ever II anything As you and to rill UULttiBUfi . AAaa r-Vwm Mth Aasraal Com- u MM aad cone, and with and weal, perhaps, las . Ikat hu I " ' - " -" lik. iseaastreettoa U Lai bear for i of what tii said and ,t .Solace. 11 o'elock oa Wednesday, the An Senium lore im tv imams Dr. Hows of Um Theologteal rjeiui , at Columbia, B. U. The oldnct o Lasociation ia I eaqalfs Into Hie eon 1 - the work of rot-elm Missions. The text of ted for Uie occasion la found i Mth chapter and 19th reraa of the of the ApoaUoa: "Whereupon, O -rippe, I waa not disobedient onto w WW - cavi inv force aod beeatv the early la true of Heel of Taisee, We psrseealmaa ol The wait draarn picture araa itafcet. The life esd ebsrae of the graa Apeetle to the Ooslltos inissios ear The Braaa Band of the old Thirteenth Qmftmional. . u Bstf rneut wet preaeat aod played Wsshbxgtos, Jaly M.-lleaae -A bill im pan areii. Aiiar ua Literary exerei I repairing future grant, of ,to beeold only aat ware over, H dieeosrscd tweet mas la ia the illuminated grove between Halle of the two rVoeietioa to the eator- I gatherings iu the il tfceir In ear- ry araa a ttlaw intro- toas aacsanlttas regroat and eoadWaa ef the liifissry work. eorawiv mmM 11 f many facte which were aa striking aa ' i (.- at the aat to aay reproach, th by mieeionary opera- is altogether inadeqaate la the A throw much light upon She subject the roe pel of " peace mod will toward aien among the w . . . . W tiuek hare Mag been and are I of iu bleaaiag.. Uinueat of the aocial lumi uated HalU and roaadinr them. The Trustees and frieoda of the Iud- toUon hare greater eontideuee la ha at anr tine heretofore. Tba exercises will be resumed in the rail at the regalar time with a prospect oi Urge increase in numbers, bat Davidson College will not again witness each a dis play of beauty aad fashion ef elegance ana rennement, of good will, good man ners and good eating, antil the retura the next CsasaaeoccmenL, A SracTATom. HAYMAKING. Alas for the noctrr of farmimrl All - . B " the sonars of milk ma da mn.t h lUtnt tor iu tba old Knrhsb poeU. The whet ting or the mower's scythe is almost over -quite over on my farm I Instead of hal one hears tba sharp rattle of tba mower, and aaaa the dnvior man on it at . ft. . . w . .ft nrimr round and round the mea J ... S is . f a ' ik' a? aw, lor ait uie world aa If fee ware oat airing! V bereas, heretofore, two would be counted a large day's aow, tea aod twelve are easily banda were called to go over the rroand and turn it To do tbia rapidlr. and rat t o'etodt, P. M., tbe Iter. Dr. Dak- w j Nor is the contrast less remarkable In all Um after work. Whan I araa a bor 1 laced in line, with all tba men that be mastered, to shake oat tba bar wttb forks j and after a few hours all (logo dotfite so ua bottom side shall really mm to the top was no small knack. Now. aW- dkr, With eaeaua riding will literally do the work of ton Ma and do it far better than the most expert can. Hare row seen a tedder! I bare got now a perfect one. i aa grass rolls up behind it aad foams, : waa going U say, like water between tka grants of railroad lands la actual settlers WM A resolution, was passed providing at- irom the penalties ef tba new tot MM,"rXwsaw i , HATING FRUIT. Faxrt should be) oaten alive, like oysters. There ia aa edge to Um taste of a froali opened oyster, which comes, I suppose, from the aurpriae ha feuls at being sodden ly scooped ot of liia shell. In a few minotea bill" for twenty days, a. it will uke that 2- '"" lnf "0M ksajfbrite txMkJwMalgation. P'"" .,0 fae,,nK f 'rro fjilft, Frinea, Kdward. and Oore, from t"d " J""' b?ttr ?r to JmtcTvUwwitk Um. Stymir WUt IU Haft ef Hi Mominmtim. (gaiisspsadsass fatoW. Y.toxj Unoa, N. Y., July 20. " The Governor," aa tba Drsaneratfa nominee ia familiarly known by all hie Georgia, were seals d A Florida bar offered resolutions aaapair. w tieu no u lam out witu liia brethren iu a diah. the whole impeaching the President, which were re- bf hopleae and said. Tliey may font'd to the Judiciary GommitlMi. Ita- lale of life, but It it of life diat ker, Ingersoll aad Hpaldrng e-itb new I Ibis I voted Ike Democrats ia appoaitioa to fbe impcaebmeut MveaienL Kxeept wa aciion was slrletly partisan. 1 ha Corruption Committee on Impeach nt waa discharged. The bill protecting Amerieana abroad was paased and rocs to the rrt sident. After aaasinr the hill securinr Gonaral Howard in ofbee ia the Freedaten's Hu mmmm ..J ...I l.i II. f 1. . WWJWWI wnuu uwn VI lift U UO UlKlTXei HI the Kouth, the House adjourned. The Uoaaa bill for the ganiaation of Virginia, Mississippi I exas came up and w; Preaident's uble as loo reicrrei to a commiuue na dim protecung abroad came up. Mr. Heward opooeed eenferrinr nowei an tke President by which he eoaU in voire the country ia war in aix weeks. Tka Government bad nothing to do with Irish oppression at home. Ha objected to nuking tka United States a society for toe propagaadMMn of political views. Mr. Ferry said tba bill was an effort to change the laws of nations, and by in passage are would simply expose oursel placed on iaiportout to appointed. Hut the freHlitnpeiied oyaler haa do time grow feveriah or melancholy. He ia caught in a state or serene unconsciousness of sorrow. He haa a sound mind in a sound body, and ia therefore wholeaoino fend nioe. Allow him to reflect be fore hit dissolution, and the briglit oeet of hit spirit ia irone. Uut the uuick operation of deifecliing him from hit shell sends a apaam through hit being, which startles fell the latent excellence he may poaaeae into sud .L.den sud unique perfection, if eaten -1 ; it. e i.; t i.i. i Im I ai uiia crista oi inn neaiiiiiui powers. he convey a ail tlio gratihcatum vluok citixens oyster ia capable of giving to the tapenor annual man. Bo snslogously, I believe, it it in sting fruit. It mutt be eaten alive. before the reaction begins to eat in from itt aeveranee from the life car rying stem. While fe plum, for ex ample, hangs upon its stalk, it ia in some kind of magnetic correspon dence with sit the powers of nature; it shares tho life of the earth an I the ywww ftgi n winn limply rxpoee oursei-1 i. VeTto w. contempt of JlwoutoM ef!fJ 'i! i ?. 5 ,n.' e,M. "d .a I Haa saw tea itm sMallas I 'n a ,tt ami a awws aaa no wns vut ii uu, in time it dies, corrupt, unwlioleaomu; and every moment in its pragreaa ike earth. The bid passed 39 to 5 the nays be- ing Messrs. Kerry, Feasendrn, Fowler, Howard and nn Winkle. Though in their seats, Messrs. Humiwr and Troja- ball refused to vote. The bill removing tba political disabili- raioa Tbaotofieal Heuiaary, de- l.. 1 I n -.-I Ift. ry Societies- His subject waa "the and daty of tka yoaag aa of ike .i H ii M . ft . i.i. ... fraaaaatly greeted with applaaae. ike Addtuaa will be aaUisaed. I shall d tbs disUuga f sttsatalt i Q .I.ft I " --. - JliJ wm amssiagly tick ing a synopsis at n. L P. M , the representatives and w hi rU at if it led with such dealinra. I be result It, thai unless the trass it very heavy, and the weather vary bad you may cat year bay in tba morning and CI it into roar barn before night, in far ll MiJL. L. tft I I 1 i. U he BaMwbed. I shall "J"",ku " " ished orator Ike laiaa-1 """oa never leas than two, aad gener- V I n" uava m cure iu Hut I have forgotten the Morse lUke. Instead of tba old fashioned, lone bandied rake, and the five or alt men, pulling and hauling to get tba grass iato wiarowa, that same fellow with that same horse. rides his luiurious rake, aad in a fifth red, pau it iy- aaaarr. bat also iu A ft . n 1 .-:ft areas ery. a sua aaa aow auaagatbea- dred acres ef grass easier than be former ly could twenty. The only thine remains to be made easy is piti off the toad. It ia tree that horse forks have been invented, bet 1 have M en any tka. did their work well ; and ThV-a. Ie-L -n Htk " Loui"i Yoang. Uwner a plum it liLi? Wkfli and others, was amended so I you. Tills of Co aa to include John Young Brown, of Ken tacky, and pasaed. The bill aeeariag Howard as F reed men's Bareaa commissioner waa passed. After someexeeativo aessiou tho .Senate took a reeesa. ski-on li DlBPATCH.l Watbhigtoa, Julv 2.r,ih - Midnight. The Hoaae at 10 o'elock took a recess The Senate weal into executive session to-night. News bas jaal reached the lob- ass ipsaais mw .ms wmn, Society saoyect, Tba i L w. a i ift... Uftji lanorer county, representative ol riiilautkropic Society subii-ct, Pleaa from me to ueaih ia marked t y a decadence of that essence which makes fruit delicious. Therefore, sup posing that you pluck it ripe, the eateu the better for you. jnu ol course applies most to tender, thiukinned fruit. A Arm apple diea tlowly. A nut holda out long against the debasing influence f separation from its source of life. But plums, figs, peachi--, apricots and and strawberries begin to suffer di rectly they are gathered. This is Die case even with pines: which arc susceptible of bruises, but they con lain such an apparent tiirplusago of of i heir riui-n ii w luxurious rase, ana in i part ef Ike time formerly reouired, into equally good shape. Indeed, ing if it baa lost lost Ha poetry, baas by of the rejection ol General Jeffries as flavor, Unit the tirtt aisles Coinniissioinr of Internal Itevenm-. deeav ale not perceived, except l)V The Seuntc will not pass the hill reor-a cuuiiiui! palate t'Aaitur JourruU. gauizing Virginia, Mississippi and Texas I , to-nigh i, as ilaria and other Democrats will talk the session out rather than let it liir.l .neakcr Mr. Kdwii. W. Kerr, Kaneneaa Society subject, The du n( visinr mea. . m . ourta spsaaer air. rr uiwm a. ssn- nf Cftim. MMMtftlin of tka Phi. mm ii mtmm s i i - - - un Micaxcr Mr. Kooerl u. juc.i Arkaaaaa, repreaanUlive of the Kodoty subject. Authors aad ' influence. . - a ftft ww u ifti . uf Alexander county, reprcaeuUtire tbs Pbrnulfavaalt Society sabiect, ii ft. ' 1 - - J - 'I'l..... the I6tb, were aa follows: e n ftiolfttnrv tiv A 1 M lii.rl.iii nl 18 IT A FACT I Twelve Kditors, it it taid, met in Raleigh last month to discuss the in- Rack. I tercet of the press. -i i I i .i - ao economise uxpensos nicy mauo a common purse, and bonfririit a box A -Kant asp xcrnio Algiers was yesterday the scene of an exciting race between the rival balloons, Seymour mid Grant, under of sardines for dinner; the uggregnto under the auperviaion of Professor rates being 15 cento per man in consequence of this reckless ex in my bam at any rata the old work of "" " ""","" ......e utrhinr and mawina-.., If . eoneoufse of Spectators llSVIIIir n i-i.k ir. m w.u.i i i. k I setnbled. and e vor v arrangement he - since aupl iol for 1 1 10 mow, under the slsle roof of my barn, oajmg Completed, the Iwlloolia were bankrupt law ! travagance, eleven of them have benefit of the a hot day, and let Tim pitch off bay, as I sent off, theenatgn of Seymour being he wul if I gire him the wmk. Yoa will I a white, and of Grant a red nag. sym oars io airp iireiy, ana even men, yoa I ooltxtr.g, we presume. Die tpotioss will often be teen enlarging from beans oft nuritv of the one. and the butchcri hay thrown over you, like a rat from a instincts of the other. In the cart of each balloon. were placed fireworks (editor had not ttoinan meteors, grenades, etc. thai kept up a continuous firing, and ad ,tii, " Permanence of Literary . i IrmlMia 'lit m Ilia Arl.ilae nf n Win tiny ' Alexander U. lianks .L n- if 'ratlnn "IntofSSting Phennmeua of Sea-'-W H. Darit of Salisbury. 'nuioa nouia lina. mm, "North Carolina or a little uiily. ration "The Influence ln"ledge" Alfred J I' "In county. riThs "ftaslaal If mini n SULuuw' i ahiniii ami jaiiNii. i n ocwiitv "The Literary ProsnaaU of -John U Varner of ttoatb ad lleutfit Morrison, of bunch of oakum. And than it it to pit ant, when a auui is ail a-sweat, to bare bis shirt filled with bay aeed, each partic ular particle of which makes believe it ia a flea, and wiggles and tickles upon e very square inch ol your skin, until yoa era ban desperate ! It is the 8d of Jaly, and mr grass is I all eat, and the last load ia rolling iato the barn while I write. How sweet it smells I How jolly the children are that bare been mounted on the top of the load ; and their little searl-t jackets peep oat while I im stands guard and nurse A child that baa not ridden up from the r dow to the barn on a load of hay, baa yet to learn one of the luxuries of exultant childhood ( What ears they tor jolts, when the whole load is a vast and multi plex spring t The more the wagon Joun- m Ihn better they like il 1 Then the bars leading into the lane with maple trees nu each side. The limbs roach over, It tins a fact, or only fe fish atory t Our cotemporariea will please an-sa-er. The above slanderous article it from the Woslern Vindicator.' If the been out "sparking he would Itavo known that I Hair, of the Varborougli House, saved the ded not a little to the interest of the c raft, by giving them a flue dinner. V'a. 11. Van mt Ko.il I '.ml.... iraUoa "Matbomatiaa aad hVI igion " I '"'''"' ffraeo leaves kiss the children over ii W. Davis of Salisbarr "v, r Ko w"u1,1 if ' wori' a I I green leaf, and not consider myself so green after all ! Aad so the load rolls ly up the bill. There ia no such a lam ia aa as. its is si ways at a dead pall and at the rery hard Iavi. of Sali.bary. -"The Asurlo Saxon I I. Wrnne at Hunt, I '.,li... Njnkaj IXafsaas upon the Gradua- I'J 'Il Willi I tto A Mas Kenne.1 v of S. '"J hlias. ' ' ' aat. longer the rifle I Let them take all the comfort they can. By and by they will he grown, and own fine carnages, and roll in stylo through tho streets. But there is many a fair face that rides la silk lined coach, With a aad heart, aad would go back if she could, oh how glad ly, to bar joyous ride on a load of hay I ii . w . iu ecu ck, ftV. ift f taarr. '"hen H. Morrison, Jr., oas of the "lasting Class, Waa too unwell to do 'teespteeh which be had prepared die occasion, bat was ou the stage b us mates and received his l3i- t'peeebfs were all highly crcdiuble roaac rentblBWHt. tWh in mmiuut. sad dselaautina. TV sseas all lis - H "ith atUu lion and approbation F 'sieuictory was in good taste and iu HPrit,and was well deliveml. It n fact a decided success. The speech Paria waa compact Iu iu wy aad elegant in iu diction, and utly retarded as the highest iuullee- nrt of too oacssion. "A little about M a nod tt .. .... I . ig WUW -I" i , na uo forced j it was humorous feed timed; it foil in aasoag its grave PM to the relief aad delight of r. Hiwa Who received it with " A strikimr feature of it was. a one who knows ike speaker, tka speech, knew that it waa racttoaef bla own mind. I miirht I peeebea of merit t bat wfaora " entorious, it ia dtmculi to dittin k tcenco. Bhont after thont went up as the two contestants in the airy race rose towaids tho cloudless sky, and great waa the anxiety of the lookers on aa to the result. Neck and neck to adopt horse racing expression the feerial eonraera aped for at least a mile, wheu suddenly the white ban ner of Seymour was teen to flutter above the red of Grant, and then a if taking inttant ad vantage c.f his elevated position, he fired n broad aida into the laggard in the race, which effectually put an end to his aspirations. He collapsed, took tire, and bunting, fell to the ground while the rictor, amid the acclamation.- of tho thousands of spectara, soared proudly to ward t the central bine." An enthusiastic admirer ot the Silent Slave, disgusted with the result, turned en hit hel, remarking, "Pehaw I 1 1 iu thing waa inevitable." "Of course it was." said another." Bat the children like it I The slower "So is Seymour's election." A dark scowl was the only reply. . U. I'icayune. CANADA TII ISTLK W H KN to CUT. The New York Agricultural Society has re ived a communication from John tureson, nl UsM well, giving bis exnerieoue in lighting the Canada Th ist lea He ascertained, that nulling them, as he did, August 171U, Iftn, 20th and 24th,' was sore to kilt them. He cleared his lam by pursuing this course of cul- ine. 1 There la s aensrsl uoueurrenoe in the opinion thai August a the tight tune to mow thistles for the purpose of killing them. Greensboro' J'atriot. i i .i . .i . . - , rwmmntm inat were waa aara , Fttu 1 1 a ti 'ii i. so. Sol h Groen, Piah Commistrotier of the State of New York, wlrn waa in W'anliingi'oii lately ox perimen'ing iii fish breeding, ia now at llolyokc, Mass.., "making ahad" in lite firer there, lie is hatch inir from acven to ten million ahad per day. and exports thai in three rear the river will contain from ten to thirty million pounds more of ahad. This hu uriros iiiatlr is the best meth- - tm m -- sr od of r heaiMinW food Whea the! mice of flsh ia reduced more than sixty nor cent, it will be) within the reaeh of rich and poor, and that will he when our lakes and riven are filled full of fish adapted to the waters. Every acre of water ia worth two of land, it can be "tilled" at tba A Nkw Namk. -While in Ihisio at (lie late Convention, wo happened to be in a store with several gentle men, where there were a number of carnet inure exhibited for sale. Some1 Atlanta, Ga.. July 25. In the Senate, Mr. Candler offered the following : Whereas, Kx-Uovernor Brown, one of the ablest lawyers in the 'Republican par ly of Georgia, as well as other persons distinguished for knowledgo of cnnatilu tional law, held during tho late election that persons of color are not entitled to hold office under the existing Constitu tion ; and whereas, such persons now hold as Senators on this floor; and whereas, lawt of riul importance to the people of (ieorgia should not be made of uncertain validity because of tho participation iu their enactment by persons not entitled under tho Constitution to participate ; therefore. Resolved. That the Committeeon Priv ileges and Mi l lions he directed to cnijiiuc into the eligibility of senators, and report at the earliest practicable time. Mr: Hungcriord (Radical) said that higher opinion than that of ex-Goveriior Hmwu .Senator numnor, had settled ile um lor in a letter in which he said he saw no n ison why colored persons shall not hold office or anything else under the Constitution of the United Suies. The fourteenth article settled that question The Constitution of Georgia also settled the master. Betides the liberty to breathe and work, it gave IU citizens "all the privileges of American citixens." The resolution was defeated. Tuesday the 2Sth instant was fixed for tho election of L'uitod .States Senators and Mate offi cers. TIx-Govcrnor Browu and Foster Blodgctt are the Senatorial nominees of the Republicans. Tho Democrats have made no choice. friends and neighbors and that includes pretty much everybody In this region "the Uovernor resides in a plain, unpre tending farm cotUre, above two miles north of and over-looking tbe city of titl es. Something In tbe outward appoer anot of the house, though not exactly ia tho architecture something in the pas toral air that surrounds it something ia lbs approach to it, and in the view from the verandah that stretches along iu front --something there is in all these feslures of the Coventor's home, that, while not affording particular poinU of resemblance, inevitably call to onu's mind Mount Ver non. A snag link) farm of about three hundred and fifty acres surrounding the rural retreat bas been tbe property of Mr. Seymour slid liia ancestors for half a cen tury. The bouse in which the proprietor now resides waa built for a tenant of the farm, and When, a few rears age, Mr. Seymour grew weary of law aad songbt privacy and ratirsmsat, Sitow allasaliaae and repairs rendered the puce amply im posing aad sufficiently accommodating for own waato aad those of his family. A fine grove of ancient trees surrounds the house, affoidiur aa lurilinr shad while walks and drives are abundant with nut materially encroaching upon the as fulness of tbe soil. Tbe basse ia ferula ed in keeping with its own outward in s ranee, Ms surroundings, and the ' known tastes and character of its occa pants. An air of rehVd comfort pervades tbe whole, rrma the verandah a view ohuined well worth a long journey to en joy. I low a the nut slope and tbe rtoh maaduw of the Mohawk Valley all en vert -d at this time with tolling farm ers hastening to secure the over-abundant crop of hay, ukiag in tbe entire city of t.fl j n j, t i iica auu an us surroundings, sircicnin far away up or down the Mohawk, tl vicar ia finally lost in the blue distance far up the picUireeaae Chenanro alley, the opening to winch is directly opposite. At toe tuna of my visit this very anx loos aspirant lor 1 residential honors wsa engaged. in superintending bit laborers i si-curing the hay crop. 1 apologised fo the innnoortuness of mr call, and remark ed that I had supposed bim to be a eoun try gentleman ot leisure. He timply smiled, told tbe men nut to cut any more grass, but haul in what ther had down and invited me into the house. I mad some essay at my business, but be insist ed on my telling bus lbs news. Like s regular journalists, I protested that I knew nothing later than appeared in tbe U Ilea morning papers. "Well, those are tbe only papers I get here," be replied, "and those don't reach me till evening." I told him all the news I could remember, and n -mat ked on the enthusiasm with which his nomination had been received. To tbi he replied that he didnlt see how people could gut ap enthusiasm in such u weather as this. He thought they had better postpone politics until it got cooler. Talking of the heat, I suggested that tbe heated tens commenced with the meet ing of the Convention. "Yet," ho taid "and but los that I wooldn I nave been in this unfortunate predicament. I went the Convention on purpose to prevent my being the candidate. 1 fought ateadily against it until the midnight before I was nominated ; and again, fifteen minutes be fore my name was presented, I protested most emphatically against itt use. bun they did present it, tho excitement, and the heat, and all together, completely up et me. Had 1 been as cool as I i ; should have declined. I bad plauned nit a little trip abroad for myself ; but this affair lias changed all my programme and unsettled ail my plans of life. I didn't want the office. I wanted CI"0 nomina ted. I ''Could Mr. Chase bare been i ted !" I asked. " 1 thought so then," he replied, "but I. have since learned to my satisfaction t hat had ray name not, been sprung as it L I ef Baataa functionaries, giving thorn a asontbs' leave of preliminary ah Tbe St,ir of tale afternoon haa tbe fol lowing in regard to aboosing Presidential electors In the Houtb : "The Southern members of Congress, within tbe past few dars. bare been in confereuoe with the Republicans hen-, and It has been decided that il will be best for tka Presidential electors la the NOT ganiaed (Mates to be chosen by their re spective Isegialateres, io the same asanner as South Carolina haa always choseu hers. This, it ia bold, will remove all fears of tbe disturbances and frauds which have been apprehended. It is thought proba ble that theae riawa will be carried out by the legislatures, iu whose bauds tho mat ter aow rests. There was prolonged session of the Cabinet to-day. Kx-l'residcnt Davis, with his family, NEW AD VJii T18EMhN Ts. Strayed !-$10 Reward. 8TRATKD from my place, 7 mass south of Salisbury, on the N. C. Railroad, tbe Sd of June last, a black Mileh Cow, white on the back and bally ; marked m tba let car with a crop and a hols AIo, a brown Oow, pretty old, and giving milk when she bat. Also, a light-red Heifer, 2 years old, without mark. Tbe blown cow was brought from MooksvfhV, aod may have led the others ia that direct km in attempting to return to her old range. I wilt pay $3-50 each for the recovery of the cattle. 0. H. IIKIUU. July 29lh, 18CH. w.lt:30 University of Virginia. 25 TVs -J f " JIT ' 1 thorough curse, of Instruction in Lite sailed on last Saturday from Quebee for nd ud ln ,Ue proUsina of Ktirnpe. Utdieiue and Kugiueeriag. From Washington. Washington, duly 85. The Senate aat iiii'hi tabled the bill relieving Karlev. one in the1 erowd asked the pnmrielor f Kouth Carolina, Halm, of Lsniisiana, if the Olisleutrht airainst tliu carpel hag- .IHI General Young, of (ieoriria. from their gen had not lessened tins sale of those politieat disabilities; The Senate ratified " IA ftL.ft 1ft I. I fi . nL! !-- ft I was, Mr. Hendricks would have been nominated iii two or throe more ballots After some more general conversation in which I didn't secure the promise of that post office, because I did not ask for it, 1 took my leave. Morris, Latest News. from IVut&infbH. Washington, July S8. The Radicals are considering, favorably, a plan of elect ing the Presidential Klectors by tbe Leg islatures of the Southern States. articles. He aaid that it had thai effect at fust, but their name had been changed from carpetbags, and titer now called them 'railroad-bag,' and since 'ho cuange ot me name they sold quite a well us originally. ! ili.iii.ftn.lll. 'II mm iT AlitdJ pr nto a cistern at Rochester, minutes wasiirswn out. Io all appearand, deed. A physisisa wrapped ih. hoi. un ia warm fannet. and after three hours' labor ia lidsrtnf sad oumpcSesmt Msl lying asleep below the V sag the uahlU. L " v wwtb aunt. mmm 7mm bat theout-cronninrsof those 3!i??a wktsV are euhiva vuensatd with as much interest "yP ' an institution which was do- m aeaM Tsc-fJsmm. -wane the book ol tbe Niagara river alls, rutted over tbe brink, and tall of WW tut easa n$ mmm- There i a aew ditching machine at Chicago dilea. under farorable mrrum- w rale of A rod a miuule. It is the Chinese treaty Captain J..C Queen was foaud in the President's ground last night with his throat badly cut. Ha aaya two whites and a negro robbed and attempted to kill him, but bit friends think he attempted suicide. Front T- I- '''. Nashville, July 28. Oorcrnor lirown- Mow declines to recommend tho enfran chisement of all whites, lie leaves the whole matter to the Legislature. CaitiU l)ialcktt. London, July 28. In answering ones1 lions regarding the dipoituatic relations with Mexico, Lord Stanley aaid that Mexico bad suspended her relations iu consequence ot rngiand a recog nition ol MaxHnhVion, and that she could have her diplomatic relations renewed by application, self respect forbidding Eng land's biking the initiative. , - " Private advices report that peace has been concluded between ilfell aud Uo- kara. i'be fbilowiru? order wot hnrucd from the War Department to-day : Tbs Commanding Generals of the Sos- ond, 1 bird, Fourth and Filth MiliUry Districts baring officially reported that tshsasai, North Carolina, South Caroli na, (ieorgio, Alabama and Florida hare complied with the reconstruction acts, in eluding tbe act of June 36, 1868, and that consequently so much of the act of March 2. 1867, aud all acU supplement!! ry thereto, providing for MiliUry Die tricU subject to military authority of the United (States, as therein provided, have LJ . I .1 1 1 tl . . oecome inoperative in saiu nuues, auu that Commanding Geuerals have eeased exercising their miliury powers conferred by said sets; therefore tbe following changes will be made in the organisation and command of Military Districts and Geographical departments. Tbe First, Second and Third MiliUry Districts hav ing eeased to exist, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Florida will constitute the Jlcpurluieul uf tbe Houtb, Oen. Meade to command, with hu headquarters at Atlanta, U Second General Gillem will command the fourth .Military District, comprising Hie tttato of Mississippi. laird General Reynolds will com maud the Fifth MiliUry District, eompri tiug the State of Texas, with headquar ters at Austin Fourth Louisiana and Arkansas will constitute the department ot J-onisiana, Gen. Uousseau commanding, with head quarters at New Orleans. Gen. Buchan an will continue in command until relier- ed by Gen. Uousseau. Fifth Gen. Geo. Crooke relieves Gen Rousseau in the department of Columbia. Sixth Gen.' Canbr it ro-assirned to Uie command of the department of Wash ington. Seventh General bdward Hatch, Col onel of the 9th Cavalry, relieves General Buchanan as Assistant Commissioner of tho .Bureau of -Refugees, Freed men and Abandoned Lands In Louisiana. In accordance with the concurrent reso lution of Couercss. Secretary Seward pro claims, reciting the facta ana circumstan ces, and concludes i 1 further cert it v taat the said amendment, tho Fourteenth, haa become valid to all inteiiU and purposes, as a part of the Constitution of the United .States. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has given notice that spirits maybe with drawn from bond an tho payment of fifty cents per gallon and four dollars per bar rel of forty gallons, equal to six cents per proof gallon. All distilleries must be closed until the distillers bsre giveu bonds and complied with the new law in all oth or particulars. rpm 44th Session of this lnsUtuli.ui will 1 heirin on the 1st day of Oct. IhtM aad oa the Thursday before tbe 4th of Jaly lfM. The onrauiaetion of the iii.tltuliou m very complete, embracing extensive and t instruction in iiieriiiure Law, KtHmalnl cmriuu exclusive US hooka. clothing aud Owe Met money of tbe AeMr sic .tudeut :uat i of lbs jCawataistitaBat. aud of the ilttlical student !3tto$. For particulars send for Catalogs to Wm. Werteubaker. S.-r. ,.r 8. MAUPIN, f airman ..f the Faculty P. 0. Cnlvenity of Virginia. July a w-tw-jt) I ittfiilioii Kiirmm HAVE TEN PAIR Of FINIS PlOSfor sales. Whits CnasTaa, A loss and Keen the best stock in the State. Call and see them. C. 8. BROWN. July agt 1868. (w-tw-3i) C1RD TO TUB rVBLIC. DR. HAMIft A. BELL, HAS located on Ennisa street, bet wees Main OC Ifte. Office formerly occupied by Dr. J. A. CuidwwU, aad ofeVrs his profes sional services to the eitiseus of tbe town sud vieiuUy of Salisbury. July 35. 180. w-tw.3m State of North Carolina, DAVIDSON COUNTY. Superior Court of Lav, Spring Term, 18C8. Fortioc White vs. Ewiog White, rmnoa roa nrroaes T appearing to the satisfaction of tbe Court L that the defendant Ewing White, resides be yond the limits of this State : It it ordered lliat publication be made lor six weeks in lue Watchman S Old North .Stale, notify ing said defendant to 1 and appear at our next Superior Court ol Law, to bo held for the county of Davidson, at tho Court-Hooae in Lexington, on tbe first Monday after tbe fourth Monday in .September next, then aad there to answer or demur to the plaintiff's petition ; oth erwise, the same wit! be heard aad granted Witness. 11. N. Ueitman, clerk of oar aaal Court at office, the 1st Monday after the fourth Monday in March, A. U., I8G& 2icbt:sioj a. Htrrvaa, m aae. State of North Carolina, CATAWBA COUNTY. Court of Eouity, Spring Term, 1SCR Mosea M. Unit and wife Rhode, et nl. ) WA K. Fry and wife Anna, el ai J A r -. ' rrrrnos to sill labo. pwi From JiicAmoHtl. Richmond. Vs.. Julv 88 P. M. Jno Tate, one of the oidest citixens of this city, is dead. At the Conservative flag raisint; this afternoon, the speaker's platform fell, ec riously injuring several. From SoutA Carolina. Columbia, July 28 P. M. Nothing was done in tbe Legislature to-day. Tbe election of Chief and two Assoeiate Justices will uke to-morrow. Two ex Federal officers, one a South Carolinian will probably bo elected. The negroes are making trouble in the interior. The whites ask tor troops, say thesTwill defend themselves. There waa a great Democratic toruh light demonstration lo-night. 1 be town ras illuminated. Speeches were made by Generals Wado Hampton, Kershaw Chcsnut, Mclio an, and other distinguish ed orators. . r From Georaia. Atlanta. Ga., July i P. M. No choice aa ret for Uuited States Senators The Senate rote stood for the long term. If - Stephens 15 ; Joe Brown 24 ; scat tering 4. For the short term, Blodgctt 1G: Miller 13: scattering 2J. The House rote stood for the long term, Brown 78 ; Stephens 81 r -los haa Kill 10. For short term, Blodgett ST ; Miller 80 , tortus; SI, V The Senate refused to concur in the House resolution instructing uhe Governor to notify the eiril officers sf the testation of uiHiUry rule ia Georgia. From China ami Japan. London, July 86. Tbe Chinese rebels bare left Tientsin going South The Mikado had issued decrees against the Christians iu Japan. Tbe I ycoon it Mowine- Jeddo. The Japanese prevent loreurners from purchasing lands ln Oaa- From Washington. Washington, July J8, P. M. It it un derstood that the 1 'resilient considers Ike Commisskniershto of Internal Revenue vacant, and will asakeaaatf Saaartat stv poiiitment in a few days. . ....,. Ktfoi-ts to reorganise the rederaJ oa in N ew- xlrtoaas tonea -r-wat"l impossible to compromise the conflicting lively stated Market. Kew York, July 28. Flour a shade firmer: Wheat firmer for winter; Corn one cent better: Mess Pork S-8,l5ati8: 251 i Lard ouieL steam 17j.il 7 . Cotton drooping at 31 ceu ts. Ft eights quiet. Gold Hi!. Sterling 10. T sppearing to the satisfaction of theOmwt t list ttie defendants, Noah try ana witc, at VV. Wuig aud wife Catharine, reads beyond io limits of this State. It is therefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks ia the Vi stchman and Old North State, notifying the defendants to be and appear at our next Superior Court of Law, to be held for tbe coun ty of Catawba at tbe courthouse ia Newton, on tbe 2d Monday iu august next, then and there to plead to, answer or demur, or judg ment pro eonfe will be taken at to them. Witness, O. Campbell, clerk of our said Court at office, 2d Monday ol february, I sots. w25.-'.'8 0. Camtbxll, aa.a Statc of North Carolina. YADKIN COUNTY. Court of ritm nnd Quarter Smiont, Apnl term, 18GB. A. Speer ta W. U. RedweD. ATTACHMENT LEVIED OS LASS. IN this rase it sppearing to the Mlishtofioa of the Court that the defendant is not a resi dent of the State of North Carotins, It is or dered, therefore, by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in tbe " Watchman and Old North State," notifying said defendant to n and appear before tbe Justices ot our Court ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be bold for Lue county of Yadkin, at tbs eourt-oouae to Xstt- kinville, on the second Monday in nto neat, then and there to plead, answer or demur to said attachment, -or the same will be heard as parte, the judgment confirmed-, tbe land levied on condemned to satisfy plaintiffs debt, and an order of sale granted. Witness, J. G. Marler, clerk of our said Obett . . - wr .. - 7ii . ..- LJ ii i at omce iu i aiiKinviuc, ine secouu Mouuay m April, A. P. 18tiS. ' i. tt j.i:ot:- j i..i It is that tbs Prsai party interests. rtositivi dent will continue to set as heretofore re garding the recon s traction acts, lie will conform to the law until modified by Cos- gn-ss-or nullnied by the Cuurte SsTxtora a ni KbAia Ratifcatiok MsxTixti. Oa Saturday, tba 1st day of Aegast next there will be, in the town of Lexington, s meeting of the ritixena ot tne eounir. to ratify tbe nominations of fey ... . - , . , a a r fneneVtmosr snd Usw for frsaKUnx sua v President of the United Butet : at.o to appoint delerates to represent Davidson uaafr a tbs Otaaarratirs State Can ven- lion to be held in ttawign on ua t jib aay of Aagoat next, - wm a Come ana aaa an, give a uay w your eountry ad aaaart la saving i.snstHution- State of North Carolina, ALEXANDfa OOCNTY. SujxTwr Court of Iaik, Spring Term, 1S6S. I.. II, it J. W. Jonas, ) ra Attac Wik-y eisitber. 1 TT sr.pe.nnir to the satisfaction of t A that tit,, defendant in Wiisr her resides beyond tbe limits of lbs State. It ii then-lore ordered by tbeUoesc that puhaes- ioii be nude for six weeks suutassiltfj. m the Watchman A Old North Stale," a paper pob- lishr I in tt e town of Salisbury, notifying the satodassnasst to be and aeaaar at the seat Term of this Court to be held for the oauaty ol Alexander, at the courthouse m TsjauawiBs, oa the Cth Monday after the last Monday ia August next, then and there to show saaea, sf any he has, why the property leased sa should not bi condemned to the paaataTs use. Witness, K M. Stevenson, clerk of oar mid Court at office, the 6th M adsr soar tbe bat u February, A. D.. 18tj8 aL bin.. tLHaUS.i -"J:ut:pr.iiej Tim Centi lairwtL ealtmav '.a baaed DAN A WAT from the. IV day. the 2nd day of Jolr, 18, iv.y naw James Towel I vill pu as bov reward ol tan seats, aod sa tassuCB, ts aoy persoa who will retura aaid bag Is me, near Boutn Hirer Mills in no waa W. eT. Jshr 11, !.- ,- v- ....... y j - . - . . - a Urge al liberty. asAJaT (BTIxxflta. worked by tour bursas a IKS. - -. - -. i ' - "r

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