. A .W 1 corn PINO TIMBER. 1 oak, hirkorv, or cheonut b f'iM in August, in tho second running of the sap, and barked, J into Urge tree will season per . ct I v, and even the twigs Will re main sound for years; whereas, i:. at cut in winter, and remiiining until the next fall, (as thick as your wrist,) will be completely sap-rotten, and will be almost un fit ibr any purpose. The bodv of oak split into rails will not last more than 10 or 12 yenrs. Chea nut will last longer, but no com parison to that eat in August. Hickory cot in August is not sub ject to be worm eaten, and lasts a long time for fencing. When 1 li. :m farming in 1802, it was the practice to cut timber for post feucing in the winter. White oak pefii and Mack oak raits, cat at that time, would net last more ti.in 10 or 1? renin. In "1803, '1 l?an cutting f-nce timhrr Arcsl. Many of the oak mils r;f that ynr are yrt sounu, as wea as most of the c!; -nut. . 'Ko bark is not taken off thi r MMilh, it will of itself peel off the 2d or 3d ear, and leave the tree j; .Hiectlr sound. Tle tops of the fee are ako more valuable for fuel l!.n when cut in winter or Fprinrj. I advise young farmer t try the experiment, and if post . . . do not la-t twice as Ion:.', f 'T:di all mv eiperience as worih - Correspondence of Rural .: rrncan. -Acts, and Consequences. There is something solemn and awful in the thought that there is rt an act nor a thought in the life of a human being, but carries with it a train of consequences, the end of which we may never trace. Not one but, to a certain "stent, rices a color to our own li! ami iasensiblv influences the lives of those about as. The good cecd or thought will live, even thougS we may not see it fructify, but so will the bad ; and no Prr son i- so imtgnificai 1 1 as to be sure that hn example wit! not do good on the one fiaind, nor erfl on the other. There is, indeed, an es sence of immortality in the life of trnji, even in this world. ISo individual in the miners' stands alone ; he is a component ;vt i;fa stem of mutual tlepen-...n-.-i j id by his several acts he either increases or dirainishrs the sum of human good now and f fever. As the present is rooted in il,e past, and the liven and ex r m jifcu of our forefathers still to a "rcdt extent iiiHuence us, so are vv ttv' our daily acts coiitrib'ilina to form the condition and charm-. Icr h tiie 6;ire. The living tnr.n I- a frhit formed owl ripened by cttUure of the forefoing cen tvil'-s. fionm .'ions six thousand, .- e'eep , :;.:.'. bciiind us, caei: N iVwi";: u hatLi ujson its sucrcs--,wV houlderaiid the tiring gen .;iij continues the magnetic c:Tfintof actkn ami example drs fi "d try Twi the remotest past - ' i the mpist d; -taut tVrt. JVo ....r. 3 acts tie utrerly'; and tlio Lif!y may rooJvvjnto dijst nesa,not in luxury; butxatlier,jou will be sanctinod by work, by care, by antagonism, by affliction; you will be the christian anywhere and every where ; you will cheerfully breast the wild drill of persecution for the sake of the discipline it brings ; you trill realize the dig nity of personal tsccountabilitij to t.hrtst, independent of tamily or sectarian prestige, as the cedar which draws and uses power in its appointed place, uncomproniis od with any other vegetation un der the sun ; you will send your highest thoughts in praise to God, and diffuse the mceiint) of your love to heaven & earth the same; you will so grow in Christ Jesus that the winds of false doctrine will howl harmlessly by, without dislodging a thought or an affec tion of tho soul, as the wild moun tain winds pass bv the cedar with out dr rachitis ft loaf; vou w ill even be stirred losing psalms of thanks- I .1 T i ---- l 4.-4 4 giving oy uie verv influences wuicn shall blast the hopes of the ungod ly forever. If converted and re newed in the image of Christ, you will grow stronger with every ad ded dav, and be developed the more by every adversity, bereave ment, loss, iind sorrow, enlarging in heart and mind and sou!, as you live and are tempted, standing firm on the Uock till you die. And then, being dead, your memory stiall speak to succeeding genera tions, as the fragrance oi the cedar breathes evermore when its foliage has departed, and its branches have been laid low in the dust. Tht Goful in At Trte, ly A. t .Vt A NEW SENSATION -THE ELE PHANT BEETLE. A Nevada paper is reinngille for the following; beetle story, which goea ahead of anything we have yet read in the ash r snake line. If at- pears that, in addiiion to tlie plague of a plurality of wives, Utah i also afflicted with a visitation of the el phant beetle. A tierunn who rer-m ed frota the Deiirhborhotd of Salt ke last week, sa' invriads of iIi-mii covering the earth with their eliining browiileti black bodies, and destroy ing eVerythiiiir which tliey met in heir path, hveu finul animals, lie was totonned by the illtted reni tents, did not ecape the voracity ol these hordes; their bodies were crowded noon and wonutltMl cruelly lUh tit. pum-erud an'euiiasjiDJiJ thy lell down exliaiis'ed by Iheir sfnijr f!e nnd loss or M.wd. nheti they were fattened upon by thonfand and devoured. Tli entire c.ircis f a hee; ww ea'en ad the h picked i ! oi in two minute nd a quarter; and it is said llial a dead ot Mould he gotd led up hy theiii in a quarter ers. ' The ancient Posspeiians, who war wire In iheir dity and avnention, serai o hare well antterstond the art ol aakins; tue most or evrryihlng. Thrir (aniens were vrry diaiiuiuive, bat hy painting lbs surrouiitiiiif walls with tUit amt Una sesprt, ibeir liuls area beeitiao itid.-finii,- ly enlarged lo dta eve ul the obsvrrer, just as our tbnn-kreper enlarcn (heir pro aiisrs and multiply tbeir (j.xkI by iheaid of mirror. It is well to glorify oar lives in tins way a Inilo by throwing open lb wiuilows and Ukiug an eiiUrged view at all our biessiug. HUtorp of a Hymn. The rircnmtai ces under whicb llw beauliful hviiui " 1 lore n steal an bile away Jotly a gen ml (avorite, was written, may not be kuown to all our rradera. Its aathor, Mrs. Phmbe II. Umwu, was an iuhdligenl, pious woman, who labwed nidiistrloiisly 10 support a Urge faiuily of children. She was went, after lbs loiU of the uuy Went over, at the quit-l twilight hour to Walk alone and uttobserved, that she might peud an hour in meditation and prayer. A wealthy lady, wbo lived near Mm, Browu, seeing her go so often to ibis re creat,, without kuuwuit; ht i olj. cl, ceuur- ed her severely, IU Ibr presence ol oilier persons, for her "rambles," and told her usbe hsd better slay at borne whh ber children." Mortified at being charged with neglecting ber tau.ily, and deeply wounded that her reiirejneni fur coonnu nion with (iod bad excited evil surmises, Mrs. Bivwn rcmaiued at borne that even ing, snd with berbabu on hsr knee, wrote her "Apology lor my viiglil Itambles. A frieed found this beautiful gem among her manuscripts and sent It to Dr. NelUe- ton, who iuserted H in a collection of bymns be was preparing, Mrs. Urown was doubtless succesr'ful iu bringing u her rhddren in the nurture and admoni tion of the I. 'i J. as one of tLeui wss tbe rai American missinuary to Japan. Jltiigioui Herald. C'llumbis, July 10. P. It. K. A. Sawyer O .H.vior r4 Inlernal I'erenue. at Cliariesloii. rji wee'ed United Slates Senator lor the ierui rwling 1-7J. oo the eiglnh ballot. The vole i us follows : Sawyer 70, Mackey 66 CamplwU, ClVmocrat,) 5. I Attention farmers. IIAVK TEV PAIklir FIN'R prOS for ile. Wiiitk Cbbtk. Ai"RC ami Kscx the' hest ttoek in the 9ta:e. Call sn.t tr-3 ilirtn. C. S BROWX. July 25, 186a w t'v-3' NEW TURK COLUMN. 1 For Life Insurance Only. mi ESTATE lSI II CE COSPAT di 0 VIRGINIA, AUTUORIzZIt CAPITA! CAKD Tt THE PL'BLIC. Hi DR. SAM I.. A. Hi:i.t . AS loeated on Enniee street. I.ei Main Si l.ee. OrBee forin.-rlv oeeiinie,! bv Or. J. A. Caldwell, atnl offers his profes sional . rviees to the ritizeua of Ihe town and vicinity of Salisbury. , JaJy C 1889. t .,.rJw-tw.nI r "COSTARS" Preparations! Everybody Tries Them! Everybody Uses Them ! uvrrybdy--Blierrs .1 Mi I Arr tdo br Rsl. V. f. Boselw Abu. Ac. t Ubny a 4ic. w UK. Vux ut Cottar's Kxterminatnr ini'r InMlib'e II. ios.1k- Irown." "Frss rnai I' . ni " Snt lawn'in Sa the llu mn PaaVlj. "KaU rum, out of their fcoitn to sis." la proved Is kmp la aaj roiaavs. it. 11. -ov X t it., GENEBAL COMMISS1UX .!.'.. axn anrl r, lits ood or his brttl deals wiA mll b irrin-gifig rlli (rwVaf tfr iLcr kind, al influencing tio;. irri for nil m:c to ! okmn fact that U.-e gr'rat por I cn;i responiiljilitv of human ex uutocc (tea. . k f an hour. So .01. : 1 - are tltee giant (bewile that mother re afraid 10 Rt their litil - children f oat flflfeaj lionso tinatfeiMle.l by a , grown (! fon. J11 their frequent ldKly con esls tlm wounded are devoured r. the. instant. N 1 r, trtfoitrtmitt tv they aro.lKni fn r iticit-a tonjj, wirti iega "fliree Niches Ion ; their r. rennif are itf. -I'..' '. ami folly flir lithe long; they have n short tail, armed with ntxiwfrfnl horn. andjbeirsIielU -e so hard that the weighteif mmun will ac.tr.-sjl crttah Tficin, Tliey an vtrj Triskj nf limes, and jump with ;..u agi.iitjr ri neat, ixo oinerspec e the tieetle ittta8 tbeir lucul; nf ottcuff S lo'.id sound, which, made .ayfiionMnda of the;! at once, rti trembles tho LrsTtnaof !nad d j.teh.'tt'iea. Their n'.o terrified the horses oVonr informan' and it. e..tin pnnion, wit ch cmld not be lei ' nt on the plain, so rreat was their frhr. Ooone oeeaaion, while they wewrid rghin a valley that wa bh-fc, ' w'jirh beetles, and rriishTac nndi - 'I oir bore bnora, when their hsrd cat wnttld crack with a tejiorr like a r:l'e, the In tee iii-c!8 sttowerl a disposition'to attack the horse. an'Tj dujiY Utore .irieni nut oi roe neu Ar . Csl, a -'i"i (tnwtjr 4.J Cslrtrrtrd ' VlralaU r h-inr I . Ar-t l.r 1 1. 1 a'- Sin-. 'j.r. -eh il or I. ... Afvbl. t ' Vileaa troa a urn. SJe!,vc I. Va. Wilmington, JV. C. HO M f.'OrTM WATCH ST 44. U- aiu. J.WrI..l:lj f aC Diflr riU. UaU-rlsm . Can't tf Sara Tbc. or tVc. Bettle nf - COSTA US " lihD ItLG EXTtU. A LSistil -Iv.tn.Ts sa4 prensuta Bed Ho..'- ".Verrfcna.- 1'ar Uothn la urs, M oelena. OkrutU Ac, Ac . , Uuy s SBc. or tor. t'lssk uf lie'tmrs iiutsntlv i . j- slid sil Insecu ua animafo. sic. Sere tkian. rande tejfy t it, nurrita.' . oiL-jr rW.:. "COST' A 118" COUN SOLVENT. fnr C.,r:i. Ballon,. Wrt, Try it. mDK. BASON. DENTIST. Office : Corner of Inn ia and Church ttn Tlit'TH, rlirSKleJ sr.d nerves desiroyeil a itliont pain. I AaTtniiiL Trrrn, o short notii-e. N H. Taa lst cheep FnmUii Hfwhg II- rtti'uct in lire C. S. 'Every lain Ijr aliuulU hare ime. Call anl ws thrm. J iue 30. 19. rrtTT 2w a a . , . , iian ir ui "it ,tii''ni saepOIMienceOI W.drdUierjvB were informed that achntific iA. I man in Salt Lake City coHectOi; Tho ccrlar lirea where no Oth- 'sjiec'meni of ilostormidaMeelepliant nr tree could Jive. And it crows beetle t?r lranins4oa to ttte noda at the ettiwtwe of no thr saga. UHAmSVmM cnniry. x-'.-,i lL ..u.-,,t.., klu-Us ,11. ' It is Tire hkdy ! that the ele 1 . e . j : i!iartt beetle nmy n -e lulirefi r.w l.isri tinner ifo rtmtc rr.Ul . - t j p-nsi Broadwirr, imTtretttateijr afiei the royt of no other free; itssajlne ezeitetneat ab..t the "head lii drawn lro4il a ftOil tuat promisr-s ai rooster" naaeed off. We want iiriifain? to anv other srowfli. It'etioiurh of ihem at least to imitate lives in its own clear right, owing! die brsy of one jackaa, SeUt.tiflc , whiting to tlie courtesy heigh-:j Amtrtcan. i riLm s.ssWtsdssik .f all wrowii.ir ' OVifyinj our Livf.-T aeolly of . ' r . . " , "i.-.k ii he 11. "ft .f ourblfessir.ps isa very ttwnfs heneath and aroun.i, anrl n Tke H-hoiUs into the atmosoliere war- Hrairr oils tl; he always pot on hi, est toheaV"-n,and ehovesl its UjOf5t,ma)ruiryingi;lasaes when be ate- eberriej, .-orou. bTunches and tendercst , ! or" e '"" " ,J . v - . . j, the true philosophy of life. Tlst rood ou f tfrt iurthcrr:.t throU-f tr.o thm 9, J 1 ;.! skies tOMaro G0O4' as if to ;,, (,. world are not so r.omcrnus bntthat I ,-n ife l.ritvlitrtrt leflf bikI most lli v will bear a little pleasant exsirzera tut'ilWlnvatnst the windows ",: tw e I'll hoikds 'priaiasj bow narrow means add simple ' U ore a true disciple of pieurea ay be tkei t by a Boss ia- 1.1 .a. avill la ftttsvi Irt iico. veil lion. -ZZtllZZl.ni,. SydaergmitK.Ui.tm.-erofba 1 not in ease, not in The GRIFFITH Lands f BT vjrtne of a Jifn-c 6Tth Couniv Court 01 liowsn onnniy, will ne s. !l at tlie ennrt hniise; (Jnnr in Salirtbury, on T iewlav. the ; 'lay ol Anjust next, five bnndnd ami nine'y tive acres of hunt helon(fin(f ! the estare of H. W. 1; n.-c'.i. Hmsk kuwis are Fttnatenl in tbe Western partt the ennoty, withfb two inilia of.the depoAt Rowan Stills, ahil an very valuable. A lurther Jescripiion of Iheiii a tbonghl lo be iinneeessarv as thev have jeen lerii$eil belore. Terms mle known on Ibe lav of salev Z. GKlFFrM. AJmr. .l-.i.-.- 23, l-i;s. m&M P'iri'l .lifer with Pain' Wi mSvM porfrr of Healing Urerv faatilr ahettid it is 114 lluuar. r t- Raj a SSe .f 60c Box of "COSTA R"S" lil.'CKI HOK.S .Ai.ta. It, .:' !- are imraetllitte. For cats, burn. niinda. - r, breapta, piles, aieera, oitl iMre neh. serorola aad ehtasenaa .y i-- eiiappwl Naods, lius. 4c i..u otaaiaiala ONE MiUION DOLLARS. OSh'ICEliS. W. C. CAWIINUTUN, Pmidrmt. J. J. Hi ilMX Sumtart. C. U. I'KlUtOVV, J. D., Jfd. AViw. Tills liberal and solvent Soothe rn Company pays to iu putaiy holders annually 87 Ptr Cent, of Hn PrvJU. It pmposesto aid its patron by taUtif notea for one half of the pre initial i. It allows is patroas tn pay ill cash If desired. It lavttea Its patnata lo attend iu animal ssu t lenient . and see their rihU prutevted. It sliowi its patrons to chauge their pulkias frobl t.ne plare to another. Its Poller holders are not reatrieted as to tra vel or raansoca. It udsrs I'm ioUowuig Mrtifioats as toiU sob nasai , i a, i '-1 i ii i .Vrxsrx Cocbt Ilorsl. va ( Marrhtft. 1-07 Tba aaaVraieaadk raOeera of the eonaty of Nelson, and Stais of Viiginia, take pleaauni Iu moaimviidii as a aolu nt and rvliaoju couipn ay."Tht PNHlinont Real Kslate IrunrsDee Coin nine," of Una county ; and be.iides tbe merit ot its solvoiiey. its rate, and terms fnt life In-ur- anee sea auen a. to oowiuoua it to Tnoaunille faniala Collcff, THOMAS VILLE, N. 0. 'I'HK PALL SE8-SI0X of this institution 1 will c iiuineore on Tuesday, the 4th of August, and rontlaa twenty weeks. HOARD t IU per mouth, and other charg es proportionally low. ttlXTT DOLLARS must he prepaid by each young lady on en trriue;, aaat tbe balaasa at tbe akaa of the total. , ' I he Faculty is full and com posed of able and r-nj-ei ii ured Tusjchera. Tbo unrae is eitebsive, eiiibraeiug all the lulid and orna mental branehes Uugh( iu other FeuiaU ( 'ollejt es. The religious advantages are an surtatsaed. I his CultegB Is lneated between Salisbury and Ursessbnes', in one of tbe most beau tiful and healthy towns oa tbe N. C. (.'antral UaiiT'-ad, and is In two nilea af lbs cele brated -Jlellou L'Ulbete Springs." And at toe additional ax pause of itS cents per day, any of the -College girls" csu have the eonataiit ue kA tin- water. for I'ircslars, eoataiulug full partieumrs. address Ktv . D, it. UL'KTUN, Jane 87-lw.w-tin PrealswwW OIalsMMOi8 STAGE L.IXK! t im rY ffeMnl 'L44,:;riJ rT ! aiK , Warsaw fa Fafetlnille. Its Stockholders, TMnftoTS nnd Offlcen are men ul biirh inteirriir. and patrons ean rely n an ho-.ordble. ealeient utaiuutenieal of ila atlairs S'one of us have stoek orpamoaal inures! in tbla eowpany, aud simply give Un 1 oi.n.ier eted Ustiaiuuy to tbe uicritsof a good institii' lion. tiao. & Scstus. Clerk Ureait Court. Joni P. llu, Sh-nff Wa. A. UlU.,S;iireynr. 9. H tOTTxn. Clirtt tiounty fonrt 0 A. Bmehani A Co.. .taetrt... Sal.tlmry Wa alas hi 1 1 s Iks sasaai i Bw aaad lira tW papas. Traveling agents wanted. Apply lo CAPT.JA1IESF. JOHXSOX. apeetal A:eat, Caartone, N C Ja:,. t.i-.;- aaUvly Tin .Irlioglva ; at n 1 1 fifr Jnsnranrr (f mpm OF VIRGINIA. Leave Warsaw for rayeUrville dally. e cept Sunday. Through 1'ieketa from Wit unugton lo Fayettev ilie. a. Through Tie els am el J. hi, via n arsaw. to r avet e vllte. 1 10- Through TtokeAJi from (iolds- koeo', via Warsaw, to FayetteviUe, SO. CtiarlsHle la HaafNltara'. Leav Charlutla. via Muaroa. fear Wades born. Tuesday. Thursday ami autunfay Leave Wadesbtaw' feuaday, Wednesday and r ruin v. slier tbn arrival ol the V Uuiuig- loii. i nariotte at liuttieriom mag. Mot nMllir I'ill'b r ' Leave Morrisvifle for Pitts Woeo Monday. n lauesaay and r riday, return next days. ( Itiaa in ct inttandnfioR lira Between RAIdGM and III0H POINT! I., . .... ' ... uruuin Uoliar. K. T. CLEMMOX9. Cewtractor. July. 7. IMS. w tw-latj A Virginia aivl Southern Inttitution Jit Fundi are kept in the South. It has mtmltkunprtcedentedtuttess. IU fortunes are established beyond any contingency. The Company ha, capital sod emeu, anloat IU ireotlB) me, wm .-unipaie raroraniy a .in any i.iii I aass t we I eiapan) ea ue tvaliuao a li.es at Bauaxoi rvnnonaim iit. - . iualhiiis VW eakrioBsly sSialstsaai il by sslseksf tarselora. ofreaauasiminy sua onaiaeaa upaeiiy lhasasunniiau ila claim to souli.cinl' 0FHCKRS: r 11 1.1! Ii It ST, JOIIX K. EDWARDS, TICK rt 111 D ITT, tVii. D. Isaacs, orrrrilT. D. J. li.tKTSOOK, hi KMC A L IX A MIX Kit, CJIAKLI H. .M I I II. M I) ino! sovisss, easaaaL asbxt. G. Caskll, Jno. U. 1 LAIBOBSS. DI RECTO IJS : Henry K I'nir.-rani Ibkner f'lil" (aoesr-eliatmlj. 91 vear arliaiuian ml ia a Plira'elaiiM'ra'. tii a. tj-ac urilHc Uoxaa of 'UUblAiiS" HISHtir 11 LLs. Of eztraordipary . ::. i y ior eoatiye Beas, indlp ,ti.,n, nervous and slcl hen-Ui ,i. . dvpjiepsia, dreetery. rener- aldebiliiy, liver coiup!ainti, ebille.l'e- vera, ste . and aoothisjr. utgripillX- (ientle.lnild, "That Cough wi I kill you. liou't ne (lertit. """" -.'A :M Sis. 'costa it's" corafl mmSt. , 1 . Tbnebildisen cry for it- -its a'Siwthicg y' Syrup." lriiicoughs.eoldJiaarjienesa, , . sore throat, croup, whooping rough, asthma, bronchial affw. tioria, fltngers. Speakers, and all troubind with Throat Complaints will Sn4 this a beneficial -- Peeliieal Keraelv. Emigrants Coming! LAXDS WANTKD in Jtowan. Isvte. Da . vnlson, Ireieil. Catawba, Stanly, Mecklen- ! Porsylhe. fi No jlitW to lie t..,.., til inofiv. pai'l. eive pee rei,i. ' oomasasaoes liaiised Off ail satea. Sll l.aii your ho ds ami be remainder will be worth double, anU Ihese thrifty Jeraey farmer, will develope our eoua ce. Send oa dKriptiorjs of property, with prices, Ac Indniriea promptly, answered. JOfl.S H. ESN IS.', - Paliahorv, N. C, AfM for Van Srk'U' Sew Jarary UaS AfSeey N B. Oold Mines and other mineral pio perties sol. I hy special contract. J.H K. Ueaaitihea the Ooniplexiou, mviirs to the akin a transparent fresl neas. Hollies l ,00 "COSTA R'S" BITTER SWEET AM) ORANOE BLOSSOMS. ' 1 . '!- Ihe ski i elear,' suussth aud soft, ltentoves Tan, Precktes, Wmplw, 4c, LadiearTry a bottle, and see its weu- derlulrinssity. Joht F.n4rs. illlaiu K. I'ayliw, r-smaei S, I otuell, oka I '. ' v I'lrariss T. Wortlram, V.'illiara Willis, Jr., Kd. A. naiiU. Ikes. i. Evaas. James S -olt, It. M Onarlva. VV. H. Tykw. J.C. IM.arJa, A. T.rtfeikea, J. B. Morwa.. . It. H. H.brell, William U. PalBMe, LEWIS JanI7 twAwtf Ellysea, , Aaa .m l. r. U. K. ( . VadMisille, eaaiael 4 '. Tardy, lleorge Jsx.eha, J. u . Alllaan, deerse Sa I'ahesr, A. II. Cboeklsy. II. '. ( .i. ... V. J. Harfeoek. MM '. .1. ..,. UiPi.m (J. lav or, A. P. A bell. ' Wat. B. l-aa. .. Usaete I.. V dreed, Sara jet M. Fries. IIAsNEAo't. LxataoTtix, X. C kiUVtvlaVlUI H Wn I Hale and Female, At X mersville Forsythe County If C. J K. HKfTUAM. A. il . FhaeiasX K 1'. KkKNt.lt Assastaat. rrai Kill. Missfea will coiiirneiH July 2Sth, i Sod close DcceOiber 23d, 1806. TUITION. !'.!..; and Wi.Um, f 10 AO Anthrttetir,tiraoi'iiar,ieofrihy, tK M tli-iory ami Pbrhiaophy. ( W Ilijrrrer Mathemalic A Languages, 3fl 00 (IsBgeiM lee, 1 9 Tiitsm i harped from time of en I name lo close ol sessssn, eicept in oases of pruti acted attaiaam I Hrd can he had at from 8 lo 810 Saw niontli, eaclnsise "I liahia. u ir olject will he to make pnpsis tkarsagli m waai we uurwnaae in teach rbeiu. I" r birttier parlicnbus ssldirss ibe Principal ai aeneesvurf. rs WZixlI 40 Years Before the Public. lllh SUlTllLKN UEPATIC PILLS, Tknt osV, long known aW mU tries' reinre, for alt sWwsj diisaars, eaaswl hy DISEA8BD LZVXIB. OT Bsa4 tba fotlswtng CWaeslei (,,, pei suas uf Oar hsgheat ranisslahilny mgt LIVER COMPLAIKT. Rat. Da a F. Daaal, (Aa. sal, mrg, says: " I have derive. I great Seara bom i Pills, and bare known inaoy Cuull.ea sad Nr. dividuals who have fuubd llseoi Vary besea..hl and I hare eiao known nAssiWsas sa ucttlnd .'.laeYs, to ranlswi.e' fin fc (M p.it;.i lor sk dtseasss arising from drso.W. r, of ibs f. red to eat sasMcT ftav. Joua W. Pevna, 8aow His, N C (January ft, 18U3J say : For twsjva yea.. I was a great an Baser. My hrsr waa dsjaasM, I hat my flesh an I strength, and my skis aeeme.1 ehangeil In ft eulor bv tLe bile a .it. which my system waa ovrrebarged. fley-na auhjnct to fr. qnent and vii.h nt stta' kf of rab lous coolie, esery ailaek Isaylng me weaktr than its piedeeeasor. The physMaes bad beta able to patch rue up a link hut my health was in a deplorable stake. I had taken rsMaot m. dieinea uutil 1 waa tiswd of tbsua. WitLou. energy or o lulort, I wa barely abkf to go a- uoui a irnar. A wogm I yiei leu to lbs ear nest persuaeioo of friend snd OtksTirTH-tirt I akinrtfae HEPATIC PILLS, with noeanl- sa eawea, wyeeWw a charm rat me. nrnmnrn mnr kasi mays si d. I a,,. pertevesew in their use, until wow, hy Ood Jessmg, eas B7 aaaf asMs. I bad a nesm raaii, wb. at I believe, Waasavwd ireaa daaik oy a .roar of tbeee Pdk. Mr Doctor's bill v.. annually from $100 to 200, but I havs 11 ih ore b a phyetrtae SMre. leaa eecBdemir re. ononeinl tkem as a superior family medicies Tbey eaa be sent to aay point In the United State, by Mail ae Kxaesea ran a-r.r ,. wa, sa . n Wt. ttja PaaOeaa, areas, ls-T1ir,. BTaaa, ass nr. eraas. ITS SIS Ona Uraa. the Stat must sslsa rue ills n eaaar nw laa u. i, pesksl4sa.SraH 9, CV.ni I. it V Is AI 8.4 LE. IK oberlierce to an older of the Com l is) Ilea aeel Quarter Sessions for DaVul aon iiaaoiy. at klat Term! IStja we wilt sell I at pnbov aautmn, on the pn Ab i s,'the 4tb day a august neat, at 14 ockxk, us., ea a credit I . ! ar X ui -1. '., WO - -- Os. IS, Saani t est ke praasstty Wm S Sa. Sasistaaa eaCaa ak) r sainslli 1 aaam JOUN H. EXNIiiS. : a Dairymon, Fumrrn. Jail 'isuaU -A jirsiwtaS t mJ I'Ses T And Other-. cob-mow TCOR Butter, Cheese, Eggs, rlmr and Meal, Connecticut Mb tnal Life INSURANCE COMPANY Ol Hartford. oim. . 8i a n mknt, DB0, 31 , 1867. Valuable Tracts erf Idind Monsriiir to tbe estate of m. Owen, dee'd Dae Iraet of SUA acre, situated in the Jersey Set Hemes, sell blsiad fur res rich anrl The r'her, ly tag oa the Yadkin K.ver. remaining i20 aorea both finely improved and well es lerel. J.rson, desir.ng valuable real estate JiouH attend. At the same time and uUue a miaatity of Ora u. A. J. OWES, Is.. J U.MIITH. f am linssori, K.C, June 23, IM. 25:3l Edge worth Female Seminary TNtS I nation inn will be reopened on Ibe flrtr dsy of rVpten.ber. with s full corps of Teachers. The eahre et- prnae tor a sejpoa oi 20 weeka, of Tuition, ilh lioard, Uaature aud ooniineeM fee. wbi be areonline to Ibe elan: eitherilllA m tl In or 91 16 if paid in advance; or $110.60. or H 0". or SIXti.'MI. U panl hal in advanrw lAtodevate eatrahargB wilt be iruvle fot an I ctent ami n mi Lantnae,, Music, Drawing, win vni i Biuiing. ror eoeiusra aOilrees J.MLM.OALDWKLL July 9. (ft) Oreensbore' t. 0. stTos, fbstow, J yet and .lmt. Dried nd Green Fruits, (ifain. Wool, Game, Vonitrm, fiaval Stores), Onmste), Fenthen Vds, I. ird, i allow, Tobaeo; Seeds, Molasses, ke., he, he, JT O JOSIAU CARPBNTEH, Opncral ('ommisKion Mcrrhatit. 1111 Wssaaosiinni Nllf YORaT crrYT And meeivs his weekly Price Overset of Pre. dure ..nd ilroesriss the most eumplete pnre cor real puiihrd u the CmtM States. rati for a Jilss flajieal ksriim PhUes and Caraa furnished Prae. Liberal advances made oa Coasignmsnts. Established, Map 1st, 1860. first elsas references given was mailed March &, Iter Iwly v stfJ Worthiest Signa Bin ' ippioeea, need to ery ent, "Otorify t!ie nnm. ant tb windowa being tbmwn IO SUJirdiiaCa DOt Ui WM o-a,Tenii a bUse ef saajsWafSsst lev- Southern Shoe Factory ! ffhclljr Brathers X Co., Xsjgjrfe. raeiBTiu.i, fS 1,1 1 A 8 SCtXESROas of J. SlUy A Son es CX tsidisbed in 1'.'!) We. art itiaaulai'tuiinz lien's Bovs. Women's. Misses snd Children'. peged Shoes ol the best quad y and' at prices ttrtttt tne-rraren. i , - Our Shoes are route of rood material and warranted to hare no rhWy in them. Particular attention paid to orders. 84 for pTc fast - may 7 twawtm JOB PHI VI in iy Heire ! f f Imitations. Nonfi genuine without hCostar's' lure. 115 and SOe sires kept by all Druggists. $1 00 sues sntthii mail on receipt of price. 2,00 pays for any three a 1,00 sites tent by t.rnreSS. t $5.00 pays for eight $1,00 sites by Ex press. Addrett. hi: a ft V It. (OM tR. 4Hi Broadway, N. T. 1 FOR SALE BT JOHN H. ENNISS, Salisbury. N. i. Hnl.1 ky all Ike Wbalsasls DrMggaulln all tbbw wnaiy ACCUMULATED ASSETS S17 670,288,88. INCOME FORT 867. , $7,726,516,53. 11 rm-v W1LS0K SCHOOL, MELVILLE, THE next Seamoei eommetiee July 10, and rvMOiufkM 911 aaaSBBl Bohrd and Tuition,. U 00 acb pupil a ill furniab 2 sbeeta, 3 pillow ca se and 1 blaabaa. For euvular apply to Tbe Prtaeipal jws wiuecw, FOlt rnj-.Mirus $0,332,804,95, 9 1 FOR INTEREST, .393,7 11, C 8 LOSSES TAJD IN 1867, tl.2G8,758I8, DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1867. i 648,006,00 Interest rreerred more than pay lusata plvhiends average over r per cent. All pMb.-resnen-fbrfeltsbleforaatatedsmnnnt Asauisitce can be effected in all Awn dsufead 8AML. D0U0LA8 WAIT. Oenswal Agent, iuustab.ii,c 3. A. Bradehaw. Agent. Salisbury. N. f. WuW rTI sTwC . i.i-Miiwi'ii i.pi.mirT1i-f.. .i Sparkling Catawba uyi nigs, ClTiVU terui, i. e. S Ctt.isa.Tio WATERING PLACC wilt be open for visilors from Juoa las t l).-ceinber I at. Tb medical prrmertiee of the water, both Sulphur ani Calyrante. unriralled. AiY-rrrfcn.o- daiioo iiawirpBsasJ, and a healthier and mere delightful plane not to be found. The Proprietor lias gone to great expense to mprose a.nl beauiily ibe Sprines. with aa eve ,ro ibe comfort of bit r:u.-ts. ami pr.. unse, BJ ry limn will lie done to mid to l lie tUaaure of ah who may honor bim with a viaiL Take the Weslsrn N. C. Railroad at Salis bury, either on Monday, Wrdnesday or Frrdaf mmnmc, lo tin korr Station, where you Will hi"! Barks fnt Use Brwiogt, a distaneaTaKabl iliilvs, over beanti'iil, well sbadrd roast A good bund of Ml sic will be at the Hoilnea the entire sem. Hoard 850 per month; ', per were or uo per uy. fhiWren under tea yean ol age. and servants. haV pnoe. Bath ruuara rafBipHoe lor aM. pi ill fe, SttosTeT or tub baths, and sulphm hattas, onkl or hot. J. GOLDEN WVATT, Ptoprietor. SparkKng Calawha Sprinja, Catawba coanty, a JunL wsiwJm 1'. REMEMBER THE DEAD. BUI8' MARBLE YARD MLisairav. . e. at Mi rim t: unre I rneUnBeals faraiaa M a Taiaba. Maa aaA Faat - ta aU aaa 4r.,rs tksai, at price, to antt the MM. Bs rlsflei Jaly IT, ISJB. The l3ok 9 WJ Ku-Klur Klan is About I LAM RKADT to eichaage Leather for ft Hide, Kip and Calf .Skins, Berk, Tslkrtr ie. Hops, Barley, Cava, Bye, Oats, sad cooalw neearaee geiieialh. I leturu my smoere thaafca t pnbirc for their liberal patronage bl aay Snfw county, for the ktft twse- ef Let MARTIN RICHWIKR aaheeaee. B. 9. May 1. 1010, wl f eat bu'inesses, IS thrsoouoty. Bf own ol J Mt4w( aad Liberty Milo A. J. Rosomaa, M. D. ClfPKR hay prnfcatieua.' aarviess to the pub I at He -nay b found, when not shaetlL rl.. at ha BUhsra, All ere be ha been practmn 10 inoeoteg ie mm. wou'd ena- fllllrnfrj and lire laklag. JM.B8 CORRELL, beg lo inform tbe Ladie of Salisbury sod vWnlty (hit at. hv opened a new Milteneev; nearly inMxsiW Ihe Drmr n. . .p a i . sa' m . .' -.' u . tl. .wj ira -.rweoi S.rl.u tt, IUUIM, boss at an tunes to aaoomn any tiling ii, rwr'b.M. Slie Milioild rest msklng done at the (eat kk tbe bast ! by MRS, vTlLOON ..d MBA MARTIU SPEARS, GUILFORD MM AGENCY Of NORTH CAROLINA. Landholder whTTiah te K dM0TW9t$wi 9m mtmtWtm JttmMw$ Mum. rVara IM. sr JbtsW Jadasr of sny kind, will find it to their edvanmg t plaoe ,herr propert y to est hand for sole. We hare great faeilitie for procuring pur- ehaaer t for all such property Fur information, adrrrato JNO E GBBTTKB. v , . - . .a t j , ? paying up aud saea nos. Bat hyYindlvidnal rsapeosibsty aad ao- al ereurssssUhe Qaesaetsro', tt. U KaiJaakBBBSBl, 1 n- a ibat lr 1X tsm OTtnt I hereby given that aa afS i wiU he mod u the t, iqpil new 9 aawLieaaBsmd the Cfcartor ef She Tews si "siirt , J, IBU5 e 1 I i V

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