tf "lias! 7- . 1 - .. J ' I NEW SERIES , SALISBURY, 1. C, JULY rAr VOL. sfl ft U if I i 10. 1868. rvor I iYO 7 , r ft or wancairrioN. xa TKftXS-CAStf l Aifl. WATCHMAN 0LDJ0BTH STATE. -- use iWi s.w TRI-WEMLT OLD frtklf. Oi TOM NOBTH STATE. (.00 it . OP THIS." Thy pMU VMM mjr aptnl eaa roeer i Thuu art ths stm Uml mUuir teeaun Kkoae "sr my ksart, wham aU m lark an taw. Hull in air baaft thy kn I sk.rtsh. Traa at the ilsm bath ayr ksart been la the. Cboraa-Karar tiU kite aad amm'iy psilsh. Can 1 forgst how 4sor ths art to From palitieaj aoarooe, yaa know wa look only for mora destructive waaloaaess mare rapacious cruehy until Radicalism ia heated In I be lava which ita own venge ful folly engenders in ths bosom of tka nation. God (Tint that tka aruption when It cornea, mar not make a Pomneil a) wo aninro union. Hera I an reminded of a remark or two foodly I'm dreaming .svsr sf thes, Fondly I'at srsaactng ever of the. tnt of thee, whan tad and tomjy, Wand'Hag sAv my seal Joyed to dwaU i Ah ! Ihaa I fait I laved thee only, All I Tmn save net ehiued the ana I i are hath mr haarthaeato i -HeTartUIUfc.Ae. Mirleh. Wniua for tta Watahajaa A OU Korth State. Oumi Cotnrrr, N. 0 , Jane SO, 18SS. Mum Editors i K yoer office it not in a " tern " I BOM 1MB will Bad you Hi nmuer', notwillialanding tka firea. If the barua of Hawaa men at the Darnt Orance hare recently been, there Would nit br math latt in the way of content bow many were coneumed. Krerrwkere that I hare board from or m nil. there, kaa been a aerinas atragrl It ill. iHvi,le to ' mike out till the beat and aatt ooald be harraaled. Tka no re eominc in at loot tboaab ike wkrt cnmea with Hi oeaal dtaanpomt uent. There it qoite a abort crop wbere erar T bare beard from mack aborter tmbaa waa anticipated. The bear -noeii t mint did creel damage and the tf tie at the raal were vary evident al honeli it did unt attack the atelk. All ha know the part that learet art la Ilia v f a plane vcrr wail know that ; on the Ir-arra daraiurt t Hie grain hr npinkm of tame farmrro to the contra- noiwithetaading. Bat the fnilure in wheal it aompenta I f-r, to enmo extent, by an estraordina yield of oatt. Tkete, which, the but ftaadman aaya whk a rralefnl akake rf fiie bead, "are com and lodder both, i 'i t in time, like a freak t of bread and mnn to an exhaoated ftarrbwa. The cotton I law la a reaent raxtem fcrio, it looking auefl X tkiak tbara Ja vatkrr a abort crop of Tobacco planted enrrally from acarctty a pUnta. In Urn oamy the eorn look! very pmmitinr ii Kat of thii it in pea red backward. err. But although ilx5 farming intrreata re irnniihr tarwt, tney are ia better eon ition, probably, than almeet" any other Buaoch of eiaalowmant. Other aceapa- are aaitained by the mere aorplai of at farm. In trath the farm ia tna Alma ater of tbem all and dat arret corn dine mpeet and patronage. Hence, I thebnibanded farmer boy be looked ka the moat aaefal and than far a Iba honorable of hlaeommantty. There too much Diotcle ent of tka farm con taring Ike eondkioa of tbeeoantry. The fur more laborer! of a n imble ebaree- cornea ap from every quarter and yet young men diademing the iieple iMMa f Wueet toil fn buibandry, beaiege nti for placet oenma too ooen la the morcaa oarht to eee that Pml aajplaata Jaecawded to aOtfatt i here ire more rood i on the thelvea than greeo lacki in tka pocketa of tka people far trading ca- ky Hon. Mr. M., of North Carolina, when ha waa travelling North at a member of Eftdk J atflVla I M . i.'i'-- . wmyamjam T allwU 'WSfaVmrflS J VaaVTllTltC. vrtllo tn Maaaachi ad ktndnen and attention from Mr. Web- . One day tkey locetber attended n election, perbapt at, or not far from Hoi- i here waa great violence and law nen aronnd tbe pollt. After viewiar k wik aaloniakmeet a while, Mr. M. earn : Mr. Webeter, yon mar do all vou can to apbold tbe Soatk, for if the govern- t ever paaaea into the bandi of tbe Nortk alone, tbe fate of tbe countrr ia mmk''... I ImMr ite tiale lkej ridiag in I a carriage with Mr- Webeter, once, they paoaed by a aattleaaent of negroea ia a etate of extreme w retched neaa ; when Mr. M . pointing to tka miaerable picture, eUlmed "Mr. Wabater you nercr that in the South." Ala. ! if Mr. W tr were living, he might tea tbe like ia Ike Sooth aw ; fer 1 preeamt there I been more inferine among the for the teat two yean aye, for the teat two month! than Ibe lame number endur ed for many yean before the I have recently been much concerned at the evident dcpreaaloo and almost bopelcKnem of the people. Tkey have endured la hope that ever tnmi with them to disappointment, till they, I tear, are lotinaT heart. 'J'bev onlr itmrcie ou bo- eaaae they do not know what eTie to do. A recent Eattern trip revealed thii gen eral depreaaion to a more fearful extent than I had any idea that it bad reached. Even a radical, below Aaleigb, gut on the train In a elate of mingled rengcaace and mortification became two of hit colored party brethren bad burned a rlore and rati amy irata a tcktfc aroma. So we go; hut 1 think Ibero may be mora to fear from Ion of integrity-- tban from toaa of anything elio in owe day of trial. I that many men wlto have boen ea- teemed upright, arc frequently gitingmtfj to preaaare and lacribcinc their better piineipli t. If I nnderttand honest v, H 1 renni 1 1 that a deliberate "pramiae to pa v ia binding until the debt ia either paid or the debtor u rekaicd voluntarily by the creditor Bankrupt Lawt, Statute! of Liinibitior , dee , notwithatandiiig. I aym- pthlae with all debtor but do not feel willing that they tboald aell character Bud. honor at any pric. An honest mail con siders his debts binding till they are paid, and tcUl pay them at toon as he eon. If are caa only maintain oar integrity through the long fierce ordeal, we can at eait have tbeconaolation of knowing that after all we can look down upon our op- preeaora, and bear oar trouble! with lb. eomtorting reBectien that (be aro not poiouod and iateoaified with guilt. undergone iomi alight itractaral e bar gee ii to their atomle formation, whieb. how ever, were favorable to tka j raaerratioa of the tiaaae. The tpeetalort teemed perfectly lalit fied whk the retail of the eiperiment and aatopay. Tka body, which had been pre- terved to Ita nataralneaa, waa the object of particular intereit. Curiouily enough the progreat of tbe age waa exhibited in the pretence of ear raj ladicaafjrbo, from tba deep lute teat which tbey manifeited in the proceeding! were evidently prospective female "aaw bonea" faa Sam Welter woold have called them) of tbe "atrong minded perauaaio N. Y. Herald, May 31 of Senator did ; on Ike contrary the permit twa bad beta retased to certain Senator! to qualify. Il waa bow a quertlou brute force. What right bad tbe of Granville, Peraoa and Barke thauamh their renreaentativea to ear to the Beanlt or urange, you ibaU not he beard on tbia floor wit boat my permiiaion, when all are elected under tbe tame la w and authority 7 lie coatd tnbmit to tbe weapottoaa at GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA. bt AtrraoftiTT op eouoBtn. ...I FIRST SESSION. BICX4TB. RaLEiOB, N. 0., July lit, 1868. Pursuant to a proclamation of W W. Hold en, Governor elect of Nortk Caroli na, tka Senator! elect eonreaed hi the Senate Chamber in t hit city thii day. Tke Senate having been called to order, Hon. R. P. Dick, Aatociate Janice of tbe Supreme Court, administered the oath prescribed in tbe new Constitution to the Lieut. Gov. elect, Tod R. Caldwell, Eeq.. who thereupon attumed the chair at Pres ident of the Senate. The Preaident appointed Mr. Barrow. Senator of tbe 4th Oiitrict, to aet ai prin cipal Clerk, and Mr. Sweet, of the 10th Uutnct, as assislaat Clerk pro tern. I be oath prescribed tn the Contiitelien was then sdniiniatrred to the following Senaxri by Judge Dick, who claimed lo be ander no political ditabilily military power, hatBH there mat no kelp for it but be ooald not, he woold oat. submit la silence la the despotism of civ il iani professing lo act under eonititatiooi and laws. Ha had tka same right to for bid him, and no Senator bad or coald of fer a reason why one Senator sboald qua! ify and another tboald not. The unknown Senator kept quiet asm made no amotion, at Mr. Turner had re queued. A. H. Galloway, IMC 10. from Nov Han over, said, for bia part, he eee Id sea no reason or. authority for one Senator to question the certificate of another. The right of one Seiiator to qualify was quite si good aa another, until ike Howard Amendment was adopted and t became a from Buncombe. gr?aaawm .i j , awaaapgssji pbriet, Ifswkins, Jsrvis, Moore. Ma the son, Proffit, Robiusou, Smith, of Allegha my, fkaver, Tkompsoa, Whitley and Wil liami . Mr. J. W. H olden 't tktltew was aa- Tke Chairman appointed Mi t in la eoodnrt tarn lo tbe chair; and, on aaaamlag tka Chair, be aaid that aa Lsaistatare that had as samhlsd b this State, sines that of 1776, Urns aw skin its ac Ihm, are., and modi rud his grateful. Ac., Mr. Kates, of Mew Haaovar. moved Ike Heaa go in to tbe election of a Clark. CallTiftl. Mr. K. Ikon nominated Mr. Baser, of Foray the, far tka! position. Mr. Durham, of Uloaveland, nominated lielee, Keq., of Wake. The vote being taken, Mr. Boner eeived 7t asm Mr. Gates 24. Mr. B. was then declared elected at once tottal led in h is office . On motion, the Hoaae went into the election of an Aaebtaat Clerk. Mr. Bowman nominated Mr. Candler, that in ly change to her own organic law, teeing a portion of haw represents Uonsuss T verily. Sb t; aud this ou will ka a sensible land ten timer, t it is one of vital impor aad toeviuUy resahmg from oar I tanas to the safety of the Ceiisttlalkm. ipeeoy expevteaot at tbe present system. By tbe UaastiMtioo, Csmgraat at vr By thea attoaio north Uaronaa aaatat area to mo noes amendments to in an amending the federal Constitution strasneat. Bat if Co ogress east at sne cannot maaa tats tnevttaWv ear- bow Slates shall vote ai without by placing thorn ander disabilities as Utioa ia Stales, aatil tkev are fbreod la to Is h to her Uteresl I Nat. lance, is not C scam as become all IV. She has mneh to ks Bv It and Btrhtog to gain. Bat I am told that bv voting tor thii Htsare we shall at length "go again ; and men grow strangely sathastos ful. aad cam it not to its will ' Mar it aot, by a oocw aa oBMaaaaBaepi co-ai vHrkafti 1 .laa ..) f ftaa a aaearsj lie, talking of gettiae; bsck K. the old borne-! rv stride! it kaa already taken towards teed ; forgetting thai the tree of liberty absolute power, lot tka present posture of which Bead to stand there, aad nncter j paMie affairs speak, which we, children of a happy tend, once t Setietors, tke dancers I have dsssietadl part of the Constitution. No test oath could be reonired now. He Was not wil ling, nor did ho think he had any aathori ty, to require oaths of others, except tbe oat ii required or all. Cawthorn, negro, of Warren, nomina ted J. OTIant negro, of Wayne. Messrs. Kbecko and Charlotte were al so put in nomination. Mr. Ashworth. of Randolnh. and Jainen I fonrht tn keen m in If we nni Mr. Jonea, of Wake, laid when he wtl f H. Harris, negro, of Woke, advocated whipped the United Stalea ; it was W elected he had doubted whether he would be sble to take his seat, but his disabili ties bad been removed, and aa thii was a serions question, he moved the Senate ad journ antn to-morrow, to eon ii tier tbe questioB. H then being one o'clock, the Senate adjourned. which we, children of a happy modi once t ported, has been bewn by the remoraa- less axe of fanaticism, and tbe weather beaten mansion looks, alas '. bat little like tbe glorious fabric we venerated of yore I I am told that bv valine for tbia amend. ! Settaters, tke dangers I do not oeem to me imaginary. They an dread realities, aad wee be auto m if wo Jo blindly oa, aad help, by our votes, to rive tke ship of Stale upon the breakers ! W.. ll tXt-a .LI. J T, in ent we shall get back into ike Union. an affirmative vole we shall give our aanc Wbea did we get oat of the Union t Did j lion to a precedent fraught with untold perils to constitutional liberty. I speak tnose men wno voted here, aeven years ago, lor the ordinance of secession, really takes as out of the Union 1 Tbey may be pardoned for thinking so ; for tbey are Oiiuuioniits. But I, as a good Union man. utterlv denr H. We fouirht to ret oat of tbe Union, and the United States 'HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.' Wxdxeidat, July 1, 18G8. At 10 o'clock, tbe House waa called to order by Judge Pearson. Col. J. T. Deweese then administered Messrs. White, Etberidgr. Msrtindale, ( the oath of office to Judge Kespass. Barrow, Hosier, Kppet, negro, Chief Justice of tbe male Bellamy, Rich, Sweet, M oore, I olgrove, Pcaraoa,. as tbe elaimi of O'ilara at some length. The ballot, being taken, resulted in the election of Mr. Candler be having re ceived a majority of the votes cast. Mr. Bowmtn offered a resolution, send ing a message to tbe Senate, informing them of the organisation of this body. tarried. By Mr. Estee : A resolution railing joint Committee of five two from the Senate and three on the part of tbe House to wsiton tbe Governor, informing him of the organitstion, snd their readiness to receive sny communication he may choose to send. Carried. On motion of Mr. Abbott, the House 10 many merchants far tke Ui kity ol the oeoule ehils the t af oar boms products fi erf ally exceed, i proportion, the real p-odueeri. Thai o have no esparto to bring to currency -aad are continually growing poorer ; star candle oooioess, sending all tke wsy North aad no surplus raised to Hg iT fetes. If here be any truth in h- tiuiple.t principles of political econo fr, waraHi fisBoi to dowpar iafnmotloji f poverty still, eutoas the surplus labor- S capital of tke country cease to Swell e rasks of wbito-handed drones and ral ' to Ike work that will produce anme "nR la eat aad la aall. If Burke white I'arliament, grasped the hoe-helve las IjLevery meridng. aad Job a Quiney daaui swung tbe ae vtbe in the wheat Ids, and Daniel Webster fought clods d weeds at bravely as he afterwarda gbt political demagogues and sectional "ojit, h eertaiiily woold not eompro. ha the dignity of our young men ta lopt their example and- show at once t they appreciate the conation of s OBunr'ry, and with manly Indeprnd- are reaolved to trek iapMrt at their onWr'i breast, instead of crowding ha nd radical counters aud begging patron- rost and for ibe implacable apprepns THE PRESERVATION OP THE DEAD. A, Bomber of physicians, surgeons and medical students gathered yesterday after anon in tbe lecture room of tbe Belle rue Medical College, to witness the results of a new and what bida fair to prove a won drilul discovery, in the wsy of a process for preserviag the h umm body after death Two subject were on exhibition embalmed br this nrnnrai to which death had occur red respectively on the 17th of February, and tba 30ih of April last, both of which manifested lo tbe casual spectator no ngn, by either alght touch or oateU, of tke long period which elapsed since death. Professor Ooremut, under whose super' vision an expcrimontal autopsy of one of tbe nod lea waa made, in order to snow that the preservation was not confined to the surface, but extended to the viscera, the muscles snd every portion of tbe in ternal system, opened the exhibition with a few prefatory re mark i, reciting tke im perfect and unaatiifertury processes which Lad been in vogue for preserving tke dead ever tinea tke dart of the Egyptians Dr. Jaaewav then distorted the body, which had been Irlng thirty daya siaee death kept ia the labratory under lock and key. To the scalpel it presented tbe flaccid condition usual Immediately after dissolution, and ihe light and touch were perfect! nrl:- Al the knife proceed' ed with the ditembowelmeut on the sub ject and Ibe viscera were brought to sight and removed, no OCJOr was perception! save the wrong, fiesby smell which is in pai aids from the fret best corpse when he internal nor I ion IS oneiieo to me air. Lepg, Galloway, negro, Ilsyoo, H ton, Hall, Cook, Brogdcn, Jones, of Wake, Wynne, uyman, negro, instead, laasl- tsr, Burns, Sfaotner, Welker, Davis, Bee man, Melcbor, Robldns, Long, Forkner, Mason, haves, Smith and Blythe. Certtfictte of election were presented : Messrs. 'Allen, Partite, Turner, T.indssy, Birhardson, Jones of Caldwell, Moore and Love, and-wrre laid on the tabln be cause of alleged disabilities. Several of tbe Senators sabmilted objoatiens lo tin ruling The President declared tbe Sen ate organised and ready for business. When the SUA District was called, Mr. Turner, of Orange, offered his credentials. - Tbe President ssked if he was, banned by tbe Howard amendment t Mr T. said, that depended upon what Tbe oath was in accordance with tbe new Constitution. Judge Pearson then administered the oatb of office to Judge' Reado and R. P. Dick, as Associate Justices, and announc ed that, at the other J unices were absent, be would ad minister tbe oath lo Governor elect, Mr. II olden. The oath required by the new Const! union was then administered to him. After tbe oath was taken, thcia faint applause in the Hall. theu adjourned until 4 P. M. I! Ai.Eian, N. C., July Sd7 1868. Tbe Senate was Called to order at 4 o'clock. Mr. Borrow, of Northampton, introdu end resolutions in reference to the election I of U. S. Senators fixing the election on j the 6th of July. lies over. (TIm tew of Congress provides fur the election of U. S. Senators on tbe second was Tuesday of the position, j I A message waa received from the ington, not Richmond, that fell ; and Grant Judges Pearson and Dick then pro- ' House, transmitting a joint resolution rat ceeded to tbe Senate to install tbe Lienteu-, ifying the Howard Amendment, or the ant Governor aud organise that body, and j 14ib article of the Constitution of tke Judge Usede c died the House lo order. Uuiied States, and askhg the concurreuce On taking tbe chair, he aaid t j of the Senate. " I am ready to proceed to administer j Mr. Rick, of Pitt, moved that the Soo the oath to all the members. The roll ate do concur. will be called alphabetically. Under the law wa were organising the oenateonder. t orders ot lien ( an by, none can be quali- lf we were acting under the Constitution ficd, who are banned by the Howard Mi. Bobbins, Senator from Bo wan, tatd I rite, Mr Preaident, to present a few of North Carolina, neither the Howard Amendment. Gentlemen will please state pnlv of the reasons, whv, in mv judgment. amendment nor any other amendment dia-1 the facts, when their names are called, and the Senate of North Carolina should refuse qualified him. If we are organising un- if banned, they will be requested to stand ; lo ratify this amendment der the sett ol Congress and this was a provisional government, then he woo re quired to take the leal oath, aad so were all tbe Senators. lis wished to know an der what law we were organising. No one befe bad authority to qurstioa tea right lo a seat when he offered Gen. Can bVa certificate of election. Could ike people of Burke, who had elected the President of tke Senate, ear la tke people i over, the clerk announced tbn yon must send a representative to the gentlemen OS being banned by nlBBtnihal plijiioi o mt WfJ .'opwsiinia uvea, Or be must stand aside t Mr. Turner's credentials were laid upon the table. Subaeqaeatlv Mr T. moved that the Senator from the 14m District It is i ol hoped attde tor the present. J have no autban that aaytbing bow to be aud could innu ty to administer tke oath to any thus J eneo the action of this body upon the ques tioned. . 1 shall quality tnoee whose i tmn : for the decree baa gone forth, not nsiacs have, been published as having only that we optsV. but that we must, their disabilities removed by Congress." give aa affirmative vote; and it is but loo Hs tban BrocasBed te oualitv those who ! eridoat that a mainritv here ate imuaticnl presented themselves to answer ta their to do the bidding of their masters. Dsmes at tbe desk of the clerk. Hut I oppose it, first, upon ihe merits After the ceremony of qualifying was of tbe amendment itself. I respectfully following ; ask North Carolinians, what has Nortk tka 1 4th j Carolina to gain ky its adoption f This Article: ; measure changes the basil of represents- if i a- J. -wi sp . 1 at "i , tion iu Congress, and virtu Allison, ai Orange, Davidson, r i i..i i !: -t ..... ,i ii. ...... I of Caldwell, Justice, of Henderaon, Kel ly, of Doplin, Iong, of Caswell. Nichol- n. ot Iredell, asm Stuart, ot Harnett. By direction of Judge Beade. tka act ing clerk called ihe roll and 99 memkert answered lo their names, aa having been Isswllw ninth Aed Judge Bcado then left the stand, (re marking as be did to, Were at ', virtually places it, On motion of Mr. Abbott, Mr. J. W. Bowman, of Mitchell, waa appointed owt aad passed around amoug the specta tors, that a moro minute Met miglil oe giv en of the process. Dr. Dnremus explain ed that the fluid with wkieh the preserVa lion bad been affected had not boon intro duce.! through the veins or by cutting ...'." sFA.- tt" B . J the fle.h, winch waa so greatly oojccseo to bv the friends of the dead, but by lim ply forcing it into the month and other natural Suer'uro of the body, whence it subsequently permeated all the tissues, preserving thrm in the wonderful manner just revealed by ihe autopsy. Professor be called and allowed to qualify. He had not answered lo his name whttti called. The President subsequently called Mr. T. ta order, staling that Mr- T. had aa) tight to speak, as the Senate waa organ ised and ids credentials not received Mr. T. said he begged pardon, he thought one member elect had tke same rights as another. The Preaident eTiiUiiuil i The Senate wat organised ami the Senator could Bp- j Obairroan pro tern. peal from his decision if he wished. Mr. I . taid be should be guilty or no eh had maonen ta tka Chair. He Winld ni appeal. Mr. Turner laid be did not understand the Senate lo be organised. When he was ruled to silence, ho kuew It was not. Me then held op Ute credentials of Attv Melchor. Senator from Cabarrus, and said he had been red nested bv bis friend to more that he be allowed to qaalify but as aian from Cleave land, ii was out of order for him lo speak, ho j The vote befng tak wonld return it lo the Senator, which he; the IoIIoh mg ballot not upon tbe population, but tbe number of voter to each State. This is of tittle importance to Stales having a homoweu owt population, and where no dots of tka people fat likely ever to be deprived of equal suffrage. Uut m North Carolina there are two widely diatinct races, dwel ling togethet on tbe lame soil. True, by the present Constitution, both are invest ed with equal rights of suffrage. I Oppo sed I h it, and deprecate it strti r w bile 1 , Bt the same time claim to ho a friend of the colored lace, and wish to see their real welfare promoted-. I will also add. Ou further motion. Messrs. Candler, of that white the present Constitution re- Buncombe, and Banner, of Watauga, wore mains the de facto Comiitu inn of the appointed Secretaries pro lews. I Stale, I thall give my aid towards making Mr. Abbott then moved that the House it woik as little evil aa possible. And as go into the election of a Speaker. Car-, Senator here, I ahall pursue no mere foe ried. Mr. A. then placed tke uamo of Joseph William llolden, of Wake, in nomination. Mr. Moore, of Alamance, added that of I'utlo Durham, fcsq ., the gallant gentle- In did without mak ng tbe motion. m. -i 'u. l'a cu . An nnknnwn Senator said everv eena- tn-eee omroiivnr arm laswtjaMo-itHTVFrS-j tor nan necn onereo an onmnmiiir w n. ....,-, qualify if be desired It. ClayUm of Chowan, Ckerr)-. BOgro, Oaw- Mr. T. said the President kaTTfeuTe Worn, iiegro, Dixon, Downing, EtBiigi.m. his right to participate in the ditcmwioB Estes, Foster, Fraokliu, Forkoer, Gaba and erganiasjkin of the rWle. He knew gan, r, Oiibert, Graham, Huckings, if he should ask pormisslou of the bod V to! negro, Harris, of Franklin, Hams, of bo heard, it would not be denied, Wake, uegro, Hoffman, Homey, Hodgin, ft.. Pr...i,U... .Mie.1 thai hv consent. Hares, uegro. Hinnant, Hendricks, Iu- Mr. T. eoaM be board. Tke vote being gram, Kinney. Long, of Chatham, Long, takenitwaa unaiiimoua for Mr. T. to of Richmond, Leary, nearo, Laflin .Mayo, iKoserd'' Oegro, Morris, negro, Muodenhall, Mc- pieC0 . .s.i. ML tfZ4l l.k Po Parker. m. -i-urnsr aaia me tow oi uir o.-naie .-wih.", - i , . ...1 .1.. ikat if he had annealed l'roclor. Pearson, Bobbins, uegro, Rag from the decision of the Chair, at Invited, ! tend, Ranfraw, Reynolds, Rea, Smith, of tious course, but assist iu the adoption of the measures best calculated' to advance tte welfom of .North Carolina under thof present regime. But will the policy of allowing equal rights of eoffragc tn both races be perma nent here I Impossible. Even ils friends must admit it to be an untried experi- surrendered to Lee, under the apple tree But history tells no such flattering tale to me. No, Senators, we were never out of the Union ; and tbe pretence that we were it a lubtertuge, invented since the war, tor obvious p liticsl and parttzaa purpo ses. To thoV itt abtnrdil v it it only neces sary to ask ourselves bow comes it that we vote to-day upon an amendment to the Federal Constitution t Were North Carolina not a State in the Union, she would have no morn right to vote oa sncli a question than the republic of Liberia, winch she is beginning so much to retCBt blv. This posit ion is too obvioaa to ad mit of argument this amend meat because Ita adopt-on involves a dishonorable act ou the part of Nortk Carolina, in that alto will aid in imposing political disabilities upon thousands of Tier sons merely for obeying her own commands. Seven years ago, speaking through tke voices and votes of many gentlemen now silting in high places lu re, including her present distinguished Executive Chief, North Car olina called her children to the field. Thither they rushed by thousands to bleed and die for her. A battle scarred remnant only survives ; and now, upon tins poor remnant ol survivors, tbe la aak ed to affix tbe stigma of political ditfruu- chisemeutl . Ie it honorable ! But I lor hear to enlarge upon this point, for these days ot "great moral ideas," to in silt upon I be claim of honor, is in danger of being deemed mere "Old logy is Hut in vindication of onr dear,old mother let me ssy, that when she shall teem tbia day to pronounce that hard sentence upon her children, it is not North Carolina that speaks: it is only a horrid apparition which personates her. nhe it prostrate with the heel of the tyrant in her mouth and it voiceless ; but her great heart bursting with blessings on bar gallant untarn- I oppeao thii loeaioro became of its un- nuraeaa in application. Ihoaaanda punished by it who were sincere oppo nents af tbe war, and who only aided ky giving a few blankets or articles of tiOm saamffffisasjossj isarttil na Bast, oral UB tlksB I ftwMinnr n BrWaPOBWarBWg ssVbkbww wojo bob Mr 1 Confederate Army. But here stand 1, Confederate officer for four yeara, with the smoke of forty battles on me, u ubanu ed and free, -imply because I never waa a Squirt t WHTtbe fair minded portion of mankind, iu Massachusetts, in North Carolina, think it unpardonable in me be cause my seme ol justice revolts Bgainot giving my voice in favor of B measure SO inconsistent and unfair I I oppose this proposition, because North Carolina baa once voted upon it. And has the Those who voted for Mr. Holden were:, uteiil, uncertain in its results. The voice sis. Abuott, Ames, Asuwartn, oow-j ot history is against it ; lor 1 can recall no ibvir own klw and nnU. If tha Jar ! Ilumili.m aucccedcd Df. Doremuj, and ffmbtee nrosuerit ever return tn us. it ' te.tihV l.A ho had examined the tubject l come etc Agriculture it will com' in j uiideiaVmrtustton, and could not disliu "dieneo to ihe influence of honest pro- gehHHMn one reoently dead. P roles "? "! kvB0uycrtifV labor. 'sor FTwi, to sooiO motf Wlended iBWJaiki " if we had competent, last aad mer-1 regarding an taelj which he had made Icfiriatioa aad svreatxeot that la- of the mawttes, liver, kidaeys,' and langt waald be iadiapeaaable. As matters of subjsct treated hjf the procets, gave " or rather pSagrftl downwards la Ithe result ol nit oueervsisons. t ne mnr Oamt of lieeotions and uaarrapaleUs jlloae ref erred to were all ia a normal state, .kWfcrfrem argonrlr toiaortattt, ' so tor at tka eye was tflinra, hot had tke Ohsw'wwaM not haeabaei tuatatoesT. Mr. Turner said be did wot know tha Senator who sat before kirn, bis name nor lhr district that he represented, but from what bad fallen from ktai he knew ka had some sense of right, justice and pro priety: he thtirotoraaakod him to move that all Senators prsaeuUug eertiliratos be allowed to qmaltiy. He dm hoi eaamr irftou or toe senate as mat Mania, JBiiiatmmB Beymom, Ste vens, negro. Sweat, negro, a.upca oyaes, negro, Sinclair, Short, aiegrist, Btanton, Veatal, Vest, Wilson, Williamson, negro, Wilkie, WiswaB, Mbito and Waldrop Tt. a W ... Tksse who votijdforMr. Durham were: Messrs. Asbo. Armstrong. Clayton, W kVansilvauia, Uavu, JVUtt, r arrow, usi Itof, AhMB, Urom, Hodtmts Hurh.H- instance In wlilrii two peoples have dwelt together ou the saincsoil, without amalgs- or the suboi di lation of one to the other ; Buless, iudectl, both were in jection lo s common tvrai.t. And apt ipot of that teat remark, doea any gentlemen hero suppose that try would have inaugurated ibis negro suffrage ex pen wont, hmi it not been forced upon us at the point of the bayonet 1 Whan the bayonets shall depart, if they ever do, then look out tor thu re-action. Then the bottom rail will descend from tke top of tbe fence, not merely by my vote, hot by yours, Senators. Pardon ate for pw- dictiug that, in five years from this Oar, an overwhelming majority of the people, and, theielore, a still more overwhelming majority of the politicians, of Nori h Car otins, will be clamorously demanding a change in the negro i IB rage feature af our Coasutunon and the restriction ol ute African's right to ruts. Kquaily singular ia poliiieal KUtUmsnt are respectfully submit that no Stats legal right to vote twice on auca a ques tion, if 1 mistake not, this amendment baa once beep acted upon by all, or a suf ficient namber, of tke Slates, and, not having received a three-fourths vote. stands rejected. Shall we assist in gal vaahting the corpse into a semblance of life sgaiu t Rather let the dead be bur ied. But I otterty pro teat aintustt tbia ratifi cation, became we am not allowed a tree vote. We are told that ws will vols "nay" at our pet i I If ve vote "yea" we are promised a recognition of our Statehood : otherwise, we must remain a Territory un der Indebnite military role. bat a Biockervl We are in dunes ; and, to tew, onr daed tbia day la really invalid, and will be so held when pssiisn and fear subside, and Courts ire liberated ones not aa a partizan. I apeak aot now even at a North Carolinian. I speak as aa American citizen, and, to the course X pursue this day, I deem myself tke cham pion of the liberties of New York and Ohio as of my own ever loved nature State. And here in tbia venerated chamber, hal lowed by the me mo rice of great and good men gone before, I raise my solitary voice ni solemn waning or tha deadly perils which Be to the path you ere urged to pursue. Senators, we are in the midst of a sea of troubles. Our people are impoverish ed, bereaved, humiliated, miserable. Our homes are desolate : nor kinsmen slain. Bu( in sll onr misfortunes let as never for get our dignity, nor dare, by our this day, to bring a stain on tka a ished name of Worth Carolina. Mr. Btylbe, of Henderson, and Mr. Welker, of Guilford, addressed the Sonata in support of the joiat resolution. Mr. Cook, of Johnston, at this point in troduced an amendment, which was un derstood to be an aicnsa for calling tba previous qnei t ion to cut on debate, and called tor the vote. ! Mr. Bobbin! called for the yeas and nsyt, and, tke vote being token, tba entire vols of the majority was cast against it and none in favor. Mr. Cook then called for the previous question on tbe joint resolution. Mr. Blythe called for lee yeas aad t which resulted aa follows. Yeat Messrs. Barrow, Bsasley, Bella my, BmgdeB, Bums, Blythe, Colgrove, Cook, Davie, Eaves, Etbcridga, Epps, negro, Forkner, Galloway, negro, Hayes, Harrington, Hajl, Hyman, negro, Jones, of Woke, Legg, Lindsay, Lassitcr, Long, Marttodale, Moors, Mason, Rich, Res pass, Smith, Shoffaor, Sweet, White, Winstead aad Welker 34. Nays Messrs. Melchor i Ou motion the Senate i morrow morning, 1 1 o'l 1 naya Our digwitv demands dial w fully say to tbe Cough-so, "unfetter us, and give us the assurance thst our privi leges will be unaffected bv our vote; Then can we vote as' proud American cit izens should do. Bat bow wc cannot we-darn not give an independent vote, we vote as others dictate ; we vote as stores. . Would to God Nortk Carolina -might this day be permitted to render aa unbissed decision I Bat alas I onr,grami old mother is in the dust, and th mailed aptdirr stands over her with Ike BwVooet at her bosom, demanding that she dw neater' herself. "Drive the bayonet home ta her heart," lay I, "if Heaven so wills it, and let her die ; bat let her never submit to voluntary dishonor." Bat this is iut a question of "Tke wicked floe when no man par sueth." This proverb WW literally ill intra '.ed at a "Rod String" meet ing In Anton county, several nights since. Un the night to question, says the Wadesboro Aryut, a dam ber of white members of the order were called torathar at school house in Diamond Hill precinct, with orders for every member to go thoroughly armed, as some alleged that they would be interfered with by "ku Xlnx." Shortly after sanmmuW. a i of five mules, which had last been taken from a broken-down wag on, pateed rapidly by tbe tchoot bouse, with their BarnBat nod traces loudly clapping and jingling. With out waiting to aaa what It waa that caused such a "napta," aad with out ttandtna- on the "order of their going,11' the brethren vacated the pre mises with a rush, ami, judging Irom what we have heard, may bo raniring Tag I. ats EoMoato B. Fbekkas. The tunieral of oar lata venerable A it -.a.wln ar.a estimaoie citizen . waa au yesterday afternoon, by a concourse of onr people, of both as eav The death of few men coo have occasioned more general regret. and ail seemed anxious to testify weir reapect tor the memory of t he ueceaa- ed. The burial service of the) Episco pal Church was impressively read by Ihe Rev. Dr. Curtis, of llillsboro,- rhu Rsv. Dr. Mason, tha Itoctor of the Parish, being absent from the tke Masonic Fraternity assisted ia the eeretuotiiear at eke Cemetery, - wimi the beautiful and imposing vices of thwrr Ordc&ntfW. DntTKCcTioM or Cat ore is tna Fast. We regret learn that the violent ns, in several of the Eastern ad North Eastern Counties, have de stroyed ihe growing crop entirely. Ine country is said to be flood od. The rains' are ,n garded as fhe moat violent which have occur rod in Ihe teat tiltv reas. We hftvs heard from Hyde. Tyrrell and Comtek Coantiee, and too duett udilrlii in thee counties miiauieeeaffitd aa bvrnig almost com plots. If the water, however, sab tided in few days,, the rich lands of that ssMioo w.ioi.l now proslaoe cmuU com., it planted at j metamorphose ia poliiieal seatimsnt are ; it tbtars est a question sf leelmg BP' - Ssmtisiti. . l . . . . . - . i WTt : j V . . .' - -- ;-" -t r -r - sr. . . . fV -gbg- . -to .-. - Wsffstw V aia.-S , -. . - ;- ffrtt!iit-i ii?ri,i,, ' ' ii ' - sasa. ' ij-wfAf,