1 M itflattiMi - iim fd.-Auj , ..i,- ...- - . u .,i . .... , ' . . ..aft ifs inuiflirt ana MMJfgrMa----j-------M"--"'-A-- ...n L . .. - ' - .. - -- . . . fraslai w aw s "' Nol VWIU VUJUWy NEW SKRIES. SALISBURY, IV. C, JULY 31, 1868. VOL. I, NO. " ;T BvfW or :rtfmimot. ct flMMMI AVAB. w ATC'HMAt ft OLD NORTH STATE I S.eo I. T;il. WEEKLY OLD NORTH BTATE f ...... " lit Oh 1 M.W s.oo tto - Nrf ilifcl MY AOBi. r mm vtM com f . I .n M a a. MHTMtrW ..t r UH Shift. Say by day, wMb ptoigt, and p!e- Wkm r1satots totdSMt To wluM y acra, Pad- I tawed my ! Rub store j ft, btil I tot I had store. Tin not sorrow wot own, n.,wn, 1 " wtos MS r Th. mi -- M Tto Tv.uMtlMi o. aal WicrauU: Tv sormy wms fcto reaass MX. K ' bur long years sod in itot blast, Til irou Ul 1I1M hart'! W, Bm wttonr taB . prtriMMw O,, every siJ lito yatoar o B t-l toiieertxht: osd wy hwd Ms 1 I ,! w tto louglubg wood : 0 .-J u, I toard ti iMtuw al Auud Ar,NMj mjr williiif act T ... ri. mil br in (j r bf m T-lo .frtofc Itow win, .TM tor." I J. " to totkw I". In Unrnt tto i y ' I., liu Brlutor. mUr, Mtou i .t rMl mj crr A Wi r- P,, k7 I Tsu putmi! ru4 nv ttiilW tl nun f I irt 8 4 law M loto" I - Bit 4f I ttuJ a uMitl : Ih kMM, fotiiin I iuu may wud. Am to tor m r cr I" TVl tnnri flMrn la with eorrrt ttaiU. Tn- k-vi '(- l-nc I to iiil. AaftHK.: Yw Uud wwlhlem. . (tool , v Lrnif mc stonll I Tjoom4 A Hh nwrxi f rirtoA T poor toB of Um mmTK I "mil, an I hupM. .m a bfvr. loo frrtt 10 krrp ihrm lonfrr. Tbr Mlal rare to-dajr, it la limat.-d, will br Mwotaj mirljr and forty, rcllliia' thaat; C, "t w wrn uma lar to between aad fir toaaVad. Nmi f Um laborer majored u lfct Brookly navr rard. ia ,.r , 1... Mreoqoo. were overrom, ,v j .r . , -j uu ui ueriuifiaefit lowarda noon ia aaea u order aninendtHB' all work mitnr notiee. lie ajt be bad eittor (o uo mat or convert but office au boaaet into boapiul. norM are dring by th teor. Tk Eitbih Arena Kailrnad Comuanv lku ortilnf iMt ; tbe Sixth A venae Com pan I I entn A venae 7 ; Jfclt line 8. in THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. fraak nlri L.I if r AaaraMag UaltoM tor ! Piaalarat. Ikt """ i iinea in prormn on. i he nn, ftirHra huiae aeem to fufT. r moat. In via ing the animal water the greatest car haa to b nblllni. Net unfrennnit It ibejr drop down dead aa moo a their lipa toawh the liquid, and this, loo, ia caaea her no fatigue or overheating U u- aneiv apparent. Ibr preaent mocth baa tbna Cur kwa the hot teat for many Tear. The mean temperature of the tret week in July, 1868, waa 83, and of the second week 84 r. Th mean tern iterator of Jnlv fcc the part tS ream baa been 73. Thaa tar, tt will to teen the temperature la 9 or iu a.-gree higher than tto average. DEEP Oft SHALLOW PLOWING. 11 BM MM that averythinr baa, at leaat, two aide, and plowinc doe not of fer an exception. Olie party un. "Plow deep, or reap a poor karveal," and anoth er My. "Do it, and cot no harrett al all." The parti eem to be antipode. ton th plowing nneMion ; bnt, In reality, mean anoat In Mrae thing. Th int. by plowing, (imply intend to aay, not lbt carifying the Mil a few incbe deep will not piodne a tolerable crop, when ike proeM Brat cowmen, bat that fol low iua tin an will ultimate in little more than lb aeed, even by the aid of manure. I Tbe aecond, tn objecting to deep plowing, rTi T . ,T " , ' (r'vernintil. eed bed cold, atiff and inert matter, doe i f. Omaha, Nbsbaaka, Jnlr 18, 1868. General George W. Morgan, Chair man Committee National Demo cratic National Convention: Jkeral : I take cath'ett op porinnily of reply log to your letter. nolilyinw maj of my nnmina!iuB for Vict-IVeHident of the United Slate by the National Democratic Conven lion, recently belt! intbeciiy of New York. v. t accept without hcaitaiion the nomination tendered in a manner so gratify ing, and give you and the eon, mule my thank for the very kind and complimentary language in which von have conveyed to ma th deci ion of the Con vent mil. I :iave carefully read the rendu lion adopted by the convention, and moat cordially concur in every prin ciplo and sentiment they announce. My opinion upon all or Hie qne lion which diacriminale the great contending partte hare been treely exnree.ed on all suitable occasions. and I do uot deem it necessary at tbi time to reiterate them. The issues upon which the conteet tarn are clear, and cannot be olx scared or distorted by the sophistries of onr adversaries. Thev all resolve themselves into the old and ever-ie newing sUnggle of a few men tn ab sorb the political power of the nation. This etlort, andtr every conceivable name and disguise, Iim alwavs char acterised the opponent of the Iemo- cratic party, but at do time Iim the attempt aasHined a shape to open and daring em in this conies'- The ad- versarie of tree, and constiiutional in defiance of t he ex willed It. If tbe people thall again condemn these atrocious ineunre by the election or' the Democratic cans didale for President, they mast not be disturbed, although decided to be nuooiKliiurlonal by. the Snpreute Court, aud although lite President ia sworn to niii in lain and support the constitution. 1 he will of a faction l a Congress, reinforced with itapar tuwin emissaries ,-m to lue Sooth and supported there by the soldiery', must stand against tbe will of the people and the decision of the 8upretne Court and tbe solemn oath of the President to maintain and support tbe eonettttttioti. 1 ,' ZT It fa revolutionary to exente tbe. will of the people. It b revolution ary to execute the judgment of tbe Supreme Conrtl It is revolutionary in the Preaidont 'o keep inviolate hi oath to sustain the constitution 1 This false consiructiou of the vital princi ple of our Government is the lust re sort of those who would hare their arbitrary reconstruction sway and sn persedeonr time-honored institution. The nation will say the constitution must bo restored, and the will of the people again prevail. The appc.ii to the peaceful ballot to attain thi eud is not war, is not revoln'inn. Thev make war and revolution who at tempt to arrest this quiet mode ot putting aside the military diwtot'.sm and the usurpations of a fragment of a Congress, asserting sbeolute power and refueed to diaperM NEGRO TltOUULKA IN TEX A" If Uiean, Texas, was. on tto Iftb a 18tb ins l., as we lesru from lbs New Or- leans 7'imm of th 19th, the teen of very aeriout riot, iu which a camber of negroes were killed. W auljoin th fol lowing telegraphic report of the afair : ffeUl ky Talegnpk to tto N. O. Time, HooTton, July 18 There has been a formidable negro riot at Mitotan. From passengers M lb fOU new n received of a riot of seriou dimensions, having Iu origin m a charge made against a white man named Holliday, of aMiating to baag a negro. Holliday denied the charga, aad iMiastd that the negro Waa alive in an adjacent county, and offered I produce him, bat ibe negro refused to accept hi denial or wait for the proof. They immediately armed theosselvM, and marched oat to kill Holiday. The sheriff at once called out a aosae, and a eonfliet ensued. Five negroe were kill ed, aud the sboriff called for help, m the aegroe were aeaeiubled in force. The agent of tbe Ereedmaii'a Bureau at Bryan came down on the ttatn to M turn the Mme night, with a poare lo iu quire into the dhvlarbane. Ha found three hundred armed neirroe iu niiion. and went to tbem under a while fiag, and demanded theif (nrreuder to the civil an thontie, b'it was driven off. from Wahngton. Washington, July 83. The adjourned Uadieal ia cellar passed rewluMon mending lb impeachment of Praaident Johnson and anpoiuled a committee to present them to tbe Reconstruction con mil tee in Gongreaa. Iteaolutinix rcrardina- MiMlMinoi were . W 7S I . offered, brt senator Wilson ssid be tod a bill prepared vacating all oAssm ia that State and filling tbem from person recent ly voted for who could take th oath. I he military commander, ia lo e force Wusoa's bill without delay, aa it will Mr- lainlv be ouaed. and that will constitute the Mississippi government until CougrcM graeiooaly order otlmalM. 1 1 Kesolation iu favor of conferring extra ordinary power on the Virginia Conven tion were adopted. Aoaslion concerning the management of Tata. I he feeling of lb meeting wa intense ly bitter. Egrleaton was present and ap- .J Wll - u. J. :..:: !.. Congreee. Washington, Jnlr S3. Senate. WU on Inlroduoed a bill for lb provisional government of Miaiippi. Ordered to be printed. How introduced a bill additional to ct for auppreMing insurreetioua in tbe .South ern States and supplying arm to Uioe lately reconstructed, providing Federal ' Ue then pat himself a, the bead of the k"i'nce on P?'ie,io" n( "rn whiti;, dwlaring he would arrest ttom by in roe. Aii attack waa made and hfteen negroes killed, bnt not a single while man. I be negroes were in superior force o 7" , L ' preM langnsge of the conntantinn. n' flX t2SA D?1, have erected Ttnilifary despot sm in r'iiiflT. tbM mv h a hswStal iwifivH. I r . . . J - I I w.U aixl now my grain k bread ; I af mv hoowbold all are fed I I a anuuiih, 4 ttoM who eat ktf bread oeakwa it kgtK and sweet My m .. b'M-1 MM of tit Wheal, Cat uv try liUl acre isoriMVrSaTs Yew'T41I' W -- I . - 1 - -.- , 09apsr mI Dante knw b,u 1 1 Ak weB lsy I tto vear Sit by, I oaanot a-i-l i. sad I sigh -.-THHg-ipu any , I igb tken m,l Why stssnKI I pine Becsas my gram f ant kaf : I paw. Who but tit higher power Harass ttoir name, to all lb tour T Tisosk tto earth ia bright with fl,wera; l tilt, with pain, my acie. AITlssHtlWI -fat Abo me, to, lb taiabow set Iu lietveu beads The winds ing dear, Claidt float, bird twliter through the year I tor m, no la, the goring t hers fassgbing sees iy aorv. " r ---'e - ff; - T And vea)a the son and rstn Bring aw mv hula crop of grain. 1 e mora or La aa Rmm M-mls . T 1SV M man have tothful friend : Koeat ti lit B to whom mv whole lit tend. Q"--n uf uiy royal acre t ffrissdl my doss la open wide; II tu my toad Md heart. My iu I' h( mto ito tosstf r est- ftMriMystHlfhotyeet. 1 kneel, wtos. Mi bke Mnahin sweet, buhls op hits i FFEOTg OP THE HEA I IN NEW YORK A New l'ork letter, dated Thursday, ys 1 The ahitads of the thermometer la as '" ever. t90M,) bnt tha heal I rifeJIy tempered by a brsese from the '"liwest. It is a hot bre. se, as hot a if , 0T"r Saltarat bnt it ia, never- i sasieeabls relief fro, the SoaV nC ttraoantora of the naat lew dava J "ighu. The Coroner report ibe mor- "f resulting directly sad iadireelly W the beat M rVtarklsIl ui da r aa aver M mss ass deaths fer the DMl iy-toar boars. The ts death from s five ears acsjrste .150 TV Tm (dead boose) i crowded to its at ",''ir wun in aaea aaa oy mg vm is thu morning were placed in W Or Seven dren Thai tisae allow- " Wends and relative for identifica neeeaaarily vry brief, a putref.ic Pmly sets In. The plus at prva- M lha ml m L ltl il.. wiIMaat wnextss lapossfbJe for ibe pes to i" awtrrwal ag svevrea wfi wilosssed al tin etablihmut. Mrlnn. k,. m.n ll.iltor fr,.m "s curiosity are atartled with the dis "I soma Trim t, A nr rMaUvev ten of the States of the Union, liaso taken from the President the posters vested in him by tbe supreme law. remote, this may he a beneficial proceed lag. Present results are looked at by oue pari v, and futars-Mie bv the other. If la ml nlnwed shallow for a SSaSSw nf rears, is deeply bn.keh up iu the piig '"' bare deprived the bupreme iioto, making the seed tod s swhsoH one, t f jarisdicfion. The right it is pretty safe to assume that th summer ' of trial by i nry, and the great writ of crop, whatever it may to, will not show ! right, the habeas eorpus shield of My gjsvl InenO wva. and said m aar;l any improvement over the previous on ' ',,'jsj 'r every eitisen, and which Lk a anon nm whk disdain, ptedeaed by shallow plowing. Bat sap- bare c!escended to us from the earl i Bn my tutle ol graiB pose ife deep breaking ap is done in .the egr irndiliou of our ancestors, and Utf-i m tto lattoag riuMiasr tarn fall, aMoWing the frost of winter and ! w l.inh our revolution, v father sniii g to se t upon this tuh-slratiini, lying sad pulverising it, doe any e eaeed farmer doubt that an added lease of snlli- xpen- ovor that benign system of rcviilnted liberty left ns ny our falhor. This most be allowed tu lake it courbe. Tin is the only road to peace. It ill come with the election of the Demociatie candidate, and not with the election of that mailed warrior, whose bayonets are now at the throats United Sutes troops from Brenhim were ordered to disperse then on Jaly 18th. Late yesterday evening a squad of Fai led Stales troops, twenty vtrong, arrived at 31 1 1 ican sod a aerating party wa sent out, and three hostile negroes were killed. 1 he negroes are fortifying, and the ex- ore or Legislature created by reconstruc tion acts. Referred lo Judiciary commit tee. A b ll rnbsidising a line if steamers hence to Europe, wa passed. The bill for tbe protection of American cit i ten abroad, waa resumed sod d iscuss ad until recess. House. After unimportant business, proposition for a recess from Monday next, to third Monday hi September, wa taken up. '1-1.. 1 .L C...l... Hl.lu kn. t HD 111 iltoit; if, iim- iniuiii' in '.ion., and Bow as CotTsTT. Th Goanty Com raws toast sleet of Rowan Goanty, met at the Court BsasM lo Solisbary oa the B34 dy of July, A. D., 1868. Tbe following amsahars were preaent, to-wit: D. A Paris, John L Shaver, John D. Johnston aad Francis N. Lock 7- In aecnrdanM with the tworMon of an act of Assembly far th qaajincatioa of rertain officers rscently elected under the new Constitution of North Osroliaa, the Board then proeseded to elset a OhsJr- , w here u paw D A Darb vsi defy elected. The oath of oflkw waa then asV ministered to the Chairman, by Mose L. Holme, United SlatM Commissioner, aad the oath wm sdminiatered to the other members of the Board of Commissioner by the Chairman, after which they enter ed upon the duties of their office. Tbe bond of Obadiah Woodson, Regis ter of Deeds elset, in tbe mm of tea thousand dollar, with the following bondsmen, to-wit : Benjamin F. Fraley and J. J. Bruner, was then 'presented to the Board aad approved, whereupon the oath of oflee wm administered to the I Register of Deeds by tto Chairman of iho Board, and said bond recorded aad or dered to be regiatered. Horatio N. Woodson baring received tbe appointment of Deputy Register of Deed, the Chairman of tbe Board i iatered tbe oath of office. . rrV?- -'."" beitcraent ran hial, nr. in A nVbwJr P kUf monopolised attention, ana every ot eigut millions ol people in the v.j TZ-S xsZlL-" 311. I sneaker having expreasrd bis views brief- bonth, lo compel them to support ,i .r f ,i1PVmon'. Hn .In .e.o ,., ' ibe aubjeet, waa called to order for him as a candidate for the Presiden cy, and to submit to the domination ot an alien race ot semi. barbarous men No perrersion of truth or audacity of msrepreaentuttnn can exceed that which nail tuts candidate in arm a an angel of peace. I am, very respectfully, your most obedient servant, FbaxxP. I Jr. a iu. Um hostile eamp, aad demanded thai. tMf9t ' Pe",D b,M wbn bfore negroes lay down their arm, but they "V77l..m x - -on - -l joura until Ida party frienda in tbe South baa been armed. Washburne, recognised Oraat's or gan in tbe House, Mid be disapprove the uieasiire on the ground that within ten persistently refuaed. r nrtlier seriou consequenees are ap prehended. D. At last account the negroes were pre paring for war, getting reinforcement, &e., headed by a negro preacher named Brook, and a white school teacher. And the white people, headed br the Aecnt of THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. In tto Senate, on Tuesday, the bill pro viding for filling vacancies which may .ought to secure to their posterity j,r ra the offiee provide in Article? of the forever in the fundamental duarler ot I (.uoatitnuon of the Slate, wm considered m our liberties have been ruthlessly it,. i i 1 .i . a rT- 7 T . , . . ;f 1 J "mi.led under foot by the frag Ho I a fair statement of the quealion of t (X uk 1 B, Or hmiL l . . i - "mm, aw mssooosX, m piung u f rif by the iuformatioa that bod- i 's r . She 8ate the DotdUm. A little girl. ten year old, went ap Nouat Waabiiur ton on nnrseoaca. one wm ten then ; he lives till next aammer she will be twenty. The ladies sad gentlemen of our party dismounted upon tbe rggd sum in ii, where tbe only vegetation tbat dared make an attempt lo grow wti a lit tie l ii n led, pale green moss, and gaaed tboM lifted up from Ito world into Iim itles space. Below, stretching outwards in all directions, lay s deep silver sea of clouds, amid which lightning were seep to part and writhe like gilded serpent, and from which the thunder came up to lb ear, peal after peal. We knew that down ib .re rain wm descending in a tor rent ; while on a who were above the clouds (bono the sun in unobstructed and awful splendor. The eyo wandered away Ilk the dove from A nob a ark, that found no tdacs to rest her foot. "Well, Lacy," Mid tor tat tor, break Ing the ileuee, "there i nothing to be Seen, I there f , ; ........ ... The child caught 'her breath, lifted her clasped bands, aud responded reverently "Oh, papa, 1 see tto doxologv I" Ye, every where nature apeak to u and mv, ' . Frame Uod, from whom all blessing now." 'L. v n"o are poor . ampan t He that walketb with wise men shall to wise; bnt companion of fools shall be destroyed' It is said to be the property of th tree- frog that it acquire the color of whatever adhere to tor a Short time, f hua wliei found on growing corn, it is commonly of dark green. If toand on White oak. has the color peculiar to that, tree, seat soil I with men. I ell me who yoa choose and nrefi-r aa companion, and I certain ly tell y oa w bat yo are. k yoa lore tbs society of th vulgar I 1 hen yoa are already debased tn Vor sentiment. Do yoa seek ibe society of ibe profane I In v.nir heart ton are like them. Are jester aud buffoons your choice friend t Ue who lore to laugh at lolly M himsell s tool, ana prrsbabiy a vary striata: one to . Do yoa lore and sft th eoeiety of the wise and good l la thu your habit 1 Would you rakhcr take the lewaet among other t Then rou have already learned lew may ass satr but twi, II Hold en ginn your all for aa tm t-ti SM-va a I ' i ttaSa h aai riSa, ment shallow and deep plowing, and nrouerlr uo.e o-a.es ami ....A.rm.mA .1,. ,. u lini.. or 12tZZ. eommniiities of people of our own , . --- 1 I a..". -J ! . . J between those who sre regarded HyA' ' aiiamieo, convicreo, aa oeennv or anUronutie noaiLioii. wr.uxiuneu, auu ueinnen ui n 1 j r o -.- m I . -y . -, -. . rigins as cinxena, witnoui preseni ment. or. trial, or witnesses, bnt by Congretwiotvnl enactment ot ex poet fjarto taws, nmf tn defiance of constitn- tioiial.probil)itios,denying eren to a lull and. legal CigreitV lie authority to pas any till of attainder or ex pout facto law. The same usurping authority lias substituted as electors in place of the men of our nwh race thaa illegally attainted and d ml run chised, a host of ignorant negroes, whs are supported in idleness with the publ c money, and cpmbmed to gether to etrip the white race of their birthrigJit, tliiougli the managemeat of Frecilmeu,a Bureaus and th emis j, . . .. a... ..! saries ot consnnaiO'S in otner o aies : and, t complete the oppression. Tbe IIIIIHHrv ("'H'i oi in Huiiuii una been placed at their disposal, in on dor to make this barbarism supreme. Tin' military leader under whose prestige this -usurping Congress Iim taken rcfiigu riiice the TOnrtemnafiijii of their schemes by the free' people of the North in the election of the last year, and whom thoy have select ed as their candidate to shield them selves from the result of their own wickedness and crime, has announce, I his acceptance of the noiuiua'ion. and his willingness to maintain their usurpations over eight millions ol white people at the South, fiaed to the earth wi b hi bayonets. Ho ex claims: "Lelius have peace. "Fence reign in W'h saw." the announce ment which heralded thee doom ol the liberties of a nation. "The Km pi re is peace," exclaimed Bonaparte, when freedom ami its netenuors ex pired nnder the sharp edge of his sword. The iieace to which (tram invites n is the peace t despot imp and death. Those who seek to restore the con- atjtiirirtn by executing the will of the ple rioudetrflring the reenistructton HC's, already prouonneea in tile elec tion of last year, ami which will, 1 am convinced, be stftt more emphat ically expressed by the election eg the Democratic candidate m the Presi dent of the Unitt States, at de rMiatnced rerWrQonTsfs by the pari tsaans of this vindictive CWgresa. Negro sufTrss. which the popular vote n(W&tiMfirS&ann?. BesHh srlvania. Ohio. Micltigaa, 0"iinccti- Cut, ami Maw rttaTes nave conucmiieu M expressly against the letter t the cMtaittvtieB. mosr aund, because their Soustor aad ltoproaenlu ivea havs ah) wsM sd gasd. made mocn progres to Lm a to to S com JbA. So yoa .toll to aad wIm far stsrstty . Th Tarln Bill wa ie-eomitterl the Way and Mesas OuMkHty Committee of the Whole, who reported it ksek to the Senate, recommending it pas sage. The Senate adopted the report of the committee, and the bill Waa ordered lo to engrossed, in order to to put oU it third read lug i . . . . -'-... A bill ia relation to provisional municipal officer waa taken np. when Mr- Rohbius offered a substitute, tto gist of wbieb allow tto people of the differeut towns caiee. Arc. the opportunity of speedy electiuua. Tto etih.titute was voted down. Various atnoud meats were then offered and voted down, tto Conservative, especially Messrs. Robbios. Osborue and Love, exerting themselves in averv pouible way to defeat thi measnre or to have itrirken from it some of it mo-1 uUeetkirmble features. Final! v. the nrrvioua auestio'i toincreall eaVthe bill passed it second reading. A motion to nut the bill on its third reading did not prevail. In the Hh3e. the bill relative to privy examinations oryfue eoeert wa taken up. read and referred toxto commit toe on Judi ciary. Harria. of Wake. -laiegra.) fri-m these loot coimnittee appoiuted to laresticat tbe CollteJted election iu eamdeu count V. , Iter ed a maioritv runort. contending that the provisions of tto Revised Oaks rela'ing t contested erection, do not apply to eleetmn held under the reeoustnictiou lawa of Con- gres. A minority report wm offered as a snbati tote, tot after some diaoosxion. the majority report waa asiSeS , !.- - Keafrvw called up Ins resoluflou. allowing postage stamp to tnejnteuiber. The yeas and nay. being called on a mntiou to lay On tbe table, tbe mutiuu prevailed. The resolution iuttructiug the. amini:tee . wj .1 . il . l . . . ri, oa r.uucai I' m e pn-pnre a itin iw ; i-l u i n system of Common tiehool. and that the bill shall provide for a separation of the two races, was taken up. read aud adopted. A bill extending the tiro- of regitring grant. See., to oue year after the passage ut thi set. a taken and passed it aeavud reading. days these arms would be in the hand of rebels. ' I ' I CT , J . t A . L - T , . .. , . V 4 1 i S, 1 nc npeaaer annnanceu tuav iur m ien- the Ireeilmen . Bureaa and tto SberuT, ident ht.nofl tax bill, accompsnied with s protest. Boy den, ot North Carolina, protested against sending arm to bis State lIu-v were net needed ami they would only tend to create strife and excite passion, which he thought It wm tto dnty of Con gress to sssnage, and, if potwibhv to prevent. Deweese, of North Carolina, made a wild speech appealing tor anus, using very belligerent language, aaying in ef fect, ''Come on, come on, the representa-" live of four million of people, though they had dark skins, would be in the front This speech crested much mirth on tbe floor, bat wm evidently deprecated by tbe Radicals J inally, Senate resolution for s recess was adopted, and a motion fa reconaider the vde to-morrow prevailed, which leaves the questiou open. -" 'Jue Houm disposed of tbe Missouri election ease (contested aeat) in favor of Pile, and then adjourned. were preparing to subdue them. The Conetitutional Amendment. ."en- ator Sherman's joint resolution to declare the constitutional amendment ratified by the votes jtt the rarpet-Ltir Legialaturea is not held by ita friends lo require the ap proval of tbe President. Mr. Line In re turned a similar paper, with the opinion Unit he ha, I nothing, properly, to do a lib it; and the Radical will; pebabiy, fal low litis precedent. If llie President's M sept were deemed neces.ryfllojJus; resolve the waiting for a veto to repass it would keep Cpugresa here some two weeks lon ger; but our present information is thai tbey will uot wait for it. In this connec tion, it mar to remarked that all this work of declaring the eouttitntinnal amend ment paased i simply a part of the revo lutionary violence of the Radical party, which haa not been attended with blood shed only because I lie people are wait ing for the hour to arrive when they mov crnsh tl. :.i at the ballot-box. and thus re atore order and peace under tbe regis ol Lo- Constitution. Sat. Intelligencer. A Scene in the House Reprementatiree IVhru the carpet-bag delegaiea to t'On grias.froxu A I oU0 advanced to tin peaKe, Uesk to : k the oath tbe fal lowing proceeding. took (dace: Mr BrOi ks asked that the gentlemen be awoti. in seu.n.ilelv. uaarr s.nd that waa a question lor the 11 . to i,-ie.riu:i Mr. n,l !. nt.o nl that sH V. awnrn in tor rb.n Mr. Brook ol'i.-creiVlo three of :hem tociuae tlu-y Were uot .c.i.l- ,t of ito :aie. The gcuth ui an lioia .M nuie was not a resident. ,i , .. Mr. Dawe. The RepicseuPutve fiom M .eilc la iiAl tij.iv. jffl - - -v. " tr The bonds of tbs Sheriff elect, William A. Walton, In the nm of twenty-five thousand dollar, with the following bonds men, to-wit : Moms L. Holmes, John H. Verbis, George Lyeriy, Tobias Kealer and Thos. E. Brown, were tendered to aad approved by the Hoard, and tbe oath cf office )minitered to the Sheriff by th Chairman of tbe Board, and the bond re corded aad ordered to be registered. Til man Cranford and Moses A. Smith having been appointed deputies by the Sheriff, the oath of office wm administer ed to them by tho Chairman of l!Mlbard. Tbe bond of the Coroner elect, Benja min F. Fraley, in the ram of two thous and dollars, with Obadiah Woodson aad Thos. E. Brown aa bondsmen, Was ten- dered to and approved by the Board, aad the oath of office administered to the Cor oner, anil tbe bona recorded aad ordered to be regiatered. Tbe bond of Charles F. The Trial ot' the Columbus Prison ere -"The One for the Proeeeu lion Baeed on Bald Perjury." tract trmu the AuWa (Oa ) Correspon deuce of the N. f. Times, (Rep ) Tho trim o the Columbus prison nets still excites the deepest interest ituong all classes of the community, flie general opinion, without diatinc- ioii ,.' party, i th.it the case for tbelhimself to County Surveyor elect, fat ttoitrm of two thousand dollars, with M. A. Agner, Wm. II. Tmtt, J. C. Graham and Tilman Cranford, as bondsmen, was taadend) to and approved by the Board, aad the oath of oificc administered by tbe Chairman of .a ia a .... .a - a a ' a x "lx.... .' the tkiard, and tbe bond recorded aad or dered to he registered. The Beard thaa adjourned to meet em Saturday, Aagast 1st, at S o'clock, A, M Obadiah Woodsow, ... w ilZsV ' sBa THE ISRAELITES AND GENERAL GRANT. The Israelitea of Memphis, of all no. I 1 it ical stripes, lately held a large and ea- I-,! srrsr- 1 Chkbbixo. The Miesoari Republican say cheering accnauta reach it from all quarters in regard to the ucee of the Seymour and Blair ticke. It aay: Everywhere it appear to be fait that unless Radicalism is defeated iu the pre cut Presrdetrtial contest 1 here will uevsi to another Presidential election, but that the Republic will have been lost forever. and given over to military domination. 1 he pin pose Of the people M evidently deep ana resolute to atep forward in this criaia and literally aave the country. 11 and red of rhangea have already come to our own knowledge among those who have been heretofore acting with the Re publican party, apposing it to be a loyal, an honest and a decent party, bat who bsvs toconn disgusted with its fab pre tences, HS corruption, it recklessness and iu profligacy. The defection ia the Re-r-Mf" r Badirsl ranks t really ama- ting and it is fast hiSaatiag a rest aad a H arena, Jofr S3 The toiler of tbe Mr. Broott.- Who is he I Mr. Dawes Mr. V. VV. Kellogg. Mr. Brook. Mr. Kellogg, of Michi gan t Mr. Dawrs. No, Mr. Kellogg, Of Ala bama, The gentleman is laboring uadei a mistake again, a usual. Mr. Brooks. There are two others tore. O.ie from Illinois and .one from Maine. Mr. Daores. Tkegerabman complains that on of the representative Waa boru in Maine. 1 should like to know where tto gentleman wa born t Mr. Brooks. -I wm borne in Maine, bnt when I left tbe State I emigrated to New 1 ik with a trunk. Laughter ou th 'pi t'coiioii is. based aa uatu ueiiury tod ttotf the efenco bas already tri iiuptiahttv -proied tbe innocence of he piieoners. I hare heard all sorts "i., le exp'es tlii opinion, and th - i i i i; " , in B.iruuiii iiaaaitua Meade will diseoUe the court and ut an etoi to the CraSW ... Mr. Joseph -RrajWii, who is supposed by many o-iliHve Hx-ep;eii a heavy' fee fo pro -eeiUe iih 'rrirsea, and who haa worked ze ilon.l v. ' and got tip the estiuionv to prn;nra.a' conviction, is Jieing severely bundled- .by the press and public opinion. Hie wannest ii iend now denounce him and pass nm in tho street without notice I fiev thiuk that when bo discovered the nature of iheteaiiixtony, aud beard the evidence for the del'eiH9e,h should have . withdrawn ; or even il he had not done this, that lie should hart) refrained from an insulting and th-tnocmic side and call to order ea the not aitogetlie: 'leeent cross exauiinu Republicau side (ion of some ladies of high standing aajs and eultdr, who were pradased to Owe. A co respondent of tbe prove, aa they did . beyond a doubt, Scientific American eoiunietids onions Ml:,t 0"e of tbe accosesl, Ur. Uirk.ey, a a spot itic against epidemics not I never left his house in the country on I . - i .I . . .. . . 1.1.'. n:S.S mmT A 1. I. ...,,,1.. a an escuie-tr, onr suceu ana Kepi m pp "g"' " a sick room, wiser ihey will absorb any siiiiisxpMrfc poison. They should ue replaced by fresh ones every hour, if is noticed that in the room of a stuiallpoa patient they will blis ter and decompose with great rapidi ty, bnt will prevent tbe spread of theeoo.OOO bottles, 600,000 tons wm a recuse. ineir application iim aiaoidow-r Ua. and 1.800 ton of gta-wan aesrly 17,000,- Penatylvsnt mates two third f all tbe glass maniit'aciurod iu the United Stale. In Pittsburg there are 68 glass works, devoted in about equal prop ution to bottle, wiudew-ghus and fliul glaa work. 1 heir annual products co iutsm, iiniy jj inr uoiin an larpw.' 7 7? rr ,v"" oow-giaa, auu ,ovu warn coast slrsmseF Ohneuuana exploded, kit- proved elfective in the case of snake worth on the asregals. Hag fee aad weaadksg ty Istaiaas. bites. - --,,'' m --' thashxstic meeting, and, without a dissent ing voice, adopted a series of resolution denunciatory f General Great aad ef hi. famoua order No. 11 issued aanxinat tbe Israelites ou the 17th December, 1862. sar t i at .a . - sve anoyoin some ot the resolutions : Resolved , That we, the Israelites of th city of Memphis, do believe that the Mid b 6. Grant ha, by tbe said order, shown xs- ... sitiou to which to Moire. of adminittering the laws to all with impartiality and without prejs Resolved, That we, each and one, individually aad collectively ,m Isra elitea who have reepect far ear honor and oar religion pride, in ear race and love Ibr oar country, do pledge oarselre to use every honorable means ia ear power defeat the election of tto said V. 8. iM4- meeting it Grant. Itesolved, That thi. called for any political or party p bat solely to defeat the man who has, by bra Order V. tTT ITrtiii" Jewiah race. Roeolved, That we exhort aad is h our hrothren ia thu and all cuis pd town in that United States, M tto value religious liberty aad their riifkts, to do all ia their power tto id UlyMM S. Gtxu u St. Jobs' College at Oxford fa Ray. J. Mi propose t spaa a Female ! iheUraod .Vaster annoancM that srraaga- menu have been made br which aoa tor of girl, daughters of iadireat dec sa il as on, wilt be admitted Into this school free of TuiUoo. -Standard. Tho Peeitienaf Chief Juttm Chase. OHoT Jaam,tas) glared to-aay to a V eateni friend thai while he eomd not petsonally accord with tab against tbe reoontroxjen sets, ed that the armertt contUtaxiona ought lo aland till cbaased by tto ft fie of each State, all voting, yet to was a Ueaaccrat, a a mm ngnts and hi full sympathy with tto I Darts- - ITmek. Nkosar f Jf. f BmrsM . '' -'. . . - --.'.-, r r- Jl . , f V s

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