jBF . .. . . v - ,1. . 1 ' 4 saasi & MM H9I SERIES SALISBURY, N. aHJLY 3, 1868. VOL. I, NO. 26 ; NEWS FROM HOME. No. a. ,llmwa, 8. 0. June 28U, IMS. JAwMUb 0M Caiat, 1ijU-i- Sons f Burnt Ourolmu Chkai A'ashmgtm City. Gum : In my letter hi you , 25th int , eontaiaed, M I had p . of oar moat excellent and highly sd ana corunian grand-motberChiv n ve, baa-ever, took tbe precaution that U wu the impression of a rtou Pbytictau then preeant pro- ( bar to-ba 4a a state ot trance. . uli unqualified pleasure tbat yet a martyr, ririd bar . it w v enabled to rami the fact tbat i nut ai taken ia Us eonelabo, - watt ye wul ptea accept aty UD i care eoaWalaUltanai and that be.kla g live to tiluea tba bright and future tbdt seem to await yon udential frieud of your teuiily ted but evening te tba old la- .ito spsrtmeut, uy heart dilated Uen I found ber seated in ber hair, and marc especially, from . agreaa Mt mm tftteratiog r tit ruined Br, although very r.itn ber leng poli of Typhoid and i to watch aba 1 rtbela, berated aUatia, aud ber i at tatcinauage that of ber palm 2 She spoke freely of pawing cu$ wui a i am mroraea try taa tstnuy rriean. taenia word aba ntterad when i rota ber tluabtr verifying tba t Proverb tbat "oat of die abundance u Heart the mouth peaketb," with . mm instinct of a devoted at atber, uclabned, where la ay graadaon 3- I On being informed tbat be f.s. itnnrtTiv wiiii im iinmifr .aimniw hail brother l4audpr bad Mas iastooed Pbuipotealiaiie U Waab ptaa ia reaMoitirat tgahitt the farther i iiiaet drop. Iu tbe plciiutude of at she expressed delight and an , : '. alluded te Tommy's iuteHeet- i and Jaffa! atrangtb, and indeed, te- MtMi ihti he was a political aaa. hue in .vi i 'iigrxtulaicd btrti-lfon having m alo.i llli'lil Mb tit 1 ram- flint In III.' it t mivereiiy vouhj avail tbeatelve ; Wt, 1 oeaa uad to be the prate rtUtMagb't, and wa by praffaaKMi a 1 '.i-uinuril Ualtulator and folili itviiiti-et and Coutractor, having al a W hand a (all aapply of eaoiicd ftt, u nrv pared la cireuto iu the itlii maiiin-riiid diopateb, any i the lino ( hi rocation. Hid bid U i ateeutad to erect a Deuacraiif; iu mi hicu Urn L'uited State ' . . ,1.. ....... I i LI-I. t . nil thxre ttkrme (MriMmi , ir.tt fait. Jif brviber Jimmy very jx. pnlar and nklllful Engineer, jo !. ' . iaii.4 gnod aritt fat an mankind. m Sajftreyed the ymttjit folky f?rnvd tun kid out tlie li'iilroad and t La.it, '!' rteckbotil'ri am to trav- ovrr 4 frve. the entire Road h bam m, flu ha already innuelkd through Muck Mattjtiim and placed the rail tl't 't :h tins Ititiikii Simmy, at tbia .1 an lujiMieuoi! was eaed out and L'Mtlttlun diimant. which may ijr orftiicma until atlertbe 4tb of July uiuty : eudt-avertatl however, to dla e ii, the imnreaehia aaau In be tbat Tumid vriii eav- iu froa tbe colored tbe fact that a re anion hal teken place and objection buried in Wimain, tbeir puleo now beat with krtgiiar tuiitea and heart to heart nupontivo echou, the hap py hour baa new arrived and the Groom with hi 9 attendant havn aix-mLled ou tbie tbe 6th, but night in tbe prntuee of wwjo in or U OI feia laUraate! frUad and relatiree, having bean diveetrd of tneir frronrcri by the viciaeitade of cir- cou. .trnice to which I will not refer, were not abb; to engage a Prieat to dignify the aihii according to the weaJtby pott arw wmcn I He nartlcii were bom ami winter wheat follow the eurinf Kra'n the uopth of plowing may be increaa. od two or throe itielae. A top dreaing ing of msnare thould bo plliod which will aid in forming a good soil. In t la ia way tba arable toil It gradoally doeptned, and permanent improve inent'mado. Ilural New Yorker. educated, the parties however in tbe moat telean and Imposing manner proclaimed themselves to be Man and Wife aceorJ- tOtbe law af South Carolhi.. and Urns saved tbe nuptial fee, " Jlesigatia iu adversity and humbleiiett in prosperi ty bespeak a noble mind." In conformi ty with the paraphanalla of the evening and self benediction Lemonade was hand ed . around, tbe Bride and Groom partak ing brat. After the usual congratulation and interchange winking the happy couple a long life and prosperity hi her new sphere of usefulness. A half past nine, an early hour, the guest hid them adieu, invoking forlrVa MM draaaw and rfaaecrt tiM Tha Bride and Groom thru nrr eeeded with tlveir LrtetmMtfrw to the poor-hoase wiw mn, r u, aarkedapon bee rimg. Tbe Groom mi his winding way wbitr pered in ber ear " My Lore, my heart and lute la all tbe atore fiat I can give to thee tat" poor Ui otfrrtnarhe.'' Ta which she replied with a cheering and angelic voice m i asK, ana aerruy may tne noat vW that my lads In." To tbit be rennd- ed with new leek ofhyrr, My darling tetlM name oar fint born 1'bilotophv. and that thev retired for the Jihrbt. I have tbe honor to be Pir, with th greatest rrtpoet. C!)MI1IA. I, 8. During their eagafaaant aa cx tra iattmaer was ibdalited iu. I'hiloo- phy hat been liernysbe will Im; hantiiied on next Sand.iy, a beautiful Brunei! she it. I wdl advise you fully iu my ueit. SUItSOILING AN'D DEEP PLOW- INO. Some venmngoit was qui cgcocral ly the auatoMi of agiictilmral wriler ami u-atiiem to, mvwcmw uiq m .w-, . fur bi. c01ir,c biu, br,mshl ag withiint iitiicb referenco fa -cmw doWn .1, ",,..,.. ,,( ,, n Soalh T cllll9taiice At A ntitlwtl of fBnnera I r, FldeidM ld die trentleman neem wt we e, ttodoubtedly in the j raclioc t tj l0 ,nillk Gen. Grant's recommoa THE GISAHIUTI DILL. Th following warn the House proceed ingt, on Monday hut, when tbe Helief bill was up iu that body. (Jul. Doakary, ! late V. a. A., member elect to Controls, will find bat cold comfort In the report. Tbe whole proceed tng exhibit, in the matt glaring light, tbe bypocrity of tbe Congressional Jacobin: " Tbe Jloase returned the eoniiderttion of the bill iu relation to removal of disa bility ftou certain persons in North aud Sooth OaroKat, the bill baring boon post poned until this time. ' 1 lie. quiflion recurred apou tne motion ta rettsider tbe vole whereby the con ference report was refected. Tbe q Best ion was raeont idrred, and the question then recurred again upon agree ing to tbe conference report. Mr loean, of Illinois, cava at a rea- i ton for votint for thi bill, becaote the Chicago Convention recommended the granting of aaoeaty to person who would be loyal to the Government; aud in retiug for the bill be believal he wat aetidg under the iuttruetion of tbat Con vention. Mr. Brooms!!,, of Pennsylvania, argued ht favor of the MM, and said In the debate on Friday it was tuted tba tbe name and condition of tbe perron named in the bill had not been properly coniidered. He thought tbat was a uiittake, because all thesi nam. had been recommended by tbe loyal Cooviutiont of the Southern Sunt. Mr. Williams, of Pennsylvania, atked if these men had all asked lo be pardoned f Esnn ially had General Longttreet done M'. Brooms 11 said that one caso had troubled the eeuimittee more than any other. But Geu. Longstrcet was recom mended by Ci n. Graul, and hit repen tance' wat believed to be sincere, and hit! believed lo be a proper ease, lie had done mack to aid recoiutrhction, and if the House did not uke care of him, where I prOMing too ahallow own ikiw trachargv ot ebttllow pi luring uomd ImKJ uhl the- niiij n lty of Cultivsl tot, jiui on thu limit toil it is not nation wt a good one. W by not, then include Gen. Lee 1 Geu. Grunt lud re V i m mended his pardon.' ' Mr. Broinall had no donbt they eonld A WIIITE MAN'S GOVERNMENT. Ia iu eagerue to demonstrate that the negro It a lit tabjeet for suffrage, the New IorK Junes pro vet too much. Iu new boro teal transports It beyood tbe bouad of toberneat aad truth. The exclusion of be negro from the exercise of tuffrare. ay I tbe Timet, "has nothing whatever lo rest upon Dot a prejudice." It say the negre it a aaa with all lb BteaUiet of nun, and all tbe ettabililiat of improve ment that other aaa bare, and any dis crimination against him mutt rest solely oa race and color. Thi all has the 'true ring of that tentiaentalisa which dhnin guishe tbo "man and tbe brother" school of Radical, bat it it all sound. How does the Timet know that the nemo has tbe same faculties and capabilities of improvement that the white man hat I He hat never tbown tbea. Africa M at old a Europe, and while tbe European native have steadily advanced in religion, civilisation, knowledge, the arte and tin- industries, the tribe of Africa bare re mained a brutish beast. I Tbey are all Pagans ; the art of printinc it unknown among them, they bare no railroads, uo agrieullure, uo commerce, no architecture, and bare, from the creation down to the present hour, invented nothing. In tba progress of time white philanthropby baa given op to tbe descendants of African slaves soma ot the most fertile countries oa the globe, and left them to their own government. In not a solitary instance bar tbey bean able to conduct a success ful Government. Although these negroes hare lived ander the light of civilization and Christianity, tbey Lave not contribu ted an iota to human knowledge. At this moment, their mneh-boasted negro Gor err.ment at San Domingo ia the prey of rival and barbarous faction. W lieu we torn to Liberia, to whose advancement all the nations of Christendom have con trib uted, and which it now ouly upheld by white help, .we behold a total deprivation of energy, originality aud statesmanship. I heir institutions were made tor tbem snd ail the machinery and implement '.hey use are manufactured cither la Eng land or iu America. 'Iher hare not only invented nulhiug, but manufactured n.tlh- tug. Liberia i recKoncil the ptrugou ot African, government, and although it is sustained by the liberality of while na tions, yet no one is allowed to rot there untett hebei AJriean descent. But to return to the Timet. It tay : ''Our Government never hat promulgated or accepted the doctrine that It wot exclu sively ihc white man's government, or the government of anv ra or c4pr. I is the government of tbe people." . I'util What a aatia I this upon the boasted enlightenment of Europe to paralyie the very lower of iu productive force, and let it peasantry starve for lack of food, while the Uxe wrung from their emaciated aad are tpent on powder and ball ! Mo wonder tbat finance and trade ar every where disordered, and that guilty rulers fancy tbe shout of retribution in every cry that is beard around their palace at night. 1 lout hod lea send fcrtb missionarie to combat heathenism, infidelity, intemper anee and vice in every tortu. t hi mill tary imposition upon humanity and com mou tense, would afford A field of noble labor, In that way, for year to come. timet toon remedied, the evil will reach inch a pitch at lat as to revolt tha vary instruments now used to fatter tbe peo people. Short ration, scant clothing, little pay and no real glory, will finally cause the human machine, in stripes and cross band, to turn upon his employer, and then will buret the awlul tempest ol popular fury which the impositions are vaiuiy inienuea to avert. Tbb DemockaticCohvention Re ferring to the matter of tbe Southern del gate in the Democratic Presidential Coo veil tio i, the National Intelligencer of yes terday, tayt : " We do not subscribe for a moment to tbe Idea that bouthern delegates should not act like any other. To do otherwise it to destroy their power for that ntefnl nes, which, to pretermit, may precipitate sad fatalities in public affair lor all com ing time. Northern Democratic delegates do not even suggest any where or in any manner that Southern ones representing a grand constituency indeed, a tremendous clement of power and pride to any party eight or ten million or .he almost en tire white race of tha now proscriVcd States of the Sooth shall not be thsir peers. If delegates of the South are now intense sufferers from Jacobin wrong, and and outrage, mid cruelty, tbeii counsels are u ceded in respect to what menaces in the future all tbe people who are now to keenly anprehensive a to their Uvea aud property, whir all and singular of oilier rights and pttrtleges belonging to Ameri can citizenship. An imperilled peoplede-' maud that the Southern delegate shall d their duty t the whole laud by taking such part iu public affair at it i in their very recently the only "promulgated nr f rf )el,,ocratii. Convention lie will udivirittile to clianmi stiddcnlv f'nitii a get thirty-live Democratic rote for the it-atom it Imt ..ve or ,,..!. mi ilei.t i I bill 0V iBClmlimz I hi. J.ee. . . r . . . - ii i. . ... v.. v i, ..L.jt i .. J,iW N lib ..f Si .-oil nr.. III.. I .nr. ui wv, in cw ui, ni. im Me. . . .. - . I one man proposed to be pardoned by llir bill was chtirgett trith kai itiQ counselled Mr. Lincoln' asmttinntkm. Mr. Brumall did am knowtfX"; Mr. Brooks u-anttd to read the name ....... .. ... .............. - . . , . . . ..i...;l -ki.JU !. .1 ..... gviUteuan ..whether He uiu not Know mat exws t the air, is not suitable aa a Iwd fursooU to geruunaio in, ert?oi atty aprrng etewn teed, Vr it is told, lifeless atitl wii( uot tiumlte tho .1 . i , la -a a . i iu- nun ui inlaw. mi vuuptru ha H iUrd to tmt UMmupy M- Ctf j H4n tj, ,... it'., f Mu.i I : ...,i.. i 1 1 keep ia tight for Dividends bo expect or at and mm. Vrr." w baa hi her bar A Harm g ami Jt arkst now I I,... U-. '.JL.- i . I - 1. iudie;uniy replied, I have none; by Lw of P,imigeniure tbe Eaute i tAltmA i...n...l... .1.1... It - i A . if..1;. - "J.v'.lfc.'v wwvi. i. M.u ,,i,i; -.., uraudson lutmr beunt the oldest wasoenna.it, m tneratore or i.aw r,u and Justice Uk It all and the iDrarv t.v. 1 1... .u.j. i yu a it were delivered from the lip row darling old tirandmotber. as a eut and friend, 1 am young plant iwBLigwi( growtk True, tlieio ia rich. earth fur the deep root lo take h hi of, and there it a uudlow and deeii aooJ bed, wiiii-h ire muortjtnt auivaiagea, bnt they will itvt couipeinatlo fr iota of the henhliv ...I ..... .....!.. ....... i. !. ! . HUH Ittvoaw oj jivniii. WIOIUCI) to apeak tilainir, for tbo good of the prevent crop, wo sbould pi r client earth nearest tlio sniTacc, ana tbare I a way to do tliis and yet rir tbe Ml deep. Hnliaoilinv, on the inajoitty of otl prefer tlio " wru W MI.HVI. IV .V ,1.. WV 1MW i-i.- ,r:....i. . ( 117. . 'It HI 1 MVBMM ' ( it... ..It... I cf the party and the charge. Mr. Brooiuull declined to yield to have 1 it retd. f Mr. War! kcd Jlr. Broomtl if he wari , in favor of general amnesty to rebel Mr. Broonjall replied in the negative . Mr. Ward atked bow it happened then, that 1,300 mm were to be pal don id by an m it had never asked lor panlon Mr. ibooniall said it such a letter was here, he would want to have the signature on tJJwnMtff'ire- ft pim&l? prit i Mrf Ward asked if it wat riot a fact and Jatslgr I tlm kud of deep plow U two ofthe parties proposed to be par tug which will give the moat antislac- dotted here were ui. mbers of Congres tory renlta. It would already be ; ,.1, f,-.,m North .Caroliua, and who had generally adopted by nil progressive been soldier aud served iu the rebel ar farmer were R uotxteitpjeiieive, in . my f . , . " volvniff. a it d.Kf. the use ol ntlra ! Mr. farnswnrtb said tba wat not so learns, plow, and HUM, flat the but tbat tha only one elected to Cougna uiitieiide of enltuio i light; thu our-; ned in the bill wa Mr. Boydun, who ...ht iv..,. .k.. .....1 fruuh." was a consistent urnon man. I.IVti 'O'NVI " aan u 1 ...,, . , , - , - . t t I f Ii . iust rkl.tto mndraloiig r. t ara saw ne naa reiiaoie an.rma if- ' ... i ii,... I., tl.nl elleel. anil lie woillil never III IB UIM JUuw...JIlJ'i.Jij1e jj: - --- t . - -- M , i , ,, -ii uj j , vine to aunin a man m-ru w o w un.uii- growtb, while (lie toil be low , made! . J t tor tne aorriwaini, ot air, water uf Uniou toldiun ntiur.i t. imi aiuu or aeeo piovr ingitadaplmi toallcroptanleasims. , U,00mall. . icsumlne. tnrued that Buboutliiig may lo done in lliepriiig i muue ttr im psed, the work of recon- or early tintiimr . . w-ttli- lee expense ! tu-aetrn would be retarded, and if gentle tliun later, when the ..earth become : uaiu wanted te ee the noxt Presideutial dryer end hriner. Several de vices flection in tbe South controlled by rebels hrAMeen Jrieu for attaching a sun-; iiiey ehouin: vow agatast tae. wu oiler to the . cdSitUon plow, m tluit Mr. oue hand, at leaiff, Wilt eiiDieient i team, can break uu the imToiiie ae- f"" siled deith. A sncct-salul plow d l"? this desdrtfitiou would be recti ton accepted doctrine" has been precisely thi No black man was known to the Const! tutiou except as property. Political rights aud powers were confined to the whiles The Federal Government was framed aud administered exclusively in their interest. The Times talks -entiiuentallv about race and color aud calls this "a Government of tho people. Are I nflians people ? They have never been enfranchised. Are C hl- neo and japemae tttttdV " They have uever been enfranchised. 1 be party with which the Timet is acting Exclude these two rat i s from political power, and yet talk about tbe 'prejudice against race and 'taint" a crime. Are tbe negroet tupe- ri. r to the Indians, or tbe Chinese, or tbe Japanese? It so, m what I n nig. with favor, Whether good rcault flow from deep blowinif Willi the ordinary I1" wtll deiu'iid a irrenl deal on tho kind of crop, .tits HliMHn' ytW.tilieil llw wniJr Melba iia:.lliW5l-aWa i . Jf..- . . . I' 1.a ... . .t llm UrAVI. I . ? .1 1 . 7. " '. . ..1 :.. . . advito you of aaatbtg erenis talbey Tw-- whiiw jvw rsiT' tiv . rtwwonat,wn ene "ty to you for the many obligations whieb 1 fits! myself largely indebted the ink rest yoo ii ve al way mauifetti d '"J . behalf would tunn me w ith hiara- li'nde war J to do otherwite. A tbit nurmooieaiion ia sirfctly confidenliaj I "n Prott -d to trird km a svimnsl of a..j.i t . . ... "'nig event, and now tar gossip 1 will , Too are aware that yonr Htfle Cnut n t'olambfa,aa Interesiin; lillv jusi swivt 19 bawahod to her proud, handsome wt "aagbtr Coeaia Ciiarlestoa, tJi which trteaa gave eminent, and staked w hfipc upon rata tho nupual day 'a nnvltim J . ..I u. hareb Wers Iwmilir riven lo meet at Nf 0119. lint (L. M atlaTlltll Allfl Ihu yry-),fcwr.rt14c4y cbmmt. 0 0y bad thus ar ived. the eompa- y in Dart .(-,,. fibvl i!,,. t'.'n-o was pord i nrWs , ; u irrVri-1rrnl foeer -tWiu4t tfrtrk read Hit in -aud. r . . .. .... - - - - . - . . . i 'i w in f..ln 'in. k.t.u ... .,,...,- it.,. I'd., iniiis. lint two or ui u-, for the fasriaation ol th ee inches in depth of' cold uboil ! her t';l tinned w'th iiieviouH' tini'lowed cait)t,--wilt i M. ... . ' .. '. . i. i . . nrr .ujiii ol nonor ai iier ,, ijp .l.--:i.!Jfl,''.t HpM thflrakht. thlf iumfaetji easiums. tii (troom i, ,j , tt.irtwn,. Hihhmii;' ibe corn eniw bo followed, the,, next ' l . a MtfT-ef spring grain, tire plow4 lW V . J T.r"i i MtdWadWicii he .fn deep enwgn in iTr.?". right w hrranga ia aut r. .tTT ' (i .;.,-!, or wo Mroah oartb or subsoil, to the" '!. It biawaa. iib.auiH-.'oe. bi ui detnind eomew nat plowing tun lor earn, it ia done, and the imture of the previ on tillage. In planting wrn on d to plow deep ; the work snuuld lie with done, aitd dirt enoiiub tin net! n thai lamirsti' et sliould be par -a mail who bud shed more blood than any otuer otnucr commanding tin.- same numher of men 1 . i Mr. Brotuuall Mid that question had been answered already, and h declined to anwer any fur I her, and dcuteuded tbe previous question report ol tbo eonfederence conunitieo wa then agreed to yea 08, nay 41." 'Die following miy bo tar interest to some of oar lady reader who frequently go oat to '-make calls : n d a eh-rip" of dn-ss, SlrWn il'prar, am. jsdttpfwM. Kqany awiiSV" arrTTT.?r:iUi I w"n hi a.tm' tuvr cra vmmm " A plain card denotes a ping call : tbe lower right hand corner turned down, rktt ;; left itemt lowari coadoienee; Itux.iWcuIui.il ulnar iniirih I right band upper corner, bntiuc : left aaaauxa tv wvhv W rkaVsl M a hat been espm itliy in tbi It I kra3Vr with vthuiMta . utiy to atuaaiimi :anBr?' A laar fellow, lying down on thegrast. aid, lJb, I do Uh th tbit w at called work, aud well paid !" Heber Kimball, teeond l'reaident of the Moraoa Church, is dead, NEW GTNS ASD DRAB BREAD. A little practical calculation sometimes goes farther in impressing the mind with eetn truths than the roost eloquent ap peal to faith and feeling. At tbb mo ment, vast districts of Europe mid the ad jacent Continent aro aafering from, an absolute hick of bread, and the death from sheer starvation daring thu winter would count by thousand there. Vet till, millions of dollars are unhesitatingly expended by each of the great Christian government in providing new implements ot mutual destruction. ' France set apart 60 millions .of in her budget of 1867 for the purpose of new muskets ; has added thereto I i mil iums tor 18613, aud baa even opened on the balance of 1869 for 9 million more, appropriated to the same purpose. Thu j we have in all 103 million francs, or more than 90 millions of dollar devoted to the proem cine ni ol ,m improved deadly wets A THiltL) CANDIDATE. It it said that should Chief Justice Cliafre nol receive the flominatiftn ot CONCORD FEMALE COLLEGE. The Commencement Exercise of tbb excellent Institution, bare just terminat ed. Tbe young ladle In their examina tion, did great credit to themselves, and honor to the Institution. It was obvious to all who were present tbat, tbe teacher bad been faithful aad the pupils diligent in tbeir studies. The Address of Dr. MePbai!, President of Davidson College, on Thursday, wu filled with tbe experi ence, the observation, and tbettHrteat cbaiun of. one w ho baa been long and successfully engaged in training the youth ful mind. While there wat nothing ta the address, to excite the emotional, or to awake tho sensational, it was admitted by those, who Were most capable ef judging correctly, tbat it contained a much larger amount ot good practical tense, than it ordinarily found in such production. Tbe Concert Musical, on Thursday Tht composition of tbeae yoang la ingot, wat nameroaiiy artenaea. saw atei aaad great mem, and war read maimer in which it w, conducted, and by them in an admirable manner. Tk the (uccr with which it waa crowned, 1 fealty tad Mead of the Inttitotion thowed that Prof. !L Baafler wa a faith bonli be proud of these ber Brat grado through tha regular course required, with the highest distinction awarded, received dip! -ma. Tbe following b tbe program me of OaUDClTIVO BXCIX. Sovo battb tad bty Jftute Atabf flow Mb M. Manner Rowan Co. Goxroamox "fafp unmmj unit Heaven tnR aee thee " Mb M. Manoey. altareUZ.' Ataaw. Mb Faani Wood, Cawell County. CoMroajliQN 'Spread a TeU over the Faults j mfmns." Mi Fannb Wood. DtJcT CeifT 'Shepherd't Quick Step, Mi.e Leak tad M. Maaney. V a LapK ioana Tm Pi aad Mmmls 0 Human Lifs.'" Mb J. Maaney, Stan ly Co. cosntHixo dmiib, ChokC "We kail thee, glad Spring- run as hii indmtidnni candidato. A pun in one branch of military service alone. Twenty-millions, one fourth of Covoile, ofPennyTviiTa, 'lillreirir wtyefretpwden' Ibf btaMly-wtW-Tetarw uece-sary to fbii worlt of retort- the misery af whole provinces I Erery t.uassepi.i fin. costs tne ciaiu u irancs, and every musket or ride 16 iratirs, and France, at her present war computation requires about l,t00,o.00 improved guns ; but, aa nothing like this number has yet been provided, there must -come fresh aud heavy apprnprmtions.ot money, liussiu, loo, is about to spend 9.10,000, 000, and Austria Slti,000,000 for new Remington umskels. i.nglaml Is Iu the way ol laying out tome glo,000,000 for tbo tinkler guns, and Prussia, putting aside tho ' Dteytse rifle wbieb . bare be coiuo antique in the brief lapse of time since the battle of Sadowa, is buying Op tin- I'e.thody, which is a much more ear psiieivc piece, iu hue, prooaoiy iuu mil lion duihirt w ill hardly cover thu comhjn- d exuav";.;iice of tbeaiffefeiil buropcau countries iu thit one particular of fluttruc- nv aquipmetit. the construction cr terrible item lug account agat which first with J from sericulture and iudustiy, and then exhaustl the diminished revenue of the State lu paying for m.'.ebiuus to periictu- tto the same madness. movement looking to la ia ia aid to bo already on loot. If the Chief Jus tice ia resent I'nl, he may not be fin willing to avenge himself on I, is pur ty for passing over hi claim ami taking a ita candidate a man Who, if ew years ngo, was nnsenre nntrnn known. The Presidency is tho res ward to which all our leading states men aspire, Judge Chase ia one of the father of the Uepttblicau party, and no man now iu the arena of pots me can v,e with linn in qualities tiona for the Chief Magistracy. tie i experienced, learned and able. )li i raining has been, through and ys teiuatic. Udtiiincncing his political career in early lite, lie una risen through all the grade of office, lie has been a State Leglielator, Judge and Governor ; a member of the House of fkOprcaentutives, a Senator, a member of til". Cabinet, and now till the highest judicial office in Amer ca. He baa long looked to ttn presidency as the crowing reward of ft suceessfu I political career, end hi name haa for year been prominent before the country iu that connect lion. By common consent, lie is ad milted to bo tha most thoroughly nrian gfaieaineti nam .npi m the tapis. Hut for Oram's inifi tory popularity, the CWef Jnstice would doubtless have been the nomi nee of' his party. It ia not in human uatuie to bear such a disappointment patiently, lie is growing old, and tho next term is tho only one left to him. Not that be may not live be yond it, bnt new currents will have aM in, new men w ,11 have arisen, nud lib own vigor will hare been impair ed. With him, it is now or never. Like all successful public men. Mr. Chase no doubt rate high bis in tin- nee ami popularity, lie may think that he can be elected us an nulopett dent Candida o, or he may believe that by miming as such he will I e en abled to defeat the party that passed trrtnUf : gntt ttijcr rt rnt who wae r furred over hum.. lievonge impelled Air. .Van IiurenXto pursue a similar course,., One thing fit certain, and that is, if Mr. Chase shall determine fu! aud conscientious iastracter In tbe harmnnv of iwerl sounds and that he had the happy faculty of waking up in tbe bosoms of hi pupil, an enthntuttic lore of ransic. Thi luatilution, ha detcrvidly a higli character, and a wide influence, ao In ttitulion can be more aMv r. rommcnd ed to those who hare danghters te edu cate. While President Caldwell bat re igned, the Trustee bar been peculiar ly fortunate in (ecuriug the services of Prof. Rockwell, oue of the oldest aid mat efficient Professor in Davidson College a man of ripe scholarship, and profound thought -one who it extensively and favorably known aaa scholar and Divine, in tbi and other Slates. With such a President, and surrounded wltb an able, experienced corps of instructors, the public lure a right to expect that tne re putation of the College will rite higher, and the circle ol ita influence be made wider. Thit Institution, while it it Denomina tional, is not sectarian. Every s-sion, ince this College ha been opened for tbe reception of pupils, hat been furnished with representatives from all the leading denominations in tlu country. Somo of the other denominations, have tent their daughters to Mb, in preference to institution under the control of their oicn church. No c mplaiut Iras ever been heard, either from tbe parents or tbe pa tuls of other denomination, (while eon uected with this famed College, on which. the spirit ef God hat been poured out frequently and abundantly.) that did not enjoy the largest religious liberty. Tbe pupilt of thit College, have tbe privilege to attcud any church, that their parents may designate We hare learned that the policy of Prof. Hock well is, to bring the hoard aud tuition down as low as they can possmg be ajjorded thus bringing tbe advanta ge and tho blesshtg of the. Iuttitution within tile reach of a largo class in our afflicted country, who have been strapped of moat, if not all, their earthly good Such a disposition on the part ef an ex perienced aud able Faculty, should find a cordial response in the bosom of an intel ligent community, leading tbem to give a united patronag to an Institution Which it a bright ornament to oar State, and a and a rich ..bleating to our country. ; American. Several others of the pupilt read compositions daring tbe day and craning. All did well. Erery body eemd delight ed with tba exercise tbroagbont. The audience was large -particularly at the Concert. Many of tho representative men of tbe country were present, and beauty graced tbe occasion. It waa In deed a gay aad brilliant season iuTbom asville truly ft literary festival. Long may tbb young and flourishing College live to bless the Church and State. Tbe Fall term open, I learn, on tba tb Boprtt. " R. Thomasville, Jane, 1868. ;; Congress. Washington Jane S5, P. M. Senate. Tbe Appropriation bill waa ditcotted all day. An amend tnent increaamg the salary of the Assistant Treasurer at Charleston. from twenty-fire hundred to four thousand dollars, wat passed. Said i reaarar dis burses seven million dollar. Without concluding tbb bill, tba Sen ate passed the Omnibus bill over tbe veto by 39 to 8, and adjourned. House. Mr. Paine asked leave to in troduce a bill supplying tbe Militia with ami. .. Mr. Eldridge demanded that it be t Mr. Paine withdrew it. The bill dividing lllinoit Into two Fed eral Judicial District waa ptrl It now goes to tbe President. I ho lax bill was resumed, aad an amendment forbidding removals from tbe distillery until the tax be paid, in Llm hill Ia the snnlmrv baI. log, and allowing fifty cent drawback i exportation wa passed. The President ' veto of the Omnibus bill wa received. It was passed over the veto notwithstanding by a rote ef it OS to 30. Arkansas From the Sentinel. THOMASVILLE FEMALE COL- -k- IiMOIIi i-"" - 'if1? The Commencement exercises, whicl recently Came off iu thi Institution, were unusually interesting and attractive . The examination of tho classes began en Monday, 1st mat,, and closed I ues day eveniug. The voting ladies, in the impartial trial to which they were sub jected, showed, by tbe general readiness of their answers, a familiarity with their text books, which indicated rood training I. n.u! 1 1 .. susfiMir WfJijjtfaKW---rr i- jf "W ' "Oit Wednesday, the 3rd., at 11 o'clock, Bar. S. I. .'Adams, of tbe Fayetterille llisli'ict, preached the annual sermon. Hit theiuo wa4T. sVetw of Christ," based upon the question propounded br the 'Savior to Stuinn Peter, ill the 15th verse of the 2 1st chap, of St. John, which he handled not only with marked ability, bat with great appropriateness to the occasion. From tbb serin u ao one would faff to tec . tht JK Auaiti b a good thinker, and I felt, during it de livery, tbat. but for hi manuscript, upon which he. leaned", he vonld have swayed ins audience. .,, man taa be truly eloquent with a manuscript. Mr Adams wa listened te throughout, bow- ever, a ith uubroken interest and Mtisfae- 11 MISCXLLASKOI38. The Omnibus bill baring become a law fiov. Bullock, who it here, bnmed a proclamation convening tha Georgia Leg islature on in r otirtn ot J uly. The veto of tbo Omnibu .bill f brief. Its obiections to tbe bill, without restating thea. aenlv te I Stales, except Alabama, In whieb ease, in addition, the bill violates tbe plighted faith to Congress. The President baa en t special agents to Georgia to report tbe circumstances connected with tbe imprisonment of citi zens of Columbus at XfuKfl. 1 1 is underload that the Way and Meant committee have determined to let all purely financial quettiont, afloctinir currency, bond and banking, go over to the next settion. Tbe President has nominated Collect or Smyth e, of New York, as Minister to Aq- tria. lie has also pardoned George W. Wall in irsfotd and John C. MeKraver. af Kentucky, for a violation of the revenue In en ii .' .1 tltit'il ".! h. i I it i laaa nan driotft coirsidetulda .itje, Jfrow tbo 1 jiori lar aor, for tbbakaslpa Itolmblican tiekat. Uich. Whiu. Fe oU"f. M - v "Sire, oue word." (aid a sole Frederick the f I rest, when preset icr to rnjr to . i-aa ianor waataa unnaiuim a renimt i oi ajaruKU nx uerue mm. .jlll(.i . -i-,-, n-t d,uind n. m.i Z. of these articles it anoih- "If you tay two," autwered the Prince, HiT Z,lik tv m7,. ."L 1.1 to set down iu the gather- 1 wU have you hanged." "Sign," re- ,1P0fHMiou. ia nnt . uri rf Ul-jS- nit tht pitiable lolly plied the soldier. Tho monarch, surprised 1.1. i-j :.i,...t i. i,. ..u k:-. taw miitirHtB Of yoaii ' at hit pnsmten of mlud, huuiediatelt .i.Hjr;.i ' io . kicuvw it.0 auuni. Di'imqnd to tbe amount of 190,000,000 a e owned by private peraen ia N, Y. ary Address College wa Bcotl, before the S-cieiie of the delivered by Geu. Wa. L lion. Ite is evideutlv one of the aeHd, 2rr'.mim, "r-. t.. m-A. swi- On 1 bursdav. at 1 1 o'cbick, the I4ter-) . f- ws iliaaMib iiiirtiiralgtli' Ami oouvire cninas tnai ne ean orrtWFlr- the lax UU through with tbb Committee of the House this week. The wedding of Senator Henderson aajt) Mb Matlie foot, at tk National Hotel to-day, waa a very brilliant affair. Tbe bote! parlor Were beautifully and profusely drsped with bee and cental with flowers, including aatnoliae from k'U.U. i.:..i. l L. .i ... I wm.vu bctd muca uugci iiiau lue Ulies' bo..nets The Prosuleut. Geoer Grant audi Chi. fJnttice Chase, with their families, rre tastMrtbeniittihla preal. I he moetinr of the Senate was poatoaned aalil two o'clock ia honor of tba ereut. The bridal presant were numerous and generally very costly. The Arkansas Senarara cast tbehr first rate ht the Scnaa to-day against tba coulirmatiou of General Cox at United of GreeuUoro'. He port raved. with a masters s pencil, the character of May Washington, as the example, above li tr- a it arif ifau on annh ata irtt- I., grrtr an auuu aa wn f wvtt art OCVerofi Dial the eloquent manner lit which be present ed it, and the practical use be iiuwbjuf it, made it quite manifest that he not oulv teste. The Concert and graduating ex eaum on, oa the evening of ibeaaaeday. Three youpg ladies, having ptnd The commit tee on Road and Canals considered to-day witheat any actio:, ou theaatter. aud wiM esnmder again oa i'aesday a' next week, the Federal en -dorsemeut of tho CucMpeaate ami Ohio Railroad for fit teen million of dollar. Tbe director of tbb road claim the a- sis tafiee of tbe Federal Government on ae -count of tha large number of tunnels aad bridge uecesaary te be conttracted be twati Cwrliaajii Va, and the Ohio Kr- Nothing has transpired at yet aa to what course the committer wi purwuo in rauf W I n tQ IsVaiat WaafltttTir 7?!55 wftw8MipMajrr7 " Havana, June 2 J. Venezuela advice to the 7 th atate that General Houazas ia before the gate of Caracas demanding at unconditional i