mmml mm u . mymi "Umn ,w. . w w r ' f NEW SERIES SALISBURY, N. C, JUNE 26, 1868. VOL. I, NO. 25 w an gam rr if t or ttMctirriox. t rxBVI'OilH IN AtTtROR. tt lTC.llM.AN OLD NOBTH STATE nattr. UhIw, ..' lUSSeaUa. l. TKI-WBIKLT OLD NORTH STATE, -i mU. Dm Yaar . Six ktouU. Oh Tcl. CURIOSITIES OP F REN Oil 0 All DEN INC. The vltilor wUo pinM through the market of Parris cannot fail to be ttrnck by the sUa aud beauty of the fraits and egotantes aispisyeo. There are hog and perfect n, a glittering array of salads, enormom heads of snowy cauliflower, and gi ant stalks of asparagus, which at tract attention no terror their sis and fmiiltleo condition, than tor the vast quantities, all equally flue and large of their kind. Thee art dm i the wonderful skill end patient in dnetrv of ibe French gardener, who aio unequalled by any others, either litre or in Euroie, in the art of cut ti rating garden produce. One ease of this superiority is the devotion of lite French to specialties. This syren obta na as generally among the gardeners as among lbs men of arte and sciences. An Ameri esa market fanner or gardener di- tides his around into many lots, and ulanta nearly evert- variety of track known to the market. The French gardener give himself ap to the emU tirstionof a special class or sncees aion of fruit and vegeUbles, and by . a ' .t a. f lnf smoy ana practice, oy eapen- nwutiug wiiti various Manners ana uindes of culture, arrives at the pro suction of a perfect crop of his spo- ciahr. season alter season, with un- . i Otn. CharUs P. Stems Declines t domination to the Virginia Sam ate. In a convention of the Conoervatives of tbe counties of .Goochland, Powhatan and Fluvanna, Va., held at Goochland Ceort HoHas on lb 3d Intt , Qen. C'barlet P. Stone, formerly of Massachusetts, was unanimously nominated aa tbeir dale lo rrprcseol tbe Senatorial dittrict saipana of lliese counties la lbs General Aaetmbly. lie, however, has dssHnsd the oaetnution, expressing bis rsasoua in Ike following tetlsr : Gt ntlemen : I received your latter In forming me that la a Lonveniion of dtlt gale duly appointed from the counties of Ooocbland, Powhatan and Fluvanna, I was ananiasooaly chosen as lb candidate ts represent ibis Senatorial District in tbe General Atrunly of Virginia, should tb Conttitution now before the people be rait rued, wane expressing my thank to tbe Convention fur tbit expreaeion of eon- Uewce, and to you, gentlessen, for yoar Battering communication ot ita action, I must respectfully decline tbe nomination, for reaaana which will curtly be satit ftc lory 10 yoa and to tbe Convention. When perilous timet comes upon a peo ple it is a proud position Im a man loiiud himself selected ss tbeir free choice from among all his fellow citiaens as tbeir rep reeenuiive in the public councils tbe defender of tbeir right the protector of tbeir interests. Using so selected, sny man is bound to answer tbe call, and, leaving all thoughts of private InlereeU behind, to devote himself lo lb duty Papers of the country will confer a blessing on this, alas I loo nutner ona class North Booth, East and West by publishing I ha above re cipe. Augusta Chronicle and 8m- ftSMt. If lo thua imposed upon him Tbs knowledge that leni of thousands or In fellow-cui-seas freely select Lira for sack duty ought to excite In action everything noble, ev erything of ability which a man may pos sess. Bat to become tbas inspired one must know that tbs choice ia perfectly free, tbe confidence entire and tin reserved. erring certainty t nm w npn. i" hh htk lie i also much more economical j been a perfectly free choice in this case, of apace and mora prodigal of labor It not to be supposed that in a Virginia due we aw; a., in fact, than w Seaatorul Dfctfrfst, . comprising three large need ho. Ho seldom aaffers his f?H,"'j'""', " c'ee anouM set aside all ground lo lie fallow ; crtV ucceeda; nJ wbo c.op in endlcos rotation ; il.e cau i H frnm vtMfh ,a who A -- - tlsaa, uiiiliill la lla J . . - . t. 1 1 n-wor mn , while yielding H no one In a sincere ami ready to spread as axon a lb mel-! lm tiuunt devotion to lbs weliasv, and in una are gnthe'od. Between f" , desire In nr..lect the riEbt, slid advance of aaparagna o planted early pota the interest of the people of the district, les, leltuoe, dec , III SUCH a maimer yet has been a resident in it only twnanda St to keep IDO ground cotittmi ly hall years ; one who was born a 1 ankee, fruitful, and when tba weather be in 1 ankee land, and who looks back come froatr, and the sun loses a , five generations of Tcjikee ancestors, auudlv tliare of ita forcing Kwr, Pw,nr ,n "nesgs. PuMie duty dc I .r,. I.. II wen . mi.L.ved. one mends or a maa Inst he shall, if neeeaaa- ef which isidaoed over each plant 7.' Pc saennee every- I . . - ! I Inn. that i. It. . v 1.1. ..If . rt or the salads - - , -i Writas fcrtha Watshmaa a 014 forth Bute. WHO SHALL BE OUR NOMINEE f Afr Editor: Mash is being said con cerning tae aawaaaass who w to be se lected by tbe Democratic Convention to be held in New Turk on tbe sib of July Wbili I agree with (hose wbo think wa of tbe South ought lo leave this matter to be determined bv tbe defecate of tbe Northern Slates mainly, I have thought that lbs presentation of certain views en tertained by myself as a Southern Demo crat sad Confederate soldier might do no barm, perhaps might, indeed, be of some value, on account of the local and politi eal tnd-piut occupied by lb bumble individual wbo present ibem It will be impolitic to nominate any man wbo made himself prominent as a North ern Anti war man. Why f Because it is unreasonable to expect a majority of that section which is proud and exultant over the triumph they achieved in tbe war to wheel about sow, condemn the war, and pronounce themselves criminals, by supporting aa An t i- war ram agahat the General who led tbeir armies to victo ry. - -tsar knowledge of human nature ought to convince as that this is impossi ble. Foot year ago the most popular Union General was beaten, simply because they ran him on an Anti-war platform. The war was then raging wkb all ita hor rors and with its issue Mill doubtful. Will an Anti-war platform and candidate do better now, when victory baa com. itb all ita eclat and rejoicing I Suppose the South had won in tbe contest, would Union man and Aati-SeccMoniat have been tbe successor of Jefferson Davis as Confederate President I Would wa Con federate soldiers have supported such a and earnest devotion to the welfare , and in I ntao aa a candidate against Geo. Las T ' tin .Li. l. .i i. i: .1 . vrooever rams. inai, hit ueiicvv nu a Northern Anti-war maa will be the next ' - . I list an unver he rMuirM ana if rrrniir. -and I h.-.i is thus cmcei.trated upon t - it until .1 lull growth la fairly at- f .j wiue r . pob. hained The enormous eiso of the French TO CONSUMPTIVES EVERV ivnrv i. aa aa u lie trust not freely offered, and climb to nffU hv reaann of I lie - nreaent m-euliar . ... ..i.' a.. .1.. ...... I ..'7' n-Miagca isi-ini-iit uuu eonsiftsna nf-DOMlC mtlr otphwrrng.4 Instead rrf setting thu . While, by it Constitution, our country M m!, cbwcly togeilier. aa wo Uo, a'eJaims to be a free Republic, resting upon l': I ai least six inches Kinaie is lb consent of al! the whole people, no allowed to fiirh Viot," which en i voluntary set of mine sbsll appear In ad alilus it to Slick A largo nm-oiut ol mil that it is not one and it would be nutriauawl from the aoil, and liecomo. apparent, afcould I now be selected from a Wrong ami ..did plant. Each stool aaaewg aty peers for the trust in question, l-o iiiMimrerJ ropcatedly every .j... OTV. -on, liraonl boing catafuily sarap. r "T Mlff- .7' , T. . .i ,. ,1 tnable test-oetfa wMcb disgraces tbe pro awy d.Wa l the rwi, the com- vr. ... .. j: t plac.l around them -and the , ,".,.,,. j tb. met bon ib nut tiat-k acnui. 1 i t. ,.., .nrll.v tntm aiwl taw The French ayatem of mill rating ' mwM i.i,i ;,. tui. plie apple, i.ear and iwach is alo pa-. t u. mccfDl -...i- .i. suiiar. The trees are all grafted ami j condllnnt. wart'ed. A strong wiro is alretched I have the hnner to be, gentlemen, with long in front Ot' each tow, ulnnit great nsnect, your obedient servant, lirec feet above the ground. Uin ; signed. CHARLES P. STONE hi wire a ainttle branch of eucli ree it trained, and, as soon M well ....J .11. I L " 11- t. r;cu, uua orancn ia maue. ujt vy pruning, the only fruit hear g on .hi the treo. Tlie cons icnoa Is that ibo entire strength ol ii tree goes to tlto uourieliliu nl !' mi upon this branch, and tins Inut ,oui large and lair in proportion. : process. iy ttio nv, is oorrowco oin the Chinese. Tns Mar,houvr, is al Urgoly r'orn in tins pyramidal and other nn but altttost ulwavs from dwarf- dttoe. In the cultivation of the peach, the reach gardener have shown a curi u and fane fa ski I. Near the wn of Montrcil. a few mile only m Paris, there is a large number of "'tn-. enclosed in wltiio-washed an, against the Sarface of which vach tree arc trained in many fan '"ilium. One ot the-e I rnown ho 'Napoleon peach.' This a cimen so trained a to figure In iry large lefer the name of Napo a aiigle brancli g.Hiig to the for ation of each teller, and the wlmle rroniided by a wrea h composed ol A I.. t . I . I I I . rgc Dougtt trained i.n circle. ihc 'raft. Past. J likely to heenrttu Valuable r lc of fuel ia the Wt. Machinery has P iuvented and put ia operation at Chl Pp, by which neat ia reduced to a con- Pai'nt and eennomieal enndilion far am s it can be sold for one ftftb the prlee 1, wbfls it will generaU mors beat, I, Inn fnr Ian. but .a loam aa ihn beat piyfjuil. Tbs rraaahnnnera are Aearenvinc tbe Fuig carden ana farm ernas In Central - i w petit twarm over to oatut lavu devtstation behind. Having reen much suffering from consumption, ami knowing thousand of dollars are yearly spent by tnvas lids traveling for t Vir health, ami no inediciiie and physicians, we prop' a slmote recipe by which patients may iRt'omo - their own phyticiaha, and if not too far gone,' will guaran- toe a ported cmo if niado and regit larly taken according to directions The ingredient are lioaihound, mitt lein and itiilaes inirredienl that are in reach of all, the mullein crow ing wild in every field, the hoarhonnd in almost every garden, and inota sot to ho had at any grocciy. The directions to making are to take a. large handful of hoarhonnd and boil aa atrong a tea aa possibly can be made. Take'np, then boil an equal quantity of mullein in the same way, take a cupful of tea of the hoarhonnd, cnpfnl of tea of the mullein and mix togettier in a stinaiite vetsci, men aau a cupful of molatses ahd stew a ayrnp the. thicker Ibo bettor, lake a tftblepoonfhl, or a largo awallow, three times a day. Bo particular in following directions as to making and also as to taking it, ami we will guarantee relict in all cases not too tai advanced. -A The writer doe not claim this re- ceine as oiiginal with himself, but has recommended it in many case always with good resuita. Aa the in gtedjcjit are so common and so eosUAtaiaod, it is bestytot to make moremnan a quart at a time particu larly tn warm weather, aa the fresh r it is the better . fleet will be produced. President of the United Stair. But men .if common sense must know that auch an idea is preposterous. . It wdl be equally impolitic to nominap a maa who endorse any ef the lawlesa and revolutionary doctrine and proceed ing of tbe Radical party tince the war. Tbeir reckless disregard ef the Constitu tion, their miserable abortion iu tbe -mat ter of restoring tbe Unfawi, tbeir fatal mid perverse folly and fanaticism in conferring the elective franchise on untutored barba riant, the are the crime for wbirh that execrable party is about to be hurled from it Mot of power by a cheated aud indip- nsut people. River of North, rn 11 poured out from bean which, even We foemea) know, palpitated with tbe am honest love ef country which worm ed OW own boon ma in the strife, purchas ed for I hem a splendid victory. Tbe mas ses ef tbe Northern people expected that victory to be sppl.ed to noble and exalted uses. Jaca saw in it the. restoration af tbe prittine glory of the Republic upon Hirer f landation of harmony and bomo gcMoosaes. How have they not been disappointed !- To what vile purpose baa not their victory been applied) lu slcad of peace, universal disquiet and un certainly reign. Instead of a h.imoge- toacb them ia ibis communication. What svtr policy assy be adopted so other is aaas, 1 am strongly persuaded that any ma ten! deviation from the coarse indicated ia tbia aaamnnieelian aa to certain lead ing matter, will iu all probability result diaattroutly to us. I bar spoken with frankness, perhaps it may be deemed with pr.-tumption, as to tbs kind of man we should have. Let other name tbe in dividual. DIXIE. FERTILIZERS IN N. CAROLINA Wh have been favored with tbe follow ing corrctpusdenee between a Committee of the Bute Agricultural Society and Prof. Kerr, tbe State Geologist. It speaks for iia-lf, sod we need do no more than call attention to it. Tbs letter of Prof. Kerr it fall of valuable information and asggettwat, which are apropos aud lime ly. !t establishes tbe fact that we have native fertiliser in abundance, to meet all the exigeacie of our Agricultural condi lion and necessities :Helmet. Rauicn, N. C, Feb, IS, 1867 Pro. 1P.C. Kerr: 8lR : The Stole Ac.iroltnral Society. at its but meeting, passed tbe following resolution, to-wn : "Resolved, That a Committee be ap pointed to investigate tbe subject of pro ducing fertiliser iu tbia Stale, for sale to tbe farmera of the State at luir remunera ting prints." 1 be object of the Society is, first, to ascertoiu whether the materials exist out ef which fertiliser can be manufactured secondly, to ascertain whether they can be procured in such quantity and form las to compensate the manufacturer and re munerate the farmer. Any iqtormaiion thati you could give tbe (.ommiltce, al your leisure, upon Ibis subject, would be gratefully received. With much respect, Geo. iv. WmrriELD, D. M. Ha It hi. NHL l;, J. L. Bbjdokr. Committee. aab, sra.. to bear traaeporuiio (and where 1 EDITOKI A I. (X)N VENTION. Confrrm. they are nol. tbey mlgbt, iu aomo eaaes ' Although tho attendance of our Wasbinrton. June 18. P. 11 - I be concentrated by soms ,"L"1 1 rlw. ... a. ei . the State, on yesterday, was not so vorabfy on the bill establithing a eonlia full at w had bopod, the "hardness iuou railroad bene to Mobil, of the times." especially with thu The bill allowing tbe United State to erafl, emiatitnea a aufKclont ex plana. PP11 arfu from District Courts, without .1 . , gtving eeurity, passed. W- cr.iril to meet, and t .1 A Wl sJtowiag tbe sals of i take by the baud, onr worthy and ex eel lent friends and co-laborers, Hon. I Lewis llanea, of tho Salisbury Old North State; Ifaj. J. A. Engelhard. of tbe Wilmington Journal; tjaut Itobt. Waring, of the Charlotte R t.Einu, June 10, 1S68. Oeo W. WliitiirM. Esq., Hon. D. M. Btr ringrr, Col. John L. Bridgets, Com mittee, i(e. Genllt-uicu : - 1 hnre not yet had time to give the subject of your communication the stlculiou which its importance de mands, having keen wholly occupied with the survey of tie- Veteru section of tbe State. It is my purpose, in a few months, after completing the examination ni .that region, to uke np, in detail, the study of the marl of the Eastern counties, and, in connection with them, to discus the whole snl.jecl of our resource of f. rtilix ition in ibis St ne and the beat methods of autili ing them. But it b it oqcurn d to n a that it might be worth while, preliminarily, to call the attention of your Committee' and of the Agricultural Society to some gen eral considerations which mutt direct aud limit oar investigations and experioteuu iu this direction. . ' meant,) overlom district, along lb riv era in whose bank tbey abound, aud on the line of tbe railroads, ss is doas so ex tensively irNew Jersey. Bat tail not tbe enterprise which I pro pee for year eontideratbin. It ia lb utilisation of these materials, together with tkt waste of the fisheries of the .Hounds sad River of the aama section, for lbs manu facture ef a manipulated manure which may be profitably transported over tbe whole Stole, by water and rail. These fisheries, aa jou are aware, furnish thous ands of loos of refuse and offal annually, which are aew little better than thrown away. Consider lb composition of these mate ria it : The marl contain, beside lime, winch ia tbe principal ingredient, iron, magnesia, phosphate of lime aud organic matter, and some of them, also, potash and soda. Her it an analysis rrf a stone marl near Wilmington, given by Dr. Emmons : Mlex 20 per cent., phosphate. 0, magnesia 4 carbonate ot lune 72, organic matter, we., 8. When tbe sand constitutes a large pro portion of tbe marl, it may be separated by simple mesas, so aa to concentrate the more valuable iugredieuU, at lime, potaab, phosphates, 4c c. Tbe composition of peat may be stated fas an average of many analyses) to be as follow, vis : per cent. ssla to brllgereni for commercial pas isrs, passed. A bill relieving exporter of ram and spirit wit killed. The Conference (Jommlttee on tbe bill relieving disabilities reported, reeotsmr tid ing ibal Oeo. W. Jones, of Te Times: Copt. U A. Shot well, of the and Geo. Houston, of Alabama, the mtm Western Vindicator ; Capt. Win. Democrat on the list, be erased, audit Bigg, of the Turbo . bouthemor :l waa adopts I 84.3 h, 2 " X i.o X'3 u 1 " X" 4.4 oU.ll M o Humus, To Soda, Lime, Magnesia, Alumina Iron, Sulphuric Acid, Chlorine, Phosphoric Acid, Silex, An analysis of the fish following, vis : In 120 pan. Oil, Ulhet organic matter. Lime, Poto.b, Sods, Pboabbaric Acid, Chlorine, Silica. Thus it is evident that selection of mail and peats, (and the con eei, ion ni' the former when necessary.) and tho addition of fish offal, (and in tome cases, if desirable, a small portion of guaun aud gypsum,) an unlimited quantity may be made ol a fertilizer superior tn most of the imported articles, al a trithng fraction of their cott, aud capable of transportation to all pnrtt of ihe State, a lertiiiT, which, besides the principal ingredients, wauting in our toils, lime and liuuius, con tain all tbe other elements of ttablc ma nure, or tbe best guanos. Here, then, you have all the necessary material iu unlimited abundance, with out cost, in i in mediate proxiini ly to each other, on navigable waters, and connect ed with all pans of tbe Stole by railroad. it u not easy to see what better J. W. Albright, Em., of llioGrecnet bore Jtmet and fatnot; rt. Al. Furman. Esq., of the Roanoke Index; Jordan Stone, Ei., of the Roanoke Nfo ; and J no. H. Robinson, Eq., of the Goldboro' Rnumh Notes. We arc pleased to tee thein all health, and to bear that the Senator Hendricks denounced tbit ac tion as tbamclely partisan. No Radical Senator ventured to reply. Rom and Van Winkle voted ny. Tbe Senate went into Executive set ion and sojourned. II 'l'l. . !--! I . I :ll tabled 68 lo 64. Thi ae ion effectual rebiKiC . ... ,, live journals, over wit ch they so oTotL, A,nM.i. J ih. T. ably and tdBctenily prcaide, are, in nU&ei hj Sania(IaUMed, u.e niHiii, uotog a wen a tn i in..- declaring that the House will teal bound stance w.!l al low. I to refuse an appropriation far itt ratiaca- smaa . , I . i ne uon vent toti was nrgnnizea, oni ton. yesterday, ami hnd two pleasant Tho treaty is a small affair with Oeace tesei.nis. .Matiets ( iiui. ti interest inaians, put it important, at it is tbe nrst . - ... i it . . . i a., a f to l lie profession, tie pnl.Iie, and lliejaireci siiaca on me eomoinea power or cause, were timlcr advisement and e x-reenteni ana ocrime to muo trea ties. The bill, modifying and essentially limiting the jurisdiction of tbe Court of Claims, pessed. A bill, relieving Carrying Com poo let from liability for the loss or damage to consideration, of which dna note will bo made in all good nine. ' ntitul. MANY WAT8 OK DENYING CHRIST. Iliehnp Ileber aaid : "It is a fatal good caused by tbe Union or Confeder g.vrs the 20.0 per cen t. 78.3 " u 8.7 " " 1.6 M " 1.0 ' " 7.8 " 7 M O' 13 " by a judi.-ioos iniBtMke to KiipiHiso that there can lie ui toicee, passed, B0 to 48. ... a j ra a tar r . a a ssa noauostacv trom Christ, where we xnis em, it it oeeosaes s law, win are not absolutely called on to deny protect Express Companies against innu- hi name, or to burn incense to an n,B"u" BU,U'- . . ... .. a . .. I I lin RIvavv and Htvluiv kill waa aiuS. tool, we deny 'iir ira wnenevcr. -- - -- like that Deiniw, we through lore of 10 lttf" next- J Anftf trliifsl ( Mir'mt Iiuii iJniiilr I poii.W out to us. Wo deny onr Lord tortaa uatstatnrs vntua atatet wlionocer we lend tnc sanction 01 onr! oenau. coiintcnaiiec, our praite, or even our Tallahassee, June 18,1. M. Iu thn silence, to rrnaanies or opinions which Legislature, t day, T. W. Osborne was may be uopiiiur or tnshionable, out elected tinted .States Senator for four which We ourselve believe to be sin -year. The vote was 61 to 18. fnl in themselves orNtending to sin. Otborne, end Welch, who was elected iv .. i ....i ...i.....n...M . on rpiieroav. up dmd hub naiaii..i . V Mill I "in awiu awnc'ci .9 ... . Z i , . ' forsiiko n flo ni man 1 in v affliction. i ne qne.non or tne election et cmy and refuse to giro counteimnce. en- tor for , 77 from tbe "n w,ircl" nnd sinn. ll to t hose J. "f -"'- cottrngeineiit and amp ii who. tor (rod g snke and lor the faith ful discharge of their duty, are ex posed to persecution and slander condi- lo a eiuld exist any where for a profitable a- . . . , ....I ....... a. - witnoai going into me general tufject enterprise el the kind yon contemplate, of mlhore and tbe theory ef their ; on It will give me pleasure to aid you I upon Ui soil, it will be sufsWirtrt to stole in general, that the principal sublim of practical agriculture in oar Stole and re- giou is, how ut restore and maintain the supply o lime and humus ia our oils. 1 bis is so, partly because these are among the mott im. ortaiit ingredients, and, at the same lime, the mot liable to exhaus tion, and portly boa ante, whatever atetb- iwl m ad.utted of supply tbee, the other exhaust. hie elements are alto restored in cidentally any manner in farthering such an under taking. Very ltespeetfiilly. W. C. KERR. THE CHURCH SUBSIDIZING THE WORLD. We bad occasion, some time tince; to comment noon a "Tea 1'artv in Church." and then upon a ' liar " behind the sceue at a chnreh fair. Since that, our atten tion ba been drawn lo divers Raffles, All the proceeding arc in advance of the action of Congress, and without tbe function of General Meade. .A DANGEROUS COUNTERFEITS. New York, June 18, 51 Datgerou counterfeit $100 bill on tbe Central Na tional Bank New York, and the Ohio nous Union, ten black star dim the con tellation. Against sll litis the people are ready to thu n der their anat hemat at the November poll. Would it be good sense, then, to select at our candidate a man wbo believes in Negro Suffrage, and kindred heretic I A mau who deems it wise, or even unendurable, to make Afri can rulera of these Aaglo-axo;i Stalest Such a nomination would paralyse al once tbe mighty boat now panting to throt tle Radicalism. " i . drab Bairs. Mall, ef id omne aenus. for Tire methids nf snnply in v humus are T ihe nurnoac of ruisinir monev for benevo- osaiuly i..; Khsi, tbe plowing iu of , tent purposes. But, with oil the strides gyeea crops j and, accund, the direct addi- that have been made of late years amnnzst lion ot it iu tb - furm of stable manure, as in these nmn efforts for (rod and the etinrrh, we are Ktii a guorl waj a behind j inne other parts af the woild. Krad the peat, atwek, Ar. fz Lime ma be n et red directly. as Iiru, Our candidate must he a man who sup ported the war upon the principle for which it waa ostensibly begun by the Northern leader, and really sustained by tb Northern m.ttes.-lh.t it. "for the preservation of tb Union, with the rights of tbe States unimpaired." Such a can didato would be personally invulnerable. And then be must be an unequivocal ad vocaU of a Whitfl kfao't Uo recti moot in this country. He meat be Caucoeioo in heart aa well ss akin, whose every breath it freighted w ith deep damn tt ion against the Ultima Tbulc of Radical Crimea, tie Africanix.uion of leu great Anglo-American Common wealths. This will bs hit grand offenaive weapon Willi thi poi. or inthe f- ita ef mator gypsum. And, stilt better, e- u-!- r both of tin. -e may be wmpasMd ttb thn peart, Jtc. Sutce tbe proves of improving soil by plowing ia green crop, however advisa ble, w ill not n-aibly nor speedily beadopt ed"lVar larun'is, and since the quantity of tioek iu oar region is .-ml until long re main utterly inadequate lo furnish a tup ply of stable manure, it is important to en- quir whether there are other asailaUe sources of supply, Tbe itnmcnte peat beds ot our coast region will al once occur J to you as capable of Turn istiuig unlin iti d quanthit fr an iudcfiiiite period. Iu tact, there is eooagb Ui supply for one hundred ears every' acre of cakirated land withiu ten miles of a Railroad or nav igable river. HANDWRITING PECULIARI TIES. W e a at at ir is a retnai kaiile tat that no man can ever get rid of the style of National Bank, Cincinnati, ore ia cireula hand writing peculiar tn hip country. I tion If he be English, lie always writes in English style ; if French, in French Wheat II aktkst. Harvesting has style ; it ueritian, Italian or opanisn, commenced in tins region or country, in tire style peculiar to his nation, and, from what we can learn, the Professor li states:. "I am ac wheat crog is fair, say an average qnaiutea wan a rrenenman wno nas one. As usual, there is some com passed ail lua life in England, who plaint : and no doubt occassional in- speaks English like one of onr own! different fields of wheat can be countrymen, and writes it with ten I found, bnt generally speaking, the nines me correcincss oi ninety -nine quality ana yield are good. ia a hundred of us ; hot yet who) Salem Salem. cannot, for the life of him, imitate onr mode of writing. I new a Scotch The Journey of Life. Ten thousand youth, who waa educated entirely in human being set forth together on their France, and resided eighteen rear jn journey. After ten years: one third, that countrv. mixed exelin-ivelv with least, have disappeared. At the uiiddla French people-bat who, al t hough PjB at weeomaton measure of life, but be had a t rench writing matter, and 7" " "r"" ucriiap never saxv anvthimr but f",e " 1' thinner, they tbs t i.-. ..... i. .. ..:,;.;.. I.:.. i:rX ,remaiu tilt now, become weary, and lie I 'Clan o in. ii ii,q nn-, ii;i nii'ii; j . .i .i i- i- u . l doww and rite no more. At three-score- exactly in lite English s yle ; it was and band of Mme fonr hnndred t rosillv tialiiintii iiu'inff ' In KuriaV . . . . . . J alt the nned arrow be cau pieces tbs Acblttean u errag At iar linn-, of course the atari beds ef the tame region furnish an inexhaustible npplv. The manufacture of lime fr ag- rirnllur! pqrpoec ought to beeonie k. once s large sod laerative baaiaew. lbe manuUclure of lime for agricaltnral pur posea ouht to become at once a large aud we rati ve busutea. 1 lie emit el a very large proiiortion of (he Slate, being of irranMK origin, are gi-nerally very drfi j ei.-n t in this most tmpot lnt element. it migitt tie auppueu to a urgn pari oi we eaatetu mid middle sectmoe of tb Bute the marl aear the coast, which are of! en a '. laost pore limettooe. Tb s is one manufaeture thai your Society would 4 heel of even Grant himself, and tb trophies of tb twate. 1 I oat aware tber or other point wor thy at more or less eoasiderauou iu deci ding the important question of tb candi dacy. Ret I do not deem rt important to As to the mallwr of transportation ef Ett and marl to cams ul arable diuueas, I ve an doubt thai muck might profitably be done iu that way. Feat, air e'ried, lose from tn of ita weight. The el the coast are iu many place nca following from a late nnmberof the Tex as' Christian Adtocate. It is p.iiticiil.nlv tttirjMtiug just uew, as we see from our exchange that there are two Circua com pauie now pcrimbrilaling our State. Who r peak s fnr tbe firat benefit t There it no time to be lost,..:: : : "Iu the town where our friend resides," says the Advocate, the members of a rer-' tain chnreh desired to erect a clturcb building; and being weak they had to j seek out inventions. We now give the Word of our correspondent : UrTOii t Circut wa exhibiting In Hie place. A liU.pv thought'1 came into the bead of one of the leading member, who tnggested it to other and. it wt prompt ly accepted, "n e must have Ibo circus to giv the Church s benetft." Their c-m-dition waa made knnwu to the manager, whose generous heart responded to tbeir appeal : snd lo the snrprie of all and the mortification, "tunny, t he morning paper j contained the following advertisement : "Ortoa Circa will perform for tho bent fit of the Church. Coato up to the help of tbe Lord against the mighty." - That evening thn band of music wa heard all over the place, crviug,"Coine up tot the help of the Lord agamat the mighty " Unt H waa a strange tongue, and very tow ould seemingly understand it, Nime said it is something new under the nn. I I.. . ... ... a.a ... . -Vrtt .L aaa iw vr. tiroi ran. lin-, 0. .t.ifc.'. toTmfugotolVeircu but could nol go M ceTU'Ucd to a church circa Tbe circus however gave ih.. benefit. Horace performed, the clown pronouncad bit worn-out joke and people la i. j! heal at them-a usual. .Some any tb chnreh came ont fif' di'lars ahead and other ay it earn oat behind. We cannot say only thai Ortoa 't circus per formed Ut tb duiub." iiisiiuct. In ararts wnritts-masters profees to tench the English style of writing, but Willi all their exertions, llitr can never get their pupils to adopt any bnt the crumped hand of the French. Sot'TH Oitous t ' Kt-KCTirrs. The complete returns fftuu the. thirty -one Uia- trtclt ot "until Carolina show that the mongrels In ve-curried only fifteen u f that number, while the Democrat have car- ! -:..A ... I.. ,i. I.,., i ... ,-. ..-t.., II. '1 r-.....i.. ,1 1 till - i....uur. This show what mav be aceompliebed by proper effort. Uy the way, Forney print in hi Chronicle a most imploring appeal to the 'Southeni Republican" to b active and industrious, which exhibit tbe alarm in tbe Radical camp already. Tbe fright is uot without reason. We uli them, in ad vance, that every wenpoa ef legiimate warfar which can y -iblMy be employ ed, will be ased to wr.-.t tbee Sute from tbe band of tb Iteetrwetive and to place them in tho National Democratic column in the INreeiilential election. struggle. At ninety, those have been re duced to a bandful of thirty trenibliiiEr Ma triarchs. Year after year tbey fall in df- ..i.i.Lt. t : r r minianing namoera. une lingers, par hap, a lonely marvel, till the century i over. We look again, and the work of death is finished. Bishop Burgess. How to Destroy your Enemies. "Why do yoa show mvor to your enemiu instead of destroying them t" said a emeftma to the Emperor Sigiamnnd. "Do I not de stroy my enemies by makhtg them my friends f'-wa tbe Emperor's noble re ply. Kindness it the beat weapea with wiuen lo Deal adversaries. A very learned man has said: "Tb three hardest ward iu' tb English lan guage are, "I was mtttaken I" Frederick tbe Great wrote to the Senate. " I have rlmi great battle, and It was e.-tire-. aty own fault,", Goldsmith rays: " 1 hi confession d at p laired more, craat- it i. r a an oia victories. 0RO 'w The majrity forth DetBO cratie candidate for I .ngnut, in thi aaTOoor The total vote in tb State wa nearly 2,oO0, - the largest ever polled. 1'he Senate will tand : Ie erau Is, Itsdicai Id. The l!si Dhb oerat tS, RaatieaU I Oregon hi safe for lb MwliutiaJ Democratic aotainee. TkoScriplare give four name to Chris tian uken from the fonr cardinal greeet. OalBU, hw taotr belinect ; Believers, for th-ir faith ; Rrethrett, fox their lore j and Disciple, for tbeir knowledge. A UaHarKrr.-Tbe innufe- ifnreoT rubber (nol .tifTenrng. a new thing in boot and eho laauubcture, has recent ly been begun at Chela, Meawachuett. These siifTening are aaid to b superior to leather, for the raoaoa that tbey will net Urea down," and ra- aaaaied by water... ge OrJv. Tli re eggs, 1 rea- ef ngar, 1 of frown Heat tho eggs, then beat tliotn wall the tugar, tlten stir in tb flour, adding a spoon t'ul of wator, to prevent tbeia being' teeg X "7 mm t. , I irir

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