J A tcfeau i tfli Statl State. Mr. R. 0. of the State Caervive F.s e Committee, request that Secretaries Cnngresaion- 1 District Convention forward to him the credential of the National leoocral ii- i -ntioii. except iu cafi where th - - - i UJjtilt have Uh. already delivered the delegate 4 THk, 810X8 OF THE TIME. Oto of the i great parti. which di viae the people oi the country ha it fissridsstlri riebet fairly tu.tha field- The Sjmw ef Orant and Coll'ax are foaling at the mast- bead at exiiy Mrpabtiean paper laNhe land. Bat thus tar they h ive ex cited Jess enlheriasm than wa ever be fore produced by any similar nomination made la limes of high party excitement. 1 tbe ) of any erkkpee of capaci ty for dn'l employment, 0a. Grant' military prestige dot not promi to aid the Radical party materially iu the ap piqacfeag aleouon. Colfcxi a uianjf penonal popularity with his friend, but ha haa neith. r the abilities nor the fore of ebaraeter to add any thing to the atrength of taw ticket. Both Grant and t'oHax are identitcd with, and werenom- inated by, the impeachment party. The fMilnre of that infamon political scheme he greatly weakened the party which originated it, and ha, in a corresponding degree, strengthened the party in opposi tion to it- And though it seems to be pretty certain that the Southern State a iH be admitted under their, new bogus ConstitBtioaa, yet the indication are strong that the Conservative will carry tlw Presidential election aotwitlmUnding. first great gnn of the campaign was fired last Monday. On that day the rWtWn tor a member of Corurres and (tdiA nSMn took place in the Slate of (). At the last election the State went radical by about one thousand ma jority, and the Radicate filled a majority of the Mate omcc. i g- - servativeby at least one thousand major ity in the election for a member of Cn ere, and the Conservative have a deci ded majority of all the State offices. This insure the ettn of a Conservative Ui ,..A Rt.to. Witor from that State. This election is ominous. It ta bat the begin ing of the end, if the Democrat and Con servative bring out their most available men as candidates for the Presidency and View Presidency, which we take it for granted they will do. And defection in the Republican ranks does) sot promise to be confined to t he vo ting mtrw There is unuisukable evi dence that many men who have heretofore ranked a leaders of that party arc be- miming rtififm wua, tt. not ajarraca i, revolutionary measure, r oreniuu ti. n Chief Justice Chafe, Of Court, From the cwuinienee- s the impeachment proceeding be bait hail n il a manly and independent which has drawn down him the 'se verest denunciation ot hi fcjmer friends, It is almost certain ihn he is no longer in A wlrti tie Kennbhean party, MM O VWI w w w fT w that be will support the candidate of tbe rmnoshion. Indeed tliere is much talk it) high Barter of ruinating the Chief A.tt.ir the Presidency, tint whether this is dotio or not, the weight of Mr t.'kaae't name will weigh very greatly agaloat idciim, ad may, of itdf, be MSKnsait ta torn the scale. M acationably a man of mora character and talent than any ottoer that aaa ever vw connected With the Republican party A a t,s none of them have rivalled lum in abilSre. IfettiTsf Aem havtltf-a greater oegroa pueaed tbe eene) of tbe Northern masses, ue wtt oouoisoa .1.1 u. tuAAu hie reasons f'r bia.res- nt eoorse to the satisfaction faand il so. be will have a very largo-following to Ijiial CervajJ-ve. ranfc - Vbile we cannot wry that we art' w autfiU over the piditicarprfKipects of th country, weet think tSftbc mgMtM tbe timu iudomt atrontrlr the elevation of the IJemacrsitaiBttl tAmerwria.t po'w at the neil election, and it U only by tbeir elevation to power that we can hope eniEF jl'si r j: chae It is iow caarjam Vat KusM - l.sand hlfeoniieeuou with l!w H 1 p,i p .ii. !.,J ' V R.Dat i:' aa party, lie has rec. j.'ly l. ctared to emiuent gentlen in Kirbmnud! .ihit V eorrespondeot the i iork an eitrart rm:t- letter ?w: pblbed m Satarday, corseaily a f,. i I , jiositio. tliat be I- :n accord with tLu Democratic party on ev. ry WSM ...tiii the eottutr? ezecet ttiai of suffrage. He ta ler waWeraal sWwgsJ him eW, brt dmtas Ae power of Coogrea . f a the people ot tne .-vita- i'be exteu-o. of Urf pnvv Hve tranctnsi j ie eouienoa, id, by tb eooaeat of what ' ' Mnnii fttaaa i Jffl. rUUsfHKV, JUNE 18. 1868. of e view Y the 1 in the sev.T.il Stales. Tbh i the doctrine for which the Southern people have al ways contended and sat i II contend. Tbe difference between tbe Chief Jus tice and the Conservative jieoplo of the South, it will he seen, i a mere abstrac tion, and i practical! v one of no impor tance whatever. A a citiaen of tbe State of Ohio be voted for universal suffrage in that fttate, but bcld that it eoald- only be conferred by a vote of the majority of the present voters of the State. Such Ms of .-t.it. rights, and he claim that State of North Carolina posees the right a the State of Ohio or any State, On the nbjci of Bute i ight this is eoneeding nil that is doman ded in rrhttion to uffrage. Carry oat hi views in this respect and the people of the Southern Slate will very soon settle the question for themselves just as tbe people of Ohio did. What more do we of the South ask than to have tbe matter left to the Constitutional voters of the Southern States! Nothing. It is supposed by many that tbe diver gence of tbe Chief Justice from the Re publican party commenced with the pas aage of th? impeachment icsolntions. This is a mistake. It commenced at least -jm- . & vur am when ne aeciaren imra me bench, ou opening the Circuit Uourt ot the United State in Raleigh, that North Carolina was (till a Stato ta the Union, and that peace having been restored she- was entitled jto all ner ngnt ana privi lege as suck That declaration fell like a thunderbolt upon the ears of the Radical cal leaders. That declaration, if true, as the conservative meu ot the whole country believe it was, at once convicted those leaders of tbv grossest aurpatiorjj in the passage ot tbe so-called Reconstruction Acta- It was equivalent to a declaration that those acta were anconstitutioiial, and from that declaration dates the disagree ment between him and tbe ultra radicals. V e b.i ve aot commenced writing this article fer tbe purpose of advocating the nomination of the Chief Justice for-the Presidency. That 'question must be de cided by tho Northern Conservatives who b bcstXiudces of hi availubilily. If he is the . nly available man with whom to defeat the Ch60 nominees, then we think tbe nomination should be conferred upon him ; but of this we have no means of forming an opinion. We have no means of knowing whethW, m the event of his nomination, tbo democracy oftbe North would unite apon ISm "ft wit If the Northern lkmoeraeycould be united up on him, then we should have no hesitation in pronouncing him tbe most available candidate that eoald be selected. If he should receive the uominatioii at tbe New York Conventmnm tbe fourth of July, and tbe people of North Carolina should K palled nnon to narticiusate m the elec- , i lion, we would support him with great cheerfulness. And, in that event, we be lieve that be would receive tbe votes of thousands of men in Western Carolina who voted the Radic.il ticket in the late election. But there is one point on which we ould like to hear from the t hief Justice, and on that point we would like to bear from him OS Ci Justice- As it i known tht he refards the reojnstruction acts as unconstitutional tfe'woold like to liavo judicial opinion from him to that effect. But if such opinion cannot be obtained- m any case now pending before the Supreme Court we would like to have Mr. Chase' opinion as to hote those acts, and what has bien done under the m, can Wf set mil cotten rid of. and how the question of suffrage can be submitted to the constitu tional voter only of the Southern State. A Mr. Chase has laid down a theory for the settlement of the perpleiing question of suffrage it is bufciairw to presume that be can point to a practical plan by which to earfy out that theory. As much a the Southed people 'tgto amnesty proclaimed, they will yet not be satisfied with a settlement upon the basts of "universal amnesty and universal suf frage' Nor will tbo Northern people be satisfied with a settlement upont hat basts any more than wilt the Southern peopl That ha already been demonstrated by the vote on negro suffrage in Ohio, l iebi- ffisr am mm, lWn . ; fv mm. smm Itas proclaimed himself a Citnsututionai State rieht man, we take It . for granted that, when he speaks of "universal suf t'." be mean uuiveral uffrue in all the States. This is a sklyect it! rwhieh the Southern peoj.le awl. N'n hem t . , acrvativi are deeply hrfeUd, aiid w. reneat- we would bt jzlad to see Mr. Chase's l 5 , . , P. S. Since the above was ir type we k.v received the Lviwbburtf News of the Mb 'Tliat able an! reliable eonservativel journal, iuthccourae.4f a leading article hold tbe foRowrltlfll "Indeed, all things considered, we re available and desirable candidate alway premising that .the Herald has represented his View corrKtiy. nne we un not ac i-ept without dissent and protest many oi . . . . 11 1 111 .! 1 . urn Idea he Bow ana win ua uouoi pro mote when elected, we are witltngto mast f mMt i,beral cencesatons to defeat our msbt. leu. lirariL We will publish tbe attiele from the A cus IB our next - s Tbe 9fmthor) heart I irrd with , tks flamea of bell. Men are masdared fcr be ing Radical, who never Injured a human being and whose only offence Is freedom of though l Tin v art driren out prst feW f'', the tougaa of slander pursue them to retirement and pare not tb wife or daughter. The bullet of the assassin and the torch of the hieritdinry are ever ready for them and their property. They are made alien in the laud ol their birth, and so far a the power of their enemies goes, lifo I rendered miserable. S I ( 1 1 1 f f i r. The italic in tho above sentence are our. Vt e do not quoie ii ior uic iur(i of refuting ihe slander which It contain it carries with it it own refutation but to aak tho question which it suggest. Are the leading radicals prepared to ad mit that "orMferl ftwiefj" U not to be found iu their own party that it is con fined to tbe Conservative t "Lifo i rendered miserable" only U those who have .bean actuated by base and selfish motives, never to those whose conduct has been upright and honorable. Editorial COMTimo. -It has been A.AfA that the Conservative editors of North Carolina assemble ta Convention at iui. i.ri, naat week The Wakkman t 0(4 North Stmte expect to be represent ei. The Btunxxato Catawba 8mixo. We Invito the attention of our readers tbo advertisement of these famous Springs, which sppcars in our column to day. The place of their location is la- miliar to our readers. 1 he medical pro perties of tho water is surpassed by that f fi w, if any, watering places in tue uni- i .,,1 State. Everv inducement to llic health or pleasure seeker i held oat by the enterprising proprietor. Nwad commodious buildings have been erected ; . t.fcn h been formed for bathins, and I the springs are surrounded with beautiful acd shady walks for promenades.' The climate ia dolightful and the Jsnrronndlng scenery is grand and picturesqne In the highest degree. Kvcry variety of mKr imnstnent is also provided. In short, everything has been done to make it one of the mot desirablo place during the summer month in the country. We hope our people who are disposed n rstlro fmm tlu- bnsv scenes of life in tbe pursuit of health or pleasure will not forget tbe claims of the "Sparkling Ca tawba Springs." Home enterprise should be encouraged. Why go to Saratoga, or other Northern watering places, and spend your money where it will never return to tbe pockets of our impoverished people when you can be quite a well, ir not bet ter, accommodated at home I There i no reason for it at all, that we can sec. Spend your money among your own peo pie, and seek health and pleasure where you can enjoy congenial society and Den efit your neighbors while you are Ucnent- ing yourself. David F Caldwell, Esq., ha dis nosed of the Greensboro' Patriot to Mea- sr. J. W. Albright Sc. llro ,of tut iue, who will consolidate tho two papers nnder tbe name of the Tim$ and patriot. regret that so able, feadese-and bjret man u.f Mr. Caldwell should retire from the Yditorial fratcruity. 5 D every succee in the j raetice oi in pro- f..H.ion to which he will hereafter Uuvole- himseff. TM ClrlBLOTTESVILLB CnWWICLB, one ofie ablest of our Virginia exehan- lias changed hand. Mr. jinuthallj. of ibe most aeeomplisbeJ dUors m the country, retires, and will be succeeded by Messrs. Taylor tc Fostav. Mf.hky's Mcsbom, for Juue,, contain the first part of "Mink Curtis j or, Life in tbe Backwoods, by an old' Hunter, with a full page illustration by Billings. The King Bird, by t eliaThanter ; Little Pearl, the "Star" story ; etc., etc. I he new serle of this magaslw for young people i ateadily gainiiig in or. Bubtcription pneo 10 per, year. Specimen numbers, 10 eenw. Address, , B Fuller, Publisher, prion, Mass. ity A duel wa fought in Savannah, (ia , on the 3d iot.,4ue of them was killed. - ep V,'" RnsAsTBU. lia bt ele.iriext t leeiuum i luoiiiiunmy.i- at StatiBvillf. in tho linco of " si- - - .r. v , y . Buy. J. M. M. CaldWkll reto;iiod. t. Buckwoll lias not yd signified hie AccwrHmne tas 4, for whieii. hriwaves ha it Ufidoilblcdl v well quali RjjB" The Board of Trustees, which usc aHbe l.'niversity, duringj Commencement we. k, conciAed of Iti Excellency, uov. VV'nrih, President Swain, Gov. Graham, Judge ituthu, Judge name, treasurer RKlv HffiBi & M.i BawwgM Heat. B. F. Phillips, P. C Cameron, Eq., 4D. M. tiartcr, -Kaq., and F. E. Slwber, Ku. It war- n -solved by tbw lt..rdr s be i v(- i stated, to reouest the Faculty of tbe Uni versity to continue at tlwir posts and" of feFlo ibeyiOTiig men of North -Carotmn lie usual instroction during tbe next i As It I understood that the Faculty have granted this request of the Trustees, Ujrc Kiouvw t- - - - 1 th public may expect tbe exercise ot tbo U Diversity to begin again on Friday, Jn- lyt7, 1866-SSla ,frwctaw, Ik fotn V NATIONAL DKMO0RAT1C CON- atiiewasst. Th Washington corres- VBNTION. pondeiit of the LoaUvilta Jtmmtl ayt From what w bear, there m every The following laeenie messages, which general desire on tho part of the delegates passed over the wine between Parse elect, an 1 others, in tlM Southern States, Brownluw, of Tennessee, and (ten. Stokes, 'e ateartd th National lsemoeratie Co will bo tirodaeed bv the Democrats, If vent Ion. which mill in New fork, on the thev can nit a hrariux before tbe nosing committeo : Kkuxvillk, May 3. HOW will Fowler Vole t W. O. Bkowblow. , Wash i mn on, May 3. loii'i know. Think he's all right. W. D. StoAeb. Kvobtillb, May 4 If you ain't eeruin, pump him. W. O. liaowmw. WasaiKoTOsT. Mav 4- I can't. He won't dtacum tbe question. I (ear he ia shaky. W. O. OTUKES. Kboxviujl May B. Tell him if he'll reslga and let me a p- Duint vou in hi place. I'll make bun judge of the Supreme Court, ta place of llamaou, who will umbo way tor mm. W. O. Bbowblow. y - won't n Wash i kotox, May 6. He W. H. 8TOKBB. Ksrotmu, May 9. Not profanely, but religiously, tell him to go to hell. nr. u. mowjlow. Tht littler Mwiriftasi. Tbe question has repeatedly been asked why Butler did not call before him Mr. Hugh J. Hastings, who haa publicly demanded a bearing. We do not believe that be taut yet been summoned ; but we find in the New York Sun, which may account for tbo hesita tion ol Butler to bring tail w lines for ward : It is reported from Washington that General Duller' committee have summon ed Hugh J. Hastings to testify with re gard lo the alleged impeachment c irrup tion ; but Mr. Hastings lias not yet re ceived their subpiena. He openly regret its failure to arrive, and declarca himself anxious to appear and testify. We are, of course, not aware what hi testimony will really be ; but it can Us proved lltat he positively and publicly affirm- that he ia not only ready to wear that all hi el fort in AVasbiilgton were in favor of con viction, bat that kjr. Woolley told him that the whiskey men were uot able to roiM money to help the Preiident, because "they had been obliged to pay so damn edly to Butler and other prominent mem bers of the House to keep the wbickey tax at two dollars." The I ict tbat Mr. Halting proposes togive evidence, of this sort is another reason why he should be summoned ta reality and cedily. He performed a conspicuous part in Hi tcf nam which have been published; and and if he presume to circulate report of an in jurious nature respecting memver ot Urn committee, we do not sue now iney can afford to postpone hi examination under oath for a nugle day. llau. Let anv one visit our wfaarf and see the large quantity of bay brought from New York, BaltimojxrAnd Phltadcl phia by every steamer And vessel which reaches this place Irrtra tbos eilie, and we would siippeee tho question would uggest iteltannol all thi hay be raised in North Carolina. It is staled that the hay ceOpof New Tork Is worth aa mncb a the collbd crop of the Sombr. Rvery e of hay brought to North Carolina takes out of the State (never perhaps to return) at least three dollar and fifty cents including freight. With tbe slight est effort on the part ol one hundred Mr mers in Craven county ten thousand bales of hay ronhl easily be raised. Cannot OHO hundred be found who this fall win put five acres of land iu grasses, if o the above quantity wtti be raised ta Graven county alone. Ntwhtm Jour, of Com. We copy tbe above for the purpose of direction the atteulion ot larmcrs in mis section to the matter. We have had in Lojt&fe from V ilmington and Fay et!f vil Je inereha to snow it DOieo nay coum do purcliased in thi market. If our farm era will pot tbeir bay into bale, we are cer tain that any quantity cau be sold ta tbe markets iu the Eastern part 01 toe Otate. Char Democrat. The Constitution of Georgia, as framed bv the convention and ratified by tbe neonta. contain a clause repudiating all debts contracted prior to (b 1st of June, i865, wbisli ctanje will un4objtadly be ex on. vA by Congress . f mhHroclae of debt will be excluded from th jnri diction of tbe court under tbe report, of the Senate Committee, those contracted in aid of the rebellion, and those- for. tbo inn-chase or h ire of slaves, All other debts arc to be held sacred. forvy s VHroniae. The Wilmington Star says that it U Dubticlv rumored that Col. Edw. tant- II ha been requested to move to that city, wub the view ol receiving tue uoiikinent: by BIbVXHMR New llanover Court, rice Judge lo be disnlaced. Thi is hardly o by 's appoihtee havTS to ' tatesfttte ':twt oath, wlncu Uautweil cant uegiuiuiw. There can be no objection to Jo'lge Mear. other than tltat ho is oppoied to Radicalism. in i AN INCIDENT. m ri:..T..u..l n;.l tn Xllt5 ivicillii"iii xoo.f. oi count of the memorial ceremonies at ai-MBl V- . tht . inektent . ..,-p--y ,7"" of hit. vine grave tf IPHB.IB" 1 ibis grave I rora mo- one voice all said. " i es, for lie sleeps. row ride by side with ettrown dead. Ajid the same fair. hand whjph dec orated ihe gmveiof the Boxrthern sol - - ws idiera now strewed I grave of tbeir enenj i lent ly by their sides. flowers over the neniy, sleopiog so ai y s IWllJNI a lady. Iree. and (, of July next. The di ii rniiii.itiuii of Orae, perhaps, will lie li.tlin-net o oy uie expeni of the trip, and lo uce a desire I ha been felt, that airnngrn'euta wonld be made w ith the Rail Road and Steamboat Companies, to allow persons at lending that reinvention lo do so at nan lire, or one faro going and reluming. We regret to learn, from headquarters, that all efforts to procure Bach an arrange moot have failed. We make thh) tale menl. for tbe information of all purtice Those who attend the Convention may, therefore, eipeet to pay foil fare oa tbe usual route of travel. Tbe Stean packet line from Norfolk, Newborn, Wilmington and Charleston are ruwaintr with rreat dispatch and promptness, tbeir charge are much lower tbe those on the tatand leattaa, and a sea-trip at that be desirable and beneficial. NEGRO SUFFRAGE. Even tbe stomach of Thnrrow Weed rebel egalnat the Chicago platfonn, which he eayi "hdnnila strange in B guvemir.ctit of the peo ple." This is true enough. A plat funn which, in the langiiago of Mr. Weed, "Declares tti.it in one part of tho country where colored aaffrage ia likely to prove rn nova it may ue es tablished and enforced by superior powers while it another, where wek suffrages would be too inconsider able to bo noticed, it may lie left to the in'oide who have already declar ed against it, does indeed sound strange in a government of the kh pie. A writer in the "Southern Plautor ami Faruicr," aiiycrte to the fact that tiro branch anil creek bottom lands are Ucoiiiing less valuable- year by year, in consequence tf the inereaa tig difncnltv vt keeping litem dram. ed. Jle M,rs tho ditches, and uhe ii reams illlo whieh tby run, are more and more liable to til! and hinder the (Irainago than formerly; aad llw.n points out it reason for it ; wliicn, it! is o!i v ions, is in the main true to wit: Shallow ploughing on ihetdjar ccnt iipmnda, the ami or wincii is mept off by tho heavy ram into the creeks and branches, ytow land and ditclie. Hie crcclrt and braucliea being filled a-ith the sandm the chan neU are diiiiiatahed in depth ; the wa- leis raised tieHi er the surface, back lui lite ditclie", nuu the land, iiuta uiadu more liable lo overflows, are reordered more uncertain for agrieul- nral purines. Bene IX'ep iiloniHiiiig rjn tho adjacent nplands, Land wutehfttl guarding ngninst washv es by setting;.. the lands with gratw crops, mis would reqmte concert, or general agreement in the system of farming by all the occupants of any given valley. One mulish man in the community would do much mischief to others and luiuselt by Hon conlor mil T mi ojo-iice tor which tile ought to provide nue remedy. FOR SALE OR TO LET, They have high rent also in,.Nw Or leans, and the JJntlttin of that city recent ly printed tbe following announcements, Which seem to hint that house-builder could find profitable employment joVtbe Crescent City 5 Far Safe, vacated by Aplendid hogshead, jul XT the former oeeupaut, wbofwst Iiifte bngh eat m tue christian s dm leave it for no fault. 1 he premise are a sweet location for a family with young children tare in thorough repair,, with iksattsw bVaIa sbabsj iliut Hw nit it sa I Oil sui USBiffjr svcre wseijsrBi bbbi i wiwwwwiwi good order. Apply to Richard Grocer. 144 Cinnamon street. To Ltt, One roeit on tbe mill recent ly put np at Hantamville, in the building toimerly occupied by Henry Fowle. Price 350 per annum and taies. Apply to A Jtuhrter, on the premises. J Hare Chance. -The subscriber, having recently introduced steam heating appa ratus into hi house, ha no further Meed of hi splendid and comawdloa ash bole, which ha been cleared out utterly regard less of dirt and expense, and will rmw be leased to a few single gentlemen, who de sire lodgings in a quiet and retired sitna fiea Terms made known -on application. Ueorce Oriiie. 34 liulletin avenue. General Residence for Safe. A splend id .Saratoga trunk, formerly the property of Hi Fitaflutter, haa beeit moved opoii tbe new land, it roof raised, ana tbe key bole materially enlarged ; these alterations . ... V ...Xj. ......... 1 . ..C. ; -J-.---: w.iiu we ainereni comparimcuui in com plete order, render it one of tbe finest re sidences for. a gentleman of wealth now fiirwATfct Prie , 1182,000. For key anniT lo ivnoeKi uiori . vo , aueiunieei. 100,000 must be paid down to the auc- KxBcnirox or A CaitrAr At the .last term of tbo- Superior Court for tin' county of Lenoitf held at Kiuslon, George Washington a negro boy snout eighteen years of age, Was convicted of the crime of Arson, and yertentay paid the penalty t f . . " "T . me us ii the gauow. it will :m ""vT" . be remembered that there was auotber negro npicioiieo or narmg a rtaim in T o , T,fta,"' enmo who aim received the sarae. sentencsra Washingtoa; bat who Wii rsnrteveil a few davs since ylBf l co. (lovontor. Washinelou iiiade a full ti-ssiou on the., gallfttt s ia.khicli he said iW he alone committed -the crime. He ' j stated that be had made hi peace with bis - ltiod, and believed that his sent was say- 3L IWaabington only lived a few second after Ihe drop tell, the tall breaking neck xeutoctn, Journal yvommerte. Kor tb. Watchman A OM Korth Btate. KIND WORDS AND LOVINS BM1LEB- iir ada. ' BBrely, there Is magic ta kind words and loving smile. Ther are perfectly electrical. Hashing from heart lo heart, wreathing the face in smiles and scatter ing sunshine, and happiness wherever We ext. Kind word and centle tone. springing in all their native freshness and unsullied purity, from a heart overflowing wit love and charity to it fellow-cream res, are to the weary heart like tbe summer' gentle scphyr softly fanning the ulerrr fevered broW tbe refreshing shower to the parch ed wilted plauta ami lowers, bow droop lug beneath the scorching, withering rays of tbe noonday' un the cup of oeel, clear, crytI water to the up w i" wounded, tamuibeu. soldier, dying on use battle plain, and dear a the pciitleut tear hi tbe lght of heaven. Thev check tbe bitter angry retort, ready to inflict an i wearable, wound aw some sensitive, shrinking heart, and curb down the angry passions just ready to rent themselves, bad all unkind word been spoken instead of tbe "soft answer that tumeth away wrath." Coald we but draw aside the veil and gase upon the human heart it HcV ex posed to the right of it maker, we would often retract the harsh eenture; severe crit icism, and uncharitable opinion, and -tend the warm grasp of friendship and mingle the kindly tear of sympathy tor the one bo m t'd down by some bitter sor row, unknown to the world, so ready to stigmatise a cold, proud and selfish. See yonder weary traveller ready to fal ter hy the wayside. He set fcrth beoy autly, hopefully with noWc sptasttans and lofty ambition, bnt'tacked the moral courage, the energy to overcome the trial. temptations, and disappointment ot lite. He is weary, heart-broken and ready to despair for him there ia ne bright eheer inir rav to relieve tbe eloouiv future ; not one star ( hope to dawn on the troubled waters ol the soul, lie Tatters, laluts Ml the wayside when lo ! a brother's ready", willing band of sympathy is sveicneo forth to raise him ; hind, gentle words fall kim. ihi ugly on hi ear loving gtanees meet hi own, enkindting the taT faint park of coldness in hi breast he arises with renewed sireheth and confidence in himself and mankind and goes forth again to battle with lifo and come forth crown ed victor at last. Kind words and loving smiles wield a matchless influence over all, even child hood's Sweat simplicity and loving trust, can appreciate the power of kindness as the little one glaacca lovingly into the yes bent In' teuderhess upon it ; claps the tin v hand and twines the dimpled arm lovingly around the neck. Ah J who could willingly chill that iweet young heart and bring tear into those pure lov ing ryes. - Speak kindly to the erring, it may yet lead him back to the path of virtue and happiness; kindly to the lowly menial, for their' ia a weary lot of toil at best; and the rudest nature are keenly suscep tible to the power of kindness, r.ven the instinct et dumb nnnnars acauowicuge its mighty power by yielding to kindness ben harsh measures avail nothing. Let us then awsy with anger, detrac tion, and despondency, and erect the si har oTTove, charity and faith. Instead of nursing the selfishness in our owu breast that magnifies petty cares ami Vt artnuT niilit we become a source of annoy ance to ourselves and other. Let as rath er rxtraet the sweet of life in such proln hm a i oiii.il, and mar rort the joyous pres ent by an l iripaling to morrow s storms that perchance may never come. L a td. u .. i. baptaea7mtaery. The kind v?!?. gentle tone, toying glance, and the uuincr ous lktle aaU' Of I indues sad Sfiection in tb trtrrr day dnites ef HfrsaWrtie gem dent oiuweigiiing oy far tne com, lormai yer issuing from the lips and not the irt, in yonder proud and tofty eathw- dr.il with tbe light itreaniinir ihiuogh the staint d window, and falling, around the altar like burnished gold. Uueerluuy then let us go forth oh missions of love aad kindnea with an encouraging word to th desponding and weary, breathing word of hope and consolation to tbe su tiering and dying. Kind word and loving smile to all they east n nothing, though priceless gem to ourselves and others aud not only brine the atiproval of our own coo Mfcnce-'fce'reyW hand above and help ni u lar immortal- ity. Cosrtaatioif.tVi we wortdet th a the i;oure ol the ortlierii taus do not pass a Confiscation Act whoa we ob serve tliat; the land of tho Snutb are be ing sold every day at unpaiatlvled sactifi ees f Think of a tract of bind; in Hock -iiiL'Inuu county, containing 330 aeres. with a mill ou it, selling for f3d ; of a tract on the Piedmont railroad s lling (or 1 per acre: and another which sold for I S00, sfaee tho war, being "knocked off" S60. -5"- " Is this not practical confiscation prodn- I ced by Rsdieal .rule -We tve before sugge.ie ,ai ine ml moua wan r waa in ennnscsus sis taanra i properly of the Scut h by the iwaeshtan of taxes which no people en tbo globe, In our imp overish d condition, cau pay If Uadiculism shall continue to rule the country, million of acres of laud) ta the South will be sold by tbe tax-gatherer, and tbe shrewd Vankec will bo oW hand f btav f fiswrW rat rtnp-wfifti ttf )Tawt vtuMn w www wmbjisb ai ibiiv avriiifi xt " sgr t He will thus get our lands virtually for nothing, aad still say, "how magnanimous we 'ire.' lioTTo cootiscatu voar property WMmingto Star. A badly bonced op Iriahuian, in rc spouse to the inquiry, "where 1 ave yen hsea ?" said "down to Mr. Mulrooncy's wake, and aa ilegant time we hadfja it. Fourteen fight in fifteen miunteskmly htajaae whole nose left in tbe bouse, and that iheisnged to tlie lay kettle,' Wsottey' itstsBiBBB is grmas , ground that Shook' Woolley from the irofreibasl oolley was bete, fcr tbe perpiMM curing the Ways asm Jaeaw (taawaV tae iswrardiesr intereat. WeMy eat. W respect are not felly rupt operations saw Seventeen tb lars of the auea been In th safe of the M tel. It appears, from the Woolley, Shoes, and left the I of Wdbyw Van ValkenbJaV k-v saw Sboeh aa ia a have charge ef es large a saas. uables, in the ef Hotel. TtWSBBnassee etartag T9 iwUWmVj m99w - n " . . .. The whole ashurssiiiMti ta sb4ag. Washtagton, Jaws, P. The Chinese n ispn mente crowd. The W curred. A Bui from the ft eatBr mines, dividing 1 wa ordered te he TheHiH iifficcr wa rend there UA to ll. TheTaaBn was journed. Henate. Mrs. Etaa smiew 4 CM ton, 8. C, petitiosi tar a Mt ta- ef forty thee an the uport of Untaa and family during I p"" Cemmitleesmtnmmv I Irnaibus Alabama wa added Senna tuasyi v..i.. a! ta 21. Republic vettag saw awBs,Jnv Coukhng, Kdmuud. F il IIIIIBj IWh, knvaon. lloASfd. Hawex tamn. Mm- nil. ol Vermont, TismtaW, mi-Mmm. A motion to attAe east she nullifvinr the OeoraSwff discussed all stay. Tbe wide ranee. It. is dan thi clause the Creargta would have been d farted, end would def.t ihe. will ef the nullifying it. l li hi is arrn-d that was tnc I tl'- ate will. lag tbe relief Without a vote Kx cuiiva session From Vm war rumors are Sheridan has sent arsa f vors tbe witholdjng ration of I . The fdhiwingtathe hwl llniiact lo-dav : j et ewcBVealt she tares i Ne nrta IJartMtaBj no ana, tfeotgm ana ai i. : line iombwiw lan Bet fcr ef the tet t States, 1 mi, and the acta bo and hereby am uch day as way have in such tsaeinwowai ev of any Italhythe, f-mevinf shrll I f r.iii:xj sask.ssi se ised for the of eitbevof or .ball have so I passage of lbs Act, of the time for tbe atrial an ta the day. so fixed. acb be convened wttbta thtatw sV paasage of this Act by the said Stale. Section sad. aid Btmro tattan ia Judicial dandf there at lay and the B au Hecxtaa 3d stelBdJtotaw. the civil i authority in either all practical aid and ficers ef each State ta provision of tbi Ads, and I ccr who hail wins and protection, or i hinder os delav stall iihl f ilalalniae m the d MM other civil or military mr, wast a islooy, and. sbbbb IH Baas. SwtSBJBBBj. SWOB waul ilia sjraSBamwe a before any Federal er I inal inriadietta, ehaBhej r at th amemtisnef SV' WeoBey iet ler's couvenieoof. The ssjriMnlsaji tel had ti.lby one hundred dollar Municipal affairs ere fn sttata - Itl1.lt : In thi eowaty sswlim i Mn. Jsmb K. aodfelter. sastaSBssra, wmmmt MBBllcBfcelmUk, Wy, peseta! a, theftewBts w mmmwrnm. null" . rim finin i snemtata ai aswe- tsasard iaschB- i r: " i