I 1 j rj, - - . --r -' V ji'rri -"Tlf"T" fT'"'3'"ftl1 '"l NEW SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, JUNE 19, VOL. I, NO. 24 a as sjaaia mm ,r bttm or subscription . 4a TIBMI-OAIH IN AMIW'IC. WATCHMAN OLD NORTH STATE IS. I TBI WEEKLY OLD mVmMf, te lw XORTU STATE. S.UQ ITrittMfbrib THihiM Old Hurts 8UU. THE TWIN 8I8TEB8 NORTH AND SOUTH CABOLI VA. COLUMBIA, 8. C , J MM 8, IMS. N orih aad Sowtb OsrslBsa , they art of English an try, bora to position of healthy, sthlssic aersetog. North Caro line. iiimr'T an HerswJea I 'onstltuiiou villi an iron will, HsncsH hr politic! Ufc, muwi Important responsibilities umI declared feor ratoetieo on the fOth of u... 1 774. It wm a boM and daring oa unrini bet she bsd mad ap bee mind unmoved by opposition, with a will nt ber own. iba woa distinguished herself for her eaaaaitr to master all difficulties and aehw no iwaBOnaWBltaa, In cbarae ter sedate, enootnmlve, i aad brave, and at tho iuk time am and durohVd io tbe di cbarroof bar dotlea, lwy maintaining w . . . i. bar sall-rpst, iww to act obi nnaitera blc In bar rlve. Her eaVru ware crowned with susses t for integrity and a renowned. After a Uses of foertssm aaantba bar dividends imilar enterprise on the joint Aa a preliminary abe wave . M J I 1 l a "tea pony a war iiwbwh m smug. Wry aoou after which, oa tbe 4th July, 77o, invitations were eatended to all friendly to the aaeasara, la meet at Phila delphia, lb Pennsylvania reahsoee, for . ii rw a.!. eoastrenec wita Aorta varonn. i o ioi responded eleven Bikers aad the entire lock waa Uken, consisting of thirteen partners, ioeladlar North Carolina, condi tioned accord tor to tbe lerma act far th by the Mecklenburg bonae, and bound tngcth ar by bar Hooper, under (he firm oflude laiiaea aa4 Lib arty, to which thereat, aeribed ihetr lira, the fortune and their aiored honor, I rat I nr to theoiaeleea cer tain individual rrahta and privilegea to be rerarded erjually binding. Uer twm ateler, Ooalk t amiiii. waa Maarativoly a dwarf, bat proad and iaatij rain, poaaraaina; high aanao of lianor, aha plumed herarlf upon he dig nity, and adhering to the custom of ber mother ooooiry, aha alwaya polatad to eoat of arau, Iba Palmetto. Mia la of a aarraai, exriubla and Mngnine rent, punctilious to a fault, tint in a malic anna to Washington, to consult with that faenfty and protest against the Mirth er use of black drop. "On Stanly on they proceeded, bat like a distinguished General of ancient time, "marched ut ih hilt and then marched down again. They however made known tb-ir mission dec Bribed the eomplaiut of ibeir mother, satisfactorily to thetaselvej, that a core of oorrnption waa forming around their ninth era lungs; bat Dr. Stevene. however. thought it was bat the working out of tbe core that yielded to truth and virtue. Nevertheless, they applied their atethe soupe and pronoancod ber care a baaalaai one her lungs were nearly gone. 'I his aad intelligence waa followed by a depres sion of spirits, which prodaeed a torpor of the liver, followed by a vwien', constipa tion. In ibis slate of eahanstlug the pulse far Mac qf Mercury wot forbidden ; bow ever in eitrease eaaea dasperate remediea are often resorted to with magical results. Craton oil Might be taken bat the chance are that abe may paaa from ft effects Hut, indeed ber present condition should abe survive would leave ber person in such a deformed shape, that death would he a welcome visitant. Besides bar med eel bill ha. bankrupted and divested all of her earthly internal. - Her diplomatic sons, however, (three in one) were high ly rratiBed with their effort to restore their dying mother, bat not satisfied with his interest are the weeds. The hoed crops yield most abondantlr, and to their comparative freedom from weeds this result may ba chiefly as eribed. And here wo will anggeat that good farmlne; demands that all graiti crops be cultivated at different stages of their growth. Besides tba lo weeds occasion the cultivator by diminishing th yield of his eropa, they impose on him a largo amount of unretuaneras tive labor. In fitting the ground for sowing f be seed, in cultivating, har resting and cleaning the grain, the presence of weeds in tbe soft ana eropa causes tnnch extra work to be pertortned. Loss also occurs through the deteiioration of crops in value when weeds or other seeds are mixed freely with them. JaoYf' llural AettN York. In that spirit we offer tba above re- marks. W neither know, personally, nor have sympathised, politically, hereto ihia tari reply and challenged to extrrmna that sometimes meet, the apostle of this trio turned too his tornadoof eloqoence, which unroofed the Babylonian balls of Congress j hi$ legielightiiing struck down their strongest mental structure demolish ing the wall of Sodom and Gomorrah, whilst hi colleagues thundered K. Klux K. ; amidst the terrific storm, a stampede followed, a Kansas man crying oat, "a Ball Ban No. 2." This la part purified tbe political atmosphere, and breathed fresh life in their dying mother and as rod far Prescient loo, and lived to chronicle their own glory upon the pages of immor tal fame the Horatio of the age, " I bare wounded them that they are not able to rise. They are fallen under my feet." ai(A rAr,. COLUMBIA. ABOUT WEEDS NO. j. UABBualXO FLACKS. The hy e places, of the farm where weeds harbor comparatively uii noticed and unharmed, mo prolific source whence tnry spread, ana strongholds last taken by the aggres sive farmer. Jo the easy, elothlul fanner, they are impregnable, and from lbs Charlottesville ( Va.) JUDGE CHA8E. W publish this morning a short com aaauioation from a frioud sualoaing a pro against th nomination of Judge Chase. W bops and believe that tbe people of Vinrmia. at any rata, will alwaya bare th "conscientious support of a virtuous courage and an naoomnromieod self-re spect," and are very sure that "tbe piond fortitude of an honest endeavor" is about all that moat of us bare left since the war Tata is all very pretty talk, bat tf it means that we bad better lose with Pendleton than win with Chaae. it seems to us very unwise talk. It baa taken a vast amount of "virtuous courage" and "proad forti tude" to stand radical rule tor tbe last three years, aad we doubt whether human nature can supply enough of these qual ities to stand much better to sacrifice a little prejudice now, if that la necessary lo defeat tne Radicals, than lo be brought to this. Though Mr. Chase went from the Demo crats to the Republicans and from the Re publicans to the Democrats, and though he di4 fail to declare bis opinion as be should have done in the Mr Ardle Still a he ba aosp, taken a stand against the plana of tbe Radicals from which there la uo retreat, we do not see why the Booth canno. support him provided his position is satisfactory on the negro suffrage ques tion. No matter what his own view are, if be will leave this question to tbe tehile mem of the States, be will do, but if tbe government a now organised are tn . . , , . IT. 1. I hi pensions lorever unaer ilomtnton. roU( w ,u (,(,, we u we h.va Prominent among these harboring We would, of course very eroat- like most Utile folks very .enaltlv. and - mT ."7; reno.etou ...u u . mw nothing waa tttv - v.; - " -"rr" "aiT ZT.t fl lieil IIIJ UMV'I "I'll iMVWtrM V. tn ClITini VUI WVHIIUm H "II "1 atone troni the field. There new re-j the peace party daring tbe war, wu cannot rietiea are often first introduced by i think his chances very good. We need means of birds, or., from the fence j nhove ail other thing a man that can 1 oppoainr a barri.-r to those downy nip the radicals, and ought to be willing often took exceptions when notnfng waa misused, l his mm to frequent utaeore which involved ber friend m at seriously. Having, however, located in a malar oes latitude, she waa subjected to political 'eaill and lever": thai introduced a free, fore with the subject nl tbem. But wide aa Heaven ia from Hell, we hold tbe tw great parties, now organising, separated from one another and no standard bear er nf Conservstbm and the Constitution can be offered by the Convention at New York, who success ws shall not ardent ly pray for, and plead forthe only form of aid which causeless hat and ven geance, inflamed by self reproach, bare left to us to employ. UNION WHITE BOrS IN BLUE. Throughout the North western States a most formidable political organi zation, composed of the former sol diers of the Federal armies, has been formed, and is now in successful and enthusiastic operation, rendering val nable service te tho caitae of Conser vatism in that section, and accounts in a great measme for the recent re markable Democratic successes in that locality. The "Union White Boys In Blue, under which name the organ! ration is known, is reorgatiiz'ng the ex military element of these States into societies, or encampments, and has met with such marked success that it will tend largely to equipoise the influence of the ' Urand Army of the Republic," a Radical military organisation under the leadership of Geoeraia John A. Loiran and Daniel E. Sickles. Major General John Love, of Indiana, is doing much aer vice in the organization of the Un ion White Bova in Bine." which haa now orer one hundred thousand en rolled members, and its ranka are be iue heavily recruited with each pass inir day. lhe uniform of tne order is a blue blouse, black pantaloons, white rosette on the left breast, and an army forage cap. When the organization parades through any city or town, each mem ber carries a small national flair at' tached to a staff six feet long. The effect ia said to be extremely pretty The personal choice of the ' Boys in JJlue Tor rrcsiaent is understood lo be General Hancock, though no distinct aiiiiounceinnnt to that effect has been made. In regard to the im portant question of the national debt the overshadowing one out West they are in favor ot paying it in good faith, but are opposed to augmenting s vast burden beyond the expressed terms on which it wan con trade I. Thev therefore believe, in the ah seiice of any disect stipulation to the contrary, that the same "lawful money, which is used by the Gov ernment to liqn date "the claims of disabled soldiers, widovs and or M of Merrnrr. whJeh resulted in salivation that sufficed to effect her eunan- ' too. the seed hmls a coiieinnl nUco iruily. In her disordered health she ae- i to grow ; there IS shade, . rich soil, eased bar Federal partners of pocketing 1 a,l ilt)V are andistnrbed by tnschiti .L. Ji : J J- .1 r..n.. i. ., ,.. .. . . ;i i 01 mi- uivturuun iwni "n"i"; terv. -"Uflon me ruouisu or stone pnes see ls that 11. .nt in the air. 11iele, ; W sacrifice a great deaJ m order tu accom ii place P,l,n lhU end- longed tn them. For this choree there may be some foundation. Whrn vexed aha would utter nnnjaesant thing espe cially to bar sister N. to bring her I j her aid ; with epithets she Pre t on, proclaim ed her th Bip Van inkle of the Houih ; are so dense as to protect the weed against the faTrtuer'a offorts to uproot them. CofMeqeentiv, they mature their need, ami it. I scattered. A From tbe Lyuebtmrg Xews. CHIEF JUSTICE CHASE. If lhe i , fits recently ascribed lo the Chief Justice are really his, wonld it not phans of the war, is eqnaliy a Tnet equivalent for the claims of the Inind holder thus Bgrecmg with Hie friends of Mr. I'endleton in thcir car nal principle in regard lo the na tional debt, even if they differ as to the choice of a candidate. It wonld be well for all friends of the restored reign : "l "M 1Mler ainerence, even of the eonathufion, and of -UnityPeice ! i it is rery serua, may. be readily and Coneord " thivua-boui the Union, to reconciled, and we should nof be snr- pa'ch of conch graaa may exst for . njte tuffrages on him for President ! I prised if tliey yet proclaim tbein&clves to which she in all good nature whh a 1 J6"r 1,1 'ence corner uniioiieeu, Ilia ennrso Jmpearliim nt approved 111 IHVor Of 1 ciiuu n,uin. .n I.., r. r,li Ki. I but when its creeping roots strike out him just, firm and fearless : Divisions and I intrudes of this for- ile sister fi I wou'd sooner sle.-n forever ' far em nigh for the plough to tear j The views now pat forth as hi, show midulde oigauitation will be formed ftaaa aha en ia lisnaasa " Faaaili di tSltr 'irr are .distributed far and bim wise, humane, and patriotic : I in the Eastern and Middle States be wntions are to be deplored "a bouse di ! rapidly over the Bold, and every Moth bear evidence ot nis discnmina- f rided against itself cannot Stand. From th incessant flow of sali vatinn SB nevertheless determined to withdraw from the enueern, and open a retail busi nes on ber own aeceaul. and to tbi ef- (et notiCed the Washington partners. In sdraeea, however, she laid in a fall cargo nf lurtr Afuf nnSM In MtmituinM the en- terjn-ise and called her ehilsW epr tS Vm- nll mrj 'w friiw w l act of Umily worship, inroklngJahrfcBsm oa High, the front door bell wa heard to ring. The servant being in attendance a eardwaa hajaded. H preacher who pi rapidly over the field., and every joint heroines a new plant wherever if permanently lodges. Eradication, then, ia nearly impossible. The road sides, which ought te be scrupulously , kept clean, are loo otien sate naroort ing places for weeds. Manure heaps containing these seeds are frequently lec ed until the vigorous growth hMhwuij'ahaplantB to maturity ; and many spots around fgrmUlldlHga and ym are nrrsiglit- lv Irom b dense anrnrat erowth ot Both bear evidence of bis discrimina ting perception of the Bights and power, alike, of the Federal and the State Gov. eri.iuenis, and of Li equal duvotion to both. If these be really hi views, what more is needed to constitute a President, sncb a the Spirit of Washington himself the Founder might hail as worthy to be the Savior of an Imperilled country I re or during t lie canvass, ami tne "Union White Boys in Blue" are des tined to per'orm a most important part in the election of a Democratic Preuideut. Wilmington Journal. SoMimnsi. fob tub' Sicic. Frcqn ently wo timl ck people whose stom- uches reject all kinds of nourishments from th AaU-eUarery BHalawJ Speculation of am UUm Radical about Impeachment and General Grant Senator Henderson's Views, Washington, Jane 1. Tbe Repnb lican Senator voting for acquittal claim tbe failure of impeachment as a triumph of the original Grant men. They were inflnencea in their course by a desire to aid in the success of General Grant and bis West Point policy. General Grant desired con viction until the rote upon the ele veuth article, since which time it is reported be has favored an acquittal upon the remainder of the articles. I have been told Senator Hoes claims that his rote upon tbe second and third articles received the sanction of General Grant. It is admitted that Gen. Grant need his influence to pre rent an adjournment to the 23d of Juno ihns preventing a possibility of a conviction. There is eery little doubt but the President would bare been convicted had the adjournment taken place. The campaign is opening as timid ly on tbe part of tho Republicans si can be desired by reasenden himself. General grant opposes the cetracisin of tho Senators voting to acquit the President, and has more confidence to day in Henderson and Trumbull than in Wade and Sumner. If elec ted, I bare rery little doubt but Henderson will be the Secretary of the Interior, and hare the disposition of the Federal patronage in Missouri and tbe Weat. Gen. Grant is laboring hard to se cure the confirmation of Gen. Scho- neld as secretary ot war. lie tiai visited Radical senators and request ed it on personal grounds. 8-moticId is a Conservative Republican and warm friend of Gen. Frank Blair and senator Henderson. Last win ter a Radical delegation from the Virginia State Convention called up on bim and requested! tbe removal of certain rebel officers and appoint ment or Kadical Republicans m their place. Gen. Schofieid replied to the committee that he could not appoint a "true Radical Republican, as it would not satisfy the people " The stiiteinent I have from a member of tlm StBte Convention who claimed to he present as one of the delegates. Notwithstanding Schofieid thus hales Radicalism, he is to go to the War Department and prevent any "true Radical Republican" from hurt ing the feelings of any Conservative now sheltered within tho walls , of that office during General Giant'e ud ministration. weeds. Fuller the elevating influences of lb hnrril tSOWlrtTrrrr firllOW hrt-Ht many Pttbfie I Unger, be seem to have risen up to "the height of the great argnmeni." j He rues superior lo party and, plant- ware it to t lis nrniHiuiiced it tieneralJack- ' it sou. lfiaVm.rral .irxnt of the firm. To on Ilia soil a Useful plant doe not lii short, the farmer may set big himself, on a rock, on that Conatitu- down as an axiom, that wherever biasainriSe it brought tbem quickly from o-rnw. a weed will flourish and occu- thelr knees He told tbem be bad a ship p tho room. Nature abhors aw un load of sulphur and a battery close at i,'r tjc Soil. It is the farmer's bllsi .1J . I rt . 1,-1' ill plants wiiicti grow hsod which he thought would restore her, nemf tn tMt m: -jj. was an antidote to Je..nr. He m hh prolUiwa knew U eoald not fail W slop ber from dei i.,.. parting. A writ of Nr Exeat he aUo serv ed upon ber, and look in charge lb sugar sad coffee aad marked upon It ''Family Bmres." At this juncture a diplomatic physician, 'Vigtini.," f the first familv. arrived in time and administered an opiate which quiu-d ber nerves, from which she rested comparatively well until 1848, when she. ess again seised whh aa attack of "so cession" fever. Her family physician re. sewed the dose of her accustomed modi cine, aaliratfon, soon followed, and lb f tect of ber former fllness not having pass d away. It fastened itself noon bar debib I ' rvMr. w iibjm aa awrwoH- enronlc character, with high nerou irrita W'ty. followed the St Vims' donee, neu rsJffe .eH the heart and spinal oflVction Bar til 1 WIS, when s Federal phyoWan ru Inf hy, applied th gaivanie battery, uiorpbi... and a blister. The Mercury then feUbelew ten. The disease, now aa urned a new form known ss pslnlution f lbs heart, for wbteh lbs Federal doctor odmialalaiad black drop in 1967. Tbi BBalisd b paralysis of th brain and oth sr'sssjsplhsiisd a&ksg hem tha over a "tbhspOL In 1MB ber hew become dptcbed fam of her diplo luioriwts. HOW WKKPS WOBK WJCBT. -, If farmer would more closely eon sider the detriment to their interests which arises from the presence and growth of weeds ill the soil, they would be incited to greater and more united effort to accomplish t her ex tradillntt. Fertttity trf the soil is di- m hushed utainly by the crop grown on and removed from it. Weeds rob it of much plant food without returning any equivalent to the farmer, and in most soils available plant .ood is not so abundant but thai the growth of weeds dimin shea the yield of the colli vated crop exactly in proportion to tha amount nf the elements of that crop thns shstraetod.. Let any farmer obserre hia fiel cbjeely at harreat time, noting the greet eamty d moss of plants wiiinn me sou rts, beside the erop no cnitu then estimate tbe tncreaseu yield which would here resulted bad tha elements which formed these been gieen to the erop, and be will feet in bis pocket bow detrimental to tion which oreaniaad aud maintained, in harmonious working for three-quarters of a century, alike National and Slate Power and Progress, and individual Prosperity and Happiness ; and pn those great un derlying principles of Moderation, Jus- are boneticiat to lust UMm ...j nnt.nu . u.J. w - - t w...."F.. -! - aud mi nRat inistrulion of Government, would dedi cate himself, and all his great abilities, and valuable experience to his country, alone lo pour balm on her wounds to heal ber dissensions to soothe her heart -burnings Co restore" her broken ' friend ships revive ber languishing industries renew ber ancient prestige reconstruct, consolidate, and augment ber, tbea peer- MM ptkW9mW'"i rs . t I f, m all this, lhe Chief Justice be, in deed, rightly manifested, nn wham can his country more safely loan t For to all the high rilaira on the public con Serene asserted far all ethers who bar been named for tbe Presidency, be add that larger experience hi the ad in inis traliou ef public affairs which would mors sinoolh fy. and rapidly, (where time is So import ant) put the Government again on tbe old beaten way of peace and harmony, order atnd Ijtvr, tvtattt cwiW W hop! tfmt trm leas experienced band. At SO supreme a women I or we pwnnc fortunes, may not a regard alone for the public good, swallow up all lesser motive aad smother, silks sjib aspirations aad personal party procienees as wJl as antipathies, endsr a gtocrous patriot- tistatices termiualo latalle. In tweu t y instaueos in wbteli we have temr4 the i.opulur sick-lied uounsliiiients prescribed; and rejected by an inva lid's enfeebled sioiuacbu we have never known the simple saucer of parched corn pudding or boiled gruel refused. The corn is masted brown, precisely as we roast coffee, ground as line as meal, in a coffee null, and made either into musk, gruel, or thin caked, baked lightly brown, and giv en either wm in or cold, ih clear wa ter; or whatever dressing the stom ach will receive or retain. Parched corn and meal boiled in 6k mined milk and fed frequently to children suffering from snmiiier diarrhm, will almost always cure, as it will dt sen tery in adnlta, and, we believe cholera in i t earliest srage. The Montgomery Mail thinks the Southern press should refrain from all attacks npon the personal etiarcter anu military operations oi vrenurai Grant ?oalb ground that such st faeks from that quarter will be elec tioneering arguments in the hand of bis supporters. Hie advice of the Mail is good for other reason, that might bo stated. LinoAurg Neuts. Major Ilsyne Daws, of Sutesvillo, exhibited to the Editor of the Ameri ears, a tew day since, a remarkable lueue natural. J is a chicken having four feet, four wings two tails, two neck bones and one bead on one body. paid 81,000 in Virginia bank i j entered tlie Church, Blld ascend drii draw., by th Bank oji, the pulpit delivered an eloquent 5P Kfe V.. and exc4ed!gly appropriate adlnrsa, I MrohT.t nt Decision bv the Chief Justice. Chief Justice Cbaae, now pre siding at tbe L nltsd .State Ulrcntt euart iu this city, rendered a decision in lhe case of Moore ec Brother, ef Baltimore, against ter dc Moore, of Norfolk, which will have a very important bearing on tbe set tlement of draft, negotiable notes and oth er commercial paper scut from tbe Con - federate Pi-thu JJntled bUtjiS during tbe war. : . . , " The case in which this decision was given is as follows: Just before the war luster At Moore, who lived iu Norfolk, executed their note for 920 to Moore A Brother, of Baltimore. This note fell due after the' war had commenced, and while Xorf ilk was in the possession of the Con federate troops. After the evacuation of Norfolk, Moore A Bro., agreed to receive from Foster Ic Moore Virginia Bank note in payment nf their debt. Foster ec Moore thereupon paid $1,000 in Virginia bank notes lor North Carol of roiismouth for 1 1,000. 1 hey sent this draft endorsed by Maury & Co., and Smith tt Co., of Norfolk, to Moore k Bro. Thy kept the draft and urglectrd tn rend it tor collection until the Portsmouth bank some six weeks afterwards, removed its deposit into the Confederate lines. Tbi was in tbe year 1 SO a. Tbey held tbe draft until 1867, when tbey tendered it to Foster & Moore, who refused to receive it. Tbey then brought suit on the origi nal debt,tignoring the dralt. The ease was heard yesterday before the Chief Justice. Kach party offered in structions to the jury. The t hief Justice then instructed lhe jury that if they believed that tbe town of Windsor. N. C, was within the tauteder- ate line at the time the draft wa drawn, or if it was not permanently under' the control of tbe Federal authorities, the draft was real and no account. Ho said any draft or negotiable note or commercial pa per of any kiud drawn during the war, by any bank or person in tbe Confederate hairs upon an v ' bank or person in the Federal lias, wa in violation of an act ENGRAVING BY MACHINERY. Two citxens of Lenkesville, N. C, engaged in the watch and jewelry business, having occasion to do mncn engraving on metal, and finding that seort of work rather stow by Hand, sought to invent a machine for the purpose. Their names are J. 0. Guerrant and 0. J. Field. Truly necessity is the mother of invention ; for without any familiarity with the mechanical arts, outside of their par ticnlar line, and with nothing to guide them bnt their own talents, tbey eon straoted an apparatus that snpplied their want. One of its earliest achievements was to engrave the Lord's Prayer in microscopic charac ters inside of a wedd ng ring. Under a powerful magnifier all the letters are seen distinct and perfect. One thing loads to another, and io the course of their labors tbey discover ed that the same tnechaniosj princi ple could be applied lo the making of fine engravings on steel, or copper, or wood ; to tbe execution of tbe most delicate medallion and geometrical lathe work ; in feet, to the perfor mance of every task whero a graver is required. Having no knowledge of contrivances now' exclusively em ployed by bank note engraver for ruling and various ornamentations, tbey got tip s machine which includ ed a mastery of all that, and all the common everyday toil of the burin besides. Such drudgery as engrav ing the rollers for calico printing, of door plate, is done as easily aa site ing encumbers. Pictures or designs can be reduced with tbe precision of the photographic camera, the won er, who can learn the whole art in two or three hour, has nothing to do but follow with a tracer tbe lines of any design, and a sharp point of steel at other end of a seuos of levers cuts a plate of metal or a block of wood. His hand mores with free sweep of a good penman, and the graver unerringly obeys him. The adjustment of of a rod determines whether the copy shall be the same size in all respects as the original, or smaller to almost mnmte extent. While his hand is outlining letters an inch long, the steel point may be re producing them so small as to be in visible except by tbe microscope. The apparatus, though rery simple, con sidering the diverse kinds of service which it can perform, cannot clear ly lc described without diagrams. While it reminds one of Blanchard's lathe, the pantograph and ruling ma chine in some respects, it is clearly an original invention, and has numer ous useful capacities peculiar to itself. Persons who are interested in works of mechanical ingenni'y and art may lie "-ratified bv a call tiDon Messrs. Guerrant A Field, at No. 807 Pearl fieet. where two of tho machines are in operation. N. Y. Journal of Commerce. lag. Na arreata hare bean made nor are aer ef tbe negroes known. The loss farls very hearily on Mr. Weath ers, who is a poor man. An enforce ment of tha vagrant laws, in Lhn absence of something better, would pot a cheek upon these frequent out rages by idle, roving negroes: ' RaUigk Sentinel. Boairr to Dbatii. Wa learn that two little negro children, one about two years old another younger, were burnt to death in Richmond county, a few dsya since. It seems that tho mother of the children left them playing fn the bouse, to go to milt, and npon returning fonnd tho whole house in flames, it being too late to rescue tbem. It is conjectured that the children, during her absence, got to playing with tbe fire, and. tliua caused the catastrophe. WU. Star. Tha Tarn Bill The Municipal Board. Washington, Jane 11, M. The Rons is determined to push the UX blU through. The piobahility ia that, ia tea days, the Houae mil tend the bill to the Senate, where th finance Committee wiU striki out all except whiskey and tobacco, in which the lions ti expected to concur. and she reduction in the whiskey Ul will probably be consummated daring the first or second week hi July. Th city eoaaeO has orraniaed with a Democratic majority, and, to-night, will elect ae ad interim Mayer. Yellow fever. New York, June 11, M The Guiding Star's advices represent the Yellow Fever -s prevailing at Nicaragua. It ia rery severe at lima. Tha French Minister to Pern and tbe Peruvian Minister ef For eign Affair hare died with it. It is spreading along tbe coast Congress. Washington, Jane 11, P. M. Senate. A bill relieving certain naval contractors passed. Tbe Bill extending the Freedmen' Bn reaa passsd. It gees te the Heme for Commencement Exercises or Xokth Carolina College. Hie annual ex amination of the students of this in stitution took place on Wednesday and Thursday, the 27th and 28th of last month, in the presence of a large and highly interested audience. Un Thursday arternoon, 3 o'clock, there was a general gathering at the Meth odist Chnrcb to hear the address of Capt. R P. Waring, of th's city, who had been selected Orator for the oc casion. rcorteti nv tno noara ami Faculty ot the College, Capiat u War I ef Congress aud of tha tbe president thereupon, and wa void as to saaksni aad endorsers, aud could eat Kas riunji i v n fl saiaifMf t iftit fki else V aaVht VV leVclTni tw aBBBaesBal alsW arWwf- The point to be decided in the ease in which this was rendered, was, whether at ths time th draft wu made, th town of and exceedingly appropriate aaoress, which w u recei ved wi th well merit ed applause: The evenings of the two day of thef examination wore devoted to original speeches and general declamation by tlie students, and in this, as in their examination, they acquitted tbem selves with high limmr. "The number of students in this College laat session wa aln.nr 50. but a much larger number i expected at the opening of the next term, whieli will be on the ti tut Monday in August next. t'cangtlicql Lutheran. A joint resolution, removing Roderick R. Butler ' political disabilities, and al lowing him to bold any office, without la king the iron clad, passed. An Amendment, extending the benefits of tbe joint resolution Be all eflKeas, was lost by a strict party rot. Adjourned. Uoese : A committee was appointed to investigate the treatment of Father Mc Mahou, imprisoned in Canada. Ashley, of Ohio, reported a resolution reciting the m order of Solomon Dill, in Si Carolina, and declaring teat the Governor elect should oiler tea thousand dollars re ward for tbe capture of the murderer s, and arrest all tbe desperadoes in the neighbor hood. It went to the committee on Tax Sill I The Sonata's amendments to the Omni bus admission bill were referred to tho Reconstruction Committee. Night sessions are dispensed with. A resolution was adopted discharging WoolWy. Adjourned. From Alabama Montgomery, June 11, P. M. On th 6th ef June, a paper ia this city contain ed the following : "We are requested hy the soldiers on duty at this place te state, that at tbe .i , aaarsjrrTsrUhsresidsmnswsg sssertng, hslrl at the Capitol on Saturday night, the sol diers gave three groan far Grant, ttir cheers far MeCleJJaa aad three cheers for Andrew Johnson. Tbey were given bv tbe soldiers with a hearty good will, which tolled frost the Capitol to the arteaian basin. We are nun rennet sd. by these sol dier to state that ear assertion contrary to this is a Use falsehood. A party of twelve gentleman most ly lawyers, stepped aboard tbe ears at the Brooklyn court house. One of the number remarked : " How do we stand aa to President V A rote was taken, and they stood : Grant f ; Boy monr 8. One of the n a in her then poke up : "Suppose, Chase is nom inated by the Demoorsta, how will the party stand then f " The rota - SI . . of taken, and it stood 8 for Chaae and 5 for (Irani, the twelfth refusing te rote. AW York World. AnoTUBK OlTAK BT X BONOS. We leer, that, en Friday, as Mr. J. T. Weather, a very worthy man, raxed Windsor, N. C, wa withi the Federal i ing in tne vicinity of MoleavUle. was y QsafaBSTBie 10m. War is brewktg bet w ecu Para and Chili, growing out of the settlement ottb account of tbe Spanish War. The Ottawa anthoritie continue to re ceive information of Feuion preparations (along ths frontier, " returning homo wards from that place, he waa aswrssssjsjdj sjjsdj aa B Boat by eight armed negroes, who demanded bis money. He could, of course, make but alight resistance to Bach a gang of ruffians, and was apeadily mastered aud robbed of 1U03 in greenbacks aad a pert of his cloth-. These soldiers sar they are white men. and have no love for carpet-bagger ami caitawags. In consequence of the above, the fol lowing order, which appeared resterdey , haa been isaaed by Gen. Shepherd, com manding tbe.Sub District of Alabama: "The kssa of the Montgomery A dterti- see, of yesterday, contain a state sssnt, which, if in tbe slightest decree true, de serve th reprobation of every right-minded wldier of this Sub-Di.trict. The sUU-meni alluded to apoload, incites aad slimulafe tbe soldiers to insubordination and diagram, by th publication that some have uttered groans against the Geaeral of our army, to whom tbe country ha awarded such a commurswa far Skis nre- eminent service in suppressing a rebellion Biased at tho dseSrwarasn ef oor , Republio and our freedom aa a people. The sol. I m this Sub-JDUtrict are therefore Ba ikal it is a plain duly to rebuke, in ef aowaaepera. or by etbei I them te per make andin- beec I l: .: aasssswasw l from any expression as te tWBaar saJaTas, i aWaa apable of being led astray by th svil minded, ami least f alt, by those who have ensued w pall of death million of soldier yert QaoorsJ O. 8. Shbmku From !f( Washington, Jane 11. P Chief of Police wore refused toll M. Tba 'r ' ''" .'-"-.' ' - TS

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