W7- fr ' - - Vr i K S3 iVEW SERIES SALISBURY, N. C, JULY 24, 1868. mm M aJMN VOL. I, NO. 29 IT VTW OK 0UMCBIPTIOX. 43 i i tt !' IK . WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH STATE . V talk. S.00 1.6S TBI WKRKLT OLD NORTH STATE. V , wkl. ir I Id. Mottla, S.00 n -. Tka-Uttdof tB. ttvawJeJ my vluw. 1 xtls la the ell it aiuiag. toil the saarty TVa let iny bom Imm U wat wild. I P,ui with a acood heart, Manioc by my tw. Chirrua-lsvjwa lr4 Mart aar, tiUint; by myataai aar, ay awm torn, hit mi a by my kIo. bodiet, which ha Introduced yesterday, be taken from tin- Calendar ami referred to the Committee on tho Judiciary. No ob- (eetion being made, the refcranee waa or dcred. ' By Mr. Rtlllcy i A resolution calling upon Hi Lode Commissioner to frame a in - - . i . n diii ta sutiain ine the Uoveruor in remo ving various office. Thie waa immedi ately adopted ander a a ue pernios of the rale. . Jla. Fea -cava- notice - that. In thin v day from this data, bo weM introduce a bill to relieve Monie 4c Durham, of John son county, who a offecU ware recently detroycd by Are, Jeeme ifarri. of Wake, nerro. called tip hi "Railway Ready Relief" bill Tbi bill I only, in fact, a provitiou for lazy and idle nigger, to keep them well op in the Radical rank ia the com iiifC election. Mil - of Wayne, moved n itrike Tb wind hoVlinr o ar tbe billow from the out, in aeetien I, the word "lire" and in ten "one." Adopted. Mr. Ferrbce aaid tbe Hoatu bad better paaa a vagrant law. iualead of coniuuiiuir time in endeavoring to paaa each a mean are. Only look at thoae galleries and aec tbe crowd of laay pif roea, who lounge away their tunc inatcad ut working and thaw go to the Bwreaa for raHon. Mr. Downing moved to lay tbe whole natter on the table. Mr. Ellis called for the yea and nay. The call waa sustained, and the bill waa tabled by a vote of yea 62, nay 34. Mr. Poo moved a reconsideration of the vote. Jeemes waa delighted, and, ia advoca cy of the motion, proceeded to "pread himself." He made hi usual speech. It earned that the Governor had bean too busy ol lata to cram bin. Pending the further discussion of the matter, the Speaker announced that the hour had arrived when the Senate would visit the Houae, to compare the Senato rial veto. The Doorkeeper then announced the distant are, IUi rau; 'round my pillow, bring no caret 1 'ine. tud m r dark wave o'er the troubled tide ! I kd nt yaur anger, Mamae'eky my tide. Chorus My own laved ataxia dear, ate. aaana aaa appal ma aever, while bar brow 1 cl.at ; I Fair weather Ingots erar. waaaa ear tmuaa appaer. trkaa sorrow's breakan e'er my heart shall tide, Mill way I (tad her aJttmaby my aide; tWas Uy own laved Maggie aeai. e etc. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CA ROLINA. BBS AT . IUleiob, N. C, July IS, 1868. Tlie Senate waa called to order at 10 9 t Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Lanf, Senator ,(.m iiavioaon. arpottt o COTxrrrxatf. Mr. Rich, from tbe Committee of Inter il lwiirovemeiaa, to whom was refernd bill to extend the Chatham Railroad, re- .nrled TivoraMv. Mr. Smith, from the committee en Pre i .-ri .us and Griranee, n-ported favora bly oa a bill for lite reliel of Willi S. (irandy. i 1 Mr. Win tead. from the committee on tbe Judiciary frported a aabetitute for the Uii appointing Judge of tbe Superior ourt, Clurk of Snperior Court and Chair . . .. . 1 m n T Drnnllm) Uoaroa ot coeniy ouimis- urt. to take the privy rxaiuiuation of Iftmc exert, im the conveyance of real is lata, Mr. Sweet, from the committee on the Judiciary, reported a bill providing for filling vacaucsi-fl, which may 'occur iu the coaiity ofBcea. nrtaontTTio or bill Mr Mr. WmnW !l!c-ir Line Ruilroa 1 irnl ina. to extend IL k! ino lb - Ulc. t.)rd ren to be prm- in! and refern 1 to the Committee on In ternal luiprnv ments rlv il r. Uooa f A bill to rneonrnge lli- t uiiil ictuie of cotton, woolen and linen pwds. Rnfvrred to the ('.oumiuee ott Cnrporatiewa. lly Mr. I'. -den : A bill cstendmg the inte (ur regjcleritir grant, deed of ale, cl uf gift, deed of trust, power ot al Ijtult anil marriage settlement : whicn p msi-tl it second readingi nnder a sua- R" usion ot the ralri and wa ordered in t iniitr4, Senate,, They mere received with tbe ut nal hon . ..... or. I he Journal ol both Houses, in reference to the election, were read by their respective Clarke The Lieutenant- Governor then said a John Pool and Jo tepb C. Abbott had received a majority of the vote cast, they ware elected. No one offering any objection, the worthies atoresaid were declared duly elected, and the Senate retired. " By Mr. Pou: A reaolatinn defiiiing the Eower of the County Cotuiaiaioucia to v v taze for the poor. Liejrbver. By Seymour : A reaolution to allow member elect, who were Moualiiied by tlie 14th Article, aiileagu and per l m, while awaili ng the action of the lluuc Upon iheireaae. . Mr. S'iltey wanted to ameud by allow ing mileage only. Seymonr then removed the reference of the whole matter to the Committee on reported , A lull antlforhrinK Wet-How. lw d Company, in Sou J "P tMrH; and eonstrnet their ;,nmt n"w 0,11 " " 1 resumed, hen Some individual, taxed beyond endur unre, moved it postponement until to morrow. Carried. The House then adjonrnedwntll to-morrow morning at I0J o'clock. Tlie Senate repaired, in a body, prece.1- concurred in. Tbcksdat, Jaly 16, 1868. The Senate wa chilled to order at 10 o'cloek. A message wa received frnm ilre House transmitting a resolution relative to Public .'M-hools, anil a proposition to go tulo tlie election of a Slate 1'rinler : which last was lnveatigaciaa, to whop ware referred the eertifietite of M-ssrs. Osborne, Allen and Turner, reported that they were banned I .III 1 A r . , . ny inn riowam AineiiUUieul, anrt, tlu re iore, are not cutitled to take their seats Mr. Bobbin offered a lengthy and able minority report, and moved that it be si.b titutvd lor that of the majority i I be motion waa lost, and Mr. Love moveeYthat the further consideration of the ubjret be postponed until ll u'dock, to-morrow, o a to allow those Senators a hearing on (hi floor or by Counsel; which wa adapted. The following Sen ator voted in the negative, via: Mer, Bellamy, Burn. Colgrnve, Da vit, Kthrldge. Legg, Long, Moore, of Car teret, Rich and Smith. i mi;' tut (i hon or KMoi.r nun. By Mr. Lindaey: A resolution praying Congreaa to take some action for the re lief of the loyal people of this State, who sustained loss by the destruction of their property by the .Federal Government, da ring the war. By Mr. Blylhc : A resolution Inttrnejt Hg the Judiciary Committee to report bill prohibiting the practice of carry i concealed weapon. nv -Mr. Itoblnni: 1 lie lollowmg reso lution ; which lie over: arrirTn AnstmMf nf Tfrrrih Corn- Una do reaWsw . Jet, i bat we reegn:re the radic.-l dlstiuetion of eolor, bloot physical form, and peculiaritie of intel lect, between tbe white and negro races and all effort to destroy or abridge these distinction are crime not only against society and civilisation, but against God himself. 2nd. That tbe common rule, a well as the experience of mankind, prove that the white race i superior to the negro, in phytieal and intellectual endowment, and that civilization and its future successful progress are safe only la the band of the white race. 3rd. That the governments nf the UniJ ted States and of the several State were instituted by while men, have been ad ministered' by whi u men, and ought to be admiiiietered by while men, forever lu te after. 4th That k hi the duty of this and all future General Assemblies nf North Caro lina o to chape their legislation a to se cure tbe right of life, property and liber ty to an men residing iu tbe State, with out regard to race, former condition or Color, but at tbe sans tiaae to recognise the natural distinction of race. 6th f hat in carrying out their porpo , it i tbe duty of thi General Assem bly, in providing for the establishment ol a system of Common Schools for public instruction, to provide esp.-ci ill v for the educalion of white child rvn iu schools tep. il ale from those provided for negro chil dren. - i - 6th. Thar in formirTfn militia rvstcm, special provision shall be mule lor organ- ising the white militia from the negro mil-1 ' ilia. 1 a awssa ' a Tt ... T 7tTf. I hat stringent provision shall be HyStilley: A reaolntlon daelaring tlia scut.-, of those ban nad by the 14th Article varnnt. Liea over. Hv Mr. pou : A reanlntlon pliilnn in'' Conifre to remove diaHliilities i hi I . I by the 14th Article, from the following gentlemen : Messrs (larpor, Uiier, Keener, llrown, and Long, of Caswell. Lie over. II ilf. Sinclair: A bill uia tiling to nil Medical Oojlegca in the Stale the privilege of diaaeetirtg bodiea. Mr. S asked a euspenaion of the rtihse to paaa the bill, uttt the House refused and the Dill was referred to the Committee on Corporationa. Srilley moved to anspertd the ntle and adopt hi reaoliitton declaring seats of certain members vacant. Mi. Durham aaid be was informed that there waa a prospect of the members' disabilities be removed, and. therefore, oppose! to motion. The motion jrae pat to a vote and lost. The Chair announced tho tpeicial order, vie : The motion to r consider the vote of yesterday laying on. the tahle Jeeme llnrris, (neirro) I J. JilU-J 1 L . ; il BIIUKDING. I believe this matt'-r of good manners and good breeding to h chiefly in the baud nt mother. It Is as easy to teach a child to say "Th ink you for the bread." aa "Cive me some hicad ;" a eaay to ac custom a family of cliilui.'ii to bid their parent, good mining upon ordinary, ,j tae(imlwBti ,hroi.gliont the i'iii'.I. niMin I'Vlr.inrfitniire niw i m i i . . j tut I ..... . . I guests nisin extrnrirdtnarv, occasions. It there be uo ''mmtainv inaiiner." Con vince cIiil Tren by i xmiole. no Tess than pieeejif . that the best thci' retve n offer in mutter and matim r should be laid be fore those tin y love most earnratly. A boy taught at ten to euter the parlor and bow to m mother1 friend, will do ft with case and self-possession at twenty'. For what, after all, i caee of manner hut po liteness long practice d and incoi pointed aa aa aneouacious conttituant of the indi vidual f It may be well for us to remem ber the original significance of gentleman, gentlewoman terms which I fear Would never hdva grown out of the blustering carriage of a large das of modern gal lant. ''Gentle blood," and noble lin eage " were synonym in those old days. "Sum hi in modo.fortiter im re," waa tba Latin proverb, and it has oAen occurred to tho writer that we, of the present gcu- erntion. are mora in dnnr-er of forf itnm Radical Relief bill. After eomo dis- the rajldncss of manner than the strcuirtlt .....fi, .f-r rrt-i-rt m--- .tJi A - rhm .m . - - n- recoiiMdur was lost Veaa 45, cii.-sioii the molion to put to a vole and Nave 48. A communication from the Code (Vuiiuiissionent, in reference to the "Governor's power to remove muni cipal officers, was read. Mr. Sevnioor called up .''emtio bill. No. 25, entitled ''an act to provide for the representation of stock owned by i ho Stnte and the connties of Carteret, Craven and Lenoir, in the Atlantic and North Uaroltna Rail road Company." beymour moved to anrpend the rules. The motion, being put, was carried, and tbe bill passed it several rending. Leave of absence were granted Meaara. Mathoson and Rhodes. Tbe hour d M having arrived, the Speaker announced that, the election of a Public Printer waa the special older. Laflin, nominated N Paige Mr. Moore placed the names of ell te Galea in nomination. The ion iteimrcalieii resulted : raize ov. Pell & Galea S3. The joint ballot of the two Houses was for Paige 101, ell & Galea 23., Then the Calendar .was taken nt. but nothing was done except to pass he joint rcrolniioii t?i relation,1 1 v?r Item and mileage of those member snipeMK to he banned by the Hows itrd Ameiidtneut. re and ! !.v the Sneaker, to the Hull nf the House ol Ksiireaentativre, 6r the purpoe M'c'-ninaiius? the vote for U. S. Senators: khifh, being accornolisiii'il, tho Senate kturuitl and to ik up the tract AI. OUDKR i An ael to hrovidc for the ou tl!neation pf certain officers, recently eh eied under !! r i'reviiiotta of the Conatitot'mn of the '-i- of N'oith Carolina. This liill'wa under ennsidenillon 1 for h v.-ra hours, anil iK'nding it eOUidera I1..J .1. a if i ..A.:l .1. ""ii mi rienaie aajourueu uuin wo usiw I "r tieoioifow. HOL'SK OF RKI'UKSKXTATIVKS. WaiwrjinT, Jidy. 15, 1868 The H.aiH, a ae called to ortler af 10 &..-.. . , - . Prayer was offered by the Ib v J. F. Brewer, t arher In one ol the rariou lie :ro sehoult iu this eitr.l 1'be record of yestcrUay was read and Wroved. teavea of absenea were grant' d to Me- ir. Sinchdr. Huffman. Green, High and watt. sir- Abbott ottered Ins resignation as a rather from New 'Hanover, North Garo- na, The Committee on the Judiciary report- i nntarorabiy upon the Houc bill in re- k the: bonds of pnblte ofteers, anil ed to be discharged from It further "nsidemtlnu. By Mr. -S- : A rrsolhlton Instruct 't the committee on 1'rotioairiotl and '!WvMtW tsjaatjrt a-bill for tbe ssjTaf af " IL I'arker, and others, for the Coun f of Wayne. 1 he rt'sidiiiion wa "llisioil f the rnle "J Mr Ueadricks: A resolution in re? ""'n t tbe otganis uiut, ol the luihg. ot De sHret. Thi i ..ilut ton provides for th rcpsr "u "' iw" rc' orgaiiialii'- Mr. Sinclair aaeved thnt thebill, gran I - permission SO tbo Medical College in harg, rtobesfsu A.enty, to dissect ixrixisiiKD wanrajsi. An Art to provide for the qualification of certain officers recently electwl under the provWoh 1 l ho I 'onsiitsttidu of the Suhi of North Carolina : omemus amendment weei ai'ojited. An amen.lmentrtRe Stli s ctin, p'rnpn acd by Mr. Sweet, earned considerable do bate. fThi nmeiidment disqaalifie, ofli- eVn elect who are barred by : thdIIoariI aineiidiaent.) ; , , Mr. Bobbins nptwwcd it with greatahil- ui idi . by appropriate legislation, to vent ths intermarriage ot lite wait negro races in this State, and to punish the crime of miscegenation 8th. That these resolutions embody prmcii'ies ana a coiirte ot poncy vital the interest of the peanle nf this State and of the whole tTnlon. 'aa wiHTBlo interests nf enlightened civilisation and good ami stable gnveriituiml, and all ef forts to av -id or prevent a free,- fair and candid expression g opinion louclijuglhese priuciplne oughl to hit', aud will be, re garded as Biiiiietidly to the well being of 6oriclv Un motion, the Senale ndjeurntd until the regular bvur to-morrow. tin TttrRstisT, Jnly 1C, 168 Prayer by one Itev. Sir. Smith, of Mar- Ity, and Messrs. Sweet, Cook, Walker and LUthe urged it adoption. The amendment wna made, and the bill, as amended, uaed it third reading ami Waf ordered In be engrossed aud sent to the House fur concurrence. - Mr. -fiove;-liaviuff been a tnerwher of the coHiinii we, f-traed to tlle"biH'a'pr- scnted by a majority t,f the cbmnittee, and read an able minority report, which wa entered apoli the Journal. The hoar of IX o'clock Having arrived, lb Seuate proceeded to execute the joint . c .1- I .l - S J.. oruer. via : me election ui a huh The ( hair annointcd Meaara. veter and It i l ues to aniperinleud the election. II r Mm. BoimuatsHl M. l'aigft. and M r. Itobbiu niuuiiialeil Messrs. Pell V Gale. llir ballot resulted a h. I lows : MT fillge r. cei i d .11 vote and Alesr. l'ell v Oalet received 5. A message wa received from the House . is . i ' - . i . n . eo'iruiiMawnaaiie artiow oi me senate on the bill to provtde far tbe representation of stock owned by the Stale and the coun ties of Carteret, Craven and Lawrorr in the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company I his hill i a law, ana win he pnhlwhcd, Q"n as practicable. . A njirsttgil Wa received Iroui the Hous a bill empowenug Use uov- mt insucctor for the ciiy trrdered to be pnntatl. provijiug fo ihe regiatra- tion ol voters in the cily of Wilmington, IMenud Uj th CommiHise ou Carpora- linL. - ' w Mr. Witialead, Iron the CovinaiUce on A petition from N. S. Stewart, Kq., of llariiett, claiming llic ngnt ot a seal upon the noor. K. It 1 1-. d. Mr. Ilaibaiu nail a dispatch from the Hon. Xutlmuicl litiydeu, aiuting that the disabilities of Messrs. Davidson aud Nich ouou, tuemner elect irom ireii n, nau Ismmi removed by Comrress. 1 Messrs. Davidson and Nicholson, bn- iiiji present, were, on motion of Mr. Dur lum, Allowed t unulif) aud take their Sl'ilt. Mr. Pon, from the Committee on Prlv. ileges and Klecl'ions, to whom wa referr ed the House bill in relation to political dtsabililie, 'reported- that tho following SI Will IWI 'll. oi'ioi; imiiiiro wj nil; itui rti tide, were ineligible to the seats on the floor, to which i hey had been elected, vis: Messrs. Brown'. Keener, Kelly, of Dup lin; 1-ong, of Caswell, Harper and Grii-r. IMessrs. Davidsouaud Nicholson had been ueluded in the nuinlcr. . t-'LL' Mr Durham, one of the committee, dis cerned from the report, giving the reason for so doing that have been before enun ciated, u . . TllB T5CRTKENTH AMENDMENT. ProelnoMtioH vf the Pi-etidtHt. The following proclamation has been ined by the President : Whereas by an act of Congress enti tled "An act to admit the States of North Carolina, -South -Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, ami Florida US repre sentation in Congres," pissed on the Soth of J ant, 1868. it is drclarrd that it i uiadc the duty qf the President, with in ten day after receiving official infor mation of the ratification by the Legisla ture of either of said Slates of a propoe- in det-i.SitrinsiMd Republican. No Scoldino or Fmiso US UltA VEif. A little who had witnessed tlie perplexity of her mother on a certain oc casion, whou her fortitude gave, way nn der severe trial, said : "Mother does God ever fret or sculd V Tbe query was so abrupt and startling that it arrested tbe mo'her's attention with a shock. "Why, Lizzie, what make you ask that ques tion t" "Why, tied is good : you know fou used to call him tbe 'Good Man' when waa little ; and I should like to know if he ever scolded." "No, child, no." "Well, I'm glad he don't for scolding a! ways make me feel so bad, even if it is not me hi fault. I don't think that I could love God much if he scolded." The mother felt rebuked before her simple child. Aever bad she beard so forcible a lecture on the evils of scolding. The word of Liasie aank deep in ber heart as she turned awav from the innocent face of her little oue to hide the tera that gath ered iu ber eyca. ton, and it waa their unanimona ex pression of opinion by the Northern and Southern gentlemen present that it wa against the Interests of society to make changes in the otHces of in sane as v I ii ins on account of political I ideas and aympathiea entertained by war. On this occasion the venerable Dr. KlribUntf, ior;nteiideiU af-lbc Vir- giuia Asylum for the . Ill-ane, tit tannlon, who has introduced so many beneticient reform in the treat ment of the insane that he ia enti t iaaai Ia lkA nrvii'" raail aa i ia lal Half IkAUA TtwV wv irv truvrtruii n I'lU'itvn rrwaw factor, made a apeeeh, the liberal and hnmane sentiments of which elicited a nni venal response. 'All medical men know that the treatment of tho insane ia a epeciality which demands not otilv long special sfndy and train inc. hut a peculiar combination ot gentleness and strength of Will, ot moderation of character, evennese of temper, and great syaieni and eucrgr of action. Within the lifetime of the preecot generation there has been a great and beneficent change in the mode of treattmr the tnaane. clotbea to carry her, km had taken (he flesh also. Tbe little on says the hear would pat ber down occasionally to rest, and would pet bis nose up to her face, when ahe wonld lap him, and then the bear wonld haug has bead by her -aide aad purr aad rub against ber like a eat. The men nak ed her if ahe waa cold ia the night, and she told them the old bear 1st down be- ridtj her and put his "arms' around her ami kay iev Warm, Hough she did not ha iiTtinniji, nan iin i a as saw mil to her parents, who could hardly express their joy at her safely. Thy baa ha been area larking sVttf in lira vkiaity, it i supposed for the pur pose of yet carrying off the child. The supposition Is that it ia a female bear, and having lost her cubs, came across the child and adopted it. Steps aire being ta ken to capture the bear. From- the N. 0. Presbyterian. A DILEMMA. We acarcely know what to do with a note just recived from the Rev. Samuel' CaUvxll Alexander, of Black w.r River Cuapel, Ktw Hanover connty. chained and laahed. and i It ' evident .that that worthy A FURIOUS FIGHT BETWEEN HORSES. Southey. in his "Hiatorr of the Peninsular War," relates the follow ing: "Two of the Spanish regiments which linu been quartered in f unen were cavalry, mounted ou hne, black, long-tailed Amiuliisian horses. It waa imporeibl.) to bring off theses. It waa iiii.Miwihle to brinir off these horses -I, tttO in number and Ro mano was not u man wlio could oi ilcir were once consigned to filth, rags ami solitnde. (jtiuur the present system, itisHiiity is as readily cured as any other, disease. Dr. Fishftr, the superintendent of the Raleigh Asylum, who bad been res moved by Oov. Ilolden, wascdticat ed nnder the auspices of Dr. Strib ling, of Staunton, ai d by his decided capacity, long experience and benev olent character has won universal coutiaeuce and respect, lie is no politician, and never was, bnt a gcu lleman ui6tiuguttihed by Ins modera tion in all things. We refer to this subject in no- partisan view, bnt would earnestly say that if partisan proscription is to be extended to such institutions as these, the public will he compelled to establish private in sane asylums ; for the friends of this unfortunate class will never consent that they shall be deprived of the moat enlightened and com passionate treatment that is available. Haiti more Sun, A SINGULAR STORY. A ZiiWe Girt three years f aft tarried off sw a Bear Mareeloui recovery of the Child ajter eearrhing 36 hours. ed amendment to the OoiistitutW,)! Itnowrr j 6(1adi ons of Vent or a article fourteen to issue a pr clutua- er c,ojw, Hon announcing that tact And whereas the said act seems to be prospective ; m tl w m 9 And whereas, on the 6th dav of July, 1808, a paper wa received by the Presi dent, which paper, being addressed to thi President, leiriug date of the 4th of July, 1868, and ..s transmitted by nnd under the nniu H . V. Ilolden, who therein writes himself Governor of North icin lo he detroyed : he was ft nd of horses himself, and knew that everv man wits attached to his beast. which had carr ed him so ' far and so faithfully. Their bridles were there fore taken rd? and they war turned loose upon the huacb. ' "Ascemvdisrrail sliell ds was never before witnessed. They became aware that they were no longer un der tho restraint of any -human pow er. A general conflict ensued, in which, .rctajntnjr: he discipline they had learned jUlu-y ciiacged encli other twelve totretii Iv engaged, striking with. , heir fore.-fte t, . and biting and tearing each other with the tttost fero ciotis rage, and trampling over those wh i were beatsa-iiowu. till the shore, in the conrse of an hour, was strewn with the dead and disabled. Part of them bad been set'H'reeou rising igiannu at distance, lliev no soonet heard the roar ot battle, then they enrne thundering down over the in ia d proposed, amendment, known as ar ticle fourteen, did puss the .Senate ann House nf Representative ot tbe General Assembly of North Carolina, on the 2d day of July instant, a d i attested by the name-f-John flt.lb w vVi , or. Bo Wer, Secrelarv id the H iuse ol UepreSen- lative, ana T. A- Byrne as Secretary of the Henate; .and it rallbcaiuin on the 4lh of July, liTCS, i : aueifeff by Toil B. CaldwiU as Lieulenaut Governor, Presi dent ot rrtiate, aud J. v . tloldeu as piyikfr of House of Repr'sentati,i's ; Now, therefore, be it known that !, Andrew Johnson, President ol the Unit- d States of America, in cotnph mce with ud iu execution of the act of Congress afireroid, do issue this proclamation an nouncing the fact of the raiirtentinn of said amendment by tlie Legislarnre of the Carolina, which paper ccninVii that ibr-jterinedtatc hedges, and cittching The cotitagions madnessKplangeil into tlrej once came to the conclusion that the child niit wttn cqnal tin v. bublitne as the scene was, it was loo horrible to be long contemplated, and Romano, in mercy, gave orders to destroy the i: Hut it was fbnnd to danger ins to attempt this, and after the last h at had quitted the beach, the tew ''Wees' that re'iiwiirt''d','Wto'-4ifilt en ' glided iu the Jreirdftthwtrrk of Uiulu ai dcstiuctrun." Three of the eenlleman named in the Stale ol orth l arolma, in iho manuer banned list never having appeared befi.re J herein before set forth. the Committee, toeir eases were wit act. df'-? i whereof. I have slped apoti.) The report as regard the others) 'WKf " mJ ' ""' m inumn t m srvau vi hiv a Mtwevw A raeage i m wr " A Ufa bill 1 was adopted' by yea ', navs 1- (Strict party vote.) . Mr. Pon. from the same Committee ported in the case of one Taylor, contest ant for the teat of Mr. KeicLee, of Cam Jcj, that the i Committee can take no ac tion, a notice bad not been given iu due form Mr The special order. Mr. Sinclair's lotion pelitHMiing Congreaa to remove the disabililie of member cleat lo on dte UoTj was the announced for this hoar, fit tf'elotk.J J',. tii'i'.H d indi tinifely. - Bv Miirrt, (iicnl A bi'!l n regard to tlie oWli.m of municipal dHetJ in Newborn, ties over. i to be hereto affixed. Done at tbe city of Washington this seventh day of Jaly, iuotbe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty -eight, and of the Independence of tba united State of A stories tbo ii. . y third AHtlltCaW IMtWtjOS. Bv the PrrridVut: UiLLi AM 11. Saw Alto, Sccrelary 8Ute. of Jsi-lrson, July 80. M. li.yor Tyler, of Oen. Uillema blal' Ml Uns moin tig lor Maabug- laan MPUIM in ,k, 4 1. .cent itisuL-i.pi ehUeq AS INSANE PROGEKDrNO. A Raleigh (N. C ) disp itch1 ol the 8th says it wmt understtood there that Governor Ilolden and his new board of siiervi6or8 of' the State' Lunatic Assvlum.one o whom- is a colored B'eacher from t 'a tun !., Im e removed r. E. U. Fisher, the able slnperin ;cml out of the asylnid, who hat been in that po-ttioti since us estaDitsii incut, and appointed Dr.. Oriasotn a phvsician . from Granville. It is al most impossible to conceive that po lineal proscription can extend to .of fice of n n aavltins for the insane, and we do not believe that even the radi cal leaders of reconstruction in Wash ington uat, esjtetnpklaai that snh outrages upon eotatnoB humanity should grow ont nf the peculiar strnc tnre of government which tbey hare es.abliWied at tbe South. This sub jeet uftttupied tbe attention of a fion- venuou oi auiionnienuania inn cia- the united in Bos. Fmni the Mason Connty (Mich ) Record. We have to record a very singular de liverance of a girl aboot three years old, to her parents, after being carried off by a black bear, and a search or 36 hours thro' the forest by the excited parents. The fart, as near as we can gather them, are substantially na follows : Mr. Henry i iynn lives 40 miles east of Ibis place, at or near the logging camps nf Mr. Ludingtnn, and we believe has charge of one of the camps. He started one morning to take a horse to pasture, abont two miles distant from the house, and a he was ready to start his little girl appear ed arid seemed very anxious to go with her father, who, in order to please the child, put her upon the horde's hack and let her ride a short distance, perhaps 40 rods from the house, where h - put her down an told her to run home. He noticed that the child was standing where he left her, and and on looking back after going a little tanner saw ner playing in tnc sand, lie soon passed out nf sight, and was gone ahont nn hour, expecting of course that the child would return to the house after playing a few moments. Un returning borne bo made enqnu-y abont the child of her mother, Who said she had not seen the child, and supposed he had taken her along with him. -Oil going to the spot where he b it her, he awaage bear track in the sand, and at brother is in a dilemma. lie feels that lie is aggrieved, and don't know how to relieve himself. A sugges tion to change hit name wonld be manifestly improper, as it would be giving np initials that have long been held in honor in North Caro lina, to very questionable associations and connections. So we are inclined just to publish the note aa it was re ceived, hoping that the publication may be tha means of doing some thing to relieve onr brother of his perplexity, and set tilings right Here Lit ii verbatim. THE TWO 8. C. ALEXANDERS. B both aa Sherwood ; There has been not a little con f us ion, in the minds of brethten at dis tance, to know who is who and which is which. I sometimes i cei ve letters from men that I never heard of telling me about things I never did, and my name ia paraded before the public, sometimes in strange company. Now 8. Caldwell Alexander, ia a native of Mecklen burg Countv, N. C, was licenired and ordained by Concord Preabvterv. and in 1860 he moved to Biaek fit v er Chapei, in Fayetteville Presby tery, and has been there ever since. That other S. C. Alexander was bom some were else: certainly not in North Carolina : but moved to Con cord Presbytery abont the time I left. So it happens that I get credit for much that he does ; and I am sorroy to say there waa not moth credit in it all. Sometimes things are called by the same name, while in reality there ia an infinite difference so it is with these two men. I want it distinctly understood, that 8. 0. Alexander, of Black River Chapel, is net that other S. C. Alexander, in the Western part of the State, that baa been trying to turn the church upside down. Broth er Sherwood, if you can throw anv light on this confounded subject. I will cheerfully submit it to vonr dia- Dosal. Your uncertain brother, 1 ; 8. O. Alex akdkb. had been carried off by the bear. Tlie family immediately gave search through the forest, which was grown up to almost a jungle, rendering1 ilieir search very slow- All day the! anxious) pa rents searched, far some trace of their child, nor did they stop when darkness .ijffit,r ng the child or her name, and with acn- iug hearta wonld listen with an almost brcal hies fear in catch some sou mi by which, they could discover thvir lost dr- liiiC' STuruliig Came aiid lb u search wa fruitless. A c.oiiile of gentlemen,! eking for land came to the house, and, being informed of the circumstance, tuiiucdiatclv aue-a to In In find the child. Thev had wandered about, and aa thev were nassine a awam py spot, where, the Undergrowth waa Vrry thick, tbey either called the child, or else were talk'iig loud, when one of tbem heard the child' voice, lie then called she child by name, aad told her ut com owl of the bus he. She replied tfiat tbe bear weald not let her. The men then crept through" tbe brush, and when near the spot where the child and bear were, they heard a splash ha tbe water, which the child aid waa bear. On going to ber tbey fouud ber standing upon a log, extending about half way acroaa tbe river. The beer had undertaken to ecos the river on tne log. aad, being closely pursued, left tba child anJ swam away. he had receiv ed aome scratch about ber face, araaa and leg, and her clothe were almost torn I f from bar, bat the hear had not biuen ber.i onlv tha mark of hi teeth beinc sound I oa ber back, where, jo taking hold of ber ao acfton rard:uf WHEN SHALL WE HAVE PEACE t The following bill pasaed the lower House of Congress on the 3rd inst. We publish it without comment, as none can fait to comprehend its tine meaning. It is to be hoped that it may be defeated by the Senate: A BILL TO I liOVIDK FOE TRW tSSCW OF K JtS FOB THX VMM OF THS MILITIA. Be it enacted, fry the Senate and House of Beprtsentatirct of the United States of .interim, tsi Congress assembled. That U a Secrwary of Warbe, audka hereby ia,- - authorized and required to deliver to tne Governor of each t late and Territory rep resented in the C'oagrea of United State, at the teat of government of inch Stat or Territory, for the use of tha militia thereof, as many serviceable Springfield ritied muskets of calibre fifty-eight, with accoutrement, aad equipments, aad ser viceable field piece, with carriages, cat gLuttMigMeata CroVernor of such State or Territory shall re. j u i re to r t h c use of the loyal militia therein, not exceeding two thousand rifled musket, with accoutrement aad equip ments, tud two field pieeee, with sat lie ge, caiaaona, egaipmaaits snrt naplfsai ata, for each Congltional distriet and Terri- torr to repreaanted, awow tba eertificate o the tsovwnor of sack 8tata or Temtorv, bowing to tbe urirtaowia of the General r ,k I ik.i mJ panic for which ach ordnance and ord nance tioreo m rouauraa are amy gnu- ixen oi toyai eiiisena or such state or tVer nmry, under tee la wa tiicreof. and aech jordoanee and erdaanre "urns shsll thssia alter remain the yroperty at tbe JaHad state, subject u the aou trot of Congreaa. Ihe kew4rHioa Committee have - im '4m

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