Oearae MeDetf. Chivalry, sad F. W. P. Chivalry. Tht elder broth er, James H- embarked in tht sugar trade la 1831 ; bis cargo was captured on tbe by Commodore Jackson, who seem "by the Eternal " it was bis, ha therefore lost bit entire Investment and men, ana deposited in f otter s bold, cou veyed there through tbe back streets. At this instant aa alarm of "mad d g" waa given, and rumored that thirty-fiie Sena tort had been bitten by a Kansas animal, Amid the confusion and alarm her coffin was overturned. A Washington physi clan standing by discovered life, and pro nounced her m a state of trance. Her be died from salivation. Robert it. R. large- rial is therefore Indefinitely postponed ly engaged ia nullification and secession I have tbe honor to be, with great re- speeatatMm ; be was of sanguine tempera- speet, your sympathizing friend, men t, and shipped his produce aud faith I COLUMBIA. upon the steamship Enterprise. On her I P. S. Charleston is terribly infested voytee. however.- emssinr tbe political with federal ticks, the inhabitants are se- Galf 8 1 ream, was wrecked la a storm, da- riously annoyed by them ; they have ea ring which time she waa struck by Kcder- deavored to destroy them by Mercurial al lightning ; the ship went down and tbe ointment, but witboat the slightest effect ; entire cargo was lost upon which there tbe sting is almost eqnal to that of a Tar was uo insurance. In pie meantime be- autala: they are a filthy vermin. The ine under tbe influenoe of Mercnrv be was Post physician, however, it try ine to no- seised with a cold that followed salivation, rify the city by spreading charcoal over I rum which his constitution became dis-IU ; indeed be is erecting coat kilns all over trt-ssingly withered ; he nevertheless has the State, from the smoke that is faith hi the medicine. G. McDuff. had a monomania upon the subject of cotton in vested largely in that staple, bat the "try bale Arte absorb ed bis entire estate. Previous to bis death he beard tbe bugle sound of th to be C. Ill MAV t-WJt.BTONS IX PolirKII. iome of the details of icse dieeevtileO couiainMl In the loiimai ot I be eacavaueut are extremely carious and iutcnttiag. Thus, we read nu the 30tb of Au- " . t it. L-u-t, 177, a numan taeieion was mumi hi the enrridor of a house which the vol- cajiIc matter bad not penetrated, hut bnd ao eomnlctely elated up by obstructing tho doort that eseane wtl Impossible. Here . . . . . tbe wretched man lived in utter darkness we know not bow long. It is a siguili- eant circumstance, that his bones, instead of lying in one place, were scattered about be apartment, and showed marks ef bav ins beta gaawed. Near them lay the uu- disturbed skeleton of a dog. It is evident therefore, that the brute had not only sur vived his master, bet had also eaten him. In a shop eoaneeied with tbe pablic baths. not tar from tbe to rain, were also found two skeletons of persons who had died iu each other's embrace. They were both in the freshness of youth, and of different sex. Tbe Meeting spectacle excited an an wonted elusion ot sentiment la tae an liqnariaa bosom, and tbe bony twain were christened "The levers. ' Un tbe J4tb of June, of tbe same year, eight skeletons were found aader tbe mint of a wall, and In May 1818. another skeleton waa dis- discorered near the Taffiple of Jupiter, crashed by a marble Column ; tbaa prov- inu conclusively that the eruption was ac companied by an earthquake. In the nple of Ism alto were disco1 aint of several priests, with- chicken bones, egg shells. Wine goblets and other indications ef a banquet, on a table near term. Une of tbcra had seized a sacrib- cial axe with which to effect bis escape exhausted, or probably DKATII OF A CBUTEKARUN. I The residents of the ejfy repneeent , ing the last two or three generationa ! well recollect old II agar Nutt, tha good old negrets, from whom the ebildrep for fifty er teventy -fivoyeam iircvioue to the war have pure hated (ecr and cakes. Th!a old woman 1. 1 eat hod her last in this city a few days since, at a very advanced ape, the moat correct eatimate of which that can be arrived at being between 105 and 107 years old. She waa born a slave, and waa owned by tbe grand father of Mr. Henry Nutt, whoee family she served for many yearn ia the capacity of cook. At the death of this gentleman, in eoneidei alion of ber faithful services, he directed that the be emancipated, which direction waa atnetly obeyed. Hy oonttant in dustry Hagar accumulated a comfor table property which served her at a tupport during the latter year of ber lite. Until within a very few weeks of her death, the moved about as usual bat finally rank into that hut slumber, brought on by the infirmi ties of age, that transplanted bar spir it to the shore of eternity.'- Wit. Journal. asthma and palpitatiuil of the heart. daughter Caroline S., married her first tUciyunl.fri ni beneath ijie nt :t.')ttitutiin, the empty luliiiiniition tod and the l.auih, at it tlows lot tongress, contained in the Arkan througli suiiany coiintrieissoiiietiines tas end Omnibnt bills, will bardty Iwars. wil h l( the earthly e idcucet of IttConquCstt, bat Die grent volume or its waters baa neither been dimiui h ed, nor dimmed in ill transparency, nor hciott of ita heeling virtue t. ' A THE COil IC CHICAGO PLAT FORM. Gilbert Alibott A'Rcekett very idee thingt out ot the Dlncksl m .i.l.k '.ii. t' .. .. I voinic trieo to tlio dignity of "a bull against the comet!'1 Sentinel. GEXKRAL STONEMAN. Thit accoinplisbed ami distinguish ed oftlrer will leave for Richmond to day, to aasnme command of the First Military District. The telcirrajns are not tufliciently clear, up to the liour of our pietent writing, to jn. tify nt in rc!nrdinr it ns a Dcrmnncht nu I' Jtl .1 I . I I . V . " mrr " .. . . 1 one, inline juvinoii'y, ac. i.oitituieni. iy0 ai0 iiisuoscu to re 4. , I i. - W J ! n ' i Jl .X. ,... ttttas wetara inar wei'K.'tnouorraontgHrd, lor Iho preTsenl, ma atauunng 'uHfh never iinagiueil anything command at einiuly a ciucstioii of as ninny at tun vnicngo uonveniion ralik. v audita platform As wo glsotaid In any event, we Cannot permit the lat week, it won t do lo exhaust the opportunity to pnsw without exjuvsa coinio piationn at a single go. jne , nuj ui regret at (ieneial Moneman curled Anthony luight swallow the deiarlure. Hit nd in iitist ration of the ttdved pearls of the eeduciiv Cloo- j aflitirs if this sub district bns been putra at one ititctnitcrale drnoght : marked bv a riuirtilar wisdom, deli bnt Anibony wat, after all, a 'kind ol caey Undlevntlon during v sojourn unperiai pig, ana tn-jiinaky tueenoi m ,tur midpf, he hut evinced a di-nt be 'Nile no Inter than the should bc.jtv of character, both in social audi lint the comie pearl of tho Chicago official intercourse, alike honorable to matforiu must he kept carefully away himself and gratifying lo the people. If ii- 1MPOIM ANT but sank down rt- :. r r . re . . I soibcated by the mephitic rapor before ine .mporram, .. tnn M.pHrfiteg tbU purpose. The state A Telegram in the IleraUl, profes- ment made bv several writers, and reiter Northern robb r and "smelt treason upon ting to originate with a person enjoy a ted by II. Mounier aud Dr. Dyer, that tht tainted gale." He died very toon af-1 1 rig intimate relations with Judge the said priest actually cut his way tbro ter from Mercurial paralysis. The young- Chtue, reprcscutt that bo won Id only l two walls, is entirely erroneous ; tbe wells, er ton V. W. P, wnt a powerful, head- accept a nomination when tho nation J do not exhibit any traeet of such opera- strong tellow; bo claimed to be "born in- was m its Utmost peril, and not then I tions. Tradition tells of another priest sensioie io iear ; ne saw a nr m ""lata eaonhec ol lua llOliesl Pnnv e- wn" ,aJ m luB ecnire oi uic aujaecui y- Wtttj hretl upon it ; lus gun burtt, the ; ! odmltt that lw T?..tL...l concussion of which left him afflicted with .-.- ,i biin-lf .t;flPr .;, ...,1 Hi'. I ' T - "..v., .VR M I uvw in -.iiii.u, in: 19 with-tho Democratic party. He dtf on ouo point ...i i .: n .. pop lus coat ot arms a rope ,, . , v, and a seajffold. Tho ramily were proud "o agrcee witu uiem on an oiuer of him- it waa a good rope upon which great taenea, and, It elected by ilia! they rela-d until, 18C5, when it broke and party, ho would Cerf-vnly cany out tbe spuial cord'gave ay. their policy. Tho depWabje condi- Thc other daughter Jessamine lived to lion of the Sontliurn Staes demniidt be aa old maid before she married, and at proper Congreshiorial cioitideration. last "cast her perfume upou the desert and also mat erinl aid from the gener air;" having by accident made the ac- Government There it A Const! cjiialotanec of an upcoontry 'Vl," which tutional authority for holditia tbe .Southern Mates in sulnec: it is alike unwise and unjust, lie favors eourioofthestme, U.-.bert 1". Chivalry. , ,u HewasofKnglisbauceslry and plumed f from them only hira-cll uimu his coat of nnns-i ro,K V.'at f tt" !" rum trianqulare. This man, whom liul wcr cell Caleuas, wat said to have been carrying off tome of the rich silver furni ture of the temple when death overtook him. As the journal makes no mention of the circumstances, the reader will re ecive the account cum ijrano satis. North American lleciew. I'XDAMENTAL COX Oil IONS. Judgu Trumbull on Saturday, utiiirf (tf thxct proTftiiti f tins Ar uisaa bill which declares that the ot ttitutfofl shall not be altered in a rtain way, aaid, "iu regard lo the ildanieinal condition, be thought it otielett, a being immoral I e ; that rkamaaaa well as liiineta oenld tahge Oouttilution according to tho owtef its people. That proviaion '"ir plteneaTTy- rhperamerie onld vote to ailinit A'kansaa nudor iw I 'II II r om. Jiry iuaa..ot anx teuae-l oi say the tame a tiiuilar pro vis n in our hgua Ounetiuuioii. Jbe iWbany Argns says "the system at isjnugion ia u govern the North by -cbood and lite Sdutb Li forte; aad to 'hujtbotb section. " from rider vineirar. or an v other si vent, taken up one by one, pofithed on thcc itls of the peoplo't aleeiea, l" Virgin in in ii, t remain umler miliiury rule, we, tliould be glad alwavt to re ceive the infliction at the bauds of and tossed from hand to hand, so Huch olliceis, who, while true to tbe l.-i .ln..k.iilll inkn t.n... I 1 1 . I . f ill IM, I . I I , ' I III.., I'll I im ii "in shore of honest laughter over them .ow, nieu, ladiet ana gentlemen we will have the great "pigeon trick," or Section Ho: 2. Here it tt " The guarantee by Cougrcfn of eqnal uomge to all loyal men at the aoutn, waa uemanuen uy every con sideration of public safety, of gratt tndc and of justice, and mutt be maintained, while the question of suffrage in all tbe loyal Statea prop erly belong to the people of these Statea." So, you tee, we cut off the heads of the two pigeons. ' We don't pluck idem now. "A word in your ear: We postpone that until after 'he elee tioii. Hut we cut off their heads. Then re put them in tint nag, ana shake thorn to, ana out tnov ny tne white pigeon with the black pigeon's head on. and the black pigeon with the white twn i SMt:;7:Totn don't see Ibroiigh the trickkehl Very likely. (Stop, it may lie at well to explain that Mr. Il.NGreeley is sup- po ed to be delivering tats leetute.) bo ladles and gentlemen, you see tho exur ttion "Equal tuniacdlo all loyal men at the fcouth it what ... . ... , 1 call a verr pretty conundrum, we iniirhtoeve said. "South Pole," but I told the Cninmitttco on iUwolutiotis (hat I eonsideied that aa carrying the iokaa little tmi far. tor, you see, when we make a conuuarum, wenice something definite. We cant't liear fo-teTHjidenwt- -Now, that Section No. 3 ia what 1 call exact ; tor, since no man can give a definition of it, noiap man uiiderxiauu it, mere mat the sfighteet danger of anybody's bo- nir misled bv ir. And as soon aa the lecturers over, ladies and gentlemen. service in winch they are engaged, can administer justice to the captive with an impartial hand. - . 1 .4 a. I'etersourg repress. OUR CONSCIENTIOUS SENA- TO Senator Wiley, aftr a long wrang ling wiiu ins conscience, hi irm y iciu ea to tue aevu ana voted toi tmv peach men t. lie ia at least consistent, at many of our citizens can attest who heard hit speech delivered in front of the court house in I860 after his return from the Richmond Com vc-minn. Ho said : "If there is one man npon earth 1 would desire to see . bung above another, that man is Abraham Lin coin." Morgantown Constitution. .Mr. Wiley resides in Jlorgtiu town.J The Wilmington Star says that it is publicly nimored that Col. Ed. Cantwell boa been nq ues ted to more to that city, with tbe view of receiving the appoint- hy ten, Canby, of Jades of New Hanover Criminal Court, vice Judge Metres, to bo 'displaced. This is hardly so. uanor s sunointees nave to use tue test oath, which Cantwell can't begin to do. There can be no objection to J . . . i . t z:j. , Jtearcs oiuer man ue is oppoacu to calism. The New Secretary ef HehoSeld is perhaps the youngest ml who has occupied the position of Secreta ry of Wt. lie in. mi yei T a www years ol age. He grail unlet! at wvett ctilraneliiscincn' and tho removai political disabibtietfroui every u l nan in the South. He thinks free doin and manhood suffrage are uu questionably right, hut controverts resulted in a clandistiue alliance. I tbiuk hi' mime wat J. X. D The family bow ter were vary much mortified at ber cou- desccnsiun ; but to make Ibe best of a bad bargain, as a prelude to social inter course gave linn a littl: appointment, it my recollection serves me, of judicial stt'irnrd. tie was a friend, to lt.irrlnis aiuUtakud bis reputation upou dem- any other power than tha States litem t I selves to confer Hie right the gener There was also a lit.le fellow nhont tho al government having no control over family mansion they called him Jimmie the matter, lie oppose political J., sosn-t Hues uirk named general. Jlel dltauillliet and tavors a general am heard of soiitr intruding squatters on MrJ nesty. llegards g lieial amnesty as L liivairy a i.mci .u.out neauiort. lie swore n,S(,Uito v necessarv and urirea hers -it"t , ; :; .. ', in am ro mo ,outiiei n naiitoaas and ulrv tliat'hea "ran them off with com stalks.' ..... . . .' I . po true to his acctaralion, tw went down with a lot of them, when he met about ..00(1 there. Ho did run the whole of them: that is he ran and thai ran after him, although uunv-buill, he travelled at tbe rata of 2:40, aud never stopped until ho reached the family mansion aud there navigable rivers, lie thinks the Goveruiiietit s mild build lei-ees from Cairo to the Gulf, and urges an early return of specie payment. Condemn in strong terms the trial ot citizens by Runaway Accident. Yesterday mom ing, in the vicinity of ibe Central Depot, the horses attached to the Omnibus ef the Kx change Hotel took fright, from some cause, aud ran away, dashing tbe vehi cle violently against the platform aud completely upsetting and shattering it. The Rev. II. T. Hudson of this city, and Mrs. Wharton and child, of Salisbury, were the only persons In the Omnibus at tbe time. ' We are rejoiced to state that neither the lady nor child were injured at aud that -MlW Hudson, although at rst reported to bcWrijusly hurt, received ly a tew bruises. and cuts, which, we will not di-ahlr linn long. 1 .tenan ts great and the escape wonderful, lou d driver of tho Omnibus, was very painfully, if not seriously, injured, and U now under skilful and constant medical treatment. Scntinet. The Late 'Kit Carson. The name of Kit Carson, whose death is just -announced, ia one iliac has been the synonym of wild adventure and daring to all Amen cans ot the present generation. It death of tbe renowned and redoubtable " Kit" took place at r'ort Lynn, on the ng tne storm, on Wednesday afternoon, the barn of E. O. Davidson, Esq., was struck by lightning. Mr. Davidson waa sitting in bis porch when be discovered the so rushed out and found the bam had struck, and that the hay, fodder, he., in a blase. He immediately went to work, and with tbe assistance of hit fireed- men extinguished the flame. At the time it was raining heavily. He made a dam in a sunken place near by, which furnhh- ed tbe water. The freed men did their full daty, and deserve praise. It Is very seldom a barn filled with hay, fodder aad chaff is saved after tho flames have gained a headway. Mr. D. it a gentleman of great coolness and presence of salad, sad io this instance it told. Char. Times. all, trust, ger Was iho took shelter under a Chestnut tree to coo! " "Px, " Jounton reorganizes tne off, belle v ing w it h I ludebi as that, lie Who litrlit s aud runs away. , liar live to liyht another day. He Was a sort of supernumerary, vet h bad t key to tbe family pantry. They however, dismissed him- -a rood riddcua, for ho was a human moth I am gratim-d, gentlemen, to inform ypu .that your moUiermainerimni- , fpw dyi finoe Wing Wl mnHvl VU .110 iw.t one tJIVKV nn ij aa to the cause of her premature death, ami attributed tt to tne tnoisereet tion of .Mercury. She admonished her friends to guard against the too fires use of it. Durinr tbe old tadv's illness, her confi dential housc-bov, F.J M. Judas, ran military .commission, during peace, t23d f May, of a ruptoro of an artery in and hopes, it Johnson reorganizes the the neck, ilis career has been one of ro Cabinet he will appoint a due proper- inaniie interest, as a trapper, guide and Hon trout the bmitlieru Mates. I mountaineer. He Was born in Kentucky Keiilymg to a question. Chase said : in 1809. In 1847 he was appointed ilea "Congress bad no uower to abridirc! tenant in the rifle eorps of the United tlio rrcsidcnt'a intrdoning itower." 8ute In 1853 he V0 sheep over the mo un tains to t alitornia, Tbe Danville 7Vef aavs that a crenlle- being then considered a very baaard man in Uorkim.h.m ronntv .mt fmm us uudertokiDg, and, on his return to t,n.n, . f..w Amvm .i,,ee Ia..!.,. . i:.,i Taos, waa apiointed Indian agent to New uerro boy in eharre. A nearo man came I alox,c0-. "t nas been laigeiy inauwaaen- ncar the premises, and asked the little ? PP5I att'OT tr,f '? boy who was in the house. Beina inform- u,c u'"teu ana l,c Indians, and cd that no one was at borne, he insisted on V " ,0.n twu.KiM be visited Wasb ; n.:.,i.. i ...j u- inrton uot ion? aeo in company with a gothold'of the boy and whipped him Ml,k of the red men, and made a Tbe little tellow then ran to the bouse, 0rmin tlkilM, hutnrii ,Ka nint, nielced nn a away from the neighborhood iu which be him dwid When the own- """" " S r of tbe premises came home, be reported A Singular UccirrccA Whole ...l . I. .1. ..1 ,l l.. . i . i... , '..;; .,...! c:. . !. , - n..u wul uu uu uuoe. i iMHiHin.iHlu-MMf Mpv Bin n iiiMif nsfHT- MdK.-A singular and somewhat alarm- A HAILSTORM. On Wednesday night last, a hail I tour of several of lbs northern era cities. and east- tbe ring-streaked and striped tribe. She heard of him, bnt he swore he never be longed to Mrs. Chivalry, They dressed him op in pole-cat livery, mid indeed,' I understand they put epaulettes on him. He pots on a great many aim at all f reed- men do. It is sap posed that he had been enticed away by a tellow in tbe neighbor boo I known at A. J. llct'eter, who is storm, very severe for a few minutes visited several sections of the coun try roundabout us. In the surround .. u. ...... 1. 1 i. i. said to belong to a secret association, of " t""" "o" . . . . . I Istunf ataiff ot vlann ikiiiim .f asr iilivu wwstv-rm e- wnemm vn arte rres wy -se rrru j is lag occurrence took place at the residence of Mr. U. W. Wight man in this town on t riday last. At dinner some buttermilk wat placed on the table, of which the whole family, excepting two, drank, and in a very abort white after were taken very ill, with vomiting and every symptom of poisoning. We are glad to state, howev er, that the illness lasted bat a short time and all are now well. The butter which had been churned was eaten witboat any oat tbe clabber was jest tike the bu'temllk. It was snppoerd to have ililL l wi-l ill ii m wm SrWutii Ii 11 .1 .! .c- ...v ...... .. , .,.-,. - . nn,.. dntlar. mi.aii.-. lie ia a son of old Peter t.'"" '",,u 'use " W''g o- - r ..... ..! .,.i...:.... !. vprvluu v knnwa what ho n t lif ic.ciicu tucimiuii iu nu- fomily rUver was alto misting, and lhcrelgrounU. Around tint neiglilrorhood are various surmises as to its whrn-abnuts. some of the stones are taid to have 4)hl .Mr. CWvalry left two illegitimate been tlio size ol lien eggs, aim UJ Have w. caused bv someihine eaten bv the sons of whom J will advise you in my left their print on the roo s of houses, cow. Dr. Ilobinson made a rhemical nexU I Iu a portion of Person c muty, it was analvsis with what result we have not Having died intestate, (Jcneral Canby equally severe : cut the blades from le-anivd.FamrHeeilUirNctcs. administered unon the estate, which is ti- .n,-,. ml l.i.ut iln.n nil il.n ram. I im tation of the gardens. The slorm illl 1A.V 11LI. rattled so lustily in one section, that There is a general concurrence of generally believed to be insolvent. I ne admiuistrator had appointed several l'uic- cat agents to take an inventory of ber Charleston assets. He is a conscientious qaaker he is of opinion that his commis sion will absorb the entire interest if not the corpus, after discounting funeral ex- l'oiutin 1853. He was made a Brevet 'penses aud 811 per diem tor Me grate Major General iu 1865, mid wat tnbtei ' Jert tiid other incidentals. If, bow- --.! :.! ! full rnk In MasMcver. there should Lo unv balance remain- 1867, ho wat attigned to duly as General , iug, he it under the conar k ntiotts part deaf and dumb candidate, but. this eoua n young man. was was up staira when touininn auktak. autotheft of Congress it commenced, hurried down, for the that tho tax bit) tw reported by the purpose, as he said, of dving along committee of Wava and Means will with his father.-JfT'ffon Chronicle. fnTrrbe disposed nf Thii sesrtcm ; ort tbat portions of tt namely, stamps, A few months ago Greeley said : "Pro- tax on whiskey and tobacco, iy.ll be bably General Grant can afford to be a enae'ed i rifts a separate law, the re mainder or nearly all ot tho remain romroandine tbe first military dklrictJawcfomUM the bill going over vJ . L. . ... . . t.i t, , i r i .1... i.t..ri .! . ' lr..U,.nt I ....... I .. I ,t .... .. v.... imr nwHaan MiuiirHuwnguuuiivir-, . , 'dohivii. ouiiuwir uw, to the uext consisting, bf the State of Virginia. From Washino1on---Conoremt dbe. Washington June 4, V. M. Senate. After electing George C. Gorham, of Cal ifornia, Secretary riot Forney, resigned, tbe Senate adjourned in honor of ex-l'rea- ident Daehanan. House A Bid appropriating lands la Minnesota, on the Missitstppt, at tho Falls of St. Anthony, passed. On motion of Stevens, the Hoase non conemrred in tbe Senate amendments to the Arkansas bill and asked s Committee of Conference. 'the tax hill was returned. Mr. Allison, discussing revenue frauds, aaid : ''Fraudulent practice has gene to such an extent, in Richmond, that even the judicial ermine hat been stained." The sections, conferring the appointing power on a Commissioner, waa discussed to recess. The departments ara all closed, Tbe city is perfectly quiet. The Democratic majority in Oicgon Is now estimated at two thousand. Mr. Calvert, a Conservative judge ef election ia the First Ward, has received the following : $11; : 1 ou arc hereby notified to leave the city in twenty-four hours. Wean on the track of one more. Signed A DxTSKMUrxo Radical. It is stated that others hare received similar missives. MADAME ROLAND tc HUSBAND. Roland, tho famous Girondist minister, a man of marked abilities and incorrupti ble integrity, married the gifted aad higb souled Jennie 1'hilippon, a abort time be fore the outbreak of the French Revolu tion. He waa twenty-two years her se nior. Her love for Urn, founded oa Ins philosophic spirit aad antique virtues, waa to ardent aad so f aithlul, that she hat often been called "the Hcrloise ef the eighteenth centary." Their principles, their tools, their hopes, their toils and sufferings, were alike and inseparable, They bailed the early effort! of the Revo lutionists as the dawn of a golden age for mankind. Madame Roland shared in the studies of ber husband, aided him In bis compositions, aud served a his sole secre tary during Us two ministries. No in trigue of his PUR wee unknown tf fter, or uninduenced by her genius. Yet no false hood or trickery debased, no ns-intsa sullied her. " he was tbe angel of the he espoassd, the soul of honor', and the conscience of all who embraced it." When Robespierre overthrew the Gi rondists, Rolape, with others of his party saved their lives by a flight to Rouen. His wife was aoou swilus-ted to death by the infamous Fauquier Ttatille. Sha rude to the guillotine elad glossy black hair banging down to her err- tle, and embraced her late with conwge white, her and diguity. Hearing the direful news, Belaud walked a few miles oat of Rouen, and deliberately killed himself with his cane-sword. His body waa found by the roadside, with a paper rantshimg Us last words : "Whoever tbew art tbat iradeih these remains, respect them aa these at a man who died as be lived, honest and vk tuoas. . Hsariag ef tha death ef my wife. would not remai a another day ea this earth so .stained with crime. " An Excellent Tha Cake. One egg beaten in a liuart of water until it loams : stir in suthcaent flour to i muffin batter; a little salt; bake in muffin rings or roll pan. You will hod it au excellent tea 1

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